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KLN 90B Memory Jogger: Right Page Summary

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KLN 90B Memory Jogger 4/3/02 1:46 PM Page 3

KLN 90B Memory Jogger

Right Page Summary
-------------------------------NAV APT-------------------------------------
1†- CDI, DIS, GS, ETE, BRG 1- ID, airport name, lat/long
2- Present position 2- ID, City name, elevation,
3- DTK, TK, XTK, MSA, ESA time from UTC, IAP
4- VNAV 3- Runway info
5†- Moving map 4- Comm frequency lists
--------------------------------D/T 5- User remarks
1- Distance, ETE 6- Customs, fuel, oxygen, fees
2- Distance, ETA 7- Select SID or STAR
3- Distance, DTK 8- Select approach and IAF
4- Dep. time, present time, VOR------------------------------------
ETA, flight time, ETE ID, DME capability, name, class,
------------------------------ACTV PULL freq., mag. variation, lat/long.
Shows information on flight SCAN NDB------------------------------------
plan waypoints or d wpts. ID, name, frequency, lat/long
--------------------------------REF position
Inserts reference waypoints INT-------------------------------------
into flight plan. ID, location relative to VOR,
--------------------------------CTR lat/long position
1- Inserts CTR wpts into FPL. SUPL----------------------------------
2- Displays CTR wpts. ID, location relative to VOR,
† With both right and left pages set to these lat/long position
pages the screen will change to show a
larger picture.

• Emergency Nearest Airport Search - Press M then E.

• Operation of left and right knobs - Cursor on
• Press desired C button. With the cursor on, outer knob
controls cursor location and inner knob selects the character.
• With the inner knob in, make selection character by character.
• With inner knob out, make selection by scanning through the
database alphabetically. (Right side only)
• Operation of left and right knobs - Cursor off
• Outer knob selects page type (APT, VOR, etc.)
• Inner knob selects specific page (APT 1, APT 2, etc.)
• Direct To operation
• Press D once. Enter desired wpt using left concentric knobs,
press E to view wpt info, press E to confirm.
• Alternatively, display desired waypoint on right hand page or
highlight desired wpt in flight plan then press D then press
E to confirm.
• To center D-bar. With non-wpt page displayed press D
then E.
• To cancel direct to operation press D then @ then E.

KLN 90B Memory Jogger 4/3/02 1:46 PM Page 4


WARNING: Make sure that you have practiced instrument approaches with
the KLN 90B in VFR weather before attempting to fly approaches in IMC.
1. Flight Plan
a. SELECT an approach from the APT 8 page.
b. CHANGE or DELETE approaches on the FPL 0 page.
2. Get established on the final approach course.
a. VERIFY APR ARM is annunciated within 30 nm of destination.
b. SELECT the Super NAV 5 page.
c. SELECT OBS mode for radar vectored intercepts, procedure turns
and holding patterns. Use OBS mode until inbound to the FAF.
d. SELECT LEG mode for NoPT routes including DME arcs.
LEG mode is mandatory from the FAF to the MAP.
3. At or before 2 nm from the FAF inbound:
a. SELECT the FAF as the active waypoint.
b. SELECT LEG mode.
4. At 2 nm inbound to the FAF:
a. VERIFY APR ACTV annunciated.
5. At the FAF and APR ACTV not annunciated:
NOTE: There is no automatic leg sequencing at the MAP.
6. After the MAP:
a. FLY the published missed approach procedure.
b. PRESS D. Verify automatic selection of the first waypoint of the
missed approach procedure (usually the missed approach holding
point). Change it if desired.
1. The database must be up to date.
2. Only one approach can be in the flight plan at a time.
3. APT 8 page is used for approach and IAF selections. (Use the Active
Waypoint pages when the destination airport is in the active flight plan.)
4. Data cannot be altered, added to or deleted from the approach
procedures contained in the database. (DME arc intercepts may be
relocated along the arc through the Super NAV 5 page or FPL 0 page.)
5. To change or delete a SID, STAR or approach, select the FPL 0 page,
place the cursor over the name of the SID, STAR or approach, press
E to change it, or @ then E to delete it.
6. Some approach waypoints in the database may not appear on the
approach plates (in some cases this includes the FAF)!
7. Waypoint suffixes attached to some flight plan waypoints:
i - IAF, f - FAF, m - MAP, h - missed approach holding fix.
8. Use the Super NAV 5 page for flying approaches.
9. At 30 nm from the destination the KLN 90B will go into APR ARM if there
is an approach in the flight plan. Left/right D-bar scaling will change from
±5.0 nm to ±1.0 nm over the next 30 seconds.
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TIPS (Continued)
10. If the approach includes a DME arc, the DME arc intercept point
will be a) on your present position radial off the arc VOR when you
select an arc IAF, or b) the beginning of the arc if currently on a
radial beyond the arc limit. To adjust the arc intercept to be
compatible with a radar vector, bring up the first waypoint of the arc
in the Super NAV 5 page scanning field ( or under the cursor on
the FPL 0 page), press @, then E. Fly the arc in LEG. Adjust
the HSI or CDI course pointer with reference to the desired track
value on the Super NAV 5 page (it will flash when the pointer
needs to be adjusted). Left/right D-bar information is relative to the
arc. Displayed distance is not along the arc but straight to the
active waypoint. (The ARC radial is also displayed on the Super
NAV 5 page.)
11. Two nm from the FAF inbound and in LEG, the KLN 90B will go
into APR ACTV and the D-bar scaling will change from ±1.0 nm to
±0.3 nm.
12. APR ARM to APR ACTV is automatic provided all of the following
are satisfied:
a. In APR ARM (normally automatic).

b. In LEG mode!

70° MAP

c. FAF is the active waypoint!



d. Within 2 nm of the FAF.
e. Outside the FAF.
f. Inbound to the FAF.
g. RAIM is available. (For early prediction go to STA 5 page.)
13. RAIM availability is mandatory for approach operation.
14. APR ACTV mode is mandatory for approach operation.
15. DIRECT-TO operation between the FAF and MAP cancels
approach ACTV. Fly the missed approach in APR ARM.
16. Flagged navigation inside the FAF may usually be restored by
pressing the external GPS APR button to change from ACTV to
ARM. Fly the missed approach procedure.
17. Instrument approaches using the KLN 90B may be essentially
automatic starting 30 nm out (with manual baro setting update) or it
may require judicious selection of the OBS and LEG modes.
18. APR ARM may be cancelled at any time by pressing the GPS APR
button. (A subsequent press will reselect it.)
C. PAGE MESSAGES - Messages that could appear during approach
operations. Refer to the Pilot’s Guide for a complete list of messages.
ACTV ANNUNCIATOR FAIL Indicates an annunciator drive circuit
failure. A maintenance write-up. Cross check the KLN 90B display for
ADJUST NAV IND CRS TO XXX° Manually adjust the mechanical HSI
or CDI to the indicated value.
ARM ANNUNCIATOR FAIL Indicates an annunciator drive circuit
failure. A maintenance write-up. Cross check the KLN 90B display for
KLN 90B Memory Jogger 4/3/02 1:46 PM Page 6


ARM GPS APPROACH Manually arm approach mode. (A reminder
given 3 nm from the FAF if the approach mode was disarmed
AND RAIM NOT AVAILABLE Can appear in approach ACTV mode
only. Integrity monitoring is lost and satellite geometry is degraded.
Can be followed by a NAV flag.
SEE EPE ON STA 2 PAGE Integrity monitoring is lost and the
estimated position error is greater than allowed for the current phase of
flight. Cross check the position with other on-board equipment every
15 minutes.
CHECK ACTV ANNUNCIATOR Indicates an overcurrent condition in
the annunciator circuit. A maintenance write-up. Cross check the
KLN 90B display for approach mode status.
CHECK ARM ANNUNCIATOR Indicates an overcurrent condition in
the annunciator circuit. A maintenance write-up. Cross check the
KLN 90B display for approach mode status.
IF REQUIRED SELECT OBS Use OBS mode for holding patterns or
procedure turns. Appears 4 nm from a waypoint that normally would
require the OBS mode.
PRESS ALT TO SET BARO A reminder given 30 nm from the
destination airport to update the barometric setting.
PRESS GPS APR FOR NAV After a NAV flag in approach ACTV
mode, press GPS APR button to restore navigation for the missed
approach. (Integrity monitoring is less critical in approach ARM mode
so navigation may be restored.)
PREDICT RAIM ON STA 5 RAIM is predicted to not be available at
either the FAF or the MAP. Determine when RAIM will be available on
the STA 5 page. Integrity monitoring is required for approach
CROSS CHECK POSITION Integrity monitoring is absent. Compare
the GPS position with other on-board navigation equipment.
CROSS CHECK POSITION RAIM has detected a problem with a
satellite. Compare the GPS position with other on-board navigation
AS NECESSARY Examine the active flight plan and
remove those waypoints that occur both in the enroute and the
approach or SID/STAR sections of the flight plan.
KLN 90B Memory Jogger 4/3/02 1:46 PM Page 1

D. STATUS LINE MESSAGES - Messages that could appear

during approach operations. Refer to the Pilot’s Guide for a complete
list of messages.
d CRS XXX° When in OBS mode, manually adjust the HSI or CDI
course pointer to the prescribed value to provide direct-to navigation.
FPL FULL The KLN 90B cannot add any more waypoints because
doing so will mean that the active leg would change.
INVALID ADD You can’t add waypoints to the approach sequence.
INVALID DEL You can’t delete waypoints from the approach
NO APPROACH No approach has been loaded into the flight plan
when the APR ARM button is pressed.
NO INTRCEPT The aircraft’s actual track does not intersect with
the DME arc. Alter course so that the actual track does intercept the
OUTDATED DB A reminder that the database is out of date.
• Select the Super NAV 5 page by choosing NAV 5 page on both
left and right side.
• To scan through the active flight plan waypoints, pull out and
turn the right inner knob. With desired waypoint displayed in
scanning window, press D to go direct-to the selected
• To change what information is displayed on the map press the
right C to bring up a pop-up menu.
• Line 1: Display nearest VORs;T=Terminal, L=low, H=high
• Line 2: Display of nearest NDBs; ON or OFF
• Line 3: Display of nearest airports; ON or OFF
• Line 4:Map orientation; N=North up,DTK=Desired track up,
TK = Actual track up (when groundspeed > 2 kts),
HDG = Heading up (if heading supplied to the KLN 90B).
• To change the map scale factor:
a. Press the left C. Cursor comes up over the map scale in
the lower left corner of the map display.
b. Use the left inner knob to change between scale factors.
c. For terminal area operations select AUTO scale factor.
• To change the navigation information displayed on the left side:
a. Press the left C.
b. Use the left outer knob to move cursor over desired line.
c. Choices for each line are:
• ETE, Cross track error correction (XTK), VNAV status.
• DTK, BRG to active wpt, RAD from active wpt.
• Actual track (TK), BRG, RAD. (Displays ARC during
DME arc approaches to show what radial aircraft is on
relative to reference VOR.)

Summary of Operation
KLN 90B Memory Jogger 4/3/02 1:46 PM Page 2

KLN 90B Memory Jogger

Left Page Summary
--------------------------------NAV CALC-----------------------------------
1†- CDI, DIS, GS, ETE, BRG 1- Pressure/Density altitude
2- Present position 2- TAS
3- DTK, TK, XTK, MSA, ESA 3- Computes wind info
4- VNAV 4- VNAV angle or vert. speed
5†- Moving map 5- Conversions
6- Time zone conversions
7- Sunrise/Sunset
--------------------------------FPL STAT-----------------------------------
0- Active flight plan 1- Satellite condition
1-25 Stored flight plans 2- Estimated position error
3- Software versions
4- Operation time & cycles
-----------------------------MODE 5- RAIM prediction
1‡- LEG mode status and SETUP---------------------------------
change CDI scale factor 0- Update database
2‡- OBS mode status and 1- Initialize postion
change CDI scale factor 2- Set system time and date
3- Nearest airport criteria
4- Flight timer operation
-------------------------------TRIP 5- Height above airport alert
0- Enter TAS and wind. 6- Turn anticipation on/off
1- P. Pos to wpt-DIS, BRG, 7- Barometric units
ETE, fuel 8- Airspace alert on/off
2- P.Pos to wpt-ESA, SUA 9- Aural alert volume
3- Wpt to wpt- DIS, BRG, OTHER---------------------------------
ETE, fuel 1- Nearest FSS freqs.
4- Wpt to wpt-ESA, SUA 2- Nearest Center freqs.
5- For any FPL- DIS, 3- User waypoint list
ETE, fuel 4- List of airports w/remarks
6- For any FPL- ESA, SUA 5*- Fuel reqd., fuel on board
6*- Fuel specifics
† With both right and left pages set to these 7*- Fuel flow rates
pages the screen will change to show a 8*- Fuel used (totalizer)
larger picture. 9*- TAS/Mach display
‡ These pages also support mode changing if 10*- SAT, TAT, Pressure alt.,
no external GPS CRS switch is installed in Density alt.
the aircraft.
* Page only displayed if appropriate
equipment is interfaced with the KLN 90B.

Honeywell International Inc.

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© 1994 Honeywell International Inc.

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