Sheikh Abd El Qurna : Western Thebes
Sheikh Abd El Qurna : Western Thebes
Sheikh Abd El Qurna : Western Thebes
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Sheikh Abd elQurna ( Western Thebes )
The main private cementary in the center of the Theban necropolis (25o44'N, 32o36'E). The term Qurna seems to be a derivation of of elQurn (the peak), which may refer to the mountain that is
482 meters above sea level, overlooking the Theban necropolis. Qurna is the central part of the New Kingdom private necropolis in Thebes. It consists of the hill proper and the plain east of it,
which is defined as the area southwest of Khokha and north of the mortuary temple of Ramesses II (the Ramesseum). In the hillside and the plain, there are far more then 150 decorated tombs,
more than half of which date to the XVIIIth dynasty, other dated XIXth and early XXth dynasty or to the Saite period (XXVI Dynasty). The most important tombs are: TT100 Rekhmire, TT96
Sennefer, TT52 Nakht, TT69 Menna, TT55 Ramose, and other.
reliefs in tomb of Vizier Ramose TT55 paintings i tomb of Nakht TT52
21 User, Scribe, Steward of king Thutmose I, time of Tuthmosis I
22 Meryamon or Wah, Cupbearer of the King (Royal Butler), time of Tuthmosis III(?)
23 Tjay (To), Scribe at the Reign of Merenptah, Secretary of the King for Royal Correspondence, time of Merenptah
30 Khonsmose, Scribe the Temple of Amun Treasury Official, possibly Ramesses III
31 Khons (Ta), High Priest of King Thutmose III, time of Ramesses II
38 Djeserkaraseneb, Scribe, Counter of Grain in the Granary of the Divine Offerings of Amun, time of Tuthmosis IV
41 Amenemopet (Ipy), Amun Temple High Steward, time of Ramesses I Sety I
42 Amenmose, Captain of Troops, Eyes of the King in the Two Lands of the Retenu, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II
43 Neferronpet, Captain of Troops, Eyes of the King in the Two Lands of the Retenu, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II
44 Amenemheb, WabPriest in front of Amun, XX Dynasty
45 Tutemheb, Steward of High Priest of Amun Mery, time of Amenhotep II
46 Ramose, Steward of the Mansion of the Aten, Fanbearer at the Right of the King, Overseer of the Granaries, time of Amenhotep III Akhenaten (?)
50 Neferhotep, God's Father of AmunRa, time of Horemheb
51 Neferhebef (Userhet), High Priest of King's Ka for King Thutmose I, time of Rameses I Sety I
52 Nakht, Astronomer of Amun, Scribe of the Granaries, time of Tuthmosis IV ?
53 Amenemhat, Agent of Amun , time of Tuthmosis III
54 Huy and Kenro, Amun Temple Sculptor, time of Tuthmosis IV Amenhotep III (?)
55 Ramose, Vizier of Akhenaten, Governor of the Town and Vizier, Amenhotep III Akhenaten
56 Userhet, Child of the nursery, Royal scribe, Overseer and Scribe of the Cattle of Amun, Deputy Herald, time of Amenhotep II
57 Khaemhet (Mahu), Agriculture Minister under Amenhotep III, Royal Scribe, Overseer of the Granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt, time of Amenhotep III
58 [unknown] usurped by Amenemonet and Amenhotep, time of Amenhotep III
59 Ken, High Priest of Mut Lady of Asheru, time of Tuthmosis III
60 Intefiqer, Governor of the Town and Vizier, time of Senweseret I
61 Amenuser (User), also tomb 131, Governor of the Town and Vizier, time of Tuthmosis III
62 Amenemwaskhet, Overseer of the Cabinet, time of Tuthmosis III (?)
63 Sebekhotep, Mayor of Fayum, time of Tuthmosis IV
64 Hekerneheh, Tutor of the King's Son Amenhotep, time of Tuthmosis IV
65 Imiseba or Nebamon, Scribe of the Royal Accounts, Overseer of the Granary, time of Hatshepsut (?)
66 Hepu, Governor of the Town and Vizier, time of Tuthmosis IV
67 Hepuseneb, High Priest of Amun, time of Hatshepsut
68 Espaneferhor or Penrenkhnum, WabPriest of Amun of Karnak and of Mut of Asher, XX Dynasty
69 Menna, Scribe of Fields of Pharaoh, time of Tuthmosis IV or Amenhotep III
70 Amenmose, WabPriest of Amun of Karnak and of Mut of Asher, XX Dynasty
71 Senenmut (also tomb 353 in Deir elBahari), Chief Steward, Steward of Amun, Overseer of the Royal Works, time of Hatshepsut
72 Re, High Priest of Amun in Temple for cult of king Thutmose III, time of Amenhotep II
73 Amenhotep, Overseer of Works on the Two Great Obelisks in the Temple of Amun, Chief Steward, Veteran of the King. time of Hatshepsut
74 Tjanuny, General, time of Tuthmosis IV
75 Amenhotepsise, Second Priest of Amun, time of Tuthmosis IV
76 Thenuna, FanBearer on the Right of the King, time of Tuthmosis IV
77 Ptahemhet or Roy, Child of the Nursery, Overseer of Works in the Amun Domain, StandardBearer of the Lord of the Two Lands.
78 Horemheb, Scribe of Recruits, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep III
79 Menkheper (Menkheperreseneb), Overseer of the Granary, WabPriest in the Mortuary Temple of Tuthmosis III, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II
80 Tutnefer (also tomb 104), Overseer of the Treasury, Royal Scribe, time of Amenhotep II
81 Ineni, Architect of Tuthmosis I, Overseer of the Granary in the Amun Domain, time of Amenhotep I Tuthmosis III
82 Amenemhat, Scribe, Accountant of grain of Amun, Steward of the Vizier, time of Tuthmosis III
83 Amethu (Ahmose), Governor of Town and Vizier, time of Tuthmosis III
84 Amunedjeh or Mery, First Herald of the King, Overseer of the Gate, time of Tuthmosis III
85 Amenemheb (Mahu), Commander of Soldiers, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II
86 Menkheperreseneb (also tomb 112), High Priest of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III
87 Minnakhte, Overseer of the Granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt, Overseer of Horses of the Lord of the Two Lands, Royal Scribe. time of Tuthmosis III
88 Pehsukher (Thenenu), Lieutenant of the King, StandardBearer of Pharaoh, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II
89 Amenmose, Lieutenant of the King, StandardBearer of Pharaoh, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II
90 Nebamon, Captain of Troops of police on the West of Thebes, Standardbearer of the Royal Barque, time of Tuthmosis IV Amenhotep III
91 Meri, Captain of Troops, Overseer of Cavalry, time of Tuthmosis IV Amenhotep III
92 Suemnut, Cupbearer of the King, time of Amenhotep II
93 Kenamon, High Steward of the King, time of Amenhotep II
94 Amy (Ramose), First Herald of the King, FanBearer on the Right of the King, time of Amenhotep II (?)
95 Mery, High Priest of Amun, time of Amenhotep II
96 Sennefer, Mayor of Thebes, Chancellor to Amenhotep II, Overseer of the Granaries of Amen, Overseer of the Fields of Amen, High Priest of Amen in Menisut and Superintendent of
Amen's Gardens. time of Amenhotep II
97 Amenemhat, High Priest of Amun, time of Amenhotep II (?)
98 Kaemheribsen, Third Prophet of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III Amenhotep II (?)
99 Sennefer, Treasurer, Overseer of Sealbearers, time of Tuthmosis III
100 Rekhmire, Visier, time of Tuthmosis III
101 Tjener, Cupbear of the King, time of Amenhotep II
102 Imhotep, Royal Scribe, Child of the Nursery, time of Amenhotep III
103 Dagi, Governor of the Town and Vizier, late XI Dynasty
104 Tutnefer (also tomb 80), Overseer of the Tresaury,time of Amenhotep II
105 Khaemopet, Priest of Amun, XIX Dynasty
106 Paser, Governor of the Town and Vizier , time of Sety I Ramesses II
107 Nefersekheru, Royal Scribe, Steward of the Estate of Amenhotep III, time of Amenhotep III
108 Nebseni, High Priest of Inheret (Onuris), time of Tuthmosis IV
109 Min, Mayor of Tjeny (Thinis), Overseer of the Prophets of Onuris, Tutor of Amenhotep II, time of Tuthmosis III
110 Tutmosis, Cupbearer of the King, Herald of the King, time of Hatshepsut Tuthmosis III
111 Amenwahsu, Scribe of God's writings in the Amun Domain, time of Rameses II
112 Ashefytemwaset or Menkheperreseneb (also tomb 86) High Priest of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III
113 Kynebu, Priest in Temple for King Thutmose IV, time of Rameses VIII
114 [unknown], Head Goldsmith in the Amun Domain, XX Dynasty
115 [unknown], XX Dynasty
116 [unknown], time of Tuthmosis IV to Amenhotep III(?)
117 usurped by Djemutefankh, usurped in time XXXXI Dynasty
118 Amenmose, Fanbearer on the Right of the King, time of Amenhotep III (?)
119 [unknown], time of Hatshepsut Tuthmosis III
120 Aanen, Brother of Queen Tiji, Second Priest of Amun, time of Amenhotep III
121 Ahmose, First LectorPriest of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III
122 Amenemhat or Amenhotep, Overseers of the Production Area of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III
123 Amenemhat, Scribe, Overseer of the Granary, Counter of Bread, time of Tuthmosis III
124 Ray, Overseer of the Storerooms of Pharaoh, Steward of the Good God Tuthmosis I, time of Tuthmosis I
125 Duauneheh, First Herald, Overseer of the Estate of Amun, time of Hatshepsut
126 Hormose, Commander of Amun Domain, time of Hatshepsut
127 Senemiah, Royal Scribe, Overseer of All that Grows, time ofTuthmosis III (?)
128 Pathenfy, Royal scribe, Overseer of All that Grows, time ofTuthmosis III (?)
129 [unknown], time ofTuthmosis III (?)
130 May, Harbour Master in Thebes, time of Tuthmosis III (?)
131 Amenuser (User), Vizier, time of Tuthmosis III
132 Ramose, Royal Scribe Great Scribe of the King, Overseer of the Treasuries of Taharqa, time of Taharqa
133 Neferronpet, Chief of the Weavers in the Ramesseum , time of Rameses II
134 Thauenany (Any), Priest of King Amenhotep, XIX XX Dynasty
135 Bakenamon, WabPriest at the Fore of Amun, XIX XX Dynasty
136 [unknown], Royal Scribe, XIX Dynasty
137 Mose, Head of Works of Pharaoh in Every Monument of Amun, time of Rameses II
138 Nedjemger, Overseer of the Garden in the Ramesseum, time of Ramesses II
139 Pairi, WabPriest in Front of Amun, Overseer of Peasants of Amun, time of Amenhotep III
170 Nebmehyt, Scribe of Recruits of the Ramesseum in the Estate of Amun, time of Rameses II
171 [unknown], XVIII Dynasty
224 Ahmose (Humay), Overseer of the Estate of the God's Wife, Overseer of the Double Granaries of the God's Wife AhmoseNefertary time of Tuthmosis III Hatshepsut
225 [unknown], First Prophet of Hathor, time of Tuthmosis III
226 [unknown], Royal Scribe, Overseer of Nurses of the King, time of Amenhotep III
227 [unknown], time of Amenhotep III
228 Amenmose, Scribe of Amun Treasury, time of Amenhotep III
229 [unknown], XVIII Dynasty
230 Men, Scribe of Troops of Pharaoh, XVIII Dynasty
249 Neferronpet, Supplier in the Temple of Amenhotep III, time of Amenhotep III
251 Amenmose, Royal Scribe, Overseer of Cattle of Amun, Overseer of Magazine of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III
252 Senimen, Steward, Nurse of the God's Wife, time of Hatshepsut
259 Hori, WabPriest, Scribe in all the Monuments of the Estate of Amun, Head of the OutlineDraughtsmen in the Gold House of the Amun Domain, Ramesside Period, probably XX Dynasty
263 Piay, Scribe in the Granary in the Amun Domain, Scribe of Accounts in the Ramesseum, time of Ramses II.
269 [unknown], XX Dynasty
280 Intef or Meketre, Chief Steward, Chancellor, time of Mentuhotep Sankhare
309 [unknown], XX Dynasty
317 Tutnefer, Scribe of the Counting of Corn in the Granary of Divine Offerings of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III (?)
318 Amenmose, NecropolisWorker of Amun, time of Tuthmosis III Hatshepsut (?)
324 Hatiay, Overseer of all the Prophets of all the Gods, High Priest of Sobek, Scribe of the Monthu Temple, time of Ramses II
331 Penne (Sunero), High Priest of Monthu, time of Ramesses II
341 Nakhtamun, Priest of the Ramesseum, Head of the Altar in the Ramesseum, time of Rameses II
342 Tutmosis, Hereditary Prince, Herald of the King, time of Tuthmosis III
343 Benia (Pahekmen), Director of Works, Overseer of Works, Child of the Nursery, possibly time of Tuthmosis III
345 Amenhotep, Eldest Son of King, Child of the Nursery, early XVIII Dynasty, possibly Tuthmosis III.
346 Amenhotep or Penra, Overseer of the women of the inner palace quarters for the Divine Adoratrix Tentipet, time of Ramses IV
347 Hori, Scribe of the District, XX Dynasty
348 Nedjemger, Director of Gardens of the Ramesseum, Overseer of the Women of the Inner Palace, time of Ramses IV
349 Tjay, Overseer of FowlPens, time of Hatshepsut Tuthmosis III
350 ...y, Scribe of the Counting of Bread, time of Tuthmosis IV
351 Abau, Scribe of the Counting of bread, time of Tuthmosis IV
367 Paser, Head of the Bowmen, Child of the Nursery, Companion of His Majesty, time of Amenhotep II
368 Amenhotep (Huy), Overseer of Sculptors of Amon in Thebes, XVIIIXIX Dynasty
384 Nebmehyt, Priest of Amun in the Ramesseum, XIX Dynasty
385 Hunefer, Mayor of Thebes, Overseer of the Granary of Divine Offerings of Amun XIX Dynasty
391 Karabasaken, Prophet of KhonsemwesetNeferhotep, Fourth Prophet of Amun, Mayor of the City, XXV Dynasty
397 Nakht, WabPriest of Amun, Overseer of the Magazine of Amun, First King's Son of Amun, XVIII Dynasty
398 Kamose, Child of the Nursery, XVIII Dynasty
399 [unknown], XX Dynasty
400 [unknown], time of Amenhotep II Tuthmosis IV
403 Merymaat, Temple Scribe, XIXXX Dynasty
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