Surat Tidak Punya SPT
Surat Tidak Punya SPT
Surat Tidak Punya SPT
The Embassy of South Korea
Through this letter, I would like to inform that I am unable to provide my yearly tax documents (SPT) in
Indonesia which is needed for this visa application for my travel plan to South Korea on December 1 st
until 8th December 2019.
The reason is because, the place that I am working at is not deducting the tax from my salary. Therefore,
I currently do not have this yearly tax documents (SPT).
I guarantee that as soon as my holiday trip is over, I will return to Indonesia without seeking for any kind
of employment and promise to obey every regulation concerning to your country.
Your consideration will be highly appreciated. If there is any other question or other documents required
for this visa application please kindly contact me at the details above.
Yours Sincerely,
The Embassy of South Korea
Through this letter, I would like to inform that I am unable to provide my yearly tax documents (SPT) in
Indonesia which is needed for this visa application for my travel plan to South Korea on December 1 st
until 8th December 2019.
The reason is because, my yearly tax documents (SPT) are still on process. Therefore, I currently do not
have this yearly tax documents (SPT).
I guarantee that as soon as my holiday trip is over, I will return to Indonesia without seeking for any kind
of employment and promise to obey every regulation concerning to your country.
Your consideration will be highly appreciated. If there is any other question or other documents required
for this visa application please kindly contact me at the details above.
Yours Sincerely,