An Identity Buyer's Guide For Data-Driven Marketers

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Part 1: Key Questions for Marketers

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• Identity is where everything starts. Every process,
operation and insight leading to audience creation,
engagement, improved customer experience and
• To enhance identity capabilities, U.S. marketers
will invest nearly $900 million this year on identity
services and solutions (e.g., device graphs, data
of organizations
compliance. Therefore, it is critical to understand processing/management platforms, and services)
the many complexities of identity when building a – an amount that is expected to increase to more have placed more
solution for your brand. than $2.6 billion in 2022.1
focus on identity
• Because it greatly enhances marketing insight, • As the need for identity grows in importance and year-over-year
media optimization, measurement and attribution, relevance, marketers are increasingly realizing

identity is quickly becoming the critical ingredient that external support is needed in making identity
in delivering exceptional customer experiences. solution decisions, regardless of whether they
choose to build their own identity solutions or buy
WHAT IS IDENTITY? from specialized vendors. plan to invest more
The ability to recognize and on identity solutions
• Given that every solution decision affects
understand customers, performance optimization and impacts precision
through 2019
and reach capabilities, and every technology
prospects, and other visitors
stack decision impacts future state or integration
across channels and devices. opportunities, solving for identity in digital and/or
offline channels to support a range of marketing
• Yet due to the rapid increase in connected devices
use cases is becoming more complex and is best
and new digital touch points, only 15.3% of
supported by identity experts.
organizations are able to overcome this complexity
and consistently and accurately identify their

2 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
In the contemporary marketing world, customer enables marketers to make the most of data, giving Individuals engage in
experience is everything. Regardless of the them a deeper understanding of individuals across
multi-stage customer
channel or device, consumers expect messages multiple channels.
and marketing that are relevant to them. This journeys 24/7 and expect
personalization is what makes marketing people- This delivers more relevant and meaningful real-time responsiveness
based. In turn, this is why “identity” is today’s newest interactions and better customer experiences –
from brands throughout
business priority – and justifiably so. and is the reason businesses of all types and sizes
understand the need to place identity solutions at the entire discovery and
With so much data across so many technologies, the forefront of their marketing initiatives. There can purchase lifecycle. But for
the ability to pinpoint and measure audience identity be no doubt that more and more marketers see
enterprises to scale this
with precision is a fundamental necessity. Identity identity as fundamental to their marketing success.
ability they must first have
the proper infrastructure in
place, as scale is every bit
as important as accuracy. 3

“By the most conservative estimate, the 10 billion or so devices

connected via the internet today will grow to more than 25 billion
by 2020. Call it ‘infinite data’ from infinite devices.”
- Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, Blockchain Revolution,
How the Technology behind bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World.

3 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
While most businesses recognize identity as a Why is identity increasingly challenging KEY QUESTIONS
critical need, many executives struggle articulating for businesses? Here are some of the FOR IDENTITY
the complexities of resolving identities in the first reasons:
place. For one thing, identity isn’t simply “matching” SOLUTION BUYERS
identifiers such as mobile IDs, browser IDs • A brand seeking competitive advantage in the
(especially because there is often more than one market strives to solve identity problems in unique • What is the problem you
user per computer), addressable and connected TV ways using varying definitions of an identity based are trying to solve?
IDs, additional email addresses, Internet of Things on a unique use case.
(IoT IDs), and location IDs.
• What are your most
• Incomplete data (both attributes and coverage)
urgent use cases?
causes gaps, resulting in loss of precision.

• Consumers sharing information (emails, phones, • Where are you engaging

devices, etc.) cause noise and conflicting consumers?
• What types of data do
As the buyer of an enterprise identity solution, asking you have on consumers
yourself a few key questions will go a long way and where is it stored?
toward mitigating these challenges and creating the
optimal identity solution for your organization. • How do you measure
• How will you meet
emerging compliance
requirements for
consumer data?

4 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
What is the problem you are trying to solve?

It’s rare for an identity solution to serve SOME OF THE MOST COMMON Identity results are consumed by a unified
only one purpose. Marketers want identity data layer (UDL), marketing master data
to serve the full suite of enterprise needs
IDENTITY SOLUTION USE CASES management (MDM), customer relationship
(the most common ones are listed below), AUDIENCES – Enable highly personalized offers and management (CRM), or a similar system.
although attempts to service multiple engagements to high-value audiences, based on a The identity information eventually produces
purposes can often lead to decisions that holistic (360-degree) customer view across all channels. greater data enhancement, requiring an
support one need while directly conflicting This includes next best offer, website personalization increase in campaign/audience segmentation
with others. Therefore, marketers should and look-alike audiences. decisions – all of which should be fed into an
be strategic about focus areas. overall data-driven system.
ANALYTICS – Enable highly accurate, closed-loop
Marketers are leveraging identity solutions measurement across all channels and devices (traditional/ Identity management is
to support a range of marketing use known and digital/anonymous) and multi-touch attribution.
cases, chief among them segmentation at the epicenter of digital
and targeting on paid digital media/ transformation and the next
COMPLIANCE – Enable brands to meet CCPA, GDPR
display advertising.
and future compliance regulations with the ability to generation of enterprise IT. 4
authenticate identity, look up and remove consumer data.

CONTINUITY – Enable brands to follow each customer

across the customer journey, ensuring that each
customer’s user experience is relevant and timely –
delivering continuity across known and digital channels
with just-in-time insights to elevate the experience.

IDENTITY RESOLUTION – Scalable integration and

enhancement of consumer data platforms and client-
owned marketing and analytics environments.

5 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
What are your most urgent use cases?

Identity is applied to many areas of a business, both Each brand has to determine its unique approach to Therefore, it’s important to think through the pains a
inside and outside of marketing applications. It is balancing precision versus reach as well as its pain miss in either direction can cause and then evaluate
important to understand your most important use tolerance for misses, which will happen no matter how how you prioritize reach and precision in your identity
cases and the key factors in how to fine-tune your good your data is. Misses happen in one of two ways: solution.
solution to your unique environment if use cases vary
• Undermatching results in targeting the same
widely and cause conflicting demands.
individual multiple times, which can create negative
brand perceptions.
Each identity solution is developed to consider the
conflicting needs of precision vs. reach. In a nutshell, • Overmatching results in consolidating multiple
the demand for online and digital systems has individuals into one – resulting in a missed targeting
expanded the need for identity solutions to achieve a opportunity or in targeting the wrong person.
broader reach, while financial and operational usage
models have pushed for greater precision.

6 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Where are you engaging consumers?
(digital, offline, brick-and-mortar, etc.)?

ONLINE With a few exceptions, the digital

space entails heavily scrutinized privacy
decisions with reduced processing volumes.
However, the tradeoff is a significantly higher
(anonymous/ considerations along with the need to handle expectation around precision.
very large processing volumes of sparsely
populated data. Additionally, anonymized Identity is difficult in each space
digital data) regulations mean the precision bar is usually independently; the complexities grow
set relatively low. tremendously when you add movement
between these realms, and controls must be

OFFLINE The offline space means more complete

data is required to make timely, smart
implemented, particularly when moving data
from the online realm to offline.
(known data)


7 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
What types of data do you have on
consumers and where is it stored?

One major factor that must go into planning an in systems that will interact with the solution need Questions such as these need to be included in
identity solution is considering various use cases to be included and evaluated when planning for tailoring the solution:
and how to prioritize and leverage all available data identity – and rules need to be created regarding
• What makes this brand different from competitors’
assets. These involve, for example, client line-of- how specific types of data will be transferred from
business data and company/brand-specific insights. one point to another. For example, will the identity
solution feed into data-enrichment services or big • What is unique about the brand’s interactions with
A highly functioning identity solution involves more data and analytics functions? customers and prospects?
than the proprietary data housed in an MDM or • What has this brand learned that others have not?
CRM database. The best identity solutions contain It’s also important to remember that because every
a mix of first-party, second-party, and third-party brand is unique and seeks a competitive advantage
data and can be useful and relevant in building a at some level, creating an identity solution to support
comprehensive identity solution. use cases is itself an example of seeking competitive
Outside the data itself, there are many other assets
related to the identity solution. The assets contained

8 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
How do you measure success?

Performance benchmarks – specifically, how well Response time, also referred to as latency, needs The bottom line is that identity precision comes
a brand is able to identify addressable customers are major factors in pricing and solution complexity. down to comparing two records against each other.
and prospects across media channels, devices, Many identity solution providers offer options to Combining the quantity needs with latency needs
and transactional touch points – is a critical area to cover both high- and low-latency needs and can and the pain tolerance for a miss will complete the
consider when designing an identity solution. Use explain the tradeoffs between the two. plan of action to suit your needs.
cases will indicate where tradeoffs need to be made
when considering precision versus reach. QUANTITY NEEDS COMPLIANCE
How much first-party data do you need to process
Other factors around identity solution How will you meet emerging compliance
and then combine with second-party and third-party
performance are key to planning the solution: requirements for consumer data?
data? The more data in the solution, the more time
needed to provide a high-quality result. Quantity • Which geographies do you serve? (U.S. only,
RESPONSE TIME NEEDS needs are related to latency needs when determining global markets, etc.)
Do some of your use cases need speed-of-light the precision level of the solution. • Are you prepared to meet CCPA, GDPR and other
24x7x365 response, while others can run at a slower potential regulatory requirements?
pace? This can dictate what type of solution you Think of it this way: It could take as many as 3 billion
need. Digital real-time data is essential, for example, records to produce 200 million individual identities.
The geographies where you interact with consumers
with point-of-sale (POS) transactions and call That’s why identity solution vendors will all claim
dictate the data collection guidelines and compliance
centers in which you leverage personally identifiable higher-quality and faster-matching capabilities,
requirements your organization must address. A
information (PII) to make targeted sales offers. Offline but the accuracy of those claims depends on the
unified view of the individual that was previously a
batch data is useful for initiatives such as broad- benchmarks and real-world examples they provide.
luxury is now an operational and regulatory necessity.
based direct mail campaigns.

9 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
With your goals and assets identified, you can take a Omnichannel identity
confident next step toward solving your identity needs.
solutions represent
First, start with a clearly defined overview of the the surest way to
knowns about the solution you want.
recognize, understand,
• Create a clear statement regarding the goals and use and ultimately engage
cases for the identity solution by answering these
customers across
- How will this solution be used? disparate journeys and:
- What areas of the business will the solution serve?
- What boundaries have already been established?
• Increase conversions
• Identify the known components and stakeholders • Improve customer lifetime
already attached to the solution. value
- What is the current state of your identity solution?
- What technology stack is in place? • Improve customer
- Are second-party or third-party data and/or assets retention
attached to the process?
• Identify the size and profile of the data assets to be
included in the solution.

Defining your most compelling use cases, evaluating the

current state of identity for your brand and identifying Start Your
gaps lays the groundwork for creating a roadmap to an
optimal enterprise identity solution.
Journey Today.

10 | An Identity Buyer’s Guide For Data-Driven Marketers © 2019 Acxiom LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Acxiom Real Identity Solutions help you know your customer – in every process, at every touch point. Audience engagement relies on your ability to connect real people,
places, and things. Not just one time, but every time in a responsible, ethical way. We incorporate the business lens of your unique brand to help you engage real people
in an authentic way and stay connected over time.


PERSONALIZATION – Recognize consumers across devices, channels and borders for more meaningful engagement
EFFECTIVE INVESTMENT – Improve engagement efforts across channels and elevate media performance with more precise recognition and optimized spend
BETTER DATA – Optimize the use of your first-party and second-party data for more accurate recognition to drive higher data value
ETHICAL DESIGN – Reduce risk, maintain compliance and improve consumer brand perception
IMPROVED SERVICE – Know real people and how they touch your organization to provide best in class service

Visit or email [email protected] to get started.

1 “Know Your Audience; The Evolution of Identity in a Consumer-Centric Marketplace,” Winterberry Group.

2 Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, Blockchain Revolution, How the Technology behind bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World.

3 How to Overcome the Top Challenges of Achieving Identity Resolution, George Corugedo, Contributor, CIO.

4 The Future of Identity Management (2018-2023), TechVision Research, 2018.

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