On Giving Advice

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The passage discusses that people are most pleased when they feel they have discovered something for themselves like when reading fables. It also talks about how fables can be used to indirectly give advice.

The passage says the oblique or indirect manner of giving advice through fables is the best way as it is not offensive.

According to the answers on page 3, Sultan Mahmoud and his vizier saw a couple of owls upon a tree when returning from hunting.



*In the next place ,if we look into human____1__ ,we shall find that the ____2___ is never so much

* she exerts herself in any action that gives her an __3__of her own perfections and __4_

*This natural pride and ambition of the soul is very much ____5____in the reading of a fable,

*for a writing of this kind the reader comes in for half of the__6______ .

*.he is busy all the while in applying ___7_____ and circumstances,and in this respect he is both a
___8___and a composer.

* the oblique manner of giving advice is so ___9____,that if we look into ancient histories ,we find the
wise men of old very often choose to give ____10___to their kings in fables.


1. Among all the ways of giving advice, which is the best

2. What was the name of the sultan?
3. Why do we pursue the narrator when he is giving advise by fable?
4. In which actions Sultan Mahmoud was involved in ?
5. In which skill did the vizier pretend to be expert in?
6. What did sultan and his vizier see when returning from hunting?
7. What did father of male owl asked from the father of female owl?
8. According to human nature ,when the mind is pleased the most?
9. Tale from which country is used by author ?
10. Which traits of human personality are gratified while reading the fable?


1. What do you know about joseph Addison?

2. Which according to author is best way of giving advice and why?

3. Give the brief description of the story that was narrated to Sultan Mahmoud by his vizier


Read the following passage and answer the questions.

There is nothing which we receive with so much reluctance as advice. We look upon the man who
gives it to us as offering an affront to our understanding and treating us like children or idiots. we
consider the instructions as an implicit censure ,and the zeal which anyone shows for our good on
such an occasion as a piece of arrogance or impertinence. The truth of it is the person who pretends
to advise ,does in that particular ,exercise a superiority over us. He can have no other reason for it,
but that in comparing us with himself, he thinks us defective either in our conduct or our
understanding. For these reasons , there is nothing so difficult as art of making advice agreeable;
some convey their instructions to us in best chosen words, others in the most harmonious numbers,
some in the points of wit, and others in short proverbs.

1.What do we receive in reluctance?

a) Criticism b) appreciation c) advice d) support

2. What is the most difficult thing about the advice ,to make it ___

a) Compact b) agreeable c) pleasant d) shocking

3. The man who gives advice treats the person in front as

a) Children b) idiots c) defective d) all of the above

4. The person who is advising actually is exercising ________over us.

a) Superiority b) inferiority c) help d) communication

5. The person who is advising us thinks that we are defective in our _____

a) Conduct b)understanding c) either a or b d) both a and b

6. The advice is always beneficial to us.

a). always b) sometimes c) rarely d) not given

7. How do we feel about the instruction given to us?
a) Implicit censure b) implicit suggestion c) implicit sentence d)not given
8. Some convey their instructions in the points of wit while others in short _________.
a) Proverbs b) sentences c )stories d)examples
9. The adviser compares us with himself
a) Always b) sometimes c) while giving advice d) not given
10. After advice we receive in reluctance is ______.
a) Appreciation b) help c) support d) not given

In the next place, if we look into human nature, we shall find that the man is never so much pleased, as when
she exerts herself in any action that gives her an idea of her own perfections and abilities. The natural pride and
ambition of the soul is very much gratified in the reading of a fable, for in writings of this kind, the reader comes
in for half of the performance. Everything appears to him like a discovery of his own. He is busy all the while in
applying characters and circumstances and in this respect he is both a reader and a composer. The oblique
manner of giving advice is so inoffensive, that if we look into ancient histories, we find the wise men of old very
often choose to give counsel to their kings in fables



1. Fable
2. Sultan Mahmoud
3. We pursue him for the sake of the story.
4. He was involved in perpetual wars abroad and his tyranny at home.
5. The vizier pretended that he can understand the language of birds.
6. They saw a couple of owls upon a tree.
7. Fifty ruined villages for her portion
8. If we look into human nature we find that mind is maximum pleased when it exerts itself in the action that gives
an idea of person’s own perfections and abilities.
9. Tale from turkey
10. Natural pride and ambition of the soul.


1. ) c)
2. b)
3. d)
4. a)
5. c)
6. d)
7. a)
8. a)
9. c)



1. nature 2.mind 3.idea 4. Abilities 5gratified 6performance 7. Characters 8.reader 9.inoffensive 10.counsel

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