Filtration in Hydrotreating

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in Hydrotreating

Hydrotreating is an essential refinery process in crude distillation with The most common filtration problems include solid and liquid
the goal of removing feed contaminants from downstream processes, contaminants in the fluid and gas streams originating from upstream
as well as converting low-value gas oils into valuable products that equipment, storage tanks and piping. These contaminants will foul the
meet stringent clean fuels specifications. Hydrotreaters remove sulfur reactor beds resulting in higher differential pressure that leads to
and other impurities from feedstock through catalytic conversion in a reduction in recycle hydrogen compressor performance. This will
hydrogen-rich environment over fixed catalyst beds at high cause refiners to reduce gas oil throughput in order to maintain the
temperatures and pressures. proper hydrogen to gas oil ratio resulting in direct revenue losses.
Contamination fouling will also cause catalyst deactivation (coking)
Types of Hydrotreating requiring refiners to raise temperatures in the reactor to compensate.
• Gasoline Hydrotreating If elevated long enough, deactivation occurs making it difficult to
Removes sulfur from gasoline blending components and reduces the maintain on-spec product leading to unplanned shutdowns to
olefins and aromatics content by saturating the double bonds with replaced fouled catalyst. In addition, contamination in hydrotreater
hydrogen. feed streams will cause problems in heat exchangers and hydrogen
compressors leading to costly repairs and downtime.
• Jet Fuel Hydrotreating
Improves the burning characteristics of jet fuel by increasing the
smoke point at which unburned hydrocarbons are released as smoke.
• Distillates Hydrotreating
Distillates used for diesel fuel are hydrotreated to reduce sulfur content
to meet ultra-low level sulfur mandates. In addition, hydrotreating
cracked light oils reduces the amount of aromatics compounds and
raises the octane levels.
• Cat Feed and Reformer Feed Hydrotreating
Cat reformer feeds are almost always hydrotreated prior to entering the
catalyst to protect the equipment and maintain optimal operating • [email protected]
• Additional Hydroteating Processes
Pyrolysis Gas, Kerosene, Residual Fuels, etc.

Benefits of an Optimized Hydrotreater

Filtration System include:
• Maintain stringent clean fuel requirements
• Improve production and operation efficiency
• Extend catalyst bed life
• Protect downstream equipment
• Reduce process upsets and downtime Global Filter • Jonell
Jonell Filtration Applications in Hydrotreating

Quench Hydrogen Recycle Make-up Hydrogen

Hydrotreating Process Steps Compressor

• Hydrotreater feed is filtered to remove solid and

liquid contaminants and then is preheated by the
reactor effluent.
• Hydrogen is combined with the feed and heated
using a fired heater to the desired hydrotreating
• The feed and hydrogen pass through a
hydrogenation reactor packed with various This schematic should be viewed
catalysts depending on the specific reaction as a general example of where
required. Fired
filtration systems could be located
• Reactor effluent is cooled and enters the Heater within a hydrotreating process.
separator to separate the hydrogen from the liquid These processes will vary between
hydrocarbons and acid gas. 5 companies and facilities. As
such, each application should
• Purged hydrogen is filtered and recycled with Jonell Micro-LOKTM
or Micro-DEPTM be reviewed and considered
make-up hydrogen. Series Liquid/Gas
Coalescing Elements individually in order to choose the
• Acid gases are separated from the hydrocarbon Liquid/Gas correct system technology.
liquids in the steam stripper. Coalescer

• Hydrocarbon liquids are filtered to remove solid

and liquid contaminants before transfer to

Jonell LiquiPleatTM H2S Acid Gas

HF Series "High to Treatment
Flow" Liquid
Product to
Reactor Fractionator

1 Liquid/Liquid

Liquid Coalescer
Particle Feed/Effluent Jonell LiquiPleatTM PhasePURTM
Hydrotreater Filter Exchanger HF Series or Phase-LOKTM Series
Feed "High Flow" Liquid/Liquid
Jonell PhasePURTM or 2 Liquid Elements Coalescing Elements
Phase-LOKTM Series
Liquid/Liquid Steam 3
Coalescing Elements Stripper

Effluent Cooler Separator


Jonell Filter Solution Filter Purpose Filter Benefit

1 LiquiPleatTM HF Series (High Flow) Hydrotreater feed filtration removes Prevents unscheduled reactor downtime;
filter elements solid contaminants such as scale, reduced fouling in heat exchangers extending
rust, and solid particles time between maintenance and shutdowns;
fewer catalyst change-outs
2 PhasePUR™ or Phase-LOK™ Removal of water from hydrotreater Prevents unscheduled reactor downtime,
Series coalescing elements feedstock heat exchanger fouling, and extends
catalyst bed life

3 LiquiPleat™ HF Series Removes solid contaminants Protects downstream equipment,

(High Flow) filter elements such as scale and rust from reduces maintenance and labor costs
desulfurized product

4 PhasePUR™ or Phase-LOK™ Water removal from stabilized fuel Maintains liquid fuel specifications,
Series coalescing elements protects downstream equipment,
and reduces maintenance costs

5 Micro-LOK ™ or Micro-DEP™ Removal of liquids and solids Efficient hydrogen compressor operation
Series coalescing elements from recycle hydrogen and significantly reduced maintenance costs

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