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School of Advanced Studies


MS Accountancy

Source Material
1 Patel, F. (2015). Effects of Accounting information systems is a part of company’s
accounting information information systems this helps in facilitating decision
system on organizational making within organizations and can be modified to an
profitability. International organization’s environment, structure and requirements of task.
Journal of Research and
Analytical Reviews, 2(1), One of important assumptions in decision making
168-174. process and improvement economy is existence of quality and
timely information. Qualitative and quantitative
characteristics of accounting information include
consistency, relevance, understandability, comparability and
timeliness of decision making is directly related to
decision-makers and their consequences, ultimately it will
affect to the profitability of the organization.

This study has evaluated the effectiveness of

accounting information systems in decision making from various
aspect such as better decision-making by managers,
more effective internal control systems, improvement of the
quality of financial reports, enhancement of performance
measures, facilitating financial transaction processes and
helps in expansion of profitability of the organization.

2 Brown, R. M., Gatian, A. W., Investment in strategic information systems (SIS) is

& Hicks Jr, J. O. (1995). advocated by numerous authors as an important way
Strategic information for firms to seek competitive advantage. Results show
systems and financial that the stock market reacted favorably to announcements that
performance. Journal of firms were using SIS, and in subsequent years those firms
Management Information tended to be more productive and more profitable than
Systems, 11(4), 215-248. their industries and than firms in their respective

3 Velcu, O. (2007). Exploring Previous research showed that there are payoffs from IT
the effects of ERP systems investments, but the question is when and why such
on organizational payoffs occur. Companies that have a technologically‐ led
performance: evidence from motivation perceive “improved service time in accounting
Finnish companies. tasks” as an internal efficiency benefit, “faster response
Industrial Management & to business change” as customer benefits, and financial
Data Systems, 107(9), 1316- benefits in terms of other improved efficiencies.
4 Weill, P. (1992). The Large amounts of resources have been and continue to be
relationship between invested in information technology (IT). Much of this
investment in information investment is made on the basis of faith that returns will occur.

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technology and firm Investment was perceptually categorized by management

performance: A study of the objective (i.e., strategic, informational and transactional) and
valve manufacturing sector. tested against four measures of performance (sales growth,
Information systems return on assets, and two measures of labor productivity).
research, 3(4), 307-333. Heavy use of transactional IT investment was found to be
significantly and consistently associated with strong
firm performance over the six years studied. Heavy use of
strategic IT was found to be neutral in the long term and
associated only with relatively poorly performing firms in the
short term. This study suggests that early adopters of
strategic IT could have spectacular success but once the
technology becomes common, the competitive
advantage is lost.

5 Kettinger, W. J., Grover, V., Sustainability of competitive advantage may be achieved by

Guha, S., & Segars, A. H. leveraging unique firm attributes with information technology to
(1994). Strategic information realize long-term performance gains. Results indicate that
systems revisited: a study in managers must do more than simply assess the uniqueness or
sustainability and availability of emerging technological innovations in developing
performance. MIS quarterly, strategic IT plans. Specifically, the establishment of
31-58. technological base along with substantial capital availability
seem to be important prerequisites for "technologically derived"
sustainability. Recognizing the need for a stronger prescriptive
orientation to strategic IS, future research is outlined in an
effort to develop a comprehensive framework that would link
combinations of sustainability factors to actual performance.

6 Glazer, R. (1993). Measuring Firms that successfully integrate an information technology

the value of information: (I/T) strategy with their business strategies do so by focusing
The information-intensive on the information itself, rather than on technology, as the
organization. IBM Systems real carrier of value and source of competitive
Journal, 32(1), 99-110. advantage. A primary mechanism by which a firm becomes an
information-intensive firm is the implementation of a procedure
for measuring the value of its information assets V(I). This
paper presents a methodology for measuring the value of
information in the firm.

7 Cron, W. L., & Sobol, M. G. Results indicate that computerization is related to overall
(1983). The relationship performance. Non-users tend to be small firms with about
between computerization average overall performance. On the other hand, firms owning
and performance: a strategy computers and making extensive use of them in a variety of
for maximizing the economic ways tend to be either very high or low performers.
benefits of computerization.
Information & management,
6(3), 171-181.

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8 Soudani, S. N. (2012). The The effectiveness of AIS can be received providing

usefulness of an accounting management information to assist concerned decisions
information system for with regard to the successfully managing of
effective organizational corporations. First, AIS was found to be the variable that
performance. International most impacts financial performance. This tells us that AIS
Journal of Economics and is the most important factor in firms that are listed in
Finance, 4(5), 136-145. DFM. Second, it was found that financial performance and
performance management have effect on an organizational
performance. Third, AIS was found that an important
factor in building an organizational performance
through collection, storage and processing of financial
and accounting data to be evaluated by its impacts on
improvement of decision-making process, quality of
accounting information, performance evaluation,
internal controls and facilitating company’s
transactions. Since in UAE, recently increasing demand for
AIS, as an effective tool in managing the organizations, has
prevailed, this research could provide a supportive evidence
for the implementation of AIS.

9 Donald H. Bender (1986) Research conducted in the life insurance industry, using data
Financial Impact of collected from many companies, reveals:
Information Processing, —that the economic benefit of automated systems might be
Journal of Management evaluated best by measurements involving a company’s entire
Information Systems, 3:2, expenditure for information processing as opposed to the
22-32 economic benefits derived from individual systems;
—that too little spent for information processing could have a
negative impact on the total expense position of a company
relative to other companies;

—that expenditures for some components of information

processing have a greater impact on the total expense position
of a company.

While continued attempts to measure the benefits of individual

systems are encouraged, the results suggest that economic
benefit should also be measured based on the composite of all
expenditures for information processing.

10 Maiga, A. S., Nilsson, A., & The impact of information systems (IS) integration on
Ax, C. (2015). Relationships manufacturing firm profitability is underestimated as a result
between internal and of inadequate attention to indirect effects. Results
external information systems indicate that (a) internal IS integration has a significant
integration, cost and quality positive association with external IS integration, (b)
performance, and firm both internal IS integration and external IS integration are
profitability. International significantly positively associated with cost and quality

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Journal of Production performance, (c) quality performance is significantly positively

Economics, 169, 422-434. associated with cost performance, and (d) both quality and cost
performance have significant positive associations with firm
profitability. However, the direct effects of internal and
external IS integration on firm profitability are not
significant. Rather, the association is through cost and quality
performance, suggesting that both cost and quality
performance act as intervening variables. This study extends
the literature on IS integration by providing insights into a set
of interrelationships that matters for the attainment of firm
profitability from IS integration.

11 Olugbode, M., Elbeltagi, I., These changes to the organization’s operational practices,
Simmons, M., & Biss, T. business system and ICT infrastructure have improved
(2008). The effect of operational processes and efficiency of the company.
information systems on firm Consequently, this has reduced operating and transaction
performance and profitability costs, increased turnover and enhanced profitability.
using a case-study
approach. Electronic Journal
of Information Systems
Evaluation, 11(1).

12 Kauffman, R. J., & Weill, P. Firms today invest enormous resources in information
(1989). An evaluative technology with the hope of gaining significant returns which
framework for research on will impact their performance. A growing body of research into
the performance effects of the firm performance effects of IT investment has emerged and
information technology is sometimes referred to as IT business value research.
investment. Information
Systems Working Papers
Series, Vol.

13 King, R. P., & Shuker, I. G. Advances in information technology can help local cooperatives
(1991). Information system remain competitive in a changing agricultural sector.
adoption and use in local Cooperative characteristics were found to have a significant
cooperatives. Journal of effect on information selection, overall cost structure, and the
Agricultural Cooperation, allocation of information system expenses. Information
6(1141-2016-92542), 54-65. system selection was also related to operating
performance. In all size categories, farm supply
cooperatives that owned computers had better
operating performance than those that did not. In
contrast, operating performance was not related to computer
ownership in grain cooperatives.
Information is an essential resource for management activities.
An information system (IS) is an interrelated collection of
people, technology, processes, procedures, and data, designed
to facilitate the acquisition and use of information in activities

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ranging from day-to-day operations to strategic planning. An IS

need not be computer-based. Small organizations often
manage information effectively without computers, and large
organizations perform some IS-related tasks manually.
Computer technology is, however, an important
component of many IS. The descriptive analysis of local
cooperatives' IS identifies differences in IS resource allocation
patterns associated with both size and primary product.
Similarly, such increases are also associated with increases in
profitability, since profit is the difference between the value of
output and the cost of the inputs used to produce it. For retail
sales and commodity marketing organizations, like the local
cooperatives in this study, gross margin is an appropriate
output measure.

The fact that farm supply cooperatives with computers are, on

average, more efficient and more profitable serves as an
economic explanation for the high rate of computer
adoption among this group of sample cooperatives.
There is no consistent relationship, however, between computer
ownership and the ratio of gross margin to operating expense.
In general, though, improvements in efficiency are
associated with the adoption of computerized
accounting systems. Small cooperatives' success in managing
their financial records with manual systems may be attributable
to their relatively low transaction volumes and simple
reporting requirements. An alternative explanation may be
that managers play a more significant role in accounting
activities in small cooperatives. In doing so they can monitor
the financial status of the business without the reports
generated by a service bureau or computerized system.

14 Rao, N. H. (2007). A Knowledge is an increasingly significant factor of

framework for implementing production in modern agriculture. Information and
information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can accelerate
communication technologies agricultural development by facilitating knowledge
in agricultural development management. In the future, as ICT infrastructure grows and
in India. Technological connectivity and hardware costs decline, the critical constraints
Forecasting and Social are likely to be the development of appropriate policy and
Change, 74(4), 491-518. institutional environments for the creation and delivery of
information and knowledge to the end users. Significant policy,
institutional networking and capacity building initiatives will be
required at various levels to overcome the constraints and
effectively integrate ICTs into the agricultural development
process in India.

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15 Kauffman, R. J., & Kumar, A. ICT readiness is found to have a positive association
(2008). Impact of with trade flows and R&D, but the impact depends on
information and the country's development level.
communication technologies
on country development:
Accounting for area
International Journal of
Electronic Commerce, 13(1),

16 Toluyemi, T. (1999). The Accounting information can assist in achieving

role of accounting sustainability of ADPs by providing information to
information system in the support decision making, assisting in setting and
sustainability of agricultural allocating resources to prioritized areas, promoting
development projects in industrial relations and cost reduction in the ADPs’
Nigeria. Information system. Accounting information requires management in much
Technology for the same way as any large stock holdings. Hence accounting
Development, 8(4), 209- information should be such that it is uniquely stored, located,
220. retrieved, updated, disseminated and consequently used to
make informed decisions.

17 Parikh, T. S., Patel, N., & Smallholder farmers face many challenges competing in the
Schwartzman, Y. (2007, global marketplace. One major constraint is the lack of access
December). A survey of to information and communications, which could be used to
information systems make decisions and reach new markets. In this paper, drawing
reaching small producers in from our experiences designing agricultural information systems
global agricultural value in India and Central America, we provide a framework for
chains. In 2007 International understanding inter-stakeholder communications within
Conference on Information agricultural value chains, focusing on the needs of small
and Communication producers.
Technologies and
Development (pp. 1-11).

18 Algimantas Kurlavičius The integration of optimization calculations and knowledge

(2009) Sustainable management into the agricultural decisions‐ support system
agricultural development: expands its possibilities and improves the quality of
Knowledge‐ based decision solutions.
support, Ukio Technologinis
ir Ekonominis Vystymas,
15:2, 294-309

19 Caldeira, M. M., & Ward, J. The pattern that emerged from the analysis of the data shows
M. (2002). Understanding that certain factor combinations and relationships appear to
the successful adoption and determine the relative degrees of IS/IT success across the

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use of IS/IT in SMEs: an firms. This pattern can also be explained by interpreting the
explanation from Portuguese roles and relationships of the key actors involved in the process
manufacturing industries. of IS/IT adoption and use. Top management perspectives and
Information Systems attitudes towards IS/IT adoption and use play an important role
Journal, 12(2), 121-152. in the development of internal IS/IT competencies and provide
an important contribution to the development of a context that
enables IS/IT success.

20 Weill, P. (1992). The All this makes it necessary to turn data into valuable
relationship between information, to improve accountability within the
investment in information company, to make costs more transparent, and to better
technology and firm support plans and decisions about the future of the
performance: A study of the company. It was also confirmed that the information
valve manufacturing sector. generated can effectively support decision- making and
Information systems management processes. Research findings indicated that the
research, 3(4), 307-333. pieces of information generated by operating and supporting
the two systems are interrelated, and that the two systems
have a synergistic effect on each other.

21 Al-Mawali, Hamzah, 2013. positive effect of MAS information and the organizational
"Performance consequences performance. MAS information including financial and non-
of management accounting financial, internal and external information permitted top
system information usage in management to consider a number of alternative strategies to
Jordan", Business and achieve the optimum results. Thus, this improved top
Economic Horizons, Vol.9, managements' understanding of their job, will be reflected in
Issue1, pp.22-31. DOI: their decisions and finally enhance the organizational performance (Ferris and Haskins, 1988; Gordon and Narayan,
eh.2013.3 1984).

22 Muriithi, A.G., Eric, B., & Use of IT was found to enable traders of agricultural produce to
Sarah, O. (2012). arbitrage over price performance from potential buyers and
Information Technology for coordinate sales; this has helped them to increase incomes and
Agriculture and Rural sales volumes. This will enable the private sector to promote its
Development in Africa: products and the public sector to recoup some costs of running
Experiences from Kenya. e-Agriculture initiatives and provide the communities and
stakeholders with information and products.

23 MOGA, L.M., Constantin, Even though it is recognized that for the farms
D.L. & Antohi, V.M. (2012). management, farmers need to collect and process
A Regional Approach of the financial, climatic, and technical information, the
Information Technology level of the implementation of information technology in
Adoption in the Romanian Romanian agricultural sector still remains very low. The
Agricultural Farms, low investment potential of agricultural farms supports the lack
Informatica Economica, of interest of software developer enterprises in executing
Academy of Economic software customized for agricultural farms informational needs,
Studies - Bucharest, which is provided at affordable prices. Another factor that led to

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Romania, vol. 16(4), pages the situation described above is the negative attitude of the
29-36. farm managers towards the use of Information and
Communications Technology. Lack of training for the use of
information technologies is augmented by the absence of
programs adequate to farm needs, but mainly of any programs
accessible to people that have less computer training. A factor
with a particular impact in adopting a new technology is the
cost, which becomes more important in the agri–
business, where the investments are limited.
One of the reasons may be the small number of agricultural
farms with legal personality that may apply for founds provided
through these programs.

24 Poppe, K. J. (1991). Computerized management information systems for farmers

Information needs and often include financial information. In practice, the use of
accounting in agriculture accounting data has not been very popular among
(No. 444). LEI. farmers. The characteristics of the sector (such as the
uncontrollable production process in small holdings) partly
explain this situation. From a user point of view, however,
financial accounting can be adapted to provide more decision-
oriented and more understandable information. Areas for a
potential improvement of farm accounting include: more
decision-oriented indicators, more emphasis on planning and
interim-results, and better presentation of data.

Looking at the literature it is clear that farmers make only

a marginal use of accounting.

25 Mcfarlan, F. (1984). As it moves from a strictly supporting role in the back office,
Information Systems computer-based technology offers new
Changes The Way You competitive opportunities. A company can use this technology,
Compete. Harvard Business for example, to build a barrier to entry, to build
Review. in switching costs, and even, sometimes, to completely change
the basis of competition. This author shows
how some companies have seized the advantage, while others,
more complacent, have ended up playing the
difficult and expensive game of catch-up ball. He also points out
that it is important for executives to make this
competitive analysis in assessing where IS fits in their
companies, since in some cases it appropriately plays a
support role and can add only modestly to the value of a
company’s products, while in other settings it is at the
core of their competitive survival. Understanding where a
company fits on this spectrum can help the CEO
determine both the proper level of expenditures and the proper
management structure for IS.

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26 Can, A. V. (2010). KRİZİN  the causes of bankruptcy can be listed as follows

MUHASEBESİ VE o Social responsibility is not fulfilled because the whole
MUHASEBENİN KRİZİ. Mali society’s interests cannot be considered in the organization
Cozum Dergisi/Financial and processes of accounting,
Analysis, (97). o Accounting moves away from the concept of entity
because of the separation experienced in the cashbox of
business and the accounts of business owners and/or
o It is neglected the continuity of business because of
entering into highrisky work due to the ambition of
excessive profits, speculative behaviors or investments,
and risking the company’s existence,
o The implementation of the concept of periodicity is not
carried out because the method of activation, revenues,
and accrued expenses, and monthly and yearly periodical
incomes and expenses are used and losses are
continuously delayed.
o The concept of cost basis is ignored by the method of
market value and the assets are put forth with unreal
o It is moved from the concept of neutrality by the aim of
the desire of business management, manipulating the
financial reports,
o The failure to fulfill the concept of full explanation due to
nontransparent applications,
o The shift away from the concept of cautiousness, recording
the unrealized incomes (Enron event, etc.) and not
separating provision,
o The failure to fulfill the requirement of the concept of
materiality, hiding the matters that may affect the
decisions of decision-makers.
27 Soliwoda, M. (2016). How to There are some logical connections between financial results
Improve a Farm Financial (as some kind of proxy for ‘outcomes’ of financial management)
Management? The Lesson at farm level and the income situation of the agricultural sector,
from Poland. Rural Areas in general. Multifaceted aspects for farm financial management
and Development, 13(740- in Poland were indicated. Key elements leading to a significant
2018-5375). improvement of farm financial management were identified
(within a proposed conceptual framework). Particular attention
should be paid to providing reliable data for further processes of
financial management. Thus, there is a strong need for
promoting systems of agricultural accounting. It should
be noted that information gap may be reduced by even
simplified bookkeeping and financial reporting (using a
cash method) for most farms.

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28 Yuriy, B., Guzaliya, K., & Realization of an integrated accounting information

Bremmers, H. J. (2012). The system provides companies with new opportunities, and
development of integrated gives them competitive advantages as sound managerial
accounting in small and and financial decisions can be made. This is especially crucial
medium-sized companies in at present, when competition in agricultural and food markets
the agri-and foodsector of is fierce.
the Russian federation.
APSTRACT: Applied Studies
in Agribusiness and
Commerce, 6(1033-2016-
84056), 131-136.

29 Spasojević, S., Vojnović, B., Industrial era has been replaced with the information
& Nikolić, A. (2012). The era of development. Under such
Influence of Business influences of surroundings, all the companies have been
Information Systems on forced to introduce information systems in their
Serbian Companies’ Business organizations in order to be competitive. We came to the
Performances. Economics of conclusion that all the interviewed business subjects use the
Agriculture, 59(2), 285-304. information system to a greater or lesser extent and mostly for
the needs of accounting, sales and supply and that in most
cases all fields of business were integrated into a
unique IS, which led to the notable savings in business.
It can be concluded that the application of software
solutions in Serbian companies is significant and has
an influence on the increase of competitiveness in those
organizations that introduced them. In this way, integrated
management systems create conditions for faster and
better development. In the end, the results confirm the
readiness for changes and indicate that those Serbian
companies that have adjusted to a new information era
realize better business results.

30 Zarda, N. (2009). In the current economic situation, the demand for creating and
Developing agricultural maintaining a competitive edge puts increasing pressure on
businesses: management business leaders. All this makes it necessary to turn data into
accounting and the FADN valuable information, to improve accountability within the
System. GAZDÁLKODÁS: company, to make costs more transparent, and to better
Scientific Journal on support plans and decisions about the future of the company.
Agricultural Economics, Consistent use of management accounting can help
53(80-2016-858), 98-110. entrepreneurs reach these goals, and is especially
valuable to agricultural businesses due to the special
characteristics of the sector. The research described in
the paper confirmed that using the analyses generated
from management accounting and FADN data in
business management can make farms more profitable
and more effective than their competitors. It was also

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confirmed that the information generated can effectively

support decision-making and management processes.
Research findings indicated that the pieces of information
generated by operating and supporting the two systems are
interrelated, and that the two systems have a synergistic
effect on each other. These include the development of
profitability indicators for farms holdings based on uniform
principles, which, among others, could play an important role
in allocating subsidies or granting bank loans.

31 Al-Mawali, H. (2013). The results of this study provide ample confirmation on the
Performance consequences role of the usage of MAS information in enhance the
of management accounting manufacturing companies’ performance in Jordan.
system information usage in To conclude, the current study has confirmed the positive
Jordan. Business and effect of MAS information and the organizational
Economic Horizons, 9(1), performance. MAS information including financial and non-
22-31. financial, internal and external information permitted top
management to consider a number of alternative
strategies to achieve the optimum results. Thus, this
improved top managements' understanding of their job, will
be reflected in their decisions and finally enhance the
organizational performance (Ferris and Haskins, 1988;
Gordon and Narayan, 1984).

32 Porter, M. E., & Millar, V. E. The information revolution is sweeping through our economy.
(2001). How information No company can escape its effects.
gives you. Competitive Dramatic reductions in the cost of obtaining, processing, and
Advantage. transmitting information are changing the way we do business.

33 Muhindo, A., Mzuza, M. K., Research findings revealed that most small scale businesses do
& Zhou, J. (2014). Impact of not apply accounting information systems which result
accounting information into low profits. In addition to that, the findings show that t
systems on profitability of here is a positive relationship between accounting
small scale businesses: A information systems and profitability level of small scale
case of Kampala City in businesses. Accounting plays an important role in our
Uganda. International economic and social systems especially in its management and
Journal of Academic great work it does in facilitating management decision
Research in Management making process. This study therefore recommends that
(IJARM), 3(2), 185-192. small scale businesses should adopt these systems in
their business management. The Government and policy
makers should come up with policies and guidelines that will
facilitate the implementation of these systems in the business
environment. Such policies could include tax waivers or tax
reductions on equipment to be used in these systems.
Considering all different elements of accounting information
system, it has been noted that the system is of great

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importance in business especially in its management. It helps

in facilitating management decision making process and
in this case, accounting system should be credited for the great
values it adds to business useful in business operations.
Addition to that, accounting information systems (AIS) plays an
important role in our economic and social system. The research
is therefore useful to all present and future business managers
to use the system for proper management and implementation
of their businesses.

34 Adenike, A. T., & Adewoye, Conclusively, it was affirmed that a relationship existed
J. O. (2018). Investment in between investment in AIS and sales growth. Consequently,
accounting information government should implement a policy that will stimulate the
system and sales growth: An investment in AIS by SME in order to improve their sales and
investigation of Nigeria small in return have positive impact on economy development of the
and medium enterprise. nation. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded
Journal of Accounting and that the factors that influenced sales growth are company
Taxation, 10(6), 71-77. policy, investment in AIS, government policy, and increase in
population. Furthermore, the study affirmed that a relationship
existed between investment in accounting information system
and sales growth which corroborated with the findings of
Taiwo (2016) and Saeidi (2014).

35 Taiwo, J. N. (2016). Effect We can conclude that ICT has had great impacts on
of ICT On Accounting accounting system and organizational performance. All the
Information System and studies examined contain the idea that, to get to a more
Organisational Performance: competitive position, the firm should balance ICT investments
The Application of with a suitable use of these technologies, for which, supporting
Information and resources are required. As the world is going global and
Communication Technology electronic, most organizations are encouraged to stay in
on Accounting Information business by adopting technology and involving computers in
System. European Journal of most of their operations.
Business and Social
Sciences, 5(2), 1-15.

36 Saeidi, H. (2014). The Finally, in this study researcher after analysis of data find the
impact of Accounting positive and negative relationship between AIS and influence
Information Systems on factors on the organization. The researcher find the positive
Financial performance–a relationship in Knowledge and understanding of managers and
case study of TCS–India'. accountants, decision making, financial performance and
Indian Journal of organizational resources, it means AIS is influence on the
Fundamental and Applied these variable. But only in organizational performance variable
Life Sciences 4(4):412-417 p-value obtained which is more than 0.05, it is found that
there isn't a significant difference between average score of
organizational performance of managers and average value, 3.
So it can be concluded that the hypothesis implying the use of

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accounting information systems improves organizational

performance of managers is rejected at 95% level.

37 Harash, E. (2017). Efficient accounting information systems ensures that all

Accounting performance of levels of management get sufficient, adequate,
SMEs and Effect of relevant and true information for planning and increases
Accounting Information the control and enhances the accounting performance in SMEs
System: A Conceptual also provide an opportunity to update procedures and align
Model. Global Journal of them with perceived examples of best accounting performance
Management And Business and improve strategic effort of SMEs and improve data sharing
Research. and integrity.

38 Bruwer, J. P., & Yolande, S. The quicker, cheaper and more accurate financial
M. I. T. (2015). Accounting information can be processed and analyzed, to help
information systems–A generate decision making information, the more
value-adding phenomenon probable it is for a business to become economically
or a mere trend? The sustainable. Though a magnitude of accounting information
situation in small and systems exist for South African SMMEs to make use of, from
medium financial service the research conducted it is evident that majority of
organizations in the Cape respondents did not make use of formal accounting
Metropolis. Expert Journal of information systems (MS Excel and/or by hand). All in all,
Business and Management, although respondents did not make use of formal accounting
3(1). information systems, it is clearly evident that the accounting
information systems that were deployed by respondents did
add a lot of value in terms of making sound business
decisions. The downside to the latter is that if ‘cash-only’
information is predominantly considered to make business
decisions, SMMEs face the risk of a decrease in profitability
(the measurement of income vs. expenses), a decrease in
solvency (the measurement of assets vs. liabilities), and/or a
decrease in efficiency (the measurement of duration for a
business to generate money). SMME leaders should strive to
adjust their relevant accounting information systems
to show a ‘balanced view’ of their respective SMMEs’
financial performance and financial position.

39 Smirat, B. Y. A. (2013). the Most of the managers are aware the importance of
use of accounting keeping a good accounting records. This record must be
information by small and in an orderly manner and complete with all the important data
medium enterprises in south regarding their business transactions. For example, only about
district of Jordan,(An 31 percent of the firms prepare income statement , 40 percent
empirical study). Research prepare cash flows, and 15 percent prepare balance sheet.
Journal of finance and Important report such as income statement is only prepared
accounting, 4(6), 169-175. on an annual basis. The results of the study also revealed that
majority of the SMEs encounter problems of Lack of
accounting knowledge. The research has provided some

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valuable insight and knowledge to how SMEs in south district

of Jordan view and utilize financial information.

40 Akanbi T. A., Fashina H. T., Likewise, it was revealed that there exists a positive
Aruwaji M. A. 2017. Owners’ relationship between AIS and the dependent variables
Perception on Accounting which are longer-term strategic goals, competitive
Information System strength and market expansion. The hypothesis was also
Adoption: A Case of Small tested and the result further revealed that their exist a
and Medium Enterprises in statistical significant (.000) relationship between AIS and
Nigeria. European Journal of longer-term strategic goals, competitive strength and market
Accounting, Auditing and expansion and this also collaborated with the findings of Fink
Finance Research. Vol.5, (1996), Muhindo et al. (2014) and Grande et al., (2011) in
No.11, pp.1-9, December expatiating the usefulness of AIS in
2017 SMEs development.

41 Ganyam, Amos & Ivungu, It is envisaged that the information technology (IT) component
John. (2019). Effect of of accounting information system is one of the biggest impact
Accounting Information of AIS to firms as it enables firms to track, record and
System on Financial produce financial and accounting reports with much
Performance of Firms: A ease. Paper ledgers, manual spreadsheets and hand-written
Review of Literature. financial statements have all been translated into computer
10.9790/487X-2105073949. systems that can quickly present individual transactions into
financial reports.

42 Emad, H., Suhail, A., & The use of AIS is one of the most important indicators for
Ahmed, R. (2014). The SMEs sustainability. The authors generally agreed that SMEs
Influence of Accounting using AIS were mainly influenced by the perceived benefits of
Information Systems (AIS) implementing the systems and stems from the pressures
on Performance of Small and received from competitors, customers, and suppliers to ensure
Medium Enterprises (SMEs) business continuity and survival in the increasingly competitive
in Iraq. Journal of business environment. Many SMEs use AIS aiming at collecting more
and management, 3 (4), 48- information to assist decision making performance which will
57. eventually lead to improve efficiency and SMEs’ profitability
and performance there. Studies showed that SMEs’ that
acquire extensive AIS resources are able to create
competitive advantage.

43 Ceran, M. B., Gungor, S., & With the information that is gotten from accounting,
Konya, S. (2016). The role businesses can take strategic decisions related to the future
of accounting information and they are able to keep future possible risks under control
systems in preventing the based on this information. Additionally, the people outside the
financial crises experienced business can benefit from financial accounting information.
in businesses. Economics, The financial information obtained from accounting information
Management, and Financial system is of great importance for the decision-making process
Markets, 11(1), 294-303. of the businesses. The accuracy of the data got from the
accounting information system leads financial decisions in a

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School of Advanced Studies

right direction, and in this way, businesses are protected

against financial crises.

44 Kouser, R., Awan, A., Rana, It is shown by regression analysis that (Accounting System) AS
G., & Shahzad, F. (2011). has significant influence on the profitability. However, firms
Firm size, leverage and not having ERP system can enjoy more returns for their
profitability: Overriding leverage and high amounts invested by assets by boosting
Impact of Accounting their decision making process efficient through an appropriate
Information System. Journal ERP system. Companies should use ERP systems because they
of Management and have many benefits and they are becoming necessities for
Business Review, 1(10), 58- business organization worldwide.

45 Elbashir, M. Z., Collier, P. A., With the ever-increasing investment in Business Intelligence
& Davern, M. J. (2008). systems, it is essential to provide a valid and reliable measure
Measuring the effects of to capture the business value that arises from their
business intelligence deployment.
systems: The relationship
between business process Accounting researchers have long considered the effect on
and organizational performance that is provided by investment in IT. In the early
performance. International 1990s, there were many event and market valuation studies
Journal of Accounting using archival data that sought to demonstrate payoff from IT
Information Systems, 9(3), investments. This work rapidly matured to consider
135-153. contingencies that lead to enhanced payoff (Dehning and
Richardson, 2002). Meanwhile, researchers were
proposing that IT is a generic term that represents a
range of different investments including physical
(technical) IT, human IT, and IT applications (Melville
et al., 2004; Bharadwaj, 2000; Armstrong and
Sambamurthy,1999; Hitt and Brynjolfsson, 1996).

BI systems are defined as specialized tools for data analysis,

query, and reporting, (such as OLAP and dashboards) that
support organizational decision-making that potentially
enhances the performance of a range of business processes.

46 Davoren, J. (2019). The Organizations strive to be market leaders in their given

Three Fundamental Roles of industry. In climates where factors such as recession,
Information Systems in inflationary pressures and increased competition can hinder
Business. Retrieved from the achievement of this goal, companies look for strategies
Hearst Newspapers, LLC: that lead to competitive advantages. One such strategy is the
Retrieved April 9, 2019, from adoption of information systems within the company.
https://smallbusiness.chron. Information systems help a company make adequate use of its
com/three-fundamental- data, reduce workload and assist with compliance with various
roles-information-systems- mandatory regulations.

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47 Zakaria, W. Z. W., Ilias, N., It was demonstrated that the AIS effectiveness does impact on
& Wahab, N. (2017). A the tasks efficiency in general, such as budgeting task,
survey on the impact of accounting and reporting task, auditing and controlling task.
accounting information The findings supported the evidence from Salehi et al. (2010),
system on tasks efficiency: and Sajady et al. (2008) in that the use of the AIS has led to
Evidence from Malaysian the improvement in the quality of the financial statement,
public sector agencies. effective internal control and the communication of the
International Review of financial information.
Management and Marketing,
7(1), 183-190.

48 Rehab, U. (2018). The Using AIS might be seen as a strong predictor of the
Impact of Accounting organizational performance, coinciding with previous findings
Information Systems on in the literature. Specifically, using AIS significantly affect
Organizational Performance: improving quality. Similar to previous studies, AIS tools will
The Context of Saudi’s likely help organization to enhance its overall quality.
SMEs. International Review Regarding the cost reduction, the results show that AIS has a
of Management and positive and significant influence on cost reduction coinciding
Marketing, 8(2), 69-73. with previous findings in the literature. The research
revealed that using AIS can enhance the effectiveness of
decision making. The study concludes that more concern
should be directed towards AIS as an enhancement tool for
better organizational performance. In a highly competitive and
attractive organizational setting like SMEs, this seems critical to
achieve a competitive advantage.

49 Urquía, G., Pérez, E., & This means that the effort made by SMEs to implement, invest
Muñoz, C. (2011). The and improve their AIS is related to their economic and financial
impact of accounting results, since firms not using AIS or only partly using it obtain
information systems (AIS) losses. Similarly, if we go more deeply into an analysis of
on performance measures: financial returns, this has been higher among those firms using
Empirical evidence in AIS globally compared to firms just using them for fiscal
Spanish SMEs. The management. Regarding the relationship between a firm’s
International Journal of productivity and the use of AIS, results show that there is no
Digital Accounting Research, significant relationship.
11, 25-46.

50 Akanbi, T. A., & Adewoye, J. From the findings of this study, conclusions were drawn that:
(2018). Effects of a) the reasons behind adoption of AIS are their perceived
Accounting Information usefulness (PU), perceived easy-to-use (PEoU) and the relative
System Adoption on the advantages of AIS in fast-tracking banking operation; b)there
Financial Performance of is a statistical (with α<0.05) effects of AIS adoption on Return
Commercial Bank in Nigeria. on Capital Equity (ROCE) which means that using AIS can
Journal of Accounting & influence organization’s ROCE; c) there is a statistical (with
Marketing, 1(6), 1-6. α<0.05) effects of AIS adoption on Return on Total Asset
(ROTA) which means that using AIS can influence

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organization’s ROTA; d) there is a statistical (with α<0.05)

effects of AIS adoption on Gross Profit Margin (GPM) which
means that using AIS can influence organization’s GP; e)there
is a statistical (with α<0.05) effects of AIS adoption on Net
Operating Asset (NOP) which means that using AIS can
influence organization’s NOP.

51 Teru, S., Idoku, I., & Businesses today operate in a highly competitive and changing
Ndeyati, J. (2017). A Review global business environment and therefore require information
of the Impact of Accounting system that provides speedy responses to the complex
Information System for business issue. The rapid development in information
Effective Internal Control on technology (IT) has aided companies to generate and make
Firm Performance. Indian use accounting information systems (AIS), and the qualitative
Journal of Finance and characteristics of any accounting information system to make it
Banking, 1(2), 52-59. effective can be sustained if there is proper internal control
system. When companies and businesses adjust and regulate
their computerized technique of internal control machinery
according to accounting information system (AIS), there would
be assurances of the reliability of financial information
processes, the control measures of effectiveness and efficiency
of the information reliability will be boasted, effectual and
improved operative goals and enhanced performance. When
controls are operated efficiently and effectively, there will be
improved performance, better accounting information reliability
for better decision making for both the internal and external

52 Ali, B., Bakar, R., & Omar, The internal validity in previous researches suggested that
W. (2016). The Critical there are different methods of analysis and measurement of
Success Factors of variables related to SMEs performance. Therefore, it can be
Accounting Information analyzed using a variety of analytical methods and different
System (AIS) and its Impact variable measurement, especially non-financial performance
on Organizational that is still limited in SMEs. Based on the external validity, it
Performance of Jordanian can be concluded that the AIS implementation, especially in
Commercial Banks. developing countries, still an interesting topic to be studied.
International Journal of The alignment of IT will improve organizational performance.
Economics, Commerce and
Management, 4(4), 658-677.

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