Republic Act No

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Republic Act No.

August 4, 1994

H. No. 12229
S. No. 1352

Republic of the Philippines

Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila

Second Regular Session

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-sixth

day of July, nineteen hundred and ninety-three.




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress


SECTION 1. Declaration of Policy – It is the declared policy of the State to protect and promote
the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to
make such education accessible to all. It is likewise universally recognized that the teacher
is the key to the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process by drawing out and nurturing
the best in the learner as a human being and a worthy member of society Thus, this Act aims
to provide and ensure quality education by strengthening the education and training of
teachers nationwide through a national system of excellence for teacher education.

Our vision is a teacher education system whose mission is to educate an train teachers of
unquestionable integrity and competence, and who are committed to their continuing
professional growth and obligation to help their students grow as responsible individuals
and citizens of the Philippines and of the world.

SEC. 2. Definition of Terms – As used in this Act:

(a) “Teacher” shall mean all persons engaged in the classroom teaching of any subject,
including practical/vocational arts, at the elementary and secondary levels of instruction
including persons performing guidance and counseling, instructional supervision in all
private or public education institutions, but shall not include school nurses, school
physicians, school dentists, school administrators, and other school administrative support
employees. Graduates of education who have passed the government examination for
teachers although not actually employed as such, are hereby included in this definition.
(b) “Teacher education” shall mean the pre-service education, in-service education, and
graduate education of teachers, in various areas of specialization.

(c) “Excellence” pertains to the efficient, effective and innovative delivery of relevant,
functional, and quality programs in teacher education, training, research and community

(d) “Center of excellence” shall be a public or private college, institute, school or agency,
engaged in the pre-service and continuing education, formal and non-formal, of teachers and
teacher educators, that has established and continues to maintain a track record in teacher
education (in terms of number of graduates and their performance in the government
examination for teachers and their professional achievement), research, and community
service; whose graduates are models of integrity, commitment and dedication in education.
The centers of excellence may exist by themselves or within a university or college.

SEC. 3. Teacher Education Centers of Excellence. – There shall be identified, designated,

established and developed in strategic places in each of the regions of the country, one or
more centers of excellence for teacher education based on criteria listed hereunder, assessed
and adjudged by the Council. These centers of excellence shall be initially chosen from among
existing public and private educational institutions by the Teacher Education Council created
under this Act.

Should the need arise, certain centers of excellence for teacher education at the provincial
level may later be identified and developed.

The criteria in identifying schools and colleges as centers of excellence shall include the
following: (a) highly educated, professionally qualified and experienced faculty dedicated to
the philosophy, mission, vision and goals of the institution and education; (b) well-selected
students; (c) adequate library, research and study facilities; (d) competent administrative
and support staff; (e) well-planned and relevant instructional programs; (f) adequate
student development programs; (g) adequate student services; (h) relevant extension
service and outreach programs; (i) percentage of graduates who become teachers; and (j)
such other criteria as may be established and operationalized by the Teacher Education

The Teacher Education Center of Excellence shall form a national network which in turn shall
network with elementary schools, high schools and/or a part thereof for laboratory

Any center of excellence that is established shall be maintained for at least five (5) years
before any proposal or review is made to transfer it elsewhere.

SEC. 4: Objectives and Functions of a Center of Excellence. – The objectives and functions of a
center of excellence shall be to:
(a) Experiment and try out relevant and innovative pre-service/in-service teacher
education/training programs;

(b) Organize and coordinate collaborative research on identified areas for systematic
investigation in teacher education as basis for improving teacher education programs;

(c) Serve as teacher resource center for curricular/instructional materials development;

(d) Serve as the central node for networking specific disciplines in teacher education in the

(e) Provide professional assistance to Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) that have
expressed the need for such assistance;

(f) Encourage mutual support among TEIs in the region for upgrading and improving their
programs; and

(g) Facilitate and help expedite accreditation among TEIs.

SEC. 5. Creation of the Teacher Education Council. – There shall be a Teacher Education
Council composed of eleven (11) members with the Secretary of Education, Culture and
Sports as ex officio chairman, and three (3) other ex officio members, namely: a
Commissioner of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), a representative of the
National Commission on Culture and Arts (NCCA), and the Chairman of the Professional
Regulations Commission (PRC).

The seven (7) regular members of the Council who shall be appointed by the President of the
Republic of the Philippines are:

(a) Three (3) representatives of centers of teacher education: one (1) from Luzon, one (1)
from the Visayas, and one (1) from Mindanao who shall take into account the views of the
parents-teachers and community associations, student associations, nongovernmental
organizations, and people organizations concerned with basic education;

One (1) representative of science teachers;

One (1) representative of mathematics teachers;

One (1) representative of social studies teachers; and

One (1) representative of language teachers.

The other officers of the Council shall be elected by the members from among the regular
The members of the Council shall serve without any compensation but shall be reimbursed
for actual and necessary expenses incurred by them in carrying out their duties under this

The Council shall meet at least four (4) times a year and hold such other meetings at the call
of the chairman or a majority of the members.

All regular members of the Council shall hold office for a -period of three (3) years.

SEC 6. Criteria for the Selection of Regular Council Members. – The criteria for the selection of
the regular Council members are as follows:

(a) Integrity;

(b) Expertise and experience in teacher education;

(c) Recognized as an expert, nationally or internationally; and

(d) Willingness to serve.

SEC. 7. Powers and Functions of the Council. – The Council shall have the following powers
and functions:

(a) To identify and designate among existing private and public schools, teacher education
institutions as Centers of Excellence for Teacher Education, at the national, regional, and
provincial levels;

(b) To formulate policies and standards that shall strengthen and improve the system of
teacher education in all existing public and private schools;

(c) Initiate a periodic review of curricula and programs for teacher education and training
through participatory methods, such as self-assessment by institutions;

(d) To adopt an adequate and effective system of incentives such as scholarship grants, loan
programs, subsidies, stipends and other similar benefits and incentives, in order to attract
and encourage outstanding high school graduates whether from public or private schools, to
pursue teacher education;

(e) To encourage the establishment of consortia and other cooperative arrangements among
teacher education schools, public or private, for greater efficiency and economy in the use of

(f) Design collaborative programs or projects that will enhance pre-service teacher training,
in-service training, re training, orientation, and teacher development;
(g) To direct the conduct of relevant studies as may be needed in the formulation of policies
and in the planning and successful implementation of plans, programs and projects required
in attaining the purposes of this Act;

(h) To review existing and recommend new legislation and policies of the government in
order to improve teacher education and promote the welfare of teachers;

(i) To recommend appropriate measures to the President, Congress, and heads of other
government offices and agencies to improve, enhance and strengthen teacher education; and

(j) To call upon any department, bureau, office, or government corporation, local
government unit and other concerned agencies for assistance in areas falling within their

SEC. 8. Secretariat. – The Council shall organize and appoint a secretariat headed by an
executive director, that shall assist the Council in executing its policies and programs and
provide the necessary administrative support therefor.

SEC. 9. Active Participation of Local Government Units. -Local government units shall include
in their plans, programs, and projects the development and’ improvement of teacher
education through the centers of excellence in their respective regions.

SEC. 10. Appropriation. – The sum of One hundred million pesos (P100, 000,000) is hereby
authorized to be appropriated from the income of duty-free shops or otherwise known as
the Trust Liability Account of the Department of Tourism, for the initial organizational and
developmental activities of the Centers and the Council: Provided, however, That .lot more
than five percent (5%) shall be devoted to Council’s expenses. Thereafter, such amount as
may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be included in the annual
budget of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.

SEC. 11. Implementing Rules and Guidelines. – The Teacher Education Council created under
this Act shall promulgate the implementing rules and regulations sixty (60) days from the
approval of this Act.

SEC. 12. Repealing Clause. – All laws, presidential decrees, rules or regulations or parts
thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act arc hereby repealed or modified

SEC 13. Effectivity Clause. – This Act shall lake effect upon its approval.



President of the Senate
This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 10493 and Senate Bill No. 1352 was finally
passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on June 1, 1994.


Secretary of the Senate

04 AUG 1994


President of the Philippines

Source: Presidential Management Staff

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