Clue Book

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PUZZLED? ou certainly should be .

~«vcalr l%tF;%-∎



is the Grand Finale

of the meanest 3-D Graphic
Adventure Series ever - and
puzzling your way through
this one is going to be
tougher than you think!
Fear not : the information in
make your wits as sharp as
your best blade .
Here's how :
You get solutions to
puzzles, ways to avoic
traps, and locations u
all items and events

in the adventure .
You'll find strategies on
how to defeat every
creature in the game .
You get it all - every piece
of treasure and each
encounter is listed here! A Paying close attention
to maps like these will keep
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER III you alive and healthy
- and victorious!
CLUE BOOK - Get Smart Fast. r


AD&D and the TSR logo are trademarks owned
by and used under license from TSR, Inc .
1993 Strategic Simulations, Inc .
1993 TSR . Inc. All rights reserved .

0 1 ilt

190241 :,







Burial Qlen 19

Warriors' Tomb Level One 21

Warriors' Tomb Level Two 25

Forest Trail 29

Quildhall Quarter Ruins 33

Mages' Guild Level One 37

Mages' Quild Level Two 41

Mages' Guild Level Three 45

Mages' Guild Level Four 49

Temple Quarter Ruins 53

Temple of Lathander Level One 57

Temple of Lathander Level Two 61

Temple of Lathander Level Three 65

Temple of Lathander Level Four 69

1 4


Our top research team has just returned from the field . Actually, just
returning from a mission with the team intact makes this team one of our
best. At any rate, six, highly-esteemed researchers have returned safely .
More importantly, they have returned with marvelously marked-up maps
and detailed descriptions of their findings . At sporadic intervals throughout
their journey, they sent us brief reports on the unusual creatures they
encountered. You may have read our "Bestiary" report .' However, their
recent data on monsters (and everything else) is much more detailed - and
combat oriented. Here at the home base, we have compiled their findings
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER IIi : ASSAULT ON MYTH DRANNOR is an on the native fauna (and aggressive, ambulatory floral) in the section,
all 3-D, Legend Series computer role-playing adventure based on "Monstrosities of Myth Drannor." We also put together a brief history of the
the popular AD&D® 2nd Edition game rules and on an original area, 'The Lore of Myth Drannor."
story created for this game . In this game, a stranger beseeches you
You may find that the researchers' unedited reports (that include maps) are
to investigate the dreaded Myth Drannor . You must explore the
the most interesting of all . Due to the taxing nature of adventuring, the
area in and around Myth Drannor, deal with its inhabitants,
research team divided up their tasks . And in the interest of time, we've
avoid traps, and recover an ancient artifact from the Lich . . . or
simply collated their papers so we can get this publication out faster to you,
so you think at first.
our reader. At times the styles they write in are glaringly different . Please
ASSAULT ON MYTH DRANNOR is a real-time game, where explo- overlook any inconsistencies in syntax, diction, or technique among the
ration, puzzle solving, and combat all happen continuously in the three writing researchers: Gorgonia, Duangirv and Decker . These three took
3-D window . This clue book helps you face all of these challenges . detailed notes on the various regions which they were assigned . Percy,
The "Monstrosities" section contains specific hints on fighting the Vamphyry, and Zorn were extremely valuable resources for drawing the
various enemies and monsters in and around the temple . The maps and for going to the tedious task of verifying notes with map
"Explorer's Guide" section contains maps and descriptions of the information . They also did the majority of monster-slaying while the others
various levels and encounters that make up the adventure . The were busy jotting notes .
"Treasure Quide" section lists the items found throughout the game .
Thank you for purchasing our fine compilation of findings on the area in
The information in this clue book is your guide to Eye of the and around Myth Drannor.
Beholder III : Assault on Myth Drannor . Use the clue book to solve
puzzles, maneuver through difficult mazes, or just to see how the Center for Research
adventure unfolds . If you have any questions about game play, on Myth Drannor
check your rule book . If you have installation questions, check your
data card. Armed with this clue book, you are sure to be successful
in your quest!
' See the EYE OF THE BEHOLDER III Rule Book, pp . 75-87.
Such as shambling mounds .
3 4

For the first time a stronghold existed which could shelter their
THE HIGH HISTORY OF MYTH DRANNOR weakest folk, where they could stand together against common
foes - such as the orc raiders. This also gave the orcs a hated goal,
something that must be smashed . The orcs came down on the city
by the thousands and almost destroyed it . Only the bravery of the
city's inhabitants saved them all from slaughter.
A sickened and horrified Eltargrim resolved that the blood of war
would never fall to the streets of his city again . He sensed that the
bold eagerness of the human wizards could be mated to the
sophisticated skill of elven mages to produce something that might
defend the city - a great work of magic that would surround and
protect the city at all times .
For almost a dozen years the wizards experimented and labored
together, weaving spell upon spell, guided by hints and legends out
Myth Drannor is old - so old that no living being knows its of the shadowy past of the elves long ago . Finally something
M l origins . Originally, it was an elven camp, a community of
large inhabited trees . As the years passed, it became an elven city
splendid with a life of its own was created - a Mythal .
When the Mythal was laid, Cormanthor was renamed Myth
named Cormanthor - a place of needle-sharp spires of growing
Drannor, and its age of greatness truly began . As men came to
wood, linked by slim, dangerous suspension spans that were either
explore (and exploit) the wilderness around the city, Eltargrim
railless wooden arches or even more precarious "running ropes ."
invited them to trade and settle with the city, and thus join in the
This city grew in size and strength with the elven communities of growing greatness of The City of Might .
the western Dragonreach, over some two thousand years, until
Myth Drannor began to be known as a city of magic, art, and
humans first came to the north shore of The Sea of Fallen Stars .
craftsmanship . Inventors and craftsmen created the most wondrous
At this time the city was ruled by a Coronal (or king) named devices, and the talent of the mages in the city rose to that of the
Eltargrim . A once-mighty warrior, he had grown wise and gentle in highest caliber . Spectacles of dance and song and theater became
his old age . He foresaw that men were a foe too numerous and common - folk began to travel far to see these marvels . Myth
relentlessly ambitious for his people to defeat or keep out of their Drannor earned the name of The Towers of Beauty among bards,
lands - so he sought out the greatest wizards and wood-lords (also and as the years passed and happiness reigned over all, the elves
known as rangers and druids) among them, and invited them to gave it the name The City of Love, out of joy that all the races could
dwell together with him in his kingdom . His intent was that all live together in peace and contentment .
strength might be gathered, that none be excluded and made
Yet the gods grow restless, and all things change under their hands .
enemies, and that the kingdom never become a prize to be fought
Greatness is always hurled down in the end . So it was with Myth
over between elves and humans . To this end, Eltargrim invited the
Drannor, as it has always been with all great cities .
gnomes, the halflings, and even the dwarves to come to the city .
5 6

Myth Drannor reached its height in the Year of the Tusk (661 DR) . The Army of Darkness came down upon them, and red war raged
At the end of that year the ancient Lord Eltargrim died, and there through the trees . In endless numbers, the orcs, hobgoblins, and
was great mourning . The Dusk had begun - all at once, evil human worse came, overwhelming even the most valiant warriors until
wizards used magic to slay and work intrigues, and the goblinkin the Shield was no more, every warrior slain but a few who fled to
rose to attack the wooded verges of Myth Drannor . The embattled bring warning .
city found it necessary to elect a Captain, or warleader, to direct its
Fflar had begun a hasty evacuation of the city, emptying it of those
defenses against the constant foray of orcs and the emboldened
too weak to fight, or too important to be risked . There was time only
trolls, bugbears, gnolls, and flind .
for each to snatch up what they could carry and run, ere the orcs and
Not even the exact year of Myth Drannor's fall is remembered - shadow creatures were howling up against the few remaining
too many perished to keep the Roll of Years in the fledgling Dales . defenders of the city.
However, it is clear that over six hundred years ago, sometime after
Fflar fought among them, wielding a great blade that burned with a
The Year of the Lost Lance (712 DR), a power in the far north
blue fire in battle . He fought valiantly, but in the end, he too was
(possibly an evil human archmage, or more probably a great flind or
overwhelmed, and fell at last atop a mound of slain enemies .
orc shaman) summoned an army from the shadow realm . Evil
creatures arrived in great numbers to aid in an assault on the rich The Army of Darkness lost thousands upon thouands that day - but
human lands of the Dragonreach . they were still numerous enough to obliterate the few who held the
city against them . They rampaged through its streets, burning,
Whatever happened, it is clear that the greatest of these shadow
pillaging, looting, and slaying those too slow or stubborn to have fled .
denizens broke free of the mastery of its summoner and by brutal
means emptied the flind and orc holds of every last individual . Some of those loath to leave were archmages still bent upon their
These it formed into a great Army of Darkness that swept south like research - and when their towers were invaded, the magical
a great, destroying wind . In the thousands they perished, in their explosions with which they defended themselves were fearsome .
headlong attack upon every monster of the Moonsea north - and More than one tower blew apart, raining those who had invaded it
still, driven on by the merciless nycaloths, they swept on . down in showers of gore . Much of the widespread destruction in
the ruins today were created in those terrible days when the last
The Captain of Myth Drannor at that time was named Fflar . He was
wizard-holds in the city were taken .
a man of mighty valor and skill in battle, yet he was also quiet-spoken
and seldom-seen . When word came to him that a horde more Yet, in the end, Myth Drannor fell and was destroyed . The few
terrible than any known before was slaughtering its way through survivors from the City of Beauty brought tales of terror with them,
the beast-men (ogres) of Thar, the captain roused the city to arms and Myth Drannor was left empty, to grow its own haunted
and set in place a watchpost north of the city, at a place in the woods reputation with the passing years .
called Helmgrove (just where that spot was is knowledge now lost) .
The greatest warriors gathered there, in a company called The Shield
of Myth Drannor, and awaited the coming of the hoard . They did
not have to wait long .

7 8


The creatures in and around Myth Drannor often present a "challenge" for adven- :• WIGHTS
turers. Luckily, some of our research teams recently returned from location,
bringing back useful information that may aid you in your battles . This includes As long as you defeat wights before they start
never-seen-before pictures of Fflar, Acwellan the Lich, and the dreaded Dark hitting you, they are fairly simple opponents to
God. A summary of their findings appears below. defeat . They have a nasty draining attack which
drains one level every time they manage to hit a
BURIAL GLEN character; this is, luckily, an infrequent
occurrence. Wights generally travel in pairs or
:• GRAVE MISTS small groups, and at times they travel with a
Grave mists are fairly easy to dispatch . They only couple of shadows . As undead creatures, they
do light damage, so they are not much of a have the standard undead immunities to spells .
threat. Use melee attacks against one to two Turn undead, and magic missiles, fireball, or
grave mists, and use a combination of magic and lighting bolt spells work against them, as well as
melee attacks against the occasional group (of the melee attacks.
up to eight) grave mists . Cold, hold, and mind-
based spells do not affect undead creatures such
as these, so try turn undead, magic missile, or
lighting bolt spells if necessary . Like wights, shadows are fairly simple to kill,
have standard undead immunities to spells, and
do not strike (successfully) very often . They also
WARRIORS' TOMB LEVEL ONE have a draining ability; but unlike the wight,
O• SWORDWRAITHS shadows drain strength rather than levels . A
melee tactic that seems to work well is to : hit,
These warrior spirits inflict only minor hit point
take a step back, and repeat this pattern until
damage, but have the annoying ability to drain
they are destroyed . Characters need +1 or better
your characters' strength . Although swordwraiths
weapons to hit them . However, turn undead has
do not have many hit points, an opponent needs
been said to be "your best bet on slaying them."
+2 or better weapons in order to hit them . Be
armed properly before walking into the Warriors'
Tomb . Against large groups of swordwraiths, use •• FFLAR
a combination of magic and melee attacks . . .
Fflar is the (deluded) ghost of Myth Drannor's
and be on the look-out for an accompanying
Captain . He has lots of hit points and does more
undead beast .
damage than most monsters, but contrary to his
own opinion, he is all alone against your party .

Undead beasts are tough to kill . They are

immune to fire, take little damage from edged
weapons, have plenty of hit points, and are 20%
magic resistant . They can also do heavy damage .
To kill these creatures, use blunt weapons and
try magic missile or lightning bolt spells.
9 10


:• MINOTAURS Chimeras can be moderately difficult to kill . The
dragon head spits fireballs, and the goat and lion
Minotaurs are fairly easy to kill unless you
heads can also bite you, so beware! Use either
encounter a large group of them . In larger
melee or spells against them ; they have no
groups they are more of a threat . Minotaurs do
magic resistance so offensive spells work just
moderate damage . And as with most opponents,
fine . You may also find it helpful to cast
melee attacks work well against solitary
defensive spells such as resist fire or protection
travellers, while a combination of magic and
from fire to avoid taking the full brunt of the
melee works better against groups .
flaming spheres that they spit your way . Needless
to say, we also recommend dodging fireballs
whenever possible .

Feyrs are tough monsters . They remain invis- : OGRE SLUGS
ible until they attack so they always surprise
you, they have lots of hit points, they do heavy Ogre slugs are weak to moderately difficult to
damage, and they are 40% magic resistant . kill. They do medium damage and have no
Thankfully, they usually appear alone . Multiple magic-resistance . They take only half-damage
melee attacks are your best bet - use that All from blunt weapons, so use edged weapons
Attack. Magic only affects them 60% of the time, against them . They usually slither around in
so it's up to you whether you want to bother one's and two's .
with spells.


Hags are relatively simple to hack away, al-
Watchghosts travel in packs of one to four ghosts
though they do have 35% magic resistance,
and are moderately hard to do away with . They can
and fair number of hit points . In one adventurer's
do moderate damage as well as unleash a chill ray .
words, "Hags are ultra-weak! A couple shots
Dodge their cold attacks, and go for the kill with
and they go to hag heaven ." They travel in
melee weapons .
covens, and occasionally alone . Often they
escort chimeras, which are definitely the more
dangerous of the two .

11 12


: SCALADARS To confuse you, Acwellan the Lich creates

Scaladars are almost always difficult to kill . How several mirror images of himself. Figuring out
tough are scaladars? "They're tough!" "Near which one is him is the tough part . If you swing
impossible ." Edged weapons do little damage, so at an image, the image goes away . Use the
you'll have to dig up any blunt weapons, such as process of elimination ; swing at images until you
maces, that you thought you didn't need any find the lich . Once you know which one he is,
more. You might even use your bare hands more he's relatively easy to slay .
effectively than swords . They throw lightning
bolts, and are immune to lightning bolts, magic
missile, disintegrate, hold, and cold-based
attacks . They are somewhat immune to heat
attacks as well . On top of that, they are 35% : WATER WORDS
magic resistant to everything else . If you have the There aren't many water weirds around, but
Ring of Trobriand, however, you'll find that they when you do encounter them, they are fairly
actually let you kill them without fighting back. simple to slay . As long as you have blunt
weapons, you can squish these water worms
: STEEL SHADOWS easily . Edged weapons are not nearly as effective
against them . Cold-based attacks slow them
Steel shadows are fairly easy to pick off. They
down, and fire-based attacks sometimes get
have few hit points, only do minor damage, and
through to them as well . When your party
have no magic resistance . They aren't much of a
encounters a water weird, a good strategy is to
challenge, really .
arm your party with maces and in one bold
adventurer's words, "beat the daylights out of it ."
Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting is also reported to be
quite effective.


Slithermorphs are rather
It's hard to put an end to earth elementals . They
weak, and die fairly
have a large number of hit points, require +2 or
quickly against a well-
better weapons to hit, can hit every member of
the party in one swing, and can do serious armed party. They have a
damage . This means they can easily wipe out moderate number of hit
party members with a low number of hit points . points themselves, yet
Be extremely careful against groups of earth they can inflict heavy
elementals or they'll quickly massacre your damage if they manage to
party. Keep dodging their blows and utilize a hit an opponent . They have
combination of melee and magic attacks . Have no magic resistance and
your mage use a wand to blast them during an we hear that "a few good
All Attack . Sage advice from a surviving (and whacks" wipes them out .
usually mild-mannered) researcher : "Move!"
13 14


Water elementals have a significant number of :• SHADES
hit points and can do heavy damage . It has been
There are two types of
reported that "unlike their gargantuan earth
shades : fighters and
elemental cousins, water elementals can only hit
magic-users . Since the
one opponent at a time ." They have no magic
magic-users don't cast
resistance, but to hit them, you need +2 or
spells, it is the fighters you
better weapons . Try Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting
should fear the most . Both
spell against them .
kinds of shades have a
powerful attack and are
60°lo magic resistant. As
with all opponents, we
recommend All Attack.

Trolls are large, brutish creatures who love to 4- LIVING MUCKS

turn adventurers into small pancakes . Their
thick skin helps protect them from your attacks, Living mucks are particularly nasty creatures
making them difficult to kill . As they are usually since attacking them often destroys your metal
found in large groups, it is often safer to stand weapons! They are immune to acid, lightning,
at a distance and use spells against them . Fire and poison . Fire-based spells do half-damage,
and lightning-based spells seem to destroy their and cold-based spells will often, but not always,
protective skin, making them more vulnerable do damage . The best way to destroy living
to damage . mucks is to continuously cast cold-based spells
such as cone of cold until they succumb . Note
that the only weapons that will not be harmed by
$• WYVERN these creatures are wooden weapons and
throwing hammers .
Wyverns look meaner than they are . These
dragon-like lizards aren't very dangerous and
can be easily dispatched with melee weapons . TEMPLE OF LATHANDER LEVEL TWO
Weaker parties may wish to be careful of this
creature's poisonous attack . Use ranged spells : BONE NAQAS
such as lightning bolt or cone of cold against Bone nagas do not have many hit points, but
the beasts . can deal heavy damage to an unprepared party .
They cast magic missile spells, and attack
with a vicious bite and a barbed tail . They are
also immune to hold, death, cold, and poison-
based spells . We hear that best approach to
these nasties is to use All Attack and cast
lightning bolts.
15 16


Shambling mounds are huge, shambling
mounds of vegetation (hence the name) . Death knights are difficult foes to vanquish . They
They are irritating to fight since they take half- wield a mighty two-handed sword+4, can cast
damage from weapons and no damage from fireball spells at will, and have a 75% magic
fire and lightning-based spells . Since weapons resistance which makes spellcasting problematic .
do such poor damage against them, it is most A smart defensive plan is to place the party
effective to cast spells such as magic missile, under the effect of a protection from fire spell .
hold monster, and Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting
against them .


Shadow hounds lurk in packs and viciously
The only danger a party might face from spirit attack all outsiders . They are easily dispatched as
nagas is that of poison . Since they have few hit long as you remember to use + 1 or greater
points, several quick blows will take care of weapons against them . No need to worry too
these snake-like creatures before they can much over these canines .
become threatening .


: GROANING SPIRITS (BANSHEES) The Dark God is very difficult to defeat, so it is
Groaning spirits always travel alone and aren't best to be prepared . Be sure to have one or two
too difficult to defeat as long as you remember a back rank people using weapons that can reach
few important things . The main thing you need to the front; polearms work well for fighters, and
remember is that +1 or greater weapons are spells such as spiritual hammer and Bigby's
required to hit them . Other than that, keep in clenched fist can be cast by clerics and magic-
mind that the spirits are immune to cold and users, respectively . Also, be sure to cast as many
lightning-based spells . Simply attacking them protective spells as possible .
with + 1 or greater weapons should solve your
problem quickly enough . Before you can even deal with the Dark God, you
must first destroy his guarding minions . Once
this is done, keep moving while attacking him
with All Attack . Don't stop moving, whatever you
do, or your whole quest will be for naught .
Dodge his blows and strike true - you may
succeed in your mission . . . .

17 18


There are six non player characters Class: Cleric/Mage Class: Mage
(NPCs) that can join the party during Level : 10th/ 10th Level : 10th
the adventure.
Alignment: Neutral Good Alignment: Neutral Good
The following NPC lists show the Gender/Race : Male Half-Elf Gender/Race: Male Sprite
character's class, alignment,
Ability Scores: Ability Scores :
race/gender, ability scores, and
maximum hit points. The list also STR : 15 INT : 16 STR : 10 INT: 18
shows the location where you find the NPC, his or her initial status, and any Wis : 16 DEx : 16 Wis : 10 DEx :17
equipment the !YPC has on-hand or nearby.
CON : 14 CHA : 14 CON : 15 CHA: 17
Hit Points: 40 Hit Points : 40
Location : Temple Quarter Ruins, Location: Mages' Guild Level Two,
0• DALMAIR RALLYHORN •• REx location 4 location 3
Status: Alive and well Status: Alive and well
Class : Ranger Class : Cleric
Equipment: holy symbol, Equipment: ring of wizardry,
Level : 11th Level: 9th
spellbook, ring of protection +3, spellbook, wand of magic missile
Alignment: Lawful Good Alignment : Lawful Good
mace +2, wand of acid storm,
Gender/Race: Male Half-Elf Gender/Race : Male Saurial
bracers of protection +1
Ability Scores: (Bladeback)
STR : 18/52 INT : 13 Ability Scores :
Wis : 15 DEx :17 STR : 17 INT: 13

CON : 15 CHA: 13 Wis : 15 DEx :16 Class: Fighter/Thief Class: Paladin

Hit Points : 83 Con : 12 CHA:14 Level : 8th/8th Level : 10th

Hit Points : 50 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Alignment: Lawful Good

Location: Forest Trail, location 4
Gender/Race: Male dwarf Gender/Race: Female Human
Status : Alive and well Location : Guildhall Quarter Ruins,
Ability Scores: Ability Scores:
Equipment : long sword +3, short location 11
STR: 16 InT : 10 STR: 18/65 INT: 15
sword +1, elven chain +2, long Status : Alive
Wis : 15 DEx: 15 Wis : 14 DEx:16
bow, fifteen arrows +2 (48 out of 50 hit points)
CON : 17 CHA :12 CON : 16 CHA :18
Equipment: mace +2, holy symbol,
Hit Points : 71 Hit Points: 92
bracers of protection +2
Location: Warriors' Tomb Level Location : Temple of Lathander
Two (found after party rests) Level One, location 25
Status : Alive and well Status: Seriously injured
(but extremely hungry) (2 out of 92 hit points)
Equipment: three daggers + 1, Equipment: plate mail +2, ring of
axe +2, splint mail feather falling, long sword +2,
holy symbol

19 20

r ~
Once the disorientation clears from your heads, you find yourselves in what I
BURIAL GLEN can only be the burial glen the stranger spoke of. Parts have become I
overgrown as the surrounding forest attempts to regain what it had lost so i

long ago . Grave Mists haunt this sacred ground . i


Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for

documenting this level: mapping this level.

L- Decker Percy and Decker J


Monsters, Locations, and Events

GM Grave mists haunt these areas .

I The mysterious stranger in Waterdeep transports your party to

this location .
2 (lacking through the trees with an axe (found at location 3) reveals a set
of chain mail +2, a long bow, and eight arrows +1 lying on the ground.

3 Three potions of healing, a set of plate mail +1, an axe +2, a robe,
two daggers +2, a set of chain mail, a mace +2, and four food packs
lie on the ground .
4 Hacking through the trees with an axe eventually leads your party to
a small cache of treasure consisting of a wand of magic missiles and
a wand of fireballs.
Hackable Trees
5 The party enters the Warriors' Tomb from this location .
Solitary Immovable Tree 6 Hacking through the trees reveals the entrance to the Forest Trail .
vR Impenetrable Forest

21 22


The walls of this mausoleum are made up of cold, blue-grey stones .
Swordwraiths and undead beasts inhabit this foreboding resting place .


Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for

documenting this level : mapping this level: t
2 t

Duangirv Percy and Zorn

i 1
L « J
3]L] a _ 31


Monsters, Locations, and Events

1 This stairway leads to the Burial Glen, location 5 .

2A-c A plaque at 2A reads "PRAY FOR THE DEAD ." A cleric scroll of prayer
lies on the floor at the same location . The first time you step at 2B
causes walls to appear at 2C, trapping the party . It is necessary to cast
prayer to free the party . Once again, being properly pious saves the day!
3 An open crypt is on the wall . When open, monsters occasionally
appear to attack the party . Closing the crypt seems to stop the
occasional appearances .
4 A pit leads to 5 .

Door 5 This is the destination of the pit at 4 .

V/1 Moveable or Illusionary Wall 6A4 Fireballs shoot north from 6A and 6B ; they shoot south from 6C and
6D ; and they shoot west from 6E and 6F . Flipping a lever at 6G down
Stairs Up
activates a teleporter at 611 and causes a holy key to appear at 61. It also
deactivates fireballs at 6A-6F; The teleporter at 611 transports you to 7 .
Stairs Down

7 This is the destination of the teleporter at 611 .

Impassable Area
s Unlocking this lock with a holy key opens the door to the north .

9 A studly little dagger +3 lies on the floor. A hidden button on the south
wall reveals an alcove .

23 24

10 Flip this bone lever down ; once all four bone levers at locations 10, 28A-B A short sword +2 lies on the floor at 28A . Pressing the hidden button at
21, 29, and 42 are flipped down, an opening appears at location 43 . either 28A or 28B reveals a lever at 29 .
The plaque at this location gives clues about Captain Fflar .
29 Flip this bone lever down ; once all four bone levers at locations 10,
11 Two rations, a potion of healing, and a cleric scroll of raise dead lie on 21, 29, and 42 are flipped down, an opening appears at location 43 .
the floor. The plaque at this location gives clues about Captain Fflar .

12 A potion of giant strength lies on the floor . 30 A mage scroll of protection from paralysis lies on the floor.

13A-C Stepping on the plate at 13A sends a spiked wall travelling east from 31A-J This puzzle requires that you flip the levers in a particular order to
location 13B . Flipping the lever at 13C down deactivates this trap . pass . Flip the lever at 31 B down . Flip the levers at 31 D and 31 E down .
Flip the levers at 31 A and 31 C down . Flip the levers at 31 D and 31 E
14 Pressing a hidden button on the south wall reveals a lever at 15A .
up. Flip the levers at 31 F and 31 G down . Flip the levers at 3111 and
15A-C Flipping the lever at 15A down deactivates the invisible teleporters at 311 down . Flip the levers at 31 F and 31 G up . The wall disappears at
15B and 15C . Note that you must either drink a potion of giant strength or i 31J, revealing a passage to the north .
use thieves' picks to operate this lever. The teleporter at 15B transports
32A-C Stepping on 32A from the west causes four sword wraiths and an undead
you to 15C, and vice-versa . Both cause you to face east after teleporting .
beast to appear behind you at 32B. Stepping on 32A from the east causes
16 A cleric scroll of resist fire lies on the floor . It explodes, causing four sword wraiths and an undead beast to appear behind you at 32C .
damage, if you pick it up .
33 Pressing a hidden button on the north wall causes that wall to disappear.
17 A wand of wall of force lies on the floor .
34 A holy key lies on the floor.
18 An undead beast attacks . It drops a holy key once you make it dead
35 You must either drink a potion of giant strength or use thieves' picks
again .
to open this door.
19 Unlocking this lock with a holy key opens the door to the west .
36 Stepping here causes a pit to open beneath your party, transporting
20 Pressing a hidden button on the west wall reveals a lever at 21 . you to 37 .

21 Flip this bone lever down ; once all four bone levers at locations 10, 37 This is where you fall from the invisible pit at 36 .
21, 29, and 42 are flipped down, an opening appears at location 43 .
The plaque at this location gives clues about Captain Fflar . 38 This teleporter transports you to 39 .

22A-D Stepping on 22A from the west causes undead beasts to appear at 22B 39 This is the destination of the teleporter at 38 .
and 22C and causes a wall to appear at 22D . Stepping on 22A from 40 Unlocking this lock with a holy key opens the door to the west .
the east causes undead beasts to appear at 22B and 22D and causes a
41A-B Pressing the hidden button at either 41A or 41B reveals a lever at 42 .
wall to appear at 22C . Turn your party 180 degrees and slay the
undead beast before you . Once it is killed, you may move forward and 42 Flip this bone lever down ; once all four bone levers at locations 10,
kill the remaining two undead beasts . 21, 29, and 42 are flipped down, an opening appears at location 43 .
23 A plaque reads "NOT ALL NEED WEIGHT ." The plaque at this location gives clues about Captain Fflar .

24A-F You need to weigh down certain plates to avoid the fireball trap at 24F . 43 A plaque reads "FOUR BONES DOWN WILL SHOW THE WAY." When
Weigh down the plates 24B, 24C, 24E . Weighing down any plate incor- the lever at 10, 21, 29, 42 are pulled down, the wall to the east
rectly causes a fireball to shoot east from 24F . The invisible teleporter at disappears, revealing a passage .
24F transports the party to 23 until the proper plates are weighed down . 44 These stairs lead down to Warriors' Tomb Level Two, location 1 .
Using the teleporter also causes a fireball to shoot east from 24F .
45 These stairs lead down to Warriors' Tomb Level Two, location 9 .
25 Pressing the hidden button on the east wall reveals a passage .
46 Swordwraiths attack .
26 A holy key and a short sword -2 called "Maggot" lie on the floor .
47 An undead beast attacks .
27 Unlocking this lock with a holy key opens the door to the north .

25 26

r t
The walls of this mausoleum are made up of cold, blue-grey stones . Wights
and shadows lurk in the passages .
You meet Isham, a dwarven fighter/thief, the first time you rest on this level .
Keep an eye on your food ; he's a hungry fellow,

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I ` A
Duangirv Percy and orn

Monsters, Locations, and Events

i These stairs lead up to Warriors' Tomb Level One, location 44 .

2 A plaque on the wall reads "FOR EACH PATH THAT MAY BE TAKEN,
3A-G Stepping on 3A and then 3D opens the hallway to the west of 3E .
Stepping on 3B and then 3D opens the hallway to the west of 3F .
Stepping on 3C and then 3D opens the hallway to the west of 3G .

4 A ration, a cleric scroll of cure serious wounds, and a trident +3 called

"Revko" lie on the floor.
5 A rod fragment lies on the floor .
X, Door
6 A ration, a potion of giant strength, and a mage scroll of fireball lie on
I Moveable or Illusionary Wall the floor.

Stairs Up 7 Pressing a hidden button on the west wall causes that wall to
Stairs Down
8 Two rations and a mage scroll of fireball lie on the floor.
m Impassable Area
9 These stairs lead up to Warriors' Tomb Level One, location 45 .

10A-B Stepping on 1 OA causes the door to close behind you and the room to
fill with poison gas. Flip the lever at 10B to open the door and empty
the room of gas .

27 28

11A-B Pressing the hidden button at either 11A or 11B reveals an alcove at 12 . 29 This teleporter transports you to 30 .

12 A rod orb lies on the floor . 30 This is the destination of the teleporter at 29 .

13A-C Stepping on 13A causes two shadows to appear at 13B and two wights 31A-D A plaque on the wall at 31A reads "HALT! DO NOT TOUCH!" Flipping
to appear at 13C . this lever up causes all metal items on your party to be transported to
31 B and transports four shadows which attack you . Flipping the lever
14 Slimy muck catches at your feet and slows your movement .
at 31A back down removes the glass walls at 31C and allows access to
1s The plaque reads "PRESS BUTTON FOR SERVICE ." Pressing the button your equipment at 31 B . Wooden clubs lie on the floor at 31 D ; these
causes a pit to open beneath you, delivering you to 16 . may be used to fight the shadows that attack.

16 This is where you fall from 15 . 32 Pressing the hidden button on the east wall reveals a passageway .

17 A holy key lies on the floor . 33 An engraved monolith features four slots of varying sizes . Placing the
three rod fragments and the rod orb into the appropriate slots causes
18 This teleporter transports you to 19 .
a plaque to appear at 34 .
19 This is the destination of the teleporter at 18 .
34 The plaque on the wall reads "FAITH RESTORETH THE SOUL ." Click-
20 Unlocking this lock with a holy key opens the door to the south . ing on the plaque causes the Rod of Restoration to be rejoined and
appear at 35 .
21 Pressing the hidden button reveals a passageway west .
35 The Rod of Restoration lies on the floor. The rod can be used to
22 Captain Fflar's personal crypt is on the north wall . His nameplate hangs
restore lost levels to characters which were drained by wights .
off of his drawer . Take it - it will serve you well .
36 One to four shadows attack .
37 Wights attack.
24A-E This pit trap requires that you step in a particular pattern to pass . Step
onto 24A. Step onto 24B . Step onto 24C . Step back onto 24B . You 38 Pressing this button causes a pit to open beneath you, dropping you
may now continue forward without difficulty . Not following the pattern to location 39 .
correctly causes you to fall to 24D. The teleporter at 24E transports
39 This the destination of the pit at 38 .
you to 23 .

25 The spirit of Captain Fflar speaks with you . You must prove to him that
he is dead . Do this by showing him the nameplate from 22 . He gives
you the Medallion of Friendship and goes to a well-deserved oblivion in
his drawer . Note that since he is dead, this all really fits quite well . If
you do not have the nameplate, Captain Fflar attacks you and you will
not get the medallion . Pressing a hidden button on the north wall
opens a passageway to the north .

26 A closed crypt is on the wall . When open, monsters occasionally

appear to attack the party . Closing the crypt seems to stop the
occasional appearances .

27 Pressing this button causes a pit to open beneath you, dropping you
to location 28 .

28 This is the destination of the pit at 27 .

29 30

r t
Large trees create a woody maze through the forest . Bramble thorn maze
passages complicate matters in the southwest quadrant of the traits . And as
you jaunt through this thicket, beware of minotaurs that roam the paths, and
feyrs that jump you if you're not careful . Remember that these creatures roam
the forest ; they never stay in one place for very long. The spots we've
marked on the maps are approximations .

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How Bramble Thorn Maze Passages Work

Bramble thorn passages need extra explanation . I've included a picture of
what one looks like for you, and I've drawn a diagram to describe it further .


Moveable Tree

Okay. First, find the "X" on the diagram . That's where you're standing. Now
Moveable Tree that appears AFTER you pass it
imagine that you are facing north . What you see in front of you is a wall of trees
Bramble Thorn Maze Passage with three gaps (or passages) along the bottom . From left to right, let's call
them opening one, two, and three . If you step through opening one, you'll end
Impenetrable Forest
up one square forward and to the left in square A . If you step through opening
two, you'll end up two squares forward in square B . If you step through open-
ing three, you'll end up one square forward and to the right in square C . This is
how bramble thorn passages work . On occasion, you may see a plugged up
passage . This simply means that you can't go "forward" in that direction .

31 32

Moveable Trees 10 More loot : ring of wizardry, wand of magic missile, leather armor +3,
gauntlets of fire giant strength, and thieves' tools.
There are two types of moveable trees . The generic moveable tree
is a wall of trees that display an amazing agility to get out of the way when 11 A cloak of protection lies on the ground .
you wave an Everburning Torch or Medallion of friendship at them . The
12 We met a sage in this vicinity . I was a little absent-minded and didn't
second type of moveable tree is the kind that appears only after you
log the encounter immediately ; that always means that later on I
have walked past it . After you walk by one of these spots, you may notice
needed to place the event from memory as best I can . Anyway, we ran
something strange has happened behind you . The trees have filled in the across (I wish literally) this rather verbose sage fellow . lie gave us a
path ; maybe they're curious because they haven't seen adventurers in a history of Myth Drannor (yawn) and then gave us a test . The correct
while . If you want to clear the way, use the same technique you use for the answer to his question depends on who in the party answers the
regular moveable trees . question . Depending on your class, give with the following answer :

Fighter Book of Daring Deeds

Monsters, Locations, and Events i Ranger Book of Daring Deeds
Paladin Book of Exalted Deeds
F Feyrs surprise you in this area. i Cleric Book of Exalted Deeds
Mage Book of Arcane Deeds
M Minotaurs wander around these passages . Beware .
Thief Book of Adroit Deeds
1 This leads you back to the Burial Glen. Be aware that you only have three tries . We advise you to get it right
2A-B The trail wraps around the map at these locations . the first time, especially since you've got the answers right here under
your nose . If for some wacky reason you answer incorrectly three
3 An Everbuming Torch waits for you on the ground . It's not lit when it's times, you won't be able to get any farther in the adventure . This
on the forest floor, but as soon as you pick it up, you'll notice that it's , means you're totally stuck . You'll have to start over. Bad move ; this
burning quite nicely. could be embarrassing to explain to the people back home .
4 We came across Delmair Rallyhom right about here . He's a male half-elf 13 The sage that you met at or near location 12 removes these walls after
and an 11th level ranger . He wanted to join our party, but our you've given him a suitable answer to his question .
research/adventuring team was already complete . His qualifications
were good (strength 18/52 and dexterity 17) but we "didn't have any 14 This passageway leads to the Guildhall Quarter Ruins .
openings that matched his skill set ." We had to turn him down . Stop by
this area ; he may still be job-hunting .

5A-B The trail wraps around the map at these locations .

6 A small treasure-trove sits on the ground : six arrows +2, chain mail +4,
one bow, and one long sword +3.

7A-B The trail wraps around the map at these locations .

8 You can find six arrows and nine rations in this corner .

9 Some loot: necklace of adornment, two-handed sword +3,

plate mail +2, and a wand of cone of cold.

33 34

r ~
Walls made of wood and stone line the Guildhall Quarter Ruins. A blue-
grey sky filled with clouds looms overhead, and rocks and dirt cover the
ground . Occasionally, a tree breaks the maze-like monotony of walls, Hags
haunt these ruins but don't pose too much of a threat . The chimeras,
however, expectorate fireballs, of all things .

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Gorgonia Percy and Zorn


Monsters, Locations, and Events

C Chimeras guard this area ; watch out for their volcanic spit-balls .

H Hags wander around this spot .

i This is the entrance to the Guildhall Quarter Ruins . It leads back to the
Forest Trail .

2 You arrive here from the Forest Trail .

3 You find prizes on the ground and in a niche in the wall . Let's see, a
I shortsword +3 named "Frostbite" lies on the ground . The niche in the
west wall is protected by a force field so cast a dispel magic to
T : Solitary Immovable Tree
I eliminate the problem. In it are : a ring of fire resistance, a crystal key,
and mage scrolls of hold undead, hold person (two of these), and
X Door protection from paralysis .
Impassable Area 4 These four trees bear fruit that satisfy hungry adventurers . Although
they look completely laden, each tree only gives one to three apples .
You see a statue of a chimera standing in the center of the four trees .
If you pick an apple, the statue comes to life and attacks.

5 Before you stands Myth Drannor's Mages' Guild .

6 Oooh, more loot . When you step into this room, the monsters guarding
this bounty attack . Here's what you can get : two sets of plate mail
(+3 and -2), a shield, two maces (+2 and -3), and best of all, one helm
of underwater breathing.

7 A chimera drops a ring of featherfalling when slain .

a This leads to the Temple Quarter Ruins .
9 Treasure! Here you'll find : a special blessed holy symbol, (which grants
a cleric one extra spell per spell level), a black throwing hammer +3
(that returns), a shield +3, and a set of splintmail .
10 More stuff. A niche on the west wall holds : three cleric scrolls (one
cure light wounds and two cure serious wounds), and three mage
scrolls (hold undead, flesh-to-stone, and hold monster) . i

ii When we came by we met Rex, a Saurial male cleric . Again, we had to

give the "your talents do not meet any openings we have at this time"
explanation . You might want to take him on though, especially if you
dared to trek this far without a cleric .
12 You find enough scrolls to make even a grumpy mage like Duangirv
smile : remove curse, improved invisibility, water breathing, slow, and
invisibility 10' radius.

37 38

r ~
Cold, steel-blue marble lines the walls of this guildhall . Ogre slugs and
watchghosts roam these marble hallways .

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Duangirv Percy and Zorn

Monsters, Locations, and Events

1 This door leads to the Guildhall Quarter Ruins, location 2 .

2 Three teleporters are visible from here .

3A-B Pressing the button at 3A opens the secret door at 3B .

4A-B A niche at 4A holds a tome titled "The Seasons of Elementals ." The
book gives hints on completing the teleporter maze at 8A-8J . A niche
at 413 holds a tome which describes the Ring of Trobriand.

5 A watch ghost appears here every time the party fails to complete the
KEY: teleporter sequence at 7A-7D .



Moveable or Illusionary Wall
A" Stairs Up
W Stairs Down
7A A wall hanging that depicts an hot summer adorns the wall .
,=' Impassable Area
7B A wall hanging that depicts a windy autumn adorns the wall .

7C A wall hanging that depicts a rainy spring adorns the wall .

7D A wall hanging that depicts a icy winter adorns the wall .

39 40

8A-J Entering a teleporter at 8A-8D transports you to 81 . From 81, you must 22A-B The stairs at 22A lead to 22B . You can also traverse the stairs from
enter one of the teleporters at 8E-811 . You must do this four times, 22B to 22A .
entering the correct teleporter each time . One possible sequence
follows . Enter the teleporter at 8A, which transports you to 81 . Then 23A-B The stairs at 23A lead to 23B . You can also traverse the stairs from
enter the teleporter at 8F, which transports you back to 8J . Enter the 23B to 23A.
teleporter at 8B, which transports you to 81 . Then enter the teleporter 24A-B The stairs at 24A lead to 24B. You can also traverse the stairs from
at 811, which transports you back to 8J . Enter the teleporter at 8C, 24B to 24A.
which transports you to 81 . Then enter the teleporter at 8G, which
transports you back to 811 . Enter the teleporter at 8D, which transports 25A-B The stairs at 25A lead to 25B . You can also traverse the stairs from
you to 81 . Then enter the teleporter at 8E ; this final teleporter 25B to 25A .
transports you to Mages Guild Level Two, location 1 . 26A-B The stairs at 26A lead to 26B . You can also traverse the stairs from
9 Pressing the button on the wall opens an adjacent secret door . 26B to 26A .

10 A scrying glass lies in a niche . It can be used to identify items . 27 Ogre slugs attack.

11 A niche in the north wall holds a mage scroll of death spell, hold 28 Watchghosts attack .
monster, and cone of cold. A niche in the south wall holds a mage 29 You arrive here from the teleporter at Mages' Guild Level Four,
scroll of stone to flesh, flesh to stone, and disintegrate. location 20 .
12A A potion of extra healing lies on the floor . 30 A mage scroll of wall of force lies on the floor.
12B A cloak of protection +3 lies on the floor . 31 This teleporter takes you to Mages' Guild Level Four, one square north
13 A potion of giant strength lies in a niche . of location 20 .

14 A packet of food lies on the floor . Wonderful - like I really need to

carry some more of this around with me! But hey - they're great
for weighing down those pressure plates .
15A-B Pressing the buttons on the north and south walls at 15A opens a
secret door to the east of 15B .
16A A niche holds the Ring of Trobriand, a wand of fireballs, and a
necklace of magic missiles .

16B A piece of parchment lies in a niche . Written by Acwellan, it tells of his

vow to forever guard against evil in Myth Drannor . It disintegrates after
you read it . At least you don't have to lug this around too!
17 A ring of protection +3 lies on the floor .
18A-B Entering one of these teleporters transports you to the other .
19A-B Entering one of these teleporters transports you to the other .
20A-B Entering one of these teleporters transports you to the other .
21A-B Entering one of these teleporters transports you to the other .

41 42


Cold, steel-blue marble lines the walls of this guildhall . Scaladars and steel
shadows clatter through the halls .

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Duangirv Percy and Zorn


Monsters, Locations, and Events

i This teleporter transports you to Mages' Guild Level One, location 8J .
2 Four steel shadows attack .
3 You meet a sprite here . This mage's name is Bug and he can be a
useful addition to your party .
4 Several scaladars guard the hidden passage to the inner halls of the
Guild . However, it seems they do not attack those who carry the Ring
of T'-obriand, Writing to either side of a niche on the north wall reads
sucker I am, I put the ring in the niche - the north wall vanished! Of
Door or Gate course, the scaladars are attacking now . . . .
5 Open the doors to the east and west by pulling on this tassel.
V Moveable or Illusionary Wall

6 Pressing this button opens the door to the west .

1P, Stairs Down
7 A staff +1 , two arrows +2, a wooden club, and four rocks lie on
Impassable Area
the floor.
8 Pulling this tassel transports the party to location 25 .


9 This is the destination of the teleporter at location 26 . 26 This teleporter transports you to Mages' Guild Level Two, location 9 .
10 A suit of leather armor +4 and two packs of food lie on the floor . 27A-D Stepping into the teleporter at 27A transports you to 27B ; stepping
11A-C Pulling the tassel at 11A opens the door at 11 B . Three steel shadows into the teleporter at 27C transports you to 27D .
attack at 11 C . 28 A dagger +4 named "Ocnor" lies in a niche . Removing anything from
12 Two potions of invisibility, a wand of flesh to stone, and a ring of this niche causes a steel shadow to appear behind the party .
sustenance lie on the floor. 29 A scaladar attacks.
13A-B Pressing the button at 13A removes the north wall at 13B. 30 Steel shadows attack .
14 Pressing the secret button on the south wall opens a secret passage
to the south .
15A-B Pulling the tassel at 15A causes an illusionary wall to appear at 15B .
16 A dart of the hornet's nest lies on the floor here .
17A-B Pulling the tassel at 17A opens the door at 17B .
19 Three potions of poison, an apple, four rocks +4, and a spellbook
lie on the floor . The spellbook is trapped and will explode when
picked up .
20 A short sword +3 lies on the floor .
21A-1 Pressing the button at 21A deactivates the spiketraps at 2113, 21C,
21 D, and 21 E; it also activates the spiketraps at 21 F, 21 G, 21 li, 211 .
(Pressing the button again switches which traps are activated and
deactivated .) Stepping on an active trap at 21 B-21 E pushes the party
west . Stepping on an active trap at 21 F-2 11 pushes the party back in
the direction they came from . Please note that all of this spike-
stomping is not necessarily good for the party's health .
22A-C Stepping on 22A causes two steel shadows to appear at 22B and 22C .
These creatures steal all of the party's metal items and attack . The
party's property may be retrieved after slaying the steel shadows .
23A-B Pulling the tassel at 23A removes the wall at 235, revealing the stairs
at 24 .
24 These stairs lead to Mages' Guild Level Three, location 1 .
25 The party lands here after pulling the tassel on Mages' Guild Level Two,
location 8 .

45 46

Cold, steel-blue marble lines the walls of this guildhall Water weirds and
earth elementals guard the entrance to Acwellan's chambers .

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,~U VL~y - yttr -

Duangirv Vamphyry and Zorn

Monsters, Locations, and Events

i This stairway leads to Mages' Guild Level Two, location 25 .
2 A grappling hook lies on the floor. It can be used to open some grates .
3A-B Stepping on 3A while facing west transports the party to 3B . A mage
must carry the red gem from 5 in his or her hand to deactivate this trap .
4A-B Stepping on 4A while facing east transports the party to 4B . A mage
must carry the blue gem from 5 in his or her hand to deactivate this trap .
5 A niche in the north wall holds a red gem ; a niche in the south wall
KEY : holds a blue gem .

~5ti Door or Gate

7A-E Pushing the button at 7A moves the wall at 7B clockwise to 7C, 7D,
F Moveable or Illusionary Wall 7E, or 7B . Each press of the button moves the wall one step clockwise .
W, Stairs Down 8 A locked grate lies on the floor . Unlocking the grate with the silver key
from location 23 and opening it with the grappling hook allows the
S party to descend to Mages' Guild Level Four, location 2 .
_ _ ~ Spike trap

9 A locked grate lies on the floor . Unlocking the grate with the brass key
Impassable Area
from location 28 and opening it with the grappling hook allows the
party to descend to Mages' Guild Level Four, location 3 .

47 48

10 A locked grate lies on the floor . Unlocking the grate with the crystal key 29 A tapestry hangs on the wall .
from location 34C and opening it with the grappling hook allows the
30 A parchment lies on the floor . It tells of Acwellan and his search for
party to descend to Mages' Guild Level Four, location 4 . immortality . He doesn't seem to be very positive about his chances .
11 A locked grate lies on the floor . Unlocking the grate with the silver 31 Two mage scrolls of meteor swarm, two mage scrolls of time stop, two
(location 23), brass (location 28), and crystal (location 34C) keys and mage scrolls of energy drain, a mage scroll of power word kill, and a
opening it with the grappling hook allows the party to descend to
potion of speed lie on the floor .
Mages' Guild Level Four, location 1 .
32A-B Pulling on the tassel at 32A opens the door at 32B .
12 An unlocked grate lies on the floor. Opening it with the grappling hook
allows the party to descend to Mages' Guild Level Four, location 5 . You 33 Flipping the lever on the west wall causes the wall to the east to disappear .
may only walk in a clockwise direction . It is not possible to walk 34A-C The plaques at 34A read "AN EMERALD FOR EACH SHALL YIELD THE
counter-clockwise ; the walls follow behind you . KEY." The two niches must be filled with the green gems found at 34B .
13A Pressing the secret button at 13A causes the wall at 13B to disappear. This causes a crystal key to appear at 34C .
14 A robe -4, two arrows +4, and elven chainmail +3 lies on the floor . 35A-D Pushing the button on the west wall at 35A opens the doors at 35B ;
pushing the button on the east wall at 35C opens the doors at 35D .
15A-C Pressing the button at 15A opens the gate at 15B and resets the
spiketrap at 15C . Note that items can be thrown at button 15A to 36 A copper key lies in a niche .
activate it ; however, these thrown items are not retrievable . 37A-E Arrows crisscross the halls here . In order to deactivate the trap and
16 This wall can only be passed from the north ; it is solid if you approach continue forward, you must do the following . Insert the silver key in
it from the south . the lock at 37A. Insert the copper key in the lock at 37B . Insert the
brass key in the lock at 37C . Insert the crystal key in the lock at 37D .
17 A plaque on the wall reads "CHOOSE THE LEFT DOOR AND YE SHALL Once this is done, a passageway will be revealed at 37E .
38 Oops. Accounting error . We originally thought something was here, but
18A-D Opening (or closing) the door at 18A shoots a fireball north from 185 ; it turns out it's an empty room .
opening (or closing) the door at 18C shoots a fireball north from 18D .
39A-D A ring of protection +3 lies in a niche in the west wall at 39A ; a ring of
19 Mage scrolls of power word kill, meteor storm, energy drain, Abi protection -1 lies in a niche in the east wall at the same location . A ring
Dalzim's horrid wilting, and Bigby's clenched fist lie on the floor. of protection +2 lies in a niche in the north wall at 395 ; a ring of
20 A short sword +3, a ring of protection +3, and leather armor +4 lie protection -3 lies in a niche in the south wall at the same location . A
on the floor. ring of protection +1 lies in a niche in the east wall at 39C ; a ring of
A piece of torn parchment describes an evil which has entered protection -2 lies in a niche in the west wall at the same location . A
ring of protection +2 lies in a niche in the south wall at 39D ; a ring of
Myth Drannor.
protection -2 lies in a niche in the north wall at the same location .
22A-B Stepping on 22A causes a water weird to appear at 22B . Vamphyry
tried spitting at these creatures once and we all learned (the hard way)
40 A balance sits in a niche in the east wall . It is necessary to put the
that it just angers them . No one else can do things like that ; he's the rings you find at 39A-39D on each side of the scale so that they add up
to zero . Place the +3, +1, -2, and -2 rings in the upper-left niche . Place
only one brazen enough to try .
the -3, -1, +2, and +2 rings in the upper-right niche . A teleporter then
23 A silver key lies in a niche . transports you to 41 .
24A-B Flipping the lever at 24A up opens the door at 24B . 41 This is the destination of the teleporter at 40 .
25 A plaque reads "BE QUICK OR BE DEAD ." 42 You meet a lich named Acwellan . He casts a mirror image spell which
26A-B Stepping on 26A causes a lightning bolt to be fired north from 26B . surrounds the party with false images . The real lich is the one in the
southeast corner . After killing him you are transported to the Temple
27A-B Pressing the button at 27A opens the gate at 27B . Quarter Ruins, location 18 .
28 A brass key lies in a niche . 43 An earth elemental attacks .

49 50

. - ~

The fourth level of the guild is completely submerged in water . Whether this
was done purposefully or not I can only guess . Perhaps it was some sort of
testing ground for apprentices and journeymen . The guild liked to use
elementals as guardians which explains the presence of the water elementals .
However, what has brought about the infestation of the amorphous creatures
called slithermorphs? Are they some sort of creation brought to life by the
lich, Acwellanl

Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for

documenting this level. mapping this t

Decker Vamphyry, Zorn and Decker


Monsters, Locations, and Events

W Water Elementals float at these locations .

S Slithermorphs lurk at these locations.

i The grate in the ceiling leads to location 11 on Mages' Guild Level

Three . Use the grappling hook found at location 2 on Mages' Guild
Level Three .

2 The grate in the ceiling leads to location 8 on Mages' Guild Level

Three. Use the grappling hook found at location 2 on Mages' Guild
KEY : Level Three .

3 The grate in the ceiling leads to location 9 on Mages' Guild Level

X Door
Three. Use the grappling hook found at location 2 on Mages' Guild
F1, Moveable or Illusionary Wall Level Three .
4 The grate in the ceiling leads to location 10 on Mages' Guild Level
Impassable Area
Three . Use the grappling hook found at location 2 on Mages' Guild
Level Three .
5 The grate in the ceiling leads to location 12 on Mages' Guild Level
Three . Use the grappling hook found at location 2 on Mages' Guild
Level Three .

51 52

6 A dagger +3 and a wand of ice storm lie on the floor. 22 Placing the stone key found at location 14 in the niche in the north
wall opens the door to the west . (Note : It would be wise to save your
7 A secret button on the south wall here causes the south wall to game before going on beyond this point as your party is going to enter
disappear allowing access to a second secret button to the south .
a magic dead zone that dispels all spells currently cast on them . This
Pressing the second secret button causes the second south wall includes the water breathing spell . Your party will suffer damage with
to disappear .
every step they take .)
8 A long sword +4 and a potion of giant strength lie on the floor . A wand of lightning bolts, bracers of protection +4, and a copper key
9 Plate mail +2, a shield +3, and a bow are on the floor . all lie on the floor at this location .
1OA-C With a rush of turbulent current, the water valves on the west walls 24 Two arrows +3, a helm of underwater breathing, and two potions of
at locations 10a tumble the party to the water valves in the east walls healing are found here .
at locations 10b whenever they step in front of them . The levers at 25 A potion of giant strength and a helm +1 lie here .
locations 10c change the direction of the current between the water
valves at locations 10a and 10b . The levers at locations 10c require a 26A-C The water valve in the north wall at location 26a tumbles the party
22 strength or the use of thieves' tools to pull . south to the water valve in the east wall at location 26b when they step
in its path . The water valve in the east wall at location 26b tumbles the
11 A yellow gem, a mace +2, and a helm +2 lie on the floor . party west to location 26c when they step in front of it . The plaque on
12A-B The water valve in the south wall at location 12a tumbles the party the west wall at location 26c reads, "A WALL SHALL SERVE TO STAY
north when they step in front of it . The lever at location 12b shuts THE FLOW AND A GEM SHALL SERVE AS A KEY ." Casting a wall of
the water valve at 12a off when pulled . force spell in front of the water valve at location 26a allows the party
to get to location 27 of this level .
13A-C The water valve in the west wall at location 13a tumbles the party to
the water valve in the west wall at location 13b when they step in front 27 To open the door to the east, place a red gem, found at location 21 of
of it . The lever at locations 13C changes the direction of the water flow this level, into the niche in the west wall .
when pulled . 28 Pressing the secret button on the south wall at this location opens the
14 A stone key, a long sword, and two daggers +2 all lie on the floor. door to the east .

1s Gauntlets of hill giant strength lie on the floor at this location . 29 A shield + 1, two food packs, and a ring of protection +3 are on the floor .

16 Scale mail +2 and two potions of healing lie on the floor . 30 Placing the crimson key, found at location 21 of this level, into the
niche on the north wall at this location opens the door to the east.
17A-C The door to the south requires the copper key, found at location 23 on
this level, to open . The water valve in the south wall at location 17b
tumbles the party back through the door . The button on the south wall
at location 17c shuts the water valve at 17b .
18 Stepping onto the iron grates in the floor at these locations causes a
lightning bolt to discharge on the party and forces them to location 19 .
19 Pressing the secret button on the south wall causes the wall to disappear .
20 Stepping into the teleporter at this location transports the party to
location 29 on Mages' Guild Level One .
21 A set of leather armor, four darts +1, a mage scroll of time stop, and a
mage scroll of power word kill lie on the floor at this location . In a
niche on the east wall floats a red gem, and in a niche in the south wall
floats a crimson key for the door at location 27.

53 54

As in the Guildhall Quarter Ruins, the Temple Quarter Ruins' walls are
made of wood and stone . A blue-grey sky filled with clouds looms overhead,
and rocks and dirt cover the ground .
Wyvems and trolls stroll around these ruins . Wyverns are relatively easy to
dispatch, but trolls can regenerate damaged or lost body parts so they're a
tougher opponent .

Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for

documenting this level : mapping this level: ~~

Vamphyry and Zorn I

' J

Monsters, Locations, and Events

T There's plenty of trolls on patrol.

You find at least one of them guarding this location .
W A wyvem wanders around this area .

I You arrive here from the Guildhall Quarter Ruins .

2 Be forewarned that seven wyvems are going to attack you . Once you
dispatch them (and we know you can), you find a niche in the north
wall that contains five mage scrolls, five cleric scrolls, and a diamond .
KEY : The mage scrolls are : true seeing, acid storm, finger of death,
Mordenkainen's sword, and power word stun . The cleric scrolls are :
I Door
aid, create food and water, slow poison, prayer, and neutralize poison .

F/1, Moveable or Illusionary Wall 3 On the ground you find a wand of fear and a polearm +3 named "Zymoks ."
Impassable Area
4 You meet Father Jon, a male half-elven cleric/mage . If you've already
got six members in your party, you need to decide which member to
drop in order to take Father Jon on .
5 A niche in the west wall contains a dagger +3 and three cleric scrolls ;
neutralize poison, cause critical wounds, and Sol's searing orb.

55 56

6 A niche in the east wall contains a dagger +3 and three cleric scrolls
of heal.
7 The writing on the west wall reads "ICE CHAMBERS ." The crystal door
to the north disappears when you put the crystal key in the keyhole on
the east wall . Remember the crystal key you found in the Guildhall
Quarter Ruins?
8 The writing on the wall reads "ICE, COVETED ICE?"
9 It wants the diamond, the "ice", that you found at location 2 . Place the
diamond in the niche and your party teleports to location 10 .
10 The teleporter at location 9 puts you here . Placing the wand of fear
(did you guess it?) in the niche teleports your party to location 13 .
11 The writing on the wall reads "DO YOU FEAR FOR YOUR CHILD?"
Strange question ; none of us have kids . . . at least not yet. Well, it
wants something from you, and that's the clue .
12 This teleporter takes you back to location 9 . The diamond is in the
niche when you arrive . You can activate the teleporter at location 9
again by picking it up then putting it back in the niche .
13 The party arrives here from location 10 .
14 The writing on the south wall reads "CHOOSE WISELY ."
15A-C The niches in the walls contain : A) bracers +2, B) three wands of cone
of cold, and C) two necklaces of fireballs. Once you pull an item out of
one niche, a magical barrier appears over the other two niches . Don't
try to put your hand through the force field ; you'll take damage .
Instead, cast a dispel magic to allow safe access to a niche (for a
limited time) .
16 Both these teleporters transport the party to location 9 .
17 Once you have finished investigating the Mages' Guild, the wall here
crumbles, giving you access to the Temple of Lathander Level One .
18 This is the destination of the teleporter on Mages' Guild Level Three,
location 42 .

57 58

The Temple of Lathander has been desecrated by the Dark God and his foul
minions . Darkness has thrown its evil shroud over the light of the
Mominglord . The first level of the temple appears, at first, to be abandoned
by all life. However, soon after the party begins their exploration, the Dark
God is alerted to their presence and sends some of his dark servants to

Sublevel 3 dispatch the party: oozing, pudding-like creatures called living mucks and
shadow realm denizens known as shades .
4-- 294 Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for
documenting this level: mapping this level:

~~ G Yfi

Decker Vamphyry and Decker


Sublevel 1
Monsters, Locations, and Events
Note : There are no monsters on this level when it is first entered . However,
as is stated in the synopsis above, living mucks and shades fall upon
your party as they search the first level of these temple ruins .
I The stairway to the south leads to location 17 of the Temple
Quarter Ruins .
2A-B The broken form of a statue of Lathander stands at location 2B . The
arm of the statue lies at its feet at location 2A . Placing the arm back on
the statue causes an apparition of Lathander to appear before the
party . From this moment forth, the party shall receive healing from the
x Door
statues any time they touch them .
3 A long sword +4 and four bags of incense lie on the floor .
70 Moveable or Illusionary Wall
4 An altar sits in the alcove. Placing the gold cup from location 18 onto
Stairs Up the altar causes the north wall at location 7 to disappear .
01, Stairs Down 5 A censer sits on the east wall at this location . Burning some incense
from location 3 causes the north wall at location 6 to disappear .
Impassable Area
Burning incense in the censer at location 5 causes the north wall
to disappear .
Placing the gold cup onto the altar at location 4 causes the north wall
to disappear .

59 60

8 Placing a food pack onto the altar at location 9 causes the east wall 26 Tombs to the many heroes that died in Myth Drannor are set into the
to disappear . walls at these locations .
9 An altar sits in the alcove . Placing an offering of a food pack onto the The stairs at this location descend to location 28, sublevel 2 .
altar causes the east wall at location 8 to disappear.
28 The stairs at this location lead up to location 27, Temple of Lathander
10 A plaque on the west wall reads "FAMINE IS DRIVEN BACK BY Level One .
29A-B Tombs to the many heroes that died in Myth Drannor are set into the
1i A plaque on the east wall reads "PESTILENCE IS SUBDUED WITH A
walls at these locations, all of which are opened . Closing all of the
desecrated tombs causes a holy symbol to appear at location 29B .
12 A plaque on the west wall reads "DROUGHT IS DISPELLED WITH A
30 The stairs at this location descend to location 31, sublevel 3 .
A plaque on the east wall reads "WAR IS AVERTED BY FORSAKING 31 The stairs at this location lead up to location 30, Temple of Lathander
THE SWORD." Level One .

14 An altar sits in the alcove . Placing any sword onto the altar causes the 32 Using the fire key, found at location 33, on the fire lock set into the
west wall at location 15 to disappear . south wall opens the doors to the east and west .
15 Placing a sword onto the altar at location 14 causes the west wall 33 A niche on the north wall holds the fire key .
to disappear . 34A-B Pressing the button on the north wall at location 34A causes the north
16 The Holy Fountain of Lathander stands broken and dismantled . wall at location 34B to disappear.
Repairing the fountain by replacing its spout, found at location 17, 35 The stairs at this location descend to location 36, sublevel 4 .
gains the party the effects of a prayer spell .
36 The stairs at this location lead up to location 35, Temple of Lathander
17 The spout needed to repair the Fountain of Lathander lies on the floor .
Level One . A plaque on the east and west walls reads 'THE
18 A golden cup rests in a niche on the south wall . Placing the golden cup MORNINQLORDS SHIELD YOU FROM THE NIGHT ."
onto the altar at location 4 causes the north wall at location 7 to disappear .
37A-B A censer sits in the alcoves at locations 37A. Burning incense in
19 A statue of Lathander stands in the alcove . Healing is gained by each censer causes a holy symbol to appear at location 37B .
touching the statue, but only if the statue at location 2b was repaired .
38 Four shields lie on the floor .
20 The stairs at this location lead down into the Pit of Despair . Going into
the Pit traps the party forever on an infinite plane . Replacing the cursed 39 A mace +4, an arrow +2, and two bags of incense are found on the floor .
holy symbols on the altars at locations 43 with good holy symbols 40A-B Stepping or placing an item on the pressure plates at locations 40A
causes the stairs to change direction and allow the party access to shoots a fireball at the party . Placing any shield onto each of the
location 1 on Temple of Lathander Level Two . pressure plates does not shoot a fireball at the party but causes a holy
21 The stairs at this location lead down into the Pit of Despair . Going into symbol to appear in the niche on the south wall at location 40B .
the Pit traps the party forever on an infinite plane . Replacing the cursed 41 The plaque on the north wall reads "SURELY GOODNESS SHALL
holy symbols on the altars at locations 43 with good holy symbols REPLACE THE EVIL WHICH LURKS IN OUR MIDST ."
causes the stairs to change direction and allow the party access to
location 2 on Temple of Lathander Level Two . 42 The plaque on the walls at these locations reads 'THE VIRTUOUS
22 The plaque on the walls at these locations reads "INTO THE PIT OF
DESPAIR YOU ARE CAST, WHILE THE CURSE OF NIGHT STILL LASTS ." 43 An altar sits in the alcoves at each of these locations . A black cursed
holy symbol rests on each of these altars . Replacing the cursed holy
23 The stairs at this location descend to location 24, sublevel 1 .
symbols with good holy symbols causes the stairways at locations 20
24 The stairs at this location lead up to location 23, Temple of Lathander and 21 to change direction from going down into the Pit of Despair to
Level One . going up to Temple of Lathander Level Two . Warning! Use of these
25 Lying battered and beaten on the floor, the party finds Tabitha, a paladin cursed holy symbols by any cleric or paladin character causes
of Lathander . Should the party help her, she will ask to join the party . immediate death of the character .

61 62


' Synopsis 'i
The second level of the temple was the keeping place for the sacred talisman
of Lathander known as Morning's Light . This talisman was used by
Lathander's Priests to ward against darkness by banishing it with a rush of
bright light . Still hidden somewhere on the level the talisman is all but
useless against the increasing might of the Dark Clod . Or is it? Shambling
mounds and bone nagas roam the level, seeking any who might wish to
locate Morning's Light .

Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for

documenting this level : mapping this level:

L j

Monsters, Locations, and Events

Sii Shambling mounds patrol the temple halls in these areas.
BN Bone nagas slither through the corridors in these areas .

1 The stairway at this location descends to location 20, Temple of

Lathander Level One .
2 The stairway at this location descends to location 21, Temple of
Lathander Level One .
KEY: 3 Invisible pressure plates at these locations spin the party 180 degrees
when stepped on .
X, Door
4 A secret button on the north wall causes the south wall to disappear .
F Moveable or Illusionary Wall 5 A clerical scroll of cure serious wounds lies on the floor at this location .
a Stairs Up 6 A potion of healing lies on the floor .
; 01, Stairs Down 7 Two bags of incense and a mage scroll of stone to flesh lie on the floor
at this location .
Impassable Area
$ A sling lies here.
s A censer sits on the north wall at this location . Burning incense in the
censer casts a bless spell on the party .

63 64

10 A statue of Lathander stands in the alcove at this location . Touching it 26A-C Stepping on the invisible pressure plate at location 26A causes a wall
heals the party of some of the damage they have suffered . to appear at location 26B. Weighing down all of the pressure plates at
locations 26C causes the wall at location 26B to disappear . However,
ii Three shambling mounds lie in wait for something to attack .
when each pressure plate at 26C is weighed down, a fireball shoots at
12 The levers on the west walls at these locations open the doors directly the party from behind .
north of each when pulled .
27 A clerical scroll of raise dead, a shield +4, a mage scroll of
13 A parchment that contains a poem about Morning's Light lies on the disintegrate, and a potion of speed all lie on the floor .
floor at this location .
28 The stairs at this location lead up to location 14, Temple of Lathander
14 The stairway at this location descends to location 28, sublevel 1 . Level Two .
i5 The stairway at this location descends to location 31, sublevel 2 . 29A-C Stepping on the pressure plates at locations 29A causes the doors nearest
them to close . Weighing down both pressure plates with an item closes
16A-B A plaque on the east and west walls at location 16A reads
both doors and causes a secret button on the north wall at location 29B to
"D N E_ H_Q_ V_L A E ." A plaque on the east and west walls
appear . Pressing the secret button causes the north wall to disappear .
at location 16B reads "DANGER HIGH VOLTAQE ."
Pulling the lever set in the west wall at location 29C causes the pressure
17A-B Lightning bolts shoot out of the walls at locations 17B when the plates at location 29A to work in the reverse order - i .e . weighing down
party steps on the invisible pressure plate at location 17A . This the pressure plates with an item opens the doors nearest them . The item
only happens one time . must remain on the pressure plate for the doors to remain open .
18A-B Lightning bolts shoot out of the walls at locations 18B when the 30 Three shambling mounds wait in this room . One drops a gold key
party steps on the invisible pressure plate at location 18A . This when killed .
only happens one time .
31 The stairs at this location lead up to location 15, Temple of Lathander
19A-B Lightning bolts shoot out of the walls at locations 19B when the Level Two .
party steps on the invisible pressure plate at location 19A . This
32A-C Pressing the secret button on the north wall at location 32A causes
only happens one time .
the north wall at location 32B to disappear. Pressing the secret button
20 A plaque on the south wall reads "BLESSED ARE THE PURE OF HEART, on the south wall at location 32A causes the south wall at location
FOR THEY SHALL FIND THE WAY ." Note: The area east of this 32C to disappear .
location is comprised of a shifting wall maze with invisible pressure
33 A robe of protection +4 lies on the floor at this location .
plates that spin your party 180 degrees . To get to the other side of the
maze follow this path : from the location marked 20 head east-north- 34 A set of cursed plate mail -4 lies on the floor.
north-east-east-south-east-east-south-south-east . Watch your compass
35 A clerical scroll of cure critical wounds lies on the floor at this location .
for direction headings .
36 A statue of Lathander stands in the alcove at these locations . Touching
21 A short sword +4 lies on the floor at this location . In a niche on the
it heals the party of some of the damage they have suffered .
east wall floats the frost key .
37 The gold lock set in the east wall requires the gold key, found at
22 Two arrows +3, a rock, and a set of gauntlets of hill giant strength lie
location 30, to open the door the north .
on the floor.
38 The talisman, Morning's Light, floats in a niche set in the east wall at this
23 The frost lock set in the north wall requires the frost key, found at
location . When the party recovers this item, they are visited by Lathander
location 21, to open the door to the east .
once again for their success . Lathander gives the party Dhauzimmer, The
24 The levers on the east walls at these locations open the doors directly Bright Blade to help them with their fight . Dhauzimmer is a two-handed
north of each when pulled . sword +5 that slays any undead it touches .
25 A bone naga guards a short sword -4 at this location . 39 The stairs at this location lead up to location 1, Temple of Lathander
Level Three .

65 66

---- . ,
The third level of Lathander's Temple was originally the Hall of Sanctuary,
where persecuted individuals could receive the blessings and the protections
from the temple priests . Now that the Dark Qod has moved in this level of
the temple, it is only a representation of death and decay. Note : Once the
party enters this level, all of the food which they carry becomes rotten and of
no use . And while healing still works, the party will not be able to rest as
their sleep fills with nightmarish images . Spirit nagas and groaning spirits
infest this level desecrating or destroying anything they contact .
Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for
documenting this level: mapping this lev

1 Decker Vamphyry and Decker I

L i

Monsters, Locations, and Events

SN Spirit nagas patrol these areas .

GS Groaning spirits haunt these locations .

1 The stairs at this location descend to location 39, Temple of Lathander

Level Two . A plaque on the north wall reads: "LATHANDER SPREADS

2 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : "BE WELCOME,

3 Pressing the button on the north wall at this location opens the door to
Door the north .

Moveable or illusionary Wall 4 Pressing the button on the west wall at this location opens the door to
the west.
Stairs Up
5 The copper locks set into the walls at these locations requires copper
Stairs Down keys, found at locations 12, 135, 24, 32, to open the nearby doors .

Impassable Area 6 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : 'THE ETERNAL LIGHT
THEIR BENEVOLENCE ." Reading the plaque at these locations also sets
off an explosion aimed at the party .

67 68

7A-D A Beacon of Sanctuary sits in a temple window at locations 7a . Placing 22 A clerical scroll of fire storm lies in a niche on the west wall.
the first ember of hope into one of these beacons causes chalices to
appear on the floor at locations 7b . Placing an ember of hope into
each beacon causes the key of faith to appear on the altar at location
7d . Placing the chalices at locations 7b in the niches set into the walls 24 Three groaning spirits guard this room . They attack the party on sight .
causes the walls at locations 7c to disappear . One drops a copper key when slain .

8 Here lies Lathander's Bounty . A perpetual heroes' feast fills this room . 25 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : "WHILE YET THE
Each time the party partakes of this bounty, they are fed, healed of all BEACONS BURN, THE KEY TO PASSING INTO DARKNESS WITHOUT
damage, and have the effects of a bless spell cast upon them . An FEAR IS FAITH ." Reading the plaque at these locations also sets off an
Ember of Hope also lies on the floor . explosion aimed at the party .

9 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : 'THE CUPS OF GOOD 26 A bag of incense lies on the floor .
CHEER BRING FORTH THE HEROES' FEAST ." Reading the plaque at
27 A button on the east wall at this location opens the door to the east .
these locations also sets off an explosion aimed at the party .
2sA-D Stepping on the pressure plate at location 28A causes the door to
10 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : "SUSTENANCE FOR BODY close behind the party and also causes two groaning spirits to appear
AND SPIRIT ARE FREELY GIVEN WITHIN THE WALLS OF THIS TEMPLE .' at locations 28B and 28C . One drops an iron key when slain . The iron
11 The west wall at this location is illusionary . lock at location 28D requires the iron key to open the door to the west .
A halberd + 4 and a potion of healing lie on the floor at location 28B .
12 A copper key sits in a niche set into the west wall .
29 A plaque on the west wall reads : "HAVE FAITH IN WHAT YOU SEE ."
13A-B A statue of Lathander stands in the alcove at location 13A . Touching it If you have an elf or half-elf in the party, he or she notices that the
heals the party of some of the damage they have suffered . Touching it writing is not a common style to Myth Drannor .
also causes a copper key to appear in the niche set into the east wall
30 The pits at these locations are illusionary .
at location 13B.
31 Pressing the button on the west wall causes the door to the north to open .
14 The stairs at this location lead up to location 1, sublevel 1, Temple of
Lathander Level Four. 32 A bag of incense and a copper key lie on the floor .

15 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : 'THE SMALLEST OF 33 An Ember of Hope lies on the floor at each of these locations .
EMBERS CAN IGNITE HOPE ETERNAL." Reading the plaque at these
34 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : "FAITH IS FOUND ON
locations also sets off an explosion aimed at the party .
THE ALTAR OF DEVOTION ." Reading the plaque at these locations
16A-c A lever set into the west wall at location 16A opens the door at also sets off an explosion aimed at the party .
location 16B when pulled . Pulling the lever at locations 16A also
35 The stairs lead up to location 2, sublevel 2, Temple of Lathander
causes an ice storm spell to issue forth from location 16C .
Level Four .
17 A shield +4 and a flail +4 called "Morning Star" lie on the floor .
36A-c Stepping on the pressure plate at location 36A causes the door to
18A-B Pressing the secret button on the east wall at this location causes close in front of the party . An item left on the pressure plate at location
the west wall at location 18B to disappear . 36C causes the door south of location 36A to remain open . The party
should stand at location 36B and throw an item onto the pressure
19 A censer sits on the west wall at this location . Burning incense in the plate at location 36C .
censer heals some of the party's wounds .
37 A plaque on the walls at these locations reads : "FAITH MUST GO
20 Stepping onto the invisible pressure plates at these locations causes an BEFORE ALL GOOD SOULS ."
ice storm to envelop the party. Pulling the lever set into the walls at
38A-B A teleporter sits in the alcove at location 38A . Stepping into the teleporter
these locations shuts off the pressure plates . To do this without taking
damage, throw an item at the lever before walking on the pressure plate . transports the party to location 38B . Unless the party has thrown the Key
of Faith into the teleporter before they themselves step into it, in which
21 An Ember of Hope sits in a niche on the west wall . case they are transported to location 3, Temple of Lathander Level Four .

69 70

TEMPLE OF LATHANDER LEVEL FOUR r -----------------------------------------------------------

synopsis '
The topmost level of Lathander's Temple is where the Dark God has decided to make
his new home. What better place to rule this plane from Lathander's own Dawnspire?
Lathander, god of the dawn and new beginnings, will now see a horrible 'new
beginning' that he had never imagined . This plane thrown into eternal darkness,
death, and decay All that is left for the Dark God to do now is to finish the opening
of the gate to the Shadowrealms, and let the foul denizens of that plane flood this one .
Then will come darkness . Shadow hounds and, the most dreaded of the Dark God's
u minions, death knights rule this level and are second only to the Dark God himself .

Adventurer responsible for Adventurers responsible for

documenting this level: mapping this level:

Decker Vamphyry and Decker

L ` J

Monsters, Locations, and Events

DK Death knights patrol these areas on the level .

SH Shadow hounds hunt for fresh prey throughout these areas of the level .

i The stairs at this location descend to location 14, Temple of Lathander

Level Three.

2 The stairs at this location descend to location 35, Temple of Lathander

Level Three .

3 The teleporter at this location takes you to location 38, Temple of

Lathander Level Three.
4 The doors out of this room require the casting of dispel magic in
the room to open . A plaque on the south wall reads : "AGAINST
Moveable or Illusionary Wall
a,, Stairs Up SHALL PREVAIL ."

IN" Stairs Down

5A-C Placing the coin, found at location 22, into the fountain at location
5A causes a crystal key to appear in the niche on the south wall at
Impassable Area location 5B . The tossing of the coin into the fountain also causes two
shadow hounds to appear at locations 5C .

71 72

6A-B Stepping onto the invisible pressure plates at locations 6A causes 21 A niche in the east wall holds a crystal key and a mage scroll of fireball.
lightning bolts to shoot forth from the south walls at locations 6B .
22 A mage scroll of disintegrate and a coin lie on the floor .
7A-B Stepping onto the invisible pressure plates at locations 7A causes
23 The Sun Mask hangs on the west wall . If the Shadow of Death has
lightning bolts to shoot forth from the north walls at locations 7B .
been destroyed, placing the Sun Mask on the door at location 10
8 A crystal key lies on the floor at this location . allows the party access to the teleporter at location 11 .
9 A spear +4 and a hammer of throwing +3 lie on the floor . The hammer 24A-B Stepping into the teleporter in the alcove transports the party to
of throwing +3 returns to the wielder when thrown . location 24B, sublevel 2 .
10 Dispelling the Shadow of Death, found at location 13, causes the east 25 The south walls at these locations are illusionary .
wall to turn into a door . The door requires the Sun Mask, found at
26A-B Stepping into the teleporter in the alcove transports the party to
location 23, to open .
location 268, sublevel 1 .
11 The teleporter here transports the party to location 28, Temple of
27 A staff +4 and a clerical scroll of resurrection lies on the floor at this
Lathander Level Four. Save your game and cast all preparatory spells
as you are going to teleport to the Dark God's throne room . This is location .
your final fight . Good Luck! 28 The final fight with the Dark God takes place when the party transports
here from location 11, Temple of Lathander Level Four . All preparatory
12 The crystal lock set in the north wall requires a crystal key, found at
spells should be cast, and you should save your game before
locations 513, 8, 22, to open the door to the east .
transporting into this room . Good Luck!
13 This alcove contains the Shadow of Death . Any party member touching
the shadow causes damage to the entire party. To destroy the shadow,
the party must touch it with the Staff of Life, found at location 20a .
Destroying the shadow causes the east wall at location 10 to turn into
a door .
14 The crystal lock set in the west wall at this location requires a crystal
key, found at locations 33, to open the doors to the north and south .
15-16 These numbers no longer appear on the map . Initially, we thought
there were events that we needed to describe but it turned out
otherwise . Just skip these numbers .
17 The crystal lock set in the north wall requires a crystal key, found at
locations 5b and 8, to open the door to the east .
18 A basin of holy water sits on the north wall . Using the holy water
purifies the whole party and allows them to enter location 19 . Killing
any creature while purified dispels the purification and must be done
again to gain entrance to location 19 .
19 Very powerful magic fills this room . Only creatures purified at the holy
water basin at location 18 may enter .
20A-B The Staff of Life lies on the floor. Removing it dispels the purification
received from location 18 and causes six shadow hounds to appear at
location 20B .

73 74

TREASURE GUIDE 0, Forest Trail

Perhaps "Treasure Guide" is a misnomer . The following lists detail all of the LOCATION ITEM
items that you can find on each level . However, not everything you find is
3 Everburning Torch
"treasure ." Sometimes, you come across just plain 'junk ."
6 Six arrows +2, chain mail +4, one bow, one long sword +3
8 Six arrows, nine rations
:• Burial Glen
9 Necklace of adornment, two-handed sword +3, plate mail +2,
wand of cone of cold
2 Chain mail +2, long bow, eight arrows + 1 10 Ring of wizardry, wand of magic missile, leather armor +3,
3 Three potions of healing, set of plate mail + 1, an axe +2, robe, gauntlets of fire giant strength, thieves' tools
two daggers +2, set of chain mail, mace +2, four food packs 11 cloak of protection
4 Wand of magic missiles, wand of fireballs

S Guildhall Quarter Ruins

d• Warriors' Tomb Level One LOCATION ITEM
3 Shortsword +3 named "Frostbite" ; ring of fire resistance ; crystal key;
2A Cleric scroll of prayer mage scrolls of hold undead, two hold person, protection from paralysis
61 Holy key 4 Apples
9 Dagger +3 6 Two sets of plate mail (+3 and -2), one shield, two maces
11 Two rations, potion of healing, cleric scroll of raise dead (+2 and -3), one helm of underwater breathing.
12 Potion of giant strength 7 ring of featherfalling
16 Cleric scroll of resist fire 9 Special blessed holy symbol, black throwing hammer +3
17 Wand of wall of force (that returns), shield +3, one set of splintmail
18 Holy key 10 Mage scrolls : hold undead, flesh-to-stone, hold monster; cleric scrolls:
26 Holy key, short sword -2 called "Maggot" cure light wounds, two cure serious wounds
28A . . .Short sword +2 12 Mage scrolls : remove curse, improved invisibility, water breathing,
30 Mage scroll of protection from paralysis slow, and invisibility 10' radius
34 Holy key
:• Mages' Guild Level One
:• Warriors' Tomb Level Two LOCATION ITEM
4A Tome titled "The Seasons of Elementals"
4 Ration, cleric scroll of cure serious wounds, trident +3 called "Revko" 4B tome which describes the Ring of Trobriand
5 Rod fragment 10 Scrying glass
6 Ration, potion of giant strength, mage scroll of fireball 11 Mage scroll of death spell, hold monster, cone of cold,
8 Two rations, mage scroll of fireball stone to flesh, flesh to stone, disintegrate
12 Rod orb 12A . . .Potion of extra healing
17 Holy key 12B . . .Cloak of protection +3
22 . . . .Captain Fflar's nameplate 13 Potion of giant strength
25 Medallion of Friendship 14 Ration
31D . . .Wooden clubs 16A . . .Ring of Trobriand, wand of fireballs, necklace of magic missiles
35 Rod of Restoration 16B . . .Piece of parchment
17 Ring of protection +3
30 Mage scroll of wall of force

75 76

0, Mages' Guild Level Two :• Mages' Guild Level Four


7 Staff + 1, two arrows +2, wooden club, four rocks

6 Dagger +3, wand of ice storm
10 Leather armor +4, two rations 8 Long sword +4, potion of giant strength
12 Two potions of invisibility, wand of flesh to stone,
9 Plate mail +2, shield +3, bow
ring of sustenance 11 Yellow gem, mace +2, helm +2
16 Dart of the hornet's nest Stone key, long sword, two daggers +2
19 Three potions of poison, apple, four rocks +4, spellbook 15 Gauntlets of hill giant strength
20 Short sword +3
16 Scale mail +2, two potions of healing
28 Dagger +4
21 Set of leather armor, four darts + 1, mage scroll of time stop,
and a mage scroll of power word kill, red gem, crimson key
v Mages' Guild Level Three 23 Wand of lightning bolts, bracers of protection +4, copper key

24 Two arrows +3, helm of underwater breathing,
two potions of healing
2 Grappling hook
25 Potion of giant strength, helm + 1
5 Red gem, blue gem .
29 Shield + 1, two food packs, ring of protection +3
14 Robe -4, two arrows +4, elven chainmail +3
19 Mage scrolls of power word kill, meteor stone, energy drain,
Abi Dalzim's horrid wilting, Bigby's clenched fist :• Temple Quarter Ruins
20Short sword +3, ring of protection +3, leather armor +4 LOCATION ITEM

21Piece of torn parchment 2 Five mage scrolls, five cleric scrolls, one diamond
23 Silver key (The mage scrolls are : true seeing, acid storm, finger of death,
28 Brass key Mordenkainen's sword, and power word stun . The cleric scrolls
30 Parchment are : aid, create food and water, slow poison, prayer, and
31 Two mage scrolls of meteor swarm, two mage scrolls of time stop, neutralize poison .)
two mage scrolls of energy drain, mage scroll of power word kill, 3 Wand of fear, polearm +3 named "Zymoks ."
potion of speed 5 One dagger +3 and three cleric scrolls : neutralize poison,
34B . . .Green gem
cause critical wounds, and Sol's searing orb
34C . . . Crystal key 6 One dagger +3 and three cleric scrolls of heal
36 Copper key 15A . . . Bracers +2
39A . . .Ring of protection +3, ring of protection -1 15B . . .Three wands of cone of cold
39B . . .Ring of protection +2, ring of protection -3 15C . . .Two necklaces of fireballs
39C . . .Ring of protection + 1, ring of protection -2
39D . . .Ring of protection +2, ring of protection -2

77 78

:• Temple of Lathander Level One :• Temple of Lathander Level Three


3 Long sword +4, four bags of incense 7 B Chalices

17 Spout needed to repair the Fountain of Lathander 7D Key of faith
18 Golden cup 8 Lathander's Bounty, Ember of Hope
29B . . .Holy symbol 12 Copper key
33 Fire key 13B . . .Copper key
37B . . .Holy symbol 17 Shield +4, flail +4 called "Morning Star"
38 Four shields 21 Ember of Hope
39 Mace +4, arrow +2, two bags of incense 22 Clerical scroll of fire storm
40B . . .Holy symbol 24 Copper key
43 Black, cursed holy symbols 26 Bag of incense
28B . . .Iron key, halberd +4, potion of healing
32 Bag of incense, copper key
:• Temple of Lathander Level Two
33 Embers of Hope

5 Clerical scroll of cure serious wounds

6 Potion of healing Temple of Lathander Level Four
7 Two bags of incense, mage scroll of stone to flesh LOCATION ITEM

8 Sling 5B Crystal key

13 Parchment with poem about Morning's Light 8 Crystal key
21 Short sword +4, frost key 9 Spear +4, hammer of throwing +3
22 Two arrows +3, rock, set of gauntlets of hill giant strength 21 Crystal key, mage scroll of fireball
25 Short sword -4 22 Mage scroll of disintegrate, coin
27 Clerical scroll of raise dead, shield +4, mage scroll of disintegrate, 23 Sun Mask
potion of speed 27 Staff +4, clerical scroll of resurrection
30 Gold key
33 Robe of protection +4
34 Set of cursed plate mail -4
35 Clerical scroll of cure critical wounds
38 Morning's Light Talisman; Dhauzimmer, The Bright Blade,
a two-handed sword +5
Eileen Matsumi, Andre Vrignaud, David A . Lucca
Technical Support to the Authors
Chris Warshauer, Sean House, Brian Lowe
Eileen Matsumi, Andre Vrignaud
Nicholas Beliaeff
Associate Producer
David A. Lucca
Chris Warshauer, Steven Okano, Joshua Cloud
Special Thanks to Our Bosses
Chuck Kroegel and Dan Cermak
Graphic Design and DTP
LOUIS SAEKOW DESIGN : David Boudreau, Leedara Sears,
Kirk Nichols, Ray Garcia, Mark D. Pule
Banta ISG

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