Cidam Senior High

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Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11/12 Semester:

Core Subject: Media and Information Literacy No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/ Semester

Prerequisite (if needed):

Core Subject Description: The course introduces the learners to basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of individuals and societies. It also aims to
develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner produces an electronic portfolio or any creative forms of multimedia showcasing his/her understanding insights and perception of the different resources or media and

Power Standard: Demonstrate and use the media information as as proper sources and search technologies by utilizing appropriate media technology suitable for a target audience.

First Quarter
Highest Enabling
Strategy to Use in
Performance Standards Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Developing the
Highest Thinking Skill
to Assess
Content Assessment Technique
Content KU KU
D D RBT Teaching
Minimum Beyond Cla Beyond Cla Level Strategy
Minimum General
Minimum ssifi Minimum ssifi WW QA PC Strategy
cati cati
on on
7 The learner The learner The learner Puts into Kno The learner Kno Knowing Textual & Document Concept
Legal, Ethical, demonstrates must be able shall be able to practice their wing understand wing Contextual ary film Mapping,
and Societal understanding to Synthesize evaluate a understanding his/her rights of Analysis viewing Graphic or
Issues in Media of media and the overall case-study or of the obligation as a (relevant semantic
and Information information impact of presentation on intellectual citizen so that to the web
a. Copyrigh literacy (MIL) technology an offense property, copy he/she can topic) organizer
t/Fair and MIL on education, investigation right, and fair participate
business, and decision on use guidelines. meaningfully in
Use/Pla related politics, and any if tradition the life of the
giarism concepts. governance in Media and community,
b. Netiquett Information nation and
e within their world.
c. Digital community.
n and
d. Vital Self
e. Others
9 Current and The learners Synthesize their Und Create a Und Knowing Group Punctuate Field
Future trends of shall be able to only knowledge erst prototype erst Presenta d lecture expert
Media and The learners make a of media and andi technology for andi tion (“listen, invitation
Information demonstrate prototype of information by ng the future ng stop, (to give a
a. Massive an what they think producing a reflect, talk to the
open- understandin is the future of prototype of write & class)
line g of the future Media and what the give”
content of Media and Information learners think is approach)
b. Wearabl Information. the future of
e media
technolo innovation
gy (i.e.
c. 3D
(i.e. 3D
3D films,
ms, etc.)
d. Ubiquito
e. Others
10 The learner The learner The student Und The learners Und Analyzing Essay Simpl Discover Case Lecture
Media and must be able shall be able to synthesizes the erst will be able to erst e y Study Systematic
Information to Synthesize conduct a overall andi response the andi Recall approac Question
Literate the overall debate about implication of ng needs of ng h Approach
Individual impact of the present media and understanding
a. Improved technology status of MIL in information to promoting and
quality of life on education, the country and an individual strengthening
b. Greater business, its value in (personal, knowledge in
political politics, and nation building professional, the community
participation governance through a educational, and through
c. Better global others) and the effective and
economic perspective. society as a ethical use of
opportunities whole media and
d. Improved (economic, information
learning social, political,
environment educational, and
e. More cohesive others)
social units
f. Others

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