Lesson 4 Philo.
Lesson 4 Philo.
Lesson 4 Philo.
“What is the world made of?”,”How did the world came into beings?”, and “How can
we explain the process of change?” were philosophical questions already brought up
approximately 600 B.C.E. in the Western lonian seaport town of Miletus across the Aegean
Sea from Athens, Greece. Because lonia was the meeting place between the East and West,
Greek philosophy may have oriental as well as Egyptian and Babylonia influences. In both
east and west, philosophers were asking questions about the universe we live in and our place
in it.
The speculations of the pre-Socratic philosophers represent a paradigm shift—a
change from the mythical explanation of the origins of the cosmos to a more rational
Consider these two frameworks (Payne 2010):
Human Nature
Culture Wild
Individualism Holism
Mind Nature/Cosmos
Calculative Body
Human over/Against Relational
Figure 4.1. Anthropocentric Model Ecology over/Against
Figure 4.2. Ecocentric Model
The Ecocentric model in Figure 4.2, in contrast, puts the ecosystem first and assumes that
the natural world has intrinsic value. Nature is not valued for the future survival of human
species per se, but is invaluable in itself. For instance, humans have a responsibility toward
the land. However, because of the anthropocentric attitude, humanity claims ownership or
authority over land.
Immanuel Kant
In his third critique, Critique of Judgement, Immanuel Kant expresses that beauty is
ultimately a symbol of morality (Kant 1997). According to Kant, we must ignore any
practical motives or inclinations that we have and instead contemplate the object without
being distracted by our desires (Goldblatt & Brown 2010). For instance, one should not be
tempted to plunge into the water in a seascape portrait.
Herbert Marcuse
Understanding our relationship with the environment can also refer to the human
beings with ecology and nature. For Herbert Marcuse, humanity had dominated nature. There
can only be change if we will change our attitude towards our perception of the environment.