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TOP system

Creating organic offices

with Total Office Performance

2 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance

Welcome to the organic office

The old interpretation of the word “office” unfortunately
still prevails. But to create a modern office you need a
lot more than just some chairs and desks where people
can work. This becomes very obvious with the slightest
change in business cycles, energy prices, building
standards, working methods or legislation for working
environments. Instead, features such as flexibility, energy
efficiency and comfort are becoming increasingly
important. That’s why we are inviting you into our new
and organic TOP office.

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Organic – what’s that?
Customizing an office to meet each tenant’s needs may seem very customer-oriented.
As a matter of fact it’s the complete opposite. Specifiers and building owners invest
heavily in a permanent set-up.

Such static solutions are seldom attractive for organic TOP office. By organic we mean that a
tenants, since they constantly have to adapt modern office should have the ability to adapt
to changing business cycles, new technology, organically to changing internal or external de-
organizations and more. The tenant can always mands. This organic flexibility must be time, cost
move to another location, leaving the specifier and energy efficient, and still the space needs
and building owner with the problem. To avoid to be a great place to work in. That’s the organic
situations like these, we have developed our TOP office, and infrastructure is its key.

The TOP office is organic.

It has the ability to adapt
organically to changing
internal and external
demands. Thanks to this
flexibility you can always
optimize the office area

and thereby maximize

the ROI/m2.

4 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
The organic TOP office

0% waste of space

25% saved energy

50% faster to install

75% fewer parts

100% flexibility

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6 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
3 steps to an organic
TOP office
The office building has a three-step life cycle. It starts with construction, continues
with management and sooner or later refurbishment is needed. If you want to create
an organic TOP office, there are some important decisions to be made in each of
these three steps.

1 Construction
Just like for a tree, the possibilities of the office
growth depends on the condition of its roots.
So start the construction step in the basement
and focus on the infrastructure. Our organic
TOP office makes it easy. And if you’re especially
interested in energy efficiency, this step is where
the radical solutions and big savings are created. P127325

2 Management
Every office uses Creating great working environments is the
approximately half of its core of this step. To succeed, you need to
energy consumption for
heating, climate control realize that “software”, such as interior details
and ventilation. Lighting like furniture, flowers and design, is actually
demands 20% and the of lesser importance than the infrastructural
remaining 30% is used
by office machines. “hardware”. Our organic TOP system makes

The organic TOP office offices functional, flexible and attractive

instantly lowers the enough to keep their tenants.
energy consumption by
25%, just by coordination
of power and network.

3 Refurbishment
Is the office building organic enough? What
about energy efficiency? This step unravels the
truth. Check, test and measure. If these insights
lead to a refurbishment, choose the organic
TOP office to ensure maximum future flexibility
and lower energy consumption.

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1 Construction

Let the power in and tame it

The basement of an office building often accommodates many products, all from
different suppliers and a variety of brands. That’s rarely an advantage. The interaction
between compatible systems is how the flexibility of a TOP office is created, so the
basement is the preferred place to start the TOP construction phase.

Letting us into your basement is a winning stage when a new building is being erected.
scheme. Since our solutions include both power, Canalis can be installed a level at a time,
network and infrastructure, no gadgets or con- immediately providing builders with permanent
traptions is a mystery to us. This makes us very electricity for the work they are doing on each
certain of what gears and apparatus you should new level. Smart?
exchange, to bring about interactivity and that
TOP synergy. Yes, and apart from our knowledge we offer every
kind of equipment you need, from switch gear

For instance, add IH time switches, IC twilight to circuit breakers and switches. All together our
switches and ION Enterprise to measure and knowledge and solutions will result in a better
monitor the primary electricity. Then use Canalis power management. An office building with a
Canalis busbars are
available in capacities
busbars to build a steady power distribution. TOP basement will be able to lower its electricity
from 20 to 3000A. It’s extremely fast to install, cutting installation costs, thanks to a more efficient reception,
The broad variety of time by half, allowing adjustments to be made timing and distribution of power. We make sure
the range helps you to
manage even the most
anywhere without disconnecting the main power. your basement only receives the power you
complicated installations. That’s ideal, especially in the first construction need and then makes the most of it.

The primary electric distribution sets the limits for the overall office building capacity. With ranges like Okken,
Trihal, Prisma and more, we offer all kinds of solutions.

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1 Construction

Choose a seamless network

The basement is the gate to the world for every office building. Power and network are
led through this narrow doorway, and must then be tamed, measured and controlled
before being distributed up, around and throughout the building.

As mentioned earlier, the construction of an Canalis busbars to distribute network alongside

organic TOP office starts in the basement. the power. Actassi is also fully compatible with
In addition to switchgears and electric controls, the OptiLine installation system.

the basement is also the place where conditions

for smarter safety systems, energy controls,
One of the Actassi heroes, reliable electrical distribution and flexible network
the one-piece S-One connectivity is established.
connector, speeds up
your installation.
Actassi is the name of our network connectivity
solution. The system includes everything needed
to create reliable and seamless end-to-end
connectivity, from cables and connectors, to
enclosures and patch panels.

Actassi is available in shielded and unshielded

versions for cat 5e, 6 and 6A, which makes it
easy to build a genuine and certified IT solution.

To make the installation complete, attach

Performa mesh trays above or underneath the Working in a data centre has never before been as easy.


To wire the Actassi 19” patch panels is a very smooth The Quick Fix and sliding function enables you to work
procedure. The new one-piece Actassi S-One connector fast and perform the installation in an ergonomic
also makes the wiring faster. position.

10 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
Actassi ensures seamless
connectivity and
enhanced performance.

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12 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
1 Construction

100% flexibility?
It depends on the infrastructure.
The flexibility of each office space depends on the infrastructure. Our organic TOP
office creates excellent prerequisites for total access to power and networks, from the
basement and out to all nooks and corners of the building. To maximize your possibilities
to connect anything anywhere, use our new and convenient Consolidation points.
Just mount a Consolidation point at some strategic places on the cable ladders, and
connect to power and IT in no time, anytime.

Let the Wieland gesis quick-couplings replace

all that time-wasting wiring work, when connecting
things to the closest power source. It’s safer,
faster and more convenient. The electrician

can pick up pre-measured cabling with quick-



couplings from the nearest wholesaler, drastically

decreasing installation time on the building site.
Quick-couplings and the
click-in-technique makes
To make power and network available and
OptiLine Installation
System extremely fast to tastefully presentable to the end user, use the
install. In fact, it will make OptiLine installation system. It provides flexible
you the world champion
access in many clever shapes. Choose trunking,
of electric distribution!
poles, posts, floor boxes or furniture-integrated
pop-ups for convenient connections everywhere.

Since it consists of 75% fewer parts than a regular

installation system, and uses quick-couplings and
pre-installed modules, OptiLine makes the installa-
tion 50% faster. It comes in aluminium or white.

During the construction phase there is also

a great opportunity to equip the building with
a flexible and sustainable safety system. For the
organic TOP office, Dardo Plus is the evident
choice. It’s an addressable emergency lighting
system, suitable for any type or size of building.
To create an organic
TOP office you need an It can easily be rearranged and allows centralized
organic system. So our management from a single interface. Consisting
solution is an integrated of LED lights, it reduces the energy consumption,
system consisting of
power busbars, cable but most importantly Dardo Plus reduces the
management products maintenance by 70%.
including cable ladders,
cable trays, installation
trunking, poles, posts and
floor boxes. Finally our
network connectivity and
building control products,

emergency lighting and

wiring devices.

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2 Management

Energy efficiency?
The electricity bill has the answer.
At this stage, when the office is up and running, you will discover the true state of the
building’s energy efficiency. If you have invested in our organic TOP office, the truth is
presented in a more constructive way than merely via the grand total of your energy
bills. Instead you will have TOP measuring and control tools at hand.

KNX is the structure and programming language the premises. So you will have a truly organic
in the building control system of the organic TOP building control system, which is regulating itself.
office. It’s connected to all functions, such as the Still it’s easily adjusted manually and locally
Roombox. A device which distributes, monitors if needed.
and protects the electricity that controls lighting,
shutters and HVAC circuits of the office building. This way, maximum energy efficiency will be
This coordination reduces energy consumption guaranteed. The lighting can for instance be
by 30%. Then everything, including the Roombox pre-programmed for a number of different
functions along with the office machinery, alarms scenarios, and it will shut itself off after office
and so on, is monitored and manoeuvred from a hours, or when there is no one in the room.

centrally placed Uniq screen – a convenient and It can also be set in a “wake-up” mode, which
The Roombox provides smart touch panel, available in 4 sizes. means that the electricity is switched off until
exceptional protection, somebody enters the premises. HVAC, alarms,
monitoring and distri- To sum it up, this solution allows the office to make shutters and all office machinery can be
bution of the electricity
throughout the entire its own decisions automatically, so all rooms controlled in the same manner.
office building. intuitively will adapt to what’s happening inside

Uniq LifeSpace Management

Uniq – a system of touch panels, servers and clients for convenient
U niq
building control and energy management in one solution. d u ri n will b e la u
g 20
12 nched

Energy costs are

steadily rising. We
want to help you
consume less energy
and get more out of it.

Uniq is available in four


sizes and eight frame


With Uniq you can offer your customers a combined control Use your smartphone
of lights, blinds, heating, security cameras and other functions or your PC as a remote
with an interface that is easy and intuitive to use. control.

14 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
Smart building
control functions
let you save energy
by up to 25%.

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2 Management

Choose user and eye-pleasing

Of course technical solutions should be easily accessible and user-friendly. Both for
those who are investing in a long-term technical infrastructure and for those whose
daily work depends on it. But the technology must also be aesthetically appealing
in the long run, despite years of being moved around and well-used.

Studies show a
considerable increase
in productivity when
people are comfortable

with their working

OptiLine and Actassi have organic designs, supporting network and power access, allowing complete flexibility.
Organic design promotes intuitive understanding of all functions.

We love great design. That’s why design isn’t the

main feature of the organic TOP office. A great
design never steels the attention from the tech-
nology and its functions. It’s organic! So it just
does its job, helping things work properly and
looking good at the same time, in a discreetly
elegant way. Even when frequently used, and

in the long run.

Meet your new vigilant doorman – the Twinbus IP door

entry system. It starts outside the office with the smart and
subtly designed door entry system TwinBus IP.
Delivered fully assembled, it provides a maxi-
mum of convenience and safety, after a quick

When entering the office you will find more of

the same tasteful but discreet design, even in
the smallest details of the interior. Dardo and
Exiway emergency lighting promotes safety
with its distinct but non-intrusive signs. The new
Exxact range provides the organic TOP office
with wiring devices, available in a broad variety

of shapes, materials and colours.

With the Exiway and Dardo systems reliable safety is
quickly installed.

16 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance


The OptiLine trunking is available in a version with hidden outlets to conceal plugs and cords. Just open the lid
and get access to power and network. A hidden outlet looks nicer in an office and makes cleaning easier. It also
reduces electrical fields by up to 85%.

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3 Refurbishment

A second chance to get it right

No matter if it’s a quick-fix between tenants or if it’s a complete makeover, the refurbish-
ment phase is your great opportunity to improve the overall long-term value of an
office by increasing flexibility and decreasing energy consumption. In short, remove
complexity from the office complex. We have the tools needed.

The demands on workspaces are constantly

changing. But predicting the future is actually
not that hard. Rising office rental and energy
costs plus new work patterns will surely reduce
the average floor space needed per person.
Outsourcing, mobile offices and the use of
information and communication technology
SeeTool (ICT) enable people to work at home. To get
a maximum return on investment per square
Time to refurbish?
Order the SeeTool metre must be of great importance for both
application for free at tenants and building owners. So smaller and
more space effective offices will surely meet
and see where and how
energy can be saved. a bigger demand.

Another significant future event is stricter office

The EU Directive 2002/91/EC and Legislative Decrees building legislations. The European Union has
192/2005 and 311/2006 stipulate that buildings must stated that all new office buildings must be
have an energy declaration. Our SeeTool detects
energy self-sufficient from 2021. After that even
energy leaks and presents the result in clear reports.
stricter regulations will be launched. The goal is
to reduce CO2 emissions, and that’s good. But it
will cause a lot of changes in how offices should
be constructed and equipped, and which kind
of infrastructural solutions are needed. To sum it
up – the organic TOP system will be the preferred
choice – regardless of if you are an installer,
a building owner or a tenant.

For a truly flexible solution, A TOP refurbishment always starts with See Tool.
use our two-sided post It’s a program that analyzes the energy consump-
with a fixing for the inno- tion of a building and advises on how, and by
vative floor grommet.
The grommet suits any what solutions this consumption can be lowered.

type of floor and can be Visit the Schneider Electric website and order
installed where required. a DVD of SeeTool for free.
Should needs be changed,
just remove the post,
put the cover back in the Roombox is a single device which distributes electricity
grommet, and move the and controls the three major office building applications:
posts to a new position. lighting, shutters and HVAC.

18 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
0% waste of
working space will
maximize ROI/m2

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Great functions and great design
Only usable designs
become timeless classics
Great functions or great design? You don’t have to choose one over the other any-
more. The organic TOP office includes organic solutions, which are flexible, sustainable
and blends in nicely with most environments. But what does this mean in reality?
With many sophisticated functions and reusable parts, OptiLine and Exxact are
excellent examples of organic designs.

The international
“red dot design award”
is the largest and most
renowned design com-
petition in the world.
Approximately 1,700
companies from 60
countries took part.



The new Exxact range of wiring devices is one it possible to get all functions in a building, in
great example. With more than 250 functions one homogenous design. These well thought-
supporting electricity, networks and energy out and innovative characteristics have made
controlling devices, it’s the widest range on the Exxact a winner of the red dot design award for
Nordic markets. At the same time it offers a Product Design 2011.
wide variety of styles and looks, which makes

20 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
It’s all the small details
that turn “okay” into
“great”. Our designers
have spent a lot of efforts
to design products with
shapes that are pleasing
to the eye, and at the
same time with optimal


Design is also one of many key features of the Another contributor to great design is Uniq,
Actassi and OptiLine ranges. OptiLine has offering modern touch panels for building control
integrated furniture units, which provide access in four sizes. Frames are available in eight colours
to power and networks in a very tasteful manner. to match and blend in with the surrounding
Lids, hidden outlets and flexible conduits ensure interior design.
a discreet access to power and networks, while
all cords and cables are tucked away in order.
And most network equipment is concealed in the
nicely designed enclosures of the Actassi range.

Total Office Performance | 01.2012 Creating organic offices > TOP system | 21
Most important:
It takes ONE organic partner to
get ONE organic solution
Office work is really hard these days! At least if your work consists of constructing
offices. It involves a wide set of conditions, such as economy, law and technology,
where terms and rules are constantly changing. That’s why ONE total solution from
ONE experienced partner like Schneider Electric makes your work so much easier.

Many people are suffering from “energy

anxiety” right now. This is partly caused by the
Hard to decide if we are rising prices, making energy costs harder to
the partner you are look- budget. But the most confusing thing is probably
ing for? Welcome to learn
all new laws and coming regulations. For example,
more about our systems
and solution at our cost- the fact that all new offices being built within the
free Schneider Electric EU must be energy self-sufficient from 2021.

Many companies try to use this anxiety as their

sales pitch. We don’t. Schneider Electric has
been working under the motto “Make the most
of your energy” for quite a long time. So energy
efficiency is always the natural basic starting-
point in everything we do, even though we are
aware that it’s just one of many necessities on
your list, when working with office infrastructure.

That’s why we have created our organic TOP

office system. To guarantee one compatible
and organic system, all parts are produced by
one and the same company, which is the main

reason for you to choose Schneider Electric as

your partner.

Furthermore, you are always welcome to attend

our free Schneider Electric College, to get more
knowledge about our systems and solutions, be-
fore you decide which partner you will work with.

The Swedish Turning Torso Building is an excellent

example of how Schneider Electric provide values in
all steps when building for the future, using the latest
available technology.

22 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance
Total Office Performance | 01.2012 Creating organic offices > TOP system | 23
This is the organic TOP system
So how does our organic TOP system infrastructure look in real life? Here is a cross
section view of an office floor equipped with some of the most important TOP compo-
nents on the floor level. Just like in a human body each component is perfect for its
purpose, but it’s the interaction in-between the different parts that creates the organic
quality of the complete system.

2 3

1 6

3 6 4


1 2 3


Network Connectivity Infrastructure Installation system

Almost 50% of a data centres’ cost is TOP cuts installation time by half and Pre-installed modules ensure 0%
spent on powering all equipment and improves safety. Functions can be trouble. Reduced installation time by
cooling down server areas. But no added gradually without shutting off 50% is another advantage. Pop-ups,
business runs without reliable high the electricity. Connect mesh trays and floor boxes, posts and poles provide
performing network connectivity these cable ladders to the power busbars, easy access to network and power
days, so choose a TOP solution. lead network and power together everywhere, from the walls and straight
Its scalable, modular architecture throughout the building – compact out to the end users, in a subtle and
makes it easy and fast to install, and easily adjusted. timeless design.
which reduces initial costs.

24 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance

5 5



4 5 6


Office Control Safety and Security Wiring devices

Here is where the big money can be Forget static signboards and cranky Make sure you choose a TOP range.
saved. Lighting alone accounts for 20% emergency lights. TOP includes It’s your guarantee that the wiring
of the energy consumption in an office. smarter security solutions, such as devices will be wide enough to fit
90% of today’s offices lack energy network based displays and signs, energy saving functions, and have
efficiency functions. TOP includes central video surveillance and fully automatic a professional long-term quality in
and automatic control of light, power, door entry systems. Most systems are a timeless design.
heating etc, decreasing energy consump- self-testing, self-monitoring and
tion to a net worth of approximately 30%. accessible from the nearest PC.

Total Office Performance | 01.2012 Creating organic offices > TOP system | 25
The TOP system parts



Primary power supply Effective measuring Seamless end-to-end Infrastructure for

and monitoring connectivity constant adjustments
The distribution of electricity
is dependent on the type PowerLogic is a complete This range makes all the Imagine being able to change
of structure. Low voltage system for easy control and difference! You might or add more installations as
switchboards, distribution surveillance of electricity recognize some parts of it, you go, without ever shut-
and group centrals are com- quality and energy consum- since Actassi consists of the ting down the main power.
bined to enable optimised ption. The system covers a best performing features Imagine having the network
back-up and selectivity. wide range, from simplified from all Schneider Electric’s and power cables neatly
All units can be equipped gauges to advanced market leading offers world- accompanying each other
with protection against instruments for measuring wide. As a result the Actassi throughout the building.
voltage surges and current electricity quality. The units range will be available glo- Yes, it’s possible; thanks to
leakage shortage to ground. can be used as stand-alone bally. And with enclosures, our Canalis busbars and
Furthermore, the instruments solutions, as well as parts of panels, connectors and Performa mesh trays.
provide comfort enhance- a complete communication cables Actassi includes all
ment opportunities, such as system. components needed to Range
light and time control. create seamless end-to-end Preinstalled Canalis is
Range connectivity and a certified available in several lengths
Range Among many other units, link. Don’t miss the new and widths, as flexible or
The Prisma system consists the PowerLogic system Actassi RJ45 connector rigid busbars. Performa
of low voltage switchboards provides Compact NSX, the S-One which makes the in- mesh trays in electro-zinc,
and distribution centrals; most modern, avanced and stallation 50% faster to wire. bi-chromated, hot dip galva-
group centrals with Master- communicative effect breaker nized, stainless steel and
pact NW/NT and Compact on the market. Combined with Range new Zinc+.
NSX effect breakers, midget other components such as The Actassi system consists
circuit breaker Multi 9 Prisma and Canalis, this of a comprehensive set of Benefits
between 1A-2, 500A surge enables us to provide entire products: Connectors for Both ranges offer enduring
protection for direct and solutions for increased Cat 5e, Cat 6 and Cat 6A solutions, regardless of the
indirect lightning strikes, and energy efficiency. performance, Cross-connect installations environment,
residual circuit devices for panels, Copper and fibre no matter how demanding
25A-125A (for personal and Benefits optic LAN cables, Patch they are. Performa is easily
fire protection). The centrals The same components can cords and connecting bent or cut into desired
can also be equipped with be used for basic as well hardware, and Cabling and shape. Canalis decreases
dimmers for incandescent, as very advanced system server enclosures. installation time by 50%.
halogen and fluorescent solutions – all are very easy
lights, as well as time and intuitive, regarding both Benefits
switches, light relays and installation and operation. Actassi is a global, state-
staircase timers. of-the-art system with
outstanding performance.
Benefits It includes everything you
This comprehensive range need from the enclosure
consists of a variety of to the desktop to ensure
attractively designed units. a seamless end-to-end
All parts are compatible, connectivity. All products
flexible and easy to handle are designed to reduce
and monitor. the installation time and to
give superior usability. Our
support services, training
programmes and warranties
are created to give you a
complete peace of mind.

26 | Creating organic offices > TOP system 01.2012 | Total Office Performance



Flexible access to power Easily manoeuvred Remote monitored Wiring devices with all
and network building control emergency lighting and modern functions
secure access control
As one of the pioneers in Why let lights, HVAC, office When switching to modern
the development of trunking machinery, shutters and Tired of checking and wiring devices you gain
and installation systems, we alarms multiply the energy maintaining functions to access to the future. All our
now provide the result of consumption? Make sure it make sure your exit and ranges offer a wide choice
more than two decades of turns off automatically when emergency signs are of designs and modern
innovations and improve- the office is empty. A reliable working? Good, because functions supporting com-
ments. OptiLine is the system for building control there is actually some fort, control and energy
complete and state-of-the- ensures maximum energy automatically safe safety efficiency.
art installation system. efficiency and we have all systems available on the
the parts needed to create it. market. Discover Dardo Range
Range and Exiway. Discover also System M 2.0, Altira and
The OptiLine Installation Range Twinbus IP door station, Exxact are our three main
system is a complete range The Uniq system with touch our secure and comfort- series of wiring devices for
of trunking, poles, posts, panels and servers, KNX able access control. offices.
floor boxes and furniture Roombox, the KNX program
boxes, with an innovative applications and IC or IH Range Benefits
50-mm front opening. time and lighting manage- Dardo Plus addressable Our wiring devices have
ment. emergency lighting system, advantages for the end-user
Benefits Exiway emergency light- as well as for the installer.
Through smart features, Benefits ing and Twinbus IP door Developed from professional
such as pre-installed mod- Uniq is the modern and station. installers’ experiences, our
ules and click-in assembly, convenient touch screen new wiring device series are
OptiLine is a 100% modern available in four sizes, from Benefits easy and fast to install.
system. It has 75% less 7" to 19". Frames come in Dardo offers some major Dimensioned to contain
parts, saves 50% of the eight colours, making it advantages. It simplifies more outlets and functions
installation time and 25% of easy to match the high-tech the compulsory safety per installation, they will be
the investment, since most solution with the surrounding tests by performing them more useful for modern
parts are recyclable. All interior. KNX is the structure automatically on remote. needs and decrease the
this amounts to 0% trouble, and installer-friendly pro- Thereby reducing main- need of extension cords.
for installers as well as for gramming language. Room- tenance time and service The designs will resist
end-users. box is the central connection costs by 70%. Exiway is a trends and turn into classics.
switch point, controlling range of emergency lights Best of all, smart functions
both power and networks, with LEDs or fluorescent supporting comfort and
which will reduce energy tubes, easily installed and energy efficiency can easily
consumption by 30%. maintained. Both ranges be inserted along with
are constructed without switches and outlets.
compromises between
safety and design. Twinbus
IP is a secure and comfort-
able door station, linked to
the Uniq system.

Total Office Performance | 01.2012 Creating organic offices > TOP system | 27
* Make the most of your energy

LSB02547_EN © Schneider Electric – All rights reserved

Schneider Electric Industries SAS As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation
35 rue Joseph Monier of the information given in this publication.
92500 Rueil-Malmaison
France This document has been printed on ecological paper

Publishing: Schneider Electric Industries SAS

Design: LEON
Illustrations: LEON
Photos: LEON
Printing: DanagårdLiTHO, Sweden 01-2012

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