Warm Up

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The key takeaways are that a daily warm up routine is important for clarinet players, especially students, to work on fundamentals and technique. The passage outlines a sample 20-30 minute daily warm up routine consisting of five components: long tones, scales, tonguing, intonation and dynamic long tones, and Abato studies.

The five components of the daily warm up routine are: long tones, scales, tonguing, intonation and dynamic long tones, and Abato studies.

During long tones, the focus should be on maintaining a good embouchure, air stream, tone, and consistent, unwavering beautiful tone. This exercise also helps to warm up the embouchure muscles and increase their endurance.

Advanced Daily Warm-Up for the Clarinet

A warm-up is one of the most important things a clarinettist can do. It is especially
important to students who wish to become professionals, because the daily warm-up will
enable them to isolate and concentrate on the fundamentals so important to professional
clarinet playing. This is the warm-up I used during my study, portions of which I still do
today on a daily basis. The whole warm-up takes 20-30 minutes, depending on how much of
it you do. I have listed the five components in order of importance.

Long Tones

Long tones are the most important fundamental exercise to any wind instrument. My long
tones are executed thusly:

Breathe through your nose in the 1/4 bars, maintaining your embochure.

What to concentrate on: good embochure, good air stream (i.e. support, tongue position,
relaxed body, chest, and neck), and consistent, unwavering, beautiful tone. This exercise is
also to warm up your embochure muscles, and increase their endurance. Stop the long tones
either when you get to tired to maintain proper embochure (i.e. leaking air, chin collapsing,
etc.), or when you reach the throat B-flat.


Scales are important to maintaining facile fingers, and because all tonal western music is
based on them. You should know your Chromatic scale from Low E to Double-high C. My
favorite diatonic scales are from Rudolf Jettel's Klarinettenschule, Book 2.

Execution: Play Chromatic every day, and alternate major and minor every other day. Start
at a comfortable fast tempo (for me, 138) and work them up in five steps to a very fast
tempo (for me, 200). If you do not know your scales this fast, work them up to these tempos
and keep them in your daily warm-up as you work up the others in your normal practice

What to concentrate on: Maintaining good embochure, airstream, tone, and dynamics in all
ranges; and fluid, even motion of fingers.


If you have slow, inconsistent, heavy, or unsatisfying articulation, this exercise is guaranteed
to help.

Execution for speed: Find a tempo where you just barely get to the last note of the exercise
on time, and repeat it until it feels like your tongue is going to fall off from fatigue. This
may take up to five minutes of playing. Concentrate on consistent, crisp articulation, using
the syllable "ta" in your thoughts. Do not try to play the 16ths staccato. The quarters are to
be long, except when you breathe after the first quarter note when necessary. After you have
rested your tongue for 20-30 seconds, play the exercise again until it feels like your tongue
is going to fall off, then you are through with it. If you are willing to work harder, do it once
in the morning and once at night. In several days or weeks, when you consistently get to the
last note of the exercise on time, move your metronome up one click (standard Metronome
marking) - but not before this time. Continue this pattern until you reach your limit of
speed, and maintain the exercise daily to keep your tongue fast and crisp. Professionals
should be able to tongue sixteenth notes at a minimum of mm. 144.

Execution for consistency: Mostly for younger players or anyone trying to get their tongue
in the proper place. Choose a comfortable tempo, moderate length of notes, and practice for
approx 5 minutes, concentrating on consistency. As you approach your goals, vary the
articulation for each session, but not within one session, between legato, staccato, and in-

Intonation and dynamic long tones

These are similar to the first long tones, but this time with dynamics:

Play with a metronome and tuner, shading the notes to keep consistent pitch. Try to shade
with fingers/keys first, and then with embochure to maintain consistent tone.

What to concentrate on: Maintaining good tone, intonation, air stream, and embochure at all

Variations after mastery of the original: Four counts up - four counts down, Two and two
(full dynamic range with control, intonation, tone, etc.); Reverse-Dynamic Long Tones:
Start FFF, go to N and back (vary with number of clicks); 8 up - 8 down but dynamic from
niente to pp and back (great for control, esp. in Altissimo).
Abato studies

These studies, invented by Vincent "Jimmy" Abato - Bass Clarinetist of the Metropolitan
Opera may be broken up and spread over several daily warm ups. The exercise, played
Andante, is:

To paraphrase Stanley Hasty: "Anyone can play a beautiful note, but very few people can
play a beautiful interval."

What to concentrate on: Legato. Consistent tone and intonation. These are excellent
advanced exercises for Legato Fingers, and keep that technique in fine condition when
executed daily, even in part.

Any serious daily warm-up encompasses the Long-Tones and Scales, and to this day I still
do them. The other three parts are for focusing on specific problems, or for the truly
dedicated, but they can be of service to all.

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