Shear Force Lab Report

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Practical 2

Shearing Force Apparatus HFC4

Safety in the Laboratory

The principal hazards in using apparatus that demonstrates the static and dynamic
performance of associated theorems and the assumptions involved are where rotary or
linear motion occurs and where the handling of loose heavy items, for example weights,
is part of the procedure.

Of the loose items the heavier weights must be regarded as the most dangerous objects.
Should one of these fall onto the feet of those around the apparatus the potential for
damage is present. Hence it is recommended that cast iron weights be handled carefully
and when moving and placing the heavier ones (say 10 N upward) on load hangers this
should be regarded as a two handed operation. It is surprisingly easy to spill a complete
stack of weights off a hanger when adding a further one.

In addition to weights there are some heavy parts that have to be interchanged during
some experiments and a similar approach using two hands where required is suggested.
It may also be both sensible and necessary for two people to take part in changes to the

Success in the Laboratory

Work in the laboratory depends on understanding, observation and skill. In the first place
a good understanding of the performance, and limitations, of experimental models is
needed. To know about the theory involved is useful but not essential. In the second
place keen observation leads to better results and avoidance of mechanical mistakes.
Lastly, the way in which students handle the apparatus can influence the accuracy and
speed of the work.

The purpose of each experiment is to illustrate an item of theory, or to show how well
simplifying assumptions in the applied mathematics correspond to actual behaviour. This
often requires the model to exaggerate the behaviour of a real thing.

Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 1


A length of material supported at two points in such a way that it will carry loads is called
a beam. The loading perpendicular to its longitudinal axis causes bending and in most
cases transverse shearing. In the simplest example the loads and supporting reactions act
in a vertical plane containing the longitudinal axis, and the beam has a rectangular cross
The loads and support reactions are the external forces acting on the beam and they must
be in equilibrium. But in order to study the strength of the beam it is necessary to know
how these external forces affect it.
In this experiment a horizontal box section beam has been cut into two parts by a vertical
cross section part (C). The short beam section is part (A) and the long beam section is
part (B). The two sections are held together with a 10Kg spring balance, which must
produce a system of forces equivalent to those, which would exist internally in the beam
at that section if it had not been cut. Since the forces in the short beam (A) acting on the
long beam (B) must be equal and opposite to those in (B) acting on (A), it follows that the
same values will be obtained by working to the right or left of the section plane.
Given a horizontal beam with vertical loading the internal forces will be
1. For vertical equilibrium a shearing force in the section plane
2. For equilibrium of moments a moment of resistance due to compression in the top
half of the beam section and tension in the bottom half.

Beam (B)
Cut Section
(C) Spring

Short Beam

‘U’ bracket Rod

Under slung

Base unit


Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 2

The experimental beam is in two parts, the shorter beam being part A and the longer
beam part B. At the cut section (C) normal to the beam axis where they join a pair of deep
groove ball bearings are pinned in the long beam (B) and run on flat vertical tracks fixed
in the short beam (A). To develop the "internal" forces at the section an under slung
tension spring resists the bending moment, while an overhung spring balance (measuring
in Kgf) provides the vertical shearing force. As the spring balance can resist shear only
in one direction it will be found that there must always be a net downward load on (B).
Nevertheless the design of the bearings and bearing block in ‘B’ prevents the beam from
sliding more than a few mm up or down at the normal section.

Two end pivot pins located in the ‘U’ brackets support both beam sections, and several
stirrup shaped load hangers can be threaded over the beams, by removing the hanger pin
and sliding the hanger over the relevant beam and replacing the hanger.

Cast iron, calibrated weights are provided to apply loads to the beam sections.

The method of ensuring the beams are horizontal is as follows:

1. Using the spirit level provided (with all load hangers positioned on the beams).
The level is positioned as close as possible to the hinged section whilst resting on
the short beam section. When the bubble within the level is between the two
datum lines then the beams are level. This then becomes the datum level, which
can be returned to each time the beams have to adjust to horizontal.

When the short beam section is level the long bam can be brought level by turning the
thumbnut for the vertical spring balance. The top edges of the beam sections should
be as close as possible to level when recording the spring balance reading.

The spring balance is calibrated in Kgf (Kilogram Force). To achieve a Newton reading
multiply the spring balance reading by 9.81ms-2.

Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 3


There are two objectives of an introductory experiment as follows:

1. To comprehend the action of shear in a beam.

2. To measure the shearing force at a normal section of a loaded beam and to check
its agreement with theory.


Set up the beams so that the centreline of the deep groove ball bearings in the long beam
section (B) is 300 mm from the left hand support and 600 mm to the right hand support.
This can be done easily by using the graduations on the adhesive graduation label on the
front of the beams. Each graduation being 50mm apart.

Position the load hangers as follows:

- 150mm from left hand pivot pin
- One in ‘u’ groove of long beam (B)
- One at 300mm from the right hand pivot pin

Use the adjustment on the under slung spring to bring the short beam (A) level.
Use the spring balance to align the top edge of the long beam (B) with the short beam
(A). Record the spring balance (in Kgf) reading in table.

Third Hanger in

Place weights on all three hangers in the following pattern:

Test 1: 5N; 0; 12N

Test 2: 5N; 2N; 10N
Test 3: 5N; 5N; 10N
For each test, having recorded the spring balance reading with no load, load the beam per
Test 1, 2 and 3 above, then re-level the short beam (A) by adjusting the thumbscrew on
the under slung spring arrangement. Once level adjust the spring balance to bring the

Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 4

long beam (B) level with the short beam (A). Record the new spring balance reading in
the table. The difference between the two readings is the effect of loading the beam.

As time permits we may repeat with a different span between the supports, with the load
hangers in different positions, and with different loadings.


Load (N) at positions Balance Force Shear Force S.F. (N)

F1 F2 F3 Kgf (N) Expt. Theory Ratio Theory Ratio
(graph) (formula)
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5.0 0.0 12.0
5.0 2.0 10.0
5.0 5.0 10.0

Average of Ratios Expt./Theory =

For each loading arrangement calculate the actual and theoretical Shear Force at the cut
section (C) and compare the two values.

The theoretical shear force at the cut section (C) should be calculated by
(i) constructing, to scale a shear force diagram, and
(ii) using the formula for shear force
Note: work to 1 decimal place when drawing the graphs

How well did the experimental results agree with the theoretical values? Use the average
of the ratios Experiment SF /Theory SF.


Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 5

Consider a beam resting on supports at A and B and supporting a load P. If the beam is
cut by a vertical section XX, then for the beam to remain in equilibrium each part must be
in equilibrium. Neglecting the self-weight on the beam any extra forces acting on part
(A) to preserve equilibrium must be transmitted from part (B) across the section XX, and
vice versa. Also the action of part (A) on part (B) must be equal and opposite to that of
(B) on (A).

As the load is solely vertical and in the plane of the beam there cannot be horizontal
reactions, so equilibrium yields two conditions:

1. Vertical equilibrium.

2. Equilibrium of moments.

In the first place these are used for the beam as a whole to evaluate the reactions at A and


For vertical equilibrium of part (A) there must be a shearing force QX acting as shown
and equal to –RA.
For vertical equilibrium of part (B) the shearing force QX evidently acts as shown and has
the value of RB - P.

To clarify the results a sign convention must be used. The normal one is shown, which
leads to the -ve values above.

Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 6


For equilibrium of moments take an axis as shown in the section XX to eliminate QX.
Then using the sign convention given for part (A) of the beam

MX = RA.a

and for part (B) of the beam

MX = RB.b - P(b - l)

It can easily be proved that these have the same value by substituting for RB and Pl as

MX = -b (P – RB) + Pl
= -b.RA + RA (a + b)
= RA.a


Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 7

Shearing force

QX = RA + P1 or RB – P3 – P2

Bending moment

Mx = RA.a – P1(a – l1) or RB.b – P3 (l3 - a) – P2(l2 - a)

Ken Corless: Mechanics 2.1 – Practical 1: Shear Force Apparatus HFC4 8

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