Earl Koenig

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,806,834

Koenig 45) Date of Patent: Feb. 21, 1989

(54) ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FOR INDUCTANCE 3,622,851 1 1/1971 Hanada ............................... 318/38
CONDUCTORS, TRANSFORMERS AND 3,708,682 l/1973 Erwin .................................... 290/37
MOTORS 3,753,189 8/1973 Allen ............ 336/182X
3,965,408 6/1976 Higuchi et al. ....................... 363/75
75 Inventor: Earl Koenig, Averill Park, N.Y. 4,065,706 12/1977 Gosling et al. ...... 318/38 X
4,234,808 11/1980 Geppert et al. ..... ... 31.0/49 R
(73) Assignee: Donald Goodman, Fort Lee, N.J.; a 4,361,790 1 1/1982 Laesser et al. ... ... 318/696
part interest 4,473,811 9/1984 Schaubley ........................... 336/171.
4,584,438 4/1986 Koenig ......... 179/115.5 DV
(21) Appl. No.: 39,081 4,633,156 12/1986 Bessen et al. ....................... 318/696
22 Filed: Apr. 16, 1987 4,636,666 1/1987 Meins .................................... 310/13
51) int. Cl." ............................................... H02P 8/00 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
52 U.S.C. .................................... 318/523; 318/138; 0041884 12/1981 E Pat. Off
318/696; 336/182; 336/75; 336/145; 310/156; 8: 12/3 EVENSE
310/162 0213250 7/1908 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
58) Field of Search ............... 318/138, 685, 687, 696, 0396395 5/1924 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
318/254, 257, 439, 38,523; 310/156, 162, 163, 0573407 3/1933 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
49 R, 49, 184, 198, 166; 307/105,104; 339/180,
182, 145, 146, 147; 381/117, 195, 203 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
56) References Cited 55-130111-12/1980-Japanese Patent Abstract.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Primary Examiner-William M. Shoop, Jr.
1,345,712 7/1920 Stephens. Assistant Examiner-Paul Ip
1,653,107 12/1927 Kochling ............................ vs Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kenyon & Kenyon
1,775,880 9/1930 Whitlock .
1,873,975 8/1932 Meyerhans .......................... 336/145 (57 ABSTRACT
2,082,121 6/1937 Rypinski ..... . 336/182 X An electrical circuit for inductance conductors, trans
2,283,711 5/1942 Welch ............................. 336/1822
2,415,022 1/1947 Morrison ........................ 30/162 X
formers and motors is provided wherein two coils of
2,841,745 7/1958 Shields .... . 310/156X electrically conductive wire are coiled about a bar of
3,160,804 12/1964 Quittner .. 318/138 magnetizable material such that they are disposed in
3,171,072 2/1965 Adair ...... wou 38/138 mirror image symmetrical relation with each other. A
3,214,662. 10/1965 Wolf ........... 38/138 X tap is connected to one end of each coil to conduct an
3,333,172 7/1967 Brailsford - - - - - 318/138 electrical current thereto to magnetize the bar. A sec
3,346,792 10/1967 Noumi .... 3/13 ond tap is connected to the other ends of each coil to
3,418,563 12/1968 Grosu ......... 336/147 X conduct an electrical current therefrom.
3,473,069 10/1969 Herbert, III ........................ 318/138
3,553,620 1/1971 Cielo et al. .......................... 336/18O
3,573,606 4/1971 Hart .................................... 323/248 16 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

A 7

15 N7
U.S. Patent Feb 2.19 4,806,834
to in l.



1. 2
It is another object of the invention to increase the
ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FOR INDUCTANCE efficiency of a transformer in a relatively simple man
It is another object of the invention to provide a
This invention relates to an inductance conductor. 5 relatively simple electrical circuit to permit a reduction
More particularly, this invention relates to an electrical in size of a transformer, generator, or motor of a given
circuit for an inductance conductor, a transformer, a output.
generator and a motor. It is another object of the invention to provide an
As described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,584,438, an electrical electrical circuit which permits a decrease in the
circuit can be constructed with a pair of coils wound in 10 amount of current required for the circuit to perform a
mirror image symmetrical relation about a central plane given amount of work.
so as to drive a diaphragm located in the central plane Briefly, the invention provides an electrical circuit
to provide a balanced and distortion free sound wave wherein a pair o coils of electrically conductive wire
corresponding to an electrical signal delivered to the are coiled about a common axis in mirror image sym
circuit. 15 metrical relation to each other and connected in parallel
It is also known that electromagnetism results from electrically. To this end, a common tap is connected to
the passage of an electrical current through a wire one end of each coil in order to conduct an electrical
which is wrapped around a core of magnetizable mate current thereto while a second common tap is con
nected to a second end of each of the coils to conduct
rial. Generally, in the known electromagnetic struc 20 the electrical current therefrom.
tures, the curent enters the wire at one end, travels The mirror image symmetry of the coils is believed to
along the entire length of the wire, and exits at the other have the effect of increasing the flow rate of current
end of the wire with a magnetic force being produced as through the circuit by decreasing the inductive time
the current passes through the coil of wire. The mag constant. This constant (T) is the ratio of the inductance
netic force produced is usually associated with a pro 25 (L) measured in Henries to the resistance (R) measured
portional amount of work. in Ohms. In this respect, the inductive time constant is
It is also known that an increase in magentic force reduced because the current travels a shorter distance
and a corresponding increase in work output can be from tap to tap as compared with a single coil between
accomplished by increasing the flow rate of the current the two taps or a pair of coils in series between the taps.
through the coil of wire. 30 Further, there is an increase in the magnetic lines of flux
Rotary motion motors or generators employ such which are generated as compared with a single coil of
coiled inductance conductors. These coiled induction the same coil length.
structures are designed using a single wire wound and In one embodiment, the electrical circuit can be in
layered around a laminated core to reflect a desired corporated into an inductance conductor, for example
resistance and inductive reactance. 35 by winding the two coils about a bar of magnetizable
As is known, a core transformer is based on the prin material. When the coils are energized, the bar becomes
ciple that energy will be transferred by induction from magnetized and can be used in a conventional manner.
one conductor to another by means of a varying mag In another embodiment, the electrical circuit can be
netic flux, provided that both conductors are on a com incorporated into a transformer. In this case, a primary
mon magnetic circuit. In the conventional transformer, winding formed of a pair of mirror image wound coils is
a primary winding of wire is wound about a core with wound about a core while a secondary winding also
a secondary winding of wire wound about the primary composed of a pair of mirror image wound coils is
winding. In addition, an electrical current under a high disposed concentrically about the primary winding and
voltage is usually passed through the primary winding the core. The transformer also has a common tap con
to induce a current of lower voltage in the secondary 45 and nected to one end of each coil of the primary winding
winding. During this time, an electric current travels eachacoil common tap connected to the remaining ends of
through the length of each wire coil from one end to the of taps areofconnected
the primary winding. In like manner, a pair
to the secondary winding.
other producing the effects described above.
In the past, transformers of relatively large size, for 50 theItprimary
is believed that the mirror image winding of both
winding coils and the secondary winding
example, of 20 KVA which are used in power transmis
sion generate a hum or buzz during operation which is coils provides an increase in the magnetic lines of flux so
usually objectionable to personnel working in the sur that there is an increased efficiency in the use of such a
rounding environment or to people living in the sur transformer. For example, when comparing a conven
rounding environment. In addition, heat is generated in 55 ary windings andtransformer
tionally wound with primary and second
the windings and where excessive must be dissipated to stepping down a voltage of 110 V to 3ofV,125
a rated resistance Ohms for
a transformer
avoid a melt-down. wound in accordance with the invention with the same
In the past, attempts to obtain more efficient electri resistance provides a step-down voltage of 5.8 V for an
cal transformers, electrical generators and the like have input voltage of 110 V. Thus, an efficiency of almost
usually concentrated on the constructional aspects of 60 100% can be achieved. Further, this efficiency can be
these devices rather than on the electrical circuitry for achieved with a reduction in the size of the wire used
these devices. As a result, efficiencies which can be for winding the transformer. Also, it has been found
obtained have been relatively limited. that for the same output, a transformer can be con
Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to pro structed with mirror image wound coils so as to operate
vide an electrical circuit which permits an increase in 65 at a lower amperage than the conventionally wound
efficiency to be obtained in electrical apparatus such as transformer.
transformers, generators, induction motors, and the The electrical circuit can also be incorporated into an
like. electrical generator. In this respect, the generator
would be wound in similar fashion to a transformer as the secondary winding 22 is wound about the primary
described above. winding in another series of laminations or layers. These
In another embodiment, the electrical circuit can be laminations are shown schematically in FIG. 4.
incorporated into a motor. In this respect, the motor is In addition, the primary winding is usually connected
constructed with a rototable shaft and an electromag between suitable taps 23, 24 for the flow of current
netic drive for rotating the shaft. The drive, in turn, while the secondary winding 22 is connected between a
includes a magnetizable bar having a North pole and a separate pair of taps 26 for the flow of current. Usually,
South pole in spaced facing relation and a pair of coils the windings 21, 22 are wound of wires of a dissimilar
of electrically conductive wire coiled in mirror image number of turns so that an input voltage can be stepped.
symmetrical relation about the bar and connected in 10 down to a lower voltage.
parallel to conduct an electrical current therethrough in Referring to FIGS. 5 and 6, wherein like reference
order to magnetize the bar for driving the shaft. characters indicate like parts as above, a transformer 27
These and other objects and advantages of the inven employing an electrical circuit in accordance with the
tion will become more apparent from the following invention has a primary winding 28 formed of a pair of
detailed description and accompanying drawings in 15 coils 29, 30 of electrically conductive wire wound in
which: mirror image symmetry about the core 20. In addition,
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a coiled inductance a secondary winding 31 includes a pair of coils 32, 33
conductor constructed in accordance with the inven which are wound in mirror image symmetry about the
tion; core 20. In this respect, the secondary winding 31 is
FIG. 2 is a side view of the conductor shown in FIG. disposed concentrically about the primary winding 28
1; and an insulating sheath (not shown) is concentrically
FIG. 3 is an illustrative example of the motor which disposed between the windings 28, 31.
utilizes the invention; As indicated in FIG. 5, the wire used for the coils 29,
FIG. 4 depicts a conventional transformer of the 30 of the primary winding 28 are thinner than the wires
prior art; 25 used for the coils 32, 33 of the secondary winding 31.
FIG. 5 is a transformer constructed in accordance The coils 29, 30 of the primary winding 28 are also
with this invention; and connected in parallel between and to a pair of common
FIG. 6 is a side view of the transformer shown in taps 34, 35 with suitable electrical leads 36, 37 being
FIG. S. connected to the respective taps 34, 35 to conduct a
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the inductance conductor 30 flow of current through the primary winding 28. Like
10 includes a U-shaped bar 11 of magnetizable material wise, the coils 32, 33 of the secondary winding 31 are
and a pair of coils 12, 13 of electrically conductive wire, connected in parallel between and to a pair of taps 38,
each of which is coiled about a base of the bar 11 and 39 each of which is connected to a suitable lead 40, 41
thus about a common axis. Further, the coils 12, 13 are in order to conduct a current therethrough.
wound in mirror image symmetry to each other and 35 By way of example, a step-down transformer was
with an equal number of turns. constructed in accordance with the circuit indicated in
In addition, a common tap 14 or like means is con FIG. 5 and compared with a conventionally wound
nected to one end of each coil 12, 13 in order to conduct transformer having a circuit as indicated in FIG. 4.
an electrical current into the coils 12, 13 in order to The conventional step-down transformer had a pri
magnetize the bar 11 while a second tap 15 is connected mary winding 21 formed of No. 32 wire while the,
in common to the remaining ends of each coil 12, 13 in secondary winding 22 was formed of a coil of No. 18
order to conduct the electrical current therefrom. In wire and was wound to provide a primary resistance of
this regard, the coils 12, 13 are connected in parallel 125 Ohms and a secondary resistance of 0.20 Ohms so as
between the taps 14, 15. Suitable leads 16, 17 are also to step down a voltage of 117 volts to 3.09 volts.
connected to the respective taps 14, 15 to conduct an 45 The step-down transformer constructed in accor
electrical current. dance with FIG. 5 used thinner wire than that of the
In order to wind the coils 12, 13 about the bar 11, the conventional transformer in order to obtain a rated
bar 11 is mounted in a suitable rotatable jig or the like resistance of 250 Ohms for each coil. To this end, the
and a pair of wires of equal size and material are thereaf primary coils 29, 30 were wound of No. 40 wire while
ter wound simultaneously about the bar 11 from the 50 the coils 32, 33 of the secondary winding 31 were
center of the bar 11 outwardly. The two ends of the wound with No. 22 wire. In addition, each coil 29, 30 of
wires leading to the bar 11 can then be connected to the the primary winding 28 had 1000 turns in 10 layers or
common tap 14 while the two trailing ends of the wires 100 turns per layer to give a resistance of 125 Ohms.
can be connected to the common tap 15. The taps can The coils 32, 33 of the secondary winding 31 had 65
be subsequentially connected to the leads 16, 17 or vice 55 turns in 5 layers or 13 turns per layer to give a resistance
VeSa. of 0.4 Ohnsfor each coil. A non-rerrous metal sheath,
The inductance conductor 10 can be used for any for example, of copper, was located concentrically be
suitable purpose for which previously known induc tween the windings 28, 31 in order to insulate the wind
tance conductors have been constructed. For example, ings from each other.
the inductance conductor may be incorporated in a When the conventional step-down transformer was
choke or ballast for a fluorescent-type light bulb in subjected to an input voltage of 117 volts, the output
order to smooth a DC current. voltage was 3.09 volts; however, when the transformer
Referring to FIG. 4, as is known, a conventional wound in accordance with FIG. 5 was subjected to the
transformer 18 is usually constructed of a bobbin 19 same input voltage, the transformer provided an output
having a magnetizable core 20 around which a primary 65 of 5.77 volts or nearly double the output of the conven
winding 21 and a secondary winding 22 are wound. For tionally wound transformer.
example, the primary winding 21 is usually coiled about A transformer can also be wound in the manner indi
the core 20 in one or more laminations or layers while cated in FIG. 5 so as to provide the same output as a
4,806,834 6
conventional transformer, for example 3 volts in the 4. An inductance conductor as set forth in claim 1
above example, in which case, less current would be wherein said first coil has a resistance of 250 ohms and
used, for example to illuminate a light bulb. Testing has said second coil has a resistance of 250 ohms.
indicated that there is a reduction of about 25% to 33% 5. A transformer comprising
less current used. a core;
Referring to FIG. 6, a transformer may be con a primary winding on said core including a pair of
structed with a core 20, connected to a pair of flanges 42 coils of electrically conductive wire wound in mir
so that the core and flanges define a bobbin. Such a ror image symmetry about said core; and
bobbin can be incorporated into other structures in a secondary winding on said core including a pair of
order to complete a transformer. 10 coils of electrically conductive wire wound in mir
Referring to FIG. 3, wherein like reference charac ror image symmetry about said core.
ters indicate like parts as above, the electrical circuit, 6. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 wherein said
for example as shown in FIG. 1 can also be incorpo secondary winding is disposed concentrically about said
rated into a motor 43. As indicated, the motor 43 is primary winding.
constructed as a conventional shaded pole motor and 7. A transformer as set forth in claim 6 wherein said
need not be further described. As indicated, the motor 15 coils of said primary winding are of thinner diameter
43 includes a rotatable shaft 44, for example for driving that said coils of said secondary winding.
a fan (not shown). In addition, the motor 43 has an 8. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 wherein said
electromagnetic drive for rotating the shaft 44. This primary winding has a resistance of 250 Ohms and said
drive includes a magnetizable bar 45 having a North secondary winding has a resistance of 0.4 Ohms.
pole and a South pole in spaced facing relation and a 20 9. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 which further
pair of coils 12, 13 of electrically conductive wire coiled comprises a first common tap connected to one end of
in mirror image symmetrical relation about the bar 45 each coil of said primary winding to conduct an electri
and connected in parallel to conduct an electrical cur cal current thereto, a second common tap connected to
rent therethrough to magnetize the bar 45 for driving a second end of each coil of said primary winding to
the shaft 44. 25 conduct an electrical current therefrom, a third com
Again, in comparing a motor 43 wound in the manner mon tap connected to one end of each coil of said sec
indicated in FIG. 3 for driving a fan with a motor ondary winding to conduct an electrical current thereto
wound in conventional fashion, i.e. with a single coil of and a fourth common tap connected to a second end of
wire about a bar 45, the motor constructed in accor each coil of said secondary winding to conduct an elec
dance with FIG. 3 provided faster acceleration than the 30 trical current therefrom.
conventional motor as well as a greater velocity to the 10. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 which further
fan. Further, after current was shut off from each mo comprises a pair of flanges secured to opposite ends of
tor, it was found that the fans decelerated to a stop in said core to define a bobbin.
substantially the same time. In essence, the motor con 11. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 wherein said
structed in accordance with FIG. 3 provided a greater 35 primary and said secondary windings have a respective
output than the conventional motor. Also, for the same resistance to step down a delivered voltage from 110
output, a motor wound in accordance with FIG.3 re volts to 5.8 volts.
quires about 25% less amperage. 12. A transformer as set forth in claim 11 wherein said
The invention thus provides an electrical circuit primary winding has a resistance of 250 Ohms.
which is capable of increasing the efficiency of existing 13. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 wherein said
electrical motors, transformers, generators and like wire of said primary winding is a No. 40 wire and said
electrical apparatus. wire of said secondary winding is No. 26 wire and
Further, the invention provides an electrical circuit wherein each coil of said primary winding has 1000
which is capable of reducing the size and weight of turns in 10 laminations and each coil of said secondary
electrical apparatus such as motors, transformers and winding has 13 turns in 5laminations.
generators for a given output. Still further, the use of 45 14. A transformer as set forth in claim 5 which further
the electrical circuit, for example, in a transformer can comprises an insulating sheath concentrically between
reduce the amount of heat generated during transforma said windings.
tion of a voltage while also eliminating or substantially 15. A motor comprising
reducing the hum normally associated with large tran a rotatable shaft; and
formers. 50 an electromagnetic drive for rotating said shaft, said
What is claimed is: drive including a magnetizable bar having a North
1. An inductance conductor comprising pole and a South pole in spaced facing relation and
a bar of magnetizable material; a pair of coils of electrically conductive wire of
a first coil of electrically conductive wire coiled equal resistance coiled in mirror image symmetri
about said bar; cal relation about said bar and connected in parallel
a second coil of electrically conductive wire of equal 55 to conduct an electrical current simultaneously
resistance to said first coil coiled about said bar in therethrough to magnetize said bar for driving said
mirror image symmetrical relation to said first coil; shaft.
a first common tap means connected to one end of 16. An electrical circuit comprising
said coils to conduct an electrical current sumul a pair of coils of electrically conductive wire equal
taneously thereto to magnetize said bar; and resistance coiled about a common axis in mirror
a second common tap means connected to a second image symmetrical relation to each other;
end of each of said coils to conduct an electrical a common tap connected to one end of each of said
current sumultaneously therefrom. coils to conduct an electrical current simulta
2. An inductance conductor as set forth in claim 1 neously thereto; and
wherein said bar is U-shaped with said coils wound 65 a common tap connected to a second end of each of
about a base of said bar. said coils to conduct an electrical current simulta
3. An inductance conductor as set forth in claim 1 neously therefrom.
wherein said bar is made of metallic material. t xt k k xk


PATENT NO. : 4 80 6, 834
DATED Feb. 2l, l989
INVENTOR (S) : E Koenig
It is Certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
corrected as shown below:

Cover page, line 5 4 change "Earl" to - Erl

Column 2, line l3 change "o" to -of
Column 4, line 7 change "taps 26" to -taps 25, 26
Column line 56 change "ohms for " to - ohms for "
Column line 56 change "non-rerrous" to -non-ferrous
Column line 59 change "said coils" to - each of said coils
Column line l. 6 change "that" to -than
Column line 59 change "wire equal" to -wire of equal
Column 6, line 4l change "26" to - 22

Signed and Sealed this

Nineteenth Day of December, 1989


Attesting Officer Acting Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks



PATENT NO. : 4, 806, 834
DATED Feb. 21, 1989
INVENTOR(S) : Erl Koenig
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below:

Cover page, line 54 change "Earl" to - Erl

Column 2, line l3 change "o" to -of
Column 4 line 7 change "taps 26" to -taps 25, 26
Column 4, line 56 change "ohms for " to - ohms for "
Column 4, line 56 change "non-rer rous" to -non-ferrous
Column 5, line 59 change "said coils" to - each of said coils
Column 6, line l6 change "that" to -than
Column 6, line 59 change "wire equal" to - wire of equal
Column 6, line 4l change "26" to - 22

Signed and Sealed this

Nineteenth Day of December, 1989


Attesting Officer Acting Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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