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Basic Fundamental Skills of Volleyball and 8-Week Training Program

Common Errors – Causes – Corrections

Knowledge of the basic fundamental skills of volleyball, common errors, and suggested corrections will
enable a coach to provide efficient and effective teaching and coaching strategies for every athlete. The
following are described: serving, passing (forearm underhand passing), setting (overhead passing), attack
options (hitting/spiking), blocking (from attack and defend positions), and defensive skills (rolling & sliding).

1. Serving
Serving is the first weapon that can generate an immediate point, begin a game, or ignite an offense.
A well-placed serve (whether to a weak passer, at the setter, at the quick attacker, or to a weak
formation) that is also difficult to pass puts the opponent at a disadvantage. Focus on correct
technique and strive for success. In addition, always serve to score points, NOT just to get the ball
into the opponent’s court.
Keywords (Floater): Keywords (Topspin):
• 90º- 90º (tossing and hitting arm) • 1/2 turn
• Contact through the center of ball • Toss two-hand underhand
• Follow through (6 o’clock to 12) • Toss above head
• Toss (in front)-step-hit • Toss-step-hit
• Open hand facing net • Contact below center of ball
• Lift ball • Snap wrist as extending arm
Common errors for floater:
1. Error-cause-correction: cannot serve ball over net. Start close to net and throw ball over net.
Gradually move back and try adding full arm swing and possibly a step.
2. Error-cause-correction: ball served in net. Step may be too long, toss too low, toss too far in front
or step eliminated.
3. Error-cause-correction: ball served out. Shorten follow through. Ball toss needs to be closer to
body. Hit through ball, not under ball.
4. Error-cause-correction: ball spinning, not floating. Ball contact should be in middle of ball with
no wrist snap. Toss ball in front and not above or behind head.

2. Passing (Forearm Underhand)

Accurate and consistent passing can result in an aggressive multiple attack. Be sure that players are in
the ready position preparing to execute the proper technique before the serve and during a rally. The
athlete must face and focus on the oncoming ball. Ensure that the athlete’s arms and hands are in the
correct position with wrists together. The legs are a little further than shoulder width apart with feet
parallel. The ball is contacted on the forearms. Upon contact, the athlete maintains a stationary straight-
arm position so that the ball rebounds off the lower part of the forearms and is directed to the target.
The knees are extended to raise the arms forward upon contact. Straightening the legs completes the
pass; the arms are behind the ball, and weight is transferred in the direction of the pass.
• Wrists together (interlock fingers; hands together) • Feet parallel
• Arms straight • Carry the ball
• Arms slightly away from chest • Extend knees forward
• Arms pointed downward about 45˚ • Follow through to target
Common errors for passing:
1. Error-cause-correction: ball not getting to net. Get closer to ball and use more legs.
2. Error-cause-correction: ball to low. Angle arms away from body; arms and legs follow through at
same time.
3. Error-cause-correction: ball too tight to net. Use minimal arm motion; check angle of platform.
4. Error-cause-correction: ball passed to left side of court. Contact ball more on right side of the
center of body; follow through toward target.

3. Passing (Overhand, Overhead or Setting)

Overhead passing or setting is the next important part of the pass-set-spike sequence for a successful
attack. In fact, an excellent set from a bad pass can still result in a “kill”. The athlete forms a triangle
with the fingers and thumbs of both hands around the ball above the forehead (thumbs do not touch).
Index fingers and thumbs form the triangle around 3 panels (18-panel ball). The elbows point slightly
forward. Feet are approximately shoulder-width apart with right foot slightly forward. Knees are
slightly bent, and body is leaning slightly forward. Eyes are focused on the ball. The athlete receives
the ball with hands on the outside of the ball. The athlete extends the knees and straightens the arms
to follow-through in the desired direction.

• Hands up early • Wrists straight (not laid back)
• Forefingers & thumbs around three panels • Elbows slightly down and forward (not out)
• Hands around the ball • Follow through (straighten arms) and hold
• Thumbs to cheekbones position

Common errors for setting:

1. Error-cause-correction: ball set too tight to net. Square the hips, knees and feet to the 5 position.
Keep set 3’ off the net.
2. Error-cause-correction: 5-ball set too far inside. Extend follow-through out and use arms and legs
together. Transfer weight forward.
3. Error-cause-correction: ball set too far inside for 15 set. Contact set same as for 5. Follow through
and allow shoulders to lay back as part of follow through.
4. Error-cause-correction: 5 set too far outside court. Contact with ball is too low. Follow through
too low and/or hands too low.

Drills introducing the proper setting technique:

a. Toss ball above head and catch. (Each player stands in correct setting position by straddling a
line, preferably the attack line or end line.)
1) Toss ball above the head and catch ball with hands in correct setting position.
2) Toss ball above the head: perform 1/2 turn; repeat and perform full 360-degree turn.
3) Toss ball in different directions and catch ball with hands in correct setting position.
4) Toss ball above the head: perform quick-quick (complete half turn and back to position).
b. Toss two-handed underhand between players (hands and body in correct setting position).
Toss ball two-handed underhand; partner catches ball with hands in correct setting position.
c. Progression for Training Setters
(Coach at net; setters receive passes when in left back, right back and center back positions
and sets to LF and RF.)
1) Technique training
2) Training for setter to move into position
3) Training for sets near the net in front court (coach in backcourt: LB, CB, & RB)
4) Training for backcourt sets
4. Attack (Hitting) Options

There are several attack options that can be effectively performed in a game. An attacker should be
able to hit the following: shots off the block (using the hands), high sets, low sets, sets off the net, off-
speed shots, tipping, and a variation of play sets including back court hitting options. Providing a
great deal of practice and repetition of each will depend on the age and ability of the athletes. Ensure
the fundamental technique of hitting is effective and efficient so that it can be performed at a high
level during competition.

With regard to spiking, the athlete must first be able to demonstrate the spiking motion when on the
floor (with modified and full arm swing). Second phase is arm swing, which is started with both arms
at side of body. Arms are taken straight back and then thrust forward and immediately up. Third
phase includes athlete jumping and spiking. As the athlete begins to jump, her spiking arm is raised
with elbow shoulder high. At the top of jump, the elbow leads as the arm is extended and wrist snaps
so that the heel of the athlete’s hand contacts the ball and follows through. The athlete must land
softly and be in control of the landing. This is a high jump, not a long jump. Fourth phase the athlete
uses only the step-close (right-left for right handers and left-right for left handers) or step 2 and 3 of
the modified spiking approach. Fifth phase includes athlete using a full approach, take-off then
completing the spiking motion and landing. Right hander (start right foot in front) should take left-
right-left or one step and step-close approach. Left hander (start left foot in front) should take right-
left-right or one step and step-close.

• Quarter turn • Snap wrist
• Elbows up • Hit shots
• Point to ball (non-hitting arm) • Step, step-close (1, 2, 3 or left-right-left or
• Lead with elbow right-left-right)
• Extend and reach

Common errors for hitting:

1. Error-cause-correction: ball hit in net. Ball is dropping too low before contact; ball also too far in
front of body or contact too much on top of ball when snapping wrist.
2. Error-cause-correction: ball hit out. Causes are getting under the ball too far and not snapping
3. Error-cause-correction: ball hit wide. Elbow is dropped, or there is improper follow through.
Check foot position on floor and foot position after ball contact.
4. Error-cause-correction: ball with no spin; Ball contact may be too low, follow through too low, or
ball too much to right or left of body.

5. Blocking – Attack; Defend

A well-timed and effective block diffuses an offensive attack. The athlete is near the net, moves into
position with hands up quickly. Athlete focuses on the ball and jumps vertically so that maximum
height is achieved when the ball is above net and contacted. Arms are raised and extended above the
head; hands are close together with fingers open; wrists are in line with arms (wrist parallel), and
hands are slightly forward. A firm and straight-arm position is maintained so that the ball rebounds
off hands and is not struck. If possible, athlete reaches up and over the net with arms and hands
pointed in a downward position for a rebound. The athlete lands facing the net while keeping the
upper body in control and knees bent to absorb the shock. Depending upon whether right side or left
is blocking will determine which hand should be turned inside.
• Hands at shoulders • Jump & extend
• Elbows forward • Hands forward
• Wrists parallel • Straighten arms

Common errors for blocking:

1. Error-cause-correction: ball being blocked outside of court. Hands are facing outside of court.
2. Error-cause-correction: ball comes down in front of player. Arms are closer to net. Player is
jumping late and not getting to the outside blocker.
3. Error-cause-correction: ball going between players (seam). Inside hands are not closing the hole
in the block.
4. Error-cause-correction: not closing off enough area of court. Outside blocker is setting the block
too far outside.

6. Defensive Skills – Rolling; Sliding

When the ball does not come directly at an athlete, it may be impossible to play the ball from a
regular underhand passing standing position. The athlete still focuses on the ball and takes a step with
the near foot in the direction of the oncoming ball. The body is extremely low when playing the ball.
To ensure that the athlete does not hurt himself/herself, the athlete will continue the momentum and
either slide or roll out of the play. The goal is to get the ball up to the target and safely return to the
ready position as quickly as possible.

• Wrists together • Read the set
• Arms straight • Platform behind ball
• Relax and cushion • Reach, kick-up and slide arm

Common errors for defense:

1. Error-cause-correction: not getting to ball before it hits floor. Read the hitter/blocker and react
after reading.
2. Error-cause-correction: ball coming up too low. Contact under the ball by staying low.
3. Error-cause-correction: ball not getting to target. Watch the ball rebound off arms. Stay low when
playing the ball.
4. Error-cause-correction: missing ball when attacker hits ball off blockers hands. React to ball
immediately when hitter attacks ball. Watch follow through of hitter and look at blockers hands.

What follows is an 8-week training program of 8 individual training plans. It is suggested that a team train
at least twice a week. Repeat the same practice for both sessions to provide necessary repetition and
reinforcement of volleyball skills and strategies. It is also suggested that Volley Lites be used for lower
ability athletes. The ball is the same size as regulation volleyball, but it is softer and lighter. Lower ability
athletes will gain early success with Volley Lites. Lastly, it is suggested that competition is arranged no
later than the 4th week. It is competition that will provide a measure of success and identify training needs.

During each practice, more than one drill is suggested. However, progress only at the rate for your
athletes. Do not rush through drills or spend more than 10 minutes doing any one thing. Vary the drill,
changing direction or frequency of successful touches, so that attention is maintained and skill
development is fostered.

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