Magnet,: Electrical

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Into ted. Spot. J-W-001177 (NAVy-SEXPS)

Septaber 21, 19?3
6 march 1963
(Set 6.1;



This qmclfication wao ●ppmved by the Coamiseioner, ?ederal Supply Service, General
Senxces Administration, for uee of ●ll Federal ●gencies.


1.1 Syly Thin specification covers electrical mqnat wire of varioua classes and
types (see ..-.1; used for fa.bslcating Uubsture COLh, gieid C0118. &OieIM2id coils, krans-
fomsr roils, and other such winding8 for we ir,electrical and electronic equipmnt
(ace 6.1).

1.1.1 ?oderal weeification 00ver ?odaral specifications do not inCl@O ●ll types,
classes, and styles of the comma ty ted by the citloe of the specifications, but ● rm
iatmnded to Covar only those wed by the ?cdezal Govamnenc.

1.2 CL8maificatAon. Electrical magnet wire shall be of the followinq cia89e$, tYpes,
shapes, an~ ● ~zes, ● s specified (aoe 6.2) :

1.2.1 Claases and t es. The class of the magnet wire indicates the t-perature index
@r the =terxal (see 4.7!’18.1). (The numeral following the type designator Lndlcate# the
thich8ss of coating of film insulations, or the n~er Of wraps Of tape Or fi~rst ● s
●pplicable. ) rilm-coated round magnet wire.

ch8s 105
TypeE* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01-rastious-cn-l-mated
~u, up ........*...... Polyurethane-coated
Typa N, K2 ............... Nylon-coaeod
Tin?, T2, To ........... Polyvinyl -fnmml-rneted
‘IypeTN, Tub ............. Polyvinyl-for=l-nyAon-coated
TypaTB, T2B, TAB ........ Polyvinyl-formal-coated, self bonding
Type sA, sA2 ..........0-..Solderable-ac~lic-coated
+SAN, SAND ......*.... SolderabJe-aczylic-nyLon-coated
Clams 130
Type UN, UN2 ............. Polyurethane-nylon-mated
class 1s5
TypeL, L2, Lo ........... Polyostor-coated
TYIx IJI,LN2, LN3 ........ ?olyeater-nyion-coated
Claso i80
-Ii, K2, Ha ........... Polyester-iaide or polyester-amide-tide coated
Clams 200
Type K, X2 ............... Modifiad polyestor, polyester-imide or polyeater-
●ide-imide overcoated with polyamide-%adde
CiaBs 220
Type It,M2, Ma ........... &omatAc poky~de-~ated

1.2.I..2 Piln-=oatod rectangular magnet wire.

Claas 105
TypeT2, To ..........*... Polyviriyl-fornel-coated
CL*8S 200
Type K2, K4 ............. Modifiod polyaster, poAyostor-@ids or polyestcr-
am,ide-tide overcoated with polyamide-itide
Cl&as 220
~?s2, Pt4.............. Aromatic polyim.ide-mated ?’ibrow-covered round magnet wire.

Clams 155
TypeGV, G2V ............. Bare witi @ingie or double varnished glass
BCx’, BG2V- .......... Single film, sinqle or double ghmm varnished
B2GV, B2G2V ......... Heavy film, single or double glaas varnished
rsc 6145
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Class 15S (Contknuad)

mm, ~200 ........... 84re
WIUI singie cr doubLe polyester-q lao.-fiber
Ggv, Dq2v ........... Bare WIU~ tLngle or doubie pCly.Ste~-Yl~SS-fi.b.r
Dog, BD?2.. ........ Sinqle fib, 81ngie or double polyastcr-gla~a
fibsr unmmi8hed
BDgV, BDg2V ......... Sinqle film, single or double polyester~iass
fibar varnished
B2D9, E2D92, ........ Dobbm film, ●ing19 or do@~o plyester-91Q~s
Iiber ~varm$sh.d
B2D9V, mlDg2v ....... Mubl. film, single or doublo polyester-glass
fiber varnish.d
class 180
‘m- fwn, D92X4.........., Bare with single or doublo polyomter-glasu-fiber
Bilimne vmrnlahed
LD9E. LWJ2n ......... Singlo film, sin9i* or ~~le p~mSt8r-9~a@~-
fiber ●ilicone V8mimhed
L2D9n, L2D9213......* Ik@q ZLU, ●ingle or double polye8ter-gla6s-
fiba 8iMcona vamlahed
class 200
?ypm Cu, czx ............. Bar. with single or doublo 918ss, silicon. vamiskd
LGK, LC2K ........... Single fibg 8in9Ae Or ~~~. 91~8St mi~~~ne
L2CR, L2G2K ......... Doubla film, s2n9io or double glass, silicone
varnished ?ibrous-conred rectangular uagnet wire.

class 155
Type G2v .... ............ .ar.
B with double glass-fiber covered, varnished
B2W, B2C2V ......... DeubAe tilmt 8in91e OX do~le 9La88. va~is~ed
092 ................. Bar. with double polyester-glass fiber, unvan~shed
D92V ................ Bare with double polyemtar~lasa fiber, vaxnioned
B2D9, 82D92 ......... DoubAo film, ●ingle or double polyamter-cJl*nnfiber,
B2D9V, B2D92v. ...... DOUMa film. ●lnglc or dotiie pOlyeSt@r-9~a@~ fi~:
cAass 180
‘Wpe og2tf................ Bara
with doubAo polyostor-glamm-fiber, 8ilicone
L2D9H, L2D92ti....... fWV fib. single or doubAe Polyester-ghss- flhr,
silicone varnished
class 200
Type G2K ................. Bare with doubio glass fiber coverincJ, sillmno
L2GK, L2G2K ......... Double film, single or double qlass, sili-ne
C1488 220
Type M2DgcR .............. iiea~ film, single-~~ye~tar-91as8-fib*r ●nd Sin91e-
9Lama-fber eovmrifig,varnlshe~

L-2.2 Slmpeu. The wire shall b. round. squars, or rectangular ● s specified on the
individual 8*cif ~cmtion ●heot. ?or the purpo8e of this specification, mquare ●nd rectan-
gular wire ● m h.rcinafter referred to ● a rectangular wire, and tho eaballerdiaenslon ● s
the thickness Urision.

1.2.3 Sizes. Wire sizes shall be specified in bare-wire dlnnaions: that im, in
specifying w=lzes (and in referring to them herein) t the affect of tie ●dd~tion of the
insulation b incroasmg the dimensions of the bar. wxre is dis?ogarded. For round wire,
kican W- Gmge (WC] 8izct ●hall be uaod; ●nd for r8ctmnguiar wire, dim?nsion in inches.

2. APPLICABLE mcmmfm
2,1 mm go~~~ing ~~n~, of the issw in ● ffect on tite of invitationfor ~i~~ or
requaat for proposal fom ● part of thim apecificatlon to the ●xtant specified hereir..
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Federal Sprcificat;on8:

*S-781 - strappin5 , steel and Suix.

QQ-W-343 - Wire, Electrical [uninsulated) .
U-R-626 - ~08iYiS: Gun, Wood, ●nd Tall Oil.
PPP-B-566 - Boxes, Folding, Paperboard.
PPP-B-576 - Box, Wood, Cleated, Veneer, Paper Ovsrlaid.
PPP-E-585 - Boxes, Wood, Wirebound.
PPP-6-S91 - Boxes, ?herboard, Wood-Cleated.
PPP-B-601 - &)X4ES, Wood, Cieated-Plpocx!.
PPP-13-62i - Boxes, Wood, Nailed and Lock-Corner.
PPP-B-636 - Box, Shipping, Fiberboard.
PPP-B-640 - *Xl19, Fiberboard, Corrugated, Triple-wall.
PPP-8-665 - has, paperboard, Me- M@ ●nd Components.
PPP-B-676 - Boxes, Set-up.
PPP-T-76 - Tape, Prassure-Sen8itive Adhesive Paper, (Zox Carton S@almg; .
PPP-T-97 - Tape; Pres8ure-Senaltive Adhea;ve, P’iLamentReinforced,

(Activities outside tho Fedaral Government may Obtain Cepies of Pederal Speclflcetiona,
Standarda, and Handbook8 &s outlined under Caneral Information in the Index of Federal
Specifications ad Standarda and ● t the prices Lnd&cated in the Index. The Index, which
iac:udes cuxn~lacave Imnthl!’.“ppienwfitsam intiuad,is for sale on & sub8crl?tion bas~s Dj’
the Supextitendent of Docummta, (!.S.Govem?nant Printing Of?lce, Wash:nqton, DC 204C2.

(Single copies of thin specification and other Peaeral mpecification~ required b;!
●ctivities outs~de the Federal Government far biddinq purposes are ●vailable without chcrqe
from Bunmeafi Service Centers dt the General Servsce8 AdminLstratLon Regional Offices ~r
Boston, New York, Ma#hington, K, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, HO, Fort Wor~h, Denvc:,
San Francisco, Los An9eies, am. Seattle, W..

(Fedora: Government hctiv~ties MY obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standarda,

●nd iiandbooks and the Index of Peder&i Specifica~ions and Standarcs from esta.bliahec!
tribution Pc)tiltsin their aqencieu.) -

Ju12tary Spacificazion8 :
NIL-P-116 - Presarvatlon, Methods of.
IIIXL-Y-L140- Yar~..ZC?C3.SleI=VLng.~lst~., =22 Ts;e-Zlzzz.
MXL-I-24092 - In8ulatLng Varr.~sh, Electrical, lmpreqn~’:lng.
14XL-I-4S208 - Inspection System RcquirementB.

?ederal Stind8rd8:

rd. std. NO* 123 - Rarklne for Shipment (CivLi Aqencies).


HxL-sTrPlo5 - Sampling Procec~ure8 and TakAes for Xnspectzon by Attributes.

MXL-STD-129 - FLark:nq for Shipment ●nd Storaqt!.
MXL-STtJ-147 - Paiiet~zed and Contaznerizec! Unit Loads, 409 x 40” }aliet: ,
Sk~as , Runners , cr Pallet Type f3a:)e.

(Copi*n of nilita~ Specifisstions and ~~nndard~ re~ired bv uuppliers in ConneC’:iOn

with the specific procur~nt functionn should. h obtained from the rxocurino activitv or d
● o dhoctad by tha contxactina office:-.)

2.2 Otkl: Th@ following documnts fnrw s part of this spacificcltion

to the
‘- upec~ A
%%%%%.. UnAess otnerwisc indicated, the xssw in ●ffarc: on date cf
invitation for bids or requent for proposal shall appiy.

~$can national Standard. Znwtituto (ANSI) StandardDl

C7.4 - Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes.
C7.9 - Scft Rectangular and Square Bare Copper Wire for Electrical Conductors.

(Application for Caples ahouid be mddreaeed to tha!Jumrlcan Nationa: Standarc\! Icstitute,

Inc., 1430 Broadway, NetiYork, New York lCOlt.)

Downloaded from

Iii!ii - kbtrwd of 209: for R6tSiLdWIJ’-af Ehc::::a: Coy,su:to: R41:?Y1?Is

B298 - Sllv8r-Coated Soft or Annocled Copper Wire.
B324 - Rectm9ular ●nd Square Bare Almir.m W$re for Electrical Purpmec.
B355 - N~cb.el-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wir..
C374 - ?hlck.rieas C: SciI~ lllectrlcal Insulation. Tests for.
bi67b - Swmciard -W for TmstLn~ ?Ati-lnsulaca< Hapet Wire
D2307 - Test for Relativa Theml Enduxance of ?ib_JnsuLatoa Round 14aqnet

(ApplicatiorIfor COP1OS should be addrocoed to the Anrican Soc~8ty foz Teatinq and
Materials, 1516 -cm Stxoet, Philadeiphik, pa. 19103.)

(Application fox mpAs8 should be ●ddressed @ the Institutm of Zlectric&l and Electronic
&nqine@rs, 345 Zast 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 100L7.)


J9aooo - maqnat bikra.

(Application for mpies shouid be ●ddrsss-d to ths National Electrical Ranufactuzar’s

tiseciation, 155 East 44th Streat, Hev York, N.Y. 10017.)

(Application for copi.e should be ●ddrssmed to tha National Fk3t0r ?r@ight Traffic
Association, Inc. , 1616 “P- Str@~tt N.u.t w-h~ngtont ~ 20036”)


Unj fon Praight c1&8mlfLcatior1

(Application fo: copies should b. addresned to the Unifo~ Classification C-ittoe,

Room 1106, 222 South Rivarside Drive, Chica90, Xlllnols 60606.)

All Cia@S@8 105, 130, 155. 10C, 200, ●nd 220 maqnot wire, furnimhed
3“’ ~’
undar this spec: cat~on ●hall be ● product which is qualified for li~ting on thm Wplictil.
qualified products list ● t the tim set for opening of bids (SOO 4.5 ●nd 6.3).

3.2 Th8 materials and shapes for tha rnqnet wire shall be in
MaterLaln and shapes.
●ccordance w~th KEM-NU-1OCJG and ● s spac~fied herein; however, when ● definite rntazial is
not specified, a amtsrial shall be used which will Qnable the v$ra to meet the pcrfo~nce
requirements of this specification. Acceptance or ●pproval of any constituent matarlal shall
not be oonstrud aII ● 9~r&fitY of me ●wt-e of tie ‘inished Product. The rnterial
●hAll be nrw. There shali be no ●vidcn= of u~ed, ZOC~a~+ repaired or salvaged =teriais.

3.2.1 Conductors.
—— Unless othorwiso specified (se- 6.2), *nductorH shall be of mpper. Coppor.

3.2.i.L.l Rnuridwire, AUG sizem 50 ●n~ larqer in diameter. The bare copper wire, ●fter
insulating, shall comply with type s of UQ-W-3(3, whmre ●pplicable. All splices ●hall be of
the butt type. -oalinq nsy b. dons befars, d=ing or ●fur ins~atin~.

3.2.1.L.2 Rectangular wire. Conductors for roctangulor wire shall br type B wire
corifor=iag w AN=StanUxd C7.$; howvsr, Ln ●ll fibI typas ●nd 918s8 insulated wire, tho
copp8r oonductorn ●ay be medium-hard drawn, and ~aled during or after insulhtinq.

3.2.1..2 Silv9r-COateclwire. When spaciZied (SSQ 6.2), silver-c-ted copper wire hall
confom to ASTM Publication B298. The coatinq tnicknems shall be not hss than 40 a.icro-
inchcs (u in).

. .
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J-W-1177A Nickel-coated wire, When 8peci~ied (see 6.2; , n~ckel-coatod copper wire shall
cmto~ to UTN Pub licat~on 8335. The coatang thicmems shall be not lo-a than 50 u in.

have ● yield strength not Lass than 7000 9a9e pressuro of pounds per square inch (lb/inL)
and ● tensile strength not 10ss than 13000 gage pressure of pounds-force per equare inch
(Lbf/in2). Larger round sizes, all rectangular fib-coated, ●nd ● ll fibrous-covered wiro
shall have ● yield ●tre~th not iess than 5000 gage pressure of Lb/in’ and hall have ●

tensile str~ngth not less than 9000 ga9e pressure of lbf/in2.

3.2.1,S Joints, mppe r conductors. Negnet wLra shall be furnished in one amtinmus
lmgth for each 8poOA, real, or ama~ner. Nocosaary joints shall be braxed with silver
aoldar or velded, Th6 n-r of joints shall be heid to a mintamm. The surface of QM wire
● t the joint shall be smooth and insulated. The dimensions of the wire ● t the joints shall
be ●ubatant&ally the sam 88 at uy other puint on the wAre. For 3G AWG ●nd hoavior wire,
the tensih strength of the ~int shall be ● t least 80 percent of the tonaih ctron9th of
the wire 3 foot from the joint. ?or 31 AWC and finer wire, the tensile strength of the
joint shall be ● t least 20,000 Lbf/in2.

3.2.2 Insulation.
* matmrials. All insulating materials ●hall be homogonaous, free
trom biistera~ wr~nkl ● s, bumps or impurities or defects which would deleteriously affect
rnchanical or ●lectrical properties of the finished wire. Ghnm fiber, Glass-fiber insulation shali conform to MIL-Y-1140. Glamm-and polyester fiber. Glaa.-and-polyester-fiber lnaulation shall consist

of mixture of glass
● fiber and polyester fiber, with the poly88ter fiber not ●xceeding SO
parant of the combination. The polyester-glass flbera may be either fuaec! to the wnductor,
or fuaeti ●nd varnish treated ● a •~e$fied on the Individual specification sheet. ?llm insulation. ?ilm insulation shall be ● material which providss ● magnet
wits that meets the requirements specified for the applicable type and class. Varnish. Varniah used in treat~nq glass and 91amm-ud-pl~mtmr-fibr megnet

wiro shall con-fo~TL.-1-24O?2 , e: an %L:sznaiw ti6iecceu on the basis 0! service experimnca
or oquivaient tast data. The varniah used shall be identified In the qualification test
raport (see 6.3) .
Crack in insulation. The insulation shall be free from cracks. A crack h
tha fib shall be deflnod ● s an opening in the coating vhich ●xposes ths bar.
conductors to view. Wire sizes AWG 30 and larger shall be ●xamined with normal vision~.
Sitgs 30 to 44 AWG, inclusive shall be axa~ned under 6x-1OX magnification end sizes 45 and
finer ●h&n be ●xandmed under LOX-15X magnification.

3.3 Increase in bare-wire dinmnsions. The ● axxmum Incroaae Ln d.imcnsionsdue to

insulation speclf~ed hesein may be exceeded providod the overall diamter of the finished
wire does not ●xcoed the ~quted mximum ovsrall dirnnsions ef the finished wire determined
by adding the maximum specified increaae due to insulation and the specified barc-
wire dimsions.

3.3.1 Inte~dAate nixes. Por Wire ●izes be-n AWG sixes, the increase in diametar
due to the f~m coating 8haU be the ● &ms ● s for the next L8rgor AWG size and the test valtaes
●hall be the aa~ ● s for tht next ~ller AUG siza.

3.4 Specification sheets. The individual item requirements shall be u qzaclfhd

berdn and ●ccor&nce with the ●pplicable ●peclflcation shoots. Xa the wont of any
amfLict between tic requirements of this specifi~tion and the ●pacification sbeetm, the
latter shall govern.

‘Normal vision shall be defined ●s 20/20 vision, ●ftar correction wLth .yegAasse@, if
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4.1 ha)on ●ibiilty for inspection. Unlems oth.mim specified in the ~ntract, the
-ntractor_’ls r*SpOnatiAe for tho prforaance of ●ll,inspection rqu~raments ● s .pclfiod
haroin. kcopt ● . othe-~sa ●pecifhd in th contract, the emntractor Uy wse his own or
My othsr tficAAithasuitabla for thm pertmmanca of the bapection roquireuntm ●pecified
here~n, wA.*s diaappromd by tk Gmwrnmnc. Zbe bvarmmt rmoorvwa the riqht to parform
any of the iapck$ons sot fo- h the Woclfi=tion tier. ●uCh in~$ons u. ~
nocossary to ● osuro supplioa ●nd e8rvic8s =nfo- W preccrLbd mqulrenmti.

4.1.1 -St equip-n t and bspection facilities. To8t oquipmnt and inm~ction facilities
shall be 02 ●m Chnt accuracy # quali ty. and quan~ ty to p8Nt par for9an- of the mquirod
il’mpocuon ● Tha contractor ●-l 1 ●stablimh calibration of inspection oqui~cit to tha saU8-
facthn of tlw Gmmmment.

4.1.2 Insm ction Syatmm. Tha amtractor shsl1 provide and maintain an inspection
●yat88 ●mptabl the @v8rnmnt for ●upplios and sewzcoc awwr.d by this spoc~fication.
- inapoeti= s~=~- ●hall be in aroorduace with R2L-I-4S208 {..8 6.2.1) .

4.2 Cl&mslfication of inspection. The examination and tsotinq of magnet wire shall be
Cla#mifLad 88 foil -s :

{a) C~nant-Mterials inspection (see 4.3) .

(b) OuaMflcation inspection (m. 4.5) .
(G) OMlity amfomanco (s.. 4.6) .
In8~ction of product Zor daliwqf (s- 4.6.1) .
Xnspoction 02 propuation !or delivery (SOO 4.6.2) .

4*3 Lnmpactlon. Cofqxment-ateriah in*poction shall cxmei St 0!
mrlfkation that the c~nent matmrihlm Mated in table I used in fabricating the eqnet
wiro, ● re in ●ooordanc. with the ●pplicable raforencod docwnts or mquirrnnts prior to
such g-rication.

Copper ----------- --
~md, AUG ●im SO and larger
lnd.1-t9r -------- - *M-343
htangular -------- -- (ANSI C7.9
SUvar-u8atad =p~r - - - - - - (UIT4 029a
Wickal-coatod oopper - - - - - - (M’f’U83ss
ti~um, rectangular, rmund - -
Gl_af Uwr-------- ----- 3.2.2 .l.i pJ~-y-l~4Q
Cla88-Md-mlWster fiber - - - . . - 3.2 .2.1.2 v-

Variish -: --------- -----

JT*stinq 9ay be pertomd ● ithox before or ● ft-r inaulatinq.

~s~lQ@ ●hall h s=lacted on th. basis of 10 percent of ●ny 10t Of SpOO~lJ
and roals ~ to ●nd incAuUrIq 10CI, and one ●dditional ●pm 1 or reel for
mry 24 SPOOLS or -.1s o-r 100.

4.4 Inspection condition. . Unh. spuifiod on the applicable specification

a otherwise
● t mom
temperature, which shall be betwem 20 dogreea
Celsius (“C) and 45°C {113°F) . In came of dispute ● out of Artnpectionmade wader
thase inspection omdi tionm, the vim samples shall be dritd for 48 hours at 105’C ~ 3“C,
cxmditionod for 4 hours ● t 23’C : S“C and SO + 5 percent relative hwaidity, and reinspected
● fter such conditioning. temperatures shall 6e controlled within plus or K.inus2’C, or
2 percant of that specified, whicho-r is larqert and roAative htmiditles uit$$inplue or
mnua 5 percent of that specified.

. ● ☛ ✍▼✌

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4.5 Qualificatkm inspection. Ouallficetion inspectim @hall be conducted ●t ●

(“ laboratory ●&ti8f8cWxy to the Nav41 Ship Zngi.naerinq Center.

consist o? the teata 8Peclfiad cm tha •ppli~le
QuaMf i=tion
-pacification sheet.
t9sti shall

4.s.1 The manufaeturerm requesting qualified products lis’tin~

shal1 unuf ● cture end * for boating ● t keaat one specimen of wire for ●ach
cl&ss and type for which qualification La sought. The specimen of wire ●ubjmted to qualf-
fkatlm testlnq Of romd tilm ~atod wire ●hall be AWG ?@. 18 heavy fib build, unless
otbe-i8e specified b 4.7 or as ●greed between the mu.nuf ● cturer. and !4AVSEC shall b. the
basis for the quallf;cadori of ●ll ●izem and f~lm t.hick.aosaos shorn on the ●ppll-
-Ae i.ndtviciul 8peclS!icationshec:. The sixe of wire for qualifi=tion totting of film
insulated xectanguh.r wire shell be ● s ●greed bemmen the manufacturer and NAVSEC @ have
● heavy fib build M< &hall be the basti for qualification listing of aU ●lzes end thick-
nemaes of fU.m Mined on the ●pplicable specification sheet. Tha •peci~rs of witw for
qua~ificathn testing c! flbmua-comred mum! or rectanqukr wire ●hall be ● s ●greed
bemoan the mmutacturer and MAVSZC, and be- an WM,#erlyinqvarnish oomtr~ @nd shall be
the basis for qualification llsth9 of all mise$ and types of Insulation codainationa listed
on the applicable specification sheet.

4.6 f)imlit~mnfozmsnce.
4.6.1 Inspection of product for deli-q. Impection of produot for delimry 9hall
resist of conponent-materlaln inspection of 4.3 and o! qroupm A, B, ●nd C inspection of, and 4.6.L.~. De f&nitAma.

4.6. L.1.1 Inspection lots. h inspection lot, shall wnsict of ●ll the magnet wire of
tba clasa, type, akmpa, and sise or size ran9c, produced under ●saontlally tie sasn
mndltions, end offered for Lns*ction ● t one tim. A range of sizas may be cxmsolidated
iato one inspection Aot, provided that the ratio of the hrgest ~nductor Cross-S*ction to
the S-lLest oonductor cross-section does not exceed five.

4.6.1 .1.2 Unit of product. The mit of product shall be defined ●s ● ●POO1, reel,
container or other package o?‘mgnct wire of any length. Lot SiZe. The lot si2e shall be the n~er of units of product in an
inspection Lot. —

4.6.1 .1.5 Sar@e unit. A s~le tndt shall be defined ● s & unit of prod= selected
in an biased manner and 1s part of ● sample from which specimens ● re taken.

4.6.1 .1.6 S~ciaen. A specimen is en individual piece of w~re taken from ● nample unit
end 8ubjected to Inspection.

4.6.1 .1.7 Defective unit. Pailure in any one test ●hall constitute ● defect; however,
if the sample unit fa&ls more than one test in any test group, it shall be counted as only
one defectjve unit. Rejected lots. If en j.nmpection lot Is rejected, the m .? act~. mey with-
-au the &t, rework it to correct the de fectz, or screen out the defcc’ , un~ts and aga]n
reinspect it, ● s ●pplicable. SWh iota shall be kept separate from nes ..:s, md shall be
cLearly identified ● a reinspected iota. Such lots shall’be retispected using tightened
bnpection . Group A imIpectio.n._ Gruup A inspection ●hall consist of the e~ai.~tions and
tasta ●peclfied in tab Ie 11, and 8hull be mde on the same ● et of •~les.

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~ IX. Croup A inmwction.

8Maination or ‘ $pecifioatlon -thod AOL (~rcent dafectlve )
-t ●ho@ t ~ paragraph Rajor
Vi8unl and Umenaional 1 thru 16, 4 .7.1 I
●xnba tion 18 thru 21
Xoc-oa b bare 1.5
-oi- -..
--- I
Ilsslah*oo and

AC!Msion aad 2 thru 16, 4.0

f&%LbLLlty 18 thru 27
A~sion (m~y) 1 4.7.2 4.0

1 thru 16, 4.7.4 4,0

Zlongmtion 18 t.hru27
r I
1 thru 12 Ancl 4.7.6 4.0
Springback I
, 14, 15 !

S-tistical sampling ●nd inspection shall be in ●ccordance

WIU MXL-STD-l US or lnmpeetion. The Ln8pection
lnary level ●hall be I when the ●pec~fhd
AQL is 4.0. Tho ●cceptable quality levels [AOL) shall be ● S specified in table IX. Major
dofectm shall be ● s defined in KIL-STD-105 and in table 111.

TABLE 111. Classification of ckfacts in ●ccordance with PUL-STD-105.

Catogorios Defects

Critical: None &fined.

?ype ● nd ●im not ● a cpecified.

Matarial nonconforming; ●vidonc. of umuthorlxad aaterial used.
Material not new; evidonco of w-d, raclatid. repaired, or ●alveged
104 t$atcrialof conducUr8 nonconforming; not in ●ccordance with ●peclficationm.
10s Xnmuhtion not ho-qeneoua; has bListers, writiies, cracks, b=ps.
106 ?ibar or filament insulation wrapping uneven: not firm and continue-.
107 Application =thod of synthctlc resin not ● s specified.
(Typs 7, 72, 73, -d T4, syntitic-resin insu~st-do)
108 Xncroam Ln dm.mtar of bare round wire. due to addition of synt?wtic-rasm
insulation, Is not within specified limits (types ?, T2, T3, ●nd T4).
109 Incroa*e in disnsiona of bare roctanqndar wire, due to ●ddition of 9ynthetic-
rssin insulation, is not wi~in 8P@cif~*d ~$~ta (tyPeS 71 ‘* ●nd ‘4)
110 GM8s not in accordance with ●pecificatior. (types CR and C21C, glamg
u 1 Glass wrap or wraps not qietsly mated ●nd filled with specified varnish
or resin (types GX and G2K).
112 Vbrni,h or main ueed ia not curvd; has bubbles, soft $PQts? me- surf-e
(typo G% and G2K).
U 3 Increase in dinmnsiona of bare =und &rid rectangular wire, due to ●ddition
of glaaa insulation, ain91e or dotile, is not within ●pecifiod ltiita
(types GK and G2K).
114 Clama tlbor not ● n ●pecified {types ~ ●nd 092, glaa,-and-~lyester-fi~r
insuhtad) .
Us Polyaster fiber in insulation greater than maximum percent ●llowed
(typesw and D92).
156 Varnimh or bonding material used in incubation is not aa ●pecifi~; ~ap
or wraps not thoroughly ated ● nd filled with varnish or bonding materAal
(types~ and D92).
;17 Varnish or bonding material is rough, unev9n, has bare spots, soft spots
(types Dg ●nd Dg2).
118 Paraffin or other deleterious coating ●pplied to insulated uire (twa ~
and 092)0
119 Increane in dimenu~on~ of bare round and rectangular wire, due to ●ddition of
Sinqls or double insulation, it not vltnln specified llmlts (type$Dg ●nd
Dg2) .

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TMU 111. Classification of defects in ●ccordance with ?IIL-STD-105. (C~*l

Catogorha I Ih3focta


I Combination insulations: size limits not as specified.
Combination hwuletlons: increaae in dimensions of bare wire is not wlt!!:r
I ●pecL:Aed limlts.
L22 All wire splices ● re not butt type; construction of splices i3 such that
diantar, configuration, resistivity, flexibility, and mechanical ssrengs).
● re ● dv8rsely ●ffected.
123 Manufacture of magnet wire ●uch that it is net free o: dirt, grease, =xsture,
dust, metallic p8rticA68 in insulation.
124 Round or rectangular magnet wire not wound on spools or reels; maximum welot:
or wire per spool or real nonconforndnq.

Minor: I None &fined. Disposition of #ample units. Sample units which have passed •l~ the group
A inspection nay del~vered on the contract, if the 10C is accepted. Group B Inspection. Group B inspection shall consist of the tests speci~led
in table IV.

TABLE IV. Group B inspection.

Specification ?kethod Shapoe, sizes anti

Test ●heet paragraph type. of wire
Beat shock 2 thru 16 and 18 4.7.3 ?ilm coated round and
rectangular wire
Dielectric strength 1 thru 16, 4.7.8
byer to layer 18 thru 27 Round in AU sizen 0000
(round wire) U1 30 incl. in all typem
Gv, Dg, Gr
nfimt kund in AWG m;%em 10 to
40 InCl. in ● ll typ-m
Z, U, N, T, TN, TB, SA,
SAN, UN, L, LN, H, K, H.
Wrapped foil Rectangular in all ● izen
and types
Round in MK ● izms 4/G to
9 lncl. in all typen
Cv, Dg, GK
hound in AWG sizes 4/0 to
9 incl. in all types E, ~,
N, T, TN, TFJ,SA, SAN, Uh’,
L, LN, H, K, M.

Continuity: 4 ttuu 12 incl., 4.7.10 Round in all types a.n~

High voltage 14 and 1S 8ize8
Low voltage 4.::9

C~Letenes8 of cure 4-6-15-10 4.7.12 Round in A% sizes 4 t~ 44

incl. in ●ll types T, Th,
n. Roctanguiar type N.
Solderability 2-3-7-B-9 4.7.13 lbmd in A% ●izes 4 to 44 ● ll types U, ti,
R@lical coil bond 6 4.7.1s Mtmd in M- &lxmm 4 to 44
lncl. im all types TB

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4.t. L.3. l The samqlinq plan chall be in ●ccordance with KIL-STIE1O5

for small-s~le %%%%%?’ Unieaa aharvise scwJcLf Lod hereiri. no.mal inspection sbll be
ueed at the start of- the contract. The ML ●haii be 6.5 (percent de!ec~ve), ●nd the i~
tion leval shall be S4 10: normal and tightened Lnspectlor., ●nd S3 for reduced iw~ction.

4.6.1. 3.2 Dis Pomxtlon of sample units. Sample units whLch have passed ●ll the group B
inspection wy be delivered on the contract, if the 10C is accepted. Croup C ln8pection. Group C inspection @hail con8ist of the tests specified in
table V Ship~nt ●h= not be held up pending results of tbe inspection.

TABLE V. Group C inspection.

Teet I Specification
● heet
Ii paragraph

Scrape ros~.tance
Unicllrmctional scrape I 2, 4, S, 7 thru 12 inc]. 14, 15 4,7.5.1

1 thru 16, 18 I 4.7.7

Solubllity I 1 thru 16, 18

Alcohol tack I 6 ( 4.7.15

Dielectric strenath at I
rated temperature 2 thru 16, 18 \ 4.7.27

1 thru 12 incl: 14 thru 16, 18 I 4 .7.18.2

OverLoad 3 “Aru 12 incl.
i 14 thru 16, 1P I, 4.7.14 Samplinu plan . Three eanple units of aagnet wire shall be selected from the
first lot and thence from each 3-mnth productlor)or 5,000 units, whichever iD less. Nonrompliance. if a ●&bbpl& :zLL: t= ?ee~ group C insxction, the tsntxactor

shall take correct~ve ●ction o!. the materials or process, or both, ,aswarranted, ● nd on aii
unitB of product which can be c?rrcctcd”and which were manufactured under ●saentiblly the
9a- condition., wi:h essentlnlly the ● a- -terialst processes, ●nd ● o forth, ●nd which ● re
tmnaidarod ●ubjoct to thr sam failura. Acceptance of the product shall be discontinued
until -rrectiva ●ction. acceptable to the Government, ham been taken. After the corrective
action has been taken, qro~? ~ :nspection shall be repeated on ●dditional maple units [all
inspection, or tho inspection vhicn the original ●a~le felled, at the option of the Govem-
9entJ . Groups A and B Inspec:lor.may be reinstltut~d; however, fxnal ●cceptance shall be
withheld until the group C rmlnspoetion han shown that the corrective ● ction was succeaeful.
In th8 ● vent of failure afte~ relnspectxont information concerning b%e fa:iure and the
mrrective action taken shAll h furn~mhed to the Contracting officer. DiSPO sit~on of sample units. Samplm units which have pasted all the group C
inspection may be deAiverec on the contract, if the lot is ●ccepted.

4.7 Test mthckk.

4.7.1 Vi8ual and dl.!cens$onal ●xamination. Each of the finished samples of magnet
wire aolocto~ m ●ccorda.n ce wIc!! shall be vxsually ●nd dimensionally ●xanuned -
vmrify that matarialm am! construction conform to this specification. natmria18 ● nd Construc:lon. Exanunation stm~l be made of conductors, insulation

wv9rinq* ●nd procammlnq w deter~ne that the meqnet wire confoms to thAs specification. D~nsions. rib-coated mwl” a wire AWG 44 ●nd larqer. The diameter over the insulation
shall be measure~ ua~nq a nand c~rbench mcrometer havxnq ● spAndle pressure not greater
Lhan 6 ounces per l/4-lnct.dla-ter ●nvil for wire nlzes AWG 40 and larqer and not greater
~an 2.5 owces ~r l/j-lncb,d~amter anvLJ for wire sxzes smaller than AWG 40. The ● icro-
~ter shall be checked w:th Wire atandardo ● t least daily ?or smicrometefmethods of use,
specifications ● nd cal~brat~ors. refer to UTPI publication D-374. The test specimens shall
: !enqt!!@f v)re frer from kinks
umsisc G: 4 :c 6 Zn:!lfi$.--a:;! or obvious defects. The
Downloaded from


●ample shall be carefully removed from, the spool or cor.tainer to ●void damaging or strmtchin$.
The di-tez of the film coated wire chall be measured 8t four points spaced appro~mtcly
45 degrees ●pam around the circumference ef the wire. The Largest and smallest reedinga
shall be recorded, anti the avezage cf t!!ese twc rca$ings 8hAl~ be taker. as the overall
diameter of the ●peclmen. The film coating shall then be removed ● t ●pproximately the same
position on the wire by ~ans not injurious to the bare wire and the =asurementa repatec!
around the bare wire. If removinu only & bonding overcoat. a ●olven% shall be used that
will remove the bond eat but not swell or chan9e diuwnsions of the base coat. The ● veraqe
diameter of the conductor shall be subtracted from the overall diameter. Th~s shall be
reported u the ●vez&9e film addition (AASO knom 6s increase in diameter or ● s film build) . ?ilm—eoa ted round wire smaller than A% 44. The micrometer mthod specified
in mha~l be used for measurin~ the diameter over the insulation for wire sxzes AkK
56 ad iar9er. The cxmiuctor diaxter &ay be measured either by the rnthod of oz
by the resistance method. Resistance measurements .haL1 be made in accordance with the
procedures of ASTM Publication B-193. The test ●pecimens ●hall consist of 5 feet or longer
lengths of wires. ?llm-coated rectangular wire. The thicknesn of the fib-coated rectanqtdar

wire shall be measured usmq the sucrometec method specified in end on three
carefully straightened specimens each at least 3 irackes long teken frozn ● reel or spool at
l-foot intervals. Straightening may be accomplished by stretching tho wxra not mre than 1
percent to remove bends or kinks. One measurement of the thickness shall be nude over the
mating of ● ach specimen. the coating shall then be removed at these points without inyury
to the bare wire and t!!e thickneaa of the bare wire measured ● t each point. The averaqe
of these readxnqs shall be the conductor thickness. The ●verage th~ckness over the bare
wire shall be subtracted from the averaqe thickness over the film coat~ng. This shall be
reported as the averaqe film addition or increase in thlcknesss due to film coatlnq. The
increase in width shall be detemined in the ● a- manner an the increase in thickness. Pibrous-covered round wire. The thickness of the fibrous-covered round wire
shall be asasure~ usAnq the micrometer method specified in and at three points,
spaced approximately 1 toot apart. The average of these readin9s is the overall diameter
of the wire. The coverlnq shall then be removed ● t these points without injury to the w~re
and the diameter of the bare wire meaaured at ● ach point. In the case of fibrous coveririqs
over fihi+mated wire, the film coating ● s well ● s the fibrous Covesinq shall be r~ved and
the diameter of the bare wire measured. In each set of measureamnts, th~ diameter shall be
masurod ●t M points on the circumference approximately 90 degrees ●part. The ●verage
diameter after removal of the coverings shall be subtracted from the averaae diameter over
trbe fa.orous-Vering. Thiq shall be reported &s the increase in diameter due to fibrous
or film-fibrous emvering. ?ibrous-covered rectangular wire. The thickness of the fibrous-covered

rectangular wire 8hall be rwasured at three pointn spaced approximately 1 foot apart on a
oarefully straightened specimen usxnq ● pressure type zucrometer having a 0.250-inch diameter
spindle and a 2S0-inch tiameter anvil. The spindle shall have an ● ffective weight of thxee
pounds, including the we~ght of the spindle. Straiqhtenlng may be ●ccomplished by stretch~nc?
the w~re not -re than 1 percent to remove bends or kinks. The fibrous coverlnq or film ● nd
fibrous covering shall then be renoved and the thickness of the bare wire measured at each
point. The ●veraqe thickness over the bare w~re shall be subtracted from the ●verage th&ck-
ness over the fibrous coverlnq. ThLS shall be reported 83 the increase in thickness due to
fibrous or flldfibrous covering. The increase in w~dth aha;l be detenruneti ir, the same
manner .

4.7.2 Adhesion and flexibilit~. Film-coated round wire. Adhesion. A ●pecimn of film-coated wire having an effective length of 10

inches shall be elongated (a) ● t the rate of 12 inches, ~ 1 inch, per tinute for sizes 13
AMC and heevier, inclusive and (b) by ● sudden jerk (12 to 16 feet per second) for sizes 14
AUC and finer. The specinum shall then be exasuned for cracks in the film coating ● s follows:

(a) Size AWG 30 and heavier - Examine with normal vision

(b) Size AWG 31-44, inclusive - Examine with 6X-1OX magnification
(c) Size AWG 4S and finer - Examine with IOX-15X magnification

-. . .. . . 1=1
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4.7.2 .1.2 ?i~lbility. A ●peclmen OS fAlm-coated wire having em ●ffective imqth of

10 ilwbes ShAll be woundnot mro then tui turns •~und 8 mendml hating tbe di~tu speci-

A speci~n of fih-coatd wire having ● n ●ffoctiw

length of LO Lnck und not mre than ten tuinc &round● mandrel, and
●maained h ●C=dU9C0 With t~h ~ ●

Z!AaLz w. Adhesion end flexibility.

1 Minimum I
AWG Elongation ●longation, Mendroi
sixe rate percent 1 dhmeter Exemined with
1 ,

4-9 12 ~ 1 inches per ainuta 30 Mne Nomel vision

10-13 L2 + 1 inches per tinute 25 5X 140rmelvision
14-20 S& jsrk 20 3X Normel vision
21-30 S-n jark lx M~l vision
31-44 SudduI jerk Y;; 3x 6x-1OX magnification
45-S6 Sddan jerk Breeking point Non- Aox-l!!xUwJnification

~Or to its breaking point, whichever La less.

4. 7.2.2 ?ilm-coatod, r*ctanqular.

4.7.2 .2.1 Adhesion. A speci~n of film-coated mire having ● affective length of 10

inches shall be doncjated 30-percent ● t ● rate of 12 inches ~ 1 inch, per minute. The wire
●hall be visuelly ex~nod for cracks in tho film coating.

4.7.2 .2.2 Bend test - edqeuime end flatviae. ‘ilrounderngod 10-inch specimens of wiro
shall be ●longated 10 bent ●pproxi=tely four helms from ● ach ●nd, one fAatwiso
w on. edcpwiM, OKIs%%jree en9L. over ● ~ndrsl ● s outli~d in table V1~ in the form
af a”’. During tie bendim9 operation, cm=- c~utim c~l~ h **@r~ ~ Pr@v@Jnt
axt*na&AT &ma* to -U”mCL;s C&Atiitq 6UU’I 46 by Gccu 4- LG 6cK*pihy , Cbkiiny, *nJ w iuL ti~.
A ●trip of l/4-inch wide conductive ●dhemive foil t~pe ●h8Ll be tightly wrapped ● round tho
wire &t the centmr of ● ach bend ●nd ● dialectic breakdown test made in ●ccordance with ...

TABLC VII. Mendrel size for bend test.

?Mtwha Edgewise Mendrel

(wire thicknems) (wire width) diameter

Inch Inch Inches

0.031 to 0.036 0.152
.037 to .041 .1?0
.042 to .0s0 .200
.0s1 to .063 .250
.064 to .075 .300
.076 tO .008 ! 0.O76 to 0.088 .350
.089 to .100 .089 to .100 .400
.101 to .125 .lG1 to .125 .500
.126 @ .1S0 .126 tO .150 .600
.1s1 to .la7 .151 to .187 .7s0
.190 to .219 .18B to .219 .900
.220 to .250 .220 to .2s0 A.oo
.2s1 to .310 .2s1 to .310 1.25
.311 to .3?5 1.50
.376 to .435 1.70
.436 to .500 2.00
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4. 7.2.3 ?lbrOus-coverec round wtra.

4 .7.2
,3.1 Ad!!es Len. A specimen of fibrous cover-d round wiro havoq en ●ffective
hn9ti of 10 hcFXiG’GTl be e;onaated 2S percent or to t.h breaking point, whichever is
LOSS, ●t A rate o? 12 l.nchea+ 1 inch, per sunute. There shall be no Momening, frayln?.
or Leas of ●dherence of the m-verinq ●xcept ● t tho point cf rupture. Flexibility. A specimen of fibrous covered round wire shall be wound three
cima ●round ● untie: of the diameter shown in table WII ● nd examined for cracks in the

TABLE VIII. tQndrel size for flexibility tast.

AWG ●ise -ndrel diameter


30-1 lox
O and Larger 15X
1 ?ibrous-covered, rectangular wire. Adhesion. ?&broua-ccJWred wire without underlying film =atinga. A ●pecimen of

fibrou.-covcred vi~c an uncIerlyin9 film coatln5t •hal~ wound flawxse 180 degrees
●round ● mandrel havinq ● Uinrmeter 10 times the thickness of the bare wire, ●d the bent
pomion shall be buried in No. 6 Lead shot (0.080 to 0.100 inch in diaJnetez). A source of
60-lhrtx (Hz) voltage, of ● substantially sinusoidal wave form shall be ●pplied between the
conductor ●nd the lead shot. ?ibrous-covered wire with an underlying filn coatin~. A specimen Of

fibrous-covered wire with an under~yxnq filn coatin9, havin9 an .ffective len9th of 10
inchas shall be elongated at least 20 percent at ● rate not great@r than 12 inches, : 1 inc~,
per minute. The wire shall be vxsibly examined for cracka in the film coating. Flexibility. A apecimec of fibrous-covered wire shall be bant on its flat

side 180 daqroas ●round ● uandrsl hav;ng a diameter 10 ti-s the thickness ●ntithen ●xamaned
with normal. vi-ion for cracks in th~ fibrous mwering. The outer diameter of the inmulatlon
shall datarmine the mndrel diamter.

4.7.3 Moat shock. ?ilm-coated round WLre. A spec~men of coatod wire having m ● ffective lengt$
af 10 inches shall be elongated at ● rate shown in tabla IX and wound not mre than 10 trees
●round ● wmirel having the diameter specif!ad on the ●pplicable specification sheet. The
speci-n shall be removed from the =ndrel and placed in ● circulating &ir oven for l/2 hour
● t the temperature specified on the applicable specification sheet. The apdcimen shall then
be ●xamined in ●ccordance wxth ttile :x for cracks in the film coating.

TABLE IX. Beat ●hock.

AWG ●ize Elongation rate with

4-13 12 + 1 inches per Ialnute Normal vision

14-30 Sti~en jerk I Normal vision
31-44 Sudden jerk 6X-1OX aegnification tllm-coeted rectangular wire. A apacixwm of fi~atod wire having ● n ●ffective

Iongth of 10 lnclms @hall be elonqated at a rate of 12 inctw, ~ 1 inch~ vr ~nute to the
percent ●peci.fied on the appi~cable specification sheet ●nd placed h ● circulatln~ ● ir oven
● t the t~perature mpacified on the #pacification sheet for 1/2 hour. The specxmen ●hall be
●llwed to cool to room temperature and shall then be exmined with nornml vision for cracks
in tlw film coating.

4.7.4 Elongation.
?ilrrt-coatedround and rec:anqular wire. A specimen of film-mated wire having
an effective length of lCImcnes sna.; be elongated tc its breaking point at a rate of 12
tithes, + 1 inch, per minute. Thr g~ipplng jaws shall be such that ● break will not occur
within 174 inch of either jaw. The travel distance of the jaw at the instant of break shall
be noted end the percentage of elcmqatlcm calculated.


r11=11L1lE mdAL Uluu vaAuG uvGb&A&-u u.. -..” -r r -- -—.-— ‘

Downloaded from

J-’+- Li 77A

4, .1,4.? F::rous-c9=rcd rGL7d wire. A spcci~n o< wire S:ZC ?0 AW and 1u9e I ●hali
be alon94tet to its breaking point at a rate af 2: :nches, : 1 :nc?,,per mr,~te, The
qrippin~ ~aws ●hail be such that a break wiil not occur wiUiln i/4-inch o? ● ither ;aw. In
case c>f fa:lure of ula98-fiber-covereil wir., Me finroua covering ●haLl be remuved trm
anotlmr specimsn and the wAre testtd. Tha travei tistarbceof tha jaw ● : the inmcant of
break shali be not-d and the percentage of ●longation calculated. OrI fibrous cover-d wire
sizes 22 AWG and smaller, tho fibrous coverinq shal~ be remwed from the speci-n prior to
tegting. f’ibrous-conred rectmguhx wire. A ●peclzen of fibrous-cov~red wire, with

or WithOUt sillcone, having ● n ● f fective length of 10 inches shall be ● lon~sted to the
breaking point at ● rate of 12 inches, + 1 inch, per -fiute. The qrlpping”~awa shall be
such tnat ● break will not occur within-1/4-Lnch of either 3aw. The travel di.tance of W
jaw at the inmtat of break shall be noted and the percentage of ●lon$fation c.alculatsd.

4.7,5 Scrape ZOSiStdliCa . Unidirectional scrape mststance - sizoe 10 tc 3L AK, :r.clu8tve Scrape

roaistanco shall be =amurod on b CJQVLC, wuch scrqms the murface of the coated wire
longitudinally by nms of ● weighted ●crapin9 fixture. Test procedure. A speclaen o! film-coated wire ●hall be wipad with @ clean,
dry, blmachod, and unsaxed choose-cloth, placed in tha devic.t ●nd •trai~ht@ned W •longa~ng
it not -ra than 1 percent to reaove kinks. TiM specimen shaii then be secured ir, the
c~amping jaws, ad the supprting &nvil ●djusted to contact the Unde?side Of the ●peCl&n.

4 . Approximately 90 percant of the minimum qrama-to-tail load ●pecified on

the applLca.ble specificat~on sheet ●hall be ●pplied to the ncrbping device. This initial
load shall be recorded. The weighted scrapin$ device shall be lowered 9ently anto the
surface of the fi~m coating and the scraping action ●tartod. Weight shall be ●dded until the conductor LO ●xposed and the device stops.
The value ● t wh~ch the device is shut off shall be road on the graduatad scale on the lower
edq~ of tho beam. Tho product of this value ●nd the initial load ●pplied shall be recorded
● the ‘grame-to-!ail” bad. The test procedura shall be repeated twi-i index$ng ●zwnd the periphery
Of the w$re, once ● t 120 de9reei ●nd once at 240 de9r*e8 f~m tie ori~~nal Pmitle~ and *
● ama hfonrtation recorded.
. The three “graia-to-fai: figures shall then be ●veraged. Scrapina device. The device shall provide ● ●crapinq ●ction in one direction
only ● t ● rate o? 16 mchern (t lG percent) par Unut-. The woiqhtod scraping fixture shall
contain ● poLished 0.009-inch-diamter steel piano wire or needle located betwm two jaw8
which support tho steal piano wire or noedlm rigidly, without s-gginq or curv8tuza, ● t right
anglea to the dirmction of ● troka. Tha ●troko ●halJ be in ona direction mlong tho longitu-
dinal axis of the film-coated wira to be ta#tmd. The fiim-matd wire to be tested hall b~
held ●ecurcly betwoon two clamplnq jaws over ● supporting ●nvil which shall be lowerod whil.
che specimen iw Ineerted l~to the jawm ●nd mtraiqhtened. It shall then be rais,d to cmnwct
the under ●urfaca and ●upport the specimen. The ●crapinq device shall b. equipped with an
electrical circuit which lifits the current to 20.0 edll;~res at 7.5 + 1.5 velts (V)
between the ~nductor and tho piano wire or noedie scraper. The circuit-shall be so designed
chat failure of the film coating is &tectcd ●nd the scraping &vice 8topped when the film
cmcinq im removed and tha bare conductor .xPosed for ●ppmx-tely 1/8 inch. The ●crmping
device shail be equipped vxth a qraduatod ● cale on the lower .dqe of the beam Whach indicates
the factor by which tho Mitial load is multiplied to dete~no the “graaw-to-fail-.

4.7.6 Springback.- sixes 14 to 30 AWG, incluaivm. A speciaan of film-coated wirm ● ha:l

be wmmd ttueo turns ● t ● rata or 5 to 10 d ● mandrel having the diametar shown in
table X, undsr the tension indicated. One%dao~*&te COil ● O fo-d shall be bald and the
othar allwed to mtind S1OW1Y.

—— ..a.
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TAB~ x. Sprinqback.

Mandre 1
~~tar. TenmiOn
AUG Ounces
14 3 1/4 16
I 3 1/4
1 16
16 3 J/4
17 3 1/4
3 l/4 16
18 16
19 3 1/4
20 3 1/4
1 I/a
21 4
22 1 7/8 4
1 7/9
23 4
24 1 7!8
1 7/8
26 I 7/8
3/4 2
27 2
28 3/4 2
29 3/4 2
,th the

The 8prin9be& tester (see figure 1) shall be operated in ●ccordance wi

procedure :
the shaft of the aanckei horizontal at
The inst~nt shall be mounted with
& height ● Pproxi_tely 4“5 ‘met ‘“e ‘~~ ~wtr~he @le for f~st8nin9 the
The mandrel shall be locked In posit$on on the dials.
wire in in a =rtical position to correspnd caref~ly witifrom
mro the package in such ●
The wire to be tested shall be r.-ved tension ●nd •~ll
(c) will not be subjected to ● xtra bends or
way that the wire direct$on as originally coiled.
be wound onto the mandrel in the sam size of mandrel and weight
(d) The wire ●hall be inserted in the hole using the
●peclfied in table X. :.hemandrel rnuntarclockwime v~th
(6) The wire ●naii se iayer~uuld &y ~“ Oppos i to
the number of tuns as specif%od.
or ink shall be mada on the last turn
(f) A mark with ● crayon, pencil,
the xaro mark on the dial. left hand on the -ndrel •n~ then the
(g) The wire ●hall be held in placa witi the
1/2 inch of wire past the mark
weight shall be removed. leaving ●pproximately
(h) The wire shall be cut, This l/2-inch lengti shall be bent in
previously scri-d on the last turn.
● vertical position. vertical piece of wxret the cOil Of
If the wire is
(i) By placlnq a pencil to the Left of the without jerking.
wire shall be allowed to unwind slowly,erron-- results are obtaLMd.
petitted to spring back suddenly, the Aast turn has moved ● s sh-n on
(j) Note the angle through which the mark on
tie ~a~ ~unted behind ~e ‘ndrel ‘-~~~ie~~l ,Mtid ~me to rest on the
on the free end of
(k) The indicating Wint
c- shown on ●ach dial.
figure representing
. A ,Of ‘t wire will ●xhibit tendencYfor to sprinq back:
a harder wire.
hence the
ierjr ● 89 par turn will be less than that
Downloaded from

- —..—- 1’ ..

+-??--v- %-t


I k’ 1

FIGURE 1. Ftachine for springback.


-. – L* – .-–– 2———-.. L- -r Au.. - ----..= ~--e..- .

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4,7.7*L Proeed L=e. The speclnuz shall be ca~rised of &. lenuths Of wxre POSltiOn@
●: riffh,
t ~Yqle~ o~her in the apparatua a8 reqwrec!. The upecifmn sh~l: be careful!y
Loaded wiLt. 2090 $rarm for sLze 18 AWG or 100 grams foz size 36 AWL wire. The tmperat~”e
●hall be increased at IO*C to 45*C per ainute tc nc: less than SC*C below the che-pl~szi:
flw temper~turc tpecifiec?in the applicable specification ● hoet, and then r&imed 5*C pe:
minute MCL: failure occurs. The ini?icated temperature, mrrected in ●ccordance wiL?,
shall be taken ● s tbr thenruplagtic flow temperature of that specmen. Por 18 AWG wire, five
spec~ns shall * tr~tec! and the average stMLl be the the-plastic flow temperature. Por
size 36 AU; wire, ten specim?ns tIhAll be tested an< the avaraqe ●hail be the :henm;l&stLc
flou temperature.

The thenwplastic flow temter shall be capable of exerting a

ccmstant load pe-~en ~cular to, and directly over, the right-angle crosmover of me specimen.
Tt.e tester shall ineiude a contrvl thermocouple with a temperature range and a pyrometar to
indicate the temperature measured by the control ●Ae.mCouP16. The ●ctual ●pacimen tempara-
~um .C each to=: ~a~:ion ~~=r -a ~~d at tie crossover ~sit~on shall be meaSUrCd
throughout the expected temperature range by a c&ULrated thcmcouple-pmowter and co+re3
to the control or indicated temperature. The reaultinq temperature difference 9haLi be used
to ●ppropriately cor=ct the indicated thenmplastic flow tem=ratue. The testing chamber
chall be o: a size to maintain ● temperature r~se of 10°C to 459C per minute to not less
than 50”C below the temperature specified in the ●pplicable specification sheet and 5°C
per ulnute temperature rise frorhthat point to failure. The failure detector shall be so
constructed that a current flow of 0.S0 to 0.100 ampere at 115 v altematinq current,
60 HZ, between the creased wires of the mpecinen will indicate failure.

4.7.8 Dielectric s:renqth. Layer to layer (round wire). ‘IWO layers of insulated wire shall be close wound,
turn-to-turn, one on top of the other, ● round a mmth, qlindrica~ inauJatin9 ~n~re~ with-
out reversing the direct~on of rotation of the aandral. The maximum tens~on and Lhe mandrel
dianmter shall be ● 8 apec~fied in table XI. The length of the winding along the mandrel
shall be 1 inch, but not less man SIX tu~$. Voltage at 60-Hz of a wave shape substantially
sinusoidal, utarting at zero and increasXn9 ~ifor~lY at 500 V Per se~nd~ ‘hal~ be
applied bat%?een the two layers until the insulation is punctured, the voltage at puncture
being msanured with a mltmeter calibrated in voles root-mean-squrs (nns). In the ● vent,
that breakdown occurs in less than 5 seconds, the test shall be repeated ●nd.the rate of
incroast in voltaqe 8hAll be reduced sufficiently’ so that breskdon will not occur in less
than 5 m=~crdtis. :;,c ~:==~~~. s.~~t~na shall be not less than the values qiven In the appi2-
cable spe=ificatlon sheet.

TABZX XI. Mandral diameters for C!ielectric-strength test on round wire,

sizes 10 to 30 AWG (layer-to-layer].

Wire size (NJG), Incl Mandrel tianmter, inch

10 CO 23 1,00
24 to 30 .2s

4.?.8.2 Tvist [round wire). Two pieces of wire shall be twisted together for a distance
of 4.75 inches. The tension on the wires while being ~iuted ●nd the nuskmr of twists shall
be as specified in ttiie XII. Voltage ● : 60-Hz frequeney of a wave shape substantially
sinusoid&l, starting at zero and $ncreaslng uniformly at 500 V per second, shall be
applied Mtwcen the two wires until the insulation is punctured, the voltage at puncture
king measured with a voltmeter calibrated in volts nm. The testing transformer shall
have a rating of 500 vclltamperesor aOre. In the event that breakclm occurs in less than
5 seconcia, the test shall be repeated and the rate of increaae in veltaqe #hall be reduced
wufficie~tly so that breakdown will not occur in less than 5 ●econds. The brebkdown mltaqe
shall be not less than the valuea given in the applicable specification sheet.


--- ---
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TMLE XII. Tan#i9n and number e: tvists for dieloctr%c-strenqti,

or round wtre (twist].

Atui ●iss Total tension on uir9 [ Ntamksr of twi8ts

to 11
to 14
I 24
1s to 17 6 lbs. 6
18 to 20 3 Lbn. 8
21 to 23 1.S Abe. 1:
24 to 26 340 qram* 16
27 to 29 170 20
30 to 32 85 9rams 23
33 to 35 40 gruns 31
36 to 38 20 grma 36
39 to 41 10 grams 4J
42 to 44 5 grams 46

This test applie~ to rectangular wlro of all ●ixes, and to round

wxro h% 4“7’8”3
sizo “%%+%+”in..-t... Tho WrdppOd-f031 test shall b. perfomad as follows:

(a) Apply ● strip of thin =tai~ic foil, l/4-inch wide, to tho contm of ● l/2-~nch
wida pressure-sensitive tape. Cut tho thpe into strips about 3-inehms lonq,
in such ● manner that th. tape does not ● xtond bevond tho ●nd of tho sutallic
foil. Thosa strips ● re the ●lectrodes.
(b) Cut ● specxman of wire of such lenqtb that tour electrdes may be applied at
inta~als of ● bout 2 incho8. Startmq 2 inches minimum from the exposed
●nde apply the ●loccrodes to the wim with tho tape at riqht anqias to the
wira, ● nd the foil An contact with the wire. Wrap tho tape smoothly and
tlrmly ●round th, uiro a minimum of on. end ono-half compl*to turns.
(c) Apply ● 60 ~ 1 HZ volta9e of ●inusoLdal wcvtfon betw=*n the metaLl~c toll
and tho conductor, one •i*Ctr~@ ● t A t~=. Start tho voltaoe at zmro, ● nd
ificrcasa it uniformly ● t ● rat. of 500 V per second until braakdown
occurs. in the ● vent that breakdown occurs in than 5 seconds, the test
shal~ be r.p.dt.d and th. rata of lncrmaso in voltaqa shall be rmduced
●ufficimntly ● o that breakdmn will not occur in less than 5 ●econ$s.
(d) Tho brmkdmn volta90 in at Aeast thrse of the four Iocatlons whmro tho
● loctroees ● re appi%ad ●iL-iiL6 r,st 1ss; “W!.ar. :5% “Y&L*&es?lvw !n thm
●pplicable specification .hect
4.7.9 Low voltaoe continuity - size~ 25 to 56 AWG inclusive. A 100-fOOt specimen of
wire sh&ll be Qassod ● marcury bath at feet per minuta, + 10 percent.
The length of tho bath shall be 1 + 1/16 inch and tha heiqht of tho mrcury 8Uf?iCiOnt to
Govor the wxre for the entire lanu% of the bath. A direet-current fmtantial shall b,
applAod between tha bath and the wire conductor of magnitude ● s shown in tabla X112. The
Cost C$rcuit shall be 80 arranqod that the discontinuity indicating device will ooerate
whmn the rosistanco betwa8n the bath and the wire conductor is less than 5,00Q ohms, but
WilA not operata when ‘Jo rosistafm iS lo~ooo o~m~ or -r*. It shall be ●rranqed go that
● minimum of 600 faults per minutmt ~ LO prcent, will be countod uhon a bare wire is passed
through tho bath. My automatic counter conforming to the cont$>tions specifiti herein MY
be used.

TABLE X1X1. Low voltage continuity.

WirQ sizes (AWG), inclusive volts

25 to 29 75
30 to 34 60
3s to 40 30
41 to S6 20

4.7.10 High voltage d>ract current concanu~ty, bench test, SLZOS 14 to 10 MC,
inclumivs. Tast procadsro. One hundred fee: of film-coated wire shall be passed over ●n
●nmrq~zod corrosxon res~atant (stainless steel) V-arooved insulated sheave (contact) at a
spood of 60 + 2.5 feet per minute. No qrounded meealllc uuide sheaves shall be used (on.
bafore and tb other ●fter contact) . All tF,r@esheaves shall be of the same dxametcr ●nd
conatruct~on and shall be arrancfec ● O that the amount of wire in contact with the ●norq~zod
Downloaded from Th. hlqh-vGltaoe p-es suFF.j’ ~ba~! ~ reaj]atod and shal!.prov~do

to tho contact F’
s gave ● smooth filtered direct-current voltaqe free of trana~en: ovemoi~aqe
‘spikes” (see ~he own circuit test voltages, available by ●djust-nt shall be
Soo, 750, 100G, 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 V ●nd shall have a positive polarity with respect
to thm grounded test wir9. The steady-stat. ● hort -circuit current shall be Lhalted
internally to a mmcimm of ~@ =icro=vre~ ● t my ta~t ~ltaae •mttin~. 6 50-meqohm Caul:
rosimtanco ●t tha Cont&ct ● heave shall not cause more than a 70 ~reent drop Ln voltaqe on
the Mgh-voltbqe shahve at any voltaga satt~n$. The sensitivity (s.. of the
fault datection circuit {me Shail be such that tt’ta circuit will be capable of
ciatmcting any fault (s.4 4.7.LC.2. 1) having a rosistanca of less than 30 fsegohm but will not
operato when the insulation rasistanc~ 0.‘ the test wire ●xceeds 180 s990hms. Th. fault
dotmction current shall have a range not greater tin 14 : 5, raicroaraper*sat tho 3000 V
e9tc&ng . Th4 speed of rosponme of tho fault detectior. circuit shall be not qreatc: than
100 mXLAlseconds + 10 percsnt. Thai fault count2raa c~rcui: ntiallbe desluned to repaat
● t the rate of 60U + 60, counts por minuta when bare wlro is passed over the contact ahoave.
The fault Countor •~ali ~ ● digital readout devlco ●uch ● s ● n ~lOctr~ChSZZic&l countar or
it~ ●ioctronic ●quivalmnt. rteans for re~attlnq the countmr to xoro shail be inciudod.
Additional r-corder oquipmnt for makinq records of fault patterns is optional. The hi9h-
voitage con&act sheave shall be a 2-inch-outside-dx8JMter corrosion resistant (stainless-
stoel) shaava with a V-shaped groove such tnat tho mclucbd angle will be 45 + 3, deqrees
and tho root diameter will be 1.5 + 0.1 inches. Tho bottom of the qroove Shari have a
maximum rad%us of 0.005 + 0.00i inc%. The ground insulation for the contact sheave shall
be ● high reuistivity ma~arial, nonhygroscoplc, nontrackinq, easily cleaned, and shall have
cloarancee for maintaining a maxlmurr voltaqe o! 3000 t’indefinitely. All ●daes of the
sheave shall be well rounded to mlnimlze corona. ~he two qrounded guide #heaves shall be c:
tho same dimensions and material and shall be spaced 2. 72 + 0.005 inches between centers 0!
the contact sheave and either gu~do sheave and on the same%or120ntaL line, Ieavinq approx-
imately a 3/4-inch space between ● haave ac~~es on ● ither aide of the contact sheave. ThI~
●rrangement, when threaded with wirw for testinq in an alternate wrap manner (that is, over-
und-r-over or vice versa) , shall provldt & contact lenattiof wire on the Charqeti center
8h8ave of 1.0 + 0.2 Inch. A Surqe Ciampl.noresistor of 4.7 megohms * 10 pere8nt, shall h
installed in dk hi9h-volta9e l~na at thn contact sheavo connection: No sh~elding shall be
used on the high-voltago lead since a mu.ntmum capacitance to ground is sought during switchinc
and counzing events. Tha teat device shal! include su:h wire handlina equxpment as will
provide the wire speed stipulated in 4.?. 10.1 and shall be capable of handllnq wire size?
14 to 30 AWG, inclusive, ). toocacaeUUUIIL6L- -“:W. a Fzeze: ~ll*-nff feature ghall be included
so that ● xact lmnqths can be monitored. The drxve motor shall b. of the brushlass type anc
mhall have aufflcient power to ma~ntain speed under the heaVLOBt load. Fault. Any defect or series of defeczs with reduced electrical properties
●uch that, under ~qa, & ●ufftcimz currant will flow to activate the fault detection
circuit and indicate one fault per Inch of wire tested. Treatvoltaqa. The open-circuit voltaee ●pplied to the contact sheave shall
h asspeclfiad i~~ Av. All voltaqe 8eztings shall be checked with a hiqh-imoedance
dovico much am an electrostatic voltmeter. Suf2iciont internal rosistanc. shall be
providmd so that rapid collapse of the applied test voltawe occurs when a fault 1s dmtocted.
Mpxd recovery of the voltsqe to the test level is also required.

TABLE XIV* Xigh voltaoa continuity.

OC voltage
Single Haavy Triple
14 - 24 1000 1500 2000
2s - 30 500 7s0 1000 Fault detection current. The current flowing from the contact sheave
through the fault to ground .See 4./.10.2). Senaitivit The maximum resistance which will positively operate the
detection cxrcuit ~“
w ● xnsertad between the con:aet sheave and ground (s.8
Resistances abova this value may also operate the circuit on occasior. in a statlst~cal
manner but are not considered at the sensitlvlt} ‘threshold”.
Downloaded from

4.Y.Ll.L.i ?raparetion of s Spec LInonsof unstrotchod ●nd unbent ?Llm-coatod
wirs, ● ach 12 Lncba ,C)n,,whm+%%%* n strsos &nnoalad and praparad in accortiancowith
tha 4ppuo4blo 8p9ciflc4tLofi dteac, mhall be iuaersad ● t lmast 6 inches. without bendim,
for 30 ninutaa in tha liquids ●pecxfied in tha sp@ciflcatlon sheet ●nd maintained ● t
*O”C + 2*C. Xae?i 8Pci8en shall be M9er.*d In one liquid only.,1 Th. s~cimena uhal~ thm be removed from the liquid

Choesocloth w and
within 2 Uirluao drawn once betwesn tha folds of ● thicknose
an 1 tinuto, of
dry b: achad and unsizad ChOOS*CIDth pressed fimly betwmn tho fore-finger and the ball
of Mo tnu.mb. Any r-oval of tha coating caused by knlcks or aochanical injuq shall mot
be conuidoroc ● s faiiuro to -t tha requirements o.* th~ Epplicablt npecifieation shost. Noedie scrape. Tho spmci-ns
shali than be remov.d fzom th8 s~lvmnt ant
tostod within 2 &M.ItOB, mt not 1.s. ti~non ● d.vic@ which ●craw*
1 tin~te~ ~0 ●urfac.
of the film coating ● t 2 inches Wr wcond and ● t r~qht ●nqloa to tha Iongths of tha wiro
with ● 0.016-inch ●toel needle Lo&dmd with 580 gr~ when t8stinq copper wiro ●nd 340 qramss
vhon aluminum Wire [mea fiWrO 2). TM specimens shall be wiped with ● clean cloth
w r-move any liquid ●nd #haLl ba etraiuhtenad by hand, without 8tratchinq, to remv. kirws.
After tho wiro 1s inmortad in th9 test ●pparatus, thm weighted noodle shall be Aowarod
gently to tho surfaca of the film coating. Expomura of th. bare conductor ahali b. indicated
by ● n ● l.CtriCal Ciscuit hav~nq B potontial of 7.5 ~ 1.5 V between the needl. and the

iI r i
smabasw‘1 \\

rIcuRZ 2, machine for ●olubilitv ● craqt.

i.1.1:.l ?i.1.m-coatad ractanuular wire. Specimens of unstretched ●nd tint film-coated

wIraI, aach :2 Inc’”ias long, which nave been prepared in accordance with tho applicable specl-
flcaltion8fleat sr~I’l!. MI :mmarsed w:-bout benciinq for 30 minutes in Che liquids speciflet on
the aDol~cabla st>fc:f:caticn sheet and nuintained at 60’C + 2*C. Each speciwsn shall be
mmersod in onm L.quiJ onl’l. The spac~-ns shall ba rmno--d from the soivent and, wi’thin
2 mir.utes, but not. lcsn than 1 mirwto, ● ach pair of surfaces ●hall be drawn once betvoen
tha folds a? tour thlcknessaa of cnoesecloth pressed firmly batwwn the foref;nqe= and the
ball 02 thm thumt and thmn exusLno& with normal vision. my rmnoval of the Coatinu caused
by kinks or macharr~c~l injury shall not ba Connlciared a faAlure to mea: t.horoquirmants of
trio applicabl- cpecl$ication sheet.

4.7.12 Compiatonesa of Cur@.

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4.7.12 .1.2 Diaaipation factor. A ninl=ua length of 12 inches of wkr. ●hall be wiped
with ● goft claan cloth or tissuo and vury carafully formed in- an sppmx-te “U= shape.
Tho radioe of any bend ●haU be not 100S than twice the d.1-ter of the bat. wiro. ?hs bent
ooction SMU be irnrsed in mercury so that ● mhimam length of 5 incho. is below the sur~ace,
with mo port~ori of tbo speciam touching ●ny otkwr portion of the specimm. The spochn
shall be held by an Ansuhted holder, ● uch 88 a mrk. The dlmsip8tmn factc : ●hall be mas -
ured ● t 60-1000 !3sby -an* of ● General I@dio Brid9a, or itm equivalent, conna-od to the
mnductor of tho ●pecirnn and tho amrc~. In cas~ of failure, ●noth8r specim shall be
wiped with ● ●ott clean cloth or tlasua and conditioned by dryinq in ● circulating ●ir oven
for 1 hour at 125°C ~ 3*C. The wire shall be rewved from the oven, cooled to room tOqMra -
tura. and tested ● s epecified herein. tilm-coated, rectanquiar .

4.7.12 .2.1 Chemical =thod. of wire which has bowi UUIOU.CY

A cpecimm by baking tor
10 ainutat ●t 125*C : 3-C shall be bending for 5 ninutes in ● boiLing
irnrsod without
mixture initially containing 30 parcont combarcial-grade 3-de9ree toluene and 70 parcent
denaturad ●thyl alcohoiby volune. Four inches irmersod in the liquid shall be sufficient
for this teat. The specimen shall then be renmved from the mixture and ●xauLmd with normal
vision for ●welling of the film coating. Swellinq of the film coating within 2/2-inch of
the iaemraed end shall not exmstitute failure. Solvont method. A specl-n mhall be ●longated 30 percent ●nd wound for ● t
Mimt -O complete turns on a l-inch-diameter mandrel. The specimen shall b. slipped from
the mandrel and imrmrsed in N-Mtiyl-2-~rmlitine (N~) for 1 mhute. NO cracks, crazing
or ewelling shall be visible in the coatin9 when tho ●Pecinmn is removed from the NKP and
●xamined with normal vialon. Swelling of the film coating within l/2-inch of the Iaubersed
●nd almll not conatituta failure. Di8mipa tion factor method. A minimum length of 12 inches of wire shall be
wiped with ● soft clean cloth or tiaaue and very carefully formed into an ●pproximate ‘U”
shape. The radLus of any bend #hall be not less than five timem the thickness of the bare
wire or 1/2 inch, whichever 1s larger. The bent ●ection shall be iuewrmed in mercury so
that ● dnimum lanqth of 5 inches is below the surface. Th~ specimen shall be held by ●
inaulatod holdez. The dissipation factor shall be emaaured at 60-1000 titby mans of ●
General Radio Bric!ya,or equvalent, txmnected to the conductor of the specimen &nd the
rnrcury. In came of failure, another ●pecimen shall be wiped with ● soft clenn cloth or
timmue and conditioned by drying in ● circulating ●ir oven for 1 hour ● t 125*C + 3*C. The
wire shall be renmved from the oven, cooied to room temperature, &nd tested am ;pecifhd
Sizes 14 to 23 AWG, inclu$ive. Soldering -ats ●hall be made by fo-nq a
loop 0S a 12-inch
of insulated wire ● nd twisting the ●nds to~thmr for & distance of 3/4
to 1 inch, with ● minimum of five turns ●nd ● maximum of ten turns. The vmry ●nd of the
twist ●hall then be trimned off with ● pair of wire cutters. The specimen so prqmrad shall
be imamrsed in ● rosin-alcohol flux (10 parts of water white rosin ~nforla.irig to grade Wh’ of
LLL-R-626 mixed with 90 parts of denatured ethyl alcohol by weight), ●nd then i-ra.d to a
depth of ● t learnt1-1/4 inches in a ●olderin9 pot of 50/50 t>n-lead oolder minteined at the
●pecifimd temperature. The temperature @hall be measured within 1/4 ln~h from the imersed
@nd of the spec~n which shall be d~pped on approximately the vertical centerline of the pot.
The irnrsion time shall be in accordance with table XV ●fter which the 8pec~n shall be
r.mvecl tram the pot and examined with normal vision.

TABLE XV. SolclorabiLity.

Ua%imual mmperature
imnarmion of
AWG ti= . sohhr,
size ●econda .C

14-19 10 430
20-23 e 430
24-29 6 360
30-36 5 360
37-46 4 360
Downloaded from

J-W-1L77A Sise, 24 tO 46 h% A spaciman of flh-coatnd viro d)ali ba wound

tog b act-ma o
~-i%sr ● *● nd of ● 6-inch ionqth of 2J MC
10.0320 inch)
aloub, tinaod copp@r wira, hot-dipped in ●ccorcianco with ANSI Standard SLZO C7.4. Tharo
Aa:l h b ulnimum of f:v9 t-s and ● m-imum of tan turns. with 8 sliuht spacing Mtmon
●sch turn. TM cp.c-ns so propar.d shall ba L-r*ad in a rosin-aicohol 21= fsoa
and than -rsod to ● dopti of at Aoast 1 inch in ● solderinq pot Of S0/50 tin-had solder
Mintainod ● t ● ~raturo of 360°C + Sec. Tho imrsion tim shall b9 in ●ccordanc~ with
tAMa XV s~t8r whtch tha spocimn shar~ ba ro-wd frm th. pot and .xuUnad. Viauhl
●&natLon of ● izom 24 to 36 AWG sh&ll ba mad. with normal vision @ of a$zoa 37 to 46
AK shall ba usda undsr 6X to 10X mqnification.

4.7.14 Ov*rLoad test procaaurs. Pmpaxatlon of spacimans. ?iVO ● :s of tuistd paix spacinmns shall b

proparod in ●ceordanco uitn Each s~cLmmn shall ba prowrmd viUi ●ll four ●nds
bared and ●hapod by us. of ● fo-ng jig {sea figura 3) for standardizing tha hngth of
w.ra in tha aamplms.

T1 r
w AmGu

● 1:.0 Y



! I \\ /- L ●

rIGuiu 3. ?onnina jig, overload test spaciman. Current saloction. ?ho initial currgnt and current stops shall ba calculated
by the folkuinq tomulaol

POX copper -
Initial curront~ X. _ 7200 d1”6S (E~.i/

s-p Sizol a , - ;00 &“ (~oz)

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In uhich -

● current of first step In amperes

~1 - currant advance fa 88cII8uccoaclinq atap in amperes

(Tabloa san M prepared so currants can b. salectod without computation. Nominal size 18
WC Cop!xlrwire calls faz an initial currmt of 36 amperes and & stap size of 2 amperes.
)kxUnai tJiza 18 AW5 aluninum wire calls for an initial currant of 27.1 amperes and a step
sxzo of 1.5 qms.1

y Equation 3 yiolda 14.3 for the five complete 8t9ps 01 3 minutes ●ach. Certain matorxais
●xcaad this tma. and for ovmrtima convarslon uS. the tollwinq:

on _ 14.3 + 0.01936 to

to - overticaa In seconds (Eq.6)

4.7.J4.3 Ganaral operation. The cast la based on passinq 8pe:iflad currants throucih
tha two arum of a ticandaratw;stad pm~r speciman for 3 unutes in each of five successive
at~p~ Of currant, such an 34, 38, 40, 42$ end 44 ~wr~~. Tefnparatures from 345-C to 57C”C
ShalA b. attained. A 115 V ● ource i~ apDLietibetwmn arms of the ~pmcinu!n whllo hmatin~
currmntn are oparatinq. Failura ie axh,ibited by a visual alarm (rod iiqht) and by th.
●tnppinq Df th timinq rend-out del~’ica. The noconds of burnout tiresare Conyertod to the
ovarload fx~re of marit by tne Callok’inq fo=ulat

Tab2a8 can M prmparod to facflitato tho Conversion from time in ●oCOt’dS (t) to fiqur* of
melrit unit%.

4.7.14*4I promdura.
mat “- ‘
FOILCIWA~+i bhb6 ----..s*4-- r4_~rri~d in, the 8pOCim@n
‘“ p~mr--ti---- .
sha:l ba inserted An tha four taminhis v~tfi ●utfici*rtt Jaterml forcm to faaintakn a stralant
but no: eionczated specimmn throughout the taat and the lid $hall b closed. Prior to the
start of the tlrst tastinq pariod, a wanft-up stop shall be run with parallel wires. Tht)
tampmraturw of the rlrjhtrear alectrmh shall be 135-F ~ l°F prior to each test. (Durin~
the war-m-up period, calculatt:l currents ●nd stops can be ● at in raadiness for tha actual
test.) Consecutlvo tes:.nshall M npacad by waitinq periods requ~red for the right rear
mhctrod. to return to thn 135*F’condition. The timer #hall be resmt to zero. The initial
curronc sF.A1lba appkiod and adjusted to the calculated valL?8. At ● ach step, the current
shail ba ●djustad to UM predetemnod value for that steD. Tha tima at the failure point
● haii be recerded and converted to a flqure-of-marit value.
4.7.1s Alcohol tazk. J $pocimar. ef film-coated self-bondlno wiro shall ba wound intc
a.coil by saasxng t.hwwire o~nr t felt pad wh~ch is snturated with denatured ethyl alcohol,
usim sufficient tonnior,to frodtlce a =nnpact.windinq. The coil shall be heatad ● t approxl-
amtaly 80°C until all of tha alcohol has ●vaporated from the CO1.1 (minimum of 1/2 hour).
4+7.;16 HQlicbl coil, bond -. Preparation of noctcimen.

. sizoo 19 and 26 AUG. The appropriate mandrel shall be solocted fror table
XV ●nd spravcd with ● reiaasc aqent (such as fluorocarbon spray, or silicone spray). 30
wire shall be derwoAed over rho end of th. spool as a ~-~nch ginq~a layer coil is wo~d onto
thm prmpar~d mandrel, uuinq a windinc? tensiori not to ●xceod that of tabie %V1. The coil and
mandrai ahkli k varzically mnu!.ted in a holder with th8 fre~ end of the coil at the top.
The bondinq weiqht, from table ~: *hall be placed on the vertically mountod coil
provid;nq a downward force durin2 bondlnc. Three coils shall ba prepared.


Downloaded from


?ABLE x’JI. llel~calcoil bond test.

*h- Te#t wezuht~i
AUG Mandrel ~, uindinq Bondinql, t Attmr After -
● l.xo size, inches- ~ tmsion welqht - haat bondinq solvent bond

18 0.250G ~ 1220 qrama 140e qrans 9 Kq 4.5 Kq

‘ 76
26 0.1570 g=- ~ 15.25 qrens
9rams , i.6 Kq 0.8 Kc)
36 0.0394 t 2;:.2 gzaau 0.025 K9 + o.o122 Kq
~’Toleranct Limits ~ 2 percent. Size 36 AWC. TM ●ppropriate mandrel chall be selected from tablo XV and
sprayed with ● (see . The wire Shall be deroehd
aqmt over the end
of tho spool ● s ● coil of fifty continuous turns aro wound onto the prepu~ -endr@l. The
CG:l and mandrel sha!: be vertically mounted in a holder. The epecified bonding might,
from tabh )W ●all be plsced on UMJ vertically mountod coil (se@ Three coil,
shall be prepared. Heat bond;na, sizes 18 26, and 36 AUG. Tho holder ●ssembly shall be placed
in ● forced air oven for . hour at 15-L unless oth aIW~se ●pecifiod on the ●pplicable
specification sheet. The ●nsembly sh;ll be remowd from UM ovan ●nd cooled to rrxx$
t~rature. The CC)]lshall be removed fra ths mandrsl ●nd inspectad for breaks or
physical damaae. Solve~t bondlnq, sizes lE, 26, and 36 Am. The spec-en shall be dipped intc
the solvent .Peclf>ed on the •ppL~cabls speczficauon shoat for approxxaately 5 seconds.
‘l%-bonded coil shall be umnedxately placed in the holder with the specified boncixnqwa~gnt
from tebls WI and ●ll=d to dq for 1 hour ● t room temperature, unless othrwlso specified
on the ●pplicable specification sheet. The coil shall be removed frcm tho mandrel and
inspected for breaks or physical Qe ● nd dried for 15 minutes at 100”C.

4.7.16,4 Bond. SizrS 18 ●ad 26 k~. Tho three Lnch test coil shall be pAaced in a test
fixture identical to all dlmcns~ona ● nd radii shown on fiuure 4. The aporonrLate test
weiqht, ●peclfled Ln table XVI shail be the total load to be ●pplied to’ “m-” center of the
co~i, which ~ncludes the knife ed9e, support, ●nd ●dded weiaht. The load qhell be Lm’e:d
q8Ztly ~int aiiow.ti Co n~nq for 5 ceconds. A ●tress-strain ●nalyzer may be used instead to
appiy an increaainq load. Tha cross-head speed shaAl be betweorI1/2 ●nd 1 inch per minute.

4, Size 36 ANC. The coil shall be hung by one of the ●ds ●nd loaded with the
wiqht specified n table mx. Uhen ●ttaching the Load, ● ny additional shock must be ●voided.
The weight shall be allowed to hang for 5 ●econds.

4.7.17 Dielectric atrenuth ● t rated temperature. Preparation 0? specunens. vlve gets of ●pecimena of ● il- 18 or 36 AUG hoaw

fi~ecoated wire Sh&lL be PrcPared An accordance with Tast procedure. The temperature of a cxrculatinq ●ir oven shall be raised to
the temperature equ~valent to the thonnal class rating of th spachsen : 2-C, ● ach specimen
shall tm placed in ● holder, and the specimen ●nd holder shall than be pLaced in the oven
and connected to a hlqh voltaat feed-throuqh connwctor. Fifteen minut~s, but not nore than
30 minutes, after the oven acaalnre.chea the temperature equivalent to the thermal class
rating of the specmen + 2-C, a ~owce of 60-Hz voltbge ● n descrxbed In shall be
applied to the specimen-throuqh the feed-through connector ● t the oven. The valves of the
five speczmenrn shall be averaqed. The voltage rise ●nd the breakdown voltqe shall he
-eeured in accordance with


—r—––——__= =
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\ -E=
t I

RN)* i

. d-


fixture for bond st~ength test.

~I~Um 4. ;est


. .
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4.7.le Thermal ● v8:ua::3n.

Hoaq grade, size 18 AW maunet wire 8hb~i be used. ?ne test voltage shall be requlated
within 5 ~rcent. Test~ chal! be made on bot~ unvarnlshet! and varnxshod ●pecimona. The
varnished spec~mens shall be sinqle d~pped, T’Ie varnl~h shall be Ln accordance with !41L-I-
14092 ●nd mhall be the same class a? the maqne: wire. The lowest tmmperbzu:o test point
snail hava an avtraqe i~te o! not le93 than 5,3$CJ ho~zy. Tn. hiqnes: tempe:atue teat po~nt
shall have ● n averaqe Life of not iesO than 10J hours. The 8pre&d betweer, WCC03SAW
temperature points shall be not A.*9 man 20-:0 1? the nlcrnest tem~rature Point obtained
y~elds than 100 hours avaraae ll?c, ● n additional temperature poxnt LO*C lower may be
ta .. &xtrapolat20n, to determine Ule classl?v~nq temperature, ah&ll ba based on tha
roaression line cf tne three ltiest temperature point.s. ~’ Th>s reqresaior, line shall De
caLcsAated in ecmrdance with the mSIthCAS Outilnec in PWLLcation ILEL 10A. ?emperatkre
AndeA u1;: be :.aset0: me ex:~a~la:~on ~! :~~ t3:E :? a: least 2@t~@cI ~ou*8 for un~am$~~~
varnished or bondable wire at the clabed temcmrature rttlnq. conformance inspection, Specimens nhail be tw~sted t~ether as

specified for L61iu‘or v ectrxc-strsmgth !twlst ) test (see ● nd coated wAth ● n insuiat~nq
varnilh in accordance with llIL-I-24092 of the types usw! to impregnate coils for an msulaticn
●ystem of the 8ame class Ln which the wire is rated to operate. Thm varnia.’)slmll UMn be
dried to a nontacky ?lnish a: a temperature beAow that which will have &ny approciabie affect
on the lnauiatiort under te~t. The dried, coated spocimcns shall ther. ba cond>tionod for 166
hours >n a circuLat~nc]-air oven ● t the temperature npec;fioti on the applicable npaclflcation
sheet. An a result C? thLS test, Lha ● inimum dielectric breakdown strenq=h shall be not
Aesc thafi the velua gpcifiad or. tme ●ppllcaala spec:f~catlon snect. fitthe conclus~on o?
t~,ls ~ndltlonlnq, the specimens ~t)ail be cooled tc room temperature and nuo~ected to the
dielectric-strenqth [twist) test specified in

4.8 Inspe ction of prel)aratLon for del:vfg. Sample packages ● nd packs and tne ~nmpec-
Clon of the praservat% ● nc packagllbq, pachlrlq and marking for shipment and Staraye shall
De in accordance with the requlrrnnts of sc::lo~l5.


(The prepisratlon for delive~ requisesneats 6pecAflod herelri apply only for d~recc
Gwerrunent procurements. ?or the extent o: appllcab~ilty e? the premza:lon ?Or dellvev
requlrasn*nc9 01 reterencoa bcuments L:.scecI Ln sec:xon 1. ●ee b.>.

5.1.1 Level h. Magnet wire shall be un~fomiy and compactlv wound on waoois or reels.
The ends stiaI~~ecured to prevent unwlnd~r,q of t?e wire. The net welont a? a reel of
rectangular w~re shall M 200 : 20 pounds. The net WOl~ht of a SIC)G1or reel of round wire
shall be av specifAed in table XVII (see 6.21.

:’fUher, the d.~tapaxrzs d~ rlc: f.:tllon a 6t:Cl”;h~ Lxne t.~< perm~sslbie departu:e ~~11 be
qauqec! the il!ference
oy b~tween the cxt:a~js~ion O: t.Jw twc lowest ternpe:t:ure po~rts
● nd the regression line of the three imest ?em~ratU2-e-pOlntS. ?%esc differences are
measured based or, d referer.:r line of 20,00C bourn. When the extrafxlntlon o! the
reqremalon line of the three lowest taaprature pmln:: ~ntercepts the re!erencc l~ne a:
a pint which tixceeds both 20,00C hours ;measured ve:t:ca:lv tiwm~azi ?rcm the intercept
point) and 15*C over that obtained Dy ex:rapoiatxng frcxn the two lmest cenqmrature
points, ● n ●dditional temperature point shall ba obtained. ThAs point shall be l=ated
at Aeast 10”C bel- the Lxst ●xistLnq temperature Point when that Point represents an
8v*ra9a life of leas than 6,00CIhours, ● nd shall be located 10”C above the lowest existing
temperature point when that point reFrasents ● n ●veraqe life c? 6,000 hour~ or more!.
Extrapolator snail then be based on t!!e regression line of the three lowest temperature
pints and this lAr.Y st,~::then be used :0 determine -Ac class~gyinq temperature. If
only one of the abo.’e two conditions i9 exceeded trierL“,eoric:.nai tnree-po~nt reqresc~on
llne shall be u!Iedto determine the ciasslfvkng temperature, h-ever, rI cooler temperature
point may be nn St ary time ● t the discret~on of the contractor to support h:.sdaza.
Downloaded from


?ABLS ml 1. ueightn of round wire per 8- 1 or rml.

. r
Reel, Wt, 2bB Minimum fhn9e
Wire (MC) I hel ●LS98
& ;:y clearanc9
m:zem ~ inches
Nomnal / Ptin I inchoo

13 and Jarger 14
14 - 20 12
14 - 20 12
21 - ij 12
21 : 23
24 - 26 ( ;;
I 12
24 - 26
27 - 30 12
27 - 30 12
31 - 41 6
31 - 41 6
42 - 46 3

~A-8ingAa, 2 heavy, 3 txiplt film thickJ8eBs. s Magnet wire on ●pxls

in the quantity specified shall be individually
packaqed in +;ewi*mth~xII@f~L-p-1~6.
● ccor ~chs~~ofwiro’bl’~=’md
with non-cormsia Kraft p=per 160-pound base weight) and secured with ● presmre-eensitiw
tape confondng to PPP-T-76. The paper ●hall ba cut to the in8Ade width o: the ●pool. Each
SPOOL of wire shall then be placed in an individ-1 fiberboard box conforming to the cbmstic
class of PPP-B-636, or in a paperboard box confo?aing to PPP-9-566, PPP+-665, or PPP-B-676.
?iberboerd boxe8 shall be sealed with tape 1-1/2 inches wid@, minismm, in ●ccordance with

neeA8. Magnet wire on reels shall be indivirhsally packag8d in accordance with
Method ~-116.
1~1 Of Reels of wire, with ●pproxi~te nat weiqhts greater than 50 pounds,
shall be wrappec$ with vat~r-resintent fiberboard ●nd securely tastonod with tape oonformlng
- PPP-T-97 or two $-qaw hiqh tensile round vires Or two S/fJ-in* b 0.020-inch d imum
T ii a fiberboard ● 1 ●ll
●inc-co-td “steel strapping confominq to CQ-S-701, respeeti-ly.
be cut to the insideIwidth of ●ach reel.

5.1.2 Level C. Magnet wir? Shall be prmsemd-~cka~d in 8uch ● manner that will
●ff!ord●dequattl protection ●gain.t corrosion. deterioration, ●nd physkal damage during
bhipiiar$t :== =“-~p~~ Bmm- to the first receiving ●ctivity for L-&Late U&a. Tha
contr&ctor’s nonml preservation-~ckaqing rnthoda may be utxiized when 6L-h as: L?:
requirements 0? this level.

5.2 Packlna. Packing shall be level b+. B, or C ●s specikiod (n@e 6.2).

5.2.1 Level A. Spools of wire [nxcopt weights greater than 50 pounds), packaged ● s
specified {s~ shall be packed in Containers conforming to ●ny of the follwing ●pacifa-
cations at the option of th~ supplier:

Specification Container
PPP-B-576 u~d, Cleated, Veneer, paPr
PPP-B-S8S Hood, Wirebound Class 2 or 3
PPP-B”591 ?iberboard, ti-cl-ated StyLo A or B
PPP-B-6QI Mood, Cleated-PiyW04 Chsa 11 - 0ver8eas
type, ●tyle A or B
PPP-B-621 Wood, Wailed and Lock-cQrner class 2
PPP-B-636 ?itirboard Class (weather
PPP-D-640 ?iberboard, Corruq@ted Triph Wall clams 2

Box ciosuras ●nd strapping shall be ● s specified in the ●pplicabio box specification or appen-
dix tkreto. ?iberboard boxes confozaing to ?PP-B-636 may be banded with tape Confox?dng to
type IV of PPP-T47 and ●ppendix thereto in lieu of steel straps. The 9?0ss w.ight of WOCM?
boxos shall not ●xceed 200 pounds; content9 of fbarboard boxes shall not ●xceed the weicjht
lLRit8tions of the ●pplictile box specification. Reels of wire of 250 potmds shall be coau-
plet~ly ●nclosed with wooden lagging, with boardm touching adjacent board,, ●nd ●hipped
unboxed . tiel$ of wire weighing SO to 100 pounds shall be palletized in ●ccor-= with

Downloaded from

Level B. spools of Wtro (except we:qnts qr8ht8r man 50 pou3d** pAcKaqed ●m
cpecifiad (so~ shall be packed in antcinsrs confoninq to ●rty0! tm folAowxn9 ●peclfi-
catiorm ● t the option of the contract:.

9pecific8tion Conminer Cima or dtyla

PPP-B-S76 uoad, Cloatod, Veneer, Paper WerLaid Cla9m )

PPP-B-585 -r ~ArebOund class 1
PPP-B-5~1 ?xbarboerd, Hood-cleated Class A, style
op tiona 1
PPP-B-601 UOd, Clea:w+plpod mstic type
style optional
PPP-B-621 Hod , Naiiod ●nd Lock-corner clams 1
PPP-B=’636 Fiberboard class domestic
PPP-&640 ?ibarb~rd, Corruqatmd TrApAc Uail Clal!s ]

BOX closures shall b. as .Pecified in tho applicable box SpeClfXCation or ●ppendu thertco.
The qross waight of wood boxoa shall not exceed 2S0 pounds) contents of fiberboard boxes
shall not axcood the weight lUaita,tions of the applicable box ●pecificatlon. Reals of wzre
of 250 pounds ●hsll be camplotely ancloeod With wooden la9ging, with boarda touching od>ace’
bOUdS, and shipped unboxed. Rmels of wire weighing 50 to 100 pounds shall b. pallotised :
8CCO~dUCe With U2&STD-147.

5.2.3 &vel C. Mqnot wire

packaqed as specified (se* 6.2) shall be packed in con-
taimra of the type, size,
and kind ctmaaonly ueed for the purpose, in ● manner that will
insuro acceptance by coemon catriar ●nd safe dallvarY ● t dost~nation. Containers p~ck~nq
or method of shipsent shall cmuply with Uniform ?r.~qht Classification Rules or National
motor ?rcight Classificatkofi Rules, or othar carrier rules ● s ●pplicable to the mode of

5.2.4 Extsrior conainera shall be uniform in shape ●nd siao, shall be of mintium cube
and ~re consistent with tho protection requirad, ●nd shall contain sLmiA8r quantities of
identical items.

5.3 !4arkina. ttarkinq shall includa the date 02 manufacture. Marking shall be located
on the flan~spools ●nd reels in ● manner to proclud. the possibility of the ❑arking’s
ba~nq Llleqible durinq ita use, ●nd the wrapper of spools shall be marked by the use of a
fmaaaur=-eszzi%ive la?+l: Xn ●ddition to any special markinq required by the contxbct
or herein, intarior ●d ● xterior shippmq contain~rs, including spoois or r-la, •~l~llbe
marked in ●ccordsnco with HIL--129 or PED-STD-123 ● s

6. N~ES

6.1 Xntcnc)eduse.

6.1.1 Temperature Itiltatlons. The maxi.mwa or hotspot tsraperaturesto whxch equipaants

or ●pperatum wound with various classes Of in*uiated maqnat wire covered by this speclfacat~on
may be subjected continuously, with normal life ●xpactbncy, arm 10S*, 13C”, 155”, 180-, 200”,
and 220”C. Xneulation.
105”C. Insulation for a I05”C. equipment consists of materlala or com.bma-
tions of
msteriamhen impregnated or coated, or when -ersed in a d~aLeCtrlc liquJd.
Other materials or c~inations of materials may be included in this class if by ●xper~once
or ●ccepted tests they can be shown to be capable of opera~ion ● t 105*C. L30*C. Insulation for ● 130”C. equipment cons~st8 of materials or combina-

tions of Msteria=ch ● s mica, 9Lass fiber, ●ti so forth, with bonding substances. Other
materials or caabinations of met9zAab, not necessarily xnorganlc, mav be included in this
C1B8S if by axperionce or ecccptod tests thmy can be 8- to be capable of operation St 130”C. 1559C. Insulation for a 1S5”C. equi~nt comsists of materxals or c~ina-

tions of -teria-ch as mica, glass fibex, ●d ● Q forth, with bondin~ cubs-css. Other
mterhlm or combinations of materials, not neco8abrily inorganic, may h included in thss
class ff by ●xperionce or ●ccepted tasts thQy c8n be shorn to be capable of operation at 155*C.

Downloaded from
J-U-1177A 200ec9 Insulation for b 200*C, et@~nt consists of naterials ox c~in8-

tiena mterla~lch
of by experience or by ●ccepted tocta can be shmm to be capable of
operation ● t 200*C. 220”C* Insuiatmn tor ● 220”C. equip-nt consists of aatorials or combina-

tions of materia~ich by ax~rianco or by accspted tests can be shown to be capable of
operaticm ●t 220”C.

6.1.2 Definitions.

Insulation is considered to be “impreqnatad” when ● ●xbstance

prwirias & bofi tveen ccqxmont~ of the 8Uucture ●nd also k dmqree o? fllllnq and surtace
cwaraqe sufficient to give ●dequate perfomanca under the ● xtremm of temperature, surface
contamination (moisture, dirt, ●nd so torth), and mechanical stress ●xpect.eoLn service.
The bapregnant must not flow or deteriorate enouqh at the Operating t=perature so as to
9eriously ●ffect performance in so~ice. electrical ●nd mechanical

The properties of the insulation must not
be impaired by ‘-”t e prolonged ●pplication
of tha limiting in9ulatlon temperature pemitted for
the specific Insulation class. “impaird”
The word 1s used in the sense c! cttuainq any chanue
which could disqualify the $nsulatinq material fOr COntinUMSl} perfo=in$ itn intended
function. ‘I%* words “accepted

Accepted tests. tertrn”&re ~ntmndod to refer to recoq-
nizod test procedure ●s-
shed by the IEEXO -, L~TM, or Government for the thann~l
●valuation 0? materials themselves or ir.simple cmbinacions.
6.1.3 Wire with sinql. or multiplm insulatiort. ?ilm insulated. Thicknes8 of insulation. Tha thicknmns of inauiatlon for fib-inaulatod

wires with the sewm numera~ (nea Am the sam~l for all wirmrnno maztor
b“hs: *S?% b.?ulntinn. Thus. 83 far ● s space consideratlono ● r. concerned, any fil,m-inaulntuti
maqnet wire can be replaced with any other with tne ● m IJkier&l ~eziy?stcr, an~ coils can
be rewound with the desired type of wire for most chIJm equipment without cha>ue In dbnar’- Marine ●emica. ?or ● evere mhrinm-satwica conditions of moisture and stn&-
condensate and ufjere qlass f>bmr or glass-synt-hatic fibers are umad, a combination ~nnul.~ztlon
should be used such ● s the folicntfingl

?xE!!z tempel

BDq , BDq2, BDoV. BD02v. B2Dca, B2DcJ2 155

li2Glc,R2GZX “ “ - “ ‘“ 200
LDqff, LD92H, L2D9E, L2D02H 1 E()
u2DgGN 220 Self bondin P$Im t~ Of magnet wire may be treatad witi overc~:~nq
rarsins to impar~ r-’%FH%
-b mg c aracteriatice to coils and wmdin9s ueinq such wire. The
se]lf-bonding resins may be activsted by e!ither solvent or heat. Sep8rate qualification
inspection approval is not rwquired for the ovarcod.t raaterialm~ however, qualificntj.on
●pproval provisions apply to the bamic wire insultt.ior. and in all caaeii the propartle:
(including dimension) of the basic in~ulation mast conform to th~ roquiremnts ef spec~-
fieation. ?er example, ● n ●pproved h- magnet wire may be Overcooked SCI ● s to meet the dimen-
sions of ariL3 magnet wire. h ordor to be considered ● s complying with this specification,
the performance requir-nts for ● n L2 magnet wire mu-t be met.

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6.1.4 The ●ntira

Thermal stability. insulation syBtU should b9 &s Lgnad to uithatand
the t8~r8ttarm8 hdicat8d in 1.2.1. At these ~xim- or hat.$mt te~ratures, th magnet
wtro wi~i not be tho woakost link in ● properly dosiqnod ●ystam, and ● scmxco lifo of 10
y-ars or -r. ehodd be ●xpectod. Theme temperaturwa ~y be ● xceedad in mpecific ●pplkationt -
-r. ● ●hort8r life ●xpectancy can ba tolsratod, for Lnstanc*, in miniaturized ● iectronic
oquipmnts whera bumed-ut parta ● rs quickly replacoabls , or in guided missilas w~ch operate
me. for & ● hort tim. EquLPnt concractoro should oonsult wiro s~pliorc for re~unndatione
w the rohtion of Ltfe expectancy versus tem~ratureo in ● xcess of those lnd&cat.d $.n1.2 .1.1

6.1 .4.1 Canductor. The conductor norraall y specified 1s hart, anneaid ~~r, The
copper will OXI d~z. ● t an Lncroasing ?@to at to~aratu?ea of 200’C. and abovm, ●nd wtll aleo
=At and becorn brittio ●t such t~ratu.rea when fluorocarbon-reaxn insula~d. T?us oxidation ●mntua Lly dama~ the inmuiating film, ●nd mil failure will result. The Oxxiatioo
probkn is Omrcom Largely by uatig ● sllvar-coatad, or =re preferably, ● nickel-costed
apper or an ●lminm aonductor.

6.2 Ordarinq data. Procuram8nt ti~nts shouh! Bpecify the following t

(a) Tith, nwbar, ●nd date of thi~ ●peciticatlon.

(b) Ciass, type, shape, and siz. of wir- (see 1.2) .
(c) Spcific reein for synthtic-resin-f lb-insulated magnat w~rc, when raquircd
(8ee 1.2.1).
(d) Quantity of wire raquirsd, in pomda (gee 5 .1.1).
(.) Conductor, if other khan copper (ooe 3.2.1, to, incl.).
(f) La-is of preservation ●nd packaging, packing, and ●pplicable narking (see
5.1, 5.2 and 5.3).

6.2.1 Contract data roqu~remcnts . Uhmn this ●pecific8tion A& uaad in ● procure-nt
which incorporates e M FOrx L423 and invokaa tho provision. of 7-104 .9(n) of the A-d
6omficos Procurannt Regulations , the dat~ require-nts idontlfied below will be developed 88
s~cif ied by am ●pproved Data Ztacn Description (DL) Form 1664) ●nd delivwrod in ●ccordance
with the ●pproved Contract Data Bmauirements List (DD ?orm 1423) incorporated into the
exmtract. When tho PmviBion8 of MPF -7-104 .9 (n) ● t. not invok*d, the data ●pecified below
wIA1 be dalivared by the mntractor ir.tccordanco with ths contract requirements . Deliver-
able date zwquirod by this ●pacification is cited in tho following paragraph.:

4.1.2 inspection system DI-R-4803

(Copies of data itm descriptions required by ch. mntractors in connection with

specific pmcuro=nt functions should ba obcainad from the prOCwtig ●ctivity or ● s directed
by the extracting off~car.)

6.3 With respect to products requiring qualification. awards will be made only for
products which ● re at the ti~ set for o~wnlnq of LILC+S , qualified for inclusion in ●ppll-
cabla Qualified Products List 9P L-J-W-1177, whether or not such products have ●ctually been
● O listed by that date. Th@ attentior of the mntracters is called to thes* requirement.
and ~ufacturers ● re urged to ● rran~e t: have the products that they proposa to offer to
the redaral ~~rnment teat-d for qunlil~cat$on An order that *theymay be ●ligible to be
awarded ~ntracts or orders for tio products avered by this specification. The ●ctivity
responsible for the Qualified Products Lint is the Naval Ship lhqineerlng Center, Prince
George’s Center, Canter Building, tlyattsv~lle,Maqland 20782, and in fommt~on pertaining
- qualification of products UIy be obtaimd from that ●ctivity. Application for qualifi-
MUon toots shall be made in ●cmrdance with “Provi8ion0 Governing Qualification SD-6”
(ace 6.3.1).

6.3.1 COpia8 Of ‘Provialona Governing OualLfication SD-6” may be ob-ined -n ●ppll-

cation to ~dlng Officer, Naval Publications ● nd ?ema C=nter, 5001 Tabor Amnue,
Philadelphia, ?~SylVUlia 19120.

6.4 S= rags-ion data. Thi8 mpeclficatior. supersedes specification ?41L+-5B3C o?

6 Rarch 19~3. Table ~11 lists the superseded types of KIL-W-583C cmas-referenced to
the new type designations with applicable aptclficatxon sheet number.
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TABLz nnII. SW rseasion data.

Pr9viow type. of wire Presmt tp and ●

tmwr~ in ?UL4-S83C specification cheet ntnber

z qpe E..........~-W-l~77{l
T %* :..........:-:-:;;;);
T . . . ,. ● . . . ● - -
T ~ T..........4-w-~~77/4
T ?YPe ~...*”””J”~-~17775/5
T SA . . . . . . . . . J-w-1177/7
T sM ......lL77-aL77/a
B UN .........J-W-1177/9
L L ....*.....J-W-1177/10
L M.. .......J-w-1177/11
E 8 ..........J+-1177112
u r...........J-U-1177/13
x ..........J-W-1177/24
u Type M. . . . . . . . *J-W-1177/15

T T ..........J+-1177/16
PI u ......*.*J+#-1177/18

w . . . . . . . . J-W-1177/19

Dgv . . . . . . . . J-w-1177/20
Gn Type Cl?.o. ,.....1177l217/2l
Gv w.. ....... J-w-1177122
GH Type G?m.........J-W-1177/23
None Type D@ ........J-W-l177\24
LDq Type DcJv. . . . . . . . J-w-1177/25
none Type D@! ........J*-1177/26
Iy@Pl M2WH....=~77~27/27

6.5 Sub-contracted material ●nd pans. The preparation for delivalY requism=nts of
referenced documents isted in section 2 do not ●pply when aaterial ●nd parts ● re procured

by the crmtractor for incorporation into the ●quipmnt and lose their ●aparate identity whan
the ~uip-nt is ahlpped.

--ZL Civil Agency Coordinating Activitiam:

Na~ - SR
Mr torco - 80
~Rcz -NBS
DRavkw ●ctivitim.: x WVT.-DCG
2WT-ACO, ?1s, RDs
tla@r ●ctiwti-: 2MTZRIOX-BPA

u. S. G0v?2W472’==~ O=ICE : 1916 - 2&~-?33/lW

with GpXac-d
●cting as ● ●pnt for the Suparintondont of Documents. Sae ●ution 2 of thio apacffi-
oatioa to obtain extra copi.s ●U! othw demments referenced ●rice 65 cents ●ach.

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(Pcdd*9 thb *)


pl t
\ 4
I ~~m= CLASS PERMIT NO 12503




14aval Ship Engineering Center
Center Build~ng-Sec 61247
Prince George’s Center
Hyattsvf.lle, MD 20782

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