Soil Analysis Lab Report
Soil Analysis Lab Report
Soil Analysis Lab Report
Lab Report 1
Soil Gradation
prepared by
The purpose of this report is to classify a given soil sample based on the results of a sieve
analysis, hydrometer analysis, and Atterberg Limits analysis. The procedures followed were
specified by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the data was collected
in the Marquette University Soil Laboratory.
Testing was completed on an oven-dried sample of soil. A sieve analysis (ASTM D422),
hydrometer analysis (ASTM D422), specific gravity of solids (ASTM D854), and Atterberg limits
test (ASTM D4318-17) were performed. Specific lab procedures (Appendix A) and original lab
data (Appendix B) are provided.
The grain size distribution is provided in Table 1 and summarizes results from the mechanical
sieve and hydrometer analysis. The grain size distribution curve with a best-fit curve is shown in
Figure 1 based on the original graphs (Appendix C).
D10= 0.002 mm, D30= 0.111 mm, D60= 0.428 mm, Cu= 214, Cc= 14.4
The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Unified
Soil Classification System (USCS) are used in engineering to evaluate the suitability of soils for
a variety of purposes. Both classifications systems rely on the grain size distribution and
Atterberg limits to define soil type. The approximate percentages of gravel, sand, silt, and clay
for the tested soil samples are summarized in Table 2 based on the trendline fit from the plot in
Figure 1.
The USCS system also relies on grain size distribution and Atterberg limits to classify soils. This
sample would be considered a sand with fines because less than 50% of the sample passed
sieve No. 200 but more than 12% of the sample is considered fines. Further classification
between silty sand and clayey sand requires looking at Atterberg limits, as the USCS system
does not differentiate between silt and clay based solely on the sieve analysis. The soil is
classified in group ML (low-plasticity silt), as it does not have a high organic content and is
below the A and B lines on the USCS classification graph using the liquid limit and plasticity
index (Figure 2).
Lab testing was straightforward and completed without complication. The discontinuity in the
grain size distribution plot can be explained by errors that occurred during the dry sieve
analysis. During this test, small particulate matter stuck to larger particles, causing the particle
chunks to not pass sieve sizes that they otherwise would have. It can be assumed that this error
did not occur during the hydrometer analysis, and thus the hydrometer analysis data is more
accurate. Other errors could include some mass of soil being lost during container transfers
during testing or rounding errors.
The purpose of this lab is to determine whether the tested soil sample would be suitable for use
as a subgrade for a low-traffic volume street with asphalt concrete paving material. It can be
assumed that this road would be constructed in Wisconsin and must adhere to Wisconsin
Department of Transportation (WISDOT) standards.
Group Index: The Group Index (GI) of a soil is used in the AASHTO classification system to
numerically determine a soil’s suitability as a subgrade. The GI is rounded to the nearest whole
number and if the GI value is negative, it is assumed to be zero. For an A-4 soil the equation for
GI is:
Given that the GI calculation returned a negative value, the GI is equal to zero. Since GI and
performance of the material of material as a subgrade are inversely proportional, this means
that the material is suitable for use as a subgrade.
WISDOT Soil Parameters: The 2019 WISDOT Facilities Development Manual discusses the
suitability of soils as subgrades in Chapter 14-5. Soil A-4 is generally considered poorly sorted
and is not an ideal material for a subgrade for high volume roads (Figure 3). This is because this
soil type has a low soil support value and a low modulus of subgrade reaction (k). The soil
support value (SSV) is a value developed by AASHTO that reflects how well a soil can support
loading. It is on a scale of 3 to 10, with 10 being able to withstand heavy loading. The modulus
of subgrade reaction represents how well a subgrade is able to resist slab deflection. A high k
value means the subgrade deforms less under pressure and is less likely to cause pavement
cracking or failure.
Figure 3 - WISDOT Soil Parameters for Pavement Design
Improvement of Soil: The soil tested in this lab is not well-suited for use as a subgrade and does
not comply with WISDOT standards. The soil contains too high a percentage of fines. The high
density of the soil means water is not able to drain effectively under the slab, and during the
freeze-thaw cycle, water trapped in the subgrade could lead to cracking of the slab.
Amending the soil is necessary before constructing a road. Soil compaction and adding a
subbase are the two most cost effective ways to amend the soil. Compaction would increase the
density of the soil although it would not help with the poor drainage conditions. Adding a layer of
subbase above the soil would improve the drainage conditions. The subbase should be of A-1
or A-2 so water can effectively drain through the soil. This would also increase the k value and
soil support value of the subbase so it would better support the slab.