Job Hazard Analysis: Task/Procedure Hazard Safe Procedure
Job Hazard Analysis: Task/Procedure Hazard Safe Procedure
JOB TITLE: Torch, Acetylene Powered Cutting and Welding DATE OF ANALYSIS: 4/9/12
The acetylene torch is found in most Muscle strain and/or sprain, skeletal Extensive training is required before using
mechanical and welding shops. It is injuries to the neck and spine, as well as an acetylene torch. Training must include
typically equipped with high pressure other parts of the body, resulting from proper lifting techniques as well as
required PPE. Training should consist of
acetylene and oxygen that when improper lifting of tanks, material, and
lecture and practical demonstration.
combined create an extremely hot flame tools
capable of melting plate steel several Pre-plan your route when moving the
inches thick. The acetylene torch can be Fire and explosion resulting in severe
torch set. Ensure the route of travel is free
very dangerous if proper safety burns, multiple lacerations, and of obstacles and slipping/tripping hazards
precautions are not followed. impalement by projectiles
When not in use, acetylene tanks and
Projectile from sudden release of gas oxygen tanks must be stored in a secured,
upright position away from flammables,
Very serious injury, including severe burns sparks, or open flame, and separated by a
and death can occur. minimum of 20 ft or a fire rated wall that
meets the requirements of 29 CFR
1910.255 and 1910.252.
JHA 1 3/12