Tracer Study of Stiis Bsba Graduates

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A country’s economy depends on its people. To keep pace with changes, people need to acquire skills to be

productive and earn a living and all of these can be achieved through education. Education is the most important

mechanism for the empowerment of people for their socio-economic, political and technological development. The

learning environments of higher education institutions must take cognizance of this in structuring their course

programmes. For the purpose of quality assurance of course programs, higher education institutions can contribute

meaningfully by applying the principles of tracer study to create sustainable learning empowerment environment for

the continuous professional development of past students.

While many higher education institutions provide training to a variety of clients, most forget them as soon as

they graduate and leave the institutions’ environment with no means to contact them. Employability upon graduation

and over the long term is, understandably, the major priority for the vast majority of our students. Over the past two

decades or so the school has increasingly offered a wide spectrum of higher education courses that provide students

with the necessary tools enabling them to develop their employability skills, to heighten their own awareness of these

skills and to improve their ability to articulate them. These skills, once acquired, of course need to be honed throughout

one's working life, being put into practice not only in job searching and during interviews but also in personal

development planning and in making the most of work experience opportunities. There is no doubt that a student's life

long learning capability and therefore his/her employability are enhanced through their university experience. The core

mission of our University continues to be the creation of an open space of higher learning within a life-long perspective.

This is based on equity of access and should be seen as an opportunity for individual development, allowing all those

capable of benefiting from higher education to integrate better into the global knowledge society. With the steady

increase in the number of College graduates, employment opportunities for students have become very competitive.

Most universities have the policy to strengthen existing links and to create new bridges with the world of work. In line

with the mission of the Sibugay Technical Institute, Inc., a fast-growing tertiary institution recognized for its commitment

to innovative programs in addressing society’s challenges, the school evaluates how its graduates have paired in their

employment scene after their graduation. It is equally important to find out how adequate is the training provided by

our institution in the overall performance of their career life, the extent by which the knowledge, communication and

other skills have been developed. This tracer study is also a way which can provide valuable information for evaluating

the results of education and training of an institution and thereby serve as a basis for future planning activities. It is for
the above purpose that a tracer study on the BSBA graduates of STII is done. The graduates included in this survey

are the STII graduates from SY 2012-2016 from the College of Business Administration.


This study aimed to trace the BSBA graduate of STII during the School Year 2012 to 2016. Specifically, it sought to

answer the following questions:

1. What are the personal details of graduates in terms of the following personal characteristics?

a. Gender

b. Civil Status

c. Field of Study

d. Educational Attainment

2. What is the incidence of employment, self-employment, unemployment, and further education among


3. How relevant are the school-acquired skills and competencies to the graduates’ chosen occupations?

4. What skills and competencies do the graduates recommend to make the curricular offering more relevant to

current jobs?

5. Is there a significant difference between the graduates’ school-acquired skills and competencies and their

chosen occupations?


2012 2

2013 5

2014 7

2015 10

2016 8
Dear Graduate,
Sibugay Technical Institute, Inc. under the College of Business Administration, is undertaking a study
regarding the type of work, further study, or other activity you are/were involved in since you completed your programme
of study. The information provided will assist us in planning future educational needs. Results of this study will only be
presented in summary form and individual responses will be kept with utmost confidentiality. We would, therefore,
highly appreciate if you could complete the following questionnaire and return it to us, at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your cooperation.
BSBA Dean/Researcher

A. General
1. Name ________________________________________________________________________

2. Sex: [] Male [] Female

3. Age __________________________________________________________________________
4. Civil Status ____________________________________________________________________

B. Educational
5. Course & Major ________________________________________________________________
6. Year Graduated _______________________________________________________________
7. Do you possess any other course from STII or any other tertiary education institution?
[] Yes [] No

8. If yes, please give details, as follows:

Title of Institution Period Enrolled
From To

C. Further Study
9. Are you currently undertaking further studies? [] Yes [] No

10. If no, proceed to question 12. If yes, please give details as follows:
Title of Institution Period Enrolled
From To

11. Could you please give the main reason for pursuing further studies?

D. Activity
12. Which one of the following best describes your current position with regard to paid work?
[] Working full-time
[] Working part-time but seeking full-time work
[] Working part-time but not seeking full-time work
[] Self-employed
[] Not working and looking for a job
[] Not working and unavailable for paid work
[] Others, pls. specify _______________________________
13. How long did it take you to find a job since obtaining your degree? __________________________
14. Please give reasons for time gap between obtaining your degree and your first employment

15. Employment History (since obtaining first employment up to present)

Name of Employer Period Employed Position Reasons for
From To leaving job (where

E. Current Employment
16. How did you come to know about your current job?
[] through friends
[] through relatives
[] through written queries
[] advertisements
[] others, specify ________________________

17. Qualifications and other attributes required for the job _________________________________________
18. Gross monthly salary ________________________________________________________________
19. Nature of Work performed _______________________________________________________
20. Do you face any major problem in your job assignments?
[] Yes [] No
If yes, please elaborate __________________________________________________________________
21. If you are self-employed, what made you decide to become self-employed?

22. How would you rate the contribution of the BSBA program to your personal knowledge, skills, and attitudes?
(Tick as appropriate) Very much Much A little Not at all
Enhanced academic knowledge [] [] [] []
Improved problem-solving skills [] [] [] []
Improved research skills [] [] [] []
Improved learning efficiency [] [] [] []
Improved communication skill [] [] [] []
Improved IT Skill [] [] [] []
Enhanced team spirit [] [] [] []

23. Was your course relevant to your present job?

[] Very much [] Much [] A little [] Not at all

24. Which of the following best represent major strengths and weaknesses of the BSBA program in STII?
Strength Weakness Does not apply
Relevance of the course to [] [] []
your professional requirements
Student workload [] [] []
Problem solving [] [] []
Inter-disciplinary learning [] [] []
Work placement [] [] []
Teaching/learning environment [] [] []
Quality of delivery [] [] []
Others, pls. specify [] [] []

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