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Test/Your Vocabulary 5 Test Your Vocabulary isthe best-selling series of vocabulary practice books by Peter Watcyn-Jones. They are ideal for use in the classroom or for self-study. Special features include: * approximately 6,400 new words and phrases to learn and use in the series, from Beginner to Advanced * vocabulary practised and ravised from level to level + a wide variety of test-types including gap-filling, multiple-choice, crosswords, puzzles, correcting misprints and picture tests + an Introduction with notes on how to use the tests + a complete Answer Key. This new edition of Test Your Vocabulary 5 is for students of the ‘Cambridge Proficiency Examination, or students at university. There are tests on phobias and manias, foreign words and phrases, and proverbs, as well as synonyms, idioms and homophones. A list of [OF @ diz =F ae AAEKOSS. to search and steal to walk at an easy, gentle pace to steal in small amounts living both on land and in water leamed, scholarly 1 two-hundredth anniversary an inscription on a tomb one of the sigs ofthe Zodiac loud whistle or ery expressing disapproval or displeasure at the theatre, a sports mateh, ete. to fall like,a waterfall short-lived, lasting only a day or s0 talkative, wordy extremely overweight a task that is unpleasant or boring wreckage found floating on the surface of the sea ‘Kind of chicory, used as salad to idle, loiter, waste time to defer, delay in doing some nevessary act imprisoned, confined slightly bungry 1 natural sleep of some animals throughout the winter 1 word or sentonce that reads the same backwards and forwards to listen secretly to a private conversation to separate by cutting prone to anger, iritable at the point of death, dying a list of prices and charges 4 type of small flying insect (like a mosquito) that bites people a sweet-smelling garden flower smuggled goods a 0 an “4 Multiple-choice 1 CChoase the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. ‘The accused man was proved innocent and was . a liberated b excused ¢ interned acquitted ‘There was a very suspicious character in the shadows. a lurking —b peeping © peering d_ awaiting For a moment it was difficult to see through the ofthe headlights. a shimmer b glare glow glaze Richard Burton was noted for hia clear of words, @ enunciation b interpretation © announcement d_accentuation Te ssn Fans Whenever Igo out without my umbrella 9 continually b invariably © typically _infallibly Don’t waste your time telling Janet a joke; she's totally ofa sense of humour, a deficient b missing devoid d_ lacking ‘Theold man’s a flimsy b lanky © sparse emaciated body presented a really pitiful picture. When he accidentally hit his thumb with a hammer, he let out, ‘which could be heard half-way dawn the street, a swearing b acursor © asqueak d_ anexpletive ‘The photocopi terrible. @ maintenance repair € overhaul renovation in our ofice needs a complete... ‘These copies are A prominent member of the Cabinet was divorce ease as co:respondent in the cited b included @ accused linked She was a wonderful talker. She really had the gift of the... a bard b words © gab d Gods B 1B “ 6 16 " eT 20 a1 Because oftheir upbringing, most British men are too a restrained inhibited ¢ stiff’ controlled 1 bocry. ‘Technology is advancing so rapidly nowadays that computers and other ‘machines seem to be after avery short time. a antiquated b irreparable ¢ disused d_ obsolete He didn't speak a word of French when he first moved to France. He had to pick up the language from. a weratch b start € nought nil We decided to... the decision toa later meeting, a adjourn b cancel © dofer suspend After travelling all day, he was completely. @ donein b doneup © brokendown d used up ean’t tell you very much about the subject, I'm afraid. only have a very knowledge of it myself. a fundamental b primary © elemental rudimentary ‘Any aggressive acton their part now would be towar 2 tantamount parallel © commensurate comparable ‘The police tried in vain to persuade the journalist to. her information. .-the source of a release b divulge © exposed admit When Gerald Ford became President of the U.S.A. he used his ‘pardon his predecessor, Richard Nixon. influence b prerogative © authorities potency to ‘The travel agency sent us adetailed ofour journey to India. a docket agenda itinerary documentation Since our train leaves at 10.90, iis station no later than 10.15. that everyone is at the ‘a imperative b urgent © desired d__ inescapable Ty 16 Examph Newspaper misprints 1 {Incach of the folowing extracts from a newspaper thee is 2 misprint Underine the word whichis wrong and also write down which word should ‘have been used instead, ‘The 40-year-old man has dark hair with a prominent fridge. feinge sh i guetta eat hbk ng a Gonna ‘Why rend your garments elsewhere when our up-to-date laundry can do the ‘work more effectively? ( 8 cuorites pRustt The genuine pigskin back opens with a zip and inside are ‘tweezers, sissors, nail fileand a bomb. (. ) 4 Mrs Wilson has a fine, fair skin which, she admits ruefully, comes out in a ‘mass of freekles at the first hint of 81N. (orev) 5 Forsazm: Three bra electric fire. Perfect condition. £40 ( ) She used an ordinary casting rod and a light tele. (2.00) 7 Simon Grove, as a woebegone tramp, has « bedpan manner that is often very 10 u 18 “ 16 fanny. ) He was Chairman of Berwickshire Hunt Committee from March 1968, He ‘rode regularly to hounds until his death would not allow him to do so any more. ( ) ‘On Monday, Councillor Brown's daughter will be married to the eldest son of Councillor Jones. The members ofthe Corporation are invited to the suspicious event. ( ) ‘Mary and Jack Cohen thank the Almighty for their recovery. They wish to Cio oesopgaraeopomioe ssn re ‘time. “Good friends are priceless germs.” Lliw Valley development committee have been told that the coming Celtic ‘Sea oil boob is sure to bring many benefits tothe area. (0.0m) ‘This week's pecal Sunday lunch: Soup ofthe dey, rut jue, melon, rib of beef, fresh local roast chicken and stuffed pork lion. Brie Simpson, Stoke's 36-year-old defender, has been given a free transfer. He played only four first team games this season after struggling for long. spells with knee and thing injury. (1.0.0) ‘Ata presentation held in the village chureh, Mrs Jones was given a tea-set ‘and a travelling rub by the vicar. a British Airways shop stewards met today in a bid to resolve a dispute which hhas strangled thousands of passengers at Heathrow. ( ‘She was married in Evansville, Indiana, to Walter Jackson, and to this onion ‘was born three children. (oo " 18 rr ‘Tomake a piece of boiled bacon really delicious, add to the water a teaspoonful of vinegar, a small bt of nutmeg, and a couple of gloves. Cree) ‘Mr and Mrs David Hughes of Swansea are announcing the approaching smariage of hele daughter Magan to Mr Brian Wiliams. The couple wil ‘exchange cows on Saturday September 28th. Before Miss Jenkins concluded the concert by singing “Ill Walk Beside You" she was prevented with a bouquet of red roses. (.. ) ‘bustvess LaDy requires comfortable bed-sitting room with boar. c ) wv Words of similar meaning: Verbs ‘Complete each ofthe groups of tree words with word tats similar in ‘meaning. Choose from the flowing ‘abhor coerce: jibe scurry abridge corroborate pillage shelve allure crow postulate snicker Dicker dupe procure ‘thwart chide fathom revere vex abbreviate, shorten, condense. acquire, gain, obtain. admire, respect, venerate annoy, bother, pester assume, suppose, infer. Drag, boast, swagger cheat, swindle, hoodwink .. confirm, verify, affirm. 10. force, compel, oblige AL hate, detest, loathe... 12, laugh, chuckle, gufaw 13 oppoce, resist, withstand 14 postpone, adjourn, put of. 1 2 3 4 5 argue, quarrel, squabble. 8 7 8 9 19 understand, comprehend, grasp. 20 rob, steal, plunder. 18 “ 15 16 Ww 18 19 True or False? Choose whether you think the following sentances are core or not by ‘iting the words “True” or “False” inthe appropiate column, ‘True [A person who collects stamps is called a philatelist, ‘You usually buy strawberries in a punnet, Penultimate means last. A trilby is something you wear. A cantankerous person would make very good ‘company, A catkin is a female kitten. Scotch mist isa typeof drink. Another word for attic is loft A forret isa type of bird ‘Manure is good forthe garden, "You can't see me I'm invineible!” A-crony is an old, close friend. ‘You would probably feel latered ifsomeone described you asa pervert. Biennial means “twice a year” A budgie isa popular pet in Britain. A barge is typeof boat. A female sheep is callod a ewe, ‘A dais is something you stand on. Ifyou have halitosis you have trouble with your feet. ‘The nadir is the highest point of something, Spokes are found on a bicycle. A dipstick ia used to locate water hidden, ‘underground, ‘Most people enjoy having a chinwag with their Iriends, Brisket is beef cut from the chest ofthe animal. ‘You can go toa turf accountant ifyou want. advice about your lawn, 19 10 a 2 13 “ 6 a Words that begin with “ST-” ead through the euesdeiitons and fin the mising words, al of whieh Dogin witht." (ota style of writing or speaking) very formal and unnatural ‘the metal loop attached toa horse's saddle, which you place your fot in when ‘youare riding ‘classroom can become tis ifyou never ‘open any windows ast, activity involves alot of effort and energy not developing or growing: inactive the right side ofa ship sastrong, unpleasant smell someone who i in ‘almost unconscious ey the seats in the front part ofa theatre directly infront ofthe stage tho main upright partofa plant ‘heavy vehiclo used for flattening road ‘surfaces the bare ofa tree loft ater the rest has been ext down ast sound or voicois very loud and unpleasant, {ixod or controlled by law ‘uit and secret; trying tobe unseen things, thoy store or thom for future use someone Whe sven VERY girl (stl | TRU] (sil I Is} (site. TT 17) (sit Tel TT) arn (sit FIT) 8 w 20 a to end the head and shoulders forward and down (of food) thick, heavy and sticky away ofstanding ‘You use this to carry a sick or injured person, atypoofcheese someone whois. i dull and rather old Sashioned ‘common Buropean bird with grenish- blac fosthers ast _person ie short, lightly fat but strong and solid LE Btn) Site TI Sort out the three jokes The thre jokes blow are all mixed up. See if you can sort them out. Mark the fist joe 1-10, the second one 11-18 and te third one 19-27. (The ‘st part of each joke aready mark.) vin on the pools ~ §3¥ thousand oO | seo nee | counts ar | ants “ra | seebied beet andthe labrdorwas ] | edintoghe ane | ote | seconds tho labrador tag (fecepied the Scotsman offer | (1S onamanietthevestaurnt | and'atumndven mintesier with © | I [pate | “Thott «staid iookingdooyooeo | eg Cinta ema | L "Sure" od O) ‘not a dentist,” replied the Scotsman [iba deraer” ee ee [eRe riacras — “Yes,” 9 atoms ni | charge. And he can provide a suitable | set almost immediatly.” ‘The Englishman coulda’ belive his luck and gladly | comeastooman _ | fomeas to much ora OQ Lei we hadetan thee | Oo Tale ethwhichhehandediothe | Englishman, | a Et few out of his mouth and dropped to ‘the Noor, where they broke atthe fet ofthe Scotsman. O sr naty years — 7 Grandia was nary ninety 3 wilthe Soar a | Grantpen she won £975,000 0n the ad the Scotsman, “My brother wi | seal pools Her Emily mere ge yOu anew pair and at fr less Leestthan an Engin dentist woa | | exremely | lady and gradually brought the [ Covredaboutherhear-andieared | (menationarcundo |_| darth news oferingewin wr O react | ‘ania _ a | piesediser | Ber nett © lactate to yo ise | | rl a Oi | Cae | (eon aoe wna [rene ieowmet an,stbetsousio | | mare” _ that my lebradar ean beat your doe” oben you, there is absolutely no need for | efeartorber health Everthing wal a | benate | dealon the flor. The locos = [SUES recs — sadly and said, k his head wisi "iatdeacry | _O © eperfeeis Yourbrother mustbes | | Seryelever dentist.” | Sony ee _—~ sa eae | jah 9 Det enbewen oo ne) Nouns from phrasal verbs Complete each of te following sentences. Example: Although I have flown hundreds of times, I stil feel very nervous ~ 10 u 2 “ 18 16 7 18 ‘especially just before the take-....0FF.. "The 08 oe ror-nnn Of the disease is marked by a high temperature and a fecling of nausea, "The start ofthe tennis match had to be delayed for half an hour because ofa sudden down, ‘The inal out. not yet known, {didn't fee like cooking, so I decided to get something from the Indian take. instead. ‘There was a twenty.minute hold... at the start ofthe concert ‘owing to technical problems with the lighting. ‘The factory's daily out ‘the past six months, ‘The President denied that he had been involved inthe recent cover- of the talks between the Union and the employers is has inereased by more than 25 per cent in One ofthe main draw. London is that you have of living in Brighton and working in ‘spend so much time in travelling every day. According to a Government spokesman, further cut. sector are to be expected. inthe public Hier father was an ex-sergeant-major in the army. Consequently, ‘very strict up. ‘The car was a complete write... after the accident. ‘This is the Sith break. {n the area in the past month, but the ‘police still have no idea who is doing it. ‘Traffic jams in the town contre have heen reduced dramatically since the new by ‘was opened, ‘The play gota very bad write. as I thought it was rally good, ‘Thisis the third out. hehada in the paper. I was very surprised ofthe disease in the past year. "The police are on the look, for two men suspected ofrbt department store in the centre of town recently. ‘Noone was really surprised at the break, hhad never really seemed very happy together. ‘The company has experienced a large number of set... in recent, ‘years. ofthoir marriage. They 19 a B RESER E 8 eee 84. Thoro was a public out. “The latest traffic news is that there is an eight-mile All... oR the MA. Ourtotal out... in the project was £8,500. Scientists last night announeed a major break in the treatment ofcancer. have to go to the dostor for a cheek, [Tread in the newspaper this morning that Pele ~ you know, the famous Brazilian football player ~is thinking of making a come. ‘There's a meeting this afternoon with the architects to discuss the Bay oreonnnnnee Of the new Factory. From the out. ‘we know that the plan was doomed to failure. ‘The thieves made their get. v-inastolen post office van. ‘Wine, women and horse-racing were my cou ‘There has boon a steady build. of Chinese troops along the ‘Russian border inthe past few weeks. ‘There was a very good tPA... abthe recent union mesting. Atleast [85 per cent of the members were present, apologise for my out, ‘don't usually lose my temper. ‘The firm had an annual turn, of almost two billion pounds. ‘The out, forthe future is not very bright, 'm afraid. ‘The college was very popular and had an annual in, ‘thousand students. “next week. "down, just now. don’t know what came over me, ofnearly a ‘when the Government announced it was going to raise income-tax by mare than 10 per cont. ‘We were feeling tired after driving for several hours so we pulled in toa Tay for a rest. 2% ‘accomplice agnostic castaway hermit sibling alien compatriot hooligan swindler arbitrator eonseript midwife toddler artisan copywriter eer tycoon assessor culprit picket underwriter beneficiary ward Missing words: Types of people 1 Filin the missing word inthe deitions below. Choose from the folowing: 1 A@ is someone who has been shipwrecked, B Alo) nssn-snn isa person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives. 3 A@ .- 18a nurse who has been specially trained to advise pregnant. ‘women and to assist them when giving birth. 4 Aw)... is a member ofa trade union who is elected by the other ‘members inthe factory or office where helshe works to represent them, 5 Am. is rich and powerful businessman or industrialist. Ain) js someone who has committed a crime or done something ‘wrong. 7 A {sa person who helps another person to commit a crime. 8 Alo) asa is someone Who is made to serve in one of the armed forces of country whether heishe likes it or not. 9 Am isa noisy, rough young person who causes damage or disturbance in public places. 10 Ala) n.nsomoas 8 person responsible for keeping official records, u {sa brother or a sister. “ 16 is a person who, during a strike is placed outside a factory by histher trade union to prevent other workers from going in until the strike Aa), is a foreigner who has not yet become a citizen of the ‘country in which he/she is living. Alp)... i @ skilled manual worker or craftsman. Am), is. young person whois in the care of a guardian or a law-court. 16 "7 18 19 S88 BB An) soosorsnen i someone who has withdrawn from society and lives alone, Ata) is the former occupant of an office, position, ete. Ac). {sa porson who makes insurance contracts. Alp) ovvnor-non i person who holds that it isnot posable to know whether God exists or not. An) isa person in charge ofa college or school who is responsible {for the accounts, An) ‘sa porson who writes the words for advertisements. Ain) isa person of the same age, rank or status as oneself, Am) is a person who deceives others, usually to get money illegally. An)... 1.4 porson who is called in to settle a dispute between two ‘people or groups usually at the request ofboth sides. Ala) is a fellow countryman or eountrywoman. Alf) sesso 8a ruler Who uses his/her power unfairly or cruelly. An) .ossnsonow i @ person who is entitled to receive money or property from ‘ will or insurance policy. At) {sa small child who has just learnt to walk. An) _ is person whose job is to calculate the value ofa property or the amount af income or taxé Alp) snore i a special messenger sent by one government todo business with another government. Add two letters ‘Add twa letters to each of the folowing words (in any place) to form a nw Word. A clue is given foreach word to hel you. 1 ACR... keen 2 aD fast 3 ALE part of the body 4 fighting 5 BARE, 1 € container for beor/iquids 6 BORE, frontier 7 CAN expanse of water a used to give light a long time ago 9 su not very plentiful 10 CASE eons 8 strongly built building used for defence A CATS vores 8 plant vw shoreline 13 FEET ‘a small furry animal 14 nooR, profession a8 very tired ‘one's parents, relatives, ete an enclosure found around buildings, houses, ete. wc hold tightly something money can't buy tall and thin intelligent, able to understand quickly fish sheets, pillowcases, ete. aninsect hard, often white, used for statues and buildings ametal .-ayoung person ‘a gardening tool form of musical entertainment, often added to food SBRBREREREEREBS 31 32 33 34 Bese 40 WON. a breed of dog country found around paintings, windows and doors arrogant, a weapon, often used by Amorican Indians vegetable .- found in the theatre another part of the body 10 u 2B 13 Words that begin with “RE.” ‘Read trough the clues/definitions and fn the missing words, al of which begin with re a period of reduced trade, a slump or depression someone who is re. shows a lack of eare about danger or about the results of hisyher actions to.scold someone officially and severely place that provides protection to reward; to pay someone for work or trouble ‘decision to stop doing something, e.g. to stop smoking. Often made on New ‘Year's Eve toecho an amount of money which is paid back to you because you have paid ‘more tax, rent or rates than you needed to tomove or slope backwards ‘to get well again after an illness ifyoure. someone for ‘something, you pay them back the ‘money that they have spent ifyouarere. sw todo something, you are unwilling todo it poople and things that are re. ‘are able torecover quickly from unpleasant or damaging events 4 16 16 a 18 9 a1 23 to speak severely to someone because ‘they have done or said something that you don't approve of ‘a person who receives something ‘someone who has recently joined an organisation or the army to prove someone to be mistaken or a statement to be untrue quick, rather angry, and often amusing answer to repeat the chief points of something that has been said ifyoure. something, you say that you will not accept it or have anything todo with it if you are madere. +youare ismissed by your employer because ‘there isnot enough work. youre nnn someone’stecings [RIE] TPL] TTT) or behaviour towards you, you have ‘the same feelings about them or behave the same way ‘container for keeping things in (Rel T [PLT IckT a part ofa song that is repeated, ‘especially at the end of each verse ‘ period of holiday between the sessions of work of a committee or parliament a1 82 Words of similar meaning: Nouns Complete each ofthe groups of three words with a word thats similar in ‘meaning. Choose trom the folowing: adage conjecture adversary dearth ‘turmoil animosity disdain valour apparel feat vow Draw! flaw woe carcass malady wrath clamour prevarication 1 abundance, plenty, copiousness 2 achievement, deed, exploit. 3. lack, shortage, scarcity 4 anger, fry, rage . 5 courage, daring, bravery 6 7 8 ® ‘antagonism, hostility, enmity assumption, supposition, presumption blemish, fault, defect body, corpse, cadaver... 10 chaos, disorder, confusion LL clothes, garments, attire 12 contempt, scorn, derision 13. enemy, antagonist foe... 14 fight, affray, mélée 15 grief, sorrow, misery 16 Ww 19 illness, ailment, sickness... proverb, saying, maxim 1o, falsehood, fi noise, tumult, uproar . cath, pledge, promise. Puzzle it out Find two or tre letters which wil complete the fist word and start he ‘second. Flin the spaces to maketh second word. Te cues wil hep you. King ofthe jungle/One time only Attractively thin/A picture formed inthe mind Midile part of something/A crime Lack of inter onthusiasm/Type of herb Particular space or surface/Used by an artist, Provide and serve food and drinks/Rub out 15 venC DJ ‘Thick and difficult to see through/To take possession by foree An item ofeutlery/A vegetable [Not wildNot generous Atype ofbaby's eat on wheels"To make written changes in something, eg. a law Part of jacket sad poem or song usually about someone whe has died ‘Avvehicle/An unpleasant task Backbone'Used in sewing What a surfer waitsfon/The poison that a snake zz opaL TT ]-- Cannot be seen through linea people injects into you when it bites x sD). ‘owrte one's name/A smal insect Serious and determined/The wie prt ofa river where tons the sea a pat] Food put on a hook to catch ish/Makes you want to ‘A farm animal/A room at the top of a house Part of the body/A way of looking Lary, wasting time/Allowed by law ‘Animal hunted and eaten by another animal/Whet ‘an eagle lives ‘Asoa ereature/Permit ‘Tomake an illegal copy of something, e.g. DanknotelBirds, similar to ducks A container/An athletics track event Covers a floor/Part of @ flower serateh 35 Confusing words Choose the correct word in each ofthe following sentences: ‘Do you think the new tax changes will affectleffect) you very much? His behaviour at the party was (contemptuous/contemptible). "This must be the (definiteldefintive) reference work on Raman history, ‘The doctor told him to use the (Iiniment/lineament) twice daily Ifyou print that, TN sue you for (ibelslander) ‘This is my last will and (testimony'testament). ‘We may have won all our matches this season, but we mustn't allow ‘ourselves to become (complaisanticomplacent) Tve always wanted to drive big (Iuxurious/luxuriant) ears. ‘The situation in China at the moment is tonso and (volatile;voluble). It is most (regrotfulregrettable) that Mr Brown has decided to resign, "The police have (conclusiveldecisive) proof that he robbed the bank. ‘How do you expect me to get the work finished when I'm continually/ continuously) being interrupted? She was a very (intensive/intense) person, who seemed to care deeply about everyone and everything, My father is a great boliover in (alternate/alternative) medicine especially homeopathy. ‘She had dyed her hair a (distinctidistinctive) shade of blue. He spent three years in (goal/gaol for embezzlement. Do you enjoy (urban/urbane) life, or would you prefer to live in the country? ‘He was a man of (sanguine/sanguinary) temperament. ‘The Government are under noillusions/delusions) about the difficulties facing the country. My brother is (eredible/eredulous) enough to believe anything you tel him. ‘The Government are very worried about the (cliciilicit sales of ‘champagne. ‘What can be (implied/inferred) from the Prime Minister's remarks? ‘Pm afraid the project is far too expen: ‘There wa: ve tobe (practical/practieable) 2 (appreciativeleppreciable) drop in temperature lastnight ‘Tasmania lies in one ofthe (temperatetemporal) areas of the world. ‘Are these mushrooms (eatableledible) or are they poisonous? ‘The majority of tinned food is (deficient/defective) in vitamins. 31 38 cy 35 Only 25 per cent of people voted inthe loal election; the rest were completely. (uninterested disinterested), ‘The question of legal abortion isa very emotional/emotive) ieue in “America. ‘The difference in performance between the two computers is (negligent! negligible) ‘The customs officer was very official/officious) and made us open up all our bags. ‘There are very (strict/severe) awsin Sweden with regard to drinking and driving. ‘The company made (judieial/judicious) use of a Government grant, Her performance was (mastorfullmasterly), ‘The caffeine in toa and coffee acts as @ mild (stimulusistimulant), Same word — two meanings 1 Find the word which has two meanings i each of he flowing: ‘Example: a type of fish [S[O]L]E Jpart ofa shoe 1 foundona tree 2 partofaship 3 behaviour ooo 4 notelear oor 5 anspecite coo 6 having no legal force 7 togoaway OTM 8 adarktartike ooo Substance © tostagger O71 10. aslow, dragging walk LL atypeoffiower 8 wreatnewiyor — CITT 18 atype of fish O7O 14 garment om 15. partofthebedy feelers] 16. alargebird oocro 17 att oooo 18 atroe trunk 19 serious animal sound 20 ananimals skin the topof the nose 21 very small tolead an orchestra 22 the leftside ofa ship love conssiousness 23 tosayno nilitary officer 24 noise 25 tohit sick person you dothis when you play cards the total supply of goods kept by areteiler someone who has no settled home deep voice headland container machine for lifting things a military exereise aship'sdiary found ina cemetery tokeep outof sight measurement of time ‘an alesholie drink rubbish, waste material abroad stretch of water to stop work 39 Sort outthe words 1 Phobias and manias Below are 40 words arranged alphabetical. Try to place each word under (Match up the words with te definitions. ‘the correct heading. (There shoul be 5 words under each) agoraphobia agromania ‘anthomania claustrophobia ‘arson dandelion Tovage sage basil embezzlement magpie skip beaker foxglove ‘mallet spatula bradawl fraud ‘marjoram starling budgie funnel perch tarragon caddy ‘rater perjury ‘treason camation haddock plaice trout cod jackdaw pliers trowel cowslip eg. poppy whisk crate ladle rake wren 13 nyetophobia 14 pyromania Fish 415. toxiphobia 16. xenophobia Flowers fear of water ‘fear ofbeing alone ‘crazy desire to start fires ‘fear and dislike of foreigners or strangers fear of pen spaces ‘craze for flowers fear of corpses ‘fear of poisoning ‘craze to be alone fear of confined spaces afear ofthe dark fear of women fear of dogs ‘adelusion that one is great or powerful ‘acompulsion to steal ‘an uncontrollable desire for aleshol ‘Tools/Gardening Containers/Receptacles ‘equipment Crimes wong Ror En ene re Write your answers here: 1] 2] 3] 4] 5| 6] 7| 8] 9] 10] 1] 12] 13] 14] 15 [16 40 a 2 Proverbs crossword ‘Complete the following crossword. Each word is partof a well-known English proverb Across aA ‘and his money are soon parted (4) 7 Don't make a mountain out ofa. ®) 8 The proofef the isin the eating (7) 9. First come, first evn (6) uA in time saves nine (6) 12. Every. has a silver lining () 13. Don'tputall your inone basket (4) 6 makes the heart grow fonder (7) AT He who pays the piper ealls the a 19 isthe best policy (7) 20. Novessity is the of invention (6) 22 You can’t teach an old dog new 6 23. Outof the frying pan and into the @ 26 ‘waters run deep (5) 21 More s lege speed (5) 28 One ‘doos not make a summer (7) 81 Toomany cooks spoil the 6) 82 Nothing ventured, nothing © 33 Look before you. Cy 34 Once "wiee shy (6) Down ‘Actions speak than words (6) It’s no use erying over spilt a Where there's a there's a way () Let dogs lie (8) A friend in need is friend © A miss is as good as a @ 10. Blood is than water (7) 2 begins at home (7) 14 Don't look a hhorse in the mouth () 16 Boggars can't be @) 18 Two are better than one (5) 20 Great think alike (5) 21 One good turn. ‘another () 24 sanill wind that nobody any good (5) Don't count your chickens before they are o Speech is silver, is golden (7) ‘The early bird catches the w Outof. out of mind (5) a 10 u 2 8 “4 6 Words that begin with “IN-” ead trough the clus'detntions and in the mising words, alo which faguten eee to destroy unwanted things by burning people who are in, donot care how their behaviour affects other people ‘pain that you get when you ind it dificult to digest food drunk at the beginning; at first tointroduce a weal form of disease into the body asa protection ‘against the disease ‘ot having money to pay what one food or drink that isin, hhas very little taste ‘fsomeone or something is ihn ey eannot be harmed or damaged twintroduce someone important into a new place or jb by holding a special ceremony ‘vo things that arein. are unable to exist together because they are completely diferent to charge someone formally with an offence in law tomak omeone very angry ‘an oficial inquiry to find out what ‘eausod someone's death someone Wh 18 IR. oo sons ‘very rude and impolite CONC TIST TRE TT] GIN. TINIs[ To] TTT Te} GNC T Tel Tstl TT OTT TTT GCG GIST TT TT (NTT TTT Tet Tel] 16 a 18 19 a the introduction ofa new idea, ‘method or invention somothing that is inenareoee 1 absolutely essential someone whois travelling im, is travelling in disguise or using another name 0 ‘that he o she will not be recognised that cannot be satisfied isbeliet ‘substance that is burned fr its sweet smell, often during a religions ceremony ‘anarrow strip of water which goes from a sea or lake into the land something that encourages you to docomething anin. quality or ability {sone which you are born with someone Whois im has faults or bed habits that will mover change 46 Example: The 40-year-old man has dark hair with a prominent fridge Newspaper misprints 2 ‘In each ofthe folowing extracts rom a newspaper thre is a misprint Underne the word which is wrong and also write down which word should ‘have been used instead. e.( Fringe. Red settee puppies ready no. Good pedigree. ) ‘There are three free weekends tobe won. You'll get free fights, hotel rooms and spending money. (..0:0) vor Sane: Two puss vanuais, ueurly new. ( ) 4. MrDavies walks with a limp and has a speed impediment. ( ) 10 u 2 13 “4 18 16 Ww 18 19 George Keeping, 26, of Preston, has claimed all of Britain's 295 mountains Con ‘The elderly couple in the top fat found the stars too much for them, 20 they soldit. vd oun Black asa priyofcerin destroyers during the Bezond World War. ( ‘They have a full ae ‘wines and spirits and to complete the fayre, try one of their nasty bar snacks. (scone) Watford police would like to trade two women who helped a driver after an aecident. (scene) ‘The police arrived onthe scone after a feported break-in and found a man weiting im PAIR. (oases) esaid pickets in Pairs andean had faced policemen with roses it ‘shields, truncheons and dogs. ‘A cannabis smoker was discovered by his diluted eyes and furtive manner. “ -) ‘The price of the holiday includes all food, plus wind, coffee and eakes. G ) ‘Mr and Mrs Webb loft their only child at home while they went to the ‘wedding ofa fend. ( wa) ‘They say the land is in a conversation comes By using Prestel, customers will receive up-to-date information at the press ‘ofa bottom. ( ) ‘and cannot be touched. A television crew was in the studio to record the occasion for prosperity. c ) He was arrested and auctioned, but made no reply. He was then taken to ‘West End Central polico station. (n.sensnse) Police and baliffssoon arrived, equipped with grappling irons and climbing Dear. Gres He was stopped by the police who gave hima breast tes. (. ) Too many words 2 Replace the words in bold type inthe folowing sentences witha single word. (he fist ter ofthe words given) ‘The shop was offering a £5 reduction from the full price to any customer sho pald in cash. (monn) 2 Afterall the nucloar tests, the island was not fit to live om. (t.e.e) 3 We were all told ofthe decision in advance, (b..wnmsee) 4. ‘The President has absolutely and completely refused to meet the terrorist Veaders. (Conese) We couldn't eat the food because it was impure and likely to eause disease. (c. vo) ‘This ink is impossible to rub out. i.e.ou.ne) "The two roads cross each other here. ) 8 Aftermonths of negotiations, the treaty has now been formally accepted. 10 n 2 13 “4 15 16 "7 ry 19 ) All rooms must be left empty before 12 n00M. (V..ownsee) Do you think the human race will be completely destroyed one day? a ) ‘The thieves got away with a large quantity of gold and silver bars. ics ) Plenty offosh air and exercise is likely to lead to good health. Ca) ‘The officer was freed from blame from the charges that had been made against him. (e ) He has a great natural ability for mathematics. (a. ) His lat was dirty and squalid. ) | think you should change this sentence. Asit stands now, itis eapable of ‘more than one interpretation. (. ) ‘She was given an annual allowance of £3,000. (a. ) Many peoplebeleve tata Third Work Waris hound toappen Gosnen ‘The racing car broke up into small pieces as it hit the erash barrier at 300, mp hid ) Tho tava men were arena for being on private land without a Find someone ‘Look atthe sentences below. Find someone: ‘who's turned over a now leaf ( who'son leave (ey) who's cheesed off ( ‘who's greasing someone's palm oo who's under someone's thumb who's got the chop ‘who's doing time who's named the day ) who's ta loose end ‘who's on the dole ‘who's pulling someone's leg. ‘who's outof sorts stho's forthe high jump MY WIFE ISTHE BOSS IN OUR FAMILY. AREN'T DO. ANYTHING WITHOUT ASKING HER FIRST. T'VEBEEN OUT OF WORK FOR SIX MONTHS, I REALLY MUST PROTEST! ‘THINK IT’S REALLY DISGRACEFUL THE WAY WE'VE BEEN TREATED! IDON'T KNOW IFI'VE TOLD YOUTHIS BEFORE, BUTT ‘THINK YOU'VEGOTA WONDERFUL WAY WITH PEOPLE. ONLY THREE MORE MONTHS I DON'T FEEL VERY WELL. OF MY SENTENCE TOGO. TMGOING TOBE RETTERIN FUTURE. | PROMISE, ® ITS ALL RIGHT! WAS ONLY JOKING! a ® TMSOFED UP WITH EVERYTHING: ® YMA FANTASTICSINGER- DEFINITELY THE BEST SINGER INTHISCHOIR. @ (OH DEAR! HAVEN'T PAID MY RENT FOR THREE MONTHS. 7 a © TWISHTHAD SOMETHING ropa, =) IDONTHAVETOGET BACK TO. ‘THE BARRACKS UNTIL SUNDAY EVENING. i © OH, 1WISH THEY'D LET US KNOW THE EXAM RESULTS. ‘THIS WAITING IS MAKING ME SO NERVOUS, T'VEJUSTLOST MY JOB. 2 eee 3) WB'REGOING TOGET MARRIED ON JUNE 1ST. ey OHDEAR'PMINTROUBLENOW. ——— © REMEMBER HI ADDRESS? PERHAPS £50 WILLHELP YOU oe SNAME AND 49 Missing words: Verbs Fillin the missing verbs in the sentences below. Choose frm the following, ‘making any changes where necessary ‘abscond adjourn allay alleviate avert cater comb 1 Pamela couldn't decide which profession to enter, butin the end.. for medicine. 2 Doyou think you'll be ableto... 8. Promptaction by the Government servants, «Your claim in a court of law? national strike by civil 4 This statue was built to 5 In 1906, an earthquake and fre 6 Share prices onthe Stock Exchange ‘weeks, the Battle of Waterloo. ‘San Francisco, dramatically in recent 7 Janes one of those people who is always trying to herself with ‘those she considers can help her with her career. 8 Aer the talk, the teacher asked Matthew to . the main points. 9 The chairman decided to the meoting tothe following day. 10 National television tries to for all tastes 11 Thesun tremendous heat and energy. 12, Could you explain to me exactly what the job ° 18. His foolish behaviour ‘the whole mission. 14 Allthis talk of failure i beginning to. sy confidence 15. Thechieferk... ‘with everyone's wages. 16 The police vn the area forthe missing ear. 17 Ithad been a very tiring morning, at about 11.90 in the fridge breaking down. 18 Politicians often try to 19 The accountant. them. the other parties in order to win votes. the figures very carefully before commenting on a BE 28 8 SS Before the operation, the doctor tried very hard to. the patient's fears All members are requested to with the cub rules and regulations. ‘Tempers began to. .» asthe police tried to keep back the demonstrators. ‘The Prime Minister's action only managed to. -assituation that ‘was already very serious. ‘The smell of tobacco smoke the whole house. We did everything we could to.. «the suffering of the wounded soldiers. Tenens With my friend over the loss of his sister. Although we normally never see eye to eye, for once our opinions "The headmaster questioned each of the pupils in turn to try to the truth, A pascor by nse the driver's account of the accident During the Second World War, Japanese people living in America . (passive tense) 51 10 u 2 13 “ 6 52 ve ge oR ch oe cee foe oe oe oe ve ve oe re Homophones ‘Ahomophone i a word which sounds the same as another buts diferent in ‘meaning or speling. Below ae 40 pars of homophones. Look athe clues foreach pair and ty to workout what the words are. (Number ¥ has been ‘done foryou,) Worda ford b it’sall around us aie’. hele will inherit one day ‘used in snooker and billiards line of people torisk money to gain more money toskip or jump about playfully a shade or tint ofa colour tocut with blows a round, flat piece of metal given as an award tointerfere two things or people tocut away the outer covering of something ‘with a sharp knife perfume fan American coin part ofthe body ‘to pull along behind with a rope just the money paid for ajourney the actors in a play social class harsh, rough a series of education classes or medical ‘treatment aan implement for rowing rock or earth from which metal ean be obtained toput type offish these appear when you cry rows or levels placed one above the other 16 a 18 9 a4 vege ve ove oe oe oe oe oe oe eos ve oe oe ‘percussion instrument anemblem gold covering a feeling that one is to blame for something oris at fault disclosure of secret information a vegetable ajetty ‘a member of the House of Lords ‘container for ashes toreceive money in return for working usod by an artist to solicit support or votes a number of notes played simultaneously ‘thin rope or string candid French coin land surrounded by water a corridor between two rows of seats in a ‘cinema, church, ete.) bodily suffering caused by injury or illness asingle sheet of glass not mistaken religious ceremony to move one's hand from side to side in greeting, farewell, ete. torelinguish, give up, forgo a vegetable ‘a weight for jewellery partofan apple a trained army group ‘amanner of walking ‘used to close an opening ina wall, fence, field, ete a1 37 ve op ce oe oe oe ore oe part ofa typewriter or piano landing place used for loading and unloading ships small opening found all over the skin. to flow steadily and rapidly tosummon to appear in court fan area of ground fora building, a sporting offence ‘adomestic bird used as food stolen money or valuables ‘a musical instrument to atten buildings or towns tobring up (children) condensation found in the morning about to arrive ‘tw lose consciousness ‘a mock attack or movement to distract an ‘enemy or opponent female horse ‘the head ofa city or borough rough preliminary sketch current of air Word bricks ‘Use 20 othe word onthe bricks to complete the words at he bottom of the page. ‘Act || AGE ][ ANO |[ RT |[ BAN ][ caP |[ car ][ CHIN con |[eaa ][ eat |[ ERA ][ aaa |[ GIN |[ HAM || HEAR HEA || ik |[ Ler | uce |[ Naa |[ one |[ Parr |[ pir Rid |{ Tar |[ Ten |[ test || THE |[ Tor |] Use |[ VAN ACE, 1B BSE a 19 LEAT. 10 DISH oreo ST 55 un 2B 13 “ 15 actuary delinquent adjudicator executor pallbearer stalwart Digot expatriate pathologist taxidermist oor interloper pawnbroker _teetotaller charlatan invigilator prude tyrant ‘conscientious objector lackey punter vagrant ‘convalescent ‘magnate reciivist vandal misogynist spouse Missing words: Types of people 2 Flin the missing words nthe defintions below. Choose frm he following Alm) ssn 8.yorng person who has broken the law. Aw) {is someone who supervises the people taking an ‘examination, making sure they do not cheat, Atm) i.a doctor who specialises in treating eye defects or diseases, Aan) is someone whois easily shocked by things relating to nudity or se. Atm). ina loyal, dependable and strong supporter of an organisation or poitial party. Alp) conn fia person who deliberately damages or destroys public ‘property or things belonging to other people, usually for no apparent reason, Alt) non-rsoeri8@ person who advises insurance companies on how much ‘to charge for insurance. Am ‘ga person who behaves in a coarse, bad-mannered way. A) sense 48 someone who is living ina foreign country, Ata) is a person who is very wealthy and powerful, especially in business or industry. Atm) {s someone who walks beside or helps to carry a coffin at a funeral. Am) {sa person who bets money on horse races. Atm) {sa person who has no home or job and who lives by going {rom place to place, begging or stealing. Atm) is person who cleans, prepares and preserves the skins of ‘animals and then stuffs and mounts them eo that they loo lifelike. Ata) ‘2 person whois appointed to act as @judge in a competition. 16 Ain) is someone who refuses to serve in the armed forees or fight {in a war on moral or religious grounds, 17 AM). {sa person who enters a place when he/she has no right tobe ‘there. 18 ACM) eno enna person who hates women, 19 Aw. ls someone who never drinks aleohol 20 Ain) isa person who has strong and often unreasonable opinions, ‘especialy about religion, race or polities, and is intolerant of those who do not share hisher opinions or beliefs. 21 A) ssnsnneis the person who carries out the ordorsin a will. 22 Ata) a doctor who examines a dead body to find out how the person died. 23 Ain) {s one’s husband or wife. 2A A(R) ven is ruler who has absolute power and who rules cruelly and unjustly 25 Ain) {is someone who deceives others by pretending to have ‘special skills or knowledge, especially about medicine, that he/she does not really possess. 26 A v8 person who follows another person's orders completely ‘without ever questioning them. 27 Atn).. {sa person who will lend you money in return for an article ‘you possess, eg. a watch. He/She has the right to sell the article ifthe money isnot repaid within acertain time 28 Ain) ia person who enters and lives in unoceupied property ‘without permission and without paying any rent. 29. ACD) venue 18 person whois spending time getting well after an illness, 80 A(R) sonnei person who keeps going back toa life oferime even after, ‘being punished; in other words, an ineurable criminal, a 10 u 2 8 4 16 16 rd Words that begin with “EX-” ‘Read through the clues/deintions and fil inthe missing words, ll of which ‘begin with “ex.” tokill someone asa lawful punishment [B]X] [C] | JE] hopeful; pregnant LTT TINT) existing building ityouex.. someone from a difficult situation, you free him/her from it tomake worse a tax that the government ofa country puts on goods that are produced for sale in ‘that countey to free someone from blame a brave, hold and successful dood someone who is ex. v-isfull of ‘energy, excitement and cheerfulness tolook closely at something tobe very good at something to dismiss offically from a schoo}, college, ete, when YoU OX verona @ETOUP OE animals or people they are all killed toreturn someone who may be guilty ofa crime, and who has escaped, to another ‘country for trial toannoy or make vory angry freed from duty, service, payment, ete. YOU OX ene SOMEONE to dO something, you try very hard to persuade hhim or her to do it 18 ct a to take away something owned by another, often for publie use to praise someone very highly ‘to uncover something under the earth by digging tocome toan end; todie ‘your ex. are the outermost parts of your body, especially your hands and feet toleave out or shut out a short piece of writing or musie which is, taken from a larger piece to takea body out ofthe ground where it isburied 60 Exampl ra Phrasal verbs 1 Complete each ofthe folowing sentences witha suitable verb (in the fst part ofthe sentence) anda sutablepreposition/partc in the second part ofthe sentence). IVE... up smoking, only T'm afraid of putting weight. 1 When she was told that her father had. aay she broke 2 The police were in tobreak... the fight outside the dance hall. 3 My father was ‘up two days after war broke .. 4 She's ‘out! Quick somebody! Get the smelling salts! That should bring her : 5 Unless the group ..unu.nse Wp S00M We'll have to call. the concert. 6 James nssn- into quite a large sum of money when his parents were killed when the plane they wore in crashed as it was taking. across these old books while I was clearing w the 8 “You will ime up at the meeting, won't you, Bill?” “OF course, Pat. You know you can count .. sme for support.” 9 Pmabit....u...upat the moment, Miss Brown, So perhaps you wouldn't rind dealing .rm.wew this matter instead, 10 Although there was a public outery when the news .......-.. out that the Prime Minister had beon taking bribes, it didn’t take long forall the fuss to dio... 11 What do you mean, you've -out of cigarettes? I bought you two packets yesterday. You can’t possibly have g0t ws 22 Tet ohn lang ime to ove Cathy. Infact it wasn unite heard that she'd got married that he finally gave . ever going back to him. 18. Tfyour 80M orn on Working like this, Mrs South, then he's bound to eet. ‘the exam in the summer, 14 Tthink Pa better on. in now; we're setting. very early in the morning, 1B “D0 ¥0U esesesnn Hike dancing?” “Well, Va rather sit this one ifyou don't mind.” 16 Could you off another fifty copies ofthe leter please, Mr Wilson, and make gure they're sent first thing in the morning. ‘Things were really me down last weok. Infact, Lwas almost tempted todo. vo myself don't know how I'd. by if didn't have my savings to fall I've got some friends un round this evening, sod better go home and tidy. the fat before they arrive. My daughter really ‘on well with people. She takes hher father in that respect. at e ‘Complete each of he smiles blow wit a suitable word or words, Choose {rom the folowing ‘aneel ‘mule putty bone aflash ‘ld boats rain button houses anow! arake theday is long. judge ‘peacock sheet ditchwater akitten pie thieves adog lamb piteh velvet ‘drowned rat ‘lion poker the weather ieee ene =e eee 1 asbraveas 16 assafeas: 2 asbright as AT assick as 8 aschangeable as. 18. asslippery a... 4 asdarkas 19 assmo0th a8 5 asdryas. 20 assober as 6 asdullas 21 assoftas 7 aseasy as 22 asstiffas. 8 asgentleas. 23 as stubborn as 9 ashappy as. 2A ssthickas 10 aspleased as 25 asthinas. 11 asproudas 26 astough as 12 asquick as. 27 as weak as 13 asquistas... 28 as wots 14 asredas 29 aswhiteas.... 15 asright as. 30 aswiseas. 37 Text: one word only Flin the blanks in he following passage. Use one word only foreach bank. Pm just beginning to (1) up to the faet that 'm no longer as young as used tobe. Ofcourse, fd (2) for some time that my birthday seemed to ome (@) rather quickly and that Fd put on quite bt of (G)—especially around the waist, But I didn't realy think these things were () with age [simply put them down to the inereased pace oflife plus (6 ofexercise. In fact, Twas. (7) that Teould still easily pase for thirty-four or thirty-five it was just a question of wou. (8)in mY ‘stomach and wearing the right sort of clothes. Afterall, Td been brought up a firm Deliever in the ou...» (9) “You're as old as you feel” and as far as I was (10) didn’t feel a day over thirty. "So it came as quite shock the ather day when, just as T'd got on a bus on my ‘way home from work, a young lady (11) meherseat. Imean, Teould ‘understand her giving up her soat to an cld-age pensioner, but why me? Unless NOT errnrn- (12) to beliove the other alternative. “Ie all right, hank you, 'm getting off soon,” I replied, forcing a smile, atthe same time trying hard to convince myself that her (18) was some sort ‘of pratest for“Women’s Lib”. All the same, it took me afew days to get over the incident and I found myself continually scrutinizing my face in mirrors, trying hhard to convince myself that the wrinkles around my eyes and on my forehead ‘were Mot that nnn (ld)~ not from a distance, anyway. My wife was wery ‘sympathetic and kepton trying to. (15) my ego with such encouraging ‘remarks as: “Of eourse you've notold, darling. You dont look a day over forty. Besides, grey hair makes you look distinguished.” "That weekend, ina desperate (16) to persuade mycolf that there was still lots of (G7) teh in me yet, T (18) my wife into going to the dance hall we used to goto just before we got married. Unfortunately, ‘the last time we had been there was more than twenty years ago, so didn’t find ‘out until it was too late — until we Were 0 (19) inside the place ~ that it hhad been. (20) into adiseatheque. There couldn't have been anyone ‘there aver the age of twenty! To say that we stood out would be something of an (21). As for fox-trotting to blaring rock musie, well, that was quite out ofthe» (22), So we lef rather quickly and spent the evening in the local pub instead, ‘went to sleep that night feeling older and more depressed than... @, Missing words: Nouns Flin he missing nouns in the sentences below. Choose from the folowing: ‘adage ‘onseription | ‘ssure prerequisite ‘anachronism correlation sist prevalence antidote counterpart heyday quandary backlog deviation idiosynerasy referendum clemency Aiserepancy infringement slick ‘coincidence effigy obituary subsidy ‘compunction euphemism oversight truancy figurehead plaque 11 When she returned from holiday, there was an). of work waiting u 2 13 “ 15 16 forher. The T.U.C.iathe British ofthe Swedish LO. Youseld me you pid £2,000 fr our empuie, ye teil nly comesta £21,250. How do you explain the “To pass away” is a(n). “Swinging London" was i ‘My uncle reads the check that he's stil alive, Ain) was held to determine the wishes of the people regarding nuclear power, =. is avery small problem here,” said the headmistress proudly. “Very few of our pupils don’ enjoy coming to school.” "Spare the rod and spoil the child” is ano. Iewas such a(n) -»- when I met my neighbour in Paris. I thought he ‘was till at home, [Noone doubts nowadays that there isa strong... ‘and lung cancer, Alarge. appeared in the playground just after the earthquake. Having a job is in many ways a(n) tobeing able to enjoy and ‘appreciate one's free time. ‘She was in a(n). couldn't make up her mind, Inmany way: supersonic travel, Asit was hs first offence, the magistrate showed... ‘with a warning. for “odie” in the 19608, ‘column in The Times every morning just to between smoking as to whethor to take the ob or not. She just ling boats are a(n) «im today’s world of and lethim off 17 Britain has professional army, 0 sno longer needed, 48 dnt realy have tine ored tis reper now, Cae Can you ive the oF? 19, Because ofan unfortianate «0.0m: Uhe complimentary tickets to the ‘exhibition were not sent out until the day the exhibition closed 20 Thereisain) of eye diseases in many tropical countries. 21 AsfarasT know theres no known. for this poison. 22 She didn't have the slightest -»- about phoning her boss and pretending she had a cold so that she could take the day of 23 Wemust follow the plan to the letter; just the slightest. could rain everything. ‘Today's monarch has very little power he or shes simply a(n). According to this on the wall, Richard Burton was born here, 26 The National Opera inthis country gets a Government... FEF 183,000,000 a year. 27 During the demonstration, some of the students burned a(n). of ae the Prime Ministér. ‘The goal was disallowed because of a previous ‘There was an cil. several miles long after the two oil tankers collided We all liked the new boss, but he did have one. dandelion inhi buttonbole —healways wore a Same word — two meanings 2 Find the word which has two meanings in each ofthe folowing: Example: a type of ish[S[O[L [Epartof shoe 10 u 2 3 u 6 ‘small sum or ‘amount an angry state of, mind progress alter agreement tendency metal toshape or form something an insult the part of a bride's dress that trailson the floor behind her measurement tocome near ‘a sore on one’s body to alk to someone tostate clearly Om qo CLOT OO COT) O11 O17 oOo (alaieielalay alsa] sts) adessert ‘toharden metal ‘money lent or paid to somebody before the proper time money ‘toshrink religious dross toshow someone the way soft woolly growth found on bread, cheese, ete thin, frail toinstruct an enclosed area next toa building surroundings cooking process: ‘opposite, contrary totravel, or send something quickly 16 a 18 19 tomake angry journey by air or boulder to put into words committee attractiveness military rank quarrel to.eat food quickly bandon ‘smoke of sweet-smelling spice brief section ofa work of ‘music or literature ahard sweet in the shape ofa long stick (popular at seaside resorts) country to getona ship, train or aireraft spell relating tothe body line of houses type oflock wasteland er 10 u Multiple-choice 2 ‘Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. ‘The strong smell of garlic soemed to... the whole flat. pierce b penetrate ¢ inhabit d_ pervade ‘The chairman of the local couneil had a .-interestin the building of ‘anew supermarket near the town square. He owned the land there. a guaranteed b permanent c vested d self When we eat chicken in our house, my wife always insists on having the a sailor's b cock’s © parson’s d fowl's He apologised profusely, swearing never todo it again. But is wife refused tobe. ‘Aa far as she was concerned, he had done it once too often. a persuaded b forgiven © consoled d_mollified After five weeks, both parties inthe strike agreed that it should be settled by ‘a arbitration b ballot © adjudication tribunal Don't rush me; [hate having to make decisions. a sharp b curt © prompt snap ‘The sea between Dever and Calais was 20 ppassongers were seasick. a heavy b bumpy © choppy. gusty that most ofthe People who. their food often get indigestion. a bolt b munch e nibbled stuff can either move to another department or look for another job. It's choice really. ‘a nobody's _ Hobson’ © sod's Murphy's ‘Most people agreed that the recent trial was a complete ‘a satire b corruption travesty abortion ‘My cousin earns her living by old paintings. a renewing b restoring © reimbursing renovating B 13 “ 18 16 Ww 9 7 a explicit b punetilious ¢ distinct. explanatory Tm not quite sure I understand completely. Could you be a bit more Tean never look down from a high building; I suffer from, a amnesia b hypertension vertigo d_egomani ‘Two days before her wedding, my sister held a female friends. @ bitch b hen © cow bridal Her only income being a small allowance, she lived a very vif. 4 frugal b mean sparing extravagant ‘There was at the cinema when someone shouted “Fire!” ‘4 commotion b pandemonium ¢ histrionies d_ turbulence ‘When we missed the last bus home, we had no choice but to take @ Shanks'spony b Donalifsdonkey © toarms tofirst footing [do wish you'd stop making. _-remarks all the time, David. No one's amused. Don't you realise how serious the problem is? @ insincere b comic © facetious catty “He thought that a Third World War was eminent” is an example of a alliteration b aspoonerism ¢ amalapropism d apun Ifshe hada don’t go together. a pinch b hint © granule modicum of good taste she'd know that those two colours just ‘The new boss is so arrogant that he is completely .. ‘a impermeable b impervious void d_resistant vw to all eriticiem, ‘Boing a Roman Catholic priest, no one doubted a rancour b veracity © mendacity d_ virility 6 0 A1 Phrasalverbs 2 [Complete each ofthe flowing sentences witha suitable phrasal verb He won't beable to Mr Watkins is ‘that speed. (maintain) with some sor of virus infection, (confined to his bed) ‘Ms Wilson is Mr‘Thompson while he's on holiday, (taking the place oisubstituting for) I don’t see why you foreigners. (despise) Tim sorry to ut you're wanted on the phone, Gnterrup) We mutt. a date forthe firm's Christmas party soon. (arrangeldecide upon) Can you. me for the night? (give mea place to sleep) Te-will cost atleast £1,000 to the fat. decorate) 9 Her husband treats her really badly. I don't know how she 10 u 2 13 “ 6 16 " it olerates) Lett these silly rules. (abolish) It ie very expensive to a large house nowadays, (maintain/look after) will never trust her again She has soe somany ‘times, (failed me/disappointed me) Allour plans because of my sudden illness. (came to nothing) ‘The number of spectators has .» considerably in the past year. (deereased) wish [knew what his attacks, (caused) “Thope Lhaven't you om "No, not at all. Fever go to hed before midnight.” (prevented you from going to bed) Iie --vsnue 8008, Well beable to have our pieni as planned. (becomes fine) Tt was the frst time they had. since they got married, (quarrelled) Since four ofthe committee were il, they decided to ‘the meeting until the following week. (postpone) ‘Tosome extent the high standard of living in Sweden sm the boring socal life, (compensates for) a 2 8 ‘You'd better not eat that food it's (gone bad) Each ofthe runners was given a number, but they decided to ‘number 13 in ease anyone was superstitious. (omit) When do British schools. 2 (lose forthe holidays) Dinosaurs .» millions of years ago. (became extinct) Sinco it was is ist offonco, he WAS ees (aot punished/allowed to go free) n n Sortoutthe clues 2 Look atthe completed crossword below. Seif you can workout which word goes with which cue. Write 1 Down, § Across, et, trot ofeach clue. (See Test 8.) fP] = 15) 7 3 I u A AIN|@ (e] R | | ARP (a) fe A pI 1 'G |v [T uv [M. G3 18) US v A mI] 5 Tlr[! BU IT IAlR|y N i IN U oO Mly [rR [i [AT D 5 N IF E fale Ir [s [Alm im accidental, caused by chance to fall violently straight down a short promotional description of a book, printed on the cover or in advertisements fan awkward feeling of guilt, shame or remorse ‘ hidden problem or difficulty to cause something to become black by burning, to scold, rebuke thin and hungry-looking a very angry or excited reaction by people to something goods thrown overboard to make a ship lighter to deliberately insult a person by ignoring himvher a long, heavy rainfall usually causing flooding something that is supposed to be a cure for any problem or illness enthusiastic applause completely without money or food, clothing, shelter ete. fa long woowlon seat. for members of church or chapel congregation warm and damp tm cancel, make void ‘to burn out or clear out the inside of a building to commend, praise fa stream which flowa into a river 1 type of large freshwater fish that lives in rivers and lakes 4 low wall along the edge of a roof, bridge or balcony a sudden strong feeling, for example of pain or sadness to rum away secretly in order to get married — usually without one’s parents’ permission the act of taking part with another person or persons in an illegal act or plan easily disgusted, excessively difficult to please ‘a model or ideal countless, innumerable a list of goods carried on a ship B ™ 8 Put the light on somebody! Its 4. [think Pl go and bie down for a while; 've got a(n)... Idiomatic phrases Complete the iaiomatic phrases inthe sentences below wit sulable word, (Ghoose from the folowing: He'sa hhe lights another. He said he had won it on the football pools, but we all knew it was ‘money. He'd been given it to make sure he wouldn't go to the ‘smoker. No sooner has he stubbed out one cigarette than police. ark in here! headache. 5. The runners crossed the finishing-line at the same time. Itwas a heat. He knew that once he had betrayed the LR.A. he would Be @ o.s:rnee AR 7 Atthe meeting, the voting was five for and five against, which meant the chairman had the vote. He was so nervous about fying that he drank a large glass of whisky to give himself some courage. ‘The robbery went off so smoothly that the police suspected it was an) o-job. ‘This dress was ‘cheap. Itonly cost £16. ‘My grandmother can't hear athing. She's Football has been a(n. point with him ever since he was dropped ‘from the team. don't think Matthew will ever get married. He's a(n. ‘They were bound to lose the election. It was a(n) {sno good coming to me for money, I'm. broke. We had a(n) wn shave the other day. A car almost hit us as we were crossing the road. sou eat. bachelor, Her husband never lifts a finger in the house — he's idle. 18 19 20 Iesatn) son Secret that the new boss is gay. “He was so desperate to get home at the weekend to see his girlfriend that he decided to take leave. ‘Tm not surprised he married Maria. He's always had a(n). Italians, spot for 5 16 “CR.” Words that begin with Read through the clues!defntions and fin the missing words, al of which gin wth “or. ‘apersonor firm you owe money to toburn a dead body at a special funeral ceremony ‘an outdoor summer game something that i8 €F cen i8 ‘extremely important the study of secret writing and codes small bor-shaped bed for a baby part ofthe skull u 2 3 4 6 16 Ww a standard by which you judge something tocopy something that someone has ‘written and pretend that itis your own, work severe pain by the sudden tightening ofa muscle ‘avery strong desire for something, ‘letter or certificate that proves your {identity or qualifications an underground room beneath a church or eathedral the plates, cups and saucers that you ‘use at mealtimes (eR TTT) (cfeT Mt] Ts) (ee Ter (eRT TT Tale] ce cE (efR TertT TT TT Tay} TI T (eieT INT T IM) (cial [oT (eR TT (ele T 1s] (eR Trt I wl c ce ci TJ (cie| TM) (eRC TT 18 19 aL stupid, insensitive, unfeeling ifyouareer... .youare always ready to believe what people tell you, and are easily deceived to ower the body close to the ground by bending the knees and back type of shellfish ‘amusical note something worn by men ‘aperson with very strange, odd or poculiar ideas avery popular fashion, usually fora short time ” 6 Missing words: Types of people 3 Flin he missing words in the definitions below. Choose fram the folowing: Dig shot ‘mole soft touch, brick old maid sponger Dbusybody rough diamond swot chatterbox: scab tout dabhand skinlint underdog dark horse ‘kerb crawler slavedriver wet blanket, ishard lame duck. smart alec whina kid dogsbody Iandlubber Alp) osnsnsns 48: woman whose husband is away for a period oftime. 2 A is a person who isnot used to the sea or shi BAC) essen fs someone who continues to work when his/her fellow- ‘workers are on strike, 4 Alm) rosea 8 porson who distikes sponding or giving money. 8 Alm) enon i8 person who offers tickets that are in short supply for ‘sale fora price higher than usual. 6 Aq. .- isa very important oF influential person, 7 Alp) snnnes i someone who cannot stop talking. B Alp) ennsnnn 8 person who turns up at parties without being invited to them, 9 Am isa person who works inside an organisation fora long time in order to provide seeret information for the enemy. 10 Ain) is a person who annoys others by claiming toknow ‘everything and trying to sound clover. 1 At) is person from whom itis easy to get what one wants, for ‘example money, because helshe is kind or easily deceived. 12 AM) «isa person with modern ideas who works with energy and ‘enthusiasm and achieves great success in his or her job while still young. 18 Ata) «isa very nice, dependable person. M4 Aw) ‘sa person who buys and sells stolen goods. 15 An) is someone in a low-ranking position who has todo all the boring jobs that no one else wants todo. 16. AG) sonssnsnne i person with a kind and generous nature, but whose ‘outward appearance or manner is rather rough. "7 18 19 20 a 25 26 27 Aco isa person who iexpected tose in a competition with Someone els, ora weaker person who is always treated badly by others Aa) nna person who i very ingtsitve about olher peoples affairs. a A) isa person whohas greater capabilities than helshe shows or tha pople are aware of A() sss someone who informs the police about the people concerned ina crime. This person ioften «criminal himselTnereale Aw ina peron whois weak ora failure in some way andhasto beheipd by there. a isa woman who unlikely evr to get married Aw ‘ssomeone who makes people work very hard someone who studios very hard especially when trying to ion eaulte 2D oi. portan who very god at something. Ace) isa person whois sed asa subject in medical rather experiments 2) ons ia person whois always aking money and things off other peopl, usally by taking vantage of thei gencroiy or weakness. {A nb person who discourages or prevents others from ‘enjoying themselves by boing boring and negative towards everything. A) nn 8 Someone who refwssto change hisher ideas and opinions (aually political ones), An) see. man who annoys women by following them slowly in a ‘car when they are walking along the street 1” 10 u 2 From Part to Gain ‘Change the word PART ito GAIN in twenty-five moves, changing one ltr ata time, Some letters have been ade to help you. having a sharp taste, sour the weight of an unloaded goods vehicle without clothes {tomake a hole in something partofan apple grown in fields pulled violently apart or into pieces ithe name of one ofthe British political parties |a wrongful but not criminal act that can be dealt with ina civil court oflaw this person can usually get you tickets for any West End play or ‘musical boxing match torun away suddenly 13 “ 16 wv 18 something you wear the skin ofan animal with the hair still attached ean be used instead of coal tho regular path or rout followed by a policeman on duty a bad-mannered child (derogatory) toboast steep, rugged mountain peak or rock. to revise inten: Jy for an examination used by babies easly shocked by anything rude unpleasant, not cheerful ‘awide smile showing the teeth a 2 Whatisthe average Foreign words and phrases ‘Alot of foreign words and phrases are used in English. Seeityou ‘understand the followin by putting each of tem into one ofthe sentences below. ‘ad hoe coup détat kudos {quid pro quo ad infinitum curriculum vitae non compos mentis alfresco defacto non sequitur aplomb detente pereapita avant garde ex officio perse blase extra-curricular persona non grata Dona fide faux pas post mortem carteblanche __incamera prima facie ‘The General overthrew the President and became the country. ruler of the {income in your country? 8 Itsaysin the invitation that wives are allowed to bring their husbands and 3 “ ‘So shall certainly take Anne with me, ‘you ask me, most of this .-music is rubbish. Give me Beethoven or Mozart any day! You made a terrible. when you asked how his wife was, Didn't ‘you know that she'd recently run off with his bestfriend? ‘They decided to set up an. problem that had come up, Ho was thrown out of the country two years ago and has been, since then. committee to deal with the urgent Generally speaking, students are against proserving the wus iR& country. They usually want change and reform. She gained alot of. ‘He came to power in violent and bloody .. As President she will be a(n) after her third successful novel ‘member of several important. committees, ‘The car park is for vn Customers only. No one else is allowed to use it As there seems to bes case against him, they decided to press for atrial immediately. When Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher met for the first time, there ‘was an instant between them, 18 16 w 18 Ty 20 a 80 Don’t mention golf when Charles is around; otherwise he'll go on about it. Itishard to believe in the present war with one another less than two years ago ‘The Prime Minister handled the hostile questioning ofthe journalists with area Your argument isa .- and totally irrelevant! Talike to see you tomorrow, John, rn Just like to hear what you think ofthem, Tewas a very nice house ‘were looking fr. ‘The case involved diseussing matters which were top secret, soit was held that the two countries were at the proposed new changes. [a + but it wasn't quite the sort of place we [Noone told me what todo. Iwas given. ‘0 organise things as Tsay ft. Applicants must send in a full no later than Friday, March 24th. Weusually eat. .-in the summer. He gave me a 10 per cent diseountas a for having helped him mend his car. He was believed to have been, _-when he attempted to commit suicide Visiting Russia so often has made him very Our school offers a wide range of. photography, karate and folk-dancing. about eating eavid. activities, including hada very interesting with the now manager last week, Now think Iunderstand what he plans todo. The examination showed that she had died of a heart attack, 10 Choose the answer (Choose the correct answer foreach othe folowing: ‘The words low, udder, heifer and Jersey all have something to do with: @ rowing b cows houses weapons fishing ‘Who would take the Hippocratic oath? a abarrister b asoldier © azookeeper d apriest fe doctor Which ofthe following is incorrect? a aclodofearth b asliverofglass ¢ awadofcotton @ acumpofgrass e asegmentoforange Who would use a scare? a apoliceman b asurgeon aha @ atonnisumpire @ aconductor ‘Which phrase is the ‘odd one out”? 1a tokickthebucket b tobitethedust ¢ totouch wood d topassaway —e tocroak "This partis called: arung plank a foothold wedge \ a crombar ones ‘Tobe indomitable” to be: ‘a faultless b_ stubborn, unyielding © bossy, domineering disobedient, rebellious" e persevering, full of stamina What does a dasymeter measure? fa altitude windspeods ¢ rainfall d__thepotoncy of drugs fe. thedensity of gases ‘A dog barks, Which animal gobbles? a afrog b aturkey © ahyona d acrow © anowl Complete this proverb. “Time and tide...” @ aresoonparted b waitfornoman e makestheheart grow fonder d knowsnoend @ hasnoroturn u 2 183 “4 6 16 Ww 18 Ifyou were suffering from phlebitis, you would have trouble with your: a joints b veins © nerves d mouth e skin Which of the following ways of walking would you associate with someone ‘who had drunk too much alcohol? a stagger b swagger @ plod tramp prowl ‘Which ofthese isnot part ofa house? a alot —b askylight’ © aporch French windows © apostbox Ifyou were suffering from seopophobia, you would hate: a beingstaredat b heingalone © eats d_goinginlifts fe. bright lights Whats the following? 8 aprese stad ; b atoggle e® © adap 4. aivetsh bution © ahook andeye Complete the following: “Scuttle cafe, carton. a milk b lathe © hoe clutch eum Which ofthe fllowing is nota fish? f@ halibut b mackerel © gannet haddock ¢ skate Who would use a hod? @ ashoemaker b anurse © abricklayer d_apilot fe acarpenter Complete the following phrase. “He fell forthe story hook, line and..." liver b quartered sinker fishtank @ everywhere ‘Where would you wear galoshes? a onyourhands b underyourshirt ¢ onyourhead overyour shoes e around your waist 85 Sort outthe words 2 Matching pairs ow ar 40 werd araned abet. yo pce ech ord under 4 Toxicology isthe study of poisons, What about the allowing? inecorect aang. (Tae sold be words ver each) Mate them up 1 anthropstony 2 entomology abhor coker Taal tater ‘abominate chuekle hernia shingles ae amble clasp hobble smirk 5 ‘eapboleay teem Sespise tect pay 5 graphelony he so ‘the sng A pened cetarth tip-top To tow 8 ology ental. on mee me trudge beeen ‘entipede wot mlfer shinny chip ifaw mumps wrench oe. B thestudyofbirde the study of the origin of words Ctothes and Disonseafnesses Insecta 4 thestdy of fone soceatorie © thestodyofmanasan animal £ the study of insects g thestudy of language f thostudy of weather and climate Fthestudy ofaferent races and their relationships 4 thostudy othandring ‘Animal sounds Expressing dslke/ —Snillngand 'b-Afeminst sone who blives in equa rights for women. heed laughing ‘What about the llowing? Match them up. 1 2 3 4 3 é ‘Taking holdingand Ways of walking 7 lepiopterit paling 3 lexicogit 5 0 fone who sets fire to property ‘one who studies the history and meaning of words ‘one who plays an instrument in support ofa singer ‘one who traces the history of families fone who walks in hishher sleep ‘one who studies trees ‘one who studies butterflies and moths ‘one who gets pleasure from being cruel to others ‘one who studies and collects coins ‘one who gets gratification in suffering pain eT a Missing words: Terms used in English We each ofthe folowing words next to the correct dofintion below. abbreviation alliteration anagram analogy anecdote ‘antonym cliché logy malapropiom simile epigram maxim slogan epitaph metaphor spoonerism. fable palindrome synonym elossary parody synopsis hhomonym peeudonym index pun 10 n 2 A word which has the opposite mesning to anothe and low. An alphabetical list of special, technical or difficult words with their meanings placed atthe back ofa book. eg high ‘A word, phrase or sentence which isthe same when read Dbackwards oF forwards, eg. madam. ‘The use ofan expression which describes one thing by directly comparing it with another using the words ‘as’ or ‘ke’, eg as cool as a cucumber. [A shortened form of a word or phrase A word that has both the same sound and spelling as nother but ie different in meaning or origin ‘The name used by a writer instead of his or her real name, ‘A briof doceription ofthe contonts of something such as a film or book. A clever and amusing use of a word or a phrase which has ‘more than one meaning or of words with the same sound but itferent meanings. A short saying or poom that expresses an idea ina clover ‘and amusing way. ‘A word or phrase formed from another by changing the order ofthe letters, ‘An amusing mistake made by using a word that sounds similar to the word you meant to eay but means something completely different. B “ 6 6 ” 18 9 20. a 2 2 4 A short pioce of writing or a poem about a dead person, especially one written on their gravestone, A word whichis similar in moaning to another, og. sad and vunhapry. Repetition of the same first letter or sound in a group of words or line of verse, eg. ‘Round the rugged rock the ‘ragged rascal ran.” ‘A.story which teaches a moral lesson and in which the ‘characters are usually animals. A partial likeness between two things which are otherwise Ailferent, which often makes it easier to explain something A short, easily.zemembered phrase used in advertising or by politicians. A wellknown phrase or saying, especially one that gives a rule for sensible behaviour, eg. waste not, want not. ‘An expression that is used so often that it has lost most of its meaning and effect. In other words, a stale and hackneyed expression. A piece of writing oF masic that intentionally copies a particular well-known style in an amusing way. An alphabetical list of names, subjects, ete at the back of a book, with the numbers of the pages where they can be found, A short, interesting or amusing story about a person or event. ‘A sad poem or song, especially remembering someone who hhas died or something inthe past. A mistake made when speaking in which the first sounds of ‘twa wards are exchanged with each other to produce an ‘unintentional and amusing meaning. A way of deseribing comething by comparing it to something that has similar qualities, but without using the words ‘like’ 89 Which word is similar? ‘Undarlino th word in brackets inthe folowing sentences whichis most ‘similar othe word in bold type. (Mumber1 has been done for you) 1 A deliberate mistake is (very serious, intentional, accidental, not very serious), ~~ 2 A stingy person is (callous, unintelligent, talkative, mean), 3A light-fingered person is (agile, slim, dishonest, easily distracted). 4. Abaughty person is (arrogant, very tall, cruel, foolish). 5 Amalicious rumour is (widespread, false, spiteful, sensational). 6 A bafiling problem is (puzzling, fascinating, very unusual, very worrying). 7 A tacit agreement is legally binding, unfair, unspoken, temporary). 8 A choppy sea is (calm, rough, unsafe, shallow). 9. A flimsy structure is (attractive, very modern, sturdy, weal). 10 A corpulent person is (witty, charming, popular, ft) 11 Ahhazardous journey is (risky, interesting, tiring, boring). 12 A gregarious person is (very inquisitive, very loyal, very sociable, hostile) 18 A two-faced person is (aggressive, hypocritical, moods, cynical) LL A frail person is (confident, shy, weak, generous). 18 Aclandestine meeting is (pre-arranged, very informal, very formal, secret). 16 A determined person is (old, resolute, unwell, reliable). 17 An arduous task is (difficult, interesting, exciting, lengthy). 18 An insipid drink is (very strong, favourless, slightly warm, ice-cold), 19 Ale 20 A hostile reception is (noisy, warm, unfriendly, very formal). snt teacher is (unpopular, inexperienced, not strict, skinny). 21 Acurt message is (short, urgent, amusing, sarcastic). 22 A ravenous person is (skinny, very hungry, impulsive, quarrelsome) 28 A disgruntled person is (homeless, stateless, disabled, discontented). 24 An adverse report is (unfavourable, serious, very complicated, very detailed). 25 A dishevelled appearance is (unusual, eccentric, untidy, unhappy) 26 An irate person is (bigsheaded, very angry, very strong, rude) Sort out the words 3 Below are forty words connected with health. Try to place each one unde the correct heading (The rumber in brackets after each heading tls you how ‘many words are needed) acne com. laxative outpatient stretcher amnesia cough maternity painkiller stroke anaesthetist medicine ward pimples surgeon ‘antibioties crutches. mole. plaster cast tonsillitis bandage dressing == mumps rash tranguillizer blister food poisoning nervous _scalpel wart bruise gout breakdown slipped dise wheelchair casualty invalid operating splint zimmer frame chicken pox jaundice theatre stethoscope Diseases/disorders ‘Medical equipment __Peopleplaces to do with (general) (10) a9) health/hospitals (7) Skin disorders (8) Medication/drugs () o More homophones Below are twenty-five pais of homophones. Look atthe clus foreach pair and try to workout what he words are, (Number { hasbeen done for you,) ee ieee 16 a to-stop what you are doing at the moment 1 a permitted allowed aloud b acat’s feet een aera 17 a underground part ofa tree 2 a mainbranch ofa treo b ayoad or path from one place to another to bend low (often asa sign of respect) 1b 2 tocure a instructed sone D apart ofthe foot b notslack 19 a avase 4a minutes, hours, ete —— I b_ twrreceive money b aherb 20 @ white or having a colourless face 5 a asctofstepsina fence or wall ee b akind of bucket bb fashion in clothes or hair 21 a lange, important 6 a partofthe body _ b afireplace 1b tose or spend carelessly; to squander #2 a anitemofjewellery 7 a conceited to squeeze and twist (usually to get 1b ablood vessel ‘he water out) 8 a along drawn-out ery of pain or distress . 28 @ alargeroom ba common drink, especially in France, > topull Spain and Italy 24 @ anachiovement 9 aplacetosleepon a ship eae D_partof the body being born 2% a afemale sheep 10 a partofthe foot Dan evergreen troo to pull along behind with a rope UL a tostopliving } to colour or stain something 12a to look directly at something with wide-open eyes 1b oncofa series of stops leading from one floor to another 13 a just ‘the money paid for a journey by bus, train, ete. 14 a a boautiful flower with a thorny stem Iines of people or things 1 small jumping insect which bites to leave somewhere very quickly, _usually o escape from dangor 6 2 Origins of words ‘Many words used in English are derived from other languages. Look at the pais of words below and try to guess which languages they originated from. ‘Choose from the following and write them next to the corect pair of words. (ota the languages in the box wil be used) Afrikaans French Ieelandie Spanish Arabie German Italian ‘Swedish Chinese Greok Japanese ‘Tibetan Czech, Hawaiian Norwegian ‘Turkish Dutch HindifIndian Persian Welsh Eskimo languages Portuguese Finnish ‘Bungarian Russian igloo, kayak . coach, paprika «cobra, marmalade polo, yak commando, trek « eruise, yacht bungalow, shampoo cosy, ski corgi, flannel algebra, mattress avalanche, envelope caravan, sofa mammoth, vodka pistol, robot baleony, lottery coffee, yoghurt kketehup, tea chorus, theory ‘mosquito, sherry judo, tyeoon hamburger, poodle ombudsman, tungsten More verbal expressions ‘Complete the phrases on the lft with the most suitable verb, Choose from the words on the vight Use each verb once ony. ‘amachine, a car engine your teeth, your thirst your resignation facts, the truth ‘a pursuer ‘a complaint, a provest your feet, cards Aaifficulties pain, hardship your fists your thumbs the future, coming evente adisease your shoulders the bill your neck wrong temptation crowd, amob amecting your lips your head a patent, copyright evidence ascertain avenge chair clench contract corroborate dismantle disperse elude foot foretell sgnash infringe lodge nod purse quench shrug }f Animal idioms crossword ‘Complete the crasword by fling inthe missing words inthe dloms onthe ‘opposite page. Each word san anil a 96 Across 1 As the... fiios (.. in a straight line between two points). 3 Tokill two... with one stone (Le. to do two things on one occasion). 6 Totake the... by the homs (i. to face and try to deal with a difficult problem instead of avoiding it) 7 To cook someone’... (i. to stop someone's plans; to stop someone from, doing mischief) 10. To shed worn tears (i.e to pretend to ery). 12 Tobe like @ 0» With a sore head (i.e to be ina very bad mood). 12 To watch someone like @ nun (ve to wateh someone very close). A To let the nnn Out of the bag (i.e to give away a secret), 15 To have a «win your throat (ie to be unable to speak clearly because of some phlegm at the back of your throat), 16 As slippery a8 aN enn (4. difficult to pin down; diffieult to eatch). 18 Tohave the ...8 share of something (Le. to have the largest and best part of something). 19, A white ua. (se. useless poscossion which is often difficult or expensive to got and alot of trouble to keep). 2 Tobe tho black sm ofthe family (Le. to be the disreputable member of the family) 28 To go ata .....'s pace (ve. to go very slowly). 25 Tohavea....... ofa time (Le. to have a wonderful time; to enjoy yourself very much), Down 2 A sowin shoop's clothing (.. an enemy pretending to bea friend) 3 Tohave.......in your stomach (.«.to feel nervous). 4 Torain cats and... (Le. torain heavily) 5 Tomake a ..... out of someone (i.e. to make someone appear silly or foolish), 6 To havea «in your bonnet (2 to be continually occupied or obsessed by one idea). 8 As cunning a8 a on (ie. very sly and cunning). 9 To have... (ue. tobe very annoyed, surprised or frightened about something), 10 To wait till the... come home (i. to wait endlessly) 11 To log adead... (.e.to waste your time; to go on trying to do something, when itis no longer possible) 1 Don't count your... before they're hatched (i.e. don't believe or expect success, etc. is certain until i actually happens). V7 Todo the omun- WORK (i.6.to do the hard, often physically tiring part of a job; 10 do the most unpleasant or least important part ofa job). 20 To make a... of yourself (i.e to eat or drink too much). 21 A somos in the grass (.e. a hidden enemy; someone who betrays people's friendship), 22 Ain the ointment (i. a minor incident that interferes with your ‘enjoyment of something) 24 To smell a... (i.e. to become suspicious). a Rewrite the sentences Foreach of the sentences below, wite anew sentence as simiar as possible in meaning to te original sentence, but using the word given in bold typ. (Bo not alter this word in any way.) ‘His bank account was completely empty. left ‘The students were not listening to their teacher. paying ‘After an hour; the train had still not arrived. sigm ‘Mary is responsible for organizing the staff outing this year. charge ‘The stories he tells us about what happened to him in China are quite incredible. beyond ‘tnever occurred to me that you couldn't drive idea ‘The results of the election have not been made public yet. seeret How Likely is Janet to got the job? chances ‘This shirt is dirty. needs Did she say why she hadn't turned up for the meeting? reason don’t mind whether wo go out tonight or not. matter ‘The plane couldn't land because of thick snow on the runway. prevented ‘Tho headteacher decided not to punish the boys this time, lot Saving is a complete wasto of time nowadays. point Anew car isa bit too expensive for us, 'm afraid. reach ‘Many in the group had never tasted caviar before, first ‘My house is too small for me to have a grand piano. room, Don't you remember anything about the accident? recollection ‘This painting has doubled in value since I bought it. ewice Did you notice anything strange about the house? strike ‘My father speaks German well. command He will not be offered the job on any account. question ‘My mother thinks smoking is wrong. approve don't like golf very much. appeal Has Tom written to you lately? heard Puns Sort out the folowing puns by matching the beginnings (1-20) rom column ‘A witha sutable ending (a-) from column B. Write your answers in the ieiomaelos ; . — 5 Ce e ... was started from scratch. Cerone een £ x. show you a case of blackmail * geaetinse te “eh 7 Tho first nudist convention .., 1h... was formed by a splinter group. 8 Ataffea circus, adog. i ageereanas ae oe + armen 11 When nylon stockings were first | ~~ to get more dough. 432 When people found out that the came out SATS, 5 terrae oS ©... was opened for people who liked ot mrtg ara Tranter oe = aoe Soweto God t ... was aun on them. ae on ty2,s]4]slel7fe v0] Ww] v2] 19/4] v6] v6] 27] 8] 19] 20 Co L 100 More idiomatic phrases Fil the missing idtomate phrases inthe sentences below. Choose trom the folowing theapple ofhis eye heart sanke pain in the neck black and blue all over jumped out of my skin pulling her leg broke her heart kept his head ‘wok her breath away ave me the cold lipe are sealed shoulder lost his head getitofher chest __made his blood boil hhad a lump in her on his last logs throat on thedole 1 promise you, Mandy, I won't say a word to anyone. My. Mike is areal nuisance. He's a ‘Amanda was his favourite granddaughter. Sho was. Pauline completely ignored me this morning: She ‘She was covered in bruises, She was When he dropped ha tray Behind me got uch a shock almost Ireally .. snr t0 88 his friend copy a poem he had written and then prevent itt his gieliviend as one that he had written for her. .edto taking the money. It ‘Janet felt very relieved when she finally confes felt good to Alico was really upset when her dog died. It. He was so tired, He was ‘The view from the top ofthe mountain was absolutely fantastic, Tt really| David panicked when the fire broke out. Ho “Moniea felt full of dismay when she heard the news. Her Saying godine oho son was very amosiona orssion fr her and she ‘as she watched him got on the train. Poter remained very calm. He . Sally didn't believe Nick, did she? He was only joking! He was only Answers ‘rest irate belligerent valiant cambersome wily perilous fervent vesr2 1 feat 2 pride 8 series 4 stroke 5 troupe 6 anthology 7 course 8 medley 9 rasher 10 spall 1 wad 12 attack g : & esta cantory heinous indigenous petty Squeomish ‘adamant foasible implicit irrevocable plausible ‘ests isa 229 10 n rr B u Arugal obese ‘amorous lnnpetuous discrepant slats u B us u 2 3 M4 8 16 " 8 18 meanders dentures ‘impregnable rmatrieide requisite slushy vivid vid Alsheveed sedentary ‘dreumetantial 6 " 8 SESeEsER 33 36 6 16 " 18 SBRNERE ESE stingy estitute copious ‘opulent paltry stretch slump asp block state fash sale plague ealigible devastated destroyed insatiable stigible Indicative prevailing spontaneous ‘commensurate ‘exorbitant inopportune peli congested redundant 101 e- 0 oo 5 w 2 11 tot AL rang 12 udder 22 kernel 18 umpire 23 hammer 14 lobe 24 pimp 15 gills 25 etary 16 Stem 26 rafter 17 wreath 21 funnel 18 parting 28 colt 19 inane 29 handsot 20 lapel 30 bridge 10 collet Be a1 hold 19 drive 12 see 20 form 18 bear 21 serve 4 cack 22 cat 15 fll 23 keep 16 play 4 lose 17 take 25 lead tosearch and ste towalke nt an oan, gentle pace toate inamall amounts living both om land and in water learned, scholarly srohundredth anniversary sn inseription on a tara fone ofthe signs ofthe Zodiac ‘loud whistle or ery expressing disapproval or lasting only aday ors talkative, wordy ‘extremely overweight ‘task that is unpleasant or boring wreckage found floating onthe surface ofthe sea [kind of chicory, used as ald {olde liter, waste time to defer, delay in doing some necessary act Imprisoned, confined slightly hungry ‘natural sleep of some animals throughout the wintar ‘A word or sentence tht reads the same backwards and forwards twlistenseretly toa private conversation toanparatety eulting 6 Down pronoto anger, irritable 18 Down St Use point of death, dying 430 Across alist ofpries and chargea 28 Across atype ofall flying insect lke a mosqita) that bites people 23 Down sawect-amelling garden flower 26 Across smuggled goods anquitted 2b a lurking Ba slare ua function we invariably 6 a devoid va femaclated wa anexpletive wb verbal 2b ited ae ab mae Testo Misprint Correct word 1 bunk bali 2 rend tend 3 bomb tomb 4 ain fun 5 bre ber © tlekle tle 7 bedpan deadpen death health 9 suspicious auspicious 10 germs gens AL boob boom 12 lon hein 13 thing thigh M4 onb rug 15 strangled stranded 36 onion union 17 gloves ‘doves 18 owe ml 19 prevented prevented 20 boar board Testi 1 abridge 18 chide 2 procure 16 scurry 3 revere 1 fhe 4 vee 38 “allore 5 bicker 30 fathorn postulate 20 pillage 7 cow 103 (dt moans ast but one") esa typeothat) birch, willow) ‘True ‘Troe False True False False False ‘True False (Wea small ore animal ofthe weasel family) 10 True (vsanimal waste) Falee Troe False False ‘True True ‘Troe True (Ut chould be Pm invisible”. “Invincible” means“too strong tobe defeated”) (A pervertis someone whose sexual behaviour isnot onsidered natural) (Gemeans “every two years?) (ts fall name is“budgerigar, e's. smal brightly coloured bird, Some ‘budgerigarscan be taught to epeak) (vss at bottomed boat, used for carying hesvy loads —espcially om canals) (tsa raise platform) 19 False ([fyouhavehalitons you have bad breath) 20 False (bthe lowest pint ofsomething) BL Troe They arotho metal bars in abieycle wheel) 22 alae (tisused ta check the amount of oll in car's engine) 23 True (Achinwag is another word for a chet) mu 2 Faso (Aturf accountant ie another name for a bookmaker-Le. someone you goto ts place beta on a horse race or dog race) ‘Test13 1 tilted 10 etalk 18 stoop 2 iru 11 stearroter 19 stodgy 3 stuffy 12 stump 20 stance 4 strenuous 13 strident 21 stretcher 5 stagnent 14 statutory 22 stilton 6 starbosrd| 15 stealthy 2 sald 7 stile 16 stockpile 2A starting 8 stupor YT stingy 25 stocky 8 stale ‘Testis Jobe (2) Grandma was nearly ninety years f age when she won £375,000 on thefoodal pool. ‘Her family were extremely @} Worried about her heart end feared that the news ofher large ‘win would @) come as tao much ofa sock for her. “think we had better eal in the doctor to tll her the news," suggested the eldest eon ‘The doctar soon arrived end the (8) situation was explained thm “Now, you don't have to worry about anything," suid the doctor." am fully treined in auch Aelieate mettrs and I fel sure I ean (6) break this news to her gently. assure you, there is fbsolutely ne need for yout ear fr her health. Everything willbe quite ()safeifltt to 104 ‘The doctor went i tose the ld lady and gradually brought the conversation around to football pools. ‘Tellme, anid Ue doctor, “what would you do f(®) you had a large win on the pols~—say ‘over three bundred and fifty thousand pounds?” “Why,"replied the ol ady, “Ta (10 give half oft to you, ofcourse” ‘The dota fell down dead with hock Joke? (1) It was one ofthe etrangest looking dogs they ha ever seen atthe pu, and the (2) regulars found ita great topic of converstion "Eventually one of them adled over tothe dog’ owner and cal, (18) "That's stupid looking dog you've got thee. Cant ight?” “Sure "(14 replied the owner. “Wall aaid the man, “Tbet you 210 that my labrador can beat your dog” ‘The owner (16) accepted the bet and the Iabrador was edn to ight. After twenty-five seconds the labrador lay (1.6) dead on the Noor. The lose, locking down athis dead dog, Shook hishead sadly and sid, "Your dog ean certainly (17 fight. But till think i's fonny looking dog” "Yes" agreed the owner. “Andi (1) looked even funnier until shaved its mane off” Jokes (49) The Englishman was in a vestaurant in Seotland when he was suddenly attacked by 8 (20) severe burst of coughing and sneezing ~ and he ancezedo violent that is false teeth {Gd few out ofhis mouth and dropped the lor, where they broke at the feet ofthe Seotaman “Don't worry, sr,"(22) sald the Scotsman. “My brother wil oon get you anew pair and at {ar lees cost than an English dentist would (23) charge. And he can provide a suitable et ‘slmoet immediately” ‘The Englishman couldn’ believe his luck and gladly (24 acepted the Scotsman’ oer. ‘The Scotsman left the restaurant and returned ten minutes later with apa of (2 false teh which he handed othe Englishman. “Fantastic” exclaimed the Englishman, trying the teeth. “They (26) fit perfectly. Your ‘brother must bo a very clever dentist.” “Oh, he's (7) nota dentist," replied the Seataman.“H'san undertaker.” esti 1 onset 38 bypass 25 outsot 2 downpour 14 writeup 26 getaway 3 outcome 16 outbreak 27 downfall 4 takeaway 16 lookout 28 build-up 5 holdup 17 breskup 29 tumout © output 18 setbacks 30. outburst 7 coverup 19 tailback 31 turnover drawbacks 20 outlay ‘32 outlook, 9 cutbacks 21 breakthrough 38 intake 10 upbringing 22 checkup 34 outery AL write 23 comeback 35 lay.by 12 breakein 4 layout ‘TESTI 1 castaway 4 shopsteward 7 accomplice 2 gesip 5 tycoon 8 conscript 3 midwife 6 culprit 8 hooligan 105 registrar pieket alien frtison ward hermit ‘resr17 EAGER ANKLE BATTLE BARREL BORDER OCEAN CANDLE SCARCE CASTLE cacTus coast FERRET DocTOR resTis reckless reprimand refuge recolution reverberate rebate recede ‘Tesri9 1 2 a 4 8 6 7 profasion feat earth ‘wrath valour ‘animoity conjecture ‘TesT20 1 cen[t[R[E]ASON 2 an[E[a}sen. 106 SBESSSS SESERREESE 10 u 2B 18 M4 16 u u 18 u predecessor 24 arbitrator Underwriter 25 compatriot gnostic 26 despot bar 21 beneficiary copywriter 28 toddler peer 2 sscnur Pendle 30 envy weary 28 SPADE FAMILY 29 OPERA FENCE 30, PEPPER oRasP 1 POODLE HEALTH 82 BRAZIL LANKY 33 FRAME CLEVER 34 GREED PLAICE 35 PROUD LINEN 36 ARROW tocusr SWEDE MARBLE 38 STALLS NICKEL 39 Waist your 40 WRONG recuperate 18 retort reimbsree 18 recapitulate reluctant 20 repute resent 21 redundant rebuke 22 recprocate recipient 25 reeptele recruit 24 refrain rele 25. ress fw 15 woe carca 16 malady ‘ormoll XT age apparel 18 prevaricaon died 19 amour adversary 20 vow trawl 4 can[E]RJase JARY 1s ven(s[E}ize vesr21 ect fontamptible definitive Tiniment libel testament complacent Txurious volatile regretabl 11 contlasive 12, continually ‘vest22 bark bridge conduct faint general invalid leave pitch reel Test 23 Flowers ‘consip Sandelion fexglove Povey 13 M 6 16 " 6 19 2 2 23 10 a 2 18 u 6 6 ” ax ser[NTzleoue 22 ova(Q[u[Elvue alternative istinetive aol ‘oben ilusions sredulous ‘ist inferred practicable appreciable shutte tramp bess cape chest a Herbs basil lovage sage tarragon temperate edible Seficient uninterested ‘emotive neeliible efficous sriet Juaieions masterly stimlant Seegeseeses grave hide port refuse found BERBESSS Fish Inadocke perch plaice trout 107 ‘rest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a essen ‘TesT25 Across 3 FOOL 7 MOLEHILL 8 PUDDING 9 SERVED a STITCH 12 cLouD 13. EGGS Down 1 LOUDER MILK WILL SLEEPING INDEED MILE, TesT26 1 incinerate 2 inconsiderate 3 indigestion 4 incbrinted 5 initially 6 inoculate 7 insolvent 8 insipid 9 invulnerable 108, ‘ToolaGardening equipment bbradawl mallet pliers tome Crimes ‘embezzlement fraud 10 u 4 M 6 16 0 u u Fr 6 6 uv ABSENCE, ‘TUNE, HONESTY MOTHER ‘TRICKS FIRE STILL ‘THICKER cHARITY Gur ‘cHOOSERS HEADS MINDS inaugurate incompatible indict inforiate inquest inelent indispensable Containers! Receptacles beaker caddy eg HASTE, SWALLOW BROTH GAINED LEAP. BITTEN eegees DESERVES BLOWS HATCHED SILENCE worm SIGHT seageee 18 incognito 19 insatiable 20 incredulity 21 incense 2 inlet 2 Incentive 24 innate 25 incorigible Test27 Misprint Correct word 1 settee setter 2 fights flights 3 vandals sandals 4 speed speech 5 claimed climbed 6 stare stairs 7 prety petty 8 hasty tasty 9 trade trace 10 writing verithing re hoses 2 dilated 13 wind wine 14 fend Friend 15 conversation conservation 16 bottom button 17 prosperity posterity 1B suctioned cautioned 39 bear sear 20 breast breath ‘TesT28 1 discount AL ballion 2 uninhabitable 12 conducive 3 beforehand 13 exonerated 4 catogrically 14 aptitude 5 contaminated 15 sordid 6 indelible 16 ambiguous 7 intersect ¥7 annuity 8 ratified 18 inevitable 9 vacated 19 disintegrated 10 snnihilated 20 trespassing ‘TesT29 ‘whuis tured over a new loaf(@) ‘whe on leave im) ‘whe cheeeed off) ‘whos greasing someone's palm ) ‘whole under someone's thumb (a) ‘who's got the chop) bttering someone up(@) doing time ©) ‘hos named the day () Who's ata loose end) ‘whe'son the dale) ‘he's palling someone's eg th) ‘who's ou of tore) ‘who’ for the high jump (@) ‘who's up in arma) ‘who's blowing hither own trumpet () 109 est 20 1 opted 2 substantiate 8 averted 44 commemorate 5 devastated 6 have fuctuated 7 ingratiate 8 reiterate 9 adjourn 10 eater 11 emits 1a entails 18. jeopardized 14 “undermine 415 sbsoondedfhaeabsconded Testst Word a Word 1 air heir 2 cw queue 8 gamble szambol 4 hue how 5 medal rmedale 6 pair ere 7 sent cent B toe tow 9 fair fare 10 cast caste AL coarse course 12 oar ore 18 place plaice 44 tears tiers 15 boar bore 16 cymbal symbol a7 gilt guilt 18 Teak Tek 19 pier peer 20 um carn ‘Tesrs2 1 EMERALD 2 ocToPus 3 CAPITAL 4 HEARSE 5 ADVANCE 6 CORRIDOR 7) REHEARSE ‘Tests 1 delinquent 2 invigitator 3 oulist no SBUSREEES SSERSEeB BA SBE NRRL EE PRACTICE ENGAGE DISHONEST. ‘TROUSERS BREATHE MANAGER ‘TRAGEDY prude stalwart ‘vandal arecombingicombed/have combed culminating align seratinized alley comply fray exacerbate permeated alleviate ommiserated concurred slic ‘corroborated ‘wore incarcerated Word cord frane aisle ane rte carat arp ate pour fom Ite ave nt mayor draught 18 CHAMBER 36 COCONUT 17 ENGINEER 18 ESCAPE 19 LEATHER 20 CARTOON actuary expatriate 10 n B 8 “ 16 16 ‘magnate pallbearer punter vagrant taxidermist ‘adjudicator ‘conscientious objector ‘rests cexcoute 2 expectant ‘extricate ‘exacerbate ‘Test 36 1 lion fbutton the weather pitch fabone ditchwster vie ‘lamb the day slong Punch estat Suggested answers Tce noted ‘round ‘weight ‘conmectedinked Tack ‘convinced certainisure 10 u 2 3 uu u 2 B u 6 a 18 0 cxeel ‘expel ‘exterminate extradite cexasperate exempt exhort tyrant cherlatan pevnbroker squatter convalescent recdivist Seuseey BRBREESS 15 feel .-oat 16 run lout goveakod...down 17 getting. away with 18 get.--backon 19 coming...up carresgoes...through 20. gets...afar a poncock ‘flash stboetroot hoses dog need velvet judge 10 u 2 8 “ 21 putty 22 poker 23 amule 4 thieves 2% rake 26 ld boots 27 kitten 28 adrowned rat 29 aaheet 30 snow! holding sayingladage ‘eoncerned offeredigave refused offergesture oticeableyoad m1 19, actualiyiterally/physically ‘Tests 1 beckdog counterpart discrepancy euphemism heyday obituary referendum ‘Truancy adage Coincidence ‘rest 39 trite tempor advance change contract habit Tend mould slight ‘Tests pervade wrested person's ‘nolified arbitration snap choppy bolt soawnoon esta ‘keep wp laid up ‘standing in for Took down on buttin eup put (me) up doup pots up with ng 0 au 2 a 1“ 6 16 uv 0 u 2 “ 20 tumed 21 understatement ‘22 question 23 everbefore ‘orrlation| a fisure 2 prerequisite 2 ‘quandary * finachronism 25 plaque clemency 26 subsidy conscription 2 effigy ist 28 infringement oversight 2 dick prevalence 80, idiosynerasy train 18 rock yard 28 ciate approach 20 board boit 21 charm converse 22 corporal ‘express 23. row incense 24 bat passage B Hobson's 36 b pandemonium travesty 37 a Shanks'spony b restoring 38 © facetious 2 explicit 19 amalapropiam © vertigo 20 modicum hen 21 b impervious 8 frugal 22 b veracity do aveay with 18 fallen out keep up 19 puto etme dover 20 makes upfor fell through 21 gone oft fallenoffgene down 22. eave out Drought on 23 breakup ep you) up 24 died out clears up 25 eto ‘resTa2 19 Across accidental, caused by chance 28 Across tofall violently etraight down 16 Down achort, promational description ofa book 6 Across anawkwandfelingof guilt chame o remorse 3 Down hidden problem or difficulty 21 Down tocause something to become black by burning 20 Across toseod rebuke 18 Down thin and hungry looking 14 Across very angry or exited reaetion 80 Across goods thrown overboard to make a ship lighter 26 Down todeliberately insult a person 41 Across along, heavy rainfall usually causing ooding 7 Down something thats supposod tobe a cure 28 Down enthusiastic applause 25 Across completely without money or food... Across along wooden seat. 15 Across warmanddamp 8 Down — tocancel, make void 18 Across toburn outar clear out the inside of building 12 Down tocommend, praise 27 Across atream which flows into ariver 8 Across a type oflarge freshwater fh 4 Down alow wall along the edgeot a root. 5 Across sudden strong feeling, for example, of pain... 2 Down torunaway secretly inorder get married. 17 Down the act of taking par: with another person 22 Across easily disgusted, excssively dificlt vo plesse 10 Down amodelor ideal 29 Across countless, innumerable 24 Down alist af goods caried ona ship Test 43 1 chain 8 Dutch 2 hush 9 inside 3 pitch 0 aie 4 splitting 11 stone 5 dead 12 sore © marked 13 confirmed 7 casting MM foregone Tests 1 creditor 10 cruise 2 cremate 1 eiterion 2 croquet 12 end 4 crucial 13 cramp 5 exyptography 14 craving @ cradle 15 credentials 7 eranium 16 capt & creditable YT crockery 9 review 16 1 6 o 18 a SEER fat French tredulous ‘ouch crayfishcrawfish crotchet cravat crank us Tests 1 grass widow n 2 landlubber 2 3 scab 13 4 akingint u 5 tout Ft © bigehot 6 7 chatterbox uv 8 gate-rasher 16 9 mole 0 10 smartaleck 0 rest 46 PART 9 4 TART 10 2 TARE 1 3 BARE 2 4 BORE, a 3 CORE “4 6 CORN 6 7 TORN 6 @ TORY 4 Testa 1 defacto n 2 percapita a 3 Mee versa a 4 avantgarde u 5 fauxpas 15 8 adhoe 16 7 personanon grata 17 8 statusquo 8 9 kudos 19 10 coupaétat 2 rest ss 1b cows 2 © adoctor ae ‘medical profession) a aclump of grass set touch ‘whlar kid fence Aogabody rough diamond Dusybody dark horse erase ‘Torr ‘TOUT BOUT BOLT BELT PELT PEAT BEAT BRAT exoficio bona fide prima facle rapport ‘ad infinitum Aetente ‘aplom ron sequitur views peree (aclumpoftrees, tufUblade of grass) fe aconductor sa copy of musie with © totouch wood (All the others mean odie) rang stubborn, unyielding SURSERERES SBRSRREERE lame duce ld maid slavedeiver dab hand fuinea pig sponger wot blanket Aichard kerbcrawler BRAG cRAG CRAM PRIM GRIM GRIN GAIN carte Blanche curriculum vitae alfetco ‘guid proquo ‘non campos mentis lose ‘extra-curricular téte-atate ost mortem the oath made by doctors to try to save lifeand to follow the standards st for the I the parts forthe diferent instruments on separate lines) 12 0 stagger 13 ©. aposibox (ve aletterbox i 14 @ being stared at 15 a apreseatud 16 0 um (Presi all containers) 17 © gannet dean bed) 18 ©. bricklayer (Fe uses ito carry bricks) 19 © sinker 20 dover yourshoes house) ‘Test 49 Clothes and accessories Diseasesilinessos beret contarrh choker gout fip-op hernia mur mumps smock shingles ‘Animal sounds ‘Expressing dislikerhatred bray ‘abhor caw ‘abominate chirp despise oat cexeerate whiny loathe ‘Taking, holding and pulling clasp haul ug, tow ‘wrench Ways of walking amble hobble saunter strut trudge ‘Texto a » eel 1-e af ace oa0 3-8 a) ace oa bla ooh 6-h To Te aah gob ood e-3 ws w= Insects cexntipede ‘earwig sat Toute midge ‘Smiling and laughing beam chuckle ‘eu ‘anirk ‘suger us Test st sntonym lossy Delindrome 1 2 3 4 5 é 7 & ° Jaundice ‘nervous breakdown Slipped aise ‘teak tonsil Skin disorder Blister bruise pimples rash TEST 56 Words allowed bough aught sale ne Words aloud tow fast tyme 10 epigram 11 anagram 38 epitaph 35 alliteration 16 fable 18 slogan 10 fat tidy 12 very sociable 18 ypoeitcal weak 15 secret 1G resolute AT dificult 18 favour Medical equipment bandage crutches resing plaster es scalpel splint stathoscope stretcher srheelchaie ‘timer frame Modication/arags antibotes cough medicine Ineative pein ier teanguiliar Worda whine berth ‘8 BRESneEs 2 a 2 2 2 3% 2 cliche parody index sneodote seg ‘moaphor untriendly short very hungry acontented ‘unfavourable untidy People/places to do with hhealth/hospitals anesthetist easualty Svalid| smaternty ward operating theatre utpatiene sngeon Word eth Word» Words Word a aye 1 um cam 2 air 20 pale pail 2 fre a1 great ate a roe 2 Sng wring 6 fee B hall aul 16 paws 2 feat foot n route 2 om vw 8 heel TEST Ss 1 Eskimo 9 Welsh 17 Chinese 2 Hungarian 10 Arabic 18 Gres 3 Portuguese ML French 19. Spanish 4 Tibetan 12 Persian 30 Japanese 5 Afrkaans 1 Russian 21 German & Dutch uu Coach 3 Swedieh 17 Hindifinian languages 15 Iealian 8 Norwegian 16 Turkish TEST 6 1 dismantle 10 endure 10 rosie 2 gnash M1 dane 2D disperse 3 quench 12 bwidale a cha 4 ender 18 foretll 22 purse 5 stcortain 14 contract 33 od 6 chude 15 avuy 24 infringe 7 lodge 16 foot 25 corroborate 8 shut M7 crene 9 overcome 18 avenge rest st Across Down Lerow Bbiede Gbull 7 goose crocodile 2 wolf SbutterBbes dogs Smonkey 6h shear 1hawk Meat 15fog 16eel Blox 9kittens 10 cows I hor blion 19 elephant 21 sheep 28 emai ‘Mehickens 17 donkey 20 pig 21 enake 25 whale aly Mire, ‘TEST 58 Suggested answers 1 to dda' have anythinglany tsoney lft in his bank account /Theve was nothing/no ‘money left i his bank aceout ‘Tho students were not paying (any) attntion to their teacher, ‘After an hou, there wat still no sign ofthe tain. [Mary iain charge of organising te att outing this year, "The storie be alls wr about what happened tom Ia China are beyond bali. [ined no ides that you coulda drive. ‘The ert ofthe eloston are til a secre What are dane’ chances of geting the job? ‘Thischir needs washing/leaning. Did she glvefbavea reason for not turning up to the meeting? Did she gveave a reason as to why she dd urn wp forthe meting? ut 11 Tedosen' mater tome whether we go out tonight or nat 12 The plane was provorted from landing because of thick snow on the runway Thick hos on the runway prevented the plane from landing 12 The headteacher decided tot the boy off this ime, 14 There's no point in saving nowadsy 18 A.neweat is out of our reach, Tm afraid 16 Ie wae tho ft timo or many in tho group to taste caviar/t mao the rt timo that ‘many inthe group had tasted caviar. 17 There isnot enough room in my-houee fora grand piano,/'Ther isnot enowgh room in ‘my house forme to have a grand piano 18 Have you no recollection ofthe accidentDont you have any recollection ofthe accident? 19 Thiepnintng is worth twice as much as when [bought it/This painting is twice wx weluable ne when Though 20 Did anything about the house strike you as atrunge? 21. My fathor has «good command of German/the German language 2 There ono question of him being offered the jot is (quit) out ofthe question for Ih tobe offored the jo, 23 My mother dossn't approve of smoking 21 Golf doce appeal tome very much Golf dose have much sped tome. 35 Hove you heard from Tom lataly? ‘TEST 59 1s b-4 wo 2-0 9-4 wos ast wm woe on noo wk fot wb eli ers 18 = rithefene) wot Toa Mop TEST OO 1 lipsare sented 6 jumpedoutofmy skin 12, lost his head 2 painin theneck 7 madehisbloodoil 18. heart anle 3 theappleafhiseye «8 getitoffherchest. 14nd lump inher 4 gaeme the cold 9 broke her heart throat Shoulder 30 on his last legs 1B kept hishoed 5 Misckand blue allover 11 tookher breath away 16 pulling her leg us

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