Filter Processing and Gravimetric Analysis For Suspended Particulate Matter Samples

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Aerosol Sci Eng

DOI 10.1007/s41810-017-0010-4


Filter Processing and Gravimetric Analysis for Suspended

Particulate Matter Samples
1,2 • 1 • 1 • 1 •
John G. Watson Richard J. Tropp Steven D. Kohl Xiaoliang Wang
Judith C. Chow

Received: 30 June 2017 / Revised: 10 July 2017 /Accepted: 12 July 2017

Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy Sciences 2017

Abstract Aerosol sampling onto filter media with labora- to neutralize electrostatic charges. Regular quality control
tory weighing before and after drawing air through the and quality assurance procedures involve filter inspection
filter is the most commonly applied method to determine for defects before and after sampling, periodic balance zero
PM 2.5 and PM 10concentrations. Although simple in con- and span checks, replicate filter weights, and independent
cept, determining the net gain in weight from an aerosol system and performance audits.
deposit is complicated by adsorption of gases onto the
filter, retention of water by the filter and the deposit, Keywords Aerosol sampling Mass measurement
electrostatic charges that result in attraction of the filter to Weighing laboratory Filter measurements Gravimetric
balance surfaces, contamination during filter handling, analysis
losses or additions to filter material, evaporation of semi-
volatile aerosols, and inhomogeneous sample deposits.
Additional restrictions apply when the weighed filters are 1 Introduction
submitted to subsequent chemical speciation analyses. A
precisely controlled environment, with clean air and con- Suspended particulate matter (PM) collection by filtration
stant temperature and humidity, is required for filter and gravimetric analysis is the earliest and most widely
weighing and processing, and filters must be equilibrated at used technique for obtaining ambient concentrations
these conditions. Balances must have sensitivities of (Beamish and McBryde 1949; Dunmore et al. 1964; Fee-
B1 lg, be calibrated with well-established primary stan- ney et al. 1984; Goetz 1953; Vaughan et al. 1989). A blank
dards, and be regularly serviced. Ionizing sources are used filter is weighed on a laboratory balance, ambient air is
drawn through it at known flow rates and durations, PM is
Disclaimer References to specific suppliers are not an endorsement retained while particle-free air exits the filter, the filter is
of those vendors, but are included as hardware and software re-weighed, the blank filter weight is subtracted, and the
descriptions that may be available from other sources. Several weight gain is divided by the sample volume to determine
vendors may represent the same supplier. References cited here are to
the original manufacturer, to the extent possible. the PM concentration over the sample period. As simple as
this process seems, PM concentrations by this method can
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this be inaccurate and imprecise because the PM deposit is
article (doi:10.1007/s41810-017-0010-4) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. quite small compared to the weight of the filter. There are
many procedural and environmental variables that can
affect the initial and final filter weights.
& Judith C. Chow
[email protected] The basic components of an aerosol sampling system
1 include a size-selective inlet, filter substrate, filter holder,
Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute,
Reno, NV 89512, USA flow mover, and flow controller (Chow 1995; Watson and
2 Chow 2011). Air enters the sampling inlet where 50% of
State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology
(SKLLQG), Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese the particles greater than the specified size are removed.
Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, People’s Republic of China Particles larger than the reported ‘‘cut point’’ are still

Aerosol Sci Eng

sampled because inlet sampling effectiveness is not a step European Union procedures (Belis et al. 2012) call for
function (Watson et al. 1983). The inlet defines the sam- equilibration at 20 ± 1 C and 50 ± 3% RH. In China, the
pled size fraction, with PM 2.5and PM (particles
10 with conditions are 15–30 C and 50 ± 5% RH (HJ 2011).
aerodynamic diameters \2.5 and \10 lm, respectively) Temperature and RH in the controlled environment are
being the most common. The air stream containing the measured, recorded, and inspected continuously, as indi-
remaining particles passes through a transfer tube and is cated in Figure S-1 of the supplemental information. Dig-
directed toward a filter holder containing the collection ital sensors are preferred because they are easily interfaced
filter (Lippmann 2001). Filters are selected to be compat- to data loggers and/or computer systems for subsequent
ible with the intended physical, chemical, and optical data processing and validation. Adjustments are made to
analysis methods (Chow and Watson 2013; Watson et al. the environmental control system when equilibration con-
2016), including the weight of the collected PM. A pump ditions exceed pre-set tolerances, and these are preferably
draws air through the sampling system. A flow meter made by feedback from the sensors to the air handlers.
behind the filter monitors the volume of air and may con- The microbalance (MettlerToledo 2017c; Sartorius
trol the pump to maintain a pre-set flow rate (Baker and 2017) is placed on a flat, stable, stone within a 183 cm (6 )
Pouchot 1983a, b; Bean 1971). to 244 cm (8 )0 laminar flow hood (PureAire 2017) that
This review addresses the filters, filter holders, and continuously blows air toward the weighing technician to
weight determination aspects of this measurement method minimize contamination; exhaled ammonia can neutralize
by: (1) describing the filters used for PM mass concentra- acidic components in the deposit (Fig. S-2). The stone
tions and the environmental and handling effects on their minimizes balance vibration. Microbalance sensitivity is
weights; (2) identifying filter holders and processing ±1 lg for the weight range of 0–250 mg, and ±0.1 lg for
methods to minimize these effects; and (3) specifying the weight range of 0–25 mg. Modern microbalances can
standards, hardware, and software for laboratory gravi- be interfaced to a computer with a barcode reader for data
metric analysis. acquisition, eliminating the need for manually recording
weights and entering them into a database. Many modern
balances also have internal zero and span checks.
2 Filter Processing Facility Automated weighing systems have been used in which
filters are loaded into cassettes and robotically moved to
A clean laboratory environment is required for filter and from the microbalance for automatic weighing (Pres-
inspection, equilibration, and weighing. The ideal case is a ler-Jur et al. 2016). While weights have been shown to be
separate room with an independent ventilation system comparable to those derived from manual weighing, there
through a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and is little technician time saved as the filters must be trans-
positive pressure to prevent contaminated air from entering ferred from the Petri slide to the cassettes and back again.
when access doors are open (Rudnick 2004). Accept- There is a high potential for associating filters with the
able environments can be maintained inside glove boxes, wrong label with so many out of their Petri slides at the
but these are uncomfortable and awkward for processing same time, and there are some reports of filter loss due to
large numbers of filters (Allen et al. 2001; Kuo et al. 2015). jamming of the filter handling system.
Different filter conditioning environments can result in A light table (HallProductions 2017) is used for filter
different mass measurements as a function of relative inspection. Upon receipt, each filter is examined for dis-
humidity (RH). Both the filter media and the deposit can coloration, pinholes, and surface non-uniformity, with
retain liquid water that may bias PM concentrations rejection of filters that show these defects. An equilibration
(Brown et al. 2006;Cahn1963; Charell and Hawley 1981; tray (Figure S-2) separates filters from one another so that
Kajino et al. 2006; McInnes et al. 1996; Perrino et al. the equilibration air can reach all parts of the filter surface.
2013, 2016; Tierney and Conner 1967). Soluble particles Grounding wires, with alligator clips on one end connected
take on water as RH increases, especially above the deli- to the equilibration trays and banana clips on the other end
quescence point of approximately 70% RH (Tang 1980; connected to a ground, can be used to minimize electro-
Watson 2002). Increases in the collected mass of 50% or static charges. After equilibration, blank filters are placed
more have been observed as RH increases to 100% (Tier- into individual Petri slides (MilliporeSigma 2017) made of
ney and Conner 1967). The hysteresis effect as RH molded polystyrene, typically of 51 mm (2 ) 9 76 mm
decreases precludes a constant mass measurement unless (3 00) dimensions that can accommodate filters up to 47 mm
samples are equilibrated at an RH of less than 30% prior to in diameter. An adhesive label, preferably with a barcode
and after exposure. U.S. EPA (1997) procedures call for generated specific to each project, is placed on the slide to
mean temperatures between 20 ± 2 and 23 ± 2 C and uniquely identify that sample. Some filters are available
mean RH between 30 ± 5 and 40 ± 5% over 24 h. with pre-assigned IDs printed on them, but these are not

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recommended because they preclude future chemical may be lost with heavy deposits. The small pores in
analysis. membrane filters may also clog with heavy loadings, as
Electrostatic charges on filter materials may interfere indicated by decreasing flow rates over the sample dura-
with accurate weighing by creating an attraction between tion. The surface deposit is advantageous for subsequent
the filter and its surroundings (Engelbrecht et al. 1980; elemental analyses by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) (Watson
Hanninen et al. 2002; Hawley and Williams 1974; Lawless et al. 1999) and microscopy (Casuccio et al. 1983). Fiber
and Rodes 1999; Swanson and Kittelson 2008; Tsai et al. filters have a higher capacity, as the sampled particles
2002; Weil 1991). Polonium-210 ( Po) 210
charge neutral- penetrate into the filter and the weave is less prone to
izers (HealthPhysics 2017; Niemeyer et al. 1978) can clogging. The particle penetration, however, requires
minimize these effects. Ionizing blowers (SimcoIon 2017) greater effort or precludes some subsequent analyses.
can also be used to reduce static charges. Noisy balance Optimal filter loadings should range from *40 to 250 lg/
readouts, drifts, and sudden shifts are indicators of exces- cm 2 , or *500 to *3000 lg/47 mm filter.
sive electrostatic charge. Polycarbonate filters are espe- The selection of a particular filter type for a specific
cially prone to this interference, and they have been application is a compromise among factors that include
observed to leap to other surfaces prior to discharging. cost, availability, collection efficiency, requirements of the
Po neutralizers should be handled per manufacturers’ analytical procedures, and the ability of the filter to retain
instructions. They have half-lives of 138 days, so they need its collection properties and physical integrity under the
to be replaced every 6 months with the spent units properly ambient sampling conditions. More details on these issues
disposed of. Antistatic solutions can be used to coat the are found in Watson and Chow (2011).
interior and exterior non-metallic surfaces of the weighing Ringed Teflon-membrane filters consist of a thin, porous
chamber to drain electrostatic charges by conduction. polytetrafluoroethylene [PTFE, (C F ) ] Teflon 2 4 n sheet
Earth-grounded conductive mats are also used to reduce stretched across a polypropylene or polymethylpentene
electrostatic charge buildup. support ring (GE 2017b). These have [99% sampling
Ammonium nitrate and some organic particles evaporate efficiencies and are the most stable filters available, with
during sampling when the sample temperature exceeds that little effect from temperature and RH on their weight
of ambient air (Cheng et al. 2009; Chow et al. 2005). To changes and minimal interference during sampling.
minimize changes during aerosol sampling, U.S. EPA Table 1 summarizes the relevant properties of these filters
federal reference method (FRM) field samplers bathe the specified for U.S. PM 2.5 compliance sampling (CFR 2016).
filter cassette in ambient air to maintain a filter temperature They have low background levels for all species except
within 5 C of ambient air. After post-gravimetric analysis, carbon and fluoride. These filters cannot be cut into sepa-
the exposed PM 2.5samples need to be sealed and kept in rate pieces for different analyses as the membrane col-
the refrigerator (\4 C) for a minimum period of 1 year lapses when cut. Non-ringed Teflon-membrane filters are
after sampling. Filter storage requirements are not part of thicker than the ringed filters, but they are more econom-
the FRM, but they are part of program implementation. ical (TischScientific 2017). Non-ringed filters can be sec-
tioned into smaller pieces, but their added thickness
increases detection limits for some of the potential chem-
3 Filters ical analyses (Chow and Watson 2013).
Etched polycarbonate membranes (GE 2017a) (often
Figure 1 illustrates the types of parallel filter samples that called Nuclepore filters, after their first manufacturer)
are used for different chemical analyses. Gravimetry is consist of a thin polycarbonate sheet through which pores
commonly applied to the ringed Teflon-membrane filter, as of uniform diameter have been produced by radioactive
it is the most durable, stable, and artifact free of all the particle penetration and chemical etching (Spurny et al.
filter media. With careful processing and environmental 1969a, b). Depending on the pore size, these filters have
control, however, other filter types can also be successfully variable particle collection properties. They have low ele-
weighed before and after sampling (Pall 2017b). Fibrous mental blank levels, are appropriate for elemental and ion
filters are composed of a mat of cellulose, glass, quartz, analyses, and are used in microscopy, as the membrane
asbestos, or polystyrene fibers in random orientation within surface and pores are very uniform. Nuclepore filters are
the plane of the filter sheet. Membrane-type filters have most susceptible to electrostatic forces and require longer
straight-through or sinuous pores (Raynor et al. 2011) and neutralization periods than the other filters (Romo-Kro ¨ger
are made of Teflon, polycarbonate, nylon, polyvinyl chlo- 1989). The Nuclepore 8.0 and 0.4 lm filters are most
ride (PVC), and cellulose esters. Membrane filters have a commonly used in ambient PM sampling (Cahill et al.
more limited loading capacity than fiber filters, because 1977). While the 0.2 lm pore size filter provides a higher
most of the deposit is confined to the surface where some sampling effectiveness, its higher flow resistance requires a

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Ringed Teflon-membrane filter

Functional Multi-λ light GRAV: Gravimetric analysis
Mass Elements groups absorption b
XRF: X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
a (XRF b) (FTIR c) (UV-VIS d) c
FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared
Rare earths Spectroscopy,
Acid digestion and isotopes d
UV-VIS: Ultraviolet-visible light
(ICP-MS )e spectroscopy
e ICP-MS: Inductively coupled plasma-

mass spectrometry
Quartz-fiber filter f Multiwavelength TOR/TOT:
Multiwavelength thermal/optical
reflectance and transmittance; uses 7
OC/EC wavelengths (i.e., 405, 445, 532, 635, 780,
Non-polar Polar organic 808, and 980 nm) for organic and
(Multi- organic compounds
wavelength (ID-TD- elemental carbon
TOR/TOT ) compounds
f GC/MS )
(TD-GC/MS )g g TD-GC/MS: Thermal desorption-gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry
Nylon-membrane filter h ID-TD-GC/MS: In-situ derivatization-
Extracted in water after processing thermal desorption-gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry
IC-CD: Ion chromatography with
Short-chain Anhydrosugars, conductivity detection
Anions and carboxylic polyols, WSOC ,
cations acids saccharides WSON l IC-PAD: Ion chromatography with
(IC-CD )i (IC-CD) (IC-PAD ) (TOCm) pulsed amperometric detector
j k
WSOC: Water-soluble organic carbon
WSON: Water-soluble organic nitrogen
TOC: Total organic carbon analysis
Polycarbonate-membrane filter n
SEM: Scanning electron microscopy
PIXE: Proton-induced x-ray emission.

Morphology Elements
(SEM n) (PIXE o)

Fig. 1 Commonly used filters for gravimetric and other chemical gravimetric analysis. In the absence of a nylon filter, a section of the
analyses. Although analysis methods are associated with a single quartz-fiber filter can be used for water-soluble ion analysis
filter, they may be performed on sections of other filters, after

large pressured drop across the filter for[10 L min flow depending on how long they have been exposed to an acid-
rates. rich environment, they need to be tested prior to sampling,
Nylon-membrane filters (Pall 2017a) consist of thin and if nitrate is detected, they must be washed in a sodium
sheets of porous nylon. Although these filters are normally bicarbonate solution followed by distilled-deionized water
used to collect nitric acid (HNO ) 3and total nitrate (Appel (DDW) rinse prior to use in the field. They also adsorb
et al. 1981; Tsai et al. 2004), they can also be weighed. small amounts of ammonia (NH 3 , Masia et al. 1994) and
Nylon filters have high flow resistance that increases with sulfur dioxide (SO , Chan2 et al. 1986; Eldred and Cahill
filter loading, making their loading capacity less than that 1997; Japar and Brachaczek 1984; Masia et al. 1994;
of other filters. Since these filters passively adsorb HNO , 3 Sickles and Hodson 1999b; Sickles and Hodson 1999a).

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Table 1 U.S. EPA PM 2.5 filter specifications for federal reference method (FRM) sampling to be certified by the manufacturer (CFR 2016)
Attribute Specification

Filter medium and size Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Teflon with polymethylpentene (PMP) or equivalent inert material support ring.
Outer diameter 46.2 ± 0.25 mm with a width of 3.68 mm and ring thickness of 0.38 ± 0.04 mm support ring
Pore size 2 lm as measured by ASTM F316-94
Filter thickness 30–50 lm
Maximum pressure drop 30 cm H O2 column with 16.67 L min -1
clean air flow on unexposed filter
Maximum moisture No more than 10 lg weight increase after 24-h exposure to air at 40% RH, relative to the weight after an initial 24-h
pickup exposure to air at 35% RH
Collection efficiency Exceeding 99.7%, as measured by dioctyl phthalate (DOP) test (ASTM D-2986-95a) with 0.3 lm particles at the
sampler’s operating face velocity
Filter weight stability Less than 20 lg for minimum of 0.1% per lot or 10 filters. Drop test from 25 cm three times to verify loose surface
particle contamination. Heat to 40 ± 20 C for\48 h to test temperature stability
Alkalinity Less than 25 microequivalents per gram of filter
Chemical composition Non-detectable quantities of species to be submitted to chemical analysis after FRM compliance sampling.
(optional) Applicable only if such analysis is anticipated

The adsorption of these gases will cause a bias in PM Cellulose acetate membrane, cellulose-fiber membrane,
concentrations in areas with high HNO , NH 3 , and
3 SO 2 PVC, and glass-fiber filters were commonly used in the
concentrations. early days of filter sampling, but as more was learned
Teflon-coated glass-fiber filters (Pall 2017b) imbed a about their adsorption and desorption of water at different
Teflon slurry onto a loosely woven glass-fiber mat. These RHs, their variable sampling efficiencies, and contami-
filters were developed for the Sulfate Regional Experiment nants that preclude other analyses, these are no longer
(SURE, Mueller et al. 1983) to minimize the adsorption of used for PM and10 PM gravimetry.2.5 These limitations
gases, especially SO , 2that was found for the then-common are documented in other reviews (Chow 1995; Watson
glass-fiber filter material. The most common application of and Chow 2011).
these filters is for samples amenable to polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon (PAH) analysis, and they are often weighed as
part of these measurements (Correa and Arbilla 2006).
Quartz-fiber filters (Pall 2017b) consist of a tightly 4 Filter Holders
woven mat of quartz filaments. Quartz-fiber filters are
commonly used for carbon (Chow et al. Filter holders (Lippmann 1995, 2001; Puskar et al. 1992)
1993, 2007, 2011, 2015b) and ion analyses (Chow and are designed for the specific filter size used, and several
Watson 1999, 2017), with a parallel Teflon sample used for of these are illustrated and described in Figure S-3. Filter
gravimetric analysis. Quartz filters adsorb organic vapors holders provide a seal at the edge (Vandenheever 1994)
(Chow et al. 2010; Watson et al. 2009), which yields a and a bottom support so that the filter is not deformed or
positive bias to gravimetric measurements. They are usu- sucked through by the vacuum created by the sampler
ally baked at high temperatures (up to 900 C) to reduce pump. Open-faced filter holders permit uniform air flow
carbon blank values caused by organic vapor adsorption, across the filter face, resulting in a homogeneous deposit
and this makes them brittle, with potential loss of filter (Lai et al. 2006; McDade et al. 2009). This homogeneity
material during filter pack loading and unloading. This is not necessary for gravimetric analysis or when the
results in a negative bias. Whatman QMA filters (GE entire filter is submitted to subsequent analyses, but it is
2017c) contain a 5% borosilicate glass binder that mini- necessary when a portion of the filter is submitted to
mizes its fragility. This makes it more useful for analysis. Deposit uniformity also mitigates against losses
gravimetry, but it increases the propensity for non-carbon of particles from overloaded sections of the filter. For this
gas adsorption. The glass binder melts under the high reason, in-line filters are to be avoided, as sampling
temperature conditions of carbon analysis. Brown et al. through them creates a spot in the middle of the filter, as
(2006) and Quincey et al. (2009) report water uptake by shown in Figure S-4. With an open-face filter holder, the
quartz filters with changing RH during equilibration that air velocity is uniform across the filter holder. An inho-
can also affect gravimetric mass. mogeneous or low-porosity support grid can also cause an

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Table 2 Summary of quality control (QC) activities for filter processing and gravimetric analysis
QC Purpose Frequency Standard Acceptance criteria Response/action

Balance Assure no weight reading with Every None ±0 lg Rezero

tare nothing on balance pan *10
Balance Normalize balance output to Every Certified Class 1 ±3 lg Adjust span
span standard weight *10 or Class E
samples weights
Check Ensure instrument accuracy with Every Certified Class 1 ±3 lg Re-tare, re-span
weight independent standard 10th or Class E and re-weigh all
sample weights filters
Replicates Ensure and estimate sample 10–100% NA ±10 lg for pre-weight and ±15 for Re-weigh sample
precision of post-weight, unless flagged as batch
samples volatile
Level 1 Identify and flag sample Every NA NA Enter flagged
data appearance and deviations from sample sample into the
validation procedures database
NA not applicable

uneven deposit that may bias analyses of a portion of the replaced on the filter holders after sampling prior to ship-
filter (Fig. S-5). ment back to the laboratory. The FRM filter holders can be
Filter holders should be made of inert materials that will placed in a labeled Petri dish for protection during
not contaminate the filter with the chemical species to be shipping.
quantified. Injection-molded fluorinated ethylene propy-
lene (FEP) Teflon and polycarbonate filter holders meet
these specifications. Rubber O-ring seals have been found 5 Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance
to outgas with adsorption onto quartz-fiber filters, so these (QA)
are replaced with inert Viton O-rings (Tombach et al.
1987). Tables 2 and 3 outline the different QA procedures and
The PM 2.5 FRM filter ring (CFR 2016) is used as a their frequencies, some of which are described in more
common 47 mm filter holder (Figu. S-3). This holder detail in the following section. Table S-1 includes example
consists of Delrin plastic rings with a stainless steel validation flags as well as the indicators for their applica-
support grid into which 100 lm diameter holes are etched tion. When elemental, carbon, and ionic analyses are car-
100 lm apart. Most FRMs use a white-colored Delrin ried out, as in a speciation network, a further validation test
holder, but when these are new they may contaminate the is a comparison of the weighted sum of the measured
quartz-fiber filters used for carbon analysis (Clark 2002; species with the gravimetric mass (Chow et al. 2015a).
Gutknecht et al. 2001). Similar blue-colored holders made Equipment-specific operating manuals are available
of a different material were created by hot injected-mol- from the manufacturers, copies of which should be located
ded ABS plastic, but these are much harder material and near the appropriate instrument. Laboratory-specific stan-
sometimes tear the Teflon-membrane filter. The stainless dard operating procedures (SOPs) need to be created that
steel support grid adsorbs certain gases, so if an include: (1) summary of measurement method, principles,
impregnated backup filter is used to measure HNO ,NH 3 3expected
, accuracy and precision, and the assumptions for
or SO 2, it is advisable to use a Teflon filter holder and validity; (2) materials, equipment, reagents, and suppliers;
support grid. (3) individuals responsible for performing each part of the
Several stainless steel filter holders are available, many procedure; (4) traceability path, primary standards or ref-
of them with in-line connectors (Fig. S-4) that should be erence materials, tolerances for transfer standards, and
avoided. These are usually costly and increase shipping schedule for transfer standard verification; (5) start-up,
costs between the laboratory and the field owing to their routine, and shutdown operating procedures and an
greater weight. abbreviated checklist; (6) data forms; (7) routine mainte-
Most filter holders come with protective covers for their nance schedules, maintenance procedures, and trou-
faces and pump connectors. These covers are removed in bleshooting tips; (8) internal calibration and performance
the field when filters are installed in a sampler, then testing procedures and schedules; (9) external performance

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Table 3 Example of quality assurance (QA) activities for gravimetric analysis

QA activity Purpose Frequency Performer Acceptance criteria Response action

Balance Ensure proper functioning Every year or Manufacturer Balance performer as Document maintenance schedule
maintenance of weighing system when representative specified by
malfunction is manufacturer
Internal system Ensure compliance with Every year or Internal QA Conformance with Prepare preventive or corrective
and operational and quality when manager laboratory SOPs, actions based on audit findings and
performance system procedures malfunction is QAPPs, and quality follow up to ensure completion of
audits detected manual specified actions
Technical system Assess adequacy of and Every 3 years External Conformance with good Prepare and implement preventive
audits conformance with good auditor laboratory practices and corrective actions as needed
laboratory practices and and adherence to based on audit findings
QA/QC procedures laboratory SOPs
Quality system Assess adequacy of and Every 3 years External Conformance with good Prepare and implement preventive
audit conformance with quality auditor laboratory practices and corrective actions as needed
system and adherence to based on audit findings
laboratory SOPs
Performance Assess comparability of Every year External Within specified limits Prepare and implement preventive
evaluations and analytical results with auditor or and agreement with and corrective actions as needed
laboratory standards and other audit team other laboratories based on findings
inter- laboratories

SOP standard operating procedure, QAPP quality assurance project plan

In the USA, external auditors include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA 2017) and the Environmental Laboratory
Accreditation Program of the NELAC Institute (TNI 2016)

auditing schedules; (10) safety measures; and (11) refer- equilibrium with the weighing environment. Unexposed
ences to relevant literature and related SOPs. The following filters are separated in containers (Petri culture dishes
section provides direction that can be useful in preparing 150 mm diameter) such that all surfaces are exposed to the
these procedures. equilibration environment. For exposed filters, Petri slides
Class 1 or Class E gravimetric standards (Bignell and (MilliporeSigma 2017) containing the filters are located on
Fen 2003; MettlerToledo 2017a) need to be procured for the counter of a laminar flow hood with the lids slightly
calibration and performance tests. Standard masses of 100, ajar so that the filters are exposed to the equilibration
200, 300, and 500 mg are used to define the span. The span environment.
maximum should be slightly more than the typical filter To inspect each filter, the light table surface and flat tip
weight. Weights from 10 to 200 mg are used to evaluate forceps are first cleaned with a methanol-moistened wiper
balance linearity after it is spanned. A separate set of and allowed to dry. Filters are handled with non-powdered
weights is verified against these primary standards and used latex-gloved (Kimberly-Clark 2017) hands to prevent
as check weights. contamination. Holding the edge of a ringed Teflon filter
with the forceps, the filter is placed on a light table and
examined for pinholes, separation from the support ring,
6 Filter Handling and Gravimetric Analysis loose particles, tears, creases, inhomogeneity or variations
Procedures in density, lumps, or other defects. Loose Teflon particles
may be removed by gently spraying with air from a rubber
Figure 2 presents a flow diagram of the routine operating bulb (MettlerToledo 2017b). Filters that do not meet visual
procedure. New blank filters are placed in an equilibration criteria are rejected and returned to the vendor. If chemical
tray at controlled temperature and RH environment for at analyses are to be performed, two filters from each lot of
least 4 weeks to allow for outgassing of any residues from 100 are analyzed for blank levels and the lot should be
the manufacturing process that might change the blank rejected if pre-set specifications are not met.
filter weight. Exposed filters returned from the field are Sample IDs with barcodes are printed on gummed labels
equilibrated in the same environment for a minimum of that are affixed to the Petri slides. When multiple filter
24 h prior to weighing to allow soluble deposits to achieve types are used for parallel sampling (as illustrated in

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Teflon filters Receive from the
field sites

Ship to field sites

Document Disassemble filter
lot box cassette assemblies
number and place filters in
pre-assigned Petri

(100% of

Clean filter holders,

support screens, and Post-sampling
XRF cassette containers equilibration of filters for
acceptance a minimum of 24 hours
(2% of filters)

Equilibrate filters in a Perform

environment for 4-6 final weighing

Assign filter IDs and
place each filter in a weighing
Petri slide (30% of filters)


Difference > 15 µg = Fail

Perform replicate weighing Difference < 15 µg = Pass

(100% of filters)
Perform data processing/validation and
merge mass/laboratory data with sampler-
acquired data and data entered from field
Difference < 10 µg = Pass Difference > 10 µg = Fail data sheets

Load filters into

filter holder
assembly and filter
cassette container
Submit to integrated filter data base
Store samples in Petri slides
with airtight seal for a minimum
of one year (< 4°C)

field data sheet

Fig. 2 Flow diagram and illustrations of the filter preparation and gravimetric analysis procedures

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Fig. 1), the same number is used, but filters are differen- from the routine pre-weight or ±15 lg from the routine
tiated by a filter code (e.g., T for Teflon, Q for quartz, N for post-weight, re-weigh the entire batch of filters. Since
nylon, and P for polycarbonate). When two parallel filters initial weights prior to field sampling cannot be recovered
of the same type are used, a different letter is defined for if lost or missing, a 100% re-weight assures maximum data
the subsequent filters. These IDs are recorded in a chain-of- recovery and is strongly recommended.
custody log book or, preferably, a computerized laboratory Filter weighing, loading, and unloading are performed in
data management system that associates each ID with the a filter preparation room with controlled temperature and
filter batch number. The chain-of-custody record for each RH. Non-powdered latex gloves are worn during all filter
sample includes entries for each filter ID, dates and tech- handling operations. The work surface is cleaned with lab-
nician identifier for filter inspection, equilibration, pre- oratory wipes and a sheet of laboratory bench paper is laid
weighing, shipment to the field, receipt from the field, re- out. Forceps are cleaned with a methanol-moistened wipe.
equilibration, post-weighing, and storage. These records Filter holders are cleaned by wiping the support ring, the
identify the disposition of each sample and prevent the support grid, and the retaining ring with a methanol-moist-
creation of two samples with the same ID. ened wipe. Large batches can be cleaned with detergent-free
Filters are weighed in groups of 10–50 by a technician hot water in a laboratory dishwasher. Clean filter holders are
wearing clean powderless latex gloves. The Petri slides con- disassembled by separating the upper and lower parts and
taining filters are placed in ascending order of filter ID num- removing their support grid. The support grid is placed into
bers, if possible. The balance tare is adjusted to read zero with the support ring, and a bar-coded label is affixed to the filter
nothing in the weighing chamber, and the span is adjusted to holder or the container that protects it. Another label is
(or verified against) a standard weight (typically 200 mg) placed on the field data sheet that accompanies the sample
which is placed on the balance pan using a dedicated forceps. batch and that will be returned after sampling with the
No more than three filters are dissociated from their labeled sample time, place, duration, and flow rate. The Petri slide
Petri slide at any time, one being removed from the balance containing the filter ID designated for sampling is opened
pan to its slide, one being transferred from the charge neu- and forceps are inserted at the notch at thebottom of the slide
tralizer to the balance pan, and one being transferred from the to gently secure the filter on its edge to place the filter onto the
Petri slide to the charge neutralizer. This process minimizes support grid. The top of the filter holder is then attached. This
the filter placement in the wrong Petri slide. may be a pressure or threaded fit. The top must be tight
The filter remains in the charge neutralization area for enough to ensure a good seal, but not so tight as to damage the
30–60 s prior to being moved to the balance pan, where it edge of the filter. If the blank filter isdamaged (Fig. S-6), the
resides until a stable weight is achieved. For extremely process must be repeated with a clean filter. Exposed filters
volatile aerosols, such as fresh wood smoke, the weight with visibledamage (Fig S-6) should beweighed and flagged
may decrease continuously, associated with a characteristic per Table S-1).
odor. This indicates aerosol volatilization, which cannot be Loaded filter holders are grouped by sampling site and
prevented, so the weight is taken at 60 s and an applicable placed into a sealable polyethylene bag along with the field
validation flag is assigned to that sample. data sheet. The field data sheet has columns for the sam-
If the balance is interfaced to the appropriate computer pling site, date, initial and final flow rates, sample dura-
software, weights are recorded with the scanned filter ID. tions, and notes that are filled in by the field technician.
They can also be recorded manually on a data sheet as a These samples are stored in a refrigerator until shipment.
backup or for later entry into the database. After the weight It is good practice to ship filters to and from the field
is recorded, the just-weighed filter is placed into its labeled under low temperature (\4 8C) conditions in a cooler with
Petri slide, the next filter is moved from the charge neu- containerized ice (blue ice). Field blanks should be pro-
tralizer to the balance pan, and the next filter in line is vided for every 6th or 10th day of sampling.
placed into the charge neutralizer. The process is reversed when samples are returned from
Balance zero and span are verified after every ten filters the field sites. Filters are unloaded and placed back into
using a check weight standard. If the balance does not read their labeled Petri slides and allowed to equilibrate at
zero with nothing on the pan, or if the check weight reading standard conditions prior to re-weighing.
differs from its specified value by more than ±3 lg, the
balance is re-tared and re-spanned and the filters are re-
weighted. Filters weighed since the previous performance 7 Calculations
test must be re-weighed when this limit is not attained.
Replicate weights are measured by another technician Calculations assume that initial and final weights are
on 10–100% of all filters in each batch. If any replicate measured in the same laboratory. The Earth’s gravita-
weight differs from the first weight by more than ±10 lg tional attraction varies with position (Hirt et al. 2013),

Aerosol Sci Eng

but the effect is negligible for practical situations. Nor- ! 0:5

ðM i M irÞ 2

mal fluctuations in air density (caused by pressure, r ¼ Mi 1 2 ð4Þ

temperature, and water vapor variations) do not require N 1
buoyancy corrections (Hanninen et al. 2002; Koistinen
et al. 1999; Rasmussen et al. 2010), but such corrections
! 0:5
are necessary when there is a substantial change with 1XN
ðM f M frÞ 2

balance elevation ([500 m) between the pre- and post- r Mf ¼ : ð5Þ

N 1 2
sample weighing. It is best to avoid changes in weighing
elevations. The uncertainty of the mass concentration is then
The symbols and their definitions given below are used (Watson et al. 1989):
in the subsequent subsections. ! 0:5
2 2
r Mi þ r Mf r 2v
-3 a
C = PM mass concentration, lgm . r C ¼ C ðM 2 þ v2 : ð6Þ
-3 f M Þi
r C = Precision of PM mass concentration, lgm . a
M i = Initial weight of blank filter, lg.
M = Final weight of exposed filter, lg.
M = Weight of blank filter replicate, lg.
8 Summary and Conclusions
N = Number of replicate weights for exposed or blank Accurate PM 10 and PM 2.5mass concentrations derived
filters. from filter sampling require close attention to filter selec-
r M i = Precision of blank filter weights, lg. tion, laboratory preparation environments, filter handling,
r M f= Precision of exposed filter weights, lg. and use of a high sensitivity analytical balance. Detailed
3 -1
Q std = Standard volume flow rate, standard m min . procedures must be created and followed for each of these
3 -1
Q = Actual volume flow rate, actual m min . aspects. Additional attention is needed when weighed fil-
P a = Ambient barometric pressure, mmHg (or kPa). ters are to be used for different chemical analyses.
P std = Standard barometric pressure, 760 mmHg (or
101 kPa).
T std = Standard temperature, 298 K (25 C ? 273).
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