365 Days of Hygge Hygge Hytte

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Life’s about the

little things.

365 days of hygge

Every day may not be good, but there’s something
good in every day! All the theme days in this
calendar are official national days. There are many
more, but I selected the funny, heartwarming or
delicious ones that hopefully put a smile on your
face and inspire you to enjoy the little things in life.

If you want to print your calendar,

just print pages 2 and 3 to save ink.
365 days of hygge

January February March

1. Commitment Day 1. Get Up Day 1. Plan A Solo Vacation Day
2. World Introvert Day 2. Groundhog Day 2. Old Stuff Day
3. Drinking Straw Day 3. Carrot Cake Day 3. Mulled Wine Day
4. Pop Music Chart Day 4. Thank A Mail Carrier Day 4. International Scrapbooking Day
5. Whipped Cream Day 5. World Nutella Day 5. Reel Film Day
6. Cuddle Up Day 6. Frozen Yoghurt Day 6. Dress Day
7. Old Rock Day 7. Send A Card To A Friend Day 7. Be Heard Day
8. Winter Skin Relief Day 8. Kite Flying Day 8. International Women’s Day
9. Apricot Day 9. Read In The Bathtub Day 9. Get Over It Day
10. Houseplant Appreciation Day 10. Umbrella Day 10. Pack Your Lunch Day
11. Step In The Puddle And Splash Your 11. Get Out Your Guitar Day 11. Worship Of Tools Day
Friends Day 12. Hug Day 12. Plant A Flower Day
12. Hot Tea Day 13. Madly In Love With Me Day 13. Earmuff Day
13. Rubber Ducky Day 14. Library Lovers Day 14. Ask A Question Day
14. Organize Your Home Day 15. Singles Day 15. True Confessions Day
15. Strawberry Ice Cream Day 16. Do A Grouch A Favor Day 16. Lips Appreciation Day
16. Nothing Day 17. Random Acts Of Kindness Day 17. Camp Fire Girls Day
17. Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day 18. Drink Wine Day 18. Awkward Moments Day
18. Winnie The Pooh Day 19. International Tug-Of-War Day 19. Let’s Laugh Day
19. Popcorn Day 20. Love Your Pet Day 20. International Day Of Happiness
20. Take A Walk Outdoors Day 21. Sticky Bun Day 21. Common Courtesy Day
21. International Sweatpants Day 22. Be Humble Day 22. Goof Off Day
22. Coming In From The Cold Day 23. Toast Day 23. Puppy Day
23. Handwriting Day 24. Tortilla Chip Day 24. Earth Hour
24. Compliment Day 25. Quiet Day 25. Tolkien Reading Day
25. A Room Of One’s Own Day 26. Tell A Fairy Tale Day 26. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
26. Green Juice Day 27. Retro Day 27. World Theatre Day
27. Punch The Clock Day 28. Floral Design Day 28. Something On A Stick Day
28. Daisy Day 29. Leap Year Day (1x per 4 years) 29. Mom And Pop Business Owner Day
29. Puzzle Day 30. Take A Walk In The Park Day
30. Croissant Day 31. Crayon Day
31. Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

April May June

1. International Fun At Work Day 1. Mother Goose Day 1. Say Something Nice Day
2. International Children’s Book Day 2. Truffle Day 2. Rotisserie Chicken Day
3. World Party Day 3. Garden Meditation Day 3. Itch Day
4. Jeep 4x4 Day 4. Renewal Day 4. Cheese Day
5. Read A Road Map Day 5. Museum Lover’s Day 5. Hot Air Balloon Day
6. Plan Your Epitaph Day 6. Beverage Day 6. Drive-In Movie Day
7. No Housework Day 7. Packaging Design Day 7. Chocolate Ice Cream Day
8. Feng Shui Awareness Day 8. No Socks Day 8. Upsy Daisy Day
9. Unicorn Day 9. Lost Sock Memorial Day 9. Worldwide Knit In Public Day
10. Siblings Day 10. Trust Your Intuition Day 10. Iced Tea Day
11. Cheese Fondue Day 11. Eat What You Want Day 11. Making Life Beautiful Day
12. Licorice Day 12. Limerick Day 12. Magic Day
13. Scrabble Day 13. Apple Pie Day 13. Weed Your Garden Day
14. Gardening Day 14. Dance Like A Chicken Day 14. Bath Day
15. Good Deeds Day 15. Relive Your Past By Listening To The 15. Smile Power Day
16. Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day First Music Your Ever Bought No 16. Wish Fulfillment Day
17. Haiku Poetry Day Matter What It Was No Excuses Day 17. Eat Your Vegetables Day
18. World Heritage Day 16. Love A Tree Day 18. Go Fishing Day
19. Hanging Out Day 17. Walnut Day 19. Cherry Tart Day
20. Teach Children To Save Day 18. No Dirty Dishes Day 20. Hike With A Geek Day
21. Tea Day 19. May Ray Day 21. Daylight Appreciation Day
22. Jelly Bean Day 20. Pick Strawberries Day 22. Positive Media Day
23. Picnic Day 21. Strawberries And Cream Day 23. Hydration Day
24. Firefly Day 22. Buy A Musical Instrument Day 24. Fairy Day
25. Mani-Pedi Day 23. Lucky Penny Day 25. Color TV Day
26. Pretzel Day 24. Scavenger Hunt Day 26. Canoe Day
27. Day Of Silence 25. Towel Day 27. Sunglasses Day
28. Superhero Day 26. Blueberry Cheesecake Day 28. Happy Hearts Hug Day
29. International Dance Day 27. Grape Popsicle Day 29. Camera Day
30. Oatmeal Cookie Day 28. Hamburger Day 30. Meteor Watch Day
29. Learn About Composting Day
30. Creativity Day
31. Water A Flower Day

Find more inspiration on cozy and mindful living on www.hyggehytte.com.

365 days of hygge

July August September

1. Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day 1. Girlfriends Day
1. World Letter Writing Day
2. I Forgot Day 2. Coloring Book Day
2. Coconut Day
3. Compliment Your Mirror Day 3. Watermelon Day
3. Bowling League Day
4. Caesar Salad Day 4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
4. Wildlife Day
5. Workaholics Day 5. Underwear Day
5. Be Late For Something Day
6. Kissing Day 6. Wiggle Your Toes Day
6. Read A Book Day
7. Father Daughter Take A Walk Day 7. Beach Party Day
7. Beer Lover’s Day
8. Be A Kid Again Day 8. Happiness Happens Day
8. Ampersand Day
9. Call Of The Horizon Day 9. Book Lovers Day
9. Sudoku Day
10. Pick Blueberries Day 10. Lazy Day
10. Swap Ideas Day
11. Cheer Up The Lonely Day 11. Sons And Daughters Day
11. Make Your Bed Day
12. Simplicity Day 12. Vinyl Records Day
12. Day Of Encouragement
13. Embrace Your Geekness Day 13. Prosecco Day
13. Kids Take Over The Kitchen Day
14. Pandemonium Day 14. Creamsicle Day
14. Bakery Day
15. Give Something Away Day 15. Relaxation Day
15. International Dot Day
16. Fresh Spinach Day 16. Tell A Joke Day
16. Working Parents Day
17. Emoji Day 17. I Love My Feet Day
17. Apple Dumplings Day
18. World Listening Day 18. Serendipity Day
18. Respect Day
19. New Friends Day 19. Bow Day
19. Talk Like A Pirate Day
20. Fortune Cookie Day 20. Lemonade Day
20. Punch Day
21. Toss Away The Could Haves And The 21. Senior Citizens Day
21. Pecan Cookie Day
Should Haves Day 22. Be An Angel Day
22. Car Free Day
22. Hammock Day 23. Ride The Wind Day
23. Innergize Day
23. Vanilla Ice Cream Day 24. Waffle Day
24. Family Day
24. Cousins Day 25. Kiss And Make Up Day
25. One-Hit Wonder Day
25. Carousel Day 26. Make Your Own Luck Day
26. Pancake Day
26. Bagelfest Day 27. Just Because Day
27. Crush A Can Day
27. Scotch Whisky Day 28. Red Wine Day
28. Good Neighbor Day
28. Waterpark Day 29. More Herbs, Less Salt Day
29. Coffee Day
29. Rain Day 30. Toasted Marshmallows Day
30. Olive Oil Day
30. Paperback Book Day 31. Eat Outside Day
31. Avocado Day

October November December

1. Homemade Cookies Day 1. Go Cook For Your Pets Day 1. X-mas Lights Day
2. Name Your Car Day 2. Plan Your Epitaph Day 2. Fritters Day
3. Look At The Leaves Day 3. Housewife’s Day 3. Roof Over Your Head Day
4. Improve Your Office Day 4. Candy Day 4. Santa’s List Day
5. Do Something Nice Day 5. Doughnut Appreciation Day 5. Bathtub Party Day
6. Mad Hatter Day 6. Marooned Without A Compass Day 6. Gazpacho Day
7. Inner Beauty Day 7. Hug A Bear Day 7. Cotton Candy Day
8. Touch Tag Day 8. Cook Something Bold Day 8. X-mas Tree Day
9. Sneakers Day 9. Go To An Art Museum Day 9. Pastry Day
10. Love Your Hair Day 10. Forget Me Not Day 10. Nobel Prize Day
11. ‘You Go, Girl!’ Day 11. Sundae Day 11. International Mountain Day
12. Old Farmers Day 12. Chicken Soup For The Soul Day 12. Poinsettia Day
13. I Love Yarn Day 13. Kindness Day 13. Violin Day
14. Dessert Day 14. Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day 14. Roast Chestnuts Day
15. Sewing Lovers Day 15. Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day 15. Cupcake Day
16. Dictionary Day 16. Have A Party With Your Bear Day 16. Chocolate Covered Anything Day
17. Playing Card Collection Day 17. Homemade Bread Day 17. Maple Syrup Day
18. No Beard Day 18. Princess Day 18. Bake Cookies Day
19. Evaluate Your Life Day 19. Have A Bad Day Day 19. Holly Day
20. Office Chocolate Day 20. Beautiful Day 20. Games Day
21. Apple Day 21. Gingerbread Cookie Day 21. Don’t Make Your Bed Day
22. Color Day 22. Go For A Ride Day 22. Cookie Exchange Day
23. Canning Day 23. Eat A Cranberry Day 23. Roots Day
24. Crazy Day 24. Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day 24. Eggnog Day
25. World Pasta Day 25. Parfait Day 25. X-mas Day
26. Pumpkin Day 26. Cake Day 26. Thank You Note Day
27. Hug A Sheep Day 27. Pins And Needles Day 27. Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
28. Plush Animal Lovers Day 28. French Toast Day 28. Call A Friend Day
29. Hermit Day 29. Electronic Greetings Day 29. Pepper Pot Day
30. Checklist Day 30. Stay Home Because You’re Well Day 30. Falling Needles Family Fest Day
31. Carve A Pumpkin Day 31. Champagne Day

© Hygge Hytte - 2018

Take. It. Easy.
And enjoy!

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