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The key takeaways are that the new Warrior Shredding Program is designed to build muscle in the upper chest and shoulders through higher volume and fatigue training techniques. It also provides more variety to the original routine and encourages muscle growth.

The training strategies used are reverse pyramid training, standard pyramid training, and rest pause training. Reverse pyramid training involves decreasing the weight with each additional set while aiming for 1-2 more reps. Standard pyramid training starts with a light weight for high reps and decreases reps while keeping the weight the same. Rest pause training uses a light weight for an activation set followed by mini sets with short rest periods.

It is recommended to alternate between the original and new workout programs, doing 8 weeks on each one before switching to provide variety while still making gains. The exercise variations can also be substituted if progress stalls on a particular exercise.

Warrior Shredding Program

The NEW Warrior Shredding Program

Workout For Strength & Fullness


The NEW Workout

The new warrior shredding
workout program is crafted to
really develop your upper chest
and shoulders and support
more muscle fullness…

In fact, you’ll see some pretty

incredible gains, especially on
your chest and shoulders.

I created this new workout,

simply because I wanted you
to have more variety in your
routine. The original routine is
extremely effective, and I have
testimonials come in, near daily, of people dropping fat and gaining
considerable strength and muscle!

That said, I want you guys to be able to follow this program for as long as
desired. Even with exercise rotation, eventually you’ll want to try something
slightly different.

Well that’s where this program comes in!

The volume is slightly higher and we’ll be using some fatigue training (rest
pause and standard pyramid), this is for fun!

As well, this is to encourage more muscle growth! You can perform this
routine following the warrior shred cut, or while doing a recomp or lean

The volume is dialled in nicely, so if your calories are higher, you’ll put on
muscle at a very fast rate. But if you’re in a moderate deficit, you’ll still see
nice gains!

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I recommend using both the original and new warrior shredding workout
program in your arsenal. Alternate between the two, with at-least 8 weeks
on each one before switching…

We’ll be using a few different strategies in this program:

1.) Reverse Pyramid Training

This is where you’ll be reducing the weight by roughly 10% with each
additional set. On these lighter sets the goal is to aim for 1-2 additional
reps. Rest should be 3 minutes between sets of RPT…

For exercises labelled as “5, 6, 8 reps”:

We’ll be increase the first set by 5 lbs or the second and third set by 5 lbs.

This is a strategy I created called independent set loading. It’s incredibly

effective at building strength. You see, it’s hard to increase all of your sets
by 5 lbs. But increasing half of the sets by 5 lbs is much more realistic.

I recommend increasing your second and third set first, and the following
workout increase your first set. Repeat this process so that every other
week, all of your sets increase by 5 lbs...

If this becomes too challenging you can only increase one set at a time.
Starting with set 3, then set 2, then set 1… So you’re taking a full three
weeks to increase your heavy set by 5 lbs.

For exercises labelled as “4-6, 6-8, 8-10 reps”:

For these exercises, you’ll be working at hitting the top end of the rep range
for all three sets. Once you hit the top end of the rep range, you can
increase the weight by 5 lbs on all three sets, the next workout. Then build
back up to the reps, before increasing the weight the following workout

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2.) Standard Pyramid Training

This is where you’ll pick a light weight you can perform for 12 reps. You’ll
rest only 30-60 seconds and complete 10 reps with the same weight. 30-60
seconds rest and then 8 reps with the same weight. 30-50 seconds rest
then 6 reps.. Done...

Every week you want to focus on reducing the rest periods until you can
complete all four sets with just 30 seconds of rest between sets. Then, you
can increase the weight.

This is a great training style for inducing muscle growth via sarcoplasmic
hypterophy. You won’t gain much strength here, but the fatigue work will
help with filling out your muscle groups.

I love this style of training on shoulders. It’s also great for calves.

3.) Rest Pause Training

Rest pause training involves selecting a weight you can perform for 12-20
reps. After finishing the high rep “activation” set, you take a short 10-20
second rest before going for 4-8 reps (1/3 - 1/2 the reps of your activation
set). This is called a “mini set”. You then repeat this process for a total of
one activation set plus three mini sets.

This style of training is great for hypertrophy and muscle growth. By resting
only 10-20 seconds, you force your body to use maximal muscle fiber
recruitment with a light weight.
Make sure to use the same weight for all sets. We’re only resting 10-20
seconds (that’s why the reps drop off).

Here’s how it would look:

15 lbs x 15 reps + 5 reps, 5 reps, 5 reps (10-20 seconds rest between sets)

Okay, so with all that in mind, here’s the new workout!

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The New Warrior Shredding
Program Workout
This workout is not meant to replace the original workout program. It’s
simply a new routine you can do for a few months while making great

In fact, I’d actually recommend alternating between the two workouts: 8

weeks doing the original workout, followed by 8 weeks on the new workout.

You can also use the exercise substitution protocol for this program. This is
where you substitute the exercise variation if you plateau.

For example, if you stall on incline dumbbell bench press, you would
switch to incline barbell bench press.

If you stall on weighted pull ups, you’d do weighted chin ups.

If you stall on seated dumbbell shoulder presses, you would do

standing barbell press.

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Anyways, without further ado, here is the workout program!
Workout A - Monday

 Incline Bench Press: 5, 6, 8 (Reverse Pyramid)

 Low Incline DB Flyes: 12 10, 8, 6 (standard pyramid)
 Rope Pushdowns: 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (Reverse Pyramid)
 Wide Grip Upright Rows: 10-20 + 6-8, 6-8, 6-8 (rest pause)

Workout B - Wednesday

 Weighted Pull ups: 5, 6, 8 (Reverse Pyramid)

 Incline Dumbbell Curls: 4-6, 6-8, 6-8 (Reverse Pyramid)
 Hammer Rope Cable Curls: 12, 10, 8, 6 (Standard Pyramid)
 Bent Over DB Flyes: 12, 10, 8, 6 (Standard Pyramid)

Workout C - Friday

 Seated DB Shoulder Press: 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (Reverse Pyramid)

 DB Lateral Raises: 12-20 + 4-8, 4-8, 4-8 (Rest Pause)
 Bulgarian Split Squats: 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (Reverse Pyramid)
 Seated Calf Raises: 12, 10, 8, 6 (Standard Pyramid Training)

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What About Abs?

Ideally on your non lifting days (2-3x per week),

you would do the CAM – Cardio, Abs & Mobility
– workout.

This is focused on building up your abs through

advanced abs exercises. Think gymnast style.

This style of abs training will support a well-

developed midsection that allows your abs to
pop out, even when you're not flexing.

As well, this includes some fat burning cardio work to support fat loss and a
lean physique!

Finally, there's mobility work to ensure that you're

limber and functional and you stay injury free. Here is
the type of abs development this course will allow for,
when you get to a low body fat (7-9% body fat).

Keep in mind, this style of training is perfectly suited

for rest days, as it will result in little to no 'neural

Furthermore, you may notice enhanced recovery and

the cardio training will have no effect on hunger.
Some people have even reported it being hunger

So if you have the ability to dedicate time to training on your rest days, this
is the best thing you can do! It's not about killing yourself – it's about
supporting fat loss, building killer abs and a mobile, functional body.

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Click here to check out the Cardio, Abs & Mobility Program

(…Or go to https://kinobodyelite.com/shop/special/cardio-abs-mobility-

Ah and btw, since you’re a customer of my Warrior Shredding Program, I

included a pretty sweet discount at that link, so check it out if you haven’t

Thanks and hope this guide helps!

Greg OGallagher

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