Bibliography A. Books

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A. Books

Fullan, M. (2017). The New Meaning of Educational Change (4th ed.). New
York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Gailagher, Donald R. et al. (2015). The School and Community Relations, 8th
Edition USA. Pearson Education Incorporated.

Gregorio, Herman C. (2013) “Principles and Methods of Teaching, Revised

Edition, Quezon City: Garotech Publishing.

Hoy, C., Bayne-Jardine, C. & Wood, M. (2015). Improving Quality in

Education. London: Falmer Press.

Mukhopadhyay, M. (2015). Total Quality Management in Education (2nd ed.).

New Delhi: Sage.

B. Unpublished Theses/Dissertations/Works

Alimodian J. O. (20116). Relationship Between Teachers’ Performance

Ratings and the Achievements of Their Students.

Barcenas, Rogel E. (2013). “School-Home Parenting Effect to Scholastic

Performance of Intermediate Pupils in the District of Victoria, Division
of Laguna.

Castillo, R. D. (2013) ‘The Teachers’ Level of Performance as Influenced by

Their Job Morale and Work Attitude. Unpublished Master’s Thesis.
Iloilo City WVSU.

Castro, S.D. (2014) Technology Orientation and Technology Education

Initiative Practices of School Principals in the Division of Laguna.

Catedrilla, Lerma P. (2013). “The Teachers’ Level of Satisfaction in the Public

Secondary School System. Iloilo City. University of Iloilo.

Enriquez, Eleonor Antonieta T. (2015). Principal Empowerment Policy:

Contexts and Implementation. Master Thesis, College of Education,
University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City.

Feller, I.R. (2016). Ethical Responsibility in the Work Behavior of School

Managers in Four Selected Universities in the Luzon Area.

Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Manuel S. Enverga University


Lacansandile, Julieta M. (2014). “Reading Performance of Grade IV Pupils in

Selected Elementary Schools in Ligangilang District, Division of Abra.

Laman, G. C. (2017). Secondary School Heads’ Empowerment and

Teachers’ Teaching Performance.

Morales, Gladys R. (2015). Relationships of the Levels of Self-Concept and

Stress Management Style of Academic Administrators in Negros
Occidental Unpublished Dissertation, West Negros College, Negros

Ramos, Herminia Lasao (2013). “Management Skills of School Administrators

and Their Influence on School and Teacher’s Performance Among
Selected Elementary Schools in the Division of Laguna”, Technological
University of the Philippines.

Shelton, Samuel Terrance. (2013) “Employees, Supervisors, and

Empowerment in the Public Sector: The Role of Employee Trust,
Dissertation, North Carolina State University.

Tella, A. (2014). “The Impact of Motivation on Student’s Academic

Achievement and Learning Outcomes in Mathematics Among
Secondary School Students in Nigeria.” Osun State College of
Education, Osun State Nigeria.

Tagala, Mirna P. (2014) “Management Practices in Relations to Performance

of Elementary School Administrators in the District of San Fernando.”
Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Roxas City: Colegio de la Cristina

Yacobucci, Peter Rocco. (2014). “Antecedents of Employee Extra Work

Effort: The Importance of Employee Empowerment and Organizational
Commitment.” Dissertation, The University of Arizona

C. Internet Sources

Chan-Meetoo, C. (2008). ICT, Society and Poverty: The vision of Mauritius as

a cyber-island from a development perspective. Paper presented at the
Poverty in Mauritius: An Agenda for Reflection and Action –
Articulating the Local with the Regional’ Conference. Rajiv Gandhi
Science Centre, Port Louis, 1-2 October. Retrieved 29 April 2008,


Guin, K. (2014). “Chronic Teacher Turn Over in Urban Elementary Schools”

Education Policy Archives, 12 (42), 1-25. Retrieved October 3, 2007

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World Bank. (2009). School-Based Management retrieved from
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D. Documents/Journals/Periodicals

Abad, Florencio B. (2014). Speech during the National Educators Congress at

the Bacolod Plaza Hote, Bacolod City.

Brinkley, P. V. (2013). Building Capacity in Schools: Some ethical

Considerations for Authentic Leadership and Learning. Values and
Ethics in Educational Administration, 4(1), 1-8.

Bernardo K. M. (2014). Distributed leadership and shared governance in

postsecondary education. Management in Education, 24(2), 51-54.

Caldwell, Brian J. (2015). School-Based Management. The International

Institute for Educational Planning and The International Academy of
Education. Steid. Media. UNESCO.

Canadian Journal of Education 13-16 (2017).

Checa, Y. C. (2013). Local knowledge and human development in

globalization of education. Keynote speech presented at The
International Conference on Globalization and Challenges for
Education, National Institute of Educational Policy and Administration
(NIEPA), New Delhi, 19-21 February 2013.

De Grauwe, A. (2015). Improving the quality of education through school-

based-management: Learning from international experiences.
International Review of Education, 51(4), 269-287.

Department of Education (2009). BESRA School Leadership.

Department of Education (2009). A Primer on School Community Partnership.


Department of Education (2009). A Primer on School Leadership (SBM


Department of Education (2009). A Manual on Assessment of SBM

Environment Practices.

Department of Education (2014). Framework and Standards for Effective

School-Based Management Practice Towards Improved Learning

EQ Review (2015). Leadership: Who needs it? School Leadership and

Management, 23(3), 267-290.

Franco, Feliciano G. (2014). The Effects of Instructional Supervision on

Teacher Performance and Pupils’ Achievement.

Ganal, U. (2014). Quality education: The key role of teachers.

Educational International, Working Papers No. 14, September.

Glens, F. (2017). Can a school organization be transformed into a learning

organization? Contemporary Management Research, 2(1), 57-72.

Lucas and Thompson. (2016). School-Community Relations Handbook.

Montgomery Survey of School Environment (SSE) for School Year (2014-


Navarro, M. S. (2009). Professional development as a policy pathway.

Review of Research in Education, 27(1), 109-157.

Ouchi, W.G., and Segal, L.G. (2013). Making Schools Work: A Revolutionary
Plan to Get Your Children the Education They Need. New York: Simon
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Rimando, T.P. (2014). A Bad News to Rationalize DepEd Functions. Manila


Rodriguez, H. (2017). Professional Development and Teacher Learning:

Mapping the Terrain. Educational Researcher, 33(8), 3-15.

Santiago, Rosita R. (2014) “Classroom Management” The Modern Teacher

Vol. LII No. 1

Sison, Lloyd A. (2015) “Shining from a Distance” An Evaluation of School-

Based Management in Silago Central Elementary School.

Stinnet, K. & Huget, C. (2013). Teachers leading learning: The role of

principals. The Australian Educational Leader, 30(4), 34-36.

Thompson, P. & Blackmore, G. (2014). Beyond the power of one:

Redesigning the work of school principals. Paper presented at Annual
Conference, Australian Association of Research of Education,
University of Melbourne, 19 Nov – 2 Dec.

Trongko J. (2013). Building Leadership Capacity – Helping Leaders

Learn: An NCSL thinkpiece. UK: National College for School

Volansky, A., and Friedman, L.A. (2013). School-Based Management: An

International Perspective. Tel Aviv: Ministry of Education.

World Bank (2014). World Development Report, Making Services Work for

Winkler, W. and Yeo W. (2017). Altering the structure and culture of American
public schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 84(8), 606-615.

Young, Phillip I. and Smith-Miller, Kimberly. (2016). Effects of a State

Mandated Policy (Site-Based Councils) and of Potential Role
Incumbents on Teacher Screening Decisions in High and Low
Performing School Districts. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 14

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