Experiment 2 Post Lab

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(2 pt penalty)

Experiment 2: Aqueous Reactions

Experiment 2: In-Lab Data Collection

RESULTS (34 pts for data, correct calculations, and scatter plots; 8 pts for correct significant figures; 8
pts for specific, concise observations)

Record your general measurements, recorded data and observations directly into this section
during the lab. Data can be transcribed directly into the tables provided below. Add titles and
captions to all tables and figures for full credit. Remove and replace any highlighted text.

 Present your data in the figures and tables below.

 Summarize your observations during the progress of the experiment. Observations should not
include numbers (measurements).
 Tables should be accompanied by a caption which helps the reader understand what the data
means and what conclusions can be drawn from the data in the table.
 Always fill in units in tables - in parentheses below. To avoid confusion, do not add units to
numbers, but instead to data headers or labels (such as what was done in the Excel tutorial)
 Add observations between data tables to log what you see during the experiment (1-2 sentences is
usually sufficient for any major steps - i.e. the volume increased noticeably when...)


My first observation was that the reactions would be difficult to see because of the color of the
Styrofoam cups in the background. Often times, we would either put a white substance in the cup or
the reaction would turn the substance white (magnesium) which made it difficult to see what was
happening in the cup. Most of the reactions created bubbles, with a high concentration of bubbles
near the thermometer. The reaction with the most visible physical change was the magnesium and
hydrochloric acid reaction because it caused the color of the magnesium to change from silver to

CHEM 101L Post-Lab 2 Fall 2019



At the start of the Ammonium Chloride experiment, the distilled water was completely clear, and the temperature
was steady. Two minutes after the Ammonium Chloride was added, the water was bubbling, and it became a bit
foggy. Then a little before four minutes, the reaction ended, and the water settled and became clear again. The
Ammonium Chloride was no longer able to be seen in the reaction. The bubbles are evidence of a chemical
change occurring in the solution. They show the Ammonium Chloride breaking down and reacting with the H2O.
The Sodium Carbonate experiment had similar reactions than in the Ammonium Chloride Experiment. In the
Sodium Carbonate experiment, the reaction began around minute 1. The Sodium Carbonate bubbled but about
30 seconds later, it began to bubble around the thermometer. The experiments had very similar reactions, the
only difference is that the Ammonium Chloride caused the temperature to fall and the Sodium Carbonate
caused the temperature to rise.

Table 1. Measurements and equations of ammonium chloride and sodium

Ammonium Chloride Sodium Carbonate
Mass (g) 1.106 0.969
Initial Temperature (oC) 21.8 22.5
Final Temperature (oC) 19.6 23.8
Moles (mol) 0.0207 0.00914
Change in Temp. (oC) 2.2 1.3
DT/mol (oC/mol) 106.28 142

Time Vs Temperature of Ammonium Chloride and

Sodium Carbonate.

Temperature (oC)


Ammonium Chloride
Sodium Carbonate

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (s)

Figure 1. The
Excel graph sodium
with carbonate
appropriate solution’s temperature increases/
This means that it is an exothermic reaction and radiates heat. The
ammonium chloride has a decrease in temperature because it is an
endothermic reaction.

CHEM 101L Post-Lab 2 Fall 2019



The reaction is an endothermic reaction because the temperature went down by 2.4 oC. We noticed
that the solution appeared white with a lot of bubbling and fizzing. The bubbles were more present
during the beginning of the reaction but then settled to a few clear bubbles. By the end of the
reaction, the bubbles stopped.

Table 2. Measurements and equations of sodium bicarbonate with citric acid.

3H++#HCO3-→ 3𝐶𝑂2+3H2O
Mass (g) 1.079
Moles (mol) 0.0128
Final Temp. (oC) 19.4
Initial Temp. (oC) 21.8
Temp. Change (oC) 2.4
DT/mol (units) 187.5

Sodium Bicarbonate with Citric Acid

Temperature (oC)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (s)

Figure 2. The
Insert Excel temperature
graph of the solution
with appropriate decreased as the reaction went
on. Eventually, the reaction finished and the temperature evened out to a
steady state. The decrease in temperature shows that the reaction is
endothermic and absorbs heat.

CHEM 101L Post-Lab 2 Fall 2019



The magnesium and hydrochloric acid fizzed a bit when the magnesium was first added to the
solution. The temperature of the reaction increased which indicates an exothermic reaction. The
magnesium continued bubbling as the reaction went on. We noticed that the strip of magnesium
began to lose its shiny silver color and became a dull white. We would tell that the magnesium as
breaking down and the outer layer was dissolving.

Table 3. Measurements and Equations for Hydrochloric Acid and Magnesium Reaction
Mg(s)+2HCl(aq)→ 𝑀𝑔𝐶𝑙 2(aq)+H2(g)
Mass (g) 0.352
Moles (mol) 0.00145
Final Temp. (oC) 27.5
Initial Temp. (oC) 22.2
Temp. Change (oC) 5.3
DT/mol (units) 3655

Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid


Temperature (oC)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time (s)

Figure 3. Asgraph
Insert Excel the reaction occurs, the
with appropriate temperature of the solution
increases because the reaction releases heat. Therefore it must be

CHEM 101L Post-Lab 2 Fall 2019

TA ONLY: Performance

Experiment 2: Post-Lab Analysis

Equations should be expressed first algebraically, with clear labels, and then with substituted numbers
and units (and correct significant figures) for one example. Be clear which sample/trial is being used in
the sample calculation.

- Moles: mass(g) *(1mol)/(atomic mass (g)): Ammonium Chloride = 1.106g*(1mol/53.49g) =0.0207


- Change in temperature: initial temperature (oC1)-final temperature(oC): Ammonium Chloride =

21.8oC-19.6oC = 2.2oC

- Change in temperature per mole of reagent: Temperaure change(oC)/mol(mol):Ammonium

Chloride = 2.2oC/0.0207mol = 106.28oC/mol

Post-Lab Discussion Questions

Answer the following questions within the required sentence criteria. Practice using a professional,
scientific voice in your analysis. This discussion is an analysis of the data you collected during the
experiment. Reference each table and figure and point out the most important conclusion or evidence
provided by each. Specifically relate your observations to the decisions you made when writing the net
ionic equation, and in determining which reactions were exo- or endothermic. Always refer to specific
data and examples from the experiment to support your reasoning.

(5 pts) Consider your results and observations from the dissolution of ammonium chloride, answer the
following series of questions using 3-5 sentences. Was this an endo, or exothermic process? (and how
do you know - refer to your observations and data and reference the specific table from your results).
What happened on a molecular level when the solid was dissolved into the liquid? Which species were
present in solution? Report actual numbers to support your conclusion. Why did you calculate DT/mol
rather than DT/g?

The dissolution of ammonium chloride was an endothermic process because the temperature
decreased from 21.8 oC to 19.6 oC. This means that the reaction absorbed heat from the water, thus
decreasing the total temperature of the solution. When the ammonium chloride dissolved, it took more
energy to break the bonds then to create new ones. The species present in the solution were
NH4+(aq) and Cl-(aq). You calculate DT/mol because you are calculating the molar heat capacity
which is DT/mol while specific heat capacity is DT/g

CHEM 101L Post-Lab 2 Fall 2019

(5 pts) Consider your results and observations from the reaction of citric acid with sodium bicarbonate,
answer the following series of questions using 3-5 sentences. What physical observations revealed that
a reaction was taking place? (Be specific and refer to chemicals and physical observations) Was this an
endo, or exothermic process? (and how do you know - refer to your observations and data and
reference the specific table from your results). After the reaction, which species were present in
solution? Report actual numbers to support your conclusion.

Physical observations that revealed a reaction was taking place was the creation of bubbles. This
process was an endothermic reaction because the temperature of the solution decreased from 21.8
C to 19.4 oC therefore the breaking of the bonds took more energy than the creation of new ones.
After the reaction, 3CO2(g) and 3H2O.

(5 pts) Consider your results and observations from the reaction of solid magnesium with hydrochloric
acid, answer the following series of questions using 3-5 sentences. What physical observations
revealed that a reaction was taking place? (Be specific and refer to chemicals and physical
observations) Was this an endo, or exothermic process? (and how do you know - refer to your
observations and data and reference the specific table from your results). After the reaction, which
species were present in solution? Report actual numbers to support your conclusion.

Physical observations that revealed a reaction was taking place was the rapid formation of bubbles
and a fizzing appearance, especially around the thermometer. The process was an exothermic
reaction because the temperature increased from 22.2 oC to 27.5 oC which means that more energy
was released from the bonds forming then the amount of energy from the bonds breaking. This
released energy into the surrounding solution and increased the temperature of the overall solution.
After the reaction, Mg2+(aq) and H2(g) are present in the solution.

CHEM 101L Post-Lab 2 Fall 2019

(5 pts) Error Analysis (short paragraph, 4-5 sentences). Highlight sources of error in these experiments,
the extent to which these errors are random or systematic, whether these errors primarily affected
accuracy or precision, and how these errors impacted the results (for example, were your numerical
results too high or too low due to these errors? Were these errors significant? Did they change whether
a reaction was exothermic or endothermic?). What is the function of the calorimeter in this
experiment? What role do the Styrofoam cups, lids, and stir bar play in improving the measurement
results? How could the experiment be improved?

When trying to observe the reaction in the cup, we had to open the lid to observe it. This can cause
heat to escape and potentially cause issues with temperature vs time due to escaping heat. This type
of error affects accuracy and is systematic. I don’t believe that we left the lid open long enough for
enough heat to escape and skew our results. The calorimeter is used to keep the reaction as
enclosed as possible and not allow any heat to escape. The Styrofoam cups insulate the solution in
order to help the reaction and heat stay contained. The stir bar is used to help the solute dissolve
quicker, therefore improving the results because the solute is dissolved more efficiently. You can
improve this experiment by using a better insulator and a lid with a tighter fit, both on the cup and
around the thermometer. It would also be better if the cups were clear so that we could observe the
experiment without losing heat.


Were you able to accurately measure and investigate physical changes using this experimental setup?
What did you learn about these reactions? (1-2 sentences)

I was able to accurately measure and investigate physical changes in the different reactions using
this set up. I learned that if the temperature of the solution decreasing with the reaction then it’s
endothermic but if it increases then it is exothermic. I learned that the reactions between water and
ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, or citric acid are endothermic while reactions between
water and sodium carbonate and magnesium and hydrochloric acid are exothermic reactions.

TA ONLY: Formatting Late Penalty

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