Kinematical Analysis On The Several Linkage Drives For Mechanical Presses
Kinematical Analysis On The Several Linkage Drives For Mechanical Presses
Kinematical Analysis On The Several Linkage Drives For Mechanical Presses
(Manuscript Received September 3, 2008; Revised October 28, 2008; Accepted October 28, 2008)
In this paper, a kinematical analysis is preformed to see mechanical characteristics of various linkage drives for a
mechanical press. Mechanical characteristics of conventional and newly designed drives are investigated and compared
in terms of slide velocity, productivity, load capacity and possible work-piece size. A crank-slider mechanism with arc
crank-pin guide is introduced and analyzed particularly for kinematical performance using kinematical analysis soft-
ware. The new linkage drive turns out to be effective in terms of load and velocity characteristics and productivity.
Kinematical performance also provides a basis for the proper selection of mechanical presses.
Keywords: Crank-slider mechanism; Arc crank-pin guide; Kinematical performances; Load-velocity characteristics; Productivity
strength requirements in order to achieve reductions in extrusion, upset forging, bending) requires a certain
weight, size and cost of the machine [7]. However, the variation of the forging load over the slide displace-
applicability of that press to the forming industry has ment (or stroke) [1]. In the forging operation, a press
not been proven yet. Many different types of simple must have the ability to take the energy of the fly-
crank and eccentric drives have been proposed to wheel and transmit it through the clutch, gears (if a
achieve these objectives, which include the linear geared press), crankshaft, connecting rod, and finally
guide [8], Niagara link [9], and arc crank-pin guide slide to perform the required work without exceeding
drives [10]. These presses are usually suited for use in the safe working capacity of any component [12].
high tonnage over a relatively long stroke in the work- In deep drawing, a sheet blank (hot or cold), usu-
ing region for applications such as deep drawing and ally subjected to a peripheral hold-down pressure, is
extrusion processes [7]. forced by a punch into and through a die to form a
In most cases, in order to design a new drive mecha- deep recessed part having a wall thickness substan-
nism, it is necessary to consider several factors, such tially the same as that of the blank. This specific
as: process has usually been performed on the hydraulic
(a) high and relatively constant load capacity presses, mechanical presses, eyelet-type transfer
throughout the entire stroke, presses. Because of the variation in metal volume and
(b) relatively constant ram speed, in resistance to metal flow during deep drawing op-
(c) production rates, and eration, the punch force increases rapidly, passes
(d) manufacturing costs. through a maximum before the middle of the working
The design factors mentioned above are to be com- stroke, and gradually decreases to zero as the edges of
pared with those of conventional linkage drives and the flange approach and enter the die opening and
thereby, the feasibility of the new design is to be prov- pass into the shell wall. The maximum punch force
en. before the middle of punch displacement during deep
In this study, a new mechanical drive, called arc drawing is the key characteristic, while most of the
crank-pin guide, is analyzed and compared with con- forming process shows a peak load near the end of the
ventional linkage drives in terms of load-stroke, veloc- process [10]. A major advantage of hydraulic presses
ity, acceleration and production rate. The principle of for deep drawing is the availability of full tonnage
the new drive is explained and discussions are espe- anywhere in the press stroke. Few mechanical presses
cially focused on the kinematical performance using a have tonnage curves that will permit such severe ap-
kinematical analysis program for the slide motion. plications. Another advantage is that the stroke may
Basically, the use of this program leads to a way of be adjusted by the user to match the requirements of
improving the performance of the machine [11]. The the job. Only enough stroke length is required to pro-
possible work-piece sizes with the same frame vide part clearance. Limiting the actual stroke may
strength are also compared among presses with differ- allow faster cycling rates, while reducing energy con-
ent drives. These characteristics provide new drives sumption [12]. A process variation is the drawing
with the ability of transmitting a higher torque and speed, which is usually expressed in linear feet per
greater working efficiency than the conventional link- minute. Under ideal conditions, press speeds as high
age drive. as 75 ft/min are used for deep drawing of low carbon
steel. However, when the operation includes ironing,
the drawing speed is usually reduced to about 25
2. Classification of press forming and its ap-
ft/min [13]. Generally, low drawing speed is prefer-
able for successfully drawn parts. The hydraulic press
The purchase of new forging equipment requires a has the ram speed adjusted to a constant value that is
thorough understanding of the effect of equipment best for the material requirements.
characteristics upon the forging operations, load and In the case of the extrusion process, direct or indi-
energy requirements of the specific forging operation, rect, there is a rapid build-up of pressure caused by
and the capabilities and characteristics of the specific the initial compression of the slug, which exactly fills
forging machine to be used for that operation. For a and expands the container. The initial high pressure
given material, a specific forging operation (such as when extruding is an important characteristic and has
closed-die forging with flash, forward or backward been discussed by Duffill et al. [14]. The high and
514 K. C. Ham and D. H. Jang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 512~524
Center Main
Pinion Crank
Crank Shaft
Crank Pin
Main Gear Guide
Connecting Main Connecting
Gear Rod
Plunger Guide
Fig. 2. Driving mechanism of newly designed press using arc crank-pin guide.
T Crank T
B Main Gear Locus
B Crank Center Center
about 120°
Decc C
about 120°
press with arc crank-pin guide. This is a modification of forming process, and the Point B at the bottom
of the linear guide drive [8,17,18], in that the linear dead center (BDC), respectively. When the main gear
crank-pin guide is simply changed to arc guide. In rotates around point O at a certain constant angular
this paper, the arc radius is set to be 1,500 mm for velocity, the crank-pin keeps moving around while
simulation. As shown in the figure, the main gear has traveling along the crank locus as shown in the figure.
an arc crank-pin guide, which constrains the motion The angle ∠BOT denotes the rotation angle of the
of the crank-slider mechanism mainly in terms of main gear corresponding to the ascending stroke,
slide velocity. The plunger is connected to the slide ∠SOB the angle corresponding to the working stroke,
for precise motion of the press. ∠TOS the angle corresponding to the descending
Kinematical equivalence for the conventional crank stroke, respectively. In the figure, each rotation angle
press drive and the eccentric mechanism drive are of the main gear is divided into about 180°. Thus, the
shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3(a) illustrates that the driving ascending time approximately comes to be equal to
mechanism of a crank press has the main gear and the descending plus working time. Fig. 3(b) shows the
crank center in common position. Point T in the Fig. front view and side view in the link mechanism of the
denotes the position of the crank-pin at the top dead arc-guide drive, respectively. As shown in the figure,
center (TDC) of the slide, the point S at the beginning the arc-guide press has a crank-pin guide in the main
516 K. C. Ham and D. H. Jang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 512~524
gear. Fig. 3(c) illustrates the details of the driving since the mechanical press using crank-slide mecha-
parts with the eccentricity distance Lecc between main nism provides infinite pressure at BDC, the frame
gear center O and crank center C, and with angle Decc capacity or the nominal load is specified at a certain
between the line connecting two centers and a hori- position of slide. The nominal slide position for anal-
zontal line passing through the main gear center. The ysis is set as 13 mm above BDC [20], which is the
main gear rotates around the point O at a constant standard for medium capacity presses in Korea and
angular velocity and the crank-pin slides on the arc- Japan. For different applications, the nominal load
guide while traveling along the crank locus as shown may be set at different positions above BDC accord-
in the figure. The angles ∠TOS, ∠SOB, and ∠BOT ing to the standards established by the American Joint
correspond to the descending, working, and ascend- Industry Conference [21]. From this nominal load, the
ing strokes, respectively. Each rotation angle of the required torque is determined at the nominal position.
main gear is divided into about 120°. Thus, the as- Working load capacity, commonly called torque ca-
cending time comes out to be about 1/3rd of the total pacity, is calculated at every slide position. In the Fig.
cycle time and the descending time and working time Fcra, Flin, and Farc represent the forces acting on the
about 2/3rds of that, respectively. Thus, this driving crank-pin of each press to have the specified nominal
mechanism is one of the quick return motion mecha- capacity, respectively. Note that these forces are de-
nisms. Meanwhile, adjustments of the eccentric rived from the tangential force of crank as shown in
length Lecc and the angle Decc could yield various ram the figure. The arc-guide press has the biggest tangen-
speed and load capacity characteristics. If two centers tial force in the working region of the stroke as shown
change their position with each other, the drive would in Fig. 4(c). The magnitudes of these force compo-
provide desirable kinematical and dynamic character-
istics for a shear machine such as the Bliss Shear Table 1. Initial torque capacity for each press.
Machine [19].
Fig. 4 shows the force transmission characteristics Torque Capacity(tonf·mm)
at crank-pins for crank, linear-guide, and arc-guide Crank 70,093.78
presses, respectively. The nominal position is as- Niagara Link 63,646.24
sumed at 13 mm above BDC. At this position one is
Linear Guide 60,101.86
to compare the magnitudes of driving torques of each
Arc Guide 65,056.07
press for the common nominal capacity. Generally,
Flin O
O Flin
Fcra Fcra
(a) Crank (b) Linear Guide (c) Arc Guide
able at each time step in the time interval under con- Usually, the frame size is directly related to the manu-
sideration. The use of a postprocessor to tabulate, facturing cost of the press.
graph, or animate data is especially valuable. This Fig. 7 shows the relationships between the ram
section is focused on how the detailed analysis of stroke and main gear angle, from which it is observed
displacements, velocities, and accelerations is per- that the plots are not symmetric about the main gear
formed for comparison of kinematical characteristics angle of 180° except crank drive (that is, the main
between different types of crank and eccentric drives gear angle at BDC is 180°). The entire stroke for each
in a mechanical press. Then, force and torque analysis drive is set as 650 mm in this paper, Since the maxi-
follows. mum working stroke is usually 1/3rd of the entire
The first step in analyzing the four different drives, stroke in deep drawing processes and the initial posi-
including the arc crank-pin guide, is to identify a link- tion of the working stroke is assumed as about 200
age arrangement. Table 2 shows the specifications of mm before BDC. It can be known from the Fig. that
the presses compared to each other in this paper. The the crank presses use only about 17 % of the total
second step is to plot skeleton diagrams of linkage on cycle time for a working process, which means that
a graphic display, in order to give the appearance of 83 % of the total cycle time is wasted as idle time. For
continuous motion. Fig. 6 shows the link positions the Niagara link drive, the idle time is calculated as
along the entire ram stroke for each press. As shown about 77 % of the total cycle time. Linear-guide and
in the figure, it is generated by the post-processing of arc-guide drive have about the same idle time, which
the developed program SS-Plot with the input data is about 70 % of the total cycle time. It means that
such as the rotating angle of the main gear or crank crank drive and Niagara link drive spend longer idle
and the position of the slide. The frame size of each time compared with that of linear-guide and arc-guide
press could be assumed with the skeleton in the figure. drive. From the results mentioned above, the produc-
K. C. Ham and D. H. Jang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 512~524 519
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
AT 20 SPM WT : Working Time
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
tion rates for the linear-guide drive and arc-guide forging [1]. Due to this velocity performance, presses
drive should be much higher than the others if form- using a linear-guide drive or arc-guide drive offer a
ing conditions are the same among the drives, i.e., the big advantage of low slide velocity adjusted to a cer-
same ram speed in the working region. tain process in the working stroke range and are par-
Fig. 8 shows the relationships between the slide ve- ticularly advantageous in the deep drawing process,
locity and the main gear angle while the press is oper- which is very sensitive to the initial work-piece con-
ated at 20 SPM (strokes per minute). As shown in the tact velocity as well as drawing velocity.
figure, the slide of the linear-guide drive moves down Fig. 9 describes slide velocities and production
at 268.85 mm/sec and arc-guide drive at 266.7 rates of the presses with each mechanical drive intro-
mm/sec, respectively, when the slide comes in contact duced in this study. The maximum slide velocity for
with the work-piece at the stroke position of 200 mm each drive is adjusted at 30m/min over the entire
above BDC. These velocities are much lower than working stroke region for a successful drawing proc-
those of the crank drive and Niagara drive, and their ess. With this slide velocity adjusted, possible strok-
slides move down at 661.18 mm/sec and 376.16 ing rates in SPM for each drive are shown in Fig. 9(a)
mm/sec at the stroke position of 200 mm above BDC, for comparison of productivity. While a higher strok-
respectively. The velocity of the slide is an important ing rate increases the production rate, an excessively
process variable because it determines the contact high slide velocity of slide may cause the a defect in
time under pressure and the rate of the deformation or the material. The limit of the slide velocity at the ini-
the strain rate within the work-piece. The strain rate tial contact of the work-piece with the punch for deep
influences the flow stress of the forged material and drawing process has been believed as to be 18 m/min,
consequently affects the load and energy required for but recently it has changed to 25 ~ 30 m/min due to
520 K. C. Ham and D. H. Jang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 512~524
VELOCITY (m/min)
-15 NIAGARA (26 SPM)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Slide Veloc-
Unit Productivity
CRANK 15 (Unit)
NIAGARA 25 (1.6times)
37 (2.5times)
37 (2.5times)
(b) Comparison of productivity
Fig. 9. Slide velocity and productivity.
LINEAR GUIDE WT : Working Time
-100 CRANK
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Fig. 10. Relationships between main gear angle and slide acceleration.
the improvement of the accuracy of press, the proper- BDC. Since the direction of slide motion is down-
ties of work-pieces and lubricant, and the design of ward, the sign of velocity appears to be negative in
dies [23]. The velocities shown in the Fig. are all the figure. As shown in the figure, stroking rates of
within the limit value for successful deep drawing. the crank and Niagara link press are 15 and 26, re-
The Fig. shows stroking rates for crank, Niagara link, spectively, for the velocity of slide to be less than 30
linear-guide, and arc-guide presses when the velocity m/min in the working region. For linear-guide and
of slide is 30 m/min at a position of 200 mm above arc-guide press, stroking rates are 37, which is much
K. C. Ham and D. H. Jang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 512~524 521
faster than the crank and Niagara link presses. Fig. those for other drives.
9(b) represents indicates that the linear-guide or arc-
guide press can be operated about 1.4 times and 2.5 5.2 Torque capacity or working load analysis
times faster than the Niagara link and crank presses
can, respectively. Thus, the production rates or pro- For a given part geometry, the absolute load value
ductivity of linear-guide and arc-guide presses are will vary with flow stress of the material as well as
assumed much higher than those of crank and Niag- with frictional conditions. In the forging operation,
ara link press. the equipment must supply the maximum load as well
The relationship between the main gear angle and as the energy required by the process [1]. As men-
slide acceleration is shown in Fig. 10 for different tioned before, the crank and the eccentric presses are
mechanical drives for a press. Acceleration in linkage displacement-restricted machines. The slide velocity
is of particular importance because inertial forces are and the available slide load vary in accordance with
proportional to rectilinear acceleration and inertial the position of the slide before BDC.
torque is proportional to angular accelerations, re- Fig. 11 shows relationships between working load
spectively. It is shown in the Fig. that the Niagara link capacity and stroke, and possible sizes of work-pieces
and crank drive have higher acceleration of the slide for deep drawing process using the presses with dif-
over the working stroke. The Niagara link drive even ferent drives introduced. As mentioned in the previ-
shows a sharp speed change point in the middle of the ous section, the nominal load, i.e., frame strength, is
working stroke, which is not desirable for sheet metal specified at 13 mm above BDC. From the nominal
forming operations. It is also observed that the ram load 700 tonf, the input or required torque of main
accelerations of the linear-guide and arc-guide are gear is determined at the nominal slide position. As
relatively low over the working stroke compared with shown in the figure, the load capacity or torque ca-
13 mm
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
D Ø660
D/d = 2.0 4
pacity of the arc-guide drive is much higher than the dimensionless form by multiplying both sides of the
others throughout the working stroke. For example, it equation by the total stroke of the ram (
is about 10 % higher than that of the linear-guide
drive at 200 mm above BDC, which is the initial posi- FH H (4)
M dh d
tion of the actual working region of the stroke. For
deep drawing, the load-stroke characteristics of me-
chanical presses with different drives at the position The dimensionless term represents the
of 200 mm above BDC are different. Thus, possible mechanical advantage. In the working stroke, the
blank sizes of work-pieces for each press which even mechanical advantage of the crank press is 3.411,
has the same frame rigidity are also different. As for Niagara link press 3.919, linear-guide press 4.464,
the material of which the ultimate tensile strength and and arc-guide press 4.472, respectively. The results
thickness are 185 MPa and 20 mm, respectively, and show that the arc-guide drive is also superior to the
if the ratio of the work-piece and punch diameter is others from a mechanical advantage point of view.
assumed as 2 in a deep drawing process, the possible Table 3 summarizes the comparison of the charac-
sizes of diameter of the work-piece for successful teristics of each press with different drives. First, the
process are 287 mm for crank or crankless press, 457 working time is closely related to the production rate
mm for Niagara link press, 607 mm for linear-guide for the press. As shown in the table, the crank and
press and 660 mm for arc-guide press, respectively, as Niagara link drives have very short working time
shown in Fig. 11(b). compared with the linear-guide or arc-guide drive. It
Assuming 100 % transmission efficiency from the is evident that the presses using a linear-guide or arc-
conservation of energy law, the mechanical advantage guide drive have a high production rate. Second, the
of a mechanical drive can be expressed by: velocity and the acceleration in the working region
and the velocity at the initial position of the working
dEinput = dEoutput (2) region have much influence on the deformation of the
work-piece. In addition, in spite of lower torque at the
where dE input is the increment of input energy, initial position of the working region, the arc-guide
dE output is the increment of output energy. From Eq. drive has 10% higher load capacity than the linear-
(2) one can write: guide drive does, which is the biggest advantage of
the arc-guide over the linear guide. The frame size of
Md θ = Fdh (3a) each press is calculated by assuming that the size of
or the crank press is 100.
F dθ (3b)
M dh 6. Conclusions
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