Reptiles: Snakes Lizards Crocodiles Turtles Tuatara Vertebrates

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Reptiles are a group of animals that

include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles and tuatara. They are cold-blooded,
egg laying vertebrates with scales or scutes rather than fur or feathers. The study
of reptiles is known as herpetology which also includes the study of amphibians
such as frogs and newts.

Reptiles are an ancient group of vertebrate animals and we have a fossil record
of reptiles stretching back to over 300 million years ago. Various reptiles are
found on every continent on Earth apart from Antarctica.

The overall global status of reptiles is unhealthy and numbers for many species
are in decline. The main causes of their decline are habitat loss, invasive species,
pollution and climate change.

Lizards are a group of scaly reptiles and are the most diverse group of all reptiles.
They usually have four legs, long bodies, tails, eyelids and external ears. Well-
known lizards include geckos, iguanas, skinks and chameleons.
Turtles are an ancient group of reptiles who have unique shells that protect their
bodies. This group includes sea turtles, freshwater turtles and the land-based
tortoises. Being reptiles, all turtles lay eggs on land and breathe air.

The crocodiles are stealthy predators and insight fear around the world. They
live a semi-aquatic lifestyle and hunt in water, sitting and waiting to ambush
their prey. Crocodiles are solidly built animals with short limbs and large,
flattened mouths.

Snakes are limbless, elongated reptiles that have evolved from lizards. They are
all carnivorous animals and many species produce venom that helps to kill their
prey. Of the 3,500 species of snakes around the world, around 600 are venomous.
The tuatara (Sphendon punctatus) is the sole surviving species from an ancient
lineage of animals. The tuatara is found only in New Zealand.

Characteristics Of Reptiles
Reptiles are tetrapods. Limbless reptiles—snakes and other squamates—have vestigial
limbs and, like caecilians, are classified as tetrapods because they are descended from
four-limbed ancestors. Reptiles lay eggs enclosed in shells on land. Even aquatic
reptiles return to the land to lay eggs. They usually reproduce sexually with internal
fertilization. Some species display ovoviviparity, with the eggs remaining in the mother’s
body until they are ready to hatch. Other species are viviparous, with the offspring born

One of the key adaptations that permitted reptiles to live on land was the development
of their scaly skin, containing the protein keratin and waxy lipids, which reduced water
loss from the skin. This occlusive skin means that reptiles cannot use their skin for
respiration, like amphibians, and thus all breathe with lungs.

Reptiles are ectotherms, animals whose main source of body heat comes from the
environment. This is in contrast to endotherms, which use heat produced by metabolism
to regulate body temperature. In addition to being ectothermic, reptiles are categorized
as poikilotherms, or animals whose body temperatures vary rather than remain stable.
Reptiles have behavioral adaptations to help regulate body temperature, such as
basking in sunny places to warm up and finding shady spots or going underground to
cool down. The advantage of ectothermy is that metabolic energy from food is not
required to heat the body; therefore, reptiles can survive on about 10 percent of the
calories required by a similarly sized endotherm. In cold weather, some reptiles such as
the garter snake brumate. Brumation is similar to hibernation in that the animal
becomes less active and can go for long periods without eating, but differs from
hibernation in that brumating reptiles are not asleep or living off fat reserves. Rather,
their metabolism is slowed in response to cold temperatures, and the animal is very

Evolution Of Reptiles

Figure 4. Pterosaurs, which existed from the late Triassic to the Cretaceous period (210 to 65.5 million years
ago), possessed wings but are not believed to have been capable of powered flight. Instead, they may have been
able to soar after launching from cliffs. (credit: Mark Witton, Darren Naish)
Reptiles originated approximately 300 million years ago during the Carboniferous
period. One of the oldest known amniotes is Casineria, which had both amphibian and
reptilian characteristics. One of the earliest undisputed reptiles was Hylonomus. Soon
after the first amniotes appeared, they diverged into three groups—synapsids,
anapsids, and diapsids—during the Permian period. The Permian period also saw a
second major divergence of diapsid reptiles into archosaurs (predecessors of
crocodilians and dinosaurs) and lepidosaurs (predecessors of snakes and lizards).
These groups remained inconspicuous until the Triassic period, when the archosaurs
became the dominant terrestrial group due to the extinction of large-bodied anapsids
and synapsids during the Permian-Triassic extinction. About 250 million years ago,
archosaurs radiated into the dinosaurs and the pterosaurs.

Although they are sometimes mistakenly called dinosaurs, the pterosaurs were distinct
from true dinosaurs (Figure 4). Pterosaurs had a number of adaptations that allowed for
flight, including hollow bones (birds also exhibit hollow bones, a case of convergent
evolution). Their wings were formed by membranes of skin that attached to the long,
fourth finger of each arm and extended along the body to the legs.

Figure 5. Edmontonia was an armored dinosaur that lived in the late Cretaceous period, 145.5 to 65.6 million
years ago. (credit: Mariana Ruiz Villareal)

The dinosaurs were a diverse group of terrestrial reptiles with more than 1,000 species
identified to date. Paleontologists continue to discover new species of dinosaurs. Some
dinosaurs were quadrupeds (Figure 5); others were bipeds. Some were carnivorous,
whereas others were herbivorous. Dinosaurs laid eggs, and a number of nests
containing fossilized eggs have been found. It is not known whether dinosaurs were
endotherms or ectotherms. However, given that modern birds are endothermic, the
dinosaurs that served as ancestors to birds likely were endothermic as well. Some fossil
evidence exists for dinosaurian parental care, and comparative biology supports this
hypothesis since the archosaur birds and crocodilians display parental care.

Dinosaurs dominated the Mesozoic Era, which was known as the “age of reptiles.” The
dominance of dinosaurs lasted until the end of the Cretaceous, the last period of the
Mesozoic Era. The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction resulted in the loss of most of the
large-bodied animals of the Mesozoic Era. Birds are the only living descendants of one
of the major clades of dinosaurs.
Modern Reptiles
Class Reptilia includes many diverse species that are classified into four living clades.
These are the 25 species of Crocodilia, 2 species of Sphenodontia, approximately 9,200
Squamata species, and the Testudines, with about 325 species.


Figure 6. Crocodilians, such as this Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), provide parental care for their
offspring. (credit: Keshav Mukund Kandhadai)

Crocodilia (“small lizard”) arose with a distinct lineage by the middle Triassic; extant
species include alligators, crocodiles, and caimans. Crocodilians (Figure 6) live
throughout the tropics and subtropics of Africa, South America, Southern Florida, Asia,
and Australia. They are found in freshwater, saltwater, and brackish habitats, such as
rivers and lakes, and spend most of their time in water. Some species are able to move
on land due to their semi-erect posture.


Sphenodontia (“wedge tooth”) arose in the Mesozoic era and includes only one living
genus, Tuatara, comprising two species that are found in New Zealand (Figure 7).
Tuataras measure up to 80 centimeters and weigh about 1 kilogram. Although quite
lizard-like in gross appearance, several unique features of the skull and jaws clearly
define them and distinguish the group from the squamates.
Figure 7. This tuatara from New Zealand may resemble a lizard but belongs to a distinct lineage, the
Sphenodontidae family. (credit: Sid Mosdell)


Figure 8. This Jackson’s chameleon (Trioceros jacksonii) blends in with its surroundings.

Squamata (“scaly”) arose in the late Permian, and extant species include lizards and
snakes. Both are found on all continents except Antarctica. Lizards and snakes are
most closely related to tuataras, both groups having evolved from a lepidosaurian
ancestor. Squamata is the largest extant clade of reptiles (Figure 8). Most lizards differ
from snakes by having four limbs, although these have been variously lost or
significantly reduced in at least 60 lineages. Snakes lack eyelids and external ears,
which are present in lizards. Lizard species range in size from chameleons and geckos,
which are a few centimeters in length, to the Komodo dragon, which is about 3 meters
in length. Most lizards are carnivorous, but some large species, such as iguanas, are

Figure 9. The garter snake belongs to the genus Thamnophis, the most widely distributed reptile genus in North
America. (credit: Steve Jurvetson)

Snakes are thought to have descended from either burrowing lizards or aquatic lizards
over 100 million years ago (Figure 9). Snakes comprise about 3,000 species and are
found on every continent except Antarctica. They range in size from 10 centimeter-long
thread snakes to 10 meter-long pythons and anacondas. All snakes are carnivorous and
eat small animals, birds, eggs, fish, and insects. The snake body form is so specialized
that, in its general morphology, a “snake is a snake.” Their specializations all point to
snakes having evolved to feed on relatively large prey (even though some current
species have reversed this trend). Although variations exist, most snakes have a skull
that is very flexible, involving eight rotational joints. They also differ from other
squamates by having mandibles (lower jaws) without either bony or ligamentous
attachment anteriorly. Having this connection via skin and muscle allows for great
expansion of the gape and independent motion of the two sides—both advantages in
swallowing big items.

Figure 10. The African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata) lives at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. It
is the third largest tortoise in the world. (credit: Jim Bowen)

Turtles are members of the clade Testudines (“having a shell”) (Figure 10). Turtles are
characterized by a bony or cartilaginous shell. The shell consists of the ventral surface
called the plastron and the dorsal surface called the carapace, which develops from the
ribs. The plastron is made of scutes or plates; the scutes can be used to differentiate
species of turtles. The two clades of turtles are most easily recognized by how they
retract their necks. The dominant group, which includes all North American species,
retracts its neck in a vertical S-curve. Turtles in the less speciose clade retract the neck
with a horizontal curve.

Turtles arose approximately 200 million years ago, predating crocodiles, lizards, and
snakes. Similar to other reptiles, turtles are ectotherms. They lay eggs on land, although
many species live in or near water. None exhibit parental care. Turtles range in size
from the speckled padloper tortoise at 8 centimeters (3.1 inches) to the leatherback sea
turtle at 200 centimeters (over 6 feet). The term “turtle” is sometimes used to describe
only those species of Testudines that live in the sea, with the terms “tortoise” and
“terrapin” used to refer to species that live on land and in fresh water, respectively.

Section Summary
The amniotes are distinguished from amphibians by the presence of a terrestrially
adapted egg protected by amniotic membranes. The amniotes include reptiles, birds,
and mammals. The early amniotes diverged into two main lines soon after the first
amniotes arose. The initial split was into synapsids (mammals) and sauropsids.
Sauropsids can be further divided into anapsids (turtles) and diapsids (birds and
reptiles). Reptiles are tetrapods either having four limbs or descending from such.
Limbless reptiles (snakes) are classified as tetrapods, as they are descended from four-
limbed organisms. One of the key adaptations that permitted reptiles to live on land was
the development of scaly skin containing the protein keratin, which prevented water loss
from the skin. Reptilia includes four living clades: Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators),
Sphenodontia (tuataras), Squamata (lizards and snakes), and Testudines (turtles).


Figure 3. This chart shows the evolution of amniotes. The placement of Testudines (turtles) is currently still debated.
Members of the order Testudines have an anapsid-like skull with one opening.
However, molecular studies indicate that turtles descended from a diapsid ancestor.
Why might this be the case? The ancestor of modern Testudines may at one time have
had a second opening in the skull, but over time this might have been lost.

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