42 Co V Yeung

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IPL - Midterm 2nd Set – 70 Co v Yeung

G.R. No. 212705, September 10, 2014 The RTC Ruling

ROBERTO CO, Petitioner, v. KENG HUAN JERRY YEUNG AND EMMA In a Decision8 dated October 27, 2008, the RTC ruled in favor of Sps. Yeung, and accordingly
YEUNG, Respondents. ordered Co and the Laus to pay Sps. Yeung: (a) P300,000.00 as temperate damages; (b)
P200,000.00 as moral damages; (c) P100,000.00 as exemplary damages; (d) P100,000.00 as
RESOLUTION attorney’s fees; and (e) costs of suit.9cralawred

It found that the Sps. Yeung had proven by preponderance of evidence that the Laus and Co
PERLAS-BERNABE, J.: committed unfair competition through their conspiracy to sell counterfeit Greenstone products
that resulted in confusion and deception not only to the ordinary purchaser, like Ruivivar, but
Before the Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 assailing the Decision2 dated September also to the public.10 It, however, did not find the Laus and Co liable for trademark infringement as
16, 2013 and the Resolution3 dated May 29, 2014 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV there was no showing that the trademark “Greenstone” was registered at the time the acts
No. 93679 which affirmed the Decision4 dated October 27, 2008 of the Regional Trial Court of complained of occurred, i.e., in May 2000.11 Dissatisfied, the Laus and Co appealed to the CA.
Quezon City, Branch 90 (RTC), finding petitioner Roberto Co (Co), among others, guilty of unfair
competition and, thus, liable for damages to respondents KengHuan Jerry Yeung and Emma The CA Ruling
Yeung (Sps. Yeung).
In a Decision12 dated September 16, 2013, the CA affirmed the RTC Decision, pointing out that
The Facts in the matter of credibility of witnesses, the findings of the trial court are given great weight and
the highest degree of respect.13Accordingly, it sustained the RTC’s finding of unfair competition,
At the core of the controversy is the product Greenstone Medicated Oil Item No. 16 considering that Sps. Yeung’s evidence preponderated over that of the Laus and Co which was
(Greenstone) which is manufactured by Greenstone Pharmaceutical, a traditional Chinese observed to be shifty and contradictory. Resultantly, all awards of damages in favor of Sps.
medicine manufacturing firm based in Hong Kong and owned by KengHuan Jerry Yeung Yeung were upheld.14cralawred
(Yeung), and is exclusively imported and distributed in the Philippines by Taka Trading owned by
Yeung’s wife, Emma Yeung (Emma).5cralawred The Laus and Co respectively moved for reconsideration but were, however, denied in a
Resolution15 dated May 29, 2014, hence, Co filed the instant petition. On the other hand, records
On July 27, 2000, Sps. Yeung filed a civil complaint for trademark infringement and unfair are bereft of any showing that the Laus instituted any appeal before this Court.
competition before the RTC against Ling Na Lau, her sister Pinky Lau (the Laus), and Co for
allegedly conspiring in the sale of counterfeit Greenstone products to the public. In the The Issue Before the Court
complaint, Sps. Yeung averred that on April 24, 2000, Emma’s brother, Jose Ruivivar III
(Ruivivar), bought a bottle of Greenstone from Royal Chinese Drug Store (Royal) in Binondo, The sole issue for the Court’s resolution is whether or not the CA correctly upheld Co’s liability
Manila, owned by Ling Na Lau. However, when he used the product, Ruivivar doubted its for unfair competition.
authenticity considering that it had a different smell, and the heat it produced was not as strong
as the original Greenstone he frequently used. Having been informed by Ruivivar of the same, The Court’s Ruling
Yeung, together with his son, John Philip, went to Royal on May 4, 2000 to investigate the
matter, and, there, found seven (7) bottles of counterfeit Greenstone on display for sale. He was The petition is without merit.
then told by Pinky Lau (Pinky) – the store’s proprietor – that the items came from Co of KiaoAn
Chinese Drug Store. According to Pinky, Co offered the products on April 28, 2000 as “Tienchi The Court’s review of the present case is via a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Fong Sap Oil Greenstone” (Tienchi) which she eventually availed from him. Upon Yeung’s Court, which generally bars any question pertaining to the factual issues raised. The well-settled
prodding, Pinky wrote a note stating these events.6cralawred rule is that questions of fact are not reviewable in petitions for review under Rule 45, subject only
to certain exceptions, among them, the lack of sufficient support in evidence of the trial court’s
In defense, Co denied having supplied counterfeit items to Royal and maintained that the stocks judgment or the appellate court’s misapprehension of the adduced facts. 16cralawred
of Greenstone came only from Taka Trading. Meanwhile, the Laus denied selling Greenstone
and claimed that the seven (7) items of Tienchi were left by an unidentified male person at the Co, who mainly interposes a denial of the acts imputed against him, fails to convince the Court
counter of their drug store and that when Yeung came and threatened to report the matter to the that any of the exceptions exists so as to warrant a review of the findings of facts in this case.
authorities, the items were surrendered to him. As to Pinky’s note, it was claimed that she was Factual findings of the RTC, when affirmed by the CA, are entitled to great weight and respect by
merely forced by Yeung to sign the same.7cralawred the Court and are deemed final and conclusive when supported by the evidence on
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IPL - Midterm 2nd Set – 70 Co v Yeung
record.17 The Court finds that both the RTC and the CA fully considered the evidence presented Pinky Lau – the store’s proprietor – that the items came from Co of KiaoAn Chinese Drug Store.
by the parties, and have adequately explained the legal and evidentiary reasons in concluding According to Pinky, Co offered the products as “Tienchi Fong Sap Oil Greenstone” (Tienchi)
that Co committed acts of unfair competition. which she eventually availed from him.
Unfair competition is defined as the passing off (or palming off) or attempting to pass off upon Sps. Yeung filed a civil complaint for trademark infringement and unfair competition before the
the public of the goods or business of one person as the goods or business of another with the
RTC against Ling Na Lau, her sister Pinky Lau, and Co for allegedly conspiring in the sale of
end and probable effect of deceiving the public. This takes place where the defendant gives his
goods the general appearance of the goods of his competitor with the intention of deceiving the counterfeit Greenstone products to the public.
public that the goods are those of his competitor.18cralawred
The RTC ruled in favor of Sps. Yeung. It found that the Sps. Yeung had proven by
Here, it has been established that Co conspired with the Laus in the sale/distribution of preponderance of evidence that the Laus and Co committed unfair competition through their
counterfeit Greenstone products to the public, which were even packaged in bottles identical to conspiracy to sell counterfeit Greenstone products that resulted in confusion and deception not
that of the original, thereby giving rise to the presumption of fraudulent intent. 19 In light of the only to the ordinary purchaser, like Ruivivar, but also to the public. It, however, did not find the
foregoing definition, it is thus clear that Co, together with the Laus, committed unfair competition, Laus and Co liable for trademark infringement as there was no showing that the trademark
and should, consequently, be held liable therefor. To this end, the Court finds the award of “Greenstone” was registered at the time the acts complained of occurred. CA affirmed the RTC
P300,000.00 as temperate damages to be appropriate in recognition of the pecuniary loss
suffered by Sps. Yeung, albeit its actual amount cannot, from the nature of the case, as it
involves damage to goodwill, be proved with certainty. 20 The awards of moral and exemplary
damages, attorney’s fees, and costs of suit are equally sustained for the reasons already fully- ISSUE: Whether or not only suit for unfair competition will prosper considering the trademark
explained by the courts a quo in their decisions. was not registered.

Although liable for unfair competition, the Court deems it apt to clarify that Co was properly HELD: Yes, the defendants cannot be liable for trademark infringement. In the case at bar, the
exculpated from the charge of trademark infringement considering that the registration of the Court defined unfair competition as the passing off (or palming off) or attempting to pass off upon
trademark “Greenstone”– essential as it is in a trademark infringement case – was not proven to the public of the goods or business of one person as the goods or business of another with the
have existed during the time the acts complained of were committed, i.e., in May 2000.In this end and probable effect of deceiving the public. This takes place where the defendant gives his
relation, the distinctions between suits for trademark infringement and unfair competition prove goods the general appearance of the goods of his competitor with the intention of deceiving the
useful: (a) the former is the unauthorized use of a trademark, whereas the latter is the passing
public that the goods are those of his competitor.
off of one’s goods as those of another; (b) fraudulent intent is unnecessary in the former, while it
is essential in the latter; and (c) in the former, prior registration of the trademark is a pre-requisite
Here, it has been established that Co conspired with the Laus in the sale/distribution of
to the action, while it is not necessary in the latter.21cralawred
counterfeit Greenstone products to the public, which were even packaged in bottles identical to
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision dated September 16, 2013 and the that of the original, thereby giving rise to the presumption of fraudulent intent.
Resolution dated May 29, 2014 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 93679 are
hereby AFFIRMED. Although liable for unfair competition, the Court deems it apt to clarify that Co was properly
exculpated from the charge of trademark infringement considering that the registration of the
SO ORDERED.cralawlaw library trademark “Greenstone”– essential as it is in a trademark infringement case – was not proven to
have existed during the time the acts complained of were committed. In this relation, the
distinctions between suits for trademark infringement and unfair competition prove useful: (a) the
former is the unauthorized use of a trademark, whereas the latter is the passing off of one’s
FACTS: Ruivivar bought a bottle of Greenstone from Royal Chinese Drug Store in Binondo, goods as those of another; (b) fraudulent intent is unnecessary in the former, while it is essential
Manila, owned by Ling Na Lau. However, he doubted its authenticity because it had a different in the latter; and (c) in the former, prior registration of the trademark is a pre-requisite to the
smell, and the heat it produced was not as strong as the original Greenstone he frequently used. action, while it is not necessary in the latter.
He then informed his brother-in-law Yeung, the owner of Greenstone Pharmaceutical. The latter
went to Royal and found 7 bottles of counterfeit Greenstone on display for sale. He was told by

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