Science Popularization

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Science Popularization

Popularization of science among the masses constitutes a major programme of NISCAIR. Under this programme,
the institute publishes three well-circulated popular science magazines, Science Reporter (English monthly), Vigyan
Pragati (Hindi monthly), and Science ki Duniya (Urdu quarterly) apart from a number of popular science books, with
a view to generating awareness about scientific developments and creating a scientific temper among the students
and the lay public. The institute also focuses on the R&D activities of CSIR labs through the newsletters—CSIR
News and CSIR Samachar.

Science Reporter experts. Some of the important peal judging by hundreds of

topics covered during this period entries received every month in
Launched in 1964, Science Reporter are Anyone Out There? (April 2005) response to the Prize Puzzle.
entered into its 43rd year of on the search for extraterrestrial The winners of the Prize Puzzle
publication in 2006. This is one of intelligence; Einstein’s Miraculous were finalized after a draw of
the oldest English language Year (May 2005) on the great lots from among the hundreds
popular science monthlies scientific achievements of Einstein; of correct entries received every
published in India, enjoying a wide Ageing—The Inevitable Truth (July month.
readership throughout the country. 2005) on staying fit at the fag end of • The column Point Counter-
During 2005-06, it continued with life; Electric Vehicles for a Clean Future point, involving a debate on
its objective of providing to its (August 2005) on how electric specific issues of concern, has
readers topical coverage of issues vehicles can usher in pollution-free been attracting wide participa-
transportation; Hubble Space tion.
Telescope (August 2005) on the giant
eye in the sky; Is The Tiger Doomed?
(September 2005) on the plight of Vigyan Pragati
the Indian tiger; Is The New Discovery
This widely circulated monthly
a Planet? (October 2005) on the
popular science magazine in Hindi
discovery of 2003UB313; Deep
was launched in 1952. Running in
Impact (October 2005) on the unique
its 55 th year, Vigyan Pragati,
experimental venture of the
endeavours to introduce its readers
spacecraft Deep Impact; When the
with the important current events/
Earth Shook (November 2005) on the
issues in an easy-to-understand
Kashmir earthquake; Grandiose
manner. Special issues on various
Glaciers (December 2005) on the
topics are also brought out from time
melting glaciers; Tonic in a Tea Cup
to time. All columns of the
(February 2006) on the health
benefits of tea.

Special Issues
in various fields such as information
technology, wildlife, environment, Five special issues were brought
space, nuclear technology, health out—May 2005 issue was a Physics
and biotechnology as well as light special to commemorate the World
reading material such as humour, Year of Physics-2005; July 2005
amazing scientific facts, profiles of issue was on Ageing; October 2005
scientists, science projects, issue on Astronomy; the January
inventions and discoveries and 2006 issue was an Agriculture
much more. special and the March 2006 issue
was a special on Health.
Major Articles
Efforts were made to give a Interactive Columns
contemporary look to the magazine • The column Puzzle Corner
by inviting special articles from continued to attract mass ap-

NISCAIR Annual Report 2005-06
magazine are not only very Science Ki Duniya Pressure; Danton Ki Gandagi Va
interesting but also are capable of Imraje Kalb; Nimla (Herpes Zoster) aur
creating inquisitiveness in the mind Science Ki Duniya, the quarterly Uska Ilaj (Oct. – Dec. 2005); Ajib va
of its readers. popular science magazine in Urdu, Garib Neelae Badal, E-governance,
is among the widely read Urdu Stem Cells-Masayal Pneumonia Ke,
magazine in the country. It entered Asbab Va Ilaz, Hipnotism Kia Hai, Aur
Major Articles
into its 32nd year in 2006. During Jaljala-Jamini Balai Naghani (Jan-
Some of the major articles covered March 2006).
2005-2006, Science Ki Duniya
in the issues during the period are:
continued to disseminate
Tsunami; Valuable Earthworm; Round
information on current scientific
Worms and Diseases caused by them;
topics in an easy-to-understand
Outreach Programme
Robots; Mushrooms; Pollan grains and
and attractive manner.
Honey; Science News; Is Prediction of
Earthquake Possible? Science Quiz on Under this programme, 1000
Days; Chitrakatha on Enriko Fermi posters, subscription forms, etc.
(April 2005); Mangroves; Conjoint each for Science Reporter and Vigyan
Twins; One Year on Mars; Electricity; Pragati are being sent to various
Book Reviews; Science Quiz on schools every month beginning
Classification of Elements; Protect the from January 2005. During the year,
Tiger, Chitrakatha on M. the outreach programme was
Vishweswaraya (May 2005); initiated also for Science Ki Duniya.
Environment Friendly This effort has been yielding good
Wormitechnology; Fun with results. Over 5000 subscriptions
Mathematics; Career in Aeronautical (Science Reporter 3500, Vigyan
Engineering; Insecticides in Food Items; Pragati 1000 and Science Ki Duniya
Metal Pollution Depleting Plants; 500) have been received, besides a
Water Pollution; Science Quiz on large number of subscription
Blood; Chitrakatha on Thomas A queries from various schools.
Adison (June 2005 –Special Issue on
Environment); Vanila; Fun with
Mathematics; Rosemary; National The major articles published CSIR News
Agricultural Museum; Virus Free during the year include: Tsunami
CSIR News, the fortnightly
Plants; Jatropha; Aloe vera; Science Lehron Ka Kahar; Allergy Madafate
newsletter of Council of Scientific
Quiz on Fish; Chitrakatha on P. Nizam Ki Khata; Karah Maidi aur
& Industrial Research, is intended
Maheshwari (July 2005); Einstein; Uska Ilaj (GastricUlcer); DNA Secret
to serve as a useful link among the
Database Management System; SMS, and Chamakdar Rangon Wale
various CSIR establishments and to
EMS and MMS; Aryabhat Jehreeley Mendak Ki Hairat Angez
communicate activities/
Observatory; Glaciers; Comet : Deep Khasusiat (April – June 2005);
accomplishments of the Council to
Impact; Science Quiz on Einstein; Biotechnology Bani Novei Insan Ki
other R&D organizations,
Chitrkatha on Einstein (August 2005- Khidmat Main; Spirulina Kudrat Ka
universities, S&T agencies/
Special issue on International year Anmol Tagjia Hamir Ankhen
departments, industry and other
of Physics); Lavender; Digital Date Smandari Jaljal Lehren – Tsunami;
users, mass media, etc. Running
Card; Radiation and Its Effects; Homeland Security Ke Kaam; Kudrat
into its 56 th year (2006) of
Padmashri S R Ranganathan; Fun Ki Ek Hairat Angez Makhlook Marjan
publication, it also disseminates
with Mathematics; Science Quiz on (Coral) (July-Sept. 2005); Heart Attack
information regarding CSIR to other
Space; Chitrakatha on B P Pal Se Kaise Bachen; Council of Scientific
countries through Indian missions
(September 2005); Wild Life and Industrial Research: Sehat Se
abroad and foreign missions in
Protection; Cheeta and State Animals Muttalick Tahquiqui Jaija; Jiabetes;
and Birds; Snow Leopard; Science Quiz Hami Dimagi Nikhai (Gardan Tod
on Birds; Chitrakatha on J. B. S. (March Bukhar); Aabi Aalodgi aur Insani During 2005-06 it published
2006 –Special issue on Physics). Sehat; Hypertension aur High Blood news pertaining to R&D

Science Popularization
30 January 2006 issue was brought exclusively covered the
out as a special issue on 93rd Indian presentation/announcement of the
Science Gongress held at Hyderabad. various CSIR awards, including
This issue also published speeches Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prizes,
of Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Technology Shield/Awards, Young
Minister of India, Shri Kapil Sibal, Scientist Awards and CSIR
Minister for Science & Technology Diamond Jubilee Technology
and Ocean Development, and Dr Award and CSIR Foundation Day
R.A. Mashelkar, Director General, and Hindi Pkhwara/Saptah/
CSIR, delivered during Indian Divas Celebrations of CSIR
Science Congress. laboratories, etc.

CSIR Samachar HealthTechnology

Launched in 1984, CSIR Samachar as Future Fulcrum
is now in its 23rd year of of Development
accomplishments, technology publication. It is a monthly news
transfers, marketing, bulletin in Hindi, which covers the for the Nation
commercialization/utilization, news pertaining to various Brought out during 2005-06, Health
sponsorships, collaborations, IPR, activities/programme, particularly Technology as Future Fulcrum of
etc. Also covered were new facilities, the R&D activities of the various Development for the Nation (pp 272)
important conferences, seminars, laboratories of CSIR and gives overviews of the various
workshops, training programmes, consequently serves as a useful link sessions of the 92nd Session of the
important events such as among the various CSIR Indian Science Congress held in
Foundation Day celebrations constituents. It also disseminates Ahemdabad and interviews of
lectures, appointment of directors, information to other S&T eminent scientists conducted by the
announcements regarding departments, universities, etc. NISCAIR team during the session.
forthcoming events, etc. The July 2005 issue of CSIR This is fifth in the series of such
Contributions of S.S. Bhatnagar Samachar was on National books being brought out by
Prize-winners were also published. Technology Day celebration, NISCAIR covering the ISC sessions.
Several special issues on August 2005 issue on CSIR Society Earlier books covered the ISC
different occasions were brought out meeting and October 2005 issue on sessions held in New Delhi,
during the period, viz. (i) 30 June 2005 the CSIR Foundation Day. Lucknow, Bangalore and
issue on National Technology Day The November & December Chandigarh.
Celebration, (ii) 15 July 2005 issue on 2005 issues of CSIR Samachar
CSIR Society Meeting, (iii) 30 October
2005 issue on Foundation Day and
(iv) 15 November 2005 issue on
presentation of CSIR Diamond
Jubilee Technology Award (2004)
and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prizes
for 2004-2005. This issue published
speeches delivered on the occasion
by Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime
Minister of India, and Shri Kapil
Sibal, Minister for Science &
Technology and Ocean
Development. CSIR e-Journals
Consortium — A quick Search
Reference Guide, was brought out as
Vol. 55 Supplement in July 2005. The


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