Gsis V. Pacquing

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In 1971, Bengson Commercial Building, Inc. (Bengson) borrowed P4,250,000 from petitioner GSIS and
defaulted in the payment of the amortizations. Petitioner extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgaged properties
and sold them at public auction where it emerged as the highest bidder.

The Regional trial court declared the foreclosure void and directed petitioner to restore to Bengson the
foreclosed properties, pay damages and costs of suit.
The CA affirmed with modification the trial courts decision and remanded the case for reception of evidence
on the costs of suit and determination of the replacement value of the properties should petitioner fail to
return them.
When petitioner failed to return the foreclosed properties, the new presiding judge of Branch 26, respondent
Judge Vicente A. Pacquing, ordered it to pay Bengson the equivalent value of the foreclosed properties.
Thereafter, Bengson moved that it be permitted to present evidence on the costs of suit.
Petitioner filed an urgent omnibus motion with the court a quo stating that its counsel, Atty. Rogelio Terrado,
went on AWOL and never informed it of respondent judges order. This motion, treated as petition for relief
from judgment by respondent judge, was dismissed
Petitioner filed an MR of the above decision and, while it was pending resolution at the CA, respondent
judge, on December 16, 1998, issued an alias writ of execution ordering petitioner to pay Bengson the P31
Petitioner moved to quash the writ on the ground that its funds and properties were exempt from
garnishment, levy and execution under Section 39 of RA 8291.
Whether or not respondent violated RA 8291
No. OCA found nothing in the records to support petitioners accusations against both respondents.
According to the OCA, even assuming that respondent judge erred in interpreting RA 8291, such error did
not constitute gross ignorance of the law.

On petitioners allegations against respondent Atty. Baez, the OCA likewise found no reason to hold him
liable for failing to defer the execution of the writ.
According to Justice Barrios:

Assuming for the nonce that [respondent judge] erred in issuing the Order of 16
December 1998 without awaiting the resolution of [petitioners motion for reconsideration],
and in holding that [its] properties are not exempt from execution, these would not be errors
that are gross and patent, or done maliciously, deliberately or in evident bad faith.
[Petitioner] has not presented proof to the contrary, which with the factual milieu would call
for administrative sanctions against [respondent judge]. As a matter of public policy, the
acts of the judge in his official capacity are not subject to disciplinary action, even though
such acts are erroneous. Good faith and absence of malice, corrupt motives or improper
considerations are sufficient defenses in which a judge charged with ignorance of [the] law
can find refuge.
For a judge to be administratively liable for ignorance of the law, the acts complained of must be
gross or patent. To constitute gross ignorance of the law, such acts must not only be contrary to existing
law and jurisprudence but also motivated by bad faith, fraud, malice or dishonesty. That certainly does not
appear to be the case here as petitioners complaint was spawned merely by the honest divergence of
opinion between petitioner and respondent judge as to the legal issues and applicable laws involved.
Petitioner also proffered no evidence that respondent judges acts were imbued with malice or bad faith.

In the same vein, we hold that respondent judge was neither biased nor partial against petitioner when he
issued the alias writ of execution. Petitioners assertion that respondent judge precipitately issued the alias
writ is not supported by the records. On the contrary, the records indicate that the writ was issued more
than three years from the finality of the order directing petitioner to pay Bengson P31 million as costs of
suit. Its issuance was not all tainted with undue haste. In the exercise of his judicial discretion, respondent
judge believed that the issuance of the alias writ had become forthwith a matter of right following the finality
of said order. The rule is that once a judgment becomes final, the winning party is entitled to a writ of
execution and the issuance thereof becomes a courts ministerial duty.

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