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Student Life Cycle Management (SLCM) : Overview Training Manual

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Central Michigan University SAP SLCM

Student Life Cycle

Management (SLCM)

Overview Training Manual

SLCM Website: http://www.sap.cmich.edu/

SLCM Help Desk Phone Number: 774-7900


• The images within this document are for reference only. They may not reflect the
actual information that you would use as data to be entered, as you navigate through
this step by step program guide.

• The screen windows and pages you explore will be identical to the windows and
pages as set on the examples of the document.

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Student Life Cycle Management (SLCM) OVERVIEW TRAINING MANUAL


Logging on to SAP SLCM ............................................................................................................ 3-4

Passwords .................................................................................................................................... 5
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ...................................................................... 6-8
SAP SLCM Terminology ................................................................................................................. 9
Navigating through SLCM – Student File ....................................................................................... 10
Turning off the Object Manager ................................................................................................... 11
Student Searches ................................................................................................................... 12-15
What do All the Icons Mean? .................................................................................................. 16-17
Tabs in the Student File ......................................................................................................... 18-20
Getting to Other Areas from the Student File ................................................................................ 21
Additional Information on the Academic Work Screen .............................................................. 22-24
How to Access Student Master Data ........................................................................................ 25-26
Tabs in Master Data .................................................................................................................... 27
Additional Information on Names and Addresses ..................................................................... 28-31
Getting Back to the Student File................................................................................................... 32
Bringing up a Different Student in Master Data ............................................................................. 33
Creating a New Session ............................................................................................................... 34
Closing a Session ........................................................................................................................ 35
Printing a Hard Copy of a Screen ................................................................................................. 36
Where Can I Find Data in SLCM? ............................................................................................ 37-38
Reports – General Overview ........................................................................................................ 39
Student’s Class Schedule Report .................................................................................................. 40
Student’s Academic History Report ............................................................................................... 41
Class List Report ......................................................................................................................... 42
Portal and doing a Course Search ........................................................................................... 43-45
Creating Favorite Websites in your SAP Menus......................................................................... 46-47
Printing and Saving Reports.................................................................................................... 48-49
Logging off the System .......................................................................................................... 50-51

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SAP Logon

1. From the desktop click on the SAP Logon icon.

PRD icon

2. Double click on the Production, PRD icon.

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Logging on… continued

User field


3. Enter your global id in the User field.

4. Enter your password in the Password field.

5. Press ENTER on your keyboard.

SAP menu

6. The SAP Easy Access menu should come up. If the User menu comes up, click on
the SAP menu icon .
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There are a few things you need to know about passwords as follows:

• If you ever forget your password or have a password violation (mean-

ing you have entered the wrong password three times in one log-on attempt) then you
need to contact the Help Desk to reset your password. Their phone number is 774-3662.

• You will be prompted to enter a new password on a regular basis. This is necessary to
keep the system as secure as possible.

• When selecting a password, it should be a random set of 8 letters and numbers.

• You should keep your password secure. It is best to memorize it, but if you must write it
down, place it in a secure location where no one else will have access to it.

• You should never share your password with anyone. You should never allow someone else
to access the SLCM system with your GID and password.

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Every student is afforded rights under this act. You should only be accessing information on a
student if you have an educational need to know that information. You should never release non-
directory information to someone within the university unless they have an educational need to
know. You should never release non-directory information to someone outside of the university
unless you have the student’s direct permission.

The rights afforded students at CMU are as follows:

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to
their educational records. They are:

1. The right to inspect and review the student's educational records within 45 days of the date the
University receives a request for access.

Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other
appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University
official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the
records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the
request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the
request should be addressed.

2. The right to request the amendment of the student's educational records that the student believes is
inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy rights.

Students may ask the University to amend a record they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They
should write the University official responsible for the record; clearly identifying the part of the
record they want changed, and specifying why it is inaccurate or misleading.

If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will
notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding
the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided
to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's
educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosures without consent.

One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to University officials with
legitimate educational interests and/or needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his or
her professional responsibility. A University official for the purpose of this policy is defined as follows:

• members of the faculty

• members of the professional, executive and administrative staff, excluding any member of the
Central Michigan University Police Department.
• students, when properly appointed as members of a hearing panel or screening committee

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FERPA… continued

• representatives of the State Auditor General when performing their legal function
• a person or company with whom the University has contracted (e.g. attorney, auditor, or
collection agent) but limited to only the specific student information needed to fulfill their
• others as designated in writing by the President, a University Vice President or Dean

Upon request, the University discloses educational records without a student's consent to officials of another
school in which a student seeks to enroll.

Another exception which permits disclosure without consent is when the information consists solely of
"Directory Information". Directory information may be published or released by University faculty and staff at
their discretion. Unless a student specifically directs otherwise, as explained more fully in paragraph (4)
below, Central Michigan University designates all of the following categories of information about its students
as "Directory Information":

a. name, campus address, home address, telephone listing, and campus e-mail address
b. state of residence
c. age, and date and place of birth
d. major field of study, including the college, department, or program in which the student is enrolled
e. classification as a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student
f. enrollment status (full-time, half-time, less than half-time)
g. participation in officially recognized activities and sports
h. weight and height of members of athletic teams
i. dates of attendance and graduation, and degrees received
j. the most recent educational institution attended
k. honors and awards received, including selection to the Dean's or President's list, honorary organization,
or the G.P.A. range for the selection

• A student has the right to refuse the designation of all categories of personally identifiable
information listed above (a. through k.) as Directory Information. If a student exercises this
right, it will mean that no Directory Information pertaining to the student will be published or
otherwise released to third parties without consent, a court order or a subpoena.

Any student wishing to exercise this right must inform the Registrar's Office in writing by the end
of Phase II registration regarding the withholding of all categories of personally identifiable
information with respect to that student. Once a student has requested the withholding of
information, "Directory Information" will be withheld until one year after the student's last
attendance at the University. Students who do not attend the University for a period of one year
will need to file a new request at their return if they wish to reinstate the withholding of directory

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FERPA… continued

• The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures
by Central Michigan University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and
address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901

This is the screen that will come up if a student has requested confidentiality.

WARNING screen


1. If the student has restricted directory information the FERPA WARNING screen will
appear. This means absolutely no information can be released on this student. You may
still access information if you have an educational need to know.

2. To access the information just close this box by clicking on the Continue icon .

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SAP SLCM Terminology and Codes

” You say tomato……”

¾ Appraisals Æ Grades

¾ Academic Year and Session

- Fall 2008-2009 (term code = 300)
- Spring 2008-2009 (term code = 500)
- Summer 2008-2009 (term code = 700)
The last year listed may often appear in reports (just like what currently appears in FI – for
example starting July 1, 2008 we will be in the 2009 fiscal year).

¾ Book Æ Register for classes

¾ Campus Management (CM)

¾ Event (E) Æ Section of a course showing dates, times, days, room and instructor

¾ Event Package (SE) Æ The event will be attached to the event package. Students will book
by event package (former CRN in ISIS). On an event package you can also attach rules, special
titles, special fees, etc. You can also attach more than one event to an event package (e.g. one
lecture and one lab).

¾ Event Type (D) Æ Course Component (e.g. lab, web, classroom) and determines the template
for creating an event.

¾ Module (SM) Æ Course

¾ Module Group (CG) Æ Components to be completed (e.g. major, minor, concentration, UP,
Competencies, etc.)

¾ Organizational Unit (O) Æ Colleges, Departments, etc.

¾ Performance indices Æ cum and term totals (e.g. GPA)

¾ Program registration Æ e.g. signing of a major/minor (undergraduate students) or program

of study (graduate students) or admittance into undergraduate programs in CBA or CEHS.

¾ Program of Study (SC) Æ Degree programs (e.g. BS, BSBA, MA etc.)

¾ Student number Æ the key identifier in SLCM (will no longer be the SSN). It will be system

¾ Specialization Æ students area of study (e.g. major/minor)

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Student File

Path: SAP menu Æ Campus Management ÆStudent File

Transaction Code: PIQST00

Double click on the Student File.

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It is best to turn off the object manager to see a fuller screen. It is helpful to occasionally use it
because it has a record of the student names that you have most recently accessed in the system.
You would double click on the student and their student file would come up.

Settings on Object
menu Manager

Click on Settings on the top menu and select Hide Object Manager.

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Option 1

number field

Type a last name, first name or just the last name, or part of a last name in the Student number

Note: you do not need to enter the leading zero’s. You can just enter the ID number and press
Enter and it will fill in the leading zeros.

Press Enter on your keyboard.

Object name
column header

Students that
match search

Click on the Object name column header to sort by last name.

Double Click on the name to select that student.

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Student Searches… continued

Option 2


Click on the Search icon.


Enter data into any of the fields. Click on the Continue icon .

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Student Searches… continued

If this is the search option that appears, click on the InfoSet icon and select Personal Data.

Personal Data
search option
Search Term
search option

The correct search screen will now come up. Enter data in one or more of the fields and click continue.


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Student Searches… continued

Double Click on the name to open that record and it will appear as follows.

InfoSet icon
Visible Tabs
click on one to select

All Tab

Once at the Student File screen there will be tabs holding various information.
To move from tab to tab click on the tab, click on the InfoSet icon and select a tab, or use the
Arrow Keys.

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On the various screens/tabs in Campus Management there are many different icons. Generally
when the mouse passes over an icon it will show what it means. Some of the key ones are as

Back icon – to go back to a previous screen

Exit icon – also takes you back

Cancel icon – ends the transaction you started and takes you back to the previous screen

Key date icon

Drop Down icon - indicates a pull-down menu

Save icon

Search icon

Search icon – used in Master Data

Program Content icon – takes you to the booking tabs

Equivalency Determination icon – takes you to the screen where transfer credit is posted

Academic Work Overview icon – takes you to academic history

Note Overview icon – takes you to where notes are posted

Records Management icon – this feature is currently not turned on. It is being looked at to
See if it will be advantageous. This function would allow us to have scanned materials
accessible right on the student’s screen

Create icon - click on this to create something (e.g. a new address or a new course that is
being added directly to academic work)

Edit icon - click on this to make a change to something

Display icon - click on this to view something (but it does not allow you to make changes)

Continue icon

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Execute icon – used to run something

More Detail icon – brings up more detail on an item

Trash icon – used to delete something (put it in the garbage can)

Sort Ascending icon – sort in ascending order

Sort Descending icon – sort in descending order

Find icon – used to search for items

Filter icon –used to filter out things on a particular screen

Print icon

Insert icon – used to add a line on a screen (e.g. to add another line so that you can add
another event package number on the booking screen)

Delete icon – used to delete a line on a screen (e.g. to delete an event package that you put
on the booking screen)

Overview icon – used to give an overview of a particular area (e.g. the registration tab to
show a history of all the degrees they have pursued).

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NOTE: You will only see tabs that you have access to. Some tabs will only be
viewable and/or updateable by a few offices.

You will notice that there is also a heading at the top that does not change as you go from tab to tab.
It gives you basic information on the student, such as Name, birthdate, college of the program they
are studying, whether the student is on or off campus, and their resident status. It will also indicate if
we brought over academic history information on the student. We only brought over academic work for
students enrolled 2000 and forward. If there is not academic history it will say No Acad Hi in the
Status field.

These are the tabs contained in the student file.

Tab Description
Admissions All accepted admissions to the university
Registration (their degree) Graduate degree and area of study
Undergraduate degree (both self-declared and officially declared)

NOTE: There must be a registration record for each term in order for a student to book or to add
academic history.
General Data Program
Organizational Unit
Anticipated graduation date

Specializations (Majors, Undergraduate majors and minors (both self-declared and officially declared)
Minors, Graduate Programs) Graduate area of study

Applications Records pertaining to admission applications

Activity Documents System records kept of various activities (e.g. booking, progression run,
change of program)

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Status Used for various student statuses. Some we may use it for include:
• No academic history converted
• MUS Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Honors
• Applied to the College of Business Administration
• Admitted to the College of Business
• Applied to the College of Education
• Legacy: Parent alumni
• ACE program participant
• Various scholarships

You can tell if a status is active or inactive by the status key. If it is green it
is active and if it is gray it is inactive.

Holds Holds (both active and inactive). You can tell if a hold is active or inactive by
the status key. If it is a green it is active and if it is gray it is inactive.

NOTE: holds are never removed but can be changed to inactive.

Program Type Progression Progression record of the following:

• Academic honors (Dean’s and President’s list)
• Academic standing (probation, suspension, dismissal as well as
rescinds and rematriculations)
• Progression classification (freshmen, sophomore, Grad I, Grad II
NOTE: You can click on one of the progression types (e.g. Academic Standing) and see a
complete history)

Qualifications Complete list of degrees awarded

Correspondence Record of correspondence generated off the system for the student

Cohorts Where we will maintain data for special cohort groups (e.g. ProfED, College
of Education, college of Business Administration, Residential College

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Requirement Catalogs This will be used for future implementation of a degree audit system

Transcript Request Will be used by the Registrar’s Office to produce transcripts. It will also be a
listing of all transcripts sent.

Graduation Will be used by the College of Graduate Studies, ProfED , and the Registrar’s
Office for the processing of applications for degree through the awarding of
the degree.
NOTE: A green light means the degree has been awarded and a yellow light means they
have applied for a degree.

Post-Graduation This is where it will be posted when a student completes another major or
minor after already earning a degree or teacher certifications after earning a
Transcript Note This is where data is entered to show if a student added a major, minor or
teacher certification after graduation
Qualifying Paper This is where the thesis or dissertation titles are entered.

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From the Menu bar at the top you can access the following:

Generate an e-mail to a student

Tuition and Fee information

Program Content – use this to look at what a student is booked in (registered).

Note: In Campus Management there are three booking levels for a student
(undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral).

Equivalency Determination – shows how transfer credit came in.

Note: Transfer Credit is also shown in the Academic Work section.

Academic Work Overview – shows courses that a student has completed both at CMU and
transfer credit as well as courses that are still in progress.

Note Overview – place and view notes on students.

Records Management icon – this feature is currently not turned on. It is being looked at to
See if it will be advantageous. This function would allow us to have scanned materials
accessible right on the student’s screen

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Bringing up data in different ways on the Academic Work screen.

Study Reference Category section


Reference section

Study Reference section

Select from the following:
Mark the All option to see all courses.
Mark the Program Type option and click on the drop down icon .
Select undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral from the drop down menu to only see the courses
associated with that level.

At this point the Program icon will not be used.

Category section
Select from the following:
All Academic Work – to show all courses
Transf. Academic Work – if you only want to see the transfer credit

Session Reference section

Select from the following:
All Acad Session – to view all terms for the categories previously selected (e.g. to see all
courses taken for the program type undergraduate)
Acad Year/Session – you can enter just an academic year (e.g. 2006-2007) – to see all
courses for all terms of that academic year
academic year and session (fall) to just bring up that term.

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Additional Information on Academic Work… continued

Selection Sort icons

Criteria bar

Indices button
Scroll Bars

Use the scroll bars (horizontal or vertical) to see the courses and the information attached.

Click on the Selection Criteria bar to view more of the courses.

Some key fields on this screen include:

• Academic Work – course number
• Academic Work (Desc) – course title
• Additional Description – this contains different things such as:
- Indicate if the credit was earned via CLEP or AP Credit
- Show the institution code and attendance period for transfer credit that was converted
- Show the second line of a course title (e.g. Study Abroad courses)
- Session – term
- Academic year
- Grade
- Attempted hours
- Earned hours
- GPA hours
- Transfer box (if this is checked it is transfer credit)
- Method – will show if it was a repeat
- Campus – campus of the offering

This screen will show not only courses completed but also courses in progress. Options for working
with screen include:
• Sort any column clicking on it and then clicking on the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending
• The columns can also be re-arranged.

Click on the Performance Indices button .

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Additional Information on the Academic Work… continued

TEC – the student’s

total earned credits
as of right now

SEC– the student’s

totals for the term

CEC – the student’s
cumulative total at the end of
the term brought up

TEC – Total Earned Credits shows the student’s totals as of right now, even though a term was
brought up.

SEC – Semester Earned Credits shows totals for the term selected.

CEC – Cumulative Earned Credits show the student’s cumulative total at the end of the term brought
up. ie. if the student attended 2000-2004 and the term brought up was Fall 2003 it would be the
cumulative total at that point in 2003.

Click on the Continue icon to exit the Performance Indices screen.

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How to Access Student Master Data

Display icon
Edit icon

Click on the Display icon to view data.


Click on the Edit icon to make updates (ONLY if you have the update capability and need to make
a change in their master data).

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How to Access Student Master… continued

Navigate through Master Data the same as in the Student File, by clicking on individual tabs, using
the arrow keys, or click on the InfoSet icon and select the tab.

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Tab Description

Personal Data Name

Birth Date
Standard Address Standard Address
Phone number
E-mail Address
Address Overview All Addresses
All Phone Numbers
Connecting Addresses to either Current of Permanent
Study Data Resident or Non-Resident Coding
Time Window for Booking
Campus Assignment
Additional Data Ethnicity
Veteran Information
FERPA Indicator (to assign if they want to restrict directory
Visa/Residence Data Citizenship
State or Country
Visa Information
Ext. Achievements Header Information for High Schools and Colleges attended
Test Scores
Fee Calculation Data Data used for the calculation of tuition

Grant Assignment Financial Aid Data

Contract Objects Data used by Receivable Accounting

Related Persons Name, address and phone number information on related

persons – Emergency Contact
Veteran Veteran Information for OSFA

Employment Information Employer Information (e.g. name of employer and type of work)

Sports/Military Student Athlete Information (will be used by the Registrar’s

Military Information (will be used by ProfEd)

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In Campus Management there is a Key Date. It should always come up at today’s date, however it does allow
us the flexibility of bringing up another key date and entering data for a past or future date. On the Personal
Data tab if a student had a former name in ISIS it will convert to the Name at Birth field. ISIS was only able
to maintain one previous name but in SLCM it is unlimited and we will always have a record. Once we start
making name changes in SLCM, we will be able to look back at all the previous names using Key Date option.

Name at Display Key

Birth field Data icon

Click on the Display Key Date icon and enter a date to show previous entries on this screen.

Students often give the Registrar’s Office information on their fall address before they leave at the end of spring
term. Now we will be able to enter that address with a future date (e.g. make it effective the first day of the fall
term). You would not be able to see that new address until 12:01am on that date.

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Additional information on Names and Addresses… continued

There are two tabs for address.

The Standard Address tab generally provides information on the permanent address.

More Fields

Click on the More Fields icon to see more detail on the address.

Additional street

With more fields showing, the additional street addresses will show.

Undeliverable field is the area where it is marked if the address is incorrect or the student is
deceased so that no one will send material out.

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Additional information on Names and Addresses… continued

The Address Overview tab will show both the permanent and current address if the student has

Choose Print Preview

icon button

The Address Overview section of the screen shows all addresses we have had.

Highlight an address and click on the Choose Icon to see more information associated with that address
(e.g. a phone number).

Click on the Print Preview button to view the format of the address when printed.

Continue icon

Click on the Continue icon to close.

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Additional information on Names and Addresses… continued


Current Address


Scroll down to see the Address Usages section.

This area shows the most up to date addresses: the Standard Address, Current Address and
Permanent Address show here. The standard address and permanent address should always be the

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Back icon

Click on the Back icon to return to the Student File.

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Number field Other
Student icon

Do one of the following:

Type the student number in the Student Number field.

Type a last name, first name or last name, or part of a last name in the Student Number field – just
like Search Option 1.

Click on the Other Student icon - just like Search Option 2.

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On occasion you will be on a screen and do not want to lose where you are at, but you need to look up
information on another student. You can keep your current session in place, by opening a new

New Session

Click on the New Session icon .


You are back at the SAP menu.

To access the student file, double click on Student File and press Enter on your keyboard.

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System End Session

Click on System and select End Session.

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In either the Student File or Master Data, you can print a copy of any tab you are on.

of Local
Layout icon Hard Copy

Click on the Customizing of Local Layout icon , located on the top of the screen, and select Hard

It will then print to your local printer.

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Academic History (all courses,
grades, etc.) Student File

Academic Status (e.g. dismissals) Student File Program Type Progression

Address (standard/primary) Master Data Address Overview

Address (permanent and current) Master Data Address Overview

Admission Record Student File Admission
Advisor Master Data Study Data
Status (Code of 9002) or if AH has not
AH Flag (status of academic been converted is shows “No Acad Hi”
history not converted) Student File in the main heading.

Anticipated Graduation Date Student File Graduation

Billing Information (student
charges and credits) Student File
Birthdate Master Data Personal Data
Campus Master Data Study Data
Citizenship Master Data Visa/Residence Data
Classification Student File Program Type Progression
Correspondence Generated Student File Correspondence
County Master Data Visa/Residence Data
Deceased Date Master Data Personal Data
Degree Awarded Student File Qualifications
Degree Pursing Student File Registration

Domestic or International Student Master Data Study Data

E-mail Address Master Data Standard Address
Emergency Contact (related
person) Master Data Related Person
Employer Information Master Data Employment I/T
Ethnicity Master Data Additional Data

FERPA Indicator (withholding of

Directory Information) Master Data Additional Data
Financial Aid Information Master Data Grant Assignment
Gender Master Data Personal Data
Graduate Program Student File Registration
Holds Student File Holds
Honors Program Student Student File Status (codes of 9420 or 9422)
Legacy Student File Status (code of 9525)

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Where can I find data in SLCM…continued


Majors/Minors Student File Specializations
Name (current and former
names) Master Data Personal Data
Nationality Master Data Personal Data

Notes Student File

Program (degree pursued) Student File Registration

Registration Screen (sections

enrolled in for a term) Student File
Resident Status Master Data Study Data
Semester Honors Student File Program Type Progression
State or Country Master Data Visa/Residence Data
Student Athletes Master Data Sports/Military Infotype

Term and CUM Totals Student File

Transfer Equivalency (data entry
screen) Master Data Ext. Achievements
Transfer Equivalency (how it
comes in) Student File
Veteran Information Master Data Veteran
Visa Information Master Data Visa/Residence Data

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There are many reports that have been written from the SLCM system. Many are designed for a specific
office/department but others have been set up to be run by multiple offices across campus. For areas that feel
they need a specific report written, they should submit a request through the OIT development request
site at https://ssl.cmich.edu/devreq/login.asp

For information on running specific reports and other training material (including this document), please go to
the Training Materials page on the SAP web site at: http://www.sap.cmich.edu/training.asp. Please note this site
has training guides for FI, HR and SLCM. The SLCM guides are at the bottom of this page.

Some information contained on that page is as follows:

Scheduling a report to run at a later date and/or time (pdf)

For information in this document on printing and saving reports see pages 48-49.

Three popular reports that many people will need to access are described on the next three pages.

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In the booking screen you can see what a student is booked in but not other details (e.g. meeting times, days
etc.) for each section. We have created a report that lists all the sections a student is registered in for a term.
It will list everything, no matter what the level. The report will distinguish between what they enrolled in as an
undergraduate and what they enrolled as a masters/doctoral student.

To access this report, you can search for the report in the User Menu or just type the transaction ZCRSF003 in
the Command Box at the top of the main menu and then hit enter. You can also set this up as one of your
favorites if you will be running this report often.

Command box

When the selection screen comes up you enter:

• Student ID number - you can either enter it with the leading zeros of just the ID number and then hit
enter and it will fill in the leading zeros.
• Academic year – it is always the last year of the academic year. For example for the 2006-2007
year enter 2007 or for the 2007-2008 year enter 2008 or you can select from the drop down.
• Academic session – enter fall as 300, spring as 500 or summer as 700 or you can select from the drop

You then click on the execute key and the report will come up as follows:

To print this report, click on the print icon at the top of the page (further instructions are on page 48).

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Besides looking in the academic work overview, a report has also been developed to show you the academic
work of a student. This includes CMU credit earned, transfer credit and degrees earned. For academic history
the masters and doctoral work is listed together.

To access this report, you can search for the report in the User Menu or just type the transaction ZCRAH001 in
The Command box at the top of the main menu and then hit enter. You can also set this up as one of your
favorites if you will be running this report often.

Command box

When the selection screen comes up you enter:

• Student ID number (you can either enter it with the leading zeros of just the ID number and then hit
enter and it will fill in the leading zeros.
• Program type – select from the drop down UG, Grad or doctoral (please note if the student has both
a graduate and doctoral record, both with be combined whether you select grad or doctoral)

You then click on the execute key and the report will come up as follows:

To print this report, click on the print icon at the top of the page (further instructions are on page 48).

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In Campus Management there is an appraisal screen where grades can be entered. Faculty, however, will be
entering them on a web site. Faculty will also be able to access their class lists on the portal. There will be
special administrators in the departments who will also be able to access the web grades and class lists for their
department. We have also created a report, where staff across campus can bring up a class list to look at who is
enrolled and also check seat availability.

To access this report, you can search for the report in the User Menu or just type the transaction ZCRAP001 in
Command box at the top of the main menu and then hit enter. You can also set this up as one of your favorites
if you will be running this report often.

Command box

When the selection screen comes up you enter:

• Section number
• Academic year – it is always the last year of the academic year. For example for the 2006-2007
year enter 2007 or for the 2007-2008 year enter 2008 or you can select from the drop down.
• Academic session – fall = 300, spring = 500 and summer = 700 or you can select from the drop down.

You then click on the execute key and the report will come up as follows:

To print this report, click on the print icon at the top of the page (further instructions are on page 48).

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Students can access most of their SLCM data through the portal that was developed along with SLCM. On this
Portal (under academics) they can:
• Add and drop courses (which includes searching for courses)
• Change their permanent or current address
• View or make a payment on their account
• View their academic history
• View their grade report
• View their schedule for a term (what courses/sections they are enrolled in).

Faculty and staff can access SLCM data on this site as well for the following:
• Course search
• Final grades – awarding them (limited to faculty and administrators)
• View class lists (limited to faculty and administrators)

The address to the portal is http://my.cmich.edu/.

User name field

enter global id

Password field

click to login


In the pop up box enter your global ID in the User name: field.

Enter your system password in the Password field.

Click the OK button.

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To do a course search, you log on to the portal and the following screen will come up.


Click on Academics.


Click on Course Search.

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Doing a Course Search… continued

Academic Year
and Term fields

Submit Search By
button options


Select On-Campus or Off-Campus for the Campus field

Select an Academic Year and Term

Select a Search By option by clicking on the radio button next to the search you want to do:
• Course
• Subject
• Section (the new 8-digit section number in SLCM)
• CRN – ISIS 5-digit number (NOTE: this will only be out there for the summer and fall terms of 2006 so
that students can find their sections)

Select if you want to search for only Open Sections or All Sections by clicking on the appropriate radio
button in the Include section.

Click on the Submit button.

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There may be web sites that you use on a regular basis in your job. You can add those to your SAP Menu.

Add other

First place your mouse over the word Favorites (at the top of the menu) and then right click.

Select Add other objects.


Mark Web address or file as the object to be added.

Click on the Continue icon.

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Creating Favorite Websites in SAP menu… continued

Text field
Name of website
Web address or
file field

Enter a name for the website in the Text field.

Enter the URL address in the Web address or file field.

Click on the Continue icon.

Student Portal

The link is now under Favorites.

Double click on it and it will open the website.

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Print icon

Click on the Print icon on the top toolbar to print.

Output Device


Type in a system printer id or FWIN in the Output Device field and press enter on your keyboard.

Click on the Continue icon .

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List option

File selection

Click on List to bring up a drop down menu.

Click on the Save/Send option and then click on the File option.


File name

Save button

Select where you want the file saved and type a name in the File name field.

Click on the Save button .

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option Log off

Click on System on the top menu bar.

Select Log off.

Click on the Yes button .

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Logging off the System… continued

Close icon

Click on the Close icon in the upper right corner of the SAP Login screen.

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