MCESE 202 Finite Element Analysis - Set2

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Branch: Civil Engineering
Specialization: Computer Aided Structural Engineering
Second semester
Model question paper - II
Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

1. What are the basic steps involved in finite element analysis and explain them
briefly. (6 Marks)
2. Discuss the development of FEA. (5 Marks)
3. Compare variational and weighted residual methods with suitable examples.
OR (14 Marks)
4. Explain the concept of idealization of structures (8 Marks)
5. State applications of FEM (5 Marks)
6. Illustrate finite element form of Galerkin’s method in one dimension with
example. (12 Marks)

7. Derive the shape functions for 4 noded element using Hermition interpolation
function. (12 Marks)
8. Explain generalized coordinate and Natural coordinates (13 Marks)
9. Differentiate between C0 andC1 elements with suitable examples (10 Marks)
10. Explain patch test (10 Marks)
11. Define conforming and nonconforming elements. (5 Marks)

12. Derive the stiffness matrix for CST element. (10 Marks)
13. Evaluate the integral using one point and 2 point gauss quadrature and compare
with the exact solution


OR (15 Marks)

14. Derive the stiffness matrix for 1)Bar element 2) Beam element (10 Marks)
15. Briefly describe the following
1) Legrangian and serendipity elements 2) Isoparametric elements (15 Marks)

16. Explain classical plate bending theories. (12 Marks)

17. Derive the element stiffness matrix for a typical Mindlin’s plate bending element.
OR (13 Marks)
18. Explain shear locking and describe methods to prevent shear locking (12 Marks)
19. Explain the concept of forming stiffness matrix for a refined flat plate bending
quadrilateral element (13 Marks)

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