PLDT v. City of Davao

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PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. (PLDT) unequivocal” way of communicating the legislative intent.

ating the legislative intent. Nor does the term

vs. CITY OF DAVAO and ADELAIDA B. BARCELONA, in her capacity as City “exemption” in Sec. 23 of RA 7925 mean tax exemption. The term refers to
Treasurer of Davao exemption from regulations and requirements imposed by the National
Telecommunications Commission (NTC). For instance, RA 7925, Sec. 17 provides:
GR. No. 143867 March 25, 2003
The Commission shall exempt any specific telecommunications service from its rate
or tariff regulations if the service has sufficient competition to ensure fair and
FACTS: reasonable rates of tariffs.

PLDT paid a franchise tax equal to three percent (3%) of its gross receipts. Another exemption granted by the law in line with its policy of deregulation is
The franchise tax was paid “in lieu of all taxes on this franchise or earnings thereof” the exemption from the requirement of securing permits from the NTC every time a
pursuant to RA 7082. The exemption from “all taxes on this franchise or earnings telecommunications company imports equipment. Tax exemptions should
thereof” was subsequently withdrawn by RA 7160 (LGC), which at the same time be granted only by clear and unequivocal provision of law on the basis of language
gave local government units the power to tax businesses enjoying a franchise on the
too plain to be mistaken.
basis of income received or earned by them within their territorial jurisdiction. The
LGC took effect on January 1, 1992.
The City of Davao enacted Ordinance No. 519, Series of 1992, which in
pertinent part provides: Notwithstanding any exemption granted by law or other
special laws, there is hereby imposed a tax on businesses enjoying a franchise, a
rate of seventy-five percent (75%) of one percent (1%) of the gross annual receipts
for the preceding calendar year based on the income receipts realized within the
territorial jurisdiction of Davao City. Subsequently, Congress granted in favor of Globe
Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation (Globe) and Smart Information Technologies,
Inc. (Smart) franchises which contained “in lieu of all taxes” provisos.
In 1995, it enacted RA 7925, or the Public Telecommunication Policy of the
Philippines, Sec. 23 of which provides that any advantage, favor, privilege,
exemption, or immunity granted under existing franchises, or may hereafter
be granted, shall ipso facto become part of previously granted telecommunications
franchises and shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally to the grantees of
such franchises. The law took effect on March 16, 1995.
In January 1999, when PLDT applied for a mayor’s permit to operate its
Davao Metro exchange, it was required to pay the local franchise tax which then had
amounted to P3,681,985.72. PLDT challenged the power of the city government to
collect the local franchise tax and demanded a refund of what had been paid as a
local franchise tax for the year 1997 and for the first to the third quarters of 1998.
Whether or not by virtue of RA 7925, Sec. 23, PLDT is again entitled to the
exemption from payment of the local franchise tax in view of the grant of tax
exemption to Globe and Smart.
Petitioner contends that because their existing franchises contain “in lieu of
all taxes” clauses, the same grant of tax exemption must be deemed to have become
ipso facto part of its previously granted telecommunications franchise. But the rule is
that tax exemptions should be granted only by a clear and unequivocal provision of
law “expressed in a language too plain to be mistaken” and assuming for the
nonce that the charters of Globe and of Smart grant tax exemptions, then this
runabout way of granting tax exemption to PLDT is not a direct, “clear and

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