Apple Case Study Solution

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Solutions of case study by:

Name: Kumari Maya Bharti


Design Thinking And Innovation At Apple: Stefan Thomke and Barbara Feinberg

Q1. Why has Apple been so successful? What do you attribute it to?


Apple has been so successful because their innovative design it changed the way the world
understood personal computers. Their innovation in computer hardware and software, retail
stores, mobile phones, applications and how the world listens to music changed the face of
technology. Apple has been able to build on the elegance and simplicity of their products.
They have been able to control their brand as a high design, high quality, and seamless
product line.
Generally the major attributes of success is the product design which are based on following:
 Rarely first to market: apply a lot of creativity and ingenuity on the design side
and then push the engineering department to use the same kind of creativity and
innovation to make that happen
 Beyond Fashion: Apple went beyond superficial trends and got to the essence of
customer experience .Making superior computers express itself on the outside as
well no compromise between simplicity of use and functionality.
 Reduced complexity (simplicity: one button for several functions) focus on what's
to be achieved rather than starting with a problem
Identified the key underlying principles of a problem – which in turn could be
built upon
 Value creation oriented: Focused on designing what people need and want and
then engineering it. Removing or moving low value components for customers.
 Fashionable and cool design: Worrying about the smallest details
Detail was not only about features, but also design centric
Apple used same philosophy and adapted it to new technologies and different
materials. Eg. iPod Mini, Nano and Shuffle
 Initial product as a platform: stable, reliable and easier to develop new products.
Q2. Is there a systematic ‘approach’ to innovation at Apple? If yes, how would you
characterize it? Can it be imitated? If no, why not?


Apple has systematic approach to innovation. Companies’ main focus is based on design and
innovation and their systemic approach of innovation makes it different from other. Apple's
success is attributed to its ability to develop innovative products. Over the years, the company
launched some great products in the market which became the benchmark for customer
experience. Apple was ranked number one on the world’s most innovative companies list
compiled by Business Week. Since its inception, Apple had focused on innovation and had
ventured into those markets where it could make a significant contribution. Their Highly
interactive devices designed smallest details are scrutinized to discover which to develop and
which ones to leave out iPod, iPod Mini, Nano, and Shuffle. All draw on same philosophy
but adapt to new technologies and different materials.

The company was founded to challenge the idea of computing only for enterprise and
simplified computers to help individuals. So, from early time of company establishment
Apple has a clear design mentality and development strategy. Gradually this has become
culture and knowledge of company. Culture in the way that in the design process the major
focus is usability and simplicity for end users and knowledge of how capture user behaviour
to design intuitive product and remove or move low value components of computers.

Q3. Even though, many organizations are successful at operations, supply chain, etc., they
struggle with innovation. Why is innovation so difficult? What is innovation?

Ans :

Many big organizations are successful at operations, supply chain, etc., but they struggle with
innovation because of the lack of constant strategy. It’s very important to constantly change
in strategy due to change in regime.

Innovation’s first stage is idea generation. But the implementation of those ideas in a right
manner is very important. Many companies fail at innovation not because they don’t have the
right ideas in place but because they fail to take these ideas all the way to the market.

Apple has built its success on its legendary Products whose user interface offered a
revolutionary new way of using a computer. This product is backed up by a strategic
innovation: Apple has managed a paradox: it has widened its portfolio from PC to
entertainment devices, and it has kept at the same time a strong innovation
focus, concentrating on a small number of products: iMac, iPod, iPhone, and now iPad.
Systemic innovation integration is at the heart of Apple’s success. Apple works across
traditional industry boundaries to create a successful innovation-friendly ecosystem.
according to Steve jobs he had his own definition about innovation which are:

"A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them.
We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of
customers, they would continue to open their wallets."

“The cure for Apple is not cost-cutting. The cure for Apple is to innovate its way out of its
current predicament.”

4. What business is Apple in? Computers? Cell phone? Innovation itself?


Apple introduces its first successful product Apple Computer on 1976. Apple announces the
iMac on 1998 as the first consumer-facing product. Apple releases the iBook on 1999 based
on the colourful iMac design. Steve Jobs announces the iPod on October 2001. Apple
releases the MacBook Pro with Intel architecture on January 2006.

But with the all products apple business is associated with innovation itself.Apple’s
commitment to innovation is cultural, not process driven. The most successful products at
Apple were started with only a few people with no formal structure or hierarchy and little
corporate oversight. Yet, “to turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a
company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines. Apple has
built an effective innovation system to harnesses creativity in its people, stimulate new ideas,
streamline the design process, and launch successful, profitable new innovations.

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