ISO 45001:2018 Migration Self-Assessment Guide: How Ready Are You For ISO 45001?

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ISO 45001:2018

Migration Self-Assessment Guide

How ready are you for ISO 45001?

ISO 45001:2018 Migration
At BSI, we’re here to help make your migration from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 as smooth as possible. This migration self-assessment guide is a tool to help you review
and track your progress against the new standard. It doesn’t form part of the official certification process, though you may find it to be a beneficial reference during
certification assessment.
If you’d like more detailed guidance, we offer migration and implementation training and the ISO 45001 Essentials toolkit, which includes a copy of the standard, a
comparison guide and interactive terms and definitions.

ISO 45001 Migration Self-Assessment Guide

1. Please complete the document as part of your preparation before your on-site assessment of your ISO 45001 based OH&S Management System (OH&SMS).
2. Use the columns for “Planned completion date” and “Responsibility” to develop your plan for upgrading your OH&SMS to the requirements of ISO 45001.

Organization name:

Organization address:

1st shift: Temp:

2nd shift: Part-time:

Number of personnel: 3rd shift: Total Average Daily workers:

Other sites if a corporate audit approach :

Remote support functions and activities:

Management contact:

Planned migration dates (on-site):

Scope of certification:

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Level of
OH&S process Planned Reference
Question / Requirement 0=Not Started related to completion Responsibility document Review comments
5=Completed & requirement date
(Name /Rev. Level)
Implemented (Process Name) and/or Records

Verifiable information indicating understanding

of the organization and its context (4.1)
This is a new clause that underpins the management
system and the intent is to provide a high-level conceptual
understanding of the important issues that can affect,
either positively or negatively the way the organization
manages its occupational health and safety
responsibilities. There is a requirement to identify all
internal and external issues that are relevant to the
purpose of your organization, and that affect, your ability
to achieve the intended outcomes of your OH&S
management system. You will also need to identify the
needs and expectations of workers and other interested
parties that are relevant to your OH&S management
The identification of these areas enable the scope of the
OH&S management system to be appropriately
determined, finally, you will need to establish, implement,
maintain and continually improve the management

Information indicating verification of Interested

parties and their requirements (4.2)
• Interested parties – including other than workers,
giving examples of those so far determined
• Their relevant needs and expectations
Any determined need and expectation that is or could
become a legal or other requirement and the methods
you have used to identify all of the above
continued over…

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Level of OH&S process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement 0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level)
Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)

There is no equivalent clause in OHSAS 18001 but

guidance is provided within the note supporting Clause 4.2
and within Annex A.4.2. You will need to be able to
demonstrate that you have identified all interested parties
and their needs and expectations that are relevant to the
OH&S management system.
Verifiable proof of the determining the scope of
the OH&S management system (4.3). Evidence of
the taking into account and/or consideration of:
• How the boundaries of the OH&S management
systems scope have been determined - what has
been considered? A.4.3. provides important
supporting information.
• The activities, products and services included within
the scope of your OH&S management system.
• If the scope of your OH&S management system has
changed, why and if so how.
There was already a requirement in OHSAS 18001 to
document the scope of the management system. The
scope of the OH&S management system is needed to
clarify the physical and organizational boundaries to which
the OH&S management system applies, especially if the
organization is a part of a larger organization. The
determined scope needs to be in consideration of the
outputs gained from clauses 4.1 & 4.2 above and taking
into account the work related activities performed.
Evidence that the documented OH&S management
system (4.4) includes all of the requirements of
this standard
The final requirement in Clause 4 requires you to
establish, implement, maintain and continually improve
your OH&S management system, through the adoption of
the necessary processes in accordance with the
requirements of the standard. Provide information on your
OH&S processes and how these interact

Page 4 of 16
Level of OH&S process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility Review comments
(Name /Rev. Level)
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)

Verifiable proof of leadership and commitment

(5.1) – evidence of how top management:
• Are engaged with and demonstrate leadership and
commitment to the OH&S management system
including developing, leading and promoting a positive
OH&S culture, the provision of a safe and healthy
workplace, the prevention of work related injury and
• Ensure that the OH&S management system processes
are integrated into other business processes and
ensure that the OH&S policy and related objectives
align with the businesses strategic direction
• Ensures active worker participation, the
implementation of processes for consultation and
participation in the OH&S management system (see
also section 5.4 below) , and supporting the
establishment and functioning of health and safety
• Ensures that the resources are needed are available
• Communicate the importance of effective OH&S
• Protection of workers from reprisals when reporting
incidents, hazards, risks and opportunities
• Ensures the OH&S management system achieves its
intended outcomes

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Level of OH&S process Reference
progress Planned
Question / Requirement related to completion Responsibility document Review comments
0=Not Started
5=Completed &
requirement date
(Name /Rev. Level)
(Process Name) and/or Records

OH&S policy (5.2) – verifiable proof of:

• when your policy was created or
reviewed/amended and details of any changes
that were needed
• How it is appropriate to the context of the
organisation (see clause 4)
Additional commitments are required from those given in
Clause 4.2 in OHSAS 18001. Top management need to
establish, implement and maintain an OH&S policy and
ensure it is communicated to workers within the
organization and be available to interested parties, as
appropriate. Additional guidance is provided in Annex
A.5.2 within the standard.

Participation and consultation (5.4) - verifiable

proof that:
• the processes are in place for participation and
• how obstacles or barriers to participation are
identified and removed or minimised
• how additional emphasis is placed on the needs
of non-managerial workers
This area has been enhanced from that required in OHSAS
18001. Processes are now required for participation and
consultation with workers at all applicable levels and
functions. Mechanisms, time, training and resources are
now necessary and include the provision of timely access
to clear and understandable/relevant information. The
organization must also identify and remove or minimise
obstacles or barriers to participation. Additional emphasis
is also placed here on the needs of non-managerial

Page 6 of 16
Level of OH&S process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)

Actions to address risks and opportunities General

(6.1.1) - evidence of:
• the documented processes needed to meet the
requirements of clauses 6.1.2 to 6.1.4
• how the clause 4 (context: interested parties;
scope) outputs have been considered
Documented processes are needed as necessary to meet
the requirements of clauses 6.1.1 to 6.1.4 with
consideration as to the outputs of clauses 4.1 to 4.3 and
to determine the risks and opportunities that need to be
addressed in order to give assurance that the OH&S
management system can achieve its intended outcomes,
prevent or reduce undesired effects and achieve continual

Hazard identification and assessment of OH&S

risks (6.1.2) – verifiable proof of:
• the processes applied to meet the requirements
of this clause
• how the clause 4 (context) outputs have been
• Documented methodologies and criteria applied
for the assessment of OH&S risks
• OH&S risks and other risks to the OH&S
management system OH&S opportunities other
Processes are needed for hazard identification,
assessment of OH&S risks and other risks to the OH&S
management system and for the identification of OH&S
opportunities and other opportunities. This clause contains
an expanded list of areas that need consideration with
regards to hazard identification. Assessment of OH&S risks
must take into account the effectiveness of existing
controls and must consider the issues identified in 4.1 and
the needs and expectations identified in 4.2. continued

Page 7 of 16
Level of OH&S
process Reference
progress Planned
Question / Requirement related to document
0=Not Started completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & requirement date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)
Determination of legal requirements and other
requirements (6.1.3) – verifiable evidence of:
• the process applied to meet the requirements of
this clause
• what documented information is maintained
and retained on the legal and other
Process required to determine how the legal requirements
and other requirements to which the organization
subscribe apply to the organization and what needs to be
communicated. Documented information on its legal
requirements and other requirements and their updates
also need to be maintained and retained.

Planning to take action (6.1.4) – evidence of:

• how the actions to address risks and
opportunities will be integrated, implemented
and evaluated for effectiveness
• how the hierarchy of controls will be taken into
Explicit planning requirement to plan actions to: address
risks and opportunities, to integrate and implement the
actions into the OH&S management system or other
business processes and to evaluate the effectiveness of
these actions. Requirement now also to take into account
the hierarchy of controls (not just consider) when planning
to take action. Consideration must also be given to best
practices, technological options, financial, operational and
business requirements and constraints.

OH&S objectives (6.2.1) – evidence of how the

OH&S objectives take into account OH&S
opportunities and other risks & opportunities, the
legal and other requirements, and how these
OH&S objectives are measured or evaluated and
communicated. continued over

Page 8 of 16
Level of OH&S process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)

OH&S objectives need to take into account OH&S

opportunities and other risks and opportunities, they need
to be measurable (if practicable) or capable of evaluation
and be clearly communicated, further guidance is provided
in the Annex to the standard A.6.2.1

Planning to achieve OH&S objectives (6.2.2) -

evidence on how the OH&S objectives will be
measured or evaluated and how the actions to
achieve the OH&S objectives will be integrated into
the organizations business processes.
These requirements are now more explicit, e.g. what,
who, when and how. OH&S objectives need to be
measured through indicators (if practicable) and
monitored; also how the actions to achieve the OH&S
objectives will be integrated into the organizations
business processes shall be determined.

Resources (7.1) – evidence on how you determine

and provide the necessary resources for the OH&S
Resources are needed for the effective functioning and
improvement of the OH&S management system and to
enhance OH&S performance, the requirements here are
more explicitly stated than in OHSAS 18001.
Competence (7.2) – evidence on:
• How you determine the competency for
workers that affect, or can affect OH&S
performance. – including the ability to identify
• How you manage actions to acquire the
necessary competency and how the
effectiveness of these actions are evaluated
There are no significant changes within this clause when
compared to 4.4.2 in OHSAS 18001. You will need to
determine the necessary competence continued over

Page 9 of 16
Level of OH&S process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)

of workers that affect, or can affect OH&S performance.

Additionally, where necessary, you will need to ensure
they receive the appropriate training. Within this clause
you are required to retain documented information as
evidence of competence.

Awareness (7.3) – the ability to remove themselves

from work situations that they consider present
and imminent and serious danger to their life or
health, and the arrangements for protecting them
from undue consequences for doing soe
There are no other significant changes within this clause
when compared to 4.4.2 in OHSAS 18001, now, no
procedure is required, "contribution" has replaced
"behaviour/importance" and "OH&S hazards and risks
relevant to them" is stated more explicitly.

Communication (7.4) – evidence of:

• The process(es) for communication (see 3.25
• What you inform about and communicate on
including when, who and how
• How the views of external interested parties are
considered within the communication
• How communications are ensured to be
consistent with the information generated
within the OH&S management system and is
• How you address diversity aspects and the
views of relevant external interested parties
• The arrangements within the OH&S
management system for retaining appropriate
documented evidence of its communications
continued over

Page 10 of 16
Level of OH&S process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)
More proactive requirements focusing on the establishing,
implementing and maintaining of process(es) needed for
internal and external communications. Explicit with
regards to what, when and how to inform and
communicate, also now explicit with regards to receiving
and responding to relevant internal communications.

There is now a requirement to define the objectives for

informing and communicating and to evaluate if those
objectives have been met. Diversity aspects and the views
of relevant external interested parties also have to be
taken in to account when appropriate. Additional guidance
is provided in the Annex to the standard in A.7.4.

Page 11 of 16
Level of QMS process Reference
progress Planned
Question / Requirement related to completion Responsibility document Review comments
0=Not Started
5=Completed &
requirement date
(Name /Rev. Level)
(Process Name) and/or Records
Documented information, General (7.5.1) –
evidence on your approach to towards documented
information – including how you have determined
what documentation is necessary for the
effectiveness of you OH&S management system,
considering complexity, type of activities, products
and services, legal and other requirements,
competencies of workers.
There is now no separate clause for the control of records
now all “Documented information”.

Operational planning and control, General (8.1.1) –

evidence of the establishing of criteria for processes
and the control of processes in line with the
determined criteria.
Requirements within this clause are more specific than
those in OHSAS 18001, the focus is now on processes
including establishing criteria for the processes,
implementing control of the processes and on having
documented information that demonstrates such control, a
requirement with regards to multi-employer workplaces has
also been added.

Eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks (8.1.2)

– evidence of how the hierarchy of controls are
provided and applied to the associated hazards,
including adequate use of PPE being the lowest level
of control.
Use of the hierarchy of controls is now a requirement, not
just a "consideration" and there is now an explicit
requirement to provide and ensure use of adequate PPE as
the lowest level of control acceptable.

Page 12 of 16
Level of QMS process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)

Management of change (8.1.3) – evidence of a

process for controlling changes
A process is needed for controlling planned changes,
examples of planned changes are now more explicit, change
management should promote OH&S opportunities and
consequences of unintended changes must be reviewed
with actions taken as necessary to mitigate any adverse
effects including addressing potential opportunities.

Outsourcing ( – New term and requirements

relating to "an arrangement where an external organization
performs part of the organization's function or process".
Outsourced processes affecting the OH&S MS must be
controlled, with the type and degree of control defined
within the OH&S management system. Provide
verifiable evidence of how this is provided for and
achieved within the organization.

Procurement - General ( – evidence of a

process for the control of the procurement of
products and services in order to ensure their
conformity with the OH&S management system.

Contractors ( – evidence of:

• The criteria for the selection of contractors
• Identifying the risks as defined in this clause
The procurement process(es) is required to be coordinated ,
with its contractor(s), for hazard identification and to assess
and control the OH&S risks.
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance
evaluation – General (9.1.1) – evidence that all of
the following are planned and provided for:
• What is to be monitored and measured
• The methods to be used for monitoring,
measurement, analysis and evaluation
continued over

Page 13 of 16
Level of QMS process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)
• When the monitoring and measuring is to be
• When the results shall be analysed, evaluated
and communicated
• The criteria against which the organization will
evaluate its OH&S performance

• How the appropriate documented information

has been determined
Process is needed (was procedure). Requirement to
determine: monitoring and measuring needs related to
applicable legal requirements and other requirements,
activities related to hazards, OH&S risks, risks, OH&S
opportunities and the criteria for evaluating OH&S
performance. Explicit requirements to determine: methods
to ensure valid results and when the monitoring and
measuring shall be performed (including analysis, evaluation
and communication), appropriate evidence in documented
information is now explicit.

Evaluation of compliance with legal and other

requirements (9.1.2) – evidence that all of the
following are planned and provided for:
• The frequency and methods used for evaluating
• How actions will be taken, if needed
• How knowledge and understanding of the
compliance status will be maintained
• What documented information will be retained
regarding compliance evaluation results
Now a process, explicit requirements detailed with regards
to: planning, frequency, methods, taking action and
maintaining knowledge & understanding of compliance

Page 14 of 16
Level of QMS process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)
Internal audit process (9.2.2) - Programme now
includes additional consideration of the importance of the
processes concerned as well as: consultation, significant
changes impacting the organization, significant OH&S risks,
risks, OH&S opportunities and performance evaluation and
improvement results. There are explicit requirements to
ensure relevant audit findings are reported to relevant
workers and relevant interested parties, to take appropriate
action to address nonconformities and continually improve
its OH&S performance. Documented audit process is
required (see audit definition 3.32).
Verifiable evidence that all of the above is planned
and provided for.
Management Review (9.3) - Additional inputs to
include: a) changes to external/internal issues including
OH&S risks, risks & OH&S opportunities and relevant
communications with all interested parties, b) trends in
incidents, nonconformities, corrective actions & continual
improvement, monitoring & measurement results, OH&S
risks, risks & OH&S opportunities, c) adequacy of resources
for effective system maintenance. Additional outputs to
include: Conclusions on the continuing suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness of the OH&S MS and actions needed when
objectives have not been met
Verifiable evidence on how the requirements of this
clause will be covered and details of any changes
that you have had to make to the existing provision.
Incident, nonconformity and corrective action (10.2)
- verifiable evidence of a process that includes
participation, determining if similar incidents have
occurred or could potentially occur, reviewing
existing assessments of OH&S risks and other risks
as appropriate, reviewing the effectiveness if action
Includes specific requirement for a process to report,
investigate and take action, and to continued over

Page 15 of 16
Level of QMS process Reference
progress related to Planned
Question / Requirement document
0=Not Started
requirement completion Responsibility (Name /Rev. Level) Review comments
5=Completed & date and/or Records
Implemented (Process Name)
determine and manage incidents and nonconformities. This
process is to provide for reacting in a timely manner, taking
action to control and correct and to deal with the
consequences, to evaluate with the participation of workers
and other relevant interested parties.
Continual improvement process (10.3) – evidence on
your process for continual improvement together
with details regarding how you communicate the
results to relevant workers and what documented
information is retained of continual improvement
Takes into account the outputs of the activities in the
standard and states requirements including communication
and documented information

Approval Name/title Signature Date

Client organization top management

attests readiness for migration to
ISO 45001
Additional Notes:

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