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Current Good Manufacturing

Practice—Guidance for Human

Drug Compounding Outsourcing
Facilities Under
Section 503B of the FD&C Act
Guidance for Industry
This guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only.

Comments and suggestions regarding this draft document should be submitted within 60 days of
publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft
guidance. Submit electronic comments to https://www.regulations.gov. Submit written
comments to the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630
Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the
docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register.

For questions regarding this draft document, contact (CDER) Marci Kiester 301-796-0600.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

December 2018
Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)

Revision 1
Current Good Manufacturing
Practice—Guidance for Human
Drug Compounding Outsourcing
Facilities Under
Section 503B of the FD&C Act
Guidance for Industry
Additional copies are available from:
Office of Communications, Division of Drug Information
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
10001 New Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Bldg., 4th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Phone: 855-543-3784 or 301-796-3400; Fax: 301-431-6353
Email: [email protected]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

December 2018
Pharmaceutical Quality/Manufacturing Standards (CGMP)

Revision 1
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation

I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 2
III. CGMP FOR OUTSOURCING FACILITIES................................................................ 3
A. Quality Assurance Activities ......................................................................................................... 3
B. Facility Design ................................................................................................................................ 5
C. Control Systems and Procedures for Maintaining Suitable Facilities ...................................... 7
D. Environmental and Personnel Monitoring ................................................................................ 10
E. Equipment .................................................................................................................................... 12
F. Containers and Closures ............................................................................................................. 12
G. Components .................................................................................................................................. 14
1. Regulatory Policy Regarding Component Supplier Qualification Testing .................................... 17
2. Regulatory Policy Regarding Testing for Finished Product To Be Used as a Source Material for
Processing .......................................................................................................................................... 17
H. Production and Process Controls ............................................................................................... 18
1. General Production and Process Controls .................................................................................... 19
2. Drug Product Sterilization............................................................................................................. 19
I. Release Testing ............................................................................................................................. 22
J. Laboratory Controls .................................................................................................................... 25
K. Stability/Expiration Dating for Compounded Drug Products ................................................. 26
1. Stability Program and Beyond-Use Dating ................................................................................... 26
2. Establishing an In-Use Time for Sterile Drug Products ................................................................ 29
3. In-Use Time and BUDs for Sterile Drug Products ........................................................................ 30
L. Packaging and Labels .................................................................................................................. 31
M. Reserve Samples ........................................................................................................................... 31
N. Complaint Handling .................................................................................................................... 32
IV. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 32
V. GLOSSARY..................................................................................................................... 34
TESTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 37
AND EXPIRATION DATE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... 43
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation

1 Current Good Manufacturing Practice—Guidance for Human Drug

2 Compounding Outsourcing Facilities
3 Under Section 503B of the FD&C Act
4 Guidance for Industry 1
7 This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug
8 Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not
9 binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the
10 applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible
11 for this guidance as listed on the title page.
18 This guidance describes FDA’s policies regarding compliance with current good manufacturing
19 practice (CGMP) requirements for facilities that compound human drugs and register with FDA
20 as outsourcing facilities under section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
21 (FD&C Act). Under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act, a drug is deemed to be adulterated if
22 it is not produced in accordance with CGMP. FDA’s regulations regarding CGMP requirements
23 for the preparation of drug products have been established in 21 CFR parts 210 and 211. 2 FDA
24 intends to promulgate more specific CGMP regulations for outsourcing facilities. Until these
25 final regulations are promulgated, outsourcing facilities are subject to the CGMP requirements in
26 parts 210 and 211. This guidance provides for conditions under which FDA generally does not
27 intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding certain CGMP
28 requirements in parts 210 and 211 during this interim period. This guidance applies to drugs
29 compounded in accordance with section 503B. In addition, this guidance generally applies to
30 drugs that outsourcing facilities repackage and biological products that outsourcing facilities
31 mix, dilute, or repackage in accordance with relevant guidance for outsourcing facilities. 3
33 This guidance reflects FDA’s intent to recognize the differences between outsourcing facilities
34 and conventional drug manufacturers, while maintaining the minimum standards necessary to

This guidance has been prepared by multiple offices in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and in
cooperation with the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Food and Drug Administration.
Positron emission tomography (PET) drug products are subject to CGMP regulations at 21 CFR part 212 and are
not covered by this guidance.
See guidances for industry Repackaging of Certain Human Drug Products by Pharmacies and Outsourcing
Facilities and Mixing, Diluting, or Repackaging Biological Products Outside the Scope of an Approved Biologics
License Application (Biologics guidance). To the extent that the policies in the Biologics guidance differ from this
guidance (e.g., conditions concerning assigning a beyond-use date to repackaged biological products based on
stability testing), the policies described in the Biologics guidance apply. FDA updates guidances periodically. For
the most recent version of a guidance, check the FDA guidance web page at

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
35 protect patients from the risks of contaminated or otherwise substandard compounded drug
36 products.
38 This guidance revises the draft guidance Current Good Manufacturing Practice—Interim
39 Guidance for Human Drug Compounding Outsourcing Facilities Under Section 503B of the
40 FD&C Act issued in July 2014. This revision includes considerations for non-sterile
41 compounded drug products and differentiates between requirements applicable to sterile
42 compounded drug products and non-sterile compounded drug products where appropriate. In
43 addition, the revision includes changes regarding stability testing, including the assignment of a
44 beyond-use date (BUD) as an expiration date, and release testing requirements. The revision also
45 addresses reserve samples and provides guidance on “in-use times.”
47 In general, FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.
48 Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only
49 as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of
50 the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but
51 not required.
56 The Drug Quality and Security Act added a new section 503B to the FD&C Act. 4 Under section
57 503B(b), a compounder can register as an outsourcing facility with FDA. Drug products
58 compounded in an outsourcing facility can qualify for exemptions from the FDA approval
59 requirements in section 505 of the FD&C Act, 5 the requirement to label drug products with
60 adequate directions for use under section 502(f)(1) of the FD&C Act, 6 and the drug supply chain
61 security requirements in section 582 of the FD&C Act, 7 if the conditions in section 503B are
62 met. Outsourcing facilities are inspected by FDA according to a risk-based schedule and must
63 comply with other provisions of the FD&C Act, including CGMP requirements under section
64 501(a)(2)(B) (see section 503B).
66 Under section 501(a)(2)(B), a drug is deemed to be adulterated if:
68 [T]he methods used in, or the facilities or controls used for, its manufacture, processing, packing,
69 or holding do not conform to or are not operated or administered in conformity with current good
70 manufacturing practice to assure that such drug meets the requirements of this [Act] as to safety
71 and has the identity and strength, and meets the quality and purity characteristics, which it
72 purports or is represented to possess . . . .
74 Further, section 501 of the FD&C Act, as amended by the Food and Drug Administration Safety
75 and Innovation Act, 8 states:

See Pub. L. No. 113-54, § 102(a), 127 Stat. 587, 587–588 (2013).
21 U.S.C. 355.
21 U.S.C. 352(f)(1).
21 U.S.C. 360eee-1.
Pub. L. No. 112-114, 126 Stat. 993 (2012).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
77 For purposes of paragraph (a)(2)(B), the term “current good manufacturing practice” includes the
78 implementation of oversight and controls over the manufacture of drugs to ensure quality, including
79 managing the risk of and establishing the safety of raw materials, materials used in the manufacturing of
80 drugs, and finished drug products.
82 CGMP requirements for finished drug products, except PET drug products, are established in 21
83 CFR parts 210 and 211. The primary focus of this guidance is on those aspects of part 211 that
84 relate to sterility assurance of sterile drug products and the safety of both sterile and non-sterile
85 compounded drug products more generally, including with respect to strength (e.g., subpotency,
86 superpotency), and labeling or drug product mix-ups, because these aspects of outsourcing
87 facility operations pose the highest risk to patient safety if not conducted properly.
89 The recommendations in this guidance are consistent with the principles of good manufacturing
90 practice, which hold that quality is best assured by implementing appropriate controls throughout
91 the manufacturing process, with end-product testing providing additional assurance. This
92 guidance also provides a risk-based approach to CGMP requirements. Accordingly, this
93 guidance focuses on control of raw materials, facility design and maintenance, production
94 techniques and controls, and personnel practices as the most critical aspects of ensuring quality
95 for all drug products. Other CGMP requirements, such as testing samples of the finished drug
96 product before batch release and the collection of reserve samples, provide additional assurance
97 of drug quality and are described with respect to higher risk outsourcing facility operations. For
98 example, the guidance distinguishes, where applicable, between higher risk compounding
99 activities (e.g., higher volume of production for a drug product, sterile production, manual
100 manipulations) and lower risk compounding activities (e.g., lower volume of production, non-
101 sterile production, use of automated equipment).
103 Depending on the level of risk, the guidance describes certain conditions under which FDA
104 generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
105 specific CGMP requirements.
110 A. Quality Assurance Activities
112 Quality assurance activities are needed to ensure that procedures are followed and a quality drug
113 product is produced (see, e.g., §§ 211.22, 211.180, 211.192, 211.198). Part 211 (see, e.g.,
114 § 211.22) requires that drug producers establish a quality control unit to oversee various aspects
115 of production, including strength as well as sterility assurance activities for sterile products and
116 microbiological quality for non-sterile products.
118 The quality control unit should be independent; that is, the quality control unit should not take on
119 the responsibilities of other units of the outsourcing facility’s organization, such as those handled
120 by production personnel, in order to preserve the integrity of the quality control unit’s functions.
121 FDA has found that quality control units that are independent from other operations are more

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
122 likely to be able to fulfill their required functions. 9 FDA recommends the staffing level be
123 adequate to perform all quality assurance functions at a level commensurate with the scale of the
124 compounding operation, including number and volume of drug products compounded.
126 Procedures describing the role and responsibilities of the quality control unit must be established
127 and followed (§ 211.22(d)). The following aspects of quality assurance and quality control are
128 critical to ensuring the quality of compounded sterile and non-sterile drug products at
129 outsourcing facilities.
131 The quality control unit is responsible for ensuring that each batch of finished drug product is
132 sampled and tested to ensure that it meets appropriate specifications for release (see
133 §§ 211.22(a), 211.165(d)). For sterile products, procedures should be established and followed to
134 ensure that for each batch intended to be released without completed sterility testing (see section
135 I and Appendix A), the results of the sterility testing, once available, are reviewed and added to
136 the batch record (see § 211.188).
138 The quality control unit must periodically (at least annually) review records of compounding
139 operations to evaluate the quality standards for each drug product to determine the need for
140 changes in specifications or control procedures (§ 211.180(e)). As part of this review, the quality
141 control unit should identify trends and evaluate quality indicators such as (where required by
142 part 211):
144 • Results of environmental monitoring.
146 • Results of personnel monitoring.
148 • Where water is used as a component in the drug product, results of water system testing
149 for water that is purified/processed on-site, or if water is purchased as an incoming
150 component, testing results from the supplier or results of testing conducted by the
151 outsourcing facility.
153 • Results of finished drug product testing.
155 • All media fills/process simulations performed since the last review.
157 • Periodic scrutiny of operations to ensure adherence to procedures and proper aseptic
158 technique.
160 • Complaints, discrepancies, failures, and yield variation.

FDA inspection information indicates that most outsourcing facilities maintain personnel in a quality control unit
that is fully separate from compounding operations. However, FDA recognizes that there may be an extraordinary
circumstance in which an individual in the quality control unit may need to participate in another operation. In such
circumstances, that person is still accountable for implementing all of the controls and reviewing compounding
operations to ensure that facility, process, and product quality standards have been met. See § 211.22.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
162 The quality control unit is responsible for discrepancy and failure investigations and the
163 development and oversight of effective corrective actions, which also include changes necessary
164 to prevent recurrence, regarding the following (see, e.g., §§ 211.192, 211.180(e)):
166 • Results of tests and examinations, regardless of batch disposition, if applicable to
167 evaluate the quality of components, containers, closures, in-process materials, and
168 finished product. Examples of such tests and examinations include but are not limited to
169 sterility testing, endotoxin levels, content assay, impurity assay, particulate matter,
170 reconstitution time, content uniformity, preservative content testing, microbial
171 enumeration, tests for specified microorganisms, and, weight, volume, or counts.
173 • Unexpected results (e.g., potential defects) or trends.
175 • Failures that occur during validation or revalidation. These could include process
176 validation, sterilization, or depyrogenation processes, including media fill/process
177 simulation failures, as applicable.
179 • Stability failures, including failures of quality that are determined to have causes other
180 than degradation of the drug product.
182 • Environmental and personnel monitoring results that exceed alert or action limits.
184 • Process deviations or equipment malfunctions that involve critical equipment, such as
185 sterilizers, lyophilizers, pellet machines, capsule machines, mixers, and homogenizers.
187 • Complaints that indicate possible drug product contamination or other potential risks to
188 patients (e.g., hazy or cloudy drug product, foreign matter/particulates in injectable drug
189 products, cracked or leaky containers, change in color or appearance, particles falling out
190 of oral solutions).
192 B. Facility Design
194 Part 211 sets out the requirements applicable to the design of facilities used in the manufacture,
195 processing, packing, or holding of a drug product (see, e.g., § 211.42). The design of a facility
196 should consider the products produced and must provide the necessary level of control to prevent
197 mix-ups and contamination (§ 211.42).
199 The production areas in which components, drug products, in-process materials, equipment, and
200 containers or closures are prepared, held, or transferred must be designed to minimize the level
201 of contaminants so as to prevent objectionable microorganisms in non-sterile drug products (see
202 § 211.113(a)) and prevent microbiological contamination of drug products purporting to be
203 sterile (see § 211.113(b)). Processing and controlled areas must be clean and sanitary (§ 211.56).
205 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
207 Outsourcing facilities should meet the following elements:

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
209 • Sterile drugs should be produced only in ISO 5 or better air quality as determined under
210 dynamic conditions (see Table 1 for International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
211 cleanroom classification standards).
213 Table 1. ISO Classification of Particulate Matter in Room Air*
ISO Class Name Particles/m3
3 35.2
4 352
5 3,520
6 35,200
7 352,000
8 3,520,000
*Limits are in particles of 0.5 µm and larger per cubic meter (current ISO) measured under dynamic
conditions. Adapted from ISO 14644-1:2015, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 1:
Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration.
215 • The facility should be designed and operated with cascading air quality (e.g., by proper
216 air classification and air pressurization) to protect the ISO 5 zone (or critical area 10). The
217 facility layout, room separation, and process flow must be designed to prevent the influx
218 of contamination from adjacent areas and rooms of lower air quality and to avoid any
219 disruption of HEPA unidirectional flow (§ 211.42).
221 • The air cleanliness classification of the area surrounding the ISO 5 zone immediately
222 adjacent to the aseptic processing line should, at a minimum, meet ISO 7 standards under
223 dynamic conditions.
225 • If an isolator 11 is used, the surrounding area should, at a minimum, meet ISO 8 standards
226 under dynamic conditions.
228 • If a restricted access barrier 12 is used (e.g., a glove box), the surrounding area should, at a
229 minimum, meet ISO 7 standards under dynamic conditions.
231 • Terminally sterilized drugs should be produced in ISO 8 or better air quality as
232 determined under dynamic conditions.
234 The ISO 5 zone or critical area must be qualified (i.e., shown to meet the specifications; see
235 §§ 211.42, 211.113(b)). Qualification should include at least the following studies and tests,

A critical area is an area designed to maintain sterility of sterile materials. See guidance for industry Sterile Drug
Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good Manufacturing Practice.
An isolator is a decontaminated unit supplied with ISO 5 or higher air quality that provides uncompromised,
continuous isolation of its interior from the external environment. For further information, see also guidance for
industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good Manufacturing Practice.
See guidance for industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good Manufacturing

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
236 which must be documented as having been conducted (see § 211.113(b)), including the particular
237 conditions under which the studies and tests were conducted: 13
239 • Airflow studies (e.g., an in-situ smoke study) should be conducted under simulated
240 operational conditions to evaluate airflow patterns because of the risk for contamination
241 of exposed product in the critical area. These studies should be conducted at the critical
242 area to demonstrate unidirectional flow and sweeping action over and away from the
243 product under dynamic conditions and should be repeated when any changes are made to
244 the critical area that might affect airflow. 14 Because proper control of airflow is necessary
245 to prevent contamination, any indication of poor air control (e.g., non-unidirectional,
246 turbulent) must be corrected before use (see §§ 211.42, 211.113(b)).
248 • HEPA periodic testing/recertification should be performed at least twice a year to ensure
249 that appropriate airflow and quality are maintained. These tests should include integrity
250 testing of the HEPA filters, particle counts, and air velocity checks.
252 • Velocities of unidirectional air should be measured 6 inches from the HEPA filter face
253 and at a defined distance close to the work surface in the ISO 5 area.
255 • If any portable ISO 5 units are moved from one location to another, requalification of the
256 unit should be performed before resuming sterile compounding.
258 C. Control Systems and Procedures for Maintaining Suitable Facilities
260 To prevent contamination or mix-ups during the course of operations, § 211.42 requires separate
261 or defined areas or other similar control systems for a facility’s operations. 15 Section 211.56
262 requires that procedures be established and followed that assign responsibility for sanitation and
263 describe in detail the cleaning schedules, methods, equipment, and materials to be used in
264 cleaning buildings and facilities.
266 For multiuse facilities and nondedicated equipment, changeover and cleaning procedures for
267 equipment and utensils must be established and followed to prevent contamination, including
268 cross-contamination between products (see §§ 211.42, 211.67).
270 Procedures for cleaning and disinfecting must also be established (see §§ 211.42, 211.56,
271 211.67). Equipment surfaces that come in contact with drug products, containers, or closures
272 must be cleaned at appropriate intervals to prevent contamination (see § 211.67). The suitability
273 and efficacy of the cleaning agents and cleaning methods should be evaluated, and the cleaning
274 agent’s compatibility with applicable work surfaces should be assessed. Published literature and
275 supplier certificates of analysis (COAs) can be relied on when initially determining the

In addition to documenting these tests and studies, the CGMP regulations generally require that other key
activities be documented (see part 211, subpart J: Records and Reports).
Additional information may be found in NSF/ANSI 49—2014 Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Construction,
Performance, and Field Certification.
For example, this would be especially critical when using powders because powder particles can become airborne
and contaminate other areas unless airflow is designed to contain such particles.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
276 effectiveness of agents used to clean and disinfect, as necessary, the facility and equipment
277 surfaces, provided that the supplier’s cleaning procedures are followed. The expiration dates of
278 cleaning and disinfection agents should be closely monitored and expired solutions should be
279 discarded.
281 For non-sterile drug production, water used as a final rinsing agent for any equipment or utensils
282 that come in direct contact with the drug product should meet the requirements for Purified
283 Water, USP, or higher quality standards. 16
285 If powder drugs are handled, procedures must be established and followed to appropriately
286 manage cross-contamination risk (see § 211.100). This is particularly important if the powder is
287 cytotoxic or highly sensitizing. FDA recommends the physical segregation of areas in which
288 powder drugs are exposed to the environment. For penicillin products, a separate facility is
289 required (see § 211.42(d)). However, FDA has clarified that separate buildings may not be
290 necessary, provided that the manufacturing operation involving penicillin is isolated (i.e.,
291 completely and comprehensively separated) from the areas in which non-penicillin products are
292 manufactured. 17 For non-penicillin beta-lactam products, FDA recommends complete and
293 comprehensive separation from other products. 18 Additionally, appropriate controls related to
294 movement of equipment, product, and personnel should be established to prevent cross-
295 contamination of non-beta-lactam products.
297 In general, processes and procedures at an outsourcing facility should minimize contamination
298 risks posed by, for example, the number and complexity of manipulations, number of
299 simultaneous operations and workstations, and staging of materials used in the process.
301 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
303 HEPA filters should be qualified to provide appropriate air quality and be periodically
304 maintained and tested to ensure intended air quality. Discolored, dirty, or damaged HEPA filters
305 should be repaired or replaced.
307 Temperature and humidity must be maintained in cleanroom areas; such controls are critical to
308 reduce microbiological growth (see § 211.46). A specification for humidity should be established
309 considering that higher humidity supports microbial growth, while too little humidity can cause
310 problems with static electricity (which may be particularly problematic when working with
311 powders) and may lead to increased particulates. Cleanroom temperature and humidity
312 specifications should be maintained solely through the facility’s central heating, ventilation, and
313 air conditioning (HVAC); peripheral devices such as stand-alone (de-)humidifiers and air
314 conditioners should not be used because they generate airborne particles, are water sources, and
315 may harbor microorganisms. As a scientific matter, a system for environmental monitoring must

See FDA’s Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water Systems at
Preamble to the final rule, “Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacture, Processing, Packing, or
Holding.” 43 FR 45014, at 45038 (September 29, 1978).
See guidance for industry Non-Penicillin Beta-Lactam Drugs: A CGMP Framework for Preventing Cross-

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
316 include the establishment of pressure differential limits (see § 211.42), and control systems
317 should include built-in alarms to detect excursions. An adequate control system includes
318 monitoring for pressure differentials, humidity, and temperature during production and taking
319 prompt action to correct adverse conditions, which are necessary activities to prevent
320 contamination during aseptic processing (see §§ 211.42, 211.46, 211.58). If a problematic
321 condition cannot be immediately corrected, production should stop until it has been corrected.
322 Regardless of whether production is stopped or allowed to continue, the impact of any
323 excursions on product that is already in process should be evaluated. Among other requirements
324 in § 211.192, any unexplained discrepancy must be investigated, the results of which must be
325 documented.
327 Monitoring procedures should require documentation and investigation of any instances in which
328 there is a loss of positive pressure in the cleanroom during actual production and documentation
329 of the batches affected and the corrective action taken. These checks should be conducted
330 regularly on a schedule that considers the environment, such as use of an isolator versus a less
331 protected process, and the results should be recorded in logs and evaluated against prespecified
332 alert and action limits at each check.
334 In addition to the requirements in §§ 211.42 and 211.56, FDA recommends that outsourcing
335 facilities ensure that air vents and airflow are not obstructed—by large equipment, for example—
336 in such a way that could potentially compromise aseptic operations. Equipment that is not
337 needed for the specific cleanroom operations conducted should not be stored in the cleanroom.
339 Procedures for cleaning and disinfecting ISO 5 areas/units should include detailed instructions
340 for consistently and properly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces that are difficult to access. A
341 system for cleaning and disinfecting all critical areas to produce aseptic conditions includes
342 sporicidal and other sterile disinfectants and lint-free sterile wipes (see § 211.42). Procedures
343 must describe the methods and schedule for cleaning (see §§ 211.42, 211.56, 211.67, 211.182)
344 and should include the use of sporicidal disinfectants in the ISO 5 area and other classified areas
345 on a regular basis.
347 Water used as a cleaning or rinsing agent for any equipment or utensils that will not be
348 subsequently disinfected or sterilized and depyrogenated must be sterile (see § 211.113(b)).
349 Purified Water, USP, is considered acceptable for use with equipment or utensils that will be
350 sterilized and depyrogenated.
352 Based on the results of environmental monitoring (see section D below), the disinfection
353 program must be revised if there are indications that the frequency of disinfection or the methods
354 or type of disinfectant(s) used are inadequate to ensure appropriately clean surfaces (see
355 §§ 211.42, 211.56, 211.67, 211.113). Conducting disinfectant effectiveness testing may be useful
356 in guiding revision of the disinfection program in such cases.
358 Critical equipment surfaces that come in contact with sterile drug products, containers, and
359 closures must be sterilized at appropriate intervals (see § 211.67); disinfection alone is not
360 sufficient (see section E below). Single-use disposable equipment and supplies that are purchased
361 presterilized and depyrogenated and are discarded after one use need not be resterilized.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
363 D. Environmental and Personnel Monitoring
365 The frequency and methods of environmental and personnel control and monitoring should be
366 commensurate with the risk to product quality. For example, for non-sterile drugs, aqueous-
367 based drugs present the highest microbiological risk to patients. Consequently, water system and
368 environmental monitoring for aqueous non-sterile drug production should be performed more
369 frequently than for non-aqueous non-sterile drugs. During aqueous non-sterile drug production,
370 temperature and humidity should be monitored daily and air (viable 19 and nonviable particles)
371 and surfaces (viable particles) should be monitored periodically (e.g., at least quarterly). Aseptic
372 sterile drug production environments should be monitored at least daily during production. Also,
373 monitoring of product residue may be necessary to ensure that the cleaning program is effective
374 or containment is maintained, with an increased frequency of monitoring and sensitivity of
375 methods when contamination poses a higher risk, such as when producing cytotoxic or highly
376 sensitizing materials.
378 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
380 21 CFR 211.42(c)(10)(iv) requires establishing a system for monitoring environmental
381 conditions in aseptic processing areas, and §§ 211.113(b) and 211.28(a) require personnel
382 sanitation practices and gowning to be both acceptable and qualified for the operations they
383 perform. For example, gowning procedures should ensure that there is no exposed skin on
384 personnel involved in any production activities in, or that can directly affect, the ISO 5 area. 20
385 Procedures for monitoring the environment and personnel for the presence of viable particles and
386 nonviable particles should be established and followed as described here.
388 Operations and appropriate written procedures designed to prevent microbial contamination
389 include a well-defined and documented program for environmental monitoring that evaluates the
390 potential routes of microbial contamination of the human drug that could arise from the air,
391 surfaces, process, operation, and personnel practices (see §§ 211.42(c)(10)(iv), 211.100,
392 211.113(b)). The program should contain an appropriate detection component(s) to verify state
393 of control of the environment. However, environmental monitoring equipment should not
394 interfere with aseptic operations (e.g., instruments should not interfere with validated and
395 appropriate airflow patterns). In particular, the program should:
397 • Cover all production shifts and include monitoring during normal production conditions.
399 • Include at least daily monitoring of the ISO 5 zone during operations.
401 • Establish alert and action limits and appropriate responses when excursions occur.

A viable particle consists of, or supports, one or more live microorganisms (see ISO 14644-6:2007, Cleanrooms
and associated controlled environments—Part 6: Vocabulary).
See guidance for industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good Manufacturing
Practice for further recommendations regarding gowning.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
403 • Describe the use of sampling (e.g., contact plates, swabs, active air samplers), alert and
404 action limits and responses, and testing methods (e.g., media, plate exposure times,
405 incubation times and temperatures) that are designed to detect environmental
406 contaminants, including changes in microflora type and amount, and the scientific
407 justification for the testing methods selected.
409 • Be supported by a scientific justification for sampling locations, based on risk, and
410 sampling methods, which may be based on risk and peer-reviewed literature.
412 • Investigate results that exceed established limits or demonstrate adverse trends; determine
413 product impact; and execute appropriate actions.
415 Personnel monitoring should:
417 • Include a routine program for daily/shift monitoring of operators’ gloves and an
418 appropriate schedule for monitoring other critical sites of the gown (e.g., gown sleeves
419 for hood work) during or immediately after completion of aseptic operations. Monitoring
420 should take place before planned disinfection so that actual operating conditions are
421 being assessed.
423 • Establish and justify limits that are based on the criticality of the operation relative to the
424 contamination risk to the product.
426 • Call for an investigation of results that exceed the established levels or demonstrate an
427 adverse trend, a determination of the impact on the sterility assurance of finished
428 products intended to be sterile, and the development and execution of appropriate
429 corrective actions.
431 If microbiological media used in performing tests, including environmental and personnel
432 monitoring, are not purchased from a qualified supplier, 21 the outsourcing facility or contract
433 laboratory’s procedures should establish the validity of each medium, including its growth
434 potential. The quality control unit of an outsourcing facility that opts to rely on a contract
435 laboratory for any of the duties described in this section of the guidance must ensure the
436 existence, appropriateness, and implementation of contract laboratory procedures (see §§ 200.10,
437 211.22, 211.160).

A supplier could be qualified by following the recommendations for component supplier qualification in section
III.G.1. of this guidance. Specifically, the outsourcing facility should have a quality agreement with each supplier
and make the quality agreement available for review upon request by FDA. Each quality agreement should include,
at a minimum: a description of the testing performed before a lot is released and shipped to the outsourcing facility
and the specific quantitative (or qualitative, if applicable) results of a representative lot that would be provided on
each COA; examples of testing records (such as growth promotion) that the supplier generates in performing release
testing before shipping each lot to the outsourcing facility; a description of packaging, labeling, tamper-evident
seals, and other features used to ensure package integrity while the purchased media is in distribution; and a
commitment that the supplier will notify the outsourcing facility if there is identification of a problem with the
quality of the media already shipped to the outsourcing facility.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
439 E. Equipment
441 Several provisions of part 211 address controls over the equipment used to compound (see
442 §§ 211.63, 211.65, 211.67, 211.68).
444 Equipment (mechanical, electronic, or automated) must be qualified as capable of performing its
445 intended functions or operations before first use, and procedures for routine calibration and
446 maintenance must be established and followed (see § 211.68). Equipment surfaces that come in
447 contact with components, in-process materials, or drugs must not be reactive, additive, or
448 absorptive so as to alter the quality of the drug (see § 211.65). Equipment needs to be designed
449 and located to facilitate operations, cleaning, and maintenance, and equipment may require
450 sanitization or sterilization to prevent contamination (see §§ 211.63, 211.67).
452 Outsourcing facilities may choose to use single-use disposable equipment (e.g., transfer tubing
453 and temporary holding vessels), which reduces the need for cleaning between different batches
454 and the potential for contamination (see § 211.67). Single-use disposable equipment should be
455 inspected for damage or contamination following use. The suitability of single-use disposable
456 equipment for its use in processing may be determined by the use of a valid COA from the
457 supplier in lieu of testing or examination by the outsourcing facility (see §§ 211.65, 211.113). In
458 addition, the integrity of the packaging of the single-use disposable equipment should be verified
459 upon receipt before use.
461 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
463 Equipment that comes into contact with the drug product must be evaluated to ensure adequacy
464 for intended use, including to ensure sterility and cleanliness at time of use (see §§ 211.65,
465 211.67(a)). For sterility and endotoxin limits, a valid COA may be used in lieu of testing by the
466 outsourcing facility for single-use disposable equipment (see §§ 211.65, 211.113).
468 If the outsourcing facility does not use presterilized and depyrogenated single-use disposable
469 equipment (e.g., filters, transfer tubing, temporary holding vessels), the equipment must be
470 sterilized and depyrogenated before use through processes that have been validated 22 (see
471 §§ 211.65, 211.67(a) and (b), 211.100, 211.113).
473 F. Containers and Closures
475 Controls for the containers and closures in which the compounded drug product is packaged are
476 critical to ensuring the quality of compounded drug products and are expected to be implemented
477 by outsourcing facilities (see §§ 211.80, 211.82, 211.84, 211.87, 211.94, 211.113).
479 Scientifically sound and appropriate criteria 23 for containers and closures must be established to
480 ensure that drug product containers and closures used for compounded drug products are suitable
A process has been validated if it has been demonstrated and documented to consistently achieve the desired
result when performed under defined conditions.
For sterile drug products, see guidance for industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—
Current Good Manufacturing Practice for recommended test methods and criteria.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
481 for each particular drug product for which they will be used (see § 211.160(b)). As part of the
482 selection process, testing of the drug product container-closure system under the proposed
483 storage conditions for the finished product must be performed to verify its ability to meet
484 established quality specifications of the finished drug product over the expiry period (see §§
485 211.94, 211.166). Testing must be performed again if the manufacturer’s specification of the
486 container or closure is changed (see §§ 211.94, 211.166). Appropriate procedures must be
487 established for testing or verifying the testing, as applicable, of the containers and closures
488 before use to determine whether they meet the criteria for use; the tests and results must be
489 documented (see §§ 211.84(d)(3), 211.184). Each lot of containers and closures must be
490 examined to verify identity and tested to ensure conformity with appropriate specifications
491 before use (see § 211.84(d)).
493 Containers and closures must be handled and stored to protect them from risk of contamination
494 and must be examined and cleaned to prevent introduction of contamination (see §§ 211.80,
495 211.82, 211.84, 211.94).
497 If containers or closures are stored for long periods in the absence of a supplier’s expiration date
498 or established in-use period, or if they are exposed to air, heat, or other conditions that might
499 adversely affect the drug product container or closure, the containers and closures must be
500 retested or re-examined for integrity and fitness for use before they are used (see § 211.87).
502 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
504 Containers and closures that come into contact with the drug product must be evaluated to ensure
505 adequacy for intended use, including to ensure sterility and cleanliness at time of use (see
506 §§ 211.80, 211.84(d)(6)).
508 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
509 the identification or testing of each lot of containers and closures if (1) for a finished drug
510 product intended to be sterile, the supplier certifies and labels the material as ready-to-use,
511 sterile, and nonpyrogenic; (2) the supplier’s packaging integrity is verified upon receipt before
512 use; and (3) the valid COA provided by the supplier is reviewed to verify that the product is
513 represented to meet the required specifications established by the outsourcing facility, including
514 sterility and depyrogenation. Any container or closure not meeting acceptance requirements must
515 be rejected or not used until rendered suitable for use (see §§ 211.84(d) and (e)).
517 If the outsourcing facility does not use presterilized and depyrogenated containers and closures
518 (e.g., vials, syringes), the containers and closures must be sterilized and depyrogenated before
519 first use through processes that have been validated (see § 211.94(c)).
521 Procedures for storage, if appropriate, of sterilized containers or closures must be established in a
522 manner to prevent contamination and to maintain sterility (see §§ 211.80(a) and (b)). For
523 example, safeguards must be in place to ensure that containers and closures are not contaminated
524 when held for use in areas where other materials are received, unpacked, and stored.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
526 Containers or closures that are purchased as sterile must not be used after the supplier’s
527 expiration date without testing or examination to verify that container or closure integrity has
528 been maintained (see § 211.87). Once the presterilized primary package has been breached, it
529 should remain under the hood or in the ISO 5 area until the containers or closures are used.
530 Where appropriate, any containers or closures removed from the ISO 5 area may be used for
531 sterile production after resterilization using a validated process (which must also establish that
532 the integrity of the container or closure is maintained) or used for drug products that do not
533 require a sterilized container or closure (§§ 211.84, 211.87, 211.94).
535 G. Components
537 Controls over the source and quality of components are required (§§ 211.82, 211.84, 211.87,
538 211.113). When producing sterile drug products, one aspect of such controls is the
539 consideration of whether the incoming components are non-sterile. The following controls are
540 considered critical to ensuring the quality of compounded drug products and are expected to
541 be implemented by outsourcing facilities.
543 Scientifically sound and appropriate specifications must be established for the components used
544 in each drug product (see § 211.160(b)). Scientifically sound and appropriate specifications
545 include those that address the attributes necessary to ensure the quality of the finished drug
546 product and are appropriate for the intended use of the drug product, including the route of
547 administration, as specified in the directions for use. A specification should generally conform to
548 the model described in the ICH guidance for industry Q6A Specifications: Test Procedures and
549 Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances. A
550 specification should minimally include those tests described in ICH Q6A’s section 3.2,
551 “Universal Tests/Criteria.” Other dosage form-specific attributes may also be considered (see
552 ICH Q6A section 3.3, “Specific Tests/Criteria”). Attributes can include identity, strength, purity,
553 particle size, sterility, bacterial endotoxin level, content uniformity, microbial enumeration, tests
554 for specified microorganisms, or other characteristics that could affect the quality of the final
555 drug product.
557 To be eligible for the exemptions provided in section 503B of the FD&C Act, each bulk drug
558 substance used in compounding must be “accompanied by a valid certificate of analysis” (section
559 503B(a)(2)(D)). FDA interprets this provision to mean that each lot of a bulk drug substance is
560 accompanied by a valid COA. 24 FDA recommends that the COA conform to the model described
561 in ICH Q6A. 25 In addition, to be eligible for the exemptions provided in section 503B of the
562 FD&C Act, the bulk drug substance must be manufactured by an establishment that is registered
563 under section 510 of the FD&C Act (section 503B(a)(2)(C) of the FD&C Act).
565 Each shipment of each lot of components must be tested to verify identity and evaluated for
566 conformity with appropriate specifications before use (see § 211.84). Components should not be
567 used beyond the supplier’s labeled expiration (or re-test) date. If the component does not have an
Under certain conditions, a valid COA may be relied upon to minimize testing of incoming components (see §
The COA should be in English or should be translated into English to facilitate use by the outsourcing facility and
review by FDA on inspection if needed.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
568 expiration date, the supplier should provide the date or testing should be conducted to establish
569 an expiration date.
571 Components that are not approved finished drug products (both active pharmaceutical
572 ingredients (APIs) and inactive ingredients) must be tested to verify identity and evaluated for
573 conformity with appropriate specifications and, if necessary and depending on intended use,
574 tested for endotoxin level and bioburden before use in compounding (see § 211.84). As described
575 in § 211.84(d)(2), in lieu of testing each shipment of each ingredient, a supplier’s COA can be
576 accepted and evaluated to determine whether the lot can be used, provided that the following
577 conditions are met (see also Figure 1 below):
579 • The reliability of the supplier’s analyses has been established at appropriate intervals and
580 through appropriate steps to:
582 o Confirm the supplier’s test results for those tests relevant to the specifications
583 established for the compounded drug product.
585 o Confirm that the ingredient meets the applicable United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
586 or National Formulary (NF) monograph, if one exists. 26
588 Such steps may include, but are not limited to, confirmatory testing and remote audit of
589 the supplier’s procedures.
591 FDA recommends that these steps be carried out no less frequently than annually for
592 APIs and every 2 years for other components.
594 • At least one specific identity test has been conducted before use to confirm that the
595 component is the one specified in the purchase order.
597 In addition, as required by § 211.82(a):
599 • Each container or grouping of containers of components must be examined to verify
600 appropriate labeling regarding contents.
602 • The shipment’s package integrity must be verified upon receipt before use.

Components, both bulk drug substances and other ingredients, used in compounding must comply with the
standards of the applicable USP or NF monograph, if such monograph exists, to qualify for the exemptions provided
in section 503B of the FD&C Act (see sections 503B(a)(2)(B) and (a)(3)).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
605 Figure 1. Using a Supplier’s COA in Lieu of Testing*
At appropriate intervals (e.g., annually for API and every 2 years for other
• Confirm the supplier’s test results for tests relevant to the product
Verify supplier specifications.
analyses • Confirm that the component meets the applicable USP or NF
monograph, if one exists.

• Examine each container or grouping of containers to verify appropriate

labeling regarding contents.
Examine • Verify the package integrity of each container or grouping of containers.

• Conduct at least one specific identity test before use to confirm that the
component is the one specified in the purchase order.
Conduct identity
test on shipment

608 * See §§ 211.84(d)(2) and 211.82(a).
610 Acceptance of incoming lots of non-sterile components (including water) for use in sterile drug
611 products must include microbial and endotoxin testing and meet limits appropriate for the drug
612 product’s intended use (see § 211.84(d)(6)). FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory
613 action against an outsourcing facility regarding the absence of such testing for water if it is
614 purchased and certified as sterile and nonpyrogenic and if it is accompanied by a valid COA;
615 however, the type of water purchased must be appropriate for its intended use (e.g., Sterile Water
616 for Injection, USP) (§ 211.84). The quality of water produced on-site and used as an ingredient
617 or processing aid must be tested regularly, using validated methods, at point of use to verify
618 acceptable microbial quality, chemical quality, and endotoxin limits (§§ 211.84, 211.160).
619 Acceptance criteria should be in agreement with those specified in the respective USP
620 monograph and be appropriate for the intended use of the product.
622 Any component not meeting acceptance requirements must be rejected (see § 211.84(e)).
624 Components must be retested or re-examined for identity, strength, quality, and purity after
625 storage for long periods or after exposure to air, heat, or other conditions that might adversely
626 affect the component (see § 211.87). However, additional testing is unnecessary if each lot of
627 components is stored under the supplier’s labeled storage conditions, used within the established
628 (i.e., as labeled, as provided by the supplier, or as determined by the outsourcing facility) retest
629 or expiration date, and protected from contamination when portions of the lot are removed (see §
630 211.187).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
632 1. Regulatory Policy Regarding Component Supplier Qualification Testing
634 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
635 additional testing to confirm the supplier’s COA under § 211.84(d)(2) if the outsourcing facility
636 enters into a quality agreement with each supplier of each component, makes the quality
637 agreement available for review upon request by FDA, and each quality agreement includes, at a
638 minimum:
640 • A description of the testing performed before a component lot is released and shipped to
641 the outsourcing facility and the specific quantitative (or qualitative, if applicable) results
642 of a representative lot that would be provided on each COA.
644 • Examples of testing records, such as chromatograms and spectrograms, that the
645 component supplier generates in performing release testing before shipping each lot of
646 the component to the outsourcing facility.
648 • A description of packaging, labeling, tamper-evident seals, and other features used to
649 ensure package integrity while the purchased component is in distribution.
651 • A commitment that the component supplier will notify the outsourcing facility if any
652 testing performed to generate the release COA is significantly modified (e.g., change in
653 principle of operation for a test method).
655 • A commitment that the component supplier will notify the outsourcing facility under
656 specified circumstances, including but not limited to a change in specifications or
657 identification of a problem with the quality of a component already shipped to the
658 outsourcing facility.
660 • A commitment that the supplier, if not the original component manufacturer, ensures the
661 component’s pedigree to the outsourcing facility, including:
663 o A description of the supplier’s qualification and audit requirements for each
664 manufacturer from which the supplier purchases components.
666 o A description of the supply chain authentication controls that the supplier has
667 implemented to verify that before receipt, each component is transported through
668 known and pre-established channels.
670 2. Regulatory Policy Regarding Testing for Finished Product To Be Used as a
671 Source Material for Processing
673 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
674 the identification or testing of each lot of a product under § 211.84 that is to be used as a source

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
675 material and is an approved human finished drug product if all of the following conditions are
676 met:
678 • The product was purchased directly from a manufacturer registered and listed with FDA
679 under section 510 of the FD&C Act and has not been repacked or otherwise altered since
680 initial manufacture, or the product was purchased from a distributor that certifies that it
681 has not been repacked or otherwise altered since initial manufacture.
683 • The label of each lot of the product has been examined to verify that the product meets
684 required specifications before use.
686 • No portion of the lot has been subject to a recall for reasons that would make it unsuitable
687 for use.
689 • The shipment’s package integrity has been verified upon receipt before use.
691 H. Production and Process Controls
693 Production and process controls are required when producing any drug product (see, e.g.,
694 §§ 211.22, 211.25, 211.28, 211.100, 211.111, 211.113, 211.188, 211.192).
696 Written procedures for production and process controls must be designed and followed to ensure
697 the consistent production of a drug that meets the applicable standards of identity, strength,
698 quality, and purity (see § 211.100). These controls are intended to ensure consistent yields;
699 batches failing to meet the theoretical yield must be investigated (see §§ 211.186, 211.192). The
700 degree of batch-by-batch control over product attributes or process parameters should be
701 commensurate with the risk of those attributes and parameters to the process and product. These
702 procedures should ensure documentation that all key process parameters are controlled and that
703 any deviations from the procedures are justified.
705 Before use in production, equipment, components, containers, and closures should be visually
706 examined for indications of damage, degradation, or contamination.
708 Batch records must provide complete documentation of the production of each batch of a drug
709 product (see § 211.188). 27 The actual batch output (yield) must be compared to the projected
710 (calculated) output for each drug product (see § 211.103). If the actual output is different than
711 expected after accounting for sampling and known process loss, this finding should be
712 considered an indicator of a potential problem with production and must be investigated
713 (§ 211.192). An acceptance level for actual output should be established that ensures batch-to-
714 batch consistency. Failure to meet the acceptance criteria and production standards must be
715 investigated before making the batch disposition decision and may require that the batch be
716 rejected (see §§ 211.165, 211.192).

For aseptic operations that occur in a hood, a contemporaneous recording to the batch record is one that occurs as
soon as possible after completion of that unit operation.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
718 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
720 1. General Production and Process Controls
722 If a drug product intended to be sterile is not terminally sterilized, there must be a validated
723 sterilization step such as sterile filtration (see § 211.113(b)), and it is critical that the sterilization
724 step occur as close to filling into the final product container as is feasible.
726 The microbiological content (bioburden) of articles and components that are subsequently
727 sterilized should be controlled. If materials are stored or held during processing (e.g., before
728 sterilization, after sterilization, before container fill), storage or holding times must be
729 established (see §§ 211.110(c), 211.111). Production phase hold times for a drug product should
730 be limited, verified by testing, and based on an understanding of the associated risk of increased
731 bioburden and endotoxin. Hold time assessments can be performed as part of the process for
732 validating sterility assurance (see §§ 211.111, 211.113(b), 211.160). In addition, in-process
733 materials such as bulk stock solutions must be stored in equipment that is protective and does not
734 affect the quality of the drug beyond its established specifications (see §§ 211.65, 211.113(b)).
736 2. Drug Product Sterilization
738 a. Terminal sterilization
740 For sterile drug products that are terminally sterilized, at least a 10-6 sterility assurance level
741 should be demonstrated in validation studies during process development using an appropriate
742 sterilization load monitor, such as biological indicators and thermocouples. 28 Validation studies
743 should be performed for each load size (container closure and number of vials) intended for
744 sterilization. For terminally sterilized drug products that are not subjected to an overkill terminal
745 sterilization cycle, presterilization bioburden limits should be established (i.e., determining the
746 number of microorganisms that can be reliably killed) and measured before sterilization. The
747 selected sterilization method should both sterilize and maintain the strength, purity, quality, and
748 package integrity of the sterile product. 29
750 b. Aseptic processing
752 If a drug product intended to be sterile is not terminally sterilized, the finished drug product
753 should be sterilized immediately before filling into the final product container. This is typically
754 done by filtration; however, other validated sterilization methods may be used. If a finished drug
See guidance for industry Submission Documentation for Sterilization Process Validation in Applications for
Human and Veterinary Drug Products. For products such as pellets or powders, validation studies should be
conducted using a biological indicator placed inside the product (i.e., inside the powder or pellets in their marketed
containers) and spaced throughout the load to verify that the sterilization cycle results in sterility of the entire batch.
Pellets should be placed in a defined and specified pattern in the sterilization chamber to demonstrate that
appropriate lethality is delivered to each unit of the batch. Refer to ISO 11137-1:2006, Sterilization of health care
products—Radiation—Part 1: Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization
process for medical devices; and ISO 11137-2:2013, Sterilization of health care products— Radiation—Part 2:
Establishing the sterilization dose. See PDA Technical Report No.1 (Parenteral Drug Association 2007).
See also USP General Chapters <1211> Sterility Assurance and <1229> Sterilization of Compendial Articles.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
755 product cannot be filtered (e.g., certain suspensions), components should be sterilized (e.g.,
756 filter) at the last possible step (e.g., before forming the suspension). Manipulations following the
757 component sterilization step must use aseptic practices to maintain sterility (see § 211.113).
759 Introductory training on microbiology, aseptic technique, cleanroom behavior, gowning, and
760 procedures covering aseptic manufacturing area operations must be established and conducted
761 before an individual is permitted to enter the aseptic manufacturing area or conduct operations in
762 a laminar flow hood (see § 211.25(a)). Once introductory training outside of the aseptic
763 manufacturing area is completed, further training based on department-specific requirements and
764 individual job descriptions should be conducted. Individuals would be considered qualified to
765 conduct aseptic operations after passing at least three successful, successive media fill
766 simulations based on a scientifically sound protocol designed to verify the adequacy of their
767 technique and behavior. Production simulations should be conducted in the same area where
768 production occurs.
770 Techniques intended to maintain sterility of items and surfaces should include the following:
772 • Sterile materials should be handled only with sterile instruments.
774 • After initial gowning, sterile gloves should be regularly sanitized (e.g., using sterile 70
775 percent isopropyl alcohol) during production or, when needed, changed.
777 • Sterile and non-shedding gowning components should be used. Gowning components
778 should be stored such that their sterility is not compromised.
780 • Torn or defective gowns should be changed immediately.
782 • Sterile products, the product-contacting surfaces of containers or closures, or other
783 critical surfaces should not directly touch any part of the gown or gloves.
785 • Personnel should move slowly and deliberately within the cleanroom or hood.
787 • Personnel should keep their bodies and objects out of the path of unidirectional flow
788 above open containers and products being filled.
790 Procedures for aseptic processing should address the following considerations:
792 • The design of equipment used in aseptic processing should limit the number and
793 complexity of aseptic manipulations and should be suitable for its intended use.
795 • Personnel, material, and process flow should be optimized to prevent unnecessary
796 activities that could increase the potential for introducing contaminants to exposed
797 product, containers or closures, or the surrounding environment.
799 • In-process material, including intermediates such as stock solutions, should be placed in
800 containers or closures that protect the material from the cleanroom environment.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
801 Containers or closures holding sterile in-process material should not be breached in an
802 environment less than ISO 5.
804 • Products should be transferred under appropriate cleanroom conditions. For example,
805 transfer, loading, and unloading of aseptically filled product to and from the lyophilizer
806 should occur only in classified areas that provide ISO 5 or better protection to the
807 partially sealed containers.
809 • All aseptic manipulations, including processing of sterile materials, filling, and closing
810 (e.g., placement and sealing of stoppers on vials), should be performed under
811 unidirectional flow that is ISO 5 or better.
813 • Appropriate steps to prepare equipment for sterilization should be established, such as
814 cleaning and use of wrapping that ensures protection while still allowing penetration of
815 the sterilizing agent.
817 • The validation of sterilization operations for equipment associated with aseptic
818 processing (e.g., holding vessels, filling equipment, lyophilizer) and periodic verification
819 activities and results must be documented (see § 211.113(b)).
821 • For sterile drug products that are filter-sterilized, prefiltration bioburden limits should be
822 established and measured before sterile filtration, unless all components consist of FDA-
823 approved sterile drug products and/or components purchased and certified to be sterile
824 and nonpyrogenic. A sterile pharmaceutical sterilizing-grade filter appropriate for the
825 drug product (e.g., chemically compatible) should be used. The filter must be compliant
826 with § 211.72 and filter integrity testing should be conducted after each filtration or
827 production run.
829 For aseptic processing of sterile drug products (i.e., not subjected to terminal sterilization), the
830 process for ensuring sterility must be validated (§ 211.113(b)), for example by conducting media
831 fills simulating the production process. Validation should be performed semi-annually. Media fill
832 studies should closely simulate aseptic manufacturing operations incorporating, as appropriate,
833 worst-case activities and conditions that are challenging to aseptic operations. The media fill
834 program should address applicable issues such as the following:
836 • Factors associated with the longest permitted run of the aseptic processing operation that
837 can pose contamination risk (e.g., operator fatigue, quality of processing environment).
839 • Representative number, type, and complexity of normal interventions that occur with
840 each run, as well as nonroutine interventions and events (e.g., maintenance, stoppages,
841 equipment adjustments). (The maximum number of expected interventions should be
842 included to simulate worst-case conditions. 30)

When the possibility of contamination is higher based on the process design (e.g., manually intensive filling
lines), a larger number of units, generally at or approaching the full production batch size, should be used. In
contrast, a process conducted in an isolator can have a low risk of contamination because of the lack of direct human
intervention and can be simulated with a lower number of units as a proportion of the overall operation.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
844 • Lyophilization, when applicable.
846 • Aseptic assembly of equipment (e.g., at start-up, during processing).
848 • Number of personnel and their activities. (The maximum expected number of personnel
849 should be included to simulate worst-case conditions.)
851 • Representative number of aseptic additions (e.g., filling containers and closures as well as
852 sterile ingredients) or transfers.
854 • Shift changes, breaks, and gown changes (when applicable).
856 • Type of aseptic equipment disconnections/connections.
858 • Aseptic sample collections.
860 • Operational configurations in the ISO 5 zone and line speeds (when applicable).
862 • Weight checks.
864 • Container-closure systems (e.g., size, type, compatibility with equipment).
866 • Specific provisions in written procedures related to aseptic processing (e.g., conditions
867 beyond which discarding of exposed materials in the ISO 5 area or line clearance is
868 mandated).
870 I. Release Testing
872 Sections 211.165 and 211.167 require that finished drug products be tested to determine whether
873 they meet final product specifications before their release for distribution. Section 211.22
874 establishes that the quality control unit is responsible for ensuring that the finished drug product
875 is not released until this testing is conducted and the results confirm that the finished drug
876 product meets specifications. Procedures for final release testing should be established and
877 followed as outlined here.
879 Appropriate specifications must be established for each drug product (see § 211.160(b)).
880 Specifications must address those attributes necessary to ensure the quality of the finished drug
881 product and must include, at a minimum (§§ 211.160(b), 211.165, 211.167):
883 • Identity and strength of the API. 31

If the API is known (from literature or other scientific information) to have the potential to form genotoxic
degradants as discussed in ICH guidance for industry M7(R1) Assessment and Control of DNA Reactive (Mutagenic)
Impurities in Pharmaceuticals To Limit Potential Carcinogenic Risk, the presence of the impurity or impurities
should be evaluated as part of the assay or, if the assay method is not sufficiently sensitive, using a different test.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
885 • Purity of the drug product.
887 • For drug products purporting to be sterile and/or nonpyrogenic, sterility 32 and a limit for
888 bacterial endotoxins.
890 • Antimicrobial effectiveness for sterile drug products labeled as multiple dose and for
891 aqueous non-sterile drug products labeled as multiple dose. 33 If antimicrobial
892 effectiveness testing was previously performed using the subject formulation and
893 container-closure system, preservative content testing may be used in lieu of a full
894 antimicrobial effectiveness study. Appropriate specifications for aqueous drug products
895 labeled as multiple dose include assurances that the product is adequately self-preserving
896 or contains appropriate preservative content to limit microbial proliferation of
897 microorganisms and assure that the product maintains its quality and purity for each
898 dose. 34
900 The product must also meet any other specifications included in an applicable USP monograph
901 (see, e.g., section 501(b) of the FD&C Act). In addition, FDA recommends consideration of the
902 following specifications:
904 • Color, clarity.
906 • pH, if applicable (e.g., for aqueous formulations).
908 • For drug products that are not solutions, content uniformity. 35
910 • For drug products that are non-sterile, microbial testing (i.e., microbial enumeration, tests
911 for specified microorganisms).

Sterility testing should be conducted using USP General Chapter <71> Sterility Tests. Any other method used for
sterility testing should be validated. See, for example, USP General Chapter <1223> Validation of Alternative
Microbiological Methods or PDA Technical Report No. 33 (see Parenteral Drug Association 2013) for
recommended validation methods.
See USP General Chapter <51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing for more information.
Unsafe injection practices, including the improper use of needles, syringes, and vials for more than one patient,
threaten patient safety and have resulted in multiple blood borne bacterial and viral infection outbreaks. Bacterial
infections have been transmitted to patients when single-dose containers were used improperly, the contents became
contaminated, and these contents were then administered to multiple patients. Therefore it is critical that drug
products that are not adequately self-preserving and do not contain appropriate preservative content be labeled as
single-dose to prevent such risks to health.
For oral solid dosage forms (e.g., tablets and capsules), content should be assessed between dosage units. For
nonsolid oral products (e.g., suspensions), the content should be assessed within the container (e.g., from the top and
bottom of the container).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
913 • For drug products that are solutions purporting to be sterile, a limit for visible particles 36
914 and subvisible particles (10µm-100µm). 37
916 Other appropriate specifications for generally recognized attributes for the dosage form, such as
917 those described in ICH Q6A, should also be considered. For example, the specification for
918 immediate release solid oral dosage forms typically includes disintegration testing, while non-
919 immediate release dosage forms include dissolution testing as a measure of the release rate of
920 drug substance from the drug product (see § 211.167).
922 Procedures for release must be established that ensure that each batch of a drug product is not
923 released until the following have been completed (see §§ 211.22, 211.165, 211.167, 211.192):
925 • An appropriate laboratory determination has been conducted to ensure that each batch of
926 a drug product conforms to specifications.
928 • A review of environmental and personnel monitoring data, if applicable, has been
929 conducted to ensure that manufacturing conditions were acceptable during production of
930 the batch.
932 • Associated laboratory data and documentation have been reviewed by the quality control
933 unit, and they demonstrate that the drug product meets specifications.
935 • A designated qualified individual from the quality control unit has authorized final
936 release.
938 Under certain conditions described in Appendix A, FDA generally does not intend to take action
939 against an outsourcing facility regarding the release testing requirements described immediately
940 above and in the appendix.
942 Additional Considerations for Sterile Drug Products
944 Finished product sterility testing provides additional verification of sterility, even for those
945 products compounded from sterile starting materials, because an unexpected event posing a risk
946 to sterility may have occurred but may not have been detected. Appendix A describes the
947 conditions under which FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an
948 outsourcing facility regarding finished product sterility testing based on mitigating factors, such
949 as the use of a validated terminal sterilization method and the use of other approaches to evaluate
950 sterility of the finished product before release.

Such a limit may be established for any solution by following USP General Chapter <790> Visible Particulates in
Applicable only to parenteral preparations. See USP General Chapters <788> Particulate Matter in Injections and
<789> Particulate Matter in Ophthalmic Solutions for additional information.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
952 For finished products purporting to be nonpyrogenic, the product must meet endotoxin limits 38
953 before release (§ 211.167). For finished products compounded from starting materials that are
954 sterile and nonpyrogenic, endotoxin testing can be conducted on all starting materials (through
955 testing of the starting materials, or reliance on a statement of the limit met on a valid COA, or
956 where specified in an applicable USP monograph) or through testing of samples of the finished
957 product. The fact that a starting material is labeled nonpyrogenic does not necessarily ensure that
958 the finished product will meet the appropriate endotoxin limit because starting materials,
959 including FDA-approved products, may have been tested against different endotoxin limits,
960 depending on the intended dose and the route of administration. 39
962 J. Laboratory Controls
964 When testing components, in-process materials, and finished drug products, laboratories must
965 use controls to ensure the reliability of the tests (§ 211.160). Each laboratory used to test
966 components, in-process materials, or finished drug products—whether in-house or external to the
967 outsourcing facility—must employ the following critical aspects of laboratory controls to ensure
968 the quality of non-sterile and sterile drug products compounded by the outsourcing facility (see
969 §§ 211.160, 211.194):
971 • Follow appropriate written procedures for the conduct of each test and document the
972 results.
974 • Design sampling and testing procedures to ensure that components, in-process materials,
975 and drug products conform to the specifications set for the drug product.
977 • Use analytical methods and equipment that are suitable for their intended use and are
978 capable of producing valid results. If using a validated or an established compendial test
979 procedure in a specification, the test has been verified and documented to work under the
980 conditions of actual use.
982 • Keep complete records of all tests performed to ensure compliance with established
983 specifications and standards, including examinations and assays.
985 When an outsourcing facility seeks the services of a contract facility to perform all or part of the
986 testing of a drug, the outsourcing facility’s quality control unit is responsible for approving and
987 rejecting drugs tested by the contractor. See §§ 200.10(b) and 211.22(a) and guidance for
988 industry Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: Quality Agreements. In addition,
989 FDA recommends that contract facilities performing testing of a drug be ISO 17025 accredited.

Typically, endotoxin testing is not required for topically administered ophthalmic products. See USP General
Chapter <771> Ophthalmic Products—Quality Tests.
See also guidance for industry Pyrogens and Endotoxins Testing: Questions and Answers.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
991 K. Stability/Expiration Dating for Compounded Drug Products
993 1. Stability Program and Beyond-Use Dating
995 A stability program must be established to assess the stability characteristics of finished drug
996 products, and the results of stability testing must be used to determine appropriate storage
997 conditions and expiration dates (§ 211.166). Stability testing is used to ensure that a drug product
998 will retain its quality (e.g., strength) and remain sterile, if applicable, through the labeled
999 expiration date. A stability program for compounded drug products should use past experiences,
1000 available literature, and fundamental scientific principles to establish the parameters for the
1001 program. An expiration date is established through the conduct of a stability program that
1002 includes testing to assess the product’s performance against specifications after aging to the
1003 desired expiration date (§ 211.137); the conditions outlined in ICH guidance for industry
1004 Q1A(R2) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products are recommended.
1006 FDA understands that a compounded drug’s batch size may be small and the frequency of batch
1007 production may vary considerably. The policies regarding stability testing and expiration dating
1008 in this guidance recognize these potential aspects of compounded drug production while
1009 addressing concerns regarding the quality of these products using a risk-based approach.
1011 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1012 stability testing requirements if all of the following apply:
1014 • The drug product is compounded solely by combining two or more drug products
1015 approved under section 505 of the FD&C Act.
1017 • The approved drug product labeling of at least one of the components specifies how to
1018 assign an in-use time.
1020 • The compounded drug product has been prepared and labeled with an in-use time in
1021 accordance with the approved product labeling.
1023 • The in-use time is used as the expiration date, provided the in-use time does not exceed
1024 the expiration date of any of the approved drug products used to compound the drug. If
1025 two or more approved drug products with in-use times are used in the compounded drug
1026 product, the shortest in-use time is used as the expiration date for the compounded drug
1027 product.
1029 In addition, taking into account the unique aspects of compounding, FDA generally does not
1030 intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility under the conditions described in
1031 the remainder of this section and in Appendix B, such as using a BUD established through
1032 limited stability testing or, for certain lower risk situations, using a default BUD as the expiration

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1033 date, in lieu of establishing an expiration date through the conduct of a full stability program
1034 required under part 211, 40 if all of the following apply:
1036 • The compounded drug’s BUD does not exceed appropriately established expiration or
1037 retest-by dates for any of the components used to compound the drug.
1039 • If the drug is compounded from an approved drug product, and the approved product
1040 labeling recommends one type of storage (e.g., refrigeration through the expiry date, such
1041 as 18 months), but also provides for storage at another condition (e.g., stable at room
1042 temperature for a time frame shorter than the expiry date, such as up to 14 days), the
1043 compounded drug product is not labeled with a BUD that is longer than the relevant
1044 storage time frame in the approved product labeling (e.g., the BUD of the compounded
1045 drug does not exceed 14 days for room temperature).
1047 In addition, for repackaged products, FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action
1048 against an outsourcing facility under the conditions described in the remainder of this section and
1049 in Appendix B, in lieu of establishing an expiration date through the conduct of a full stability
1050 program, if (1) the BUD does not exceed the expiration date of the drug product that is being
1051 repackaged; and (2) if the approved product labeling for the drug product being repackaged
1052 recommends one type of storage (e.g., refrigeration through the expiry date, such as 18 months)
1053 but also provides for storage at another condition (e.g., stable at room temperature for a time
1054 frame shorter than the expiry date, such as up to 14 days), the repackaged product is not labeled
1055 with a BUD that is longer than the relevant storage time frame in the approved product labeling
1056 (e.g., the BUD does not exceed 14 days for room temperature). For more information on
1057 repackaging, see the guidance for industry Repackaging of Certain Human Drug Products by
1058 Pharmacies and Outsourcing Facilities.
1060 Whether you use an expiration date or BUD to be used as an expiration date according to the
1061 provisions outlined below and in Appendix B, the two studies below are required to be
1062 completed before a batch is released (see §§ 211.166, 211.167). Each study only needs to be
1063 conducted once for each formulation and container-closure system, and a bracketing or matrixing
1064 approach can be considered to minimize the amount of testing. See Appendix B for more
1065 information regarding bracketing approaches.
1067 • Container-closure integrity testing is conducted on samples aged to or beyond the
1068 desired BUD or expiration date to ensure that sterility is maintained over that time
1069 period. 41
1071 • Antimicrobial effectiveness testing (resistance to antimicrobial contamination) for drug
1072 products labeled or intended to be multiple dose is conducted on samples aged to the

To meet the conditions under section 503B of the FD&C Act, the compounded drug product must be labeled with
an expiration date (see section 503B(a)(10)(A)(iii)(VI)).
See USP General Chapter <1207> Package Integrity Evaluation—Sterile Products for more information on
container-closure integrity testing.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1073 proposed BUD or expiration date. (Note that antimicrobial effectiveness testing is
1074 container-closure specific.) 42
1076 Tables 2 and 3 highlight the conditions under which FDA generally does not intend to take
1077 regulatory action against an outsourcing facility for assigning a BUD to be used as an expiration
1078 date in lieu of conducting full stability studies required under part 211.
1080 a. Non-sterile limited stability testing
1082 For small batches (≤5,000 units 43 in an aggregate batch 44), FDA generally does not intend to take
1083 regulatory action if the relevant default BUDs provided in Appendix B are used for the
1084 expiration date and the conditions set forth in Appendix B are met. Alternatively, for small
1085 batches, FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action if limited stability testing is
1086 conducted to support a BUD longer than the relevant default BUDs in accordance with Appendix
1087 B, and that BUD is used as an expiration date in lieu of conducting full stability studies required
1088 under part 211. For larger batches (>5,000 units in an aggregate batch), FDA generally does not
1089 intend to take regulatory action regarding stability testing if the relevant conditions for the
1090 limited stability testing outlined in Appendix B are met. If, at any time during a 6-month
1091 reporting period, the total number of units compounded exceeds the 5,000-unit limit, the
1092 conditions applicable to small batches (i.e., ≤5,000 units) do not apply.
1094 Table 2. BUDs for Non-Sterile Compounded Drug Products, by Aggregate Batch Size
Aggregate Batch Size
BUD Based on Limited
(over 6-month Default BUD (no testing)
Stability Testing
reporting period)
Default BUD, which may be Data-driven stability program.
further limited by literature or See Appendix B for the
≤5,000 units other scientific information. conditions that must be met.
See Appendix B for the
conditions that must be met.
N/A. Default BUDs are not Data-driven stability program.
>5,000 units applicable to large aggregate See Appendix B for the
batch sizes. conditions that must be met.

See USP General Chapter <51> Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing for more information.
Units are individual tablets or capsules for solid oral dosage forms and suppositories, inserts, or immediate
containers (e.g., vial, syringe, IV bag, tube) for other dosage forms.
For the purposes of this guidance, batch size has been considered by defining aggregate batch as the sum of all
units produced from any number of batches over the 6-month period for which a drug product report is submitted.
For more information about product reports, see the guidance for industry Electronic Drug Product Reporting for
Human Drug Compounding Outsourcing Facilities Under Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1096 b. Sterile limited stability testing
1098 For small batches (≤1,000 units in an aggregate batch), FDA generally does not intend to take
1099 regulatory action if the relevant default BUDs provided in Appendix B are used for the
1100 expiration date and the conditions set forth in Appendix B are met. Alternatively, for small
1101 batches, FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action if limited stability testing is
1102 conducted to support a BUD longer than the relevant default BUDs in accordance with Appendix
1103 B, and that BUD is used as an expiration date in lieu of conducting full stability studies required
1104 under part 211. For larger batches (>1,000 units in an aggregate batch), FDA generally does not
1105 intend to take regulatory action regarding stability testing if the relevant conditions for the
1106 limited stability testing outlined in Appendix B are met. If, at any time during a 6-month
1107 reporting period, the total number of units compounded exceeds the 1,000-unit limit, the
1108 conditions applicable to small batches (i.e., ≤1,000 units) do not apply.
1110 Table 3. BUDs for Sterile Compounded Drug Products, by Aggregate Batch Size
Aggregate Batch Size
BUD Based on Limited
(over 6-month Default BUD (no testing)
Stability Testing
reporting period)
Default BUD, which may be Data-driven stability program.
further limited by literature or See Appendix B for the
≤1,000 units other scientific information. conditions that must be met.
See Appendix B for the
conditions that must be met.
N/A. Default BUDs are not Data-driven stability program.
>1,000 units applicable to large aggregate See Appendix B for the
batch sizes. conditions that must be met.
1112 2. Establishing an In-Use Time for Sterile Drug Products
1114 To be eligible for the exemptions under section 503B of the FD&C Act, the container for the
1115 compounded drug product must include directions for use, including, as appropriate, dosage and
1116 administration (section 503B(a)(10)(B) of the FD&C Act). If the compounded drug product
1117 requires additional manipulation before administration (e.g., reconstitution and/or dilution), FDA
1118 interprets the directions for use requirement to include an in-use time because the health care
1119 practitioner who manipulates or administers the drug would need to know how long it is
1120 expected to retain its quality after being manipulated. Furthermore, stability studies (as required
1121 by § 211.166) would be needed to support the stated in-use time. However, FDA generally does
1122 not intend to take regulatory action regarding the requirement to have data to support the stated
1123 in-use time, such as microbial challenge and stability studies, if the sterile product has directions
1124 for use that include an in-use time less than 4 hours at room temperature or less than 24 hours
1125 refrigerated. 45

For a description of methods and acceptance criteria for microbial challenge studies, see Metcalfe 2009.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1127 Under §§ 211.160 and 211.165(b), appropriate laboratory testing of products required to be free
1128 of objectionable microorganisms are required, and laboratory controls must include scientifically
1129 sound and appropriate specifications and test procedures designed to provide assurance that the
1130 product conforms to appropriate standards of identity, strength, quality, and purity. For multiple
1131 dose products, appropriate laboratory tests and specifications include ones for antimicrobial
1132 effectiveness, whether the product contains a preservative or antimicrobial activity is inherent in
1133 the formulation. See USP General Chapter <51> for antimicrobial effectiveness test methods and
1134 acceptance criteria. If the acceptance criteria described in USP General Chapter <51> are met,
1135 labeling up to a 28-day in-use period is considered to be appropriate for multiple-dose products,
1136 subject to the conditions regarding stability testing discussed below.
1138 In addition to microbial challenge studies, the stability of the manipulated product must be
1139 assessed (see § 211.166). FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action regarding the
1140 requirement to conduct full stability studies to assess the stability of the manipulated product if
1141 the tests conducted as part of the limited stability testing described in Appendix A are conducted
1142 on samples aged to at least 2/3 of the labeled BUD (if longer than the default BUDs outlined in
1143 Appendix B), manipulated (e.g., reconstituted or diluted) as described in labeling, and then held
1144 for the desired in-use time (up to 28 days).
1146 The labeled directions for use 46 should include instructions to the health care provider or patient
1147 that the time in storage plus the administration phase should not exceed the BUD. Consider, for
1148 example, a sterile powder formulation in a vial that must be reconstituted with Sterile Water for
1149 Injection, USP, before patient administration with a label that includes an in-use-time of within 4
1150 hours at room temperature or within 24 hours if refrigerated. The in-use time begins when the
1151 sterile powder vial is entered and reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection, USP. The
1152 reconstituted solution should be administered to the patient within 4 hours if the solution is held
1153 at room temperature or within 24 hours if it is stored in the refrigerator.
1155 3. In-Use Time and BUDs for Sterile Drug Products
1157 The outsourcing facility should establish the BUD placed on a compounded drug product’s label,
1158 taking into consideration that the BUD is the date/time after which the product is to be discarded.
1159 The labeled directions for use should include instructions to the health care provider or patient
1160 accordingly. If the product does not require any manipulation (e.g., dilution or reconstitution)
1161 before administration, the directions for use should advise that administration to the patient
1162 should be completed before reaching the BUD. For example, if an IV bag containing a
1163 compounded drug product with a BUD of 24 hours is to be infused to the patient over a period of
1164 4 hours, the infusion should begin by 20 hours to ensure that administration will be complete
1165 before reaching the BUD, at which point the compounded drug product should be discarded.

Section 503B(a)(10)(B) of the FD&C Act provides the following: “The container from which the individual units
of the drug are removed for dispensing or for administration . . . shall include . . . directions for use, including, as
appropriate, dosage and administration.”

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1167 L. Packaging and Labels
1169 Packaging of non-sterile and sterile drugs must be appropriate to the product and capable of
1170 ensuring the sterility, if applicable, and integrity of the product until it is administered to a
1171 patient (see §§ 211.94, 211.122). Labels must contain required information, and labeling
1172 operations must include controls to prevent mix-ups; furthermore, procedures must be developed
1173 to ensure these requirements are met (§§ 211.122, 211.125, 211.130, 211.134).
1175 The following aspects of packaging and labeling are critical to ensure the quality of compounded
1176 drug products and must be implemented by outsourcing facilities:
1178 • The container, closure, and packaging systems provide adequate protection against
1179 foreseeable external factors in storage, shipment, and use that could cause contamination
1180 or deterioration of the finished drug product (e.g., cracked vials, leaks in bags)
1181 (§ 211.94).
1183 • Adequate controls have been established for issuing labels, examining issued labels, and
1184 reconciliation of used labels to prevent mix-ups (§ 211.125).
1186 • There is adequate separation between the labeling and packaging operations of different
1187 products, including ones with different strengths or containers or closures, to prevent
1188 mix-ups (§ 211.130).
1190 • Adequate controls have been established to ensure proper identification of any filled
1191 containers of non-sterile or sterile drug products that will be stored unlabeled for any
1192 period of time (§ 211.130).
1194 • Packaging records include results of examinations of labels used (§ 211.134) and
1195 specimens or copies of all labeling used (§ 211.188).
1197 • The labeled finished drug product has been examined for accuracy before release
1198 (§ 211.134).
1200 M. Reserve Samples
1202 An appropriately identified reserve sample that is representative of each lot or batch of drug
1203 product must be retained and stored under conditions consistent with product labeling
1204 (§ 211.170). FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing
1205 facility regarding reserve sample requirements if all of the following apply:
1207 • Once >10,000 units are produced of a given drug product formulation and container-
1208 closure system in a 6-month reporting period, an appropriately identified and
1209 representative reserve sample is collected each time 1,000 units of that specific
1210 formulation and container-closure system is produced for the remainder of the current
1211 reporting period and for the entire subsequent 6-month reporting period.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation

1213 • The reserve sample is retained and stored under the labeled storage conditions and in the
1214 same immediate container-closure system in which the drug product is marketed or in
1215 one that has essentially the same characteristics (e.g., same material, same headspace for
1216 liquids).
1218 • The reserve sample is held for at least 30 days following the expiration date.
1220 • The reserve sample consists of at least the quantity of drug product necessary for all tests
1221 required at release, except for sterility and pyrogen testing.
1223 N. Complaint Handling
1225 Outsourcing facilities must have procedures for handling complaints that they receive about their
1226 compounded drug products (§ 211.198). Written and oral complaints concerning the quality or
1227 purity of a drug product must be reviewed by the quality control unit, which must determine the
1228 need to investigate the complaint in accordance with § 211.192 (§ 211.198). If an investigation is
1229 needed, in addition to the quality control unit, personnel appropriate to evaluate the complaint
1230 should be involved. Complaint handling procedures must include provisions for review to
1231 determine whether the complaint represents an adverse event that must be reported to FDA (see
1232 § 211.198, section 301(ccc)(3) of the FD&C Act, and the guidance for industry Adverse Event
1233 Reporting for Outsourcing Facilities Under Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and
1234 Cosmetic Act).
1239 Literature
1241 FDA, 1993, Guide to Inspections of High Purity Water Systems, Silver Spring, MD.
1243 Metcalfe, JW, 2009, Microbiological Quality of Drug Products After Penetration of the
1244 Container System for Dose Preparation Prior to Patient Administration, American
1245 Pharmaceutical Review.
1247 Parenteral Drug Association, 2007, Validation of Moist Heat Sterilization Processes: Cycle
1248 Design, Development, Qualification and Ongoing Control, PDA Technical Report No. 1 (TR1),
1249 Bethesda, MD.
1251 Parenteral Drug Association, 2013, Evaluation, Validation and Implementation of Alternative
1252 and Rapid Microbiological Methods, PDA Technical Report No. 33 (TR33), Bethesda, MD.
1254 Guidances for Industry
1256 Guidance for industry Adverse Event Reporting for Outsourcing Facilities Under Section 503B
1257 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1259 Guidance for industry Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: Quality Agreements
1261 Guidance for industry Electronic Drug Product Reporting for Human Drug Compounding
1262 Outsourcing Facilities Under Section 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
1264 Guidance for industry Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical
1265 Production
1267 Guidance for industry Mixing, Diluting, or Repackaging Biological Products Outside the Scope
1268 of an Approved Biologics License Application
1270 Guidance for industry Non-Penicillin Beta-Lactam Drugs: A CGMP Framework for Preventing
1271 Cross-Contamination
1273 Guidance for industry Pyrogens and Endotoxins Testing: Questions and Answers
1275 Guidance for industry Repackaging of Certain Human Drug Products by Pharmacies and
1276 Outsourcing Facilities
1278 Guidance for industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good
1279 Manufacturing Practice
1281 Guidance for industry Submission Documentation for Sterilization Process Validation in
1282 Applications for Human and Veterinary Drug Products
1284 Guidance for industry Submission of Documentation in Applications for Parametric Release of
1285 Human and Veterinary Drug Products Terminally Sterilized by Moist Heat Processes
1287 ICH Guidances for Industry
1289 ICH guidance for industry M7(R1) Assessment and Control of DNA Reactive (Mutagenic)
1290 Impurities in Pharmaceuticals To Limit Potential Carcinogenic Risk
1292 ICH guidance for industry Q1A(R2) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products
1294 ICH guidance for industry Q1D Bracketing and Matrixing Designs for Stability Testing of New
1295 Drug Substances and Products
1297 ICH guidance for industry Q6A Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for
1298 New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances
1300 ISO Standards
1302 ISO 11137-1:2006, Sterilization of health care products—Radiation—Part 1: Requirements for
1303 the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1305 ISO 11137-2:2013, Sterilization of health care products—Radiation—Part 2: Establishing the
1306 sterilization dose
1308 ISO 14644-1:2015, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 1: Classification
1309 of air cleanliness by particle concentration
1311 ISO 14644-6:2007, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 6: Vocabulary
1316 Action Limit: An established microbial or airborne particle level that, when exceeded, should
1317 trigger appropriate investigation and corrective action based on the investigation.
1319 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API): Any substance that is intended for incorporation into
1320 a finished drug product and is intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect
1321 in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or
1322 any function of the body. API does not include intermediates used in the synthesis of the
1323 substance.
1325 Aggregate Batch: The sum of all units produced from any number of batches over the 6-month
1326 period for which a drug product report is submitted.
1328 Alert Limit: An established microbial or airborne particle level giving early warning of potential
1329 drift from normal operating conditions and triggering appropriate scrutiny and follow-up to
1330 address the potential problem. Alert limits are always lower than action limits.
1332 Aseptic: Free from germs that cause disease; sterile.
1334 Aseptic Manufacturing Area: The classified part of a facility that includes the aseptic
1335 processing room and ancillary cleanrooms.
1337 Aseptic Process: The process by which a sterile product is packaged in a sterile container in a
1338 manner that maintains sterility.
1340 Batch: A specific quantity of a drug or other material that is intended to have uniform character
1341 and quality, within specified limits, and is produced according to a single compounding order
1342 during the same cycle of production.
1344 Beyond-Use Date (BUD): A date beyond which a compounded drug product should not be used.
1345 A BUD notifies the user of the period during which a compounded drug product’s required
1346 quality characteristics (e.g., sterility, strength, purity, freedom from particulate matter) can be
1347 ensured.
1349 Bioburden: The total number of microorganisms associated with a specific item before sterilization.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1351 Biological Indicator (BI): A population of microorganisms inoculated onto a suitable medium
1352 (e.g., solution, container or closure) and placed within appropriate sterilizer load locations to
1353 determine the sterilization cycle efficacy of a physical or chemical process. The challenge
1354 microorganism is selected based on its resistance to the given process. Incoming lot D-value and
1355 microbiological count define the quality of the BI.
1357 Bulk Drug Substance: See definition for active pharmaceutical ingredient.
1359 Cleanroom: A room designed, maintained, and controlled to prevent particle and
1360 microbiological contamination of drug products. Such a room is assigned a classification based
1361 on reproducibly meeting appropriate air cleanliness limits.
1363 Component: Any ingredient intended for use in the manufacture of a drug product, including
1364 ingredients that may not appear in the final drug product.
1366 Critical Area: An area designed to maintain sterility of sterile materials.
1368 Critical Surface: Surfaces that may come into contact with or directly affect a sterilized product
1369 or its containers or closures.
1371 Depyrogenation: A process used to destroy or remove pyrogens (e.g., endotoxins).
1373 Disinfection: A process by which surface bioburden is reduced to a safe level or eliminated.
1375 Endotoxin: A pyrogenic product (e.g., lipopolysaccharide) present in the bacterial cell wall.
1376 Endotoxins can lead to reactions ranging from fever to death in patients receiving injections.
1378 Expiration Date: A date on the drug product label that indicates how long the drug can meet
1379 applicable standards of identity, strength, quality, and purity under labeled storage conditions
1380 before it is used. Expiration dates are determined based on product-specific stability studies
1381 evaluating the specific formulation of a drug product, in the specific container in which it is to be
1382 stored, and under the conditions to which it may be exposed. Temperature, humidity, and light
1383 are some of the factors that can affect whether and how much a drug product degrades over time.
1385 HEPA Filter: A high-efficiency particulate air filter with minimum 0.3 μm particle retaining
1386 efficiency of 99.97 percent.
1388 In-Use Time: The maximum amount of time that can be allowed to elapse between penetration
1389 of a container-closure system once the drug product has been sterilized, or after a lyophilized
1390 drug product has been reconstituted, and before patient administration.
1392 Intervention: An aseptic manipulation or activity that occurs in the critical area.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1394 Isolator: A decontaminated unit supplied with ISO 5 or higher air quality that provides
1395 uncompromised, continuous isolation of its interior from the external environment (e.g.,
1396 surrounding cleanroom air and personnel). 47
1398 Lot: A batch, or a specific identified portion of a batch, having uniform character and quality
1399 within specified limits; or, in the case of a drug product produced by continuous process, a
1400 specific identified amount produced in a unit of time or quantity in a manner that provides
1401 assurance of its having uniform character and quality within specified limits.
1403 Operator: Any individual participating in the aseptic processing operation, including line set-up,
1404 filler, or maintenance, or any other personnel associated with aseptic line activities.
1406 Pyrogen: A substance that induces a febrile reaction in a patient.
1408 Terminal Sterilization: The application of a lethal agent (e.g., heat) to sealed, finished drug
1409 products for the purpose of achieving a predetermined sterility assurance level (SAL) of usually
1410 less than 10-6 (i.e., a probability of a non-sterile unit of greater than one in a million).
1412 Unidirectional Flow: An airflow moving in a single direction, in a robust and uniform manner,
1413 and at sufficient speed to reproducibly sweep particles away from the critical processing or
1414 testing area.
1416 Viable Particle: A particle that consists of, or supports, one or more live microorganisms.

See Appendix 1 in guidance for industry Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good
Manufacturing Practice.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1422 Procedures for release must be established that ensure that each batch of a drug product is not
1423 released until the following have been completed (see §§ 211.22, 211.165, 211.167(a), 211.192):
1425 • An appropriate laboratory determination has been conducted to ensure that each batch of
1426 a drug product conforms to specifications.
1428 • A review of environmental and personnel monitoring data, if applicable, has been
1429 conducted to ensure that manufacturing conditions were acceptable during production of
1430 the batch.
1432 • Associated laboratory data and documentation have been reviewed by the quality control
1433 unit, and they demonstrate that the drug product meets specifications.
1435 • A designated qualified individual from the quality control unit has authorized final
1436 release.
1438 A. Non-Sterile Drug Products
1440 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1441 these release requirements under the conditions described in Table A, which is at the end of
1442 Appendix A. For any given product, consider which conditions in Table A apply. If multiple
1443 conditions apply, choosing the least stringent option for each individual batch release test among
1444 the applicable conditions would be consistent with the enforcement policy set forth in this
1445 appendix.
1447 Example 1: All of the following conditions apply:
1449 • The batch size is >60 units.
1451 • The water activity is ≤0.6 (it is not a solid dosage form).
1453 • The product is tested for strength by a method that is highly specific (e.g., high
1454 performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)) and uses a reference standard.
1456 From Table A, conditions 2b and 3 apply; under those conditions, FDA generally does not intend
1457 to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding batch release tests for identity,
1458 AET/preservative content, microbial enumeration, or tests for specified microorganisms if the
1459 outsourcing facility assessed strength, content uniformity, pH, appearance, and the other
1460 appropriate specifications for that product.
1462 Example 2: All of the following conditions apply:

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation

1464 • The batch size is 30 units each month.

1466 • The starting material is a bulk drug substance.
1468 • The product is a solid dosage form.
1470 • The product is tested for strength by a method that is highly specific (e.g., HPLC) and
1471 uses a reference standard.
1473 From Table A, conditions 1b and 3 apply for the first batch of 30 units; conditions 2c and 3 apply
1474 for the second batch of 30 units (i.e., when a total of 60 units has been produced); conditions 1b
1475 and 3 apply for the third batch of 30 units; and so on. Under those conditions, FDA generally
1476 does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding batch release
1477 testing for identity, content uniformity, pH, AET/preservative content, microbial enumeration,
1478 tests for specified microorganisms, or the other appropriate specifications if the outsourcing
1479 facility assessed strength and appearance for every batch and also assessed content uniformity
1480 and the other appropriate specifications for that product for every other batch.
1482 B. Sterile Drug Products
1484 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1485 these release requirements as they apply to sterility testing if sterility testing is initiated before
1486 batch release (see also Table D in Appendix B for BUDs for products released without a
1487 completed sterility test) and established procedures specify that if the drug product fails to meet a
1488 criterion for sterility:
1490 • All facilities that received the drug product are notified immediately of the test results
1491 and provided with any appropriate information and recommendations to aid in the
1492 treatment of patients.
1494 • The notification is documented.
1496 • FDA is notified in writing within 5 working days. 48
1498 In addition, FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing
1499 facility regarding the release requirements for sterility testing under the conditions described in
1500 Table B, which is at the end of Appendix A. For any given product, consider which conditions in
1501 Table B apply. If multiple conditions apply, choosing the least stringent option for each
1502 individual batch release test among the applicable conditions would be consistent with the
1503 enforcement policy set forth in this appendix.
1505 Example 1: All of the following conditions apply:
1507 • The batch size is 30 units each month.

Reports should be emailed to FDA at [email protected].

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1509 • The product is a solution or total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and the bulk solution but not
1510 the finished drug product is tested for identity and strength immediately before filling
1511 into the final and prelabeled drug product containers.
1513 • The product is terminally sterilized using a validated sterilization cycle that uses physical,
1514 chemical, or biological indicators.
1516 From Table B, conditions 2, 5, and 6 apply to the first batch of 30 units; conditions 1, 5, and 6
1517 apply to the second batch of 30 units (i.e., when a total of 60 units has been produced); and so
1518 on. Under those conditions, FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an
1519 outsourcing facility regarding batch release testing for identity, strength, sterility, pH, visible
1520 particulates, subvisible particulates (where applicable), or other appropriate specifications,
1521 including USP monograph specifications, if the outsourcing facility conducted testing for
1522 endotoxin, color, and clarity on that product for each batch and also conducted testing on pH,
1523 visible particulates, subvisible particulates (where applicable), and other appropriate
1524 specifications, including USP monograph specifications on every other batch.
1526 Example 2: Both of the following conditions apply:
1528 • The batch size is >60 units.
1530 • Drug product is a multicomponent injectable drug product (e.g., total parenteral nutrition
1531 product, cardioplegia solution) compounded from APIs produced only by FDA-registered
1532 manufacturers, the finished product is compounded using automated equipment with
1533 validated software, and the equipment is calibrated immediately before and after each
1534 personnel shift.
1536 From Table B, conditions 1 and 5 apply; under those conditions, FDA generally does not intend
1537 to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding batch release testing for
1538 identity and strength if the outsourcing facility conducted testing for sterility, endotoxin, pH,
1539 color, clarity, visible particulates, subvisible particulates (where applicable), and other
1540 appropriate specifications, including USP monograph specifications.
1542 C. Additional Considerations
1544 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1545 the requirement to test the finished product before release (see § 211.165, 211.167) if the drug
1546 product is aseptically filled into secured, sterile cartridges or cassettes that are designed to
1547 prevent misuse through a locking mechanism that prevents the outsourcing facility from testing
1548 the finished product, and all testing/examinations are conducted on a sample from the container
1549 that holds the pooled, compounded drug product (e.g., pump reservoir) after all final containers
1550 are filled. 49

See Table 2 in USP General Chapter <71> Sterility Tests for more information regarding the volume to be

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1552 To reduce the need for the manufacturing of additional units to meet the sterility testing
1553 requirement (see § 211.167) by following the procedures in USP General Chapter <71> Sterility
1554 Tests, FDA generally does not intend to take action against an outsourcing facility regarding the
1555 number of units tested if:
1557 • For batch sizes up to and including 10 units that do not also meet conditions 3 or 6 in
1558 Table B, at least 1 unit is tested; and
1560 • For batch sizes of greater than 10 units and fewer than 40 units, the sterility test is
1561 conducted using a number of containers that equals 10 percent rounded up to the next
1562 whole number.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations; Draft — Not for Implementation
1563 Table A. Conditions Regarding Batch Release Tests for Non-Sterile Drug Products
Batch Release Test
○ Test for which FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action under the
conditions listed
● Test expected to be performed, if applicable

AET/Preservative Contentd

Microbial Enumeration
(bacteria and fungi)e
Content Uniformityc

Other Appropriate
Tests for Specified


Tests are conducted according to these conditions …

1. Batch size <60 units,a if omitted tests are performed once 60 units are producedb

1a. Starting from FDA-approved product ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○

1b. Starting from bulk drug substance ● ● ○ ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ○
2. Batch size ≥60 units or once 60 units are producedb and considering the following characterizations of water activity:

2a. Water activity >0.6 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

2b. Water activity ≤0.6 (other than solid dosage
forms) ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ●
2c. Solid dosage forms ● ● ● ○ ● ○ ○ ○ ●
… unless conditions 3 or 4 also apply. If so, choosing the least stringent option for each test among applicable conditions would
be consistent with the enforcement policy set forth in this appendix.

○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
3. Product tested for strength by method that is highly
specific (e.g., HPLC) and uses a reference standard
4. Compounded drug product is single dilution of
FDA-approved drug product, or is made from one or
○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
more dilutions of FDA-approved drug product
performed per labeling dilution instructions and using
automated equipment calibrated immediately before
and after production
a Individual tablets or capsules for solid oral dosage forms and suppositories, inserts, or containers (e.g., vial, syringe, IV bag, tube) for other dosage

b Omitted tests under these conditions need only be performed one time after a single batch of 60 or more units has been produced or once 60 or more

units have been produced in more than 1 batch within a year of the time the first batch is produced, and resets once testing has been performed or at 1
year from the time the first batch is produced if a minimum of 60 units was not produced. For example, if the batch size is consistently 30 units (e.g.,
tubes) of a particular volume of drug, the omitted tests are conducted on every second batch produced. Or, if the first, second, and third batches in the
year include 25, 30, and 10 units respectively, the omitted tests are performed on the third batch because the minimum of 60 units has been met.
c FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action if content uniformity testing is not performed on solutions.

d If the drug product is self-preserving, then either test for the API/excipient that is providing the preserving effect or conduct antimicrobial

effectiveness testing (AET). For products with a preservative, conduct preservative content testing. Nonetheless, AET should be performed at least
one time on a formulation using the lowest preservative concentration for the subject formulation and container-closure system.
e See, for example, USP General Chapter <1111>.

f These include generally recognized attributes for each dosage form such as those described in ICH Q6A or USP monographs or general chapters.


Contains Nonbinding Recommendations; Draft — Not for Implementation
1565 Table B. Conditions Regarding Batch Release Tests for Sterile Drug Products
Batch Release Test
○ Test for which FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action
under the conditions listed
● Test expected to be performed







Tests are conducted according to these conditions ...

1. Batch size ≥60 unitsa or once 60 units are producedb

• • • • • • • • • •
2. Batch size <60 units, if omitted tests are performed once 60
units are producedb ○ ○ • • ○ • • ○ ○ ○
3. Batch <10 units compounded pursuant to prescription for
single patient and label bears BUD per Table D in Appendix B, if ○ ○ ○ • ○ • • ○ ○ ○
omitted tests are performed once 60 units are producedb
… unless conditions 4, 5, or 6 also apply. If so, choosing the least stringent option for each test among applicable conditions would
be consistent with the enforcement policy set forth in this appendix.

4. Product tested for strength (potency) by method that is highly

specific (e.g., HPLC) and uses a reference standard ○ • • • • • • • • •
5. For solutions or total parenteral nutrition (TPN) only:
- Compounded drug product is single dilution of FDA-approved
drug product, or is made from one or more dilutions of FDA-
approved drug product performed per labeling dilution
instructions and using automated equipment calibrated
immediately before and after production
- OR -
- Bulk solution but not finished drug product is tested for identity
and strength immediately before filling into final and prelabeled ○ ○ • • • • • • • •
drug product containers
- OR –
- Drug product is multicomponent injectable drug product (e.g.,
TPN product, cardioplegia solution) compounded from APIs
produced only by FDA-registered manufacturers, finished
product is compounded using automated equipment with
validated software, and equipment is calibrated immediately
before and after each personnel shift

6. Product is terminally sterilized using validated sterilization

cycle that uses physical, chemical, or biological indicators • • ○ • • • • • • •
a Individual tablets or capsules for solid oral dosage forms and suppositories, inserts, or containers (e.g., vial, syringe, IV bag, tube) for other dosage forms.
b Omitted tests under this condition need only be performed one time after a single batch of 60 or more units has been produced or once 60 or more units
have been produced in more than 1 batch within a year from the time the first batch is produced, and resets once testing has been performed or at 1 year
from the time the first batch is produced if a minimum of 60 units was not produced. For example, if the batch size is consistently 35 units (e.g., vials) of a
particular volume of drug, testing is conducted on every second batch produced. Or, if the first, second, and third batches in the year include 25, 20, and 30
units respectively, testing is performed on the third batch because the minimum of 60 units has been met.
c For finished products compounded from starting materials that are sterile and nonpyrogenic, see section I, Release Testing, for more information on

endotoxin testing.
d These include generally recognized attributes for each dosage form such as those described in ICH Q6A or USP monographs or general chapters.

1566 42
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1571 A. Default BUD (No Testing) for Non-Sterile Drug Products: Aggregate Batch
1572 Size ≤5,000 Units
1574 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1575 the requirements for stability studies and expiration dates for non-sterile drug products under
1576 §§ 211.166 and 211.137 if (1) a BUD has been assigned according to Table C; (2) water activity
1577 testing is conducted as described below, if applicable, to determine the type of product for
1578 assigning the BUD; (3) literature or other scientific information, including relevant commercially
1579 available product labeling for a similar drug (e.g., components, dosage form, route of
1580 administration, primary container-closure type), does not indicate that the drug product may not
1581 be physicochemically stable over the time period listed; and (4) the BUD is used as the
1582 expiration date. 50
1584 The default BUDs in Table C are based on the likelihood of microbial proliferation as
1585 determined by water activity testing. Products with a water activity >0.6 are of greater concern
1586 microbiologically because there is potential for proliferation of microorganisms in the product.
1587 Use of a validated preservative strategy 51 can greatly reduce the likelihood of microbial
1588 proliferation in finished drug products.
1590 Water activity testing is conducted as follows to determine the type of product for assigning the
1591 default BUD:
1593 • Solid dosage forms (i.e., tablets and capsules): No water activity testing is necessary.
1595 • Products with water activity >0.6: No water activity testing is necessary if the product is
1596 known or assumed to have a high water activity (e.g., liquid oral solution) and the
1597 applicable default BUD for products with water activity >0.6 is used.
1599 • Products with suspected low water activity (other than solid dosage forms) (e.g.,
1600 suppository): Water activity testing is conducted once for each non-sterile drug product
1601 formulation according to validated test procedures such as those described in USP
1602 General Chapter <1112>. Depending on the results of the water activity test, the BUD
1603 should be set according to Table C.

To be eligible for the exemptions provided under section 503B of the FD&C Act, the compounded drug product
must be labeled with an expiration date (see section 503B(a)(10)(A)(iii)(VI)).
See USP General Chapter <51>.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1605 Table C: Default BUDs for Non-Sterile Drug Products With Aggregate Batch Size ≤5,000
1606 Units
Storage Conditions
Type of Product Controlled Room Temperature Refrigerator (2° to 8°C)
(20° to 25°C)
Solid dosage forms 180 days N/A
Preserved: 30 days Preserved: 30 days
Water activity >0.6
Unpreserved: Not applicable Unpreserved: 14 days

Water activity ≤0.6 90 days N/A

1608 B. Default BUD (No Testing) for Sterile Drug Products: Aggregate Batch Size
1609 ≤1,000 Units
1611 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1612 the requirements for stability studies and expiration dates under §§ 211.166 and 211.137 if (1) a
1613 BUD has been assigned according to the criteria based on processing conditions in Table D; (2)
1614 literature or other scientific information, including relevant commercially available product
1615 labeling for a similar drug (e.g., components, dosage form, route of administration, primary
1616 container-closure type), does not indicate that the drug product may not be physicochemically
1617 stable over the time period listed; and (3) the BUD is used as the expiration date. 52
1619 Table D. Default BUDs for Aggregate Batch Size ≤1,000 Units With Given Processing and
1620 Storage Conditions
Storage Conditions

Contains a Controlled
Processing Conditions Room Refrigerator Freezer
Temperature (2° to 8°C) (-25° to -10°C)
(20° to 25°C)

• Finished drug product is

aseptically processed; and No 6 days 9 days 45 days
• A sterility test has not been
completed before release
Yes 28 days 42 days 45 days

• Finished drug product is

terminally sterilized;
No 14 days 28 days 45 days
• A validated sterilization
cycle that uses physical,

To be eligible for the exemptions provided under section 503B of the FD&C Act, the compounded drug product
must be labeled with an expiration date (see section 503B(a)(10)(A)(iii)(VI)).

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
chemical, or biological
indicators is employed; and
Yes 28 days 42 days 45 days
• A sterility test has not been
completed before release
• Finished drug product is
No 28 days 42 days 45 days
aseptically processed or
terminally sterilized and has
a completed, passing sterility Yes 42 days 42 days 45 days
test before release
1622 C. Enforcement Policy Regarding the Use of Limited Stability Testing To
1623 Assign a BUD
1625 Stability testing is intended to confirm the stability performance of a non-sterile or sterile
1626 compounded drug product held under the labeled storage conditions for the duration of the BUD.
1627 Procedures established for assessing the stability of drug products compounded by outsourcing
1628 facilities must achieve the following (§§ 211.122, 211.160, 211.166):
1630 • Incorporate stability-indicating test methods that are reliable, meaningful, and specific.
1632 • Evaluate samples of the drug product in the same container-closure system and with the
1633 same or representative label and adhesive that will be affixed to the container in which
1634 the drug product is marketed.
1636 • Evaluate samples for stability that are representative of the batch from which they were
1637 obtained and are stored under suitable conditions.
1639 • Incorporate testing to evaluate antimicrobial effectiveness for drug products labeled or
1640 intended to be multiple dose. If antimicrobial effectiveness has been previously
1641 established for the formulation and container-closure system, a test for preservative
1642 content may be used in lieu of a full antimicrobial effectiveness study.
1644 FDA generally does not intend to take regulatory action against an outsourcing facility regarding
1645 stability testing and expiration date requirements if the outsourcing facility uses the approach
1646 outlined below describing a number of lots and a set of tests—which should be conducted at lot
1647 release as part of normal operations—to be performed at the time of the desired BUD. This
1648 section C does not apply to unpreserved aqueous drug products because of the higher risk of
1649 microbiological proliferation.
1651 The following conditions apply:
1653 • Samples are evaluated following aging under the long-term storage conditions (i.e.,
1654 temperature and humidity) in ICH Q1A(R2).
1656 • The data from each time point are evaluated against the established specifications for the
1657 compounded drug product.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation

1658 • The BUD is not longer than 12 months.

1660 • If the data for any test fall outside of the established specifications, the BUD is restricted
1661 to the last time point at which the data remained within specifications, or the default BUD
1662 (described above) is used.
1664 Because of the possibility that a sample may not meet specifications at the final time point, FDA
1665 strongly recommends the inclusion of testing at at least one interim time point. If the data at the
1666 final time point do not confirm the stability of the product at the desired BUD (e.g., some
1667 measurements fall outside of the established specifications), but the data at the interim time point
1668 are acceptable (i.e., measurements meet the established specifications), a BUD equal to the
1669 interim time point meets the second condition above.
1671 Under this policy, samples from one lot are tested. Each unit subjected to one or more tests that
1672 compromise the integrity of the primary container-closure is only tested at a single time point
1673 (i.e., not at additional time points). If a single unit is to be used for multiple discrete tests to
1674 minimize destructive testing, the unit dosage is subdivided into multiple aliquots that are not held
1675 longer than the time to complete the testing (typically not longer than 48-72 hours) and the
1676 aliquots are placed into appropriate testing containers (e.g., high performance liquid
1677 chromatography vials or sample tubes) that protect the sample from being compromised (e.g.,
1678 from exposure to air, light, evaporation).
1680 1. Non-sterile
1682 a. Nondestructive tests
1684 The following test is conducted:
1686 • Appearance.
1688 b. Destructive chemical tests
1690 The tests to be conducted include:
1692 • pH, if applicable (e.g., for aqueous formulations).
1693 • Assay. 53
1694 • Appropriate specifications.

See note 31.

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1696 c. Microbiological tests, if water activity >0.6
1698 The tests to be conducted include:
1700 • Antimicrobial effectiveness testing/preservative content testing at expiry.
1701 • Microbial enumeration 54 (USP General Chapter <61>).
1702 • Test for specified organisms 55 (USP General Chapter <62>).
1704 2. Sterile
1706 a. Nondestructive tests
1708 The following tests are conducted:
1710 • Appearance.
1711 • Color and clarity.
1712 • Visible particulates.
1714 b. Destructive chemical tests
1716 The tests to be conducted include:
1718 • pH, if applicable (e.g., for aqueous formulations).
1719 • Assay. 56
1720 • Subvisible particles (10µm–100µm). 57
1722 c. Sterility or container-closure integrity tests
1724 To confirm that sterility is maintained over the proposed BUD, container-closure integrity testing
1725 (such as described in USP General Chapter <1207>) or a sterility test (see USP General Chapter
1726 <71>) is conducted. When performed, container-closure integrity testing is conducted on a
1727 number of units that is suitable for the chosen test method.
1729 D. Bracketing
1731 Use of bracketing in stability studies allows for more streamlined evaluation of drug products for
1732 which there are multiple strengths or volume presentations produced. Bracketing assumes that
1733 the stability of intermediate strengths (or intermediate fill volumes) is adequately represented by

See, for example, USP General Chapter <1111>.
See note 31.
Applicable only to intrathecal, intravenous, intra-arterial, ophthalmic, intramuscular, sterile otic, and subcutaneous

Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft — Not for Implementation
1734 the extremes tested. For multiple drug products to be eligible for bracketing stability studies,
1735 the candidate formulations should vary only in strength (or concentration) or fill volume.
1736 Although individual excipient amounts may vary, all excipients (in worst-case amounts) should
1737 be in all bracketed formulations. Proportional formulations are not required. The same container-
1738 closure system must be used (§ 211.166). If three or more strengths, concentrations, or volume
1739 presentations exist, intermediate cases for stability studies as follows may reflect an appropriate
1740 use of bracketing:
1742 • If 3 or 4 drug product strengths, concentrations, or volume presentations are produced,
1743 test the high and low extremes (e.g., if available strengths include 2.0 mg/mL, 3.5
1744 mg/mL, 5.0 mg/mL, and 10.0 mg/mL, test 2.0 mg/mL and 10.0 mg/mL).
1746 • If 5-10 drug product strengths, concentrations, or volume presentations are produced, test
1747 the high and low extremes and 1 intermediate case.
1749 • If more than 10 drug product strengths, concentrations, or volume presentations are
1750 produced, test the high and low extremes and 2 intermediate cases.
1752 It is critical that determination of the extremes be done with care. For example, with respect to
1753 volume fill, the appropriate extremes are not necessarily always the highest and lowest
1754 fluid volume fills. Rather, the head space-to-fluid volume ratio may better represent the
1755 appropriate extreme depending on the container volume used in the various presentations.
1757 Bracketing as described in this section does not apply to microbial testing of sterility, endotoxins,
1758 or bioburden. Bracketing may be appropriate for water activity testing and antimicrobial
1759 effectiveness testing when used in conjunction with a preservative content testing strategy.

See ICH guidance for industry Q1D Bracketing and Matrixing Designs for Stability Testing of New Drug
Substances and Products for more information on bracketing and matrixing.


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