Blown Film Bubble Stability Problems

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Causes and Remedies to 7 Instability Patterns in Blown Film Extrusion

Paul Waller, Plastics Touchpoint Group, Inc., Thornhill, Canada

Abstract Rule 2 (volume cools) refers to the total volume of air

delivered to the air ring. Volume and velocity are linked
Bubble instability in blown film extrusion creates because more volume will result in faster air velocity. More
problems that include large gauge variation and wrinkles. importantly, total volume controls bubble cooling rate and
These problems affect print quality, film and heat seal therefore they lowering the frost line height. Air volume is
strength when converted into packaging. This paper will controlled by changing the air ring blower speed or
describe how to adjust bubble cooling systems to minimize adjusting the damper if the blower had only one speed. The
the problems caused by seven types of bubble instability easiest way to track air velocity is to record the static air
patterns. pressure inside the air ring chamber. A useful analogy is to
think about controlling the speed when driving a car. Fine
Introduction tuning is done with pressure on the gas pedal (adjusting air
ring part positions). Larger changes are made by changing
Bubble instability in blown film extrusion creates gears (blower speed adjustment).
problems from fluctuating film gauge and width to
scratches and tears. Instability patterns include draw Rule 3 (climb the stairs) refers to the adjustment
resonance, helical “snaking”, slow and fast breathing, sequence. Start by stabilizing the bubble as it rises above
sagging, tearing and fluttering. In many cases, operators are the lower air ring lip. Then adjust the air flow from the
reluctant to make adjustments for fear of losing control of second lip. Lastly, adjust the parts of the air ring above the
the bubble. The first remedy is to adjust air ring settings, second lip. It is like climbing stairs. You start at the bottom
stabilizing the bubble from the bottom and working and work your way to the top.
upwards towards the frost line.
Dual lip air ring, common for low melt-strength Adjustments for Bubble Instability
bubbles, come in three types: iris, perforated chimney and
stabilizer ring. Perforated chimney style air rings come Draw Resonance
with vertical and bowl type stabilizers. The vertical type Also known as hour-glassing, this
locks the bubble in more effectively, however the bowl pattern is common during start-up
type can is more effective for larger blow-up ratio bubbles. or during formulation changes.
Refer to Figure 1 for the different styles and locking point The root cause is strain hardening
positions where air velocity between the air ring and the before the film exits the air ring.
bubble can be precisely controlled. Each type requires Raw material causes are
different corrective actions to be performed in the formulations that contain too
recommended sequence until the bubble becomes stable. In much strain hardening material
some cases, changing the formulation or modifying such as LDPE, or an average melt
equipment may help, though these changes take longer to flow index that is too low. Too
implement. Refer to Figure 2 for details concerning the large a die gap may result in the
bubble cooling adjustment options available for different bubble reaching its drawdown
dual lip air rings. This paper will focus on adjustments to limit too quickly. The best solution is to raise the frost line
bubble cooling system setup, not formulations or so that it is above the air ring. If output cannot be increased,
equipment. then decrease the air volume (slower air ring blower speed)
or unlock the bottom of the bubble by opening the lips to
Discussion reduce air velocity. If IBC cooling is available, reduce the
IBC circulation rate. Refer to Figure 3 for the
There are only three rules to remember when adjusting recommended bubble cooling adjustment sequence to
air rings: 1. velocity controls; 2. volume cools; 3. climb the eliminate draw resonance.
Rule 1 (velocity controls) refers to the air velocity
between the bubble and the air ring. Faster air velocity
results in lower pressure, allowing the pressure inside the
air ring to push the bubble towards the air ring and locking
the bubble into place. The locking points” are unique for
each style of air ring. Refer to Figure 1 for details.

Helical Instability Refer to Figure 6 for the recommended adjustment
Also known as Mae Westing, sequence to eliminate fast bubble breathing.
Snaking or Hula Hooping. This is
the most common bubble Bubble Sag
instability pattern. Raw material Also referred to as heavy bubble
causes include not enough high or sleeping bubble. This problem
melt strength resin (LDPE) or an usually occurs when gauge or
average melt flow index that is too blow-up ratio is increased during
high. Die gaps that are too narrow a product change. It can also
may generate excessive shear occur when air temperature
heating that reduces melt strength changes in the factory, the
as well. Although bubble cooling formulation melt strength is too
adjustments are similar to draw resonance, air velocity is a weak (not enough LDPE), the
more critical factor than air volume in this case. A slight melt flow index is too high or the
vortex pattern of air flow exiting the air ring lips can induce die gap is too wide and the
this pattern. Refer to Figure 4 for the recommended bubble is too thick at the die lips. It is important to keep in
adjustment sequence to eliminate helical instability. mind that the air exiting the air ring not only cooling the
bubble, it supports it. Incorrectly positioned air ring parts
Slow Bubble Breathing will induce this problem. The most effective solution is to
Minimum cycle time for fast increase air velocity (close air ring lips) and increase air
bubble breathing is 15 seconds. volume (faster air ring blower speed) if required. Refer to
The first step is to confirm that Figure 7 for the recommended adjustment sequence to
the root cause is not extruder eliminate bubble sag.
surging. IBC sensors too far
above the frost line can induce Bubble Tear
this pattern as well. Modern IBC Also known as snap off and is
systems have real time feedback sometimes confused with
to help operators minimize random holes that are referred to
layflat width variation by as blow holes. The root cause is
adjusting IBC sensor position drawing down the melt too
relative to the frost line. The most effective strategy to quickly, resulting in strain
minimize slow bubble breathing is to increase air velocity hardening that causes the resin to
by closing air ring lips and adjusting air volume (air ring stop stretching and tear away
blower speed) if required. Refer to Figure 5 for the from the die lip. Strain hardening
recommended adjustment sequence to eliminate slow occurs when there is too much
bubble breathing. LDPE in the formulation, the
average melt flow index is too low, the line speed is too fast
Fast Bubble Breathing or the die gap is too wide. The most effective way to
Maximum cycle time for fast eliminate this problem is to decrease air volume (slower air
bubble breathing is 15 seconds. ring blower speed) and velocity (open air ring lips). Refer
As with slow bubble breathing, to Figure 8 for the recommended adjustment sequence to
key questions to ask are: how eliminate bubble tear.
much variation; how fast is the
cycle; does it coincide with Bubble Flutter
rotation of dies or nip; does it Also known as trembling or
continue when all blowers and shaking below the frost line.
valves are locked in one position. Flutter above the frost line is
IBC sensors too far below the common and usually does not
frost line can induce this pattern affect bubble stability if proper
as well. This pattern can start about 20 minutes after a bubble supports (cage) are used.
bubble is set up if a flexible pipe in the IBC exhaust duct This problem is more common
begins to pulsate. Another common cause for this pattern is with LLDPE rich formulations or
excessive drag resistance in the collapsing frame. The most when the target gauge is too thin
effective strategy to minimize fast bubble breathing is to to withstand the buffeting from
decrease air volume (slower air ring blower speed) and the air ring. The most
decrease air velocity if required (opening air ring lips). effective way to eliminate this problem is to decrease air
velocity (open air ring gap) and decrease air ring blower

speed) if required. Refer to Figure 9 for the recommended
adjustment sequence to eliminate bubble tear.

Triple Lip Air Rings

Triple lip air rings are usually similar to Type 1, with
an additional lip to blow downward to precool the bubble
and form a solid skin on the outside surface. These air rings
are usually set up to run between 0.5 and 1.5 die diameters
above the die, depending on the blow up ratio and
formulation. The adjustments to height are required when
the bubble is not stable below the air ring. All other
adjustments well be the same as conventional Type 1 air
Controlling bubble stability by adjusting bubble
cooling systems is a frequently overlooked skill. Most
instabilities can be minimized if not eliminated by
following the three simple rules described in the

1. A Practical Guide to Blown Film Troubleshooting 2nd
edition, pp 104-105, 117-125. Published by Plastics
Touchpoint Group, Inc.

Figure 1 – Air Ring Locking Points for Different Dual Lip Air Rings

Figure 2 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Different Dual Lip Air Rings

Figure 3 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Draw Resonance

Figure 4 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Helical Instability

Figure 5 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Slow Bubble Breathing

Figure 6 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Fast Bubble Breathing

Figure 7 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Bubble Sag

Figure 8 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Bubble Tear

Figure 9 – Bubble Cooling Adjustments for Bubble Flutter

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