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How It Is Different From Organized Sector?

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Taruna Shandilya
The document discusses the unorganized sector in India. It defines the unorganized sector as small businesses and enterprises with informal employment arrangements and lack of social protections. The unorganized sector makes up a large portion of employment and GDP in India. It faces issues like low incomes, irregular work, and lack of union representation or legal protections for workers. The document also provides statistics on employment rates in urban and rural areas for men and women. It outlines some objectives for studying the unorganized sector and discusses several academic papers and literature on analyzing trends, growth, and social security coverage for unorganized sector workers in India.


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How It Is Different From Organized Sector?

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Taruna Shandilya
The document discusses the unorganized sector in India. It defines the unorganized sector as small businesses and enterprises with informal employment arrangements and lack of social protections. The unorganized sector makes up a large portion of employment and GDP in India. It faces issues like low incomes, irregular work, and lack of union representation or legal protections for workers. The document also provides statistics on employment rates in urban and rural areas for men and women. It outlines some objectives for studying the unorganized sector and discusses several academic papers and literature on analyzing trends, growth, and social security coverage for unorganized sector workers in India.


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The unorganised sector, covers most of the rural labour and a substantial part of urban labour. lt
includes activities carried out by small and family enterprises, partly or wholly with family
labour. In this sector wage-paid labour is largely non-unionised due to casual and seasonal nature
of employment and scattered location of enterprises. This sector is marked by low incomes,
unstable and irregular employment, and lack of protection either from legislation or trade unions.
The unorganised sector uses mainly labour intensive and indigenous technology. The workers in
unorganised sector, are so scattered that the implementation of the Legislation is very inadequate
and ineffective. There are hardly any unions in this sector to act as watch-dogs. But the
contributions made by the unorganised sector to the national income, is very substantial as
compared to that of the organised sector. It adds more than 60% to the national income while the
contribution of the organised sector is almost half of that depending on the industry.

CBWE is conducting the training programmes from 1978 for the workers working in
unorganized sector and small scale industries with a view to develop awareness about their
problems, difficulties and protective labour laws at work place and help them in finding solutions
as well as equip them in developing their own organisations. The training programmes are
conducted for 2/4 days duration for various categories of workers working in industries such as
handloom, powerloom, Kkadi industries, sericulture, coir, beedi, salt workers, rag pickers, cine
workers, ship breaking workers etc.

How it is different from organized sector?

Distinction Organized Sector Unorganized Sector

What it means Those organizations who have These are generally small units
regular working hours, weekly and businesses, shops, self –
offs, etc. employed individuals, street
vendors, etc.

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Rules and Regulations Most of the rules followed have Rules are not followed, although
been framed by the government has made them for
Followed government. this sector also.

Nature of Work and Normally regular and assured Employees can be asked to go at
work is there and the employees any time without any reason
Employment cannot be dismissed from being given.
employment without valid

Examples A worker in a large factory, a A daily wage labourer /

clerk in an office, a doctor in a worker in a shop, a handloom
hospital, a teacher in a school, weaver, an agricultural labourer,
etc. a shop assistant, etc.

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What is unorganized sector?

The term ​unorganised sector​ when used in the ​Indian​ context is defined by ​National
Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector​, in their Report on Conditions of Work
and Promotion of Livelihoods in the Unorganised Sector .Amongst the characteristic features of
this sector are ease of entry, smaller scale of operation, local ownership, uncertain legal status,
labour-intensive and operating using lower technology based methods, flexible pricing, less
sophisticated packing, absence of a brand name, unavailability of good storage facilities and an
effective distribution network, inadequate access to government schemes, finance and
government aid, lower entry barriers for employees, a higher proportion of migrants with a lower
rate of compensation.

Data on rate of participation of people in employment is as follows:

● Rate of participation for the urban areas is about 34%

● Rate of participation for rural areas is about 42%
● In urban areas,rate of participation is about 52% for men & 14 for
● In rural areas,rate of participation is about 53% for men & 30% for

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Secondary data has been made use of mainly, the available electronic and print sources have
been utilized to gather information.

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1.Kabra, K. N.. (2003). The Unorganised Sector in India: Some Issues Bearing on the Search For
Alternatives. ​Social Scientist​, ​31​(11/12), 23–46. ​http://doi.org/10.2307/3517948

The unorganised sector in India continues to remain bigger than the7Z organised sector in many
key respects in spite of the larger control over resources and socio-economic power enjoyed by
the latter. It is3 nearly a century and a half ago that modern industry and the P corporate form of
organisation began in India. But still these two, the main components of the organised sector, in
terms of their share in the GDP and the occupational structure, remain far from occupying a
substantial, leave alone, major part. Thus despite its large, substantial place in the economy, the
unorganised sector is a relatively neglected \ sector in the arena of public policy support and
academic discourse.

2.​ Sakthivel, S., & Pinaki Joddar. (2006). Unorganised Sector Workforce in India: Trends,
Patterns and Social Security Coverage. ​Economic and Political Weekly​, ​41​(21), 2107–2114.
Retrieved from ​http://www.jstor.org/stable/4418266

The statebased social security system is giving way to market-based fundamentalism. The
contemporary model of globalisation typically perpetuates and thrives on its central theme of
"risk taking" and "insecurity". The present phase of capitalist onslaught rooted in the Washington
Consensus works through a model in which the working class is left to bear much of the worst
forms of insecurity, while large-scale asset-holders are relatively well shielded from insecurity.
Although the "ageing crisis" has been thrown up as the reason for watering down social security

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institutions and policies in developed market economies, the bogey of "fiscal stress" is often
cited as a reason for destroying these institutions in developing economies

3.​ Mariappan, R.. (2011). Growth & Productivity of the Unorganized Manufacturing Sector in
India. ​Indian Journal of Industrial Relations,​ ​47(​ 1), 20–35. Retrieved from

The studies on the unorganised sec tor or 'informal sector' have taken their impetus from the
seminal work of Keith Hart on informal income oppor tunities in urban Ghana (Hart 1973). The
availability of a rich database gen erated through surveys of NSSO and the CSO has served as a
vast canvas for research work on this sector (Chadha& Sahu 2006). The unorganised sector
provides livelihood to about 70-80 per cent of the workforce in the developing economies
(Agenor 1996). In India, this sector accounts for 93 per cent of the workforce and 60 per cent of
GDP (Kabra 2003). The manufacturing fac tory sector is designated as organised or registered
and the non-factory sec tor is called the unregistered or unorganised segment on the basis of
employment, size of plant, machinery etc.

4.​ Uma Rani, & Unni, J.. (2004). Unorganised and Organised Manufacturing in India: Potential
for Employment Generating Growth. ​Economic and Political Weekly,​ ​39(​ 41), 4568–4580.
Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/4415652

In the initial years of planning, the thrust was to develop the manufacturing base by setting up
heavy industry, towards which the organised manufacturing sector was mainly producing basic
intermediate goods and machinery. The 1980s saw a clear departure from this strategy with
partial liberalisation, as consumer goods became the dominant industry. The introduction of
economic reforms in the 1990s led to growth of the consumer durables industry and
export-dependent growth. Both these strategies made growth more volatile since demand for
consumer durables is income-elastic and export growth is based on international demand [Unni
2003]. In this section, we discuss the growth in the organised and unorganised manufacturing
sector during the partial liberalisation and liberalisation periods.

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5.​ Indira Hirway. (2006). Unorganised Sector Workers' Social Security Bill, 2005: Let Us Not
Go Backwards!. ​Economic and Political Weekly,​ ​41(​ 5), 379–382. Retrieved from

The bill covers the entire country and all workers in the unorganised sector with the monthly
income of Rs 5,000 and below. It covers self-employed workers, including small and marginal
farmers, wage workers and home-based workers, as well as informal workers in the organised
sectors without any social security cover. The number of workers eligible for the benefits is
estimated around 300 million [Press Note, National Commission 2005]. The social security
package for the workers will comprise of a national minimum social security cover comprising
of (a) old age pension for workers above the age of 60 years, (b) health insurance for self, spouse
and children below the age of 18 years, (c) maternity benefits for women workers or spouse of
men workers and (d) insurance to cover death and disability arising out of accidents. The act will
require workers to register themselves to attain the benefits. The bill does not seek to replace the
social security schemes, which have been introduced for selected groups in a number of states.
These schemes will continue as before. The bill also states that the central government or any
state government may frame additional social security schemes for unorganised workers in the
areas of provident fund, housing, skill upgradation, education, funeral assistance, etc, if the
required funds are available. The central government will create a National Social Security Fund,
from the contribution of grants and loans, contribution from workers, employers and the state
government, any tax or cess that the central government may decide to impose, contributions
from national financial/ development institutions and from voluntary contributions of individuals
and institutions. The contributions from the worker will be Re 1 per day (central government will
make this payment for those below the poverty line), from the employer it will be Re 1 per
worker per day (this contribution will be made by the central government if the employer is not
identifiable) and from the government it will Re 1 per worker per day (Re 0.75 from the central
government and Re 0.25 from the concerned state government)

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Brief history 

In the mid 1950s, W.Arthur Lewis developed a theoretical model of economic development
based on the assumption that there was an unlimited supply of labour in most developing
countries and that this vast pool of surplus labour would be absorbed as the modern industrial
sector in these countries grew. It was therefore assumed that the traditional sector comprised of
petty traders, small producers and a range of casual jobs would eventually be absorbed into the
formal economy and disappear. This argument became less convincing since the 1970s when
case studies on informal sector in various parts of the world began to reveal the highly active
existence of men, women and children crowding at the bottom of the urban economy in Third
World countries. So many studies have revealed the vast number of workers, in the Third World,
striving hard to survive on the fruits of their labours outside the formal sector of the economy.
The formal –informal dichotomy can be regarded as a new variation on the dualism theories of
the past. In the colonial era a contrast was constructed between an invasive western capitalist

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sector and an opposing eastern non-capitalist people’s economy. In post-colonial development
theory the concept of dualism was applied to the dichotomy of traditional and modern.
According to this view, the rural agricultural order was still predominantly pre-capitalist while
the urban-based industrial economy was described as capitalist. In the most recent phase of the
dualism doctrine capitalism is the label of only the advanced segment of the urban milieu: the
formal sector. The modes of production in the lower economic terrain, rather questionably
labeled as non-capitalist, are characterized as the informal sector.

In operationalizing these variations on dualism, the contrasts are more significant than the
specific characteristics of each segment. For instance, it’s entirely normal to describe the
informal sector by summing up the absence of elements found in the formal sector. In the
absence of a more analytical definition, the landscape of the informal sector becomes
synonymous with the kaleidoscope of unregulated, poorly skilled and low-paid workers.
Highlighting this chaotic assortment Keith Hart coined the term ‘informal economy’ in 1971.

There are different terminologies used so interchangeably to signify the unorganized sector like
informal sector, informal economy, and even informal labour which often highlights the most
affected part of the sector, namely, the labour. “ Informal labour is a labour whose use is not
governed either by state regulations or by collective agreements between workers and

Informal labour has, in different instances, been viewed as labour engaged in urban small scale
enterprises, as self employment, as labour engaged in “traditional activities”, as wholly unskilled
labour, and as labour whose use is not subject to any rules or norms. But none of this has any
sound conceptual or empirical foundation. Informality does not imply a particular mode or
location of labour use; informal labour can be in self-employment, in casual wage employment,

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and in regular wage employment, just as it can be in urban as well as in rural areas. There is little
reason to think that informal labour must be confined to ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ activities.

We do not need to assume that informal labour is unskilled; only need to recognize that its skills
are acquired outside the formal education system. And all the more in the context of the
neo-liberal economic policies of hire and fire where the organized sector itself is getting
informalised through contractualisation, casualisation, and outsourcing of labour, there are
workers who are equally or even more educated and skilled, work better and even longer in so
many of the organized sectors; but for no labour rights, wage, job or social security protection
and for very dismal wages. The casual and contract labourers are under the working and living
conditions that prevailed in the nineteenth century Europe.

Since the introduction of the informal sector concept, opinion has been divided as to its
socio-economic impact. There are authors who positively point out the accelerated shift in
livelihood patterns away from agriculture and villages to cities and towns in the Third World
since the mid-twentieth century. But even if the masses of migrants flooding into urban areas
were fortunate enough to establish a foothold, the vast majority of them could gain no access to
the formal sector. It was still too small to cope with the continuous influx of newcomers.

The more critical analysis of researchers, who have observed that the formal sector remained
inaccessible for reasons other than the inferior quality of the new urbanites’ labour, and their
other defects, rejects such an optimistic view. The failure of the newcomers’ efforts to find
stable, decently paid and dignified work is in this alternative perception due mainly to a
development strategy that, in the face of excess supply, seeks to keep the price of labour as low
as possible, allows no room for collective action to reduce these people’s vulnerability and
refuses to provide this footloose workforce with public representation. In short, the lack of

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registration, organization and protection does not have its origin in the free play of social forces,
but it’s the deliberate product of economic interests that benefit from the state of informality in
which a wide range of activities in all branches of the economy are kept, systematically and on a
large scale, through evasion of labour laws and taxation.

Indeed, the informal sector is not a separate and closed circuit of work and labour. There is the
interaction, between the formal and informal sectors, and dependence of the latter on the former
and even its subordination to it. Now with the neo-liberal economic policies there is the
widespread informalization of the formal sector through down sizing, casualisation and
contractualisation. In short the capitalist leaches become richer and richer by squeezing the life
blood of the working force.


1.​ ​Estimated per capita GDP of India and United Kingdom

from 1700 to 1950, inflation adjusted to 1990 US$.Other
estimates​ ​suggest a similar stagnation in India's per capita
GDP and income during the colonial era.

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2.​ ​GDP of India has risen rapidly since 1991.

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3.​ 1951 to 2013 Trend Chart of Sector Share of
Total GDP for each year, India:

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4.​ ​Labour relations during 1975-2010:

Public Sector Private Sector Live (Unemployment) Register

(in millions) (in millions) (in millions)

1975 13.63 6.79 9.78

1980 15.48 7.40 17.84

1985 17.68 7.37 30.13

1990 19.06 7.68 36.30

1995 19.43 8.51 37.43

2000 19.14 8.65 42.00

2005 18.19 8.77 41.47

2010 17.55 11.45 40.17

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The Indian Economy is characterized by the existence of a vast majority of informal or
unorganized labour employment. As per the Economic Survey 2007-08, 93% of India’s
workforce include the self employed and employed in unorganized sector. The Ministry of
Labour, Government of India, has categorized the unorganized labour force under four groups in
terms of Occupation, nature of employment, specially distressed categories and service

1. In terms of Occupation:
Small and marginal farmers, landless agricultural labourers, share croppers, fishermen,
those engaged in animal husbandry, beedi rolling, labeling and packing, building and
construction workers, leather workers, weavers, artisans, salt workers, workers in brick
kilns and stone quarries, workers in saw mills, oil mills etc. come under this category.

2. In terms of Nature of Employment:

Attached agricultural labourers, bonded labourers, migrant workers, contract and casual
labourers come under this.

3. In terms of Specially distressed categories:

Toddy tappers, Scavengers, Carriers of head loads, Drivers of animal driven vehicles,
Loaders and unloaders come under this category.

4. In terms of Service categories:

Midwives, Domestic workers, Fishermen and women, Barbers, Vegetable and fruit
vendors, News paper vendors etc. belong to this category.

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In addition to these four categories, there exists a large section of unorganized labour force such
as cobblers, Hamals, Handicraft artisans, Handloom weavers, Lady tailors, Physically
handicapped self employed persons, Rikshaw pullers, Auto drivers, Sericulture workers,
Carpenters, Tannery workers, Power loom workers and Urban poor.

Though the availability of statistical information on intensity and accuracy vary significantly, the
extent of unorganized workers is significantly high among agricultural workers, building and
other construction workers and among home based workers. According to the Economic Survey
2007-08 agricultural workers constitute the largest segment of workers in the unorganized sector
(ie. 52% of the total workers).

As per the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), 30 million workers in India are
constantly on the move (migrant labour) and 25.94 million women workforce has been added in
the labour market from the year 2000 onwards. All the more every day 13000 Indians turn 60
years and they are expected to live another average of 17years. Unfortunately only 10% of the
Indians save for old age. The tragedy is that the existing social security legislations cover only
8% of the total work force of 459 million in India.

The latest report of the NSSO uploaded by the close of May 2011 about the casual workers in
India between 2004-05 and 2009-10 compared to that of the period between 1999 – 2000 and
2004-05 very clearly shows that there is significant increase in the number of casual workers and
decline in the number of regular workers.

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This report shows a substantial shift between 1999-00 and 2009-10 in the structure of the labour
force which can be broadly divided in to self employed, regular, and casual workers. (casual
workers are employees who do not enjoy the same benefits and security as tenured employees.
All daily wage employees and some categories of contract employees are casual labourers.)

All these NSSO reports are clear evidences to prove that the labour market of India has been
undergoing tremendous transformations, including growth of informal sector activities,
deterioration in the quality of employment (in terms of job security, terms and conditions at
work), Weakening of worker organizations and collective bargaining institutions, marked decline
in social security etc. To a greater extent, these transformation could be related to the ongoing
globalization process and the resultant efforts on the part of employers to minimize the cost of
production to the lowest levels. It is also evident that most of these outcomes are highly
correlated and mutually reinforcing. A closer analysis suggests that the growing informalisation
of labour market has been central to most of these transformations, which inter alia highlights the
utility of understanding the growth of unorganized sector in India and its implications.

Many thought that India’s growth could do no wrong, and took the administrative versions and
interpretations for granted. Now it comes to a point that none of these can be taken for granted.
Growth is slow, inflation is structural and structure of employment is not enough to cater to the
growing labour force.

Growing prominence of unorganized sector in India

Predominance of informal employment has been one of the central features of the labour market
scenario in India. While the sector contributes around half of the GDP of the county, its
dominance in the employment front is such that more than 90% of the total workforce has been
engaged in the informal economy. As per the latest estimation of a Sub-committee of the

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National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS), the contribution of
unorganized sector to GDP is about 50% (NCEUS 2008).

This national level pattern of informal workers occupying around 90% of the workforce is more
or less similar in the case of most of the prominent states in the country. Among the unorganized
sector workers, a considerable proportion (about 65%) is engaged in agricultural sector, which in
turn indicates the prominence of rural segment in the informal economy.

The growth of formal employment in the country has always been less than that of total
employment, indicating a faster growth of employment in the informal sector. Available data
suggests that within the formal sector also the proportion of informal / unorganized workers are
on the increase. For instance, by providing a comparison of the NSSO Employment Data for 55​th
and 61​st Rounds (for 1999-2000 and 2004-05 respectively) the NCEUS (2007) explains that the
country is currently in a state of “informalisation of the formal sector”, where the entire increase
in the employment in the organized sector over this period has been informal in nature.

It is widely acknowledged that the informal sector in India suffers from a low productivity
syndrome, compared to the formal sector. The prominent features of the sector are lower real
wages and poor working / living conditions.

Further, the sector is characterized by excessive seasonality of employment (especially in the

farm sector), preponderance of casual and contractual employment, atypical production
organizations and work relations, absence of social security measures and welfare legislations,
negation of social standards and worker rights, denial of minimum wages and so on. Poor human
capital base (in terms of education, skill and training) as well as lower mobilization status of the
work force further add to the vulnerability and weaken the bargaining strength of workers in the

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informal sector. Thus, the sector has become a competitive and low cost device to absorb labour,
which cannot be absorbed elsewhere, whereas any attempt to regulate and bring it into more
effective legal and institutional framework is perceived to be impairing the labour absorbing
capacity of the sector.

With the advent of globalization and resultant reorganization of production chains led to a
situation where production systems are becoming increasingly atypical and non-standard,
involving flexible workforce, engaged in temporary and part-time employment, which is seen
largely as a measure adopted by the employers to reduce labour cost in the face of stiff
competition. No doubt, it obviously indicates that these flexible workers in the new informal
economy are highly vulnerable in terms of job security and social protection, as they are not
deriving any of the social protection measures stipulated in the existing labour legislations. The
insecurities and vulnerabilities of these modern informal sector labour are on the rise, as there is
a visible absence of worker mobilization and organized collective bargaining in these segments
owing to a multitude of reasons.

The alarming expansion of informal sector, in recent times, has adversely affected employment
and income security for the larger majority of the workforce, along with a marked reduction in
the scale of social welfare / security programme.

In our “global” cities such as Bangalore, which are being show-cased as the new faces of an
affluent and vibrant India, there are lakhs of people who rely on manual labour for their own
livelihood. The housemaids, security guards, construction workers, garment workers, cobblers,
beedi workers, agarbati workers, drivers and many others have a very different story to tell. Their
incomes have not grown at the staggering rate of their employers; indeed adjusted for inflation

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their incomes have often fallen over the last two and half decades, driving them into deeper

Current Status according to NCEUS

The report of National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector

(​NCEUS​) states that 836 million Indians (77% of total population) live on an
income less than Rs 20/day. The irony is that 50% of this huge number
constitutes 92% of our workforce (457.5 million), which implies that 422.7
million people work and are supporting dependants with income less than Rs
20/day without any job security or social security (2007).

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Fig 1:​ Major Problem Areas of Rural Artisans

The major characteristics of the unorganized workers:

❖ The unorganized labour is overwhelming in terms of its number range and therefore they
are omnipresent throughout India.

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❖ As the unorganized sector suffers from cycles of excessive seasonality of employment,
majority of the unorganized workers does not have stable durable avenues of
employment. Even those who appear to be visibly employed are not gainfully and
substantially employed, indicating the existence of disguised unemployment.

❖ The workplace is scattered and fragmented.

❖ There is no formal employer – employee relationship

❖ In rural areas, the unorganized labour force is highly stratified on caste and community
considerations. In urban areas while such considerations are much less, it cannot be said
that it is altogether absent as the bulk of the unorganized workers in urban areas are
basically migrant workers from rural areas.

❖ Workers in the unorganized sector are usually subject to indebtedness and bondage as
their meager income cannot meet with their livelihood needs.

❖ The unorganized workers are subject to exploitation significantly by the rest of the
society. They receive poor working conditions especially wages much below that in the
formal sector, even for closely comparable jobs, ie, where labour productivity are no
different. The work status is of inferior quality of work and inferior terms of employment,
both remuneration and employment.

❖ Primitive production technologies and feudal production relations are rampant in the
unorganized sector, and they do not permit or encourage the workmen to imbibe and

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assimilate higher technologies and better production relations. Large scale ignorance and
illiteracy and limited exposure to the outside world are also responsible for such poor

❖ The unorganized workers do not receive sufficient attention from the trade unions.

❖ Inadequate and ineffective labour laws and standards relating to the unorganized sector.

Inspite of the fact that not much has been done in providing social security cover to the rural
poor and the unorganized labour force, the country has made some beginning in that direction.
Both the central and state governments have formulated certain specific schemes to support
unorganized workers which fails in meeting with the real needs and requirements of the
unorganized sector labour force.

This becomes clear even when the highly proclaimed National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
-2005 (NREGA), though it is a breakthrough, doesn’t have common wage in different states and
limits itself only to hundred day’s work for those registered worker under the Act. What about
the rest of the days in an year? As per this Act, the work guarantee applies in rural areas only,
what about the urban poor?

And looking at the recent Unorganized Sectors’ Social Security Act (2008) , one really wonders
if there is any provision for an unorganized worker in this Act other than some guidelines about
the available social security schemes in the country. How can it be called an Act unless it has the
legal binding and provisions of rights to work and entitlements under it? Here as per the Act
nothing is mentioned about what constitutes appropriate and adequate social security for the vast
mass of unorganized workers and their dependents, what eligibility criteria, if any, ought to be
prescribed, what will be the scale of benefits that the workers and their families are entitled to
receive and under what conditions, what will be the funding arrangements that must be put in
positions to meet the cost of social security and so on. Aren’t the unorganized workers of this

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country entitled to receive, in this 60​th year of our Republic, minimum standards of social
security and labour rights, on the scale and spread adumbrated in the relevant ILO convention
drawn up more than 50 years ago? Therefore, this law which does not deal with the issue of
unemployment, its regulation, wages, and conditions of work and so on is not merely incomplete
but dysfunctional if it proceeds to deal with social security on a stand alone basis. The Act,
actually, suffers from a serious lack of legislative policy and intent. Ultimately this Act is an eye
wash which has neither the capacity to address nor the inbuilt provision to provide solutions to
the needs of the unorganized sector. Even the provisions and procedure of the Minimum Wages
Act (1948) is so vague and futile that different states of India have fixed abysmally meagre
wages and that too with so much of variations from state to state.

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1.Bank accounts for unorganised labourers in Chhattisgarh:

Saving accounts of more than 1.4 million labourers, of unorganised sector, will be opened in
various banks under Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana in Chhattisgarh.

The decision was taken in the review of meeting of labour department that was chaired by Chief
Minister Raman Singh. He opined that both ​Chhattisgarh ​Building and Other Construction
Labourers Welfare Board (Chhattisgarh Bhavan Avam Anya Sannirmaan Karmkaar Mandal) and
Chhattisgarh ​Unorganised Labourers ​Welfare Board should work for registration of labourers so
that they could avail the benefited under different schemes.

The meeting decided that the labourers would be encouraged to open ​bank accounts ​under
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana. The Chhattisgarh Building and Other Construction Labourers
Welfare Board has registered 747,000 labourers and Chhattisgarh Unorganised Labourers
Welfare Board has registered 664,000 labourers, till date.

Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana would encourage the labourers to develop the habit of saving.

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Under the scheme, they would be provided accidental insurance of Rs 1 lakh and general
insurance cover of Rs 30,000.

The meeting also discussed child labourers' issue. The chief minister said that rehabilitation of
child labourers was important and the assignment should be taken with a serious note. Various
departments of the state government would work with mutual coordination for identification and
rehabilitation of child labourers and to provide them education facilities.

Grade-III field-level officers of all the development-related departments would be given powers
of labour inspector for identification of child labourers. The officers would conduct surprise
inspections and file criminal case in labour courts against the employers, who are found to have
hired child labourers of age 14 years and below, under rules and procedures of Child Labour Act.

Singh said the industries involving jobs of life-risk should ensure security of labourers as
top-most priority. The labourers should be provided required security equipment and should be
trained in using these equipment​..

2.C​entral Labour Acts by Ministry of Labour and


Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
users can find various labour laws provided by the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Information about laws related to industrial relations, wages, working hours, conditions of
service and employment, equality and empowerment of women etc. is given. The Trade Unions
Act, Industrial Employment Act and Industrial Disputes Act are given.

3. ​Information on Chief Labour Commissioner by Ministry

of Labour​:
Bottom of Form

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The Organisation of the Chief Labour Commissioner deals with prevention and settlement of
industrial disputes, enforcement of labour laws and to promote welfare of workers, within the
sphere of the Ministry of Labour and Employment. Users can access information on central
industrial relations machinery, objectives of CLC’s organisation, important legislations
administered, verification of...

4. ​Survey reports and statistics by Labour Bureau​:

Bottom of Form
Find survey reports and statistics related to labour sector by Labour Bureau. Users can access
survey reports such as annual survey of industries, occupational wage survey, SC and ST survey,
etc. Statistics related to industrial disputes, unorganized sector labour,
socio-economic-conditions of women workers, etc. are also available. Date related to year-wise
wage rates in rural India is...

5. ​Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970 ​:

Bottom of Form
Detailed information on Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970 is provided by
Ministry of Labour. Users can access information on benefits and features of the act, functions of
the acts etc.

6.​Employees State Insurance Corporation of Delhi​:

Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Users can find detailed information on the Employees State Insurance Corporation of Delhi.
Information is provided on the regional board, divisional office, branch offices, and dispensaries.
Details of ESIC schemes are also provided. Information on the recruitment is given. Employees
registration and employers duties and rights information is provided.

27​ | ​Page
7.​Information on Women Labour Cell of Ministry of Labour
and Employment​:
Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form
Get detailed information on the Women Labour Cell of Ministry of Labour and Employment.
Information is provided on Equal Remuneration Act. Users can find details related to the
grant-in-aid scheme for women’s welfare. One can also find the Supreme Court’s guidelines to
curb sexual harassment of women workers.

8. ​Website of Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)​:

Bottom of Form
Detailed information about the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) is provided. Information
pertaining to the administration, functions, jurisdiction and regional centres etc. is given. Details
of planning, budget, enforcement activities, verification of trade unions and labour laws etc. are
available. Information about the training and welfare programmes is also provided. Pension
forms are...

9.​Unorganised Workers' Social Security Act, 2008​:

Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Unorganised Workers' Social Security Act, 2008

10. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana:

Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
28​ | ​Page
The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) of Ministry of Labour and Employment provides
information about the health insurance coverage for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. Find
information related to the certification status, empanelled hospitals and de-panelled hospitals etc.
Registered users can track status of scheme in a particular state. Download current and archives
of general...

11.​Swavalamban - the Co-contributory Pension Scheme​:

Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Swavalamban - the Co-contributory Pension Scheme by Department of Financial Services aims
to encourage people from the unorganised sector to voluntarily save for their retirement and to
lower the cost of operations of the New Pension System (NPS) for such subscibers.

12.​Shram Suvidha Unified Portal for Labour and

Top of Form
Bottom of Form

Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
Shram Suvidha Unified Portal for Labour and Employment Portal will facilitate ease of reporting
at one place for various Labour Laws, consolidated information of Labour Inspection and its
enforcement. Users can register and avail services related to labour and employment sector.

13.​Form for Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna​:

Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Bottom of Form
15. You can download this subscriber registration form to apply for the Pradhan Mantri
Suraksha Bima Yojna. Users need to fill up this form with details such as name, contact
number, address, aadhar number, email ID, etc. to apply for this scheme.

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1.WHAT IS AN UNORGANIZED SECTOR The unorganized sector is a culmination of
traditional and modern food units which take over a majority of the market share in the Indian
Food processing market as opposed to the organized sector which only holds a share of 48%

2.​ ​The Indian Economy is characterized bythe existence of a vast majority ofinformal or
unorganized labouremployment. As per the Economic Survey2007-08, 93% of India’s workforce
includethe self employed and employed inunorganized sector. The Ministry ofLabour,
Government of India, hascategorized the unorganized labour forceunder four groups in terms of
Occupation,nature of employment, speciallydistressed categories and servicecategories.

3.In terms of Occupation:Small and marginal farmers, landlessagricultural laborers, share

croppers,fishermen, those engaged in animal husbandry,beedi rolling, labeling and packing,
buildingand construction workers, leather workers,weavers, artisans, salt workers, workers
inbrick kilns and stone quarries, workers insaw mills, oil mills etc. come under thiscategory.In
terms of Nature of Employment:Attached agricultural laborers, bondedlaborers, migrant workers,
contract andcasual laborers come under this.

4. ​In terms of Specially distressed categories:Toddy tappers, Scavengers, Carriers of headloads,

Drivers of animal driven vehicles,Loaders and unloaders come under this category.In terms of
Service categories:Midwives, Domestic workers, Fishermen and women,Barbers, Vegetable and

30​ | ​Page
fruit vendors, News papervendors etc. belong to this category.In addition to these four
categories, thereexists a large section of unorganized labourforce such as cobblers, Hamals,
Handicraftartisans, Handloom weavers, Lady tailors,Physically handicapped self employed
persons,Rikshaw pullers, Auto drivers, Sericultureworkers, Carpenters, Tannery workers, Power
loomworkers and Urban poor.

5. ​What are the problems of unorganized sectors? Answer: In unorganized sectors , employee
hasless facilities than the employees of organizedsector. Some are mentioned bellow:1) Workers
working in unorganized sector get few wages.2) There is no provision for overtime , paid leave ,
holidays , leave due to sickness etc.3) Employment is a subject to high degree of insecurity.4) A
large number of people doing s mall jobs such as selling on the street or doing repair work come
under unorganized sector.5) It is a largely outside the control of government.

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A comprehensive Act, catering to the security needs of the unorganized sector such as Food,
Nutrition, Health, Housing, Employment, Income, Life and accident, and old age remains a
dream in India. Still the cries of the unorganized sector goes unattended with the governments
laying red carpets for the corporates and so called investors at the expense and sacrifice of the
working class.

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● http://www.isidelhi.org.in/wl/article/2012-03.pdf
● http://www.nistads.res.in/indiasnt2008/t6rural/t6rur5.ht

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● http://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/
● https://india.gov.in/topics/labour-employment/unorganize
● http://vikaspedia.in/social-welfare/unorganized-sector-inf

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