Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship: Midterm Examination
Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship: Midterm Examination
Department of Education
Region IV
Republic of the Philippines
Senior High School
NAME:_______________________________________ INSTRUCTOR:_____________________
Any form of cheating means a failing grade in this examination.
Read and follow the directions carefully.
Do not write or put markings in the test questionnaire.
Write your answers neatly in your answer sheet. NO ERASURES.
MATCH Column A with Column B. Figure out what is the term being defined or described
in Column A. Choose from among the choices given in Column B that best represents your
answer. Choose the letter only. Write it in CAPITAL LETTER.
1. Supreme, inherent and inalienable rights to life, to dignity and to self- development.
2. Moral principle that a human has the right to live, and in particular should not be killed by
another human being.
3. Right to be free human.
4. Theoretical and legal ownership of specific property by individuals and the ability to
determine how such property is used.
5. Acceptance of our social nature and the affirmation of the bonds we share with all our
brothers and sisters.
6. Power in the community wherein organizations, institutions and other groups in the
community engage and collaborate with each other to maintain community’s objective.
7. Power or ability to lead other people.
8. Established rules that ensure the regular and predictable behavior.
9. Arise from voluntary shared agreements between individuals that generally shape their
behaviors as collective; perform functions of community.
Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship- page 2
COLUMN B G. Leadership
A. Followers H. Community power
B. Leader I. Community solidarity
C. Community J. Right to property
D. Political Science K. Right to liberty
E. Social Institutions L. Right to life
F. Institutions M. Basic Human Rights
19. Work with others on local problems, form a group to address social problems and active
members of community organizations.
a. Community Activists c. Apathetic Inactive
b. Protesters d. Passive Supporters
20. No participation, not even voting
a. Community Activists c. Apathetic Inactive
b. Protesters d. Passive Supporters
21. Votes regularly, attends patriotic parades, pay all taxes but don’t indulge in social projects.
a. Community Activists c. Apathetic Inactive
b. Protesters d. Passive Supporters
23. Keep informed about the State of the Nation, engage in discussions, write letters to
newspaper editors, sends supports or protests messages to local and national leaders.
a. Community Activists c. Communicators
b. Protesters d. Volunteerism
25. Community with a more tighter and more comprehensive social entity brought about by
“variety of will”.
a. Gemeinschaft c. Communicators
b. Gesellschaft d. Volunteerism
26. Group where individuals participate as members driven solely by self- interest.
a. Gemeinschaft c. Communicators
b. Gesellschaft d. Volunteerism
27. Emphasized the role of political institutions in maintaining and sustaining order within
a. Gemeinschaft c. Aristotle
b. Gesellschaft d. Plato
28. He said that community is composed of various classes, each performing roles and
functions in pursuit of communal goals.
a. Gemeinschaft c. Aristotle
b. Gesellschaft d. Plato
36. Is the community oriented or directed toward social needs and problems?
a. Yes c. No
b. Partly yes & partly no d. Maybe
38. The following are differences which causes divisions and conflicts in community EXEPT:
a. Gender c. Talent
b. Social Class d. Income Level
Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship- page 5