Intelligence Tests: (Appeared in Last Issb Batch)

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Day 0:

Forms Filling

Day 1:

1. Intelligence Tests

1. Verbal test
2. Non verbal test
3. Mechanical Aptitude Test (Negative Marking )

 There is No negative Marking in Verbal and Non Verbal.
 Don’t leave any mcq un answered. I f you don’t know the answer, mark “b” for all unanswered
MCQ’s .
 Don’t solve any MCQ if you are not sure in MAT.

You need to be fast while solving.

Those who clear above tests, undergoes personality tests on the same day.

2. Personality Tests

1. Sentence completion (in urdu and english)

2. Pointer stories
3. Picture stories
4. Merits and Demerits
This also appears as (Write Analysis of your personality from your friend and enemy
5. Best/worst Incident of your life

Discussion topics (Appeared in last issb batch):

1. Bachun k andr qualities ma kon sa role zada asar mand hota hai.
Parents,friends or teacher
2. Media hamara azaad hogya hai
3. Pakistan k mojooda halat ka zimadar kon?
4. Love or arrange marriage
5. Coeducation YES or NO
6. Who is important in a nation?
Doctor, teacher, soldier
Deputy interview(from LAST ISSB BATCH):

GK Portion:

1. 2-3 Capitals
2. 3-4 Abbreviations .
3. 2-3 Presidents/PM names
4. What is on North , East ,West and South of Pakistan
5. Name of continents
6. SAARC Countries
7. Nishan Haider
8. Rank of ARMY,NAVY,AF
9. Where is PANAMA

Islamiat Portion:

1. Dates of all ghanzwat

2. fatah makkah kb hua?
3. Azan, namaz, zakat,haj kb farz hui?
4. Qibla kb change hua? Kis ny kiya?
5. Names of wives of Hazrat Muhammad S.W.W
6. Son and Daughters of Hazrat Muhammad S.W.W
7. DOB and death year
8. Meraj kb hui
Khitab of paghamabars
Hazrat Adam Safiullah
Hazrat Noh Adm Saani
Some questions from Quran
9. Meaning of quran
10. Meaning of ayat
11. Nazool year
12. Makki and Madini sortain
13. Total ayat
14. Total manzil
15. Total Sujood
16. Rohul quran , Qalb ul quran : sorah Yaseen
17. Longest and shortest sorahs
18. Meaning of sorah baqarah
19. Knowledge about Namaz istaqah , Namaz Qasar
20. Total farz, sunnat and nawafil of each namaz
21. Wuddu k faraiz
22. Ghussal k faraiz
23. Khulfai Rashdeen


1. 6 qalmy
2. First 3 with translation
3. Iman muffasil
4. Iman mujammil
5. Duae qanoot
6. Ayat ul qursi
7. Tashhud
8. Sorah IKlas , kosar with translation

Maths Portion

1. Questions related to Speed distance and time calculations (1st question )

- 3-4 such questions

Speed and time is given and calculate distance. Deputy changes the time and ask to calculate distance
again and again

2. Questions related to eggs

Dozen eggs are of 22 rupees , calculate rupees for 30 eggs

3. Questions related to Ratio

Divide 60 into 2:3:5

Divide 60 into 2 persons such that one gets 4 parts and other 8 parts
Divide 60 into 2 person such that first gets 3 times of second

4. Questions related to Zakat

If 2.5 is zakat on 100 rupees, calculate zakat on 500

Calculate zakat on 1800

5. Questions related to Discount , profit , loss

6. Questions related to Salary
Monthly salary is 1500, calculate salary for an year, 2years, 3years
Or vice versa
7. Questions related to Poles

Distance between 2 poles is 10 ghaaz, how many poles are there is 50 ghaaz
8. Questions related to Percentage
Calculate 5% of 80

what is 2.5% of 1000

9. Questions related to average

10. Common sense questions
-Which is greater 2/3, 1/3
Which is greater 2, -5, 0, 2.9??

Academic Portion

1. Vernier Calipper
2. Scaler and vector quanitites
3. Speed
4. Velocity
5. Acceleration
6. Newton laws
7. Law of gravitation
8. Diff b/w mass and weight
9. Kinetic energy
10. Potential energy
11. Momentum
12. Power
13. Energy
14. Centripetal force
15. Centri fugal force
16. Machine
17. Friction
18. Pascal law
19. Hooks law
20. Barometer
21. Archemedes principle
22. Pressure and thrust
23. Radio activity
24. Galvanometer
25. Semoi conductor
26. Electric motor
27. AC Generator
28. Boyle’s law
29. Charles law
30. Current
31. Newton law of cooling
32. Reflection and refrection, difflection
33. Laws of reflection
34. Rainbow
35. Focallength
36. Speed of sound, light
37. Torque
38. Transverse waves and longitudinal waves
39. Capacitor
40. Columbs law

Some Questions

1. Why do weather changes

2. Why is it cold in muree and hot in Lahore
3. Why do water pipe burst in winters’
4. Why do wind blows
5. Why do cloud thunders
6. Why everthing comes down
7. Diff b/w P.E and K.E
8. Diff b/w Dam and Barrage
9. Isotopes
10. Volt meter
11. Hard and soft water
12. How do rockets take off
13. What is pressure
14. What is frequency
15. Diff b/w g and G
16. Boling point
17. Melting point
18. Freezing point
19. How does day and night comes
20. How does aeroplane fly

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