I. General Information
I. General Information
I. General Information
encourage you to review the evaluations and assessments for yourself to guarantee the most accurate and updated
I. General Information
Cost of the Test: Manual = $65. Course Training & Calibration (manual included) = $795 USD
Type/Purpose of Test: To evaluate the quality of person’s social interaction during real interaction with people they would
typically interact with. It is similar in style to the AMPS.
Population: Anyone age 2 ½ years through older adulthood who have social issues.
Focus of measurement:
___ Organic systems X Abilities X Participation/life habits ___ Environmental Factors
Ease of Administration: The difficult part is that you have to be calibrated. Also, you must observe a client in at least two
‘real life’ social interactions. Being a fly on the wall might be difficult. Outside of that, it does not seem too difficult to
administer. I don’t have the manual to know for sure.
Scoring Procedures: I do not have access to the manual. The research article I found did not disclose this information.
All I could find is the following:
The quality of 27 social interaction performance skills (i.e., Approaches/Starts, Turns toward, replies, discloses,
etc.) are scored.
Scores range from 4 – 1, but I am not sure of the meaning behind each point value.
You are evaluating the degree to which the client’s social interactions are polite, respectful, well-timed, relevant and
Reliability: Reliability refers to the likeliness of the same person getting the same score on the assessment between two
trials. In the ESI, the parallel forms reliability coefficient is
r = 0.86.
Validity: Validity seeks to know if the items on the test are truly measuring what they are intended to measure. In the ESI,
r = 0.996 (they wrote r = 99.6 but a correlation is 1 or below, right?).
What is (are) the setting/s that you would anticipate using this assessment?
Clients with: DCD
TBI Anxiety Disorders
Stroke Bipolar
Schizophrenia Major depression
Developmental Delays Personality disorders
ADHD Autism spectrum disorders
Intellectual Disability
Requires calibration.
Good reliability and validity.
Applies to almost all ages.
Is occupation-based and client-centered (observes client in natural setting).
Fills a niche in the field (i.e., it observes a social interaction in a natural, non-simulated encounter).
Helps addresses an important client need (i.e., improving social skills).