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Al-ilāh there is silencw i should just losten and let im speak. The ėdots are voncted .

He is the
holden holy cup as anm aquallang of protection dressed by me shown placed over my entirre
body his print is in me that is the opnly print that is, thats all thats needed. for the within and
withouths limitations have bluuuuuurred around me, kamuolines besisukancios liepsnu energijos
deka. ir ji mane žudo ir lauuuuuzo r keicia, betas zinau, kad tai alchgemija ir yra gera nes
igalinimas. Kas galejo pagalvoti, kad šie demonai ir dfievai sueis taip gerai kartuuuuuuuuuuu. Ir
turi buti visi naudojami, iskaic 9 ocl. zNes raktas- ne kokie dievai ar o o koks transformacijos
galingumas. Tai yra ne tik invocacijos, bet ir vidine alchemija, jos pačios nesvarbu. Atitinamu
energiju pasirinkimas ir maisymnas veikia tiek savyje tie pasaulyje vsados. Kad galios gali but
pašauktos ne lieptoi isakyti gauti ar komunikuoti bet kaip reagentai i rdve ytamn tikriems
pakitimams gauti. Tai tikra alchemnja nes tada jie adresuojamitiesiog kaipo reagentai. zDar
alchemikas pazista fizinius reagentus bei ju naudijima bet pazistas dvasinius pazins ir fizinius
kitaip negali būti.

Because hasving received the teachings and according to them sthe transcendence of
tyransform is mopst important and for greatest fiery explosive transfoprmacion is the sylable

RAM for me the divine mantrs for apearently mpost potent in canging w heat+ by it the same
efects can be and are after proper dosage achieved as by capalabati.



The Great AlMighty Awesome God The Father Of Our Fathers : (2 Timothy 1:2)

Jesus krist Iesu Kristos Iesus Eisu Kristos Eisus kristos Yeshua kristos Jezus of nazareth Emanuel
Isa Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu Christi Sacratissimi Cordis Eisu Christi Sacratissimi Cordis Eisus Christi
Sacratissimi Cordis Yeshua Christi Christi Sacratissimi Cordis Jesum a Nazareth Sacratissimi Cordis
Emanuel Sacratissimi Cordis Isa

Holy One Of Israel: (Psalm 78:41)

Upright One: (Isaiah 26:7)

Light Of Israel:

The nferno (Isaiah 10:17)

Light To The Nations: (Isaiah 42:6)

Our Dwelling Place: (Psalm 90:1)

Fortress: (Psalm 91:2)

Stronghold: (Psalm 18:2)

Tower Of Strength: (Psalm 61:3)

Refuge: (Psalm 46:1)

Hiding Place: (Psalm 32:7)

Shield: (Psalm 18:30)

Stone Of My Strength: (Psalm 62:7)

Rock Of My Strength: (Psalm 62:7)

Rock Of Israel: (2 Samuel 23:3)

Stone of Israel: (Genesis 49:24)

Cornerstone: (Psalm 118:22)

My Portion In The Land Of The Living: (Psalm 142:5)

The Portion Of My Inheritance: (Psalm 16:5)

My Cup: (Psalm 16:5)

Branch: (Zechariah 6:12)

Star: (Numbers 24:17)

Crown and Daidem: (Isaiah 28:5)

Potter: (Isaiah 64:8)

Tent Peg, Bow Of Battle: (Zechariah 10:4)

Husband: (Isaiah 54:5)

Maker: (Psalm 49:2)

Creator Of Israel: (Isaiah 43:15)

Shepherd Of Israel: (Psalm 80:1)

Messenger Of The Covenant: (Malachi 3:1)

Redeemer of Israel: (Isaiah 49:7)

Deliverer: (Psalm 144:2)

My Lovingkindness: (Psalm 144:2)

Savior: (Isaiah 45:15)

King Of Israel: (Zephaniah 3:15)

King Of Glory: (Psalm 24:7)

Lord Of All The Earth: (Micah 4:13)

Ancient of Days: (Daniel 7:9)

The Most High: (Deuteronomy 32:8)

Covenant To The People: (Isaiah 42:6)

Shiloh: (Genesis 49:10)

The Angel: (Genesis 48:16)

The Arm Of The Lord: (Isaiah 53:1)

Ruler In Israel: (Micah 5:2)

Messiah The Prince: (Daniel 9:25)

New Testament Names For God The Father

(This section compiled by Loren Jacobs)

Abba: [Daddy] (Romans 8:15)

God The Father Of Our Lord Yeshua Iesu Eisu Eisus Jesus Emanuel isa sacratisimi kordis i The
Messiah: (Colossians 1:3) Per Jėzaus energija į mane įėjo Dievas + J4zus turi b8ti visados
pašauktas pirma.
The Father Of Lights: (James 1:17)

The Father Of Glory: (Ephesians 1:17)

The Father Of Spirits: (Hebrews 12:9)

Father of Mercies: (2 Corinthians 1:3)

The God [Elohay Avotaynu]: (Acts 7:32)

The God Of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob [Elohay Avraham, Yitzchak v'Yaakov]: (Acts 7:32)

God Of All Comfort [Elohay Kol HaNechamah]: (2 Corinthians 1:3)

The Living God [Elohay Chaiyim]: (2 Corinthians 3:3, 6:16)

Elohim]: (Acts 3:22)

Lord God of Israel [YHVH Addona Addonai Addonaios Addoshem Addonael Addonaelė Elohay
Yisrael]: (Luke 1:68)

Lord Almighty [YHVH Addona Addonai Addonaios Addoshem Addonael Addonaelė

Shaddai]: (2 Corinthians 6:18)

Power [Ha Gevurah]: (Mark 14:62)

The Creator [HaBoray]: (Romans 1:25, 1 Peter 4:19)

The Most High God [El Elyon]: (Hebrews 7:1)

The Divine Nature: (Romans 1:20, 2 Peter 1:4)

The Majestic Glory: (2 Peter 1:17)

The Majesty: (Hebrews 1:3)

The King Of The Nations: (Revelation 15:3)

The Lawgiver And Judge: (James 4:12)

The Eternal Immortal Invisible King: (1 Timothy 1:17) +++++

Sovereign: (1 Timothy 6:15)

Heaven: (Matthew 21:25)

A Consuming Fire: (Hebrews 12:29)

New Testament Names For Jesus

(This section compiled by Loren Jacobs)

Yeshua Of Nazareth: (Matthew 26:71)

Messiah: (John 1:41)

Only Begotten Son: (1 John 4:9)

Beloved Son: (Matthew 3:17)

Son Of David: (Matthew 1:1)

The Root And Offspring Of David: (Revelation 22:16)

Son Of Abraham: (Matthew 1:1)

Abraham's Seed: (Galatians 3:16)

Son Of Joseph: (John 1:45)

Son Of Man: (Matthew 26:64, see Daniel 7:13)

Son Of God: (Matthew 26:63)

Son of the Father: (2 John 1:3)

Son Of The Most High: (Luke 1:32)

Only Begotten God: (John 1:18)

Firstborn Of All Creation: (Colossians 1:15)

Beginning Of The Creation Of God: (Revelation 3:14)

Firstborn From The Dead: (Revelation 1:5)

The Last Adam: (1 Corinthians 15:45)

Rabbi: [Teacher, literally "my great one"] (Matthew 23:8)

King Of Israel: (Mark 15:32)

King Of The Jews: (Matthew 27:37)

The Word Of God: (Revelation 19:13)

The Word Of Life: (1 John 1:1)

I AM: (John 8:58, see Exodus 3:14)

LORD: (Romans 10:9-13, see Joel 2:32)

God: (John 1:1)

The Man: (John 19:5)

Immanuel: [God with us] (Matthew 1:23, see Isaiah 7:14)

Master: [Chief, Commander] (Luke 8:24)

The Expected One: (Luke 7:19)

Savior Of The World: (John 4:42)

Savior Of All Men: (1 Timothy 4:10)

Savior Of All Things

The Deliverer: (Romans 11:26)

The Prophet: (John 1:25, see Deuteronomy 18:15)

Holy One: (Acts 3:14)

Righteous One: (Acts 3:14)

Prince Of all Life: (Acts 3:15)

Living One: (Luke 24:5)

Judge Of The Living And The Dead: (Acts 10:42)

Chief Cornerstone: (Mark 12:10)

Chief Shepherd: (1 Peter 5:4)

Good Shepherd: (John 10:11)

Shepherd And Guardian Of Our Souls: (1 Peter 2:25)

Passover Lamb: (1 Corinthians 5:7)

Lamb of God: (John 1:36)

Lion Of Judah: (Revelation 5:5)

Advocate, Counsel For The Defense: (1 John 2:1)

Light Of The World: (John 8:12)

King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords: (Revelation 19:16)

The Faithful Witness: (Revelation 1:5)

The Faithful And True One: (Revelation 19:11)

The Amen: (Revelation 3:14)

Servant: (Acts 4:27)

The Bright Morning Star: (Revelation 22:16)

Sunrise From On High: (Luke 1:78)

The Apostle: (Hebrews 3:1)

The Great High Priest: (Hebrews 4:14)

The Author And Perfecter Of Faith: (Hebrews 12:2)

The Chosen One: (Luke 9:35)

The Mediator: (1 Timothy 2:5)

The Way, The Truth, And The Life: (John 14:6)

The Door: (John 10:7)

Alpha et Omega: (Revelation 22:13)

The First And The Last: (Revelation 22:13)

The Beginning And The End: (Revelation 22:13)

The Head Of The Body, The Church: (Colossians 1:18)

Head Over All Things: (Ephesians 1:22)

Visų dalykų paveldėtojas: (Hebrews 1:2)

Nematomo Dievo paveikslas (Colossians 1:15)

Dievo paslaptis (Colossians 2:2)

Išsigelbėjimo ragas (Luke 1:69)

Dievo galia (1 Corinthians 1:24)

Dievo akis

Dievo išmints: (1 Corinthians 1:24)

Mylimasis (Matthew 12:18)

Jaunikis Lubabel- kaip cukraus vatos i6siputimas (John 3:29) sskaniausia bus valgyti. Kaip gėlė, ją
uostau, apsivynioja mane- stipresnis kont. su Juo, ryšys

Dievo duona iš dangaus

Gyvenimo duona iš dangaus : (John 6:35)

Tikrasis vynas (John 15:1)

Tikroji dorybė: (John 15:1)

Vyninkas: (John 15:1)

Prisikėlimas (John 11:25)

Šventojo Dievo Dvasia Šventoji Dievo Dvasia (Ephesians 4:30)

Vel Spiritus sanctus

Išminties ir supratimo Dvasia, The Spirit Of Counsel and Strength, The Spirit Of Knowledge And
The Fear Of The LORD: (Isaiah 11:2)

Šventoji pažado Dvasia : (Ephesians 1:13)

Šventoji Gyvojo Dievo Dvasia : (2 Corinthians 3:3)

Šventoji Viešpaties YHVH Addona Addonai Addonaios Addoshem Addonael Addonaelės Dvasia

Amžinoji Dvasia: (Hebrews 9:14)

Tiesos dvasia, tiesioji dvasia: (John 15:26)

Šventoji Jėzaus Kristaus Iesu Kristos Iesus Eisu Kristos Eisus kristos Yeshua kristos Jėzaus iš
nazareto nazareth Emanuelio Isa Sacratissimi Cordis Iesu Christi Sacratissimi Cordis Eisu Christi
Sacratissimi Cordis Eisus Christi Sacratissimi Cordis Yeshua Christi Sacratissimi Cordis Jesum a
Nazareth Sacratissimi Cordis Emanuel Sacratissimi Cordis Isa (Philippians 1:19)

Valstyb4 2ekoslovakija valdoma kraujo, Ju krayjas suri6tas su jezum raudona v4liava, kry=ius.
Daug elfu -(dvasiu) at6oliuos at6oks at6okuos atsisuks pas tave atsiratuos nakti padaryk auka
jiems apie ta euycharista a6 kalb4siu- Belvita. Tai buuuuuuus jiems geras pakanamas
usmokestis., tai yra dvasios kuriosieina iu tyave (pačios), kad pa2ios ieiotujom turi but sumoketya
tave nuplautu, tamptunm stipresnis 6varus, imagnetizuotas. Tai apie visas ir tnmka visom
dvbasiom, kkkkkkkuuuriuos pa2ios atewina ir ieina. ir elgiasi.- nuo purubunael

Purubunael- tas, kuris nusivalo, kuriamn nuvalo nuplauna kojas

Yh Yah Džiahova Jahve Iehovah Jehova

God almighty Dievulis



Ischyros Iskiros Iskyros

Sabaatas Zabaoth Sabaoth Tsabaoth sabaothe Tzevaot Tu esi gyvas.



Tu, kuris gyveni ir valdai per amžių amžius

Cela Tzur

El Shaddai

Elohim Elohai Elohei Elion

Ehyeh asher ehyeh ėhėijė

Elah Yisrael, God of Israel (Ezra 5:1)

Elah Yerushelem, God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19)

Elah Shemaya, God of Heaven (Ezra 7:23)

Elah-avahati, God of my fathers, (Daniel 2:23)

Elah Elahin Elah Elohim

Hashem Kel Olam


Adir – "Strong One"

Adon Olam – "Master of the World"

Aibishter – "The Most High" (Yiddish)

Aleim – sometimes seen as an alternative transliteration of Elohim

Aravat (or Avarat) – "Father of Creation"; mentioned once in 2 Enoch, "On the tenth heaven is
God, in the Hebrew tongue he is called Aravat".
About this sound Avinu Malkeinu (help·info) – "Our Father, Our King"

About this sound Bore (help·info) – "The Creator"

Ehiyeh sh'Ehiyeh – "I Am That I Am": a modern Hebrew version of "Ehyeh asher Ehyeh"


Elohim ha-Gibbor – "God the Hero" or "God the Strong" or "God the Warrior"

Emet – "Truth"

HaKadosh, Barukh Hu Brick Ha (Hebrew); Kudsha, Brikh Hu (Aramaic); ‫( تبارک القدوس‬Arabic) –

"The Holy One, Blessed Be He"


HaRachaman Ha rahman – "The Merciful One";Kadosh Israel – "Holy One of Israel"

Magen Avraham – "Shield of Abraham"

HaMakom – literally "The Place", perhaps meaning "The Omnipresent"


Malbish Arumim – "Clother of the Naked"

Matir Asurim – "Freer of the Captives"

Dižiosios Galngos pilys su nelaisviais laikė, laikytais, vadinas aš ir žmponės, kurie buvo
ikalinti tam tikrta būsena, bet pradėjo darbu transformuotis.. tai yra kūdikos jo lopšys,
lopšyje- pralloši žaidimą jei per greitai bėgsi lakkstysi, padus lekuosi šnopuosi
nusibasigsi. Būsi miręs, Karaliau. nešok per tvora dabar nes neperšosi, nieo iš to
neišeis, bet aš sakau- vėjas pats rtaver perneš pro tarpus pralysi- nbūsi praspaustas,
prastumtas. Pet nuo to, po to iš tavęs žinok teks tik vientisa kieta -tanki masė. tad būk
judrus, mnes jei būsi nejudrus nelankjstus, ritualai ir transformacijos pavers tave tik
daiktu, tai reiškia šios vizijos ir tai reiškia kad turi sugeb prisitaip prie to, kkkkkas esu ko
tampi, prie pasikeitimu savyje. Tai sak4 belaisvių laisvintojas, net po juo vardu parašyta.
And savo sodtyo aš sėdžiu es skaniausias gardžiiiiausias drakonas baltas su ragais kaip

Mechayeh HaKol In Arabic "Al-muhyi al-kull -

Mechayeh Metim)– "Life giver to the Dead"

Melech HaMelachim–"The King of Kings" or Melech Malchei HaMelachim "The King,

King of Kings", to express superiority to the earthly rulers title.

Melech HaOlam–"The King of the World"

Oseh Shalom – "Maker of Peace"

Pokeach Ivrim – "Opener of Blind Eyes"

Ribono shel'Olam – "Master of the World"

Ro'eh Yisra'el – "Shepherd of Israel"

Rofeh Cholim – "Healer of the Sick"

Shomer Yisrael – "Guardian of Israel" (Psalms 121:4)

Somech Noflim – "Supporter of the Fallen"

Tzur Israel – "Rock of Israel"

Uri Gol – "The New LORD for a New Era" (Judges 5:14)

YHWH- Addonnai Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel Addonnaielė -Niss"i – "The LORD

Our Banner" (Exodus 17:8–15) they cam into me without first being stationed
somewhere else jus csame straight out of screen into me at one, burn pain press. W
when went alolng. Tai naujas aš

YHWH-Addonni Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel Addonnaiel Addonaeilė -Rapha – "The

LORD that Healeth" (Exodus 15:26)

YHWH- Addonnai Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel Addonnaielė i-Ro'i – "The LORD My

Shepherd" (Psalms 23:1)

YHWH- Addonnai Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel baby of the stars. Addonnaielė Shalom
– "The LORD Our Peace" (Judges 6:24)

YHWH- Addonnai Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel Addonnaielė -Shammah () – "The

LORD Is Present" (Ezekiel 48:35)

YHWH-Addonnai Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel Addonnaelė -Tsidkenu – "The LORD

Our Righteousness"[68] (Jeremiah 23:6) kvepia kvepalais.

YHWH-Addonnai Addonnaios Addoshem Addonnaiel Addonnaielė -Yireh (Adonai-jireh) –

"The LORD Will Provide" (Genesis 22:13–14)

Yotsehr 'Or – "Fashioner of Light"

Zokef kefufim – "Straightener of the Bent


Old God:

Tetagramaton Saday
haley + kes Amye + semy hayn + yenmissoy saacodere + barew + Adabahew +

eya + hey + hew va + ha + eye evef Ahey a

ahue + ahne + va vadua + ylaye + Alenda + le + ane + hy + he + ysale

+ ne + he + Araya + Acamine + leena + quiloso + lyeneno + phealet + neale malahe + huana +

nethe + heyrete + hasyonada + balysany + methe + pheniphatol +

comithomon + sedalay + + Thro + homos + zepny + Aglatha + vyell + Ioell + sacomith +

paconith + pyfam + ytomor + hygarom + ynquiron + cengaron + myron myrcon + Dasnot +

cassas + Jatas + yeton + eya + Rabba ++ Rabarman + sarus + Eyessaraye + Ala + yana

+ maysay + sye + sere + myge + mehata + sare + maasame +Evanat + Ate + dacye + byne +

Rahew + yabe + Astrolye + lroe + saye + gole + Maha + samoer + byby3

+ loey + ybyyre + Tylay + Raby + lee + vel + see + leace + Cade + lethe + lyby + yre + + leacelyhele
+ meamare + Tyrya + hyse + saquiel + Mum + seyme ++

yele + have + l hele + amye + hara + eyesserye + Agios Athanatos + On +

pater Kirie Eloy lamabatani yana, yseraye, Cados + + Amora Letamynym + Letalogan + Letafyryn
+ Vabagana + Rytyn + Letarymytnun + Letafatazin hayleos + loez + Elacy + Citonii + hazyhaya +
yeynimesey + Accida + vacuc + hyadonenni +

Eya + hiebu + ven + vaha + oyaha + Eye hia + haya + zihia + hahya + yaia + El +

Ehehel Nicracon + Incly + xeddam klyk ir būk gyvas

+ peddem + Roexi + saconits + patrint + pyston + ycymor + hygaron + ygnyron + Temgaron +

Mycon + Micondasnos + castas + laceas + Astas + yecan + cina + Tabluist + Tablanao + zacuss

yana + yane + sya + Abibhu + vanohia + Accenol + Tivgas + yena + Eloym + ya + vehu +

+ hayya + Ahyaema + Abibhu + vanohia + Accenol + + samora + Ebon + pheneton + Eloy +

Eneyobcel + Messias + Iahe + + oreloyen +

yaena + Eloym + Delyom + yacy + elym + deliis + + + Cados + Ebreel + Eloy + Ela + Egiel + Ayom +
sath + sulela + yaena + + + + + + + zazael + paliel + Man + Myel Myel+ evola +

dylatan + alma + papyn + saena + Alym + catmal + vza + yarast + Calphi + Calsas +
safna + Nycam + saday + Aglataon + fya + Emanuel + Joth + zalaph + om + via + Than +

domyfrael + Muel + lalialens + Alla + phenor + + Tyel + Piel + Patriceion + cepheron + baryopn
yael leyste, Oriston Beralanensis, baldachiensis, Paumachiae et Apologie sedes

Amorule, Taneha, Latisten, Rabur Escha, Aladia Helioren Heliorem Aye Saraye Octinomos.

Archima Amen + Amedum + tanstos + tanstazo + maton + egion + erigam + fides + veloy + unit

Regnas + sadan berachedio + memor + gedita sanctos deus agios sanctos fortis Elison hima
Elison himas Elishon hima Elishon himas Sother panton pantastron pentagrammaton anasacron
pentateon fama + crux + agratan + grex + lux + telasustus + hominis + tomon

Iesus + deus + dominatur o athanatos messia{s} oston gebam, suth, sutam, othon lophias

Agiel + Azez + sadon + esul + helox + holoyx + delis + yevi + yacerdel + yosi + helym + rasael +

paliel + manuel + oneha + dilaton + axday + alma + panix + Alim catinal + utanzaraf + zalphi

+ eala + ealsali + saffna + hictimi + sed + dar aglaia + pamiel + paninon + oniel homon + eteoi +
lestram + bamboy + ya + yoth + Intasi + via +

caliphlon + ysrael + mel + eyel + piel + patriteron + safaron + lenion

thedes et ei et dotheos si mandolum lot + ser + neot + nain + + hely + heloy + het + clavis + gon
+ eth + huc + proth + + + ceratus ++ feros + homo + hel hye + eado + Ebore+ Christi aglaia +
pamiel + paninon +

homon + eteoi + lestram + panteon + + + + yoth + Intasi + om +

+ yael + osiam + solus + vita + + veritas sapientia + ego sum + qui sum qui est + agnus + ouis +

vitulus + serpens + Aries + leo + vermis + sol + + Imago + panis + vita + flos + mons +

Ianua + fons + petra + lapis + angelus + pastor + propheta + sacerdos sacerdotos + sanctus +
Imortalia imortalis

rex maior + sum + leo + flos + obise + terre +

premax + sagal + bethelen + Tetragrammaton + seloy +

hely + legon + + heloy satus + ecanto + himas + +

salvator + + primogenitus + principium + paracletus + mediator + verbum +

+ gloria + + mundus + Angularis + sanctus + et Imortali + Iesus + pater + filius +

omnipotens + spiritusanctus + misericors misericordis + candor + eternum creator + redemptor +

consilii + Angelus + trinus + et unus deus + dominancium + deus deorum + deus Ineffabilis +

deus Incomprehensibilis + Iudex Iustus Barnasa + leuitas + bucella + buella Ela dyday + panta +
yeto + esbray + fons + principium + finis + veritas + omnipotens Anthos + Anostro + noxio + boy
Apen Agipa principium + finis + unctio + sapientia + veritas + spes + paracletus +

ego sum qui sum + fons + mediator + hagios + ovis vinculum + pes + leo + panis + tolos

[*tellus] + manus + lapis + angularis + petra + alma + sponsus + pullus + dietas [*deitas] +

verax + teternium + gratia + veritas + pax + fons + aritayt + amor aleluya + Amen + unitas +

fortitudo + novissimus + omnipotenti + matheus + Iohannes + marcus + lucus + pathay + vay

var + adaf Bathiat [*Bathat] + vel Vachat Ancor, Amacor, Amides, Theodonias, Anitor,mescias
manus homo + usyon + primogenitus + sapientia + virtus + caput + finis + fons + origo +

paracletus + mediator + agnus + ovis + vitulus + serpens + aries + leo + vermis + os + verbum

+ splendor + sol [+] gloria + lox + ymago + panis + flos + vitis + mons + Ianua + petra + lapis +

angularis + angelus + sponsus + propheta + sacerdos + past[or +] + kyros + theon +

panton + craton + ysus aloe + Alion y + et v kyros Joth + heth hee + Vau Newimaton

dathan & abironburne unigenitus + via + spes usyon balsabu Ioth pheabaoth + hele + hubiet
+amarelle + condonelle antrielle + ymas + ban + hen + hely + en + vaus +

ethen + bury + tallens + Sem ad Ianayara yana + you + semephoron any + eye + ass essereayeey
Neupmaton haday Arphaxat algramaye planaboth panthon sempiternus terra

unigentus salvator via + vita + manus + fons + origo + filius phaa ysmas kachionader Zechellote
vell lechellote gegeron

amarelle + condonelle degeron + vel + gegeron hachio . nad[a] valislior + panteon pancraton

baruch vel hachionada + balizer spargontio Elgrah + Ebanher + Agle + goth +

Othie + venoch + nabrat + nayoth + nath Abeneton praigmon Aemaelion super balsac sarye
sarapye Aye + pamulion largia + gaaghum + levalogni

lavafarim + vbalgana + haia + layazogin + layarosin + layaschesyn

A zakon a vakon Feitosphenymus GYSOELSURBUSBRUS

Joth Finišija (Finikija) Eparbas


They are a seperatye spheres worlds, that have music and llight siuing from them they risede in
my body also from navel down. ik kušies like a tube spheres united They are al one remover
removers one force removing obstiiiiiiiches and hellllllsh fiends share theiiir space fume their
fumes come w them are w them iit shold me knownm mano baimes nera nepagristos taciiiiiiau
ta vsa yra jega galima paimt mwest naudotis ir 1 visuma galima visa kontroliuoti. Gydo, rytinis
skrand=io lllauz neb8t silpnam, skausme, kas is mnanes tokio?

lauzimas isnyko.

Full knowing of tree, patways wil be achieveds thru watchers and arch angels for the first are the
painting upon the stone of creation, second below it of same seed, shape

The sgnificance of names in my Work is that i dress up in God. there are tree 666 666 666 and
those are the paw fingers of the beast u south the meaning he that ruuuuuideth on grass
sp[eedibg thru beast of the fields Yeat drink be full all produces of all nature s is of beast w in his
dominion and hand thou and he are one for u are earthen yes u need not thus bow before
hiiiiiiiiim what the beast is iis man having toytal complete domnion of nature- Eartth. You wil
buildd thy camelot thy kindom look lo iiiits already build and do u say that since u llack power it
iis insiiiiiiiiiiiiginfiiifant nut u are 1 of us and the kindowm of god is yours and it is tyerrible more
than ever saw anuuuything for men tend to suuuuuuuuugarcoat things and itsd here yours now
sung has my woice peter jupiter runner sincu inwardly deman i will give taku u up and jently
pllave u in next step the next step is death on that studi inden shamans

becaus the powers that emanate are svere intense thhey rip bodies apart as scythe winds
lashing as windwips connercted w hale the kindom is face broosed. The kindom iis sufering al
suffering, purgatory, hel alive. For not he rasins that sits comforttib on pillows and thrones
because he sees not the thee sweetness of what he has. If he would suffer he would see thats
iiiiiis whty suuuuuufering is made to dferentiate understand expeririend that hgoe it abnd thiis
world conect is thus may ne sumarized, lets say caballllistikally kether is topmost sphere of head
sining know u that this type of being is always thre u never loose it buuut llesser u mnusty be
sreded cut apart al llongins of kether or any other one spec sphere or state are insignificant for
man does nmoty kmnow that the grows the tree itself tru develloping transcending the veils tre
begins as seek sprouuuuuuuuuuuughts and w man grows they are one tyhey are it man is is the
and wen u thing bout it now u know that allone kan be tthe tree of truly al existence. Grow
therefore urself and seek not trees for al are means of such of greta? gretas been forgoten and
considered as a being ar kaip iiiiinformaciiijos natas nereikaling a dell tos info ka j turi bet tu
ne=inmaiii, ka kiek kokios kaip motociklininkas pasaytu kad rykllltyas plaukojas ant kellllio iiiiira
nereikalingas nereiksm nes jam ta atrodo neinmanoma. Tu nez ka turui rasnkose (ji) o mes i6kart
tau pasakonm kad kaip saldi styatine medaus lovbis skrynoj jos prasm4, kitaip- kame jos
saldumas jei tu paimsi ja ir iresi jai kakt a save su nagu ik kraujjo os galllva ir pa=inmas jos bus
viso k8no tavo tuj pereis ieisi per krauja pats atsakydsi sau i si kl geriausia situkint pa2iam be ty
=iurek kad padarytum tai kol ji gyvba nes ner mink6timo skanum moluge isskabtuotam o paths
neu=siimk sau dabar nereikalingom veiklom tu nusprendi kuurios apiie u isciasd ir kas skendi jose
wiska ka nor pa=int =mogaus kune matysi dene pir6tuose naudkis tuo ojei nor oi suuuvalgyt mk
energ naudiiiiiiiikiiiis tuo iiiiiiir kiitais metod kad nebut kretantis senuuuukas. buk. absoliu2ioj
tamsoj nukmoj kuri yra gyvenimas, zinok kad daugiau neko n4ra ir buuk adeptas 6iaip ikr tuo
=inojimu. Nereikiia sudetinmgai apibudint ar aprasy t regsistenciijos mnes tai laiko scAISTYMAS

You are a beautiful figuure shining as a diamond in the sky be tyou not self lovingf guarding but
be ready to d, descend urself anmd use urselllld u are my peter, but of diamon in whom
myspiriyt sellllllllllllf al is allllive, there are condesvendent kindoms other ralms to the sides and
isiide thiis rwality upon whos top of polle its spacu ballllannce now u hunger fpor mor how
hgunger more? by ewnhat means? there is no more for u because u even thou reside in the
center of endless space for al thing s are equal ther a l is cernter u reak. u have bagage on urself
that distracts to establis. Thuus i the spider and the many descend too weave u al in webs and
stik u to the earth what this means take up then my name. pasagos simbolis

Vėstė sign of core whereupon we shall all be friendly unto thee

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