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Cases in Cardiac

Cheuk-Man Yu, MD, FRCP (London/Edin),
Division of Cardiology
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Prince of Wales Hospital
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR

David L. Hayes, MD, FACC, FHRS

Professor of Medicine
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Rochester, Minnesota

Angelo Auricchio, MD, PhD

Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Unit
Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino
Lugano, Switzerland;
Professor of Cardiology
University of Magdeburg
Magdeburg, Germany

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Cases in cardiac resynchronization therapy / [edited by] Cheuk-Man Yu, David

L. Hayes, Angelo Auricchio.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4557-4237-0 (hardcover : alk. paper)
I. Yu, Cheuk-Man, editor of compilation. II. Hayes, David L., editor of compilation. III. Auricchio,
Angelo, editor of compilation.
[DNLM: 1. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. WG 168]

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To Joan, Yannick, Ryan, and our extended families for the love and support.
Cheuk-Man Yu

To Sharonne, Sarah, and Drew.

David L. Hayes

To Heike, Luisa, Francesco, and Marta for always being there.

Angelo Auricchio


Marta Acena, MD Pierre Bordachar, MD, PhD

Attending Physician Département de Rythmologie du Pr Haïssaguerre
Division of Cardiology Hôpital Haut-Lévêque
Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux
Lugano, Switzerland Pessac, France
Novel Wireless Technologies for Endocardial Cardiac Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach
Resynchronization Therapy
Guide Wire Fracture During Cardiac Resynchronization Martin Borggrefe, MD, PhD
Therapy Implantation and Subsequent Management Director of the Department of Cardiology
Significant Residual or Worsening Mitral Regurgitation University Medical Centre Mannheim
(MitraClip) First Department of Medicine
Mannheim, Germany
Samuel J. Asirvatham, MD Cardiac Contractility Modulation in a Nonresponder to
Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal
­Medicine Frieder Braunschweig, MD, PhD, FESC
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Associate Professor of Cardiology
Mayo Clinic Karolinska Institutet
Rochester, Minnesota Department of Cardiology
Right Ventricular Pacing–Related Cardiomyopathy Karolinska University Hospital
Successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation: Stockholm, Sweden
When to Consider the Middle Cardiac Vein Intrathoracic Impedance (Dietary Incompliance)
Management of Frequent Ventricular Extrasystoles
Haran Burri, MD
Angelo Auricchio, MD, PhD Associate Professor
Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Unit Cardiology Service
Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino University Hospital of Geneva
Lugano, Switzerland Geneva, Switzerland
Professor of Cardiology Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava: Utility of Right-Sided
University Magdeburg Venous Access for Coronary Sinus Lead Implantation
Magdeburg, Germany Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava: Cardiac
Novel Wireless Technologies for Endocardial Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy with Left-Sided Venous Access
Resynchronization Therapy
Guide Wire Fracture During Cardiac Resynchronization David Cesario, MD, FACC, FHRS
Therapy Implantation and Subsequent Management Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Significant Residual or Worsening Mitral Regurgitation Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology
(MitraClip) University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California,
Matthew T. Bennett, MD, FRCPC Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant:
Division of Cardiology Diagnosis of a Prominent Thebesian Valve as an
University of British Columbia Obstacle to Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Resynchronization Therapy
Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Right
Bundle Branch Block
Efficacy of Cardiac Resychronization Therapy in New York
Heart Association II

viii   Contributors

Chin Pang, Chan, MBChB, FHRS Kenneth Dickstein, MD, PhD, FESC
Division of Cardiology Department of Cardiology
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics Stavanger University Hospital
Prince of Wales Hospital Stavanger, Norway
The Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Bergen
Hong Kong SAR Bergen, Norway
Role of Optimal Medical Therapy Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator
Pacemaker Indication ­Implantation in Atrial Fibrillation

Joseph Y. S. Chan, MBBS, MSC Erwan Donal, MD, PhD

Consultant, Division of Cardiology Service de Cardiologie
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics Centre cardio-pneumologique
Prince of Wales Hospital Rennes, France
Shatin, Hong Kong Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with QRS
Recognition of Anodal Stimulation Duration Between 120 and 150 Milliseconds

Wandy Chan, MB ChB, PhD, FRACP Fang Fang, PhD

Christchurch Heart Institute Division of Cardiology
University of Otago, Christchurch Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Christchurch, New Zealand Prince of Wales Hospital
Pulmonary Hypertension and Cardiac Resynchronization The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Therapy: Evaluation Prior to Implantation and Response Hong Kong SAR
to Therapy Atrioventricular Optimization by Transthoracic
Echocardiography in a Patient with Interatrial Delay
Yat-Sun Chan, FHKAM
Division of Cardiology Edoardo Gandolfi, MD
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics Electrophysiology and Pacing Unit
Prince of Wales Hospital Department of Cardiology
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Humanitas Clinical and Research Center
Hong Kong SAR Rozzano, Milano, Italy
Atrioventricular Optimization by Transthoracic Atrial Fibrillation Therapy in Refractory Heart Failure
Echocardiography in a Patient with Interatrial Delay
Joseph J. Gard, MD
Vishnu M. Chandra Electrophysiology Fellow
Carnegie Mellon University Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Medicine
Successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation: Mayo Clinic
When to Consider the Middle Cardiac Vein Rochester, Minnesota
Right Ventricular Pacing–Related Cardiomyopathy
Maria Rosa Costanzo, MD, FACC, FAHA Successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation:
Medical Director When to Consider the Middle Cardiac Vein
Midwest Heart Specialists–Advocate Medical Group
Heart Failure and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Maurizio Gasparini, MD
Programs Head of Electrophysiology and Pacing Unit
Medical Director Department of Cardiology
Edward Hospital Center for Advanced Heart Failure Humanitas Clinical and Research Center
Naperville, Illinois Rozzano, Milano, Italy
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Right Atrial Fibrillation Therapy in Refractory Heart Failure
Heart Failure Resulting from Pulmolnary Arterial Resumption to Sinus Rhythm After Cardiac
Hypertension Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with Long-
Lasting Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
Jean-Claude Daubert, MD
Service de Cardiologie
Centre cardio-pneumologique
Rennes, France
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with QRS
Duration Between 120 and 150 Milliseconds

Contributors   ix

Stefano Ghio, MD Azlan Hussin, MD

Department of Cardiology Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist
Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Electrophysiology Unit
University of Pavia Department of Cardiology
Pavia, Italy National Heart Institute
Difficulties in Prediction of Response to Cardiac Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Resynchronization Therapy Mapping the Coronary Sinus Veins Using an Active Fixation
Lead to Overcome Phrenic Nerve Stimulation
John Gorcsan III, MD Utility of Active Fixation Lead in Unstable Left Ventricular
Professor of Medicine Lead Positions in the Coronary Sinus for Left Ventricular
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Stimulation
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Non–Left Bundle Pierre Jaïs, MD, PhD
Branch Block Morphology Département de Rythmologie du Pr Haïssaguerre
Hôpital Haut-Lévêque
Juan B. Grau, MD, FACS, FACC Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux
Associate Professor of Surgery at Pessac, France
Columbia University Medical Center Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
The Valley Columbia Heart Center Christopher K. Johnson, BS
Director of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Cardiac The Valley Columbia Heart Center
Surgery Columbia University College of Physicians and
Director of Translational Cardiovascular Research Surgeons
New York, New York Ridgewood, New Jersey
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Surgery Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery for Implantation of an
The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Robotically Assisted Lead Implantation for Cardiac
Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery for Implantation of an Resynchronization Therapy in a Reoperative Patient
Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead
Robotically Assisted Lead Implantation for Cardiac Jagdesh Kandala, MD, MPH
Resynchronization Therapy in a Reoperative Patient Research Fellow in Medicine
Harvard Medical School
David L. Hayes, MD, FACC, FHRS Massachusetts General Hospital
Professor of Medicine Boston, Massachusetts
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Role of Scar Burden Versus Distribution Assessment by
Rochester, Minnesota Cardiovascular Magnetic Resynchronization in Ischemia
Management of Frequent Ventricular Extrasystoles
Paul Khairy, MD
Antereas Hindoyan, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine Fellow University of Montreal
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Electrophysiologist
Department of Medicine Department of Cardiology
Cardiovascular Thoracic Institute Montreal Heart Institute
Keck School of Medicine Montreal, Canada
University of Southern California A Difficult Case of Diaphragmatic Stimulation
Los Angeles, California
Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant: Simon Kircher, MD
Diagnosis of a Prominent Thebesian Valve as an University of Leipzig, Heart Center
Obstacle to Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac Department of Electrophysiology
Resynchronization Therapy Leipzig, Germany
Implantation of a Biventricular Implantable Cardioverter-
Gerhard Hindricks, MD Defibrillator Followed by Catheter Ablation in a Patient with
Head of the Department of Electrophysiology Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
University of Leipzig Heart Center
Leipzig, Germany
Implantation of a Biventricular Implantable Cardioverter-
Defibrillator Followed by Catheter Ablation in a Patient with
Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
x   Contributors

Karl-Heinz Kuck, MD Christopher J. McLeod, MBChB, PhD

Asklepios Hospital St. Georg Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Cardiology Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal
Hamburg, Germany Medicine
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing Mayo Clinic
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Challenge or Routine? Rochester, Minnesota
Intercommissural Lead Placement into a Right Ventricular
Jürgen Kuschyk, MD Coronary Sinus
Head of Device Therapy The Importance of Maintaining a High Percentage of
University Medical Centre Mannheim Biventricular Pacing
First Department of Medicine
Mannheim, Germany Theofanie Mela, MD
Cardiac Contractility Modulation in a Nonresponder to Director, Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter-
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator Clinic
Massachusetts General Hospital
Emanuele Lebrun, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical
Department of Heart and Vessels School
University of Florence Boston, Massachusetts
Florence, Italy Role of Scar Burden Versus Distribution Assessment by
Medtronic Italia Cardiovascular Magnetic Resynchronization in Ischemia
Sesto San Giovanni, Italy
Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote Andreas Metzner, MD
Monitoring Asklepios Hospital St. Georg
Department of Cardiology
Christophe Leclercq, MD, PhD, FESC Hamburg, Germany
Professor, Service de Cardiologie et Maladies Vasculaires Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Challenge or
Rennes University Routine?
CIT-IT 804 Rennes
France Tiziano Moccetti, MD
Left Ventricular Quadripolar Lead in Phrenic Nerve Medical Director and Head of Cardiology
Stimulation: It Is Better to Prevent Than to Treat Division of Cardiology
Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino
Francisco Leyva, MD, FRCP, FACC Lugano, Switzerland
Consultant Cardiologist Novel Wireless Technologies for Endocardial Cardiac
Reader in Cardiology Resynchronization Therapy
President, British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Significant Residual or Worsening Mitral Regurgitation
Resonance (MitraClip)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Birmingham, United Kingdom John Mark Morgan, MA, MD, FRCP
Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Guide Professor, School of Medicine
Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac University of Southampton
Resynchronization Therapy Southampton, United Kingdom
Left Ventricular Endocardial Pacing in a Patient with an
Josef J. Marek, MD Anomalous Left-Sided Superior Vena Cava
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Dan Musat, MD
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The Valley Columbia Heart Center
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Non–Left Bundle Columbia University College of Physicians and
Branch Block Morphology ­Surgeons
Ridgewood, New Jersey
Raphaël P. Martins, MD Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery for Implantation of an
Service de Cardiologie Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead
Centre cardio-pneumologique
Rennes, France
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with QRS
Duration Between 120 and 150 Milliseconds

Contributors   xi

Avish Nagpal, MBBS Silvia Pica, MD

Division of Infectious Diseases Cardiomyopathies, Heart Failure and Cardiac
Mayo Clinic Transplant Unit
Rochester, Minnesota Department of Cardiology
Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: San Matteo Hospital
Infection University of Pavia
Pavia, Italy
Razali Omar, MD, FACC, FHRS Difficulties in Prediction of Response to Cardiac
Director, Electrophysiology Unit Resynchronization Therapy
National Heart Institute
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Paolo Pieragnoli, MD
Mapping the Coronary Sinus Veins Using an Active Fixation Department of Heart and Vessels
Lead to Overcome Phrenic Nerve Stimulation University of Florence
Utility of Active Fixation Lead in Unstable Left Ventricular Florence, Italy
Lead Positions in the Coronary Sinus for Left Ventricular Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote
Stimulation Monitoring

Mary P. Orencole, MS, ANP-BC Sebastiaan R.D. Piers, MD

Nurse Practitioner Fellow, Cardiac Electrophysiology
Resynchronization and Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics Department of Cardiology
Program Leiden University Medical Centre
Massachusetts General Hospital Leiden, The Netherlands
Boston, Massachusetts Managing Ventricular Tachycardia: Total Atrioventricular
Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Block After Ablation in a Patient with Nonischemic
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Medical Therapy Dilated Cardiomyopathy
and Device Optimization Prevention of Effective Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
by Frequent Premature Ventricular Contractions in a
Luigi Padeletti, MD Patient with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy
Department of Heart and Vessels
University of Florence Luca Poggio, MD
Florence, Italy Electrophysiology and Pacing Unit
Gavazzeni Hospital Department of Cardiology
Bergamo, Italy IRCCS Istituto Clinico Humanitas
Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote Rozzano, Milano, Italy
Monitoring Resumption to Sinus Rhythm After Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with Long-Lasting
Kimberly A. Parks, DO, FACC Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation
Massachusetts General Hospital Claudia Raineri, MD
Instructor in Medicine Cardiomyopathies, Heart Failure and Cardiac
Harvard Medical School Transplant Unit
Boston, Massachusetts Department of Cardiology
Role of Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring in the Management San Matteo Hospital
of Heart Failure University of Pavia
Pavia, Italy
Laura Perrotta, MD Difficulties in Prediction of Response to Cardiac
Department of Heart and Vessels Resynchronization Therapy
University of Florence
Florence, Italy
Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote

xii   Contributors

François Regoli, MD, PhD Matteo Santamaria, MD, PhD

Attending Physician Attending Physician
Division of Cardiology Division of Cardiology
Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino Fondazione Cardiocentro Ticino
Lugano, Switzerland Lugano, Switzerland
Novel Wireless Technologies for Endocardial Cardiac Guide Wire Fracture During Cardiac Resynchronization
Resynchronization Therapy Therapy Implantation and Subsequent Management
Guide Wire Fracture During Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Implantation and Subsequent Management Farhood Saremi, MD
Significant Residual or Worsening Mitral Regurgitation Professor of Radiology
(MitraClip) University of Southern California
Keck Hospital
Giuseppe Ricciardi, MD Los Angeles, California
Department of Heart and Vessels Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant:
University of Florence Diagnosis of a Prominent Thebesian Valve as an
Florence, Italy Obstacle to Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac
Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote Resynchronization Therapy
Beat Andreas Schaer, MD
John Rickard, MD Assistant Professor, Departement of Cardiology
Electrophsyiology Fellow University of Basel Hospital
Cleveland Clinic Basel, Switzerland
Cleveland, Ohio Up and Down in Device Therapy
Extraction of a Biventricular Defibrillator with a Starfix
4195 Coronary Venous Lead Mark H. Schoenfeld, MD, FACC, FAHA, FHRS
Clinical Professor of Medicine
Philippe Ritter, MD Yale University School of Medicine
Département de Rythmologie du Pr Haïssaguerre Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacemaker
Hôpital Haut-Lévêque Laboratory
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Hospital of Saint Raphael
de Bordeaux New Haven, Connecticut
Pessac, France Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy:
Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach Switch-Off If Worsening

Gregory Rivas, MD Jerold S. Shinbane, MD, FACC, FHRS, FSCCT

Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Director, USC Arrhythmia Center
Department of Medicine Director, Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
Cardiovascular Thoracic Institute Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Keck School of Medicine Department of Medicine
University of Southern California Cardiovascular Thoracic Institute
Los Angeles, California Keck School of Medicine
Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant: University of Southern California
Diagnosis of a Prominent Thebesian Valve as an Los Angeles, California
Obstacle to Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant:
Resynchronization Therapy Diagnosis of a Prominent Thebesian Valve as an
Obstacle to Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac
Susanne Roeger, MD Resynchronization Therapy
Heart Failure Specialist
University Medical Centre Mannheim
First Department of Medicine
Mannheim, Germany
Cardiac Contractility Modulation in a Nonresponder to
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Contributors   xiii

Jagmeet P. Singh, MD, DPhil Robin J. Taylor, MRCP

Director, Resynchronization and Advanced Cardiac Clinical Research Fellow
Therapeutics Program University of Birmingham and Queen Elizabeth
Director of the Holter and Non-invasive Hospital Birmingham,
Electrophysiology Laboratory United Kingdom
Massachusetts General Hospital Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Guide
Associate Professor of Medicine Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac
Harvard Medical School Resynchronization Therapy
Boston, Massachusetts,
Role of Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring in the Management Bernard Thibault, MD
of Heart Failure Professor of Medicine
Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on University of Montreal
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Medical Therapy Electrophysiologist
and Device Optimization Department of Cardiology
Montreal Heart Institute
Erlend G. Singsaas, MD Montreal, Canada
Department of Cardiology A Difficult Case of Diaphragmatic Stimulation
Stavanger University Hospital
Stavanger, Norway Tobias Toennis, MD
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator Asklepios Hospital St. Georg
Implantation in Atrial Fibrillation Department of Cardiology
Hamburg, Germany
M. Rizwan Sohail, MD Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing
Assistant Professor of Medicine Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Challenge or
Divisions of Infectious Diseases and Cardiovascular Routine?
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Skand Kumar Trivedi, MBBS, MD (Gen Medicine),
Rochester, Minnesota DM (Cardiology), FACC, FESC, MNAMS
Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Infection Professor and Head
Department of Cardiology
Jonathan S. Steinberg, MD Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre
Director, Arrhythmia Institute Bhopal, India
Valley Health Center Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava: Cardiac
Professor of Medicine Resynchronization Therapy with Left-Sided Venous Access
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
New York, New York and Ridgewood, New Jersey Richard Troughton, MB ChB, PhD, FRACP
Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery for Implantation of an Christchurch Heart Institute
Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead University of Otago, Christchurch
Robotically Assisted Lead Implantation for Cardiac Christchurch, New Zealand
Resynchronization Therapy in a Reoperative Patient Pulmonary Hypertension and Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy: Evaluation Prior to Implantation and Response
Christian Sticherling, MD, FESC to Therapy
Professor of Cardiology
Departement of Cardiology Fraz Umar, MRCP
University of Basel Hospital Clinical Research Fellow
Basel, Switzerland University of Birmingham and Queen Elizabeth
Up and Down in Device Therapy Hospital Birmingham,
United Kingdom
Anthony S. L. Tang, MD, FRCPC Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance to Guide
University of Ottawa Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Resynchronization Therapy
Royal Jubilee Hospital
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Right
Bundle Branch Block
Efficacy of Cardiac Resychronization Therapy in New York
Heart Association II

xiv   Contributors

Niraj Varma, MA, DM, FRCP John A. Yeung-Lai-Wah, MB, ChB, FRCPC
Section of Electrophysiology and Pacing Division of Cardiology
Heart and Vascular Institute University of British Columbia
Cleveland Clinic Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cleveland, Ohio Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Right
Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Bundle Branch Block
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Atrial Fibrillation
Cheuk-Man Yu, MD, FRCP (London/Edin), FRACP,
Bruce L. Wilkoff, MD FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP, FACC, MBChB
Director of Cardiac Pacing and Tachyarrhythmia Division of Cardiology
Devices Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Prince of Wales Hospital
Professor of Medicine The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine Hong Kong SAR
of Case Western Reserve University Role of Optimal Medical Therapy
Cleveland, Ohio Pacemaker Indication
Extraction of a Biventricular Defibrillator with a Starfix
4195 Coronary Venous Lead Katja Zeppenfeld, MD, PhD, FESC
Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Erik Wissner, MD Professor of Cardiology
Director, Magnetic Navigation Laboratory Leiden University Medical Centre
Asklepios Hospital St. Georg Leiden, The Netherlands
Department of Cardiology Managing Ventricular Tachycardia: Total Atrioventricular
Hamburg, Germany Block After Ablation in a Patient with Nonischemic
Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Challenge or Prevention of Effective Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Routine? by Frequent Premature Ventricular Contractions in a
Patient with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy


With over 500,000 new cases of heart failure per year resynchronization device who has not responded opti-
and 300,000 deaths per year, heart failure is a major mally. In other chapters, approaches to patients with a
public health problem. Cardiac resynchronization ther- wide variety of other simple or complex problems are
apy has become a cornerstone for the treatment for discussed in detail and in a clinically meaningful fash-
patients with congestive heart failure and conduction ion. Each discussion is clinically oriented, and specific
system disease. It is an important therapy and demands patient-related problems are analyzed. This outstanding
knowledge about heart failure management, hemody- text will appeal to clinicians from widely varying back-
namics, cardiac imaging, and device management. This grounds, and each will learn something valuable. The
textbook from three leading authorities in this field is editors are to be congratulated on providing what is
the perfect combination of all these disciplines. truly a practical and essential guide to best practices of
This textbook represents a major contribution to this cardiac resynchronization therapy that will improve the
important and evolving field. It provides much valuable care of these patients on a daily basis. This is a remark-
information to clinicians that is indispensable to any- able book and provides a truly unique perspective on
one who cares for these patients. Through an impressive this important clinical practice.
array of cases that span virtually every aspect of this
field, cardiologists will find reading and reviewing these Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, MD
cases to be a spectacular learning experience. Each case Kontos Professor of Cardiology
is written from a different perspective by an expert in the Chairman, Division of Cardiology
field and provides valuable insight into how a heart Virginia Commonwealth
­failure specialist might approach a patient with right University School of Medicine
ventricular dysfunction and an implanted cardiac Richmond, Virginia


Cardiac resynchronization therapy has transformed the expected to master. Careful study of numerous individ-
practice of heart failure treatment. Since the first human ual cases helps the practitioner appreciate the many
cases conducted in 1989 by a Dutch cardiac surgeon, Dr. nuances of cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Patricia Bakker, and by Dr. Morton Mower, the inventor Each case presentation is formatted to include the rel-
of biventricular pacing, the therapy has evolved signifi- evant clinical background and representative images
cantly. Armed with the knowledge acquired from more necessary to understand the problem addressed. Still-
than two decades of research on the effect of cardiac pac- frame images appear within the text, and when neces-
ing and resynchronization on cardiac mechanics, with sary, angiograms, ultrasound images, cardiac magnetic
lead placement technologies that tackle the complex resonance images, or computed tomography images are
coronary vein anatomy considered inaccessible just a provided. The outcomes of the cases and management
short time ago, and with the results of large-scale clini- strategies are discussed, along with supportive didactic
cal trials involving progressively less ill patients, we are information and the most important and relevant litera-
confidently treating a large variety of patients today. ture. Key concepts are summarized at the end of the
Naturally it is expected that cardiac resynchroniza- discussion.
tion therapy will continue to change rapidly. It is chal- Cases in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy is designed
lenging for the practitioner to stay current on these principally for fellows enrolled in cardiac electrophysi-
developments, and publications attempting to teach ology training programs and for practicing electrophysi-
electrophysiologists risk becoming antiquated just as ologists and cardiac device implanters preparing for
they are being published. Nevertheless, many underly- board examination or recertification. In addition, gen-
ing concepts and principles endure through the years eral cardiology fellows, nurses and technicians, cardiol-
and require proficiency by competent practitioners. ogy nurse practitioners, and physician assistants will
Currently, several outstanding books in cardiac elec- find this information highly ­relevant and of interest.
trophysiology provide comprehensive information in
conventional textbook format. Cases in Cardiac Resyn- Cheuk-Man Yu
chronization Therapy differs from these traditional books
David L. Hayes
by focusing on a case-based approach to teach the core
principles of patient selection, therapy delivery, patient Angelo Auricchio
follow-up, and outcome assessment. Each case illus-
trates one or more important and enduring concepts
that competent cardiac device specialists should be

Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
in Patients Undergoing Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy:
Challenge or Routine?
Tobias Toennis, Andreas Metzner, Erik Wissner, and Karl-Heinz Kuck

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

58 Years Female Housewife Dilated Cardiomyopathy


The patient has had a known cardiomyopathy for 3 In June 2008, the patient was admitted to the hospital
years. She had coronary artery disease, with implanta- because of recurrent chest pain unrelated to exercise. In
tion of a bare metal stent (BMS) in the proximal circum- addition, she reported shortness of breath during mini-
flex artery in 2006. The left ventricular ejection fraction mal physical efforts.
was 32% at the last visit to the cardiologist. The patient
reported a rhythm disorder, but an electrocardiogram
(ECG) has not been performed. She had peripheral PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
artery disease class IIb, with a percutaneous translumi-
nal angioplasty of the femoral artery on the left side in BP/HR: 110/70 mm Hg/68 bpm
2007. Height/weight: 160 cm/53 kg
Neck veins: No elevation of jugular venous pressure
Lungs/chest: Breath sounds clear bilaterally without
Comments crackles, rhonchi, or wheezing
The etiology of cardiomyopathy was unknown. She Heart: Regular rate and rhythm with systolic murmur
had cytomegalovirus-related hepatitis in the history, a radiating to axilla
myocardial biopsy revealed no active inflammation Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended in all quad-
and no bacterial or viral burden, and magnetic reso- rants; positive bowel sounds; no palpable masses
nance imaging did not show signs of inflammation or Extremities: Warm, without clubbing or cyanosis; slight
other structural heart disease. edema at the ankles


No actual signs of cardiac decompensation are present
The patient’s current medications are acetylsalicylate and only slight peripheral edema as a sign of congestion.
100 mg/day, enalapril 5 mg/day, metoprolol succinate
95 mg/day, spironolactone 25 mg/day, torasemide 5
mg/day, and atorvastatin 20 mg/day. LABORATORY DATA
Hemoglobin: 12.7 g/dL
Comments Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 0.37%
The medication dosage for congestive heart failure was Mean corpuscular volume: 92 fL
reduced by the cardiologist because of recurrent hypo- Platelet count: 237/nL
tensive episodes. Sodium: 134 mmol/L
4   SECTION 1 Current Indications

1 sec



FIGURE 1-1  12 Lead ECG at III

admission showing sinus rhythm
with a heart rate of 68 bpm and




Potassium: 4.61 mmol/L

Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen: 51 mg/dL
Troponin T: <0.01 μg/L (normal, <0.04 μg/L)
Creatinine kinase: 44 units/L
Creatinine kinase–myocardial bound: 13 units/L

No relevant abnormalities were reported in the labora-
tory results. The myocardial markers remained normal
in following tests.

Findings FIGURE 1-2  Chest radiograph at admission.
The ECG recorded a sinus rhythm, heart rate of 68
bpm, left axis deviation, left bundle branch block
(LBBB), PQ interval 160 ms, QRS 160 ms, and QT 480
ms (Figure 1-1).
Radiography findings were no infiltrates, no congestion,
no pleural effusion, normal heart/thorax ratio, and nor-
Comments mal heart size. A small calcified, circular formation was
The ECG identified complete LBBB, with QRS greater seen in the lower left lobe, consistent with a granuloma
than 150 ms, which had been described previously. (Figure 1-2).

1       Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing CRT    5

pressure of 128 mm Hg, left ventricular end-diastolic

Comments pressure of 20 mm Hg, pulmonary capillary wedge pres-
The chest radiograph was normal. sure of 34 mm Hg, pulmonary artery pressure of
64/26/44 mm Hg, right ventricular pressure of 60/0/9
mm Hg, right atrial pressure of 6 mm Hg, and cardiac
output of 2.8 L/min.
Findings Findings
The patient’s left atrial diameter (LAD) was 35 mm, left The left main artery, the left anterior descending artery,
ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) was 62 mm, and the right coronary artery showed no significant ste-
and left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVESD) was nosis. A nonsignificant in-stent restenosis of the circum-
54 mm. She had a severely reduced left ventricular ejec- flex artery was found (Figure 1-4).
tion fraction (30%), global hypokinesia of the left ven-
tricle, akinesia of posterior wall, septal-to-posterior wall
motion delay of 140 ms, aortic preejection time of 150
ms, moderate mitral regurgitation, slight aortic and tri- Coronary angiography revealed coronary disease in
cuspid regurgitation, and no pericardial effusion, The one vessel, without significant stenosis; severely
inferior vena cava (IVC) and hepatic veins were not reduced left ventricular function; and pulmonary
dilated (Figure 1-3). hyper­tension.

Highly reduced left ventricular function with significant
dyssynchrony was found, with no relevant signs of right
heart failure.
What therapy options are available?
Hemodynamics The medical therapy of heart failure in this patient
Hemodynamic monitoring found highly reduced left could not be intensified because of recurrent hypoten-
ventricular function at 28%, moderate mitral regurgita- sive episodes. No reversible reason for the reduced left
tion, no aortic stenosis, left ventricular end-systolic ventricular function could be found. Based on the
chronic, severely reduced left ventricular function
(≤35%) under best possible medical treatment, the
patient had an indication for implantable cardioverter-
defibrillator for primary prevention of sudden cardiac
death. In addition, because therapy for heart failure
could not be intensified and the patient had an
LBBB of more than 150 ms in New York Heart Asso-
ciation (NYHA) class II, she qualified for cardiac
resynchronization therapy (CRT) according to the
European guidelines.1 The documented dyssynchrony
on echocardiography is not part of the guidelines but
supports the indication for the resynchronization

The final diagnosis was dilated cardiomyopathy with
FIGURE 1-3  Echocardiography with an apical four-chamber view severe reduction of left ventricular function, NYHA III,
showing a severe dilatation of the left ventricle, highly reduced left LBBB, and coronary artery disease (single-vessel dis-
ventricular function, and signs of dyssynchrony. ease), with no need of intervention.

6   SECTION 1 Current Indications

FIGURE 1-4 Coronary
angiography of left (A) and right
(B) coronary artery in a right anterior
oblique 30-degree view (A) and a
left anterior oblique 60-degree
cranial 30-degree view (B).


1 sec

I V1


FIGURE 1-5  12-Lead electrocar- III V3

diogram after implantation of a
cardiac resynchronization therapy–
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
device in sinus rhythm.



The treatment plan consisted of resynchronization
therapy for heart failure and primary prevention of
sudden cardiac death by implantation of a CRT-ICD The postimplant ECG demonstrated atrial pacing and
device. sequential atrio-biventricular pacing at a heart rate of 70
bpm, PQ interval of 110 ms, QRS of 115 ms, and QT of
470 ms (Figure 1-5).
The planned intervention was implantation of a CRT
defibrillator device (the CRT-D system) with remote The ECG identified paced rhythm with biventricular
monitoring. stimulation and significant reduction of QRS width.

1       Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing CRT    7

FIGURE 1-7  Echocardiography with apical four-chamber view 8

weeks after implantation with reduced left ventricular end-diastolic
and end-systolic and slightly improved ejection fraction.

FIGURE 1-6  Chest radiograph after implantation of a CRT-ICD

device showing the device, a bipolar atrial lead, a dual-coil right
ventricular lead, and a bipolar left ventricular lead in a lateral branch of
the great cardiac vein. (32%), global hypokinesia of the left ventricle, septal-
to-posterior wall motion delay of 80 ms, aortic preejec-
tion time of 105 ms, moderate mitral regurgitation,
slight aortic and tricuspid regurgitation, right ventricu-
POSTIMPLANT CHEST RADIOGRAPH lar systolic pressure of 42 mm Hg, and no pericardial
effusion, The IVC and hepatic veins were not dilated
Findings (Figure 1-7).
The postimplant radiogram showed no infiltrates, no
congestion, no pleural effusion, normal heart/thorax
ratio, and a heart of normal size. A left-pectoral ICD
with three leads—one in the right atrium, one in the The echocardiogram showed remarkable reduction of
apical right ventricle, and one in the lateral coronary left ventricular diameters and improvement of mechani-
sinus—was placed. The chest x-ray showed on the left cal dyssynchrony. The left ventricular ejection fraction
side and ICD and 3 leads—one in the apex of the right was moderately reduced, there was no sign of mechani-
ventricle, and one on the lateral wall of the left ventricle. cal dyssynchrony, and there was no sign of right heart
A known small calcified, circular formation, consistent congestion.
with a granuloma, was noted in the lower left lobe of
the lung (Figure 1-6).
A few days after implantation the patient noticed
Comments remarkable improvement of exercise tolerance. She was
The postimplant chest radiograph was normal, with discharged 2 days after implantation of the CRT-D
normal ICD findings and ICD lead positions. system.


IMPLANTATION) Three months after implantation of the CRT-D, the
patient developed paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with
recurrent cardiac decompensation because of an inter-
Findings mittent loss of ventricular capture. Antiarrhythmic ther-
The 8-week echocardiogram showed left atrial diame- apy of amiodarone 200 mg daily was initiated, as well as
ter of 36 mm, LVEDD of 54 mm, LVESD of 45 mm, oral anticoagulation therapy with phenoprocoumon,
moderately reduced left ventricular ejection fraction based on a CHADS-VASC score of 3.

8   SECTION 1 Current Indications





































































































Detektion VT1


–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
Prädetektion Zeit (Sekunden)






















PostSh DDI

SN: 60420526 mV
Episode: 43
ATP in VT/VF: 6
ATP One-Shot: Nein A
Schock 40J, 740

Schocks: 2



Präterminierung Zeit (Sekunden)
FIGURE 1-8  Intracardiac electrogram (EGM) of the atrial fibrillation episode via remote monitoring. A, Atrial EGM; Ars, atrial sense in refractory
period; AS, atrial sense; LV, left ventricular EGM; LVS, left ventricular sense; RV, right ventricular EGM; VT1, right ventricular sense in VT1-zone;
Zeit, time in seconds. After shock (40J) sinusrhythm was reestablished.

1       Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in Patients Undergoing CRT    9

Twelve months after implantation, the patient experi-

enced four ICD shocks. Investigation revealed episodes
of atrial fibrillation to be the cause for inappropriate As could be seen in the current case, atrial fibrillation in
ICD intervention. patients with CRT-D devices may cause severe problems
by two mechanisms. Rapidly conducted atrial fibrilla-
tion can lead to worsening of heart failure in patients
Findings who are CRT responders by loss of biventricular stimu-
Recording of arrhythmia episodes by home monitoring lation.3 Furthermore, it can result in inadequate ICD
with intracardiac electrogram documented atrial fibrilla- therapies, which can be dangerous and traumatic to the
tion with fast AV conduction, thus resulting in the detec- patient and are of prognostic relevance.2,6 Therefore
tion of rapid ventricular rhythm. The episode terminated early pulmonary vein isolation should be considered
after six ineffective antitachycardia pacing therapies and even after onset of atrial fibrillation. In addition remote
two shocks. Sinus rhythm was reestablished at the end monitoring is a very useful feature and should be
of the episode (Figure 1-8). recommended for early detection of atrial fibrillation in
those patients.
As a result of tachyarrhythmic episodes of atrial fibrilla- PLAN OF ACTION
tion, the patient experienced several inappropriate ICD
interventions, even while on antiarrhythmic therapy As a result of ineffective antiarrhythmic drug-based
with amiodarone. treatment, pulmonary vein isolation was indicated.


AND DISCUSSION POINTS After three-dimensional reconstruction of the left
atrium, pulmonary vein isolation was performed by
What therapy options apart from the medical treatment are
Discussion 1-Map > 166 points

In patients with recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation

despite antiarrhythmic drug treatment, catheter-based
ablation for complete electrical isolation of the pul-
monary veins is another treatment option,4 as imple-
mented in the latest guidelines5 for atrial fibrillation
therapy. In contrast to application in patients with
chronic persistent atrial fibrillation, AV node ablation
is not a recommended treatment strategy in patients
with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. First, the absence
of the hemodynamic effect of the physiologic atrial
contraction can result in deterioration of the heart
failure. Second, after AV node ablation, patients PA
depend on the rate response function of the device, 1.00 cm
which does not sufficiently replicate physiologic sinus
node function and will lead to worse ­ exercise

FIGURE 1-9  Posterior-anterior view of a three-dimensional
When is the best moment to perform the pulmonary vein iso- CARTO reconstruction of the left atrium and circumferential ablation
lation in these patients? lines around the ipsilateral pulmonary veins.

10   SECTION 1 Current Indications

circumferential radiofrequency catheter–based ablation. 2. Dickstein K, Vardas PE, Auricchio A, et al: ESC Committee for
Electrical isolation was assessed based on spiral map- Practice Guidelines: 2010 focused update of ESC guidelines on
device therapy in heart failure: an update of the 2008 ESC
ping catheter recordings (Figure 1-9). guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic
heart failure and the 2007 ESC guidelines for cardiac and
resynchronization therapy—developed with the special contribu-
OUTCOME tion of the Heart Failure Association and the European Heart
Rhythm Association, Europace 12:1526-1536, 2010.
3. Ouyang F, Bänsch D, Ernst S, et al: Complete isolation of the left
The patient remained in stable sinus rhythm. The symp- atrium surrounding the pulmonary veins: new insights from the
toms of heart failure were reduced, resulting in much double-lasso technique in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, Circula-
better exercise tolerance (NYHA I). Echocardiographic tion 110:2090-2096, 2004.
findings remained stable. 4. Poole JE, Johnson GW, Hellkamp AS, et al: Prognostic importance
of defibrillator shocks in patients with heart failure, N Engl J Med
359:1009-1017, 2008.
5. Santini M, Gasparini M, Landolina M, et al: Device-detected atrial
Selected References tachyarrhythmias predict adverse outcome in real-world patients
1. Calkins H, Kuck KH, Cappato R, et al: 2012 HRS/EHRA/ECAS with implantable biventricular defibrillators, J Am Coll Cardiol
expert consensus statement on catheter and surgical ablation of 7:167-172, 2011.
atrial fibrillation: recommendations for patient selection, 6. Wilton SB, Leung AA, Ghali WA, et al: Outcomes of cardiac
procedural techniques, patient management and follow-up, resynchronization therapy in patients with versus those without
definitions, endpoints, and research trial design—a report of the atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Heart
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) Task Force on Catheter and Surgical Rhythm 8:1088-1094, 2011.
Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Rhythm 9:632-696, 2012.

Implantation of a Biventricular
Implantable Cardioverter-
Defibrillator Followed by
Catheter Ablation in a Patient
with Dilated Cardiomyopathy
and Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
Simon Kircher and Gerhard Hindricks

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

64 Years Male Teacher Dilated Cardiomyopathy and
Permanent Atrial Fibrillation

HISTORY optimal medical heart failure treatment. He also reports

recurrent episodes of irregular heart action.
The patient has dilated cardiomyopathy with an initial
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 25%, perma-
nent atrial fibrillation (AF), and the cardiovascular risk CURRENT MEDICATIONS
factors of obesity (body mass index 32 kg/m²) and arte-
rial hypertension. The patient’s current medications are metoprolol 95 mg
The diagnosis of nonischemic dilated cardiomyopa- twice daily; phenprocoumon with a target international
thy was established 1 year previously after angiographic normalized ratio of 2.5 (range 2.0 to 3.0); digitoxin 0.07
exclusion of significant coronary artery disease, and mg once daily; torasemide 10 mg twice daily; ramipril
medical heart failure therapy was initiated. Additionally, 10 mg once daily; and spironolactone 25 mg once daily.
an antiarrhythmic treatment with amiodarone and an
oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon were initi-
ated because of highly symptomatic paroxysmal AF CURRENT SYMPTOMS
mainly manifesting as debilitating palpitations. The
amiodarone ­therapy, however, had to be terminated as a The patient demonstrated progressive breathlessness,
result of drug-induced hyperthyroidism after 3 months marked limitation of physical activity (NYHA functional
of treatment. Over the past several months, paroxysmal class III), fatigue, severely reduced exercise capacity,
AF progressed to less symptomatic persistent AF, and mildly symptomatic irregular heart action, and recur-
after recent electrical cardioversion had failed to restore rent ankle swelling. Anginal pain, dizziness, and synco-
sinus rhythm, AF was considered permanent because pal events were denied.
the decision was made to cease further attempts of
rhythm control interventions and to continue with a
rate control strategy with metoprolol and digitoxin.2 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
The patient arrived for treatment with slowly progres-
sive breathlessness, fatigue, marked limitation of physi- BP/HR: 110/70 mm Hg/70 bpm
cal activity corresponding to New York Heart Association Height/weight: 184 cm/107 kg
(NYHA) functional class III, and ankle swelling despite Neck veins: Not distended
12    SECTION 1 Current Indications

Lungs/chest: Slight fine crackles over both lung bases

during inspiration, no decrease in breath sounds, no II
dullness during percussion of the lungs III
Heart: Irregular heart beat, heart rate about 60 bpm, no aVR
murmur, no third heart sound (S3) or fourth heart aVL
sound (S4) aVF
Abdomen: Soft, adipose, nontender, nondistended, no V1
hepatosplenomegaly, bowel sounds present in all V2
four quadrants V3
Extremities: No cyanosis, mild peripheral edema V4

LABORATORY DATA FIGURE 2-1  Surface 12-lead electrocardiogram, recording speed

50 mm/sec (see text for interpretation).
Hemoglobin: 9.4 mmol/L
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 45%
Mean corpuscular volume: 90.6 fL
Platelet count: 254/nL
Sodium: 137 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.5 mmol/L
Creatinine: 101 µmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 7.5 mmol/L

The electrocardiogram recorded atrial fibrillation with a
heart rate of about 55 bpm, normal QRS axis, left bun-
dle branch block with a QRS duration of 150 ms, QT
interval duration of 440 ms, and secondary repolariza-
tion abnormalities (Figure 2-1).
FIGURE 2-2  Chest radiograph, posteroanterior view (see text for

The major radiograph findings on posteroanterior view
were global cardiac enlargement, slight pleural effu-
sions, and subtle pulmonary congestion (Figure 2-2). Does evidence from clinical trials exist that supports cardiac
resynchronization therapy (CRT) in patients with systolic
heart failure, wide QRS complex, and permanent AF?
Findings Patients with AF are highly underrepresented in random-
Transthoracic 2-dimensional echocardiography revealed ized trials of CRT. This is in contrast to routine practice
LV dilation (LV end-diastolic volume 222 mL, LV because more than 20% of patients undergoing CRT have
end-diastolic diameter 66 mm) and severe systolic episodes of AF.3 A meta-analysis of prospective cohort
­dysfunction with a LVEF of 35% (Figure 2-3). Both the studies demonstrated that patients with persistent or per-
parasternal long-axis view and the 4-chamber view manent AF had a substantial benefit from CRT with respect
demonstrated a substantial dilation of the left atrium to cardiac performance and functional outcomes.11 More-
(50 mm in the parasternal long axis) (Figure 2-4). over, in the Multicentre Longitudinal Observational Study,
Clinically relevant valvular heart disease could be mortality rates of patients with sinus rhythm or permanent
excluded. AF who had undergone CRT were similar during a median
2       Implantation of a Biventricular Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Followed by Catheter Ablation    13


FIGURE 2-3  Two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic FIGURE 2-4  Two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiographic
still-frame images from the 4-chamber view during diastole (A) still-frame images from the parasternal long axis (A) and the
and systole (B) (see text for interpretation). 4-chamber view (B) (see text for interpretation).

resumption occurred in approximately 10% of patients.

follow-up period of 34 months.6 Current guidelines of the A post-CRT QRS of 150 ms or less, a LV end-diastolic
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommend that diameter of 65 mm or less, a left atrial diameter of 50 mm
implantation of a biventricular pacemaker or implantable or less, and AV junction ablation were predictors of sinus
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) should be considered to rhythm resumption.
reduce morbidity in patients with permanent AF, NYHA
functional class III/IV, a LVEF of 35% or less, an intrinsic
QRS width of 130 ms or greater (120 ms or greater accord-
ing to recently published 2013 ESC guidelines), and/or Are ablative strategies, that is, AV node ablation or left atrial
pacemaker dependency with frequent ventricular pacing catheter ablation, able to improve outcome in patients with
(class IIa recommendation).1,4 CRT and persistent or permanent AF?

Question Discussion
Should an atrial lead be implanted in patients with perma- The rationale for AV node ablation in patients with CRT
nent AF undergoing CRT device implantation? and permanent AF is to control ventricular rate to ensure
a maximum biventricular pacing time and obtain a regu-
lar ventricular rhythm, because the benefit of CRT
Discussion depends on a 100% biventricular pacing rate and RR-
AF is defined as permanent if cardioversion fails to restore interval irregularity is associated with worsening of car-
sinus rhythm or if no rhythm control interventions are diac function.9,10 In a study by Gasparini and colleagues
pursued.2,7 It might be argued that an atrial lead is not including 673 patients with heart failure and CRT,
required in these patients and that additional atrial lead patients with permanent AF demonstrated substantial
placement would unnecessarily increase the risk for peri- and sustained long-term improvements in LV perfor-
operative complications. In a multicenter, retrospective, mance and functional capacity similar to those in
longitudinal study, 330 patients with a CRT device and patients with sinus rhythm only if ablation of the AV
permanent AF were followed for a median of 42 months.7 junction had been performed.5 Additionally, it was dem-
During the study period, spontaneous sinus rhythm onstrated that AF patients with AV junction ablation had
14    SECTION 1 Current Indications

a significantly lower all-cause mortality rate in contrast benefit because the patient remained highly symptom-
to patients with AF with medical rate control only.6 Cur- atic (NYHA functional class III) despite effective CRT
rent ESC guidelines state that AV nodal ablation may be (biventricular pacing rate approximately 98%). There-
required to ensure adequate pacing.1,4 The role of AF fore a rhythm control strategy was reconsidered and the
catheter ablation in patients with no or moderate car- patient was scheduled for left atrial catheter ablation.
diac disease is well established, especially in those with This decision was based on data from the PABA-CHF
paroxysmal AF.2 Catheter ablation of patients with sys- study showing that sinus rhythm could be restored in a
tolic heart failure, however, is less well established. In considerable number of patients despite distinct dila-
the Pulmonary Vein Antrum Isolation vs. AV Node Abla- tion of the left atrium (mean left atrial diameter in the
tion with Biventricular Pacing for Treatment of Atrial pulmonary isolation group measured 49 ± 5 mm).8
Fibrillation in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure After transseptal access to the left atrium and registra-
(PABA-CHF) trial, 81 patients with drug-refractory AF tion of a CT-derived three-dimensional model of the left
(∼50% had persistent or long-standing persistent AF) atrium in the electroanatomic mapping system (Figure
and a LVEF of 40% or less were randomly assigned to 2-5), circumferential ablation lines were placed around the
pulmonary vein isolation (plus additional linear lesions) ipsilateral pulmonary vein pairs at the antral level to
or AV node ablation with biventricular pacing.8 After 6 achieve complete pulmonary vein isolation (i.e., bidirec-
months, 71% of patients in the catheter ablation group tional conduction block). Subsequently, a bipolar voltage
were free from AF without concomitant antiarrhythmic map of the left atrium was created to identify potential AF
drug treatment. Catheter ablation was superior to AV
node ablation and CRT with respect to an improvement
in LVEF, functional capacity, and quality of life. The 2012
Heart Rhythm Society, European Heart Rhythm Associa-
tion, and European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society Expert
Consensus Statement on Catheter and Surgical Ablation
of Atrial Fibrillation states that according to current
studies, catheter ablation may be a reasonable treatment
option in strictly selected patients with heart failure.2

The patient’s final diagnoses were highly symptomatic
dilated cardiomyopathy with a LVEF of 35% and a wide
QRS complex, and permanent AF.

The patient fulfilled the criteria for CRT according to
current guidelines (LVEF of 35%, NYHA functional class
III despite optimal medical treatment, and QRS width of
150 ms).1,4 Therefore, implantation of a biventricular
ICD device with an atrial lead was scheduled after cardiac

A biventricular ICD was successfully implanted. B
FIGURE 2-5 Anterior-posterior (A) and posterior-anterior (B)
view of a three-dimensional model of the left atrium and the
OUTCOME pulmonary veins acquired by preprocedural computed tomography
and registered into the electroanatomic mapping system. Red dots
Six months after CRT implantation, slight improvement indicate the circumferential ablation line, purple areas represent
of cardiac function was found on echocardiography. This bipolar voltages with an amplitude greater than 0.5 mV (normal
improvement, however, did not translate into a clinical voltage by definition).

2       Implantation of a Biventricular Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Followed by Catheter Ablation    15

triggers or substrate for the perpetuation of AF. The voltage 4.  Dickstein K, Vardas PE, Auricchio A, et al: 2010 Focused Update
map, however, revealed exclusively voltages greater than of ESC Guidelines on device therapy in heart failure: an update of
the 2008 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute
0.5 mV which by definition represent normal tissue. Thus and chronic heart failure and the 2007 ESC Guidelines for cardiac
no further substrate modification was performed. At the and resynchronization therapy. Developed with the special
end of the procedure, sinus rhythm was restored and no contribution of the Heart Failure Association and the European
sustained atrial arrhythmia could be induced by atrial burst Heart Rhythm Association, Europace 12:1526-1536, 2010.
pacing. 5.  Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Regoli F, et al: Four-year efficacy of
cardiac resynchronization therapy on exercise tolerance and
disease progression: the importance of performing atrioventricu-
Findings lar junction ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation, J Am Coll
Cardiol 48:734-743, 2006.
Up to 6 months after catheter ablation, no mode-switch 6.  Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Metra M, et al: Multicentre Longitudinal
episodes indicating AF recurrences or atrial tachycardias Observational Study (MILOS) Group: Long-term survival in patients
undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: the importance of
have been observed during routine interrogations. Func- performing atrio-ventricular junction ablation in patients with
tional status improved significantly by one NYHA func- permanent atrial fibrillation, Eur Heart J 29:1644-1652, 2008.
tional class, and LVEF increased to 40%. 7.  Gasparini M, Steinberg JS, Arshad A, et al: Resumption of sinus
rhythm in patients with heart failure and permanent atrial
fibrillation undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: a
longitudinal observational study, Eur Heart J 31:976-983, 2010.
Selected References 8.  Khan MN, Jaïs P, Cummings J, et al: PABA-CHF Investigators.
Brignole M, Auricchio A, Baron-Esquivias G, et al: 2013 ESC Pulmonary-vein isolation for atrial fibrillation in patients with
guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization heart failure, N Engl J Med 359:1778-1785, 2008.
therapy, Eur Heart J 34:2281-2329, 2013. 9.  Koplan BA, Kaplan AJ, Weiner S, et al: Heart failure decompensa-
Calkins H, Kuck KH, Cappato R, et al: 2012 HRS/EHRA/ECAS tion and all-cause mortality in relation to percent biventricular
Expert Consensus Statement on Catheter and Surgical Ablation pacing in patients with heart failure: is a goal of 100% biven-
of Atrial Fibrillation: recommendations for patient selection, tricular pacing necessary? J Am Coll Cardiol 53:355-360, 2009.
procedural techniques, patient management and follow-up, 10. Melenovsky V, Hay I, Fetics BJ, et al: Functional impact of rate
definitions, endpoints, and research trial design, Europace irregularity in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation
14:528-606, 2012. receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy, Eur Heart J
Dickstein K, Bogale N, Priori S, et al: The European cardiac 26:705-711, 2005.
resynchronization therapy survey, Eur Heart J 30:2450-2460, 11. Upadhyay GA, Choudhry NK, Auricchio A, et al: Cardiac resynchro-
2009. nization in patients with atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis of
prospective cohort studies, J Am Coll Cardiol 52:1239-1246, 2008.

Efficacy of Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy
in Right Bundle Branch Block
Matthew T. Bennett, John A. Yeung-Lai-Wah, and Anthony S. L. Tang

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

71 Male Retired Ischemic Heart Disease and
Years Electrician Persistently Reduced Ejection Fraction

One year ago the patient returned to medical attention

HISTORY with an acute inferior myocardial infarction. He had been
on holiday camping and sought treatment 30 hours after
The patient is a 71-year-old man who has been followed the onset of pain. He underwent an angiogram, which
for 20 years. He is a former smoker, having smoked from revealed an occlusion of the proximal right coronary
the age of 20, with 50 years of smoking at one pack per day. artery. Collaterals from the circumflex artery filled the dis-
He formerly had hypertension. His mother had a myocar- tal right coronary artery. The stenosis of the circumflex
dial infarction at the age of 60 years; no other family mem- artery was 75%. The stenosis of the left mainstem artery
bers had known premature vascular disease. He initially was 60%. The LAD artery now had a 70% stenosis in its
sought treatment at the age of 52 years with an anterior midportion. The left ventricular angiogram showed an
myocardial infarction. Thrombolysis was performed at ejection fraction of 45% with severe mitral regurgitation.
that time, and he was placed on aspirin 325 mg daily. A subsequent echocardiogram confirmed an ejection
The patient returned to medical attention 9 years ago fraction of 45% and demonstrated severe mitral regurgi-
with worsening angina (Canadian Cardiovascular Soci- tation. Akinesis of the inferior wall and hypokinesis of
ety [CCS] III). An exercise methoxyisobutylisonitrile the anterior wall were noted. The mitral valve appeared
(MIBI) test demonstrated ST depression in the anterior morphologically normal. The mitral regurgitation jet
leads starting 6 minutes into exercise. He was able to was directed posteriorly, thought to be due to a tethered
exercise for 9 minutes. The maximal ST depression was posterior leaflet resulting from the inferior wall motion
0.2 mV in amplitude and persisted 3 minutes into recov- abnormality.
ery. The nuclear images showed a large reversible defect Coronary artery bypass surgery and mitral valve repair
occupying most of the anterior wall and anterior sep- or replacement was recommended. This was undertaken
tum. A subsequent angiogram showed 90% stenosis in before discharge. He received the following grafts: left
the proximal left anterior descending (LAD) artery, 40% internal thoracic artery to mid-LAD with a skip graft to the
stenosis of the left mainstem artery, 50% stenosis of the second diagonal artery; saphenous vein graft from the
proximal and mid–right coronary artery, and 60% steno- aorta to a large first obtuse marginal artery with a skip graft
sis of the circumflex artery. Angioplasty was performed, to the second obtuse marginal artery; and saphenous vein
and a bare metal stent was placed in the proximal LAD. graft from the aorta to the distal right coronary artery. On
He was then started on an angiotensin-converting examining the mitral valve, the surgeon thought the best
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, a statin, and a thienopyridine result would be obtained with a mechanical mitral valve
in addition to his aspirin and was enrolled in a cardiac replacement, which was implanted simultaneously.
rehabilitation program. The patient’s immediate postprocedure echocardio-
His echocardiogram at that time showed an ejection gram showed no mitral regurgitation and an ejection frac-
fraction of 50%, normal right ventricular function, tion of 20%. Despite this, his hospital stay was complicated
mild-to-moderate mitral regurgitation, mild tricuspid by pulmonary and peripheral edema. He was discharged
regurgitation (no other valvulopathy), and right ventric- to home 10 days after surgery on aspirin, an ACE inhibi-
ular systolic pressure of 25 mm Hg. tor, a statin, a diuretic, and a low-dose beta blocker.
18    SECTION 1 Current Indications

He has been attending the heart function and heart

failure clinic weekly; his medications have been slowly
increased to his target doses. He has had no hospital The patient appears mildly volume overloaded.
admissions for heart failure.
He is referred to a cardiac electrophysiologist 3 months
after surgery for an opinion regarding device therapy. LABORATORY DATA
Hemoglobin: 123 g/L
Comments Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38%
In summary, this patient is a 71-year-old retired electri- Mean corpuscular volume: 82 fL
cian with ischemic heart disease and persistently reduced Platelet count: 200 × 103/µL
ejection fraction despite revascularization and maximal Sodium: 141 mmol/L
medical therapy. Potassium: 4.1 mmol/L
Creatinine: 152 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 7 mmol/L
The patient’s medications are ramipril 10 mg, aspirin COMMENTS
81 mg, and coumadin (dose titrated to achieve an inter-
national normalized ratio of 2.5-3.5) every morning The patient’s renal insufficiency is long-standing. He has
and bisoprolol 10 mg, spironolactone 25 mg, and ator- had three previous episodes of acute renal insufficiency
vastatin 80 mg every evening. resulting from prerenal azotemia. His creatinine has
been at this level over the last 12 months.
The patient appears to be on optimal medical therapy.


The 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) shows sinus bra-
The patient currently denies orthopnea and paroxysmal dycardia at a rate of 60 bpm, right bundle branch block
nocturnal dyspnea. He is able to walk one block on a flat (RBBB), and left and anterior hemiblock (Figure 3-1).
surface and has to stop because of shortness of breath.
Comments The important finding on ECG is that the RBBB is very
He has New York Heart Association class III heart failure wide, with a QRS duration of 220 msec.
symptoms despite being revascularized and on optimal
medical therapy.
BP/HR: 98/60 mm Hg (left arm, seated position)/ The echocardiogram performed the week before the
55 bpm at rest patient was referred for device therapy demonstrated an
Height/weight: 177.5 cm/82 kg ejection fraction of 20%. The left ventricular end-
Neck veins: 3 cm above the sternal angle, positive diastolic and end-systolic dimensions are 66 and 52 mm,
abdominojugular reflux respectively. Mitral valve hemodynamics are normal,
Lungs/chest: Good breath sounds, no crepitations or and paradoxical septal motion was noted. Left atrial
wheezes diameter was 62 mm.
Heart: Normal mechanical first heart sound (S1); wide
split second heart sound (S2), presence of a third heart
sound (S3), no fourth heart sound (S4), and no audi-
ble murmurs The parasternal long axis image shown in Figure 3-2
Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly, no aortomegaly demonstrates the very dilated left ventricle with poor
Extremities: Warm, well perfused; grade 2 pedal edema ejection fraction.

3       Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Right Bundle Branch Block    19

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



BBB creates V-V dyssynchrony by delaying the activa-

tion of the ipsilateral ventricle. This is one reason why
investigators attempted to improve the symptoms of
patients with heart failure and BBB by adding a left ven-
tricular lead and resynchronizing the chambers.
Both randomized and nonrandomized trials have
shown the efficacy of biventricular ICDs and pacing in
patients with wide QRS duration and reduced ejection
fraction. These trials included patients with left bundle
branch block (LBBB) and RBBB. However, to date only
four randomized trials have examined the efficacy of
biventricular pacing on death or hospitalization for heart
failure in subgroups stratified by QRS morphology.
The Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing and Defi-
brillation in Heart Failure (COMPANION) trial; the Car-
diac Resynchronization in Heart Failure (CARE-HF) trial;
the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation
with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT)
FIGURE 3-2  study; and the Resynchronization–Defibrillation for
Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT) showed the bene-
fit of biventricular pacing or ICD over medical therapy or
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS a biventricular ICD over standard ICD therapy.1,3,5,6 In
each of these trials, patients with LBBB and RBBB were
AND DISCUSSION POINTS included and as a group had a significant reduction in the
primary end points (usually mortality and hospitaliza-
Question tion for heart failure or a cardiovascular event) (Table
What is the benefit of a biventricular implantable cardioverter 3-1). In each of these trials, there was no benefit of bi-
defibrillator (Bi-V ICD) over an implantable cardioverter- ventricular pacing in the RBBB subgroup or the combined
defibrillator (ICD)? RBBB and intraventricular conduction delay subgroup.
It would appear that although patients with LBBB and
RBBB have interventricular dyssynchrony, additional fac-
Discussion tors such as left ventricular intraventricular dyssynchrony
Dyssynchrony is defined as the lack of synchronization must be present that confer a benefit from biventricular
between chambers or between the walls within the same pacing. Are these factors and RBBB mutually exclusive or
chamber. This can refer to atrioventricular dyssynchrony, are there patients with RBBB who have these factors and
which is lack of synchronization between the atria and thus will benefit from biventricular pacing?
ventricles; V-V dyssynchrony (also known as interven- In the RAFT trial the efficacy of biventricular pacing
tricular dyssynchrony), which is lack of synchronization was further analyzed by QRS duration in the group of
between the left and right ventricles; or intraventricular patients with RBBB. In the group of patients with a QRS
dyssynchrony, which is dyssychrony between the walls duration of less than 160 msec, there was no benefit to
within one of the ventricles. biventricular ICD over ICD. However, in the patients

20    SECTION 1 Current Indications

with RBBB and a QRS duration of 160 msec or greater,

benefit was seen of the cardiac resynchronization ther-
apy device (CRT-D) over ICD in reducing mortality and Three of the trials described previously analyzed the effi-
heart failure hospitalizations.1 cacy of biventricular pacing in patients with nonspecific
On further review of the patient’s chart, it was noted intraventricular conduction delay (IVCD). In the CARE-
that he previously had an LBBB (Figure 3-3). Presumably, HF trial, only 10 patients randomized had IVCD. There
the previous LBBB was actually very slow left bundle con- appeared to be no difference in the event rates between
duction and not complete LBBB. The left bundle actually the group randomized to biventricular pacing (2/4) and
conducted, but so slowly that it appeared to be ‘blocked’. the group randomized to medical therapy (2/6).4 In the
This was only apparent when there was right bundle 308 patients with IVCD in the MADIT-CRT trial no ben-
branch block present. This demonstrates that patients efit was seen to biventricular pacing with respect to the
with RBBB may have underlying left bundle disease. end point of heart failure event or death.7 In the RAFT
trial, death and heart failure hospitalization event rates
were similar in the 207 patients with IVCD who were
Question randomized between biventricular ICDs and ICDs
Would there be an expected improvement in mortality or alone.6
morbidity with a Bi-V ICD if the QRS showed nonspecific
interventricular conduction delay?

TABLE 3-1  Trials That Analyzed the Efficacy of Biventricular Pacing Depending on QRS Morphology
RRR in
Trial No. Control Intervention End Point RRR Overall (%) Non-LBBB
COMPANION 1520 Medical Biventricular Death from or Biventricular pacemaker No difference
therapy pacemaker/ICD hospitalization from 34%
heart failure Biventricular ICD 40%

CARE-HF 813 Medical Biventricular Death or 37% No difference

therapy pacemaker hospitalization for a
RAFT 1798 ICD Biventricular ICD Death or heart failure 25% No difference*
MADIT-CRT 1820 ICD Biventricular ICD Death or heart failure 44% No difference

*See text: Overall no difference was found in the RBBB group, but when analyzed by QRS width, patients with RBBB and a QRS >160 msec derived
benefit from biventricular ICD therapy.
CARE-HF, Cardiac Resynchronization in Heart Failure trial; COMPANION, Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing and Defibrillation in Heart Failure trial; ICD,
implantable cardioversion defibrillator; LBBB, left bundle branch block; MADIT-CRT, Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation with Cardiac Resynchroniza-
tion Therapy study; RAFT, Resynchronization–Defibrillation for Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial; RRR, Relative Risk Reduction.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



3       Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Right Bundle Branch Block    21

What are the additional risks in implantation of a CRT-D
over an ICD?

Both the MADIT-CRT and RAFT trials randomized
patients between CRT-Ds and ICDs alone.5,6 Both trials
enrolled patients during a time when currently available
coronary sinus access tools and subselection sheaths
were used and where left ventricular lead deployment
techniques were well known. The risk for hemothorax
and pneumothorax was higher in CRT-D than ICD
implantation (RAFT, 1.2% vs. 0.9%; MADIT-CRT, 1.7%
vs. 0.8%). The risk for pocket hematoma requiring inter- FIGURE 3-4 
vention occurred more commonly in the CRT-D group
than the ICD group (RAFT, 1.6% vs. 1.2%; MADIT-CRT,
3.3% vs. 2.5%). Device pocket infection occurred more
commonly in the CRT-D group than the ICD group
(RAFT, 2.4% vs. 1.8%; MADIT-CRT, 1.1% vs. 0.7%). An
increased rate of lead dislodgement occurred, requiring
intervention in the CRT-D group in contrast to the ICD
group (RAFT, 6.9% vs. 2.2%; MADIT-CRT, 4% need for
left ventricular lead repositioning). In addition, patients
in the CRT-D group had a 0.7% to 1.2% risk for coro-
nary sinus dissection.

The patient is a 71-year-old man with ischemic heart dis-
ease and mitral regurgitation. After mitral valve replace-
ment, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, and optimal
medical therapy, he had persistently low ejection frac- FIGURE 3-5 
tion and NYHA III symptoms. His ECG shows a RBBB
with a QRS duration of 220 msec.

After a discussion with the patient regarding the risks
and benefits of implantation of a CRT-D versus ICD, the
patient wished to proceed with a CRT-D.

CRT-D was undertaken; the coronary sinus venogram
identified a suitable posterolateral coronary sinus
branch within which a left ventricular lead was inserted
(Figure 3-4). At the time of the procedure a high-voltage
ICD lead was inserted first, followed by a right atrial
pace and sense lead. After this, a coronary sinus veno-
gram was performed (Figures 3-5 and 3-6). The only
suitable vein for a coronary sinus lead was a lateral FIGURE 3-6 

22    SECTION 1 Current Indications

branch of the coronary sinus. An angioplasty wire OUTCOME

was required to advance the wire to its final position
(Figure 3-7). The patient returned to the clinic 1 month later. His
The device was programmed DDDR to 50 to 120 symptoms had improved such that now he could walk
bpm. The sensed atrioventricular delay was programmed seven blocks before stopping and overall felt an improve-
to 180 msec, and the programmed atrioventricular delay ment in his energy. All of his medications remained the
was programmmed to 150 msec. The V-V delay was pro- same.
grammed so the left ventricular stimulus was delivered
20 msec before the right ventricular stimulus.
The patient’s follow-up ECG shows sinus rhythm
with biventricular pacing. The QRS is much more nar-
row than before the procedure.
His chest radiograph shows cardiomegaly (Figures
3-8 and 3-9). The position of both the right ventricular
and right atrial leads are satisfactory. The left ventricular
lead is in the lateral left ventricle (Figure 3-10).



3       Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Right Bundle Branch Block    23

I aVR V1 V4

FIGURE 3-10 
II aVL V2 V5


Selected References
1. Birnie DH, Ha A, Higginson L, et al: Importance of QRS duration 5. Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization
and morphology in determining response to cardiac resynchroniza- therapy for the prevention of heart-failure events, N Engl J Med
tion therapy: results from the Resynchronization-Defibrillation for 361:1329-1338, 2009.
Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT). Heart Rhythm, 9(Suppl 5): 6. Tang AS, Wells GA, Talajic M, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization
S295-S296, 2012. therapy for mild-to-moderate heart failure, N Engl J Med
2. Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization 363:2385-2395, 2010.
therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in advanced 7. Zareba W, Klein H, Cygankiewicz I, et al: Effectiveness of cardiac
chronic heart failure, N Engl J Med 350:2140-2150, 2004. resynchronization Therapy by QRS Morphology in the Multi-
3. Cleland JG, Daubert JC, Erdmann E, et al: The effect of cardiac center Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial-Cardiac
resynchronization on morbidity and mortality in heart failure, Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT), Circulation 123:
N Engl J Med 352:1539-1549, 2005. 1061-1072, 2011.
4. Gervais R, Leclercq C, Shankar A, et al: Surface electrocardiogram
to predict outcome in candidates for cardiac resynchronization
therapy: a sub-analysis of the CARE-HF trial, Eur J Heart Fail
11:699-705, 2009.

Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy in a Patient with QRS
Duration Between 120 and 150
Raphaël P. Martins, Erwan Donal, and Jean-Claude Daubert

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

68 Years Female Retired Congestive Heart Failure ­Leading
to Diagnosis of Primary Left
­Ventricular Dysfunction with Se-
vere ­Dyssynchrony, Moderately
Prolonged QRS, and Lack of Left
Ventricular Dilation

HISTORY (New York Heart Association [NYHA] class III). Treat-

ment by ramipril, bisoprolol, and furosemide was ini-
This patient had a history of lymph node tuberculosis tiated without significant efficacy. She was then
during childhood, thyroid carcinoma (treated surgically hospitalized for a first episode of congestive heart
and with radiotherapy), and depressive disorders. failure.
A normal electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded 20
years earlier at the time of the thyroidectomy. However,
a progressive left bundle branch block (LBBB) pattern
appeared with a QRS duration of 120 and 135 ms, 8 and The patient’s clinical history is suggestive of progressive
2 years earlier, respectively. Transthoracic echocardiogra- congestive heart failure.
phy was performed 2 years earlier and showed normal
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 60%.
Comments BP/HR: 115/70 mm Hg/80 bpm
The patient’s history demonstrated a progressive widening Height/weight: 165 cm/80 kg (+10 kg in contrast to
of QRS complex and appearance of LBBB with a normal weight)
left ventricular function. Neck veins: Jugular veinous distention
Lungs/chest: Shortness of breath (NYHA class III),
increased breathing rate, crackles throughout the lung
Heart: Regular heart sounds, no murmurs detected
The patient is currently taking levothyroxine 75 mcg daily. Abdomen: No ascites detected, hepatojugular reflux
observed when pressing over the liver
Extremities: Lower extremities edema (ankles, legs)
Over a 1-year period, the patient progressively ex­­
perienced exercise intolerance, weight gain related The patient’s clinical presentation is typical of conges-
to lower extremity edema, and shortness of breath tive heart failure.
26    SECTION 1 Current Indications

LABORATORY DATA absence of Q waves in leads I, V5, and V6; an upstroke of

the R wave greater than 60 ms in leads V5 and V6; and ST
Hemoglobin: 11 g/dL and T waves opposite to the QRS polarity.
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 40%
Mean corpuscular volume: 90 fL
Platelet count: 280 × 103/µL
Sodium: 138 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.1 mmol/L
Creatinine: 85 μmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 5 mmol/L M-mode analysis of the left ventricle in parasternal long-
axis view revealed a left ventricular end-diastolic diam-
eter of 55 mm and a septal flash (Figure 4-2, A). LVEF
Comments was measured at 33% using the biplane Simpson
The blood analysis showed only mild anemia, probably method (see Figure 4-2, B). A mild mitral regurgitation
related to the congestive heart failure. also was observed (not shown). The atria were not
dilated (diameter 3.2 cm and area 15 cm²).

Although left ventricular function is impaired, the left
Findings ventricle is not dilated (<33 mm/m²).
The ECG showed sinus rhythm to be 80 bpm, normal
atrioventricular conduction (PR interval, 160 ms), typi-
cal LBBB with a QRS duration of 135 ms, and a QRS axis
of −35 degrees (Figure 4-1). On the echocardiogram, the pulmonary preejection time
was measured from the beginning of QRS complex to the
beginning of the pulmonary flow velocity curve recorded
Comments by pulse-wave Doppler in the left parasternal view at 85
The LBBB is typical, with a QRS of 120 ms or greater; ms (Figure 4-3, A). The aortic preejection time measured
broad, notched, or slurred R wave in the lateral leads; from the beginning of QRS complex to the beginning of

I C1







4       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with QRS Duration Between 120 and 150 Milliseconds    27

the aortic flow velocity curve recorded by pulse wave Dop- arrow) left ventricular walls of 301 ms demonstrated intra-
pler in the apical five-chamber view was 183 ms (Figure ventricular dyssynchrony (Figure 4-3, E).
4-3, B). The intraventricular mechanical delay was 98 ms,
demonstrating interventricular dyssynchrony. Major
atrioventricular dyssynchrony was demonstrated by left
ventricular filling time over the RR cycle length ratio less Echocardiography demonstrated mechanical dyssyn-
than 40% (128/709 ms = 18%) (Figure 4-3, C). The apical chrony at the atrioventricular, interventricular, and
four-chamber view showed (in red) the delayed motion of intraventricular levels. Particularly, the intra–left ven-
the anterolateral left ventricular wall (Figure 4-3, D). tricular dyssynchrony is extremely severe, with very late
Delay between septal (red arrow) and anterolateral (yellow activation of the lateral wall.

LVeDD 55 mm
LVEF 33%


Septal flash

LVeSVol 82 ml





28    SECTION 1 Current Indications

CATHETERIZATION cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) should be implanted

with a CRT-D device. A reasonable expectation of sur-
Coronary Angiography vival longer than 1 year with good functional status is
required for CRT-D implantation.
Findings A CRT-D device would be preferentially implanted
Catheterization revealed normal coronary arteries with (rather than a CRT-P device) in patients with mildly
no stenosis. symptomatic heart failure and larger QRS complexes
150 ms or longer.
Given the fact that the most common cause of left ven-
tricular dilation is represented by coronary artery disease, What is the impact of QRS duration on clinical events reduc-
a coronary angiography should always be performed to tion with CRT?
rule out coronary stenosis (an exercise test often is not
helpful in patients with an LBBB pattern on the ECG).
Usually, significant stenosis of the left anterior descend-
ing artery or of more than two other arteries is necessary Traditionally, guidelines recommend CRT implantation
to induce cardiomyopathy. in patients with symptomatic heart failure (NYHA class
III or IV) and QRS complex duration of 120 ms or lon-
ger. This recommendation was based on the inclusion
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS criteria of the first two major clinical trials on CRT—the
Cardiac Resynchronization Heart Failure (CARE-HF)2
AND DISCUSSION POINTS study and the Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing
and Defibrillation in Heart Failure (COMPANION)1
Question study. However, most patients included in recent CRT
What is the incidence of LBBB in the general population? studies specifying an inclusion criteria of QRS duration
of 120 ms or longer had a QRS wider than 150 ms.
Recently, the Resynchronization Reverses Remodeling
Discussion in Systolic Left Ventricular Dysfunction (REVERSE)5 and
In the general population, the prevalence of LBBB is esti- Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial
mated to be 0.3% to 1.2%, higher in men than women. with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT)7
In most cases, LBBB is associated with structural heart studies extended the usual inclusion criteria of symp-
diseases (e.g., ischemic, dilated or valvular cardiomyop- tomatic heart failure to include patients with asymp-
athies, and hypertension). The incidence increases with tomatic or mildly symptomatic heart failure (NYHA
age. However, LBBB can be observed in 0.1% of healthy functional class II). Although no benefit was observed in
individuals. Epidemiologic studies demonstrated that asymptomatic patients, a significant reduction of the
this pattern is associated with a worse outcome and primary end point (i.e., heart failure clinical composite
increased all-cause mortality. response and all-cause mortality and heart failure events,
respectively) was observed in both studies.
In the REVERSE study, a prespecified subgroup analy-
Question sis depending on baseline QRS duration showed that
In the case of persistence of the symptoms and of impaired patients with a prolonged QRS complex (>150 ms) and
LVEF despite optimal medical therapy, would the patient those with pronounced interventricular dyssynchrony
be eligible for cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator seemed to benefit most from resynchronization.3 Simi-
(CRT-D) implantation? larly, subgroup analysis of the MADIT-CRT trial sug-
gested that patients with a QRS of 150 ms or greater
were more likely to benefit from CRT-D than those with
Discussion thinner QRS complexes.11 The recently published Resyn-
A class I, level A indication of CRT implantation is opti- chronization–Defibrillation for Ambulatory Heart Fail-
mal medical therapy, symptomatic heart failure with ure Trial (RAFT) confirmed these results because it
NYHA III or IV functional class, typical LBBB pattern showed a greater benefit of CRT-D over ICD alone in
with QRS of 120 ms or greater, and sinus rhythm of patients with large QRS of 150 ms or longer.9
LVEF of 35% or less; left ventricular dilation is not a These three recent studies led to a modification of the
required criterion anymore.6 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines in
For this indication, the CRT pacemaker (CRT-P) 2010, considering the implantation of a CRT device in
and CRT-D have similar levels of evidence. Patients patients with mildly symptomatic heart failure and a
with a secondary indication for an implantable QRS of 150 ms or longer as a class I indication.
4       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Patient with QRS Duration Between 120 and 150 Milliseconds    29

However, these subgroup analyses and the cost, poten- 15% to 20% compared with baseline or an LVEF of 50%
tial complications, and high rate of nonresponders to CRT or greater after therapy, associated with a decrease in
raise the question of whether this therapy should be NYHA class and no hospitalizations for heart failure
reserved for patients with a QRS longer than 150 ms, during the follow-up.
whether symptomatic or not. This question is a matter of Recently, Hsu and colleagues4 investigated the predic-
debate, particularly because of the recent publication of a tors of LVEF super-response to CRT and identified six
meta-analysis8 addressing this question and including the clinical, electrocardiographic, or echocardiographic cri-
five previously cited studies (i.e., CARE-HF2, COMPAN- teria predicting such a response: female sex (odds ratio
ION1, REVERSE5, MADIT-CRT7, and RAFT9). A total of [OR], 1.96; 95% CI, 1.32-2.9), body mass index (BMI)
5813 patients were included and analyzed, 62.3% and less than 30 kg/m² (OR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.03-2.2), no pre-
37.7% of whom had severely and moderately prolonged vious myocardial infarction (OR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.2-2.71),
QRS, respectively.8 A 40% reduction in composite clinical QRS duration of 150 ms or greater (OR, 1.79; 95% CI,
events was observed in patients with severely prolonged 1.17-2.73), LBBB pattern (OR, 2.05; 95% CI, 1.24-3.4),
QRS (risk ratio, 0.6; 95% confidence interval (CI), and small baseline left atrial volume index (OR, 1.47;
0.53-0.67). Conversely, no benefit was demonstrated for 95% CI, 1.21-1.79).
patients with moderately prolonged QRS (risk ratio, 0.95; This patient therefore has all of the criteria of super-
95% CI 0.82-1.1), regardless of NYHA functional class at response except the wide QRS duration.
implantation. A significant relationship (p <0.001) between
baseline QRS duration and risk ratio was ­evidenced, the
benefit of CRT appearing for QRS duration of 150 ms or FINAL DIAGNOSIS
longer. A trend for benefit in the moderately prolonged
QRS subgroup (120 to 159 ms) from the CARE-HF study This patient had congestive heart failure leading to the
was observed.2 Of importance, in this study, patients with a diagnosis of primary left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF,
QRS between 120 ms and 149 ms had to fulfill two of three 33%), with mild left ventricular dilation, severe dyssyn-
echocardiogram criteria of dyssynchrony to be enrolled. chrony, and an ECG demonstrating typical LBBB pattern
Whether the benefit in the moderately prolonged QRS and moderately prolonged QRS (135 ms).
subgroup was driven by the patients with prolonged QRS The timeline of the development of LBBB is interest-
between 150 and 159 ms or by patients with thinner QRS ing to consider. The QRS, initially thin, progressively
and overt dyssynchrony is unclear. Further studies are widens over time. In parallel, the LVEF, initially normal,
needed to address this issue. becomes progressively impaired. This may support the
Whether this meta-analysis, in addition to the subgroup diagnosis of dyssynchrony-induced cardiomyopathy.10
analysis from each original trials, will lead to significant
changes in guidelines and clinical practice is uncertain.
Along with QRS duration, QRS morphology was iden- PLAN OF ACTION
tified as another key predictor of CRT response and clini-
cal outcome. Subgroup analyses from REVERSE3 and Although the patient has a moderately prolonged QRS
MADIT-CRT11 showed that LBBB pattern was associated and may be part of a subgroup of patients who do not
with high probability of favorable outcome after CRT fully benefit from CRT, as previously explained, she has
when patients with non-LBBB patterns, right BBB (RBBB), many of the criteria for super-response (i.e., sex, low
or nonspecific intraventricular conduction disturbances BMI, no previous myocardial infarction, LBBB pattern,
received no clinical benefit from CRT. These concordant and small left atrium).
data were used in the last version of the ESC guidelines Furthermore, the timeline of QRS width and LVEF
on acute and chronic heart failure6: LBBB (with a QRS of changes leading to cardiomyopathy secondary to severe
≥120 msec) is now the entry criteria for class I indication dyssynchrony suggests a probable good response to CRT.
in patients with NYHA class II or III. Patients with a non- The important next step is to decide whether a CRT-P
LBBB pattern can be considered for CRT (class IIa indica- or CRT-D is to be implanted. The implantation of a
tion) if the QRS duration is 150 msec or greater. CRT-P in this patient is a class IA indication of the ESC
guidelines (NYHA class III/IV, QRS >120 ms, sinus
rhythm, and LVEF ≤35%). The implantation of an ICD
Question backup is a class IB indication of the ESC guidelines
What are the predictors of super-response to CRT? (i.e., NYHA II or III, LVEF ≤35%, nonischemic cause,
and reasonable expectation of survival with good func-
tional status for >1 year).
Discussion Because no arrhythmic events occurred previously
Super-responders represent approximately 10% of CRT (primary prevention) and a dyssynchronopathy was sus-
recipients. Criteria for super-response have not been pected, a CRT-P device was implanted in this patient in
clearly defined but could include an increase of LVEF of association with optimal medical therapy.
30    SECTION 1 Current Indications

INTERVENTION LBBB induces abnormal left ventricular activation

and contraction; the septum is activated early, as
An atriobiventricular device was implanted as follows:
opposed to the lateral wall, which is activated and con-
• Atrial lead in the right atrial appendage tracts after a considerable delay, sometimes after mitral
valve opening. Clinical and animal studies demon-
• Right ventricular lead in the medial interventricular
strated that dyssynchrony causes global ventricular
abnormalities such as shortening of left ventricular fill-
• Left ventricular lead in a lateral branch of the coro- ing time, septal hypoperfusion, and reduction of cir-
nary sinus cumferential shortening and myocardial blood flow.
No complications occurred during the implantation. These abnormalities lead to adverse electrical and struc-
The sensing and pacing thresholds were correct at tural remodeling that eventually cause an impairment
implantation and the following day. in left ventricular function. Resynchronization therapy,
The postprocedure ECG demonstrated sinus rhythm by correcting electrical and mechanical dyssynchrony,
with synchronized biventricular pacing with a paced can reverse such remodeling and lead to LVEF
QRS width of 120 ms and a QRS axis of 90 degrees. improvement.10
After optimization by echocardiography, the interven-
tricular mechanical delay was 22 ms (vs. 93 ms before
implantation). The delay between septal and anterolat-
eral left ventricular walls decreased dramatically to 23 ms, Selected References
demonstrating that the resynchronization was efficient. 1.  Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al: Cardiac-­
The left ventricular filling time increased to 65% after resynchronization therapy with or without an implantable
appropriate programming. defibrillator in advanced chronic heart failure, N Eng J Med
350:2140-2150, 2004.
An optimal medical therapy was prescribed (i.e., 2.  Cleland JG, Daubert JC, Erdmann E, et al: The effect of cardiac
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta block- resynchronization on morbidity and mortality in heart failure,
ers, spironolactone, and diuretics). N Engl J Med 352:1539-1549, 2005.
3.  Gold MR, Thébault C, Linde C, et al: The effect of QRS duration
and morphology on cardiac resynchronization therapy outcomes
in mild heart failure: results from the REsynchronization
OUTCOME reVErses Remodeling in Systolic left vEntricular dysfunction
(REVERSE) Study, Circulation, 126:822-829, 2012.
Six months after implantation, the patient reported no 4.  Hsu JC, Solomon SD, Bourgoun M, et al: Predictors of super-
shortness of breath during exercise (NYHA functional response to cardiac resynchronization therapy and associated
class I). Clinical examination did not show signs of improvement in clinical outcome: The MADIT-CRT (Multicenter
Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial with the Cardiac
heart failure (i.e., disappearance of the edema and nor- Resynchronization Therapy) Study, J Am Coll Cardiol 59:
mal lung sounds were noted). 2366-2373, 2012.
5.  Linde C, Abraham WT, Gold MR, et al: Randomized trial of
cardiac resynchronization therapy in mildly symptomatic heart
Findings failure patients and in asymptomatic patients with left ventricu-
lar dysfunction and previous heart failure symptoms, J Am Coll
The interrogation of the device showed a 98% rate of Cardiol 52:1823-1843, 2008.
biventricular pacing. Pacing and sensing thresholds 6.  McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, et al: ESC guidelines
were correct, as were lead impedances. No ventricular for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart
arrhythmia was detected during the follow-up. failure 2012: the Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Echocardiography demonstrated a dramatic improve- Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of
Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure
ment of the LVEF to 62%. Ventricular size was normal- Association (HFA) of the ESC, Eur Heart J 14:803-869, 2012.
ized with a left ventricular end-diastolic diameter of 48 7.  Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
mm. therapy for the prevention of heart failure events, N Eng J Med
361:1329-1338, 2009.
8.  Sipahi I, Carrigan TP, Rowland DY, et al: Impact of QRS
Comments duration on clinical event reduction with cardiac resynchroniza-
tion therapy, Arch Intern Med 171:1454-1462, 2011.
Patients with a moderately prolonged QRS (<150 ms) 9.  Tang AS, Wells GA, Talajic M, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
seem to respond to a lesser extent to CRT, regardless of therapy for mild to moderate heart failure, N Engl J Med 363:
NYHA class. However, some of these patients may be 2385-2395, 2010.
super-responders to CRT. Although specific studies are 10. Vaillant C, Martins RP, Donal E, et al, J Am Coll Cardiol 61:
1089-1095, 2013.
needed to identify these particular subgroups of patients, 11. Zareba W, Klein H, Cygankiewicz I, et al: Effectiveness of cardiac
some criteria can help to predict whether the patient will resynchronization therapy by QRS Morphology in the Multi-
respond to the therapy. Two of them are presented in this center Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial–Cardiac
case report—the mechanical dyssynchrony and a clinical Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT), Circulation 123:
history suggestive of LBBB-induced cardiomyopathy. 1061-1072, 2011.

Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy in Patients with Right
Heart Failure Resulting from
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Maria Rosa Costanzo

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

79 Years Female Retired Worsening Right Heart Failure Resulting
Homemaker from Right Ventricular Apical Pacing

HISTORY Based on these findings indicative of severe fluid

overload, isolated venovenous ultrafiltration was initi-
In 1985 this previously healthy patient had a syncopal ated at a rate of 100 mL/hr and continued for 5 days.
episode while driving. Presumably she was found to Weight and renal function changes observed with extra-
have high-degree atrioventricular block that was treated corporeal fluid removal were as shown in Table 5-2.
with implantation of a permanent dual-chamber pace- Before discharge the patient was placed on oxygen by
maker. Except for the diagnosis of moderate chronic nasal cannula at 2 L/min and on nightly bilevel positive
obstructive pulmonary disease, the patient’s clinical airways pressure (BiPAP). The sildenafil dose was 20 mg
course was uneventful until 2006, when she was hospi- three times daily, the endothelin receptor antagonist
talized for acutely decompensated heart failure. During bosentan was initiated at a dose of 125 mg orally twice
this hospitalization she underwent coronary angiogra- daily. At the follow-up office visit the patient reported
phy, which demonstrated the absence of coronary artery improvement in exertional dyspnea and physical exami-
disease, and right heart catheterization, which demon- nation revealed a decrease in jugular venous pressure to
strated the following intracardiac pressures: right atrial, 8 cm H2O, absence of pulmonary crackles, and minimal
18 mm Hg; pulmonary arterial, 88/34/53 mm Hg; and lower extremity edema.
pulmonary artery wedge pressure, 25 mm Hg. Cardiac The patient continued to improve until July 2009,
output was not measured, and hemodynamic response when she reported increasing fatigue and was found to
to vasodilators was not evaluated. Sildenafil was initi- have atrial fibrillation. With the initiation of amioda-
ated at a twice daily dose of 50 mg. rone, sinus rhythm was spontaneously restored. In
Early in 2008 the patient required admission to the March 2010, because of malfunction and generator bat-
hospital for progressive exertional dyspnea, with more tery depletion of the existing pacemaker, the patient
than 5 kg weight gain, increased jugular venous pressure, underwent implantation of a dual-chamber permanent
and anasarca. Admission weight was 117 kg, and renal pacemaker and placement of two new right atrial and
function was severely compromised (blood urea nitro- ventricular leads. Three months after implantation of
gen, 78 mg/dL; serum creatinine, 2.7 mg/dL). Transtho- the device, atrial fibrillation recurred, but at controlled
racic echocardiogram revealed mild left ventricular ventricular rates of approximately 75 bpm, and sinus
systolic dysfunction, mild-to-moderate mitral regurgita- rhythm was restored with electrical cardioversion. Atrial
tion into an enlarged left atrium, a markedly enlarged fibrillation recurred in October 2010, and sinus rhythm
and hypokinetic right ventricle, severe tricuspid regurgita- was once again restored with electrical cardioversion. Yet
tion into an enlarged right atrium, and an estimated pul- another recurrence of atrial fibrillation was refractory to
monary artery systolic pressure of greater than 65 mm electrical cardioversion; over the subsequent 3 months,
Hg. To determine the appropriate therapy, hemodynam- ventricular rates increased from 110 to 120 bpm. Over
ics were measured at baseline and after administration of the ensuing weeks the patient experienced worsening
excalating doses of inhaled nitric oxide (Table 5-1). exertional dyspnea and peripheral edema, which became
32   SECTION 1 Current Indications

TABLE 5-1  Hemodynamic Values at Baseline thyroid disease have been shown to contribute to its
and after Administration of Inhaled Nitric Oxide severity.8
Notably, after the first right heart catheterization,
Hemodynamics Baseline NO to 80 ppm the phosphodiesterase inhibitor sildenafil was initiated
BP (mm Hg) 93/61 71/46 ­without knowledge of the patient’s pulmonary vascular
RA (mm Hg) 21 18 resistance or hemodynamic response to vasodilator admin­
­istration. Practice guidelines recommend that drugs spe-
PA (mm Hg) 71/26/45 63/21/42
cific for pulmonary arterial hypertension be initiated only
PAWP (mm Hg) 12 16
after a complete hemodynamic evaluation to avoid poten-
TPG (mm Hg) 33 26
tially deleterious effects in patients with pulmonary arterial
CO (L/min), Fick 5.2 6.1 hypertension secondary to left heart disease.8
CI (L/min/m2), Fick 2.5 2.9 In this patient, severe pulmonary arterial hyperten-
PVR (Wood units) 6.4 4.3 sion is the principal cause of right ventricular dysfunc-
PVRI (Wood units/m2) 13.2 9.0 tion manifested by the physical findings of venous
congestion and peripheral edema, the elevated right
BP, Arterial blood pressure; CI, Cardiac index; CO, cardiac output; NO, nitric
oxide; PA, pulmonary arterial pressure; PPM, parts per million; PAWP, atrial pressure, and echocardiographic evidence of right
pulmonary artery wedge pressure; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; ventricular enlargement and decreased systolic func-
PVRI, pulmonary vascular resistance index; RA, right atrial pressure; tion.8 Recent studies demonstrated that increased cen-
TPG, transpulmonary gradient. tral venous pressure is a key determinant of worsening
renal function because transmission of the elevated
venous pressure to the renal veins further impairs the
glomerular filtration rate by reducing net filtration pres-
TABLE 5-2  Weight and Renal Function Changes
sure. On hospital admission the patient had severe renal
Observed with Extracorporeal Fluid Removal
impairment, which improved with extracorporeal fluid
Factors removal.1 Loop diuretics, the most commonly used
Measured Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 medications to reduce congestion, block sodium chlo-
Weight (kg) 117 114.5 112 109 104 ride uptake in the macula densa, independent of any
Blood urea 78 60 45 40 34
effect on sodium and water balance, thereby stimulating
nitrogen the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This patho-
(mg/dL) physiology and the growing literature documenting the
Serum 2.7 2.4 2.0 1.4 1.1 adverse consequences of diuretic use on acute heart fail-
creatinine ure outcomes has led to exploration of other approaches.1
(mg/dL) Fluid removal by ultrafiltration at a rate that does not
exceed the interstitial fluid mobilization rate of 14 to 15
mL/min avoids further activation of the renin-angioten-
sin-aldosterone system. Moreover, for the same fluid
increasingly more difficult to control despite frequent volume, more sodium is removed by isotonic ultrafiltra-
intensification of diuretic therapy. Early in December tion than by diuretic-induced hypotonic diuresis. In this
2010 the patient underwent ablation of the atrioventric- patient, venovenous ultrafiltration was associated with a
ular node, which was associated with improvement in progressive reduction in weight and improvement in
the signs and symptoms of congestion lasting until the renal function.2
end of 2011. Early in 2012 the patient began to experi- After approximately 12 months of clinical stability,
ence worsening exertional dyspnea, weight gain, fatigue, the patient’s disease progression accelerated, as sug-
and peripheral edema despite frequent adjustments of gested by the increasing burden of atrial fibrillation. In
diuretic therapy. addition, because the patient has right ventricular dys-
function, she tolerates rapid ventricular rates especially
poorly. As in this patient, atrial fibrillation occurs in the
Comments majority of individuals in the setting of structural heart
The patient had true pulmonary arterial hypertension disease. Changes in metabolic, mechanical, neurohor-
as demonstrated by the coexistence of the three hemo- monal, and inflammatory factors associated with heart
dynamic variables that define this disease entity: a failure contribute to the development of atrial fibrilla-
mean pulmonary arterial pressure greater than 25 mm tion. However the mechanisms linking these factors to
Hg at rest, pulmonary artery wedge pressure less the development of the substrate for atrial fibrillation
than 15 mm Hg, and pulmonary vascular resistance and its progression from paroxysmal to permanent are
greater than 3 Wood units. The cause of pulmonary not completely understood. A recent Euro Heart Survey
arterial hypertension in this patient is unknown, but analysis documented that paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
factors such as obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, and progressed to persistent forms in 178 of 1219 (15%)
5       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Right Heart Failure    33

patients. On multivariable analysis, hypertension, age The presence of severe right ventricular failure warrants
older than 75 years, previous transient ischemic attack, consideration of the addition of a prostacyclin prepara-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and heart failure tion. This was not used in this patient because of concerns
independently predicted progression of atrial fibrillation that this type of medication may increase intrapulmonary
from paroxismal to persistent. Using the regression coef- shunting when left ventricular systolic function is below
ficient as a benchmark, the investigators developed a normal and left cardiac filling pressures rise in response to
score to predict the risk for atrial fibrillation progression. inhaled nitric oxide.8
Based on the presence of heart failure (2 points), history Therapy also did not include antiarrhythmic agents.
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1 point), and The authors of the Euro Heart Survey analysis found
age older than 75 years, the patient had a score of 4, that use of antiarrhythmic agents did not prevent pro-
indicative of moderate-to-high risk for progression from gression of atrial fibrillation in high-risk patients and
paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation.3 suggested that in these patients therapy should be aimed
The patient tolerates rapid ventricular rates poorly. at controlling heart rate rather than rhythm.2 In this
This is typical of patients with right ventricular failure. In patient a rate control agent, such as diltiazem, was not
normal individuals, 85% of the blood volume is stored used because its negative inotropic action could worsen
in the venous circulation and 15% in the arterial circula- the systolic function of the already compromised right
tion. Patients with right ventricular failure have a larger ventricle and increase fluid retention.8
proportion of the blood volume stored in the venove-
nous circulation, which renders them especially suscep-
tible to intraarterial volume depletion. This risk is further CURRENT SYMPTOMS
accentuated if conditions such as atrial fibrillation with
rapid ventricular response further compromise filling of The patient’s current symptoms are dyspnea with mini-
the left ventricle.3 mal exertion, 5.4 kg weight gain, fatigue, increased oxy-
gen requirements.


The patient’s current medications are torsemide 60 mg After ablation of the atrioventricular node the patient had
twice daily, hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg once daily 30 to a period of symptomatic improvement before experienc-
60 minutes before taking the torsemide, spironolactone ing the current clinical deterioration. This observation
50 mg in the morning and 25 mg in the evening 30 to 60 raises the question of which factor(s) produced the initial
minutes before taking the torsemide, potassium chloride improvement and why such improvement was not sus-
30 mEq daily, sildenafil 20 mg three times daily, bosentan tained beyond 12 months. With right ventricular pressure
125 mg twice daily, warfarin 7.5 mg daily, aspirin 81 mg overload, which in this patient’s case is due to pulmonary
daily, levothyroxine 75 mcg daily, omeprazole 20 mg daily, arterial hypertension, leftward bowing of the interven-
and fluticasone-salmeterol 250/50 mcg, one inhalation tricular septum during diastole causes decreased left ven-
twice daily. tricular filling, chamber size, compliance, and contractility.
Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response further
compromises left ventricular filling, thus increasing left
Comments cardiac filling pressure and decreasing forward cardiac
The loop diuretic used in this patient is torsemide. It is output.9 This hemodynamic deterioration is the likely
preferred over furosemide because it has better oral bio- culprit of the worsening heart failure symptoms experi-
availability (unpredictable for furosemide, 100% for enced by the patient. It is plausible that the clinical
torsemide) and longer half-life (2.5 vs. 6.5 hours), improvement occurring immediately after atrioventricu-
which reduces the length of time of postdiuretic renal lar node ablation resulted from improvement in left ven-
sodium retention. With chronic loop diuretic therapy tricular filling permitted by slower heart rates.9
the distal tubular cells adapt to reabsorb sodium more It is more difficult to explain why the clinical
efficiently, thus reducing the natriuresis produced by improvement occurring after atrioventricular node abla-
loop diuretics. Because thiazide diuretics and aldoste- tion persisted for almost 12 months. A recent study
rone antagonists have a longer half-life than loop diuret- demonstrated that right ventricular pressure overload
ics, the patient was instructed to take these medications results in both myocardial and electrical remodeling.6
before the loop diuretic to mitigate the effects of distal The effects of the latter—conduction slowing and action
tubular adaptation to loop diuretics and thus maintain potential prolongation—contribute to the lengthening
the effectiveness of torsemide.4 of right ventricular contraction duration and marked
The patient’s therapy for pulmonary arterial hyperten- delay in right ventricular peak myocardial shortening
sion included the phosphodiesterase inhibitor sildenafil and, consequently, in the onset of diastolic relaxation in
and the nonselective endothelin antagonist bosentan. contrast to the septum and the left ventricle.6 This
34   SECTION 1 Current Indications

interventricular mechanical dyssynchrony decreases left overload, manifested by an elevated jugular venous
ventricular filling and stroke volume. Therefore left ven- pressure, enlarged liver, and marked peripheral edema.
tricular dysfunction, initially caused by left ventricular The right ventricular lift and the increased pulmonary
compression by the diastolic bowing of the septum, is component of the second heart sounds (S2) are consistent
maintained and amplified by low left ventricular preload with marked right ventricular enlargement and dysfunc-
and underfilling. It has been suggested that in patients tion and with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.8
with right ventricular pressure overload the interventric-
ular delay in systolic contraction and diastolic relaxation
may be improved with preexcitation of the right ventricle LABORATORY DATA
with right ventricular pacing.6 Therefore it is possible
that the clinical improvement occurring in the patient Hemoglobin: 12.2 g/dL
after atrioventricular node ablation can be explained by Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38.1%
the fact that, for a time, right ventricular pacing may have Mean corpuscular volume: 90.9 fL
decreased diastolic interventricular delay and improved Platelet count: 256 × 103/μL
left ventricular filling and stroke volume. Sodium: 137 mEq/L
After an extended period of relative clinical stability, Potassium: 5.5 mEq/L
the patient experienced a decline in functional capac- Creatinine: 1.3 mg/dL
ity and worsening signs and symptoms of congestion. Blood urea nitrogen: 43 mg/dL
This clinical deterioration may be due to the detrimen-
tal effects of prolonged right ventricular apical pacing
on cardiac structure and left ventricular function.10
This may be related to the abnormal electrical and The elevated blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio is a
mechanical activation pattern of the ventricles caused manifestation of the effects of an elevated central venous
by right ventricular apical pacing. Several large, ran- pressure on renal function. As explained earlier, an
domized clinical trials of pacing mode selection have increase in central venous pressure produces a reduction
suggested an association between a high percentage of in renal blood flow. The renal reabsorption of urea
right ventricular apical pacing and worse clinical out- increases with decreasing renal blood flow. Therefore in
comes. Pertinent to this case is the fact that the nega- this patient the elevation of blood urea nitrogen is due
tive effects of apical right ventricular pacing may be to increased renal reabsorption of urea resulting from
more pronounced in patients with underlying conduc- the decrease in renal blood flow produced by the elevated
tion disease and those who underwent atrioventricular central venous pressure.1
node ablation.10 The patient’s serum potassium level is in the upper
limits of normal as a result of the use of the potassium-
sparing diuretic spironolactone in a patient with signifi-
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION cant renal dysfunction.
According to the Modified Diet in Renal Disease
BP/HR: 92/60 mm Hg/115 bpm (MDRD) equation, the patient’s estimated glomerular
Height/weight: 172 cm/100 kg filtration rate is 40 mL/min/1.73 m2, consistent with
Neck veins: Jugular venous pressure 11 to 12 cm H2O at moderate reduction in renal function. North American
45 degrees and European practice guidelines for the treatment of
Lungs/chest: Decreased breath sounds and fine crackles heart failure in adults include specific recommendations
at the lung bases for the monitoring, prevention, and treatment of hyper-
Heart: Diffuse point of maximum impulse, right ven- kalemia in patients receiving aldosterone antagonists.7
tricular lift, regular rhythm, increased P2 heart sound,
right-sided third heart sound (S3)
Abdomen: Moderately distended, liver span 15 cm,
active bowel sounds
Extremities: Bilateral venous stasis changes, 3+ pitting
A 12-lead electrocardiogaram was obtained in Novem-
ber 2010, shortly before the patient underwent atrioven-
Comments tricular node ablation (Figure 5-1). The tracing showed
The patient’s physical examination findings are consis- atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of approximately
tent with a “wet and cold” hemodynamic profile, in 115 bpm. In addition, a leftward axis, right bundle
which a low cardiac output, suggested by a low systolic branch block, and nonspecific T waves changes in the
blood pressure, is associated with signs of fluid inferior leads were noted.

5       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Right Heart Failure    35

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5




ventricular systolic function. Left ventricular contraction

Comments is responsible for as much as 40% of right ventricular
Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response was systolic pressure and cardiac output. In this patient the
associated with hemodynamic instability and worsening improved left ventricular performance resulting from
signs and symptoms of right ventricular failure because cardiac resynchronization therapy appears to have
this arrhythmia further compromises left ventricular dia- increased right ventricular contractility, which, in turn,
stolic filling and aggravates venous congestion. is associated with reduction in central venous pressure
Some typical electrocardiographic features of pulmo- and in the signs and symptoms of right ventricular
nary arterial hypertension are not seen in the patient’s failure.
tracing. Right atrial enlargement cannot be appreciated
because of the presence of atrial fibrillation. Right axis
deviation and right ventricular hypertrophy with a strain
pattern also are absent.
Noncontrast computed tomography of the chest at the
ECHOCARDIOGRAM level of the main pulmonary artery demonstrated mark-
edly enlarged main, right, and left pulmonary arteries
Findings (Figure 5-3).
The echocardiogram showed tricuspid annular systolic
velocity before and after upgrade to cardiac resynchroniza-
tion therapy (Figure 5-2, A), right ventricular area change
before upgrade to cardiac resynchronization therapy (Fig- The computed tomography findings are consistent
ure 5-2, B), and right ventricular area change after upgrade with the diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hyperten-
to cardiac resynchronization therapy (Figure 5-2, C). sion. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is character-
ized by intimal hypertrophy and fibrosis, smooth
muscle hypertrophy, vasoconstriction, and adventitial
Comments proliferation with thrombosis in situ. These changes
Right ventricular pressure overload is associated with occur primarily in the small pulmonary arterioles and
negative left ventricular remodeling. On the other cause progressive dilation of the larger pulmonary
hand, left ventricular function greatly influences right vessels.

36   SECTION 1 Current Indications

Tricuspid annular systolic velocity A

07/30/10, with RV apical pacing 07/17/12, after upgrade
to CRT


11 cm/sec 17 cm/sec

RV area change 20%

7/30/10, with RV apical pacing


Hemodynamic studies revealed systemic arterial hypo-
tension, elevated right and left cardiac filling pressures,
and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension (Table 5-3).

25.2 cm2 20.1 cm2
In contrast to the improvement obtained with optimiza-
tion of pharmacologic treatment, the patient’s hemody-
namic picture is now definitely worse. Noteworthy is the
marked increase in pulmonary artery wedge pressure,
which suggests progression of left ventricular dysfunc-
tion. The most plausible reason for this decrease in left
ventricular performance is the detrimental effect of per-
sistent apical right ventricular pacing on the electrical
and mechanical activation pattern of the left ventricle.10


FIGURE 5-2  A to C.
Why did the patient’s atrial fibrillation progress from parox-
ysmal to persistent?

The patient is at an increased risk for atrial fibrillation
progression from paroxysmal to persistent because of

5       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Right Heart Failure    37

TABLE 5-3  Comparison of Hemodynamic Question

Monitoring Results before Atrial Fibrillation
and before Upgrade to Cardiac Resynchroniza- Does pressure-induced right ventricular failure affect left ven-
tion Therapy tricular function?

Before Before Upgrade

Factors Measured Onset of AF to CRT Discussion
BP (mm Hg) 110/70 92/60 It is known that right ventricular pressure overload leads
RA (mm Hg) 2 13 to leftward bowing of the interventricular septum during
PA (mm Hg) 32/13/22 59/36/43 diastole, thereby causing decreased left ventricular cham-
ber size, compliance, and contractility. However, the
PAWP (mm Hg) 5 27
impaired left ventricular function in this setting may not
TPG (mm Hg) 17 16
simply be the result of geometric effects of right vetricular
CO (L/min) 3.8 4.1
enlargement and left ventricular chamber distortion. Elec-
CI (L/min/m2) 2.0 2.0 trophysiologic effects of right ventricular remodeling,
PVR (Wood units) 4.5 3.9 such as conduction slowing and action potential prolon-
PVRI (Wood units/m2) 8.4 7.9 gation, lengthen right ventricular contraction and delay
AF, Atrial fibrillation; BP, arterial blood pressure; CI, cardiac index; CO, cardiac
the onset of diastolic relaxation with respect to the sep-
output; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy, PA, pulmonary arterial tum and the left ventricle.6 This interventricular dyssyn-
pressure; PAWP, pulmonary artery wedge pressure: PVR, pulmonary chrony reduces left ventricular filling and stroke volume.
vascular resistance; PVRI, pulmonary vascular resistance index; RA, right atrial In clinical observations and animal studies of pulmonary
pressure; TPG, transpulmonary gradient. hypertension, ventricular interdependence was further
manifested by left ventricular “atrophic” electrical and
mechanical remodeling. Because interventricular delay in
her older age, underlying chronic obstructive pulmo- systolic contraction and diastolic relaxation occur in
nary disease, and right heart failure. Although knowl- patients with right ventricular pressure overload, pre­
edge is increasing about the risk factors for atrial excitation of the right ventricle with right ventricular
fibrillation progression, the specific electrophysiologic ­pacing may minimize diastolic interventricular delay and
substrates favoring such evolution are incompletely improve left ventricular filling and stroke volume.6 Atten-
understood. The scheme proposed by the Euro Heart uation of “atrophic” left ventricular remodeling by right
Survey Investigators to predict atrial fibrillation pro- ventricular pacing may explain the clinical and hemody-
gression bears a striking resemblance to the CHADS2 namic improvement experienced by the patient in the
score used to predict thromboembolic events.3 Both 12-month period between atrioventricular node ablation
reflect the advanced age of patients with atrial fibrilla- and recurrent clinical deterioration. Right ventricular out-
tion and their high comorbidity burden, highlighting flow tract pacing, septal pacing, and bundle of His pacing
the fact that congestive heart failure, hypertension, have been proposed as alternatives to right ventricular api-
previous stroke or transient ischemic attack, pulmo- cal pacing based on the hypothesis that closer proximity
nary disease, and diabetes are associated with a sub- of the pacing site to the normal conduction system may
strate favoring both the progression of atrial fibrillation result in less electrical activation delay and mechanical
and the development of complications associated with dyssyncrony.10 In this respect, however, not all studies
this arrhythmia.3 Another unresolved issue is the opti- have been uniformly positive. In a randomized study of
mal treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation at high 98 patients with atrioventricular block, no difference in
risk for progression. Even less is known about selection left ventricular ejection fraction and exercise capacity
of treatment for patients who develop atrial fibrilla- occurred after 18 months of follow-up between patients
tion in the setting of right heart failure caused by pul- treated with septal versus apical right ventricular pacing.10
monary arterial hypertension. The patient presented In addition, in the patient described here, an alternative
here was a poor candidate for both calcium channel right ventricular pacing site would have probably been
blockers because of her severe right heart failure and unattainable because of the difficulties in lead positioning
congestion, and amiodarone, because of the fear that and concerns about lead stability and threshold caused by
possible pulmonary complications may prove fatal in the very large, pressure-overloaded right ventricle.
the setting of underlying pulmonary disease and severe
pulmonary arterial hypertension. Although atrioven-
tricular node ablation was the best option in this
patient’s situation, it ultimately exposed her to the What is the likelihood that upgrade from right ventricular
detrimental effects of continuous apical right ventricu- pacing to cardiac resynchronizaation therapy (CRT) will
lar pacing.10 improve the patient’s clinical and hemodynamic condition?

38   SECTION 1 Current Indications


The negative effects of right ventricular apical pacing have The patient’s final diagnosis was determined to be wors-
been attributed to the abnormal electrical and mechanical ening biventricular systolic heart failure resulting from
activation pattern of the ventricles.5 During right ventricu- right ventricular apical pacing.
lar apical pacing, the conduction of the electrical wave-
front propagates through the myocardium, rather than
through the His-Purkinje conduction system. As a result, PLAN OF ACTION
the electrical wavefront progresses more slowly and
induces heterogeneity in electrical activation of the myo- The patient was referred to an electrophysiologist for
cardium, comparable to that of LBBB. Right ventricular consideration of device upgrade to a biventricular
apical pacing also changes the onset and pattern of implantable cardioversion defibrillation device.
mechanical activation of the left ventricle. In several ani-
mal studies the regions near the pacing site have rapid
early systolic shortening, resulting in pre-stretch of the INTERVENTION
late-activated regions. Consequently, these regions have
delayed systolic shortening, which imposes systolic stretch In March 2012 the patient underwent removal of the
on the early activated regions undergoing premature generator of the existing pacemaker and insertion of a
relaxation. Redistribution of myocardial strain and work biventricular pacemaker.
reduces the effectiveness of the subsequent contraction
and produces changes in cardiac metabolism, perfusion,
remodeling, hemodynamics, and mechanical function. OUTCOME
Several studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects
of the upgrade from right ventricular apical pacing to car- Shortly after upgrade from right ventricular to biventric-
diac resynchronization therapy.10 These benefits include ular pacing the patient reported improvement in dys-
(1) reverse remodeling of the left ventricle, defined as a pnea and fatigue.
reduction in left ventricular volumes; (2) reduction in the
severity of mitral regurgitation; (3) improvement in con-
tractility, defined as an increase in dP/dtmax; (4) decrease
in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and isovolumic Physical examination revealed a blood pressure of
pressure half-time; (5) improvement in global left ven- 125/70 mm Hg, jugular venous pressure of 8 cm H2O,
tricular ejection fraction; and (6) improvement in exercise and trace pitting edema of the lower extremities. Hemo-
capacity and NYHA functional class. dynamic measurements were repeated and compared to
However, it remains unclear whether upgrade to CRT those obtained before upgrade from right ventricular to
in previously paced patients also improves survival.10 In biventricular pacing.
the Post AV Nodal Ablation Evaluation (PAVE) trial, 184
patients were randomized after atrioventricular node
ablation to conventional right ventricular pacing or car-
diac resynchronization therapy. Mean left ventricular The physical examination is consistent with improve-
ejection fraction at follow-up was significantly lower in ment of congestion. Hemodynamic values indicate a
the 81 patients who underwent right ventricular pacing reduction in right and left cardiac filling pressures and
than in the 103 patients treated with cardiac resynchro- improvement in cardiac output (Table 5-4). These find-
nization therapy (41 ± 13% vs. 46 ± 13%, p <0.05).5 ings suggest that cardiac resynchronization therapy
Other trials have shown only modest differences in car- attenuates the detrimental effects of right ventricular
diac function and exercise capacity between patients apical pacing on left ventricular function and that
treated with conventional right ventricular pacing and improved left ventricular performance reduces the sever-
those receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy. The ity of right ventricular failure.10 This observation draws
results of the BioPace (Biventricular Pacing for Atrioven- attention to the complex interactions between the two
tricular Block to Prevent Cardiac Desynchronization) ventricles.9 As previously discussed, right ventricular
trial (NCT00187278) are not yet available.10 pressure overload has profound detrimental effects on
Of importance, no data are available on the effects of left ventricular electrical and mechanical remodeling.6,9
CRT in patients with features similar to those of the Conversely, left ventricular performance significantly
patient presented in this case study here—right ventricu- affects right ventricular systolic function. Experimental
lar failure resulting from severe pulmonary arterial studies have shown that approximately 20% to 40% of
hypertension and apical right ventricular pacing after right ventricular systolic pressure and volume outflow
atrioventricular node ablation. result from left ventricular contraction.9 In this patient

5       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Right Heart Failure    39

TABLE 5-4  Hemodynamic Values with Right Selected References

Ventricular Pacing and After Upgrade to Cardiac 1.  Costanzo MR, Jessup M: The cardiorenal syndrome: do we need
Resynchronization Therapy a change of strategy or a change of tactics? J Am Coll Cardiol
53:597-599, 2009.
Factors Measured RV Pacing CRT 2.  Costanzo MR, Ronco C: Isolated ultrafiltration in heart failure
patients, Curr Cardiol Rep 14:254-364, 2012.
RA (mm Hg) 13 9 3.  de Vos CB, Pisters R, Nieuwlaat R, et al: Progression from
PA (mm Hg) 59/36/43 39/14/22 paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation, J Am Coll Cardiol
PAWP (mm Hg) 27 7 55:725-731, 2010.
4.  Dell’Italia LJ: Anatomy and physiology of the right ventricle,
TPG (mm Hg) 16 15
Cardiol Clin 30:167-187, 2012.
CO (L/min) 4.1 4.7 5.  Doshi RN, Daoud EG, Fellows C, et al: Left ventricular-based
CI (L/min/m2) 2.0 2.3 pacing cardiac stimulation post AV nodal ablation evaluation
PVR (Wood units) 3.9 3.2 (the PAVE study), J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:1160-1165, 2005.
6.  Hardziyenka M, Campian ME, Verkerk AO, et al: Electrophysi-
PVRI (Wood units/m2) 7.9 6.5 ologic remodeling of the left ventricle in pressure overload-induced
right ventricular failure, J Am Coll Cardiol 59:2193-2202, 2012.
CI, Cardiac index; CO, cardiac output; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy;
7.  Jessup M, Abraham WT, Casey DE, et al: 2009 Focused update:
PA, pulmonary arterial pressure; PAWP, pulmonary artery wedge pressure;
ACCF/AHA guidelines for the diagnosis and management of
PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; PVRI, pulmonary vascular resistance
heart failure in adults: a report of the American College of
index; RA, right atrial pressure; RV, right ventricular; TPG, transpulmonary
Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force
on Practice Guidelines, Circulation 119:1977-2016, 2009.
8.  McLaughlin VV, Davis M, Cornwell W: Pulmonary arterial
hypertension, Curr Probl Cardiol 36:461-517, 2011.
9.  Santamore WP, Dell’Italia LJ: Ventricular interdependence:
the improved left ventricular performance resulting
significant left ventricular contributions to right ventricular
from CRT may have enhanced right ventricular forward systolic function, Prog Cardiovasc Dis 40:289-308, 1998.
flow, which, in turn, is associated with a reduced central 10. Tops LF, Schlij MJ, Bax JJ: The effects of right ventricular apical
venous pressure and the signs and symptoms of right pacing on ventricular function and dyssynchrony, J Am Coll
ventricular failure.10 Cardiol 54:764-776, 2009.

Role of Optimal Medical Therapy
Chin Pang, Chan and Cheuk-Man Yu

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

51 Years Male Professional Driver Ischemic Dilated

HISTORY Comments
The patient was a nonsmoker. He had experienced a The patient received most of the guideline-recommended
myocardial infarction in 2003. A coronary angiogram medications. However, the dosage was not optimal.
performed in 2003 showed severe left main artery dis-
ease and triple vessel disease. He underwent coronary
artery bypass grafting (CABG) the same year. Echocar- CURRENT SYMPTOMS
diography was done 6 months after CABG showed left
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 25%. He was The patient experienced persistent heart failure symp-
diagnosed with New York Heart Association (NYHA) toms after CRT-D implantation.
class III disease, and electrocardiography showed sinus
rhythm with a left bundle branch block pattern. QRS
duration was 150 msec, and no history of ventricular
arrhythmia was reported. In view of persistent left ven- The cause of the patient’s nonresponse to CRT needs to
tricular systolic dysfunction and underlying wide QRS be identified. It is likely due to suboptimal biventricular
duration, cardiac resynchronization therapy with defi- pacing and suboptimal medical therapy.
brillator (CRT-D) backup was performed. The procedure
was uneventful, and the left ventricular lead was inserted
in the posterolateral branch of the coronary sinus. He PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
was subsequently followed regularly by the combined
heart failure and device clinic. BP/HR: 113/45 mm Hg/84 bpm
The patient returned 6 months after CRT-D implanta- Height/weight: 164 cm/62 kg
tion and was found to be clinically still in NYHA class Neck veins: Distended jugular vein
III. Device interrogation showed that he received 85% Lungs/chest: Bilateral lung base crepitations
biventricular pacing. Other parameters were unremark- Heart: Heart sounds are normal and no murmur
able. Follow-up echocardiographic examination showed Abdomen: Soft and nontender
an LVEF of 25%. Extremities: Normal perfusion

Comments Comments
The patient was both clinically and echocardiographi- The patient was clinically in NYHA class III heart failure.
cally a CRT nonresponder. It was necessary to explore
the potential cause of lack of CRT response.
CURRENT MEDICATIONS Hemoglobin: Within normal range
Hematocrit/PCV: Within normal range
The patient’s medications are aspirin 80 mg daily, meto- MCV: Within normal range
prolol controlled-release 12.5 mg daily, ramipril 1.25 mg Platelet count: Within normal range
daily, furosemide 20 mg daily, and simvastatin 20 mg Sodium: Within normal range
daily. Potassium: Within normal range
42    SECTION 1 Current Indications

Creatinine: Within normal range

Blood urea nitrogen: Within normal range
The chest radiograph revealed cardiomegaly with no
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM evidence of congestion. All leads were in situ.
The electrocardiogram revealed sinus rhythm with inad-
equate biventricular pacing (Figure 6-1) and adequate
biventricular pacing after medical therapy (Figure 6-2).
The echocardiogram in apical four chamber view re­­
Comments vealed dyschronous contraction resulting from lack of
It is necessary to confirm this is biventricular capturing. biventricular pacing (Figure 6-3).

PWHTMV - In-Patient (100-10000-01) Not confirmed

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Device: KDU-1006 Speed: 25 mm/sec Limb: 10 mm/mV Chest: 10mm/V F 50~ 0.5-100 Hz W PH090A

-- AXIS --
QRS 0 - Abnormal ECG - Standard 12
T 128 Previous ECG:27-Aug-2012 11:39:14 - Abnormal Unconfirmed
PWHTMV - In-Patient (100-10000-01) Not confirmed

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5




Device: KDU-1006 Speed: 25 mm/sec Limb: 10 mm/mV Chest: 10mm/V Electrode: Off F 50~ 0.5-100 Hz W PH090A

6        Role of Optimal Medical Therapy    43

Findings Discussion
The apical four chamber view showed improved LVEF The dosage of metoprolol (Betaloc), a beta blocker, should
and significantly less left ventricular cavity dilation after be increased for two reasons. First we should try to titrate
optimal medical therapy (Figure 6-4). up the dosage of medication to guideline-recommended
dosage and the current prescribed dose was too low. Sec-
ond, the increase of beta blocker can slow intrinsic heart
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS rate while increasing the percentage of biventricular pac-
ing. Higher percentage of biventricular pacing has been
AND DISCUSSION POINTS shown to correspond to increased CRT treatment efficacy.
What are the potential causes of CRT nonresponder in this
patient? Is any other medical therapy appropriate to be added for this
Two obvious factors contributed to the patient’s illness—
inadequate biventricular pacing and suboptimal medical An aldosterone receptor blocker4 and digoxin2 can be
therapy with an inadequate dosage of medication. added according to current recommendations.


What should be done to maximize CRT response?
The patient’s final diagnosis is suboptimal medical ther-
apy leading to CRT nonresponse.

The plan of action in this patient was escalation of med-
ical therapy.

The dosages of the beta blocker and ramipril were
increased, and digoxin and aldactone were added.

FIGURE 6-3 See expertconsult.com for video.

Further device interrogation showed that biventricular
pacing percentage approached 100%, and the latest
echocardiography showed the LVEF to be approximately
40%. Clinically the patient was in NYHA class II.

This case illustrates the importance of optimal medical
therapy in patients with CRT. Current device guidelines
suggest it is mandatory to give optimal medical therapy
before CRT implantation.1 Also, study has led to the
suggestion that patients receiving CRT without optimal
medical therapy were associated with less echocardio-
FIGURE 6-4 See expertconsult.com for video. graphic and clinical improvement.3

44    SECTION 1 Current Indications

Selected References 3. Fung JW, Chan JY, Kum LC, et al: Suboptimal medical therapy in
patients with systolic heart failure is associated with less improve-
1. Digitalis Investigation Group: The effect of digoxin on mortality ment by cardiac resynchronization therapy, Int J Cardiol 115:
and morbidity in patients with heart failure, N Engl J Med 214-219, 2007.
336:525-533, 1997. 4. Pitt B, Remme W, Zannad F, et al: Eplerenone, a selective
2. Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, et al: American College of Cardiology/ aldosterone blocker, in patients with left ventricular dysfunction
American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines after myocardial infarction. Eplerenone Post-Acute Myocardial
(Writing committee to revise the ACC/AHA/NASPE 2002 Infarction Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study Investigators,
guideline update for implantation of cardiac pacemakers and N Engl J Med 348:1309-1321, 2003.
antiarrhythmia devices); American association for thoracic
surgery; Society of thoracic surgeons. ACC/AHA/HRS 2008
guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormali-
ties, J Am Coll Cardiol 51:e1-e62, 2008.

Efficacy of Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy in
New York Heart Association II
Matthew T. Bennett and Anthony S. L. Tang

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

66 Years Female Housewife Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy

HISTORY Her symptoms had improved such that she denied any
functional limitation. An exercise stress test was per-
The patient is a 66-year-old woman who first came to formed to assess her functional ability objectively. She
medical attention for her heart disease 3 years ago. She performed a bicycle stress test and was able to perform
had been on a cruise when she initially noticed some 3.8 metabolic equivalents. This was deemed to be below
functional limitation. She began to have difficulty expected for her age and gender.
climbing the stairs and found it necessary to use the She was referred for a biventricular implantable
elevator. By the end of the cruise she had pedal edema to cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), but she initially refused
the midcalf and had to sleep semirecumbant because of because she felt well. During the subsequent 2 years she
shortness of breath while lying flat. had one hospitalization for heart failure. At that time
On her return home, she went to see her family doctor, her weight was 5 kg over her usual dry weight. She was
who ordered an echocardiogram. This showed an ejection admitted for a total of 3 days and after intravenous
fraction of 20%. There was trivial mitral regurgitation. diuretics was back to her baseline weight and functional
The left ventricular mass index was 153 g/m2. The left ven- status.
tricular end-systolic and end-diastolic dimensions were At a recent visit to the cardiac function clinic it was rec-
44 and 66 mm, respectively. An electrocardiogram (ECG) ommended again that she consider a cardiac resynchroni-
demonstrated normal sinus rhythm at 77 bpm with left zation therapy defibrillator (CRT-D). She wished to discuss
bundle branch block (LBBB) and left axis deviation. it further and was referred to a cardiac electrophysiologist.
She was initially treated with a diuretic (furosemide
[Lasix]) and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
(ramipril). When she became euvolemic a beta blocker
was added (carvedilol) and titrated up to target doses. This woman is a 66-year-old woman with nonischemic
She underwent a coronary angiogram, which showed (presumably chemotherapy induced) cardiomyopathy.
no evidence of flow-limiting coronary artery disease. Although she denies functional limitation, her exercise
Her past medical history included smoking (she stress test demonstrates mild functional limitation
stopped smoking 3 years ago, after smoking one pack (New York Heart Association class II [NYHA]).
per day for 20 years). She had a history of breast cancer
for which she was treated with chemotherapy (including
doxorubicin) and radiation. She drinks 1 to 2 glasses of CURRENT MEDICATIONS
wine on weekend evenings. She has no family history of
cardiomyopathy. The patient takes ramipril 10 mg, carvedilol 25 mg, and
The workup for her heart failure revealed no evidence spironolactone 12.5 mg in the morning and carvedilol
of human immunodeficiency virus, thyroid disease, 25 mg in the evening.
hemochromatosis, or amyloidosis. She had no recent
history of viral infection.
After 9 months of therapy a repeat echocardiogram
was performed and showed an ejection fraction of 30%. The patient appears to be on optimal medical therapy.
48   SECTION 2 Expanding Indications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


The patient currently denies orthopnea and paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea. She is now able to walk eight blocks
on the flat surfaces. However, she no longer rides her The 12-lead ECG shows sinus rhythm at a rate of 84
bike or does aerobics and she takes the elevator instead bpm and LBBB (Figure 7-1).
of the stairs when at the mall.
Comments The patient’s LBBB QRS duration is 168 msec.
This patient has NYHA II heart failure symptoms
despite medical therapy. Often, patients will habitu-
ate to their functional limitation and feel well. They ECHOCARDIOGRAM
may not realize that they have changed their lifestyle
to accommodate the change in their functional Findings
The parasternal long axis shows left ventricular dilation
with left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic
dimensions of 60 and 49 mm, respectively (Figure 7-2).
BP/HR: 88/54 mm Hg (left arm, seated position)/53 bpm
at rest
Height/weight: 172.5 cm/80.5 kg I aVR V1 V4
Neck veins: 2 cm above the sternal angle, positive abdom-
inojugular reflux
Lungs/chest: Good breath sounds, no crepitations nor II aVL V2 V5
Heart: Normal first heart sound (S1), paradoxically split
second heart sound (S2), no third (S3) or fourth (S4) III aVF V3 V6
heart sounds, no audible murmurs
Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly, no aortic en­large­
ment II
Extremities: Warm, well perfused; grade 2 pedal edema

The patient appears mildly volume overloaded.

Hemoglobin: 139 g/L
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 0.43%
Mean corpuscular volume: 88 fL
Platelet count: 219 × 103/µL
Sodium: 140 mmol/L
Potassium: 5.6 mmol/L
Creatinine: 115 μmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 7 mmol/L

The blood work shows renal insufficiency (a chronic
problem) and mild hyperkalemia (likely from the
spironolactone). FIGURE 7-2 

7       Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in NYHA II    49

a biventricular pacemaker or biventricular defibrillator.

Comments Overall, reduction in death from, or hospitalization for,
The left ventricle is mildly enlarged. heart failure by 34% in the biventricular pacemaker
group and 40% in the biventricular ICD group were
Findings In CARE-HF, Cleland and colleagues2 randomized
The left ventricular ejection fraction was calculated to 813 patients with NYHA III and IV heart failure, an ejec-
be 22% by Simpson’s biplane method. Mild mitral tion fraction of 35% or less, a QRS duration of 120 msec
regurgitation was present (Figure 7-3). or greater (other measures of dyssynchrony were
required if the QRS duration was <150 msec), and left
ventricular dilation to optimal medical therapy with or
Comments without biventricular pacing. The occurrence of death or
The ejection fraction is significantly reduced. hospitalization for a major cardiovascular event was
reduced by 37% in the patients with biventricular pac-
ing. In addition, a reduction in mortality by 36% was
Both the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implan-
AND DISCUSSION POINTS tation With Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-
CRT) study and the Resynchronization–Defibrillation
Question for Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT) examined the
Is there any benefit in the implantation of a biventricular efficacy of biventricular defibrillators in patients with
pacing device in this woman? less symptomatic heart failure.3,4 In MADIT-CRT, 1820
patients with an ejection fraction of 30% or less, a QRS
of 130 msec or greater, and NYHA I or II heart failure
Discussion symptoms were randomized to a biventricular ICD or
Both the Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, and ICD alone. The primary end point of death from any
Defibrillation in Heart Failure (COMPANION) and cause or heart-failure event occurred more frequently in
Cardiac Resynchronization in Heart Failure (CARE-HF) the ICD alone group than the biventricular ICD group
trials have shown efficacy of biventricular pacing in (25.3% vs. 17.2%).3
patients with NYHA III and IV heart failure. In the In the RAFT trial, 1798 patients with NYHA II and III
COMPANION trial, Bristow and colleagues1 random- heart failure, an ejection fraction of 30% or less, and a
ized 1520 patients with a QRS duration greater than QRS of 120 msec or greater were randomized to an ICD
120 msec and an ejection fraction of less than 35% to alone or ICD plus biventricular pacing. After the mean
standard medical therapy alone or in combination with follow-up of 40 months, the primary outcome of all-
cause death or hospitalization for heart failure had
occurred in 40.3% of the ICD group and 33.2% of the
biventricular ICD group.

Is the reduction in events with biventricular pacing seen with
symptom reduction and mortality reduction or both?

In both the MADIT-CRT trial and RAFT a reduction in
heart failure in the biventricular ICD group (MADIT-
CRT: relative risk reduction [RRR] = 41% in heart failure
events; RAFT: RRR = 32% in heart failure hospitaliza-
tions) was seen.3,4 In RAFT, a 25% reduction in the risk
for death was seen in the biventricular ICD group in
contrast to the ICD alone group. However, no reduction
in mortality in the biventricular ICD group in contrast
to the ICD alone group was seen in the MADIT-CRT
FIGURE 7-3  trial.

50   SECTION 2 Expanding Indications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Which patients with NYHA II heart failure appear to derive
the most benefit from biventricular pacing? Is it expected that
the patient in this case will derive benefit?

In the MADIT-CRT trial, several prespecified subgroups
were analyzed in regard to the efficacy of biventricular
ICD therapy on the primary outcomes. It appeared that
biventricular ICD therapy conferred a greater benefit in
women than men and in patients with a QRS greater
than 150 msec than in patients with a QRS less than
150 msec.3
In the RAFT trial, biventricular ICD therapy appeared
to have a greater efficacy in the patients with QRS dura-
tion greater than 150 msec than in patients with a QRS
duration less than 150 msec and in patients with an
LBBB QRS morphology than with other morphologies.4
This patient fits the enrollment criteria for these two FIGURE 7-4 
trials. In addition, she has an LBBB QRS morphology
with a QRS of greater than 150 msec. This portends a
good response to biventricular pacing. In addition, her
gender would support a greater improvement with
biventricular pacing.

This patient is 66 years old and has nonischemic (pre-
sumably anthracycline induced) cardiomyopathy. She
feels well but has had a heart failure admission and had
functional limitation on her exercise stress test. Her ECG
shows LBBB with a QRS duration of 168 msec.

After a discussion with the patient regarding the risks
and benefits of implantation of CRT-D or ICD, the FIGURE 7-5 
patient wished to proceed with a CRT-D.

lead placement (Figure 7-7). The final position is iden-

INTERVENTION tified on the posteroanterior and lateral radiographs
(Figures 7-8 and 7-9).
CRT-D was undertaken; the coronary sinus venogram
identified a suitable posterolateral coronary sinus
branch within which a left ventricular lead was inserted OUTCOME
(Figure 7-4). Initially, the lead was inserted without the
use of an angioplasty wire but could not be fully The patient returned to the clinic 1 month after the pro-
inserted (Figure 7-5). Therefore an angioplasty wire cedure. She was feeling much better despite having
(Figure 7-6) was used to facilitate more fully advanced denied any functional limitation previously.

7       Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in NYHA II    51




Selected References 3. Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization
therapy for the prevention of heart-failure events, N Engl J Med
1. Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization 361:1329-1338, 2009.
therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in advanced 4. Tang AS, Wells GA, Talajic M, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization
chronic heart failure, N Engl J Med 350:2140-2150, 2004. therapy for mild-to-moderate heart failure, N Engl J Med
2. Cleland JG, Daubert JC, Erdmann E, et al: The effect of cardiac 363:2385-2395, 2010.
resynchronization on morbidity and mortality in heart failure,
N Engl J Med 352:1539-1549, 2005.

Pacemaker Indication
Chin Pang, Chan and Cheuk-Man Yu

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

73 Years Male Retired Chef Complete Heart Block

HISTORY Lungs/chest: Fine crepitation over bilateral lung bases

Heart: Normal heart sounds, no murmur
The patient was a nonsmoker and enjoyed good health Abdomen: Soft and nontender, no evidence of organo-
in the past. He had a history of new-onset dizziness and megaly
one episode of syncope. He was admitted to the hospital, Extremities: Warm and normal perfusion
and electrocardiogram (ECG) showed complete heart
block with ventricular escape rate about 40 bpm. Clini-
cally, he was not in heart failure, and echocardiography
demonstrated normal left ventricular systolic function. Physical examination revealed evidence of heart failure.
Because there was no reversible cause, a dual-chamber
pacemaker was implanted. The right ventricular lead was
fixed at the right ventricular apex, and the right atrial LABORATORY DATA
lead was fixed at the right atrial appendage. The procedure
was uneventful, and he was discharged. Hemoglobin: Within normal range
One month after discharge, the patient reported a Hematocrit/packed cell volume: Within normal range
decrease in exercise tolerance and dyspnea. Mean corpuscular volume: Within normal range
Platelet count: Within normal range
Sodium: Within normal range
CURRENT MEDICATIONS Potassium: Within normal range
Creatinine: Within normal range
The patient is on no medications. Blood urea nitrogen: Within normal range


The patient experienced a decrease in exercise tolerance
and dyspnea.
Atrial sensing and ventricular pacing rhythm, dependent
pacing rhythm.
It is likely new-onset heart failure symptoms occurred
after device implantation.
The ECG showed dependent pacing rhythm.

BP/HR: 120/64 mm Hg/74 bpm, atrial sensing with
ventricular pacing rhythm
Height/weight: 170 cm/50 kg
Neck veins: Mildly distended The chest radiograph did not show any abnormalities.
54   SECTION 2 Expanding Indications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

It is necessary to rule out pulmonary disease and see any Catheterization is an appropriate option in this patient.
evidence of congestive heart failure.

ECHOCARDIOGRAM Hemodynamic studies revealed left ventricular end-
diastolic pressure of approximately 14 mm H2O.
Echocardiography revealed decreased systolic function
and dyssynchronous contraction (Figures 8-1 and 8-2).
The findings on coronary angiogram were normal.
The echocardiogram also shows improved systolic function
and synchronous contraction after upgrade (Figure 8-3). It is necessary to rule out underlying ischemic heart


It is contraindicated to proceed to magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) with a history of non–MRI-compatible
pacemaker implantation.
What is the clinical diagnosis?

Clinically, the patient’s symptoms are compatible with a
diagnosis of heart failure. It is necessary to exclude other
causes, such as pulmonary disease and undiagnosed
ischemic heart disease.

For device interrogation, which pacing parameter is particu-
larly useful to establish the potential diagnosis?
FIGURE 8-1  Short axis view. See expertconsult.com for video.

FIGURE 8-2  Apical four chamber view. See expertconsult.com FIGURE 8-3  Short axis view. See expertconsult.com for video.
for video.

8        Pacemaker Indication    55

Discussion OUTCOME
Pacing burden is the most important parameter in this Postimplantation echocardiography showed improved
case. Pacing burden is directly related to the risk for systolic function, and the degree of dyssynchrony was
development of pacing-induced left ventricular systolic minimal. Clinically, significant improvement was seen
dysfunction. and exercise tolerance was improved.

Question Comments
What kinds of investigation are indicated? This case illustrates the potential risk for pacing-induced
left ventricular dysfunction. The risk is particularly high
if the patient has an underlying history of systolic dys-
Discussion function.4 The cause is mainly pacing-induced mechani-
Echocardiography is essential to establish the diagnosis; cal dyssynchrony. Recent studies demontrated that right
in this case it showed evidence of deterioration of sys- ventricular pacing causes deterioration of systolic func-
tolic function and enabled assessment of the degree of tion after 2 years but systolic function was preserved if
systolic dyssynchrony in this patient. Also, coronary the patient received biventricular pacing at baseline.1,5
angiogram is indicated in this case and it is important Although baseline systolic function was normal in both
to rule out ischemia-related cardiac dysfunction. groups, the risk for deterioration was related to the
degree of pacing burden. As a result, current guidelines
recommend implantation of a biventricular pacemaker
Question for those with underlying systolic dysfunction and de­­
What is the potential treatment for this condition? pendent pacing. Also, guidelines suggest upgrading the
device to biventricular pacing on evidence of pacing-
induced systolic dysfunction by conventional right ven-
Discussion tricular pacing.2,3
The cause of systolic dysfunction in this patient is
abnormal pacing; therefore upgrading to biventricular
pacing was recommended. Selected References
1. Chan JY, Fang F, Zhang Q, et al: Biventricular pacing is superior to
right ventricular pacing in bradycardia patients with preserved
FINAL DIAGNOSIS systolic function: 2-year results of the PACE trial, Eur Heart J
32:2533-2540, 2011.
2. Epstein AE, DiMarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: American College
The final diagnosis in this case is pacing-induced left of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice
ventricular systolic dysfunction with clinical features of Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the ACC/AHA/NASPE
heart failure. 2002 Guideline Update for Implantation of Cardiac Pacemakers
and Antiarrhythmia Devices); American Association for Thoracic
Surgery; Society of Thoracic Surgeons. ACC/AHA/HRS 2008
guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm
PLAN OF ACTION ­abnormalities, J Am Coll Cardiol 51:e1-e62, 2008.
3. Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Blanc JJ, et al: European Society of Cardiolog­y;
The plan of action for this patient was to correct the European Heart Rhythm Association. Guidelines for cardiac pacing
underlying dyssynchrony and upgrade to cardiac resyn- and cardiac resynchronization therapy: The Task Force for Cardiac
Pacing and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy of the European
chronization therapy with a pacemaker (CRT-P). Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the European
Heart Rhythm Association, Eur Heart J 28:2256-2295, 2007.
4. Wilkoff BL, Cook JR, Epstein AE, et al: Dual-chamber pacing or
INTERVENTION ventricular backup pacing in patients with an implantable
defibrillator: the Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrillator
(DAVID) Trial, JAMA 288:3115-3123, 2002.
The intervention for this patient was to upgrade to 5. Yu CM, Chan JY, Zhang Q, et al: Biventricular pacing in patients
biventricular pacing. with bradycardia and normal ejection fraction, N Engl J Med
361:2123-2134, 2009.

Intercommissural Lead Placement
into a Right Ventricular Coronary
Christopher J. McLeod

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

61 Years Male Ebstein’s Anomaly with High-Grade
Atrioventricular Block


A 61-year-old man with a history of Ebstein’s anomaly, BP/HR: 116/66 mm Hg/52 bpm and regular
which initially went to had repaired in 1997; he then Height/weight: 169 cm/93 kg
underwent tricuspid valve replacement with a 35-mm Neck veins: No jugular venous pressure elevation
bioprosthesis in 2001. The initial surgery also involved Lungs/chest: Clear
an intraoperative ablation of an accessory pathway and Heart: Moderate right ventricular heave, with a regular
right atrial maze procedure. For recurrent paroxysmal heart rate; second heart sound (S2) normal/split. 1/6
atrial fibrillation, he underwent a successful pulmo- systolic murmur at the left sternal border; no diastolic
nary vein isolation procedure in 2004. The electro- murmur or gallop
physiologic study performed at that time revealed Abdomen: Soft, nontender, with no organomegaly
severe sinus node dysfunction, but he remained Extremities: No cyanosis, no edema
asymptomatic. It was also noted that the tricuspid
valve prosthesis was implanted proximal (atrial) to the
coronary sinus.
No clinical evidence of overt right heart failure or sys-
temic desaturation was found.
It is not uncommon for the bioprosthetic valve to be
sewn on the atrial aspect of the coronary sinus in repair LABORATORY DATA
of Ebstein’s anomaly. This is performed to avoid injury
to the compact atrioventricular node. Hemoglobin: 14.4 g/dL
Mean corpuscular volume: 92.2 fL
Platelet count: 202 × 109/L
Potassium: 4.2 mmol/L
The patient takes aldactone, furosemide (Lasix), warfarin, Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL
losartan (Cozaar), atorvastin (Lipitor), and aspirin. Blood urea nitrogen: 16 mg/dL


More frequent spells of presyncope continued, but no
frank syncope occurred. The patient also described infre-
quent tingling of the face and arm. Electrocardiography revealed marked sinus bradycardia
with right bundle branch block and a ventricular rate of
58    SECTION 2 Expanding Indications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Referred by: 47698 Confirmed by: Titus Evans Jr. MD

Section: Floor: GO05S

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5






45 bpm (Figure 9-1). A sinus arrhythmia is present, in ventricular enlargement, and a moderate decrease in
addition to a premature atrial complex. right ventricular systolic function. The patient had
undergone 35-mm Carpentier-Edwards tricuspid pros-
thetic valve replacement. The mean gradient was 4 mm
Hg at a heart rate of 42 bpm. Trace tricuspid regurgita-
CHEST RADIOGRAPH tion was noted. Mobile echodensity was seen in the
right ventricle attached at the midventricular septum.
Findings The location and characteristics were suggestive of a
A chest radiograph revealed a normal-sized heart with a residual chord.
prominent right ventricular contour (Figure 9-2) and
clear lung fields. A bioprosthetic valve ring was evident.
The exercise test was a maximal test and was negative for Event monitor tracings showed atrial premature con-
ischemia. His exercise capacity was poor (5.5 metabolic tractions in a bigeminal pattern; varying P wave mor-
equivalents), with a hypotensive response to exercise. In phologies, a 2-second pause after a supraventricular
addition, a limited heart rate response of 81 bpm (peak), premature contraction, and a single premature ventricular
with frequent premature atrial and ventricular contractions contraction (Figure 9-3). High-grade atrioventricular
(PACs and PVCs), was noted. block is noted with a 4.1-second pause.


The echocardiogram showed normal left ventricular
chamber size and systolic function, moderate right Should epicardial lead placement be recommended?

9        Intercommissural Lead Placement into a Right Ventricular Coronary Sinus    59


Ch02m0891 Ch02m10s04

APCs in a bigeminal pattern

CH1 7pm

Ch00m57:04 Ch01m06s06

Marked sinus bradycardia with varying P-wave morphology, single SVPCs and a 2.0-second pause

CH1 9am

Ch01m14:22 Ch01m22s0

Single APCs and a single VPC

CH1 8am

0h03m55:61 Ch04m03s74

High grade block with a 4.1-second pause

CH1 4pm


60    SECTION 2 Expanding Indications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

in which mediastinal and pericardial fibrosis and adhe-

Discussion sions make further operations much higher risk.2
Epicardial lead placement is mandatory in certain
­scenarios—that is, intracardiac shunting, Glenn anasta-
mosis (i.e., bidirectional cavopulmonary), or mechanical
tricuspid valve. In this situation, we did not consider epi- Is it appropriate to consider coronary sinus lead placement,
cardial lead placement because a bioprosthetic valve can despite the prosthetic valve being sewn on the atrial aspect of
be ultimately crossed by conventional pacing leads. It is the coronary sinus?
also important to note that in this population of patients
who have undergone one or more cardiac operations, the
epicardium has significant amounts of scar tissue that
preclude effective long-term epicardial pacing. Epicardial In this patient, to pace the ventricle, it was necessary to
pacing in children with virgin epicardial ventricular or cross the tricuspid valve for right ventricular apical pacing
atrial surfaces has better long-term lead performance.3 or coronary sinus pacing. However, it was postulated that
several inherent differences exist in coronary sinus lead
placement versus right ventricular apical placement. Right
Question ventricular dyssynchrony caused by right ventricular apical
Could single-chamber atrial lead placement provide sufficient pacing can potentially aggravate tricuspid regurgitation. In
pacing support? addition, left ventricular pacing in the context of cardiac
resynchronization therapy (CRT) has been noted to confer
a beneficial effect on tricuspid regurgitation.1
Discussion It is important to recognize that the current coro-
Despite event monitor tracing showing evidence of nary sinus leads are thinner and more pliable than con-
high-grade atrioventricular block, intraatrial block must ventional right apical pacing leads. This makes them
be considered in these patients. Repair of Epstein’s more amenable to intercommissural placement and
anomaly often involve resection and plication of large avoidance of the leaflet edges. Intracardiac echocar-
areas of redundant atrial myocardium. This leaves sig- diography at the time of lead placement can aid in
nificant scarring within the atrium, and functional or both apical and coronary sinus placement to avoid the
anatomic block from the sinus node to the atrioventricu- leaf edges and place the lead between the commissures.
lar node may be present. Atrioventricular nodal function It is also important to note that the coronary sinus
can remain normal in patients seen to have high-grade leads are not subject to as much diastolic and systolic
atrioventricular block. To assess this properly, multiple cardiac motion as right ventricular apical leads. Their
atrial lead positions should be attempted, with pacing position within the atrioventricular groove thus can
close to the atrioventricular node, ideally on the septum. reduce the potential for leaflet trauma. If this approach
If pacing close to the node shows no evidence of atrio- is adopted, acute monitoring of the results and tricus-
ventricular block, the diagnosis is intraatrial block and a pid regurgitation with intracardiac echocardiography
ventricular lead potentially can be avoided. This feature allows for confirmation of optimal lead placement.
of intraatrial conduction delay also can be seen after
other congenital heart disease operations.
Question The final diagnosis was symptomatic sinus node and
Should a right ventricular lead be placed through the tricuspid atrioventricular node dysfunction.


Conceptually, it remains logical to avoid placing a lead Pacemaker insertion was recommended, with assessment
through a bioprosthetic valve. Not infrequently, it is seen of intraatrial delay through pacing at various sites within
to negatively affect tricuspid valve integrity and function. the right atrium.
Recently, however, a study looking at this particular
question has shown that transvalvular device lead place-
ment across bioprosthetic valves is not associated with INTERVENTION
an increased incidence of significant prosthetic tricuspid
regurgitation. This, however, has to be balanced against To avoid prosthetic valve dysfunction, we planned to
the need for a repeat operation in patients with congeni- sequentially attempt atrial lead–only pacing, intracar-
tal disease who have undergone one or more operations diac echocardiography-guided right ventricular pacing,
9        Intercommissural Lead Placement into a Right Ventricular Coronary Sinus    61


or coronary sinus pacing. First, the possibility of

intraatrial conduction block was considered, and there-
fore various atrial lead positions were tried to assess
conduction across any possible intraatrial delay sites.
No evidence of intraatrial conduction delay was found,
and the atrial lead was placed with acceptable thresh-
olds slightly inferior to the superior vena cava junction.
Atrioventricular nodal function was tested and found to
be poor, with Wenckebach occurring at pacing rates
above 600 ms (90 bpm), confirming the absolute need
for a ventricular lead. To examine the effect of passing a
pacing lead through the tricuspid valve, intracardiac
ultrasound images were obtained after inserting a pace-
maker lead across the valve toward the right ventricular
apex. This resulted in significant tricuspid regurgitation,
as noted in Figure 9-4, A. Thus an alternative approach
was taken in which a thin (5.7-French, EASYTRAK 2,
Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass) pacing wire was specifi-
cally guided between the commissure of the anterior
and posterior prosthetic tricuspid valve leaflets into the
coronary sinus, located just distal to the prosthesis in
the basilar segment of the right ventricle (Figures 9-5 FIGURE 9-5 
and 9-6). Subsequent intracardiac imaging performed
after all wires were pulled revealed a very satisfactory
placement with no tricuspid regurgitation noted, as seen
in Figure 9-4, B. demonstrated no prosthetic tricuspid valve dysfunction
and specifically no tricuspid regurgitation. The mean
gradient was unchanged at 3 mm Hg. The lead was easily
OUTCOME seen going across the prosthesis and into the coronary
sinus. Device thresholds were all stable.
Acutely, a dual-chamber permanent pacemaker was This case is pertinent to a discussion of CRT, even
implanted, with no tricuspid regurgitation. At his 1-year though this patient did not require CRT. The issues
follow-up, the patient reported complete resolution of faced in patients with a congenital cardiac anomaly
all presyncopal symptoms and an excellent exercise are much different from those without and require a
tolerance—biking about 5 miles without notable limita- careful and thoughtful approach to best lead place-
tion. There was no evidence of lead dislodgement in the ment. In addition, many congenital anomalies may
chest radiograph, and transthoracic echocardiography result in severe systemic ventricular dysfunction. Even
62    SECTION 2 Expanding Indications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


if systemic ventricular dysfunction is not present at the Selected References

time a cardiac implantable device is required for other
1. Bleeker GB, Schalij MJ, Nihoyannopoulos P, et al: Left ventricular
reasons, consideration should be given to the poten- dyssynchrony predicts right ventricular remodeling after cardiac
tial advantages of systemic ventricular pacing and the resynchronization therapy, J Am Coll Cardiol 46:2264-2269, 2005.
disadvantages of any pacing technique that would 2. Eleid MF, Blauwet LA, Cha Y-M, et al: Bioprosthetic tricuspid valve
increase ventricular dyssynchrony or worsen valvular regurgitation associated with pacemaker or defibrillator lead
implantation, J Am Coll Cardiol 59:813-818, 2012.
function. In this case an alternative ventricular lead
3. McLeod CJ, Attenhofer Jost CH, Warnes CA, et al: Epicardial
placement approach was taken as a result of worsening versus endocardial permanent pacing in congenital heart disease,
tricuspid regurgitation with the initial approach. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 28:235-243, 2010.

Right Ventricular Pacing–Related
Joseph J. Gard and Samuel J. Asirvatham

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

62 Years Male Physician Progressive Left Ventricular
Dysfunction Resulting from
Chronic Right Ventricular

HISTORY Comments
A 62-year-old nonsmoking man was referred for Flecainide is generally avoided in patients with conduc-
upgrade of his dual-chamber pacing system to a car- tion system disease. Flecainide slows conduction that
diac resynchronization therapy (CRT) pacing system. can further widen the QRS complex from baseline, lead-
The dual-chamber pacing system had been implanted ing for further ventricular dyssynchrony. Flecainide also
4 years earlier. The initial indication for cardiac pacing should be avoided in patients with coronary or struc-
was complete heart block that developed roughly tural heart disease because of the increased risk for
8 hours after radiofrequency ablation of the cavotricus- malignant tachyarrhythmias. Flecainide was discontin-
pid isthmus for the treatment of symptomatic atrial ued in this patient for these reasons.
flutter. The components of this initial pacing system
were a St. Jude Medical Victory XL DR 5816, a Medtronic
bipolar screw-in atrial lead 5568-53, and a Medtronic CURRENT SYMPTOMS
bipolar screw-in ventricular lead 4076-58. At the time
the initial pacing system was implanted, his left ven- The patient’s symptoms included fatigue, exercise intol-
tricular size and ejection fraction (60%-65%) were erance, and dyspnea on exertion.
normal. On device interrogation he routinely paced
more than 99% of the time.
The patient developed fatigue, exercise intolerance, PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
and dyspnea on exertion. After atrial flutter ablation, he
was started on flecainide for symptomatic paroxysmal BP/HR: 140/94 mm Hg/60 bpm
atrial fibrillation. His other pertinent medical history Height/weight: 180.0 cm/100.60 kg
included dyslipidemia and hypertension. His ejection Neck veins: No jugulovenous pressure distention
fraction was reassessed. His left ventricular ejection frac- Lungs/chest: Normal breath sounds bilaterally
tion by radionuclide angiogram was 38%. An ischemic Heart: Regular rate and rhythm with wide paradoxical
cause for his cardiomyopathy was ruled out by elective splitting of the second heart sound (S2); faint murmur
coronary angiography. of tricuspid regurgitation
Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended
Extremities: Normal
The patient’s daily medications were aspirin 81 mg, ceti- LABORATORY DATA
rizine 10 mg, dutasteride 0.5 mg, enalapril 5 mg, escita-
lopram 10 mg, flecainide 50 mg, hydrochlorothiazide Hemoglobin: 14.7 g/dL
25 mg, and simvastatin 80 mg. Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 43.2
66    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

Mean corpuscular volume: 91.1 fL FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS

Platelet count: 212 × 103/µL
Sodium: 143 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.1 mmol/L
Creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL
What anatomic landmarks are relevant for successful and
efficient deployment of a left ventricular lead?
Findings A thorough understanding of the coronary venous sys-
An electrocardiogram demonstrating atrioventricular tem anatomy is critical for success with placement of left
sequential dual-chamber pacing at a rate of 60 bpm ventricular leads.4,5 The coronary sinus ostium enters the
(Figure 10-1) and QRS duration of 182 ms. inferior septal aspect of the right atrium between the tri-
cuspid valve and the inferior vena cava. The fat of the avio-
ventricular groove is typically apparent by fluoroscopy in
Comments the right anterior oblique (RAO) view as a landmark to aid
The morphology of the paced QRS is consistent with a in anticipating the location of the coronary sinus ostium.
right ventricular apical location. The paced left bundle A steerable catheter can be used to engage the coronary
branch (LBB) morphology suggests right ventricular ori- sinus ostium, by pulling back the catheter from the right
gin. The predominant positive voltage in lead I is due to ventricle while torquing it septally (i.e., counterclockwise
right-to-left activation. The apical position is supported torque from superior access site). This withdrawal from
by the completely negative morphology in V4 (apical the right ventricle is observed in the RAO view until the
lead) resulting from ventricular activation away from catheter is observed to sway back and forth when the
the apex. ostium is engaged. At this point the left anterior oblique
view can be used to confirm advancement into the coronary
venous system within the left heart.1
The relevant components of the coronary venous sys-
CHEST RADIOGRAPH tem include the coronary sinus, great cardiac vein, ante-
rior interventricular vein, middle cardiac vein, and
Findings lateral vein(s). A thebesian valve can be present at the
Chest radiography was performed in posteroanterior coronary sinus ostium. This thebesian valve can present
(Figure 10-2, A) and lateral (Figure 10-2, B) views. The a technical challenge to coronary sinus cannulation that
left infraclavicular pacemaker has leads positioned in often can be negotiated by entering the inferior margin
the right atrial appendage and the right ventricular of the coronary sinus. Blood draining from the inferior
septum. interventricular septum returns to the coronary sinus via

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5




FIGURE 10-1 

10       Right Ventricular Pacing–Related Cardiomyopathy    67

the middle cardiac vein. The coronary sinus becomes

the great cardiac vein. A left ventricular lead in a lateral
or posterolateral vein is generally the preferred location Diaphragmatic and intercostal stimulation should be
for biventricular pacing. The Vieussens valve can be assessed in nonparalyzed patients before committing
located at the ostium of the posterolateral vein. The Vie- to a left ventricular pacing site. This is done by pacing
ussens valve can be obstructive to deployment of a left the lead at high output, by visualizing the patient both
ventricular lead.3 directly and fluoroscopically, and by feeling the chest
An understanding of the coronary venous anatomy wall for diaphragmatic stimulation. This should be
and experience with its typical fluoroscopic layout helps done throughout a full respiratory cycle because the
avoid complications. The primary complication with stimulation might only transiently depend on relative
implanting a left ventricular lead is dissection of the anatomic positional changes during respiration. Simi-
thin-walled coronary venous system. This can occur larly, the intercostal muscles should be palpated for
with manipulation of the lead and delivery system in stimulation during high-output pacing. If awake, the
the coronary sinus but also with a venogram. Comfort patient can be asked if he or she has a hiccups sensa-
with the anatomy and its typical fluoroscopic layout tion. Despite careful assessment at implant, diaphrag-
allows the operator to anticipate how to navigate the matic and intercostal stimulation can occur after
coronary venous system and minimize mechanical implant. The assessment after implant is similar to that
trauma resulting from misdirection. Other issues that during implant but because the patient is no longer in
can complicate left ventricular lead implantation procedure, different positions of the patient can be
include phrenic nerve stimulation and positioning the checked.
lead in a nonoptimal location. If extracardiac stimulation occurs after implant,
attempts to avoid and minimize extracardiac stimula-
tion can be done by programming. Sometimes the left
Question ventricular lead pacing output can be adjusted to a lower
How can diaphragmatic and intercostal stimulation be setting that no longer produces extracardiac stimulation
avoided and, if occurring after implant, be nonoperatively yet is balanced against sufficient output to effectively
assessed and managed? and reliably capture. Similarly, unipolar pacing produces

FIGURE 10-2 

68    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

a larger area of stimulation than bipolar pacing; thus FINAL DIAGNOSIS

unipolar pacing is more likely to create extracardiac
stimulation. Modern biventricular pacing systems offer At this point, the working diagnosis was cardiomyopa-
multiple programmable pacing vectors that can be thy suspected to be due to right ventricular pacing for
used for additional pacing options in the management complete atrioventricular block.
of issues with capture threshold and extracardiac
Question The patient was referred for upgrade of his atrioventricu-
What QRS morphology is anticipated with biventricular lar sequential dual-chamber pacing system to a CRT pac-
pacing from the posterolateral vein and right ventricular ing system with the addition of a left ventricular lead.

The QRS morphology of biventricular pacing is antici- The patient’s atrioventricular sequential dual-chamber
pated to be a hybrid of the QRS of left ventricular and pacing system was upgraded to a CRT-pacemaker sys-
right ventricular pacing. The locations of the left ven- tem. A Guidant bipolar tined left ventricular lead EASY-
tricular and right ventricular pacing leads dictate the TRAK 2 IS-1 4543 was deployed, and his generator was
QRS morphology based on the myocardial activation exchanged for a Medtronic InSync III 8042.
patterns emanating from the pacing sites. Extensive fibrosis was noted at the previous generator
A lead in the traditional right ventricular apical sep- site. Careful dissection allowed the generator and redun-
tal location produces a QRS that is positive in lead I dant leads to be freed from the pocket. Intravenous con-
and has an LBB morphology in lead V1. The apical trast injection demonstrated near total obstruction of the
position leads to a superiorly directed vector and mani- proximal subclavian vein. Despite attempting access from
fests with a QS pattern in the inferior leads (II, III, and a medial stick, the obstruction was still troubling, so a
aVF). Pacing from a left ventricular lead should pro- glide wire was navigated to the inferior vena cava. Serial
duce a QRS with right bundle branch block morphol- dilations of the obstruction were made to allow passage
ogy and a negative QS pattern in lead I (activation from of the coronary sinus delivery system. The coronary sinus
left to right). Pacing from the anterior interventricular was cannulated, and multiple potential ventricular venous
vein characteristically has a right bundle branch block pacing sites were tested. The pacing thresholds were very
(RBBB) morphology with positive deflection in the high, and a wide QRS morphology occurred with pacing
inferior leads. A negative complex in lead I becomes in the posterolateral vein. The QRS morphology was
manifest when pacing from a lateral branch of the ante- improved when pacing closer to the apex and also at the
rior interventricular vein. inferior wall; however, these positions did not appear to
The QRS morphology of biventricular pacing rep- be stable. The lead was ultimately placed into an antero-
resents the hybrid of the activation patterns from the lateral branch (as shown in Figure 10-3) with a stable
right and left ventricular leads. Biventricular pacing appearance, satisfactory pacing and sensing thresholds,
via the right ventricular apical and the posterolateral and no extracardiac stimulation at high-output pacing.
vein produce an atypical RBBB, and the inferior leads
manifest biphasic or isoelectric QRS morphology.
Activation from the left leads to a negative complex in OUTCOME
lead I that also may be isoelectric depending on the
balance of activation from the right and left ventricu- In clinical follow-up the patient noted symptomatic
lar leads. The QRS duration is generally shorter with improvement and his paced QRS duration improved
biventricular pacing than with single-site pacing. The (Figure 10-4) from baseline 182 to 166 ms. The paced
electrocardiographic manifestation of biventricular QRS morphology is consistent with biventricular pacing
pacing has been nicely further detailed in the via right ventricular apical lead and also a lead within
literature.2 the anterior interventricular vein, as evident on the chest

10       Right Ventricular Pacing–Related Cardiomyopathy    69

FIGURE 10-3  The new left ventricular lead and generator have been placed. The left ventricular lead appears to be in a satisfactory position, is
lateral on the posteroanterior image (A) and appropriately anterior on the lateral image (B), consistent with positioning in the anterior interven-
tricular vein.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 FIGURE 10-4  The QRS morphology is consistent with

biventricular pacing. V1 demonstrates atypical right
bundle branch morphology suggestive of some activation
from the left ventricle. Lead I is strongly negative, as
would be expected with left to right activation. The
II inferior leads, however, have a positive vector, as likely
from the more superior left ventricular lead position.


Selected References 3. Corcoran SJ, Lawrence C, McGuire MA: The valve of Vieussens: an
important cause of difficulty in advancing catheters into the
1. Asirvatham SJ: Cardiac anatomic considerations in pediatric cardiac veins, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 10:804-808, 1999.
electrophysiology, Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 8(suppl. 1): 4. Habib A, Lachman N, et al: The anatomy of the coronary sinus
S75-S91, 2008. venous system for the cardiac electrophysiologist, Europace
2. Asirvatham SJ: Electrocardiogram interpretation with biventricular 11(suppl 5):v15-v21, 2009.
pacing devices. In Hayes DL, Wang PJ, Sackner-Bernstein J, et al: 5. Stellbrink C, Breithardt OA, Franke A, et al: Technical consider-
Resynchronization and defibrillation for heart failure: a practical ations in implanting left ventricular pacing leads for cardiac
approach, Oxford, UK, 2008, Blackwell Publishing. resynchronisation therapy, Eur Heart J Suppl 6(D):D43-D46, 2004.

Successful Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy
Implantation: When to Consider
the Middle Cardiac Vein
Vishnu M. Chandra, Joseph J. Gard, and Samuel J. Asirvatham

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

58 Years Male Office Worker Heart Failure Exacerbation


A 58-year-old male office worker with a long-standing BP/HR: 142/78 mm Hg/60 bpm, regular
history of cardiomyopathy, likely after an episode of Jugular venous pressure: 10 cm H2O
viral myocarditis 20 years previously, sought treatment Heart: Cardiac auscultatory findings significant for mur-
for worsening shortness of breath and functional dete- murs consistent with mild tricuspid and mitral regur-
rioration. The patient was mildly obese and not in acute gitation and wide splitting of the second heart sound
respiratory distress. He had a dual-chamber pacing sys- (S2) with accentuated pulmonary component; no
tem because of intermittent heart block and symptom- third heart sound (S3); pacemaker site appeared to be
atic sinus bradycardia while on medical therapy. healing normally from the recent procedure; trace
Because of ventricular dysfunction with a left ventric- pedal edema was noted
ular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 28%, an implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was recommended. The
patient also had symptomatic heart failure (New York HOSPITAL AND PROCEDURAL
Heart Association [class III]) despite optimal medical COURSE
therapy and a left bundle branch block with QRS dura-
tion of 148 ms. Cardiac resynchronization therapy After discussing the options of reattempting left ven-
(CRT) also was recommended. tricular lead placement, surgical epicardial lead place-
He was taken to the procedure room at his local facility ment, and assessment for appropriateness of left
for upgrade to a CRT defibrillator (CRT-D) system. How- ventricular assist device or cardiac transplantation, it
ever, because of inability to place the left ventricular lead, was decided to make another attempt at placing the
the procedure was abandoned and the patient was referred coronary sinus lead before considering the other
for consideration of an epicardial system or to reattempt options. Another attempt at a transvenous approach
endocardial left ventricular lead and CRT-D placement. was favored because of the benefits it offered over epi-
The operative note from the outside facility mentioned cardial pacing, including lower surgical trauma, poten-
difficult subclavian venous access and inability to pass a tially more stable pacing electrical thresholds, and
wire beyond approximately 2 cm into the coronary sinus. greater lead stability.6
Past medical history is significant for intermittent The patient was brought in the fasting state to the
atrial fibrillation, associated with mild symptoms and procedure room. An axillary vein puncture was done
managed with rate control and anticoagulation. with contrast venography, and a temporary pacing lead
was placed because the patient was pacemaker dependent.
The coronary sinus was cannulated without difficulty
CURRENT MEDICATIONS and balloon venography performed.
Venography findings are shown in Figure 11-1. As
The patient was taking lisinopril 10 mg twice daily, noted in the operative report from the referring institu-
carvedilol 25 mg three times daily, and digoxin 0.125 mg tion, a wire would not pass beyond approximately 2 cm
once daily. into the coronary sinus.
72    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation


FIGURE 11-1 See expertconsult.com for video.


What is the likely cause of difficulty in advancing into the
coronary venous system in this patient?

Venography demonstrated a prominent Vieussens valve.2
The Vieussens valve is a normal anatomic variant and is
an intravenous valve located at the junction of the coro-
nary sinus and the great cardiac vein. This is typically the
site of takeoff for the posterolateral ventricular vein and
the oblique vein of the atrium (vein of Marshall). Stud-
ies have shown that a nearly occlusive Vieussens value,
as found in this patient, can prevent progression of cath-
eters and guide wires and complicate a cardiovascular
interventional procedure.4 Therefore when various wires
were passed into the coronary sinus, they would typi-
FIGURE 11-2 
cally not advance beyond the valve and curve back into
the main body of the coronary sinus.
In cases in which the target vein is obstructed and no
alternative vessels exist, balloon dilation or stenting
Question may be necessary for successful lead implantation.
What are other potential reasons a wire will not pass freely Although the frequency of coronary vein stenosis is
into the branches of the coronary venous system? reported to be about 2.4% in one study, balloon angio-
plasty proved to be an effective method when used in
combination with careful maneuvering of guide wires
Discussion and leads for nearly all the patients.5
Once the coronary sinus has been cannulated, it may be Sharp angles at which veins enter the coronary sinus
extraordinarily difficult in certain patients to advance can further interfere with the successful advancement of
into the coronary venous system, particularly to the lat- guide wires and lead into distal regions of the coronary
eral free wall of the left ventricle. Potential reasons for venous system.8
this include coronary vein stenosis, intraprocedural cor- Figure 11-2 shows venography from another patient
onary artery dissection, coronary vein dissection, and in whom abrupt termination of the coronary sinus just
postsurgical or ablative therapy–related vein occlusion. distal to a posterolateral vein is noted. This patient did

11       Successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation: When to Consider the Middle Cardiac Vein    73


FIGURE 11-3 

have prior mitral valve repair along with coronary artery Figure 11-4 shows a useful maneuver that implant-
bypass surgery. ers should be familiar with for cannulating the MCV.
Paradoxically, a very large coronary venous system Typically, counterclockwise torque on a preformed
also can make passing a wire into the ventricular veins sheath placed from the subclavian venous system is
difficult. required to enter the coronary sinus. However, contin-
Figure 11-3 shows a large aneurysm in the coronary ued counterclockwise torque will take the tip of the
sinus with prominent posterior venous branches sheath toward the atrial rather than the ventricular
(arrow). Although the coronary sinus may be easy to vein. Thus the operator will need to gently withdraw
cannulate in such patients, presumably because of the sheath back toward the ostium while placing clock-
prominent flow back into the right atrium, advancing a wise torque on the sheath. In a stepwise manner, a wire
wire without coiling it back in the large aneurysm or is advanced to gently probe for the ostium of the MCV
venous system may be difficult. as this maneuver is employed. As the sheath is pulled
back with clockwise torque just before falling out of
the coronary sinus itself, the wire will advance into the
Question MCV. Here it is sometimes useful to pass either a sec-
What options are available for the operator caring for a ond wire or deflectable catheter to firmly gain access to
patient where there is inability to pass a wire to the distal the MCV. The sheath then can be pulled back to the
ventricular venous system and lateral wall, such as in our right atrium to create a straight line between the sheath
patient with a prominent Vieussens valve? and the access of the MCV, and then the sheath is
advanced, subselecting the MCV.
The previously mentioned causes of difficulty in advanc- INTERVENTION
ing into the lateral venous system and great cardiac vein
(i.e., dissection, stenosis, and Vieussens valve) typically Once subselecting access is obtained, the deflectable
spare the coronary sinus ostium and proximal segment catheter, if used, can be removed and a lead advanced
of this vein. Because the middle cardiac vein (MCV) or over the wire (see Video 11-1). The MCV drains the infe-
posterior interventricular vein arises very proximally— rior aspect of the posterior left ventricle; the posterior
often immediately distal to the ostium—cannulating vein provides a more direct access to the lateral region of
the MCV and advancing the lead through the collateral the left ventricle. Nonetheless, these distinct venous sys-
branch of the MCV to the lateral left ventricular wall can tems exhibit a high occurrence of anastomoses, result-
be an effective option to consider in such patients.7 The ing in an interconnected venous system near the
primary branch of this vein courses along the posterior posterolateral wall of the left ventricle.1 Thus it is useful
intraventricular groove and drains into the coronary to recognize these collaterals between the middle car-
sinus close to the right atrial orifice.6 diac and posterior venous system to the lateral wall. This
How does one cannulate the MCV? Because of the can be done with occlusion venography in the body of
proximity of the ostium of the MCV to the coronary the coronary vein, coronary sinus, or subselective angi-
sinus, technical difficulties arise in cannulating the MCV. ography of the MCV (Figure 11-5).

74    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

Effective cardiac resynchronization therapy changes most delayed also can be an operational strategy to
the sequence of ventricular activation, to improve the reduce dyssynchrony and decrease the QRS duration. It is
cardiac efficiency measured in terms of LVEF (Figure also important that a pacing lead in the coronary vein
11-6). The left ventricular lead ideally should be at a max- does not stimulate the phrenic nerve, because this can
imum distance from the right ventricular lead to enhance cause painful stimulation of the diaphragm.9 In this
the effects of biventricular pacing. Pacing the site that is patient, the lead was advanced through such a collateral

Technique to cannulate the middle cardiac

vein with a deflectable catheter


Curl and rotate

MCV clockwise


Pull back to Advance sheath as

engage the CS catheter is pulled back

FIGURE 11-4 

FIGURE 11-5  FIGURE 11-6 

11       Successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation: When to Consider the Middle Cardiac Vein    75

vein to the posterolateral wall of the left ventricle, an veins are analogous to the posterolateral branches of the
excellent pacing vector between the ICD lead and the lat- coronary arterial system arising from the right coronary
eral left ventricular lead pacing site obtained. The previ- artery or the posterior descending artery. In these patients,
ous pacing lead was extracted, and the patient had placing a lead on the left ventricular free wall is equivalent
symptomatic improvement and mild improvement in to using, for example, a lateral vein or branch of an antero-
ventricular function (ejection fraction, 32%). lateral vein. In other words, the pacing site is identical
MCV pacing has proved useful in avoiding phrenic despite using a completely different branch of the coro-
nerve stimulation in similar case studies. In a patient nary venous system to enter the ventricular veins—it is
with class III to IV heart failure, a left ventricular pacing where you go that matters, not how you get there. For
lead was placed in the posterolateral coronary sinus some patients, however, it is more difficult to understand
branch but biventricular pacing was unsuccessful why MCV pacing is beneficial. In these patients, as shown
because of phrenic nerve stimulation. Cannulation of in the autopsied heart, there is a paucity of lateral branches
the MCV and placement of a pacing lead in an optimal and the lead is placed in the body of the MCV itself. No
apical posterolateral position can be acheived, albeit clear reason explains why these patients sometimes bene-
with difficulty. A follow-up examination at 8 months fit, but possibilities include the following:
revealed excellent pacing (<1 V, 0.5 ms), with consider- 1. 
The epicardial surface myocardial fibers from the
able improvement in LVEF. The patient was able to avoid posterior wall are arranged in a radial fashion per-
surgical trauma from the open thoracotomy necessary pendicular to the long axis of the heart, whereas the
for epicardial lead placement. endocardial fibers tend to be arranged along the long
axis of the heart.7 Thus even though a right ventricu-
lar apical lead and an MCV main lead may appear
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS fairly close to each other radiographically, because of
AND DISCUSSION POINTS the differences in fiber orientation, the epicardial
MCV lead will excite the lateral wall of the left ven-
Question tricle sooner than will a right ventricular endocardial
apical lead.
Because the MCV is located posteriorly in the intraventricular
groove and adjacent to the right ventricle, how does CRT with 2. In some patients, standard pacing sites on the left
the left ventricular lead placed in the MCV benefit some ventricular free wall laterally or anterolaterally may
patients? not be the ideal site because of the location of the
right ventricular pacing lead.
For example, as shown in Figures 11-8 and 11-9, the
Discussion right ventricular lead has been placed in the high
Figure 11-7 shows an inferior view of the autopsied heart
and the course of the MCV. In most patients, beneficial left
ventricular pacing therapy can be obtained despite the use
of the MCV because lateral venous branches of this vein
exist but drain the lateral wall of the left ventricle. These

FIGURE 11-7  FIGURE 11-8 

76    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

FIGURE 11-9 

Section: Floor: GO05S

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5




FIGURE 11-10 

intraventricular septum quite anteriorly. Thus it is pos- placed lead, such as through a posterior ventricular vein
sible in these patients that biventricular stimulation or MCV.
from a site on the left ventricular high lateral wall
would not be very dissimilar to the right ventricular
lead site, as well. OUTCOME
Note in the 12-lead electrocardiogram obtained of
this patient under biventricular pacing that although lead MCV pacing with placement of the lead in a lateral
I shows a negative deflection (activation of the lateral branch to the lateral left ventricular wall was successfully
wall), the QRS is wide, and a left bundle branch block done despite an occlusive Vieussens valve being present.
pattern is seen (Figure 11-10). It is possible that such The patient had significant symptomatic improvement
patients with right ventricular leads placed anteriorly and and modest improvement in LVEF and continues to do
relatively leftward may benefit by a more posteriorly well almost 2 years from the interventional procedure.

11       Successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation: When to Consider the Middle Cardiac Vein    77

Selected References 5. Hansky B, Lamp B, Minami K, et al: Coronary vein balloon

angioplasty for left ventricular pacemaker lead implantation, J Am
1. Anderson SE, Lahm R, Iaizzo PA: The coronary vascular system Coll Cardiol 40:2144-2149, 2002.
and associated medical devices. In Iaizzo PA, editor: Handbook of 6. Hansky B, Schulte-Eistrup S, Vogt J, et al: Lead selection and
cardiac anatomy, physiology, and devices, Totowa, NJ, 2005, Humana, implantation technique for biventricular pacing, Eur Heart J Suppl
pp 109-124. 6:D112-D116, 2004.
2. Asirvatham SJ: Anatomy of the coronary sinus. In Yu CM, Hayes 7. Lachman N, Syed FF, Habib A, et al: Correlative anatomy for the
DL, Auricchio A, editors: Cardiac resynchronization therapy, Malden, electrophysiologist. II. Cardiac ganglia, phrenic nerve, coronary
2008, Blackwell Futura, pp 211-238. venous system, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 22:104-110, 2011.
3. Bogaert J: Cardiac function. In Bogaert J, Dymarkowski S, Taylor 8. Leon AR, Delurgio DB, Mera F: Practical approach to implanting
AM, Muthurangu V, editors: Clinical cardiac MRI, Berlin, 2012, left ventricular pacing leads for cardiac resynchronization,
Springer-Verlag, pp 109-166. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:100-105, 2005.
4. Corcoran SJ, Lawrence C, McGuire MA: The valve of Vieussens: 9. Manolis AS, Kappos K, Koulouris S, et al: Middle cardiac vein
an important cause of difficulty in advancing catheters into the pacing avoids phrenic nerve stimulation, offers optimal resyn-
cardiac veins, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 10:804-808, 1999. chronization and obviates surgery for epicardial lead placement,
Hosp Chron 2:44-45, 2007.

Mapping the Coronary Sinus Veins
Using an Active Fixation Lead to
Overcome Phrenic Nerve
Azlan Hussin and Razali Omar

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

69 Years Male Retired Government Ischemic Cardiomyopathy and
Clerk Ventricular Tachycardia

HISTORY Mean corpuscular volume: 77.8 fL

Platelet count: 177 × 103/µL
A 69-year-old man had underlying complete heart block Sodium: 143 mmol/L
and chronic atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, and Potassium: 4.2 mmol/L
hypertension. He had a single-chamber pacemaker Creatinine: 108 mmol/L
implanted in 2003 for complete heart block. He developed Blood urea nitrogen: 6.7 mmol/L
ventricular tachycardia 8 years previously, which required
cardioversion. He was referred for further management.
The patient was taking bisoprolol 5 mg daily, atorvas- Figure 12-1 shows the electrocardiogram (ECG) of the
tatin 10 mg daily, perindopril 4 mg daily, warfarin 2 mg patient before admission to the casualty unit. Figure
daily, and subcutaneous insulin injection. Mixtard 48 12-2 shows the ECG of ventricular tachycardia on admis-
units in the morning and 20 units at night. sion to the casualty unit.


The patient was breathless on moderate exertion.
The coronary angiogram showed mild coronary artery
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION disease. A plan for conservative management was
BP/HR: 120/80 mm Hg/72 bpm
Height/weight: 160 cm/60 kg
Hemoglobin: 11.3 g/dL What is the anatomic basis of mapping the coronary sinus for
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 34% location of a phrenic-free stimulation site?
80    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation




FIGURE 12-1 




FIGURE 12-3 

FIGURE 12-2  Discussion

If the tip of the lead fixation mechanism engages the
pericardial side of the coronary sinus, the pacing imped-
Discussion ance will be excessively high, whereas pacing on the
Anatomic studies have shown that the distance between myocardial side of the pericardium will yield pacing
the left phrenic nerve and the target coronary sinus vein impedance within the acceptable range.2 Should engage-
varies between 3.5 and 4.5 mm.3 This variable relationship ment of the pericardium occur, the lead should be
may be mapped to locate a phrenic-free point using the unscrewed and repositioned to another site.
Medtronic 3830 lead (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minn.),
because the 3830 lead has a tip diameter of 1 mm.
What is the risk for causing pericardial tamponade from mul-
Question tiple fixations within the coronary sinus?
Can the screw tip of the Medtronic 3830 lead reach the myo-
cardium through the coronary sinus wall?
The fixation tip of the Medtronic 3830 lead is approxi-
Discussion mately 1 mm in diameter. Therefore, if the Medtronic
Histologic anatomy examination of the coronary sinus 3830 lead must be repositioned, the breach in the coro-
veins showed that the distance between the myocardium nary sinus wall also should measure 1 mm in diameter.
and the veins at mid and apical regions is approximately A small breach such as this within a low-pressure system
1 to 1.42 mm.1 This characteristic is well suited to the of the coronary sinus will not cause pericardial effusion
Medtronic 3830 lead because the helical structure, on or tamponade.
four to five full turns, is 2.5 mm in length. Therefore the
Medtronic 3830 lead needs to be rotated only two to
three times to reach the myocardium. INTERVENTION
The patient underwent implantation of a cardiac resyn-
Question chronization therapy device with a defibrillator. After
How can engagement of the screw tip be differentiated to be the coronary sinus venogram was obtained (Figure
on the myocardial side of the coronary rather than the peri- 12-3), a conventional left ventricular lead was deliv­
cardial side? ered to the target branch. However, pacing using the

12       Mapping the Coronary Sinus Veins Using an Active Fixation Lead    81


FIGURE 12-4 

conventional lead caused phrenic nerve stimulation at OUTCOME

different sites within the coronary branch.
An active fixation lead (SelectSecure 3830, Medtronic) The lead was actively secured at five sites within the tar-
was subsequently delivered into the target branch. get coronary sinus branch. The initial two sites caused
Because the 3830 lead has a cable type of design that phrenic nerve stimulation (Figure 12-4, A and B). Fail-
lacks over-the-wire capability, the lead was delivered to ure to capture occurred at the third site (see Figure 12-4,
the targeted sites using an inner sheath (Attain Select II C), and the fourth site had an unacceptably high capture
Sub-Selection Catheter, Medtronic) in a telescoping threshold (Figure 12-4, D).
fashion. The site where pacing threshold was acceptable with
The SelectSecure 3830 lead was actively secured at the no phrenic nerve stimulation was at the fifth site (see
targeted sites by twisting the lead body clockwise two to Figure 12-4, D). This spot was located only after careful
three rotations. Pacing parameters and lead stability mapping for its relation to the other site within the same
were then tested. In the event the results were unsatisfac- target branch (Figure 12-5, A). The mapping process
tory, the lead was repositioned by twisting the lead body ensured that the tip of the lead was actively fixed to this
counterclockwise for two to three rotations and then spot, thus ensuring the stability of lead at this location
actively securing it at another site. (Figure 12-5, B).

82    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

CS map

(#2 PS)
(#1 PS) X
FIGURE 12-5  (#5)
(#4 High threshold) X
(#3 Non-capture)


Selected References 3. Sanchez-Quintana D, Cabrera JA, Climent V, et al: How close are
the phrenic nerves to cardiac structures? Implications for the
1. Anderson SE, Hill AJ, Iaizzo PA: Microanatomy of human left cardiac interventionalists, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 16:309-313,
ventricular coronary veins, Anat Rec (Hoboken) 292:23-28, 2009. 2005.
2. Hansky B, Vogt J, Gueldner H, et al: Implantation of active
fixation lead in coronary veins for left ventricular stimulation:
report of five cases, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 30:44-49, 2007.

Utility of Active Fixation Lead in
Unstable Left Ventricular Lead
Positions in the Coronary
Sinus for Left Ventricular
Azlan Hussin and Razali Omar

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

66 Years Male Retired Teacher Ventricular Tachycardia and
Recurrent Heart Failure

HISTORY Heart: Enlarged

Abdomen: Ascites
The patient had recurrent hospital admissions for heart
failure despite optimal tolerable medical therapy. He
had a left ventricular ejection fraction of 25% and LABORATORY DATA
mechanical dyssynchrony on tissue Doppler echocar-
diogram. He also had documented nonsustained ven- Hemoglobin: 11.1 g/dL
tricular tachycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation on Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 32%
Holter monitoring. Mean corpuscular volume: 20.7 fL
Platelet count: 167 × 103/µL
Sodium: 141 mmol/L
CURRENT MEDICATIONS Potassium: 4.3 mmol/L
Creatinine: 89 mmol/L
The patient was taking warfarin 0.125 mcg/daily, furose- Blood urea nitrogen: 7.5 mmol/L
mide 40 mg twice daily, carvedilol 12.5 mg twice daily,
aldactone 25 mg daily, digoxin 0.125 mg daily, simvas-
tatin 20 mg daily, and valsartan 80 mg daily. FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
Recurrent admissions for heart failure. Significantly breath- How frequently is a left ventricular lead with an active fixa-
less at mild exertion (New York Heart Association class III). tion mechanism required to pace the left ventricle?


A left ventricular lead with some form of active fixation
BP/HR: 100/70 mm Hg/96 bpm mechanism is required to overcome anatomic peculiar-
Height/weight: 167 cm/60 kg ity, unstable lead position, and a circumscribed area of
Neck veins: Distended optimal pacing threshold without phrenic nerve stimu-
Lungs/chest: Bilateral crepitations lation in 12% of patients.3
84    SECTION 3 Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

FIGURE 13-1 Subselective
coronary sinus venogram in left
anterior oblique (A) and right
anterior oblique (B). Note that
the size of the distal coronary sinus
branch is bigger than the size of
the guiding catheter.


Question Question
Why was an active fixation lead chosen for this patient? How are the performances of the 3830 lead in the coronary
The coronary sinus venogram (Figure 13-1) revealed a
huge single posterolateral branch, the caliber of which The 3830 lead has an acceptable pacing threshold and
exceeded even the biggest size of left-sided lead cur- impedance at implant and over a mean period of
rently available. The trajectory of the posterolateral 8.1 months in 36 patients in whom it was implanted.
branch was straight and lacking in any degree of tortuos- No acute or long-term complications occurred. The pac-
ity that may help hold a conventional left ventricular ing threshold and impedance remained stable at
lead in position after the support is removed. Therefore 8 months.1
the chances of lead dislodgment if a standard left ven-
tricular lead is used is relatively high.
Plan of Action
The patient was still symptomatic despite optimal medi-
Question cal therapy, with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
Why was a conventional left ventricular–specific active fixa- and evidence of mechanical dyssynchrony on a tissue
tion lead not used in this patient? Doppler echocardiogram; therefore the decision to
implant a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrilla-
tor was made.
The currently available left ventricular–specific active
fixation lead fixes itself indirectly by opposing the fixa- INTERVENTION
tion lobes at the sides of the lead to the coronary sinus
wall. This will promote tissue ingrowth from the coro- The right ventricular lead was implanted convention-
nary sinus side wall into the lead and therefore compli- ally. The coronary sinus was engaged with a standard
cate future lead removal.2,4 The size of the lead within coronary sinus conventional sheath. An inner catheter
the coronary sinus and tissue ingrowth also will lead to was used in a telescoping fashion to extend the reach of
thrombosis of the coronary sinus branch,3 a potential the sheath into the subselected coronary sinus branch. A
problem because the patient has a solitary coronary venogram was then performed in two oblique views
sinus branch if he is in need of left ventricular lead (Figure 13-2).
replacements in the future. Furthermore, this lead is a A Medtronic 3830 active fixation lead was then deliv-
unipolar lead, thus limiting its use if electronic reposi- ered to its target site via the telescoping sheath. At the
tioning is required. target site, the lead is rotated clockwise two to three
By using a 3830 lead, stability is achieved without times to fix the lead to the underlying myocardium. Pac-
compromising the coronary sinus if future use is ing parameters were then tested accordingly, and on
required. Because the lead is bipolar, electronic reposi- completion, the telescoping and guiding sheaths were
tioning can be performed easily if needed. conventionally removed.

13       Utility of Active Fixation Lead in Unstable Left Ventricular Lead Positions    85

FIGURE 13-2  A 90-degree subselection catheter was used in telescoping fashion to guide the direction of the 3830 lead (A). Once the 3830
lead was in position, the lead was fixated by rotating the lead clockwise for two to three turns. The position of the lead was then checked in the
left anterior oblique (B) and right anterior oblique views (C).

FIGURE 13-3  Final position of

the leads in left anterior oblique
(A) and right anterior oblique
(B) views. Despite the size of the
coronary sinus branch being bigger
than the size of the lead, the lead
retained its position at its fixed


OUTCOME 2. Baranowski B, Yerkey M, Dresing T, et al: Fibrotic tissue growth

into the extendable lobes of an active fixation coronary sinus lead
can complicate extraction, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 34:e64-e65,
The implantation was completed successfully with 2011.
acceptable pacing parameters without any complica- 3. Luedorff G, Kranig W, Grove R, et al: Improved success rate of
tions (Figure 13-3). Follow-up at 1 month, 3 months, cardiac resynchronization therapy implant by employing an active
and 6 months did not show any significant parameter fixation coronary sinus lead, Europace 12:825-829, 2010.
4. Maytin M, Carrillo RG, Baltodano P, et al: Multicenter experience
with transvenous lead extraction of active fixation coronary sinus
leads, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 35:641-647, 2012.

Selected References
1. Aziz AFA, Hussin A, Khelae SK, et al: Active fixation in the
coronary sinus for left ventricular stimulation: an alternative
method in improving left sided lead stability and overcoming
phrenic nerve stimulation, Heart Rhythm 5(Suppl):S490, 2012.

Persistent Left Superior Vena
Cava: Utility of Right-Sided
Venous Access for Coronary Sinus
Lead Implantation
Haran Burri

Age Gender Occupation Working ­Diagnosis

78 Years Male Retired Heart Failure Requiring Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy

This patient with a history of mechanical aortic valve PLSVC is the most frequent venous anomaly of the tho-
replacement, New York Heart Association class III heart rax and may be found in 0.4% of device patients.1 It
failure, 25% left ventricular ejection fraction, and a left results from nonobliteration of the left anterior cardinal
bundle branch block with a QRS of 160 ms was addressed vein during embryogenesis, which otherwise becomes
for implantation of a biventricular pacemaker. the ligament of Marshall.2 This condition is asymptom-
atic, but results in possible technical difficulty in patients
requiring cardiac resynchronization therapy. A left-sided
INTERVENTION access results in anterograde, or downstream, cannula-
tion of a dilated coronary sinus via the PLSVC. Visual-
A left-sided axillary vein puncture was performed, with ization of posterolateral branches may be difficult
the guide wire revealing a left-sided persistent superior because balloon-occlusion venography is impossible
vena cava (PLSVC) (Figure 14-1). Contrast injection did and direct contrast injection may not reveal tributaries
not reveal the presence of posterolateral tributaries of because of rapid washout. It is often easier to implant
the coronary sinus. Because of this and the absence of an the coronary sinus lead via right-sided access with retro-
innominate vein, venous access was switched to the grade cannulation of the coronary sinus (as in the present
right side with retrograde cannulation of the coronary case). In approximately 30% of patients2 the presence of
sinus (Figure 14-2). A balloon catheter was placed in the an innominate vein bridging the two superior vena
great cardiac vein and allowed visualization of a lateral cavas will avoid having to cross over to a right-sided
vein that was suitable for lead implantation (Figure access. Occlusive balloon angiography may be per-
14-3). A bipolar coronary sinus lead was implanted in formed in the great cardiac vein, revealing tributaries
the lateral vein over a 0.014-inch angioplasty guide wire either upstream via retrograde filling (these branches are
(Figure 14-4). Right ventricular and atrial pacing leads impossible to access via the PLSVC because of the differ-
were implanted, with final position of the leads shown ent angulations, as illustrated in Figure 14-2) or down-
in Figure 14-5. stream via anterograde filling by collaterals.

88    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

FIGURE 14-1  Posteroanterior view of a left-sided venous access FIGURE 14-2  Posteroanterior fluoroscopic view after right-sided
with the J-wire tracking down the PLSVC into the coronary sinus and venous access and retrograde cannulation of the coronary sinus with
right atrium. a guiding catheter and 0.035-inch guide wire. Note that the guide
wire may be mistaken to be in the pulmonary artery in this view (the
cranial excursion of the guide wire and a left anterior oblique view
showing a posterior course of the guide wire allow the operator to
make the correct diagnosis).

FIGURE 14-3  Left anterior oblique 40-degree view showing a

balloon catheter subselecting a lateral branch. Note that access to this
branch would be impossible via the left-sided persistent superior vena
cava (PLSVC) (curved arrow). The dotted lines outline the contours of
the coronary sinus and PLSVC.
FIGURE 14-4  Positioning of the coronary sinus lead in the lateral
vein over a 0.014-inch angioplasty guide wire.

14       Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava: Utility of Right-Sided Venous Access    89

FIGURE 14-5  Final position of

the leads in the 40-degree left
anterior oblique (left) and
posteroanterior (right) views.

Selected References 2. Ratliff HL, Yousufuddin M, Lieving WR, et al: Persistent left
superior vena cava: case reports and clinical implications, Int J
1. Biffi M, Bertini M, Ziacchi M, et al: Clinical implications of left Cardiol 113:242-246, 2006.
superior vena cava persistence in candidates for pacemaker or
cardioverter-defibrillator implantation, Heart Vessels 24:142-146,

Persistent Left Superior Vena
Cava: Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy with Left-Sided
Venous Access
Haran Burri and Skand Kumar Trivedi

Age Gender Occupation Working diagnosis

55 Years Female Housewife Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy

HISTORY Abdomen: No organomegaly

Extremities: Normal
This patient had complete heart block, with 30% left
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) visualized on echo-
cardiography. A temporary pacemaker wire was inserted LABORATORY DATA
into the right ventricle via femoral venous access. Coro-
nary artery angiography was performed, ruling out coro- Hemoglobin: 13.9 g/dL
nary artery disease. The patient was scheduled for a Sodium: 143 mmol/L
biventricular pacemaker. Potassium: 3.4 mmol/L
Creatinine: 73 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 22 mmol/L
The patient was taking carvedilol 6.25 mg twice daily,
digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.25 mg daily, furosemide plus spi- The patient’s hematologic and chemistry values were
ronolactone (Lasilactone) 25 mg twice daily, and enala- normal.
pril 2.5 mg twice daily.


The patient was experiencing symptoms consistent with

New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III symptoms. The patient had a left bundle branch block and a QRS
duration of 140 ms.

BP/HR: 110/70 mm Hg/78 bpm
Height/weight: 144 cm/62 kg
Neck veins: Engorged
Lungs/chest: Clear Chest radiography revealed cardiomegaly, with a cardio-
Heart: Prominent third heart sound (S3), no murmer thoracic ratio of 60%.

92    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

FIGURE 15-2  Levophase of the left coronary angiogram in the right

FIGURE 15-1  Posterior-anterior fluoroscopic view showing the anterior oblique 30-degree projection showing a dilated coronary
guide wire in serted via left axillary vein puncture, tracking into the sinus (the persistent left superior vena cava is also visible) and a
persistent left superior vena cava. Contrast injection did not show an posterior lateral vein.
innominate vein or posterior lateral tributaries suitable for coronary
sinus lead implantation.
0.014-inch balanced middle-weight guide wire (Figure
15-4). This lead was chosen to ensure stability. A right
atrial screw-in lead was placed in the right atrial append-
ECHOCARDIOGRAM age, and a right ventricular lead on the interventricular
septum using a J-stylet that allowed easy positioning of
Findings the lead directly at the desired site (Figure 15-5).
Echocardiolography revealed dysynergic septal motion
with an LVEF of 30%.
The final diagnosis in this patient was idiopathic cardio- As mentioned in the case in Chapter 14, coronary sinus
myopathy with persistent left superior vena cava and lead implantation is often easier via a right-sided venous
NYHA class III disease. access with retrograde cannulation of the coronary
sinus. However, in rare cases, the right superior vena
cava is absent1 or coronary sinus atresia2 may be present,
INTERVENTION with drainage to the subclavian vein. In these cases, the
only option is to implant the coronary sinus lead via the
Left axillary vein access was obtained, revealing a persis- PLSVC.
tent left superior vena cava (PLSVC). A venogram was In our patient, the levophase of the coronary arte-
performed via the introducer sheath, showing absence riogram was useful in revealing the presence of a lat-
of an innominate vein; it did not show any postero-­ eral vein that was accessible via the PLSVC and allowed
lateral branches (Figure 15-1). The levophase of the successful coronary sinus lead implantation without
coronary artery angiogram was then retrieved, revealing having to cross over to a right-sided venous access.
a posterolateral vein (Figure 15-2). A Judkins right Positioning of the right atrial lead is easy via the PLSVC,
4 diagnostic catheter was inserted via an Attain MB2 but the right ventricular lead may be challenging. A
coronary sinus guiding sheath (Medtronic, Minneapo- useful technique is to use a J-shaped stylet that allows
lis, Minn.) to subselect the posterolateral vein (Figure positioning of the lead directly on the interventricular
15-3). A Medtronic Starfix lead was implanted over a septum.

15       Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy with Left-Sided Venous Access    93

FIGURE 15-3  Subselection of

the lateral vein with a Judkins
right 4 diagnostic catheter in the
posterior-anterior (left) and left
anterior oblique 40-degree
(right) views.

FIGURE 15-4  Positioning of

the left ventricular lead in the
lateral branch.

FIGURE 15-5  Final position of

the lead in the posterior-anterior
(left) and left anterior oblique
40-degree (right) views.

94    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

Selected References 2. Gasparini M, Mantica M, Galimberti P, et al: Biventricular pacing

via a persistent left superior vena cava: report of four cases, Pacing
1. Ratliff HL, Yousufuddin M, Lieving WR, et al: Persistent left Clin Electrophysiol 26:192-196, 2003.
superior vena cava: case reports and clinical implications, Int J
Cardiol 113:242-246, 2006.

Video-Assisted Thoracotomy
Surgery for Implantation of an
Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead
Juan B. Grau, Christopher K. Johnson, Dan Musat, and
Jonathan S. Steinberg

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

80 Years Female Retired Congestive Heart Failure


Nonischemic cardiomyopathy with a left ventricular The patient was experiencing shortness of breath when
ejection fraction of 15% to 20%, down from 30% in a walking short distances (NYHA class III).
span of 6 months, and New York Heart Association
(NYHA) class III congestive systolic heart failure was
diagnosed 5 months before the current admission. The PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
patient also had a long history of chronic anemia that
predates the decompensated heart failure. The patient BP/HR: 116/56 mm Hg/76 bpm
was on optimal medical therapy. She underwent place- Height/weight: 157.48 cm/51.8 kg
ment of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator Neck veins: Nondistended
(ICD) 2 months earlier with the intent to place a cardiac Lungs/chest: Clear lungs, well-healed ICD incision
resynchronization therapy device, but a left ventricular Heart: First heart sound (S1) and second heart sound (S2),
lead could not be placed through the coronary sinus. regular rhythm with soft systolic murmur and no gallop
During the procedure, coronary sinus venography Abdomen: Soft and nontender, with no organomegaly
showed one high lateral branch with a proximal right- Extremities: Without edema
angle curve and a tight stenosis at the tip of the angle, a
midcardiac vein with no posterior or lateral branches,
and an anterior branch. The high lateral branch was LABORATORY DATA
cannulated with a Whisper wire, and using the over-
the-wire technique an attempt was made to advance the Hemoglobin: 7.0 g/dL
lead into the branch. However, the lead could not be Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 22.4%
advanced beyond the stenosis. Repeat venography to Mean corpuscular volume: 85.8 fL
better assess the severity of the stenosis demonstrated Platelet count: 195 × 103 µL
the vein to be occluded beyond the stenosis. Because no Sodium: 138 mmol/L
other vein suitable for transvenous left ventricular lead Potassium: 4.4 mmol/L
placement was available, the patient was referred for Creatinine: 0.9 mmol/L
surgical epicardial lead implantation. Blood urea nitrogen: 20 mmol/L


The patient was taking aspirin 81 mg daily, carvedilol
6.25 mg twice daily, furosemide 20 mg twice daily,
potassium chloride 10 mEq daily, spironolactone 25 mg The findings on the electrocardiogram were ventricular
daily, and valsartan 40 mg daily. rate 81 bpm, atrial rate 81 bpm, pulse rate 146 ms, QRS
96    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 16-1 Electrocardio-
gram 3 days before surgery.



I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 16-2 Electrocardio-
gram 20 days after surgery.



140 ms, QT 420 ms, QTc 487 ms, and P-R-T axes 039, CHEST RADIOGRAPHS FINDINGS
−51, and 127 degrees (Figure 16-1).
Figure 16-3 shows the heart is mildly enlarged, with left
ventricular domi­nance. Calcification is seen within the
Comments aor­tic knob. An ICD is satisfactorily oriented with right
Normal sinus rhythm, left axis deviation, anterior atrial and ventricular leads. The hilar structures are mildly
wall myocardial infarction (age indeterminate) were prominent. Small bilateral pleural effusions are seen.
noted. In Figure 16-4, the cardiac silhouette is marginal in
size, with intra­cardiac defibrillator leads directed into the
right atrium and both ventricles. Also, a left chest tube
Findings had been placed. An abnormal pleural-based opacity is
Repeat electrocardiogram findings were ventricular rate visible in the right lower thorax. Parenchymal consolida-
60 bpm, atrial rate 60 bpm, pulse rate 128 ms, QRS 130 tion or pleural fluid is not other­wise demonstrated.
ms, QT 400 ms, QTc 400 ms, and P-R-T axes 0, −80, and Immediately postoperatively there was a patchy right
105 degrees (Figure 16-2). basilar infiltrate and/or a right pleural effusion present
with small residual left pneumothorax, see white arrows
(see Figure 16-4).
Comments On postoperative day 20 all the previous changes
Atrioventricular pacing with biventricular system. noted on Figure 16-5 have disappeared with no evidence
16       Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery for Implantation of an Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead    97

PA Portable


FIGURE 16-5  Anteroposterior chest radiograph obtained 3 days

postoperatively. The small pneumothorax is no longer seen.

FIGURE 16-3  Anteroposterior chest radiograph obtained 3 days

before surgery. R ER Portable

PACU Portable L

FIGURE 16-4  Postoperative anteroposterior chest radiograph.

Arrows denote a very small postoperative pneumothorax.
FIGURE 16-6  Anteroposterior chest radiograph obtained 20 days
of focal pulmonary consolidation, pleural effusion, or
active vascular congestion (Figure 16-6).
fraction of 15% to 20%. The left ventricular cavity was
moderately increased. Both atria were moderately to
ECHOCARDIOGRAM severely dilated. Mild pulmonic regurgitation was
seen, and the aortic valve was moderately calcified.
5 Months Before Surgery Moderate-to-severe regurgitation was noted in both
mitral and tricuspid valves. There was mitral valve
Findings sclerosis with a valve area of 1.36 cm2 and the pulmo-
The echocardiogram revealed severely reduced sys- nary artery systolic pressure was mildly elevated at 40
tolic function of the left ventricle, with an ejection to 50 mm Hg.
98    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

The patient had NYHA class III congestive heart failure
and severely impaired left ventricular systolic function,
as demonstrated by the extremely low ejection fraction.
In addition, the patient had impairment despite tradi-
tional right atrial–right ventricular pacing. The lack of
response is likely related to the nonspecific intraventricu-
lar block, indicating the potential benefit of the addition
of left ventricular pacing.
FIGURE 16-7  Venogram 2 months before surgery.
Postoperative Day 3
Why was this patient considered for surgical left ventricular
Findings lead placement?
The postoperative echocardiogram revealed severely
reduced systolic function of the left ventricle and ejection
fraction increased to 20% to 25%. Moderate paradoxical
motion of the septum was seen. The left ventricular cav- The surgical platform allows for direct epicardial access,
ity size was moderately increased and the left atrium thereby overcoming the limitations of coronary sinus
mildly dilated. A pacemaker wire was identified in the anatomy in situations in which no branches or inade-
right ventricle. Mild-to-moderate regurgitation was noted quate venous branches in the preferred target zone are
in both mitral and tricuspid valves. The pulmonary artery available. In this patient, venography of the heart showed
systolic pressure was mildly elevated, at 35 to 45 mm Hg. only one high lateral branch suitable for left ventricular
lead placement, but it had a proximal right-angle curve
and a tight stenosis at the tip of the angle that occluded
beyond the stenosis during the lead placement attempt.
VENOGRAM The other coronary sinus branches, a midcardiac vein
with no posterior or lateral branches, and an anterior
Findings branch were not desirable alternatives. Direct visualiza-
Using the balloon occlusion technique a coronary sinus tion of scar tissue and phrenic nerve position avoids left
venogram was obtained in the left anterior oblique ventricular lead placement at sites of a previous myocar-
(LAO) projection using ioversol (Optiray) contrast agent dial infarction and diaphragmatic capture, respectively.
(Figure 16-7). Venography showed one high lateral Transvenous left ventricular placement should be the
branch with a proximal right-angle curve and tight ste- first option, but epicardial lead placement should be
nosis at the tip of the angle, a midcardiac vein with no considered in cases of aberrant coronary sinus anatomy,
posterior or lateral branches, and an anterior branch. A venous branching that precludes stable lead placement
Whisper wire with extra distal support was used to can- or placement in a suitable target zone (as in this patient),
nulate the high lateral branch. Using an over-the-wire phrenic nerve stimulation, or excessive pacing thresholds
technique, a bipolar Attain Ability Plus steerable lead via transvenous route.
was advanced to the proximal portion of the lateral
branch. However, the lead was unable to advance
beyond the stenosis point and was removed so a smaller
lead could be used. A repeat venogram in right anterior What are the advantages and disadvantages of performing
oblique and LAO projections to better assess the degree video-assisted thoracotomy surgery over other surgical
of stenosis showed that the vein was occluded beyond platforms?
the stenosis. Left ventricular lead placement was aban-
doned because no other vein could accommodate a left
ventricular lead on the lateral or posterior wall.
Video-assisted thoracotomy surgery is a minimally inva-
sive technique that produces less pain and has a shorter
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS recovery time while still allowing for visualization of the
epicardium. However, because the procedure is mini-
AND DISCUSSION POINTS mally invasive, the operating field is smaller than that
with a limited thoracotomy. In addition, the lack of tac-
Question tile feedback can make the operation difficult for an
Why was this patient recommended for biventricular pacing? inexperienced surgeon. However, these obstacles can be
16       Video-Assisted Thoracotomy Surgery for Implantation of an Epicardial Left Ventricular Lead    99

overcome as the surgeon gains more experience with the The new leads were tested and were found to be
procedure. working very well. The left ventricular lead connected to
the generator had a pacing threshold of 0.5 V with an
impedance of 532 Ω, and the backup left ventricular
FINAL DIAGNOSIS lead had a threshold of 2.5 V with an impedance of 794
Ω. The pacemaker was programmed to DDD and set to
The final diagnosis was severe congestive heart failure an atrioventricular delay of 130 msec and a V-V delay of
after placement of an ICD. 20 ms, with left ventricular stimulation preceding right
ventricular stimulation by 20 ms.

The plan of action for this patient was video-assisted
thoracotomy for implantation of an epicardial left ven- Left ventricular lead implantation carries a small failure
tricular lead. rate because of variant coronary sinus and venous anat-
omy, as demonstrated in this patient.1,2 Furthermore,
lead dislodgement can result in an additional 5% to
INTERVENTION 10% late failure rate of left ventricular lead capture and
sensing.2,7 In cases in which transvenous left ventricular
The patient was positioned in the supine position on lead insertion is not feasible, the patient should be con-
the operating room table. Intravenous cefazolin was sidered for surgical implantation of an epicardial lead.
given less than 1 hour before skin incision (discontin- Surgical left ventricular lead placement has been shown
ued within 24 hours). The patient was then intubated to be highly successful in nearly 100% of attempts and
with a double-lumen endotracheal tube. The lines were offers the additional advantage of direct access to the
placed by the anesthesia team. She was then prepped left ventricular surface, leading to the possibility of de-
and draped in the usual sterile manner, and a beanbag tailed left ventricular mapping and precise site-directed
was used to keep her in the right lateral decubitus posi- resynchronization.10
tion. To avoid interfering with the procedure, the left The development of video-assisted thoracotomy sur-
arm was supported and retracted to allow access to the gery began with the thoracotomy, which was an attempt
pacemaker pocket. to avoid the complications associated with a full ster-
Three small incisions were made in the third, fifth, notomy while still allowing for excellent exposure of the
and eighth intercostal spaces, and three ports were posterolateral wall. However, the traditional thoracot-
inserted. A camera was passed through the middle port, omy involved a large incision and formal rib spreading
and the pericardium was visualized. The pericardium and therefore was quite invasive; thus the limited thora-
was opened and the first marginal branch of the circum- cotomy was created. The limited thoracotomy approach
flex artery visualized. The left atrial appendage was also allows for minimally invasive access to the anterior or
visualized. At this time, an attempt to deploy one of the lateral walls without rib spreading. In both cases, the
leads through the superior port failed; the lead would incisions are kept to a minimum and rib spreading is
not deploy properly from its holder because of the small avoided. Surgeons have gained significant experience in
intercostal space. A small, 2-cm incision was made at the using these methods because they are commonly used
level of the camera and the leads deployed through the in coronary revascularization procedures such as in
opening. Two leads were placed at the base of the heart minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass in
in between the obtuse marginal branch and branches of which the left internal mammary artery is anastomosed
the circumflex artery. to the left anterior descending artery by a small anterior
The proximal ends of the pacing wires were then thoracotomy. Reports on the outcomes of limited left
guided submuscularly through the third intercostal thoracotomy are positive, showing an average length of
space to the pacemaker pocket. One of the leads was stay in the intensive care unit of 2.1 days, with no reports
connected to the ICD generator, and the backup lead of significant complications, morbidity, or mortality
was capped and placed posterior to the ICD generator. rates7-9 with a 5-day hospital stay.8
At this time, a Blake drain was placed in the pericardial Video-assisted thoracotomy developed as an extension
sac and the pericardium was closed. A posterior chest of the limited thoracotomy. Videoscopic guidance
tube was placed in the pleural space. The working port, enhances exposure to the posterolateral surface of the left
generator pocket, and port site incisions were all closed ventricle, limiting incision size and the need for rib spread-
in the usual manner. The patient was then extubated in ing. Postoperative pain and discomfort are decreased with
the operating room and taken to the recovery room in these approaches, and significant improvement of visual-
stable condition. No complications occurred during the ization of the entire area of interest allows more precise
operation. left ventricular lead placement. The proper site of lead
100    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

implantation is paramount to the success of complete 3.  Ansalone G, Giannantoni P, Ricci R, et al: Doppler myocardial
resynchronization.3 More specifically, posterolateral pac- imaging to evaluate the effectiveness of pacing sites in patients
receiving biventricular pacing, J Am Coll Cardiol 39:489-499,
ing on the left ventricle has been shown to result in opti- 2002.
mal resynchronization, whereas some evidence suggests 4.  Fernandez AL, Garcia-Bengochea JB, Ledo R, et al: Minimally
that more anterior sites may actually hinder resynchroni- invasive surgical implantation of left ventricular epicardial leads
zation.3 The ideal lead for this approach is the screw-in for ventricular resynchronization using video-assisted thoracos-
lead. The introduction of new tools for the secure and copy, Rev Esp Cardiol 57:313-319, 2004.
5.  Gabor S, Prenner G, Wasler A, et al: A simplified technique for
controlled deployment of the lead has made minimally implantation of left ventricular epicardial leads for biventricular
invasive approaches for left ventricular lead placement re-synchronization using video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS),
more feasible. Video-assisted thoracotomy has been Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 28:797-800, 2005.
shown to be comparable to the limited thoracotomy in 6.  Mair H, Jansens JL, Lattouf OM, et al: Epicardial lead implanta-
terms of complication and mortality rates.4-6 tion techniques for biventricular pacing via left lateral mini-
thoracotomy, video-assisted thoracoscopy, and robotic approach,
The average length of hospital stay for a patient who Heart Surg Forum 6:412-417, 2003.
has undergone video-assisted thoracotomy is approxi- 7.  Mair H, Sachweh J, Meuris B, et al: Surgical epicardial left
mately 4 days.4,5 In the patient with prior cardiac sur- ventricular lead versus coronary sinus lead placement in
gery, fine and careful dissection of all surrounding biventricular pacing, Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 27:235-242, 2005.
structures can be difficult because the surgeon works 8.  Puglisi A, Lunati M, Marullo AG, et al: Limited thoracotomy as a
second choice alternative to transvenous implant for cardiac
without tactile feedback. Nonetheless, enhanced left resynchronisation therapy delivery, Eur Heart J 25:1063-1069,
ventricular access and left ventricular mapping have 2004.
been facilitated by the aid of the videoscope and can be 9.  Shah RV, Lewis EF, Givertz MM: Epicardial left ventricular lead
easily accomplished in most cases. placement for cardiac resynchronization therapy following failed
coronary sinus approach, Congest Heart Fail 12:312-316, 2006.
10. Steinberg JS, Derose JJ: The rationale for nontransvenous leads
and cardiac resynchronization devices, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
Selected References 26:2211-2212, 2003.

Abraham WT: Cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart
failure: biventricular pacing and beyond, Curr Opin Cardiol
17:346-352, 2002.
Alonso C, Leclercq C, d’Allonnes FR, et al: Six year experience of
transvenous left ventricular lead implantation for permanent
biventricular pacing in patients with advanced heart failure:
technical aspects, Heart 86:405-410, 2001.

Role of Cardiac Computed
Tomography Before Implant:
Diagnosis of a Prominent
Thebesian Valve as an Obstacle to
Left Ventricular Lead Deployment
in Cardiac Resynchronization
Jerold S. Shinbane, Farhood Saremi, Antereas Hindoyan, Gregory Rivas,
and David Cesario

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

54 Years Female Business Prominent Thebesian Valve

HISTORY further evaluation of anatomic abnormalities impeding

coronary venous lead placement.
The patient had a medical history of hypertrophic car-
diomyopathy with progression to the dilated phase of
cardiomyopathy (New York Heart Association class III) CURRENT MEDICATIONS
and conduction abnormalities, including a prolonged
QRS duration of 154 msec with right bundle branch The patient was taking carvedilol 6.25 mg in the morning
block (RBBB) and left anterior fascicular block. Her and 12.5 mg at night, enalapril 7.5 mg daily, spironolac-
family history was positive for hypertrophic cardiomy- tone 25 mg daily, furosemide 10 mg daily, and potassium
opathy in her father and one brother. Genetic testing chloride 10 mEq daily.
revealed a mutation in the TNNI3 gene, resulting in
replacement of the normal glutamic acid codon with a
glutamine codon at position 124 in the troponin I gene. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
She had no history of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes
mellitus, or tobacco use. An echocardiogram demon- BP/HR: 90/56 mm Hg/60 bpm
strated an ejection fraction of 20% to 25%. She underwent Height/weight: 165 cm/58 kg
attempted cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrilla- Neck veins: Jugular venous pressure 5 cm H2O
tor (CRT-D) implantation at a different institution, but Lungs/chest: Lungs are clear to auscultation and percus-
the coronary sinus could not be cannulated. In addition, sion bilaterally; implantable cadioverter-defibrillator
concern existed about possible coronary sinus dissec- incision well healed
tion. Therefore a CRT-D device was implanted, with the Heart: Left ventricular impulse was laterally displaced; reg-
left ventricular lead port capped. The patient was referred ular heart rate and rhythm; normal first heart sound (S1)
for evaluation for potential upgrade to a CRT-D via the and second heart sound (S2), without third heart sound
implantation of the left ventricular lead. Cardiac com- (S3) or fourth heart sound (S4); 1/6 holosystolic murmur
puted tomography angiography (CCTA) was ordered for at the left lower sternal border radiating to the axilla
102    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended; no evidence 5 mm Hg. The inferior vena cava size and respiratory
of hepatosplenomegaly, pulsatile abdominal masses, variation were normal. No evidence of pericardial effusion
or abdominal bruits was observed.
Extremities: Without clubbing, cyanosis, or edema

Hemoglobin: 12.8 g/dL Findings
Hematocrit: 37.6%
Mean corpuscular volume: 94 fL Coronary Venous Findings
Platelet count: 119 cells/μL The coronary sinus ostium was patent, with an ostial
Sodium: 139 mmol/L diameter of 1.2 cm. A prominent Thebesian valve was
Potassium: 3.9 mmol/L noted covering the coronary sinus ostium (Figure 17-1).
Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL The middle cardiac vein was followed by a posterior car-
Blood urea nitrogen: 22 mg/dL diac vein branching off 1.5 cm after the coronary sinus
ostium with a gentle angulation of 146 degrees and
coursed posterolaterally (Figures 17-2 to 17-4). At 6 cm
Comments distal to the takeoff of the posterior vein (mid to apical
Renal insufficiency is a factor that must be taken into ventricular level), the vein bifurcated, with one branch
account with iodinated contrast studies, such as CCTA. coursing posteriorly and the other laterally. No evidence
This is an issue for the heart failure patient population of a branch vein in the lateral territory of the left ventri-
who require CRT. cle was seen. An anterior interventricular vein was pres-
ent. No evidence of coronary sinus dissection was noted.


The electrogram demonstrated an atrial paced rhythm The coronary artery system was right dominant, with
and ventricular sensed rhythm at 60 bpm. The PR interval normal location of the coronary artery origins. Evi-
was 198 msec; QRS duration was 156 msec, with RBBB dence of calcified and noncalcified plaques was present,
and left anterior fascicular block; and corrected QT without evidence of severe coronary artery stenosis
interval was 450 msec. Left ventricular hypertrophy was

A transthoracic echocardiogram showed mild left ven-
tricular enlargement with wall thickness at the upper
limits of normal and severe global hypokinesis with
akinesis of the midinferior wall, inferior septum, and Thebesian
apex. The left ventricular ejection fraction was 22%, valve
with a left ventricular end-diastolic dimension of 54 mm,
a posterior wall thickness of 11 mm, and an interven-
tricular septal thickness of 12 mm. Mildly decreased
right ventricular systolic function was noted, as well as
biatrial enlargement, with a left atrial volume index of
43 mL/m2. The aortic valve was trileaflet, without aortic
regurgitation or aortic stenosis. The mitral valve mor-
phology was normal, with no evidence of mitral stenosis
or regurgitation. No evidence of pulmonary regurgita- P
tion was seen. Trace tricuspid regurgitation was present, FIGURE 17-1  A two-dimensional oblique cardiac computed
with an estimated right ventricular systolic pressure of tomography angiography image demonstrates a prominent Thebesian
28 mm Hg. The right atrial pressure was estimated to be valve (white arrows) covering the coronary sinus ostium.

17       Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant    103

(Figure 17-5). The left ventricle was moderately dilated, normal morphology. The right atrium was normal in
with thinning and aneurysmal dilation of the apex. A size. A dual-chamber implantable cardiac defibrillator
thin layer of mural thrombus was seen in the region of (ICD) was present with leads in the right atrial
the apical aneurysm (Figure 17-6). The left atrium was appendage and right ventricular apex. The aorta and
severely enlarged. The right ventricle demonstrated pulmonary arteries appeared unremarkable.


Post vein

Posterior vein
FIGURE 17-4  A two-dimensional oblique cardiac computed
tomography angiography image shows the gentle angulation of 146
degrees of the posterior vein off of the coronary sinus. CS, Coronary
sinus; Post vein, posterior vein.

FIGURE 17-2  A three-dimensional cardiac computed tomography

angiography reconstruction shows the coronary venous system. A
posterior cardiac vein was present branching off 1.5 cm after the
coronary sinus ostium coursing posterolaterally. At 6 cm distal to the LAD
takeoff of the posterior vein, the vein bifurcated, with one branch
coursing posteriorly while the other branch coursed laterally. There LM
was no evidence of a branch vein in the lateral territory of the left Ramus
ventricle. The vein targeted for implant is shown (white arrow). CS,
Coronary sinus; GCV, great cardiac vein; LA, left atrium.

R P Cx


FIGURE 17-3  A three-dimensional cardiac computed tomography FIGURE 17-5  A two-dimensional oblique cardiac computed
angiography reconstruction demonstrates localization of the tomography angiography image showing the left coronary artery
myocardial segments associated with the posterior vein. The arrows circulation without significant coronary artery disease. Cx, Circumflex
demonstrate the myocardial location of the bifurcation of the vein at coronary artery; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; LM,
the mid to apical ventricular level. left main coronary artery; Ramus, ramus intermedius coronary artery.
104    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation

CCTA can provide anatomic characterization for CRT
implant, including right atrial size, coronary sinus ostial
characteristics, presence and location of coronary sinus
branch veins, angulation of the branch vein off of the
the coronary sinus or great cardiac vein, course of the
target vein, and assessment for anomalies that may limit
S I lead placement (see previous question).1-7

What are the current guidelines for coronary venous CT

FIGURE 17-6  A two-dimensional chamber cardiac computed Based on the American College of Cardiology Foun-
tomography angiography image demonstrates the left ventricle to be dation, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomogra-
moderately dilated with thinning and aneurysmal dilatation of the phy, American College of Radiology, American Heart
apex. A thin layer of mural thrombus was seen in the region of the Association, American Society of Echocardiology,
apical aneurysm (white arrows). The left atrium was severely enlarged. American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, North Ameri-
can Society of Cardiovascular Imaging, Society for Car-
diovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2010 Appropri-
ate Use Criteria for Cardiac Computed Tomography,
AND DISCUSSION POINTS noninvasive coronary vein mapping before placement
of a biventricular system was deemed appropriate with
Question a score of 8/9.8 Preliminary data suggest that review of
What are the potential anatomic limitations and challenges CT coronary venous angiography findings before CRT
to left ventricular lead placement? can facilitate placement of CRT devices.5

Discussion Question
Impediments to coronary venous lead placement are What are the special considerations for coronary venous CT
multiple and include (1) coronary venous valves or angiography in patients undergoing evaluation for CRT?
valve remnants, such as the Thebesian valve covering the
coronary sinus ostium or Vieussen’s valve at the ostium
of the great cardiac vein; (2) an unroofed coronary
sinus; (3) coronary venous diverticulum, aneurysm, ste- Because patients undergoing evaluation for CRT have
nosis, or occlusion; (4) coronary sinus atresia; (5) absent significant ventricular dysfunction, special consider-
or underdeveloped coronary veins in the target area for ations and potential limitations apply to coronary
left ventricular lead placement; (6) procedural compli- venous imaging. Patients must be able to lie in the
cations, such as coronary sinus dissection; (7) thoracic supine position and follow breathing instructions for an
venous anomalies, such as a persistent left-sided supe- appropriately timed breath-hold during imaging. Heart
rior vena cava draining into a dilated coronary sinus rate control can be challenging because some patients
with or without a right-sided superior vena cava; (8) cannot be acutely beta-blocked to a heart rate of 60 bpm
close proximity of the phrenic nerve to a coronary for imaging. Atrial or ventricular ectopy and arrhyth-
venous branch target site causing diaphragmatic pacing; mias such as atrial fibrillation can decrease study qual-
and (9) presence of significant myocardial scar at the ity. Issues can relate to the volume load of contrast agent
target coronary venous branch site. and iodinated contrast-induced nephrotoxicity.
The optimal timing of image acquisition in rela-
tion to administration of the contrast bolus may be
Question delayed in patients with significant ventricular dys-
What information important to CRT can be gleaned from a function as a result of prolonged circulation time of
CCTA relevant to CRT lead placement? contrast to target structures. In addition, visualization
17       Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant    105

of the coronary venous system requires a delay in trig-

gering of image acquisition because contrast must
course through coronary arteries to the myocardium
and back through the coronary venous system. Coro-
nary venous imaging can be achieved by performing a A A P
test bolus at the region of interest to assess timing
before the study injection, with triggering based on a
surrogate region of interest such as the descending
aorta at the lowest slice of the study, adding several
seconds to the timing based on a standard coronary
artery study or using the timing of a standard coro-
FIGURE 17-7  A three-dimensional cardiac computed tomography
nary artery study with the trigger set at a higher Houn-
angiography reconstruction demonstrates the relationship of the left
sfield unit threshold. ventricle to the skeletal structures. These views could potentially be
useful to planning an epicardial approach to left ventricular lead
Question placement.

What is the relevance of the Thebesian valve to cardiovascu-

lar procedures?
target site in relation to the three-dimensional thoracic
anatomy and skeletal structures for decisions as to the
Discussion optimal incision site (Figure 17-7).
The Thebesian valve is a remnant structure of the embry-
onic right valve, which commonly exists as a minimal
remnant but can occur as fenestrated partial valve rem- INTERVENTION
nant, or fully formed valve. Thebesian valves can make
coronary sinus cannulation more challenging for proce- An upgrade procedure was performed with addition of
dures such as coronary sinus catheter placement for a left ventricular lead through the coronary venous
electrophysiology studies, retrograde cardioplegia for system to the CRT-D device. The device pocket was
cardiothoracic surgical procedures and CRT procedures. exposed through an incision at the site of the genera-
CCTA can allow visualization of prominent Thebesian tor incision, and the generator was disconnected. Left
valves, which may impede placement of left ventricular subclavian venous access was obtained. A multipur-
leads.9 pose curved catheter was advanced under fluoroscopic
guidance over a Wholey wire (Coviden, Mansfield,
Mass.) into the mid–right atrium, rotated septally, and
FINAL DIAGNOSIS advanced across the tricuspid annulus into the right
ventricle. The catheter and wire were slowly pulled
CCTA demonstrated a prominent Thebesian valve cover- back with counterclockwise torque into the right
ing the coronary sinus ostium as the impediment to atrium, rotating the catheter posteriorly. Once in the
placement of the left ventricular lead via the coronary right atrium, the Wholey wire was advanced to gain
venous system. access to the coronary sinus through the Thebesian
valve. Because of the difficulty in advancing the multi-
purpose sheath into the coronary sinus, a flexible
PLAN OF ACTION Terumo catheter (Terumo Medical, Somerset, N.J.) was
advanced over the Wholey wire into the main coro-
Some The­besian valves are challenging to cross with nary sinus body. Then the multipurpose sheath was
standard approaches and require other methods, advanced over the transit catheter and the Wholey
including (1) use of alternative guide wires and sheaths wire into the main coronary sinus and great cardiac
from a stan­dard subclavian or cephalic approach; (2) a vein. A contrast injection was performed that identi-
double can­ nulation technique in which the valve is fied the posterolateral branch vein. The Wholey wire
opened using a catheter from a different approach via a and transit catheter were removed. The sheath was
femoral vein, subsequently allowing the guide wire, flushed, and the coronary venous lead was advanced
sheath, and left ventricular lead to be placed from a sub- over a PT2 wire (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass.) and
clavian or cephalic approach;10 or (3) rarely an epicar- positioned in the posterolateral branch vein (Figure
dial approach to left ventricular lead placement, which 17-8). Excellent sensing and capture thresholds were
can be achieved through a minimally invasive surgical confirmed. Diaphragmatic stimulation was absent
approach. In this case, the CCTA can help identify the during a test pulse at 10 V and 2 ms.
106    SECTION 3       Challenging Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation


FIGURE 17-8  Fluoroscopy images show the multipurpose catheter that has been advanced beyond the Thebesian valve into the main body of
the great cardiac vein, with subsequent deployment of the left ventricular endovascular lead.

Selected References
Auricchio A, Sorgente A, Soubelet E, et al: Accuracy and
usefulness of fusion imaging between three-dimensional
coronary sinus and coronary veins computed tomographic
images with projection images obtained using fluoroscopy,
Europace 11:1483-1490, 2009.
Cao M, Chang P, Garon B, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
therapy: double cannulation approach to coronary venous
lead placement via a prominent Thebesian valve. pacing and
clinical electrophysiology, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol, 2012. in
Girsky MJ, Shinbane JS, Ahmadi N, et al: Prospective random-
ized trial of venous cardiac computed tomographic angiography
for facilitation of cardiac resynchronization therapy, Pacing Clin
Electrophysiol 33:1182-1187, 2010.
Jongbloed MR, Lamb HJ, Bax JJ, et al: Noninvasive visualization
of the cardiac venous system using multislice computed
tomography, J Am Coll Cardiol 45:749-753, 2005.
Mao S, Shinbane JS, Girsky MJ, et al: Coronary venous imaging
with electron beam computed tomographic angiography:
three-dimensional mapping and relationship with coronary
arteries, Am Heart J 150:315-322, 2005.
Mark DB, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, et al: ACCF/ACR/AHA/NASCI/
FIGURE 17-9  A chest radiograph demonstrates the final left SAIP/SCAI/SCCT 2010 expert consensus document on coronary
ventricular lead position (white arrows). computed tomographic angiography: a report of the American
College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Expert
Consensus Documents, Circulation 121:2509-2543, 2010.
Mlynarski R, Mlynarska A, Sosnowski M: Anatomical variants of
OUTCOME coronary venous system on cardiac computed tomography,
Circulation 75:613-618, 2011.
Shinbane JS, Girsky MJ, Mao S, et al: Thebesian valve imaging
The patient had successful deployment of a coronary with electron beam CT angiography: implications for resyn-
venous lead with a normally functioning CRT-D device chronization therapy, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 27:1331-1332,
(Figure 17-9). 2004.
17       Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant    107

Taylor AJ, Cerqueira M, Hodgson JM, et al: ACCF/SCCT/ACR/ Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and the
AHA/ASE/ASNC/NASCI/SCAI/SCMR 2010 appropriate use Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Circulation
criteria for cardiac computed tomography: a report of the 122:e525-e555, 2010.
American College of Cardiology Foundation Appropriate Use 10. Van de Veire NR, Marsan NA, Schuijf JD, et al: Noninvasive
Criteria Task Force, the Society of Cardiovascular Computed imaging of cardiac venous anatomy with 64-slice multi-slice
Tomography, the American College of Radiology, the American computed tomography and noninvasive assessment of left
Heart Association, the American Society of Echocardiography, ventricular dyssynchrony by 3-dimensional tissue synchronization
the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, the North imaging in patients with heart failure scheduled for cardiac
American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging, the Society for resynchronization therapy, Am J Cardiol 101:1023-1029, 2008.
Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead:
High Approach
Philippe Ritter, Pierre Jaïs, and Pierre Bordachar

Age Gender Occupation Working

65 Years Male Retired Heart Failure

HISTORY treatment is not optimal, because patient ideally should

require 10 mg daily each of bisoprolol and ramipril. The
The patient was a 65-year-old retired man seeking treat- statin is given for the hypercholesterolemia. Amioda-
ment for dilated cardiomyopathy with normal coronary rone and warfarin are for rhythm control and prevention
arteries for about 10 years. Risk factors are dyslipidemia of thromboembolism, respectively. The furosemide dos-
and obesity (91 kg, 173 cm). Two procedures of ablation age is sufficient for controlling the heart failure
for atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardia were per- symptoms.
formed 6 and 2 years earlier. One year previously, a new
episode of atrial fibrillation was treated with direct cur-
rent shock and amiodarone. The patient is currently in CURRENT SYMPTOMS
sinus rhythm and remains in New York Heart Associa-
tion (NYHA) class III under medical therapy. The patient The patient is in NYHA class III, with predominant dys-
has no pulmonary disease, and respiratory tests are pnea on exertion, accompanied with palpitations,
normal. fatigue, and mild peripheral edema.

Comments Comments
This is a long history of heart failure in a patient being fol- The patient never experienced symptoms of acute heart
lowed adequately and benefiting from currently available failure even during the occurrence of atrial tachyarrhyth-
therapeutic techniques. The cardiomyopathy is consid- mias. Increasing the dosage of furosemide did not mini-
ered idiopathic, and atrial arrhythmias are events that do mize symptoms.
not fully explain the current heart failure status of the
MEDICATIONS BP/HR: 98/71 mm Hg/95 bpm at rest
Height/weight: 173 cm/91 kg
The patient was taking bisoprolol 2.5 mg daily, ramipril Neck veins: Not dilated
5 mg daily, rosuvastatin 20 mg daily, furosemide 40 mg Lungs/chest: No crackle at auscultation
daily, warfarin with international normalized ratio Heart: No murmur, no abnormal heart sound
(INR) between 2 and 3, amiodarone 200 mg daily. Abdomen: No ascites
Extremities: Mild limb edema
The patient could not tolerate the recommended dos-
ages of beta blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme Although the patient had symptoms of heart failure, no
(ACE) inhibitors because of symptomatic hypotension. objective sign can be observed except from sinus tachy-
The spironolactone that was given previously had to be cardia and hypotension. This may occur in patients with
stopped for occurrence of hyperkalemia. Thus medical chronic heart failure.
112    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 18-1 Baseline


FIGURE 18-2  The cardiotho-

racic ratio is over 50%. Some
pulmonary overloading can be

LABORATORY DATA 320 ms, QRS 120 ms, and QRS axis −30 degrees; QTc
489 ms (Figure 18-1).
Hemoglobin: 12.7 g%
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 37.6%
Platelet count: 184 g/L
Sodium: 139 mmol/L The ECG showed first-degree atrioventricular block, and
Potassium: 4.2 mmol/L the QRS was not prolonged. QRS morphology could
Creatinine: 109 mmol/L correspond to left anterior hemiblock, although left
Urea nitrogen: 8.4 mmol/L axis deviation is not that important. This ECG tracing
B-type natriuretic peptide: 1287 pg/mL does not fit a cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)
The patient has mild impairment of renal function, and
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is elevated.
The echocardiogram revealed left ventricular ejection
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM fraction (LVEF) 25%; moderate left ventricular dilation,
with end-diastolic volume 87 mL/m² and end systolic
Findings volume 65 mL/m²; global hypokinesia; left ventricular
The electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm 82 filling time less than 40% of the RR duration; left ven-
bpm, P duration 80 ms, P axis 40 degrees, PR interval tricular preejection time 160 ms; normal right ventricular
18       Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach    113

FIGURE 18-3  In spontaneous rhythm, dP/dtmax is very low (481 mm Hg/sec) with a low left ventricular systolic pressure found at 88 mm Hg.

function; dilation of the atria; no valvular abnormality; the right femoral artery from the groin. A radial approach
and increased filling pressures (Figure 18-2). was used for the coronary angiogram, to introduce a
pressure wire to record left ventricular pressure, and to
calculate left ventricular dP/dt. All pacing configurations
Comments are applied in the VDD mode, with the AVD set at 100
A discrepancy was seen between low LVEF and moderate ms. Three left ventricular lead positions are tested in
left ventricular dilation, although the patient’s heart fail- biventricular pacing: apical, anterolateral, and posterior.
ure history is 10 years. The short left ventricular filling Each pacing is applied for 2 minutes before a 10-second
time is related to the prolonged PR interval. The pro- recording to measure mean dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin.
longed preejection time may be related to left ventricular Between each pacing configuration, the baseline intrinsic
dyssynchrony. Increased filling pressure is compatible rhythm is restored (Figures 18-3, 18-4, 18-5, and 18-6).
with the high BNP level. In conclusion, both dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin increase dur-
ing biventricular pacing at all left ventricular sites in con-
trast to baseline spontaneous rhythm. However, the left
CATHETERIZATION ventricular pacing site does influence the result—when
the left ventricular lead is placed at the left ventricular
A coronary angiogram was performed again (the first apex, the improvement in dP/dtmax is 7% (not significant),
since 2006) to exclude coronary artery disease. The exam- whereas it is 45% at the anterolateral left ventricular site,
ination provides an opportunity to assess the coronary and 67% at the midposterior left ventricular site.
sinus network during venous-phase recording. This
examination shows a huge distribution of very small and
tortuous veins that predict major difficulties in case of a
decision for a CRT implantation. Left ventricular dP/dtmax is considered a hemodynamic
Analysis of the effects of atriobiventricular pacing reference parameter to assess cardiac function. How-
with an endocardial left ventricular lead placed at differ- ever, the methodology of measurement is quite impor-
ent sites within the left ventricle is performed, and three tant, especially when differences in the effect of two
temporary leads are introduced: one at the atrial append- therapies are small. Each measurement done under
age and one at the right ventricular apex via the right each pacing configuration must be compared to base-
femoral vein and one left ventricular lead introduced via line applied between each pacing configuration. The
114    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

FIGURE 18-4  During atriobiventricular pacing with the endocardial left ventricular lead placed at the apex, dP/dtmax rises to 517 mm Hg/sec,
without change in the left ventricular systolic pressure, but the difference is not significant.

FIGURE 18-5  During atriobiventricular pacing with the endocardial left ventricular lead placed at the anterior and lateral site, dP/dtmax rises
significantly to 697 mm Hg/sec, with a slight increase in left ventricular systolic pressure.

different methods of measurement are not standard- cycles before and after the pacing configuration transi-
ized. Measurements can be done after 30 seconds to tion at a moment when the direct mechanical effect of
2 minutes in each pacing mode. Plateaus of several the pacing configuration change is observed without
seconds or cycles are then compared, with the condi- peripheral adaptation. In any case, repetition of mea-
tion that no extrasystole occurs that would induce a surements should be performed to minimize the
drop in dP/dtmax. Another technique is to record a few effects of artifacts, such as respiration, especially when
18       Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach    115

FIGURE 18-6  During atriobiventricular pacing with the left ventricular lead placed at the posterior site, left ventricular dP/dtmax rises further to
806 mm Hg and systolic pressure to 102 mm Hg. dP/dtmin is also higher than in the spontaneous condition, demonstrating faster left ventricular

observed differences between pacing modes are small. feasibility trial, assessing the feasibility and safety of the
In the example, the biventricular pacing configuration left ventricular endocardial pacing through an atrial
with the left ventricular lead placed at the apex does transseptal approach.
not provide a significant difference in contrast to
baseline AAI mode. However, the two other left ven-
tricular locations did provide a significant improve- POSTOPERATIVE RADIOGRAPH
ment in dP/dt well above two times the standard
deviation. A limitation in this case is the absence of The postoperative radiographic examination includes
repetition of dP/dt measurements in each pacing four views: anteroposterior, lateral, right anterior
mode. oblique, and left anterior oblique. It confirms that the
location of the left ventricular lead is close to the site of
pacing applied during the preoperative hemodynamic
IMPLANTATION study. See Figure 18-7.

Implantation of the atriobiventricular system is per-

formed under general anesthesia. The atrial lead is POSTOPERATIVE
placed at the right atrial appendage, the right ventricular ELECTROCARDIOGRAM
lead (a single-coil implantable cardioversion defibrilla-
tor lead) at the apex (rather than at the right ventricular The recorded ECG under biventricular pacing shows
free wall close to the apex, as suggested by the postpro- right deviation of the QRS axis. QRS duration (~130 ms)
cedure chest radiographic examination). The left ven- does not really differ from the intrinsic QRS complex
tricular lead is placed through a transseptal puncture, (120 ms). Atrioventricular delay is set at its nominal
from the left subclavian vein, to the location designated value (120 ms) and VV interval at 0 ms (Figure 18-8).
by the temporary preoperative hemodynamic test, When left ventricular pacing alone is programmed,
which provided the maximal dP/dtmax increase, that is, the ECG shows the classic QRS pattern of left posterior
the posterior endocardial site. The lead being used was pacing with large QRS (160 ms) (Figure 18-9).
the Select Secure (Medtronic, Northridge, Calif.). This Electrical performance of the left ventricular lead is
implantation is currently done in the context of the excellent—650 Ω impedance and 0.5-V pacing threshold
ALternate Site Cardiac ReSYNChronization (ALSYNC) at 0.4-ms pulse width.
116    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

FIGURE 18-7 Postoperative
chest radiographic examination
showing the location of the three
leads: atrial lead at the lateral wall
of the right atrium, right ventricular
lead at the right ventricular
paraapical site, and left ventricular
lead at the midposterior wall of the
left ventricular endocardium. A,
Anteroposterior view. B, Lateral
view. C, right anterior oblique
view. D, Left anterior oblique


I aVR V1 V4

FIGURE 18-8 Postoperative II aVL V2 V5

electrogram recorded in DDD
mode during atrio–left ventriciular

ELECTRICAL ACTIVATION PATTERN consisting of 252 electrodes is placed on the patient’s

thorax. One beat is recorded, and an electrocardio-
A new system (EcVUE, CardioInsight, Cleveland, Ohio) graphic map can be obtained that is plotted on a three-
that noninvasively generates maps of the electrical dimensional anatomic image of the patient’s heart
activity of the heart, has been developed. A vest obtained with computed tomography. This map allows
18       Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach    117

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 FIGURE 18-9 Postoperative

electrogram recorded in DDD
mode during atrial left ventricular

analysis of the electrical activation of the atria and Laboratory data showed an increase in creatinine
ventricles. level up to 164 mmol/L, with a potassium level of
Left ventricular pacing elicits variable electrical activa- 5.1 mmol/L and urea 15 mmol/L. BNP is 405 pg/mL.
tion patterns affecting electrical synchrony. Electrocar- Echocardiographic data improved. The ejection frac-
diographic mapping produces noninvasive, biventricular tion increased to 44%, left ventricular end-diastolic vol-
electrical activation maps that can be acquired during ume to 64 mL/m², and left ventricular end-systolic
different pacing configurations. The red color indicates volume to 43 mL/m². LV preejection time is 120 ms.
the zone of primary activation, and the dark blue indi- Right ventricular function is normal, and no mitral regur-
cates the zone of latest activation. Isochrones delineate gitation was seen. Filling pressures are normal. The ECG
the zones of equal activation time. Narrowing of the pattern is the same as at hospital discharge. The left ven-
zones indicates slower conduction. These activation tricular threshold is 0.5 V at 0.4 ms, and the left ventricu-
maps can be used in the context of CRT to evaluate elec- lar pacing impedance is 560 Ohm. Device memories are
trical synchrony—visual inspection of activation maps free from atrial or ventricular arrhythmias. The patient
at baseline and during pacing, interventricular, and demonstrated 100% biventricular pacing.
intraventricular quantitative assessments.
In this patient, the intrinsic QRS complex is mea-
sured by the system at 118 ms. Left lateral and posterior
wall depolarization is delayed in contrast to right ven- The patient is a responder to CRT. His NYHA class
tricular activation. The difference between mean right improved by two grades, ejection fraction had increased,
ventricular and mean left ventricular activations is −64 left ventricular end-systolic volume had decreased more
ms. The pattern of activation is similar to a left bundle than 15%. BNP was reduced, although not totally
branch block pattern. Note also that the midseptal acti- restored to normal.
vation cannot be observed. Drug dosages were later increased (for beta blocker
During biventricular pacing, the activation pattern and ACE inhibitor) in the future as his BP has increased.
looks more homogeneous. The paced QRS duration is Furosemide was withheld as filling pressures are normal
126 ms. The posterior and inferior left ventricular wall while urea, creatinine, and potassium levels were increas-
remains slightly delayed. The difference between mean ing. These latter changes could be explained by dehydra-
right ventricular and mean left ventricular activations is tion. This phenomenon is not infrequent in responders to
−20 ms (Figures 18-10, 18-11, and 18-12). CRT. In this patient, the drug dosages, including diuretics,
In conclusion, this technique helps in understanding are not changed after implantation of the CRT device
the ventricular activation patterns according to the lead until the first follow-up visit. As cardiac function improves
locations. rapidly with evidence of left ventricular reverse remodel-
ing, the need for diuretics diminishes rapidly, so they can
be stopped earlier. The patient no longer reports dyspnea,
OUTCOMES although he has symptoms of fatigue.

During the 3-month follow-up period, the medical

treatment has not been changed, but the anticoagu- FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
lant dosage was reduced. The patient is in NYHA class
I, and fatigability is less frequent. He has no symptom
of heart failure, and peripheral edema has disap-
peared. He lost 10 kg of weight. Blood pressure is
106/70 mm Hg. Was the patient recommended for CRT?
118    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques



FIGURE 18-10  A, Left anterior

oblique view. The right ventricle
activates first, and this activation is
homogeneous. The left anterior
wall is rapidly activated, whereas
the lateral wall is much delayed.
B, Posteroanterior view. The
atrioventricular valves are on the
right, and the left ventricular apex is
on the left. This view demonstrates
the delay in activation of the lateral Post. Inf. Inf. Caud.
and posterior wall. C, A posterior
and inferior view of the left
ventricle (atrioventricular valves on
the right, apex on the left). This
view confirms the late activation of
the posterior wall. The inferior wall
is less delayed and activation goes
fast (D).




FIGURE 18-11  The same views as

in intrinsic rhythm and same time
scale. During biventricular pacing, the
activation pattern is quite altered.
Depolarization clearly starts from the
spots of lead locations—apical right
ventricular and posterior left
ventricular walls. As a result, the right
ventricular free wall and anterior,
posterior, and some inferior left Post. Inf. Inf. Caud.
ventricular walls appear to be
electrically synchronized. The
posterior and inferior left ventricular
wall is slightly delayed, and basal
segments are the most delayed, but
the concerned region is small.
18       Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach    119



FIGURE 18-12  The same views as

in intrinsic rhythm and biventricular
pacing and same time scale. During
left ventricular pacing only, the
activation pattern is totally reversed
with primodepolarization at the
lateral left ventricular wall. Two lines
of block appear at the anterior wall
facing the septum and at the
Post. Inf. Inf. Caud. posterior and lateral wall. As a
consequence, right ventricular and
inferior left ventricular walls are
largely delayed. The difference
between mean right ventricular and
mean left ventricular activations is
+110 ms.

Discussion found that indicate the patient may benefit from a given
This patient has most of the criteria for an indication for therapy, it will be allowed by the administration. This is
a CRT device, except a borderline ECG criteria (i.e., QRS the reason why a temporary hemodynamic assessment
120 msec and a non–left bundle branch block [LBBB] was performed to determine the possible acute benefit
pattern). According to the latest ESC guideline, however, over intrinsic rhythm that could be measured during
he is not a candidate for CRT.4 atriobiventricular pacing from endocardial sites, includ-
Initially, CRT has been proposed to patients with LBBB ing the left ventricle (a previous coronary artery angio-
with QRS longer than 150 ms, to resynchronize a delayed gram with venous return timing demonstrated the
activated left ventricle to the right ventricle, the gross con- prediction of a difficult access to the veins of the coro-
cept being that systolic dyssynchrony is the primary reason nary sinus network). In addition, the left ventricular
for the further decline of cardiac function. Later, recom- endocardial approach provides much more flexibility
mendations were extended to patients with shorter QRS for moving a catheter inside the left ventricular cavity,
complex, but still longer than 120 ms, and earlier clinical thus allowing determination of the optimal site of pac-
stages of heart failure. However, as a matter of fact, patients ing. Previous studies showed that optimal pacing sites
with non-LBBB ECG morphologies are not good respond- are individualized.2 The designated site can then be used
ers to CRT. Today, the ESC recommendations rank patients again during the implantation procedure.
with LBBB and QRS of 120 ms or greater as class IA candi- The dP/dtmax value is a hemodynamic reference param-
dates, whereas patients with non-LBBB morphology with eter for assessing left ventricular function and has been
QRS of 150 ms or greater are ranked class IIA candidates.4 used during the last decade for atrioventricular and VV-
interval optimizations during acute CRT implantation
and has been suggested as an option to guide the choice
Question of pacing sites. In this patient, a huge difference was found
What were the reasons for indicating CRT in this patient? between intrinsic rhythm condition and biventricular
pacing with the left ventricular endocardial lead placed at
the midposterior wall. Currently, the use of preoperative
Discussion acute hemodynamic assessment to predict a good left
In some countries (including France), if a patient does ventricular reverse remodeling or clinical response to CRT
not fit recommendations but objective arguments are remains controversial.3,6 From what we have observed in
120    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

the current case, it is conceivable that more studies are CRT.1,7-9 This is the situation in the patient in this case, who
needed for the role of using acute hemodynamic-guided did not show a prolonged QRS complex but had delayed
placement of left ventricular leads for patients in whom electrical activation of the left ventricle. After CRT, the
the use of CRT may have less-than-expected benefits, such effect of left ventricular pacing on the activation pattern is
as those with a borderline QRS duration (e.g., 120 to clearly shown—inversion of the activation pattern when
150 ms) or non-LBBB pattern of ECG. left ventricular pacing only is applied and significant elec-
trical resynchronization when both left ventricular and
right ventricular leads are paced. These noninvasive maps
Question are obtained in nearly real time and require only one heart
Why was this patient implanted with an endocardial left ven- beat to be displayed. Consequently, this technique can
tricular lead, a technique that is not currently recommended? theoretically be useful not only for the diagnosis of electri-
Why was a surgical epicardial approach not preferred? cal dyssynchrony before implantation but also during
implantation because it provides fast and reproducible
information of the electrical resynchronization. Thus the
Discussion choice of the optimal pacing site is foreseeable, with the
The surgical epicardial approach is an accepted option in condition that electrical activation resynchronization and
the case of failure or expected major difficulties of the mechanical improvement occur in parallel. Finally, this
coronary sinus approach. However, the acute hemody- tool potentially can be used for optimization of atrioven-
namic evaluation before implantation was performed tricular and VV intervals during follow-up, especially in
with an endocardial left ventricular lead, and it cannot nonresponders to CRT to better understand the possible
be certain that similar effects of epicardial and endocar- mechanism of lack of efficacy and plan ahead the various
dial pacing would be found at the same spot. Although options of device programming and implantation
the patient had no coronary artery disease or scar zone, revision.
local conduction disorders might arise, leading to inho- Currently, this technique remains investigational and
mogeneity in the hemodynamic results between the two needs the scientific proof to be demonstrated in the clin-
pacing modalities. The patient was already on anticoagu- ical setting.
lation therapy for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, so accep-
tance of long-term anticoagulation was not an issue even
at a higher dosage (with INR between 2.5 and 3.5).
Selected References
However, this technique is currently under investiga- 1.  Bourassa MG, Khairy P, Roy D: An early proof-of-concept of
cardiac resynchronization therapy, World J Cardiol 3:374-376, 2011.
tion and may have severe drawbacks.5,10 It requires an
2.  Derval N, Steendijk P, Gula LJ, et al: Optimizing hemodynamics
atrial transseptal puncture, which can be a tricky exercise in heart failure patients by systematic screening of left ventricular
when sheaths are coming from the upper part of the pacing sites: the lateral left ventricular wall and the coronary
body. The lead is crossing the mitral valve, and long- sinus are rarely the best sites, J Am Coll Cardiol 55:566-575, 2010.
term mitral leaflet movement disturbance might be an 3.  Duckett SG, Ginks M, Shetty AK, et al: Invasive acute hemody-
namic response to guide left ventricular lead implantation
issue. Clotting must be cautiously prevented. In case of
predicts chronic remodeling in patients undergoing cardiac
infection, vegetation embolism might occur, and the resynchronization therapy, J Am Coll Cardiol 58:1128-1136, 2011.
removal of the lead will probably be done in the cardiac 4.  McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, et al: ESC guidelines
surgical room. Currently, this technique is still investiga- for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart
tional, and the ALSYNC trial will address the issues of failure 2012: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2012 of the European Society of
safety and efficacy of the endocardial approach for left
Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure
ventricular lead implantation and whether it is superior Association (HFA) of the ESC, Eur J Heart Fail 14:803-869, 2012.
to the conventional transvenous approach. 5.  Ploux S, Whinnett Z, Bordachar P: Left ventricular endocardial
pacing and multisite pacing to improve CRT response,
J Cardiovasc Transl Res 5:213-218, 2012.
Question 6.  Prinzen FW, Houthuizen P, Bogaard MD, et al: Is acute hemody-
namic response a predictor of long-term outcome in cardiac
What is the usefulness of cardiac activation maps? resynchronization therapy? J Am Coll Cardiol 59:1198, 2012.
7.  Rickard J, Kumbhani DJ, Gorodeski EZ, et al: Cardiac resynchro-
nization therapy in non-left bundle branch block morphologies,
Discussion Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 33:590-595, 2010.
8.  Strik M, Ploux S, Vernooy K, et al: Cardiac resynchronization therapy:
The new ESC guidelines that restrict the class IA indica-
refocus on the electrical substrate, Circ J 75:1297-1304, 2011.
tions to patients with LBBB morphology were discussed 9.  Strik M, Regoli F, Auricchio A, et al: Electrical and mechanical
earlier. However, some patients exhibit a non-LBBB mor- ventricular activation during left bundle branch block and
phology at ECG, but invasive endocardial and epicardial resynchronization, J Cardiovasc Transl Res 5:117-126, 2012.
maps demonstrate a left ventricular activation delay. This 10. Whinnett Z, Bordachar P: The risks and benefits of transseptal
endocardial pacing, Curr Opin Cardiol 27:19-23, 2012.
delay seems essential to obtain a favorable response after
Left Ventricular Endocardial
Pacing in a Patient with an
Anomalous Left-Sided Superior
Vena Cava
John Mark Morgan

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

67 Years Male Builder Heart Failure (Ischaemic
­ ardiomyopathy) and Pacemaker
Dependence After Atrioventricular
Node Ablation

HISTORY The patient responded well to biventricular pacing

with improvement in ejection fraction (LVEF 45%) and
The patient had a complex past medical history. He NYHA status to class II.
underwent bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement in Thirty-six months after implantation of the left ven-
2006 related to infective endocarditis with consequent tricular pacing lead, he had late infection of the pacing
severe aortic regurgitation and had moderately impaired pocket, with raised inflammatory markers and positive
left ventricular systolic function (left ventricular ejection blood cultures for Staphylococcus.
fraction [LVEF] 45%-50%). Coronary angiography did
not show significant coronary artery disease, and there-
fore surgical revascularization was not necessary at the FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
time of aortic valve replacement.
The patient then developed persistent (cardioversion
on two occasions in 2007) and then permanent atrial
fibrillation with fast ventricular rate response despite
the use of digoxin, verapamil, and beta blockade (all in What is the indication for device and lead extraction?
maximum tolerated or appropriate doses). He under-
went atrioventricular nodal ablation in 2007 with
implantation of a single-chamber rate-responsive right
ventricular pacemaker. With evidence for both local and systemic infection,
Over the subsequent 2 years, he developed worsen- no other option is available but to perform system
ing systolic heart failure (New York Heart Association extraction.
[NYHA] class III) that was refractory to medical therapy
at maximal tolerated dosages (including an angioten-
sin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitor, beta blocker,
nitrate, hydralazine, and loop diuretic). His ejection What is the reason for delay between extraction and re-
fraction was reduced to 35%. He therefore received an implantation?
upgrade to a biventricular pacemaker.1 Because of the
presence of an anomalous left-sided superior vena
cava, left ventricular pacing via an epicardial coronary
sinus branch was challenging. Nevertheless pacing was This patient is pacing-dependent and requires tempo-
achieved at an anatomically appropriate site, although rary pacing before reimplantation of a new pacing
only one target coronary sinus tributary was available. system.
122    SECTION 4 New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

Aortic valve prosthesis

SelectSecure in LV via
FIGURE 19-1  Left ventricular (LV) endocardial CS/transseptal/LA
lead on anteroposterior projection. A transseptal Guide catheter-CS/RA/LA
sheath was passed from the right femoral vein
(RFV) and has dilated the puncture site. Then a Transseptal sheath from
steerable guide catheter was passed via the RFV
anomalous left superior vena cava, through the
enlarged coronary sinus to the right atrium (RA)
and maneuvered across the transseptal puncture RA pace sense lead
site into left atrium (LA). Then a Select Secure
pacing lead has been passed to the LV via the RV pace sense/dual coil
guide catheter. CS, Coronary sinus; ICD, ICD lead
implantable cardioversion defibrillator.

Failed epicardial LV lead


What are the challenges of pacing via an anomalous left- The decision was made to continue with antibiotic treat-
sided superior vena cava draining into an enlarged coronary ment for 6 weeks before reimplantation of a new, perma-
sinus. nent biventricular pacing system. An attempt was made to
establish LV epicardial pacing5 but the implanted pacing
lead failed two days after the surgical procedure and the
Discussion decision was made to attempt LV endocardial pacing.
Access is difficult, and manipulation of leads to achieve
entry to the appropriate cardiac chamber requires expert
handling. However, it is possible to gain access to the INTERVENTION
right ventricle and right atrium.
A new biventricular pacing system was implanted.
Patency of the left subclavian vein was confirmed by
Question venography before commencement of the procedure.
Can transseptal access be gained from a superior app­roach? Access then was gained to the left subclavian vein using
a cutdown and after creation of a new pacemaker pocket
in the left prepectoral region.
Discussion Anterograde coronary sinus angiography via the
Transseptal access can be achieved using modified cath- anomalous left superior vena cava showed occlusion of
eters.4 Studies are ongoing to understand the clinical the previously targeted coronary sinus branch and no
value of this approach and of left ventricular endocardial alternative target. A permanent right ventricular pacing
pacing,2,3 although several studies supported the lead was implanted via the left subclavian vein, coro-
approach in terms of feasibility, safety, and patient nary sinus, and right atrium.
response. Right femoral venous access was gained, and a transsep-
tal catheter passed to the right atrium via the inferior vena
cava. The procedure’s catheter and lead manipulations are
FINAL DIAGNOSIS summarized in the fluoroscopic images (Figures 19-1 and
19-2). Transseptal access to left atrium was achieved using
The infected pacing system with all three pacing leads a radiofrequency needle. The transseptal puncture site was
was extracted. A temporary pacing lead was inserted to dilated using a 12-French transseptal guide catheter and an
provide pacing during a period of prolonged intrave- extra support guide wire passed to left atrium. Intravenous
nous and subsequent oral antibiotic treatment. The heparin was administered to maintain an activated clotting
patient received vancomycin and intravenous flucloxa- time at greater than 300 seconds. Via the left subclavian
cillin followed by oral flucloxacillin. vein and coronary sinus access route, a steerable guide
19       Left Ventricular Endocardial Pacing in a Patient with an Anomalous Left-Sided Superior Vena Cava    123

Aortic valve prosthesis

SelectSecure in LV via
CS/RA - transseptal/LA
FIGURE 19-2  Anteroposterior projection. The
transseptal guide catheter has now been withdrawn,
leaving the Select Secure lead in place after fixation.
The transseptal catheter remains in place until the
end of the procedure to allow for reentry to the left
atrium (LA) should there be displacement of the
pacing lead as its delivery system is withdrawn. CS,
Coronary sinus; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium;
RV, right ventricle.

catheter was passed to right atrium. Then, using a dilator

inserted into this guide catheter and with the inferior
approach guide wire as reference, the steerable guide was
introduced to the left atrium and orientated to left ventri-
cle. Using this steerable orientated catheter, a polyurethane
4.1-French pacing lead was passed to the left ventricle and
secured by an active fixation screw to the lateral left ven-
tricular endocardial wall, just beneath the mitral ring. Pac-
ing assessment demonstrated a pacing i­mpedance of 980 SelectSecure™
Ω at 0.2 mV amplitude and 0.04 msec pulse width. When in LV
the pacing leads were secured, the delivery systems were
removed and a biventricular pacemaker (atrial port
capped) was attached to the respective leads. The pace-
maker was secured in the prepectoral pouch, and the RA lead
wound was closed in a standard fashion (Figure 19-3). Failed epicardial
RV ICD lead LV lead
Postprocedure assessment demonstrated appropriate
pacing parameters and a narrow paced QRS. The patient
was established on an anticoagulation regimen using FIGURE 19-3  Posteroanterior chest radiograph obtained at 24 hours
warfarin and maintaining an international normalized after implantation of the left ventricular (LV) lead. Permanent pacing lead
ratio between 2 and 3. The patient experienced remark- positions are indicated. CS, Coronary sinus; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.
able clinical improvement within 1 month, with an
LVEF of 50% and improvement to NYHA I.
Selected References
1. Cazeau S, Alonso C, Jauvert G, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
therapy, Europace 5(Suppl 1):S42-S48, 2004.
2. Fish JM, Brugada J, Antzelevitch C: Potential proarrhythmic effects
OUTCOME of biventricular pacing, J Am Coll Cardiol 46:2340-2347, 2005.
3. Garrigue S, Jaïs P, Espil G, et al: Comparison of chronic biven-
The patient received biventricular pacing using left ven- tricular pacing between epicardial and endocardial left ventricular
tricular endocardial pacing4,6 in a clinical situation in stimulation using Doppler tissue imaging in patients with heart
which alternative mechanisms for achieving biventricu- failure, Am J Cardiol 88:858-862, 2001.
4. Morgan JM, Scott PA, Turner NG, et al: Targeted left ventricular
lar pacing were not possible. The patient has experi- endocardial pacing using a steerable introducing guide catheter
enced remarkable clinical benefit from the procedure. and active fixation pacing lead, Europace 11:502-506, 2009.
5. Puglisi A, Lunati M, Marullo AG, et al: Limited thoracotomy as a
second choice alternative to transvenous implant for cardiac
Findings resynchronisation therapy delivery, Eur Heart J 25:1063-1069, 2004.
6. van Gelder BM, Scheffer MG, Meijer A, et al: Transseptal endocar-
No periprocedural or postprocedural complications dial left ventricular pacing: an alternative technique for coronary
occurred, and to date the patient has received significant sinus lead placement in cardiac resynchronization therapy, Heart
clinical benefit from left ventricular endocardial pacing. Rhythm 4:454-460, 2007.
Novel Wireless Technologies
for Endocardial Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy
François Regoli, Marta Acena, Tiziano Moccetti, and Angelo Auricchio

Age Gender Occupation Working ­Diagnosis

68 Years Male Retired Nonresponder to Cardiac Resyn-
chronization Therapy Evaluated for
Wireless Left Ventricular Endocardial
Cardiac Stimulation to Deliver Car-
diac Resynchronization Therapy


A 68-year-old man previously underwent implantation of At presentation, the patient’s therapeutic scheme included
a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) maximally tolerated dosages of beta blocker, an angioten-
device (February 2007) after a class I indication for CRT sin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitor, and other r­ elevant
at the time—symptomatic drug-refractory ischemic- drugs: clopidogrel 75 mg daily, acenodecumerol 1 mg to
based heart failure disease, New York Heart Association maintain international normalized ratio between 2 and
(NYHA) class III, severe left ventricular dysfunction, and 3, carvedilol 12.5 mg daily, enalapril 40 mg daily, spi-
left bundle branch block (LBBB) ventricular conduction ronolactone 25 mg daily, atorvastatin 40 mg daily, and
delay, with a 130-msec duration QRS complex. Despite aspirin 100 mg daily.
CRT, clinical follow-up of the patient was characterized
by gradually worsening heart failure progression with
further reduction of left ventricular function (left ventric- CURRENT SYMPTOMS
ular ejection fraction [LVEF] <20%), dilation of the left
ventricle, and, as a result of dilation of the mitral annu- The patient exhibited breathlessness at mild exertion
lus, progression of mitral regurgitation to grade III. There- and had NYHA class III to IV heart disease.
fore the patient underwent successful positioning of a
MitraClip (Abbott Vascular, Abbott Park, Ill.) device in
September 2009, thus achieving mitral regurgitation PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
reduction to grade I or II. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
gradually progressed to become permanent, and ablation BP/HR: 105/70 mm Hg/70 bpm
of the atrioventricular node was performed to achieve Height/weight: 175 cm/70.3 kg
adequate CRT delivery. Other comorbidities included Neck veins: Normal
chronic renal insufficiency (reduced glomerular filtration Lungs/chest: Normal
rate of 40 to 50 mL/min/1.73 m2), previous nephrectomy Heart: Normal
for renal papillary carcinoma, and hyperuricemia. Abdomen: Normal
Because of persistent severe heart failure symptoms Extremities: Normal
(NYHA class IIII to IV), in May 2011 the patient con-
sented to participate in a prospective multicenter safety
and feasibility study evaluating a wireless cardiac stim- LABORATORY DATA
ulation system of the left ventricular endocardium
(wireless cardiac stimulation cardiac resynchronization Hemoglobin: 14.1 g/dL
therapy [WiCS-CRT]). Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38.1%
126    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

I V1



I V1
aVL V5
FIGURE 20-1  II V2
aVF V6


Conventional CRT aVR V4

aVL V5

aVF V6

Platelet count: 191 × 1000 µL

Sodium: 145 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.6 mmol/L
Creatinine: 166 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 19.3 mmol/L At baseline, echocardiographic examination revealed a
severely dilated left ventricle with diffuse hypokinesia
and highly compromised left ventricular function (LVEF
19%). Despite MitraClip implantation, residual moder-
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ate mitral insufficiency was present; moderate tricuspid
insufficiency was also present (Figure 20-3, left panel,
Findings and video left panel). Pulmonary pressures were
The electrocardiogram of conventionally delivered CRT increased, with an estimated arterial pulmonary pres-
is shown in Figure 20-1 (left panel). Vertical QRS axis sure of 40 mm Hg (see video baseline).
(160 msec) coupled with R wave in V1 indicates regular
epicardial biventricular pacing in VVI modality at 70
bpm. Left ventricular stimulation from a bipolar left FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
ventricular tip positioned in a postero-lateral branch of
the coronary sinus (red circle) confers a vertical axis to
the QRS complex and QS morphology in the inferior
What is the pathophysiologic basis for considering left ven-
tricular endocardial pacing to deliver CRT?
Findings Impulse propagation physiologically travels from the
Anteroposterior and right lateral (Figure 20-2, upper endocardium to the epicardium. Most of the evidence in
panels) show the positioning of the three leads with the animal models has been supplied by the Maastricht
­transvenous left ventricular lead positioned in a pos- group.1-3 The experimental data have demonstrated that
terolateral branch of the cornonary sinus (red circle) and CRT delivered from the left ventricular endocardium
reaching a posterolateral apical position. allows quicker propagation of the electrical impulse
20       Novel Wireless Technologies for Endocardial Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    127


RA Lead
RA Lead

MitraClip MitraClip

RV Lead LV Lead
(epicardial) LV Lead RV Lead
(shock coil) (shock coil)

RA Lead

RA Lead
RV Lead Receiver LV Lead RV Lead
(shock coil) LV Lead (epicardial) (shock coil)
FIGURE 20-2 

through the myocardium in contrast to epicardium.1

Better impulse propagation translates to greater mechan-
ical and hemodynamic effect, in terms of both systolic
and diastolic functions.2 These data have been further
substantiated by favorable hemodynamic effects in ani-
mal models with induced ischemic heart failure and the
presence of electrical dyssynchrony.3 This study con-
cluded that endocardial CRT improved, to a greater
extent, electrical synchrony of activation and left ven-
tricular pump function in contrast to conventional epi-
cardial CRT in compromised canine hearts with LBBB.
This benefit was explained by a shorter path length
along the endocardium and faster circumferential and FIGURE 20-3 See expertconsult.com for video.
transmural impulse conduction during endocardial left
ventricular pacing.
because transseptal catheterization is required, higher
risk for thromboembolic complications and the likeli-
Question hood of lead dislocation are possible issues that may
Has clinical evidence shown that left ventricular endocardi- arise. These potential risks have discouraged the diffu-
ally delivered CRT can confer clinical benefits? sion of this approach.
Spragg and colleagues5 performed an acute study in
heart failure patients with LBBB. Comparison between
Discussion endocardial and conventional epicardial CRT revealed a
Some evidence is available from isolated case-based greater hemodynamic response for the former modality
reports or small patient series on the clinical benefits of of cardiac stimulation. Hemodynamic response during
left ventricular endocardially delivered CRT.4-6 Access to endocardial pacing was typically superior when the lead
the left ventricular endocardium is achieved through was placed remotely from an infarct zone. This study
transseptal catheterization of an active fixation lead into advocates that endocardial lead position may require
the left ventricle. Besides being technically challenging individual patient tailoring for clinical response.
128    SECTION 4       New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques


What are the most important aspects that should be evaluated This patient was a CRT nonresponder considered eligi-
when planning to treat a patient with WiCS-CRT? ble for wireless left ventricular endocardial cardiac
stimulation for CRT.
Several factors contributed to achieving the clinical PLAN OF ACTION
response. Assessment of global and regional left ventricu-
lar contractility represents key information derived form The plan for this patient was implantation of a WiCS.
transthoracic echocardiography. In the present case, pre-
procedural transthoracic echocardiogram allowed detec-
tion of diffuse hypokinesia in the absence of akinetic INTERVENTION
segments, particularly in the lateral and posterolateral
regions of the left ventricle. Preserved kinetics indicated Under general anesthesia, using a retrograde transaortic
myocardial vitality, thus suggesting that functional recruit- approach, a long steerable sheath was placed into the
ment of myocardial tissue through cardiac stimulation was left ventricle and gently brought against the endocardial
possible. wall. Then, another internal delivery catheter at the tip
Preprocedural ultrasound examination using a vas- of which the receiver electrode was mounted was care-
cular probe is indispensable to precisely define the fully advanced to the distal portion of the outer sheath.
intercostal acoustic window in which the transmitter Before injecting and releasing the receiver electrode,
pulse generator should be fixed during the implant sensing and pacing were repeatedly measured and the
procedure.7 The transmitter pulse should be fixed receiver electrode position was monitored using con-
within this predefined acoustic window during the ventional transthoracic echocardiography; contrast dye
implantation procedure. was injected to ensure good and perpendicular contact
Anchoring of the receiver electrode of the WiCS-CRT (Figure 20-4). The receiver electrode was then released
system to the endocardial left ventricular lateral wall and the delivery system removed. A pocket for the pulse
represents the most important part of the procedure and generator was surgically created in the left lateral
is technically challenging. Competence to perform this abdominal wall, and another pocket was made in the
part of the procedure requires both interventional car- anterolateral part of the chest (at approximately the fifth
diologic skills (for dye contrast injection in the left ven- and sixth intercostal spaces) in a position that was
tricle) and electrophysiologic skills (for manipulation of within the acoustic window mentioned previously; this
long sheath and interpretation of electrical measures position should allow for the best communication and
and signals) for procedural success. interaction between the transmitter and the endocardial

Epicardial border

Endocardial border

FIGURE 20-4  Delivery catheter

LV Lead (epicardial)


(The figure has been modified from reference 8.)

20       Novel Wireless Technologies for Endocardial Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    129

receiver electrode. Finally, the transmitter and the pulse the myocardium.8 For cardiac resynchronization this sys-
generator were connected and the electrical and pacing tem functions in parallel to a conventional coimplanted
integrity of the entire system was tested. Device control device, either a pacemaker or an implantable cardio-
performed the next day confirmed adequate functioning verter-defibrillator. The system is composed of three
of the entire system and ECG showed effective and components: (1) a target wireless endocardial electrode,
continuous biventicular capture (Figure 20-1). Post-­
­ which is implanted endocardially and receives ultra-
implantation chest radiograph (Figure 20-2, lower pan- sound impulses converting these to electrical energy; (2)
els) show the wireless endocardial electrode, implanted the impulse transmitter, localized and fixed in the inter-
subendo­cardially in the lateral apical region of the left costal space (usually fifth or sixth), which produces ultra-
ventricle and the transmitter pulse generator fixed sub- sound pulses that are triggered through sensing of the
cutaneously in the sixth intercostal space. The battery is right ventricular pacing activity of the coimplanted
implanted subcutaneously in the upper left abdominal device; and (3) the battery component, which is
quadrant (not visible on the chest radiograph). implanted subcutaneously in the upper abdominal
At present, the feasibility and safety of the WiCS-CRT
OUTCOME system are being evaluated in the scheme of a multicenter,
prospective, longitudinal study (the WISE-CRT study).8
The outcome was clinically favorable. During the month The study has been momentarily halted because of tech-
of September, 16 months after WiCS positioning, hospi- nical issues with the delivery system of the endocardial
talization was planned for device change. receiver electrode.

Findings Selected References

In the clinical follow-up of more than 1 year the patient’s 1. Van Deursen C, Van Geldrop I, Van Hunnik A, et al: Improved
global clinical status gradually improved. Although the myocardial repolarization and left ventricular systolic and
patient was hospitalized two times over 1 year for non- diastolic function during endocardial cardiac resynchronization,
cardiac reasons (gastric bleeding and worsening renal Heart Rhythm 5:S188, 2008.
2. Van Deursen C, van Geldorp IE, Rademakers LM, et al: Left
insufficiency), he was not hospitalized for heart failure.
ventricular endocardial pacing improves resynchronization
NYHA functional class gradually improved to II. Device therapy in canine left bundle-branch hearts, Circ Arrhythm
controls as well as serial ECGs confirmed effective and Electrophysiol 2:580-587, 2009.
continuous biventricular pacing. On the ECG (Figure 3. Strik M, Rademakers LM, van Deursen CJ, et al. Circ Arrhythm
20-1, center panel) greater right axis deviation coupled Electrophysiol 5:191-200, 2012.
4. Garrigue S, Jaïs P, Espil G, et al: Comparison of chronic biven-
with low-amplitude negative QS in D1 and greater R wave
tricular pacing between epicardial and endocardial left ventricular
in V1 lead are suggestive of greater (and quicker) electrical stimulation using Doppler tissue imaging in patients with heart
depolarization of the left ventricle in contrast to conven- failure, Am J Cardiol 88:858-862, 2001.
tional CRT. Transthoracic echocardiogram revealed effec- 5. Spragg DD, Dong J, Fetics BJ, et al: Effective LV endocardial pacing
tive reversal of maladaptive remodeling, with reduction sites for cardiac resynchronization in patients with ischemic
cardiomyopathy, Heart Rhythm 7:S75-S76, 2010.
of both left ventricular systolic and diastolic volumes,
6. Kutyifa V, Merkely B, Szilágyi S, et al: Usefulness of electroana-
clear recovery of left ventricular lateral wall movement tomical mapping during transseptal endocardial left ventricular
and kinetics, and overall increase of global left ventricular lead implantation, Europace 14:599-604, 2012.
contractile function, with the LVEF increasing from 19% 7. DeFaria Yeh D, Lonergan KL, et al: Clinical factors and echocar-
to 35% (see Figure 20-3, right panel and video loop 1 B). diographic techniques related to the presence, size, and location
of acoustic windows for leadless cardiac pacing, Europace
13:1760-1765, 2011.
Comments 8. Auricchio A, Delnoy PP, Regoli F, et al. First-in-man implantation
of leadless ultrasound-based cardiac stimulation pacing system:
The WiCS system determined mechanical recovery of novel endocardial left ventricular resynchronization therapy in
previously hypokinetic lateral wall, thus conferring heart failure patients, Europace 15:1191-1197, 2013.
clinical benefit.


WiCS-CRT is a novel cardiac stimulation system that con-
verts ultrasound energy to electrical energy to stimulate
Robotically Assisted Lead
Implantation for Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy
in a Reoperative Patient
Juan B. Grau, Christopher K. Johnson, and Jonathan S. Steinberg

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

79 Years Male Retired Chronic Right Ventricular ­Pacing With
Falling Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
and Progressive Heart Failure

HISTORY Neck veins: Not distended

Lungs/chest: Clear, well-healed sternotomy scar
The patient has an extensive cardiac history, beginning with Heart: Fourth heart sound (S4) gallop without murmur
a myocardial infarction and subsequent coronary artery Abdomen: Soft, without hepatic distention
bypass and three grafts in 1988. In 2002, he underwent a Extremities: No edema, well-healed scar from radial
reoperative three-vessel bypass. He was diagnosed with sick artery harvest
sinus syndrome in 2001 that required the implantation of
a dual-chamber pacemaker. The device was updated to an
implantable cardioversion defibrillator (ICD) in 2002 after LABORATORY DATA
he experienced cardiac arrest. He was successfully resusci-
tated without neurologic sequelae. The prior right ventricu- Hemoglobin: 14.5 g/dL
lar lead was abandoned and capped, and the patient Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 42.5%
received a dual-coil high-voltage lead. The generator was Mean corpuscular volume: 92 fL
replaced in 2005 and again in late 2011. On the current Platelet count: 152
admission, the patient had poorly controlled hypertension Sodium: 139 mmol/L
and worsening heart failure in the setting of chronic right Potassium: 3.7 mmol/L
ventricular pacing. Left ventricular ejection fraction had Creatinine: 0.9
fallen from greater than 55%, 1 year previously, to 31%. Blood urea nitrogen: 17 mmol/L
The patient experienced progressive dyspnea on exertion.


The patient was taking aspirin 81 mg daily, atorvastatin

80 mg daily, candesartan 16 mg daily, carvedilol 12.5 The electrocardiogram revealed atrial-sensed ventricular-
mg twice daily, dutasteride 0.5 mg daily, niacin 500 mg paced rhythm (Figure 21-1), with a heart rate of 62 bpm
daily, and spironolactone 25 mg daily. and QRS duration of 192 msec.


Sinus bradycardia with underlying left bundle branch
BP/HR: 138/80 mm Hg/70 bpm, regular block also was seen (Figure 21-2). The heart rate was
Height/weight: 172.7 cm/82.5 kg 59 bpm and QRS duration 132 msec.
132    SECTION 4 New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 FIGURE 21-1 Electrocardiogram

before the battery change. SVG-OM,
Saphenous vein graft–obtuse


I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

FIGURE 21-2 Unpaced
postoperative electrocardiogram.



Findings Findings
Atrial sensing and biventricular pacing were demon- The right ventricle appears normal in size and contrac-
strated on the electrogram (Figure 21-3), with a heart tility (Figure 21-5). The intraventricular septum moves
rate of 66 bpm and QRS duration of 138 msec. paradoxically toward the right in systole. The images
demonstrate the left ventricle to be moderately dilated,
with moderate diffuse hypokinesis. The left ventricular
ejection fraction is 31%.
A frontal view of the chest demonstrates the heart to be
normal in size and configuration (Figure 21-4). Median
sternotomy sutures are present in the midline. A right-
sided pocket is seen with an ICD and three leads: right Computed tomography (Figure 21-6) with intravenous
atrial lead in the appendage, abandoned right ventricular contrast was performed to visualize the status and loca-
pacing lead, and ICD lead in the right ventricular apex. tion of previous grafts. The right atrial to left anterior
The hilar and pulmonary vascular markings are normal, descending, saphenous vein to obtuse margin, and
with no parenchymal infiltrates visualized. saphenous vein to right coronary artery grafts appear
21       Robotically Assisted Lead Implantation for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Reoperative Patient    133

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 21-3 Postoperative
paced electrocardiogram.



patent. The trajectory of the saphenous vein to obtuse

margin graft was such that it allowed for consideration
of placement of an epicardial lead on the basilar aspect
of the posterolateral wall of the left ventricle. The proxi-
mal native coronary arteries are heavily calcified and
occluded. There is mild cardiomegaly, with remodeling
of the anterior wall of the left ventricle, presumably
resulting from previous myocardial infarction.


What potential advantages does direct epicardial access offer
in contrast to a transvenous lead?

Direct epicardial access overcomes the limitations of
FIGURE 21-4  Chest radiograph on admission.
coronary sinus anatomy in situations in which no veins
can be found in the preferred target zone or only inad-
equate venous branches are found. Visualization of scar can affect visualization of and access to the heart, as well
tissue and phrenic nerve position avoids left ventricular as increase the technical demands of the procedure.
lead placement at sites of prior myocardial infarction
and diaphragmatic capture, respectively.
What must be considered when deciding the location for
Question placement of an epicardial lead?
What is the impact of the patient’s extensive surgical history
on left ventricular lead placement?
A previous graft, areas of previous infarction, and the
Discussion location of the phrenic nerve should be noted because
As with any reoperative surgery, adhesions will form they can affect the successful implantation of an epicar-
between the tissues in the chest cavity. These adhesions dial left ventricular lead.
134    SECTION 4 New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

FIGURE 21-5  Gated cardiac ventriculogram.

The plan for this patient consisted of robotic-assisted
left thorax approach for placement of left ventricular
epicardial leads, lysis of adhesions from previous car-
diac surgeries, and tunneling and routing of the two
new epicardial leads to the ICD generator located in
SVG-OM Graft
right chest pocket.

Typically, left ventricular lead implantation would be
attempted through a transvenous approach; however, a
venogram demonstrated very tight stenoses of the subcla-
vian and innominate veins in this patient. This prevented
transvenous access for left ventricular lead placement
without an extensive revision procedure. Thus a robotic
approach was determined to be the optimal platform for
Left AV groove
left ventricular lead placement. The patient was placed in
FIGURE 21-6  Computed tomography scan. the right lateral decubitus position with retraction of the
left arm cephalad to expose the posterolateral aspect of
the left chest. The patient was intubated with a double-
FINAL DIAGNOSIS lumen endotracheal tube for single-lung ventilation. This
allows for a more accurate location of the optimal site for
The final diagnosis in this patient was decreasing left lead placement and mapping.
ventricular ejection fraction in the setting of chronic The lead implantation was achieved through three
right ventricular pacing, underlying left bundle branch ports in this case; however, recent advances in technology
block, and unstable heart failure symptoms. have shown a single-port approach could potentially be
21       Robotically Assisted Lead Implantation for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in a Reoperative Patient    135

technically feasible.1 Ports for the robotic arms were The patient was then reprepped, draped, and placed
placed in the fifth (right robotic arm) and ninth intercos- in the supine position. The leads were extended and
tal spaces (left robotic arm) between the left-mid or pos- tunneled following a submuscular plane toward the
terior axillary line via a 1-cm incision. An additional right-sided generator. Once again, the leads tested excel-
1-cm port in the seventh intercostal space was made at lently when reaching the pocket. A second left ventricu-
the same level for the robotic three-dimensional high- lar lead was placed posterior to the generator to be used
definition camera. In traditional left ventricular lead as a backup should the primary lead fail. The generator
placement, a lateral 8-mm incision in the pacemaker was placed back in its pocket after the new leads had
pocket would have been created; however, this was not been connected, and the incisions were closed in layers.
performed in this patient because his ICD generator was A chest tube was placed in the left pleural cavity. The
located on the right chest wall and the leads required patient was extubated in the operating room, and no
extensions and tunneling toward the generator pocket complications occurred during the surgery or in the
from the left side. At the conclusion of the robotic part of perioperative period.
the procedure, the patient was repositioned, redraped,
and prepped for tunneling of the new left ventricular
leads to the right-sided generator.
Through fine, deliberate movement, the robotic arm
easily dissected the tenacious adhesions between the left
lung and chest wall and from the lung to the pericar-
dium and mediastinum. Lysis of adhesions was achieved The patient had the chest tube removed on postopera-
using a combination of the robotic spatula and Debakey tive day 1 and was discharged on postoperative day 2.
and Endo scissors. The pacemaker was set to DDD, with a rate limit of 60
After all adhesions had been lysed, both the saphe- bpm, atrioventricular delay of 160 ms, and left ventricu-
nous vein to obtuse marginal graft and the phrenic nerve lar offset of 0 ms. At early follow-up, the patient described
were visualized and protected throughout the procedure. a significant improvement in exercise tolerance and had
In reoperative cases, obtaining information regarding the no heart failure symptoms.
location of previous coronary bypass grafts becomes par-
amount when planning a minimally invasive approach
for left ventricular lead placement. Identifying the trajec-
tory of previous bypass grafts helps avoid intraoperative Patients undergoing robotic left ventricular lead implan-
complications that could potentially become cata- tation have been shown to have a reduced rate of reduced
strophic. The pericardium was opened lateral to the vein heart failure, improved quality of life, higher ejection
graft and anterior to the phrenic nerve. At this time, adhe- fraction, and reverse ventricular remodeling.3,4 The
sions were cleared between the pericardium and the graft, robotic approach has a high success rate (98%), and
as well as from the pericardium and the posterolateral reports indicate the leads perform well over the long
and basal wall of the heart. The spatula, robotic Debakey term, making routine replacements unnecessary.5 The
system, and Endo scissors attachments were used to lyse minimally invasive robotic approach has been shown to
these adhesions. Two screw-in epicardial leads were be successful even in patients who have previously
placed between the saphenous vein to obtuse margin undergone open-heart surgery.5
graft and the second obtuse margin branch over the base Robotic-assisted surgeries combine the benefits of
of the left ventricle. Pacing thresholds were tested and open and minimally invasive surgery. The DaVinci
found to be excellent. The right atrial lead had an intrin- robotic system (Intuitive Surgical Incorporated, Sunny-
sic amplitude of 3.1 mV, impedance of 515 Ω, and a pac- vale, Calif) uses the EndoWrist microinstrument system
ing threshold of 2.2 V at 0.5 msec. The right ventricular and three-dimensional images created by the use of two
lead had an impedance of 463 Ω with a pacing threshold side-by-side videoscopes, providing excellent depth per-
of 0.6 V at 0.5 msec. The left ventricular lead had an ception. This system is able to mimic the full seven
impedance of 548 Ω with a pacing threshold of 0.6 V at planes of motion of a surgeon’s wrist, thereby merging
1 msec and a shock impendence of 46 Ω. The right ven- the unrestricted movement afforded by a sternotomy
tricular lead had an intrinsic R-wave of 17 mV. Because with the minimally invasive nature of thoracoscopic
the patient’s generator was in the right chest, the pacing surgery. The surgeon controls the instruments through a
wires were passed through the eighth intercostal space control console away from the surgical field, viewing the
and routed inferiorly toward the costal margin and ante- surgery through a double eye-piece that provides a real-
rior to the posterior fascia of the abdominal wall and time, high-definition, magnified endoscopic video feed
temporarily left in a submuscular plane. At this time, the in real three-dimensional view. The extreme accuracy
robotic arms and camera were removed and their respec- and precision of the robotic system in such a small space
tive ports closed in layers. can be attributed to the computer interface, which
136    SECTION 4 New Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation Techniques

allows for scaled motion and eliminates tremor. In Selected References

addition, the three-dimensional endoscopic view makes
1. Choset H, Zenati M, Ota T, et al: Enabling medical robotics for
left ventricular mapping possible.2 the next generation of minimally invasive procedures: minimally
Traditionally, left ventricular lead placement has invasive cardiac surgery with single port access. In Rosen J,
been done using either a minimally invasive thoracot- Hannaford B, Satava RM, editors: Surgical robotics, New York, 2011,
omy or a videoscopic-assisted approach with good Springer, pp 257–270.
2. DeRose JJ, Steinberg JS: Surgical approaches to epicardial left
results. In our experience, and particularly in reoperative
ventricular lead implantation for biventricular pacing. In Yu C,
cases, the robotic approach adds a new dimension with Hayes DL, Auricchio A, editors: Cardiac resynchronization therapy,
regard to ease of instrument manipulation, especially Blackwell, 2006, Malden, Massachusetts, pp 227–236.
when significant adhesions are present. The addition of 3. Derose JJ Jr, Balaram S, Ro C, et al: Midterm follow-up of robotic
three-dimensional imaging, permitting excellent depth biventricular pacing demonstrates excellent lead stability and
improved response rates, Innovations (Phila) 1:105–110, 2006.
perception, is another of the improvements provided by
4. Joshi S, Steinberg JS, Ashton RC Jr, et al: Follow-up of robotically
the robotic approach. With an average stay of 48 hours assisted left ventricular epicardial leads for cardiac resynchronization
it compares favorably to nonsurgical efforts when those therapy, J Am Coll Cardiol 46:2358–2359, 2005.
either fail or cannot be attempted in patients in need of 5. Kamath GS, Balaram S, Choi A, et al: Long-term outcome of leads
chronic resynchronization therapy. After the procedure, and patients following robotic epicardial left ventricular lead
placement for cardiac resynchronization therapy, Pacing Clin
the patients enjoy quick return to normal life activities
Electrophysiol 34:235–240, 2011.
with minimal discomfort. Complications in these cases
are avoided by careful patient selection and adequate
preoperative imaging studies.
Atrioventricular Optimization by
Transthoracic Echocardiography
in a Patient with Interatrial Delay
Fang Fang and Yat-Sun Chan

Age Gender Occupation Working ­Diagnosis

71 Years Male Retired Congestive Heart Failure and
Post–Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Status


The patient had a history of acute myocardial infarction BP/HR: 157/80 mm Hg/82 bpm
with triple vessel disease and underwent coronary artery Height/weight: 160 cm/56 kg
bypass surgery. Neck veins: Normal
Lungs/chest: Clear
Heart: Jugular venous pressure not elevated, apex beat at
Comments anterior axillary line of the sixth intercostal space,
This patient had congestive heart failure with an isch- heart sounds normal, no murmur detected
emic cause. Abdomen: Soft, nontender
Extremities: No edema


The patient was taking aspirin 80 mg daily, candesartan The patient had a dilated left ventricle.
8 mg daily, furosemide 40 mg daily, metoprolol 50 mg
twice daily, and simvastatin 20 mg daily.
Comments Hemoglobin: 13 g/dL
This patient was on optimal medical therapy. Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 0.462
Mean corpuscular volume: 89.3 fL
Platelet count: 142 × 103/µL
CURRENT SYMPTOMS Sodium: 141 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.1 mmol/L
The patient exhibited mild shortness of breath on Creatinine: 119 μmol/L
exertion. Blood urea nitrogen: 6.9 mmol/L

Comments Comments
This patient was in New York Health Association class II. The patient’s laboratory tests were normal.
140    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

The atrioventricular delay was too short.
Bifid P wave was shown on the electrocardiogram
­(Figure 22-1) and nearly disappeared after AV optimiza-
tion (Figure 22-2) When atrioventricular delay was set up as 270 ms, mitral
inflow E and A waves were merged, with QA of −20 ms.
(Figure 22-4)
The electrocardiogram showed an enlarged atrium and
interatrial delay before atrioventricular optimization
and improvement after atrioventricular optimization. The atrioventricular delay was too long.

ECHOCARDIOGRAM In this patient, the optomized atrioventricular delay was
200 ms with the Ritter Method. (Figure 22-5)
When atrioventricular delay was set up as 30 ms, a trun-
cated mitral valve A wave, with QA of 50 ms, was seen.
(Figure 22-3) Atrioventricular delay in this patient was longer than in
most other patients.
Rate 69
RR 870
PR 208 v
QRSD 128
QT 416
QTcB 446
QTcF 436
P 55
QRS 42
T 257
I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Dev. EDU-1004 Speed: 25 mm/sec Limb: 10 mm/mV

Chest: 10.0 mm/mV F 50~ 0.50–100 Hz W PH09 CL P? v

FIGURE 22-1 

FIGURE 22-2  FIGURE 22-4 

22       Atrioventricular Optimization by Transthoracic Echocardiography in a Patient with Interatrial Delay    141

Findings Discussion
The mitral regurgitation method showed that when Although out-of-box setting is possible for atrioventricu-
atrioventricular delay is set to a very long value, there is a lar delay, in the real world the optimal atrioventricular
time interval between the end of the mitral inflow A delay differs widely and optimization should be per-
wave and onset of the systolic component of mitral formed individually. Optimization of the atrioventricu-
regurgitation (δt). The optimized AV delay is AVlong − δt. lar interval will ensure atrioventricular synchrony,
(Figure 22-6) maintaining the coordination between atria and ventri-
cles. If the delay is too short, the mitral inflow A wave
will be truncated. On the other hand, when delay is pro-
Comments grammed too long, even with biventricular capture, dia-
With this method, we can use a single beat to perform stolic mitral regurgitation may be present. Therefore
atrioventricular optimization. However, it can be used atrioventricular optimization after CRT will decrease
only in patients with significant mitral regurgitation. presystolic time, eliminate presystolic mitral regurgita-
tion, improve left ventricular filling, and increase cardiac
What methods are usually used for atrioventricular optimiza-
Question tion with transthoracic echocardiography?
Why should we optimize atrioventricular delay even in
patients with successful implantation of CRT?
Several methods are used to optimize atrioventricular
v delay in CRT, usually based on the pulse wave mitral
inflow acquired with transthoracic echocardiography.

Ritter Method
With the Ritter Method, the atrioventricular interval
should be programmed short first and QA short is mea-
sured in the interval between the ventricular contraction
spike and the end of the A wave.4 Then the atrioventricu-
lar interval is programmed long and the QA long is
determined. Optimized AV delay = AVshort + ([AVlong +
QAlong] − [AVshort + QAshort]).

Mitral Regurgitation Method

Atrioventricular delay is programmed longest with
FIGURE 22-5  biventricular capture, and the interval between the end
of the A wave and onset of the systolic component of
v mitral regurgitation can be obtained subsequently (δ t).5
Optimized AV delay = AVlong – δt.

The Iterative Method

Atrioventricular delay is programmed slightly shorter
than the intrinsic atrioventricular interval.1 Then atrio-
ventricular delay is gradually shortened by 20 ms every
time until the mitral A wave is truncated. The next step is
to prolong 10 ms until the truncated A wave disappears
and the optimal AV delay is determined.

What is the effect of interatrial delay on atrioventricular
FIGURE 22-6  interval?
142    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

When the patient has significant intraatrial conduction The atrioventricular delay was programmed to be longer.
delay before implantation, the optimal atrioventricular
delay will be longer than those without to allow adequate
time for the electrical signal to travel to the left atrium. To Selected References
ensure optimization of CRT, the atrial lead should be 1. Cleland JG, Daubert JC, Erdmann E, et al: The CARE-HF study
implanted in the atrial septum. (CArdiac REsynchronisation in Heart Failure study): rationale,
In this case, we showed that in a patient with inter- design and end-points, Eur J Heart Fail. 3:481-489, 2001.
atrial delay, as detected with ECG, the optimized atrio- 2. Heydari B, Jerosch-Herold M, Kwong RY, et al: Imaging for
planning of cardiac resynchronization therapy, JACC Cardiovasc
ventricular delay was approximately 200 ms, as assessed
Imaging 5:93-110, 2012.
by Ritter Method, which was longer than the 100 to 3. Gorcsan 3rd J, Abraham T, Agler DA, et al: Echocardiography
130 ms in most patients. Published data also have for cardiac resynchronization therapy: recommendations for
demonstrated that patients with interatrial conduction performance and reporting. Report from the American Society
delays benefit most by prolonging the delays during of Echocardiography Dyssynchrony Writing Group endorsed by
the Heart Rhythm Society, J Am Soc Echocardiogr 21:191-213,
atrioventricular optimization.3
4. Ritter P, Dib JC, Lelievre T, et al: Quick determination of the
optimal AV delay at rest in patients paced in DDD mode for
FINAL DIAGNOSIS complete AV block. (abstract), Eur J CPE 4:A163, 1994.
5. Meluzín J, Spinarová L, Bakala J, et al: Pulsed Doppler tissue
imaging of the velocity of tricuspid annular systolic motion: a
The final diagnosis in this patient is CRT implantation
new, rapid, and non-invasive method of evaluating right
with interatrial delay. ventricular systolic function, Eur Heart J 22:340-348, 2001.
6. Zhang Q, Fung JW, Chan YS, et al: The role of repeating optimiza-
tion of atrioventricular interval during interim and long-term
PLAN OF ACTION follow-up after cardiac resynchronization therapy, Int J Cardiol
124:211-217, 2008.

The plan for this patient was to prolonged atrioventricular

delay during the optimization.
Left Ventricular Quadripolar Lead
in Phrenic Nerve Stimulation: It Is
Better to Prevent Than to Treat
Christophe Leclercq

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

59 Years Male Electrician Dilated Cardiomyopathy
and Heart Failure

HISTORY Comments
The patient was on optimal drug treatment according to
In 2010 the patient reported dyspnea with New York Heart the new European Society of Cardiology 2012
Association (NYHA) class II, then class III. A nonischemic guidelines.
dilated cardiomyopathy was diagnosed. The surface elec-
trocardiogram (ECG) showed a complete left bundle
branch block (LBBB) and the echocardiography a left ven- CURRENT SYMPTOMS
tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 25% and a left ventric-
ular ­end-diastolic diameter of 63 mm. A medical treatment The patient was experiencing dyspnea with NYHA class III
including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and no signs of right heart failure.
beta blockers, and diuretics was prescribed with a signifi-
cant improvement in symptoms and echocardiographic
parameters over 1 year. A NYHA class II to III dyspnea PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
occurred in 2012, as well as a deterioration in LVEF (25%).
The implantation of a cardiac resynchronization therapy BP/HR: 115/75 mm Hg/60 bpm
defibrillator (CRT-D) was attempted in another center, Height/weight: 1.83 m/97 kg
but the left ventricular lead could not be implanted Neck veins: Not distended
because of a coronary sinus dissection. A CRT-D device Lungs/chest: No heart failure
was implanted, with a plug into the left ventricular port. Heart: Mild mitral regurgitation
The patient was referred to our center 2 months later for Abdomen: Normal
a new attempt of left ventricular lead implantation. Extremities: Normal
Computed tomography (CT) was performed to assess
the patency of the coronary sinus. A Medtronic 4194
(Minneapolis, Minn.) left ventricular lead was implanted
into a lateral vein. The lead must be positioned at the The patient had symptoms of left heart failure but no
proximal part of the lateral vein because of a permanent signs of heart failure decompensation.
phrenic nerve simulation at the distal and medial part of
the vein despite the electrical repositioning. The following
day the chest radiograph showed the dislodgement of the LABORATORY DATA
left ventricle lead into the body of the coronary sinus.
Hemoglobin: 13.6 g/dL
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 42%
CURRENT MEDICATIONS Platelet count: 230 × 103/µL
Sodium: 137 mmol/L
The patient was taking bisoprolol 10 mg daily, ramipril Potassium: 4.4 mmol/L
10 mg daily, eplerenone 50 mg daily, and furosemide Creatinine: 88 μmol/L
40 mg daily. Blood urea nitrogen: 5.9 mmol/L
144    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

D1 V1

D2 V2

D3 V3
FIGURE 23-1 Baseline
electrocardiogram with sinus
aVR V4
rhythm and left bundle branch
aVL V5

aVF V6

ecg fin de procedure

1000 ms



FIGURE 23-2  Surface electro- aVL

cardiogram with biventricular aVF
pacing, with the bipolar lead
positioned at the proximal portion V1
of the lateral vein (see Figure 23-1). V3





Comments Findings
The N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide was 450 Figure 23-4 shows dislodgement of the Attain 4194 left
pg/mL. ventricular lead (Medtronic) into the body of the cor-
nonary sinus (arrow 2). Arrow 1 shows the initial loca-
tion of the tip of the left ventricular lead in the operating
room. Figure 23-5 shows the left ventricular lead with
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM four poles positioned into the lateral vein.
The electrocardiogram revealed sinus rhythm and com-
plete LBBB (Figure 23-1), biventricular pacing with the Dislodgement lead can be seen in Figure 23-4. A quartet
bipolar lead (Figure 23-2), and biventricular pacing lead (St. Jude Medical) can be seen in the lateral vein in
with final quadripolar lead (Figure 23-3). Figure 23-5.
23       Left Ventricular Quadripolar Lead in Phrenic Nerve Stimulation: It Is Better to Prevent Than to Treat    145

I C1


III C3 FIGURE 23-3  Final surface

electrocardiogram with biventricu-
aVR C4 lar pacing with left ventricular
pacing configuration M4 (proximal
pole) to right ventricular coil.
aVL C5

aVF C6

Quadripolar lead
inserted into the
Position 2 lateral vein
Position 1


FIGURE 23-5 
FIGURE 23-4  Left ventricular (LV) projection of the lateral vein.
Position 1: Position of the LV lead at the end of the implantation. Question
Position 2: Position of the LV lead the day after into the body of the
coronary sinus. RA, Right atrial; RV, right ventricular. Is the coronary sinus dissection definitive?


AND DISCUSSION POINTS In clinical follow-up, after 1 month, the coronary sinus
was patent without dissection.
What should be done if a complete coronary sinus dissection
occurred during the implantation of a left ventricular lead
into the coronary sinus? How should one deal with phrenic nerve stimulation?

Discussion Discussion
The recommendation is to stop the left ventricular lead The first possibility is to decrease the left ventricular out-
implantation and monitor the patient in the intensive put to avoid phrenic nerve stimulation (PNS) by pro­
care unit with repeated echocardiographic examina- viding left ventricular pacing if the left ventricular
tions to diagnose a potential pericardial effusion or threshold is really inferior to the PNS threshold. The sec-
tamponade. ond possibility—more reliable—is to use the electrical
146    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

27 dec. 2012
Quadra AssuraTM 3267-40Q CRT-D 7018405 10:52
Implant Doctor: Pr LECLERCQ Au centre

Summary FastPath™ Page 1 sur 1

Battery Implanted on: 26 dec. 2012

longevity: 6.7-7.5 ans
Last load 11.6 sec (26 dec. 2012)
Battery current 17 uA
~IRE > 5 ans Capacity of IRE >95%
FIGURE 23-6  Summary of the
pacing threshold, sensing, and TEST RESULTS 27 dec. 2012 A Automatic


A 0.75V @ 0.5ms (Bi) A 2.9mV (Bi) A 600  (Bi) A

0.875V @ 0.5ms (Bi) 26 dec. 2012 2.3mV (Bi) 26 dec. 2012 600 (Bi) 26 dec. 2012

VD 0.5V @ 0.5ms (Bi) >2.0mV (Bi VD) 440  (Bi) A

0.5V @ 0.5ms (Bi) 26 dec. 2012 >12.0mV (Bi VD) 26 dec. 2012 430 (Bi) 26 dec. 2012

VG 1.375V @ 0.5ms (P4-VDc) A 360  (P4 - VDc) A

0.875V @ 0.5ms (P4-VDc) 26 dec. 2012 360 (P4 - VDc) 26 dec. 2012

HT 55  (VD á Boîtier) A
68 (VD á Boîtier) 26 dec. 2012

repositioning (different pacing configurations) accord- INTERVENTION

ing to the capabilities of the devices. The third solution
is reoperation to reposition the lead or to implant a new The quadripolar left ventricular lead was inserted more
lead, such a quadripolar lead, to offer more pacing distally in the same vein. Pacing at the distal pole and
configurations. pole 2 enhanced PNS in all of the pacing configurations.
The first solution may be hazardous, with risk for los- Only pacing with pole 3 and 4 in pseudo-bipolar mode
ing the left ventricular capture. The second is usually with the right ventricular lead provided an acceptable
efficient but in some cases is not sufficient, as in our pacing threshold without PNS.
case, in which activation of the proximal or distal pole
enhanced PNS even with low output when the lead was
stable, that is, inserted at the distal part of the vein. The OUTCOME
systematic use of a quadripolar lead may be an interest-
ing option to offer more pacing configurations and thus After 4 months of follow-up the left ventricular pacing
more solutions. theshold is stable at approximately 1.3 V without PNS
(see Figures 23-3 and 23-6), with permanent biventricu-
lar capture and improvement in symptoms and exercise

In this patient the final diagnosis was left ventricular

lead dislodgement related to the need for positioning Selected References
the bipolar left ventricular lead at the entry of the
1. Forleo GB, Della Rocca DG, Papavasileiou LP, et al: Left ventricu-
­coronary sinus lateral vein. lar pacing with a new quadripolar transvenous lead for CRT: early
results of a prospective comparison with conventional implant
outcomes, Heart Rhythm 8:31-37, 2011.
PLAN OF ACTION 2. Landolina M, Gasparini M, Lunati M, et al: Long-term complica-
tions related to biventricular defibrillator implantation: rate of
surgical revisions and impact on survival: insights from the Italian
A repeat operation was peformed. The bipolar left ven- Clinical Service Database, Circulation 123:2526-2535, 2011.
tricular lead was removed and a new quadripolar left 3. Thibault B, et al: Posters PO 04-117 to 04-183, Heart Rhythm
ventricular lead (Quartet, St. Jude Medical) implanted. 8, 2011, S291.
Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing
Capture Detected by Remote
Laura Perrotta, Giuseppe Ricciardi, Paolo Pieragnoli, Emanuele Lebrun,
and Luigi Padeletti

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

76 Years Male Retired High Dilated Cardiomyopathy
School Teacher

HISTORY far from the clinic, and was not able to attend all of the
scheduled follow-up visits.
The patient was a 76-year-old man with heart failure,
left bundle branch block (LBBB), and paroxysmal atrial
The patient was taking warfarin, optimal medical ther-
Comments apy for heart failure.
The patient with symptomatic heart failure (New
York Health Association [NYHA] III) was referred for
cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) CURRENT SYMPTOMS
implantation. He had a dilated cardiomyopathy with
left ventricular disfunction (ejection fraction <35% doc- Exacerbation of cardiac heart failure symptoms with wors-
umented by echocardiography) and prolonged QRS ening of NHYA class (II to III).
duration (>120 ms) with LBBB morphology. He was on
optimal medical therapy for heart failure, including
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and ELECTROCARDIOGRAM
beta blockers. In addition, the patient was on oral anti-
coagulation therapy with warfarin because of recurrent The CareLink monitor transmission for July 3, 2010 was
episodes of atrial fibrillation. A coronary angiography as follows:

was performed and ruled out an ischemic cause of the • CareLink alert for burden atrial fibrillation (>6 hours)
cardiomyopathy. and for increased left ventricular pacing threshold
On May 5, 2010, he was implanted with a CRT-D
•  Left ventricular pacing threshold 4.0 V at 0.4 ms
device; the left ventricular lead was positioned into the
(+1.75 V compared to that on June 25, 2010)
midlateral vein through the coronary sinus. The best left
ventricular capture threshold was 1.5 V at 0.4 ms with • Percent V pacing 99.1%
left ventricular tip to left ventricular ring vector polarity. • Leadless electrogram (ECG) shows a changed axis
No phrenic nerve stimulation was observed, and no compared to May 2012, 2010 recording
complications occurred during and soon after the • 
Left ventricular lead is still pacing (but probably
procedure. moved back a little)
The CRT-D was programmed with left ventricular tip
to left ventricular ring polarity, and an algorithm to
measure the left ventricular threshold and adapt left FINDINGS
ventricular output was activated (LV Capture Manage-
ment, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minn.). Two months after the CRT device implant (July 3, 2010),
A CareLink monitor (Medtronic) for remote moni- an automatic CareLink transmission was generated by two
toring was given to the patient because he lived alone, different alerts (burden atrial fibrillation longer than 6
148    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

hours and increased left ventricular pacing threshold

[+1.75 V vs. that on June 25, 2010]) (Figures 24-1 and
24-2). The patient had a history of paroxysmal atrial fibril- On October 9, 2010 an automatic CareLink transmission
lation and was already on anticoagulant therapy, so the was generated by three alerts (burden AF, OptiVol, and
single atrial fibrillation event was not unexpected. On the high pacing threshold, with the Automatic Capture
leadless ECG transmitted (three electrograms plus high- Management algorithm unable to mantain the pro-
resolution digital leadless ECG and Active Can-superior grammed +1 V safety margin) (Figures 24-4 and 24-5). A
vena cava (SVC) Coil [Medtronic] corresponding to lead further increase in left ventricular pacing threshold was
DI surface ECG), a variation of paced QRS was noted in observed associated with an increased QRS paced width,
contrast to the transmission on May 12, 2010 (Figure 24-3, and the axis was unchanged in contrast to that from July
black arrows). The patient was contacted by telephone. He 3, 2010; see Figure 24-5). The OptiVol alert suggested an
was completely asymptomatic but unable to reach the initial accumulation of interstitial liquid, probably as a
medical center for clinical follow-up. result of an intermittent capture of biventricular pacing.
The CareLink monitor transmission for October 9, The patient was contacted for a follow-up visit on the
2010 was as follows:
next day (October 10, 2010). Changing the polarity from
• CareLink alert for burden FA, OptiVol, and for high tipLV/ringLV to tipLV/coilRV obtained a lower left ventric-
left ventricular pacing threshold on October 8, ular pacing threshold (3.5 V at 1.0 ms), left ventricular
2010 pacing output was set to 5.0 V at 1.0 ms, programming off
(monitoring only) the Automatic Capture Management
•  Left ventricular pacing threshold 6.0 V at 0.4 ms,
function to ensure continuous biventricular pacing at
device unable to maintain an appropriate safety mar-
higher output.
gin (more than 1 V of the pacing threshold)
The CareLink monitor transmission for December
• Three episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia 10, 2010 was as follows:

• Leadless ECG shows same axis but larger than on July • Reprogrammed polarity from tipLV/ringLV to tipLV/
7, 2010 (queried partial capture) coilRV (left ventricular pacing threshold 3.5 V at
• Patient asked to go to the clinic the next day 1.0 ms) on October 10, 2010 patient ambulatory visit

Quick Look II
Device: Consulta TM
CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 03-Jul-2010 23:42:27
Physician: Dr. Ricciardi - - -

Device Status (Implanted: 05-May-2010)

Battery Voltage (RRT=2.63V) 3.19 V (03-Jul-2010)
Last Full Charge 8.1 sec (05-May-2010)

Atrial(4574) RV(6944) LV(4196)

Pacing Impedance 475 ohms 893 ohms 646 ohms
Defibrillation Impedance RV=42 ohms
SVC=52 ohms

Capture Threshold 1.000 V @ 0.40 ms 0.500 V @ 0.40 ms ---

Measured on 03-Jul-2010 03-Jul-2010
Programmed Amplitude/Pulse Width 3.50 V/0.40 ms 3.50 V/0.40 ms 5.00 V/0.40 ms

Measured P/R Wave 1.9 mV 9.6 mV

Programmed Sensitivity 0.30 mV 0.30 mV

- Alert: 1 day with more than 6 hr AT/AF.
- Possible high LV threshold on 03-Jul-2010.
- LV Capture Management determined that threshold increased by 1.75 V from 25-Jun-2010 to 26-Jun-2010. This increase was greater
than Amplitude Safety Margin (+1 V) and may have compromised capture.
- Patient Activity less than 1 hr/day for 5 weeks.
- Longest ventricular sensing episode since the last session is greater than 60 seconds.
- Ventricular sensing episodes averaged 5.1 min/day since the last session.
- VF detection may be delayed: VF Detection Interval is faster than 300 ms (200 bpm).
FIGURE 24-1 
24       Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote Monitoring    149

• Increased left ventricular pulse width from 0.4 ms to FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
1.0 ms
Automatic Capture Management programmed off
(monitoring only) to have continuous left ventricular Question
pacing at 5.0 V at 1.0 ms output.
The first CareLink automatic transmission (July 3, 2010; see
Figures 24-1 to 24-3) reported an increased left ventricular
Findings pacing threshold. Should it be considered a “normal” conse-
On December 10, 2010 (Figure 24-6), we received a pro- quence of the chronic phase of the lead maturation process?
grammed CareLink transmission with data indicating a
satisfactory situation. The patient activity level was consid-
erably increased, with only a few episodes of paroxysmal
atrial fibrillation, as was usual for the patient. Elevated thresholds that occur during the first several
On May 7, 2011, we received another programmed weeks after implantation were common, although the
CareLink Transmission with a good clinical situation and introduction of steroid eluting electrodes and other
a stable biventricular pacing (Figure 24-7). The patient electrode materials and designs has markedly decreased
did not experience any worsening heart failure episodes. this problem.

Lead Performance Trends

Device: Consulta TM
CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 12-May-2010 23:42:27
Physician: Dr. Ricciardi - - -

LV Pace Polarity LVtip to LVring

Lead Model 4196

LV Impedance last session ohms

(LVtip to LVring)
Last Measured 646 ohms





Dec-08 May-09 Sep-09 Feb-10 19-Jul-10 03-Jul-10

LV Threshold last session V @ 0.40 ms

Capture Adaptive
Amplitude 5.00 V
Pulse Width 0.40 ms 5.0
Max. Adapted 6.00 V
Last Measured 4.000 V @ 0.40 ms 4.0
Measured on 26-Jun-2010



Dec-08 May-09 Sep-09 Feb-10 19-Jul-10 03-Jul-10

Last 80 weeks (min/max/avg per week) Last 15 days

FIGURE 24-2 
150    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

Current EGM
Device: ConsultaTM CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 12-Jul-2010 11:43:23
Chart speed: 25.0 mm/sec

EGM1: Atip to Aring

(1 mV)

EGM2: RVtip to RVring

(1 mV)

EGM3: LVtip to RVcoil

(1 mV)

LECG: Can to SVC

(0.1 mV)

A-A Interval (ms) 5 7 7 7 6 8 7 7

8A 2 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 6 A 5 A 5
0B 0 P 0 P 0 P 0 R 0 P 0 P 0
5 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 6 V 7 B 7 B
6 V 4 V 5 V 5 V 6 S 5 V 5 V
V-V Interval (ms) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Current EGM
Device: Consulta TM
CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 03-Jul-2010 23:42:27
Chart speed: 25.0 mm/sec

EGM1: Atip to Aring

(1 mV)

EGM2: RVtip to RVring

(1 mV)

EGM3: LVtip to RVcoil

(1 mV)

LECG: Can to SVC

(0.1 mV)

A-A Interval (ms) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

5A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5
0P 0 P 0 P 0 P 0 P 0 P 0 P 0
7B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B 7 B
5V 5 V 5 V 5 V 5 V 5 V 5 V
V-V Interval (ms) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 24-3 
24       Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote Monitoring    151

Quick Look II
Device: Consulta CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 09-Oct-2010 21:17:36 P I I I
Physician: Dr. Ricciardi - - -
OptiVol fluid index >200
Device Status (Implanted: 05-May-2010) OptiVol
Battery Voltage (RRT=2.63V) 3.16 V (09-Oct-2010) threshold 160
Last Full Charge 8.1 sec (05-May-2010)
Atrial(4574) RV6944) LV(4196)
Pacing Impedance 475 ohms 836 ohms 589 ohms
Defibrillation Impedance RV=38 ohms
SVC=47 ohms 40

Capture Threshold 0.625 V @ 0.40 ms 0.375 V @ 0.40 ms Fluid

High 0
Measured on 09-Oct-2010 09-Oct-2010 08-Oct-2010 Jun 2010 Aug 2010 Oct 2010 Dec 20
Programmed Amplitude/Pulse Width 1.50 V/0.40 ms 2.00 V/0.40 ms 6.00 V/0.40 ms >100
Thoracic impedance
Measured P/R Wave 1.9 mV 9.1 mV (ohms)
Programmed Sensitivity 0.30 mV 0.30 mV Daily
Reference 80
• Alert: Backup alarm has sounded due to unsuccessful wireless transmissions.
• Alert: 5 days with more than 6 hr AT/AF. 60
• Alert: Possible fluid accumulation: exceeded OptiVol Threshold, 02-Oct-2010 – ongoing.
• V. Pacing less than 90%.
• High LV threshold on 08-Oct-2010. 40
• Possible high LV threshold on 04-Oct-2010. Jun 2010 Aug 2010 Oct 2010 Dec 20
• LV Capture Management determined that threshold increased by 1.5 V from 25-Aug-2010 to 26-Aug-2010. This Heart rate variability
than Amplitude Safety Margin (+1 V) and may have compromised capture. (ms) 160
• Unable to maintain LV Capture Management Safety Margin on 25-Sep-2010. 120
• Patient Activity less than 1 hr/day for 7 weeks.
• Longest ventricular sensing episode since the last session is greater than 60 seconds. Jun 2010 Aug 2010 Oct 2010 Dec 20
• Ventricular sensing episodes averaged 44 min/day since the last session.
• VF detection may be delayed: VF Detection Interval is faster than 300 ms (200 bpm).

FIGURE 24-4 

The rise in capture threshold usually has a peak The percentage of biventricular pacing was reduced
between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation and may be because of an increased ventricular rate during atrial
attributed to an inflammatory reaction around the elec- fibrillation. Moreover, likely there was not constant left
trode. An elevation observed more than 6 weeks after ventricular capture because the Automatic Capture Man-
implantation, as in this case, usually is considered to be agement algorithm was unable to maintain the pro-
in the chronic phase of the lead maturation process. It grammed safety margin for left ventricular output.
was also noted that biventricular pacing was still effec- Therefore the patient was contacted for a clinical follow-
tive but with a different left ventricular activation and up visit.
consequently a different QRS paced axis, probably as a
result of a minimal left ventricular lead backdown.
However, the CareLink System provided the opportu-
nity to detect the increased pacing threshold and further Was the rise in left ventricular pacing threshold the result of
monitor the evolution of the clinical situation without a gross dislodgment of the left ventricular lead or of chronic
unscheduled follow-up visits. pacing threshold elevation?

Question Discussion
On October 9, 2010 a new automatic CareLink transmission Changing the polarity from tipLV/ringLV to tipLV/coilRV
was generated by three different alerts: burden atrial fibrilla- restored left ventricular capture, ensuring continuous
tion, OptiVol, and high pacing threshold. Should the OptiVol biventricular pacing at higher output. Thus the rise in
alert be considered a consequence of atrial fibrillation and the left ventricular pacing threshold until the loss of
reduced biventricular pacing or of intermittent loss of left capture was not due to a gross dislodgment of the left
ventricular capture? ventricular lead.


The OptiVol alert suggested an initial accumulation of
interstitial liquids and worsening of the heart failure The final diagnosis for this patient was the necessity for
condition, probably as a result of an intermittent loss of an increased left ventricular pacing threshold, as identi-
biventricular pacing. fied by monitoring with the CareLink system.
152    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

Lead Performance Trends

Device: ConsultaTM CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 09-Oct-2010 21:17:36
Physician: Dr. Ricciardi - - -

LV Pace Polarity LVtip to LVring

Lead Model 4196

LV Impedance last session ohms

(LVtip to LVring)
Last Measured 589 ohms >3000






Mar-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 May-10 25-Sep-10 09-Oct-10

LV Threshold last session V @ 0.40 ms

Capture Adaptive
Amplitude 6.00 V
Pulse Width 0.40 ms 5.0
Max. Adapted 6.00 V
Last Measured High 4.0

x = High Threshold 3.0



Mar-09 Aug-09 Dec-09 May-10 25-Sep-10 09-Oct-10

EGM1: Atip to Aring

(1 mV)

EGM2: RVtip to RVring

(1 mV)

EGM3: LVtip to RVcoil

(1 mV)

LECG: Can to SVC

(0.1 mV)

A-A Interval (ms) 7 6 7 7 6 7 7 6

5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 5 A 6
0 P 0 P 0 P 0 P 0 S 0 P 0 P 0
7 B 6 B 7 B 7 B 6 B 7 B 7 B
5 V 3 V 7 V 5 V 3 V 7 V 5 V
V-V Interval (ms) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIGURE 24-5 
24       Loss of Left Ventricular Pacing Capture Detected by Remote Monitoring    153

Quick Look II
Device: ConsultaTM CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 10-Oct-2010 16:43:09
Physician: Dr. Ricciardi - - -

Device Status (Implanted: 05-May-2010)

Battery Voltage (RRT=2.63V) 3.11 V (10-Dec-2010)
Last Full Charge 9.0 sec (04-Nov-2010)
Atrial(4574) RV(6944) LV(4196)
Pacing Impedance 475 ohms 893 ohms 475 ohms
Defibrillation Impedance RV=41 ohms
SVC=52 ohms

Capture Threshold --- 0.375 V @ 0.40 ms Off

Measured on 10-Dec-2010
Programmed Amplitude/Pulse Width 1.75 V/0.40 ms 2.00 V/0.40 ms 5.00 V/1.00 ms

Measured P/R Wave 1.9 mV 10.5 mV

Programmed Sensitivity 0.30 mV 0.30 mV

LV Pace Polarity LVtip to RVcoil

Lead Model 4196

LV Impedance last session ohms

(LVtip to RVcoil) Polarity Programming
Last Measured 475 ohms >3000






May-09 Oct-09 Mar-10 Jul-10 26-Nov-10 10-Dec-10

LV Threshold last session V @ 0.40 ms

Capture Off PW(ms) programming
Amplitude 5.00 V
Pulse Width 1.00 ms 5.0
Last Measured 5.500 V @ 0.40 ms
Measured on 10-Oct-2010 4.0

x = High Threshold 3.0



May-09 Oct-09 Mar-10 Jul-10 26-Nov-10 10-Dec-10
FIGURE 24-6 
154    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

Lead Performance Trends

Device: ConsultaTM CRT-D D234TRK Date of Interrogation: 07-May-2011 12:34:26
Physician: Dr. Ricciardi - - -

LV Pace Polarity LVtip to RVcoil

Lead Model 4196

LV Impedance ohms
(LVtip to RVcoil) Polarity Programming
Last Measured 437 ohms >3000






Oct-09 Mar-10 Jul-10 Dec-10 23-Apr-11 07-May-11

LV Threshold V @ 0.40 ms
Capture Off PW(ms) Programming
Amplitude 5.00 V
Pulse Width 1.50 ms 5.0
Last Measured 5.500 V @ 0.40 ms
Measured on 10-Oct-2010 4.0

x = High Threshold 3.0



Oct-09 Mar-10 Jul-10 Dec-10 23-Apr-11 07-May-11

Last 80 weeks (min/max/avg per week) Last 15 days

FIGURE 24-7 


The plan of action was monitoring of the increasing left The intervention resulted in restoration of effective
ventricular pacing threshold using the CareLink system biventricular pacing.
without unscheduled follow-up visits.

Left ventricular output and pacing configuration were
reprogrammed only when loss of capture had been
detected by the monitoring system.
The Importance of Maintaining a
High Percentage of Biventricular
Christopher J. McLeod

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

54 Years Male Farmer Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy


The patient is a 54-year-old man with a history of a The patient was taking digoxin 250 mcg daily, furosemide
nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. He was initially 20 mg daily, losartan 50 mg daily, amiodarone 300 mg
referred for consideration of a third procedure for atrial daily, metoprolol 100 mg twice daily, spironolactone 25 mg
fibrillation. He had undergone pulmonary vein isola- daily, and warfarin to maintain international normalized
tion procedures 1 year and 3 months previously. In ratio between 2 and 3.
addition to pulmonary vein isolation, linear ablation of
both the left and right atria had been performed, as well
as targeting of complex fractionated atrial electrograms. CURRENT SYMPTOMS
Despite this, the patient experienced early recurrences of
atrial fibrillation and atypical atrial flutter soon after The patient’s predominant symptom was dyspnea on
each ablation. In addition, amiodarone, digoxin, and exertion. His exercise tolerance was limited to flat sur-
beta blockade were used as adjunctive therapy, yet rate faces. In addition, he was frequently becoming dyspneic
control remained poor. Heart rates during waking hours with simple activities of daily living while working on
averaged approximately 110 bpm. Left ventricular sys- his farm. He had not had any syncopal episodes and was
tolic function was globally reduced, and the ejection not aware of any palpitations.
fraction was estimated to be approximately 20%. His
symptom was New York Heart Association (NYHA)
class II to III dyspnea, yet he had no history of hospital PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
admissions for heart failure, no palpitations, and no
presyncopal symptoms. BP/HR: 101/67 mm Hg/97 bpm
The patient had failed an antiarrhythmic strategy Height/weight: 180 cm/105 kg
using a combination of medication and ablation. Fur- Neck veins: No jugular vein distention, no carotid bruits
thermore, he was failing a rate control strategy using Lungs/chest: Clear
three different atrioventricular nodal blocking agents. Heart: Rapid irregular heart rate with normal first heart
He remained tachycardic and symptomatic, and there- sound (S1) and second heart sound (S2), no murmur
fore the following therapeutic options were discussed Abdomen: Soft, nontender with no organomegaly
with him and his family: (1) a third catheter ablation Extremities: Minimal edema, normal volume pulses
for atrial fibrillation, (2) permanent pacemaker
implantation with adjunctive atrioventricular nodal
ablation, and (3) open surgical cut-and-sew maze LABORATORY DATA
procedure. The patient elected to proceed with atrio-
ventricular nodal ablation and permanent pacemaker Hemoglobin: 15.1 g/dL
implantation. Mean corpuscular volume: 88 fL
156    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

Platelet count: 351 × 103/µL pacing. Frequent premature ventricular contractions

Sodium: 140 mmol/L occurred, with varying degrees of fusion.
Potassium: 5.0 mmol/L
Creatinine: 1.2 × 109/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 30 mmol/L
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM The chest radiograph showed the heart size to be nor-
mal. Mild pulmonary venous hypertension was noted
Findings (Figure 25-3).
Figure 25-1 shows the electrocardiogram (ECG) ob-
tained before device implantation. The rhythm is atrial
fibrillation with a fairly rapid ventricular response. The
QRS duration is less than 100 ms, and no evidence of
acute ischemia is present.
Figure 25-2 shows the ECG obtained after atrioven-
tricular node ablation and device implantation. The The electrogram revealed mild-to-moderate left ven-
rhythm is atrial fibrillation, with evidence of biventricular tricular enlargement with severe decrease in systolic

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

FIGURE 25-1 




I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

FIGURE 25-2 



25       The Importance of Maintaining a High Percentage of Biventricular Pacing    157

function. The left ventricular ejection fraction was esti- and in 3- to 4-beat runs of accelerated idioventricular
mated to be 20%. Severe generalized left ventricular rhythm (AIVR) and in 3- to 11-beat runs of ventricular
hypokinesis was evident. Mild right ventricular enlarge- tachycardia (vs. aberrant beats in a series). The mini-
ment with a mild decrease in systolic function was mum AIVR rate was 75 bpm. The maximum ventricular
noted. The estimated right ventricular systolic pressure tachycardia rate was 182 bpm.
was 44 mm Hg. No significant valvular heart disease
was seen. No pericardial effusion was present. The left
atrial volume index was 52 mL/m2. Moderate right atrial
enlargement was noted.
PHYSIOLOGIC TRACINGS Computed tomography (CT) of the heart shows no
intracardiac thrombus. Two left and three right pulmo-
Findings nary veins with no pulmonary vein stenosis were noted.
All coronary arteries in the right dominant coronary sys-
Before Device Implantation tem were patent. Biatrial enlargement and moderately
The patient was given a 24-hour Holter monitor 1. The severe left ventricular dilation were observed.
patient’s minimum heart rate was 62 bpm, maximum
heart rate was 177 bpm, and average heart rate was 103
bpm. The basic rhythm was atrial fibrillation, with the FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
rate varying between 62 and 177 bpm. Very frequent
premature ventricular contractions or aberrant beats
occurred singly at times and bigeminy in pairs and in
runs of ventricular tachycardia or aberrancy 3 to 13 beats
in duration. The maximum ventricular tachycardia or Should a biventricular device or standard dual-chamber
aberrant conduction rate was 193 bpm. Also seen were implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) pacemaker be
frequent episodes of an accelerated idioventricular implanted?
rhythm 3 to 4 beats in duration. No symptoms were
recorded in the patient’s diary.
After Atrioventricular Node Ablation and Device It is well recognized that the left bundle branch block
Implantation pattern that ensues with obligate right ventricular pac-
The patient was given a 24-hour Holter monitor 2. The ing after atrioventricular nodal ablation provides electri-
basic mechanism was a ventricular pacemaker with cal dyssynchrony for the contracting myocardium. In
fusion beats. The underlying rhythm was atrial fibrilla- light of the patient’s symptomatic status and depressed
tion, with a ventricular rate of 58 to 94 bpm and an left ventricular function, consideration of cardiac resyn-
average heart rate of 64 bpm. Very frequent premature chronization therapy CRT is warranted. However,
ventricular or aberrantly conducted beats (31.2% of assuming that the basis for his ventricular dysfunction is
total ventricular beats) occurred singly and in bigeminy indeed a tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy,3,6 it is

FIGURE 25-3 
158    SECTION 5       Optimization of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Device

possible that with effective rate control alone (after ventricular dysfunction remedial to ablation.1,6 More-
atrioventricular node ablation) his ejection fraction may over, ablation of the premature ventricular contraction
improve. In contrast, obligate right ventricular pacing in focus has been shown to be associated with improve-
the context of depressed left ventricular function does ment in left ventricular function and functional class in
hold the potential for further systolic decline and wors- CRT nonresponders.5,7 The largest benefit was seen in
ening symptoms of heart failure. The physician caring patients with a preablation premature ventricular con-
for him elected to recommend biventricular pacing in traction burden greater than 22% of their total beats.
favor of right ventricular apical pacing.


Should all patients undergoing CRT with atrial fibrillation The final diagnosis is nonischemic cardiomyopathy
and rapid ventricular rates undergo simultaneous atrioven- with persistent atrial fibrillation to which tachycardia or
tricular node ablation? ectopy has likely contributed.


Atrioventricular node ablation provides the most reli-
able method for rate control in patients with atrioven- The plan for this patient was atrioventricular node abla-
tricular fibrillation. Randomized controlled trials are tion and implantation of a biventricular pacemaker,
still needed to confirm the impact of this procedure on along with subsequent catheter-based premature ven-
symptom status and survival in patients with atrial tricular contraction ablation.
fibrillation, heart failure, and biventricular pacing. Sev-
eral studies, though, have suggested improvements in
these fundamental outcomes, and a recent meta-analysis INTERVENTION
alludes to substantial reductions in all-cause mortality
and cardiovascular mortality in those patients who The patient underwent implantation of a biventricular
underwent atrioventricular node ablation. In addition, ICD. This was performed without complications using a
improvements were also seen in the NYHA functional standard device and delivery system. The coronary sinus
class in the atrioventricular node–ablated groups in lead was placed in a lateral branch of the venous system,
contrast to that with medical therapy.2 and no phrenic stimulation was noted.
At the patient’s 3-month follow-up visit, it was noted
that he was receiving biventricular pacing only 67% of
Question the time. His device interrogation and 24-hour Holter
Does evidence suggest that a high premature ventricular con- monitoring showed evidence of frequent ventricular
traction burden is a potential cause of CRT nonresponse? ectopy of two different morphologies. The amiodarone
had been discontinued, and his symptomatic status was
still NYHA class II to class III. A 24-hour Holter monitor
Discussion showed that approximately one third of his beats were
It is clear from large studies and registries that a higher premature ventricular contractions. A discussion around
percentage of biventricular pacing is associated with additional antiarrhythmic therapy (i.e., flecainide or
improved symptoms and a reduction in mortality.4 Of mexiletine) versus ablation was undertaken, and the
interest, it appears that there is potential benefit in patient ultimately elected to go ahead with an ablation
improving biventricular percentage pacing above 95%. procedure. Two predominant premature ventricular
The Latitude registry has demonstrated that patients contractions were mapped and ablated. The first was
with biventricular pacing percentage above 99.6% expe- ablated from an epicardial aspect on the left ventricular
rienced a 24% reduction in mortality in contrast to the summit a safe distance from the left circumflex artery.
other groups, including patients receiving biventricular The second originated from the aortomitral continuity
pacing more than 95% of the time.4 Conceptually then, and was ablated from an endocardial approach. The
it is not necessary for the patient to sustain 20% or 30% patient was seen 3 months after the procedure. Device
ectopy for the salutary effects of biventricular pacing to interrogation showed biventricular pacing to be occur-
be diluted. ing 98% of the time.
Although atrial fibrillation with native conduction
appears to be the most frequent offender in reducing
biventricular percentage pacing, frequent ventricular
ectopy is also recognized.5 Frequent ventricular ectopy The patient’s transthoracic echocardiogram at 1 year
also has been identified as a cause of reversible left after atrioventricular node ablation and 9 months after
25       The Importance of Maintaining a High Percentage of Biventricular Pacing    159

premature ventricular contraction ablation showed a 3. Grogan M, Smith HC, Gersh BJ, et al: Left ventricular dysfunction due
marked improvement in ventricular function with the to atrial fibrillation in patients initially believed to have idiopathic
dilated cardiomyopathy, Am J Cardiol 69:1570-1573, 1992.
ejection fraction improving to 45%. In addition, his 4. Hayes DL, Boehmer JP, Day JD, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
symptom status was improved to NYHA class II and he therapy and the relationship of percent biventricular pacing to
continues to actively work on his farm. symptoms and survival, Heart Rhythm 8:1469-1475, 2011.
5. Lakkireddy D, Di Biase L, Ryschon K, et al: Radiofrequency
ablation of premature ventricular ectopy improves the efficacy of
cardiac resynchronization therapy in nonresponders, J Am Coll
Selected References Cardiol 60:1531-1539, 2012.
1. Bogun F, Crawford T, Reich S, et al: Radiofrequency ablation of 6. Stulak JM, Dearani JA, Daly RC, et al: Left ventricular dysfunction
frequent, idiopathic premature ventricular complexes: comparison in atrial fibrillation: restoration of sinus rhythm by the Cox-maze
with a control group without intervention, Heart Rhythm procedure significantly improves systolic function and functional
4:863-867, 2007. status, Ann Thorac Surg 82:494-500, 2006. discussion 500-491.
2. Ganesan AN, Brooks AG, Roberts-Thomson KC, et al: Role of AV 7. Yarlagadda RK, Iwai S, Stein KM, et al: Reversal of cardiomyopathy
nodal ablation in cardiac resynchronization: in patients with in patients with repetitive monomorphic ventricular ectopy
coexistent atrial fibrillation and heart failure a systematic review, originating from the right ventricular outflow tract, Circulation
J Am Coll Cardiol 59:719-726, 2012. 112:1092-1097, 2005.
Managing Ventricular Tachycardia:
Total Atrioventricular Block After
Ablation in a Patient with
Nonischemic Dilated
Sebastiaan R. D. Piers and Katja Zeppenfeld

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

42 Years Female Beautician Life-Threatening Electrical Storm
from Sustained Monomorphic
Ventricular Tachycardia Requiring
External Defibrillation

HISTORY was prevented by intravenous amiodarone. However,

despite amiodarone, ventricular tachycardia recurred
In September 2000 the patient was referred to a cardi- during admission in her local hospital. The patient was
ologist because of premature ventricular contractions. referred for ventricular tachycardia ablation.
The 12-lead surface electrocardiogram (ECG) showed The patient’s cousin died suddenly at the age of 37. At
sinus rhythm with atypical right bundle branch block autopsy a pale and mottled heart was found.
(RBBB), a fragmented QRS, and negative T-waves in III,
aVF and V1-3. Echocardiography, a 24-hour Holter ECG,
and stress test were reported to be unremarkable. An
expectant strategy was adopted. Although the ECG in 2008 was suspicious and the
In December 2009 the patient was hospitalized for patient had symptomatic premature ventricular contrac-
sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, with a tions, the echocardiogram, 24-hour Holter ECG, and
heart rate of 254 bpm. A coronary angiogram did not stress test were reported to be unremarkable. However,
show atherosclerosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast-enhanced MRI could have been considered at
revealed marked thinning and hypokinesia of the basal this time, based on the suspicious ECG.
anterior and anteroseptal wall. The left ventricular end-
diastolic volume was 169 mL, left ventricular ejection
fraction (LVEF) was 48%. Right ventricular volumes and CURRENT MEDICATIONS
systolic function were normal. An implantable cardio-
verter-defibrillator (ICD) was implanted, complicated by The patient was taking thiamazole 30 mg daily, meto-
pneumothorax. prolol Zoc 100 mg twice daily, calcium carbasalate
The patient experienced life-threatening electrical (Ascal) 100 mg daily, ramipril 2.5 mg daily, oxazepam
storm as a result of recurrent sustained monomorphic 10 mg three times daily, and clorazepate 5 mg if needed.
ventricular tachycardia in June 2010. When the emer-
gency service arrived, the twelfth ICD shock was
administered for monomorphic ventricular tachycardia CURRENT SYMPTOMS
resulted in ventricular fibrillation, and the patient lost
consciousness. ICD therapy was disabled by a magnet The patient received 12 ICD shocks for monomorphic
and the patient resuscitated. After successful external v­entricular tachycardia. In the hospital the patient was
defibrillation, acute ventricular tachycardia recurrence highly anxious because of the multiple ICD shocks. She
164    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

did not report chest pain or dyspnea on exertion. The ELECTROCARDIOGRAM

history was otherwise unremarkable.
The ECG recorded sinus rhythm (Figure 26-1) and sus-
tained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (Figure
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 26-2) on the first day of admission at the cardiac care
unit of the referring hospital.
BP/HR: 115/65 mm Hg/77 bpm
Height/weight: 172 cm, 68 kg
Neck veins: Not distended
Lungs/chest: Unremarkable The ECG in Figure 26-1 shows sinus rhythm at 72
Heart: No murmurs bpm, pulse rate 140 ms, RBBB QRS 160 ms, QT/QTc
Abdomen: Unremarkable 448/469 ms, a fragmented QRS with Q-waves in V1, I
Extremities: No peripheral edema, peripheral pulses and aVL, a fragmented S-wave in lead II, V4 and V5, a
intact in both groins, no murmurs fragmented R-wave in leads V2 and V3, and an R′ wave
in leads I and aVL.
The ECG in Figure 26-2 recorded monomorphic ven-
LABORATORY DATA tricular tachycardia at 216 bpm, RBBB-like morphology
(defined as dominant R in precordial lead V1), left supe-
Hemoglobin: 8.4 mmol/L rior axis, transition V3, and QRS width of 280 ms.
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 40%
Mean corpuscular volume: 82 fL
Platelet count: 216 × 103/µL
Sodium: 140 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.3 mmol/L
Creatinine: 56 μmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 3.3 mmol/L An echocardiogram of the left ventricle showed no
hypertrophy, akinesia of the basal septum and basal

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


for Mortara P/N 9100-026-02

FIGURE 26-1 

I 1 mV



FIGURE 26-2 
aVR V4

aVL V5

aVF V6
Paced Bandbreedte:0.05 150 Hz 10 mm/mV 25.0 mm/s
26       Managing Ventricular Tachycardia    165

anteroseptal wall, an end-diastolic volume of 170 mL, axis). An electroanatomic map of the left ventricle was cre-
and LVEF of 35%. The right ventricle was not dilated and ated, which revealed a low bipolar voltage area in the basal
tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion was 25 mm. anteroseptal wall with fragmented electrograms, but no
late potentials. For several episodes of ventricular tachycar-
dia, early activation was identified in the basal left ventri-
cle, but only 1 of 11 could be abolished. Although potential
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING ablation target sites could be identified in close proximity
to the bundle of His and the proximal left bundle, radio-
Findings frequency energy applications were withheld, considering
Based on cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that parts of the reentry circuits may be located deep intra-
images, the LVEF was 40%, with marked hypokinesia of murally or epicardially. The patient was rescheduled for a
the basal anterior and anteroseptal wall, and the left ven- combined endocardial and epicardial procedure.
tricular end-diastolic volume was 182 mL. The right ven- During the same admission, the patient underwent
tricle showed normal function and dimensions. The combined endocardial and epicardial ventricular tachy-
short-axis contrast-enhanced MRI slices (Figure 26-3, A) cardia ablation. Arteriovenous access was obtained, and
demonstrated a transmural scar in the basal anterior and subxyphoidal puncture was performed. During the pro-
anteroseptal wall. Using custom software, the contours cedure, low-voltage areas and fragmented electrograms
were traced (see Figure 26-3, B) to create a three-dimen- were identified at the basal and mid-anteroseptal wall,
sional scar reconstruction (see Figure 26-3, C and D). both on the endocardium and the epicardium overlying
the septal region and the adjacent basal anterior wall
(Figure 26-4, A to D). Of note, the endocardial low uni-
Comments polar voltage area was much larger than the endocardial
The scar distribution is not typical for prior myocardial low bipolar voltage area, suggesting a more extensive
infarction, because the apical segments are completely mid-myocardial or epicardial substrate. Indeed, this area
spared. However, a scar distribution, involving in par- corresponded to the location of an MRI-derived scar
ticular the basal septum and the adjacent basal anterior (see Figure 26-4, E). The epicardial low bipolar and uni-
wall, has been previously described in patients with polar voltage area could not be explained by epicardial
nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy presenting with fat, as demonstrated by CT-derived meshes color-coded
ventricular tachycardia. for epicardial fat thickness (see Figure 26-4, F).
During the procedure a total of 17 different ventricu-
lar tachycardia morphologies could be induced (the first
CATHETERIZATION 9 ventricular tachycardia episodes are shown in Figure
26-5), all related to the scar in the basal septum and
The decision was made to perform ventricular tachycardia basal anterior wall. Several ventricular tachycardia reen-
ablation to prevent recurrence of ventricular tachycardia try circuit isthmuses were mapped to an area in close
and a potential life-threatening electrical storm. During proximity to the bundle of His or proximal left bundle.
endocardial ablation, multiple different ventricular tachy- In Figure 26-6, diastolic activity and concealed entrain-
cardia morphologies could be induced by programmed ment are demonstrated at the right ventricular side of
electrical stimulation (ventricular tachycardic cycle length the septum for one of these ventricular tachycardic epi-
200 to 270 ms, most RBBB with inferior axis, one with sodes. Despite extensive mapping at the endocardium
RBBB and superior axis, and one with LBBB and superior and epicardium with radiofrequency applications lim-
ited to potential entrance or exit sites that were consid-
ered to be at safe distance from the bundle of His and
left bundle, ventricular tachycardia remained inducible.

B Should iatrogenic total atrioventricular block with consec-
C RAO view D LAO view
FIGURE 26-3  Based on short axis contrast-enhanced MRI slice utive pacing be accepted to potentially prevent ventricular
(panel A) and semi-automatic detection of late enhancement (panel tachycardia recurrence in a patient with nonischemic
B), a 3-dimensional scar reconstruction was created (panels C and cardiomyopathy who has experienced a life-threatening
D). The core scar is displayed in red, borderzone in yellow. LAO electrical storm requiring resuscitation despite ICD
denotes left anterior oblique; RAO, right anterior oblique. therapy?
166    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

1.50 mV
0.50 mV

FIGURE 26-4  Electroanatomic maps of the left

ventricle and epicardium, color-coded for bipolar A Left ventricle - bipolar voltage
A B Epicardium - bipolar voltage
and unipolar voltage. A low bipolar and unipolar
voltage area is present in the left ventricular basal
anteroseptal and anterior wall (A to D). The part of
the epicardial low unipolar voltage area that was 8.27 mV
overlying the right ventricle is likely to be caused by B
the thinner right ventricular wall. The magnetic
resonance imaging–derived three-dimensional scar
reconstruction reveals scar in this area (E). The
anterior basal wall is covered by no or little epicardial C Left ventricle - unipolar voltage D Epicardium - unipolar voltage
fat as visualized from the computed tomography–
derived three-dimensional reconstruction of
epicardial fat distribution (F).
8 mm
6 mm
4 mm
2 mm
0 mm

E 3D reconstruction of scar F Epicardial fat thickness





FIGURE 26-5  The first nine sustained monomor- aVF

phic ventricular tachycardia episodes that were
induced during catheter ablation. Two beats are V1
displayed for each ventricular tachycardia episode.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
26       Managing Ventricular Tachycardia    167

29 msec

153 msec



180 msec
180 msec
280 msec
C 280 msec
RV d

FIGURE 26-6  Electroanatomic maps of the left and right ventricles during sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia number 5 (A; for
12-lead electrocardiograph morphology, see Figure 36-4). The earliest activated region is displayed in red. A diastolic potential was found at the
mid-septum remote from the bundle of His, as indicated by the yellow tag (B). Entrainment mapping was performed, demonstrating concealed
entrainment with a postpacing interval of 280 ms, equaling the tachycardia cycle length (C). The 180-msec interval between the stimulus and
the peak of lead II suggests that a small potential (black arrows) slightly before the larger potential has been captured. A radiofrequency energy
application at this site resulted in slowing of the ventricular tachycardia and termination after 7 seconds.

Discussion Iatrogenic persistent total atrioventricular block and

As demonstrated in this case, electrical storm can be life- left bundle branch block (LBBB) has been reported to
threatening. Patients with nonischemic dilated cardio- occur in 16% of patients who undergo ablation of ven-
myopathy are at high risk for ventricular tachycardia tricular tachycardia associated with septal and anterior
recurrence after ablation in contrast to patients after basal scars.3 In some patients, benefits may outweigh
myocardial infarction.5 Two small studies suggest that disadvantages. After unsuccessful ablation, patients are
this risk can be significantly reduced if patients are ren- at high risk for ventricular tachycardia recurrence, in
dered noninducible for sustained monomorphic ven- particular after prior electrical storm. In a study by Car-
tricular tachycardia.1,5 Thus it may be worthwhile to bucicchio and colleagues,2 electrical storm recurred in
pursue complete noninducibility of ventricular tachy- 8 of 10 patients with ablation failure, in contrast to
cardia. On the other hand, ablation in close proximity none of the 85 patients with complete or partial proce-
to the bundle of His and the left bundle is likely to result dural success. Of 8 patients with electrical storm
in total atrioventricular block, particularly in patients ­recurrence, 4 died suddenly despite appropriate ICD
with preexisting RBBB requiring permanent ventricular intervention. Thus ablation failure in patients with
pacing, which may have deleterious effects, as outlined prior electrical storm seems to carry a high risk not only
in the following section. for recurrent electrical storm but also for sudden death
Based on inducibility by programmed electrical stim- even when an ICD is implanted. Based on these risks,
ulation, diastolic potentials, and concealed entrain- the decision was made to target all ventricular tachycar-
ment, the mechanism of the ventricular tachycardia in dia reentry circuits, also at the location of the proximal
this patient was likely reentry, and thus another part of conduction system.
the reentry circuit may be at a safe distance from the
bundle of His and left bundle, allowing abolishment of
the ventricular tachycardia without damage to the con-
duction system. However, this approach was not effec- In the case of total atrioventricular block after ablation of the
tive and several radiofrequency applications at a safe bundle of His and left-sided proximal conduction system, is
distance from the His bundle and left bundle did not permanent right ventricular pacing likely to affect left ven-
abolish the ventricular tachycardia. tricular function?
168    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

may be expected, as outlined earlier. In the study by Yu

Discussion and colleagues,9 these deleterious effects could be pre-
During right ventricular pacing the ventricles are acti- vented by biventricular pacing in patients with a normal
vated relatively slowly through the myocardium, instead LVEF who required a pacemaker because of bradycardia.
of fast activation through the His-Purkinje conduction In patients with an LVEF 40% or less, and an indication
system in physiologic conditions. As a result, early acti- for ventricular pacing, the small Homburg Biventricular
vated regions “prestretch” late activated regions, whereas Pacing Evaluation (HOBIPACE) trial demonstrated
late activated regions “poststretch” early activated biventricular pacing to be superior to right ventricular
regions that are already in the relaxation phase. The pacing in terms of left ventricular function, quality of
resulting dyssynchronous contraction pattern is less life, and exercise capacity.4
effective and may reduce ventricular function. Other This patient was considered to potentially benefit from
potential deleterious effects of right ventricular apical cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) because female
pacing include left ventricular remodeling, functional gender, nonischemic cardiomyopathy, and QRS duration
mitral regurgitation, and left atrial remodeling.8 In the greater than 150 msec consistently have been found to
Mode Selection (MOST) trial, which compared dual- predict greater benefit from CRT. A positive response to
chamber “physiologic” right ventricular apical to pure CRT has been associated with a reduced risk for ventricu-
right ventricular apical pacing in patients with sinus lar arrhythmia.7 Thus biventricular instead of right ven-
node dysfunction,6 a strong association was found tricular apical pacing may reduce the risk for recurrent
between high percentages of ventricular pacing and ventricular tachycardia and perhaps electrical storm.
increased rates of heart failure hospitalization. In Based on the expected negative effects of right ven-
patients with bradycardia and a normal LVEF, Yu and tricular pacing and the potential higher risk for recurrent
associates9 demonstrated that right ventricular–apical ventricular tachycardia or electrical storm, it was decided
pacing results in adverse left ventricular remodeling and to implant a biventricular ICD in case of total atrioven-
a substantial reduction in the LVEF of 7.4%. tricular block.
Although the adverse effects of right ventricular pac-
ing are well-documented in patients with bradycardia
and normal LVEF, only scant data exist on the effect of FINAL DIAGNOSIS
right ventricular pacing in patients with total atrioven-
tricular block and moderately impaired left ventricular Electrical storm resulted from sustained monomorphic
function in the setting of a nonischemic dilated cardio- ventricular tachycardia in this patient with nonischemic
myopathy without symptoms and signs of heart failure. dilated cardiomyopathy, with ventricular tachycardia
In the Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrillator reentry circuit sites located in close proximity to the
(DAVID) trial, patients with an implantable cardio- bundle of His and left bundle.
verter-defibrillator (ICD) with LVEF 40% or less and no
indication for ventricular pacing were randomized to
ventricular backup pacing at 40/min or dual-chamber PLAN OF ACTION
rate-responsive pacing at 70/min.10 The composite end
point (death or heart failure hospitalization) occurred The plan for this patient was to perform ablation at the
more frequently in dual chamber–paced patients than location of the bundle of His and left bundle to abolish
backup-paced patients (84% vs. 73%), suggesting that all ventricular tachycardia episodes and implant a biven-
deleterious effects of right v­ entricular pacing also may tricular ICD in case of total atrioventricular block.
apply to patients with reduced LVEF.

Should right ventricular pacing or biventricular pacing be ini- All episodes of ventricular tachycardia were abolished
tiated in case of total atrioventricular block after ablation of and, as expected, complete atrioventricular block
the bundle of His and left bundle with preexisting RBBB? occurred. A biventricular ICD was implanted, and biven-
tricular pacing was initiated.
In patients who are not in heart failure, without the need OUTCOME
for ventricular pacing, insufficient data exist to support a
role of biventricular pacing to improve ventricular func- During 2 years of follow-up, the patient did not develop
tion. In patients who require frequent ventricular pac- heart failure and had no recurrence of ventricular
ing, however, adverse effects of right ventricular pacing tachycardia.
26       Managing Ventricular Tachycardia    169

3.  Haqqani HM, Tschabrunn CM, Tzou WS, et al: Isolated septal

Findings substrate for ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic dilated
cardiomyopathy: incidence, characterization, and implications,
After 6 months, echocardiography was repeated. The Heart Rhythm 8:1169-1176, 2011.
LVEF had increased from 35% to 50%, and the left ven- 4.  Kindermann M, et al: Biventricular versus conventional right
tricular end-systolic volume had decreased from 111 mL ventricular stimulation for patients with standard pacing
to 61 mL. Left ventricular function and dimensions were indication and left ventricular dysfunction: the Homburg
stable during 2 additional years of follow-up, and the Biventricular Pacing Evaluation (HOBIPACE), J Am Coll Cardiol
47:1927-1937, 2006.
patient remained in New York Heart Association class I. 5.  Nakahara S, Tung R, Ramirez RJ, et al: Characterization of the
The biventricular ICD was interrogated at 6-month arrhythmogenic substrate in ischemic and nonischemic
intervals, with no ventricular arrhythmia recorded. cardiomyopathy implications for catheter ablation of hemody-
namically unstable ventricular tachycardia, J Am Coll Cardiol
55:2355-2365, 2010.
Comments 6.  Sweeney MO, Hellkamp AS, Ellenbogen KA, et al: Adverse effect
of ventricular pacing on heart failure and atrial fibrillation
The decision to perform ablation at the location of the among patients with normal baseline QRS duration in a clinical
bundle of His and left bundle to abolish all ventricular trial of pacemaker therapy for sinus node dysfunction, Circula-
tachycardias has resulted in arrhythmia-free survival, tion 107:2932-2937, 2003.
which would have been unlikely in the case of persistent 7.  Thijssen J, Borleffs CJ, Delgado V, et al: Implantable cardioverter-
defibrillator patients who are upgraded and respond to cardiac
inducibility of the ventricular tachycardia. The impres- resynchronization therapy have less ventricular arrhythmias
sive increase in LVEF and reduction in left ventricular compared with nonresponders, J Am Coll Cardiol 58:2282-2289,
end-systolic volume at 6-month follow-up and the lack 2011.
of symptomatic heart failure during further follow-up 8.  Tops LF, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ.The effects of right ventricular apical
may be the result of biventricular pacing. pacing on ventricular function and dyssynchrony implications
for therapy, J Am Coll Cardiol 25(54):764-776, 2009.
9.  Yu CM, Chan JY, Zhang Q, et al: Biventricular pacing in patients
with bradycardia and normal ejection fraction, N Engl J Med
Selected References 361:2123-2134, 2009.
10. Wilkoff BL, Cook JR, Epstein AE, et al: Dual-chamber pacing or
Arya A, Bode K, Piorkowski C, et al: Catheter ablation of
ventricular backup pacing in patients with an implantable
electrical storm due to monomorphic ventricular tachycardia in
defibrillator: the Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrilla-
patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy: acute results and
tor (DAVID) Trial, JAMA 288:3115-3123, 2002.
its effect on long-term survival, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
33:1504-1509, 2010.
Carbucicchio C, Santamaria M, Trevisi N, et al: Catheter
ablation for the treatment of electrical storm in patients with
implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: short- and long-term
outcomes in a prospective single-center study, Circulation
117:462-469, 2008.
Prevention of Effective Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy by
Frequent Premature Ventricular
Contractions in a Patient with
Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy
Sebastiaan R. D. Piers and Katja Zeppenfeld

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

65 Years Male Clothing Shop Frequent Idiopathic Premature
Owner Ventricular Contractions from the
Posteromedial Papillary Muscle Aggra-
vate Symptoms of Heart Failure and
Prevent Resynchronization Therapy

HISTORY pacemaker was inserted, followed by cardiac resynchro-

nization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) implantation.
In 2002 the patient was diagnosed with Global Initiative
for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease stage II chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and in 2004 with first- CURRENT MEDICATIONS
degree atrioventricular block. In June 2011 he was admit-
ted for decompensated heart failure. Echocardiography The patient was taking calcium carbasalate (Ascal) 100 mg
revealed a mildly dilated left ventricle, left ventricular daily, spironolactone 12.5 mg daily, simvastatin 40 mg
ejection fraction (LVEF) of 20%, and grade III mitral daily, perindopril 4 mg daily, furosemide 40 mg daily, and
regurgitation. Coronary angiography showed no signifi- metoprolol 50 mg twice daily.
cant coronary artery disease. Frequent premature ven-
tricular contractions were observed during admission.
Medical therapy for heart failure was initiated, and the CURRENT SYMPTOMS
patient was scheduled for reevaluation.
In October 2011 frequent premature ventricular con- The patient had marked limitation of physical activity
tractions were reported on a 24-hour Holter monitor (NYHA class III), with no chest pain or collapse.
(28% of all QRS complexes, with one dominant mor-
phology accounting for 99% of all premature ventricu-
lar contractions). Drug therapy with metoprolol 75 mg PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
twice daily was not effective, sotalol was not tolerated,
and metoprolol was continued. BP/HR: 125/55 mm Hg/60 bpm
In December 2011 the patient was readmitted for Height/weight: 168 cm/72 kg
intermittent total atrioventricular block reported on a Neck veins: Not distended
24-hour Holter monitor. He was in New York Heart Lungs/chest: Unremarkable
Association (NYHA) class III. On an echocardiogram, Heart: Holosystolic murmur, grade 2/6, loudest at the
LVEF was 30%, with grade I to II mitral regurgitation. apex
Despite discontinuation of metoprolol therapy, the total Abdomen: Unremarkable
atrioventricular block became permanent. A temporary Extremities: No peripheral edema
172    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up


Hemoglobin: 8.8 mmol/L
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 41.9%
Mean corpuscular volume: 96 fL The 24-hour Holter monitor showed sinus rhythm with
Platelet count: NA biventricular pacing, and frequent premature ventricular
Sodium: 138 mmol/L contractions (33% of all QRS complexes) were seen,
Potassium: 4.7 mmol/L 96% of which were monomorphic.
Creatinine: 81 µmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 7.5 mmol/L
Findings When the patient developed total atrioventricular block in
An electrocardiogram revealed biventricular pacing with December 2011, did he need biventricular pacing or would
frequent premature ventricular contractions and QRS right ventricular pacing have been sufficient?
during biventricular pacing at 160 ms (Figure 27-1). Pre-
mature ventricular contractions occurred with slightly
varying morphology, all right bundle branch block
(RBBB) type of morphology (defined as dominant R in In December 2011 the patient had marked limitation of
precordial lead V1), left superior axis, transition V4-5. physical activity (NYHA class III), impaired left ventricu-
lar function (LVEF 30%), grade I to II mitral valve regur-
gitation, and an indication for permanent ventricular
pacing because of total atrioventricular block. Several
ECHOCARDIOGRAM studies have demonstrated the deleterious effects of
chronic right ventricular pacing, which include intraven-
Findings tricular and interventricular mechanical dyssynchrony,
An echocardiogram showed a dilated left ventricle, no ventricular dilation, and decreased LVEF. Also, right ven-
hypertrophy, and an LVEF of 41%, with akinesia of the tricular pacing may further aggravate mitral valve regurgi-
basal inferolateral wall, no left ventricular thrombus, tation,1 which was already grade I to II at that stage,
and grade I to II mitral regurgitation, with eccentric jet despite drug therapy. The deleterious effects on left ven-
along the lateral wall of the left atrium. The mecha- tricular function may be particularly important in patients
nism is likely restriction of the posterior mitral who already have left ventricular dysfunction. The Hom-
leaflet. burg Biventricular Pacing Evaluation (HOBIPACE) trial

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 27-1  V1


27       Prevention of Effective Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy by Frequent Premature Ventricular Contractions    173

was the first study to compare biventricular pacing to heart failure does, however, suggest that an underlying
right ventricular pacing in patients with reduced left ven- cardiomyopathy may be the cause of the frequent prema-
tricular function and a standard indication for perma- ture ventricular contractions. Also, in patients with
nent ventricular pacing.5 Using a cross-over design, 30 underlying cardiomyopathy, premature ventricular con-
patients received 3 months of right ventricular pacing tractions may further depress left ventricular dysfunction.
and 3 months of biventricular pacing. In contrast to right In the present case, left ventricular function improved
ventricular pacing, biventricular pacing resulted in after implantation of the CRT-D. However, the patient
smaller left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic remained in NYHA class III, which may be due to the
volumes, a higher LVEF, lower N-terminal prohormone frequent premature ventricular contractions and ineffec-
of brain natriuretic peptide concentrations, higher tive biventricular pacing.
maximum exercise capacity, and better quality of life.
According to the current guidelines for cardiac pacing
and CRT,6 CRT may be considered in patients with
reduced LVEF who require chronic pacing and in whom Based on the 12-lead ECG, what is the most likely site(s) of
frequent ventricular pacing is expected. However, the origin of the premature ventricular contraction(s)? What are
evidence for this approach is limited, as indicated by the the implications?
class C recommendation.
Question The 12-lead ECG morphology shows an RBBB-like mor-
Are the premature ventricular contractions likely to affect left phology with a superior axis, suggesting an origin in the
ventricular function? inferior left ventricle. The precordial transition in V4
with an RS pattern in V4 suggests that the origin may be
located in the mid-inferior wall, consistent with a site of
Discussion origin close to the papillary muscle. Indeed, an RBBB-
The causal relationship between cardiomyopathy and like morphology with superior axis and precordial tran-
frequent premature ventricular contractions is difficult sition in lead V4-6 has been reported to be typical for
to define because frequent premature ventricular con- papillary muscle arrhythmias.3 This finding has impor-
tractions can induce cardiomyopathy, but nonischemic tant implications for catheter ablation. Papillary muscle
dilated cardiomyopathy also has been associated with arrhythmias frequently originate from deep within the
frequent premature ventricular contraction occurrences. muscle, which is reflected by large areas of simultaneous
Of importance, left ventricular dysfunction induced by activation during electroanatomic mapping. Local acti-
premature ventricular contractions may be reversible in vation times typically precede the onset of QRS by only
patients without an underlying cardiomyopathy. In a 20 to 30 msec.7 Origins deep in the muscle may be dif-
study by Bogun and colleagues,2 for example, 22 patients ficult to abolish by radiofrequency energy applications,
with frequent idiopathic premature ventricular contrac- because even irrigated tip ablation creates lesions of lim-
tions and LVEF of 50% or less underwent catheter abla- ited depths if the catheter is stable and in good contact.
tion for premature ventricular contractions, after which In addition, a stable position with sufficient contact
left ventricular function normalized within 6 months in force can be particularly difficult at the papillary muscle,
82% of patients.2 However, in patients in whom the requiring a transseptal or combined retrograde aortic
underlying cardiomyopathy is causative for the prema- and transseptal approach. Intracardiac echocardiogra-
ture ventricular contractions, no data are available on the phy may be helpful in such cases.
effect of catheter ablation on left ventricular function. Of
note, it may be difficult to differentiate between patients
with a premature ventricular contraction–induced car-
diomyopathy and those with premature ventricular con- Is catheter ablation of the premature ventricular contractions
tractions after impaired left ventricular function. The indicated?
correct diagnosis may become apparent only if the left
ventricular function and dimensions return to normal
after successful treatment of the premature ventricular
contractions by drug therapy or catheter ablation. In the European Heart Rhythm Association and Heart
Indeed, in the present case, it is unclear whether the fre- Rhythm Society Expert Consensus on Catheter Ablation of
quent premature ventricular contractions have caused Ventricular Arrhythmias, catheter ablation of frequent pre-
cardiomyopathy or cardiomyopathy causes the ventricular mature ventricular contractions is recommended if pre-
extrasystoles. The lack of frequent premature ventricular sumed to cause ventricular dysfunction. As outlined earlier,
contractions during the first admission for decompensated premature ventricular contractions may cause ventricular
174    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

dysfunction in two ways in the present case: directly, by PLAN OF ACTION

causing (aggravating) cardiomyopathy, and indirectly, by
preventing effective biventricular pacing. The potential The plan for this patient was catheter ablation of prema-
benefits of abolishing the frequent premature ventricular ture ventricular contractions.
contractions are likely to outweigh the potential risks in
catheter ablation. Vascular complications include groin
hematomas and pseudoaneurysms (∼1.4%).4 The risk for INTERVENTION
transient ischemic attacks and stroke are considered to be
low (<1%) in the introduction of irrigated catheters. Tam- The CRT device was set to DDD mode with right ventricu-
ponade occurs in approximately 0.7% of cases. lar pacing only, which resulted in stable ventricular
bigeminy. The premature ventricular contraction had an
RBBB morphology with left superior axis and transition
FINAL DIAGNOSIS in V5. The discrepancy between the precordial transition
at the outpatient clinic and the laboratory may be caused
Persistent symptoms of heart failure occurred in this by small differences in precordial lead placement. The left
patient with CRT-D for total atrioventricular block, likely ventricle was accessed using a retrograde approach via the
as a result of frequent premature ventricular contractions aorta. The earliest activation was mapped to a wide area
that also prevented effective biventricular pacing. around the posteromedial papillary muscle, with the

-85 ms LAT 16 ms






FIGURE 27-2  Electroanatomic activation map of the left ventricle color-coded for local activation time during premature ventricular contractions.
The sites with earliest activation are located around the base of the papillary muscle (B, red area). The local activation times around the papillary
muscle were similar (A, C, and D). Note the subtle differences in the 12-lead electrocardiogram morphology of the premature ventricular
contraction, suggestive for slight alterations of the origin itself or the preferential conduction from the origin. The location of the ablation catheter at
the successful ablation site on fluoroscopy is displayed in E. At this site, the local activation time was 37 msec before the onset of the QRS-complex
(F). After 8 seconds, the premature ventricular contractions disappeared (G).
27       Prevention of Effective Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy by Frequent Premature Ventricular Contractions    175

earliest electrogram occurring at 37 msec before QRS the endocardial exit. After a few additional radiofrequency
onset (Figure 27-2). Repeated radiofrequency energy applications, the premature ventricular contractions were
applications at the same site temporarily abolished the abolished and did not recur during a waiting period of 45
premature ventricular contraction for only approximately minutes. The left ventricular map during right ventricular
20 seconds; however, the premature ventricular contrac- pacing demonstrated normal bipolar (>1.50 mV) and
tion morphology changed to RBBB, superior axis, and unipolar (>8.27 mV) voltages and no abnormal electro-
transition in V3 (with R < S in lead V6) morphology (Fig- grams (Figure 27-4). Although these findings make a
ure 27-3). The earliest activation was mapped to the same compact scar in the left ventricle less likely, the presence of
area but just remote from the first site, suggesting a shift in a subepicardial scar or diffuse fibrosis cannot be excluded.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 27-3  After a radiofrequency

application based on activation mapping
of the initial premature ventricular
A PVC morphology before ablation contraction (PCV) morphology, a change
in the 12-lead ECG morphology of the
I aVR V1 V4
premature ventricular contractions was
observed, with a dominant S wave in V6
suggesting a shift of the PVC exit site.

II aVL V2 V5


B Second PVC morphology after ablation of the first

Base Apex FIGURE 27-4  A to C,
Electroanatomic map of the left
ventricle during right ventricular
pacing, color-coded for bipolar
voltage (bipolar voltage >1.50 mV
is considered normal and displayed
Apex Apex Base in purple). The bipolar voltages and
the electrogram morphologies
Normal were normal (D).
A RAO view B LAO view C Inferior view D electrogram
176    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

-39 ms LAT 70 ms

Base Base

FIGURE 27-5  Electroanatomic map of the left

ventricle during right ventricular pacing, now
color-coded for local activation time. The sites that Apex Apex
were opposite to the left ventricular pacing lead
were identified based on fluoroscopy (B, circles)
and subsequently tagged on the map (A, white
A Activation map during RV pacing - RAO view (left) and left lateral view (right)
tags with circles in right upper panel). The left
ventricular pacing lead is located in close proximity
to the latest activated site.

B Catheter position on opposite side of LV led - RAO view (left) and LAO view (right)

FIGURE 27-6  The frequent
premature ventricular contractions
(PVCs) before ablation did not result
in significant cardiac output (A).
After ablation of the PVC, right 200
ventricular and biventricular pacing

Arterial pressure (mm Hg)

resulted in an almost tripled effective 150
heart rate (B and C). Of note, the
blood pressure was higher during
biventricular pacing in contrast to 100
only right ventricular pacing.
Frequent PVCs preventing Right ventricular pacing Biventricular pacing
A effective biventricular pacing B after ablation of PVCs C after ablation of PVCs

The left ventricular lead was located over the latest acti- OUTCOME
vated endocardial area during right ventricular pacing
(Figure 27-5). During programmed electrical stimulation, Three months after ablation the patient had no limita-
ventricular fibrillation was induced with a basic cycle tion of physical activity (improvement from NYHA class
length (BCL) of 400 and three extras (230, 200, and 200 III before ablation to class I after ablation). A 24-hour
msec). Successful cardioversion was performed. The Holter monitor revealed that the premature ventricular
device was programmed to biventricular pacing, which contractions were reduced from 33% of all QRS com-
was now effective and not limited by premature ventricu- plexes before ablation to less than 0.01% after ablation.
lar contractions. Ventricular pacing resulted in an almost Echocardiography demonstrated that the left ventricular
tripled effective heart rate in contrast to that before abla- dimensions had significantly decreased (the left ventric-
tion (Figure 27-6). Biventricular pacing produced higher ular end-diastolic volume from 151 to 148 mL and the
blood pressures than only right ventricular pacing. left ventricular end-systolic volume from 89 to 73 mL)
27       Prevention of Effective Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy by Frequent Premature Ventricular Contractions    177

and the LVEF increased (from 41% before to 51% after 4. Bohnen M, Stevenson WG, Tedrow UB, et al: Incidence and
ablation). The mitral regurgitation was still grade I to II. predictors of major complications from contemporary catheter
ablation to treat cardiac arrhythmias, Heart Rhythm 8:1661-1666,
Therefore marked improvement in exercise capacity and 2011.
significant reverse remodeling of the left ventricle had 5. Kindermann M, Hennen B, Jung J, et al: Biventricular versus
occurred, which may be the result of abolishment of the conventional right ventricular stimulation for patients with
premature ventricular contractions and effective biven- standard pacing indication and left ventricular dysfunction: the
tricular pacing. Homburg Biventricular Pacing Evaluation (HOBIPACE), J Am Coll
Cardiol 47:1927-1937, 2006.
6. Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Blanc J-J, et al: Guidelines for cardiac
pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy: the Task Force for
Selected References Cardiac Pacing and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy of the
European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with
1. Barold SS, Ovsyshcher IE: Pacemaker-induced mitral regurgitation,
the European Heart Rhythm Association, Eur Heart J 28:2256-2295,
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 28:357-360, 2005.
2. Bogun F, Crawford T, Reich S, et al: Radiofrequency ablation of
7. Yamada T, Doppalapudi H, McElderry HT, et al: Electrocardio-
frequent, idiopathic premature ventricular complexes: comparison
graphic and electrophysiological characteristics in idiopathic
with a control group without intervention, Heart Rhythm 4:
ventricular arrhythmias originating from the papillary muscles in
837-863, 2007.
the left ventricle: relevance for catheter ablation, Circ Arrhythm
3. Bogun F, Desjardins B, Crawford T, et al: Post-infarction
Electrophysiol 3:324-331, 2010.
ventricular arrhythmias originating in papillary muscles, J Am Coll
Cardiol 51:1794-1802, 2008.
Atrial Fibrillation Therapy in
Refractory Heart Failure
Maurizio Gasparini and Edoardo Gandolfi

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

65 Years Male Office Worker Hypokinetic Dilated Cardio-
myopathy with Permanent Atrial
­Fibrillation and Severe Mitral
Valve Regurgitation

HISTORY Six months after discharge the patient reported sub-

stantial improvement of symptoms (NYHA II), but experi-
A 65-year-old man, affected by permanent atrial fibrilla- enced two inappropriate implantable cardioverter-
tion for more than 10 years experienced worsening mitral defibrillator (ICD) shocks because of a high ventricular
valve regurgitation and maladaptive left ventricle remod- rate during atrial fibrillation. ICD control documented
eling. These conditions led to hypokinetic dilated cardio- suboptimal biventricular pacing percentage during atrial
myopathy with severe reduction of left ventricular systolic fibrillation (<85%, including fusion and pseudofusion
function and repeated hospitalizations for acute heart beats). Echocardiography documented a favorable remod-
failure (American College of Cardiology [ACC] and eling of the left ventricle (LVEF 27% to 38%, end-diastolic
American Heart Association [AHA] stage C heart failure). diameter 70 to 64 mm, end-diastolic volume 240 to >200
The patient was initially treated with drugs for heart mL, and severe to mild-moderate mitral regurgitation).
failure, associated with a rate control strategy for atrial The patient underwent atrioventricular node ablation
fibrillation with a combination of beta blockers and in March 2009.1,2 Six months after atrioventricular node
digoxin (carvedilol 6.25 mg twice daily; no further titra- ablation (and 1 year after CRT implantation) complete
tion was possible because of low ventricular rate at rest left ventricular reverse remodeling was observed
and low blood pressure). A baseline electrocardiogram (i.e., LV end diastolic volume 140 mL, LVEF 60%, mild
(ECG) showed atrial fibrillation with incomplete left bun- mitral regurgitation); the patient became completely
dle branch block (LBBB) and mean heart rate of 78 bpm. asymptomatic.
He was subsequently evaluated for surgical treatment However, during subsequent follow-up, the patient
of mitral valve incompetence, which was graded as showed an extremely difficult control of the international
severe (angiographic grade 4+/4+, vena contracta of normalized ratio (INR) therapeutic range, with frequent
0.76 cm, and regurgitant orifice area of 0.44 cm2). The evidence of values above and below the therapeutic
surgeon did not think surgery was the appropriate first- range, and had two episodes of corneal hemorrhage. For
step therapy in this patient, with an unacceptable level these reasons, he underwent left atrial appendage occlu-
of risk because of severe left ventricular dysfunction and sion in November 2010.
dilation (end-diastolic diameter 70 mm, end-diastolic In March 2011 optimal left atrial appendage occluder
volume 240 mL, ejection fraction 27%). positioning was confirmed by cardiac computed tomog-
Coronary angiography documented the absence of raphy and transesophageal echocardiography and oral
significant coronary stenoses. anticoagulation was safely discontinued.
Considering left ventricular dysfunction, LBBB, and
the persistence of heart failure symptoms, notwithstand-
ing optimized medical therapy (New York Heart Asso-
ciation [NYHA] class III), cardiac resynchronization Before CRT, titration of beta-blocker therapy was not pos-
therapy (CRT) was initiated. On November 2008 a sible because of a low ventricular rate at rest and low blood
biventricular CRT defibrillator (CRT-D) was implanted pressure. After CRT-D implantation, beta-blocker therapy
and beta blocker dosages were increased. was optimized, but it was insufficient to warrant complete
180    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

I V1



FIGURE 28-1  aVR V4

aVL V5

aVF V6

biventricular pacing (<85%), and two inappropriate ICD Heart: Rhythmic cardiac sounds, 1/6 systolic murmur
shocks on fast atrial fibrillation were observed. Clinical Abdomen: Normal
and instrumental benefit was consistent but incomplete. Extremities: Warm
After successful atrioventricular nodal ablation, 100%
effective biventricular pacing was acheived3 and extremely
favorable left ventricular remodeling was then obtained
(normal diameters, normal LVEF, and mild mitral valve After extremely favorable reverse remodeling, the patient
regurgitation). The patient became asymptomatic. was asymptomatic with good tolerance to physical activ-
ity and dyspnea only after strenuous exertion.

The patient was taking carvedilol 25 mg twice daily,
ramipril 5 mg twice daily, furosemide 12.5 mg daily, spi- Hemoglobin: 12.9 mg/dL
ronolactone 25 mg daily, warfarin to maintain INR of Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38.3%
2-3 but subsequently discontinued, and aspirin. Mean corpuscular volume: 92.9 fL
Platelet count: 218 × 103/µL
Sodium: 138 mmol/L
Comments Potassium: 3.6 mmol/L
Optimized medical therapy for heart failure was not dis- Creatinine: 0.72 mg/dL
continued even after complete reverse remodeling of the Blood urea nitrogen: 13.5 mg/dL
left ventricle. Oral anticoagulant therapy with warfarin was
managed with difficulty by the patient and provoked com-
plications such as corneal hemorrhage. The patient then
underwent successful left atrial appendage occlusion.
CURRENT SYMPTOMS The electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation, heart
rate of 75 bpm, and incomplete LBBB (Figure 28-1).
The patient was substantially asymptomatic, with dys- Figure 28-2 shows atrial fibrillation, biventricular pac-
pnea only with strenuous exertion (NYHA I). ing, fusion, and pseudofusion beats, and Figure 28-3
shows atrial fibrillation, biventricular pacing, and heart
rate of 70 bpm.
BP/HR: 125/80 mm Hg/55 bpm
Height/weight: 175 cm/73 kg After CRT-D implantation and before atrioventricular
Neck veins: No jugular venous distention node ablation, biventricular pacing was suboptimal (see
Lungs/chest: Normal breathing sounds, no congestion Figure 28-2). ICD counters always overestimate pacing
signs percentage because of fusion and pseudofusion beats.
28       Atrial Fibrillation Therapy in Refractory Heart Failure    181

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

III aVF V3 V6 FIGURE 28-2 


I V1



aVR FIGURE 28-3 


aVL V5

aVF V6

The chest radiograph before CRT shows an enlarged car-
diac silhouette (Figure 28-4). After CRT and left ventric-
ular reverse remodeling (Figure 28-5), the radiographic
cardiac silhouette appears normal and was confirmed to
be normal at 2 and 3 years from implantation.

Figures 28-6 and 28-7 show the reduction of mitral FIGURE 28-4 
regurgitation severity after reverse remodeling obtained
with combined therapy (medical, CRT, and atrioventric-
ular node ablation).
182    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

The ICD counter highlighted the achievement of near
complete biventricular pacing after atrioventricular node
ablation, in contrast to unacceptable pacing percentage
on medical therapy alone (Figure 28-8).

Postoperative computed tomography revealed optimal
FIGURE 28-5  left atrial appendage occluder positioning and a com-
plete left atrial appendage (Figure 28-9).

Coronary angiography documented the absence of ste-
notic lesions, excluding a potential ischemic component
of the left ventricular dysfunction. Prolonged projections
for coronary sinus anatomy visualization were obtained
in preparation for left ventricular lead implantation for
resynchronization therapy (Figures 28-10 and 28-11).


FIGURE 28-6 
How can a patient with permanent atrial fibrillation and
severe reduction of left ventricular systolic function associated
with severe mitral regurgitation best be treated? Can surgery
be considered an effective and safe option?

In the presence of severe mitral regurgitation, LVEF usu-
ally is overestimated; the actual left ventricular systolic
function could be much lower than that measured by
echocardiography. In this setting, surgery may be associ-
ated with a very high operative risk and the postopera-
tive rise in left ventricular afterload could determine
much more severe left ventricular dysfunction.

Can CRT be considered a valid option for this complex
FIGURE 28-7  condition?
28       Atrial Fibrillation Therapy in Refractory Heart Failure    183

Report of Compass Pagina 3

% Stimulation/Day 75
Atrial 50
Ventricle 25 AV node ablation

Frequency >120
medium (min-1) 100
day 80
night 60 FIGURE 28-8 
hour activated 6
patient/day 4
Variable ritmo 160
card (ms) 120


FIGURE 28-9 

FIGURE 28-11 

Current guidelines for CRT do not provide a class I rec-
ommendation for CRT in patients with heart failure
who are in atrial fibrillation, even though evidence exists
of benefits similar to those in patients in sinus rhythm,3,4
particularly if atrioventricular node ablation is per-
formed. In a patient with atrial fibrillation and mitral
regurgitation that can be ascribed to left ventricular dys-
synchrony resulting from LBBB and adverse left ventric-
ular remodeling, causing a tenting of valve leaflets, CRT
is a treatment option that appears to focus on the origin
of the problem. Reversal of dyssynchrony and left ven-
tricular reverse remodeling can be associated with a sig-
nificant reduction of mitral regurgitation.
The extremely favorable outcome in this patient
appears to confirm the pathophysiologic explanation of
FIGURE 28-10  functional mitral regurgitation.
184    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

aspirin and clopidogrel, and subsequent clopidogrel

Question discontinuation. Indetermined ASA assumption.
Is atrioventricular node ablation necessary to maximize CRT
benefit in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure?
Discussion The patient experienced maintenance of left ventricular
The evidence of the need for maximization of biventric- function remodeling through CRT and heart failure
ular pacing percentage to optimize CRT outcome is now medications.
confirmed by several studies5,6 and two meta-analyses.7
Drug therapy alone is rarely able to cause a dromotropic
effect on the atrioventricular node sufficient to permit Selected References
complete or near complete biventricular pacing, espe- 1. Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Regoli F, et al: Four-year efficacy of
cially during effort. Biventricular pacing percentages cardiac resynchronization therapy on exercise tolerance and
derived from ICD counters are always overestimated disease progression: the importance of performing atrioventricular
because of fusion and pseudofusion beats. junction ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation, J Am Coll
Cardiol 48:734-743, 2006.
Atrioventricular node ablation is the only procedure
2. Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Metra M, et al: Long-term survival
able to block atrioventricular node conduction in every in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: the
condition and allow complete biventricular pacing. importance of performing atrio-ventricular junction ablation
in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation, Eur Heart J
29:1644-1652, 2008.
FINAL DIAGNOSIS 3. Kaszala K, Ellenbogen KA: Role of cardiac resynchronization
therapy and atrioventricular junction ablation in patients with
permanent atrial fibrillation, Eur Heart J 32:2344-2346, 2011.
The patient was diagnosed with ACC and AHA stage B 4. Brignole M, Botto G, Mont L, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
heart failure. He had normal systolic function and nor- therapy in patients undergoing atrioventricular junction ablation
mal left ventricle diameters and volumes. for permanent atrial fibrillation: a randomized trial, Eur Heart J
32:2420-2429, 2011.
5. Koplan BA, Kaplan AJ, Weiner S, et al: Heart failure decompen-
sation and all-cause mortality in relation to percent biventricu-
PLAN OF ACTION lar pacing in patients with heart failure: is a goal of 100%
biventricular pacing necessary? J Am Coll Cardiol 53:355-360,
The patient was to undergo clinical evaluation, echocar- 2009.
6. Hayes DL, Boehmer JP, Day JD, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
diogram, and ICD interrogation every 6 months. He was
therapy and the relationship of percent biventricular pacing to
provided devices for remote transtelephonic transmis- symptoms and survival, Heart Rhythm 8:1469-1475, 2011.
sion of domestic ICD interrogation. 7. Ganesan AN, Brooks AG, Roberts-Thomson KC, et al: Role of AV
nodal ablation in cardiac resynchronization in patients with
coexistent atrial fibrillation and heart failure: a systematic review,
INTERVENTION J Am Coll Cardiol 59:719-726, 2012.

The patient underwent left atrial appendage occluder

implantation, warfarin discontinuation, introduction of
Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Defibrillator Implantation
in Atrial Fibrillation
Erlend G. Singsaas and Kenneth Dickstein

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

76 Years Male Retired Florist Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrilla-
tion with Rapid ­Ventricular Rate

HISTORY and a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, but the

uptitration of these drugs was limited by hypotension,
Since 1980 this patient was treated periodically with renal failure, and a tendency to hyperkalemia. The patient
venosections as a result of hemochromatosis. He had had to be periodically treated with dobutamine and dopa-
received medical therapy for hypertension since 1985 mine, and he also received an infusion of levosimendan.
and was diagnosed with hypertensive nephropathy in Atrial fibrillation and periodic atrial flutter with insuffi-
1994. He had a non-Q anterior myocardial infarction cient rate control was initially treated with amiodarone,
in 1996, with following postinfarction angina pectoris. and direct current cardioversion was planned. Preparing
The patient was hospitalized in 2004 for unstable for cardioversion, transesophageal echocardiography was
angina pectoris. A coronary angiogram demonstrated performed, revealing a thrombus in the left atrial append-
triple vessel disease, and he successfully underwent cor- age. This finding caused cardioversion to be postponed
onary artery bypass surgery. and amiodarone to be discontinued because rhythm con-
In 2011 he was admitted to hospital because of a par- version was considered unfavorable in this situation.
oxysm of atrial fibrillation, which converted spontane- Instead, digoxin was added. On this treatment the patient
ously to sinus rhythm during the stay. showed some improvement clinically and the LVEF
During late winter 2012 the patient experienced increas- increased to approximately 30%, but he was still symp-
ing exercise intolerance and fatigue. He had no chest pain. tomatic even at minimal physical exertion.
He developed pitting edema of the lower extremities, The patient was monitored on telemetry, which
which soon extended above his knees, and he had noticed revealed short runs of nonsustained ventricular tachy-
intermittent palpitation. He had episodes of orthopnea, cardia. On April 25, 2012, with the patient still hospital-
causing him to sleep sitting in a chair at night. ized and on telemetry, a run of ventricular tachycardia
He was admitted to hospital on April 13, 2012 with degenerated into ventricular fibrillation. He was imme-
signs of congestive heart failure. An electrocardiogram diately resuscitated and defibrillated into atrial fibrilla-
(ECG) showed atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular tion and suffered no neurologic sequelae. Amiodarone
response, left bundle branch block (LBBB), and QRS was commenced. He had no signs of acute coronary
width of approximately 160 ms. An echocardiogram syndrome.
the next day demonstrated a dilated left ventricle with
an end-diastolic diameter of 66 mm and obvious dys-
synchronous contractility. The left ventricular ejection CURRENT MEDICATIONS
fraction (LVEF) was reduced, at 20%, because of apical
akinesia and inferior and lateral hypokinesia. No sig- The patient was taking bumetanide 4 mg daily, candes-
nificant valvular disease was present. Chest radiogra- artan 16 mg daily, carvedilol 12.5 mg twice daily,
phy on admission showed cardiac enlargement and hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily, spironolactone 12.5
signs of pulmonary congestion. mg daily, atorvastatin 40 mg daily, warfarin 5 mg daily,
The patient was initially treated with an intravenous amiodarone 200 mg twice daily, and digoxin 0.125 mg
diuretic, a beta blocker, an angiotensin receptor blocker, daily.
186    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

Sodium: 133 mmol/L

Comments Potassium: 4.7 mmol/L
The patient was intolerant to angiotensin-converting Creatinine: 210 μmol/L
enzyme inhibitors because of cough. Blood urea nitrogen: 32 mmol/L


The patient’s estimated glomerular filtration rate was
The patient was experiencing dyspnea and was in New 26 mL/min.
York Heart Association (NYHA) class III. He also had
peripheral edema and ventricular tachyarrhythmia.
The patient had symptomatic heart failure despite opti-
mal pharmacologic therapy. The ECG obtained on admission on April 13, 2012
showed atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of 80 to
130 bpm, LBBB, and a QRS width of approximately 160
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ms (Figures 29-1 and 29-2). The ECG obtained after car-
diac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D)
BP/HR: 134/70 mm Hg/60-110 bpm, irregular implantation on May 10, 2012 demonstrated a high
Height/weight: 179 cm/100 kg degree of biventricular pacing, despite atrial dysrhyth-
Neck veins: Not congested mia. The QRS width was approximately 120 ms (Figures
Lungs/chest: Bilateral basal crepitations 29-3 and 29-4).
Heart: Systolic murmur grade 2/6; punctum maximum
at the right sternal border, radiating to the neck
Abdomen: Modest central obesity
Extremities: Pitting edema just above the ankles
LABORATORY DATA A chest radiograph was obtained on admission. Sternal
circlages were noted on the frontal and lateral views. The
Hemoglobin: 10 g/dL cardiothoracic ratio was 0.57, which indicated cardiac
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 35% enlargement. Mild enlargement of the perihilar vessels
Mean corpuscular volume: 94 fL and Kerley B lines were seen, suggestive of pulmonary
Platelet count: 187 × 103/µL congestion (Figures 29-5 and 29-6).



FIGURE 29-1  aVR


29       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator Implantation in Atrial Fibrillation    187




FIGURE 29-2 





FIGURE 29-3 






FIGURE 29-4 


188    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

FIGURE 29-7 See expertconsult.com for video.

FIGURE 29-5 

FIGURE 29-8 See expertconsult.com for video.

The LVEF was estimated to be 30% (apical two-chamber

view not shown). Signs of aortic sclerosis were present, but
no stenosis was seen (Figure 29-8).

FIGURE 29-6 
Does the presence of atrial fibrillation influence the indica-
Findings tion for CRT in patients with heart failure?
On the parasternal long-axis echocardiographic view,
recorded May 3, 2012, the left ventricle was dilated, with
an end-diastolic diameter of 65 mm. The interventricular
septum and posterior wall diameters measured 11 mm, The evidence for the beneficial effects of CRT in patients
and the left atrial anteroposterior diameter was 41 mm in heart failure with sinus rhythm is solid. In the current
(Figure 29-7). European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines,9 CRT
holds a class IA recommendation in patients remaining
symptomatic despite optimal pharmacologic therapy,
Findings with an LVEF of 30% to 35% or less and a QRS duration
On the apical view, recorded May 3, 2012, left ventricular of 130 to 150 ms or greater. Most randomized controlled
contraction was dyssynchronous, with apical hypokinesia. trials evaluating the effects of CRT in heart failure excluded
29       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillator Implantation in Atrial Fibrillation    189

patients in permanent atrial fibrillation, and data regard- contrast to pharmacologic rate control in patients with
ing CRT in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrilla- atrial fibrillation treated with CRT.2,3 These observa-
tion are mostly observational. The major challenge for tions need to be confirmed in randomized controlled
CRT in atrial fibrillation is to obtain a sufficient degree of trials. Although a rare event, pacemaker failure is pos-
biventricular pacing, because the positive effect of CRT on sible after atrioventricular node ablation. Accordingly,
outcomes depends on this. it is important to continuously evaluate rate control
ESC guidelines9 state that CRT may be considered in and efficacy of CRT in patients with atrial fibrillation
patients with permanent atrial fibrillation, NYHA class and consider atrioventricular node ablation if the
III, a QRS width of 120 ms or greater, and an LVEF 35% degree of biventricular pacing is insufficient.
or less. In addition, according to the guidelines, it is man-
datory that the patient is pacemaker dependent as a result
of an intrinsic slow ventricular rate, the ventricular rate is
well controlled (≤60 bpm at rest and ≤90 bpm on exer- When assessing a patient with CRT and atrial fibrillation,
cise) (class IIB, level C), or pacemaker dependency is does the device counter accurately quantify the degree of
induced through atrioventricular node ablation (class biventricular pacing?
IIA, level B). The use of CRT in patients with heart failure
and atrial fibrillation is well established in clinical prac-
tice; the ESC Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Survey
in 140 European centers demonstrated that 23% of all Kamath and colleagues8 examined patients with CRT
devices were implanted in patients with atrial and permanent atrial fibrillation with a 12-lead Holter
fibrillation.1 monitor and demonstrated that CRT device counters
overestimate the degree of biventricular pacing deliv-
ered. Although device counters reported greater than
Question 90% biventricular pacing, in some patients substantial
Should atrioventricular node ablation be performed routinely proportions of these beats were fusion or pseudofusion
following CRT implantation in patients with permanent beats. Only effectively paced patients with a low degree
atrial fibrillation? of incomplete capture responded to CRT. This empha-
sizes the importance of using Holter evaluation when
assessing amount of capture, because device interroga-
Discussion tion alone may not reveal the presence of ineffective
To ensure maximal efficacy of CRT, it is crucial to obtain biventricular pacing.
a high degree of biventricular pacing. Measures must be
taken so the percentage of biventricular pacing is
increased to the highest possible level, because a further
reduction in mortality has been observed if biventricu- Does evidence show that chronic right ventricular pacing and
lar pacing is achieved in excess of 98% of all ventricular atrioventricular node ablation for atrial fibrillation can be
beats.5 Even moderately increased ventricular rates dur- prevented by CRT?
ing atrial fibrillation pose a substantial challenge for
the delivery of efficient CRT, because rapid and irregular
intrinsic conduction will compete with pacing.
A subgroup analysis of patients with permanent Atrioventricular node ablation and pacemaker implanta-
atrial fibrillation in the Resynchronization/Defibrilla- tion is a treatment option for the subgroup of patients
tion for Ambulatory Heart Failure Trial (RAFT)6 failed with therapy-resistant atrial fibrillation, allowing efficient
to demonstrate any significant beneficial effect of control of ventricular rate. On the other hand, the subse-
CRT-D compared to defibrillators without CRT in quent delayed and dyssynchronous left ventricular con-
patients with apparently good rate control. It is impor- traction during chronic right ventricular pacing may lead
tant to note that only 34.3% of CRT-treated patients to left ventricular dysfunction and adverse remodeling.
achieved biventricular pacing greater than 95%. Atrio- CRT represents a more appealing, physiologic method of
ventricular node ablation in patients with atrial fibril- pacing that does not result in adverse left ventricular
lation and CRT theoretically leads to 100% biventricular remodeling. A recent meta-analysis of five randomized
pacing. Observational data have shown that CRT and controlled trials involving a total of 686 patients exam-
atrioventricular node ablation in patients with atrial ined whether CRT is superior to right ventricular pacing in
fibrillation improves left ventricular function and this setting.10 CRT resulted in a significant reduction in
functional capacity to a degree similar to that in heart failure hospitalizations, but did not significantly
patients with CRT with sinus rhythm4 and significantly influence mortality, compared to right ventricular pacing.
reduces cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in Further studies are necessary to address the effect on
190    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

clinical outcomes of CRT versus right ventricular pacing in OUTCOME

patients with preserved left ventricular function.7,10
In September 2012 the patient was in NYHA class II, had
no peripheral edema, and had experienced substantial
FINAL DIAGNOSIS improvement in clinical status. Echocardiography at this
time demonstrated an LVEF of 40% and left-ventricular
The patient was in NYHA class III, with heart failure end-diastolic diameter of 59 mm, which also was an
resulting from ischemic cardiomyopathy, an LVEF of improvement over findings in examinations before the
20%, atrial fibrillation, and LBBB, with a QRS duration CRT implantation.
of 160 ms. Ventricular fibrillation was resuscitated.

Selected References
PLAN OF ACTION 1.  Dickstein K, Bogale N, Priori S, et al: The european cardiac
resynchronization therapy survey, Eur Heart J 30:2450-2460,
CRT-D implantation was planned for this patient. In 2009.
addition, when he had undergone adequate anticoag- 2.  Ganesan AN, Brooks AG, Roberts-Thomson KC, et al: Role of AV
nodal ablation in cardiac resynchronization in patients with
ulation, at least 3 weeks after the discovery of left atrial
coexistent atrial fibrillation and heart failure, J Am Coll Cardiol
thrombus, a transesophageal echocardiogram was to 59:719-726, 2012.
be performed. If thrombus could be ruled out, he 3.  Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Metra M, et al: Long-term survival in
would undergo direct current cardioversion attempt- patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: the
ing to restore sinus rhythm, with subsequent pharma- importance of performing atrio-ventricular junction ablation in
patients with permanent atrial fibrillation, Eur Heart J 29:
cologic rhythm control. Later, follow-up would focus
1644-1652, 2008.
on trying to maximize the degree of biventricular pac- 4.  Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Regoli F, et al: Four-year efficacy of
ing achieved. If failure to restore sinus rhythm or cardiac resynchronization therapy on exercise tolerance and
recurrence of therapy-resistant atrial arrhythmia caus- disease progression, J Am Coll Cardiol 48:734-743, 2006.
ing insufficient CRT delivery should occur, atrioven- 5.  Hayes DL, Boehmer JP, Day JD, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
therapy and relationship of percent biventricular pacing to
tricular node ablation would be considered.
symptoms and survival, Heart Rhythm 8:1469-1475, 2011.
6.  Healey JS, Hohnloser SH, Exner DV, et al: Cardiac resynchroni-
zation therapy in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation:
INTERVENTION results from the Resynchronization for Ambulatory Heart Failure
Trial (RAFT), Circ Heart Fail 5:566-570, 2012.
7.  Jensen-Urstad M: Should all patients undergoing atrioventricular
The patient underwent CRT-D implantation on May 4,
junction ablation receive cardiac resynchronization therapy?
2012. Sinus rhythm was restored with amiodarone. Europace 14:1383-1384, 2012.
When the patient was examined at the outpatient clinic 8.  Kamath GS, Cotiga D, Koneru JN, et al: The utility of 12-lead
on June 11, 2012, the CRT device counter reported Holter monitoring in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation
biventricular pacing in 94% of all beats and some brief for the identification of nonresponders after cadiac resynchroni-
zation therapy, J Am Coll Cardiol 53:1050-1055, 2009.
episodes of atrial fibrillation. To optimize CRT deliv-
9.  McMurray JJV, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, et al: ESC guidelines
ery, atrioventricular pace and sense delay were reduced for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart
from 200 to 180 ms and 150 to 130 ms, respectively. failure 2012, Eur Heart J 33:1787-1847, 2012.
At a subsequent outpatient visit on September 11, 10. Stavrakis S, Garabelli P, Reynold DW: Cardiac resynchroniza-
2012, acceptable values were found, with 97% biventric- tion therapy after atrioventricular junction ablation for
symptomatic atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis, Europace
ular pacing, 0% atrial fibrillation burden, some ventricu-
14:1490-1497, 2012.
lar ectopic beats, and no runs of ventricular tachycardia.
Up and Down in Device Therapy
Beat Andreas Schaer and Christian Sticherling

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

79 Years Male Retired Right Ventricular Pacing–Induced
Impaired Ejection Fraction

HISTORY 20 mg daily, and aspirin. In July 2011 he was taking

ramipril 7.5 mg daily, metoprolol 50 mg twice daily, torse-
The patient underwent bypass surgery (left internal mide 10 mg daily, simvastatin 80 mg daily, and warfarin.
mammary artery to left anterior descending artery and
saphenous vein graft to distal right coronary artery) 13
years previously. Three months later, routine Holter CURRENT SYMPTOMS
electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring revealed asymp-
tomatic episodes of second-degree and third-degree The patient had no angina, dyspnea, or peripheral
atrioventricular block. The patient refused pacemaker edema.
implantation because of lack of symptoms.
In December 2002 the patient developed dyspnea
(New York Heart Association [NYHA] class II). Another PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
24-hour ECG showed not only high-degree atrioventric-
ular block but also sinus bradycardia. A dual-chamber BP/HR: 115 over 75/72
pacemaker was implanted in February 2003. Follow-up Height/weight: 181 cm/108 kg, body mass index 33
was uneventful, and right ventricular pacing was Neck veins: Normal
reported to be almost 100%. Lungs/chest: Normal
In December 2005 angiography was performed for Heart: Normal heart sounds
atypical chest pain and a slight increase in dyspnea. No Abdomen: Normal
significant stenosis was present, but his left ventricular Extremities: No peripheral edema
ejection fraction (LVEF) had decreased to 25%. There-
fore an upgrade to a cardiac resynchronization therapy
defibrillator (CRT-D) was carried out in February 2006. LABORATORY DATA
In May 2007 the patient was free from dyspnea and
echocardiography showed a normal LVEF of 73%. Hemoglobin: 115/75 mg Hg
The patient remained asymptomatic, and no arrhyth- Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 47%
mias, apart from paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, were Mean corpuscular volume: 93 fL
recorded in the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator Platelet count: 219 × 103/µL
(ICD) memory. In July 2011 the battery was depleted Sodium: 143
(elective replacement indicator). Another echocardio- Potassium: 4.1
gram confirmed a preserved LVEF of 60%. The patient Creatinine: 98 μmol/L
was in NYHA class I. During VVI pacing with 30 bpm, Blood urea nitrogen: 8 mmol/L
no intrinsic ventricular activity is present.


The medications the patient was taking in February 2003

were atorvastatin 10 mg daily and aspirin. In February The electrocardiogram revealed atrioventricular sequen-
2006 he was taking ramipril 7.5 mg daily, metoprolol tial pacing, paced QRS complex at 168 ms, and positive
50 mg twice daily, torsemide 10 mg daily, atorvastatin findings in lead V1 (Figure 30-1).
192    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-up

I V1



FIGURE 30-1  12-Lead electro-

cardiogram with cardiac resynchro- aVR V4
nization therapy “on.”

aVL V5


25 mm/s 10.0 mm/mV

ICD therapy beyond the first year (single episode

ECHOCARDIOGRAM antitachycardia pacing delivered for ventricular tachy-
cardia) during a mean follow-up of 35 months.
Findings Device replacement was performed in 22 patients
The echocardiogram showed the patient’s left ventricu- after a mean of 43 months. In none of the 8 patients
lar end-diastolic volume to be 110 mL, left ventricular who had not previously received ICD therapies were
end-systolic volume of 43 mL, an LVEF of 60%, left ven- ICD therapies observed during an additional follow-
tricular mass index of 120 g/m2, and delta P over tidal up of mean 27 months.
volume of 15 mm Hg. 3. Even though the patient most probably will not
need ICD therapy, he still has a risk for inappropri-
ate therapy. This risk is approximately 8% in patients
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS with coronary artery disease with a primary preven-
tion indication and a mean follow-up of 30
AND DISCUSSION POINTS months.4 Even if an ICD would be programmed
with a cutoff rate of greater than 230 bpm, consider-
Question able risk still exists for noise sensing because of lead
Is a downgrade to a CRT pacemaker (CRT-P) an option to fracture.
consider in this case?
Discussion Is downgrading to CRT-P or DDD pacing an option in this
No guidelines or randomized trials have addressed this patient?
question. Also, no studies evaluated patient preferences
in such situations. Cardiologists who hold the opinion
“once ICD, always ICD” will perform ICD generator
replacement. The reasons downgrading was chosen in Given the fact that the most likely cause for impaired
this case are as follows:
left ventricular function and heart failure in this patient
is dyssynchrony induced by right ventricular pacing,
1. If this patient would present now with a normal LVEF downgrading to CRT-P or DDD seems to not be a good
and third-degree atrioventricular block, he would idea. In addition, the difference in cost between a DDD
receive a VDD or DDD pacemaker, because no data device and a CRT-P device is much smaller than between
support “prophylactic” CRT implantation in this sit- CRT-P and CRT-D.
uation. In addition, no indication exists for ICD.
2. In a 2011 paper from our group,3 subgroup analysis
of patients with a CRT-D and a primary prevention
indication showed that only 1 in 46 patients whose Is reducing heart failure medication an option to consider in
LVEF improved to greater than 35% experienced this patient?
30       Up and Down in Device Therapy    193


This patient’s condition is obviously much better than The patient was diagnosed with chronic right ventricular
before CRT implantation, regarding both LVEF and symp- pacing–induced impairment of LVEF.
toms. However, the reason for this is unclear (e.g., biven-
tricular stimulation, improved heart failure medication
after CRT-D implantation, natural course, teetotalism). PLAN OF ACTION
Therefore therapy with the angiotensin-converting en-
zyme inhibitor should be continued. The dosage of the The decision was made to upgrade to CRT-D.
diuretic can be reduced, as long as the patient takes his
weight on a regular basis. No evidence shows that beta
blockers in patients with normal LVEF improve their INTERVENTION
prognosis, so the dosage might be reduced or even
stopped. On the other hand, if the patient tolerates it, Downgrade to CRT-P was performed after recovery of LVEF
why change a winning strategy? and no arrhythmias during a follow-up of 65 months.
Twelve months after downgrading, no ventricular arrhyth-
mias were documented in the CRT-P memory, but he was
Question in atrial fibrillation and cardioversion was suggested.
Should noninvasive stress testing or coronary angiography be
done before a treatment decision is made?
Discussion The outcome in this patient was favorable.
In nonischemic cardiomyopathy, no stress testing
would be indicated. This patient has ischemic heart
disease, but is free from angina since the coronary Selected References
artery bypass graft performed 13 years previously. As 1. Fox K, Garcia MA, Ardissino D, et al: Task Force on the Manage-
long as an ICD is implanted, the patient is potentially ment of Stable Angina Pectoris of the European Society of
protected from deleterious effects of severe ischemia Cardiology; ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG).
or myocardial infarction, that is, ventricular fibrilla- Guidelines on the management of stable angina pectoris:
executive summary: The Task Force on the Management of Stable
tion. Apart from treatment of risk factors, no interven-
Angina Pectoris of the European Society of Cardiology, Eur Heart J
tion can reduce the risk for infarction, not even 27:1341-1381, 2006.
percu­taneous coronary intervention. However, in patients 2. Fox KM: Efficacy of perindopril in reduction of cardiovascular
with stable coronary artery disease, the annual risk2 for events among patients with stable coronary artery disease:
myocardial infarction (∼1.5%) or cardiovascular death randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial
(the EUROPA study), Lancet 362:782-788, 2003.
(∼1%) is very low. To exclude severe ischemia as a
3. Schaer BA, Osswald S, Di Valentino M, et al: Close connection
potential trigger of ventricular fibrillation, myocardial between improvement in left ventricular function by cardiac
perfusion scintigraphy or stress echocardiography resynchronization therapy and the incidence of arrhythmias in
would be the best option (class IIA, level B).1 In the cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator patients, Eur J
case of a positive test, coronary angiography should be Heart Fail 12:1325-1332, 2010.
4. Schaer B, Sticherling C, Szili-Torok T, et al: Impact of left
performed and the stenosis(es) treated. However, this
ventricular ejection fraction for occurrence of ventricular events in
would not change our attitude toward downgrading to defibrillator patients with coronary artery disease, Europace
CRT-P. 13:1562-1567, 2011.
Resumption to Sinus Rhythm
After Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy in a Patient with Long-
Lasting Persistent Atrial
Maurizio Gasparini and Luca Poggio

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

81 Years Male Retired Ischemic Dilatative Cardiomyopathy
with Long-Lasting Persistent Atrial

HISTORY full-time pacing, and the patient underwent atrioven-

tricular junction ablation. After 3 months of full-time
An 81-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes and hyper- biventricular stimulation (Figure 31-2), further improve-
tension as cardiovascular risk factors sought treatment ment in LVEF was observed (from 30% to 40%), along
because of effort-related dyspnea (New York Heart with mitral regurgitation and left atrial diameter reduc-
Association [NYHA] class III) and presyncopal episodes. tion. The patient reported clinical improvement (no fur-
A complete cardiologic assessment was performed. On ther presyncopal episodes, NYHA class IIB). Surprisingly,
the baseline electrogram (ECG), atrial fibrillation with at baseline ECG, regular sinus activity was found. The
incomplete left bundle branch block (LBBB) was found; issue was whether to proceed with system upgrade by
at transthoracic echocardiography, dilatative cardiomy- atrial lead implantation.
opathy with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
(LVEF 25%) was the main finding, together with a
moderate left atrial dilation (anteroposterior diameter
51 mm) and moderate mitral regurgitation. A 24-hour After ICD implantation, only slight instrumental benefit
Holter ECG recording also was performed that evi- was observed without any clinical improvement. This
denced atrial fibrillation with a mean ventricular rate of was due to suboptimal biventricular pacing percentage,
90 bpm and no pathologic pauses. Medical therapy was because biventricular devices are known to need almost
optimized, but in a few months no improvement was full-time pacing to be effective. We therefore decided to
observed. The patient therefore received a biventricular perform atrioventricular node ablation, following which
implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) (no atrial approximately 100% of biventricular pacing was obtained.
lead was implanted because atrial fibrillation was con- The positive left ventricular remodeling induced by pac-
sidered permanent). ing led to an initial improvement in LVEF and the patient’s
Six months later, LVEF was slightly improved (30%) symptoms. Improving cardiac contractility and ventricu-
and no changes were found in left atrial dimension and lar output, thus reducing filling pressure, may have played
mitral regurgitation. Electronic device control also was an important role in reducing atrial stretching, atrial pres-
done, and a suboptimal biventricular pacing percentage sure, and, subsequently, left atrial dimensions, removing
was found (82%, Figure 31-1) because of the high rate of one of the principal causes of atrial fibrillation. Moreover,
atrial fibrillation with spontaneous atrioventricular con- mitral regurgitation was reduced as a result of resynchro-
duction. No clinical changes were observed. These find- nization therapy. These may be the reasons why sinus
ings were considered secondary to lack of biventricular rhythm was restored.
196    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

Histogram of the Ventricular Frequency moderate effort-related dyspnea persisted. Despite

advanced age, the patient normally engaged in moder-
VS VP Stimulation ventrical (beats)
VP 82.5% ate physical activity.
80% Stimulation of Response 17.4%
VS <0.1%
% of time


Improved cardiac contractility, left ventricular reverse
remodeling, and reduced filling pressure provided by
20% biventricular pacing, in the presence of optimal
medical therapy and after atrioventricular node
0% ­ablation, led to a better functional class. However,
<40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220> lack of atrial contractility resulting primarily from
Ventricular Frequency (/min)
atrial fibrillation and then desynchronized atrial and
FIGURE 31-1  ventricular activities once sinus rhythm was restored
may have contributed to symptoms patient still
Histogram of the Ventricular Frequency

100% VS VP Stimulation ventrical (beats)

VP 99.2%
80% Stimulation of Response 0.2% PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
VS 0.5%
% of time

60% BP/HR: 110/70 mm Hg

HR: 70 bpm
Height/weight: 170 cm/75 kg
20% Neck veins: Normal jugular veins
Lungs/chest: Normal breath sounds, no signs of
0% congestion
<40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220> Heart: Rhythmic heart sounds, 1/6 holosystolic murmur
Ventricular Frequency (/min) Abdomen: No pathologic findings
FIGURE 31-2  Extremities: Warm


The patient was taking carvedilol 9.375 mg twice daily, Even in the presence of a desynchronized atrial activity,
furosemide 25 mg once daily, warfarin 5 mg based on no signs of congestive heart failure were found, thanks
international normalized ratio values, ramipril 5 mg to biventricular pacing–induced improvements. Auscul-
once daily, digoxin 0.125 mg once daily, and amioda- tatory findings related to mitral regurgitation were
rone 200 mg once daily. present.


The patient was taking optimal medical therapy for
heart failure; an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi- Hemoglobin: 14.9 mg/dL
tor and a beta blocker were not fully titrated because of Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 42.9%
low blood pressure values. Amiodarone was adminis- Mean corpuscular volume: 96 fL
tered even though atrial fibrillation was thought to be Platelet count: 155 × 103/µL
permanent as a rate control drug, because carvedilol and Sodium: 138 mmol/L
digoxin together were not enough. Of course, warfarin Potassium: 4.7 mmol/L
also was administered. Creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen: 18 mg/dL


The patient was in NYHA class IIB, showing improve- Laboratory findings in this patient have always been
ment after atrioventricular node ablation. Nevertheless, normal, particularly renal function and electrolytes.
31       Resumption to Sinus Rhythm After Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    197

I V1



FIGURE 31-3 
aVR V4

aVL V5

aVF V6

I aVR C1 C4

II aVL C2 C5

III aVF C3 C6 FIGURE 31-4 


The figures show electrocardiographic evolution, from
Findings the beginning to the three-lead system.
Figure 31-3 shows the baseline ECG, atrial fibrillation
with mean ventricular response of 90 bpm, and incom-
plete left bundle branch block. Figure 31-4 shows the
ECG obtained after ICD implantation, showing biven-
tricular pacing with underlying atrial fibrillation; some
spontaneously conducted beats are visible. Figure 31-5
shows ECG obtained after atrioventricular junction Figure 31-8 presents the chest radiograph obtained after
ablation. Full-time biventricular pacing with underlying atrial lead implantation.
atrial fibrillation can be seen. Figure 31-6 is an ECG
showing biventricular pacing with underlying desyn-
chronized sinus rhythm, obtained 3 months after atrio-
ventricular junction ablation. Figure 31-7 shows the No pleural effusion and only a few signs of congestion
ECG performed after atrial lead implantation, showing are present after 3 months of full-time biventricular pac-
atrial tracked biventricular pacing. ing. The atrial lead had been implanted the previous day.
198    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

I aVR C1 C4

II aVL C2 C5

FIGURE 31-5  III aVF C3 C6


I aVR C1 C4

II aVL C2 C5

FIGURE 31-6  III aVF C3 C6


I aVR C1 C4

II aVL C2 C5

FIGURE 31-7  III aVF C3 C6

31       Resumption to Sinus Rhythm After Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    199

FIGURE 31-9 

FIGURE 31-8  The echocardiogram obtained 6 months after ICD
implantation revealed a LVEF of 30%, end-diastolic
diameter of 62 mm; left atrium diameter of 50 mm; and
moderate mitral regurgitation (2+, vena contracta 0.51
EXERCISE TESTING cm, and regurgitant orifice area 0.28 cm2).

The patient’s 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT) before ICD

implantation was 250 m. His 6MWT at the time of atrio-
ventricular node ablation (6 months after implantation) Because of insufficient biventricular pacing, only a small
was 270 m. At the time sinus rhythm resumption was instrumental improvement was observed.
discovered (3 months after atrioventricular junction
ablation), his 6MWT was 350 m. At 3 months after atrial
lead implantation, his 6MWT was 400 m.
The echocardiogram obtained 3 months after atrioven-
tricular junction ablation showed a LVEF of 40%, end-
Comments diastolic diameter of 58 mm, left atrium diameter of
No functional class improvement occurred after biven- 45 mm, and moderate mitral regurgitation (2+, vena
tricular ICD implantation. An improvement was achieved contracta 0.37 cm, and regurgitant orifice area 0.24 cm2).
only after atrioventricular node ablation by obtaining
100% biventricular stimulation. Further improvement
was obtained after atrial lead implantation.
A few months after atrioventricular node ablation, left
atrial and ventricular reverse remodeling led to an
improvement of systolic function and a reduction in left
ECHOCARDIOGRAM atrial and ventricular diameters. Secondary mitral regur-
gitation decreased thereafter.
The echocardiogram obtained before ICD implantation
showed a LVEF of 25%, end-diastolic diameter of
65 mm, left atrium diameter of 51 mm, and moderate The echocardiogram obtained 6 months after atrial lead
mitral regurgitation (2+, vena contracta 0.55 cm, and implantation (Figure 31-9) showed a LVEF of 50%,
regurgitant orifice area 0.29 cm2). end-diastolic diameter of 55 mm, left atrium diameter
of 43 mm, and mild mitral regurgitation (1+, vena con-
tracta 0.29 cm, and regurgitant orifice area 0.19 cm2).
Baseline echocardiography, showing reduced left ven-
tricular systolic function. Left atrial and ventricular dila-
tion were also present, leading to secondary mitral Restoring synchronized atrioventricular activity led to
regurgitation. an almost normal LVEF; the left atrium and left ventricle
200    SECTION 6       Postimplant Follow-Up

diameters were only slightly higher than normal, and

mitral regurgitation also was reduced.
Is atrial lead implantation a good choice? Is an actual
improvement expected?
Once sinus rhythm resumption was found, the
patient was in NYHA class IIB with a moderately
Is biventricular device implantation the right choice in a reduced LVEF (40%). It is reasonable to think that
patient with left ventricular dysfunction and permanent restoring normal atrioventricular synchrony, thus
atrial fibrillation (or is it supposed to be)? making atria regularly fill ventricles and avoid retro-
grade flow (which may raise pulmonary pressures)
could lead to a further clinical and instrumental
improvement.1 Despite advanced age, considering
Most of the studies evaluating the clinical benefits of the active lifestyle and usual level of physical activity,
biventricular pacing have been conducted in patients the clinical benefit expected by adding a new lead
with sinus rhythm.3 However, most patients with would be worth the risks related to a new invasive
reduced LVEF may present one or more episodes of procedure.
paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation, which may
become permanent, despite pharmacologic treatment,
as a result of concomitant left atrial remodeling. FINAL DIAGNOSIS
Patients with atrial fibrillation are usually older, carry
more comorbidities, and may present lower pacing The final diagnosis in this patient is ischemic dilata-
percentages because of spontaneous conduction. tive cardiomyopathy with permanent atrial fibrilla-
Implanting a biventricular device improves myocardial tion, left ventricular function recovery, clinical
contractility and ventricular output, reduces filling improvement, and sinus rhythm restoration after
pressures, and reduces possible associated secondary atrioventricular junction ablation and full-time biven-
mitral regurgitation, all of which may lead to the stop- tricular pacing.
ping of both atrial and ventricular remodeling (and
sometimes also reversing it),2 thus reducing the likeli-
hood of developing atrial arrhythmias or increasing
their number of atrial arrhythmias. Atrioventricular
node ablation should be considered in the presence of
The plan for this patient was right atrial lead implanta-
suboptimal biventricular pacing percentages. Sinus
tion to further improve the patient’s symptoms.
rhythm resumption is not meant to be the goal; how-
ever, it is clear that most patients experience clinical
benefits and left atrial and ventricular reverse remodel-
ing by biventricular pacing, thus making it a good INTERVENTION
choice in this patient population.
The intervention performed was right atrial lead
Is sinus rhythm resumption predictable in this type of patient?
Discussion The patient was in NYHA class I. Six months after system
A 2010 study conducted on patients with permanent upgrade, an almost normalized LVEF 50% was found,
atrial fibrillation and cardiac resynchronization therapy together with mild left atrial and ventricular dilation
(CRT) found clinical predictors to be left ventricular and mild mitral regurgitation.
end-diastolic diameter less than 65 mm, narrow CRT
paced QRS (<150 ms), left atrial diameter less than
50 mm, and atrioventricular junction node ablation.1 In
our patient, all four criteria were satisfied, thus making The procedure resulted in improvement in both clinical
this event quite likely. and instrumental data.
31       Resumption to Sinus Rhythm After Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    201

2. Kies P, Leclercq C, Bleeker GB, et al: Cardiac resynchronisation

Comments therapy in chronic atrial fibrillation: impact on left atrial size and
reversal to sinus rhythm, Heart 92:490-494, 2006.
Restoring atrioventricular synchrony in the presence of 3. Vardas PE, Auricchio A, Blanc JJ, et al: European Society of
atrial tracked biventricular pacing led to an almost nor- Cardiology. Guidelines for cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchro-
malized heart function. nization therapy: The Task Force for Cardiac Pacing and Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy of the European Society of Cardiology.
Developed in Collaboration with the European Heart Rhythm
Association, Eur Heart J 28:2256-2295, 2007.
Selected References
1. Gasparini M, Steinberg JS, Arshad A, et al: Resumption of sinus
rhythm in patients with heart failure and permanent atrial
fibrillation undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: a
longitudinal observational study, Eur Heart J 31:976-983, 2010.
CASE 32 Guide Wire Fracture During
Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Implantation and
Subsequent Management
Marta Acena, François Regoli, Matteo Santamaria,
and Angelo Auricchio

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

65 Years Male Ex-banker, Guide Wire Fracture During Implan-
Retired for tation of Cardiac Resynchronization
2 Years Therapy Device


A 65-year-old man with ischemic dilated cardiomyopa- The patient was experiencing dyspnea at rest, orthop-
thy, already treated by stenting of the anterior interven- nea, and edema of the inferior extremities.
tricular coronary artery and then by coronary artery
bypass graft surgery, received a dual-chamber implant-
able cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) 4 years previously PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
for primary prevention of sudden cardiac death. At that
moment the electrocardiogram (ECG) showed an BP/HR: 107/60 mm Hg/77 bpm
incomplete left bundle branch block (LBBB) with a Height/weight: 175 cm/72 kg
QRS duration of less than 120 ms. The patient was later Neck veins: Jugular vein distention
admitted to the hospital because of acute heart failure Lungs/chest: Pulmonary crepitations
decompensation. During the last 6 months his func- Heart: Regular cardiac tones without murmurs
tional capacity progressively declined (currently New Abdomen: Soft and painless
York Heart Association [NYHA] class III) despite medi- Extremities: Edema of the lower extremities
cal therapy optimization.

Comments Hemoglobin: 12.8 g/dL
This patient showed progressive worsening of his clin- Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38%
ical condition likely atributable to the underlying Platelet count: 320 × 103/µL
heart disease (coronary artery disease) and progres- Sodium: 136 mmol/L
sion of ventricular conduction delay (LBBB on surface Potassium: 3.8 mmol/L
ECG). Creatinine: 121 mmol/L


The patient was taking torasemide 10 mg daily, biso-

prolol 5 mg daily, spironolactone 25 mg daily, enala- The ECG revealed a heart rate of 76 bpm, a sinus rhythm
pril 10 mg twice daily, aspirin 100 mg daily, and with a PR interval of 190 ms, and a complete LBBB with
insulin. a QRS duration of 136 ms (Figure 32-1).
206    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

I V1



FIGURE 32-1  aVR V4

aVL V5

aVF V6

for Mortara P/N 910Q-Q26-Q2

ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. He had normal

chronotropic competence with a preserved day–night
Findings variability, and the spontaneous QRS width was 136 ms
The echocardiogram documented a dilated left ventricle with a LBBB pattern. The benefit of cardiac resynchroni-
(end-diastolic volume 210 mL) with a severe reduction of zation therapy (CRT) in patients with heart failure with
the ejection fraction (18%); moderate mitral and tricus- a QRS duration of 120 ms or greater, a LBBB pattern,
pid regurgitation; restrictive mitral flow pattern; left and an ejection fraction of 35% or less has been demon-
atrium dilation (59 mm); moderate pulmonary arterial strated in many important multicenter trials, such as the
hypertension (60 mm Hg); and right ventricle with Comparison of Medical Therapy, Pacing, and Defibrilla-
normal dimensions and function. tion in Chronic Heart Failure (COMPANION)1 and Car-
diac Resynchronization in Heart Failure (CARE-HF)
studies.2 Their consistent results have been summarized
CATHETERIZATION in the European Society of Cardiology guidelines of
2013, with an indication of class I and level of evidence
A coronary angiography was performed showing three- B (LBBB pattern, QRS 120-150 ms) for the patient
vessel disease with patency of all the coronary grafts (left described in this report.3
internal mammary artery on anterior interventricular cor-
onary artery, right internal mammary artery on right coro-
nary artery, double venous grafts on circumflex artery).
Which position should be considered a target pacing site—a
more apical position, a midvein position, or a basal position?
A midvein or, better, basal position is the best choice. The
Question impact of the left ventricular lead position on outcome
What would be the next step for the treatment of the heart in patients randomized to CRT defibrillator implant in
failure in this patient? the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation
Trial–Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT)4
study has been reported. The study showed that left ven-
Discussion tricular leads positioned in the apical region were associ-
An upgrade to a resynchronization device is indicated. ated with an unfavorable outcome, suggesting that this
The patient already had a dual-chamber ICD for the lead location should be avoided in CRT.
32       Guide Wire Fracture During Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation    207

Inner catheter
4-pole electrode
Posterolateral vein

0.014” guide wire

RV lead
Outer catheter

FIGURE 32-2 
FIGURE 32-3 

After ICD removal, a 9-French introducer was placed in
the left subclavian vein. Then a preshaped 8-French cath-
eter (CPS DirectTM SL II Slittable Outer Guide Catheter
with Integrated Valve, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minn.)
was used to cannulate the coronary sinus. However, a
partial angiography of the coronary sinus was possible
because of a prominent valve impeding visualization of
the distal section of the coronary sinus. A large and long
posterolateral vein presenting a very sharp take-off and a
secondary 90-degree curve was visualized (Figure 32-2).
A preshaped inner catheter (CPS Aim SL Slittable
Inner Catheter with Integrated Valve, St. Jude Medical)
with a 90-degree angle was advanced into the guiding
catheter supported by a 0.30-inch Terumo guide wire
(Somerset, NJ), and both were gently advanced into the
coronary sinus. A successful coronary sinus branch vein
subselection was finally achieved. Then a 0.014-inch FIGURE 32-4 
hydrophilic stiff guide wire (Whisper ES, Abbott, Abbott
Park, Ill.) was placed distally into the coronary vein and
looped into the same coronary vein (Figure 32-3). The During the retraction maneuver of the guide wire, the
extra-support guide wire was chosen to stretch the tortu- distal part (about 4 cm) was suddenly broken off (Fig-
ous vein and to provide support for a preshaped left ure 32-4) while the proximal extremity of the fragment
ventricular pacing electrode. protruded into the lumen of the main body of the coro-
A four-pole preshaped electrode (Quartet, St. Jude nary sinus (Figure 32-5).
Medical) was chosen to provide good mechanical stability
while allowing significant pacing flexibility by electronic
selection of the most appropriate pacing electrodes. The
preshaped lead adapted well to the vein tortuosity and What is the next step—leave the wire inside the venous system
diameter; the tip of the lead was placed in the distal sec- or try to remove it?
tion of the vein. Each of the electrodes was tested, and Perforation of the coronary vein may occur, but interfer­
phrenic nerve stimulation was obtained by pacing only ence with sensing or pacing might be expected because
the most distal electrode. the guide wire fragment is made of conducting material.
208    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

FIGURE 32-5 
FIGURE 32-7 

FIGURE 32-6  FIGURE 32-8 

Several tools are available for removal of foreign mate­rial reach than right-angle loops. Moreover, the radiopaque
from the circulation system. Retrieval of the guide wire loop enhances visualization and identification of the
was planned. An endovascular system device (Micro Elite device’s capture area and sheath location.
Snare, Radius Medical Technologies, Aston, Mass.) was The snare was advanced beyond the distal end of
used that is specifically designed for the retrieval and the broken wire (Figure 32-7) and pulled back to sur-
manipulation of foreign bodies in the cardiovascular sys- round the wire fragment (Figure 32-8). Then, the snare
tem (Figure 32-6). The ultra-small 0.014-inch profile per- with the c­aptured guide wire fragment was carefully
mits delivery through catheters, eliminating the need for retrieved into the guiding catheter (Figure 32-9). After
exchanges, reducing patient trauma, and saving valuable successful removal, a new guide wire was deployed
procedure time. The highly torqueable shaft design allows and the quadripolar permanent pacing lead finally
greater control and maneuverability for better access to implanted (Figure 32-10). A chest radiograph shows
distal targets, and the smooth helical loop blends the the position of each electrode and the absence of pneu-
advantage of a smaller overall distal profile with a longer mothorax (Figures 32-11 and 32-12).
32       Guide Wire Fracture During Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Implantation    209

FIGURE 32-11 

FIGURE 32-9 

Atrial lead

LV lead

RV lead

FIGURE 32-10  FIGURE 32-12 

view the patient reported a significant improvement in
The patient was scheduled for a 1-month follow-up after functional capacity (NYHA class II).
device implantation. The sensed and paced and imped-
ance parameters resulted in within-normal range, and
the percentage of biventricular stimulation was 98%.
The surgical wound was in a good state of healing and Do not loop the guide wire within the same vein, to
had no signs of infection. From the clinical point of avoid the risk for kinking or fracture.
210    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Selected References 3. Brignole M, Auricchio A, Baron-Esquivias G, et al: 2013 ESC

guidelines on cardiac pacing and cardiac resynchronization
1. Bristow M, Saxon L, Boehmer J, et al: for the Comparison of therapy, Europace 15(8):1070-1118, 2013.
Medical Therapy, Pacing and Defibrillation in Heart Failure 4. Moss A, Hall W, Cannom D, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization
(COMPANION). Cardiac resynchronization therapy with or therapy for the prevention of heart-failure events, N Engl J Med
without an implantable defibrillator in advanced chronic heart 361:1329-1338, 2009.
failure, New Engl J Med 350:2140-2150, 2004.
2. Cleland J, Daubert J, Erdmann E, et al: for the CARE-HF study
investigators. Longer-term effects of cardiac resynchronization
therapy on mortality in heart failure [the Cardiac REsynchroniza-
tion-Heart Failure (CARE-HF) trial extension phase], Eur Heart J
27:1928-1932, 2006.
A Difficult Case of Diaphragmatic
Bernard Thibault and Paul Khairy

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

70 Years Female Retired Phrenic Nerve Stimulation
After Cardiac Resynchro-
nization Therapy Implant

HISTORY branch after confirming the absence of phrenic nerve

capture despite high-output (10 V) pacing. Left ventricular
A 70-year-old woman with nonischemic cardiomyopa- pacing thresholds were 3.4 V for the distal electrode and
thy, with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III 2.2 V for the proximal ring, both with the right ventricular
symptoms, a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of coil as anode.
22%, left ventricular end-diastolic dimension of 72 mm,
QRS duration of 170 ms, and a left bundle branch
block pattern (Figure 33-1) was referred for possible
cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) The following morning, the patient reported symptoms
implantation. consistent with diaphragmatic stimulation. On interro-
Comorbidities included hypertension, type 2 diabe- gation, the best left ventricular capture threshold was
tes, dyslipidemia, obesity, and paroxysmal atrial fibrilla- 3.75 V (proximal ring to right ventricular coil) and
tion well controlled with amiodarone. Workup revealed both pacing electrodes elicited phrenic nerve capture at
moderate diffuse coronary artery disease (<40% narrow- voltages down to 3.25 V. It was impossible to identify a
ing), a 6-Minute Walk Test distance of 342 m, and a peak pacing configuration with a left ventricular threshold
Vo2 of 13.2 mL/kg/min. lower than that of the phrenic nerve capture threshold.
The lead appeared to be well positioned on chest
Medical therapy was optimized with carvedilol 6.25 SECOND INTERVENTION
mg twice daily, fosinopril 20 mg daily, furosemide
60 mg daily, spironolactone 25 mg daily, amiodarone A second intervention was therefore performed to rectify
200 mg daily, acetylsalicylic acid 80 mg daily, and the situation. Other potential coronary sinus branches
dose-adjusted warfarin for a target INR 2.0–3.0. could not be identified. The anterior branch was of
small caliber and too far septal and the proximal poste-
rior branch (middle cardiac vein) was deemed unsuit-
FIRST INTERVENTION able. A new 1056K left ventricular lead was implanted in
the same venous branch. Phrenic nerve capture occurred
Implantation of the CRT-D device was uneventful. How- from both electrodes, but only on deep inspiration. The
ever, the angiogram was of poor quality because of obe- problem was far less pronounced in a very proximal
sity and thus provided little guidance. It was not repeated position. The lead was not wedged into place in the
given the patient’s underlying renal dysfunction (i.e., hope that its spiral design would ensure stability.
glomerular filtration rate ≤40 mL/min). Three coronary
sinus branches were blindly identified. The anterior and
posterior branches had septal courses. The bipolar left
ventricular lead (1056K, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, The following day, good functioning of the CRT system
Minn.) was positioned in a long, large-caliber midlateral was confirmed by interrogation. Nevertheless, the patient
212    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

presented 1 month later with a dislodged left ventricular remained nonfunctional. In addition, a high atrial lead
lead positioned deeply and anteriorly in the main coro- threshold was noted, with a P wave of approximately
nary sinus. Epicardial implantation was considered and 1.0 mV.
discussed, but declined by the patient.
Five years later, she remained with NYHA class III
symptoms and had four heart failure–related hospital- THIRD INTERVENTION
izations within 8 months. Her left ventricular systolic
function remained stable (LVEF 20%; left ventricular A backup temporary pacemaker was immediately
end-diastolic dimension 70 mm). Meanwhile, she devel- implanted. Lead extraction was subsequently performed,
oped new-onset complete atrioventricular block and with all three leads removed by simple traction. Three new
became dependent on right ventricular pacing. leads were implanted, including a quadripolar deeply
Two months previously, she presented with recurrent inserted left ventricular lead (Quartet, St. Jude Medical) in
presyncope. Intermittent ventricular oversensing (Figure the same lateral branch of the coronary sinus (Figure 33-3).
33-2) resulting from electrical failure of a Riata lead (St. Phrenic nerve capture was present (down to 3.5 V) with the
Jude Medical) was documented. The left ventricular lead three proximal electrodes but not the distal electrode.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 33-1  Patient with left
bundle branch block pattern in



25 mm/s
10 mm/mV

25 mm/s
10 mm/mV

25 mm/s
10 mm/mV

Pause RR 2400 ms 29-jun-2012 15:41:13 41 min-1

FIGURE 33-2  Patient with intermittent ventricular oversensing resulting from electrical failure of a Riata lead (St. Jude Medical).
33       A Difficult Case of Diaphragmatic Stimulation    213

P4 ring) or higher than the phrenic nerve capture thresh-

Outcome old (M2 and M3).
Despite a lack of improvement in LVEF, the patient has
not been hospitalized for heart failure during 12 months
of follow-up. Effective biventricular pacing is shown in FOCUSED DISCUSSION POINTS
Figure 33-4. On interrogation, a left ventricular pacing
threshold of 2.25 V was obtained from the distal elec- Diaphragmatic contraction resulting from phrenic
trode in a unipolar configuration (D1 to right ventricular nerve capture is observed in up to 20% to 30% of CRT
coil). No phrenic nerve stimulation occurred with up to implants.1-3 Unfortunately, it is not always apparent at
7.5 V. For the three other electrodes, the left ventricular the time of implantation and may develop in the hours
pacing threshold was either too high (>4.0 V for the or days that follow. In most instances, the problem
may be overcome by reprogramming pacing configura-
tions, pacing output, or both. In a minority of patients,
the only options are to reintervene or inactivate left
ventricular pacing.4,6
Several options are available for reintervention. The
new quadripolar left ventricular leads present an
attractive solution, offering greater flexibility in pro-
gramming options.5,10,11 As this case demonstrates,
quadripolar leads also may be considered when stan-
dard bipolar left ventricular leads fail to deliver effec-
tive CRT.9 Additional options include implanting a
bipolar active fixation lead more proximally within the
coronary sinus (e.g., right ventricular lead or Attain
Starfix left ventricular lead [Medtronic, Minneapolis,
Minn.]). However, such an option may complicate
future extraction interventions.7 Finally, alternative
approaches to implanting a left ventricular lead may
be considered, either endocardially by a transseptal
approach or epicardially by surgical access. In weigh-
ing potential options, results from the REPLACE study
should be considered, which indicate that the highest
risk for device infection occurs in the context of CRT
FIGURE 33-3  A posteroanterior chest radiograph is shown system revision.8 In this case, a second procedure was
depicting the position of the three implanted leads, including a initially attempted but failed. The system was entirely
quadripolar left ventricular lead (Quartet, St. Jude Medical) deeply revised 6 years later, when reintervention was required
inserted in the lateral branch of the coronary sinus. for right ventricular lead dysfunction.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 33-4  Patient with
effective biventricular pacing shown
in electrocardiogram.


214    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Selected References 7.  Maytin M, Carrillo RG, Baltodano P, et al: Multicenter experi-

ence with transvenous lead extraction of active fixation coronary
Biffi M, Boriani G: Phrenic stimulation management in CRT sinus leads, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 35:641-647, 2012.
patients: are we there yet? Curr Opin Cardiol 26:12-16, 2011. 8.  Poole JE, Gleva MJ, Mela T, et al: Complication rates associated
Biffi M, Exner DV, Crossley GH, et al: Occurrence of phrenic with pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
nerve stimulation in cardiac resynchronization therapy patients: generator replacements and upgrade procedures: results from the
the role of left ventricular lead type and placement site, Europace replace registry, Circulation 122:1553-1561, 2010.
15:77-82, 2013. 9.  Shetty AK, Duckett SG, Bostock J, et al: Use of a quadripolar left
Biffi M, Moschini C, Bertini M, et al: Phrenic stimulation: a ventricular lead to achieve successful implantation in patients
challenge for cardiac resynchronization therapy, Circ Arrhythm with previous failed attempts at cardiac resynchronization
Electrophysiol 2:402-410, 2009. therapy, Europace 13:992-996, 2011.
Champagne J, Healey JS, Krahn AD, et al: The effect of electronic 10. Sperzel J, Danschel W, Gutleben KJ, et al: First prospective,
repositioning on left ventricular pacing and phrenic nerve multi-centre clinical experience with a novel left ventricular
stimulation, Europace 13:409-415, 2011. quadripolar lead, Europace 14:365-372, 2012.
Forleo GB, Mantica M, Di Biase L, et al: Clinical and procedural 11. Thibault B, Karst E, Ryu K, et al: Pacing electrode selection in a
outcome of patients implanted with a quadripolar left ventricu- quadripolar left heart lead determines presence or absence of
lar lead: early results of a prospective multicenter study, Heart phrenic nerve stimulation, Europace 12:751-753, 2010.
Rhythm 11:1822-1828, 2012.
Klein N, Klein M, Weglage H, et al: Clinical efficacy of left
ventricular pacing vector programmability in cardiac resynchro-
nization therapy defibrillator patients for management of
phrenic nerve stimulation and/or elevated left ventricular pacing
thresholds: insights from the efface phrenic stim study, Europace
14:826-832, 2012.
Extraction of a Biventricular
Defibrillator with a Starfix
4195 Coronary Venous Lead
John Rickard and Bruce L. Wilkoff

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

58 Years Male Retired Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Defibrillator System Infection

HISTORY surgery. The facility to which this patient presented

lacked such capability, making the transfer to a tertiary
A 58-year-old man with ischemic cardiomyopathy with referral center with significant experience in lead extrac-
an ejection fraction of 20%, a history of coronary artery tion appropriate.
bypass graft surgery in 1993, and placement of a biven-
tricular defibrillator (Medtronic Concerto; Guidant
0185 RV ICD lead; Attain Starfix 4195 coronary venous CURRENT MEDICATIONS
lead) on October 25, 2007 for primary prevention, a his-
tory of a left ventricular thrombus, and persistent atrial The patient was receiving vancomycin 1 g intravenously
fibrillation sought treatment at a hospital with fevers, twice daily and heparin according to a drip rate nomo-
chills, and worsening dyspnea on exertion occurring gram; he was also taking carvedilol 6.25 mg orally twice
over the previous 2 months. On admission, blood cul- daily, lisinopril 2.5 mg orally daily, omeprazole 20 mg
tures were drawn that were positive for methicillin- orally daily, atorvastatin 20 mg orally daily at bedtime,
resistant Staphylococus aureus (MRSA). A transesophageal and aspirin 81 mg orally daily.
echocardiogram suggested a vegetation on the implant-
able cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) lead, prompting
transfer to a tertiary referral center for complete system
extraction. Vancomycin is a first-line therapy for MRSA-related
bloodstream infections. Staphylococcal species are
responsible for 60% to 80% of CIED infections. The
Comments optimal duration of antimicrobial therapy for CIED
Cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) infection infection is unclear. At least 2 weeks of intravenous anti-
is typically defined as the presence of local warmth, ery- microbial therapy is recommended after extraction of an
thema, swelling, edema, pain, or discharge from the infected device for patients with infected CIED systems,
device pocket, along with a positive culture from the but with positive blood cultures or vegetations the rec-
device, device pocket, blood, or lead. Device-associated ommendation is usually 4 to 6 weeks. The patient’s hep-
endocarditis is defined as the presence of a lead or valvu- arin drip was stopped the night before the planned
lar vegetation on echocardiogram. Prompt removal of extraction.
the CIED and all leads and administration of a pro-
longed course of antibiotics is the appropriate manage-
ment for CIED-related infections. Lead extraction CURRENT SYMPTOMS
procedures must be performed only at facilities with
cardiac surgery programs with experienced cardiac sur- The patient was experiencing fatigue, shortness of
geons on site and ready to initiate emergency cardiac breath, and nausea.
216    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

FIGURE 34-1 Preextraction




Mean corpuscular volume: 76.6 fL

Comments Platelet count: 235 × 103/µL
In patients with a CIED infection, fevers and chills are Sodium: 133 mmol/L
often absent. Potassium: 3.8 mmol/L
Creatinine: 1.0 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 21 mmol/L
BP/HR: 95/62 mm Hg/87 bpm
Height/weight: 175.25 cm/73 kg The patient’s white blood cell count was within normal
Neck veins: Jugular venous distention at 9 cm at limits. Many patients with CIED infection fail to present
45 degrees with significant leukocytosis.
Lungs/chest: Clear lungs bilaterally with left basilar
dullness to percussion; defibrillator site is in the left
chest and scar is well healed without erythema or
Heart: Regular rate and rhythm; normal first heart sound
(S1) and second heart sound (S2); P2 is not accentu-
ated; no third heart sound (S3) or fourth heart sound The preextraction electrocardiogram shows atrial fibril-
(S4); no right ventricular heave lation with a biventricular paced rhythm and occasional
Abdomen: Soft, nontender, and nondistended; no premature ventricular contractions (Figure 34-1).
appreciable ascites; liver is not pulsatile; a midline
surgical incision present in the vicinity of the
Extremities: 2+ bilateral pitting edema to the knees
Comments Portable chest radiography demonstrated the presence
In all patients thought to have a CIED infection, the of a Medtronic 4195 Starfix coronary sinus lead in a
device pocket should be inspected carefully for signs of midmyocardial position (Figure 34-2).
erythema, fluctuance, and drainage. The absence of such
signs, however, does not rule out CIED infection.
Hemoglobin: 10.7 g/dL Transesophageal echocardiogram depicts a vegetation on
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 33.4% the ICD lead as it crosses the tricuspid valve (Figure 34-3).
34       Extraction of a Biventricular Defibrillator with a Starfix 4195 Coronary Venous Lead    217

1.8-cm lesion in this case is within reason to undergo

percutaneous extraction.


How are CIED infections diagnosed and treated?

Patients with CIED infections often present with local-
ized inflammatory changes at the device site, occasionally
accompanied by cutaneous erosion. Such a presenta-
tion, however, is not uniform, as demonstrated by the
current case. Some patients simply initially seek treat-
FIGURE 34-2  Portable chest radiograph showing the Starfix ment with vague systemic symptoms such as fatigue,
coronary venous lead in the midventricular position. anorexia, or decreased functional capacity. On presenta-
tion, two sets of blood cultures should be obtained
before the initiation of antibiotics. Bacteremia caused
by staphylococcal species, in particular, increases the
likelihood of CIED involvement. Often, the original
imaging study to search for lead or valve infection is a
transthoracic echocardiogram. Because of low sensitivity
and specificity for picking up vegetations, however, a
negative transthoracic echocardiogram cannot rule out
the presence of vegetations. A transesophageal echocar-
diogram is significantly more sensitive than a trans-
thoracic echocardiogram to find lead and valvular
vegetations. Even in patients in whom a transthoracic
echocardiogram has demonstrated a lead-adherent
mass, a transesophageal echocardiogram is still indi-
cated to rule out left-sided valvular involvement. Once
a diagnosis of a CIED infection has been made, all com-
FIGURE 34-3  Transesophageal echocardiogram depicting a ponents of the CIED system must be removed in a
vegetation on the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator lead as it
timely fashion followed by a prolonged course of
crosses the tricuspid valve.

The ejection fraction was 20%. A 1.8- × 0.8-cm mobile

echodensity is present attached to the right ventricular
lead as it crosses the tricuspid valve. What are the challenges involved with removal of a tradi-
tional non–active fixation coronary venous pacing lead?
The size of the vegetation is important in extraction
planning. Some operators will opt for a surgical proce- Because of the thin walls of the coronary venous sys-
dure in patients with large vegetations (>2-3 cm) to tem, coronary venous lead extraction would seem to
limit the risk for septic pulmonary emboli. At our insti- pose substantial risk for percutaneous extraction.2 In
tution, vegetations larger than 3 cm have been extracted. studies in small animals a high incidence of hemoperi-
In making the decision on whether to extract leads with cardium after coronary venous lead extraction has
large vegetations percutaneously, the comorbidities of been noted. In humans, however, an increased compli-
the patient need to be thoroughly assessed, the risks of cation rate with coronary venous lead extraction has
both procedures carefully balanced, and timing and not been borne out. Bongiorni and colleagues3 reported
route for reimplantation anticipated in this plan. The on a cohort of 37 coronary venous lead extractions.
218    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

The age of the coronary venous leads in this study was

19.5 ± 16.5 months. All leads were successfully
extracted, with 27 extracted with simple traction alone What are the challenges associated with reimplantation of a
and the remaining 10 with mechanical dilation. The coronary venous lead after extraction of a biventricular pacing
areas of adhesion for the coronary venous leads were system?
most commonly found in the subclavian vein (60%).
In a separate cohort of 173 patients undergoing coro-
nary venous lead extraction from our institution, a
total of 76.9% of coronary venous leads were removed Successful reimplantation of a coronary venous lead
using simple traction alone, with the remaining leads after extraction of a biventricular device is achievable in
requiring the use of a laser-powered sheath. A total of 80% to 85% of cases, a rate slightly lower than for de
3.5% of leads required intervention (manual dissec- novo implants. This slightly lower success rate is likely
tion or laser-powered dissection) within the coronary due to the increased procedural difficulty involved with
sinus. Major complications were rare, occurring in right-sided procedures (which most reimplants are). In
1.2% of patients, and minor complications occurred in addition, most operators have significantly less experi-
7.5% of patients. In a separate cohort of 114 leads from ence with right-sided implants. Finally, occlusion of the
the Mayo Clinic, 91.2% were removed with simple original coronary venous tributary may be present in up
traction alone.9 Minor complications were reported in to 50% of cases. Therefore venous tributaries that are
7.2% of patients and major complications in 1.6% of difficult to access are occasionally the only available
cases. Given the thin-walled nature of the coronary target.
sinus, advancement of dissection sheaths into the cor-
onary sinus itself in difficult cases is discouraged and
should be reserved for experienced operators in select FINAL DIAGNOSIS
patients. Overall, extraction of traditional non–active-
fixation coronary venous leads has been shown to be The final diagnosis for this patient was CIED-related
a safe, effective procedure with a low incidence of endocarditis.


What are the technical challenges involved with removal of The plan for this patient was full system extraction.10
the Medtronic Attain Starfix 4195 active fixation coronary
venous pacing lead?
Discussion Under general anesthesia, right radial arterial and right
The Medtronic Attain Starfix 4195 coronary venous lead femoral venous sheaths were inserted for hemodynamic
was approved by the United States Food and Drug monitoring and vascular access, respectively. A left infra-
Administration in June 2008 as the first active fixation clavicular incision yielded access for removal of the
coronary venous lead. The active fixation mechanism CIED and leads. The pocket was grossly infected, with
consists of three polyurethane lobes that are deployed purulent material noted. The entire fibrotic capsule and
by advancing tubing around the lead. When deployed, all infected-appearing tissue were debrided. Deep tissue
the lobes range from 5 to 24 French in diameter. Acutely, cultures of the pocket were sent for culture. The ICD
the locking mechanism can be deployed and unde- lead was prepared with an LLD-EZ locking stylet (Spec-
ployed. Over time, however, fibrotic tissue ingrowth tranetics, Colorado Springs, Colo.). Although the helical
between the lobes may preclude undeployment. Extrac- screw did not retract, torque was able to be transmitted
tion of Starfix leads can be very challenging. Unlike the to the lead tip. The ICD lead was manually unscrewed
case with conventional coronary venous lead extraction, from the myocardium, and the lead was removed with
advancement of an extraction sheath into the coronary simple traction. The coronary venous lead was then pre-
sinus is often needed with Starfix leads and, in approxi- pared with an LLD-EZ locking stylet. An attempt was
mately 40% of cases, a sheath must be advanced distally made to undeploy the lobes of the lead locking mecha-
into the coronary sinus tributary itself. Given the high nism. After prolonged efforts, the lobes would not unde-
incidence of fibrotic ingrowth and the resultant inability ploy. Fortunately, after application of gentle traction, the
to undeploy the lobes, Starfix lead extraction should be lead was withdrawn into the the brachiocephalic vein,
reserved for highly experienced operators at high-volume where it became lodged. A 14-French laser sheath was
centers. then advanced over the lead, and the lead was
34       Extraction of a Biventricular Defibrillator with a Starfix 4195 Coronary Venous Lead    219


FIGURE 34-4  Tissue ingrowth into the lobes of the Starfix

coronary venous lead preventing undeployment.

successfully extracted from the body. On inspection of

the lead tip, significant fibrotic growth between the
lobes of the lead was noted, with a cast of the cardiac
vein trailing from the fibrosis (Figure 34-4). The pocket
was irrigated and closed. The patient was treated with a FIGURE 34-5  Occlusion of venous branch from which the Starfix
5-week course of vancomycin. coronary venous lead was extracted.

management: a scientific statement from the American Heart
Association, Circulation 3:458-477, 2010.
After extraction and 10 days of antibiotics with multiple
2.  Baranowski B, Yerkey M, Dresing T, et al: Fibrotic tissue growth
negative blood cultures, the patient was cleared for into the extendable lobes of an active fixation coronary sinus
reimplantation on the right side. A Medtronic 4193 lead lead can complicate extraction, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
was placed in a lateral branch. The patient was dis- 7:e64-e65, 2011.
charged to home on 4 weeks of antibiotics. 3.  Bongiorni MG, Zucchelli G, Soldati E, et al: Usefulness of
mechanical transvenous dilation and location of areas of
adherence in patients undergoing coronary sinus lead extraction,
Findings Europace 1:69-73, 2007.
4.  Burke MC, Morton J, Lin AC, et al: Implications and outcome of
A venogram was performed at the time of reimplanta- permanent coronary sinus lead extraction and reimplantation,
tion demonstrating a lack of opacification of the high J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 8:830-837, 2005.
5.  Chua JD, Wilkoff BL, Lee I, et al: Dagnosis and management of
lateral vein from which the Starfix lead was extracted,
infections involving implantable electrophysiologic cardiac
suggesting complete occlusion of this vein (Figure 34-5). devices, Ann Intern Med 8:604-648, 2000.
6.  Maytin M, Carrillo RG, Baltodano P, et al: Multicenter experi-
ence with transvenous lead extraction of active fixation coronary
Comments sinus leads, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 6:641-647, 2012.
7.  Rickard J, Tarakji K, Cronin E, et al: Cardiac venous left
Given the significant tissue ingrowth into the locking
ventricular lead removal and reimplantation following device
mechanism, extraction of the Starfix lead is traumatic to infection: a large single-center experience, J Cardiovasc Electro-
the coronary venous system. Although data are lacking, physiol 23:1213-1216, 2012.
occlusion of the original vessel at time of reimplantation 8.  Rickard J, Wilkoff BL: Extraction of implantable cardiac
is likely to be significantly higher than that for tradi- electronic devices, Curr Cardiol Rep 13:407-414, 2011.
9.  Sheldon S, Friedman PA, Hayes DL, et al: Outcomes and
tional non–active-fixation coronary venous leads.
predictors of difficulty with coronary sinus lead removal, J Interv
Card Electrophysiol 35:93-100, 2012.
10. Wilkoff BL, Love CJ, Byrd CL, et al: Transvenous lead extraction:
Selected References Heart Rhythm Society expert consensus on facilities, training,
indications, and patient management, Heart Rhythm 7:1085-1104,
Baddour LM, Epstein AE, Erickson CC, et al: Update on 2009.
cardiovascular implantable electronic device infections and their
Complications of Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy:
Avish Nagpal and M. Rizwan Sohail

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

86 Years Male Retired Farmer Infection Related to Cardiac
R­esynchronization Therapy


An 86-year-old gentleman was seen in the clinic for The patient was taking clopidogrel 75 mg daily, ferrous
concerns regarding drainage at the site of his cardiac sulfate 325 mg (65 mg iron) daily, ramipril 5 mg daily,
device on the left chest wall. His history was signifi- metoprolol 25 mg daily, isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg
cant for ischemic heart disease and sinus node dys- daily, furosemide 20 mg daily, niacin 1000 mg daily,
function, for which he had undergone pacemaker simvastatin 40 mg daily, and aspirin 81 mg daily.
placement 2 years previously. At that time, his ejection
fraction was estimated to be 38%. More recently, he
was found to have New York Heart Association class CURRENT SYMPTOMS
III symptoms of congestive heart failure despite aggres-
sive medical management. His ejection fraction was The patient was experiencing erythema, pain, and drain-
found to be 30%, and therefore his device was age at the site of device pocket in the left chest wall.
upgraded to a cardiac resynchronization therapy defi-
brillator (CRT-D) 6 weeks before presentation. At the
time of this procedure, the old right ventricular pacing PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
lead was removed but the chronic atrial lead was left
in place. A routine recheck revealed the patient’s BP/HR: 118/58 mm Hg/68 bpm
P wave to be significantly reduced, at 0.2 mV. Device Height/weight: 167 cm/85 kg
interrogation confirmed that there was no capture on Neck veins: Jugular vein distention up to the angle of
the atrial lead, and therefore he underwent atrial lead the mandible
revision 3 weeks before presentation. This procedure Lungs/chest: Bilaterally clear to auscultation
was complicated by a postoperative hematoma at the Heart: Normal first heart sound (S1) and second heart
surgical site that was managed conservatively. A few sound (S2) with grade 3/6 systolic ejection murmur
days after the procedure, he noticed pain, redness, and best heard at the base of the heart; skin over the left
drainage from the device pocket in the left chest wall chest at the device pocket site was erythematous and
(Figure 35-1) and sought further evaluation at the warm, with purulent discharge from the pocket site;
clinic. 1 cm dehiscence of surgical incision
The review of systems in this patient was negative for Abdomen: Nondistended, soft and nontender, bowel
fever or chills. He did have some fatigue and worsening sounds normal
shortness of breath but did not report chest pain or Extremities: No large joint swelling, redness, or tender-
sputum production. ness; 2+ pitting edema
His other relevant comorbidities included prostate
and laryngeal cancer, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and
iron deficiency anemia without an obvious source of
bleeding. He had undergone a coronary artery bypass Clinical examination shows dehiscence of surgical inci-
graft in 1994. sion with purulent drainage and surrounding erythema
222    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

and C-reactive protein (CRP) are neither sensitive nor

specific for the diagnosis of cardiac device–related infec-
tion. The patient does have anemia and leukocytosis.
These findings are not unexpected given the clinical his-
tory, which in itself is diagnostic of cardiac device

Normal sinus rhythm with biventricular pacing.

Electrocardiogram can provide clues to intracardiac
complications of device-related infections such as con-
duction defects or heart block that may arise secondary
to abscess formation.

FIGURE 35-1  Pain, redness, and drainage from the device pocket Findings
in the left chest wall.
The chest radiograft revealed a small left pleural effusion
with increased pulmonary vascularity and mildly
consistent with cardiac device infection. The examina- increased perihilar prominence. Lungs were otherwise
tion is also concerning for decompensated heart failure, clear. Sternotomy wires and a left pectoral biventricular
as evidenced by increased jugular vein distention and implanted cardiac device was seen.
peripheral edema.
LABORATORY DATA Chest radiography can sometimes be helpful to detect
septic emboli that arise as a result of dislodgement of lead
Hemoglobin: 8.8 g/dL (normal range: 13.5-17.5 g/dL) vegetations. Our patient did not have these findings on
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38.1% (normal range: his chest radiograph. Evidence of decompensated heart
38.8%-50%) failure was present.
Mean corpuscular volume: 106.8 fL (normal range:
81.2-95.1 fL)
Platelet count: 165 × 103/µL (normal range: 150-450 ×
Sodium: 140 mmol/L (normal range: 135-145 mmol/L)
Potassium: 4.5 mmol/L (normal range: 3.6-5.2 mmol/L)
Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL (normal range: 0.8-1.3 mg/dL) Echocardiogram revealed mild left ventricular enlarge-
Blood urea nitrogen: 49 mg/dL (normal range: 8-24 ment with moderate to severely reduced systolic func-
mg/dL) tion. The calculated left ventricular ejection fraction was
Leukocytes: 15.8 × 109/L (normal range: 3.5-10.5 × 30%. Moderate to severe generalized left ventricular
109/L) hypokinesis also was present. Mild right ventricular
enlargement was noted, with moderately reduced sys-
tolic function. The estimated right ventricular systolic
Comments pressure was 50 mm Hg (systolic blood pressure was 131
Routine laboratory tests, including hemoglobin, leuko- mm Hg). Calcific aortic valve stenosis (low output, low
cyte count, platelets, electrolytes, and inflammatory gradient) with a gradient of 26 mm Hg and calculated
markers such as erythrocye sedimentation rate (ESR) valve area of 0.92 cm2 was noted.
35       Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Infection    223

Comments Discussion
The transthoracic echocardiogram did not reveal pres- Overall, the rate of CIED infections seems to be rising
ence of vegetations. However, because of contiguity disproportionately in contrast to the rate of device
between the generator and leads, the patient is at sig- implantation, despite improvements in surgical tech-
nificant risk for developing a more invasive infection niques such as placement of transvenous leads instead
if prompt treatment is not initiated. A transesopha- of epicardial electrode patches, more operator experi-
geal echocardiogram is more sensitive for visualiza- ence with a larger volume of implantations, and use of
tion of valvular or lead vegetations and should be prophylactic antibiotics. This increasing rate of infec-
pursued in cases in which a blood culture is reported tions has been attributed, in part, to implantation of
to be positive. CIEDs in sicker patients with more comorbidities and
more complex procedures.10 According to a recent study,5
prevalence of CRT device infection was found to be
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS 4.3% at 2.6 years of follow-up. The annual incidence
was calculated to be 1.7% per year.5 These numbers
AND DISCUSSION POINTS appear to be higher in contrast to rates of defibrillator or
pacemaker infections, which have been reported at 1.2%
Question at a similar time interval in a retrospective study3 and
Based on the available epidemiologic data, what is the most 1.9 per 1000 device-years in a population-based study.9
likely pathogen responsible for this infection? However, the infection rates in the REPLACE registry
were reported to be low at 1.3%, similar to the overall
incidence of device-related infections, although the
Discussion follow-up was limited to 6 months and the study was
The majority of cardiovascular implantable elctronic not limited to only CRT devices. It was also observed
device (CIED) infections are caused by coagulase-­ that the centers that reported more than 5% infection
negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus. A
­ ccording rates used topical antisepsis with povidine-iodine, had
to an earlier report from our institution, approximately lower rates of device implantation, or treated patients
42% of infections were caused by coagulase-negative with an increased number of comorbidities.8
staphylococci and 29% of infections were caused by Some studies have evaluated risk factors for CIED
S. aureus. Considering that a large proportion of these infections. However, specific data regarding CRT device
organisms are resistant to oxacillin, vancomycin typi- infections are limited. In one of the studies previously
cally is used as empiric treatment until susceptibility noted,5 hemodialysis, increased implantation procedure
data are available to guide specific antimicrobial therapy. time, device revision, and CRT-D placement were found
Other less common organisms implicated as causative to be independent risk factors for device infection on
agents for CIED infection include other gram-positive multivariate analysis. Other factors such as placement of
cocci (4%), gram-negative cocci (9%), polymicrobial epicardial leads and complications at the surgical site,
sources (7%), and fungal organisms (2%).7 Occasion- such as hematoma formation, also have been reported
ally, the etiologic microorganism cannot be identified, to increase the risk for device infection.6
usually because of previous antimicrobial therapy.
Therefore every attempt should be made to establish a
microbiologic diagnosis before starting empiric antibi-
otic therapy. Culture-negative cases are often treated What are the clinical manifestations of a cardiac device
with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which places the infection?
patient at risk for greater adverse events, including but
not limited to renal and hepatic dysfunction, superinfec-
tion, and cytopenia. Additionally, increased use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics may contribute to the emer- Clinical presentation of cardiac device infection is vari-
gence of resistance. able and depends on timing of onset of infection, caus-
For this patient, swabs of the serous drainage were ative pathogen, and area of device involvement. The
collected and grew coagulase-negative Staphylococcus most common manifestation of a cardiac device infec-
after 24 hours of incubation. tion in the early postoperative period includes pain,
swelling, redness, and discharge at the surgical site
(device generator pocket). Systemic manifestations of
Question infection such as fever, chills, sweating, anorexia, or
What is the prevalence of CRT-D infections, and what factors decompensated heart failure may be absent because of
increased the risk for infection? the localized nature of the infection. These systemic
224    SECTION 7       Management of Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

manifestations are more prevalent in cases in which the

device becomes infected secondary to hematogeneous
seeding from a distant source of bloodstream infec- Multiple published studies related to cardiac device infec-
tion, especially with S. aureus. Occasionally, patients tions suggest that optimal management of an infected car-
may present with device or lead erosion without gross diac device includes both the administration of appropriate
inflammatory changes.7 In these circumstances, the systemic antibiotics and complete removal of the device,
device is assumed to be infected because of contami- including intracardiac leads. In a large, single-center, retro-
nation from the skin flora. Finally, lead endocarditis spective study, conservative treatment with just antibiotics
may present with either constitutional symptoms or and without device removal was associated with a seven-
embolic complications such as septic emboli to the fold increase in 30-day mortality. Additionally, prompt
lungs. hardware removal was associated with a threefold decrease
in 1-year mortality in contrast to delayed device removal,
allowing for initial conservative management with antibi-
Question otics alone.2 These data are consistent with findings from
What diagnostic tests are indicated to confirm CRT infection a subsequent study in which relapse rates were observed
in this case? to be significantly lower with device removal in contrast to
hardware retention (2.6% vs. 61.4%).4
In contemporary practice, leads are extracted in the
Discussion majority of cases by percutaneous approach at specialized
Diagnosis of CRT device infection usually is a clinical centers. More invasive procedures, such as sternotomy, are
one. Routine laboratory tests such as leukocyte count, reserved for cases in which the percutaneous procedure
platelet count, ESR, and CRP are frequently obtained but cannot be successfully performed or to manage any unin-
can be normal in cases with localized infection. Blood tended complication of the percutaneous extraction pro-
cultures should be obtained in all cases of suspected cedure such as bleeding or vascular perforation. However,
CRT device infection, not only to define the extent of the rates of complications associated with percutanous
infection but also to help establish microbiologic cause lead removal are very low—less than 1% in experienced
and determine the type and duration of antibiotic ther- medical centers. Treatment algorithms and guidelines
apy. A positive blood culture in a patient with suspected have been published by the American Heart Association
infected device should prompt evaluation with a trans- and support a combined medical and surgical approach
esophageal echocardiogram to look for vegetations on involving administration of intravenous antibiotics and
the device leads or heart valves or complications such as complete removal of the infected device, including the
myocardial abscess. Persistently positive blood cultures, generator and all leads, regardless of clinical presentation.1
in the absence of any other focus of infection, in a Oxacillin, nafcillin, or cefazolin typically is used for treat-
patient with a cardiac device suggest device-related ment of susceptible strains of staphylococci. However,
endocarditis even in the absence of any echocardio- because of high rates of oxacillin resistance seen in species
graphic evidence of gross vegetation.2 of staphylococci, vancomycin typically is used for empiric
All attempts should be made to reach a specific treatment until susceptibility data become available. The
microbiologic diagnosis by obtaining swabs from the duration of antibiotic therapy depends on the type of
generator pocket or device surface for bacterial cultures infection. In cases in which infection is limited to the
at the time of explantation. Moreover, pocket tissue and pocket site, 7 to 10 days of antibiotic therapy after device
lead tip cultures should be performed to help establish extraction is adequate in most cases. However, cases of
the microbiologic diagnosis. However, positive lead tip device infection associated with bloodstream infection are
cultures should not always be interpreted as evidence of typically treated with a 14-day course of intravenous anti-
lead endocarditis because lead tips can be contaminated biotics after device removal. Patients with associated com-
while being pulled percutaneously through an infected plications in the form of valvular endocarditis, septic
device pocket. thrombophlebitis, or osteomyelitis require a longer course
The patient described in this case underwent trans- of intravenous antibiotics lasting 28 to 42 days, depending
esophageal echocardiography that did not reveal any on the particular complication and causative pathogen.
vegetations or intracardiac complications such as myo- All patients should be assessed for the need for ongo-
cardial abscess formation. Blood cultures were drawn ing device therapy before implantation of a new device.
and remained negative after 5 days of incubation. Reimplantation, if required, should be done on the con-
tralateral side once the blood culture results are available
and pocket infection is under control.
Question The patient in this case underwent complete percuta-
What would be considered the optimal management of the neous removal of the device (including generator and
infected device in this case? leads). He developed transient hypotension during the
35       Complications of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Infection    225

procedure that responded to intravenous fluid bolus. He Selected References

was subsequently started on vancomycin intravenously.
1.  Baddour LM, Epstein AE, Erickson CC, et al: Update on
The susceptibility results revealed the organism to be cardiovascular implantable electronic device infections and their
oxacillin resistant, and he was therefore continued on management: a scientific statement from the American Heart
intravenous vancomycin, which he received for a total of Association, Circulation 121:458-477, 2010.
14 days after device extraction. He underwent replace- 2.  Le KY, Sohail MR, Friedman PA, et al: Impact of timing of device
removal on mortality in patients with cardiovascular implant-
ment of the CRT-D device on the contralateral chest wall
able electronic device infections, Heart Rhythm 8:1678-1685,
2 days after removal of the infected device. His latest 2011.
evaluation was performed 2 months after device replace- 3.  Mela T, McGovern BA, Garan H, et al: Long-term infection rates
ment, and he was found to be symptom free without associated with the pectoral versus abdominal approach to
evidence of relapse or recurrence of the infection. cardioverter-defibrillator implants, Am J Cardiol 88:750-753,
4.  Pichlmaier M, Knigina L, Kutschka I, et al: Complete removal
as a routine treatment for any cardiovascular implantable
FINAL DIAGNOSIS electronic device-associated infection, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
142:1482-1490, 2011.
The final diagnosis in this patient was CRT device pocket 5.  Romeyer-Bouchard C, Da Costa A, Dauphinot V, et al:
Prevalence and risk factors related to infections of cardiac
infection with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus.
resynchronization therapy devices, Eur Heart J 31:203-210,
6.  Sohail MR, Hussain S, Le KY, et al: Risk factors associated with
PLAN OF ACTION early- versus late-onset implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
infections, J Interv Card Electrophysiol 31:171-183, 2011.
7.  Sohail MR, Uslan DZ, Khan AH, et al: Management and outcome
The plan for this patient was combined medical and sur-
of permanent pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
gical management. infections, J Am Coll Cardiol 49:1851-1859, 2007.
8.  Uslan DZ, Gleva MJ, Warren DK, et al: Cardiovascular implant-
able electronic device replacement infections and prevention:
INTERVENTION results from the REPLACE Registry, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
35:81-87, 2012.
9.  Uslan DZ, Sohail MR, St Sauver JL, et al: Permanent pacemaker
Percutaneous generator and lead extraction was per- and implantable cardioverter defibrillator infection: a popula-
formed in this patient. tion-based study, Arch Intern Med 167:669-675, 2007.
10. Voigt A, Shalaby A, Saba S: Continued rise in rates of cardiovas-
cular implantable electronic device infections in the United
OUTCOME States: temporal trends and causative insights, Pacing Clin
Electrophysiol 33:414-419, 2010.

The outcome was complete cure of the infection.

Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy in Non–Left Bundle
Branch Block Morphology
John Gorcsan III and Josef J. Marek

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

62 Years Female Retail Sales Agent Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy

HISTORY atorvastatin 10 mg daily, levothyroxine 25 mcg daily,

and aspirin 325 mg daily.
A 62-year-old woman was seen at the cardiology outpa-
tient clinic. Her medical history was significant for the
onset of mild heart failure symptoms 2 years previously.
She had a past left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) This patient was on appropriate pharmacologic therapy
of 32% and a diagnosis of nonischemic cardiomyopa- for systolic heart failure.
thy because no significant coronary artery disease was
seen on coronary angiography. She was treated medi-
cally for heart failure and had undergone implantable CURRENT SYMPTOMS
cardioverter-­defibrillator (ICD) placement. Because she
did not have a left bundle branch block (LBBB), she The patient was experiencing progressive dyspnea
was not considered for cardiac resynchronization ther- that occurred with everyday activity and occasional
apy (CRT) at the time, with New York Heart Association ankle swelling. She denied chest pain, paroxysmal
(NYHA) class II heart failure symptoms. She remained nocturnal dyspnea, palpitations, lightheadedness, or
active, working full time, but recently had 6 months of syncope.
progressive dyspnea on mild exertion, consistent with
NYHA class III heart failure symptoms. She was treated
with loop diuretics, an angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor, and carvidilol. Her medical history is signifi- These symptoms are consistent with heart failure, in
cant for hysterectomy, oophorectomy, appendectomy, NYHA class III. She was referred for echocardiography
tonsillectomy, and mild hypothyroidism. She previ- and consideration for CRT.
ously smoked one pack of cigarettes per day but quit
smoking 11 years ago.
Comments BP/HR: 110/70 mm Hg/65 bpm
This patient has nonischemic cardiomyopathy with an Height/weight: 167.6 cm/72.6 kg
ICD implanted as a primary prevention indication. She Neck veins: Jugular vein distention is estimated to be
experienced 6 months of progressive dyspnea on exertion. 10 cm
Lungs/chest: Lungs clear to auscultation, ICD pocket is
well healed
CURRENT MEDICATIONS Heart: Slightly irregular rhythm with occasional pre-
mature beats, grade 1/6 systolic murmur best heard
The patient was taking furosemide 40 mg daily, enala- at the left sternal border and increases with
pril 10 mg twice daily, carvedilol 12.5 mg twice daily, inspiration

230    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


FIGURE 36-1  Electrocardiogram before implant.

Abdomen: No hepatosplenomegaly, aortic enlarge-

ment, or bruit
Extremities: Pulses are 2+, mild ankle edema, neuro-
logically intact FIGURE 36-2  Chest radiograph.

Comments QRS complex is not a typical LBBB and the QRS dura-
Mild ankle edema supports the diagnosis of heart fail- tion is intermediately widened (range 120-149 ms).
ure. Systolic murmur at the left sternal border is consis-
tent with known mild tricuspid regurgitation.
Hemoglobin: 13.3 g/dL The chest radiograph showed cardiomegaly with past
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 38.6% ICD implantation and evidence of pulmonary vascular
Mean corpuscular volume: 89.1 fL congestion (Figure 36-2).
Platelet count: 279 × 103/µL
Sodium: 140 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.1 mmol/L
Creatinine: 0.6 mg/dL Evidence of mild congestive heart failure was confirmed
Blood urea nitrogen: 11 mg/dL on radiography.

No laboratory abnormalities were present that would
account for worsening heart failure.
The echocardiogram demonstrated global hypokinesia
of the left ventricle (Figure 36-3). The LVEF was 28%.
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM Mild mitral regurgitation, mild left atrial enlargement,
and evidence of an ICD lead in situ also were seen.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) revealed normal sinus
rhythm, occasional premature ventricular complexes,
nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay with a The echocardiogram is consistent with nonischemic car-
QRS width of 140 ms, and nonspecific T-wave changes diomyopathy and depressed ejection fraction that is
(Figure 36-1) slightly less than at the previous visit.

Comments Findings
The patient has a widened QRS complex with a duration The six time-strain curves plot the wall thickening
greater than 120 ms. However, the morphology of the toward the center of the left ventricular cavity as
36       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Non–Left Bundle Branch Block Morphology    231




FIGURE 36-3  Apical four-chamber view. See expertconsult.com for


FIGURE 36-5  Pulsed Doppler interventricular mechanical delay

Anteroseptal peak Posterior wall peak
(IVMD). LVOT, Left ventricular outflow tract; RVOT, right ventricular
outflow tract.

delay, is 52 ms (left ventricular delay compared with that

of the right ventricle) (Figure 36-5). Typically, an IVMD of
312 ms 40 ms or greater is considered significant interventricular
Anteroseptal-posterior wall delay

The IVMD, assessed by this relatively simple pulsed
Doppler technique, also demonstrated significant inter-
FIGURE 36-4  Speckle tracking radial strain from midventricular ventricular dyssynchrony.
short-axis view.

segmental radial strain. Evidence of significant dyssyn- FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS

chrony with an anteroseptal to posterior wall delay of
312 ms (≥ 130 ms) was present.2
Comments Does an indication for CRT implantation exist in this patient
The presence of a typical radial strain pattern of dyssyn- based on guidelines in the current literature?
chrony usually seen in patients with LBBB was noted on
echocardiography. Early thickening in the inferoseptal,
anteroseptal, and anterior segments was visible (Figure
36-4, red, yellow, and cyan curves), with later activation in Although previous CRT guidelines used a QRS width
posterior, lateral, and inferior wall (see Figure 36-4, vio- greater than 120 ms regardless of QRS morphology as
let, green, and dark blue curves). This patient has intraven- a criterion, 2012 updated guidelines have changed.5
tricular mechanical dyssynchrony with a QRS duration CRT is not considered the strongest benefit for patients
of 140 ms and a non-LBBB pattern. Another useful mea- with an LVEF of 35% or less and NYHA class II, III, or
sure of dyssynchrony is 12-site standard deviation by tis- IV symptoms, with a class I indication (strongest level
sue Doppler longitudinal velocities, but this was not of evidence) only for patients with QRS duration of
performed in this patient. 150 ms or greater and LBBB morphology. Patients with
a QRS of 120 to 149 with LBBB morphology or a QRS
of 150 ms or greater and non-LBBB morphology have
Findings a class IIA indication, and patients with a QRS of 120
The interventricular mechanical delay (IVMD), defined as to 149 and non-LBBB morphology have class IIB.
the difference between left and right ventricle preejection These guidelines were based on clinical trial data that
232    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

did not consider echocardiographic dyssynchrony. is a strong negative prognostic marker (radial dyssyn-
This represents a general shift of opinion to focus chrony: hazard ratio [HR] 2.6, 95% confidence interval
more on the ECG, with patients with less prolonged [CI] 1.47-4.53, p <0.001; IVMD: HR 4.9, 95% CI 2.60-
QRS durations and atypical QRS morphologies now 9.16, p <0.001). Specifically, this study showed that
being viewed as a group with heterogeneous response patients with non-LBBB morphology and mechanical
to CRT. Selection criteria using the ECG result in iden- dyssynchrony by speckle tracking radial strain or IVMD
tifying approximately 30% of patients who are consid- had significant improvement in LVEF after CRT (23 ± 6
ered nonresponders to CRT. These more limiting to 31 ± 10, p = 0.001), whereas non-LBBB patients
guidelines may improve the responder rate, but unfor- who lacked baseline dyssynchrony had no significant
tunately may limit the use of CRT to patients who may improvement in LVEF (25 ± 6 to 27 ± 8, p = not signifi-
benefit. This imposes a significant challenge on clini- cant) or end systolic volume.
cians considering implanting CRT devices, because the
goal is to help as many patients with heart failure as
possible who may benefit from treatment, including
device therapy. Which dyssynchrony indices should be used in evaluation of
patients with a QRS duration less than 150 ms or non-LBBB
What additional information can echocardiographic dyssyn-
chrony provide in the setting of patients with moderately pro-
longed QRS durations (QRS 120-149 ms)? Currently, no consensus has been reached as to which
dyssynchrony index is best. Although tissue Doppler
imaging longitudinal velocity measures, such as 12-site
Discussion standard deviation or the Yu Index, have been described
Evidence from single-center studies1,3 indicates that as useful measures associated with patient outcome,3
echocardiographic dyssynchrony parameters can predict speckle tracking–derived radial strain anteroseptal to
response and long-term prognosis in patients who posterior wall delay was examined most closely in our
receive CRT. In particular, patients who lack mechanical study of patients without LBBB. The pulse Doppler–
dyssynchrony at baseline do not appear to benefit from derived IVMD is also important because it reflects a large
CRT. In patients with a QRS of 120 to 149 ms, those degree of dyssynchrony and is simple to perform. Dys-
with significant radial dyssynchrony appeared to have synchrony indices associated with patient outcome
outcomes similar to those of patients with a QRS of 150 when examining patients with non-LBBB morphologies
ms or greater, whereas patients with a QRS of 120 to 149 and a QRS duration of 120 to 149 ms were speckle track-
ms but without radial dyssynchrony had a significantly ing radial strain anteroseptal to posterior wall delay and
lower survival rate (log rank p = 0.002). These data sup- intraventricular mechanical delay.
port the importance of radial strain dyssynchrony as an
adjunct to provide prognostic information in patients
with intermediate QRS width (120-149 ms). FINAL DIAGNOSIS
This patient has nonischemic cardiomyopathy and
Question depressed ejection fraction with a history of ICD place-
What is the role of dyssynchrony in patients with non-LBBB ment. Because her heart failure symptoms progressed
morphology? on optimal medical therapy, upgrade to CRT-D was con-
templated. The patient has a class IIB indication accord-
ing to the 2012 guidelines for CRT therapy, which means
Discussion a less strong indication based purely on the ECG. The
The greatest level of evidence for CRT response is in speckle tracking and pulsed Doppler dyssynchrony
patients with LBBB. However, patients with non-LBBB, study supports mechanical dyssynchrony being present
which includes interventricular conduction delay to a significant degree. This has been associated with
(IVCD), as in this case, or right bundle branch block improved patient outcomes after CRT.
(RBBB), have variable response to CRT. Mechanical
dyssynchrony has been shown4 to be less frequently
observed in patients with shorter QRS duration and PLAN OF ACTION
non-LBBB (i.e., radial dyssynchrony 85% in LBBB,
59% in IVCD, and 40% in RBBB). However, in patients The decision was made to upgrade the patient’s ICD
with non-LBBB morphology, absence of dyssynchrony device to a CRT-D system.
36       Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Non–Left Bundle Branch Block Morphology    233

v Findings
Evidence indicated an increase in ejection fraction to

In this setting, upgrade to a CRT device resulted in improve-
ment of symptomatology in left ventricular function. Dys-
synchrony echocardiography as an adjunct to the ECG
helped the physician select this patient for CRT implanta-
tion, and she received significant benefit from this

FIGURE 36-6  Echocardiography follow-up after 6 months. See

expertconsult.com for video. Selected References
1. Delgado V, van Bommel RJ, Bertini M, et al: Relative merits of left
INTERVENTION ventricular dyssynchrony, left ventricular lead position, and
myocardial scar to predict long-term survival of ischemic heart
A CRT implantation was performed with successful left failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy,
ventricular lead positioning in a lateral location. The Circulation 123:70-78, 2011.
2. Gorcsan 3rd J, Abraham T, Agler DA, et al: Echocardiography for
pulse generator was exchanged for a CRT-D device. No cardiac resynchronization therapy: recommendations for
complications occurred during the procedure. performance and reporting—a report from the American Society
of Echocardiography Dyssynchrony Writing Group endorsed by
the Heart Rhythm Society, J Am Soc Echocardiogr 21:191-213, 2008.
OUTCOME 3. Gorcsan 3rd J, Oyenuga O, Habib PJ, et al: Relationship of
echocardiographic dyssynchrony to long-term survival after
cardiac resynchronization therapy, Circulation 122:1910-1918,
The postoperative period was uneventful. The symptoms 2010.
of the patient improved within 2 weeks after CRT to her 4. Hara H, Oyenuga OA, Tanaka H, et al: The relationship of QRS
previous NYHA class II status. At 6 months a follow-up morphology and mechanical dyssynchrony to long-term outcome
echocardiogram was obtained that showed improve- following cardiac resynchronization therapy, Eur Heart J 33:2680-
2691, 2012.
ment in overall left ventricular ejection fraction from 5. Tracy CM, Epstein AE, Darbar D, et al: 2012 ACC/AHA/HRS
28% to 42% (Figure 36-6). No hospitalizations for heart focused update of the 2008 guidelines for device-based therapy of
failure occurred in the year of observation after CRT cardiac rhythm abnormalities: a report of the American College of
implantation, and the patient enjoyed a more active Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association task force on
lifestyle. practice guidelines, Circulation 126:1784-1800, 2012.
Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resonance to Guide Left
Ventricular Lead Deployment
in Cardiac Resynchronization
Robin J. Taylor, Fraz Umar, and Francisco Leyva

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

82 Years Female Retired Factory Heart Failure Caused by
Worker I­schemic Cardiomyopathy

HISTORY and was intolerant of doses of losartan higher than 50

mg daily.
An 82-year-old woman who had a myocardial infarction
and a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) in 1997
developed progressive dyspnea and limitation of exer- CURRENT SYMPTOMS
cise tolerance to 200 yards (New York Heart Association
[NYHA] class III) in 2010. After the diagnosis of systolic The patient was in NYHA class III. Her exercise capacity
heart failure, she was started on medical therapy, but was limited at 200 yards by dyspnea, and she had no
developed bronchoconstriction with beta blockers and angina.
a cough on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibi­
tors, and she could tolerate only low doses of an angio-
tensin receptor blocker. Her medical history included
permanent atrial fibrillation and peripheral vascular Dyspnea is the main symptom. The patient rarely expe-
disease. rienced intermittent claudication.


The patient was symptomatic from systolic heart failure
and intolerant to medical therapy. BP/HR: 98/52 mm Hg/64 bpm (in atrial fibrillation)
Neck veins: Jugular venous pressure not elevated
Lungs/chest: Clear
CURRENT MEDICATIONS Heart: First heart sound (S1) and second heart sound
(S2) of normal intensity, apex beat displaced laterally,
The patient was taking clopidogrel 75 mg daily, furose- soft ejection systolic murmur
mide 40 mg daily, losartan 50 mg daily, rosuvastatin 10 Abdomen: Soft, nontender, no organomegaly
mg daily, and isosorbide mononitrate XL 60 mg daily. Extremities: No pitting edema, weak peripheral pulses

Comments Comments
The patient experienced bronchoconstriction while on The patient had cardiomegaly, no evidence of pulmo-
beta blockers, developed a cough on ACE inhibitors, nary edema, and a murmur of mitral regurgitation.
236    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

I > AVR > V1 > V4

II > AVL > V2 > V5

FIGURE 37-1 Pre-implant
electrocardiogram. III > AVF > V3 > V6


The electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation with a
ventricular response of 97 bpm and a QRS duration of
134 ms (Figure 37-1). There was fragmentation of the
QRS complex in leads II, III, aVF and V3, with no evi-
dence of a bundle branch block.

The patient had a high ventricular rate at rest, in the
background of intolerance to beta blockers. The QRS
duration is in keeping with electrical dyssynchrony. The
high ventricular rate raises the possibility of tachyar-
rhythmia-related left ventricular dysfunction.

FIGURE 37-2  Pre-implant chest radiograph.
The chest radiograph revealed an increased cardiotho-
racic ratio, no evidence of pulmonary edema, and ster- the apex, a pseudospherical left ventricle with severely
notomy wires (Figure 37-2). impaired left ventricular function (LVEF of 29%
using Simpson’s method), and biatrial dilation (­ Figure
37-3, A).
The findings on chest radiography were in keeping with
heart failure without pulmonary edema.
The findings on echocardiography were in keeping with
ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Findings The transaortic peak gradient on the echocardiogram
The echocardiogram showed global left ventricular was 17 mm Hg, and the mean gradient was 14 mm Hg
hypokinesia, inferior akinesis, myocardial thinning at (see Figure 37-3, B).
37       Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance    237


FIGURE 37-3  Pre-implant transthoracic echocardiogram showing an apical. A, Apical four-chamber view. B, Continuous wave Doppler
image through aortic valve. C, Color Doppler image through mitral valve.


The gradient was consistent with mild aortic stenosis
(see Figure 37-3, B). In the background of severely Right anterior oblique (RAO) and left anterior oblique
impaired left ventricular function, the severity of aortic (LAO) fluoroscopic coronary sinus venography was per-
stenosis may be underestimated. formed at the time of cardiac resynchronization therapy
(CRT) device implantation, showing veins that might be
considered options for left ventricular lead deployment
Findings (Figure 37-4, A).
The mitral regurgitant jet occupied 36% of the left atrial
area on the four-chamber view. The proximal isovelocity
hemispheric surface area radius was 0.4 cm and the
effective regurgitant orifice was 0.2 cm2. The valvular Option 1 in Figure 37-4 is a small-caliber, posterolateral
leaflets were intact, and dilation of the mitral valve ring vein draining the mid-lateral segment. This vein has a
and biatrial dilation were present. stenosis in its proximal, tortuous portion (see Figure
37-4, insert, white arrow). Option 2 is a posterolateral vein
draining the mid-lateral segment. Option 3 is a small-
Comments caliber, anterolateral vein draining the basal anterior
The findings are consistent with moderate mitral regurgi- segment.
tation. The presence of inferior hypokinesis and a previ-
ous myocardial infarction raises the possibility of ischemic
mitral regurgitation resulting from involvement of the
posterior papillary muscle (mitral valve apparatus). Func- Option 1 in Figure 37-4 appears to be a reasonable can-
tional dilatation of the mitral valve ring also contributes didate vein for left ventricular lead deployment. A veno-
to the degree of regurgitation. plasty could be performed in the proximal portion and
238    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Option 3 Option 3

Option 2
Option 2

Option 1

Option 1

FIGURE 37-4  Coronary sinus venography at implantation. A, Right anterior oblique projection. B, Left anterior oblique projection.

the vein then straightened using a buddy wire technique. in this segment, however, is less than 10%, suggesting
A small-caliber left ventricular lead could then be myocardial scar. The remaining left ventricular free wall
deployed distally, in the mid-lateral segment. segments do not appear scarred, and the latest contracting
segments are the mid-anterior and mid-lateral (time to
peak circumferential strain of 338 ms for both). The mid-
anterior and the mid-lateral segments therefore do not
FEATURE TRACKING appear to be scarred and are late contracting (see Figure
CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC 37-5, B, green arrows). Note that the earliest contracting
segments with a high peak circumferential strain are not
RESONANCE IMAGING scarred (mid-septal and mid-anteroseptal).
Feature tracking of the basal slice shows that the latest
contracting segments in the lateral free left ventricular The mid-anterior and the mid-lateral segments (Figure
wall are the basal posterior and the basal inferior seg- 37-5, B, green arrows) appear to be appropriate targets
ments (Figure 37-5, A, red arrows ). Peak circumferential for left ventricular lead deployment
strain in these segments, however, is less than 10%, sug-
gesting myocardial scar. The basal lateral segment appears
to not be scarred (peak circumferential strain, −15.81%)
and also contracts late (time to peak strain, 414 ms). At the apex the latest contracting segments in the lat-
Note that the earliest contracting segments with a high eral free left ventricular wall are the apical lateral and
peak circumferential strain are not scarred (mid-septal the apical inferior segments (see Figure 37-5, B, red
and mid-anteroseptal). arrow and green arrow respectively). The apical lateral
segment, however, is likely to be scarred (peak circum-
ferential strain <10%). The apical inferior segment
Comments appears not to be scarred (peak circumferential strain,
The basal lateral segment appears to be an appropriate −23.05%) and contracts late. Note that the earliest
target for left ventricular lead deployment. contracting segment with a high peak circumferential
strain is the apical septal segment.
Within the mid-cavity the latest contracting segment in
the lateral free left ventricular wall is the mid-inferior (see The apical inferior segment appears to be an appropriate
Figure 37-5, B, red arrow). The peak circumferential strain target for left ventricular lead deployment.
37       Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance    239

Basal lateral Basal inferior

Basal posterior

Basal anterior
and anteroseptal

Mid lateral
Mid inferior

Mid anteroseptal
and septal Mid anterior

Apical lateral

Apical septal Apical inferior

FIGURE 37-5  Feature-tracking cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging of the left ventricular short axis stack at the (A) basal level,
(B) mid-cavity level, and C, apical level.


CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC The only segments that do not appear scarred on late
RESONANCE IMAGING gadolinium-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic reso-
nance (LGE-CMR) are the basal anterior and basal lateral
Findings segments. The apical inferior segment, which had a peak
The left hand panels of Figure 37-6 show basal, mid-cav- circumferential strain of greater than 10% (−23.05%),
ity, and apical short-axis late gadolinium-enhancement also appeared scarred on LGE-CMR. This illustrates that
images of the left ventricle. The relevant segments for left the presence of circumferential strain does not necessar-
ventricular lead deployment, that is, those on the left ily equate to the absence of scar.
ventricular free wall, delineated by endocardial, epicar-
dial, and segmental boundaries, are shown in the center
panels. In these images, the myocardial scar appears
white and the viable myocardium appears black. The
tables on the right describe whether scar is present and its AND DISCUSSION POINTS
pattern. Subendocardial scar is defined as a scar with less
than 50% transmurality, whereas a transural scar is
defined as that with a transmurality of 51% or greater. Is this patient likely to benefit from CRT?
240    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Short axis views LV free wall Presence and type of scar

Segment Scar Pattern of scar
Basal anterior No -
Basal lateral No -
Basal posterior Yes Transmural
Basal inferior Yes Transmural

Mid Segment Scar Pattern of scar

Mid anterior Yes Subendocardial

Mid lateral Yes Transmural
Mid posterior Yes Transmural
Mid inferior Yes Transmural

Apical Segment Scar Pattern of scar

Apical anterior No Patchy
Apical lateral Yes Transmural
Apical inferior Yes Transmural

FIGURE 37-6  Short-axis, late gadolinium enhancement cardiovascular magnetic resonance.

fibrillation improves symptoms.7 Other studies have

suggested that CRT in patients in atrial fibrillation is
effective only after atrioventricular junction ablation.2
These findings are encouraging for patients with heart
failure and atrial fibrillation, who account for 10% to
25% of patients with heart failure in NYHA class II to III
and up to 50% in patients in NYHA class IV. This patient
also had a prolonged QRS duration (134 ms) and
severely impaired left ventricular function as a result of
ischemic cardiomyopathy. It is on this basis that the
decision was made to proceed to proceed to implant a
CRT defibrillator (CRT-D).

What is the best left ventricular lead position in this patient?

FIGURE 37-7  Anteroposterior fluoroscopic view of the final left

ventricular lead position.
Fluoroscopy remains the standard imaging modality for
guiding left ventricular lead deployment. As shown at
Discussion coronary sinus venography (see Figure 37-4), several
This patient was in permanent atrial fibrillation. The candidate coronary veins were apparent. As expected
major outcome trials of CRT, however, have included after CABG, these veins were generally of small caliber.
only patients in sinus rhythm. Notwithstanding, some A posterolateral vein (see Figure 37-4, option 1) had a
studies have shown that CRT in the context of atrial tortuous, proximal segment with a subocclusion that
37       Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance    241

was apparent on the RAO view. This stenosis could be strain, 338 ms), whereas the basal inferior (time to peak
repaired with venoplasty, even in the tortuous segment. systolic circumferential strain, 489 ms) and basal poste-
After angioplasty, the vein could be straightened using a rior (time to peak systolic circumferential strain, 452 ms)
buddy wire technique. This could allow deployment of contract the latest. The amplitude of circumferential
a small-caliber (perhaps 4 French) left ventricular lead. strain of less than 10% in these segments raises the pos-
A more cranial posterolateral vein (see Figure 37-4, sibility of myocardial scarring. The only segments that
option 2) also is an option. This vein drains the mid-­ appear not to be scarred are the basal anterior and basal
lateral segment. lateral segments, and, of these, the latter contracts latest
An anterolateral vein (see Figure 37-4, option 3) (time to peak systolic circumferential strain, 414 ms).
also may be appropriate, on the basis of fluoroscopy. One of the preferred targets for left ventricular lead
This vein, however, overlies the basal anterior seg- deployment using FT-CMR is therefore the basal lateral
ment, which may be regarded as an inappropriate site segment. This site can be reached via the posterolateral
for left ventricular lead deployment. In this respect, vein (see Figure 37-4, option 2).
early CRT studies suggested that the lateral free wall is
a better left ventricular pacing site than a more ante- Mid-segments
rior position.1,3 These findings make mechanical sense, As shown in Figure 37-5, B, the mid-inferior segments
because it is the lateral wall that is typically activated contract the latest (time to peak systolic circumferen-
late in the context of a left bundle branch block. tial strain, 367 ms). The low amplitude of strain
Importantly, clinical studies have failed to show supe- (–8.85%), however, suggests that this segment is
riority of pacing in lateral or posterolateral sites. In a scarred. Of the remaining segments, the mid-anterior
retrospective study of 567 consecutive patients, a pos- segment contracts relatively late (time to peak systolic
terolateral position (2 to 5 o’clock on the LAO fluoro- circumferential strain, 338 ms), as does the mid-lat-
scopic view) was not associated with a better clinical eral segment (time to peak systolic circumferential
outcome or echocardiographic response than other strain, 310 ms). The latest contracting, nonscarred
positions.6 mid-­segments are therefore the mid-anterior and the
On the basis of the factors discussed previously, most mid-lateral segments.
current CRT implanters would be satisfied with options 1
and 2 (lateral and posterior veins) (see Figure 37-4). Apical Segments
Fewer implanters would choose option 3 (anterolateral As shown in Figure 37-5, C, both the apical lateral and
vein), particularly because it is a vein of very small apical inferior segments contract late, in contrast to the
caliber. apical anterior segment (time to peak systolic circumfer-
ential strain of 349 ms and 285, respectively). The apical
lateral segment appears scarred (amplitude of peak cir-
Question cumferential strain, −6.67%). Therefore the apical infe-
Should we choose a left ventricular lead position over a late- rior segment is the latest contracting, nonscarred
contracting segment? segment on the basis of FT-CMR.
Conclusions from Feature-Tracking Cardiovascular
Discussion Magnetic Resonance
Single-center echocardiographic studies using tissue Candidate targets for left ventricular lead deployment
Doppler imaging, tissue synchronization imaging, three- on the basis of FT-CMR are the basal lateral segment, the
dimensional echocardiography, and speckle-­tracking echo- mid-anterior and the mid-lateral segments, and the api-
cardiography have shown that a better response to CRT can cal inferior segment.
be achieved if the left ventricular lead is deployed in the
area of latest contraction (presumed latest activation).5
In this case, we have used feature-tracking cardiovas-
cular magnetic resonance (FT-CMR) for the quantifica- Should a left ventricular lead position be chosen over a non-
tion of myocardial strain. This is a new CMR technique scarred segment, assessed using LGE-CMR?
that has been validated against myocardial tagging4 and
uses the same principle as speckle-tracking echocardiog-
raphy for the quantification of myocardial motion. On
the basis of latest contraction segments, we could choose Although myocardial strain can be used as a surrogate for
the targets described in the following section. myocardial scarring, the gold standard for detection and
quantification of myocardial scarring in vivo is LGE-
Basal Segments CMR. Several studies have shown that viability of the
As shown in Figure 37-5, A, the basal anterior segment paced left ventricular segment also influences the out-
contracts earliest (time to peak systolic circumferential come of CRT.
242    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

As shown in Figure 37-6, this patient had sustained segment which harbors a transmural scar on LGE-CMR.
an extensive myocardial infarction in the territory of However, the mid-electrodes overlie the targeted basal
the circumflex artery, which extended from the basal to lateral segment. At implantation, bipolar pacing thresh-
the apical segments, involving the left ventricular free olds in the distal poles were high (2.75-4.0 V, at a pulse
wall but sparing the basal anterior and basal lateral seg- duration of 0.5 ms). Bipolar pacing vectors incorporat-
ments. Therefore, on the basis of LGE-CMR alone, the ing the more proximal electrodes were associated with
basal anterior and the basal lateral segments are appro- lower thresholds (1.5 to 3.0 V, at a pulse duration of 0.5
priate targets for left ventricular lead deployment. Of ms) but were associated with phrenic nerve stimula-
these, the basal lateral segment contracts later than the tion. Pacing from the mid-electrodes (to the right ven-
basal anterior segment (see Figure 37-5, A). Using the tricular coil) was associated with the lowest threshold
combination of LGE-CMR and FT-CMR, the basal lat- (0.75 V at 0.5 ms, with phrenic nerve stimulation occur-
eral segment is the latest contracting viable segment. ring at 4.0 V at 0.5 ms).
A shown in Figure 37-6, the mid-anterior and the mid-
posterior segments were shown to have a peak circumfer-
ential strain of −24.78 and −10.71%, respectively, suggesting OUTCOME
active contraction. Importantly, LGE-CMR shows that
these segments have subendocardial and transmural scars, At a 2-month follow-up examination, the patient was in
respectively. All of the apical segments were scarred. NYHA class I.


The left ventricular pacing threshold was 0.75 (at 0.5
The final diagnosis is symptomatic systolic heart failure, ms), and phrenic nerve stimulation occurred at 4 V
with severely impaired left ventricular function despite (at 0.5 ms).
maximum tolerated medical therapy. In addition, the
patient had permanent atrial fibrillation.
In this patient the combination of FT-CMR and LGE-
PLAN OF ACTION CMR was used to identify the latest contracting viable
segment over the left ventricular free wall in a patient
For this patient the plan was CRT-D implantation, tar- undergoing CRT. Using fluoroscopy alone, some
geting the basal lateral segment for left ventricular lead implanters might have selected the posterolateral vein,
deployment. A future option is atrioventricular junction but this subtended a transmural myocardial scar.
ablation. Despite compelling evidence from observational
studies, the utility of LGE-CMR has not been assessed by
randomized controlled studies. Furthermore, FT-CMR is
INTERVENTION in its infancy as a technology for the assessment of car-
diac dyssynchrony. Further studies are needed to deter-
On the basis of the fluoroscopic images alone, an mine whether the combination of these techniques,
implanter might have been tempted to deploy the left which can be applied to routine CMR scanning without
ventricular lead in a posterolateral vein (see Figure 37-4, additional acquisitions, can be used to guide CRT left
option 1). Although the vein was tortuous and stenosed ventricular lead deployment.
in its proximal portion, this could have been sur-
mounted by venoplasty and buddy wire technique.
However, the segments subtended by this vein were the
site of a transmural myocardial infarction. This was clear
Selected References
from the LGE-CMR images and FT-CMR strain analyses, 1. 
Butter C, Auricchio A, Stellbrink C, et al: Effect of resynchroniza-
which showed that the latest contracting, viable seg- tion therapy stimulation site on the systolic function of heart
failure patients, Circulation 104:3026-3029, 2001.
ment was the basal lateral segment. 2. 
Gasparini M, Auricchio A, Metra M, et al: Long-term survival in
To reach the basal lateral segment, the left ventricu- patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy: the
lar lead was deployed in the posterolateral vein (see importance of performing atrio-ventricular junction ablation
Figure 37-4, option 2). Anticipating some overlap of the in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation, Eur Heart J
pacing electrode with adjacent scar, a quadripolar lead 29:1644-1652, 2008.
Gold MR, Auricchio A, Hummel JD, et al: Comparison of
(Quartet, St Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minn.) was selected. stimulation sites within left ventricular veins on the acute
Figure 37-7 shows that the distal electrode of the quad- hemodynamic effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy,
ripolar left ventricular lead overlies the mid-lateral Heart Rhythm 2:376-381, 2005.
37       Use of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance    243

Hor KN, Gottliebson WM, Carson C, et al: Comparison of magnetic 6. 
Kronborg MB, Albertsen AE, Nielsen JC, et al: Long-term clinical
resonance feature tracking for strain calculation with harmonic outcome and left ventricular lead position in cardiac resynchro-
phase imaging analysis, Cardiovasc Imaging 3:144-151, 2010. nization therapy, Europace 11:1177-1182, 2009.
Khan FZ, Virdee MS, Palmer CR, et al: Targeted left ventricular 7. 
Linde C, Leclercq C, Rex S, et al: Long-term benefits of biven-
lead placement to guide cardiac resynchronization therapy: the tricular pacing in congestive heart failure: results from the
TARGET study: a randomized, controlled trial, J Am Coll Cardiol MUltisite STimulation In Cardiomyopathy (MUSTIC) study,
59:1509-1518, 2012. J Am Coll Cardiol 40:111-118, 2002.
Role of Scar Burden Versus
Distribution Assessment by
Cardiovascular Magnetic
Resynchronization in Ischemia
Jagdesh Kandala and Theofanie Mela

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis
63 Years Male Businessman Acute Coronary Syndrome


A 63-year-old man presented to the emergency room The patient was taking levothyroxine 175 mcg daily,
with recent-onset episodic chest discomfort described as metoprolol 25 mg twice daily, bupropion 150 mg
“muscle ache.” The chest discomfort was radiating to the twice daily for depression, valsartan 160 mg daily,
upper neck and both arms, associated with a tingling hydrochlorthiazide 12.5 mg daily, atorvastatin 40 mg
sensation. It was not reproducible or worsened on deep daily, lorazepam 0.5 mg three times daily as needed
inspiration. He recently noticed dyspnea with minimal for anxiety, zolpidem 5 mg daily at bedtime as needed
effort without any associated chest discomfort. However, for insomnia, and aspirin 325 mg daily.
he denied orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,
pedal edema, and loss of consciousness.
A year previously, he was diagnosed with coronary CURRENT SYMPTOMS
artery disease, requiring a bare metal stent insertion for
revascularization of 95% obstructive stenosis in the proxi- The patient’s current symptoms were chest discomfort
mal left anterior descending coronary artery. His left ven- of 2 weeks, exertional dyspnea, and reduced exercise tol-
tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 38% at the time, and erance. On examination, he was overweight and not in
his electrocardiogram (ECG) revealed left bundle branch any apparent distress and had a temperature of 36.8° C
block (LBBB) morphology. His medical history included (98.2° F) and oxygen saturation of 99% on room air.
9 months of chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The neurologic examination was nonfocal.
Approximately 4 years before the current visit, he was diag-
nosed with right cavernous meningioma, which was suc-
cessfully treated with stereotactic radiation therapy without PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
mantle radiation. During the same year, he was treated for
benign prostatic hypertrophy with transurethral resection BP/HR: 147/80 mm Hg/54 bpm
of prostate. He was being treated for depression, anxiety Neck veins: No jugular venous distention
disorder, and hypothyroidism. The patient was married for Lungs/chest: Exertional dyspnea, reduced exercise toler-
35 years and had two grown children. He reported stress at ance, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, no
work, was a nonsmoker, and consumed alcohol socially. crackles, rhonchi, or wheezes
During the period of chemotherapy, he used marijuana. He Heart: Regular rate, normal heart sounds, 1/6 holosys-
had two sisters, who had cardiomyopathy of unclear cause. tolic murmur at the left sternal border, no pericardial
Both of his sisters died young, at 16 and 42 years of age. The rub or gallop
patient’s niece was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at the Abdomen: Soft, nontender, no evidence of pedal
age of 38 and eventually needed cardiac transplantation. edema
246    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


Hemoglobin: 13.7 g/dL The posteroanterior and lateral radiographic views dem-
Hematocrit: 38.4% onstrated poor inspiration, mild cardiomegaly, and no
Total leukocyte count: 6200 cells/mm3 evidence of infiltrate or effusion (Figure 38-2).
Platelet count: 164 × 103/µL
Sodium: 135 mmol/L
Potassium: 3.9 mmol/L
Chloride: 104 mmol/L The patient’s chest discomfort and exertional dyspnea in
Creatinine: 1.2 mg/dL the setting of prior coronary artery disease were concern-
Creatine kinase: 88 units/mL ing for acute coronary syndrome. It was reassuring that
Bicarbonate: 24 mmol/L the initial myocardial markers were negative. Most
N-Terminal brain natriuretic peptide: 258 ng/mL important, the patient was not in acute heart failure.
Blood urea nitrogen: 30 mmol/L
Creatine kinase–myocardial bound: 2.9%
Troponin I and T: Negative ECHOCARDIOGRAM
The transthoracic echocardiogram showed normally
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM functioning valves in mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pul-
monary positions. The left ventricle was diffusely hypoki-
The ECG showed sinus bradycardia at a rate of 55 bpm, netic with some regional variation, which was especially
first-degree atrioventricular block (PR interval of 210 ms), worse in the septum and apex. The LVEF diminished fur-
LBBB unchanged in contrast to ECG obtained 1 month ther to 32% in contrast to 38% 8 months previously.
earlier. The QRS duration was 164 ms. No ST-T changes
suggestive of ischemia were noted (Figure 38-1).
The patient was admitted to the cardiac care unit. The
serial cardiac enzyme examinations and ECGs showed
V1 V4
no evidence of acute myocardial infarction.

aVL V2 V5
The patient was able to complete a technetium-99m
single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
myocardial perfusion scan. The exercise test was termi-
aVF V3 V6 nated because of the development of 2:1 atrioventricu-
lar block with hypotension. The SPECT perfusion
FIGURE 38-1  Case 1. Baseline electrocardiogram showing sinus imaging showed fixed perfusion defects in the anterior
bradycardia, left bundle branch block, and first-degree atrioventricular and septal segments. The left ventricle was dilated, dem-
block. onstrating global systolic dysfunction.

PA Lateral

FIGURE 38-2  Case 1.

Posteroanterior and lateral views
of chest radiograph showing no
congestive changes, infiltrate, or

38       Role of Scar Burden Versus Distribution Assessment    247

CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION best managed with cardiac resynchronization therapy

with backup defibrillator (CRT-D).
Subsequently, coronary angiography was performed
that showed no evidence of obstructive coronary artery
disease. The proximal left anterior descending artery
with a prior bare metal stent was patent. The right coro- What further investigation will help in the decision-making
nary artery, the left main coronary artery, and the left process?
circumflex artery showed minor luminal irregularities.
No obstructive lesions were present.
The patient’s cardiomyopathy was much more advanced
CARDIAC MAGNETIC RESONANCE than the degree of coronary artery disease would explain,
IMAGING raising the possibility of the coexistence of idiopathic
dilated cardiomyopathy or sarcoidosis or chemotherapy-
Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) with and without induced cardiomyopathy. CMR will not only assess car-
gadopentetate dimeglumine showed no evidence of myo- diac substrate with better resolution but also determine
cardial edema. Delayed enhancement was seen in the the scar burden and the scar location. Delayed-enhance-
subendocardial region of mid-anterior, anterolateral, and ment CMR (DE-CMR) or Late Gadolinium Enhance-
lateral apical segment consistent with scar. Scar extent ment (LGE)-CMR has been demonstrated to identify and
was about 2% of left ventricular mass (Figure 38-3). quantify the scar accurately. CMR myocardial tagging can
perform radial strain analysis to identify areas of dyssyn-
FINAL DIAGNOSIS chrony. An equilibrium contrast CMR can assess diffuse
myocardial scar. It is also able to assess coronary venous
The patient’s final diagnosis was mixed ischemia and non- anatomy that would help identify a suitable branch in an
ischemic cardiomyopathy. optimal left ventricular segment for left ventricular lead
implantation. In addition, CMR is the gold standard for
determining left ventricular function and volumes.
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS Mixed ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy
AND DISCUSSION POINTS with atrioventricular nodal and intraventricular conduc-
tion system disease.
What is the best management strategy to minimize the risk
for sudden cardiac death in this patient? SAR

The patient had cardiomyopathy with an LVEF of 32%
associated with LBBB in the setting of coronary artery dis-
ease, as well as New York Heart Association (NYHA) class
II heart failure. Further, an added burden of conduction
system disease manifested as first-degree atrioventricular
block and LBBB on baseline ECG and development of I
Mobitz type 2 atrioventricular block with exercise, were A
suggestive of atrioventricular nodal or infranodal disease.
In addition, the patient had a family history of cardiomy-
opathy and sudden cardiac death. Overall, he was at high
risk for sudden cardiac death. He met the class I indica-
tion for pacing and the primary prevention criteria for
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implanta-
tion.7 Increasing the medical therapy, especially beta
blocker dosage, was not a viable option because of the
bradycardia and relative hypotension. Pacemaker implan- IPL
tation will allow increasing the dosage of beta blockers FIGURE 38-3  Case 1. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with
but not address the sudden cardiac death risk. Overall, the late gadolinium enhancement suggestive of scar in the anterior and
patient has cardiomyopathy with low LVEF and dyssyn- anterolateral segments of left ventricle. Scar burden was estimated to
chrony, as indicated by LBBB and wide QRS that can be be 2% of the total left ventricular mass.
248    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

PA Lateral

FIGURE 38-4  Case 1. Left

ventricular lead location in the
basal lateral segment on a
postimplant chest radiograph.


What factors influenced the beneficial effect of CRT in this A primary biventricular chamber ICD system was
patient? implanted transvenously with final left ventricular lead
position in left ventricular basal lateral segments (Figure
38-4). The right ventricular lead location was apico-septal.
The presence of LBBB, wide QRS duration (>150 ms),
absence of atrial fibrillation, and optimal left ventricular OUTCOME
lead location in a basal lateral segment are predictors of
clinical response and left ventricular reverse remodeling.8 The patient responded well to CRT, with an improve-
Patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy tend to benefit ment in exercise capacity. He was able to walk for 1560
less from CRT than those with nonischemic cardiomyop- feet on the 6-minute walk test (6MWT), in contrast to
athy.8 This has been attributed to the extent of myocardial 1060 feet before CRT. He scored 43 on the Minnesota
viability and the myocardial scar.8 However, the patient’s Living with Heart Failure questionnaire in contrast to
myocardial scar burden was only 2% of total left ventricu- 48 at baseline. Subsequently, a 6-month transthoracic
lar mass, and based on CMR the scar appears to be located echocardiogram demonstrated an improvement in LVEF
away from the region of left ventricular lead pacing site. to 48% and good left ventricular reverse remodeling,
demonstrated by a decrease in left ventricular internal
dimensions in diastole at 6 months from 45 to 42 mm
PLAN OF ACTION and in systole from 37 to 30 mm.

The plan for this patient is CRT-D implantation. Further

optimization of medical therapy was done after pacing
had been established.

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis
64 Years Male Teacher Acute Coronary Syndrome

HISTORY of a five-vessel coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).

Approximately 9 years later, he required a revision of
A 64 year-old man arrived in the emergency room with CABG in addition to bioprosthetic mitral valve replace-
a 2-day history of exertional shortness of breath and ment. Four years previously, he experienced gastrointes-
exertional chest pressure. He reported excessive sweat- tinal bleeding that was thought to have originated from
ing on exertion. However, he denied having nausea, gastritis. In addition he had stage III chronic kidney
vomiting, dizziness, and palpitations. He had a history disease.
38       Role of Scar Burden Versus Distribution Assessment    249

I aVR V1 V4
The patient was taking hydrocholorothiazide 12.5 mg
daily, lisinopril 2.5 mg daily, furosemide 20 mg daily
orally, atorvastatin 20 mg daily, amiodarone 200 mg II aVL V2 V5
daily, atenolol 50 mg daily, gemfibrozil 600 mg daily,
and aspirin 81 mg daily.

FIGURE 38-5  Case 2. Baseline ECG demonstrating atrial fibrillation
BP/HR: 125/76 mm Hg/62 bpm and nonspecific interventricular conduction delay.
Respiratory rate: 18 breaths/min
Temperature: 37.3° C (99.2° F) ECHOCARDIOGRAM
Oxygen saturation: 99% on room air
Height/weight: 180 cm/105 kg A normally seated bioprosthetic valve was seen in the
Neck veins: No jugular vein distention mitral position with normal leaflet motion. The left ven-
Lungs/chest: Clear tricle was dilated, with impaired systolic function and an
Heart: Regular heart rate with normal heart sounds, no LVEF of 31%. Focal wall thinning and increased reflectiv-
murmur, no pericardial rub or gallop ity of the inferior wall were suggestive of scar. The esti-
Abdomen: Soft, nontender mated right ventricular systolic pressure was 28 mm Hg.
Extremities: Evidence of pedal edema
Neurologic: Unremarkable
The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit to rule
LABORATORY DATA out acute coronary syndrome. Subsequent cardiac bio-
markers were negative. He underwent myocardial perfu-
Hemoglobin: 14.9 g/dL sion imaging because of reluctance to perform cardiac
White blood cell count: 10,700 cells/mm2 catheterization because of compromised renal function.
Hematocrit: 43.4%
Mean corpuscular volume: 88 fL
Platelet count: 209 × 103/µL EXERCISE TESTING
Sodium: 141 mmol/L
Potassium: 5.3 mmol/L 99m
Tc sestamibi SPECT imaging at rest and stress revealed
Chloride: 108 mmol/L fixed perfusion defects at inferior basal, inferior middle,
Bicarbonate: 24 mmol/L and inferior apical segments. Inferior wall akinesia and
Creatinine: 2.9 mg/dL hypokinesia without evidence of reversible ischemia
Creatine kinase: 88 units/mL were present. The LVEF was 28%.
Blood urea nitrogen: 34 mg/dL
N-Terminal probrain natriuretic peptide: 15,776 pg/mL
Creatine kinase–myocardial bound: 2.9% CARDIAC MAGNETIC RESONANCE
Troponin I and T: Negative IMAGING
CMR with and without gadopentetate dimeglumine
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM demonstrated areas of delayed hyperenhancement in
the inferior wall (Figure 38-6). Evidence of transmural
The ECG showed atrial fibrillation with a heart rate of infarction in the inferior wall was present, mostly in the
62 bpm and intraventricular conduction delay with a apical segment; it was partially transmural in the basal
QRS duration of 129 ms (Figure 38-5). A few premature to mid-ventricular segments of the inferior wall. Severe
ventricular complexes were noted. global left ventricular systolic dysfunction was present.
The scar extent was estimated to be 12.3% of total left
ventricular mass.
A portable chest radiographic view demonstrated mod-
erate cardiomegaly. Moderate-sized left-sided pleural How can the difference in response to CRT in the patients in
effusion was evident. case 1 and case 2 be explained?
250    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


Which is more important—myocardial scar location or myo-
A A A cardial scar burden?


SLA SLA SLA Scar burden and scar location are increasingly recog-
nized as important determinants of CRT response. The-
A A A oretically, higher scar burden implies lesser availability
R R R of viable and recruitable myocardium to improve ven-
tricular contraction. Ypenburg and colleagues15 studied
34 patients and reported an inverse relationship between
total scar burden, spatial extent, and transmurality of
scar as measured by a 5-point hyperenhancement scale
on CMR and change in left ventricular end-systolic vol-
A A ume at 6 months. In a study of 190 patients with isch-
emic cardiomyopathy,2 low scar burden (Summed Rest
Score <27) as determined by thallium-201 myocardial
IRP IRP perfusion imaging had a favorable rate and LVEF
FIGURE 38-6  Case 2. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
improvement in contrast to higher scar burden (SRS
demonstrating extensive inferior wall scar. Extent of myocardial scar is ≥27). The scar burden adversely affects CRT response in
12.3% of the total left ventricular mass. ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy and hyper-
trophic cardiomyopathy. In a study of 213 patients with
ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy, the authors
Discussion reported lower LVEF improvement with higher scar bur-
The patient in case 2 responded suboptimally to CRT. den (>22% as assessed by CMR) in contrast to lower scar
Although an improvement in activity level and a modest burden (<22%). In that study, left ventricular lead loca-
improvement in LVEF occurred, echocardiographic evi- tion on scar was not a significant predictor of CRT
dence of left ventricular reverse remodeling was found. response.14 However, only 11% of left ventricular leads
Further, his clinical outcome was less than desired. He were located in the region of scar. Conversely, anatomic
was hospitalized for congestive heart failure and ven- segmental location of scar tissue was found to have an
tricular arrhythmia. This suboptimal response could be adverse impact on CRT response in other studies. Bleeker
attributed to the ischemic heart disease, higher scar bur- and associates3 reported worse clinical outcome with
den, position of the left ventricular lead in the region of transmural scar in a posterolateral segment of the left
scar, relatively narrow QRS (129 ms), and nonspecific ventricle independent of scar burden, LVEF, left ventric-
intraventricular conduction delay on baseline ECG. In ular end-systolic volume, and QRS duration, although
addition, his scar burden level was 12.3% of total left the sample size was much smaller, with only 40 patients.
ventricular mass. In a study of 137 patients referred for In a similar study, higher heart failure hospitalization
ICD, DE-CMR was performed to assess scar burden. The rates and death were noted if the left ventricular lead
study reported fivefold increase in adverse events in was located in a segment of scar or in the presence of
patients with myocardial scar of more than 5% of the posterolateral scar.5
left ventricular mass.5 Figures 38-3 and 38-6 show the Current evidence, derived mostly from small cohort
contrast in the scar burden in the patients in the two studies (Table 38-1), underscores the importance of scar
cases. In addition, the left ventricular lead in the patient burden, segmental scar location, and the relationship
in case 2 was located in the mid-posterolateral wall between scar tissue and left ventricular lead location.
where partially transmural scar tissue was present, Scar burden and location have the potential to play a
whereas in the patient in case 1 the left ventricular lead role in better patient selection and improvement of the
was located in a mid-lateral ventricular segment that was rate of nonresponsiveness to CRT. Further studies are
away from the scar segment. Left ventricular pacing on an necessary to determine the most appropriate imaging
area of scar may result in ineffectual pacing and inade- modality to assess scar location, its burden before
quate resynchronization. A randomized controlled trial, CRT-D implantation, and its impact on outcome. Fur-
the TARGET study, showed improved clinical outcome thermore, left ventricular pacing on a region of scar tis-
when the left ventricular lead was located away from the sue would be ineffectual; therefore avoiding the region
scar.10 All of these factors may have played a role in the of scar tissue during device implantation is a reasonable
suboptimal response to CRT seen in the patient in case 2. approach.
38       Role of Scar Burden Versus Distribution Assessment    251

TABLE 38-1  Selected Studies Investigating the Impact of Myocardial Scar on Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Response
Study Patient Characteristics Scar Assessment Conclusions
Mele et al12 2009 71 patients with ICM Echocardiography Poor CRT response with a higher number of
scar segments and closer location to
pacing lead
Adelstein et al1 2007 50 patients with ICM Myocardial perfusion Imaging Higher nonresponse to CRT with higher
SPS score, scar density, and greater
scar density near the left ventricular
Ypenburg et al15 2007 34 patients with ICM DE-CMR Total scar burden was inversely related to
CRT response
Delgado et al6 2011 397 patients with ICM Speckle-tracking radial strain Left ventricular lead location on scar was a
analysis and DE-CMR predictor of worse outcome
Adelstein et al2 2011 190 patients with ICM Thallium-201 SPECT MPI Higher scar burden (SRS >27) was
associated with poor survival
Chalil et al5 2007 62 patients with ICM DE-CMR Presence of posterolateral scar and pacing
on scar were independent predictor of
Jansen et al9 2008 57 patients with ICM + NICM CMR Left ventricular dyssynchrony is more
important than scar
Ypenburg et al15 2007 51 patients with ICM Technitium-99m SPECT Both the extent of scar tissue and its location
near the left ventricle lead prohibits CRT
Birnie et al4 2009 49 patients with ICM and Rubidium and fluorine-18- Responders had less lateral wall scar than
NICM fluorodeoxyglucose PET nonresponders but a similar extent of
global and septal scar
Bleeker et al3 2006 40 patients with ICM CMR Posterolateral wall scar was associated with
poor response to CRT
Riedlbauchova et al13 66 patients with ICM PET scan Response to CRT was observed regardless
2009 of the presence of total scar and left
ventricular lead location in the region of
scar or ischemia or hibernation

CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance; CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy; DE-CMR, delayed-enhancement CMR; ICM, ischemic cardiomyopathy; MPI, myocardial
perfusion imaging; NICM, nonischemic cardiomyopathy; PET, positron emission tomography; SPECT, single-photon emission computed tomography; SRS, summed
rest score; SPS, summed perfusion score.


The final diagnosis in this patient was ischemic cardio- CRT-D implantation was performed, and the postim-
myopathy, NYHA class II to III heart failure, and left ven- plant chest radiograph showed final left ventricular lead
tricular systolic dyssynchrony, as suggested by the wide in a mid-ventricular and posterolateral location.
QRS, together with chronic renal insufficiency.

Comments OUTCOME
The patient had worsening dyspnea resulting from pro- Six months after CRT device implantation, the patient
gressive ischemic cardiomyopathy. Because of the absence demonstrated at best modest improvement. Although
of objective evidence of ischemia, his worsening symp- his LVEF improved from 21% to 28% and he was
toms might be attributed to progressive left ventricular able to walk to 1080 feet in the 6MWT in contrast to
remodeling and dyssynchrony. CRT may help in correct- 720 feet before CRT-D, he was only minimally better
ing dyssynchrony and reversing the left ventricular subjectively. He scored 24 on the Minnesota Living
remodeling. with Heart Failure quality of life score in contrast to
252    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

30 before CRT-D implantation. A follow-up echocar- 7.  Epstein AE, Dimarco JP, Ellenbogen KA, et al: ACC/AHA/HRS
diogram at 6 months demonstrated left ventricular 2008 Guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm
abnormalities, Heart Rhythm 5:e1-62, 2008.
internal diameter–diastole of 74 mm and left ventricu- 8.  Goldenberg I, Moss AJ, Hall WJ, et al: Predictors of response
lar internal diameter–systole of 63 mm, in contrast to to cardiac resynchronization therapy in the Multicenter
71 mm and 63 mm, respectively, on pre-CRT echocar- Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial with Cardiac
diogram. He was hospitalized twice—for ventricular Resynchronization Therapy (MADIT-CRT), Circulation
tachycardia and for worsening congestive heart failure— 124:1527-1536, 2011.
9.  Jansen AH, Bracke F, van Dantzig JM, et al: The influence of
within a few months of CRT implantation myocardial scar and dyssynchrony on reverse remodeling in
cardiac resynchronization therapy, Eur J Echocardiogr 9:483-488,
Selected References 10. Khan FZ, Virdee MS, Palmer CR, et al: Targeted left ventricular
lead placement to guide cardiac resynchronization therapy: the
Adelstein EC, Saba S: Scar bruden by myocardial perfusion TARGET study: a randomized, controlled trial, J Am Coll Cardiol
imaging predicts response to cardiac resynchronization therapy 59:1509-1518, 2012.
in ischemic cardiomyopathy, Am Heart J 153:105-112, 2007. 11. Klem I, Weinsaft JW, Bahnson TD, et al: Assessment of myocardial
Adelstein EC, Tanaka H, Soman P, et al: Impact of scar scarring improves risk stratification in patients evaluated for cardiac
burden by single-photon emission computed tomography defibrillator implantation, J Am Coll Cardiol 60:408-420, 2012.
myocardial perfusion imaging on patient outcomes following 12. Mele D, Agricola E, Galderisi M, et al: Echocardiographic
cardiac resynchronization therapy, Eur Heart J 32:93-103, 2011. myocardial scar burden predicts response to cardiac resynchroni-
Bleeker GB, Kaandorp TA, Lamb HJ, et al: Effect of posterolateral zation therapy in ischemic heart failure, J Am Soc Echocardiogr
scar tissue on clinical and echocardiographic improvement after 22:702-708, 2009.
cardiac resynchronization therapy, Circulation 113:969-976, 2006. 13. Riedlbauchova L, Brunken R, Jaber WA, et al: The impact of
Birnie D, DeKemp RA, Ruddy TD, et al: Effect of lateral wall scar myocardial viability on the clinical outcome of cardiac resyn-
on reverse remodeling with cardiac resynchronization therapy, chronization therapy, J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 20:50-57, 2009.
Heart Rhythm 6:1721-1726, 2009. 14. Xu YZ, Cha YM, Feng D, et al: Impact of myocardial scarring on
Chalil S, Foley PW, Muyhaldeen SA, et al: Late gadolinium outcomes of cardiac resynchronization therapy: extent or
enhancement-cardiovascular magnetic resonance as a predictor location? J Nucl Med 53:47-54, 2012.
of response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with 15. Ypenburg C, Schalij MJ, Bleeker GB, et al: Impact of viability
ischaemic cardiomyopathy, Europace 9:1031-1037, 2007. and scar tissue on response to cardiac resynchronization
Delgado V, van Bommel RJ, Bertini M, et al: Relative merits of therapy in ischaemic heart failure patients, Eur Heart J 28:33-41,
left ventricular dyssynchrony, left ventricular lead position, and 2007.
myocardial scar to protect long-term survival of ischemic heart
failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy,
Circulation 123:70-78, 2011.
Difficulties in Prediction
of Response to Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy
Silvia Pica, Claudia Raineri, and Stefano Ghio

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

46 Years Male Engineer Dilated Cardiomyopathy

HISTORY 2.5 mg once daily, pantoprazol 40 mg once daily, pyr-

idostigmine bromide 60 mg once daily, prednisone 12.5
The patient was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis at the mg every other day.
age of 40 years. He reported no cardiologic symptoms
until January 2009, when he started experiencing dys-
pnea on effort. In May 2009 he patient was hospitalized
because of congestive heart failure; the echocardiographic Beta blocker therapy was contraindicated because of the
examination revealed severe left ventricular dilation myasthenia gravis.
and dysfunction. Diuretics and angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor therapy were started during the hospi-
talization, and the patient’s condition improved. CURRENT SYMPTOMS
The next month the patient was admitted to our hos-
pital for a complete diagnostic workup and therapeutic The patient was experiencing dyspnea on minimal exertion
optimization. (New York Heart Association [NYHA] class III).


An association between myasthenia gravis and giant cell BP/HR: 85/55 mm Hg/70 bpm
myocarditis has been described in the literature. Giant Height/weight: 182 cm/51 kg
cell myocarditis is a severe autoimmune disease, and Neck veins: No jugular vein distention
anticardiac antibodies have been demonstrated in the Lungs/chest: Clear murmur, no signs of congestion
serum of affected patients; it is frequently associated Heart: Rhythmic first heart sound (S1) and second heart
with other autoimmune conditions, such as systemic sound (S2), no adjunctive murmurs
lupus erythematosus, thyroiditis, polymyositis, and Abdomen: Treatable abdominal symptoms, peristalsis
myasthenia gravis. Although the pathogenesis is poorly present
understood, the overall mechanisms for the generation Extremities: Warm, pulses present
of autoantibodies in giant cell myocarditis include self- Body surface area: 1.7 m2
sensitization to cardiac antigens in the thymus, produc-
tion of self-reactive T cells, stimulation of B cells,
production of cardiac autoantibodies, and myonecrosis. Comments
These antibodies include anti-titin, anti-ryanodine, The patient had no clinical signs of pulmonary or sys-
anti–alpha actinin, anti-actin, and anti-myosin. temic congestion.


The patient was taking captopril 25 mg three times daily, Hemoglobin: 15.9 g/dL
furosemide 50 mg once daily, digoxin 0.125 mg once Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 46.98%
daily, potassium canrenoate 25 mg once daily, warfarin Mean corpuscular volume: 86.9 fL
254    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

II aVL V1 V5

FIGURE 39-1 Preimplant III V2

aVF V6


Platelet count: 193 × 103/µL

Sodium: 134 mEq/L
Potassium: 3.8 mEq/L
Creatinine: 1.07 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen: 46 mg/dL

The electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm and
complete left bundle branch block (Figure 39-1).
FIGURE 39-2  Parasternal long axis view. See expertconsult.com for
Comments video.

The ECG clearly suggested the possibility for performing ejection fraction (LVEF) of 16%, and functional mitral
cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). regurgitation of ++/++++.

ECHOCARDIOGRAM Figure 39-3 shows severe left ventricular dilation and
The echocardiogram revealed a left ventricular end-­ Comments
diastolic diameter of 70 mm, end-systolic diameter of
Figures 39-3 and 39-4 shows severe left ventricular dila-
68 mm, mitral annulus diameter of 36 mm, tenting length
tion and dysfunction.
of 14 mm, and tethering area of 4 cm2 (Figure 39-2).

The time delay between anteroseptal and posterior seg-
The patient had severe left ventricular dilation and dys- ments at speckle-tracking radial strain analysis is 300 ms
function, with tethering of the mitral papillary muscles (Figure 39-5).3
and dilation of the mitral annulus (see Figure 39-2).
Findings No clear evidence of septal flash is present. The mea-
The echocardiogram showed a left ventricular end-­ surements of aortic and pulmonary preejection periods
diastolic volume index of 178 mL/m2, left ventricular (not shown in figures) allowed calculation of an inter-
end-systolic volume index of 149 mL/m2, left ventricular ventricular time delay of greater than 40 msec. Tissue
39       Difficulties in Prediction of Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    255


FIGURE 39-3  A, Apical four-chamber view. B, Mitral regurgitation.
See expertconsult.com for video. FIGURE 39-5  A, Short-axis view at the level of papillary muscles.
B, Speckle-tracking radial strain analysis. See expertconsult.com for

end-diastolic volume index of 242 mL/m2, left ventricu-

lar end-systolic volume of 374 mL, left ventricular end-
systolic volume index of 208 mL/m2, LVEF of 14%, left
ventricular mass of 165 mL, right ventricular end-­
diastolic volume of 206 mL, right ventricular end-­
diastolic volume index of 114 mL/m2, right ventricular
end-systolic volume of 157 mL, right ventricular end-
systolic volume index of 87 mL/m2, right ventricular
ejection fraction of 24%, and left ventricular mass-to-
volume ratio of 0.37 (Figure 39-6).

FIGURE 39-4  Apical two-chamber view. See expertconsult.com for

The patient had severe biventricular dysfunction, with a
Doppler analysis (not shown in figures) indicated a low left ventricular mass-to-volume ratio (a marker of
time delay between the basal lateral wall and basal sep- advanced cardiac remodeling) (see Figure 39-6).
tum of greater than 65 msec.
The delayed enhancement quantification on MRI was
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a left ven-
tricular end-diastolic volume of 435 mL, left ventricular No fibrosis was seen on MRI (Figures 39-7 and 39-8).
256    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

The delayed enhancement quantification on MRI was
0 mL.

No fibrosis was present.4

Dobutamine stress echocardiography at 20 mcg/kg/min
FIGURE 39-6  Cine steady-state free precession sequences.
revealed a left ventricular end-diastolic volume of 295
Short-axis stack from the left ventricular base to the apex. See mL, left ventricular end-­diastolic volume index of 173
expertconsult.com for video. mL/m2, left ventricular end-systolic volume of 243 mL,
left ventricular end-­systolic volume index of 143 mL/m2,
and LVEF of 18% (Figures 39-9 and 39-10).


FIGURE 39-7  Late gadolinium (gadopentetate dimeglumine 0.15 mmol/kg) images in short-axis view from the left ventricle base to apex.
39       Difficulties in Prediction of Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    257

FIGURE 39-8  A, Late gadolinium image in two-chamber long-axis view. B, Late gadolinium image in four-chamber long-axis view.

FIGURE 39-9  Apical four-chamber view during dobutamine FIGURE 39-10  Apical two-chamber view during dobutamine
infusion at 20 mcg/kg/min. See expertconsult.com for video. infusion at 20 mcg/kg/min. See expertconsult.com for video.

Comments The calculated time delay between anterior septal and
In contrast to baseline, during inotropic stimulation a posterior segments at speckle-tracking radial strain anal-
small reduction in left ventricular volumes was noted, ysis was 289 msec, compatible with significant left ven-
but no significant improvement in contractility of the tricular dyssynchrony. The appearance of septal flash
septum occurred and a modest improvement in contrac- also was noted. The patient’s blood pressure at 20 mcg/
tility of the basal lateral wall was seen (Figure 39-9). kg/min was 100/80 mm Hg.

Findings Comments
No significant improvement in contractility of the infe- During inotropic stimulation a significant worsening of
rior and anterior walls was seen in contrast to left ventricular dyssynchrony occurred (Figure 39-11).2,3

During inotropic stimulation no significant improve- At right heart catheterization, capillary wedge pressure
ment was seen in contractility of the inferior and anterior was 7 mm Hg, pulmonary artery pressure (systolic/
walls (Figure 39-10).1 mean/diastolic) was 20/10/5 mm Hg, right atrial
258    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

In this patient, significant interventricular and intraven-
tricular dyssynchrony are seen, particularly interventricular
(interventricular mechanical delay >40 msec) and intra-
ventricular dyssynchrony (time delay >130 msec between
anterior septal and posterior segments on speckle-tracking
radial strain analysis and time delay >65 msec between
septal and lateral segments on tissue Doppler analysis).
Thus, according to extensive literature data, these findings
would definitely predict a good response to CRT.

Which response to CRT could be predicted in this patient on
the basis of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging data?

In this case, delayed enhancement is absent, which
would support the conclusion that the myocardium is
viable; therefore this would predict a positive response
to CRT. However, CMR can provide other information.
This patient has a low left ventricular mass-to-volume
ratio, which might be considered a marker of advanced
left ventricular dysfunction (i.e., of a myocardium “too
B sick to respond to CRT”). CMR information thus is not
FIGURE 39-11  A, Short-axis view at the level of papillary muscles consistent.
during dobutamine infusion at 20 mcg/kg/min. B, Speckle-tracking
radial strain analysis during dobutamine infusion. See expertconsult.com
for video.
Which response to CRT could be predicted in this patient on
the basis of dobutamine stress echo data?
pressure was 4 mm Hg, and cardiac index (thermodilu-
tion) was 2.29 L/min/m2.
Dobutamine infusion elicited only a small increase in
Findings left ventricular contractility, which would support the
Coronary arteriography was the first examination per- conclusion of the absence of myocardial viability and
formed during hospitalization and showed normal cor- therefore of a negative response to CRT. However, a clear
onary arteries. increase in ventricular dyssynchrony also could be
noticed during stress. Therefore even dobutamine stress
echo data are difficult to reconcile.
Myocardial biopsy was performed and revealed no
signs of acute myocarditis, in particular giant cell FINAL DIAGNOSIS
The final diagnosis in this patient is primary dilated car-
diomyopathy. It was decided to implant a cardiac resyn-
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS chronization (and antitachycardia) device.
Which response to CRT could be predicted in this patient on The plan for this patient was CRT defibrillator (CRT-D)
the basis of left ventricular dyssynchrony analysis? implantation.
39       Difficulties in Prediction of Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    259

OUTCOME The second important point is that not only is predict-

ing the response to CRT difficult but also that defining
At 6 months, the patient was in NYHA class II. On whether the patient is a positive responder or a negative
echocardiography no improvement in ejection fraction responder is simplistic. According to the literature, the
was found (ejection fraction ∼15%), but left ventricu- most commonly accepted definition of a positive response
lar end-diastolic and end-systolic volume indices were to CRT is a reduction in left ventricular end-systolic volume
slightly reduced (respectively, from 178 to 166 mL/m2, greater than 15%.
7%; and from 148 to 142 mL/m2, 4%). According to This case also challenges such a definition. The patient
the reduction in end-systolic volume, the patient was did not reach this level of improvement, although he
classified as a nonresponder to CRT (the cutoff to improved subjectively (from NYHA class III to NYHA
define responsiveness is a reduction of at least 15% of class II). This can be considered a placebo effect; how-
end-systolic volume). ever, it also could be speculated that the improvement in
left ventricular shape and the reduction of mitral regur-
gitation after CRT may have contributed to the clinical
INTERVENTION improvement in this patient.

However, at 6 months the shape of the ventricle clearly

changed from a spherical to a more elongate appear- Selected References
ance; mitral annulus diameter was reduced to 31 mm, 1. Muto C, Gasparini M, Peraldo Neja C, et al: Presence of left
tenting length to 11 mm, and tethering area to 3 cm2; ventricular contractile reserve predicts midterm response to
and mitral regurgitation was trivial (in contrast to at cardiac resynchronization therapy: results from the LOw dose
least moderate at baseline). DObutamine Stress-Echo Test in Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy (LODO-CRT) trial, Heart Rhythm 7:1600-1605, 2010.
2. Rocchi G, Bertiniv M, Biffi M, et al: Exercise stress echocardiogra-
Comments phy is superior to rest echocardiography in predicting left
ventricular reverse remodelling and functional improvement after
The first important fact of this case is that no single tech- cardiac resynchronization therapy, Eur Heart J 30:89-97, 2009.
nique or single parameter allows accurate prediction of 3. Suffoletto MS, Dohi K, Cannesson M, et al: Novel speckle-tracking
response to CRT. The information derived by different radial strain from routine black-and-white echocardiographic
images to quantify dyssynchrony and predict response to cardiac
techniques often is not consistent, and the best clinical resynchronization therapy, Circulation 113:960-968, 2006.
approach is to combine information on dyssynchrony 4. White JA, Yee R, Yuan X, et al: Delayed enhancement magnetic
(obtained by several methods) with information on the resonance imaging predicts response to cardiac resynchronization
mechanical substrate amenable to CRT in the failing left therapy in patients with intraventricular dyssynchrony, J Am Coll
ventricle. Cardiol 48:1953-1960, 2006.
Management of Frequent
Ventricular Extrasystoles
David L. Hayes and Samuel J. Asirvatham

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

83 Years Male Retired Veterinarian Nonresponder to Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy

HISTORY of upgrade of his dual-chamber pacemaker to a cardiac

resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D).
An 83-year-old man had undergone implantation of a At the time of the initial referral evaluation, the
dual-chamber pacemaker 12 years previously for inter- patient’s medical regimen appeared optimal. The recent
mittent high-grade atrioventricular block. He did well echocardiogram was reviewed and original measurements
for several years, but at age 79 experienced symptoms of and observations confirmed. Pacemaker assessment dem-
congestive heart failure. During the initial hospitaliza- onstrated pacemaker dependency. He had frequent ven-
tion he was found to have significantly reduced left ven- tricular extrasystoles on 12-lead electrocardiogram, and
tricular systolic function, with a left ventricular ejection frequent extrasystoles were also noted during ausculta-
fraction (LVEF) of 34%. On echocardiography he had tion. It was explained to the patient that the frequent
global hypokinesis of the left ventricle. An initial phar- ventricular extrasystoles could theoretically improve
macologic stress study revealed equivocal changes in the after a device upgrade, especially if improvement in left
inferior wall. Because of the equivocal changes a coro- ventricular function was realized. If the extrasystoles did
nary angiogram was performed. No significant coronary not improve, he was told that they might require treatment
artery disease was found, and the patient was classified by pharmacologic suppression and/or an ablation pro-
as having idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The patient cedure if the foci could be identified.
was started on an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhib- After a thorough discussion of the potential benefits
itor, a beta blocker, a diuretic, and low-dose aspirin. He and risks of CRT-D upgrade, the patient was upgraded to
was already taking a lipid-lowering agent. He had resolu- a CRT-D device. The chronic ventricular pacing lead was
tion of his heart failure symptoms and was discharged abandoned and capped. The chronic atrial lead was
after a 5-day hospital stay. Medications were titrated by connected to the new CRT-D pulse generator, and a new
his local physician over the following 3 months. The right ventricular ICD lead and coronary sinus were
patient did well and returned to an active lifestyle and placed. The defibrillation threshold was 14 J.
frequent international travel. The postimplant chest radiograph is shown in Figure
At 81 years of age he again began to experience symp- 40-1. Pacing and sensing thresholds checked at the time
toms, with mild dyspnea on exertion and rare episodes of discharge were excellent. For the period that the patient
of orthopnea. Medications were altered, and the patient was monitored after implant, he continued to have sig-
improved and managed as an outpatient. His LVEF was nificant ventricular ectopy. He occasionally had pairs and
minimally changed, at 32%. triplets but no longer salvos. The “PVC trigger response”
The patient returned 11 months later, at age 82, with was programmed “on” in an effort to maintain biven-
profound heart failure symptoms. He was hospitalized tricular stimulation. The patient was discharged the day
again, and his LVEF by echocardiography was 26%. An after the CRT-D upgrade and returned a few days later to
ambulatory monitor reading was obtained, and the his home for care to be continued by his cardiologist.
patient was noted to have frequent ventricular extrasys- In the months immediately after the procedure the
toles, representing 25% of ventricular beats during the patient thought his peripheral edema was somewhat
24-hour monitoring period. less noticeable but overall did not feel much improve-
The physician managing his care thought the opportu- ment. He proceeded with an extended international trip
nity for further optimization of his medical regimen was that was intended to last for 5 months at a destination at
minimal. The patient was then referred for consideration a considerably higher altitude. Shortly after arrival he
262    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

24-OCT-2011 15:13:37
19-AUG-1927 (84 yr) Vent. rate 76 BPM Dual chamber electronic pacemaker
Male PR interval 80 ms Premature ventricular complexes
QRS duration 130 ms Prolonged QT
Room: QT/QTc 450/506 ms When compared with ECG of
Loc: 1 P-R-T axes * – 39 166 11-NOV-2010 07:37, no significant
change was found

I aVR V1 V4

FIGURE 40-1  II aVL V2 V5





developed marked dyspnea on exertion to the point that CURRENT SYMPTOMS

he returned to his home. On return to the lower altitude
his symptoms improved minimally. The patient was easily fatigued. He experienced signifi-
His local cardiologist added spironolactone to his cant dyspnea on exertion at higher altitudes and mild-to-
medical regimen, questioned possible dislodgement of moderate exertional dyspnea at lower altitudes.
the coronary sinus lead, and referred him for reevalua-
tion of the CRT-D system.
He was reevaluated with chest radiography and echo- PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
cardiography. On comparison of the postimplant and
current radiographs, no significant change in lead posi- BP/HR: 102/64 mm Hg/64 bpm
tions was appreciated. Pacing and sensing thresholds Height/weight: 183 cm/99.7 kg
were excellent. “True” biventricular pacing was noted to Neck veins: Mild distention at 20-degree angle
be 51%. A 12-lead ambulatory monitor was obtained. Lungs/chest: Few bibasilar crackles
Forty percent of his ventricular beats were classified as Heart: Normal first heart sound (S1) and second heart
fusion beats or ventricular extrasystoles. Of the beats sound (S2), grade 2/6 systolic flow murmur at upper
classified as premature ventricular contractions, 80% left sternal border, no diastolic murmur, no lift
were of the same morphology. Abdomen: Overweight, no organomegaly or masses
Given the high percentage of ventricular extrasystoles, appreciated, bowel sounds normal, unable to distin-
low percentage of effective biventricular pacing, and, not guish abdominal aorta
surprisingly, lack of response to CRT, what options should Extremities: 1+ pitting pedal edema, pedal pulses difficult
be considered? to feel, popliteal pulses 2/2, femoral pulses 4/4


The patient was taking carvedilol 25 mg twice daily, Hemoglobin: 13.6 g/dL
furosemide 20 mg twice daily, lisinopril 20 mg daily, Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 41.8%
naproxen (Aleve) two tablets (250 mg) as needed, and Mean corpuscular cell volume: 88.9 fL
enteric-coated aspirin 81 mg daily. Platelet count: 113 × 103/µL
40       Management of Frequent Ventricular Extrasystoles    263

FIGURE 40-2 


Sodium: 143 mmol/L segmental abnormalities (not depicted graphically)

Potassium: 4.3 mmol/L were due to the paced rhythm. Also noted were moderate-
Creatinine: 1.1 mmol/L to-severe mitral valve regurgitation; moderate tricuspid
Blood urea nitrogen: 22 mg/dL valve regurgitation resulting, in part, from the device
N-Terminal probrain natriuretic peptide: 2865 pg/mL electrode; and moderate-to-severe biatrial enlargement.
The findings were consistent with those in moderate
pulmonary hypertension. In contrast to the report from
November 2010, the rhythm on this echocardiogram
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM was regular, so the quantification of the cardiac mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) is more accurate (see
Findings comments in previous report). Visually, however, no sig-
The electrocardiogram revealed a dual-chamber electronic nificant change was seen in the MRI findings. Tricuspid
pacemaker, premature ventricular complexes, and pro- regurgitation no longer occurred. Side-by-side compari-
longed QT, with no change in contrast to the previous son of images was performed. The right systolic pressure
tracing (see Figure 40-1). was higher.


The chest radiograph did not reveal significant changes
from the previous radiograph. The implantable Does the premature ventricular contraction morphology mat-
­cardioverter-defibrillator with right atrial, right ventric- ter in terms of CRT nonresponse?
ular, and coronary sinus leads was visualized (Figure
40-2). The heart size was within normal limits. Pulmo-
nary vascularity was at the upper limits of normal. A
tiny amount of scarring was noted in the bases. The The premature ventricular contraction morphology
chest radiograph was otherwise negative. reflects the site of origin for the arrhythmia. For example,
in this patient, the left bundle branch block morphology,
inferior axis, and positive concordance suggest origin in
the basal right ventricular free wall.
ECHOCARDIOGRAM Theoretically, premature ventricular contractions that
originate in the free wall may be associated with a
Findings greater degree of dyssynchrony and thus promote ven-
The echocardiogram revealed mild-to-moderate left tricular dysfunction. However, studies suggest that this
ventricular enlargement, moderate-to-severe decrease in effect, if present, is minor in contrast to the importance
left ventricular systolic function, calculated LVEF of of the overall frequency of the premature ventricular
32%, and generalized left ventricular hypokinesis. Some contractions.2
264    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

If the device senses an event on the right ventricular Monomorphic premature ventricular contractions respon-
lead and if premature ventricular contractions occur sible for the majority of these beats suggest a primary
from the left ventricular free wall, premature ventricular electrical problem that may be giving rise to the cardio-
contraction–triggered pacing possibly could occur after myopathy, and strong consideration should be given to
ventricular refractoriness has ended and may be proar- targeting these beats.
rhythmic. It appears, however, that this phenomenon is At times, considerable doubt may exist as to whether
very rare. treatment for premature ventricular contraction will
improve CRT delivery and the cardiomyopathy itself.
Question Here, when appropriate, a short course of an antiar-
rhythmic agent, such as amiodarone, can be adminis-
At what number of premature ventricular contractions per tered. If the premature ventricular contractions are
day should this arrhythmia be considered a cause for CRT suppressed and the patient improves significantly, more
nonresponse? definitive management such as with radiofrequency
ablation for the premature ventricular contraction focus
Discussion could be considered.
Any premature ventricular contraction will result in
inhibition of biventricular pacing. In general, if CRT is
not being delivered for more than 95% of the beats,
consideration to optimize therapy is recommended.
The final diagnosis in this patient was nonresponse to
Premature ventricular contractions may contribute to or
CRT because of inadequate biventricular pacing as a
primarily cause cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Typi-
result of frequent ventricular ectopy.
cally more than 20,000 beats per day are from the pre-
mature ventricular contractions, and treatment with
ablation or medication for the premature ventricular
contractions may improve ventricular function.1
A premature ventricular contraction also may produce
Options discussed with the patient included an attempt
continued inhibition of pacing beyond a single beat. For
to pharmacologically suppress the ectopy and to attempt
example, if the postventricular atrial refractory period has
ablation of the ectopic foci. The patient wished to avoid
been extended after a premature ventricular contraction,
another invasive procedure and opted for pharmaco-
an ensuing sinus beat will not be tracked. Furthermore, if
logic suppression of the ectopy.
intrinsic conduction is present through the atrioventricular
node, native wide QRS conduction would occur. Now this
conducted beat acts as another premature ventricular
contraction, in turn resulting in the next sinus beat being INTERVENTION
in the postventricular atrial refractory period (especially if
intrinsic conduction through the atrioventricular node is The patient was started on amiodarone 200 mg daily
long), and the phenomenon can be repetitive, significantly and advised to have a repeat ambulatory monitoring
decreasing effective CRT.3 examination in 3 to 4 months.
The device interrogated percentage of biventricular
pacing also may be misleading when frequent PVCs
occur. Some of the beats may represent the fusion or OUTCOME
pseudofusion and be counted as paced beats, but the
ventricle is depolarized through the abnormal PVC. An ambulatory monitoring examination was completed
by the patient’s local cardiologist approximately 4
months later. The Holter monitor report noted the heart
Question rate to range from 72 to 116 bpm. Ventricular ectopic
Is it possible to know whether the premature ventricular beats were said to make up 9% of the total heart beats.
contractures result from the cardiomyopathy or are causing This is in contrast to the previous ambulatory monitor-
or contributing to the heart failure process? ing, in which 40% of his total heart beats were ventricu-
lar ectopic beats. The biventricular pacing had increased
to 90%, and the patient had mild-to-moderate subjec-
Discussion tive improvement in exercise capability and lessening
When cardiomyopathy gives rise to premature ventricular fatigue.
contractions, multiple morphologies could be expected.
40       Management of Frequent Ventricular Extrasystoles    265

Selected References 3. Mullens W, Grimm RA, Verga T, et al: Insights from a cardiac
resynchronization optimization clinic as part of a heart failure
1. Bhushan M, Asirvatham SJ: The conundrum of ventricular disease management program, JACC 53:765-773, 2009.
arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy: which abnormality came first?
Curr Heart Fail Rep 6:7-13, 2009.
2. Del Carpio Munoz F, Syed FF, Noheria A, et al: Characteristics of
premature ventricular complexes as correlates of reduced left
ventricular systolic function: study of the burden, duration,
coupling interval, morphology and site of origin of PVCs,
J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 22:791-798, 2011.
Cardiac Contractility Modulation
in a Nonresponder to Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy
Jürgen Kuschyk, Susanne Roeger, and Martin Borggrefe

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

53 Years Male Retired Dilated and Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
with New York Heart Association
Heart Failure Class III to IV Symptoms

HISTORY normal sinus rhythm with a left bundle branch block

(LBBB) and a QRS width of 128 ms. The patient was
A 53-year-old man of Greek origin was diagnosed with offered implantation of a biventricular implantable
dilated cardiomyopathy in 1996, at which time his left cardioverter-defibrillator (CRT-D), which he refused.
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was described as mod- Over the next 2 years the patient’s physical condition
eratelely to severely reduced and coronary artery disease deteriorated further despite extensive treatment with
was initially excluded by angiography. The patient was in heart failure medications. In February 2011 he was hos-
New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II and received pitalized because of progressive dyspnea at rest. Chest
beta blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibi- progressive radiography revealed pleural effusions. Car-
tors. Cardiac risk factors included arterial hypertension, diac catheterization demonstrated two-vessel coronary
medically treated type 2 diabetes mellitus, and ongoing artery disease with a peripheral occlusion of the left
smoking. His family history showed no cases of cardio- anterior descending artery. A percutaneous coronary
mypathy or sudden cardiac death. His medical history intervention was not possible. Magnetic resonance
included thalassemia minor (with normal hemoglobin imaging demonstrated a markedly reduced LVEF of 11%
values), hypothyroidism, and chronic gastritis. (Figure 41-1). ECG findings were unchanged in contrast
In September 2001 the patient was diagnosed with to those in 2009 with sinus rhythm, borderline LBBB, a
stage III Hodgkin’s lymphoma with involvement of medi- QRS width of 130 ms, and a QRS onset to peak R dura-
astinal and cervical lymph nodes and the spleen. In the tion of 60 ms in V5 and V6 (Figure 41-2). The patient
ensuing months he received chemotherapy according to a finally consented to the implantation of a CRT-D device,
modified escalated protocol of bleomycin, etoposide, which was performed in February 2011. An atrial elec-
doxorubicin (Adriamycin), cyclophosphamide, oncovin- trode (Flextend 2, Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass.) was
vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone (BEACOPP), placed in the right atrial appendage, the right ventricular
followed by radiation therapy. Cardiotoxic anthracyclines lead (Endotak Reliance SG, Boston Scientific) was placed
were avoided because of the underlying heart condition. in the right ventricular apex, and the left ventricular lead
Insulin therapy was started for his worsening diabetes. (Acuity Steerable, Boston Scientific) in a posterolateral
Over the next few years the patient was followed vein. Good lead impedances and pacing and sensing
closely at regular intervals in the oncology outpatient thresholds were achieved for all three leads. The device
clinic, with imaging studies that excluded relapse of the parameters were programmed as follows: DDD pacing
lymphoma. Echocardiographic and clinical evaluation mode, tracking rate 60 to 130 bpm, paced atrioventricu-
findings of the heart were stable during this time. lar interval of 130 ms, simultaneous biventricular stimu-
In February 2009 the patient was admitted to the hospi- lation with VV delay of 0 ms, and left ventricular
tal with cardiac decompensation and received intravenous electrode configuration of left ventricular tip to left ven-
diuretic therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an tricular ring. Despite stable stimulation percentage rates
LVEF of 20% and a left ventricular end-diastolic dimen- (95%-98%), little change occurred in the patient’s phys-
sion of 81 mm. An electrocardiogram (ECG) showed ical ability over the following months.
268    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


FIGURE 41-1  Examination obtained February 2011. A, Four-chamber view. B, Three-chamber view. C, Two-chamber view. D, Short-axis view.

I V1
the left subclavian vein. The patient admitted that he
had touched and rotated the device frequently. During
the operative revision the device was observed to have
been rotated around its axis 18 times. The device was
III V3 repositioned, and the right atrial electrode was revised
aVR V4 In February 2012 the patient was hospitalized again
because of cardiac decompensation and dyspnea at rest.
aVL V5 He had ankle edema and pleural effusions. Device
interrogation did not reveal significant ventricular or
aVF V6 supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. The patient again
required intravenous diuretic therapy.
Although cardiac compensation was achieved, the
FIGURE 41-2  Electrocardiogram before implantation of the
patient again developed dyspnea after walking only a
biventricular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in February 2011.
few meters. His quality of life was measured with a
21-item scale according to the Minnesota Living with
In August 2011 the patient’s fatigue and dyspnea were Heart Failure Questionnaire, with a score of 79. The
worsening. Interrogation of the implantable cardioverter- N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide value was elevated
defibrillator (ICD) revealed abnormalities with the to 12.067 ng/L. An exercise test showed highly decreased
atrial lead. Impedance values and pacing and sensing Vo2 peak value of 10.7 mL/kg/min with maximum exercise
thresholds with the right and left ventricular leads were capacity of 40 watts.
stable. Chest radiography revealed Twiddler’s syndrome The patient’s baseline medications, symptoms, physical
(Figure 41-3), with the atrial electrode drawn back into examination results, laboratory data, and echo­cardiography
41       Cardiac Contractility Modulation in a Nonresponder to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    269

I V1





aVF V6

FIGURE 41-4  Electrocardiogram with active biventricular implantable

cardioverter-defibrillator stimulation.

FIGURE 41-3  During the operative revision the device was observed
to have been rotated around its axis 18 times. Hemoglobin: 12.7 g/dL
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 41%
Mean corpuscular volume: 82.7 fL
Platelet count: 107 × 103/µL
are discussed in the following section. The patient ulti- Sodium: 143 mval/L or 3,289 g/L
mately underwent implantation of an Optimizer III Potassium: 3.7 mmol/L
device (Impulse Dynamics, Stuttgart, Germany) in Creatinine: 1.54 mg/dL
March 2012, the results of which will be reviewed in Blood urea nitrogen: 77 mg/dL


The patient was taking atorvastatin 40 mg daily, carvedilol

37.5 mg daily, torsemide 40 mg daily, spironolactone The ECG showed normal rate and normal sinus rhythm,
12.5 mg daily, enalapril 7.5 mg daily, opipramol 50 mg LBBB with a QRS width of 128 ms, and QRS onset to
daily, pantoprazole 20 mg daily, mixed insulin 30 units peak R time of 60 ms in V5 and V6 (see Figure 41-2).
daily, and aspirin 100 mg daily.
CURRENT SYMPTOMS The ECG showed active biventricular stimulation
(Figure 41-4).
The patient was experiencing dyspnea on minimal effort
and fatigue.
The last three QRS complexes are followed by active
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION high-amplitude Optimizer III stimulation (Figure 41-5).

BP/HR: 120/70 mm Hg/80 bpm

Height/weight: 178 cm/86 kg
Neck veins: Jugular vein distention
Lungs/chest: Percussion dullness
Heart: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur
Abdomen: Soft, flat, and nontender In Figure 41-6, the upper arrow shows the left atrial elec-
Extremities: No ankle edema trode retracted into the left subclavian vein; the lower
270    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

III device (2), atrial electrode of the CRT-D (3), ven-

tricular electrode of the CRT-D located in the apex of
the right ventricle (4), coronary sinus electrode
located in a posterolateral vein (5), atrial sensing elec-
trode of the Optimizer III system (6), upper ventricular
stimulation electrode of the Optimizer III (7), and
III lower ventricular stimulation electrode of the Opti-
mizer III (8).


Exercise testing in February 2012, before implantation of
the Optimizer III, showed a Vo2 peak of 10.7 mL/kg/min
and exercise capacity of 40 W. Exercise testing had to be
FIGURE 41-5  Electrocardiogram with active stimulation of the
stopped because of dyspnea and pain in both lower legs.
Optimizer III system.

Echocardiography in February 2012 (Figure 41-8)
showed severely decreased ventricular ejection fraction
(10%-14%). Figure 41-8, A, is a parasternal longitudinal
axis view with severe dilation of the left ventricle and left
atrium. Figure 41-8, B, is a parasternal longitudinal axis
view with M-mode Doppler in which septal and posterior
wall akinesia are observed.


Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed a severely
reduced LVEF (11%), left ventricular end-diastolic vol-
FIGURE 41-6  Chest radiograph from August 2011, 6 months after
ume of 375 mL (184 mL/m2), left ventricular end-sys-
implantation of the biventricular implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.
tolic volume of 335 mL (164 mL/m2), ejection volume
of 41 mL, septal wall thickness of 7 mm, posterior wall
arrow shows tightly coiled electrodes that occurred thickness of 7 mm, and left ventricular end-diastolic
because of rotation of the generator device. The ven- dimension of 81 mm (see Figure 41-1). The contrast
tricular electrode is still in the proper place in the apex agent revealed transmural late enhancement septal mid-
of the right ventricle. The coronary sinus electrode also ventricularly to apically.
remains in the proper place in a posterolateral vein.

A chest radiograph obtained a few hours after implan- Catheterization was performed in February 2011. Cardiac
tation of the Optimizer III device (Figure 41-7, A) shows output was 4.4 L/min; cardiac index was 2.1 L/min/m2;
the enlarged heart. Follow-up chest radiography shows mean right atrial pressure was 14 mm Hg; right ventricu-
considerable reduction of cardiac dimensions (see Fig- lar pressure was 61 mm Hg systolic and 21 mm Hg end
ure 41-7, B). diastolic; pulmonary artery pressure was 59 mm Hg sys-
The following were visualized on chest radiography: tolic, 34 mm Hg diastolic, and 44 mm Hg mean; and
the generator of the biventricular ICD (1), Optimizer pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was 30 mm Hg.
41       Cardiac Contractility Modulation in a Nonresponder to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    271

1 1

6 3

6 3 5
4 8
A 4 B
FIGURE 41-7  A, Chest radiograph obtained March 2012 after implantation of the Optimizer III device. B, Follow-up chest radiograph from
July 2012, 4.5 months after implantation of the Optimizer III device. The visualized parts of the two devices are marked with numbers 1-8 to
make the identification clearer.




FIGURE 41-8 Echocardiogram.

Findings Discussion
The findings on catheterization were two-vessel coronary Cardiac resynchronization therapy has become a standard
artery disease with a peripheral occlusion of the left therapy in patients with heart failure and interventricular
anterior descending artery (100%), outlet stenosis of the and intraventricular conduction disturbances.5
first diagonal branch (80%) and small right coronary CRT with biventricular pacing is an effective adjunc-
artery (50%), and left ventriculogram with an LVEF of tive therapy to pharmacologic management in reducing
10%. the rate of hospitalization and death in symptomatic
patients with advanced heart failure symptoms (NYHA
class III or IV), an ejection fraction of 35% or less, and
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS an intraventricular conduction delay of 120 msec or
more.3,5 Newer data also show favorable outcomes for
patients with less advanced heart failure status, for
Question example, patients with NYHA Class II symptoms.7
Unfortunately, approximately 40% of the patients
What are indications for CRT? Which patients receive the are considered nonresponders to CRT. Analyses of pre-
best clinical results? specified subgroups of patients have demonstrated the
272    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

best clinical results in patients with a QRS duration of III to IV, ejection fraction of 35% or less, and narrow
150 msec or more.7 Patients with a narrower QRS width QRS were randomized to either CCM or no CCM therapy.
are more likely to be nonresponders. This study also showed CCM therapy to be safe in this
The patient’s clinical situation did not improve after patient population. In the overall population, CCM
CRT implantation. In February 2012, he deteriorated therapy significantly improved peak Vo2, Minnesota Liv-
with persistent NYHA class IV symptoms despite success- ing with Heart Failure Questionnaire results, and NYHA
ful (95%-97% capture) biventricular pacing. Therefore class, but did not improve the ventilatory anaerobic
he was clearly a nonresponder to CRT. threshold, which was the declared the primary end
point. However, in a prespecified subgroup analysis
consisting of approximately 50% of the overall popula-
Question tion characterized by baseline ejection fraction of 25%
What therapeutic options are available for nonresponders to or greater and NYHA class III, the primary end point was
CRT? reached.1

Consideration of Both Studies

Discussion All patients included in the FIX-CHF-4 and FIX-CHF-5
The current European Society of Cardiology guidelines studies had narrow QRS complexes and were therefore
for the treatment of patients with persistent severe heart ineligible for CRT. Nevertheless, the patient cohort in
failure symptoms indicate consideration for heart trans- the FIX-CHF-4 study had NYHA classes II and III and
plantation (if eligible) and left ventricular assist device included a small cohort with QRS duration greater than
(LVAD) implantation. The guidelines also suggest that 130 ms. Our patient was in NYHA class IV, had a wide
digoxin therapy be considered. However, wait times for QRS duration, and already had a CRT-D device in place.
heart transplantation are increasingly long and LVAD Therefore the data of these two studies cannot be used
therapy is not a therapy desired or recommended for all for direct comparison with the situation of the patient
patients. Beyond this, the only other approved (in the in this case.
European Union) and available therapy for heart failure
is cardiac contractility modulation (CCM).
Are there clinical data on the outcome of CRT nonresponders
Question treated with CCM therapy?
What clinical data exist on the efficacy of treatment with
To date, little is known about the outcome of CRT non-
Discussion responders treated with additional CCM therapy. No
To date, two multicenter, randomized controlled clinical randomized clinical data have been published about
trials have been conducted.2,6 this very ill group of patients. Case reports and a case
series have described first experiences with the tech-
FIX-CHF-4 nique.4,8 Näegele and colleagues reported a case series of
The FIX-CHF-4 double-blind, double-crossover study 16 patients with NYHA class III and IV symptoms in
was conducted in Europe and included 164 patients with which they showed the feasibility of the method as a
heart failure with ejection fractions of 35% or less and useful adjunct in CRT nonresponders when no other
NYHA class II or III.2 Co-primary end points in the trial options are available. No electrical interference was
were changes in peak oxygen consumption and changes observed between the CCM therapy and CRT systems,
in quality of life assessed by the Minnesota Living with and, in particular, at no time was the CRT-D device
Heart Failure Questionnaire. Secondary efficacy end found to be delivering inadequate or inappropriate
points consisted of NYHA class and 6-Minute Walk Test. shocks. However, the mortality rate and number of
Each of the co-primary end points was significantly clinical events remained high.
improved during the phase with active CCM. The treat- Long-term clinical outcome studies need to be per-
ment also was shown to be safe. formed to clarify the impact of CCM therapy in nonre-
sponders to CRT. To date, the FIX-CHF-12 study is
FIX-CHF-5 under way to evaluate clinical follow-up of patients
The FIX-CHF-5 prospective, randomized, parallel-group, with combined CRT and CCM therapy.
controlled trial was conducted in the United States.6 It In the patient in this case, the decision was made to add
tested the longer term (1 year) safety and efficacy of CCM to CRT because of persistent and worsening heart
CCM treatment. A total of 428 patients with NYHA class failure symptoms associated with worsening reactive
41       Cardiac Contractility Modulation in a Nonresponder to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    273

depression caused by immobility and social isolation. OUTCOME

When offered the therapy, the patient immediately con-
sented to the operation, although he was informed of the The most recent clinical follow-up examination occurred
possible risks for infection or mechanical problems with 4 months after Optimizer III implantation. The patient
six electrodes in the heart and two implanted generator reported significant improvement of physical ability.
devices. He had no dyspnea during activities of daily living, and
his formerly constant fatigue has been eliminated. He
reported dyspnea only on strong exertion, corresponding
FINAL DIAGNOSIS to an improvement of overall symptoms from NYHA III
to IV to NYHA II. His mental status also was overtly
The final diagnosis in this case was that the patient was improved. The repeat Minnesota Living with Heart Fail-
a nonresponder to CRT. ure Questionnaire score had decreased to 29 points, a
dramatic 50-point reduction. Echocardiography showed
increased LVEF to 25% and a reduction in left ventricular
PLAN OF ACTION end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions (to 69 and
58 mm, respectively, measured at the level of the mitral
The plan for this patient was implantation of an addi- leaflet tips in the parasternal long axis).
tional Opimizer III device. The patient’s N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide
(NT-proBNP) decreased to 3028 ng/L in May 2012. Follow-
up exercise testing was also performed at that time, demon-
INTERVENTION strating an increase in peak Vo2 to 13 mL/kg/min at 70 W;
the patient was without dyspnea, and the test had to be
Implantation of the Optimizer III device was performed ended early because of orthopedic problems. Figure 41-7,
in March 2012. Ventricular tachycardia detection algo- B, shows the follow-up chest radiograph with obvious
rithms of the CRT-D device were turned off during CCM reduction of the cardiac dimensions.
implantation to prevent inappropriate shocks. A sub- In the context of a case report, concern always exists
muscular pocket was made in the right subclavian that improvements are related to placebo effect. In this
region, and three standard screw-in pacemaker elec- case the dramatic clinical improvements observed from
trodes were introduced into the subclavian vein after CCM therapy were observed after the lack of any clini-
venipuncture. One electrode was positioned in the right cal effects achieved by CRT implant; had the patient
atrium and used for sensing atrial activity (Tendril ST, been susceptible to placebo, expectations would have
58 cm, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, Minn.). The other two been that these would be observed after the CRT
electrodes (Tendril ST 1888, 65 cm, St. Jude Medical) implant. Furthermore, the multiple objective findings
were positioned on the right ventricular septum. Figure (i.e., decreased NT-proBNP, reduced left ventricular
41-7, A, shows the postoperative chest radiograph with dimensions, and improved LVEF) in the face of con-
electrode positions, and Figure 41-5 shows the ECG stant medical therapy also speak against a placebo
with combined CRT and CCM therapy. effect. Although further systematic randomized study
During implantation, left ventricular dP/dtmax testing needs to be done, the current findings point to the
was measured using a 5-French Millar micromanometer promise of CCM to help at least some patients who are
catheter placed in the left ventricle. Initially, changes in dP/ nonresponders to CRT.
dtmax from baseline with different VV delays (−40 to 40 ms)
programmed in the CRT-D device were tested. Changes of
VV delay did not induce significant changes from baseline Selected References
in contrast to a left ventricular VV delay of 0 ms. Subse- 1. Abraham WT, Nadamanee K, Volosin K, et al: Subgroup analysis
quently, exclusive left ventricular stimulation was tested of a randomized controlled trial evaluation the safety and efficacy
(stimulation vector left ventricular ring to right ventricular of cardiac contractility modulation in advanced heart failure,
coil), which showed a mild increase of dP/dtmax of 6%. J Card Fail 17:710-717, 2011.
After activation of the Optimizer III device, an increase of 2. Borggrefe MM, Lawo T, Butter C, et al: Randomized, double blind
study of non-excitatory, cardiac contractility modulation electrical
dP/dtmax from baseline of 18% was achieved. impulses for symptomatic heart failure, Eur Heart J 29:1019-1028,
No cross talk between the devices occurred up to a 2008.
train delay of 80 ms. The Optimizer III device was pro- 3. Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J, et al: Cardiac-resynchronization
grammed to provide therapy for 7 hours per day. Both therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in advanced
septal stimulation electrodes were programmed “on.” chronic heart failure, N Engl J Med 350:2140-2150, 2004.
4. Butter C, Meyhofer J, Seifert M, et al: First use of cardiac contractil-
The CCM signal amplitude was programmed to 5.5 V. At ity modulation (CCM) in a patient failing CRT therapy: clinical
the last follow-up examination, device interrogation and technical aspects of combined therapies, Eur J Heart Fail
showed a CCM signal delivery rate of 98%. 9:955-958, 2007.
274    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

5. Cleland JG, Daubert JC, Erdmann E, et al: The effect of cardiac 7. Moss AJ, Hall WJ, Cannom DS, et al: Cardiac resynchronization
resynchronization on morbidity and mortality in heart failure, therapy for the prevention of heart failure events, N Engl J Med
N Engl J Med 352:1539-1549, 2005. 14:1329-1338, 2009.
6. Kadish A, Nademanee K, Volosin K, et al: A randomized controlled 8. Nägele H, Behrens S, Eisermann C, et al: Cardiac contractility
trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of cardiac contractility modulation in non-responders to cardiac resynchronization
modulation in advanced heart failure, Am Heart J 161:329-337, 2011. therapy, Europace 10:1375-1380, 2008.
Nonresponders to Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy:
Switch-Off If Worsening
Mark H. Schoenfeld

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

79 Years Male Retired Golf Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, Remote
Professional Cardiac Arrest, Congestive Heart
Failure, and Left Bundle Branch

HISTORY Venography demonstrated that his coronary venous anat-

omy was limited, with few branches available and most
This 79-year-old man with type II diabetes, hypertension, atretic, consistent with his diabetes. One branch served as
2.5 pack per day smoking history for 46 years, and a a reasonable target, with acceptable pacing thresholds
strong family history of premature coronary disease without phrenic nerve stimulation. His paced QRS dura-
(father died at 61 years of age of myocardial infarction) tion narrowed, but symptoms of heart failure have per-
suffered a myocardial infarction in 1974 and had cardiac sisted. His level of depression worsened with the death of
arrest as a result of ventricular fibrillation on the third day his wife, and he had occasional dietary indiscretion.
of that hospitalization. Coronary revascularization was Atrioventricular optimization was performed. With ongo-
undertaken with a four-vessel bypass in February, 1999. ing symptoms despite maximal medical therapy and
He developed symptoms of heart failure in 2006, with an dietary modification, and in an effort to maximize lon-
echocardiogram showing akinesis of the inferior and pos- gevity of the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD),
terobasal walls and an ejection fraction of 20% with the left ventricular lead was inactivated 1 year later.
moderate mitral regurgitation. He was treated with furo-
semide, carvedilol, candesartan, and statins and contin-
ued with New York Health Association (NYHA) class II to CURRENT MEDICATIONS
III symptoms, with an electrocardiogram demonstrating
left bundle branch block (LBBB) with variable QRS dura- The patient was taking carvedilol 6.25 mg twice daily,
tions of 120 to 130 msec. He was thought perhaps to be a furosemide 100 mg daily, potassium chloride 20 mEq
candidate for cardiac resynchronization therapy. Outpa- daily, glyburide 2.5 mg daily, simvastatin 20 mg daily,
tient tissue Doppler study confirmed an ejection fraction amlodipine 5 mg daily, fish oil 1000 mg daily, and aspi-
of 20% but fell short of the usual criteria for left ventricu- rin 81 mg daily.
lar dyssynchrony. Electrophysiologic study demonstrated
easily inducible sustained monomorphic ventricular
tachycardia, both at baseline and after procainamide CURRENT SYMPTOMS
challenge, prompting implantation of a single-chamber
Medtronic defibrillator using the left cephalic vein. His The patient experienced dyspnea at 100 yards and one
ejection fraction was 25% in 2009. With progressive flight of stairs and had occasional orthopnea.
symptoms of heart failure in 2010 despite maximal medi-
cal therapy, and with a QRS duration of 140 msec, the
decision was made to upgrade his device to a cardiac PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
resynchronization therapy (CRT) system. The left subcla-
vian system was still patent, allowing for passage of an BP/HR: 100/65 mm Hg/70 bpm
active fixation atrial lead and a coronary sinus lead. Height/Weight: 172.5 cm/74 kg
276    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Neck veins: 9 cm H2O I aVR V1 V4

Chest: Bibasilar crackles
Heart: Apex dyskinetic and laterally displaced, second
II aVL V2 V5
heart sound (S2) paradoxically split, grade II to VI
mitral regurgitation murmur, summation gallop
Abdomen: Soft, nontender, active bowel sounds, liver III aVF V3 V6
edge down 2 fingerbreadths, span 10 cm
Extremities: 1+ bipedal edema II

LABORATORY DATA FIGURE 42-1 Electrocardiogram.

Hemoglobin: 14.2 g/dL

Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 43%
Mean corpuscular volume: 91.7 fL
Platelet count: 180 × 103/µL
Sodium: 139 mEq/L
Potassium: 4.4 mEq/L
Creatinine: 1.09 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen: 21 mg/dL

Figure 42-1 shows a biventricular paced sinus rhythm,
heart rate of 66 bpm, and paced QRS of 136 msec.

FIGURE 42-2  Coronary sinus venogram.
The coronary sinus venogram obtained at the time of
implant shows the posteroapical branch selected and final
position of the leads (Figures 42-2 and 42-3). Figure 42-4
demonstrates lead position in a different patient in whom
the apical position of the coronary sinus lead is even more
exemplary of an apical and nonbasal position.


What defines a nonresponder in the CRT population, and at
what point would this patient be considered a nonresponder?

It is widely recognized that the definition of response
and nonresponse to CRT varies considerably, whether by FIGURE 42-3  Chest radiograph of final coronary sinus lead position
clinical parameters (i.e., changes in NYHA classification corresponding to venogram in Figure 42-2.
42       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Switch-Off If Worsening    277

What alternative strategies were available to this patient?

Given the observation that the patient had atretic dia-
betic changes in the coronary venous tree, little else was
available in the way of otherwise optimizing lead posi-
tion because only one branch was sizable enough to
engage. Interventional procedures such as venodilation
have been employed in highly experienced centers pro-
vided the anatomy is reasonable and the approach fea-
sible. Employment of newer quadripolar coronary sinus
leads allowing for alternative pacing polarities and loca-
tions would not likely have helped in this individual.9
Epicardial lead placement is an alternative approach,
but it is more invasive and there is no guarantee that it
would resolve the issue of nonresponse in this case.
Atrioventricular optimization was undertaken in this
FIGURE 42-4  Chest radiograph in a different patient in whom the patient without success.
apical position of the coronary sinus lead is a better example of an
apical coronary sinus lead position. Question
Under what other circumstances might the left ventricular
or hospitalizations for heart failure), imaging criteria lead be deactivated or left inactive from the time of implant—
(i.e., changes in ejection fraction, dyssynchrony, or stroke that is, in addition to being a CRT nonresponder?
volume), or survival.1-8 Until universal agreement is
achieved on this subject, it is difficult to define a predictor
of success or, conversely, when to define failure. The
patient described is on maximal medical therapy, has If the lead dislodges and no other stable position is an
ongoing symptoms of heart failure despite CRT with per- option, attempting invasive repositioning of the coro-
sistent depression of ejection fraction, and would be con- nary sinus lead may be deemed a greater risk. If multiple
sidered a nonresponder by most clinicians. The length of positions have been assessed and the safety margin
time to be waited in any individual case before consider- between effective left ventricular pacing and phrenic
ing CRT a failure is unclear. This is an important issue nerve stimulation is too narrow, the decision may be
because prematurely deactivating the coronary sinus lead, made to inactivate the left ventricular lead. The same
although minimizing current drain on the device, may applies if the left ventricular pacing threshold is unac-
preclude demonstration of a delayed response to CRT. ceptably high. In some situations, a prophylactic coro-
nary sinus lead may have been implanted, such as in a
patient with a rapid ventricular response to atrial fibril-
Question lation who may require eventual atriventricular node
What may have contributed to this patient’s nonresponse to ablation, resulting in cardiac desynchronization. In such
CRT? cases in which a high incidence of right ventricular pac-
ing may be anticipated in the future, the coronary sinus
lead may be left inactive until coronary sinus pacing is
Discussion required.
As noted, predictors of response have been the subject
of much investigation and a comprehensive understand-
ing of this issue has yet to be achieved. A longer baseline FINAL DIAGNOSIS
QRS duration, as suggested by various trials (LBBB >150
msec), more basal position of the left ventricular lead, This patient was nonresponsive to CRT, possibly reflect-
and lack of demonstration of significant intraventricular ing more apical or less basal position of coronary sinus
dyssynchrony by tissue Doppler imaging may have con- lead versus shorter baseline QRS duration or less evi-
tributed to a lack of response in this case. dence of baseline mechanical dyssynchrony.
278    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

PLAN OF ACTION 3.  Fornwalt BK, Sprague WW, BeDell, et al: Agreement is poor
among current criteria used to define response to cardiac
resynchronization therapy, Circulation 121:1985-1991, 2010.
The plan for this patient was deactivation of the coro- 4.  Goldenberg I, Moss AJ, Hall WJ, et al: Predictors of response to
nary sinus lead after continued observation of nonre- cardiac resynchronization therapy in the multicenter automatic
sponse and continuation of medical therapy. defibrillator implantation trial with cardiac resynchronization
therapy (MADIT-CRT), Circulation 124:1527-1536, 2011.
5.  Hsing JM, Selzman KA, Leclercq C, et al: Paced left ventricular
QRS width and ECG parameters predict outcomes after cardiac
INTERVENTION resynchronization therapy: PROSPECT-ECG substudy, Circ
Arrhythm Electrophysiol 4:851-857, 2011.
Deactivation of coronary sinus lead was performed by 6.  Khan FZ, Virdee MS, Palmer CR, et al: Targeted left ventricular
programming left ventricular lead function to the “off” lead placement to guide cardiac resynchronization therapy: the
TARGET study: a randomized, controlled trial, J Am Coll Cardiol
59:1509-1518, 2012.
7.  Knappe D, Pouleur AC, Shah AM, et al: Dyssynchrony, contractile
function, and response to cardiac resynchronization therapy,
OUTCOME Circ Heart Fail 4:433-440, 2011.
8.  Singh JP, Klein HU, Huang DT, et al: Left ventricular lead
position and clinical outcome in the Multicenter Automatic
At the time of publication, the patient was still alive,
Defibrillator Implantation Trial-Cardiac Resynchronization
albeit with ongoing symptoms of heart failure and pro- Therapy (MADIT-CRT) Trial, Circulation 123:1159-1166, 2011.
found depression. ICD deactivation also could be con- 9.  Burger H, Schwarz T, Ehrlich W, et al: New generation of
sidered in the future if comorbid conditions prevail, as transvenous left ventricular leads: first experience with implanta-
suggested by Heart Rhythm Society guidelines on man- tion of multipolar left ventricular leads, Exp Clin Cardiol
16:23-26, 2011.
agement of patients with cardiac implantable electronic
10. Lampert R, Hayes DL, Annas GJ, et al: HRS expert consensus
devices.10 statement on the management of cardiovascular implantable
electronic devices (CIEDs) in patients nearing end of life or
requesting withdrawal of therapy, Heart Rhythm 7:1008-1026,
Selected References 2010.

Chung ES, Leon AR, Tavzzi L, et al: Results of the predictors of
response to CRT (PROSPECT) Trial, Circulation 117:2608-2616,
Delgado V, Van Bommel RJ, Bertini M, et al: Relative merits of
left ventricular dyssynchrony, left ventricular lead position, and
myocardial scar to predict long-term survival of ischemic heart
failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy,
Circulation 123:70-78, 2011.
Recognition of Anodal Stimulation
Joseph Y. S. Chan

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

68 Years Male Retired Businessman Ischemic Cardiomyopathy


This 68-year-old man had a history of non-ST elevation BP/HR: 100/70 mm Hg/70 bpm
myocardial infarction in 2008 and percutaneous coro- Height/weight: 160 cm/68 kg
nary intervention with incomplete revascularization to Neck veins: Not engorged
triple-vessel disease. He developed atrial fibrillation and Lungs/chest: Clear
congestive heart failure in 2010. An echocardiogram Heart: Apex displaced laterally and downward, no
showed a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 19%, murmur
left ventricular end-diastolic volume of 146 mL, and left Abdomen: Soft, no mass
ventricular end-systolic volume of 119 mL. The QRS width Extremities: Normal
was 144 msec. He remained in New York Heart Associa-
tion (NYHA) class III while on optimal medical therapy
for heart failure. He received a cardiac resynchronization LABORATORY DATA
therapy (CRT) pacemaker with bipolar right ventricular
lead in the right ventricular apex and bipolar left ventricu- Hemoglobin: 12.8 g/dL
lar lead positioned at the posterior branch of the great Mean corpuscular volume: 92.8 fL
cardiac vein together with atrioventricular nodal ablation Platelet count: 181 × 103/mm3
in 2010. On follow-up, anodal stimulation was detected Sodium: 138 mmol/L
on device interrogation and testing and the anodal stimu- Potassium: 4.4 mmol/L
lation threshold was 2.0 V at 0.4 msec, which was only Creatinine: 97 mmol/L
slightly higher than the left ventricular lead pacing thresh- Blood urea nitrogen: 8.6 mmol/L
old, at 1.5V at 0.4 msec. The left ventricular lead output
was set at 3.0 V at 0.4 msec, which was above the anodal
stimulation threshold. No V-V delay was set for the
patient. At follow-up examination at 6 months, improve-
ment in symptoms with NYHA class II was noted. An
echocardiogram showed an increase in LVEF to 25% and
reduced left ventricular end-systolic volume of 91 mL. Figure 43-1, A, shows biventricular pacing at maxi-
mum output that resulted in anodal stimulation and
triple site stimulation (i.e., right ventricular ring, right
CURRENT MEDICATIONS ventricular tip, and left ventricular tip). Figure 43-1, B,
shows biventricular pacing below the anodal stimula-
The patient was taking clopidogrel 75 mg daily, simvas- tion threshold, with subtle change in aVL and aVR, in
tatin 20 mg daily, lisinopril 10 mg daily, carvedilol 12.5 mg contrast to triple site stimulation. In Figure 43-1, C,
twice daily, and aspirin 80 mg daily. further decrement in left ventricular lead output can
be seen, which resulted in loss of left ventricular cap-
ture, with the electrocardiogram (ECG) morphology
CURRENT SYMPTOMS basically the same as in right ventricular pacing alone.
As shown in Figure 43-1, D, on testing by left ven-
The patient’s heart failure symptom has improved to tricular pacing alone at maximum output, the ECG is
NYHA class II. He enjoys light exercise mainly in terms very similar to what would be seen with biventricular
of brisk walking and reports no angina. pacing because of simultaneous right ventricular ring
280    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy






FIGURE 43-1 





BiV7.5V BiV2.0V BiV1.5V LV7.5V LV1.5V


anodal stimulation and left ventricular pacing. Decre- phenomenon of anodal stimulation.1,2,4,5 Anodal sit-
ment of left ventricular lead output, as seen in Figure mulation typically occurs with high left ventricular
43-1, E, led to loss of anodal stimulation and activa- lead output,1,2,4,5 and it is demonstrated by a change in
tion starts from the left ventricular pacing lead with 12-lead ECG morphology during increment of pacing
marked change in ECG morphology. output above pacing threshold during left ventricular
only pacing (with the right ventricle output pro-
grammed off). In the presence of anodal stimulation,
FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS the ECG morphology is the same as simultaneous left
and right ventricular (biventricular) pacing. It is
AND DISCUSSION POINTS reported that anodal stimulation can be detected in
78.4% of cases.2 Anodal stimulation can also be seen
Question during biventricular pacing when the QRS morphol-
How is anodal stimulation recognized in a patient with a ogy becomes narrower at high left ventricular lead
CRT? pacing output. This can be observed in only 41.4% of
cases.2 In this case report, very subtle change was
observed that best could be appreciated in leads aVL
DISCUSSION and aVR, with loss of anodal stimulation when left
ventricular lead output was decremented to 2.0 V at
Most CRT devices use a bipolar lead for right ventricu- 0.4 msec when testing in the biventricular pacing con-
lar pacing and a unipolar or bipolar lead for left ven- figuration (see Figure 43-1). With further decrease in
tricular pacing. Configuration of the left ventricular left ventricular lead output to 1.5 V, loss of left ven-
tip or ring as the cathode and the right ventricular lead tricular capture and only right ventricular capture were
ring as the anode is sometimes employed to prevent noted. Loss of anodal stimulation was more obvious
phrenic nerve stimulation or optimize the threshold when tested in the left ventricular pacing alone con-
for the left ventricular lead. In this configuration, figuration. The reason why anodal stimulation may
potentially the right ventricular ring electrode can cap- not be apparent when testing with biventricular pac-
ture the myocardial tissue directly and result in the ing is because of the close proximity of the right
43       Recognition of Anodal Stimulation    281

ventricular lead ring and tip so that triple site stimula- PLAN OF ACTION
tion may not cause significant change in QRS mor-
phology in contrast to biventricular pacing. The plan for this patient was to enable triple site
One obvious question is whether anodal stimula- pacing.
tion resulted in suboptimal CRT. In a small case study,
3 of 46 patients with left ventricular tip to right ven-
tricular ring configuration were noted to have anodal Selected References
stimulation and all of them were nonresponders to 1. Bulava A, Ansalone G, Ricci R, et al: Triple-site pacing in patients
CRT.3 Also, in a study of the hemodynamic effect of with biventricular device-incidence of the phenomenon and
cardiac resynchronization benefit, J Interv Card Electrophysiol
anodal stimulation by echocardiogram, no statistical
10:37-45, 2004.
difference was found in the hemodynamic effect of 2. Champagne J, Healey JS, Krahn AD, ELECTION Investigators,
anodal stimulation on biventricular pacing. However, et al: The effect of electronic repositioning on left ventricular
in 2 patients, worsening of hemodynamic status was pacing and phrenic nerve stimulation, Europace 13:409-415,
noted with the presence of anodal stimulation.7 Obvi- 2011.
3. Dendy KF, Powell BD, Cha YM, et al: Anodal stimulation: an
ously, these studies are small in sample size and no
underrecognized cause of nonresponders to cardiac resynchroni-
definitive conclusion can be drawn. Another potential zation therapy, Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J 11:64-72, 2011.
drawback of anodal stimulation is the elimination of 4. Tamborero D, Mont L, Alanis R, et al: Anodal capture in cardiac
the effect of V-V delay because of simultaneous capture resynchronization therapy implications for device programming,
of the right ventricular ring (anodal stimulation) and Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 29:940-945, 2006.
5. Thibault B, Roy D, Guerra PG, et al: Anodal right ventricular
left ventricular tip.6
capture during left ventricular stimulation in CRT-implantable
cardioverter defibrillators, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 28:613-619,
FINAL DIAGNOSIS 6. van Gelder BM, Bracke FA, Meijer A: The effect of anodal
stimulation on V-V timing at varying V-V intervals, Pacing Clin
Electrophysiol 28:771-776, 2005.
This patient had clinically detectable anodal stimula-
7. Yoshida K, Seo Y, Yamasaki H, et al: Effect of triangle ventricular
tion. As a result the device was to allow triple site stimu- pacing on haemodynamics and dyssynchrony in patients with
lation, with favorable response in terms of functional advanced heart failure: a comparison study with conventional
class and left ventricular reverse remodeling after CRT. bi-ventricular pacing therapy, Eur Heart J 28:2610-2619, 2007.
Significant Residual or Worsening
Mitral Regurgitation (MitraClip)
François Regoli, Marta Acena, Tiziano Moccetti, and Angelo Auricchio

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

76 Years Female Retired Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Nonresponder
with Persistent Severe
Mitral Regurgitation


This 76-year-old female patient was referred to us for per- The patient was taking acenocoumerol 1 mg adjusted to
sistent heart failure symptoms in New York Heart Associa- international normalized ratio value, captopril 10 mg
tion [NYHA] class III to IV and severe functional mitral daily, carvedilol 12.5 mg daily, spironolactone 50 mg
regurgitation (FMR) despite optimal therapeutic manage- daily, torsemide 20 mg adjusted according to weight,
ment combining medication, previous biventricular and metolazone 2.5 mg daily if body weight greater
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) (cardiac than 50 kg.
resynchronization therapy defibrillator [CRT-D]) implant,
and atrioventricular node ablation for competing atrial
fibrillation rhythm. Four months previously a CRT-D
device was implanted based on conventional class I indica- The medication profile of the patient is typical for
tion—drug-refractory symptomatic heart failure (NYHA advanced-phase heart failure, with low dosages of an
class III to IV) because of postactinic cardiomyopathy (the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and beta
patient had previously received radiotherapy for non- blockers and weight-adjusted dosages of diuretics.
Hodgkin lymphoma) with severe left ventricular systolic
dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF],
29%); the electrocardiogram (ECG) showed significant CURRENT SYMPTOMS
ventricular conduction delay with complete left bundle
branch block and 130-msec QRS complex duration. Atrial The patient was unable to walk up a single flight of 12
fibrillation was the underlying atrial rhythm. Besides severe steps without stopping because of breathlessness (NYHA
left ventricular dysfunction, the transthoracic echocardio- class III to IV) and unable to perform the 6-Minute Walk
gram performed before CRT-D device implant showed a Test.
mildly dilated left ventricle (end-diastolic voume 186 mL
and end-systolic volume 132 mL) and severe functional
mitral regurgitation determined by failed coaptation of PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
mitral valve leaflets resulting from symmetric dilation of
the mitral anulus. Shortly after CRT-D implant, the patient BP/HR: 90/60 mm Hg/70 bpm
underwent catheter ablation of the atrioventricular node as Height/weight: 165 cm/47 kg
a result of recurring high ventricular rate atrial fibrillation. Neck veins: Jugular vein congestion
After 4 months of CRT, both symptoms and mitral Lungs/chest: Presence of crackles in the midbasal
regurgitation remained unchanged. The patient was fields
therefore evaluated for percutaneous edge-to-edge Heart: Mitral valve murmur 3/6
mitral valvuloplasty with a MitraClip (Abbott Laborato- Abdomen: Normal
ries, Abbott Park, Ill).1 Extremities: Presence of moderate peripheral edema
284    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

LABORATORY DATA of 120 msec. The underlying atrial rhythm was atrial
Hemoglobin: 9 g/dL
Mean corpuscular volume: 73 fL
Platelet count: 212 × 103/µL ECHOCARDIOGRAM
Sodium: 138 mmol/L
Potassium: 3.9 mmol/L
Creatinine: 113 mmol/L
Blood urea nitrogen: 18 mmol/L Figure 44-2 shows the transthoracic echocardiographic
apical four-chamber view with color Doppler before
(see Figure 44-2, A) MitraClip positioning.
Life expectancy considering the patient’s demographic,
clinical, and laboratory data was calculated using the
Seattle Heart Failure Model.2 Estimated life expectancy A preprocedural transthoracic echocardiogram showed
for this patient was considered to be very poor, with a a mildly dilated left ventricle (end-diastolic volume 186
median life expectancy of 2.6 years and estimated sur- mL and end-systolic volume 132 mL) with severe sys-
vival of only 69%, 48%, and 16% at 1, 2, and 5 years, tolic dysfunction (LVEF 26%). Severe functional mitral
respectively. regurgitation was present, with a marked central regurgi-
tant jet resulting from symmetric dilation of the annulus
and consequent lack of leaflet coaptation. Lack of
important alterations of leaflet morphology and move-
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ment implicate anatomomorphologic integrity of valve
leaflets, chordae, and papillary muscles. Increased
Findings hemodynamic stress of mitral regurgitation is suggested
Constant biventricular paced rhythm was seen in VVI by biatrial dilation, increased artery pulmonary pressure
modality at 70 bpm (Figure 44-1). The vertical axis (45 mm Hg), hypokinesia of the right ventricle, and
in the peripheral leads demonstrated a QRS duration grade II tricuspid insufficiency.




FIGURE 44-1  aVR C4

aVL C5

aVF C6
44       Significant Residual or Worsening Mitral Regurgitation (MitraClip)    285


Functional mitral regurgitation is most amenable to repair
by MitraClip. Different from primary mitral regurgitation,
Question functional mitral regurgitation (also termed secondary
Why is the patient considered a suitable candidate for per- mitral regurgitation) is determined by geometric distortion
cutaneous mitral valve repair rather than surgical valve of the subvalvular apparatus, secondary to left ventricular
repair? enlargement and remodeling as a result of idiopathic car-
diomyopathy or coronary artery disease. The underlying
condition in a patient with CRT produces tethering (apical
Discussion and lateral papillary muscle displacement, and annular
The patient is an extremely compromised CRT nonre- dilation) and reduced closing forces because of left ven-
sponder who continued to be symptomatic because of tricular dysfunction (reduced contractility or left ventricu-
persistent severe functional mitral regurgitation. Based lar dyssynchrony). It is important to emphasize that in
on EUROSCORE II,3 the patient’s surgical mortality risk functional mitral regurgitation, valve leaflets and chordae
was estimated at 17.8%. Furthermore, surgical approach are structurally normal.5 Besides precise evaluation of the
in patients with CRT with indication for valve repair is mitral regurgitation grade, echocardiographic examina-
not supported by prospective, randomized evidence. tions (both transthoracic and transesophageal) should
As far as percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valvuloplasty assess the following aspects to prepare the patient for
by MitraClip is concerned, one multicenter, prospective, mitral valve repair by MitraClip:
longitudinal study has demonstrated the clinical benefit in
1. Presence of annulus dilation resulting from underly-
this patient subgroup.4 This study has shown that Mitra-
ing heart disease
Clip repair of clinically and hemodynamically significant
FMR after CRT improves symptoms and produces reversal 2. Anatomomorphologic integrity of the other anatomic
of maladaptive remodeling in approximately 70% of these constituents of the mitral valve, namely the leaflets
patients. and chordae
Structural and hemodynamic “repercussions” of
mitral regurgitation on other cardiac chambers and
Question on pulmonary arterial pressure
What kind of mitral regurgitation disorder is most amenable
to correction by MitraClip?

FIGURE 44-2 

286    SECTION 8       Nonresponders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

FIGURE 44-3 


What is the recommended time from CRT implantation to indi-
cate MitraClip in case of persistent moderate-to-severe mitral In general anesthesia and under continuous hemody-
regurgitation? Why is such a time frame recommended? namic and transesophageal monitoring, the MitraClip
delivery system is positioned by the transseptal catheter-
ization approach. This system includes the clip at the
Discussion tip, a steerable guiding catheter, and a clip delivery sys-
The patient with CRT should be considered eligible for tem to open, close, and release three-dimensional
MitraClip in the case of persisting symptoms associated images.
with unchanged moderate or severe mitral regurgitation Figure 44-3 shows intraprocedural transesophageal
after 3 to 6 months of CRT. This preset time frame is echocardiographic images during MitraClip positioning
recommended based on the established knowledge that (arrows). After transseptal catheterization, the clip,
CRT-induced reversal of maladaptive left ventricular located at the tip of the MitraClip delivery system, is
remodeling, which usually occurs within the first 6 advanced across the mitral valve and into the left ventri-
months after device implantation, may reduce mitral cle (see Figure 44-3, A) with the clip closed. The clip is
regurgitation.6,7 In the present case, it is important to then opened (see Figure 44-3, B), and slight retraction of
emphasize that MitraClip intervention was not delayed the system toward the atrium in a central position is per-
to 6 months, because the clinical condition of the formed, thus capturing the valve leaflets. The clip is then
patient was extremely compromised with little or no closed (see Figure 44-3, C) at the desired position. If the
therapeutic margin. posi­tion is suboptimal or inadequate, the maneuver may
be repeated several times. After a satisfactory position
has been achieved with resulting effective mitral regurgi-
FINAL DIAGNOSIS tation reduction, the clip is released (see Figure 44-3, D)
and the delivery system removed. Postprocedural chest
This patient had persistent severe functional mitral regur- radiograph shows the correct position of the MitraClip
gitation and was a symptomatic CRT nonresponder. device (arrows) in anteroposterior (Figure 44-4, A) and
lateral (see Figure 44-4, B) projections.

Mitral regurgitation was addressed by a percutaneous
approach based on positioning of the MitraClip. The outcome in this patient was satisfactory.
44       Significant Residual or Worsening Mitral Regurgitation (MitraClip)    287

FIGURE 44-4 


Findings Selected References

1. Feldman T, Kar S, Rinaldi M, et al: EVEREST Investigators. Percuta-
Transthoracic echocardiogram showed that MitraClip
neous mitral repair with the MitraClip system: safety and midterm
allowed a remarkable reduction of mitral regurgitation durability in the initial EVEREST (Endovascular Valve Edge-to-Edge
from grade IV to grade II. As a result, artery pulmonary REpair Study) cohort, J Am Coll Cardiol 54:686-694, 2009.
pressure reduced to 35 mm Hg, right ventricular hypoki- 2. Levy WC, Mozaffarian D, Linker DT, et al: The Seattle Heart
nesia was no lon­ger present, and tricuspid insufficiency Failure Model: prediction of survival in heart failure, Circulation
113:1424-1433, 2006.
reduced to grade I (see Figure 43-2).
3. Roques F, Michel P, Goldstone AR, et al: The logistic EuroSCORE,
After 2 years and 9 months of follow-up, the patient Eur Heart J 24:882-883, 2003.
was clinically stable in NYHA class III. The echocardio- 4. Auricchio A, Schillinger W, Meyer S, et al: PERMIT-CARE Investiga-
gram revealed persistence of severe left ventricular (LVEF, tors. Correction of mitral regurgitation in nonresponders to cardiac
25%) systolic dysfunction, but residual grade II mitral resynchronization therapy by MitraClip improves symptoms and
promotes reverse remodeling, J Am Coll Cardiol 58:2183-2189, 2011.
regurgitation and left ventricular diameters (end-diastolic
5. Vahanian A, Alfieri O, Andreotti F, et al: Guidelines on the
diameter to end-systolic diameter ratio, 66/58 mm) management of valvular heart disease (version 2012), Eur Heart J
remained stable. 33:2451-2496, 2012.
Calculation of Seattle Heart Failure Score based on 6. Boriani G, Gasparini M, Landolina M, et al: InSync/InSync ICD
the patient’s demographic, clinical, laboratory, and ther- Italian Registry Investigators. Impact of mitral regurgitation on the
outcome of patients treated with CRT-D: data from the InSync
apeutic characteristics at last follow-up yielded an esti-
ICD Italian Registry, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 35:146-154, 2012.
mated mean life expectancy of 5.6 years, suggesting an 7. Di Biase L, Auricchio A, Mohanty P, et al: Impact of cardiac
increase in life expectancy of 2 years, compared to the resynchronization therapy on the severity of mitral regurgitation,
preprocedural estimate. Europace 13:829-838, 2011.
Intrathoracic Impedance
(Dietary Incompliance)
Frieder Braunschweig

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

65 Years Male Businessman OptiVol Alert for Fluid Overload

HISTORY Comments
In August 2008 the patient received a biventricular The patient fulfilled essential guideline criteria for implan-
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD; Concerto, tation of a CRT defibrillator (CRT-D) system. At the time of
Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minn.) due to dilated cardiomy- implantation, the role of CRT in patients with atrial fibril-
opathy with symptomatic heart failure (New York Heart lation was unclear. Nevertheless, implantation of a CRT-D
Association [NYHA] class III) despite optimal pharmaco- system in a patient such as this reflected common clinical
logic treatment. Before implantation, his left ventricular practice.4 As a result of the beneficial clinical course and
ejection fraction (LVEF) was 20%, with a pattern of global improvements in left ventricular function after 6 months,
hypokinesia. He was in permanent atrial fibrillation, and he was considered a responder to CRT treatment.
the surface electrocardiogram (ECG) showed a typical left
bundle branch block and QRS duration of 160 ms. After
6 months of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), he CURRENT MEDICATIONS
had improved to NYHA class II and the LVEF had
increased to 35%. The patient was taking warfarin (INR 2-3), bisoprolol 10
The device collected daily information about intra- mg daily, enalapril 20 mg daily, spironolactone 25 mg daily,
thoracic impedance and tracked changes in the digoxin 0.25 mg daily, and furosemide 40 mg twice daily.
OptiVol Fluid Index. Intrathoracic impedance can be
measured between a right ventricular pacing or defi-
brillation lead and the device can.1 Impedance
decreases with an increase in blood volume and pul- The medication regimen represents current guideline
monary fluid content. The OptiVol fluid index com- recommendations. During treatment with bisoprolol
pares the actual patient impedance with a reference and digoxin the spontaneous heart rate was constantly
impedance derived from a moving average algorithm. below the basic paced heart rate of 70 bpm (VVIR
When daily impedance falls below the reference, the mode). The proportion of biventricular stimulation
difference accumulates in the OptiVol Fluid Index. If was above 98%. Therefore atrioventricular junctional
the OptiVol Fluid Index crosses a certain threshold, an ablation was not deemed necessary.
alert can be triggered indicating that the patient is at
increased risk for subsequent heart failure decompen-
sation. This may facilitate timely therapeutic interven- CURRENT SYMPTOMS
tions. A threshold crossing incident can be indicated
to the patient by an audible tone from the device On August 23, 2009, the patient participated in a cray-
(OptiVol alert) or to the heart failure team by means fish party, which is a traditional eating and drinking cel-
of remote patient monitoring. ebration in the Nordic countries held in late summer
The patient was enrolled in a clinical study. Accord- during the legal crayfish harvesting period. A crayfish
ing to the protocol, he was not connected to remote dinner is typically associated with intake of large
patient monitoring and the OptiVol alert was pro- amounts of salt, and alcohol consumption (with snaps,
grammed “on.” the Swedish for small shots of strong alcohol) may be

292    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

high. These deviations from essential dietary restrictions other device diagnostics (i.e., heart rate, heart rate vari-
prudent for heart failure patients are usually followed by ability, physical activity, ventricular arrhythmia burden,
increased water consumption. and percentage biventricular pacing, all of which were
During the next several days, a fall in impedance and normal in the present case) would likely be sufficient to
an increase in the OptiVol Fluid Index was observed. On resolve this situation without the need for an office visit.
September 9, the Fluid Index threshold of 60 Ohm*days The value of audible alerts has been disputed. In the
was crossed and the audible OptiVol alert was activated randomized Diagnostic Outcome Trial in Heart Failure
every morning as long as the Fluid Index remained trial, patients in whom the audible alert was activated
above threshold values. The patient had been instructed had a higher incidence of hospitalizations for heart fail-
to contact his heart failure clinic in case of an OptiVol ure.8 Obviously, audible alerts can trigger patient and
alert. Despite this, he waited 12 more days before calling physician concerns and thereby lower the threshold for
the clinic. Being a well-educated patient, he suspected a hospitalization. Still, other studies have demonstrated
causal relationship between the dietary incompliance that fluid alerts should direct the attention of clinicians
and the consecutive fluid alert. In fact, he later reported to an increased risk for heart failure–related events.7,9 Tri-
transient symptoms of minor weight increase, dyspnea, als evaluating the concept of impedance monitoring in
and slight ankle swelling for a few days after the dinner. the context of remote patient monitoring are under way.
During the last week before contacting the clinic, he
took an extra tablet of furosemide 40 mg daily.
On September 10 the patient was seen at the heart PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
failure clinic. At this time, symptoms had disappeared
and body weight had normalized. The physical status BP/HR: 110/80 mm Hg/70 bpm (regular)
revealed no sign of overt fluid overload. Information Height/weight: 192 cm/93 kg
about intrathoracic impedance was read from the device Neck veins: Normal
memory. Notably, impedance had increased again for Lungs/chest: Clear
some days and was about to cross the line of the refer- Heart: Apical systolic murmur (grade 1/6)
ence impedance. This was consistent with normaliza- Abdomen: Normal status
tion of heart failure signs and symptoms and indicated Extremities: No peripheral edema
that the audible alert would soon disappear. It was rec-
ommended that the patient continue with his ordinary
medical prescription. The patient was reminded about COMMENTS
restrictions concerning salt, fluid, and alcohol intake.
Flexible use of diuretics in response to subjective signs The physical examination on September 10 did not
and symptoms of heart failure was encouraged. show any sign of heart failure decompensation.
On October 8 a control visit was made. The patient’s
condition remained unchanged. Device interrogation
showed that the OptiVol Fluid Index had normalized LABORATORY DATA
soon after the prior visit and impedance had returned to
a level indicating normal fluid conditions. Hemoglobin: 135 g/dL
Hematocrit: 45%
Mean corpuscular volume: 96 fL
Comments Sodium: 138 mmol/L
The patient was asymptomatic at the examination, and Potassium: 4.3 mmol/L
the alert could be regarded as a false alert. However, the Creatinine: 125 μmol/L
patient’s history indicated transient heart failure deterio-
ration as the most probable explanation. Dietary incom-
pliance can lead to fluid retention6 and is often involved
in heart failure decompensation.5 Findings were normal apart from renal dysfunction.
In the present case, the patient had already taken ther-
apeutic action by increasing the dose of diuretics and
any additional impact of the clinician encounter cannot FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
be proved. However, during the patient visit the patho-
physiologic mechanism of the event was confirmed and
important educational advice was provided.
Patient–clinician interaction in a case such as this
should rather be established using remote monitoring Why does impedance gradually increase during the first
technology. A phone call together with a remote check of months after implantation?
45       Intrathoracic Impedance (Dietary Incompliance)    293

Discussion Question
An increase in intrathoracic impedance is commonly What are the possible reasons for an OptiVol fluid alert?
observed during the first month after implantation
(Figure 45-1, x). The typical postoperative impedance
pattern is largely explained by the gradual resorption of
tissue edema, fluid, and hematoma in the ICD pocket. Impedance decreases with a consecutive increase of the
In the present case, impedance continued to increase for OptiVol Fluid Index are typically observed in the presence
approximately 9 months (see Figure 45-1, y) until a pla- of progressive fluid retention resulting from decompen-
teau was reached. This was likely due to the beneficial sated heart failure. In the pivotal study by Yu et al (MID-
long-term effects of CRT with decreasing left ventricular HefFT) study, impedance started to decrease at an average
size, blood volume, and pulmonary decongestion. of 18 days before heart failure hospitalization and symp-
The typical early impedance increase after surgery may toms first occurred 3 days before hospitalization.10 There-
mask a concomitant fluid retention. Therefore the sensi- fore a “true” OptiVol alert can be observed in patients who
tivity of the OptiVol fluid algorithm to detect impending are asymptomatic or only “mildly” symptomatic. Whether
volume overload decompensation is particularly limited any preventive treatment should be initiated in the latter
during the first few months after device implantation.2 conditions is currently unclear.
Similarly, a sudden impedance fall and gradual recovery Other reasons for impedance falls include thoracic
is observed after a device exchange or other thoracic surgery, pneumonia and bronchitis, and pleural or peri-
operations. cardial effusions. Furthermore, because of the variability

OptiVol threshold
OptiVol Fluid Index (Ohm*day)





Fluid 0
Sep 2008 Nov 2008 Jan 2008 Mar 2008 May 2008 Jul 2008 Sep 2009

FIGURE 45-1 
100 c
90 a
Thoracic Impedance (Ohm)




Sep 2008 Nov 2008 Jan 2008 Mar 2008 May 2008 Jul 2008 Sep 2009
294    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

of thoracic impedance, a false alert with no clinical cor- OUTCOME

relate may occur. A higher specificity can be achieved by
increasing the OptiVol threshold. The patient remained in NYHA class II with intermittent
episodes of congestion that could be handled on an out-
patient basis. Remote patient monitoring was initiated
Question and was considered valuable to maintain stable volume
How should information from impedance monitoring be used conditions.
in clinical practice?
Selected References
Discussion 1.  Braunschweig F, Ford I, Conraads V, et al: Can monitoring of
Given the limitations discussed previously, the clinical intrathoracic impedance reduce morbidity and mortality in
patients with chronic heart failure? Rationale and design of the
value of alert features based on impedance is currently
Diagnostic Outcome Trial in Heart Failure (DOT-HF), Eur J Heart
unclear, especially if used without concomitant remote Fail 10:907-916, 2008.
patient monitoring. However, it has been shown that 2.  Conraads VM, Tavazzi L, Santini M, Oliva F, et al: Sensitivity
information from impedance monitoring alone or in and positive predictive value of implantable intrathoracic
combination with other device-based diagnostics can impedance monitoring as a predictor of heart failure
hospitalizations: the SENSE-HF trial, Eur Heart J 18:2266-
identify patients who are at higher risk for impending
2273, 2011.
heart failure hospitalization.9 Therefore regular moni- 3.  Daubert JC, Saxon L, Adamson PB, et al: 2012 EHRA/HRS expert
toring of the device diagnostics—for example, in consensus statement on cardiac resynchronization therapy in
monthly intervals—may improve patient management. heart failure: implant and follow-up recommendations and
Currently, device-based diagnostics appear underused. management, Europace 14:1236-1286, 2012.
4.  Dickstein K, Bogale N, Priori S, et al: The European cardiac
However, improvements are required for future devices
resynchronization therapy survey, Eur Heart J 30:2450-2460,
and offline analysis systems to make interpretation of 2009.
the data more convenient and efficient for the clini- 5.  Fonarow GC: The Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National
cians.3 This likely requires a multisensor approach. Registry (ADHERE): opportunities to improve care of patients
hospitalized with acute decompensated heart failure, Rev
Cardiovasc Med 4(Suppl 7):S21-S30, 2003.
6.  Gudmundsson K, Lynga P, Karlsson H, et al: Midsummer Eve in
FINAL DIAGNOSIS Sweden: a natural fluid challenge in patients with heart failure,
Eur J Heart Fail 13:1172-1177, 2011.
The patient experienced an episode of deteriorating 7.  Tang WH, Warman EN, Johnson JW, et al: Threshold crossing
heart failure with fluid retention triggered by dietary of device-based intrathoracic impedance trends identifies
relatively increased mortality risk, Eur Heart J 2189-2196,
8.  van Veldhuisen DJ, Braunschweig F, Conraads V, et al: Intratho-
racic impedance monitoring, audible patient alerts, and
PLAN OF ACTION outcome in patients with heart failure, Circulation 124:1719-
1726, 2011.
9.  Whellan DJ, Ousdigian KT, Al-Khatib SM, et al: Combined
The patient’s medical treatment remained unchanged
heart failure device diagnostics identify patients at higher
and he was connected to patient home monitoring. risk of subsequent heart failure hospitalizations: results
from PARTNERS HF study, J Am Coll Cardiol 55:1803-1810,
INTERVENTION 10. Yu CM, Wang L, Chau E, et al: Intrathoracic impedance
monitoring in patients with heart failure: correlation with fluid
status and feasibility of early warning preceding hospitalization,
The intervention included recapitulation of dietary Circulation 112:841-848, 2005.
restrictions. Self-adjustment of daily diuretics at the low-
est possible dose was encouraged.
CASE 46 Pulmonary Hypertension and
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy:
Evaluation Prior to Implantation and
Response to Therapy
Wandy Chan and Richard Troughton

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

58 Years Male Sales Representative Systolic Heart Failure with Severe
Pulmonary Hypertension

HISTORY for CRT, he had no symptoms of ischemic heart disease

and coronary angiography demonstrated patent grafts
The patient was referred from another center for consid- but diffuse native coronary disease.
eration of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) for Apart from hyperlipidemia, the patient had no his-
long-standing ischemic cardiomyopathy and progres- tory of other significant medical conditions.
sive heart failure symptoms. At time of referral he
described New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III
symptoms despite optimal medical therapy. CURRENT MEDICATIONS
The patient’s history included ischemic heart disease,
first diagnosed at 40 years of age. At that time he also The patient was taking spironolactone 25 mg daily, furo-
had exertional angina. A 12-lead electrocardiogram semide 120 mg daily, atorvastatin 20 mg daily, carvedilol
(ECG) showed left bundle branch morphology. Echo- 12.5 mg twice daily, enalapril 5 mg twice daily, amioda-
cardiography and left ventriculography demonstrated rone 200 mg daily, and enteric coated aspirin 100 mg
impaired left ventricular function with a left ventricular daily.
ejection fraction of 40%. Coronary angiography dem-
onstrated severe three-vessel coronary artery disease. He
underwent coronary bypass grafting at 40 years of age,
with left internal mammary grafting to the left anterior Although the patient practiced good adherence to guide-
descending artery and saphenous vein grafts to the lat- line–based heart failure medications, maximal doses of
eral circumflex and posterior descending arteries. He carvedilol and enalapril were not tolerated because of
then remained asymptomatic until ventricular fibrilla- hypotension and azotemia. Occasional additional mid-
tion arrest occurred while driving in a car race at 50 years day furosemide doses were self-administered by the
of age. Coronary bypass grafts were intact, with no new patient according to an action plan based on weight and
native coronary lesions suitable for percutaneous inter- symptoms.
vention. Left ventricular function remained mildly
impaired. Treatment with amiodarone was initiated,
and he underwent implantation of an implantable CURRENT SYMPTOMS
­cardioverter-defibrillator at that time. He had no further
ventricular arrhythmias or device therapies delivered, The patient experienced NYHA class III symptoms of
but over the ensuing 8 years he developed progressive shortness of breath and fatigue and occasional orthop-
symptoms of heart failure accompanied by a decline in nea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. He had no syn-
left ventricular systolic function. At the time of referral cope, palpitations, or anginal symptoms.

296    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring


BP/HR: 105/60 mm Hg/60 bpm
Height/weight: 171 cm/77 kg
Neck veins: +4 cm, hepatojugular reflux positive The ECG in Figure 46-1 shows a sinus rhythm of 60 bpm,
Lungs/chest: Resonant to percussion, vesicular breath left bundle branch block, and QRS duration of 190 ms.
sounds with bibasal fine, late-inspiratory crackles
Heart: Laterally displaced, diffuse apex beat impulse,
first heart sound (S1) + second heart sound (S2) +
third heart sound (S3); grade 3 apical pan-systolic
murmur radiating to the axilla
Abdomen: No abnormality
Extremities: No edema, normal volume pulses The echocardiogram showed severe left ventricular dila-
tion with an end-diastolic volume of 484 mL, end-­systolic
volume of 380 mL, with severe global systolic dysfunction
Comments and calculated ejection fraction of 21% (Figure 46-2).
Physical examination elicited signs consistent with left
ventricular dysfunction and mild volume overload.
In addition to severe systolic dysfunction, evidence of
LABORATORY DATA mechanical dyssynchrony with a prolonged left ventric-
ular preejection time of 190 ms was noted (Figure 46-3).
Hemoglobin: 12.6 mg/dL
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 39%
I aVR V1 V4
Mean corpuscular volume: 91 fL
Platelet count: 272 × 103/µL
Sodium: 136 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.3 mmol/L
II aVL V2 V5
Creatinine: 1.58 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen: 82 mg/dL

Hematologic investigations were within normal limits.
Biochemical testing revealed mild renal dysfunction
consistent with prerenal azotemia, with no evidence of
intrinsic renal disease on subsequent testing. FIGURE 46-1  Resting electrocardiogram.

FIGURE 46-2  Apical four-­

chamber view of the left ventricle.
LV, Left ventricle.

LV end diastolic volume 484 mls LV end systolic volume 380 mls
46       Pulmonary Hypertension and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    297

Findings Findings
The echocardiogram also showed normal mitral valve Moderately severe functional tricuspid regurgitation, with
leaflets, tenting of leaflets resulting from left ventricular peak velocity of 3.8 ms, consistent with estimated right
dilation, severe functional mitral regurgitation, effec- ventricular systolic pressure of 58 mm Hg above right
tive regurgitant orifice 0.5 cm2, and the regurgitant vol- atrial pressure.
ume of 72 mL by the proximal isovelocity surface area
The findings on echocardiography were consistent with
those of severe functional mitral regurgitation as a con- The initial hemodynamic recordings demonstrated ele-
sequence of ischemic cardiomyopathy with severe ven- vated pulmonary artery pressures (Figures 46-5 through
tricular dilation (Figure 46-4). 46-8). The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was ele-
vated, and the waveform demonstrated large c-V waves
consistent with mitral regurgitation. The transpulmo-
nary gradient was 9 mm Hg, and the calculated pulmo-
nary vascular resistance was 2.5 Wood units. After
administration of intravenous nitroglycerin, a signifi-
cant fall in pulmonary artery and pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure occurred. Abolition of the prominent
c-V wave was also seen on the pulmonary capillary
wedge tracing.

Right heart catheterization was performed to evaluate
pulmonary hypertension.
FIGURE 46-3  Apical long axis view of the mitral valve.
pressure (mm Hg)
Pulmonary artery

62 63 62 63 63 65
57 56

30 29 29 30 29 26 28

FIGURE 46-5  Pulmonary artery pressure trace at baseline before

cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure (mm Hg)

Prominent c-V waves

61 59 58 58 62

17 26 25 25 26

FIGURE 46-6  Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure trace at baseline

FIGURE 46-4  Apical four-chamber view of the tricuspid valve. before cardiac resynchronization therapy.
298    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring


pressure (mm Hg)
Pulmonary artery

32 31 30 32
30 30 Question
Is pulmonary hypertension a contraindication to CRT?
13 11 15 13
8 8 Discussion
Pulmonary hypertension in the setting of heart failure
FIGURE 46-7  Pulmonary artery pressure trace after intravenous is associated with increased risk for adverse outcome
nitroglycerin 300 mcg demonstrating a significant fall in mean and death,2,4 particularly if pulmonary hypertension
pulmonary artery pressure. persists on serial measurement once medical therapy
has been optimized.3 The risk is highest in subjects
with “precapillary” or “reactive” pulmonary hyperten-
sion that reflects pulmonary vascular remodeling
either as a consequence of sustained elevation of pul-
monary pressures in the context of left heart disease

or as a result of collagen vascular disease or other

pressure (mm Hg)


Pulmonary hypertension has been associated with a


worse prognosis after CRT.8,9 However, reductions in

V waves pulmonary artery pressures occur frequently after CRT

10 9 9 10 9 9 11 and are associated with improved clinical outcome.7

8 6
8 10 5 Pulmonary hypertension was not an exclusion crite-
4 6 4 rion in landmark CRT trials and is not currently con-
sidered a contraindication to CRT. However, patients
FIGURE 46-8  Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure trace after with pulmonary hypertension warrant careful evalua-
intravenous nitroglycerin 300 mcg demonstrating a significant fall in tion to confirm the severity of pulmonary artery pressure
mean capillary wedge pressure. elevation and response to vasodilator challenge.4 When
precapillary or reactive pulmonary hypertension is
identified, the risk for implantation and the potential
role of alternative therapies such as pulmonary vaso-
Hemodynamics dilator agents (e.g., sildenafil) should be carefully
HR/BP: 102/61 mm Hg, mean 82 mm Hg/60 bpm
Right atrial pressure: Mean 11 mm Hg
Right ventricular pressure: 59/7 mm Hg, end-diastolic What is the best way to assess pulmonary hypertension in
pressure 11 mm Hg preparation for CRT?
Pulmonary artery pressure: 61/28 mm Hg, mean 41
mm Hg
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure: Mean 32 mm Hg
Cardiac output: 3.6 L/min Echocardiography is the best screening test for evaluation
Pulmonary vascular resistance: 198 dynes*s/cm5 (2.5 of pulmonary hypertension in the setting of left heart dis-
Wood units) ease, but it has limitations.4 Although right ventricular
systolic pressure as a surrogate for pulmonary artery sys-
tolic pressure can be estimated from Doppler velocity of
After Intravenous Nitroglycerin 300 mcg the tricuspid regurgitation jet, these estimates may be
HR/BP: 88/61 mm Hg, mean 68 mm Hg/60 bpm inaccurate in the setting of a suboptimal acoustic win-
Pulmonary artery pressure: 32/8 mm Hg, mean 16 mm dow or incomplete tricuspid regurgitation Doppler trace.6
Hg Echocardiography does not allow accurate measurement
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure: Mean 8 mm Hg of the transpulmonary pressure gradient or pulmonary
Cardiac output: 3.4 L/min vascular resistance.6
Pulmonary vascular: 188 dynes*s/cm5 (2.4 Wood Right heart catheterization is the gold standard for
units) evaluation of pulmonary vascular hemodynamics and
46       Pulmonary Hypertension and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    299

can be performed with minimal risk.4,6 Direct measure-

ment of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary

pressure (mm Hg)

Pulmonary artery
wedge pressure, and cardiac output (by thermodilution
or Fick method) allows the most accurate calculation of
transpulmonary gradient and pulmonary vascular resis-
tance.4 When pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is
greater than 15 mm Hg and the transpulmonary gradient
is less than 15 to 20 mm Hg or the pulmonary vascular
resistance less than 3 Wood units, pulmonary hyperten-
FIGURE 46-9  Pulmonary artery pressure trace 3 months after
sion is consistent with left atrial pressure elevation4 and is
cardiac resynchronization therapy.
likely to improve if left atrial pressure falls after CRT.7 A
fall in pulmonary artery pressures after challenge with a
vasodilator, such as nitroprusside, also identifies patients

Pulmonary capillary wedge

in whom pulmonary hypertension is likely to improve if
left atrial pressures fall after intervention with CRT. Reac-

pressure (mm Hg)

tive or precapillary pulmonary hypertension can be iden-
tified when the transpulmonary gradient is greater than
20 or pulmonary vascular resistance is greater than 3. A
reduction in pulmonary artery pressures after CRT inter-
vention is less likely in this setting and is also unclear for
patients in whom pulmonary artery pressures do not fall
after an acute vasodilator challenge. FIGURE 46-10  Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure trace 3
months after cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Should all patients who are being considered for CRT undergo associated with reductions in pulmonary artery pres-
right heart catheterization if evidence is present of pulmonary sures (Figures 46-9 and 46-10).5,10
hypertension at the time of echocardiography? Reductions in pulmonary artery pressure are less likely
to occur in CRT nonresponders, as a consequence of
persisting elevation in left atrial pressures or persisting
Discussion mitral regurgitation. Correction of elevated pulmonary
Right heart catheterization is not indicated in all artery pressures after CRT is also less likely in the context
patients undergoing CRT, but may be appropriate in of reactive pulmonary hypertension, in which pulmo-
patients with more severe elevation of pulmonary nary vascular remodeling contributes to persisting
artery pressures (mean pulmonary artery pressure >40 pulmonary hypertension.
mm Hg), patients with suspected reactive pulmonary
hypertension who may be less likely to improve with
CRT, and those in whom elevation of pulmonary artery FINAL DIAGNOSIS
pressure appears disproportionate to the severity of left
ventricular or valvular dyfunction and in whom an This patient had severe ischemic cardiomyopathy with
alternative cause for pulmonary hypertension may be severe functional mitral regurgitation and secondary
present.4,6 pulmonary hypertension, with normal pulmonary vas-
cular resistance.
Can all patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to PLAN OF ACTION
left ventricular dysfunction or functional mitral regurgitation
expect to improve after CRT? The plan for this patient was cardiac resynchronization
with consideration of subsequent mitral valve repair,
with left ventricular assist device back-up.
A reduction in pulmonary artery pressures occurs in
many patients after CRT through a variety of mecha- INTERVENTION
nisms and is associated with improved clinical out-
comes.7,5 A reduction in mitral regurgitation is seen in Cardiac resynchronization therapy with CRT-D was
a large proportion of subjects receiving CRT and is performed.
300    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

OUTCOME Selected References

1.  Aronson D, Eitan A, Dragu R, et al: Relationship between
The CRT-D was successfully implanted. reactive pulmonary hypertension and mortality in patients with
acute decompensated heart failure, Circ Heart Fail. 4:644-650,
Findings 2.  Chatterjee NA, Lewis GD: What is the prognostic significance of
pulmonary hypertension in heart failure? Circ Heart Fail.
The patient had a clinical response with improvement 4:541-545, 2011.
to class II. Brain natriuretic peptide improved from 1414 3.  Grigioni F, Potena L, Galie N, et al: Prognostic implications of
pg/mL to 574 pg/mL. Left ventricular volumes fell to serial assessments of pulmonary hypertension in severe chronic
341/255 mL. Improvement in left ventricular ejection heart failure, J Heart Lung Transplant 25:1241-1246, 2006.
4.  Guazzi M, Borlaug BA: Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart
fraction to 25% also was noted. Mitral regurgitation
disease, Circulation 126:975-990, 2012.
reduced to moderately severe, with an effective regurgi- 5.  Liang YJ, Zhang Q, Fung JW, et al: Different determinants of
tant orifice area of 0.39 cm2 and regurgitant volume of improvement of early and late systolic mitral regurgitation
44 mL using the proximal isovelocity area method. contributed after cardiac resynchronization therapy, J Am Soc
Improvement was seen at follow-up right heart cath- Echocardiogr 23:1160-1167, 2010.
6.  McLaughlin VV, Archer SL, Badesch DB, Barst RJ, Farber HW,
eterization performed 3 months after CRT-D, with pul-
Writing Committee, American College of Cardiology Foundation
monary artery pressures of 35/12 mm Hg, mean 24 mm Task Force on Expert Consensus Documents, American Heart
Hg, and pulmonary capillary wedge mean of 12 mm Hg Association, American College of Chest Physicians, American
with relatively normal V waves, giving a transpulmonary Thoracic Society, Pulmonary Hypertension Association, et al:
gradient of 12 mm Hg and calculated pulmonary vascu- ACCF/AHA 2009 expert consensus document on pulmonary
lar resistance of less than 3 Wood units. hypertension, Circulation 119:2250-2294, 2009.
7.  Shalaby A, Voigt A, El-Saed A, et al: Usefulness of pulmonary
artery pressure by echocardiography to predict outcome in
Comments patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy heart
failure, Am J Cardiolo 101:238-241, 2008.
CRT-D implantation was associated with beneficial 8.  Stern J, Heist EK, Murray L, et al: Elevated estimated pulmonary
artery systolic pressure is associated with an adverse clinical
reverse left ventricular remodeling, a reduction in mitral
outcome in patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy,
regurgitation, and a reduction in pulmonary artery pres- Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 30:603-607, 2007.
sures. Right heart catheterization before CRT-D implan- 9.  Tedrow UB, Kramer DB, Stevenson LW, et al: Relation of right
tation indicated that pulmonary hypertension was ventricular peak systolic pressure to major adverse events in
secondary to elevated left atrial pressure as a conse- patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy, Am J
Cardiol 97:1737-1740, 2006.
quence of severe functional mitral regurgitation. Find-
10. van Bommel RJ, Marsan NA, Delgado V, et al: Cardiac resynchro-
ings indicated normal pulmonary vascular resistance nization therapy as a therapeutic option in patients with
and reversibility of pulmonary hypertension when left moderate-severe functional mitral regurgitation and high
atrial pressure was lowered with acute vasodilator ther- operative risk, Circulation 124:912-919, 2011.
apy. Follow-up right heart catheterization after implanta-
tion confirmed the finding that pulmonary hypertension
was reversible and normalized once left atrial pressures
fell after implantation.
Role of Left Atrial Pressure
Monitoring in the Management
of Heart Failure
Kimberly A. Parks and Jagmeet P. Singh

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

60 Years Male Teacher Congestive Heart Failure, Stage C,
New York Heart Association Class III

HISTORY most recent hospitalization, he was enrolled in a home

telemonitoring program, but did not experience
This 60-year-old man had coronary atherosclerosis, left improvement in his symptoms. He is obese and was
bundle branch block (LBBB) with a QRS duration of 154 recently diagnosed with sleep apnea, for which he uses
ms, peripheral vascular disease, and cardiomyopathy. He continuous positive airway pressure at night.
sought an opinion regarding management of his cardio-
myopathy, which was diagnosed 10 years previously
after he went to a local emergency department with chest
tightness and shortness of breath. A coronary angiogram The patient had chronic heart failure with progressive
was performed that showed total occlusion of his right worsening in symptoms despite an optimized medical
coronary artery, with no other significant coronary dis- regimen. His volume status was difficult to manage over
ease. His left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at that the past year, even with the addition of home telemoni-
time was 40%. He was managed medically, his symp- toring. He should be counseled about the importance of
toms improved markedly, and he returned to his base- sodium restriction, medication, and dietary compliance.
line functional capacity. He was riding his bicycle Given his obesity, his volume status might be difficult to
regularly, working full time as a high school teacher, and assess, and evaluation of his hemodynamics by right
doing heavy housework without difficulty. Approxi- catheterization would be helpful in establishing his true
mately 2 years earlier, he noticed a decline in his exercise volume status. He might require advanced therapies for
tolerance and developed intermittent dyspnea on exer- heart failure in the near future, including heart trans-
tion. His medical regimen was optimized, but he had no plantation or a left ventricular assist device, and consid-
improvement in his symptoms. His LVEF was noted to eration should be given for other novel therapies that
have declined to 32%. A workup for ischemia was nega- might assist in symptom management. Controlling vol-
tive, and given his underlying LBBB and New York Heart ume status will help delay disease progression.
Association (NYHA) class III symptoms, he was then
referred for a biventricular pacemaker and treated with
cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Despite an CURRENT MEDICATIONS
optimal medical regimen and CRT, he had progressive
dyspnea on exertion and worsening functional capacity. The patient was taking carvedilol 25 mg twice daily, lisino-
He reported development of lower extremity edema over pril 40 mg daily, torsemide 80 mg twice daily, metolazone
the past 6 months and had frequent episodes of conges- 2.5 mg as needed for weight gain of more than 5 lb in 48
tion. He required hospitalization five times in the previ- hours, spironolactone 25 mg daily, digoxin 0.125 mg
ous 6 months for treatment of acute decompensated daily, atorvastatin 20 mg daily, and aspirin 81 mg daily.
heart failure. His most recent two-dimensional echocar-
diogram revealed an LVEF of 29%, mild right ventricular
dysfunction, and a moderately dilated left ventricle with
mild mitral regurgitation. He has orthopnea that requires He was on a standard medication regimen to promote
four pillows and frequently sleeps in a recliner. After his neurohormonal blockade and manage heart failure.
302    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring


The patient reported orthopnea for the previous 2 weeks
and noted chronic lower extremity edema over the past
6 to 7 months. He was unable to walk more than 20 feet The electrocardiogram shows an atrial paced, biventricu-
without significant dyspnea. lar paced rhythm.


BP/HR: 98/54 mm Hg/60 bpm
Height/weight: 177.8 cm/131 kg
Neck veins: Difficult to assess secondary to body habi-
tus, short neck What implantable monitors are available for this patient that
Lungs/chest: Clear to auscultation and percussion may assist in management of his condition?
Heart: Point of maximal impulse is lateral to the left
midclavicular line, no right ventricular or left ven-
tricular heave, distant heart sounds, normal first
heart sound (S1) and second heart sound (S2) and a Many available implantable cardioverter-defibrillators
faint (S3) gallop, 1 to 2/6 holosystolic murmur at the have the ability to measure impedance, which may be a
left sternal border that increases in intensity with marker of pulmonary edema,8 as well as other indicators
inspiration of impending heart failure such as heart rate variability2
Abdomen: Soft, obese, nontender, and nondistended, and activity level. Several investigational implantable sen-
no ascites; liver palpable 1 cm below the costal mar- sors have been tested, including a pulmonary artery sen-
gin; no abdominal bruits sor and a left atrial pressure sensor. These devices remain
Extremities: Warm and well perfused with 2+ pulses investigational as of this publication and are available
bilaterally, 2+ pitting edema to the midcalf, only in clinical trials. Other sensors have been tested as
and skin changes consistent with chronic venous part of pacemaker or defibrillator leads and can measure
stasis hemodynamics. The Chronicle Offers Management to
Patients with Advanced Signs and Symptoms of Heart
Failure (COMPASS HF) trial assessed the efficacy of using
Comments a right ventricular pressure sensor to aid physician-guided
The patient’s body habitus limited the sensitivity of management in patients with NYHA class III to IV heart
the examination. The combination of the presence of failure symptoms.5 This study reached its safety end
an S3 gallop, a murmur of tricuspid regurgitation, and points, but did not reach its primary end point of reduc-
lower extremity edema suggested he was volume over- ing the rate of heart failure–related events. A separate
loaded and likely had a component of both left and analysis demonstrated a reduction in time to first heart
right heart failure. failure rehospitalization. The Reducing Decompensation
Events Utilizing Intracardiac Pressures in Patients with
Chronic Heart Failure (REDUCE hf) trial assessed the use
LABORATORY DATA of continuous hemodynamic monitoring using right ven-
tricular pressures in patients with NYHA class II to III
Hemoglobin: 14 mg/dL heart failure symptoms; however, the study was termi-
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 39% nated early because of lead failures and thus clinical effi-
Platelet count: 204 × 103/µL cacy was unable to be assessed.3 A pulmonary artery
Sodium: 129 mmol/L sensor was tested in the CardioMEMS Heart Sensor
Potassium: 4.2 mmol/L Allows Monitoring of Pressure to Improve Outcomes in
Creatinine: 1.5 mg/dL NYHA Class III Patients (CHAMPION) trial, in which
Blood urea nitrogen: 54 mg/dL qualifying patients received a pulmonary artery sensor
that was embolized into a branch of the right or left pul-
monary artery using catheters. A total of 550 patients
Comments were enrolled; patients were randomized in a 1:1 fashion
The patient has hyponatremia and renal insufficiency, with the control group receiving standard medical ther-
both of which can be attributable to high filling pres- apy for heart failure and the treatment group receiving the
sures and volume overload. pulmonary sensor. Those in the treatment group received
47       Role of Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring in the Management of Heart Failure    303

medical therapy tailored to pulmonary artery pressure patients who are intolerant of ACE inhibitors. ARBs are
goals. Results of the study revealed a significant reduction recommended as additive therapy in patients who have
in hospitalization for heart failure at 6 months (30% moderately severe to severe heart failure symptoms and
reduction, p = 0.022), a reduction in mean pulmonary can be monitored for hyperkalemia and or worsening
artery pressure at 6 months, and improvement in quality renal function.6
of life.1 This device is not currently available and has not
received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval.
The second device now available in clinical trials is a left FINAL DIAGNOSIS
atrial pressure sensor. This device was tested in a feasi-
bility study, the Home Self-Therapy in Severe Heart Fail- This patient had advanced heart failure with a reduced
ure Patients (HOMEOSTASIS) trial,7 which suggested LVEF. He was placed on an optimal medical regimen
that direct left atrial sensing, in combination with and treated with CRT. Despite this, he remained unre-
physician-directed patient self-management, had the
­ sponsive to these therapies and had persistent heart fail-
potential to improve outcomes in patients with advanced ure symptoms.
heart failure. It demonstrated a reduction in mean left
atrial pressure of 3.6 mm Hg at 12 months. The left atrial
pressure sensor is currently available as part of a large, PLAN OF ACTION
randomized controlled trial called the Left Atrial Pressure
Monitoring to Optimize Heart Failure Therapy Study After discussion, the patient was given a left atrial pressure
(LAPTOP-HF) and is limited to investigational use only. sensor.

Is this patient a good candidate for the use of implantable
sensors? The patient was taken to the electrophysiology labora-
tory, where he was placed under general anesthesia and
prepared and draped using standard sterile precautions.
Discussion The left atrium was inspected using intracardiac echo-
This patient was an ideal candidate for implantable sen- cardiography. After the right atrium was accessed by an
sor technology. His symptoms were difficult to manage, inferior approach from the right femoral vein, the left
and his physical examination was unreliable in assess- atrium was inspected and found to be free of thrombus
ing his volume status. Most hospitalizations for heart and then accessed by a transseptal approach. The left
failure are related to worsening volume status and con- atrial pressure sensor was anchored into the intraatrial
gestion. Filling pressures have been shown to increase 5 septum and pressure measurements obtained. The left
to 7 days before the development of symptoms severe atrial pressure was 20 mm Hg. Placement was confirmed
enough to warrant hospitalization4; therefore knowl- using intracardiac echocardiography (Figure 47-1),
edge of his true filling pressures will allow tight control followed by obtaining pulmonary and lateral chest
of volume status and potentially reduce heart failure radiographs (Figure 47-2).
symptoms and need for hospitalization.

Question OUTCOME
What is the appropriate medical regimen for patients with The patient was given instructions on how to measure
systolic heart failure? left atrial pressure twice daily using a handheld device.
This device—the patient advisory module—had a
physician-directed algorithm built in that directed his
Discussion medication regimen based on direct left atrial pres-
Major society guidelines, based on evidence-based prac- sure measurement beginning at 3 months after
tice, recommend the use of an angiotensin-converting implantation. After treatment, he experienced signifi-
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and beta blockers in patients cant improvement in heart failure symptoms, with a
with reduced LVEF (≤0.40) with or without symptoms reduction in NYHA class to NYHA II. Additionally, he
of heart failure. Three beta blockers have proved benefi- remained free of hospitalization for heart failure for
cial in patients with heart failure with reduced LVEF: the subsequent year. His mean left atrial pressure fell
carvedilol, metoprolol succinate, and bisoprolol. Angio- from 32 mm Hg at 3 months to 9.8 mm Hg at 1 year
tensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) should be used in after implantation (Figure 47-3).
304    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring



FIGURE 47-1  Intracardiac echocardiogram showing the left atrial pressure sensor in situ, anchored across the intraatrial septum from the right
atrium. Caution: This is an investigational device, restricted by U.S. law to investigational use. LA, Left atrium; RA, right atrium.


Lead connecting
Implanted the ICM to the
communications sensor module

LAP module

FIGURE 47-2  Pulmonary artery and lateral chest radiograph demonstrating proper placement of the left atrial pressure (LAP) monitoring
system. The implanted communications module is used to transmit the pressure readings from the sensor module. The patient also has a cardiac
resynchronization therapy device with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Caution: This is an investigational device, restricted by U.S. law to
investigational use. ICM, Implanted Communications Module.
47       Role of Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring in the Management of Heart Failure    305


electrogram 0

LA (mm Hg)
v wave Mean pressure
(at end expiration)
32 mm Hg
a wave

Left atrial
pressure 50

A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


electrogram 0

LA (mm Hg)

Left atrial
v wave Mean pressure
pressure 50
a wave 9 mm Hg

B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
FIGURE 47-3  A, Left atrial pressure tracing obtained 3 months after implantation of the left atrial pressure (LAP) sensor, before initiation of a
tailored regimen based on pressure readings. The waveform can be correlated with the atrial electrocardiogram and demonstrates significantly
elevated pressure. B, LAP tracing obtained 12 months after implantation of the LAP sensor, after treatment was tailored using pressure readings.
The waveform demonstrates a significant reduction in LAP in contrast to 9 months previously Caution: This is an investigational device, restricted
by U.S. law to investigational use. IEGM, Intracardiac electrogram.
306    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

Selected References 5. Bourge RC, Abraham WT, Adamson PB, et al: Randomized
controlled trial of an implantable continuous hemodynamic
1. Abraham W, Adamson P, Bourge R, et al: Wireless pulmonary monitor in patients with advanced heart failure: the COMPASS-
artery haemodynamic monitoring in chronic heart failure: a HF study, J Am Coll Cardiol 51:1073-1079, 2008.
randomised controlled trial, Lancet 377:658-666, 2011. 6. Hunt SA, Abraham WT, Chin MH, et al: 2009 focused update
2. Adamson PB: Continuous heart rate variability from an implanted incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2005 Guidelines for the
device: a practical guide for clinical use, Congest Heart Fail Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults: a report of
11:327-330, 2005. the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart
3. Adamson PB, Gold MR, Bennett T, et al: Continuous hemody- Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines: developed in
namic monitoring in patients with mild to moderate heart failure: collaboration with the International Society for Heart and Lung
results of The Reducing Decompensation Events Utilizing Transplantation, Circulation 119, 2009, e391.
Intracardiac Pressures in Patients, Congest Heart Fail 17:248-254, 7. Ritzema J, Troughton R, Melton I, et al: Physician-directed patient
2011. self-management of left atrial pressure in advanced chronic heart
4. Adamson PB, Magalski A, Braunschweig F, et al: Ongoing right failure, Circulation 121:1086-1095, 2010.
ventricular hemodynamics in heart failure: clinical value of 8. Yu CM, Wang L, Chau E, et al: Intrathoracic impedance monitor-
measurements derived from an implantable monitoring system, ing in patients with heart failure: correlation with fluid status and
J Am Coll Cardiol 41:565-571, 2003. feasibility of early warning preceding hospitalization, Circulation
112:841-848, 2005.
Role of Remote Monitoring in
Managing a Patient on Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy:
Medical Therapy and Device
Mary P. Orencole and Jagmeet P. Singh

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

54 Years Male Business Entrepreneur Non-ischemic idiopathic

HISTORY After the upgrade he came to our clinic for an

unscheduled visit after being “bothered” by an audible
This 54-year-old man first sought treatment in 2005 with tone from his device occurring every morning over sev-
symptoms of progressive dyspnea on exertion, pedal edema eral consecutive days. He described it as “an annoying
accompanied by paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and occurrence” during his morning business meetings. His
orthopnea. He had initially been treated in the community device interrogation was notable for inappropriate ICD
for upper respiratory tract infection with oral antibiotics therapy having occurred while he was asleep 7 days pre-
but then developed symptoms of shortness of breath and viously. The intracardiac electrograms documented
fatigue. On further medical testing, he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response, which
dilated cardiomyopathy. His initial echocardiogram converted to sinus rhythm after he received one 34-J
showed dilated cardiomyopathy with left ventricular inter- shock. After this initial shock he connected and estab-
nal diameter at end-diastole of 64 mm Hg, left ventricular lished himself on our remote monitoring system.
ejection fraction (LVEF) of 18% with diffuse hypokinesis, He proceeded over the next several months to have
moderate mitral regurgitation, left atrial enlargement, and several episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, which
moderate-to-severe tricuspid regurgitation. were detected accurately by his remote monitoring intra-
The patient’s risk factors included active cigarette cardiac electrograms, as exemplified in Table 48-1. Ami-
smoking, with a 25 pack-year history, and hyperlipid- odarone therapy was started, but poorly tolerated
emia. He underwent cardiac catheterization, which secondary to neurologic effects of increased somnolence
showed mild obstructive coronary artery disease; how- and fatigue, which led to the patient discontinuing the
ever, this was unlikely to explain the severity of his car- medication. On the amiodarone, his activity level
diomyopathy and symptoms. decreased significantly, as seen on remote monitoring,
A single-lead implantable cardioverter-defibrillator although his biventricular pacing quantities went up sig-
(ICD) was originally placed in March 2010 for New York nificantly, as highlighted and circled in Figure 48-1.
Heart Association (NYHA) class II symptoms with a The choices for alert alarms are audible and/or sys-
QRS duration of 110 ms. Progressive worsening and tem monitor alerts that can range from 3 to 24 hours,
widening of his QRS duration resulted in an upgrade to including settings for the accompanying ventricular
a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT- rates. For patients with heart failure, it is beneficial to set
D) with the addition of atrial and left ventricular leads. these parameters conservatively because the onset of
His NYHA classification had worsened to NYHA class III atrial fibrillation could exacerbate their heart failure.
with hospitalizations for heart failure. Because of his As a result of increasing heart failure symptoms, a
relatively narrow QRS duration (126 ms), he also under- month-long trial of turning off the left ventricular lead
went a dyssynchrony echocardiographic study to ascer- was done, but his heart failure symptoms worsened over
tain the potential value of an upgrade of his ICD. the following weeks. As indicated earlier, his baseline
308    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

TABLE 48-1  Remote Arrhythmia Episode List

Time Duration Average BPM
Type ATP Seq Shocks Success ID no. Date hh:mm hh:mm:ss A/V
AT/AF 102 17-Sep-2012 04:32 (Episode in progress)
AT/AF 101 17-Sep-2012 03:48 :44:22 178/98
AT/AF 100 17-Sep-2012 00:16 03:31:53 180/90
AT/AF 99 16-Sep-2012 02:17 21:58:27 180/91
AT/AF 98 15-Sep-2012 23:20 02:57:42 178/89
AT/AF 97 15-Sep-2012 01:10 22:09:17 180/90
AT/AF 96 15-Sep-2012 00:06 01:04:13 175/87
AT/AF 95 14-Sep-2012 14:10 09:56:19 178/88
AT/AF 94 14-Sep-2012 13:59 :10:43 176/88
AT/AF 93 14-Sep-2012 08:20 05:38:34 176/88
AT/AF 92 14-Sep-2012 05:22 02:57:52 176/86
AT/AF 91 13-Sep-2012 19:38 09:44:24 169/83

AF, Atrial fibrillation; AT, atrial tachycardia; ATP Seq, anti-tachycardial pacing sequence; A/V, atrioventricular; BPM, beats per minute; hh, hours; ID, identification;
mm, minutes; ss; seconds.

AT/AF total hours/day 24


V. rate during AT/AF > 200

(bpm) 150


< 50
FIGURE 48-1 Decreased Apr 2011 Jun 2011 Aug 2011 Oct 2011 Dec 2011 Feb 2012 Apr 2012

quantities of biventricular pacing % Pacing/day 100

present along with activity level Atrial

trends. AF, Atrial fibrillation; AT, atrial Ventricular 25

tachycardia; V, ventricular. 0

Avg V. rate (bpm) >120

Day 80

Patient activity 4
hours/day 3
Apr 2011 Jun 2011 Aug 2011 Oct 2011 Dec 2011 Feb 2012 Apr 2012

QRS duration was fairly narrow, at 126 ms, which can Remote monitoring trends of these episodes are viewed
be a substrate for nonresponse to CRT. in Figure 48-2.
As his heart failure progressed, he developed multi- The patient’s clinical trajectory went further downhill
ple episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia, as he developed persistent atrial fibrillation, with rapid
some of which occurred at ventricular rates as low as 131 ventricular rates and decreased percentages of biventric-
bpm. These ventricular arrhythmias were preceded by ular pacing ultimately requiring cardioversion. Because
elevations in his intrathoracic lead impedance fluid of the size of his left atrium, the occurrence of atrial
index trends measured in Ohms and identified as fibrillation was not unexpected. He had not been on
OptiVol in Medtronic (Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minn.) anticoagulation therapy and was started on dabigatran
devices. His impedance measurements became impor- when his lifestyle proved that he would not be compli-
tant to monitor on a regular basis, because they were an ant for frequent blood level international normalized
accurate predictor of his heart failure exacerbations. ratio blood sample checks on warfarin.
48       Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    309

CURRENT MEDICATIONS titrated up to 120 mg twice daily for treatment of ven-

tricular arrhythmias as documented by his remote trans-
The patient was taking captopril 6.25 mg three times mission (Figure 48-3) that required ICD therapies.
daily, carvedilol 6.25 mg twice daily, furosemide 40 mg
twice daily, spironolactone 25 mg daily, digoxin 0.125 mg
daily, atorvastatin 80 mg daily, and aspirin 81 mg daily.
Carvedilol was discontinued when his blood pressure The remote monitoring of cardiac implantable devices
was no longer high enough, and metoprolol was is rapidly growing throughout most of our clinical prac-
resumed. His diuretic medications included torsemide tices. Remote transmissions are being used to replace in-
80 mg twice daily, with an additional 80 mg as needed office device checks and provide a method of surveillance
based on daily weight. Metolazone 2.5 mg was then for recalled leads. For patients with CRT devices, pro-
added on an as-needed basis. His intolerance of amiod- grammed device alerts are frequently indicative of a
arone and ongoing ventricular arrhythmias necessitated clinical change requiring intervention. Previous work
the initiation of low-dose sotalol, which was eventually reported that 86% of remote monitoring events done on
daily transmissions were due to medical conditions,
including detection of supraventricular or ventricular
OptiVol fluid index

arrhythmias, ICD therapy, or paroxysmal atrial fibrilla-
120 tion, as opposed to lead or technical problems.5 Early
80 detection of these electrophysiologic issues or clinical
40 trends can result in earlier intervention and decreased
0 mortality. In this case study, close monitoring of the
Fluid patient alerts through the remote system prevented sev-
eral potential admissions and ICD therapies because his
Thoracic impedance

>120 medications were adjusted while he remained at home.
110 Reference
In this single case study the audible alert actually

90 prompted the patient’s first clinic visit. He sought health

80 care only because of the bothersome audible tone com-
70 ing from his device. This may serve as a useful feature to
keep programmed on in patients with issues of compli-
FIGURE 48-2  Intrathoracic impedance trends. ance. The Diagnostic Outcome Trial in Heart Failure

8 8 8 8 4 4 7 7
4 4 4 4 3 7 0 1
0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 1520 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0
R b b R R P S R

3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 D 8 S 6 SP 6 V 3 S 5 S 5
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 5 8 2 2 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34.4 J
FIGURE 48-3 Ventricular
tachycardia with a 35-J shock.

7 8 7
7 1 9
0 A 0 A 0 A
R b b

4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 S 3 S
1 9 7 1 5 8
0 0 0 0 0 0
310    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

(DOT-HF) study demonstrated that audible alerts may CHEST RADIOGRAPH

increase hospital admissions. This is because OptiVol
measures as a predictor of heart failure exacerbations On chest radiography the cardiomyopathy was shown to
lack specificity and may result in patients and physicians be stable. Both lungs were inflated and clear (Figure 48-4).
overreacting to a false-positive alert.

In the myocardial imaging (Regadenoson) stress test, the
BP/HR: 120/70 mm Hg/80 bpm patient’s heart rate reached 37% of predicted rate, achiev-
Height/weight: 97.5 kg/182.9 cm ing the metabolic equivalent of task of 1. No evidence of
Body mass index: 29.2 ischemia was found, and the LVEF was 33%. Moderate
Head, ears, eyes, nose, throat: Unremarkable right and left ventricular dilation were present.
Neck: Supple; positive jugular venous distention up to
9 cm without carotid bruits
Lungs: Scattered crackles were present bilaterally DYSSYNCHRONY
Heart: Regular rate and rhythm, normal first heart sound ECHOCARDIOGRAM
(S1) and second heart sound (S2), no murmurs or
gallops The dyssynchrony echocardiogram revealed a left atrial
Abdomen: Soft, nontender, with no organomegaly pressure of 53 mm, left ventricular internal diameter at
Extremities: Trace edema present laterally, with 2+ dis- end-diastole of 63 mm, left ventricular internal diame-
tal pulses ter at end-systole of 54 mm, right ventricular systolic
pressure of 35, and LVEF of 26%. For interventricular
mechanical delay, the difference between left ventricular
LABORATORY DATA and right ventricular preejection intervals, the patient’s
value was −37 ms. The left ventricular preejection inter-
Hemaglobin: 9.3 g/dL val was 174 ms. The left ventricular filling ratio, the ratio
Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 29.3% of left ventricular filling time to cardiac cycle length, was
Platelet count: 195 × 103/µL 29%. The opposing wall delay between the peak longi-
Sodium: 122 mmol/L tudinal systolic velocities in the basal septal and lateral
Potassium: 4.3 mmol/L walls was 185 ms, the maximum difference in time to
Creatinine: 3.2-4.8 mmol/L peak longitudinal systole was 202 ms, and the standard
Blood urea nitrogen: 39-72 mg/dL deviation in time to peak longitudinal systolic velocity
among 10 left ventricular segments (midanterior and
posterior segments were excluded) was 76 ms. Mechani-
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM cal dyssynchrony was present, with the lateral segments
demonstrating the most delayed systolic motion.
The electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm at 67 bpm,
first-degree atrioventricular block with a PR interval of
228 ms, QRS duration 126 ms, left axis deviation consis- CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION
tent with a left anterior fascicular hemiblock, poor
R-wave progression across the precordium, and Q-waves The patient’s cardiac output is 3.68 L/min, cardiac index
in the inferior leads. is 1.8 L/min/m2, peripheral vascular resistance was

FIGURE 48-4  Chest radio-

graphs. A, Posterior anterior view.
B, Lateral view.

48       Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    311

109 dyn*s/cm5, and systemic vascular resistance was and led to earlier detection of both atrial and ventricular
1475, with a ratio of 0.075. The right atrium was 30/20 arrhythmias. The importance of examining and monitor-
(v/m), right ventricle was 40/9 s/edp, wedge was 37/32, ing the quantity of biventricular pacing and differentiat-
pulmonary artery was 45/32/37, and left ventricle was ing the degree of trigger or ventricular assisted pacing is
97/37. His left main coronary artery was normal; 40% essential in this fragile population. At time of publication,
focal stenosis was found in the proximal third of the biventricular pacing alerts are not available on all device
mid–left anterior descending artery. The left circumflex platforms, but support for their value has been demon-
and right coronary arteries were normal. Combined sys- strated.3,4 Ultimately, with the assistance of these last
tolic and diastolic heart failure also was present. remote alerts, it was determined that the patient was near-
ing the end of life. He had declined the option of heart
transplantation. The decision was made to not proceed
PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTING with synchronized electrical cardioversion for his last epi-
sode of atrial flutter and to turn off his defibrillator. The
The patient’s forced expiratory volume in 1 second mea- focus then became quality at the end of life; he was then
sured 2.94 L/second, which is 75% of predicted value. admitted to hospice, where he died within 48 hours.
His forced vital capacity measured 4.13 L, which was 83%
of predicted value, with forced expiratory flow measuring
2.94 L/second, or 52% of predicted capacity. The findings FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
demonstrated a mild obstructive ventilatory defect.
OUTCOME Question
Does the usage of remote monitoring decrease health care
As the patient’s heart failure and arrhythmias worsened, usage?
his remote alerts became more frequent and the man-
agement of his care on an outpatient basis was facili-
tated by these alerts. He went into atrial flutter with Discussion
ventricular sensed response pacing. Examination of his Although the mortality and hospitalization benefits of
remote internal electrograms demonstrated the pres- remote monitoring have been demonstrated,5,7 it appears
ence of ventricular trigger pacing (Figure 48-5). that other potential cost savings have not consistently
been supported, possibly because of nonstandardization
of monitoring protocols, procedures, and equipment. A
FINAL DIAGNOSIS significant amount of variability exists among alert set-
tings, which can lead to increased health care costs. In the
This patient had dilated cardiomyopathy, with both par-
intrathoracic impedance monitoring study DOT-HF,9
oxysmal atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias.
which examined whether heart failure patient manage-
ment using measurements of intrathoracic impedances
Comments with an implanted device as a means of detecting increases
Remote monitoring of this patient’s device led to multiple in pulmonary fluid would lead to a reduction in the com-
interventions, some of which prevented hospitalizations bined end point of all-cause mortality or heart failure
hospitalizations, results included an increase in heart fail-
ure admissions and outpatient visits because of patients
Atip to Aring (1 mV)
receiving audible alerts for daily fluctuations in imped-
ance that were not clinically significant.
EGM2: Audible patient tone alerts can create increased anxi-
RVtip to RVring (0.1 mV)
ety for patients and cannot be cleared without a visit to
EGM3: a device clinic or emergency room. This can be burden-
LVtip to RVcoil (1 mV)
some to patients who do not have easy access to a device
LECG: clinic or especially if these alerts occur during nonclinic
Can to SVC (0.1 mV) hours. At this juncture the use of these alerts should be
A-A Interval (ms)
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
6A 3 A 4 A 2 A 6 A 4 A 4 A 1 A
A3A individualized, based on the patient’s clinical condition
0S 0 R 0 R 0 P 0 R 0 S 0 R 0 P R0 S R0S R0R
Markers and some prior information on the correlation of these
V-V Interval (ms) alerts with cardiac decompensation.
FIGURE 48-5  Atrial flutter with ventricular sensed response pacing Having an audible alert was very important for this
and loss of true biventricular pacing. EGM, Electrogram; LV, left ventricle; patient, who had not set up his remote system. Clearly if
RV, right ventricle; SVC, superior vena cava; VS, ventricular sensing. the audible alert had not gone off, he would not have
312    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

gone to the clinic. On some devices, certain alerts can be daily activity, weights, and abnormal heart rates, all of
evaluated and then cleared remotely. This alleviates which provide ongoing trends between scheduled
undue anxiety for both patients and their household visits. These parameters will not be used to their fullest
members or associates. In addition, with newer device capacity until consensus can be reached regarding conve-
implants, unfamiliarity and lack of education about nience and efficient usage for clinicians.1 Preventing heart
these vibratory tones can be confused with antitachycar- failure hospitalization necessitates thinking about remote
dia pacing therapy or diaphragmatic stimulation. monitoring differently and understanding that parameters
that may help predict heart failure exacerbation must be
monitored more carefully. Some of the parameters shown
Question to be predictive of increased mortality include mean heart
Does remote monitoring decrease mortality? rate, heart rate variability, and physical activity.8 The Pro-
gram to Access and Review Trending Information and
Evaluate Correlation to Symptoms in Patients With Heart
Discussion Failure (PARTNERS HF) study evaluated variables to pre-
The work done in the Altitude Survival Study that followed dict heart failure. Patients were observed to have a higher
patients on the Boston Scientific Corporation (Natick, hospitalization rate if they had two of the following abnor-
Mass.) remote monitoring system LATITUDE demon- mal criteria during a 1-month period: long atrial fibrilla-
strated a 50% relative reduction in the risk for death in tion duration, rapid ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation,
contrast to that of patients followed in-clinic only.7 Patients high (≥60) fluid index, low patient activity, abnormal auto-
who transmitted weight and blood pressure data via the nomics (high night heart rate or low heart rate variability),
LATITUDE system experienced an additional 10% reduc- or notable device therapy (low CRT pacing or ICD shocks)
tion in the risk for death in contrast to other networked or if they only had a very high (≥100) fluid index.10
CRT-D patients followed on LATITUDE. Patients who An international variability also remains in the usage
transmitted regular weight and blood pressure data in of remote monitoring, which is affected by variables
addition to their ICD parameters experienced an addi- outside of clinician control such as the type of telecom-
tional 10% mortality reduction in contrast to others who munications equipment in patient homes, reimburse-
had only ICD parameters monitored on LATITUDE. ment for remote follow-up visits, and geographic
distance between clinics and patient homes. The legal
ramifications for identification and intervention of
Question remote alerts in clinical settings with varied resources on
Should we standardize remote alert settings according to a timely basis also need to be clarified.
diagnosis or device clinic practices?
Discussion Is the percentage of biventricular pacing present an important
A great deal of variation remains among clinical practices parameter to monitor remotely?
regarding the manner in which remote monitoring is
used. In a study of remote alerts, the remote alert settings
appeared to be a crucial parameter in the efficacy of
remote monitoring. This study found that more attention The percentage of biventricular pacing that matters, as
was paid to critical technical data such as battery exhaus- discussed earlier, is not a parameter standardized as an
tion, impedances, sensing, and threshold measurements alert on all CRT device remote alert systems. In a cohort
than to patients’ clinical profiles, including heart rate study of 36,935 patients followed on the LATITUDE
monitoring and supraventricular arrhythmias.2 management system, mortality was inversely associated
In addition, the time intervals between device checks with the percentage of biventricular pacing both in the
and the level of personnel monitoring the transmission of presence of sinus rhythm and when atrial pacing or
this information have no clear standardization. Some prac- atrial fibrillation was present. The greatest magnitude of
tices continuously use it, in addition to routine scheduled reduction of mortality was observed with a biventricular
device follow-up, and actively evaluate clinical parameters pacing cutoff in excess of 98%.3
between visits. The actual practice standard of usage was
62% of CRT-D in patients managed by physicians with
remote monitoring in addition to routine office follow- Selected References
up.7 No homogeneous standard of practice exists for evalu-
Daubert JC, Saxon L, Adamson PB, et al: 2012 EHRA/HRS expert
ations, with times ranging from 3 months to only once consensus statement on cardiac resynchronization therapy in
annually.6 Other clinical parameters that can be used to heart failure: implant and follow-up recommendations and
monitor heart failure include heart rate variability, lower management, Heart Rhythm 9:1524-1576, 2012.
48       Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy    313

Folino AF, Chiusso F, Zanotto G, et al: Management of alert 7.  Saxon LA, Hayes DL, Gilliam FR, et al: Long-term outcome after
messages in the remote monitoring of implantable cardioverter ICD and CRT implantation and influence of remote device
defibrillators and pacemakers: an Italian single-region study, follow-up: the ALTITUDE survival study, Circulation 122:2359-
Europace 13:1281-1291, 2011. 2367, 2010.
Hayes DL, Boehmer JP, Day JD, et al: Cardiac resynchronization 8.  Singh JP, Rosenthal LS, Hranitzky PM, et al: Device diagnostics
therapy and the relationship of percent biventricular pacing to and long-term clinical outcome in patients receiving cardiac
symptoms and survival, Heart Rhythm 8:1469-1475, 2011. resynchronization therapy, Europace 11:1647-1653, 2009.
Koplan BA, Kaplan AJ, Weiner S, et al: Heart failure decompensa- 9.  van Veldhuisen DJ, Braunschweig F, Conraads V, et al: Intratho-
tion and all-cause mortality in relation to percent biventricular racic impedance monitoring, audible patient alerts, and outcome
pacing in patients with heart failure: is a goal of 100% biven- in patients with heart failure, Circulation 124:1719-1726, 2011.
tricular pacing necessary? J Am Coll Cardiol 53:355-360, 2009. 10. Whellan DJ, Ousdigian KT, Al-Khatib SM, et al: Combined heart
Lazarus A: Remote, wireless, ambulatory monitoring of failure device diagnostics identify patients at higher risk of
implantable pacemakers, cardioverter defibrillators, and cardiac subsequent heart failure hospitalizations: results from PART-
resynchronization therapy systems: analysis of a worldwide NERS HF (Program to Access and Review Trending Information
database, Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 30(Suppl 1):S2-S12, 2007. and Evaluate Correlation to Symptoms in Patients With Heart
Marinskis G, van Erven L, Bongiorni MG, et al: Practices of Failure) study, J Am Coll Cardiol 55:1803-1810, 2010.
cardiac implantable electronic device follow-up: results of the
European Heart Rhythm Association survey, Europace 14:
423-425, 2012.
Role of Remote Monitoring in
Managing a Patient on Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy:
Atrial Fibrillation
Niraj Varma

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis

69 Years Male Retired Accountant Persistent Atrial Fibrillation
After Cardiac Surgery

HISTORY and baseline prolonged QRS duration with a left bundle

branch block configuration, he received a cardiac resyn-
In March 2012 this 68-year-old male patient sought chronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) implant
treatment for chest pain. Non–ST segment elevation (February 2012) with automatic remote monitoring
myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) was diagnosed, and, capability. The implant was complicated by a significant
on catheterization, the patient was found to have anterior chest wall hematoma, but did not require evac-
severe three-vessel disease. This was unsuitable for uation. He had no prior history of atrial fibrillation.
percutaneous coronary intervention. He was therefore The patient’s other significant comorbidities were
treated with bypass grafting and mitral valve repair. chronic renal dysfunction, with a creatinine value nor-
The patient also had multiple myeloma (immunoglob- mally approximately 2.0, and carotid artery disease, for
ulin G kappa), which was being treated with bortezimib which he had undergone left carotid endarterectomy in
and decadron; recurrent anemia resulting from myeloma 2009.
and chemotherapy and requiring periodic blood transfu-
sions; and thrombocytopenia. He was recommended to
have platelet transfusions whenever his platelet concen- PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
tration dropped below 20,000/µL or signs of bleeding
occurred. Thirty-six hours after cardiac surgery, the patient devel-
He had been previously diagnosed with mixed non- oped atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response.
ischemic and ischemic cardiomyopathy. He had a his-
tory of adriamycin exposure and thoracic radiation for BP/HR: 100/60 mm Hg/156 bpm
myeloma. Magnetic resonance imaging 3 months previ- Neck: No jugular venous distention
ously revealed a severely dilated left ventricle (left ven- Lungs: Bilaterally diminished breath sounds
tricular ejection fraction [LVEF], 28%) with an akinetic Heart: Irregular pulse, short mitral systolic murmur
inferior wall and left ventricular scar area of 9%. There Abdomen: Soft, nontender
was no evidence of infiltrative disease, for example, Extremities: Intact pulses, no edema
The patient had previously experienced frequent pre-
mature ventricular contractions, possibly contributing LABORATORY DATA
to left ventricular dysfunction. Their origin was the infe-
rior scar margin, and they had been successfully ablated Hemoglobin: 10.6 mg/dL
3 months previously (December 2011). Programmed Hematocrit/packed cell volume: 31.3%
electrical stimulation at that time induced a sustained Platelet count: 37 × 103/µL
monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. In view of this, Creatinine: 2.1 mg/dL
316    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

POSTOPERATIVE because the patient had a device with remote monitoring,

ECHOCARDIOGRAM his condition could potentially be monitored closely
without requirement for hospital visits. In particular, rate
On the echocardiogram a moderate pericardial effusion control could be optimized. The patient preferred this
was seen adjacent to the right ventricle and right atrium approach. He was discharged to a rehabilitation facility.
measuring 2.3 cm and a small circumferential pericardial
effusion adjacent to the left ventricle. Pleural effusions
were noted bilaterally. The LVEF was 15 ±5%. The mitral
valve ring had moderate (2+) mitral valve regurgitation.
Postoperative 2 Weeks
Comments The patient was readmitted with decompensated systolic
An attempt was made to restore normal rhythm. Unusu- heart failure and continued atrial fibrillation, with ven-
ally, this case of postoperative atrial fibrillation was tricular rates exceeding 110 bpm (CRT pacing level <60%).
resistant to amiodarone therapy and electrical cardiover- He underwent thoracentesis. He was placed on diuretic
sion. Sinus rhythm could not be maintained for even a therapy, and his heart failure medications were slowly
few minutes. optimized. This was a difficult balance in view of his sys-
Ideally, this patient should have been placed on anti- tolic blood pressure of approximately 100 mm Hg. A ster-
coagulation therapy. However, this would have risked nal wound infection was discovered and treated with
expansion of postoperative pericardial and pleural effu- antibiotics. Tremor related to amiodarone exposure was
sions in the setting of thrombocytopenia and predilection noted.
for occult bleeding. In view of this hematologic disorder,
anemia, and general postoperative debilitation risking
falls (requiring wheelchair), the risk to benefit balance
Postoperative 4 Weeks
favored postponing anticoagulation. This strategy never- The patient was admitted with a chest infection, which was
theless risked both thromboembolism and heart failure treated with antibiotics. He was anemic (hemoglobin 8.8
precipitated by reduction of CRT pacing level. However, mg/dL and hematocrit 26%) and received transfusion.

Mean Heart Rate Paced Rhythm

Mean atr. heart rate [bpm] Mean ven. heart rate [bpm] Progr. basic rate [bpm] Atrial pacing (Ap) [%] Ven. pacing (Vp) [%]





A-Epis Epis P-IEGM A-Epis Epis P-EGM
Heart rate [bpm]

% of events


80 40


May 4, 05 08 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 Jun June 4, May 4, 05 08 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 Jun June 4,

2012 2012 2012 2012
Time Mean heart rate Time (days)

FIGURE 49-1  Remote monitoring website data. Two separate panels across identical 1-month time spans (May 4 to June 4) show separate
graphic parameter trends. Low cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) events along the top of the panels represent alert notifications automati-
cally delivered by the remote monitoring technology. Left panel, Persistent atrial fibrillation spontaneously terminates (May 23). Right panel,
Episodic dips in CRT pacing percentage are noted, from baseline levels of approximately 80%. Atrial fibrillation terminates (May 23) and then
CRT pacing percentage stabilizes at approximately 98%. Atrial pacing percentage remains negligible.
49       Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Atrial Fibrillation    317

confirmatory electrograms (Figure 49-2, bottom). The

Postoperative 6 Weeks CRT pacing level was maintained at 100% thereafter.
The patient received remote follow-up. This showed that
he was still in atrial fibrillation, with ventricular rates at
110 bpm reducing CRT pacing to less than 60%. He was FOCUSED CLINICAL QUESTIONS
contacted, and beta blockade was increased and digoxin
added for rate control.
Postoperative 8 Weeks Is it important to monitor atrial fibrillation in patients with
Figure 49-1 shows the most recent remote trends CRT devices?
from May 2012 onward. Periods of loss of CRT pac-
ing (see Figure 49-1, top right) were notified within
24 hours of occurrence (red arrows). These were
treated promptly, resulting in resolution and gradual Atrial fibrillation in a patient treated with CRT worsens
increase in the overall trend of the CRT pacing level prognosis.7 Device-detected persistent atrial tachycardia
over several weeks. These events were clinically silent or atrial fibrillation was strongly associated with a two-
but detected and signaled automatically by the fold increase in the composite death or heart failure
device without patient participation and occurred hospitalization end point. Causes involve increased
irrespective of his location—his postoperative con- thromboembolic risk (even with a duration of a few
valescence was spent alternately in skilled nursing minutes) hemodynamic deterioration and heart failure,
facilities and home. Treatment could be imple- and facilitation of ventricular arrhythmias. Periods of
mented early and prevent future heart failure rapid atrioventricular conduction result in withdrawal
decompensation. of ventricular pacing and neutralize the beneficial effect
Spontaneous reversion to normal sinus rhythm of CRT. Thus reduction in CRT pacing to less than 92%
occurred on May 24. The event was notified together with increased mortality.5 The detection and treatment of




Atrial burden (% of day)






10 FIGURE 49-2 


Apr 22, 2012 Apr 30 May 14 Atrial burden Jun 11

Time (weeks)

Automatically transmitted intracardiac electrograms

318    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

atrial fibrillation in patients on CRT is therefore

Is it important to monitor for rate control?
How is monitoring performed for atrial fibrillation, treat-
ment, and recurrence? High ventricular rates in patients on CRT are particularly
important because they result in withdrawal of CRT,
which removes its beneficial effect in heart failure. Even a
Discussion less than 10% loss of pacing may reduce mortality by 25%
The challenges in monitoring are in diagnosis of a silent, to 30%. Thus, in this case, the patient had acute heart fail-
episodic problem, and measurement of its burden; ure decompensation 2 weeks after discharge that required
treatment, which requires assessment of the risk to ben- readmission (however, subsequent loss of CRT was rap-
efit ratio for appropriate anticoagulant therapy and idly rectified with the use of remote monitoring).
attention to rapid ventricular responses; and monitor- Several mechanisms are employed by manufacturers to
ing to evaluate response, because patient symptoms are promote continuous CRT delivery during atrial fibrillation.
inaccurate and do not provide a suitable guide. Poten- For example, each right ventricular sensed event may trig-
tial solutions are to schedule frequent in-clinic evalua- ger a paced response immediately (within 10 ms) in one or
tions, which are burdensome and miss interim problems, both ventricles depending on how ventricular pacing is
and external monitoring, but this can be used only for programmed.3 However, these most likely generate par-
short periods. However, implanted devices collect and tially resynchronized complexes, and their efficacy is likely
quantify data and those embedded with remote moni- limited. It is therefore important to commit to pacing. This
toring technology enable early discovery, thus overcom- may be accomplished by restoring normal sinus rhythm if
ing many of these barriers.4,8 In regard to atrial possible. For persistent atrial fibrillation, atrioventricular
fibrillation, delivery of intracardiac electrograms per- nodal ablation restores consistent 100% ventricular cap-
mits confirmation of device diagnosis (mode switch ture and has shown mortality and functional benefits.6
data in isolation may be vulnerable to false-positive
results). Continuous monitoring with daily updating of
parameter trends enables accurate measurements, and FINAL DIAGNOSIS
automatic notification of changes facilitates early clini-
cal management.9 The diagnosis in this patient was persistent atrial fibril-
lation with rapid ventricular rates in the presence of
heart failure, a CRT device, and balance of risk to benefit
Question considerations for anticoagulation that favored with-
Should the patient receive anticoagulation therapy? holding therapy at the time of initial consultation.


Generally, early discovery enables early anticoagula-
tion prescription decisions, if necessary. This may Immediate restoration of normal rhythm and accompa-
reduce thromboembolic risk.1 However, the decision nying anticoagulation were not possible; therefore a
to treat requires careful adjudication in each individ- strategy of rate control was implemented with the aim
ual case. This is complicated given the different of preventing rapid conducted rates and loss of CRT pac-
choices of measures for assessing risk from either the ing. If medical measures were unsuccessful, atrioventric-
arrhythmia (e.g., CHADS versus CHADS VASC) or, ular nodal ablation would be indicated. These objectives
importantly, the treatment itself (HAS-BLED versus would be followed with extended remote monitoring. If
HEMORRHAGES) cited in guidelines issued by vari- the balance of comorbidities changed in the future, anti-
ous professional societies.2 Selection of anticoagulant coagulation could be reconsidered. This management
becomes complicated with the recent availability of strategy depended on continuous monitoring.
three new anticoagulants, none of which have been
compared head-to-head in similar populations. Addi-
tionally, the inclusion of patient perspective on the INTERVENTION
decision is vital. A risk prediction model incorporat-
ing the several aspects of clinical decision making may Accelerated ventricular rates sporadically caused loss of
permit tailored prescription of novel agents on an CRT pacing level (see Figure 49-1). Such events are typ-
individual basis to achieve desired risk reductions. ically unsuspected by both patients and physicians,
49       Role of Remote Monitoring in Managing a Patient on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Atrial Fibrillation    319

I aVR V1 V4

FIGURE 49-3 
II aVL V2 V5


until they lead to symptomatic deterioration. Remote

monitoring–derived trends revealed that the ventricu-
lar rate was usually controlled, but prone to periods of No atrial fibrillation recurred, and CRT pacing has been
acceleration during which CRT pacing loss was further sustained at 100% (Figure 49-3). The patient has been
aggravated. However, these events were treated effec- managed without anticoagulation and recovered well.
tively. Atrioventricular nodal ablation would have been He has resumed a physically active lifestyle.
indicated if atrial fibrillation had persisted and ventric-
ular rate accelerations had become more prolonged.
The case illustrates how remote monitoring–derived
arrhythmia and pacing trends guided clinical decision In summary, in recipients of CRT devices, remote moni-
making over a period of several months of a difficult toring technology provides a high-definition image of
convalescence phase with changing status of comorbidi- patterns of atrial fibrillation occurrence, measurement
ties. Parameter trending permitted close monitoring. of its daily burden, and associated ventricular rate and
Parameter deviations (e.g., for loss of CRT pacing level) interaction with pacing. These data may guide clinical
were self-declared by the device and enabled clinical decision processes regarding anticoagulation and effi-
action to optimize medications within 24 hours. This cacy of antiarrhythmic measures undertaken, including
preemptive care (rather than reactive to clinical decom- drug therapy, ablation, and pacing systems. This ability
pensation) over the course of several months resulted in for close monitoring is important in patients with mul-
gradual improvement and likely avoided further heart tiple medical conditions, prone to episodic decompen-
failure decompensation and inpatient admissions. sations and presenting difficult management decisions.
Event notification for atrial fibrillation termination with
confirmatory electrograms resolved a persistent anxiety
and permitted patient reassurance, stabilization of med- Selected References
ical therapy, and correlation with clinical recovery.
1. Boriani G, Santini M, Lunati M, et al: Improving thromboprophy-
Remote monitoring was continued to provide early laxis using atrial fibrillation diagnostic capabilities in implantable
(<24-hour) notification of atrioventricular recurrence cardioverter-defibrillators: the multicentre Italian ANGELS of AF
and enable prompt cardioversion if necessary. Project, Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 5:182-188, 2012.
2. Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, et al: Guidelines for the manage-
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OUTCOME Eur Heart J 31:2369-2429, 2010.
3. Ganesan AN, Brooks AG, Roberts-Thomson KC, et al: Role of AV
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self-limited, but in this case persisted for almost 3 months. coexistent atrial fibrillation and heart failure: a systematic review, J
Am Coll Cardiol 59:719-726, 2012.
Unusually, it was recalcitrant to therapy, including amio-
4. Healey JS, Israel CW, Connolly SJ, et al: Relevance of electrical
darone (which resulted in adverse effects) and electrical remodeling in human atrial fibrillation: results of the asymp-
cardioversion. In view of renal dysfunction and coronary tomatic atrial fibrillation and stroke evaluation in pacemaker
artery disease, other antiarrythmics were contraindicated. patients and the atrial fibrillation reduction atrial pacing trial
Although conducted ventricular rates were eventually mechanisms of atrial fibrillation study, Circ Arrhythm Electro-
physiol 5:626-631, 2012.
maintained at fewer than 90 bpm (see Figure 49-1), these
5. Koplan BA, Kaplan AJ, Weiner S, et al: Heart failure decompen-
occasionally were accompanied by loss of CRT pacing sation and all-cause mortality in relation to percent biventricu-
level. Spontaneous termination of atrial fibrillation lar pacing in patients with heart failure: is a goal of 100%
resolved the dilemma about the necessity for atrioven- biventricular pacing necessary? J Am Coll Cardiol 53:355-360,
tricular nodal ablation and chronic anticoagulation. 2009.
320    SECTION 9       Device-Based Diagnostics for Heart Failure Monitoring and Remote Monitoring

6. Varma N, Wilkoff B: Device features for managing patients with 8. Varma N, Stambler B, Chun S: Detection of atrial fibrillation by
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