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1. Write the applications of barrel shifter
The barrel shifter is also used for scaling operations such as:

i. Prescaling an input data-memory operand or the accumulator value before an ALU


ii. Performing a logical or arithmetic shift of the accumulator value.

iii. Normalizing the accumulator.

iv. Post scaling the accumulator before storing the accumulator value into data memory.

2. Define Overflow Handling

The ALU saturation logic prevents a result from overflowing by keeping the result at a
maximum (or minimum) value. This feature is useful for filter calculations. The logic is enabled
when the overflow mode bit (OVM) in status register ST1 is set.

When a result overflows:

1. If OVM = 0, the accumulators are loaded with the ALU result without modification.

If OVM = 1, the accumulators are located with either the most positive 32-bit value (00 7FFF
FFFFh) or the most negative 32-bit value (FF 8000 0000h), depending on the direction of the
3. Write the operations of Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU)

The compare, select, and store unit (CSSU) is an application-specific hardware unit dedicated
to add/compare/select (ACS) operations of the Viterbi operator. Fig.11.13 shows the CSSU,
which is used with the ALU to perform fast ACS operations.

The CSSU allows the C54x device to support various Viterbi butterfly algorithms used in
equalizers and channel decoders.

The add function of the Viterbi operator (see fig.11.13) is performed by the ALU. This function
consists of a double addition function (Met1+D! and Met2+D2). Double addition is completed in
one machine cycle if the ALU is configured for dual 16-bit mode by setting the C16 bit in ST1.
With the ALU configured in dual 16-bit mode, all the long-word (32-bit) instructions become dual
16-bit arithmetic instructions

4. Write the Onchip peripherals of dsp processors

The C54x DSP has the following on-chip peripherals

i. General-purpose I/O pins; XF AND BIO

ii. Timer

iii. Clock generator

iv. Host port interface (HPI)

v. Synchronous serial port

vi. Buffered serial port (BSP)

vii. Multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP)

viii. Time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port

Software-programmable wait-state generator

5. Describe Serial Ports of TMS320C54x processors

TMS320C54x DSP core CPU:

Standard synchronous serial port interface

Buffer serial port interface

Multichannel buffered serial Port (McBSP) interface

Time-division multiplexed serial port interface

6. Explain-Wait-State Generator

The software-programmable wait-state generator can extend external bus cycles by upto
seven machine cycles (14 machine cycles on C5402, C5409,C5410, and C5420 devices),
providing a convenient means to interface the C54x DSP to slower external devices. Devices
that require more than seven wait states can be interfaced using the hardware READY line.
When all external accesses are configured for zero wait states, the internal clocks to the wait-
state generator are shut off. Shutting off these paths from the internal clocks allows the device
to run with lower power consumption

7. Write the steps of pipelining

The basic action of any microprocessor can be broken down into a series of four simple steps.
They are
1. The Fetch phase (F) in which the next instruction is fetched from the address stored in the
program counter.
2. The decode phase (D) in which the instruction in the instruction register is decoded and the
address in the program counter is incremented.
3. Memory read (R) phase reads the data from the data buses and also writes data to the
data buses.

The Execute phase (X) executes the instruction currently in the instruction register and also
completes the write process

8. Write the Status and control registers

The C54x DSP has three status and control registers:

I. Status register 0 (ST0),

II. Status register 1 (ST1).

III. Processor mode status register (PMST).

ST0 and ST1 contain the status of various conditions and modes; PMST contains memory-
setup status and control information.

9. Define Host Port Interface

The Host Port Interface (HPI) is an 8-bit parallel port that interfaces a host device or host
processor to the C54xE DSP. Information is exchanged between the C54x DSP and the host
device through on-chip C54x DSP memory that is accessible by both the host and the C54x

10. Write the Addressing modes of dsp processors:

The addressing mode in TMS 32050 are ,

(i)immediate addressing

(ii)indirect addressing

(iii)register addressing

(iv)memory mapped register addressing.

(v) direct addressing .

(vi) circular addressing


1. Explain about Addressing mode of dsp processors
The addressing mode in TMS 32050 are ,
(i)immediate addressing
(ii)indirect addressing
(iii)register addressing
(iv)memory mapped register addressing.
(v) direct addressing .
(vi) circular addressing
1. immediate addressing :
immediate addressing is used to handle constant data . it allows the
programme to operate on an actual value . the data can be either a 16-bit constant or
constant length 7.9 or 13. depending on the length of the data , the addressing mode is
reffered to as long immediate or short immediate addressing mode . in long immediate
addressing the data is contained in apportion of the bits in asingle word instruction ,. At the
assembly code level , the developer uses a ‘#’ prefix to specify immediate addressing
example :
LD#80h,A : the instruction loads an immediate value 80th in to the

2. indirect addressing:
the indirect address mode uses the auxiliary register (ARS) to hold the
address of operand in memory . in direct addressing ,any location in the 64-k word data
memory space can be accessed using a 16- bit address contained in AR . each auxiliary
register ( AR0-AR7) provide flexible and powerful indirect addressing . to select a specific
auxilixary register , the auxiliary register pointer (arp) is loaded with a value from 0 to 7 for
ARO through AR7 respectively . there are seven types of indirect addressing.

a. auto increment
b. auto decrement
c. post indexing by adding the contents of ARO
d. Post indexing by subtracting the contents of ARO
e. Single indirect addressing with no increment
f. Single indirect addressing with no decrement

g. Bit reversal addressing

3.register addressing :
The register addressing mode uses operands in CPU register either
explicitly, such as with a direct reference to a specific register , or implicitly , with instruction that
intrinsically refers certain registers . that is in this addressing mode the address comes from one
of two special purpose memory mapped register in CPU . the block move address register
(BMAR) and the dynamic bit manipulation register (DBMR). In either case , operand reference is
simplified because 16 bit values can be used without specifiying a full 16-bit operand address or
immediate value .
For example the instruction BLDP,BLPD,MADD and MADS instruction use
the BMAR to address an operand in program memory.

Memory mapped register addressing :

Memory mapped register addressing is used to access efficiently the CPU

and on chip peripheral registers. it operates like the direct addressing except that the upper 9-
bits of the address that is accessed are assumed to be 0s. this allows us to address the memory
mapped register of data page 0 directly without the overhead of changing the DP or auxiliary
register . only the seven lower bits of the complete code , including opcode and operand can be
represented using a single 16- bit word.

The following instruction operate in the memory mapped register addressing mode.

LAMM- load accumulator with memory mapped register

LMMR-load memory mapped register
SAMM- store accumulator in memory mapped register
SMMR-store memory mapped register.


direct addressing allows the cpu to access operand by specifying
an offset from a base address that is defined in data pointer . DP

( data pointer) is a 9- bit field contained in the status register (ST0) .in this mode the address of
the operand is obtained by concatenating the 7- bit data memory address (dma) with the 9- bit
of the data page pointer . the 16- bit data memory address is placed on an internal direct data
memory address bus . since data pointer is a 9 bit field , it points to one of 512 possible data
memory pages and the 7- bit address in the instruction points to one of 128 words within that
data memory pages.

Circular addressing mode:

Circular addressing is the most sophisticated c5x addressing modes. Any
algorithm such as convolution, correlation and FIR filtering can be use circular buffer in memory
to implement a sliding window, which contains most recent data to be processed. Five
dedicated register are allocated for implementation of circular addressing .they are

The register CBSR1 and CBSR2 are used to load the starting address of circular
buffer and the register CBER1 and CBER2 are used to load the end address of circular buffer.
The 8- bit CBER enables and disables circular buffer operation. Additionally, one of the auxiliary
register (ARS) is used as the pointer in to the circular buffer.
To define circular buffer, first we load the start and end addresses in to the
corresponding buffer register. Next a value is loaded b/w the start and end register for the
circular buffer in to an AR and the corresponding circular buffer enable bit in the CBCR is set.

2. Explain about Instruction set of C50 processors :

Accumulator memory reference instruction:

 ABS ABSOLUTE value of ACC ; zero carry bit.

 ADCB - Add ACCB and carry bit to ACC
 ADD - Add data memory value , with left shift to acc
 ADDC - Add data memory value and carry bit to ACC with sign extension suppressed .
 ADDB – Add ACCB to acc
 BSAR - Barrel shift ACC right .
 CMPL -1’s complement ACC.
 CRGT -Store ACCa in ACCB if ACC > ACCB
 CERLT - Store ACCa in ACCB if ACC < ACCB
 ROL- Rotate ACC left 1 bit.
 ROLB- Rotate ACCB and ACC left 1 bit.
 SBB-subtract ACCB from ACC.
 SFR- shift ACC right 1 bit

Parallel logic unit (plu) instruction:

 APL – AND data memory value with DBMR , and store result in data mempry location.
 CPL- Compare data memory value with DBMR.
 LT – load data memory value to TREGO.
 LPH- load data memory value to PREG high byte
 SPLK- store long immediate in data memory location.
Branch and call instruction:

B- branch unconditionally to program memory location.

BACC-branch to program memory location specified by ACCL.

BACCD-delay branch to program memory location specified by ACCL.

BANZ- branch to program memory location if AR


Multiply Accumulate Unit (MAC):

The Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) operation is the basis of man digital signal

processing algorithms, notably digital filtering. The term “digital filter” refers to an algorithm by
which a digital signal or sequence of numbers is transformed into another sequence of numbers
termed the output digital signal. Digital filters involve signals in the digital domain (discrete-time
signals) and are used extensively in applications such as digital image processing. Pattern
recognition and spectral analysis. In general FIR filters are preferred in lower order solutions,
and since they do not employ feedback, they exhibit naturally bounded response. They are
simpler to implement, and require one RAM location and one coefficient for each order.

For FIR filters the output of the filter is given by

Where x(n) is the input to the filter, h(n) is the impulse response of the filter and y(n) is output of
the filter. The output of an FIR filter is simply a finite length weighted sum of the present and
previous inputs to the filter. Hence to perform filtering through above equation, the minimum
requirement is to quickly multiply two values, and add the result. To make it possible, a fast
dedicated hardware MAC, using either fixed point or floating point arithmetic is mandatory.
Characteristics of a typical fixed point MAC include

1. 16 * 16 bit 2’s complement inputs.

2. 16 * 16 bit multiplier with 32-bit product in 25 ns.
3. 32/40 bit accumulator.

In the TMS320C50, for example, the FIR equation can be efficient implemented using the
instruction pair:


The first instruction, RPTNMI, loads the (N-1) into the repeat instruction counter, and causes
the multiply-accumulate with data move (MACD) instruction following it to be repeated N times.
The MACD instruction performs a number of operations in one cycle:

1. Multiplies the data sample, x(n-k), in the data memory by the coefficient, h(k), in the
program memory;
2. Adds previous product to the accumulator;

3. Implements the unit delay, symbolized by z-1 , by shifting the data sample, x(n-k), up to
update the tapped delay line.

The Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) Function.

The MAC speed applies both to finite impulse response (FIR) and finite impulse response (IIR)
filters. The complexity of the filter response dictates the number MAC operations required per
sample period.
A multiply-accumulate step performs the following:
 Reads a 16-bit sample data (pointed to by a register)
 Increments the sample data pointer by 2
 Reads a 16-bit coefficient (pointed to by another register)
 Increments the coefficient register pointer by 2
 Sign multiply (16-bit) data and coefficient to yield a 32-bit result
 Adds the result to the contents of a 32-bit register pair for accumulate

The TMS320C54X multiply-accumulate (MAC) unit performs a 16*1632-bit fractional multiply-

accumulate operation in a single instruction cycle. The multiplier supports signed/signed
multiplication, signed/unsigned multiplication, and un-signed/unsigned multiplication. These
operations allow efficient extended-precision arithmetic. Many instructions using the MAC unit
can optionally specify automatic round-to-nearest rounding.

3. Describe about PIPELINING

Most of the early microprocessors execute instructions entirely sequentially. After the execution
of first instruction the next one starts. The problem with this is that it is extremely inefficient,
since the second instruction has to wait until all the steps of first instruction are completed. To
improve the efficiency, advanced microprocessors and digital signal processors use an
approach called pipelining in which different phases of operation and execution of instructions
are carried out in parallel. That is in modern processors the first step of execution is performed
on the first instruction, and then when the instruction passes to the next step, a new instruction
is started. The steps in the pipeline are often called stages.
The basic action of any microprocessor can be broken down into a series of four simple steps.
They are

4. The Fetch phase (F) in which the next instruction is fetched from the address stored in the
program counter.
5. The decode phase (D) in which the instruction in the instruction register is decoded and the
address in the program counter is incremented.
6. Memory read (R) phase reads the data from the data buses and also writes data to the
data buses.
7. The Execute phase (X) executes the instruction currently in the instruction register and
also completes the write process.

In a modern processor, the above four steps get repeated over and over again until the
program is finished executing. These are, in fact, the four stages in a classic RISC pipeline.
Each of the above stages could be said to represent one phase in the “lifestyle” of an
instruction. An instruction starts out in the fetch phase, moves to the decode phase, then to the
memory read phase, and finally to the execute phase. Each phase takes a fixed, but by no
means, equal amount of time.

Pipelining a processor means breaking down its instruction into a series of discrete pipeline
stages which can be completed in sequence by specialized hardware. Because an instruction’s
lifecycle consists of four fairly distinct phases, the instruction execution process is divided into a
sequence of four discrete pipeline stages, where each pipeline stage corresponds to a phase in
the standard instruction lifecycle. Note that the number of pipeline stages is referred to as the
pipeline depth. So a four-stage pipeline has a pipeline depth of four.
To understand the pipelining in a better way, let us assume that the number of stages is four
and the execution time of an instruction is four nanoseconds. If we assume the time taken for
each stage in the instruction is equal, then the time taken for each stage is one nanosecond. So
our original single-cycle processor’s four-nanosecond execution process is now broken down
into four discrete, sequential pipeline stages of one nanosecond each in length. At the
beginning of the first nanosecond, the first instruction enters the fetch stage. After that
nanosecond is complete, the second nanosecond begins and the first instruction moves on to
the decode stage while the second instruction enters the fetch stage. At the start of the third
nanosecond, the first instruction advances to the memory read stage, the second instruction
advances to the decode stage, and the third green instruction enters the fetch stage. At the
fourth nanosecond, the first instruction advances to the execution stage, the second to the
memory read stage, the third to the decode stage, and the fourth to the fetch stage. After the

fourth nanosecond has fully elapsed and the fifth nanosecond starts, the first instruction has
passed from the pipeline and is now finished executing. Thus we can say that at the end of four
nanoseconds (=four clock cycles) the pipelined processor depicted below has completed one
instruction. At start of the fifth nanosecond, the pipeline is now full and the processor can begin
completing instructions at a rate of one instruction per nanosecond. This 1 instruction/ns
completion rate is a four-fold improvement over the single-cycle processor’s completion rate of
0.25 instructions/ns (or 4 instruction every 16 nanoseconds).
The pipelining stages for different DSPs are shown in table 11.2. Note that TMS320C54x has
two additional phases: pre-fetch (PF) phase which stores the address of the instruction to be
fetched and the access phase (A) which reads the address of the operand and modify the
auxiliary registers and stack pointer if required.

F1 D1 R1 X1
Instruction 1

F2 D2 R2 X2
Instruction 2

F3 D3 R3 X3
Instruction 3

F4 D4 R4 X4
Instruction 4

Table 11.2 Pipeline in different TMS320 Processors

DSP Processor Pipeline phases

TMS320C2000 F-D-R-X (4 levels)

TMS320C3x F-D-R-X (4 levels)

TMS320C5x F-D-R-X (4 levels)

TMS320C54x PF-F-D-A-R-X (6 levels)


Pipelining leads to dramatic improvements in system performance. The more stages that we
can break the pipeline into, the more theoretical speed we can get from it. For example, let’s
suppose it takes 12 clock cycles to handle all the steps to process an instruction. In theory, if
you use a 4-stage pipeline, your maximum throughput is 1 instruction every 3 cycles. But if you
use a 6-stage pipeline, maximum throughput is 1 instruction every 2 cycles.

4. Explain the Architecture of TMS320C54x processor

The Texas Instruments TMS320C54x is a 16-bit fixed point digital signal processor. It was
introduced in Japan in 1994. It is fabricated with an advanced modified Harvard architecture that
has one program memory bus, three data memory buses, and four address buses. The fastest
processor in the family runs at 160MHz with a 1.6-volt core supply voltage. The lowest-voltage
family member runs at 120MHz and 1.5volts. The C54x DSP also has an on-chip bidirectional
bus for accessing on-chip peripherals. The Program bus (PB) carries the instruction code and
immediate operands from program memory. Three data buses (CB, DB, and EB) interconnect to
various elements, such as the CPU, data address generation logic, program address generation
logic, on-chip peripherals, and data memory.

Internal Memory Organization

The C54xDSP memory is organized into three individually selectable spaces: Program, data,
and I/O space. The C54x devices can contain random access memory (RAM) and read-only
memory (ROM). The following types of RAM are represented: dual-access RAM (DARAM),
single-access RAM (SARAM), and two-way shared RAM. The DARAM or SARAM can be
shared within subsystems of a multiple-CPU core device. Both the DARAM and SARAM can be
configured as data memory or program/data memory.

On-Chip ROM

The on-chip ROM is part of the program memory space and, in some cases, part of the data
memory space. On most devices, the ROM contains a boot loader that is useful for booting to
faster on-chip or external RAM. On devices with large amounts of ROM, a portion of the ROM
may be mapped into both data and program space.

On-Chip Dual-Access RAM (DARAM)

The DARAM is composed of several blocks. Each DARAM block can be accessed twice per
machine cycle. The CPU and peripherals, such as a buffered serial port (BSP) and host-port
interface (HPI), can read from and write to a DARAM memory address in the same cycle. The
DARAM is always mapped in data space and is primarily intended to store data values. It can
also be mapped into program space and used to store program code.

On-Chip Single-Access RAM (SARAM)

The SARAM is composed of several blocks. Each block is accessible once per machine cycle
for either a read or a write. The SARAM always mapped in data space and is primarily intended
to store data values. It can also be mapped into program space and used to store program

On-Chip Two-Way Shared RAM

The devices with multiple CPU cores include two-way shared RAM Blocks. All the shared
memory is program write-protected or read only by the CPU, only the DMA controller can write
to the shared memory. This shared RAM is most efficiently used when the two CPUs are
executing identical programs. In this case, the amount of program memory required for the
application is effectively reduced by 50% since both CPUs can execute from the same RAM.

Memory-Mapped Registers

The data memory space contains memory-mapped registers for the CPU and the on-chip
peripherals. These registers are located on data page 0, simplifying access to them. The
memory-mapped access provides a convenient way to save and restore the registers for
context switches and to transfer information between the accumulators and the other registers.

Central Processing Unit

The C54x CPU contains a 40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU), two 40-bit accumulators, Barrel
shifter, 17 17-bit multiplier, a 40-bit adder, Compare, select, and store unit (CSSU), an exponent
encoder, a data address generation unit (DAGEN), and a program address generation unit

Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

The Figures shows the functional diagram of Arithmetic and logic unit. It implements a wide
range of arithmetic and logical functions, most of which execute in a single clock cycle. After an
operation is performed in the ALU, the result is usually transferred to a destination accumulator
(accumulator A or B). The ALU can also function as two separate 16-bit ALUs and perform two
16-bit operations simultaneously.

ALU input takes several forms from several sources. The X input source to the ALU is either
of two values: The shifter output (a 32-bit or 16-bit data-memory operand or a shifted
accumulator value), A data-memory operand from data bus DB. The Y input source to the ALU
is any of three values: The value in one of the accumulators (A or B), A data-memory operand
from data bus CB or The value in the T register. When a 16-bit data-memory operand is fed
through data bus CB or DB, the 40-bit ALU input is constructed in one of two ways:

1. If bits 15 through 0 contain the data-memory operand, bits 39 through 16 are zero filled
(SXM=0) or sign-extended (SXM=1).

2. If bits 31 through 16 contain the data memory operand, bits 15 through 0 are zero filled,
and bits 39 through 32 are either zero filled (SXM=0) or sign extended (SXM = 1)

Overflow Handling

The ALU saturation logic prevents a result from overflowing by keeping the result at a
maximum (or minimum) value. This feature is useful for filter calculations. The logic is enabled
when the overflow mode bit (OVM) in status register ST1 is set.

When a result overflows:

2. If OVM = 0, the accumulators are loaded with the ALU result without modification.

3. If OVM = 1, the accumulators are located with either the most positive 32-bit value (00
7FFF FFFFh) or the most negative 32-bit value (FF 8000 0000h), depending on the
direction of the overflow.

The Carry Bit

The ALU has an associated carry bit © that is affected by most arithmetic ALU instructions,
including rotate and shift operations. It supports efficient computation of extended-precision
arithmetic operations. Two conditional operands, C and NC, enable branching, calling,
returning, and conditionally executing according to the status (set or cleared) of the carry bit.

Dual 16-Bit Mode

For arithmetic operations, the ALU can operate in a special dual 16-bit arithmetic mode that
performs two 16-bit operations (for instance, two additions or two subtractions) in one cycle.
You can select this mode by setting the C16 field of ST1. This mode is especially useful for the
Viterbi add/compare/select operation.


A and B Accumulator A and accumulator B can be configured as the destination registers for
either the multiplier/adder unit or the ALU. In addition, they are used for MIN and MAX
instructions or for the parallel instruction LD||MAC, in which one accumulator loads data and the
other performs computations. Each accumulator is split into three parts, as shown in fig. 11.10.

39-32 31-16 15-0


39-32 31-16 15-0


The guard bits are used as a head margin for computations. Head margins prevent some
overflow in iterative computations such as autocorrelation. AG, BG, AH, BH, AL, and BL are
memory-mapped registers that can be pushed onto and popped from the stack for context
saves and restores by using PSHM and POPM instructions. These registers can also be used
by other instructions that use memory-mapped registers (MMR) for page 0 addressing. The only
difference between accumulators A and B is that bits 32-16 of A can be used as an input to the
multiplier in the multiplier/adder unit.

Barrel Shifter

The functional diagram of a barrel shifter is shown in fig.11.11. The 40-bit barrel shifter of C54
can perform arithmetic and logical shifts by up to 31bits left or by up to 16 bits right in a single
instruction cycle. Shifter inputs can come directly from data memory or from either of the two
accumulators. Shifter outputs can be sent to the ALU or stored in memory. The shift count
determines how many bits to shift. Positive shift values correspond to left shifts, whereas
negative values correspond to right shifts. The shift count is specified as a 2s-complement value
in several ways, depending on the instruction type.

The barrel shifter is also used for scaling operations such as:

v. Prescaling an input data-memory operand or the accumulator value before an ALU


vi. Performing a logical or arithmetic shift of the accumulator value.

vii. Normalizing the accumulator.

viii. Post scaling the accumulator before storing the accumulator value into data memory.

Multiplier/Adder Unit

The TMS320C54x include a 17-bit * 17-bit multiplier, a dedicated 40-bit adder for nonpipelined
MAC (multiply/accumulate) operation. The multiplier/adder unit is shown in Fig.11.12. The
multiplier supports signed/signed multiplication, signed/unsigned multiplication and
unsigned/unsigned multiplication. These operations allow efficient extended-precision

The multiplier output can be shifted left by one bit to compensate for the extra sign bit
generated by multiplying two 16-bit 2s-complement numbers in fractional mode. (Fractional
mode is selected when the FRCT bit = 1 in ST1.) The adder in the multiplier/adder unit contains

a zero detector, a rounder (2s complement), and overflow/saturation logic. Rounding is

performed in some multiply, MAC, and multiply/subtract (MAS) instructions when the suffix R is
included with the instruction. The LMS instruction also rounds to minimize quantization errors in
updated coefficients. The adder’s inputs come from the multiplier’s output and from one of the
accumulators. Once any multiply operation is performed in the unit, the result is transferred to a
destination accumulator (A or B).

Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU)

The compare, select, and store unit (CSSU) is an application-specific hardware unit dedicated
to add/compare/select (ACS) operations of the Viterbi operator. Fig.11.13 shows the CSSU,
which is used with the ALU to perform fast ACS operations.

The CSSU allows the C54x device to support various Viterbi butterfly algorithms used in
equalizers and channel decoders.

The add function of the Viterbi operator (see fig.11.13) is performed by the ALU. This function
consists of a double addition function (Met1+D! and Met2+D2). Double addition is completed in
one machine cycle if the ALU is configured for dual 16-bit mode by setting the C16 bit in ST1.
With the ALU configured in dual 16-bit mode, all the long-word (32-bit) instructions become dual
16-bit arithmetic instructions.

Exponent Encoder

The exponent encoder is an application-specific hardware device dedicated to supporting the

EXP instructions in a single cycle. With the EXP instruction, the exponent value in the
accumulator can be stored in T as a 2s-complement value within a -8 through 31range. The
exponent is defined as the number of leading redundant bits – 8, which corresponds to the
number of shifts required in the accumulator to eliminate nonsignificant sign bits. This operation
results in a negative value when the accumulator value exceeds 32 bits.

Status and control registers

The C54x DSP has three status and control registers:

IV. Status register 0 (ST0),

V. Status register 1 (ST1).

VI. Processor mode status register (PMST).

ST0 and ST1 contain the status of various conditions and modes; PMST contains memory-
setup status and control information.

C54x also includes eight auxiliary registers and a software stack to enable a highly-optimized C
compiler. The eight 16-bit auxiliary registers (AR0-AR7) can be accessed by the CPU and

modified by the auxiliary register arithmetic units (ARAUs). The primary function of the auxiliary
registers is to generate 16-bit addresses for data space.

The C54x pipeline

The C%$x DSP has a six-level deep instruction pipeline. The six stages of the pipeline are
independent of each other, which allow overlapping execution of instructions. During any given
cycle, from one to six different instructions can be active, each at a different stage of
completion. The six levels and functions of the pipeline structure are: Program prefetch,
program fetch, decode access, read and execute.

Onchip peripherals

The C54x DSP has the following on-chip peripherals

ix. General-purpose I/O pins; XF AND BIO

x. Timer

xi. Clock generator

xii. Host port interface (HPI)

xiii. Synchronous serial port

xiv. Buffered serial port (BSP)

xv. Multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP)

xvi. Time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port

xvii. Software-programmable wait-state generator.

The TMS320C54x provides three low-power modes invoked by the IDLE1, IDLE2 and IDLE3
instructions. In IDLE1 mode, on-chip peripherals (the serial port and timer) and interrupt lines
remain active, and any unmasked interrupt wakes the processor. In IDLE2 mode, the on-chip
peripherals are turned off, and only an interrupt on an external interrupt line wakes the
processor. IDLE3 mode is similar to IDLE2 mode but it also turns off the on-chip crystal
oscillator and PLL circuitry.

General-Purpose I/O

The C54xE DSP offers general-purpose I/O through two dedicated pins that are software
controlled. The two dedicated pins are the branch control input pin (BIO) and the external flag
output pin (XF). BIO can be used to monitor the status of peripheral devices. It is especially
useful as an alternative to using an interrupt when time critical loops must not be disturbed.

XF can be used to signal external devices. The XF pin is controlled using software. It is driven
high by setting the XF bit (in ST1) and is driven low by clearing the XF bit.


The on-chip timer is a software-programmable timer that consists of three registers and can be
used to periodically generate interrupts. The timer resolution is the CPU clock rate of the
processor. The high dynamic range of the timer is achieved with a 16-bit counter with a 4-bit

The clock generator

The clock generator on the C54x devices consists of an internal oscillator and a phase locked
loop (PLL) circuit. Currently, there are two different types of PLL circuits on C54x devices. Some
devices have hardware-configurable PLL circuits while others have software-programmable PLL

Host Port Interface

The Host Port Interface (HPI) is an 8-bit parallel port that interfaces a host device or host
processor to the C54xE DSP. Information is exchanged between the C54x DSP and the host
device through on-chip C54x DSP memory that is accessible by both the host and the C54x

Serial Ports

TMS320C54x DSP core CPU:

Standard synchronous serial port interface

Buffer serial port interface

Multichannel buffered serial Port (McBSP) interface

Time-division multiplexed serial port interface.

These peripherals are controlled through registers that reside in the memory map. The serial
ports are synchronized to the core CPU by way of interrupts.

Synchronous Serial Ports

Synchronous serial ports are high-speed, full-duplexed serial ports that provide direct
communication with serial devices such as codec’s, analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, and other
serial systems. When more than one synchronous serial port resides on a C54x device, these
ports are identical but independent. Each synchronous serial port can operate upto one-fourth
the machine cycle rate (CLKOUT). The synchronous serial port transmitter and receiver are
double buffered and individually controlled by mask able external interrupt signals. Data is
framed either as bytes or as words.

Buffered Serial Ports


A buffered serial port (BSP) is a synchronous serial port that is enhanced with an auto
buffering unit and is clocked at the full CLKOUT rate. It is full-duplexed and double-buffered to
offer flexible data stream length. The auto buffering unit supports high-speed transfers and
reduces the overhead of servicing interrupts.

Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)

The McBSP is an enhanced buffered serial port that includes the following standard features:
buffered data registers; full duplex communication, and independent clocking and framing for
receive and transmit.

TDM Serial Ports

The time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port is a synchronous serial port that is enhanced to
allow time-division multiplexing of the data with up to seven other C54x devices with TDM ports.
It can be configured for either synchronous operations or for TDM operations and is commonly
used in multiprocessor applications.

External Bus Interface

The C54xE DSP can address up to 64K words of data memory, 64K words of program
memory (up to 8M words in some devices), and up to 64K words of 16-bit parallel I/O ports.
Accesses to either external memory or I/O ports take place through the external interface.
Individual space-select signals, DS, PS, and IS, allow the selection of physically separate

The C54x DSP external interface consists of data buses, address buses, and a set of control
signals for accessing off-chip memory and I/O ports.

Wait-State Generator

The software-programmable wait-state generator can extend external bus cycles by upto
seven machine cycles (14 machine cycles on C5402, C5409,C5410, and C5420 devices),
providing a convenient means to interface the C54x DSP to slower external devices. Devices
that require more than seven wait states can be interfaced using the hardware READY line.
When all external accesses are configured for zero wait states, the internal clocks to the wait-
state generator are shut off. Shutting off these paths from the internal clocks allows the device
to run with lower power consumption.

The software-programmable wait-state generator is controlled by the 16-bit software wait-state

register (SWWSR), which is memory-mapped to address 0028h in data space.

5. Explain -Memory Organization of dsp processors

The organization of a processor’s memory subsystem can have a large impact on its
performance. As mentioned earlier, the MAC and other DSP operations are fundamental to
many signal processing algorithms. Fast MAC execution requires fetching an instruction word
and two data words from memory at an effective rate of once every instruction cycle.

There are a variety of ways to achieve this, including multiported memories (to permit
multiple memory accesses per instruction cycle), separate instruction and data memories (the
“Harvard” architecture and its derivatives), and instruction caches (to allow instructions to be
fetched from cache instead of from memory, thus freeing a memory access to be used to fetch
data). Figures 3 and 4 show how the Harvard memory architecture differs from the “Von
Neumann”architecture used by many microcontrollers.

Another concern is the size of the supported memory,both on- and off-chip. Most fixed-
point DSPs are aimed at the embedded systems market, where memory needs tend to be
small. As a result, these processors typically have small-to-medium on-chip memories (between
4K and 64K words), and small external data buses. In addition, most fixed-point DSPs feature
address buses of 16 bits or less, limiting the amount of easily-accessible external memory.

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