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Module: 9

Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 38 Calcium ammonium nitrate

Module: 9
Lecture: 38


Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) is a nitrogenous fertilizer produced by
treating ammonium nitrate solution with powdered limestone. It is a white to grey
chalky powder, with the colour depending on the limestone used in the
manufacturing process. Made with dolomitic limestone, the fertilizer contains 20%
nitrogen, 6 % calcium and 4 % magnesium. If the quantity of limestone is smaller than
that of used ammonium nitrate, the nitrogen content can go up to 28 %. CAN is
preferred to ammonium nitrate in acid soils. The most common grade of CAN
contains about 21% nitrogen, corresponding to 60% ammonium nitrate.

Calcium nitrate contains 15.5% nitrogen and its manufacturing process

involves reaction of lump limestone with concentrated nitric acid, addition of
ammonia to neutralize excess of acid, evaporation of the resulting solution, and
prilling or flaking the melt. The resulting product is a double salt, Ca(NO3)2NH4NO3
called calcium ammonium nitrate and is more useful than the single salt calcium

Ammonium nitrate is first prepared by the reaction of ammonia and nitric

acid. Ammonium nitrate so obtained contains some un-reacted nitric acid which is
neutralized by adding calcium carbonate (obtained as a by-product, in the
manufacturing of ammonium sulfate) on cooling grains of calcium ammonium
nitrate separates out.

The granules of calcium ammonium nitrate are finally coated with thin layer
of soap stone powder, which; acts as a protective coating and prevents the
absorption of moisture during storage and transportation CO2 is obtained as a

Raw materials
Basis: 1000kg of CAN
Ammonia = 70kg
Nitric acid = 810kg
Lime stone or dolomite = 425kg

Module: 9
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 38 Calcium ammonium nitrate

Sources of raw material

Ammonia can be synthesized by Haber – Bosch or Modern process as
described in Module: 2, Lecture: 6.

Nitric acid shall be synthesized from Ostwald‘s process as described in

Module: 4, Lecture: 16.

Lime stone is obtained from mineral calcite or aragonite, which can be used
after removal of clay, slit and sand (silica).



CaCO3 + 2HNO3 Ca(NO3)2 + CO2 + H2O
CaCO3 + NH3+ 3HNO3 Ca(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + CO2+H2O


Lime Stone
NH3 Powder
Reactor Vaporizer

Sorting Screen

Crushing Mill

Molten Ammonium
nitrate 96%
Air cooler
Lime stone

Cooling Drum Bag Filter

Coating Elevator

Belt conveyer

Figure: Manufacturing of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate

Block diagram of manufacturing process

Module: 9
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 38 Calcium ammonium nitrate

Diagram with process equipment


CAN is produced by mixing quickly concentrated ammonium nitrate solution

with ground or powdered calcitic or dolomitic limestone. Both prilling and
granulation technologies are used to produce CAN.

Prilling process
Ammonium nitrate solution is premixed with ground limestone just before
prilling. Prill towers of 30 to 50m height are employed. 1 to 3 % China clay, kieselghur
or calcined fuller's earth is used to condition the prilled CAN. The mean particle size
of CAN formed is 2 to 2.5 mm.

Granulation process
The various methods used for granulation are

 Pug mill process

 Drum process
 Cold spherodizer process
 Fluid bed process

Calcium ammonium nitrate is produced by granulating concentrated

ammonium nitrate solution with pulverized limestone or dolomite in a granulator.
Ammonium nitrate solution is prepared by reacting preheated ammonia with nitric
acid in a neutralizer. Ammonia is preheated to 850C by vapours from the neutralizer
which also preheats nitric acid to about 650C. Ammonium nitrate liquor of 82-83%
concentration which is produced in the neutralizer is concentrated to 92-94% in a
vacuum concentrator heated with steam and stored in a tank.

Concentrated ammonium nitrate is pumped and sprayed into the granulator

which is fed with weighed quantity of limestone powder and recycle fines from the
screens. The hot granules are dried in a rotary drier by hot air.

Dried hot granules are screened and fines and oversize recycled. Granules of
proper size are cooled in a rotary cooler by air and coated with soapstone dust in a
coating drum. The final product is sent to storage.

Comparison of granulation processes

Pan granulation is difficult to handle as the pan is very sensitive to factors such
as heat and material balance. Irregular shape of the product is obtained. The other
processes need additives and their melt concentrations are also different. For
example, a spherodizer needs ammonium sulfate or magnesium sulfate while a fluid

Module: 9
Dr. N. K. Patel
Lecture: 38 Calcium ammonium nitrate

bed requires magnesium nitrate. In the pug mill process, 0.3 to 0.5 % sulfate as
ammonium sulfate is added to improve hardness. The melt concentrations by weight
of ammonium nitrate for these processes are as follows: fluid bed 98 to 99%, pug mill
94.5 to 95.5% and drum 93.5 to 94.5 %.

Handling and storage

CAN is better to store in air conditioned silos below 30°C. CAN is normally
bagged in polyethylene-lined jute or HDPE bags


 Molecular formula : 5Ca(NO3)2.NH4NO3.10H2O

 Molecular weight : 1080.71gm/mole
 Appearance : White granular
 Odour : Odourless
 Melting point :1690C (approximately)
 Density : 1.725gm/ml (200C)
 Solubility : Solubility in water

CAN is a granulated nitrogenous fertilizer that supplies nitrogen to plants in a

balanced and secure manner. The combination of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate
nitrogen makes CAN a special product with neutral pH. The excellent granulation
and specific surface coating has very good spreading properties

 CAN is a valuable source of nitrogen. As a fertilizer it can be applied for all
types of soil and all plants.
 It is a nitrogen fertilizer supplying nutritive elements (N as NH4+ and NO3-, Mg
and Ca as carbonates). It is suitable for blending with other granulated
 Commonly used on fruit, process and vegetable crops


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