Bhumi Soni A-24 Law & Justice

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Subject: Law and Justice in a Globalizing World

LL.M Batch 2019-2020

Research Paper on
Globalization Impact on Nationalism

Submitted by
Bhumi H. Soni (A-024)

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Ekta Saini

Specialization: Corporate Laws

Date: 20/09/2019


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 Globalization, nationalism, and their relationships were the topics of

discussion among academics in the field of international relations. In our
contemporary world, both ideas have a significant place. Their
significance lies in the development of contemporary societies and
nation-states, and their role in an increasing globe of interdependence.
Indeed, nationalism in this globe has had a lot of trouble surviving, and
some would argue that it has become less essential. Others would say,
however, that nationalism benefits from globalization and becomes more
crucial than ever before. Therefore, to investigate the impacts of
globalization on nationalism and address their connection, this essay will
examine the ideas of globalization and nationalism, how both ideas
communicate and what are the main elements of this interaction.
 The 21st century was one of the mystics and wonders of technology,
medicine, and travel innovations. Not only has the West witnessed such
fast development, but individuals all over the world are experiencing
better livelihoods from the vast access to both recreational and food
 We have been hearing constantly how the world has become smaller" and
more globalized. In many distinct fields, globalization has influenced our
life. Whether it's access to enhanced worldwide commodity transfer, ease
of communication from one corner of the globe to another. However, an
area that is influenced but often ignored by globalization is nationalism.
Briefly mentioned, nationalism is the concept to take pride in one's
country based on historical and cultural links with a particular nation,
generally the indigenous country of a person.

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 Globalization has made the world less pluralistic, and the global
community's homogenization has had a major impact on the 21st century
nationalism. It is essential to evaluate the connection between nationalism
and globalization because of the differing views on the impact
globalization has had on nationalism; it also makes it simpler to evaluate
prevalent social patterns resulting from the relationship between
nationalism and globalization.

 What is nationalism and globalisation?

 Nationalism, as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary1, is “loyalty and
devotion to a nation; especially: a sense of national consciousness exalting
one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of
its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or
supranational groups” (Nationalism | Nationalism Definition). In other
words, nationalism is the idea of identifying with a nation and subscribing
to the notion of one’s nation and its cultural and heritage are superior to
others. More contemporarily, nationalism has become connected with
idealized conceptions of how to be a country, generally based on how the
country has functioned in the past. More often than not, however, these
idealized conceptions of past national grandeur are largely imaginative
and in reality, not necessarily based. Nationalism typically takes two
forms: unification, and superiority.
 The later one has become the current trends in today’s world. According
to Riggs ‘People become capable of exercising sovereignty only when
they enjoy the sense of some solidarity based on shared the values and
customs. This solidarity among the people is reified into the concept of
nation’(Riggs,2002). Nationalism contributed to the major wars of the 21st

Definition of nationalism according to Merriam-Webster dictionary

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century, for example the borders issues between nations i.e. India and
Pakistan fighting for Kashmir territory. Thus nationalism has a long
history, even before the concept of globalization. it has always been
something that people fight for as nationalism proclaimed to be the goals
of states that seeks the future interest in order to galvanize public opinion
in support of their aims.


 The term globalization has been assigned many different definitions and
its rather used in interchangeable phrases-based om the context.
According to black law dictionary globalisation is “Economic, financial,
trade and communication integration moving worldwide”. Globalisation
has been “moniker of the 21st century, where we have seen much more
interaction between people across the globe through avenues such as
social media and international economic interdependence. The term
‘globalization’ has become everyday terminology in our contemporary
 On the other hand, globalization is an on-going process of integration of
regional economies into a global network of communication and
executive. The supporter’s states that globalization leads to increase the
Growth per Capita and trade, employment and, per capita income of
citizens of developing nations.

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This paper aims to address the following
 To understand the concepts of nationalism and globalization
 To understands the nexus between globalization and nationalism
 To analyse different theories and its effect on law
 To study in detail about various cultural, economic and social effect
caused by nationalism and globalization.

 Scope and Limitation

Scope :
o This paper tries to explore the impact of globalization on nationalism in
detail. The detailed meaning of and the nexus between globalization and
nationalism. As the studies continue, there are numerous elements that
favour either or both. There are countless nationalism and globalization
debates and theories.
o This paper address both sides of globalization forward, how globalization
impacts nationalism, and how nationalism rises through the process and
globalization. And how it impacts the societies ' cultural, socio-economic
aspect. Moreover, it tries to address the consequences which are being
deal by the impact of globalization on nationalism.
o There are many theories aspects and individual aspect on globalization
impact on nationalism. This paper has only dealt with the theories which
play an important role in making law for the states. And in over all the
cultural, socio, economic aspect affecting as no one state will fit all the
dimension required, as every state has different issues and problems. By

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providing multiple examples across the globe, it maintains a wide
dimension and generalizes the content.


1. What is the link between nationalism and globalization?

2. Did globalization diminished nationalism through increase
3. Does globalization impact increases nationalism?

This paper is divided into 5 parts to achieve its aims and objectives, and the
research question as highlighted above, the division is as follow:
1. It broadly clears the concept of nationalism and globalisation, history of
nationalism, globalisation positive and negative view on nationalism
2. The second part consists of globalisation theories and its aspect of law
beyond the state and how globalisation lead to emerge new laws.
3. The third part deals with the nexus between globalization and nationalism
and tries to resolve research questions.
4. The fourth part discuss the issues faced by the investors due to constant
battle between globalization vs. Nationalism. The paper also addresses
youth and analyses the views on globalization and nationalism among
young people.
5. Lastly, the article concludes by offering an opinion that both nationalism
and globalization have a significant role to play and that no element can
rule lap each other.

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 Sources
Primary Source
 Transitional laws
 United Nations guidelines
 Historical study of nations
Secondary source
 Scholarly Articles
 Newspaper
 Research papers
 Journals
 Method of writing.
The method adopted for writing is observational as well as analytical.
 Mode of Citation
The mode of citation used is Blue Book Style of Citation.

 Globalization is fundamentally a method of concepts that arose, then

offered to be followed by other countries that ultimately reach a point of
mutual understanding and common rules for countries around the globe.2
 In the interaction between nations, globalization took place as a process in
two dimensions, namely the dimensions of space and time. Space reduced
and shortened the global time of interaction and communication.
Globalization takes place in all areas of life such as the field of ideology,
political, economic, social, cultural, defence and other security. The
primary supporting factor in globalization is information and
communication technologies. Today, technological developments are so
rapid that all information in different forms and interests can be widely

Edison A. Jamli dkk.Kewarganegaraan.2005
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disseminated throughout the process of globalization. Therefore, we can
not prevent its existence. Similarly every coin has two sides , globalization
being an essential factor in todays world’s.

 History of globalisation and nationalism

 A mostly contemporary phenomenon was the concept of an abstract

identification with a country. However, the psychological roots of
nationalism can be traced theoretically back to the ancient Hebrews and
Greeks, both of whom had powerful links to a common culture and often
considered themselves inferior to rival communities; the Hebrews thought
in particular that they were the "selected men" (the "Chosen" people).
 While communal awareness has been a long-standing trend, there is no
concept of identifying with a solidified country. Many scholars trace the
origins of nationalism back to 1648, the end of the war of thirty years, and
the resulting Westphalian peace treaty. Westphalia's peace initiated the
idea of state sovereignty and established the notion of nation-states as
independent territorial entities (The Peace of Westphalia and
Sovereignty).As a consequence, the process of nation-states coalescing
socio-historical origins started, enabling individuals to identify with their
respective regions more readily, which was also accompanied by
historically prevalent ethnic groups living in the nation-state.
 All of these variables resulted as we understand it today to the birth of
 Positive influence of globalization on the values of nationalism
1. Governments are running openly and democratically through the
perspective from the globalization of politics because the state is part
of a nation if the government has performed an honest, tidy and vibrant
course it will receive a favourable reaction from the individuals.

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Increase the positive reaction to the state in the form of a sense of
2. The aspect of economic globalization, opening up global markets,
increasing job possibilities and increasing foreign exchange leading to
a rise in the financial lives of countries supporting the nation's
domestic life.
3. The socio-cultural aspect of globalization we can imitate the pattern of
thinking that good as a strong work ethic and discipline, as well as
science and technology from other countries that have been created to
enhance the advancement of the country, which in turn will encourage
the country and reinforce our feeling of nationalism for the country

 Negative effects of globalization on the values of nationalism

1. Globalization can convince that liberalism can bring progress and
prosperity, so that it is possible to change the direction of people's
ideology in states that change mentality and can result in the loss of a
sense of nationalism.
2. The economic aspect of globalization, the loss of a sense of love for
national products due to a large number of overseas products (such as Mc
Donald, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut, etc.) The loss of a sense of love for
national products indicates a decreased feeling of nationhood in our
3. Our society, particularly young people, will overlook a lot of self-identity
as a country, due to the lifestyle that the individuals of the globe
considered a tend to imitate Western culture.

 The development of attitudes of individualism that lead to fellow people

being indifferent. With individualism so people won't care about the
nation's life. The above effects don't impact nationalism immediately.

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However, a feeling of nationalism can be decreased or lost to the country
as a whole.
 As globalization can open global community horizons. What is considered
good abroad gives the aspirations of our society in our country to be
applied. It will trigger a dilemma if it's there. If it is not achieved, it is
considered not to behave in aspirations and anarchists that interfere with
domestic stability, national security and even domestic unity.

Three Types of Globalization:

1. Globalization as Reality:

 Globalization relates primarily to real-world events that are somehow

global. Many of these innovations are well known. The concern
relationships between nations, not only increases interdependence3
increasing worldwide trade and worldwide markets, worldwide
communication, global travel and global migration, global networks,
global environmental destruction and climate change, increased hybridity
of cultures and societies, increased influences the values and culture on
the rest of the world.
 All of the developments are undoubtedly real even though their extent is
sometimes overestimated. But the question is whether all these events
amount to something categorically new that we should call globalization.
The question is whether all these events amount to something
categorically new that we should call globalization. In response to these
concerns, the most helpful analytics of globalization is still one proposed
by David Held et al in the late 1990s.4 They suggest that globalization is

RO Keohane and JS Nye, Power and Interdependence (Upper Saddle River NJ, Pearson, 1 st edn 1977,4th edn
D Held, A McGrew, D Goldblatt, J Perraton, Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture
(Stanford, Stanford University Press 1999) 14-28.

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characterized by four elements. The first three of these concerns’ global
transactions, and in particular their extensity, intensity, and velocity.
Extensity defines the cross-border and distance stretch of operations.
Intensity defines the interconnection magnitude inherent in these
operations. Velocity explains how these transactions have gained speed if
a letter from India to the U.S. took a week, and a fax of ten minutes, an e-
mail comes immediately today.
 It is not just uniformity of globalization, while it has increased interaction
and competition can sometimes lead to uniformity of culture, policies,
and laws such uniformity remains always biased. In reaction to concepts
of an "end of history," academics discovered that in distinct capitalist
countries there are viable " varieties of capitalism" in different capitalist
2. Globalisation as theory
 Several theories of globalization exist, they often have common views
which has dominated social and legal thought over the centuries. As a
theory, globalization explicitly denies such nationalism and seeks fresh
methods of theorizing both society and law. “Halliday and Osinsky, who
derive explicitly from the four variables of Held, differentiate four such
interpretations which are simultaneously models of social theory”6
1. The polity of the globe, the concept of global convergence. Such
convergence includes the law, which converges officially either through
enhanced global and supranational legislation or informally through the
dissemination of legislation and best practices.

PA Hall & D Soskice (eds), Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional
Foundations of Comparative Advantage (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001).
TC Halliday and P Osinsky , ‘Globalization of Law’ [2006]32 Annul Review of Sociology 447.

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2. The second model is what they call analysing the world system the
concept of hegemonic nations and actors preventing worldwide standards
from developing.
3. Postcolonial globalism, the insight into the energy imbalances between
strong and less powerful nations, is their third model. Its result is that in
the North, law is viewed as neutral and objective, which generates and
enforces it, while for performers in the South it often appears fragmented
and oppressive.
4. Finally, the fourth model is law and growth, law reform assessment in
developing nations, affected by growth.
3. Globalisation as Ideology
 Globalization as an ideology is closely related as reality and theory to
globalization. In the light of existing empirics and theory, ideologies are
not only formulated. Moreover, both the ever-closer world community and
the rise of neoliberalism are often described as inevitable effects from the
current state of the globe.
 Interestingly, this is so among both these ideologies ' proponents and
opponents. But to say that such necessitarianism is wrong, or at least too
simplistic, seems to be reasonable. This is not only because the future can
never be expected accurately (this is, if anything, even more real today
than it has ever been due to the increasing speed of globalization).
Moreover, two things are ignored by such necessitarianism.
 One is the range of alternative trends that are feasible, both theoretically
and practically alternative globalizations, alternative constellations. The
other is the degree to which globalization is of nature, but a human agency
structure even if that agency is decentralized and plural and thus also, to a
large extent, of law. This does not imply that as an ideology we must
dismiss globalization. Quite the opposite, if it is true that we must
radically rethink the function and shape of the law in our evolving culture.

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 The concepts of globalization play a role of the states in central; this is

especially regard to law as state is always a central to our contemporary
thinking. The interesting analyzation that how the laws of the state have
involved gradually under the impact of globalization. It has been the
topic of debate that increase of non-state organized has influenced the
public at large today.
 The rise of non-state actors such as multinationals (MNEs) and non-
aligned governmental organizations (NGOs), regulatory competition and
the consequent constraints on the discretionary policy of the state, the rise
of neoliberalism. It has always been an issue to look at "the" state as an
abstraction from true countries, particularly in the international law.
 In India, the growth of multi-national companies emerging in all the
fields have led a drop down of the small scale business men and the
industries in small scale as these big companies get the production in
large which gradually reduces the cost of production in compare to the
small business. The transformation of state can be divided into three

1. Territory
 We assume that the laws of a state apply only within its borders and
similarly, here the laws of no other state apply. As long as national
operations are at risk, this is the scenario. But it was even true, in general,
for government and private issues international law.
 The concept of territorial integrity and exclusive jurisdiction continues
strong in government global law although it enables for exceptions, and
while the concept of territoriality has been improved to include
interterritorial behavioural impacts that have taken place elsewhere.

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 For example, it is the universal acceptance that the state has the
jurisdiction on the territory of the state and its comprising borders. The
matters related to any legal wrong, torts and as provided within the
constitutional limits. Contradictory to this, after World War II there are
bodies i.e. United Nation, World Health Organization etc which have
emerged as universal bodies where states have become members and
every signatory state have to abided by the rules and guidelines given by
such international bodies. In the scenario of globalization central i.e. state
has become less important.
 The issues which are ongoing since ages on matters related to water
bodies, military the ongoing issue between Israel and Palestinians over
territories authorities, Senkaku islands which are heavily disputed
between China and Japan and many such have all gain international
aspects of law. Thus, the problems between states and its territory relation
have merged as an international and humanitarian group in the globe.

2. Population/ Citizenship
 Globalization has an impact on this allegiance and identity as well. A first
impact concerns the sharp increase in global migration. Migration takes
place both amongst the rich and well-educated and the poor.
 As a consequence, in many countries, large parts of the population are of
foreign nationality. The law is an enabler of such migration making
immigration easy for highly coveted high performers, but regulating
immigration as well. And the law draws effects from its populations '
increasingly multinational character. First, most countries have facilitated
access to citizenship at least for highly-qualified desirable individuals

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Thus, national identity turns from a matter of destiny into a matter of
choice, also shifting the basis of allegiance obligations.7
 Second, multiple nationalities are gaining increasing acceptance the old
idea that only one master could serve is giving way to the recognition of
multiple national loyalties. Third, ‘foreigners and citizens alike are being
given more and more constitutional rights. Using the triad of rights as
civil, political, and social rights ‘by Marshall8, we can see that more and
more civil and social rights are being extended to foreigners. In the
European Union, members of other EU countries are now sometimes
granted even the core political right to take part in elections, at least for
local elections. As a consequence, national citizenship's relative
importance declines9.
 Another impact of globalization concerns non-state identities. Together
with the transformation of the state, multiple identities and allegiances of
which national identity is only one are becoming increasingly important.
Pierre may not only identify as a Frenchman, but also as a business
consultant, a vegetarian, a conservative, a Catholic, a chess club member,
a Berber, and so on. States often recognized such non-state identities
through law.
3. Government
 The state operates through elected representatives and forms the
government, the state has the authority to lay down rules and binding
legislation. The states have a monopoly in creating and enforcing the
legislation. The government has the authority to punish for the
government breach. But what is the function of globalization in this

E Kofman, ‘Citizenship, Migration and the Reassertion of National
Citizenship’ (2006) 9 Citizenship Studies 453.
TH Marshall, Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1950).
R Falk, ‘The Decline of Citizenship in an Era of Globalization’ 4 Citizenship
Studies 1 (2000)

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factor? The most significant factor comes from the factor of
globalisation's interdependence.
 There are more global institutions law making bodies that make universal
legislation [ united nations]. State no longer possesses absolute
legislative discretion. Such collaboration, however, does not necessarily
restrict the efficiency of a state. Quite the contrary, for dealing with
transnational problems, multinational collaboration often seems
necessary. Properly, we are not talking about a decrease in sovereignty,
but about "fresh sovereignty".10
 A second most significant aspect is based on non-state norms that
frequently question religion, ethnicity, economic, etc. elements. It has
become fashionable to considered state as “global legal pluralism”. This
often means the suggestion that we need social realities to extend our
often-exclusive focus on state law and also call other things legislation:
subnational, domestic, supranational (international) and non-state law.
 The government must make all the measures and must comply with all
the laws and rules that the global bodies have reappointed in order to
preserve world peace and harmony. Globalization therefore has a
significant role to play.

A Chayes and A Handler Chayes, The New Sovereignty: Compliance with
International Regulatory Agreements (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press 1998).

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A. Globalization adverse effect on nationalism through various aspects:

 Globalization, nationalism, and their relationships were the topics of
discussion among academics in the field of international relations. In our
contemporary world, both ideas have a significant place. Their
significance lies in the development of contemporary societies and
nation-states, and their role in an increasing globe of interdependence.
 As has been shown, globalization has enabled the transcendence of
boundaries and has probably reduced the position of nationalism and
national identity as a whole. As John Kusumi argues, "Globalization is
the anti-nationalism thesis because it indicates that there are no borders [
and] only one world" (Godfrey, 2008).
 The Overall unique cultural identities have been eroded as a consequence
of globalization and the increased flow of individuals into distinct
nations. Now we have started to see mainly blended cultures within
nations enabling more socio-cultural structures to be globalized. In the
past, one nation's individuals had clear domestic boundaries, a powerful
traditional and national feeling, and fewer methods to communicate with
others. But in our present world, everything has become fast and
integrated to the extent that people and their nationality cannot be
 The world has moved from domestic cultures to blended societies
throughout the globe on a cultural level, leading in a homogenized
worldwide culture rather than nationalism. The TNCs, acting worldwide,
play a part in setting up the worldwide market, making one nations
destiny dependent on the financial destiny of other states. "Possesiono of
many threats to nationalism, ranging from involvement in international

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organizations, loss of components of state sovereignty, sophisticated
technology, and simple mobility of individuals around the world"
(Campe, 2008).11
 In addition, nationalism has been further reduced in the international
system by the emergence and growing impact of supranational
organizations. Organizations such as the European Union (EU) have
enabled individuals to define themselves as post-national citizens. The
E.U. The concept of a homogeneous Europe has been increasingly
promoted and more and more individuals have started to identify
themselves as "European” Instead of being a citizen of one nation,
transforming the notion of one country's citizenship and encouraging
pride among countries. The homogeneous element of culture and its
advancement in the globe by providing pride to the country has
diminished its importance as the heterogeneous factor emerges as the
immigrants travelled from the 3rd world to the western nations,
threatening cultural values and growing globalization.
 “The tiny community and tradition's protective structure replaces these
with many bigger impersonal organisations. In a globe where he or she
lacks the psychological assistance and the feeling of safety supplied by
more traditional environments, the person feels deprived and alone”
(Giddens: 1991 cited in Kinnvall: 2004).12
 As a result of globalization, the enhanced flow of capital, individuals and
customs has called into question the position of modern nationalism. Due
to the magnitude to which globalization happened in the 21st century,
globalization and nationalism have had a mainly modern rift. Such
enhanced globalization has challenged what it means to be a state citizen,

Campe, Ch. (2008). Globalization and its effects on Nationalism.
Kinnvall, C. (2004). Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self-identity and the Search for
Ontological Security. Lund University.

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whether or not the state still has unique cultures, and to what extent
separate domestic boundaries are still applicable.
 Citizens are permitted to put freshly learned cultural methods into their
daily life, which in essence corrodes their own connections with their
domestic culture. As a consequence, the domestic culture as a whole
undermines the ideology of nationalism. The cultural ties that enable
nationalism to happen were probably made obsolete in the 21st century.

B. Globalization promotes Nationalism and both the aspect plays a vital


 Some scholars see through nationalism the impact of globalization. Every

state makes a contribution to the globe, through the means of trade or so
that gave rise to globalization. There is no situation of globalization
without nationalism. Moreover, as in the case of Western social science,
globalization has promoted nationalism where it becomes a cultural
resource in various worldwide areas. For example, Durkheim's work on
the theme of civil religion was influential when the new Turkish Republic
was established in 1920 (Robertson, 1996).
 According to Natalie "Their coexistence is not a fight in which only one
is destined to emerge as the winner and the other as the loser, but rather a
mutually beneficial coexistence of two compatible tendencies" (Natalie,
2010).13 Some examples of this connection can be found in Georgia,
where nationalist forces have sought higher globalization by integrating
into the Euro-Atlantic framework and attracting Foreign Direct
Investment. Furthermore, the elites of Eastern European countries also
framed their campaigns to join the Euro-Atlantic framework in order to
fulfil domestic ambitions, including acceptance through investments ,

Natalie, S. (2010). Chapter 6. Globalization and Nationalism: the Relationship Revisited In:
Globalization and Nationalism: The Cases of Georgia and the Basque Country [online]. Budapest:
Central European University Press

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recognition ,securing guarantees. This means that nationalism acts as "a
doctrine that sets the game's fundamental guidelines for any motion that
seeks to obtain or retain political authority" (Benner, 2001). Cultural
politics serves power politics in this regard, and thus nationalism and
globalization can and do coexist together (Natalie, 2010).
 In the 21st century as cultural factor is heterogeneous and each one is
exposed through globalization to the socio-cultural factor. In this
situation, exposure to various cultures creates promotion within
communities of distinct cultures and encourages nationalism. In today's
globe, connecting with each culture through the use of technology has
become simple which has given rise to nationalism. More and more,
multiculturalism has become viewed in society as a negative rather than a
beneficial element.
 Perceptions of cultural threat brought about by globalization have
apparently made individuals more adherent to their culture's stereotypes
in hopes of stopping their demise.
 Globalization has increased economic interdependence, but economic
interdependence has simultaneously decreased, is not always the case.
For example, throughout the West, we have started to see critiques from
working-class people who feel like globalization has left them behind.
 The growth of transnational corporations has resulted to the outsourcing
of low-skilled production employment that employed many individuals in
the West. Globalization is recognized as a damaging goal by this class of
individuals as they have lost their feelings and employment through the
 For instance, as we saw in the 2016 presidential election, many
Americans resent the fact that American manufacturing jobs were
outsourced to individuals in underdeveloped nations: "The impacts of
economic globalization and the comparative decrease of American

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domination in world trade and worldwide economic output have left
millions of American employees unemployed. The overwhelming sense
of employees in the U.S. being "fucked" by globalized trade agreements
and the simultaneous threat to American financial stature has revitalized
economic nationalism within our own nation.
 In terms of its efficiency, globalization has also placed the nation-state
itself under the microscope at the moment. In the past, globalization has
been more comprehensive than globalization in the 21st century.
 In the context of global politics, the concept of the nation-state itself
becoming outdated invariably invokes nationalist feelings as a protective
mechanism against one's nation being dismantled. In this respect,
nationalism is boosted by appeals to the concept that the nation-state
should have the ultimate say in its affairs and should not be subjected to
the power of any external government that hopes to infringe its
sovereignty. Citizens coalesce in an attempt to fight this kind of global
imperialism through nationalism.
 “Nationalism arises as a cultural doctrine aimed at preserving and
promoting a nation's identity, culture and independence. Smith (1991)
and Tamer (1993) support this perspective when she says, "National
movements are driven by a willingness to ensure the presence and
thriving of a specific society in order to maintain its culture, tradition and
language" (Natalie, 2010, P.170).”
 There is more modern empirical evidence of rising rather than reducing
nationalism. The increase of right-wing extremism, as we have seen
throughout the West, was mainly due to appeals to nationalism, the idea
of the former grandeur of the nation, and the need for cultural and
financial reconstruction. Thus, nationalist groups that want to maintain
their identity fight back against globalization's destructive agenda.

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 Ultimately, globalization, seeking a worldwide society without domestic
obstacles, effectively feeds an increasing feeling of nationality.


A. Global Investors

 A nation-state or empire? Populism or globalization? Since the Europeans

first learned to sail, this has been the fight of humanity. You came to
other nations, conquering them, sometimes brutally, sometimes softly,
and taking their raw materials for a song, selling them for a fortune. This
way empires were constructed. Countries shut their gates or battled back
to fend off those colonial powers of riches and impact.
 Politically talking, by chicken-in-every-pot kumbaya socialism, left-of-
centre politicians fight back. The bad boys are "there," generally like the
U.S., a colonial power. They have to be maintained in the bay. Politicians
at the right-of-centre are fighting back by chanting a local-only mindset.
The bad guys are "over there," generally attempting to take from us
another nation. In the terms of its most distinctive laymen, these are the
forces of globalization versus nationalism.
 This fresh fight is being waged with pleasure for investors. It began with
Brexit, an agreement that had ticked off Brits with Brussels dictating
immigration policy and continued with Donald Trump, a president who
pledged to tighten American boundaries from working poor migrants as
he saw other minority American people and the giant white working class
take up employment. The bad guys are there, generally in a cheap nation
where Trump feels he has taken advantage of his countrymen, forgetting
or ignoring all the vast advantages that these agreements have brought to
American multinationals and, to some extent, to the consumer society that
lives on inexpensive, disposable products.

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 “"The speed of capital and data flows is unique to this present stage of
globalization, making it more difficult than ever for governments to
maintain pace with the possibilities and difficulties that result, “said
Nathan .Sheets, head of global macroeconomic research at PGIM Fixed
Income. “Investors need to understand how companies might benefit
from globalization or handle backlash by a government.”
B. Youths of the Nation
 The Effect of Globalization on Nationalism Values Among Youths
 Globalization has engulfed society so rapidly, particularly among young
people. Globalization's impact on youth is also very powerful.
Globalization's impact has gone us lose many young individuals as an
Indonesian nation character. This is shown by the symptoms that occur in
today's young people's everyday life.
 From how many of our adolescents dress up like celebrities that tend to
Western culture. They use minimal materials for clothing that reveal
areas of the body that should not be noticeable.
 Clearly, in terms of dress code, our culture does not fit. Not to overlook
the different colours of their hair style. Briefly, if individuals prefer to be
someone else with a manner to cover up their identity. Not many
adolescents who want to maintain the national cultural heritage by
wearing polite clothes in accordance with the nation's character.
 Internet technology is an infinite information technology that can be
accessed by anyone. What else has become their daily meal for the young
Internet. Naturally, if used correctly, we get a helpful advantage. But if
not, we're going to lose. And now, a lot of learners who use the wrong
 For instance, opening a porn site. Not just the internet alone, mobile
handling of them is again required. Community social sense becomes
non-existent as they prefer to use the phone busy.

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 Judging from the attitudes, many young individuals do not understand his
conduct and there is no feeling of care for the setting that tends to be
ignored. Because globalisation, in order to behave at will, embraces
liberty and openness. Real examples of motorcycle gang youth
committing acts of violence that disturb society's peace and comfort.
 If the impacts on the left are not what the youthful generic will become?
Moral generation becomes corrupt, youth-group anarchic action.
Relationship to nationalism's significance will be decreased because there
is no feeling of affection for the culture and feeling of caring for the
society of his own nation. While the younger generation succeeds the
nation's future. What are the implications if the nation's successor has no
feeling of nationalism?
 More than the beneficial impact, based on the assessment and description
of globalization's adverse impacts. The required measures to anticipate
the adverse effect of globalization on nationalism's value are therefore
 Negative Effect on Nationalism Value Steps to anticipate, among other
things, the adverse effect of globalization on nationalism values, namely:

1. Promoting a powerful nationalism spirit, that is, the spirit of national love
2.Inculcate Pancasila's values and exercise them best.
3.Incorporate and execute with the best the teachings of religion.
4. Implementing and enforcing the law within the significance of reality and
as reasonably as possible.
5. Selective on the political, ideological, financial, social and cultural effect of

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It is expected that the anticipated measures will fend off the effect of
globalization that can change the nation's value of nationalism. So, we're not
going to lose the nation's character.

 Conclusion
 To conclude, this paper stated that every coin has two sides so does the
aspect of globalization, and that under globalization there has been a
marked increase in nationalism and also decline in growth of nationalism.
 The increasing globalization and the changes it has brought to the globe,
minorities, nationalities and localities have awakened to the threat of
globalization and become more conscious of it. This risk occurs in the
globalization's homogenizing nature This has resulted to an enhanced
sense of nationality as a reaction to the power of globalization in order to
safeguard cultures, traditions, and nationalities that melt or embrace the
new structure of the globe created by globalization.
 Nationalism, however, has developed xenophobia in which individuals
fear that, faced with globalization, their nationality and traditions will
vanish. They therefore generate or invent traditions or re-establish ancient
traditions in which they preserve their identity.
 "Xenophobia is written in the core of nationalism" (Delanty and
O'Mahony, 2002, P.167), as Deutsch mentioned. Fearing the strength of
globalization has thus resulted to an enhanced sense of nationalism and a
more defensive way of protecting or even inventing traditions just to
withstand globalization.
 On the other side, globalization can be seen as a challenge to nationalism
in the manner it improves immigration and people's movement, which
could generate fresh sources of tension and pose fresh challenges to
cultural and ethnic diversity leadership (Natalie, 2010). Other threats

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include involvement in international organizations and the loss of
components of the sovereignty of a state over its own land, as well as
regional integration that erodes nationalist ideology. This reasoning may
seem persuasive and well argued, but there is proof to the contrary.
 For instance, the EU is an international organization, while strengthening
Europe at the same moment.
 Many characteristics of nationalism appear to have been resurrected in a
globalized globe. Increasing movement of migration promotes
xenophobia among individuals. Mixing cultures and newly evolving
hybrid cultures makes it difficult for individuals to discover their identity
and allow them to switch to their own culture (Campe, 2008).
 Globalization, it is true, has the ability to contain aggressive nationalism
thriving on isolation and insecurity. It also generates incentives due to
inclusion to resolve and prevent conflict. At the same moment, however,
it produces nationalist reactions in the form of right-wing radicalism or
religious fundamentalism reacting to certain elements of globalization
such as immigration and the restructuring of traditional economies
(Sassen, 1998).
 Thus, in the twenty-first century, where the world is connected by
technology and growing globalization in every aspect, world currency,
humanitarian legislation, standardized banking and accounting systems
where all elements become uniform, i.e. globalization, maintaining the
domestic domain and maintaining its cultural and traditional have become
a task.

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