37. Megabook - Đề 37 - File Word Có Đáp Án.

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Đề thi gồm 06 Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. seizure B. heifer C. sheila D. receive
Question 2: A. satisfy B. qualify C. freestyle D. simpty
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions
Question 3: A. risky B. conserve C. liquid D. forest
Question 4: A. certificate B. apartment C. individual D. biology
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5: “Can I try out your new bicycle?” ~ “Be my guest.”
A. Sorry, you can’t. B. You’re kidding. C. Never mind D. No problem.
Question 6: We should keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. revealed B. frequent C. lively D. accessible
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7: It was inevitable that the smaller company should merge with the larger one.
A. vital B. unnecessary C. urgent D. unavoidable
Question 8: From an airplane, the grasslands of the western prairie appear almost as uniform as a placid
A. hilly B. calm C. seedy D. fake
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
Question 9: - Linda: “ ” - Sally: “Bob? Oh. He’s come back again.”
A. Has Bob been here? I’ve been looking for him all day.
B. People say Bob has divorced his third wife.
C. Yes, certainly. Bob will be here in a moment.
D. Someone called you last night. His name was Bob.
Question 10: - Lisa: “How are things with Sarah?” - Mary: “ ”
A. Not so good. They had a new machine.
B. Yes, certainly. She’l! be here in a moment.
C. Of course. We’re going to have a lovely autumn.
D. Fine. She’s just come back from Vietnam.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 11: It is a biological fact that children their parents.
A. take after B. take to C. look up D. care for
Question 12: The Cosmonaut Training Center at Star City, Russia was named Gagarin.
A. to B. with C. by D. after
Question 13: taught me how to play the guitar.
A. It was my uncle whom
B. It was my uncle
C. it is my uncle when
D. It was my uncle that
Question 14: species are plant and animal species which are in danger of extinction.
A. Dangerously B. Endangered C. Endanger D. Dangerous
Question 15: It’s very warm. We take coats with us.
A. needn’t B. may C. mustn’t D. must
Question 16: We have just bought some cups.
A. Chinese old lovely B. old lovely Chinese C. lovely old Chinese D. Chinese lovely old
Question 17: No one gave you any gift on your birthday, ?
A. didn’t them B. did it C. didn’t they D. did they
Question 18: All fossil fuels are resources that cannot be replaced after used.
A. abundant B. renewable C. plentiful D. non-renewable
Question 19: It gets when the winter is coming.
A. more and more cold B. colder and colder
C. cold and colder D. cold and less cold
Question 20: Their house is decorated.
A. beautify B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beauty
Question 21: I would like to my gratitude to everyone for their hard work.
A. expand B. extend C. express D. enlarge
Question 22: Looking down at the coral reef, we saw of tiny, multi-coloured fish.
A. teams B. flocks C. shoals D. swarms
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27.
The worst prediction for the next century (23) the weather. Many people think that
global warming will cause important environmental changes. There is scientific evidence that suggests
cities on the coast may disappear if the sea level (24) There is better news regarding
health. Medical advances mean that people will live longer. Doctors will be more successfully diagnosing
an illness (25) of new technology. Infective diseases will disappear in many areas of the
world and new drugs will be how to treat muscular aches and pains. Futuristic organ transplants will be

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easier. Technological progress will give experts the (26) to manufacture invisibility
cloaks, which may be (27) the market before the end of the century.
Question 23: A. concerns B. participates C. contacts D. relates
Question 24: A. roars B. lifts C. rises D. raises
Question 25: A. because B. approving C. regardless D. in spite
Question 26: A. love B. chance C. tool D. power
Question 27: A. at B. in C. to D. on
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 34.
The days of the camera-toting tourist may be numbered. Insensitive travelers are being ordered to stop
pointing their cameras and camcorders at reluctant local residents. Tour companies selling expensive trips
to remote comers of the world, off the well-trodden path of the average tourist, have become increasingly
irritated at the sight of the visitors upsetting locals. Now one such operator plans to ban clients from
taking any photographic equipment on holidays. Julian Mathews is the director of Discovery Initiatives, a
company that is working hand-in-hand with other organizations to offer holidays combining high
adventure with working on environmental projects. His trips are not cheap; two weeks of white-water
rafting and monitoring wildlife in Canada cost several thousand pounds.
Matthews says he is providing ‘holidays without guilt’, insisting that Discovery Initiatives is not a tour
operator but an environmental support company. Clients are referred to as ‘participants’ or ‘ambassadors’.
‘We see ourselves as the next step on from cco-tourism, which is merely a passive form, of sensitive
travel - our approach is more proactive.’ However, says Matthews, there is a price to pay. ‘I am planning
to introduce tours with a total ban on cameras and camcorders because of the damage they do to our
relationships with local people. I have seen some horrendous things, such as a group of six tourists
arriving at a remote village in the South American jungle, each with a video camera attached to their face.
That sort of thing tears me up inside. Would you like somebody to come into your home and take a photo
of you cooking? A camera is like a weapon; it puts up a barrier and you lose all the communication that
comes through body language, which effectively means that the host communities are denied access to
the so-called cultural exchange.
Matthews started organizing environmental holidays after a scientific expedition for young people. He
subsequently founded Discovery Expeditions, which has helped support 13 projects worldwide. With the
launch of Discovery Initiatives, he is placing a greater emphasis on adventure and fun, omitting in the
brochure all references to scientific research. But his rules of conduct are strict. ‘In some parts of the
world, for instance, I tell people they should wear long trousers, not shorts, and wear a tie, when eating
out. It may sound dictatorial, but I find one has a better experience if one is well dressed. I don’t
understand why people dress down when they go to other countries.’
Matthews’ views reflect a growing unease among some tour companies at the increasingly cavalier
behaviour of well-heeled tourists. Chris Parrott, of Journey Latin America, says: ‘We tell our clients that
indigenous people are often shy about being photographed, but we certainly don’t tell them not to take a
camera. If they take pictures without asking, they may have tomatoes thrown at them.’ He also reports
that increasing numbers of clients are taking camcorders and pointing them indiscriminately at locals. He
says: ‘People with camcorders tend to be more intrusive than those with cameras, but there is a payoff -
the people they are filming get a tremendous thrill from seeing themselves played back on the
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Crispin Jones, of Exodus, the overland truck specialist, says: ‘We don’t have a policy but, should
cameras cause offence, our tour leaders will make it quite clear that they cannot be used. Clients tend to
do what they are told.
Earthwatch, which pioneered the concept of proactive eco-tourism by sending paying volunteers to
work on scientific projects around the world, does not ban cameras, but operates strict rules on their use.
Ed Wilson, the marketing director of the company, says: ‘We try to impress on people the common
courtesy of getting permission before using their cameras, and one would hope that every tour operator
would do the same. People have to be not only environmentally aware but also culturally aware. Some
people use the camera as a barrier; it allows them to distance themselves from the reality of what they see.
I would like to see tourists putting their cameras away for once, rather than trying to record everything
they see.’
Question 28: The word “indigenous” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to
A. timid B. native C. ignorant D. impoverished
Question 29: Which of the following does Chris Parrott believe?
A. Local people may react angrily towards tourists who use cameras
B. Tourists are becoming more sensitive about their use of cameras.
C. Camcorders always cause more trouble with local people than cameras
D. Tourists are unlikely to agree to travel without their cameras.
Question 30: In the first paragraph we learn that Discovery Initiatives
A. organizes trips to places where few tourists go
B. offers trips that no other tour company offers
C. has decided to respond to its customers’ complaints
D. has already succeeded in changing the kind of tourist it attracts
Question 31: Which of the following best summarizes the view of Earthwatch?
A. There are more problems concerning the use of cameras these days.
B. Cameras enable people to be detached from places they visit.
C. Too many tour operators ignore the problems caused by cameras.
D. Most tourists realize when they have caused offence to local people.
Question 32: The word “courtesy” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. dignity B. politeness C. nobility D. elite
Question 33: What does Matthews say in paragraph 3 about cameras and camcorders?
A. They prevent local people from learning about other societies.
B. They encourage holidaymakers to behave unpredictable
C. They discourage holidaymakers from intruding on local people.
D. They give local people a false impression of holidaymakers.
Question 34: What is Matthews keen for clients to realize?
A. that the brochure does not contain all the information they need.
B. that certain behavior may spoil their enjoyment of a trip.
C. that it is likely that they will not be allowed in certain places.
D. that they may find certain local customs rather surprising.

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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.
There are two main hypotheses when it comes to explaining the emergence of modem humans. The
‘Out of Africa’ theory holds that homo sapiens burst onto the scene as a new species around 150,000 to
200,000 years ago in Africa and subsequently replaced archaic humans such as the Neandertals. The other
model, known as multi-regional evolution or regional continuity, posits far more ancient and diverse roots
for our kind. Proponents of this view believe that homo sapiens arose in Africa some 2 million years ago
and evolved as a single species spread across the Old World, with populations in different regions linked
through genetic and cultural exchange.
Of these two models, Out of Africa, which was originally developed based on fossil evidence, and
supported by much genetic research, has been favored by the majority of evolution scholars. The vast
majority of these genetic studies have focused on DNA from living populations, and although some small
progress has been made in recovering DNA from Neandertal that appears to support multi-regionalism,
the chance of recovering nuclear DNA from early human fossils is quite slim at present. Fossils thus
remain very much a part of the human origins debate.
Another means of gathering theoretical evidence is through bones. Examinations of early modem
human skulls from Central Europe and Australia dated to between 20,000 and 30,000 years old have
suggested that both groups apparently exhibit traits seen in their Middle Eastern and African
predecessors. But the early modem specimens from Central Europe also display Neandertal traits, and the
early modem Australians showed affinities to archaic Homoffom Indonesia. Meanwhile, the debate
among paleoanthropologists continues, as supporters of the two hypotheses challenge the evidence and
conclusions of each other.
(Source: www.coursehero.com)
Question 35: The passage primarily discusses which of the following?
A. Evidence that supports the “Out of Africa” theory.
B. Two hypotheses and some evidence on the human origins debate
C. The difficulties in obtaining agreement among theorists on the human origins debate
D. That fossils remain very much a part of the human origins debate
Question 36: The word “emergence” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. complexity B. development C. appearance D. decline
Question 37: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
A. three methods of gathering evidence are mentioned in the passage
B. the multi-regional model goes back further in history
C. the “Out of Africa” model has had more support from scholars
D. DNA studies offer one of the best ways in future to provide clear evidence
Question 38: Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The vast majority of genetic studies have focused on living populations
B. Early modem human skulls all support the same conclusions
C. Both hypotheses focus on Africa as a location for the new species
D. Early modem Australian skulls have similarities to those from Indonesia
Question 39: The word “their” in the passage refers to

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A. Middle Easterners and Africans B. skulls
C. central Europeans and Australians D. traits
Question 40: Which of the following is NOT true about the two hypotheses?
A. Both hypotheses regard Neanderthals to be the predecessors of modem humans
B. Genetic studies have supported both hypotheses
C. Both hypotheses cite Africa as an original location
D. One hypothesis dates the emergence of homo sapiens much earlier than the other
Question 41: It can be inferred from the passage that
A. there is likely to be an end to the debate in the near future
B. the debate will interest historians to take part in
C. the debate is likely to be less important in future
D. there is little likelihood that the debate will die down
Question 42: According to the passage, the multi-regional evolution model posits far more diverse roots
for our kind because
A. evidence from examinations of early modem human skulls has come from a number of different
parts of the world.
B. DNA from Neanderthal appears to support multi-regionalism
C. populations in different regions were linked through genetic and cultural exchange
D. this has been supported by fossil evidence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 43: It is likely that the council will convene next week.
A. The council must convene next week
B. The council can’t convene next week.
C. The council will not convene next week.
D. The council may convene next week.
Question 44: First impression on university life varies from student to student.
A. University life makes the students vary in impression.
B. No two students share the same experience at the university.
C. Each student has his/her own first impression on university life.
D. Students hold different viewpoints on university life.
Question 45: “You are a newcomer here, aren’t you?” she asked me.
A. She wanted to know why I did not come here again.
B. She asked me whether I was a newcomer there.
C. She did not know that I am the newcomer.
D. She told me she was a newcomer in that place.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 46: (A) When precipitation occurs, (B) some of it evaporates, some runs off (C) the surface it
strikes, and some (D) sinking into the ground.

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Question 47: (A) What happened in that city (B) were a reaction from city workers, (C) including
firemen and policemen who had been laid off from (D) their jobs.
Question 48: (A) Opened the letter (B) from her boyfriend, she (C) felt extremely (D) excited.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: The Postal Service used the Roman god Mercury as its symbol. This was replaced in 1837
with a running pony.
A. The Postal Service, which used the Roman god Mercury as its symbol, was replaced in 1837 with a
running pony.
B. The Postal Service used the Roman god Mercury as its symbol, which was replaced in
1837 with a running pony.
C. The Postal Service, that was replaced in 1837 with a running pony, used the Roman god Mercury as
its symbol.
D. The Postal Service used a running pony as its symbol, which was replaced in 1837 with the Roman
god Mercury.
Question 50: The most successful candidates are not always the best educated. They are the best trained
in the technique.
A. The most successful candidates are the best at training in the technique, if not they will need
B. The most successful candidates are people who are trained well in the technique, although well
C. The most successful candidates are not only the best educated but also the best trained in the
D. The most successful candidates are not always the best educated, but the best trained in the

Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp án B D B C A A D B D D
Câu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Đáp án A D D B A C D D B C
Câu 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Đáp án C C A C A B D B A D
Câu 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Đáp án B B A A B C D B C A
Câu 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Đáp án D C D C B D B A A D

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