Digital Band

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Digital Band Processor 7+4

Important Warning :
- Never open the equipment unless authorised to do so
by a member of the IDT Sound Processing
Corporation technical team and please follow the
instructions to the letter.

Location of the equipment:

- The equipment must be located in an area that is dry and well ventilated.
- The equipment should not be subjected to temperatures over 45°C and
should, where possible, be far from heat sources like transmitters or radiators.
- The ventilation outlets of the Equipment must, in no case be obstructed.
- Every precaution must be taken to make sure that no liquid should enter the
equipment. Should this happen unplug the equipment immediately.

Power Supply:

- The fuses in the power supply are standard, 2 AT 250 V. In case of use on a
115 Vac. network they should ideally be changed for 4AT 250V.
- The equipment needs an AC power supply of 115 Vac or 230 Vac 50/60Hz and
must be properly earthed. There is an earth screw on the equipment for that
purpose. Should the equipment not be in use for a certain period it should be
- The cables linked to the equipment must not be twisted, pinched, crushed or
changed in any way. All standards stipulated must be respected (maximum
length, shielded etc.). Please replace, immediately any cable that is damaged.

Never try auto-maintenance or repairs on any machine without the written

authorisation of IDT Sound Processing Corporation or a maintenance expert
mandated by the company (a list can be supplied by IDT Sound Processing

Should these conditions not be respected IDT Sound Processing Corporation shall
suspend all guarantees. Any damage which results can only be repaired by IDT
Sound Processing Corporation and any repairs will be invoiced.


The aim of this manual is for you to be able to install and start up your processor
as efficiently and quickly as possible. Most of the options and functions are
described. Should anything be missing call the company. Most of the options and
functions are described. By a careful reading of this manual, in particular the part
dedicated to installation, will assure a perfect set up of your machine.

Test or loan period of the equipment:

IDT Sound Processing Corporation has loaned you a processor. This loan is not
invoiced but care must, naturally, be taken to make sure that it is returned to IDT
Sound Processing Corporation in exactly the same condition it was delivered to

- The original packaging must be used, including the plastic protector bag. IDT
Sound Processing Corporation could be invoiced.
- Avoid damaging any part of the equipment (paint, aluminium etc), clean with
non-corrosive products. Protect the equipment from other elements by, for
example, placing polystyrene pads between different boxes.
- The processor will have been delivered with an install CD, this manual, the
packaging case, an RS232 cable and a mains cable. Should any of these be
missing IDT Sound Processing Corporation could invoice the part that is not

Packaging and return of the equipment.

- We prefer you use the original packaging which has been fully tested to
endure extreme conditions. IDT Sound Processing Corporation only sends
equipment after repairs or upgrades in this packaging. Should you return the
equipment in a different packaging IDT Sound Processing Corporation
reserves the right to invoice you.
- If you are only returning a machine for repair or upgrade do not send any of
the cables, nor CD nor manual. However, it is essential that you enclose as
much information as possible concerning the technical problem.
- Should you decide to return the equipment definitively you must contact the
sales department of IDT Sound Processing Corporation to obtain the partial or
total refund of the equipment and enclose all parts pertaining to the
equipment (cables, CD, manual) along with an explicatory note for the sales

Maintenance of your Processor.

- Use a cloth that is dry or slightly moist to clean all metallic parts.

- You can use a special glass cleaning product on the plastic protector of the

- To remove the dust from the ventilation system switch off and unplug the
processor then use a compressor to blow through the ventilation ducts at no
less than 15cm paying particular attention to the duct where the ventilator is
placed (to the left of the processor on 2U racks like the DVP and DBP 7+4,
and to the right on IU racks like a DEP, DBP 2 or 4 and VVP).

- Wherever possible protect the equipment from dust or other dangerous


- Should your processor have been exposed to fluids, smoke or dust it must be
thoroughly cleaned. However, your processor should not be opened unless
you have the authorisation from a technician from IDT Sound Processing
Corporation without which your guarantee can be cancelled. Call IDT Sound
Processing Corporation in any such case. Depending on the damage we can
help you clean the processor or have the equipment returned to the company
for a full revision.

Storing your equipment for a long period without use

When you don’t use your processor for a long period please store it in its original
packaging in a temperate and dry area. We advise you to use the plastic
protective bag to avoid any possible corrosion. We advise you to repack the
processor exactly as you received it ensuring that you will find it in perfect
working condition.

EU declaration of Conformity
CE declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-3

Manufacturer IDT Sound Processing Corporation

5, allée Moulin Berger – 69130 Ecully - France
Product application Sound Processor
Product Name Digital Band Processor 7+4 (DBP 7+4)
European Telecom ETS 300 384
Standard ETS 300 384 A1
Safety EN 60950
Basic standards EN 61000 6-2 EN 61000 6-3
Registered standards EN 55103-1 EN 55103-2 EN 55022
IEC 61000-3-2 IEC 61000-3-3 IEC 61000-4-2 IEC 61000-4-4
IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-6 IEC 61000-4-11

We, IDT Sound Processing Corporation, declare that products referenced this above, to which
refers this declaration relate, satisfy the provisions of Directive(s) of the council,

n° 73/23/EEC of February 19th, 1973

modified by the Directive n° 93/68/EEC of July 22nd, 1993

n° 89/336/EEC of May 3rd 1989

modified by the Directives n° 92/31/EEC of April 28th, 1992
and n° 93/68/EEC of July 22nd, 1993

and are in conformity with the standard(s) referenced this above or other nominative

Sylviane TESSIER Jean-Marc HERBAUT

President Engineering manager

Ecully, on December 15th, 2005

IDT Sound Processing Corporation - Technoparc - 5 Allée Moulin Berger - 69130 Ecully – France
Tel. +33/(0) 472 18 19 20 – Fax. +33/(0) 472 18 19 21 – E-mail : [email protected] - Web :
SAS au capital de 37 000 € - RCS LYON 450 741 921 – N° TVA : FR 88 450 741 921 – APE : 221G

Digital Band Processor 7+4

Audio Processor

User Manual


Important Warning :.................................................................................... 2

Location of the equipment: ...................................................................... 2

Power Supply:........................................................................................... 2

SOMETHING TO READ BEFORE SETTING UP !.............................................. 3

Test or loan period of the equipment: ...................................................... 3

Packaging and return of the equipment. .................................................. 3
Maintenance of your Processor. ............................................................... 4
Storing your equipment for a long period without use............................. 4

EU declaration of Conformity....................................................................... 5

Abbreviations............................................................................................... 9

I - INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 11

„ WEEE ................................................................................................ 11

II - INSTALLATION .................................................................................... 12

„ Physical Installation......................................................................... 12
„ Electrical Installation : ..................................................................... 13

II-1 - Connections .................................................................................. 14

XLR audio in / Out ............................................................................... 14

XLR AES / EBU In / Out ....................................................................... 16
RS 232 - RS 232 Modem ...................................................................... 18
Ethernet Port (optional) ...................................................................... 19
Local Switches/GPIO........................................................................... 20
TX1 & TX2............................................................................................ 21
AC Input .............................................................................................. 23

II-2 The Display of the DBP 7+4 ............................................................ 25

II-3 Installation of the software ............................................................ 27

II-4 Connecting the DBP 7+4 to a PC..................................................... 32

Configuration the connections ............................................................ 33

1. Direct connection ........................................................................ 33
2. Connection by Modem ................................................................. 35

3. Connection by TCP/IP .................................................................. 36

II-5 – Additional Software...................................................................... 42

1. IP Remote Manager......................................................................... 42
2. Digital Virtual Upgrader................................................................... 42
3. IP Upgrader ..................................................................................... 48

III - SETTINGS........................................................................................... 51

III-1 Quick Start up................................................................................ 51

First launch of the application :........................................................... 51

1. Menu bar ......................................................................................... 53
2. The Vu-metres ................................................................................. 53
3. The central icon bar......................................................................... 54
4. The central Window......................................................................... 55
5. The state bar ................................................................................... 55
6. The « Key Tools » Window .............................................................. 56
7. The other Tags................................................................................. 57

III-2 – The first settings......................................................................... 59

1. Setting the levels............................................................................. 59

ƒ Setting the TX level.................................................................... 59
ƒ Setting the analogue and digital levels...................................... 60

2. The Presets ...................................................................................... 61

The Preset explorer – Use ................................................................ 61

III-3 - Calibration ................................................................................... 64

IV – THE PLUG-INS .................................................................................... 69

IV-1 - LE RDS .......................................................................................... 70

IV-2 - THE STEREO BOOST ..................................................................... 77
IV-3 – LE MPX GUARD ............................................................................ 81
IV-4 – THE DORROUGH METER .............................................................. 85

Simplified bloc diagram of the DBP 7+4.................................................... 91

Examples of uses of the DBP 7+4.............................................................. 92

General specifications................................................................................ 93


Some of the abbreviations used in this manual may not be familiar to all readers:

A/D Analogue to Digital converter

AES Audio Engineering Society
AF Alternatives Frequencies
AGC Automatic Gain Control
BNC Type of RF connector
CD Compact Disc
CE European certification
CEM Electro Magnetic Compatibility
COM Serial data communication port
CT Clock Time
D/A Digital to analogue converter
DB9 Type of connector SUB-D in 9 points
dBfs Decibel Full scale = level concerning the maximum level (digital stream only)
dBm Level allowing to deliver 1mW / 600ohm
dBr Level concerning a reference
DBT Directive Low Voltage
dBu Decibel ( unloaded ) = dBm in an impedance of some load
DHCP Dynamic Host Control Protocol
DI Decoder Information
DSP Digital Signal Processor
E/S Entrée/Sortie
EBU European Broadcasting Union
EMI electromagnetic interference
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FM Frequency modulation
GPI/O General purpose input/output
Hz Hertz
I/O Input/Output
IEC International Electric Standard
IP Internet Protocol
ITU International Telecommunications Union
ITU-R Sector of the ITU dedicated to the Radio
kHz Unit of measure expressed in kilo Hertz
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light-Emitting Diode
MAC Address of the network card
MPX Composite
MS Music/Speech
PC Personal Computer
PI Program Identification
PPM Pulsation per minute
PS Program Service name
PTY Program Type
RAM Random Access Memory
RBDS Radio Broadcasting Data Service
RDS Radio Data System
RF Radio Frequency

ROM Read Only Memory
RT Radio Text
RTC Real Time Clock
RX Receiver
SUB-D Type of connector multipoint
TA Traffic Announcement
TCP/IP Communication Protocol
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TP Traffic Program
TX Transmitter
UECP Universal Encoder Communication Protocol
V Volt
Vcc Volt Crete Crete
Vpp Volt peak to peak
Vrms Effective volt
XLR Style of 3-conductor audio connector


The Basics of Signal Processing

At the outset of radio broadcasting the only technical constraint imposed on the
audio signal was to ensure that the electrical value of peaks was limited in order to
guarantee maximum modulation while respecting legal specifications.

Rapidly the necessity to reduce the dynamics of the signal became necessary if only
to increase its reproduction and the audio quality in the diverse areas where radio
was listened to.

Today, the increased competition between radio stations has brought the need to
resort to more and more sophisticated equipment to process the modulation by
rendering the spectre much denser.

The DBP 7+4 that you have just bought is part of the latest generation of audio
sound processors. The DBP 7+4 is doted with unique algorithms which process the
audio signal, not in the temporal field as other units but in the frequency field by
using FFT. The new DBP 7+4 is in a class of its own in all respects;

ƒ The heart of the FFT processor has been totally revamped and, as a result,
much improved.
ƒ New functions have been brought in to enhance precision and to make the
settings more flexible.
ƒ The architecture of the programme has become far more stable.
ƒ Modifications have been brought hardware wise thus improving the
exchange of digital audio data.

This manual will help you to rapidly take control of your DBP 7+4 and to master its
power to obtain a modulation that is dense yet natural.


1. This symbol indicating separate collection for electrical and

electronic equipment consists of the crossed-out wheeled bin,
mean that the product is covered by the directive 2002/96/EC.
2. The electric and electronic elements must be separately cast in
containers foreseen for that purpose by your municipality.
3. The preserve, protect, improve the quality of the environment and the protect
of human health.
4. For more information concerning the elimination of your former device, please
contact your city hall, the service of the waste of your municipality or still the
salesman or the distributor where you bought this product.


Dedicate one hour to the installation.

WARNING : IDT declines all liability should the rules of installation below not be

„ Physical Installation

As you will have noticed all IDT products are of a 19 inch format so that it fits
into dedicated racks. The following indications must be respected.

We advise using a rack-mount; however, the front panel was designed to be

sturdy enough to be self-supporting with the four screws firmly implanted.

The ventilation of your processor : the ventilation has been studied to make
sure that all heat generated is evacuated. Air is sucked in by two ventilators,
placed on the right and is expired at the rear and to the left of the unit.
These ducts should absolutely not be obstructed. Make sure that your processor
is placed where hot air can be evacuated. The ideal location is in an open rack,
dry area where, ideally, it is not exposed to high temperatures (behind a window
with bright sunshine, a radiator, amplifier etc).

IDT processors have been tested to work in environments where the

temperatures go from 0°C to 45°C. IDT Sound Processing Corporation cannot
guarantee that its processors work perfectly outside these temperatures.

„ Electrical Installation :

Good grounding: IDT processors are CEM certified guaranteeing that the
equipment can function in an electro-static environment. The key is to make sure
that the equipment is properly grounded as results please fix all 4 screws of the
front panel to the rack to allow. All IDT processors also have a ground connector
at the rear of the unit which allows a connection to the rack.

NB : don’t forget to connect the ground link of the rear panel to the rack!

The right fuses : The fuses in the power supply are, standard, 2AT 250V. In
case of use on a 115 Vac. network they should ideally be changed for 4AT 250V.
The equipment needs an AC power supply of 115 Vac or 230 Vac 50/60Hz and
must be properly earthed. There is an earth screw on the equipment for that
purpose. Should the equipment not be in use for a certain period it should be

The right Cable : IDT are supplied with standard IEC AC cables. The cables are
French standard. This cable should be changed to respect the electrical standards
of your country. IDT Sound Processing Corporation cannot guarantee any
breakdowns should a non-standard cable be used.

II-1 - Connections

XLR audio in / Out

The I/Os of the DBP 7+4 are linked by" XLR 3 Pin" connectors

The wiring is the following :

Pin number 1 = Ground
Pin number 2 = Hot Point
Pin number 3 = Cold Point

„ XLR Input

As with any professional audio unit the inputs are female so you need to use a
male XLR to bring the audio into the DBP 7+4.

The DBP 7+4 has a balanced electronic input.

IMPORTANT : the input can receive balanced and imbalanced signals.

„ XLR Output

The audio output connectors are male so you need female XLRs to take the
signal out of the DBP 7+4.

As for the input the DBP 7+4 has a balanced electronic output.
IMPORTANT: the output is protected against unbalancing (cold point to
ground), so if need be you can use this type of link.

„ Specifications :


Type Electronically balanced

Cabling Ground=1, Hot point=2, Cold point=3
Impedance 10 K
Maximum level + 24 dB


Type Electronically balanced

Cabling Ground=1, Hot point=2, Cold point=3
Impedance 600 Ohms
Maximum level + 24 dB

XLR AES / EBU In / Out

The digital I/Os of the DBP 7+4 are linked by 3 Pin XLRs

The wiring is the following :

Pin number 1 = Ground
Pin number 2 = Cold Point
Pin number 3 = Hot Point

„ XLR Input

As with any professional audio unit the inputs are female so you need to use a
male XLR to bring the digital audio into the DBP 7+4.

„ XLR Output

The audio output connectors are male so you need female XLRs to take the
signal out of the DBP 7+4.

The DBP 7+4 has an advanced synch mode. To ensure a perfect synchronisation,
whatever the digital chain, you can configure your DBP 7+4 in the following ways;

• Synch Master
• Synch Slave

In the first case the DBP 7+4 will act as transmitter and will deliver the synch
frequency to the other units in the digital chain.

In the second case the DBP 7+4 will act as a receiver and will be controlled by an
external clock.

„ BNC Synchro I/O

The DBP 7+4 has a female input socket so you will need a male BNC to link
up to the synch.

„ Specifications :


Type Balanced on transformer

AES type AES 3 Professional
Cabling Ground=1, Hot point=2, Cold point=3
Impedance 110 Ohms
Maximum Level 0 dBfs


Type Balanced on transformer

AES type AES 3 Professional
Cabling Ground=1, Hot point=2, Cold point=3
Impedance 110 Ohms
Maximum Level 0 dBfs

RS 232 - RS 232 Modem

The DBP 7+4 has 2 types of RS 232 standard serial inputs :

RS 232
RS 232 Modem

The possibility of leaving a modem connected permanently:

As you can see one of the serial ports is called "RS 232 / Modem". This port
allows the use of a modem to facilitate its set up. This port is optimised for use
with a modem but can still be used for normal communication use.


The RS 232 connector described above is replaced by the connector situated on

the right of the RJ45 connector in devices equipped with TCP/IP Ethernet cards.
This connector is thus inactive.

„ Specifications:

Port : RS 232

Connector type Male

Cabling 2=RX 3=TX 5=Ground
Max Length 10 metres

Port : RS 232 / Modem

Connector type Female

Cabling 1=DCD 2=TX 3=RX 4=DTR 5=Ground 7=RTS 9=RING
Max Length. 10 metres

Ethernet Port (optional)

The DBP 7+4 (optional) has an RJ45 Ethernet port available for an IP link
(internet Protocol). LEDs can be viewed next to the connector to show the state
of the network.

Connector type RJ45

Cabling 10 Base T
LEDs TX=data out RX=data in Col=Collision
Max Length. 50 metres

Local Switches/GPIO

The "Local Switches" connectors are there to allow the switching of presets via GPI.
On the DBP 7+4 the connector is a SUB D 15 pin.

The DBP 7+4 allows you to switch presets by linking ground to one of the First 10

The DBP 7+4 can also replace the AF lists of the RDS coder and cross the stereo
coder in stereo or mono mode.

„ Specifications:

Connector type SUB D 25 point female

Pin 1 = Preset 1 – Pin 2 = Preset 2 – Pin 3 = Preset 3...
up to 10
Pin 11 - Stereo ON
Cabling Pin 12 - Stereo OFF
Pin 13 - AF List 1
Pin 14 - AF List 2
Pin 15 = Ground
Max Length. 10 meters

TX1 & TX2

The DBP 7+4 has 2 multiplex outputs "TX1 et TX2" which can be set via the
The connectors are female BNCs.

WARNING : as the MPX signal is quite "fragile", we advise you to use the shortest
cables possible. A standard cable will measure 2 meters. For any length over this use
the highest quality cable.

„ Specifications for TX1 & TX2

Connector type BNC female

Cabling Ground=body of the connector, Hot point= central Pin
Impedance 75 Ohms
Level delivered From - infinity to + 22 dB
Length of cable
2 metres

The DBP 7+4 is endowed with two inputs intended for sub-bearers' insertion "SUB1
and SUB2".
These two inputs work in Unitarian level, consequently no access in regulation of
level is accessible since the control software. These two inputs can beings used for
the insertion of signals RDS, SCA, SWIFT, DARC...

„ Specifications for SUB1 & SUB2

Connector type BNC female

Cabling Ground=body of the connector, Hot point= central Pin
Impedance > 5k

As any stereo coder, the DBP 7+4 is endowed with a synch 19 kHz output, this
one is delivered on a BNC female connector.

„ Specifications for synch 19 kHz

Connector type BNC female

Cabling Ground=body of the connector, Hot point= central Pin
Impedance 10 metres
Delivered Level N.C.

AC Input

In order to ensure that the processor is protected from all disturbances the DBP
7+4 is protected by an extremely efficient power supply filter. This filter also has 3
other functions.

• Container of the fuses
• IEC standard cable socket

WARNING: as you will have seen there are ventilation outlets just next to the filter.
To ensure optimised ventilation never obstruct these outlets.

WARNING: to guarantee an optimised protection to respect the Low Power

Directives standards we advise you to always use ceramic temporised fuses.

The DBP 7+4 has a direct ground link and we advise you, wherever possible, to use
this to ensure perfect grounding.

The DBP 7+4 has a wide band power supply meaning it can take from 115 or 230
volts in 50 or 60 Hz with no need for any manual change. We advise you to use T2A
250V for use on a 230V network and T4A 250V for 115V.

„ Specifications:

Connector type IEC

Fuse Type Pour 115V : 4AT 250V Pour 230V : 2AT 250V
From 88 to 132 VAC / 176 to 264 VAC (automatic
Consumption 110V - 240V = 130 VA

II-2 The Display of the DBP 7+4

„ Navigation and enter are centralised on 4 buttons on the front panel:

• The "Tab" button allows you to move from left to right through the
various functions or menus on the screen.
• The "Up" button allows you to scroll up or move a selected value up.
• The "Down" button allows you to scroll down or reduce a selected value.
• "Enter" validates your choice.

„ Setting the contrast:

1. Press "TAB" and "Enter" at the same time, the display will change and the
«LCD" Led will light up.
2. Press "Up" or "Down" to get the desired setting
3. Click "Enter", you will return to the former screen and the "LCD" will switch off.

„ Setting the phones

To set the phones from the front panel of the processor do the following :

o Press "Up" and Down" at the same time and you will access the
"PHONE" display.
o Press "Tab" twice to get the setting cursor for the phones level.
o Press "Up" or "Down" to increase or decrease the level of the phones.
o Press "Enter" when you have the level desired.

„ You can define a display by default :

• By pressing the 4 tabs of the front panel at the same time the active
display at the time will become the default display. This display will
reappear on the 7+4 after a “snooze” (this time can be set in the

II-3 Installation of the software


The control software for the DBP 7+4 is compatible with the following operating

Windows 95
Windows 98 and 98SE
Windows NT 4.0 from SP3
Windows 2000
Windows XP

In any case you must have installed the Internet Navigator Explorer 5.5 minimum for
the on-line display.

Installation :

Insert the CD supplied with the processor in the CD-Rom reader of your computer.
The installation programme will start:

Click « Next ».

Read the user license attentively, accept then click« Next ».

Chose the type of installation desired depending on the processor you have acquired.

You can also install the configuration tool for the Ethernet card if you have this
option installed in your processor and place an icon for the application and/or the
upgrade tool on your desktop or in the « Quick Launch ®» bar.

Then click« Next ».

Choose the folder where the software will be installed (by default; « C:\Program
Files\IDT Sound Processing »), and click « Next ».

You can modify the place where you find your shortcuts in the Start menu of
Windows. Click « Install ».

Once the software is installed (this could take a few minutes) you can follow the
download by clicking « More info ». Wait for the end of the installation.

You should restart your PC to make sure the software has been installed correctly.
You could wait but we can’t guarantee that the software will launch correctly.

You have now correctly installed the DBP 7+4. All you have to do now is link up to
the DBP 7+4.

II-4 Connecting the DBP 7+4 to a PC

There are several ways to connect your PC to a DBP 7+4:

ƒ Direct connection (Serial port RS232)

Connect the serial cable (supplied) to the RS232 serial port of the PC (female
connector) and to the male RS232 port of your processor. (front or rear of the

ƒ By Modem

Connect the Modem to the « modem » port of the processor. The necessary cable
is not supplied by IDT Sound Processing Corporation. IDT Sound Processing
Corporation can only guarantee that the modem connection works correctly with
modems that are HAYES compatible (US robotics for example).


If you have taken the Ethernet option with your processor you can connect via
TCP/IP. In this case fix an RJ45 class 5 cable to the RJ45 port on the rear of your
processor. You can use a straight cable to link to a hub or a Switch or to link
directly to the network card of your PC or your router (ADSL for example).

Configuration the connections

1. Direct connection

Normally there is nothing to configure this connection. During the first launch of
the application the software will display the following dialogue box:

Choose the COM Port you want to connect the DBP 7+4 to, and click « OK ». The
COM Port selected will be memorised for the next connection.

When you are connected to another COM Port or you want to change the type of
connection click the same icon and you will be asked which COM Port you wish to

Choose « direct » to select another COM Port or change the type of connection as
follows or you will find yourself back in the COM Port selection box.

If the connection doesn’t work do the following:

To access these parameters go to the peripherals manager, and double-click the

COM Port you want to parameterize.

Different configurations can work, but IDT Sound Processing Corporation cannot
guarantee that everything functions perfectly.

2. Connection by Modem

To connect by modem, you have to go through the shortcut of the START menu:
« programs, IDT Sound Processing, Tools, DBP 7+4 @ FM, DBP 7+4 @ FM Via
Modem ». For the first launch the software will ask which port of the PC the
modem is connected.
The software will then display « phone book », of the DBP 7+4s to which you can
link up by modem.

By clicking « New Entry », you can add a DBP 7+4, by entering the name of the
programme, the town where the DBP 7+4 is located and above all the phone
number to call.

NB : The DBP 7+4 automatically answers when a call is placed to a modem that
is linked. Make sure of your password protection.

3. Connection by TCP/IP

To connect by TCP/IP, you have to go through the shortcut on the START menu:
« programs, IDT Sound Processing, Tools, DBP 7+4 @ FM, DBP 7+4 @ FM Via
IP ».
The « IP book » display will appear showing DBP 7+4s you can connect to via

Buy clicking « New Entry », you can add a DBP 7+4, by entering the name of
the programme corresponding to the town where the DBP 7+4 is located and,
above all the IP address of the IP Ethernet card.
NB : As for a modem connection, the DBP 7+4 can be accessed at any time so
make sure of your pass word protection!

For a connection via TCP/IP, you have to know the IP address of your processor.


By default, the Ethernet cards supplied by IDT Sound Processing Corporation are
configured to always request an IP address from DHCP server on the network
you’re linked to. You should then ask the network administrator to give you the IP
address attributed to your PC, and possibly to block this address to make sure it’s
not changed.

If your processor has a fixed address attributed to it and you wish to return to an
automatic configuration of the TCP/IP parameters, you should follow the
following steps and select « Dynamic addressing (DHCP) » in the Address
Parameter screen of the processor.

ƒ Attribution of a fixed IP address for your processor.

If your network does not have a DHCP server and you connect directly (by a
crossed RJ45 cable) to the processor, or if this is imposed by your administrator
you can attribute a fixed address to your processor.

To do so you must have loaded the « IP Remote Manager » software.

Connect your PC to the RS232 serial port located next to the RJ45 of your

Launch « IP Remote Manager » via the shortcut in the Start menu: « programs,
IDT Sound Processing, Tools, IP Remote Manager ».

Click the Serial Port button ».

The software will scan all the serial ports of your PC to find the processor. The
software will then display the results of the search:

The software will display the results of its research:

Select your processor and click « next ».

NB : This window can be useful for your network administrator. He can read the
MAC addresses of your processors, essential to create DHCP reservations.

On this window you have to give your processor a name (NETBIOS) and to give a
fixed IP address. Ask your administrator to give you the other parameters
(network properties) to ensure that communication can be established between
your PC and the processor. This window will also allow you to return to a DHCP.

By default, the TCP communication of our processors is 5001. This parameter can
be changed. Ask your network administrator before making any modifications.
This port can be re-directed via a firewall or a router for remote internet
connections. Here again you administrator can help configure the equipment for
this type of connection.

ƒ Firewall / Access control :

The IDT Sound Processing Corporation Ethernet cards have a simplified firewall
which accepts or refuses connections coming from different IP addresses. These
parameters should be set up with the administrator.

To finish click « End ».The programme will then send the configuration to your
processor after you have confirmed.

The processor can now communicate via TCP/IP by using the fixed address.

ƒ SNTP synchronization

The Ethernet cards of IDT Sound Processing Corporation processors allows the
synchronization SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol).
This function so allows synchronizing the hour of your processor as well as the
integrated functions as the RDS.

On this screen, you specify the Time Zone, the IP address of the SNTP server, the
interval of synchronization in minutes then the activation or not of the

II-5 – Additional Software

1. IP Remote Manager

Put back you in the section : « Attribution of a fixed IP address for your
processor »

2. Digital Virtual Upgrader

Digital Virtual Upgrader.

The software "Digital Virtual Upgrader" has been specially conceived to facilitate the
update of processors 2U (DVP and DBP) IDT Sound Processing Corporation.
This software is included in the program of standard installation which was delivered
to you on the CD accompanying your equipment.
An icon has been created in the start menu "programs, IDT Sound Processing,

Click this icon to begin the process of update of your processor.

The following screen displays:

Click the drop down menu in the top of the window to select the communication
The following screen displays:

Select the COM port, in the example this above "COM 1".
In the central window, is shown the information relative to the Upgrade which you
go to make.
To select the Upgrade to make two possibilities are offered to you:

1- By the drop down menu as this below :

2 - By clicking "Browse" the following window displays :

Select the file of Upgrade which you want to make. The information concerning this
upgrade is shown in the central window.
Once the good file selected, click "Run".

The software makes then a check of the file of Upgrade and the parameters of your
equipment before showing the following screen :

WARNING !!! From this stage, the procedure of update of your processor
will be actual. Never make update of your processor when that this is «ON
AIR" or in function.

NB: most of the updates include a reprogrammation of the components of the

device, this process implies a cut of the audio signal during the update. Thus watch
to avoid updating your processor when it is in the antenna.

Also, the updates develop the firmware of the device, and erase all the data of the
device. IDT Sound Processing Corporation tries as possible to protect the
compatibility of presets between two versions, but it is not still possible, it is thus
advised to test presets create with a previous version before putting them "on air".

The program makes then the wanted operations. This process can set up to some
minutes (according to the number of operations to be made, of the power of your
computer). The screen this below indicates you the state of the Upgrade.

During the state of the Upgrade the software will ask you to make a switch off of
your processor during some seconds.

At the end of the Upgrade the software shows the following screen :

If the software does not show this screen, please switch off and switch on your
processor, then begin again the process since the beginning. In case of new failure
of the update, please contact immediately IDT Sound Processing Corporation.

3. IP Upgrader

The « IP Upgrader » software has been specially designed to aid the upgrading of
the IP board from the IDT Sound Processing Corporation.

This software is included in the standard installation programme which has been
delivered with your unit. An icon is created in the start up menu « programs, IDT
Sound Processing, Tools ».

To make this update, you have to use the connector RS 232 of the IP board.

Click this icon to begin the process of update of your IP BOARD.

The following Window will appear :

The ended installation the following screen displays.

Click the icon " Serial Port Connection " the following screen displays.

Select the processor to be updated and click on “ Next “ button.

When the IP board was updated the following screen displays.

Click "Finish" then on "Yes" or "No" according to if you have another card IP to be


III-1 Quick Start up

First launch of the application :

Control icons have been created for the DBP 7+4. You must now choose where to
place them.

Click or double-click one of them depending on the type of connection you have

The software will start by doing an inventory of the equipment and plug-ins
contained in the unit.

If the DBP 7+4 is not set to the same time and date as your PC the software will
propose to link the two;

Choose to link the 2, or not, and ENTER.

The main window of the software will then open.
Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the Window as it will accompany
you throughout your work with the DBP 7+4.

To view all the windows at one glance go to the « More Windows » menu and
click « All »

Here’s a view of the interface :

ƒ Menu bar
ƒ Vu-meters
ƒ Central bar (icons)
ƒ Main Window
ƒ State bar
ƒ Tags

1. Menu bar

To ensure optimised ergonomics all the main accesses have been centralised in
the central icon bar. The menu bar regroups secondary accesses which are less
frequently required by the user. The main accesses are the following:

ƒ File : Save and retrieving presets, the calibration, general parameters and
full back-up of the equipment. Leaving the software.
ƒ Set Up : Name of the DBP, Calibration, AES/EBU Configuration, Phase
Scrambler, Auto Back Up, Internal Clock, Default screens of the DBP and
screen savers.
ƒ Modem : Configuration, Phone book, IP book.
ƒ Scheduler : Loading a schedule, saving a schedule.
ƒ Password : Creating a profile, modifying a profile, loading a profile
ƒ More Windows : Routing the Measurement, Displaying the Measurement,
MPX Guard, Dorrough meter, phone routing, phone level setting, Quick
compare, Key tools, Arrange Windows.
ƒ Help : for the DBP 7+4 et choice of language, loading of plug-ins, loading
a license, info on the license loaded, About

2. The Vu-metres

The top part of the screen is dedicated to the vu-meters. Everything has been
done to guarantee an optimised vision so, from left to right, you can view,
instantly the following parameters:

ƒ "DBP Input"
ƒ The action of the "Input AGC"
ƒ The action of the processing (depending on the function selected).
ƒ The optimiser of the limiter "Optim. Limiter"
ƒ "Audio Limiter"
ƒ "HF Limiter"
ƒ "DBP Output"

3. The central icon bar

The central icon bar allows access to the main control screens of the DBP.
Located in the centre optimised ergonomics are guaranteed;

• Preset : Access to the "Factory Presets" and "User Presets».

• AGC : Access to the parameters of the AGC.
• Process : Access to the heart of processing and allows you to sculpt your
• Limiter : Access the audio and MPX limiters,
• Key Tools : Access to the automatic processing functions.
• St Generator : Access to the parameters of the stereo coder.
• Level : Access to all the I/O levels of the DBP.
• Plug In : Access to the various plug-ins you have inserted in the DBP
• Diagram : Via a diagram, you can visualise, assign and fix the parameters
of the pre-emph, de-emph and the position of the phones.
• Result: Access to the advanced measurements of the modulation to
control the efficiency.
• Bypass : Access the By-pass of each function of the DBP.
• Scheduler; automatic scheduling of presets

To the right of the icons you will note the label "BAND PROCESS" accompanied
by an arrow pointing downwards meaning that it is the "BAND PROCESS"
Window that is displayed in the central icon bar.

4. The central Window

Located just below the main icon bar, the central window displays the various
screens accessible and regulated by the icon bar. It’s here that you will take full
control of all the parameters of the DBP 7+4. Above the Band Process window
of the DBP 7+4. To access the other functions, scroll down the bar located to
the left of these functions.

5. The state bar

Located just below the main window the state bar displays, permanently,
essential information and allows you instant access to commands.

Commands :

• Quick Save : Fully to the right «Quick Save" allow you to save the active
parameters of the DBP 7+4 in a new preset.

The displays:

• Inputs: The Input to the DBP 7+4 used by the active preset is displayed
• Stereo encoder mode: The mode of encoding, modifiable in the "St.
Generator" window is displayed here for the active preset.
• PC --> DBP 7+4 : This label appears when "Link PC time to DBP 7+4
time" is active. This command can be found in the "Update DBP clock"
window accessible from the "Set Up" menu.
• Scheduler : This label indicates that the Scheduler is active.
• Bypass : This label is displayed when part of the DBP 7+4 is in by-pass. If
several parts are in by-pass the corresponding labels will be displayed: "AGC
Bypass", "Proc. Bypass", "Opti. Bypass", "Limit. Bypass" and "All
• Standby : When the DBP 7+4 is in standby. The setting of the standby
threshold is accessible from the Key Tools window.
• Overload : If the input is overloaded there can be distortion so this label

NB : A double-click on the display gives you access to the corresponding window.

6. The « Key Tools » Window

If you have a screen and graphic card which allows a resolution of 1024 x 768,
you can access the "Key Tools" window. It appears below the state bar and lets
you access the following settings;

• StandBy Threshold: Minimal level below which the DBP 7+4 will go into
• HP Filter : High Pass Filter
• Stereo Link : Function to link the 2 audio channels.
• Fidelity : respects the original sound signal even after processing.
• Process order : Here you can choose the order of your processing;
expanding the dynamics before processing or processing before expanding.

When you click More, other functions appear :

• HF Limiter : Reduces the unwanted effects of the high end of the spectrum
like sibilance.

7. The other Tags

The Result Tag (Henry Curve)

Here you can immediately verify the density of

your signal.

The MPX Guard Tag

This tag is only active if the plug-in has been

loaded in the DBP 7+4.
Refer to the section concerning this plug-in.

The Result Routing Tag

Measure the density of the signal before and

after processing

Phone Routing Tag

Monitor by phones the signal before and after


Dorrough Meter Tag

This tag is only active if the plug-in has been

loaded in the DBP 7+4.

Visualisation of the average levels and monitors


Quick Compare Tag

Rapid switching between presets to compare

and contrast.

III-2 – The first settings

The first thing to do is to set the levels to correspond to you transmitter and to
the standards applied in your country.

1. Setting the levels


Do not make these modifications while the DBP is linked to a

transmitter. Make the settings with the TX1&2 unplugged or you could
have over modulation.

ƒ Setting the TX level

Click the « Level » icon in the central bar.

Adjust the reference levels of TX1 and TX2

Then adjust the TX output level depending on the legal modulation levels of your
country (generally 75 KHz).

You can control the level of deviation with the Henry curve of the DBP 7+4 or
with the recording level gauges TX of the screen "Level ":

If these results do not correspond to the levels measured by external equipment

consult « Calibration of your processor ».

ƒ Setting the analogue and digital levels

Still in the « Level » window, adjust the analogue and digital I/O levels to avoid
any distortion of the sound before processing.

If your DBP is in a processing chain and that you are using the analogue or digital
outputs of your processor don’t forget to set the output levels depending on the
equipment your DBP is linked to.

In this way you will avoid any peaks into or out of the DBP.

2. The Presets

The Digital Band Processor 7+4 @ FM is delivered with a list of Factory

Presets. These presets constitute the departure point for your sound settings
and correspond to different radio programme categories. You can go, quite
simply to the category that corresponds to your programme type but we strongly
advise you to go through the different categories of Factory Presets to have a
full idea of what is on offer.

Processing on the DBP 7+4 @ FM works on an upgradeable algorithmic platform

that we call a Layer. Each Layer has a version number and a list of Factory
Presets which correspond.

WARNING: as the product evolves there are new Factory Presets which will
always refer to a version of layer even if we do all we can to ensure
compatibility between the various layers.

The Preset explorer – Use

Just below the display of the vu-meters you will see the icon bar which allows
access to each function. To access the Factory Presets click the Preset icon.
To the left you will see the explorer for the DBP 7+4 @ FM.

At the top of the tree you will find 2 folders in

the Digital Virtual Processor, Factory Presets
and User Presets.

The Factory Presets Folder :

In this folder you have all the Presets supplied
by IDT. Each Preset is part of a family; e.g. AC
contains 3 Factory Presets AC Loud, AC Mid
and AC Soft.
To avoid any confusion : Factory Presets
have a blue icon and mauve for the User

The User Presets folder :

This folder can contain up to 60 Presets and is located directly in the memory of
the DBP 7+4 @ FM.

1. To load a Factory Preset into the User Presets folder:

There are 2 ways. Choose the one you prefer.

• Select the Preset you want to load from one of the Factory Presets
Drag and drop into User Presets


• Select the Preset you want to load from one of the Factory Presets
Click it and then Copy
Click the User Presets folder
Right click PASTE

2. To rename a User Preset :

When you load a Factory Preset in the list of User Presets it will keep its
original name. Once it is in the list of User Presets you can rename it as
you want. To do so proceed as follows:
Select the Preset you want to rename:
Right click and select RENAME
Type the name you want to give to your Preset

3. To delete a User Preset :

It is, of course, possible to delete a User Preset from the memory of the
DBP 7+4:
Select the Preset you want to delete
Right click and Delete
You will be asked to click OK to Delete or Cancel

4. To put a User Preset ON AIR :

To put a User Preset ON AIR do the following:

Select the Preset you want to put on air.

Double click and the icon of the Preset will become . The Preset is now
On Air.

5. Basic Settings for a preset:

When you select a preset this window will appear

In this screen, you can choose the type of input specific for a preset, the
« cross fade » as well as the pin on the local switch to be used to switch
the DBP 7+4 to this preset.

This window also gives you information on the original preset and the
latest modifications made to it.

III-3 - Calibration

To ensure that standards are met and to conform to other equipment in your
audio chain our processors can be calibrated a process that will take just a few
minutes of your time

Calibration is advisable when there are measurement discrepancies, when the

machine has not been used for some time or when there has been an electrical

WARNING ! This process will cut the audio signal and will replace it by a
« sinus » ! Don’t start this ON AIR.

Start by clicking « Calibrate the DBP 7+4 » in the

« Set Up » menu

You will then find a number of screens that will guide you through the calibration
of your DBP 7+4.

First of all connect your audio and TX outputs to the measurement equipment.
The measurements can be made in dBs, Volts peak to peak or in Volts.

With this first window you can see if your processor has lost its configuration,
then reload a calibration that you have saved on your hard disk or floppy. When
you calibrate your processor this file is automatically saved on the hard disk.

To calibrate your processor click « Calibrate » and ENTER.

The first stage is the calibration of the TXs. In this example the 2 outputs are
calibrated to 4.40Vpp (volts peak to peak). You have to raise or drop the cursor until
this value has been attained by your measurement equipment.

The second stage is similar except that the DBP 7+4 transmits a sinus signal at
instead of 500Hz. These 2 stages are necessary to obtain a frequency response that
is as linear as possible.

Here again the cursor has to be adjusted to get the correct value on the
measurement equipment. Both stages are similar. They concern the analogue
outputs of the DBP 7+4.

You will note that our output is parameterised at 6 dB which corresponds to 4.40
Vpp. Here again the aim is to adjust the cursors to obtain the right value on the
measurement equipment.

Once the levels have been adjusted, click « ok ». The calibration file of the
equipment will be saved on your hard disk and you can recall it at any time. Follow
the same procedure, in full, even when you reload a file, just to make sure.


- A calibration file is dedicated to one processor. You will not be able to transfer
file to another processor.

- Moreover the measurements may differ from one machine to another.

- It is, imperative then to do a full calibration on each unit.


Decibels (dB) Volts Peak to Peak Volts RMS (Vrms)

-6 dB 1.10 Vpp ( 0.388 Vrms
-4 dB 1.38 Vpp (Vcc) 0.489 Vrms
-2 dB 1.74 Vpp (Vcc) 0.615 Vrms
0 dB 1.95 Vpp (Vcc) 0.774 Vrms
+2 dB 2.76 Vpp (Vcc) 0.975 Vrms
+4 dB 3.47 Vpp (Vcc) 1.227 Vrms
+6 dB 4.37 Vpp (Vcc) 1.545 Vrms
+8 dB 5.50 Vpp (Vcc) 1.945 Vrms
+10 dB 6.93 Vpp (Vcc) 2.448 Vrms
+12 dB 8.72 Vpp (Vcc) 3.082 Vrms


IDT processors have an open and modular architecture which is open to receive
plug-ins. These plug-ins are available from IDT Sound Processing Corporation and
can be activated by a simple software upgrade.

There are 4 plug-ins available today. The IDT team regularly develops new plug-ins
for your processors and we invite you to visit our web-site regularly or to subscribe
to our « newsletter » to be among the first to be aware of new functions for your

If you have not ordered a plug-in with your processor, or you want to test one that
you don’t have all you have to is contact IDT Sound Processing Corporation for an
evaluation which is limited to 30 days..

WARNING: the plug-in from IDT can only be tested once and only once and the 30
day trial period starts from the day it is loaded into the unit. Please make sure, then,
to be ready for the test!

To install the plug-ins in your processor nothing could be more simple:

In the « Help » menu, click « Load Plug in » and select the file of the plug-in that
IDT has supplied.

Here are the plug-ins available from IDT and their features:


The "Basic RDS" Plug-In as displayed in the central window.

Your DVP processor enjoys a modular software architecture. This enables you to add
components, called "Plug-Ins", to suit to your specific needs. The "Basic RDS"
Plug-In allows you to generate all major RDS data without the need for an external
hardware encoder.

Installation :


• The Plug-In that has been sent to you is specific to the serial number of
your DVP Processor as well as to the Layers that it uses. It will therefore
work only on the machine that you specified when ordering the Plug-In.

To install the "Basic RDS" Plug-In:

1. Follow the instructions received with this Plug-In to install it on your

2. Launch the DVP or DBP Control Software as usual.
3. Click "DVP Load Plug In" or "DBP Load Plug In" in the Help Menu.
4. The window below will be displayed.
5. Select the Plug-In that you want to load (in the example below: "Basic RDS").
6. Click "Open" at the bottom of the window.

The "DVP Load Plug In" window.

To activate / de-activate the RDS coder :

1. Click on the "ON" button located above the RDS On/Off inscription at the
top left part of the window:
2. The red triangle is set before your choice indicating that it is implemented.
3. Proceed the same way with the "OFF" icon to de-activate the coder.

To enter the PI code :

1. Click in the "PI" field.

2. Use the <Suppr> and/or <back space.> to delete existing data.
3. Enter the 4 digit PI number that was assigned to you by your regulatory

To enter the PS code :

1. Click in the "PS" field Use the <Suppr> and/or <back space.> to delete
existing data.
2. Enter the 8 character PS code that was assigned to you by your regulatory

To transmit the date and time within the RDS code :

NB : It is the date and time of the internal clock of the DVP that will be transmitted.
See also : Update DVP Clock.

1. Click on the "ON" inscription located above Date and Time :
2. The red triangle is set in front of your choice, indicating that it is
3. Proceed the same way with the "OFF" button to de-activate the transmission.

To select the program type :

1. Click on the command of the "PTY" scrolling menu.

2. Select the program type nearest to your station programming.
3. The scrolling menu disappears.

To transmit Radio Text :

1. Click on the "ON" button above the Radio Text inscription :

2. The red triangle is set in front of your choice, indicating that it is
3. Proceed the same way with the "OFF" button to de-activate the transmission.

To enter or modify the radio text transmitted :

1. click in the "RT" field.

2. Click in the "PS" field Use the <Suppr> and/or <back space.> to delete
existing data.
3. Enter the text you want to transmit.

To add Alternate Frequencies :

1. Make a right click in the square field "AF 1 ".

2. The contextual menu represented below displays :

Contextual menu " Alternative Frequencies".

3. Select "Add..." : The following window of seizure displays :

Seizure window "Add a Frequency".

4. In the field "Freq." enter the frequency which you want to add.
5. Click on "OK", The seizure window fades and the added frequency appears in
the field "AF 1".

To modify an Alternative Frequency :

1. Make a simple click on the frequency to modify : this one displays in

2. Make a right click in the square field "AF 1".
3. The contextual menu represented below displays :

Contextual menu " Alternative Frequencies".

4. Select "Modify..." : The following window of seizure displays :

"Modify a Frequency" window .

5. In the field "Freq." modify the value of the frequency.

6. Click on "OK", The seizure window fades and the added frequency appears in
the field "AF 1".

To delete an Alternative Frequency :

1. Make a simple click on the frequency to modify : this one displays in

2. Make a right click in the square field "AF 1".
3. The contextual menu represented below displays :

Contextual menu " Alternative Frequencies".

4. Select "Delete..." : The selected frequency disappears from the field "AF 1".

To modify the order of an Alternative Frequency in the field "AF 1" :

1. Make a simple click on the frequency to modify : this one displays in

2. Make a right click in the square field "AF 1".
3. To the right of the field AF 2, two tinted noted triangles "AF Order (List 1)"
allow you to move the selected frequency.

"AF Order" command.

4. Make a simple click on the triangle having the point steered upward to raise
the frequency selected by a row.
5. Also make on the triangle having the point steered downward to go down the
frequency selected by a row.

List of the Alternative Frequencies in the field "AF 2 " :

In general rules the list " AF 2 " resumes partially the AF of the list " AF 1 ". You
have the possibility of duplicating the list " AF 1 ".

1. Make a right click in the square field "AF 1".

2. The contextual menu represented below displays :

"Copy List 1 to List 2 " command.

3. Select "Copy List1 to List2".

4. The list "AF 2" this below appear.

"Copy List 1 to List 2 " command.

To delete one or several Alternative Frequencies of the list "AF 2" :

1. Click the frequency to be deleted to delete a single frequency, you have the
possibility of selecting several frequencies to delete, to do it to use the touch "
Ctrl or Shift " of your keyboard.
2. The contextual menu represented below displays :

"Delete" command.

3. Select "Delete".
4. The selected frequencies disappear from the field "AF 2" .

To commute from a list to the other one :

1. By the software, click on "List 1" or "List 2".

"List" command.

2. By the "Local Switche", refer you to the section II-1 Connexions and Local


The "Stereo Boost" Plug-In as displayed in the central window.

Plug-In " Stereo Boost " allow you to optimize the width of the stereophonic image
of your modulation without the addition of stereo enhancer.

Installation :


• The Plug-In that has been sent to you is specific to the serial number of
your DVP Processor as well as to the Layers that it uses. It will therefore
work only on the machine that you specified when ordering the Plug-In.

To install the "Stereo Boost" Plug-In :

1. Follow the instructions received with this Plug-In to install it on your

2. Launch the DVP or DBP Control Software as usual.
3. Click "DVP Load Plug In" or "DBP Load Plug In" in the Help Menu.
4. The window below will be displayed.
5. Select the Plug-In that you want to load (in the example below: "Stereo
6. Click "Open" at the bottom of the window.

The "Load Plug In" window..

It’s an advanced stereo enhancer.

To activate / deactivate the "Stereo Boost" :

1. Click on A or B above Stereo Boost located at the top left of the window :
2. The red triangle is set in front of your choice, indicating that it is
3. Proceed the same with "OFF" to deactivate the Stereo Boost

• The A mode amplifies the differences of level between both channels (Left
and right).
• The B mode inserts a delay between both channels (Left and right).

Enhance :

This function sets the delay time which will be added between both channels.

NB :

This function can not be used with the A mode as this mode just increases the
differences of level.

To adjust the enhancement :

1. Set your mouse cursor over the magenta triangle located at the right hand
side of "Enhance".
2. Drag the mouse cursor up and down to set the desired value : the value is
displayed at the right of the cursor. (In the above example : 20 %)
3. Simply clicking on the red triangle, has the focus activated allowing you to
precisely define the value, using the "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys of your

Diffusion :

This function sets the levels of the effect that will be inserted.

To adjust the diffusion :

1. Set your mouse cursor over the magenta triangle located at the right hand
side of the "Diffusion" scale.
2. Drag the cursor up and down to set the desired value : the value is displayed
at the right of the cursor. (in the above example : 31 %)
3. Simply clicking on the red triangle, has the focus activated allowing you to
precisely define the value, using the "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys of your

Stereo Limiter :

To activate / deactivate the Stereo Limiter :

1. Click on the "ON" sign above the "Stereo Limiter" command located at the
top left of the window:
2. The red triangle is set in front of your choice, indicating that it is
3. Proceed the same way with the "OFF" command to deactivate the Limiter.

Efficiency :

To adjust the efficiency of the Stereo Boost :

1. Set your mouse cursor over the magenta triangle located at the right hand
side of the "Efficiency" scale.
2. Drag the triangle up and down to set the desired value: the value is displayed
at the right of the cursor. (In the above example : 31 %)
3. Simply clicking on the red triangle will have the focus activated, allowing you
to precisely adjust the value using the "PgUp" et "PgDn" keys of your

Stereo Enhance Effect :

This scale displays in real time the percentage of "enlargement" applied to the
signal's stereo image (and thus the efficiency of the enlargement).

Stereo Limitation Effect :

This scale displays in real time the percentage of limitation of image width applied
(and thus the efficiency of the limiter).

Final Stereo Image :

This scale displays in real time the true width of the stereo image of the signal at the
output of the process.


In Frequency Modulation, the stereo signal is transmitted by a carrier (Left +

Right information) and by a sub-carrier modulated by the Left-Right
difference. This transmission mode, called Multiplex, is usually considered as
robust. Yet, in case of Multiple Reflexions of the HF signal, receptors (i.e.
car-radios) can have difficulty to operate a good discrimination (this is usually
due to the local geography : mountains, buildings...). If you set the "Stereo
Boost" Plug-in on too wide a stereo image (and thus quite not mono
compatible), you could alter the quality of reception in areas where reflexions
are common.


The "MPX Guard" Plug-In as displayed in the central window.

The "MPX Guard" Plug-In allows you to optimize your frequency excursion and
obtain a spectacular modulation density.

Installation :


• The Plug-In that has been sent to you is specific to the serial number of
your DVP Processor as well as to the Layers that it uses. It will therefore
work only on the machine that you specified when ordering the Plug-In.

To install the "MPX Guard" Plug-In :

1. Follow the instructions received with this Plug-In to install it on your

2. Launch the DVP or DBP Control Software as usual.
3. Click "DVP Load Plug In" or "DBP Load Plug In" in the Help Menu.
4. The window below will be displayed.
5. Select the Plug-In that you want to load (in the example below: "MPX
6. Click "Open" at the bottom of the window.

The "Load Plug In" window..

The MPX Guard settings :

To activate the MPX Guard :

1. Click on the "ON" inscription located above the "MPX Guard" command.
2. The magenta triangle is set in front of the "ON" inscription, indicating that
your command has been implemented.
3. Click on the "OFF" button to deactivate the MPX Guard.

To adjust the targeted MPX level :

1. Set your mouse cursor over the magenta triangle located at the right hand
side of "Target of MPX" .
2. Drag the cursor up and down to set the desired value : it is displayed at the
right of the cursor. (in the above example: 6 dB)
3. Simply clicking on the red triangle, has the focus activated allowing you to
precisely define the value, using the "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys of your

To adjust the integration time of the measurement of the deviation :

1. Set your mouse cursor over the magenta triangle located at the right hand
side of "Time Integration"
2. Drag the mouse cursor up and down to set the desired value : it is displayed
at the right of the cursor. (In the above example: 15 mn)
3. Simply clicking on the red triangle, has the focus activated allowing you to
precisely define the value, using the "PgUp" and "PgDn" keys of your

The MPX Guard display :

The MPX Guard Plug-In displays 3 horizontal scales used to precisely control all the

MPX Attenuation :

This scale is graduated from right to left. It indicates the instantaneous

attenuation rate applied to the power by the MPX Guard. The numerical value is
displayed above it. The red bar moves in real time from right to left indicating the
applied attenuation rate.

The peak point reached is displayed as a vertical red stroke. You can thus have
the MPX Guard in "monitoring" mode and read the maximum attenuation rate
applied while you were away.

To reset to zero the red stroke, click on "Reset" at the bottom right of the "MPX
Attenuation" scale.

Fast MPX Power :

This scale indicates the instantaneous power at the output of the DVP. The
numerical value is displayed above the scale. The blue stroke moves in real time,
indicating the current value.

The peak point reached is displayed as a vertical red stroke. You can thus have
the MPX Guard in "monitoring" mode and read the maximum value reached while
you were away.

To reset to zero the red stroke, click on "Reset" at the bottom right of the "Fast
MPX Power" scale.

User Time MPX Power :

This scale indicates the average power according to the integration time defined by
the "Time Integration" command. The numerical value is displayed above the
scale. The blue stroke also indicates the current value.

The peak point reached is displayed as a vertical red stroke. You can thus have
the MPX Guard in "monitoring" mode and read the maximum value reached while
you were away.

To reset to zero the red stroke, click on "Reset" at the bottom right of the "User
Time MPX Power" scale.

Tags :

If your monitor can support a resolution of 1024 by 768, the tags can be
constantly displayed at the bottom of the monitor. They give you important
informations and a quick access to numerous features of the DVP. See also:
MPX Guard Tag.

The "MPX Guard" tag is used to keep information on the MPX Guard plug-
in displayed in the overall display of the DVP software. The 3 scales
described above are displayed in this tag :

"MPX Guard" tag.


The "Dorrough" plug-in displayed in the main window.

The famous Dorrough meter is now available in the DVP as a Plug-In. This
Dorrough IDT model is the result of an association between IDT and Dorrough
constituted so as to offer the best in measurement of the peak and loudness levels in
order to get an incredible audio quality!

Digital Dorrough meters are based on unique algorithms to measure the loudness
and peak level of the signal, both measures linked on a 40 dB FS scale in one bar
graph. Besides, to get more comfort in the visualisation, each led represents one

1. You can control your peak level thanks to the led always located at the right
of the others.
2. The last 3 leds on the right are red to warn you that your signal is about to
saturate as it will go further than 0dB FS! These 3 leds are from -3 to 0 dB FS.
3. Concerning the loudness, there are 3 other red leds you can use as a
reference for your loudness level.
4. Moreover, you can move these 3 leds from -14 to -4dB FS to follow the
maximum loudness level you want to reach (only possible on the IDT model).

Special thanks to Mike and Kay Dorrough for letting us use the Dorrough meter.

Installation :


• The Plug-In that has been sent to you is specific to the serial number of
your DVP Processor as well as to the Layers that it uses. It will therefore
work only on the machine that you specified when ordering the Plug-In.

To install the "Dorrough Loudness Monitor" Plug-In :

1. Follow the instructions received with this Plug-In to install it on your

2. Launch the DVP or DBP Control Software as usual.
3. Click "DVP Load Plug In" or "DBP Load Plug In" in the Help Menu.
4. The window below will be displayed.
5. Select the Plug-In that you want to load (in the example below: " Dorrough
6. Click "Open" at the bottom of the window.

The "Load Plug In" window..

To visualise the Dorrough Loudness Monitor on the left and right channels

1. Click on "Stereo" of the Measure mode option.

2. The switch is now pressed and red showing you that your action has been
taken into account.

The Dorrough meter at the top shows you the modulation of your left channel
whereas the one at the bottom shows you the modulation of your right channel.

To visualise the Dorrough Loudness Monitor only on the left channel :

1. Click on "L" of the Measure mode option.

2. The switch is now pressed and red showing you that your action has been
taken into account.

In this case you only visualise the modulation of the left channel on the output of
the DBP.

To visualise the Dorrough Loudness Monitor only on the right channel :

1. Click on "R" of the Measure mode option.

2. The switch is now pressed and red showing you that your action has been
taken into account.

In this case you only visualise the modulation of the right channel on the output of
the DBP.

To visualise the Dorrough Loudness Monitor on left + right and left - right
modulations :

1. Click on "L+R/L-R" of the Measure mode option.

2. The switch is now pressed and red showing you that your action has been
taken into account.

In this case you visualise the modulation of the left + right and left - right
modulations of the DVP's stereo coder.

Caution :

The loudness level and peak level you visualise are taken on the output of the
DBP, that means after all the process. Therefore you can see that as you push
up the Efficiency of the final limiter, your loudness level comes closer and
closer to the peak level.

On this Dorrough IDT model you can relocate the 3 red leds representing the
loudness level you want to reach.

To move these 3 leds, please do as follows :

1. Put your cursor on the 3 red leds representing the loudness.

2. Click and move your mouse until you reach the place you wanted.

NB :

These leds can be set on all the visualisation modes from -14dB to -4dB FS.

Furthermore, you have an instant access to the Dorrough Loudness Monitor via a tag

To display the Dorrough Loudness Monitor tag window :

1. Click on Dorrough Meter in the More Windows menu of the DVP.

2. A cursor appears showing you that your choice has been taken into account.
3. To remove this window, click again on Dorrough Meter of the More
Windows menu.

This window is showing you what you selected in

the Dorrough main window.

Front Panel display:

The "Dorrough" Plug-in displayed on the DBP front panel.

To visualise the Dorrough Loudness Monitor Plug-in on the front panel of

the DBP :

1. From the main screen, point your cursor on PLUGINS thanks to the UP and
DOWN keys.
2. The Dorrough Loudness Monitor is now displayed.

You can control your loudness level thanks to the coloured leds and your peak level
thanks to the coloured one which is at the right of the others (2 horizontal bars
under and above this led enable you to see it easily).

Simplified bloc diagram of the DBP 7+4

Examples of uses of the DBP 7+4

General specifications : Digital Sync Input / Output :
Frequency response : +0 / - 0.4dB, 10-20000Hz (Bypass Configuration : Two mode, input to provide sync, Output
mode). to deliver sync
System distortion : < 0.01% THD, de-emphasised. Impedance : 75 ohms
Signal to Noise : 92specifications
dB unweighted, 20 Hz - 20 kHz Sampling Rate for Input mode : 32, 44.1, 48, 96 kHz
I/O Delay : ~13 milliseconds for the DVP and ~ 6
Sampling Rate for Output mode : Software selectable,
milliseconds for the DBP
Internal sample rate : 96 kHz 32 kHz +/- 10 PPM, 44.1 kHz +/- 10 PPM, 48 kHz +/- 10
Internal resolution : 40 bit floating point PPM, 96 kHz +/- 10 PPM.
I/O resolution : 24 bit Connector : BNC female.
Maximum Overshoot : 0.1 dB
Phase Response : Linear 20 Hz - 20 kHz Digital Stereo Generator :
Process Architecture DVP: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Frequency Response : +/- 0.1 dB 20Hz - 15 kHz
Process Architecture DBP: Band process Configuration : Two independently controlled output
Process structure : 1APP (One Advanced Point Source impedance : 75 ohms
Processing) Load impedance : 75 ohms or grater
DSP : 10 Sharc 21065, expandable to 66 DSP. Level : Adjustable max 15 Vpp (100% modulation ~ -3
Maximum number of Factory Presets : 32 dBfs)
Maximum number of User Presets : 64
Connector : BNC
Remote contact closure : 14 Presets
Pre-emphasis : 50 or 75μs
Analogue Audio Input : Stereo separation : More than 90dB, 20Hz - 15 kHz
Configuration : Stereo Main to Sub crosstalk, Sub to Main crosstalk : < -85 dB
Impedance : > 6 kOhms Audio filtering : 80 dB rejection at 19kHz
Type : Electronically balanced Pilot stability : +/- 0,2 Hz
Maximum Input Level : +25 dBu, for THD + N < 0.01% Pilot Output 19 kHz : 1 BNC
Equivalent Input Noise : < - 84 dBu Sub-carrier : Two BNC input
Common Mode Rejection Ratio: 90 dB
Connector : two XLR female Remote Computer Interface :
A/D Conversion : 24 bit 128X oversampled Configuration : Two RS 232
Connector : One Sub-D 9 pin female and one Sub-D 9 pin
Analogue Audio Output :
Configuration : Stereo male
Source impedance : < 1 Ohms Baud rate : Auto selectable baud rate 9600 to 115200
Type : Electronically balanced bauds
Maximum Output Level :
+24 dBu, on 10 kOhms Load for THD + N < 0.01 % Remote Control :
+18 dBu on 600 Ohms Load for THD + N < 0.05 % Configuration : Fully remote controllable by external
Signal to Noise : > 100 dB unweighted, 20 Hz - 20 kHz modem or TCP/IP (optional).
Connector : Two XLR male Rate : 9600 to 115200 bauds
DA Conversion : 24 bit 128X oversampled
Remote Control Interface :
Digital Audio Input : Configuration : 14 inputs contact closure
Configuration : Stereo per AES/EBU (AES3), 16, 18, 20 or
Control : 14 users presets directly selectable by software
24 bit resolution.
Impedance : 110 ohms
Sample Rate : 32, 44.1, 48, 96kHz autodetect Power :
Status bits : Input channel status is decoded for control. Voltage : 80 to 265 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz, 130 VA
Input user bits are optionally passed trough the output. Connector : IEC, EMI-suppressed
Connector : XLR female, EMI-suppressed Safety Standard : CE / DBT
Filtering : RFI filters. BW : 0.5-200MHz
Environmental and Dimensions :
Digital Audio Output : Operating Temperature : 0° à 50° C or 32° to 122° F
Configuration : Stereo per AES/EBU (AES3), 20 or 24 bits Humidity : 0 to 95% RH, no condensing
resolution. Size : 19'', Two rack unit high. (W x H x D) : 48,3 x 8.9 x
Impedance : 110 ohms 40 cm - 19 x 3.5 x 15.7''
Sampling Rate : Software selectable, free running at
Weight : 6 Kg - 13.2 lb.
32kHz +/- 10 PPM, 44.1kHz +/- 10 PPM, 48kHz +/- 10
PPM, 96kHz +/- 10 PPM.
Synchronisation mode : Internal free running or external
or delivery mode for 32, 44.1, 48, 96 kHz
Word Length : Selectable 18, 20, 24 bits.
Jitter : Less than 5 ns rms.
Status bits : Output channel status can be generated.
Input User bits are optionally passed through the output
Connector : XLR male, EMI-suppressed
Filtering : RFI filtered. BP : 0.5-200MHz

IDT Sound Processing Corporation reserves the right to make changes without previous notification. Illustrations,
descriptions and characteristics are not contractually binding and not engage the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Tel +33/(0) 472.18.19.20 - Fax +33/(0) 472.18.19.21 - Web – e-mail : [email protected]

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