Cor Tzar 2018
Cor Tzar 2018
Cor Tzar 2018
The carbohydrate specificities of Dioclea grandiflora lectins DGL-I1 and DGL-II, and Galactia lindenii lectin II (GLL-II) were
explored by use of remodeled glycoproteins as well as by the lectin hemagglutinating activity against erythrocytes from various
species with different glycomic profiles. The three lectins exhibited differences in glycan binding specificity but also showed
overlapping recognition of some glycotopes (i.e. Tα glycotope for the three lectins; IIβ glycotope for DGL-II and GLL-II lectins);
in many cases the interaction with distinct glycotopes was influenced by the structural context, i.e., by the neighbouring sugar
residues. Our data complement and expand the existing knowledge about the binding specificity of these three Diocleae lectins, and
taken together with results of previous studies, allow us to suggest a functional map of the carbohydrate recognition which illustrate
the impact of modification of basic glycotopes enhancing, permiting, or inhibiting their recognition by each lectin.
Keywords Diocleae . Dioclea grandiflora . Galactia lindenii . Lectin specifity . Remodeled glycoproteins . Hemagglutination
additionally, the sequence of its subunits have already deter- 8 h each, in PBS containing 5 mM thiourea, pH 7.2, at 4 °C
mined [14, 15]. On the other hand, previous studies in our with gentle agitation. The three extracts were pooled and cen-
laboratory have shown DGL-II [5] and GLL-II [6] to share trifuged (15,000 x g, 30 min, 4 °C); the supernatants were
some characteristics such as: their N-terminal amino acid re- dialysed (3×) against 20 mM NH 4HCO 3 and stored at
gions present a unique sequence hitherto found only in some −20 °C until required. Subsequently, the dialysates were first
Diocleae lectins (designated type II); both lectins recognize subject to ion exchange chromatography. Then, the fractions
the trisaccharide representing H-type II blood group glycotope obtained were subjected to affinity chromatographies using
[α-L-Fuc(1-2)-β-D-Gal(1-4)-β-D-GlcNAc-O-R] and aggluti- different conditions for each lectin. Briefly, clear supernatants
nate some types of red blood cells (RBCs) but not those from were applied (~15 mL) to a column packed with DEAE-
rabbit. But also, specifically interact with lactose (Lac)-sepha- Sephadex A-50 equilibrated in PBS. Subsequently, the un-
rose supports, thus showing they are different from the Man/ bound material (DEAE peak I) was fractionated in
Glc-specific lectins. Sephacryl S-200 and the DGL-I lectin was desorbed from
The present study reports the binding specificity screening column with 0.2 M glucose in PBS. On the other hand, the
of DGL-I, DGL-II and GLL-II lectins towards 11 different DEAE retained fraction was eluted using PBS containing 1 M
glycoconjugates, enzymatically remodeled from human apo- NaCl, and later applied to a Sepharose-Lac support previously
transferrin and bovine fetuin to produce proteins with defined prepared by coupling ethanol-washed lactose to divinyl
glycan structures [16]. The results of Diocleae lectin- sulphone-activated Sepharose 4B [17]. DGL-II lectin was
glycoconjugate interaction were combined with data of their eluted with PBS-0.2 M lactose. Changes of buffer and protein
hemagglutinating activity towards RBCs from different spe- concentration were performed by ultrafiltration using cellu-
cies which express distinct sets of glycoantigens, allowing us lose membranes (NMWL: 1 kDa for DGL-I and 10 kDa for
to complement and expand the knowledge about the specific- DGL-II). Eluted fractions were monitored by absorbance at
ity of these three Diocleae lectins as well as propose a map of 280 nm. Purification of GLL-II lectin was carried out as de-
glycotope specificity for each of them. scribed [6]. Protein was determined by the bicinchoninic acid
(BCA) assay [18]. SDS-PAGE were performed according to
Schägger & von Jagow [19] for DGL-I and to Laemmli [20]
Materials and methods for the lectins type-II. MALDI-TOF MS/MS of two tryptic
peptides (m/z 1346 and 3255) from DGL-I, as compared to
Materials the published sequence, verified the identity the isolated lec-
tin, whereas the peptide map of DGL-II was distinct but
D. grandiflora seeds collected in Carto, Ceará (Brazil) were matches no protein sequence in the databases; distinct staining
kindly provided by Dr. R. Moreira (University of Fortaleza, upon immunoblotting with anti-horseradish peroxidase was
Brazil). Galactia lindenii seeds collected in Cundinamarca compatible with the presence of a typical plant N-glycan on
(Colombia) were botanically identified at the Natural DGL-II.
Sciences Institute (ICN) from National University of
Colombia (voucher COL 15115). Pharmacia and Bio-Rad Dot blots
e q u i p m e n t w a s u s e d f o r c h r o m a t o g r a p h y.
Biotinamidohexanoic acid 3-sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide es- Dot blot assays were performed following the method de-
ter sodium salt, protein standards, neuraminidase from scribed [16] and the biotinylation of the purified lectins
Clostridium perfringens and β1,3-galactosidase were obtain- allowing the coupling to primary amine residues [21].
ed from Sigma–Aldrich–Fluka (St. Louis, MO, USA). Glycoproteins (~ 20 mg/mL) were diluted (1:10) and 0.5 μl
Alkaline phosphatase-conjugated streptavidin were purchased of these dilutions was spotted onto nitrocellulose (BioTrace
from Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA, USA). Fresh hu- NT, Pall Life Sciences, East Hills, NY, USA). The samples
man blood was obtained from the Clinical Laboratory and were left at RT to dry completely, and subsequently the mem-
animal erythrocytes were supplied by the Veterinary branes were blocked overnight at 4 °C in TTBS (Tris-buffered
Faculty’s Haematology Laboratory of the National saline containing 0.05% Tween; i.e., 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.1 M
University of Colombia. Sugars were commercial products NaCl, pH 7.4, 0.05% Tween) supplemented with 0.5% bovine
having the highest available purity and the rest of reagents serum albumin (BSA). After another washing step, mem-
were of analytical grade. branes were incubated for 1 h on a rocking table at RT with
the biotinylated lectins diluted in TTBS with 0.5% BSA to a
Extraction and purification of lectins concentration of 5 μg/mL. Subsequently, membranes were
washed again three times prior to incubation with the alkaline
Soluble proteins were extracted from D. grandiflora seed phosphatase streptavidin conjugate (1:1000). After incubating
defatted flour (1:10, w/v) by three consecutive extractions of for 1 h at RT under shaking, the membranes were washed
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both fractions were subjected to separate affinity chromatogra-
phy steps. The DEAE URF was fractionated on the crosslinked
dextran copolymer support Sephacryl S-200 and the DGL-I
lectin was recovered by elution with 0.2 M glucose in PBS
(Fig. 1b). SDS-PAGE revealed that the affinity chromatography
Purification (fold)
resulted in removal of other bands of higher molecular weight
observed in DEAE URF (Fig. 1b, d); purified DGL-I showed
the typical pattern observed before for this [4] and other
Diocleae type I-lectins [25–41], as it is composed of one intact
subunit (α; 27.3 kDa) and two fragments (β and γ; 14.7 kDa
DEAE URF, DEAE-unretained fraction; DEAE RF, DEAE-retained fraction; NA, non-agglutination; ND, undetermined; P and S, pig and sheep RBCs, respectively
and 12.1 kDa) originating from post-translational processing of
the lectin precursor during seed development, corresponding to
the originally covalently-bound N- and C-termini [42]. In the
present study, SDS-PAGE with tricine [19] facilitated a better
resolution of the small subunit fragments. On the other hand,
DEAE RF was applied onto a Sepharose-Lac column after three
PBS buffer changes in order to remove salt as well as remaining
pigment. DGL-II was eluted with PBS-0.2 M lactose (Fig. 1c).
DGL-II subunit molecular weight determined by Laemmli
Specific titer a
SDS-PAGE was 25.4 kDa (Fig. 1d). The data obtained during
the extraction and purification process are shown in Table 1.
Glycoprotein binding
We used native and remodeled glycoproteins with multiple
glycosylation sites to delve deeper in the specificities of the
DGL-I, DGL-II and GLL-II lectins, considering that in nature,
Specific titer defined as agglutination titer divided by protein (μg) in the assay well (50 μL lectin)
the lectin-carbohydrate interactions are combinations of sever-
oligosaccharide ligands, instead than a simple individual bind- 1:2048
Vol (mL) Protein Total protein (mg) Erythroagglutinating titer
of two glycoproteins: human transferrin, which carries two
Purification of D. grandiflora seed lectins DGL-I and DGL-II
(F2) and asialofetuin (F3 and F4) result from various combi-
nations of sialidase and galactosidase treatments. F3 was also
(μg/ mL)
their structure, and the other half with both N- and O- gly-
cans (Fig. 2 and Supplemental Fig. S1). On the other hand,
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Fig. 2 Screening for ligands of galactose-, N-acetylgalactosamine-, sialic GnGnF6, i.e., core α1-6-fucosylated asialoagalactotransferrin. Fetuin
acid and fucose- binding Diocleae tribe lectins. DGL-I: D. grandiflora glycoforms: F2: asialoagalactofetuin with N- and O-glycans; F3: asialofetuin
lectin I; DGL-II: D. grandiflora lectin II; GLL-II: G. lindenii lectin II. with only O-glycans; F4: asialofetuin with N- and O-glycans and F5: native
Transferrin glycoforms: Sia2,6: native glycoform with two terminal fetuin with N- and O-glycans. BC: biotinylated protein control. The right
NeuAα2-6 residues; Gal: GalGal (asialotransferrin); Gn: GnGn hand panel shows the respective example structures according to the
(asialoagalactotransferrin); βGn: remodelled glycoform with terminal Standard Nomenclature for Glycans (for more details see also
βGalNAc residues; αGal: remodelled glycoform with terminal α-galactose Supplementary Fig. S1)
residues; MM: pentasaccharide core with terminal mannose residues; GnF6:
DGL-II and GLL-II showed more specific behavior Agglutination of erythrocytes with different glycomic
interacted with only 2 or 4 glycoprotein forms, respectively; profile
both type-II lectins showed preference for O-glycans as they
did not bind to any transferrin glycoforms (Fig. 2). In parallel to the dot blot analyses, we carried out hem-
Specifically, we could observe DGL-I and GLL-II recog- agglutination activity assays evaluating serial dilutions of
nized asialofetuin (F3 and F4, i.e., forms with and without lectins on RBCs of different species. As histo-blood
N-glycans) but not asialotransferrin (β1-4-Gal linked) (Fig. 2; groups are non-reducing terminal elements of the oligo-
and Supplemental Fig. S1), thereby indicating binding to O- saccharide chains in glycosphingolipids and glycoproteins
glycans of the form Galβ1-3GalNAcα and/or Galβ1- expressed on RBC and cells [46], this approach allowed
4GlcNAc (glycotopes Tα and/or IIβ). DGL-I also bound us to test multivalent oligosaccharide ligands in the con-
asialoagalactofetuin (F2, which contain O-glycans trimmed text of a cellular surface environment [47].
to the GalNAcα1-O-Ser/Thr or Tn antigen core) as well as Based on various data, it can be estimated that one human
asialoagalactotransferrin form βGnβGn containing β1-4- RBC may have up to 8 × 105 antigen sites in total on the
linked GalNAc termini, suggesting a preference of this lectin AB(H)-carrying glycolipids of its surface [48], in addition to
for terminal HexNAc regardless of the linkage or glycan type a small number of abundant histo-blood group antigen carrying
(O/N). GLL-II also bound α-linked GalNAc (as found on F2) proteins [49] (Supplemental Table S1). On the other hand, in-
although to lesser extent. On the other hand, DGL-II complete synthesis of carbohydrate chains results in the pres-
interacted very weakly with F2 and not at all with ence of tumor associated Tα and Tn glycotopes on the cell
asialoagalactotranferrin (GnGn) nor with any of the other surface [50]. The highly glycosylated (60%) transmembrane
forms of N-glycans. DGL-I, DGL-II and GLL-II (although glycophorin A (GYPA) containing ca. 12 O-glycans (especially
weaker) bound native fetuin (F5) but not native transferrin NeuAcα2-3Galβ1-3(NeuAcα2-6)GalNAc) and one N-glycan,
suggesting that α2-3-linked sialic acid (as found on fetuin is the major carrier of sialic acid-containing glycans [51]. Thus,
but not on transferrin) could be a ligand of these Diocleae A-type erythrocytes were treated with sialidase thereby yielding
lectins. While the presence of core α1-6-fucose had little ef- RBCs that contain asialo-GYPA exhibiting the Tα glycotope;
fect on binding of any of the three lectins, none of the lectins another group of A-type RBCs was sequentially treated with
interacted with either asialotransferrin (GalGal) or its α1-3- sialidase and β-galactosidase resulting in erythrocytes contain-
galactose capped form (αGalαGal); thus Gal is not an obvious ing asialoagalacto-GYPA with exposed Tn glycotope [23, 52].
ligand of any of these three Diocleae tribe lectins. Antigenic determinants in glycans present in the cellular
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surface of different types of RBCs, including histo-blood anti- Table 2 Minimum agglutinating concentration of Diocleae Tribe
lectins (μg/mL)
gens from human [46, 53] as well as from animal cells [53–57]
are indicated in the Supplemental Table S2. Erythrocyte (RBC) type
The D. grandiflora seed saline extract showed strong ac-
tivity towards all RBC types assayed in this study, with ag- Lectin A B O T Tn P S
glutination even at the highest dilution evaluated (Table 1). DGL-I 0.58 0.58 1.17 0.58 0.58 0.58 1.17
DEAE URF fraction showed activity on all RBC suspensions
DGL-II NA NA NA 0.11 NA 1.82 NA
to a greater or lesser extent depending on erythrocyte type. In
GLL-IIa 28 7.0 7.0 ND ND ND NA
the same way, affinity purified DGL-I agglutinated all type of
RBCs assayed exhibiting differential specific titers, i.e., this NA non-agglutination, ND undetermined
lectin strongly agglutinated 2% pig, T and Tn RBC suspen- a
Data from Ref. [6]
sions with approx. 15 ng of lectin in the last agglutinating
dilution assay well tested, while it was needed 60 ng for O from highest to lowest degree of agglutination by DGL-I the
erythrocytes (Table 1). RBCs presenting the A and B histo- following order of RBC type is obtained: horse > rabbit, dog
blood groups as well as the sheep RBCs were agglutinated to > pig, T, Tn > A, B ≥ sheep > O.
a similar extent by DGL-I with a specific titer 2 fold greater On the other hand, DEAE RF fraction was able to aggluti-
than those for O-type. Our results agree to that observed for nate T-type RBCs as well as purified DGL-II showed a strong
some Dioclea spp. type I (BMan/Glc-specific^) lectins, which specific activity towards T-erythrocytes, with a specific titre
are able to agglutinate both human and animal erythrocytes almost 5 times higher than that given by the type I lectin on the
[36–41]. Moreira et al. showed the agglutinating activity of same RBC type (Table 1). The minimal agglutinating concen-
DGL-I on rabbit RBCs was dropped to 1.4%, 3.8% or 32.4% tration tested of DGL-II for T-type RBCs was 0.1 μg/mL
in presence of Man, fructose (Fru) or Glc, respectively, in the (2.8 ng of lectin/last well); while its activity on pig erythrocyte
same concentration (100 mM); while the presence of galac- was weaker and the rest of RBCs type suspensions used in the
tose (Gal) had no effect at all [4]. Furthermore, it was dem- present study were not agglutinated by DGL-II (Table 2). This
onstrated DGL-I activity on rabbit RBCs also is strongly result differs from that found for other Diocleae tribe type II-
inhibited by the trisaccharide 3,6-di-O-(α-D- lectins, which did agglutinate normal human RBCs [6,
mannopyranosyl)-D-mannose present in the core region 37–39], as the case of GLL-II whose minimal concentration
(e.g., MM in Supplemental Fig. S1) of the asparagine- required was 28 μg/mL for A, and 7 μg/mL for B and O
linked carbohydrates and by the Man9-Asn glycopeptide, erythrocytes [6]; Dioclea lehmanii lectin II (DLL-II) which
both at micromolar concentrations [12]. This lectin is able agglutinated RBCs presenting those three histo-blood groups
to agglutinate other animal RBCs [38] and the agglutination to a similar extent requiring 0.2–0.3 μg of lectin [38]; and
of normal human erythrocytes had already been observed [11, Dioclea sericea lectin II (DSL-II) which also agglutinated
38]. DGL-I agglutinated dog and horse RBCs with specific these three RBC types showing a higher titre for type B eryth-
titers 2.5 and 5 times greater than that of normal human rocytes compared to that obtained with erythrocytes A and O
RBCs, respectively; besides rabbit RBCs were agglutinated [39]. The Diocleae type II-lectin preference towards different
by the lectin with the same potency as those of dog, while in animal RBCs also varies; e.g., GLL-II showed a marked dif-
accordance with our results its activity towards sheep RBCs ference in the specific titers for rat and rabbit RBCs, requiring
was weaker [38]. It had also been observed similarities and 3.7- and 50-fold, (respectively), the concentrations needed to
differences in the concentration of the same sugar depending human O erythrocytes, and no agglutination was detected with
on the type of RBC in agglutination inhibition assays for mouse, cow, horse, dog, and sheep RBCs using up to 1.4 mg/
DGL-I lectin. Thus, agglutination of O [11] and rabbit [10] mL lectin [6]. DLL-II agglutinated sheep RBCs [38]; mean-
erythrocytes was inhibited by a minimal concentration of while DGL-II did not have activity on rabbit nor sheep RBCs
2.1 mM of α-D(+)Man and 16.7 mM of α-D(+)Glc for both [5]. Similarly, DLL-II strongly agglutinates horse RBCs
RBC types, while trimannoside at 12 μM or 30 μM was meanwhile GLL-II does not at all [6, 38]. So, GLL-II agglu-
required to inhibit rabbit- [12] or O [11] RBC agglutination, tinated B/O, rat and A RBCs, in that order, from highest to
respectively; and GlcNAc inhibited O RBC at 16.7 mM [11] lowest specific title [6], meanwhile for DGL-II was obtained:
while not at all rabbit RBC agglutination, even at 100 mM T > > pig (Table 1.). This is to our knowledge, the first report
[12]. About activity on T/Tn RBCs, we observed DGL-I ag- regarding either agglutinating activity of D. grandiflora
glutinated both types in the same extent (Table 2), with a lectins towards pig-RBCs, DGL-I activity on T- and Tn-
minimal tested concentration 3.4 times greater than the min- RBCs or specific activity of DGL-II towards T- RBCs.
imum concentration necessary of the Tn-specific Salvia Besides, through binding assays to neoglycoconjugates,
bogotensis lectin [24]. Taking into account the specific titers previously in our laboratory it was found that DGL-II and
obtained in the present study and those from [38], in sequence GLL-II specifically recognize the H-type II blood group,
Glycoconj J
while binding to H-type I, H-type III, H-type IV, Lea or Ley (aSBM) coupled to Sepharose 4B was unable to retain the
determinants was weaker [5, 6]. Amongst the tested carbohy- GLL-II lectin. However, in keeping with the abundance of O-
drates, DGL-II was only inhibited by di/trisaccharides having linked GalNAc on the protein, ELLSA assays showed the
no apparent structural relationship (e.g. 25 mM melezitose, GLL-II bound to aSBM linked to the polystyrene plate [6].
40 mM saccharose or 90 mM lactose) [5]; while GLL-II was Also, the activity of this lectin was inhibited but weakly (mM
inhibited by 12.5 mM N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNAc), order) by the free monosaccharide GalNAc [6]. In the present
50 mM lactose or 50 mM Me-α-D-galactopyranoside, but study, we observed there was diminished or absent GLL-II
did not by melezitose or saccharose [6]. GLL-II activity also interaction with the terminal GalNAc(α/β)-containing struc-
was inhibited by secretor Leb salivas (1:100 dilution; [6]). tures, thus we conclude that GLL-II binding to GalNAc is often
Both type II-lectins were not inhibited by D-Man or D-Glc. low regardless of whether this sugar is on O/N-glycans or on
The relatively high sugar concentrations of mono-, di- and glycolipids.
trisaccharides needed to inhibit erythroagglutination indicated
DGL-II and GLL-II probably could recognize more complex
structures, including possibly some containing fucose. Galactose-containing glycotopes
Hemagglutination inhibition and isothermal titration micro- revealed that proper contacts between DGL-I and the
calorimetry (ITC) experiments demonstrated substantial dif- Gn2Man3 region also are prevented due to key amino acid
ference in relative affinities of distinct Diocleae lectins for differences at residues 226 (Thr in ConA, Gly in DGL) and
Gn2Man3 and showing inhibitory concentrations in a range 168 (Ser in ConA, Asn in DGL), and a shift in the backbone of
of 6–790 mM, depending on the lectin [8, 9]. For example, it residues 222–227 [13].
was necessary a Gn2Man3 concentration of 400 mM for
inhibiting the rabbit RBC agglutination by DGL-I, while
6 mM for Canavalia ensiformis lectin type-I (ConA) [8]. Lectin specificity maps
DGL-I showed reduced affinities for the oligosaccharide
Gn2Man3 (Ka = 4.7 M−1 × 10−4) in comparison with ConA On the basis of our combined approach of using dot blot and
(Ka = 140 M−1 × 10−4) [9], despite their 81% amino acid se- lectin agglutinating activity, we show both the differences and
quence identity [13–15]. The dissimilarity observed in the overlaps in specificity between three Diocleae lectins. Taken
binding specificities of these two type-I lectins for Gn2Man3 together, the present and previous studies can be combined to
has been explained by the relatively unfavorable contact inter- suggest functional maps (Fig. 3) of the carbohydrate recogni-
actions of the β1,2GlcNAc residue on the α1,6 arm of the tion for DGL-I, DGL-II, and GLL-II. These maps illustrate the
complex carbohydrate in DGL-I [8, 9, 12, 13]. X-ray studies impact of modification of basic glycotopes enhancing,
Fig. 3 Lectin specificity maps. The left hand panels show the lectin of the most active ligands of DGL-I, trimannoside is exposed or
interaction with glycotopes Tα and IIβ. a Presence of exposed α1,3- encrypted in all N-glycoforms we used in the present study. Its interaction
linked Gal interferes with DGL-I binding to N-glycans but not to glyco- with the lectin is influenced by the surrounding sugar residues. Green
lipids (eg. αGal antigen on rabbit RBC glycolipids). Other glycotopes residues allow or enhance interaction; red residues decrease or not allow
which show or not interaction with the lectins are shown on the right hand interaction; word Bnone^: absence of more exposed residue(s)
panel: b Data from [38]. c Data from [8, 9]. d Data from [5, 6]. Below, one
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